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Diffstat (limited to 'bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/model/SOAP.mdl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 6233 deletions
diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/model/SOAP.mdl b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/model/SOAP.mdl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c20f33e0..000000000
--- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/model/SOAP.mdl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6233 +0,0 @@
-(object Petal
- version 42
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-(object Design "Logical View"
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- supplier "Logical View::soap::ISOAPBinding"
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- language "Java")
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- attributes (list Attribute_Set)
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- stereotype "0..*"
- type "IString"))
- language "Java")
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- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "3AE09A3E0326"
- supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibilityElement"
- quidu "3AD5DBB602A9"))
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- result "IList"
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- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "45ED05730222"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "encodingStyles"
- type "IList"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
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- quid "3AD62E9C0056"
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- type "String")
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- quid "3EE4A58F01AE"
- stereotype "0..*"
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- type "QName")
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- quid "45F06E6C0196"
- type "String"))
- language "Java")
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- quid "3A06D9FA00F7"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "3AE09A4A0020"
- supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibilityElement"
- quidu "3AD5DBB602A9")
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- quid "45E48A08032C"
- supplier "Logical View::soap::ISOAPFault"
- quidu "45E488870119"))
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- quid "3A09821A012B"
- type "String")
- (object ClassAttribute "namespaceURI"
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- type "String")
- (object ClassAttribute "eEncodingStyles"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "visibility"
- value ("VisibilityKind" 1)))
- quid "3EE4A56303AF"
- stereotype "0..*"
- type "IString")
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- quid "45F079D10399"
- type "String"))
- language "Java")
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- quid "3A0AD45500E8"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "3AE09A4E031F"
- supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibilityElement"
- quidu "3AD5DBB602A9")
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- quid "45E4897F007D"
- supplier "Logical View::soap::ISOAPOperation"
- quidu "45E488A50128"))
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- quid "3A0AD464004A"
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- quid "3A0AD46C018C"
- type "String"))
- language "Java")
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- quid "3AD1FF750287"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "3AE095350098"
- supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibilityElement"
- quidu "3AD5DBB602A9")
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- quid "45E48A7E0109"
- supplier "Logical View::soap::ISOAPAddress"
- quidu "45E487E700EA"))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "locationURI"
- quid "3AD211C9025C"
- type "String"))
- language "Java")
- (object Class "SOAPHeaderFault"
- quid "3AD632B803DD"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "3AD633340038"
- supplier "Logical View::soap::SOAPHeaderBase"
- quidu "3A01DEE7034D")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "45ED078C02FD"
- supplier "Logical View::soap::ISOAPHeaderFault"
- quidu "45E488BD03A9"))
- language "Java")
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- quid "3AD63309016D"
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- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "3AD63330017D"
- supplier "Logical View::soap::SOAPHeaderBase"
- quidu "3A01DEE7034D")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "45E489BC031C"
- supplier "Logical View::soap::ISOAPHeader"
- quidu "45E488E7008C"))
- language "Java")
- (object Class "IString"
- quid "3B8DD90C0220"
- stereotype "datatype"
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
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- quid "3B8DD9320383"
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- initv "initval"))
- language "Java")
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- quid "45E48E8D0222"
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- uid 0)
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- quid "45F6D6820203"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "encodingStyles"
- type "IList"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getParts"
- quid "45EC58A3031C"
- result "IList"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setParts"
- quid "45F6D65A0203"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "parts"
- type "IList"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPBody"
- quid "45E488560213"
- stereotype "javaclass"
- type "type"
- initv "initval"))
- language "Java")
- (object Class "ISOAPFault"
- quid "45E488870119"
- stereotype "Interface"
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPFault"
- quid "45E4889703A9"
- stereotype "javaclass"
- type "type"
- initv "initval"))
- language "Java")
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- quid "45E488A50128"
- stereotype "Interface"
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPOperation"
- quid "45E488AF00AB"
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- type "type"
- initv "initval"))
- language "Java")
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- quid "45E488BD03A9"
- stereotype "Interface"
