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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-01-19Bug 501950 - need to add osgi.util to features that includeThomas Watson1-0/+7
2017-01-17Bug 501950 - [ds] replace Equinox DS implementation with Felix SCR (DS)I20170117-2000Thomas Watson1-0/+7
2016-10-17Bug 501505 - Several M2 candidate features decrease versions compared toY20161018-1100I20161018-0800Thomas Watson1-1/+1
2016-01-20Bug 470000 - Remove (or reduce) dependency on aspectj bundlesThomas Watson1-1/+1
2015-04-30Bug 465876 - Repo Versioning Reports for M7I20150519-1000I20150519-0030I20150518-2000I20150517-2000I20150516-1500I20150515-2000I20150514-2000I20150514-1000I20150513-2000I20150512-2100I20150512-2000I20150511-2130I20150511-2000I20150510-2000I20150509-1500I20150508-2000I20150507-2000I20150506-2000I20150505-2000I20150504-2000I20150503-2000I20150502-1500I20150501-2000I20150430-1445Thomas Watson1-1/+1
2014-04-16Bug 431273 - react to change in EUAThomas Watson1-1/+1
2013-05-02Bug 407097 - Add org.eclipse.osgi.compatibility.state to features for eclipse...Thomas Watson1-1/+9
2011-09-12Bug 357376 - equinox and p2 features need their versions incrementedv20110912-1543dj1-2/+2
2011-01-23Bug 332662 - Adopt new feature that allows to share the license fileKim Moir1-2/+4
2010-09-23Bug 326041 - version numbers for several equinox features need to be incrementedv20100927-1600DJ Houghton1-1/+1
2010-03-31Bug 307575 - Equinox features in Helios with incorrect licensev20100405-2203v20100405Simon Kaegi1-7/+3
2009-12-01Bug 275762 - [server-side] easier creation of Equinox server with servletbrid...Simon Kaegi1-1/+1
2009-11-30Bug 275762 - [server-side] easier creation of Equinox server with servletbrid...Simon Kaegi1-0/+83

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