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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 142 deletions
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2005, v.4002-->
- "task.dtd">
-<task id="twsdlexp" xml:lang="en-us">
-<title>Exploring WSDL using the WSDL Explorer</title>
-services<indexterm>exploring WSDL</indexterm></indexterm></keywords>
-<prereq>Prerequisites: To use the WSDL Explorer, you must have a valid URL
-for a WSDL document.</prereq>
-<context>The WSDL Explorer allows you to explore, and test WSDL documents.
-The following actions are available in the WSDL Explorer:<ul>
-<li>Show WSDL details: <image alt="WSDL Details icon" href="../images/wsdldtlicon.gif">
-<li>Import WSDL to the Workbench: <image alt="Import WSDL to the Workbench icon"
-<li>Import WSDL to your file system: <image alt="Import WSDL to your file system icon"
-<li>Launch the Web Service Wizard: <image alt="Launch the Web Service Wizard icon"
-<li>Add WSDL to Favorites: <image alt="Add WSDL to Favorites icon" href="../images/wsdlfavicon.gif">
-<task id="d0e47" xml:lang="en-us">
-<title>Launching the WSDL Explorer</title>
-<context><p>To launch the WSDL Explorer, complete the following steps:</p></context>
-<step><cmd> <xref href="tstrtexp.dita">Launch the Web Services Explorer</xref>.</cmd>
-<step><cmd>Switch to the WSDL Explorer by clicking the icon in the upper right-hand
-corner <image alt="Icon to launch the WSDL Explorer" href="../images/wsdlicon.gif">
-<task id="d0e64" xml:lang="en-us">
-<title>Importing a WSDL file to your workspace</title>
-<context><p>To import the WSDL file to the Workbench:</p></context>
-<step><cmd>Click this icon: <image alt="Import WSDL to the Workbench icon"
-<step><cmd>Select the project into which you want to import the WSDL.</cmd>
-<step><cmd>If you want to generate a WSIL file from the WSDL, select <b>Import
-as a service reference to a WSIL document</b>.</cmd></step>
-<step><cmd>Click <b>Go</b>.</cmd></step>
-<task id="d0e90" xml:lang="en-us">
-<title>Importing a WSDL file to your file system</title>
-<context><p>To import the WSDL file to your file system, click this icon:
- <image alt="Import WSDL to your file system icon" href="../images/fswsdlicon.gif">
-</image>. Specify where you want the WSDL file saved on your system.</p></context>
-<task id="d0e96" xml:lang="en-us">
-<title>Launching the Web services wizard</title>
-<context><p>To launch the Web Service Wizard, click this icon: <image alt="Launch the Web Service Wizard icon"
-href="../images/wswizicon.gif"></image>. You can select if you want to create
-a Web service client or a Skeleton Web service from the WSDL file. Click <b>Go</b> to
-launch the wizard.</p></context>
-<task id="d0e105" xml:lang="en-us">
-<title>Adding a WSDL file to your favorites</title>
-<context><p>To add the WSDL file to Favorites, click this icon: <image alt="Add WSDL to Favorites icon"
-href="../images/wsdlfavicon.gif"></image></p><p>. The Status pane displays
-that the WSDL was successfully added to your list of favorites. </p></context>
-<task id="d0e110" xml:lang="en-us">
-<title>Exploring WSDL documents using the WSDL Explorer:</title>
-<step><cmd>Select WSDL Main in the Navigator pane, enter or browse to an existing
-WSDL URL in the right-hand pane, and click <b>Go</b>. Note that the Explorer
-will only allow you to browse for WSDL files that reside in the <codeph>WebContent/WSDL</codeph> folder
-of a project. To explore WSDL files stored in other locations within your
-workspace, type the name of the WSDL file or select the file in the workspace,
-right-click and select <menucascade><uicontrol>Web Services </uicontrol><uicontrol> Launch
-Web Services Explorer</uicontrol></menucascade>. For this example the WSDL
-being used is a Web Service which returns a temperature for any entered zip
-code. <image alt="" href="../images/wsdlexp.gif" placement="break"></image>
-The following nodes will be added to the WSDL tree: </cmd><info><ul>
-<li>The WSDL node: <image alt="WSDL node icon" href="../images/wsdlnode.gif">
-<li>The service node (which represents a service element within the WSDL file):
- <image alt="Service node icon" href="../images/servnode.gif"></image></li>
-<li>The binding node: <image alt="Binding node icon" href="../images/bindnode.gif">
-<li>The operation node: <image alt="Operation node icon" href="../images/opnode.gif">
-<step><cmd>Clicking the Service node in the Navigator pane (in this example
-this would be the <systemoutput>TemperatureService</systemoutput> node) displays
-all the bindings for this service, as well as their type and a brief description
-of the binding if the WSDL provider has included one in the Actions pane.
-Three types of bindings are supported: SOAP, HTTP Get, and HTTP Post. <image
-alt="" href="../images/wsdlservdet.gif" placement="break"></image> The WSDL
-used in this example only has one binding, <systemoutput>TemperatureBinding</systemoutput>,
-which is represented as the <systemoutput>TemperaturePortType</systemoutput> node
-in the WSDL tree in the Navigator pane.</cmd></step>
-<step><cmd>Clicking a displayed binding or its node displays the WSDL binding
-details in the Actions pane. This includes the operations and endpoints available
-for this service. <image alt="" href="../images/wsdlbnddetl.gif" placement="break">
-</image> In this view you can add or remove endpoints for the service. To
-add an endpoint, click <b>Add</b>, enter the URL for the endpoint, and click
- <b>Go</b>. The Status pane should say that the endpoints were successfully
-updated. To remove an endpoint, select its checkbox, and click <b>Remove</b>.</cmd>
-<postreq><note><draft-comment>282413 (ref 279209)</draft-comment>When the
-Web Services Explorer loads WSDL files that use multiple inline schemas, warning
-messages will be generated for types that are referenced across these schemas.
-The warning message will be similar to: <codeph>Reference of type &lt;<i>qualified_type_name</i>>
-isn't resolved.</codeph></note></postreq>
-<linklist><title>Related Concepts</title>
-<link href="../../" scope="peer">
-<linktext>Web services development</linktext></link>
-<link href="../concepts/cuddi.dita"></link>
-<linklist><title>Related Tasks</title>
-<link href="tuddiexp.dita"></link>
-<link href="tstrtexp.dita"></link>
-<link href="../../" scope="peer">
-<linktext> Developing Web services</linktext></link>

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