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2017-01-19Bug 501950 - need to add osgi.util to features that includeThomas Watson2-0/+14
2017-01-17Bug 501950 - [ds] replace Equinox DS implementation with Felix SCR (DS)I20170117-2000Thomas Watson3-0/+27
2016-10-27Bug 506597 - Build failure on I20161026-2000I20161101-0800Thomas Watson10-10/+10
2016-10-27Bug 506597 - Build failure on I20161026-2000Y20161027-1250Y20161027-1000I20161027-0700Markus Keller10-7/+13
2016-10-17Bug 501505 - Several M2 candidate features decrease versions compared toY20161018-1100I20161018-0800Thomas Watson12-12/+12
2016-06-28 Bug 496465 - Prep for 4.7 (Oxygen) and 4.6.1 (Neon.1) maintenanceThomas Watson10-10/+10
2016-06-01Bug 495069 - Try to move up to Jetty 9.3.9R4_6I20160606-1100I20160603-1000I20160602-1000I20160601-2000I20160601-1000David Williams2-1/+3
2016-04-13Bug 491565 - 38 pom files specify <executionEnvironment>Thomas Watson1-14/+0
2016-03-23Bug 486478 - Soften dependency of org.eclipse.core.jobsY20160324-1000Mickael Istria1-7/+0
2016-01-20Bug 470000 - Remove (or reduce) dependency on aspectj bundlesThomas Watson16-194/+51
2015-12-03Bug 483585 - I20151203-0800 build failed due to resolution problemsI20151203-1230Thomas Watson5-4/+6
2015-11-05Bug 481453 - May need to 'touch' some features for I-buildThomas Watson1-2/+2
2015-10-17Bug 470227 - Upgrade to Jetty 9.3 for Neon M3I20151020-0800David Williams1-1/+1
2015-08-21Bug 470227 - Upgrade to Jetty 9.3 for NeonI20150825-0800Thomas Watson6-6/+6
2015-07-02Bug 469765 - Prep for 4.6 (Neon) and 4.5 (Mars) maintenance buildsThomas Watson11-11/+11
2015-04-30Bug 465876 - Repo Versioning Reports for M7I20150519-1000I20150519-0030I20150518-2000I20150517-2000I20150516-1500I20150515-2000I20150514-2000I20150514-1000I20150513-2000I20150512-2100I20150512-2000I20150511-2130I20150511-2000I20150510-2000I20150509-1500I20150508-2000I20150507-2000I20150506-2000I20150505-2000I20150504-2000I20150503-2000I20150502-1500I20150501-2000I20150430-1445Thomas Watson8-8/+8
2015-04-23Bug 458374 - Wrong syntax in equinox.sdk featureI20150427-0800I20150426-2000Thomas Watson2-12/+10
2015-04-23Bug 454006 - org.eclipse.equinox.server.p2 should not include httpcomponents ...Thomas Watson1-14/+0
2015-03-18Bug 462266 - Comparator errors in I20150316-0800I20150318-2000I20150318-1300Pascal Rapicault1-0/+1
2015-03-14Bug 462096 - Latest X-build fails on equinox-sdk product due to dependencies ...Pascal Rapicault2-0/+2
2015-02-16Bug 453228 - Consider removing org.eclipse.equinox.p2.qlI20150217-0800Pascal Rapicault1-7/+0
2015-01-26Bug 458346 - Unusual, hard to decipher error in I-buildI20150126-0930Thomas Watson11-0/+12
2015-01-13Bug 457171 - adopt and adjust to new jasper.glassfish bundle from OrbitThomas Watson1-0/+1
2014-12-03Bug 453675 - touch org.eclipse.equinox.server.p2 for new httpcomponentsThomas Watson1-0/+2
2014-12-01Bug 453675 - touch org.eclipse.equinox.server.p2 for new httpcomponentsI20141202-0800Thomas Watson2-2/+2
2014-12-01Bug 453678 - Upgrade to Jetty 9.2.5 for Mars M4, and 9.3 for Mars M5Thomas Watson2-0/+2
2014-10-24Bug 448567 - Update Orbit for M3Thomas Watson3-1/+4