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPHeaderFault"
- quid "45E488CE029F"
- stereotype "javaclass"
- type "type"
- initv "initval"))
- language "Java")
- (object Class "ISOAPHeader"
- quid "45E488E7008C"
- stereotype "Interface"
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "getSOAPHeaderFaults"
- quid "45ED0302008C"
- result "IList"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "addSOAPHeaderFault"
- quid "45ED039702BF"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "soapHeaderFault"
- type "ISOAPHeaderFault"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPHeader"
- quid "45E488F100BB"
- stereotype "javaclass"
- type "type"
- initv "initval"))
- language "Java")
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$0"
- quid "3A06E0B50036"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$1"
- quid "3A06E0B600C4"
- supplier "Logical View::soap::SOAPBody"
- quidu "3A01DED5031F")
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- quid "3A06E0B600C5"
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- supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Part"
- quidu "3AD5CE1C032E"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- Containment "By Reference"
- is_navigable TRUE)))
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- quid "3AD62DE60130"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "eMessage"
- quid "3AD62DE7004B"
- label "eMessage"
- supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Message"
- quidu "3AD5C9590078"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$3"
- quid "3AD62DE70055"
- supplier "Logical View::soap::SOAPHeaderBase"
- quidu "3A01DEE7034D")))
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- quid "3AD62DF802D1"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "ePart"
- quid "3AD62DFA0002"
- label "ePart"
- supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Part"
- quidu "3AD5CE1C032E"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$5"
- quid "3AD62DFA0003"
- supplier "Logical View::soap::SOAPHeaderBase"
- quidu "3A01DEE7034D")))
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- quid "3AD6333701CD"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$7"
- quid "3AD633370372"
- supplier "Logical View::soap::SOAPHeader"
- quidu "3AD63309016D"
- is_aggregate TRUE)
- (object Role "headerFaults"
- quid "3AD633370373"
- label "headerFaults"
- supplier "Logical View::soap::SOAPHeaderFault"
- quidu "3AD632B803DD"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- Constraints "ordered"
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE))))
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- quid "3A01CF23029F"
- title "Binding"
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- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
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- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::soap::SOAPBinding" @1
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (704, 480)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1
- location (487, 372)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "SOAPBinding")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3A01D3B901AD"
- width 452
- height 240
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::soap::SOAPOperation" @2
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1472, 480)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @2
- location (1235, 372)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 474
- justify 0
- label "SOAPOperation")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "3A0AD45500E8"
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- annotation 8)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (752, 1552)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @3
- location (612, 1504)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 280
- justify 0
- label "SOAPHeader")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3AD63309016D"
- width 298
- height 120
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1984, 1520)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @4
- location (1797, 1472)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 374
- justify 0
- label "SOAPHeaderFault")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3AD632B803DD"
- width 392
- height 120
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (1344, 1559)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$7" @6
- Parent_View @5
- location (688, 55)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3AD633370372"
- client @5
- supplier @3
- line_style 3
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- terminal_attachment (901, 1559))
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- Parent_View @5
- location (688, 55)
- label (object SegLabel @8
- Parent_View @7
- location (1331, 1519)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 346
- justify 0
- label "+headerFaults"
- pctDist -0.030702
- height 41
- orientation 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3AD633370373"
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- supplier @4
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (1344, 1559)
- terminal_attachment (1788, 1559)
- label (object SegLabel @9
- Parent_View @7
- location (1671, 1522)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.736842
- height 38
- orientation 0)
- label (object SegLabel @10
- Parent_View @7
- location (1617, 1597)
- anchor 3
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 151
- justify 0
- label "{ordered}"
- pctDist 0.614035
- height 38
- orientation 1))))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- location (2736, 784)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @11
- location (2613, 707)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 246
- justify 0
- label "Message")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "3AD5C9590078"
- width 264
- height 178
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1472, 928)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @12
- location (1151, 665)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 642
- justify 0
- label "SOAPHeaderBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3A01DEE7034D"
- width 660
- height 550
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (2203, 858)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3AD62DE60130"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "eMessage" @14
