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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2011-09-27Fixed bug 354465: Should only set default locale if there are indeed NLDani Megert1-1/+7
2011-09-13Bug 357521 - Cannot run Eclipse UI tests due to NPE on startupv20110913-2001Bogdan Gheorghe1-1/+3
2011-09-09357290 - Restore Progress Bar to Splash Screenv20110909-2147Bogdan Gheorghe1-4/+22
2011-09-07Bug 339363 [Compatibility] Eclipse will not start without anyv20110907-1902Remy Suen1-1/+1
2011-09-07Bug 339363 [Compatibility] Eclipse will not start without anyRemy Suen1-2/+1
2011-06-09Bug 345745 [Compatibility] Editors occasionally fail to persist state ( Suen1-14/+1
2011-06-09Bug 328971 - Make MakeHandlersGo goPaul Webster1-22/+1
2011-06-01Bug 347857 [Compatibility] A close with 2 WW open causes NPEsRemy Suen1-1/+13
2011-05-25Bug 347119 [Compatibility] Application context is notified that the applicati...Remy Suen1-2/+0
2011-05-19Bug 320932 [Compatibility] Can't start Eclipse 4 SDK with proxy authenticationRemy Suen1-0/+6
2011-04-14Bug 333085 [Compatibility] WorkbenchWindowAdvisor.postWindowOpen is not being...Remy Suen1-5/+4
2011-04-12Bug 317912 - 3.x RCP applications have to be updated before they can run in e4Paul Webster1-0/+2
2011-03-28Bug 341118 [Compatibility] IWindowListeners are not notified of window activa...Remy Suen1-17/+0
2011-02-15Bug 320171 - [Model] Use real Java-References in the Binding-Model-ElementsPaul Webster1-2/+43
2011-02-03Bug 334257 - [Compatibility] "org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform" variable can...v20110203-2200Paul Webster1-0/+1
2011-01-10Bug 333085 [Compatibility] WorkbenchWindowAdvisor.postWindowOpen is not being...Remy Suen1-0/+1
2011-01-10Bug 333764 [Compatibility] NPE thrown when shutting down with Acceleo's 'Resu...Remy Suen1-2/+9
2010-12-08Bug 332038 - Logs filled with "Defining a binding table" messagesv20101208-1430Paul Webster1-1/+3
2010-12-08Bug 331768 [Compatibility] Unpersistable editors outside the shared area in a...Remy Suen1-1/+6
2010-12-03Bug 331768 [Compatibility] Unpersistable editors outside the shared area in a...Remy Suen1-1/+1
2010-12-02Bug 331694 - [Compatibility] Some keybindings are not working in I20101202-0915v20101202-1530Paul Webster1-0/+1
2010-12-01Bug 329646 - Keybindings aren't found or shown when run from .jarsPaul Webster1-3/+2
2010-11-29Bug 329646 - Keybindings aren't found or shown when run from .jarsPaul Webster1-26/+1
2010-11-29Bug 331259 - [Compatibility] 3.x commands no longer have states available to...Paul Webster1-3/+0
2010-11-29Bug 331341 [Compatibility] Editors that are outside the shared area and in an...Remy Suen1-4/+5
2010-11-24Bug 325986 [Compatibility] Editor references need to be updated when switchin...Remy Suen1-1/+2
2010-11-23Bug 329646 - Keybindings aren't found or shown when run from .jarsPaul Webster1-79/+3
2010-11-19Bug 330706 [Compatibility] Opening and then closing a new window results in NPERemy Suen1-6/+8
2010-11-18Bug 330570 [Compatibility] Editor state is not preserved when using 'New Editor'Remy Suen1-1/+1
2010-11-15Bug 330273 Unhandled keybinding error messages in the logs when launching an ...Remy Suen1-2/+0
2010-11-12Bug 325392 - Render menu and toolbar contributions using the ContributionMan...Paul Webster1-0/+2
2010-11-04Bug 329445 - [Compatibility] Automatically close editors when they cannot be ...Remy Suen1-6/+2
2010-10-28Bug 328919 NPE while trying to get latest changes from CVSv20101028-1000Remy Suen1-37/+56
2010-10-27Bug 328720 [Compatibility] Synchronize with CVS automatically triggers save o...Remy Suen1-84/+38
2010-10-25Bug 325390 - No menu contribution is showing up for the PIIclipse bundlesPaul Webster1-0/+7
2010-10-07Bug 327154 [Compatibility] Synchronize with CVS triggers save on saveables ev...Remy Suen1-10/+14
2010-10-06Bug 326182 - [EclipseContext] revisit how variables are looked-upOleg Besedin1-3/+1
2010-09-24Bug 326161 [Compatibility] Shutting down while dirty parts are in inactive pe...v20100924-1330Remy Suen1-2/+6
2010-08-24Bug 323424 [Compatibility] Active editor tracking goes wrong with multiple wo...Remy Suen1-0/+37
2010-08-16Bug 322827 [Compatibility] Views cannot save/restore state via IMementoRemy Suen1-0/+18
2010-08-12Bug 322013 [Compatibility] Failure to open workbench windows or workbench pag...Remy Suen1-2/+7
2010-08-10Bug 321995 - Application-Context should hold Display-RealmThomas Schindl1-1/+3
2010-08-09Bug 319199 [Compatibility] Renamed file won't open after workbench restartRemy Suen1-0/+2
2010-07-22Bug 320163 - RCP Mail Example broken when run on 4.0Oleg Besedin1-5/+6
2010-07-15Bug 317299 - Impossible to set or change key bindingsPaul Webster1-20/+63
2010-06-29Bug 317183 - Toolbar buttons seem to do nothing (but are enabled)Paul Webster1-14/+2
2010-06-14Bug 316363 - SWTExceptions with @UIEventTopic on bundle shutdownOleg Besedin1-2/+4
2010-06-10Bug 316450 [Compatibility] Secondary workbench windows are created as MWindow...Remy Suen1-1/+1
2010-06-09Bug 316348 - [Compatibility] WorkbenchMenuService adds multiple contributionsPaul Webster1-0/+3
2010-06-08Bug 316184 - Second launch of workspace produces NPEPaul Webster1-0/+4

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