2014-10-09Bug 401784 - Support jetty 9Thomas Watson8-8/+8
2014-09-23Bug 444783 - equinox.server.p2 needs to be 'touched' for new httpcompnents fr...I20140930-0800Thomas Watson1-0/+1
2014-06-19Bug 436736 - Prep for 4.5 (Mars) and 4.4 maintenance buildsI20140729-0800I20140722-0800I20140715-0800I20140708-0800I20140701-0800Paul Webster11-11/+11
2014-06-06Bug 436758 - Installing a bundle that requires Java 7 when running 6 with -cl...R4_4M20140820-1200M20140820-0800M20140813-0800M20140806-0900M20140731-1200M20140730-0800M20140723-0800M20140716-0800M20140709-0800I20140606-1215Thomas Watson3-1/+4
2014-05-28Bug 436039 - Hard to explain build failure in I20140528-0115I20140528-2000I20140528-0930Thomas Watson3-0/+5
2014-05-21Bug 435422 - [releng] org.slf4j.api.source missing from repoI20140526-2000I20140525-2000I20140524-1500I20140523-2000I20140522-1330I20140522-1230I20140522-1100I20140521-2000Thomas Watson1-0/+7
2014-05-14Bug 434870 - org.eclipse.equinox.server.p2 is tied to a specific (outdated) v...I20140520-2000I20140519-2000I20140518-2000I20140517-1500I20140516-2000I20140515-2000I20140515-1230I20140514-2000Thomas Watson1-51/+9
2014-05-13Bug 434703 - equinox-sdk "product build" fails after ECF updateI20140513-2000Thomas Watson1-0/+1
2014-04-16Bug 431273 - react to change in EUAThomas Watson11-11/+11
2014-04-08Bug 432209 - needs to touch 3 equinox/p2 features, for qualifier change in or...I20140415-0800I20140408-1645I20140408-1200Thomas Watson1-0/+2
2014-03-31Bug 431540 - Removing hard cycles between equinox git repos has caused p2 to ...I20140402-0100I20140401-1500I20140401-0800Thomas Watson1-0/+1
2014-03-27[430708] Remove circular dependency on p2Mickael Istria1-19/+6
2014-03-19Bug 430708 - Circularity between the features in the framework and bundles re...I20140325-0830Thomas Watson1-2/+2
2014-03-19Bug 430708 - Circularity between the features in the framework and bundles re...Thomas Watson6-0/+537
2014-03-04Bug 429353 - change "includes ECF source" to "requires" in p2.sdkY20140309-0500Y20140308-1100I20140318-0830I20140311-1200I20140311-0800I20140309-0800I20140306-1200I20140305-2000I20140305-0800I20140304-2000Thomas Watson1-0/+1
2014-02-27Bug 420725 - Inconsistencies in how executable binaries are copied to rootsI20140304-0800I20140303-2000I20140303-1130I20140303-0800I20140302-2000Thomas Watson2-44/+0
2014-02-11Bug 419647 - React to ECF feature restructuringI20140218-0800I20140211-1100Thomas Watson1-0/+1
2014-01-27Bug 420725 - Inconsistencies in how executable binaries are copied to rootsI20140128-0800Thomas Watson11-391/+0
2014-01-15Bug 423196 - Filetransfer update for Luna M5: httpcomponents 4.2.5/4.2.6Thomas Watson1-0/+1
2014-01-13Bug 416718 - We should update our version of Jetty for SR2I20140114-0800Thomas Watson2-2/+2
2014-01-13Bug 416718 - We should update our version of Jetty for SR2Thomas Watson6-7/+9
2013-09-25Bug 417460 - Features reference plugins with version "0.0.0"Thomas Watson1-7/+0
2013-09-16Bug 417264 - We should update our version of JettyThomas Watson2-1/+3

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