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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2005, v.4002-->
-<!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN"
- "reference.dtd">
-<reference id="ruddi" xml:lang="en-us">
-<title>Data structure types (UDDI registry)</title>
-<shortdesc>Once you have registered and logged in to the UDDI registry that
-you want to use, you can register your Web service. Registration of a service
-involves four core data structure types: business information, service information,
-binding information, and information describing the specifications for services.
-The relationship between these data types is described in Figure 1.</shortdesc>
-<keywords><indexterm>UDDI<indexterm>data structure types</indexterm></indexterm>
-<indexterm>data structure types<indexterm>UDDI registry</indexterm></indexterm>
-<section><lq> <p> <uicontrol>Business information.</uicontrol> Information
-that is contained in a <systemoutput>businessEntity</systemoutput> structure.
-The <systemoutput>businessEntity</systemoutput> contains information about
-the business that has published the service, such as business name, description,
-contacts and identifiers.</p> <p> <uicontrol>Service information.</uicontrol> Information
-that describes a group of Web services. It is contained in a <systemoutput>businessService</systemoutput> structure.
-The <systemoutput>businessService</systemoutput> contains information about
-families of technical services.&nbsp; It groups a set of Web services related
-to either a business process or group of services.</p> <p> <uicontrol>Binding
-information.</uicontrol> Information represented by the <systemoutput>bindingTemplate</systemoutput> structure.
-The <systemoutput>bindingTemplate</systemoutput> holds technical information
-for determining the entry point and construction specifications for invoking
-a Web service.&nbsp; The <systemoutput>bindingTemplate</systemoutput> provides
-the Web service descriptions relevant for application developers that want
-to find and invoke a Web service.&nbsp; The <systemoutput>bindingTemplate</systemoutput> points
-to a service implementation descriptions, for example via a URL.</p> <p> <uicontrol>Information
-describing the specifications for services.</uicontrol> Metadata about the
-various specifications implemented by a given Web service represented by the
- <systemoutput>tModel</systemoutput>. The <systemoutput>tModel</systemoutput> provides
-a reference system to assist in the discovery of Web services.</p> </lq><p>Figure
-1. Relationship between data types.</p><p> <image alt="Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between the business entity, business service, binding template, and tmodel."
-href="../images/uddi.gif"></image> </p><p>Each child structure has a unique
-parent structure. This means that each <systemoutput>businessService</systemoutput> structure
-is owned by a specific <systemoutput>businessEntity</systemoutput>. In turn,
-each <systemoutput>bindingTemplate</systemoutput> is owned by a specific
- <systemoutput>businessService</systemoutput>. Each <systemoutput>bindingTemplate</systemoutput> structure
-references to unique instances of <systemoutput>tModel</systemoutput> structures;
-however, since references can be repeated within several parent structures,
-there can be many references to <systemoutput>tModels</systemoutput> from
-different Entity-Service-Template parents, as seen in Figure 2.</p><p>Figure
-2. References to tModel.</p><p> <image alt="Figure 2 illustrates the multiple references to a tModel."
-href="../images/uddiref.gif"></image> </p></section>
-<section><title>Publisher assertions</title><p>A publisher assertion is a
-way in UDDI to associate businessEntity structures. The publisher assertion
-defines a group of businessEntity structures. Many businesses are not effectively
-represented by a single businessEntity. A publisher assertion allows for the
-association between businessEntity structures. For example, a large company
-may have several subsidiaries that have different descriptions but are still
-closely coupled and want to make their relationships visible in UDDI registries.</p></section>
-<section><title>Service projections</title><p>A service projection enables
-a business entity to reference a service that was published by another business
-entity. By using the businessService structure as a projection to an already
-published businessService, businesses can share or reuse services. Service
-projections are managed centrally as part of the referencing businessEntity.
-This means that any changes made to the businessService by any of the referencing
-businessEntity structures are valid for all of the referencing businessEntity
-<linklist><title>Related Concepts</title>
-<link href="../../" scope="peer">
-<linktext> Tools for Web services development</linktext></link>
-<link href="../../" scope="peer">
-<linktext>Web services development</linktext></link>
-<linklist><title>Related Tasks</title>
-<link href="../tasks/tuddiexp.dita"></link>

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