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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.ui.doc.user/tasks/tsetbind.dita b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.ui.doc.user/tasks/tsetbind.dita
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2005, v.4002-->
- "task.dtd">
-<task id="tsetbind" xml:lang="en-us">
-<title>Setting a binding</title>
-<shortdesc>A binding is a top level WSDL object that provides a concrete specification
-regarding the transmission of messages to and from a web service. A binding
-references exactly one port type. The structure of a binding corresponds very
-closely to that of the port type. The binding contains extensibility elements
-(for example, soap, http, and mime) that specify protocol specific details.
-Each port within a service references exactly one binding.</shortdesc>
-<keywords><indexterm>WSDL<indexterm>setting bindings</indexterm></indexterm>
-<indexterm>Web services<indexterm>setting WSDL bindings</indexterm><indexterm>bindings<indexterm>creating</indexterm></indexterm></indexterm>
-</metadata></prolog><?Pub Caret?>
-<context><p>You can create a binding by right clicking in any blank space
-in the Design view and selecting <uicontrol>Add Binding</uicontrol>. You can
-create a new binding, reuse an existing one, or import one. </p></context>
-<task id="createnewbind">
-<title>Creating a new binding</title>
-<context><p>To create a new binding for your port, follow these steps:</p></context>
-<step><cmd>In the Design view, right-click your port and click <b>Set Binding
-> New Binding</b>.</cmd></step>
-<step><cmd>In the <b>Name</b> field, type the name of the binding.</cmd><info>The
-name should be unique among all bindings defined within the enclosing WSDL
-document. Click <b>OK.</b> To select the new binding, click the binding object.</info>
-<step><cmd>A <b>Port Type</b> is a named set of abstract operations and the
-abstract messages involved. You can either create a new port type for your
-binding, reuse an existing one, or import one. Refer to the related tasks
-for more details.</cmd></step>
-<step><cmd>Type any information about the binding you want the user to read
-in the <b>Documentation</b> pane.</cmd></step>
-<result><p> <b>Tip</b>: You can also create a new binding for your port using
-the Outline view.</p></result>
-<task id="reusebinding">
-<title>Reusing a binding for a port</title>
-<context><p>To reuse a binding for your port, follow these steps:</p></context>
-<step><cmd>In the Design view, select your port.</cmd></step>
-<step><cmd>In the Properties view, click the <b>General</b> pane.</cmd></step>
-<step><cmd>From the <b>Binding</b> drop down list, select the binding you
-want to use.</cmd></step>
-<task id="regeneratingabinding">
-<title>Regenerating a binding</title>
-<context>To regenerate a binding:</context>
-<step><cmd>Right-click the binding you want to regenerate.</cmd></step>
-<step><cmd>Select <uicontrol>Generate Binding Content</uicontrol>.<draft-comment>RATLC00975711
-provide more info about SOAP binding options</draft-comment></cmd></step>
-<step><cmd>Specify an required binding information. If you are modifying an
-existing binding, ensure that you select the <uicontrol>Overwrite existing
-binding information</uicontrol> check box.</cmd></step>
-<task id="impbinding">
-<title>Import an existing binding</title>
-<context>To import an existing binding for your port, follow these steps:</context>
-<step><cmd>In the Design view, right-click your port and click <b>Set Binding
-> Existing Binding.</b></cmd></step>
-<step><cmd>In the <b>Name</b> field, type a search string to filter the list
-or leave the field blank to view all.</cmd></step>
-<step><cmd>You can import a binding by selecting one of the following options:</cmd>
-<choice><b>Workspace</b>. Lists the bindings available in your workspace.</choice>
-<choice><b>Enclosing Project</b>. Lists the bindings available in the project
-that contains your file.</choice>
-<choice><b>Working Sets</b>. Lists the bindings available in a specified set
-of files. To specify a working set, click <b>Choose</b>. You can select files
-from an existing working set or create a new working set. Once you have selected
-the files, click <b>OK</b>.</choice>
-<step><cmd>The bindings will be listed. Select one and click <b>OK</b>. In
-the Design view, click the binding object.</cmd></step>
-<step><cmd>In the Properties view, type any information about the binding
-you wish the user to read in the <b>Documentation</b> pane.</cmd></step>
-<linklist><title>Related concepts</title>
-<link href="../concepts/cwsdled.dita" scope="local"></link>
-<linklist><title>Related tasks</title>
-<link href="tcrtwsdl.dita" scope="local"></link>
-<link href="tedtwsdl.dita" scope="local"></link>
-<?Pub *0000004937?>

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