- Parent_View @13
- location (1051, -310)
- label (object SegLabel @15
- Parent_View @14
- location (2367, 888)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 216
- justify 0
- label "+eMessage"
- pctDist 0.412322
- height 30
- orientation 1)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3AD62DE7004B"
- client @13
- supplier @11
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (2203, 858)
- terminal_attachment (2604, 858)
- label (object SegLabel @16
- Parent_View @14
- location (2479, 821)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1..1"
- pctDist 0.687204
- height 38
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$3" @17
- Parent_View @13
- location (1051, -310)
- label (object SegLabel @18
- Parent_View @17
- location (2055, 898)
- hidden TRUE
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 192
- justify 0
- label ""
- pctDist 0.372254
- height 40
- orientation 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3AD62DE70055"
- client @13
- supplier @12
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (2203, 858)
- terminal_attachment (1802, 858))))
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::soap::SOAPBody" @19
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1472, 2240)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @19
- location (1226, 2132)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 492
- justify 0
- label "SOAPBody")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3A01DED5031F"
- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @19
- location (1226, 2192)
- icon_style "Icon"
- fill_color 16777215
- anchor 2
- nlines 4
- max_width 0)
- width 510
- height 240
- annotation 8)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Part" @20
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- location (2352, 2080)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @20
- location (2236, 1866)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 233
- justify 0
- label "Part")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3AD5CE1C032E"
- width 251
- height 452
- annotation 8)
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$4" @21
- location (2290, 1230)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3AD62DF802D1"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
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- Parent_View @21
- location (1138, 62)
- label (object SegLabel @23
- Parent_View @22
- location (2380, 1779)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 120
- justify 0
- label "+ePart"
- pctDist 0.881465
- height 90
- orientation 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3AD62DFA0002"
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- supplier @20
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (2290, 1230)
- terminal_attachment (2290, 1854)
- label (object SegLabel @24
- Parent_View @22
- location (2237, 1779)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1..1"
- pctDist 0.881465
- height 54
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$5" @25
- Parent_View @21
- location (1138, 62)
- label (object SegLabel @26
- Parent_View @25
- location (1928, 1137)
- hidden TRUE
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 120
- justify 0
- label ""
- pctDist 0.800000
- height 42
- orientation 0)
- stereotype TRUE
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- (2290, 1230)
- (2290, 1095)
- (1802, 1095))
- line_style 3
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- terminal_attachment (1802, 1095))))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @27
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- terminal_attachment (1727, 2291))
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- Parent_View @27
- location (745, -13)
- label (object SegLabel @30
- Parent_View @29
- location (2185, 2395)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 144
- justify 0
- label "+eParts"
- pctDist 0.833856
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- stereotype TRUE
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- terminal_attachment (2227, 2291)
- label (object SegLabel @31
- Parent_View @29
- location (2185, 2245)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.833856
- height 47
- orientation 0))))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (592, 2256)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @32
- location (346, 2148)
- fill_color 13434879
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (288, 1376)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @33
- location (114, 1348)
- fill_color 13434879
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- Parent_View @33
- location (114, 1298)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "<<datatype>>")
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- location (1472, 1418)
- line_color 3342489
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- supplier @12
- vertices (list Points
- (1472, 1418)
- (1472, 1203)))
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- terminal_attachment (836, 1418)
- drawSupplier @34)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (704, 96)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @36
- location (557, 72)
- fill_color 13434879
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- Parent_View @36
- location (557, 22)
- fill_color 13434879
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1472, 112)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @38
- location (1303, 88)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "ISOAPOperation")
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- Parent_View @38
- location (1303, 38)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "<<Interface>>")
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- location (752, 864)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @40
- location (610, 840)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- label "ISOAPHeader")
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- Parent_View @40
- location (610, 790)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "<<Interface>>")
- icon "Interface"
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- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1984, 368)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @42
- location (1795, 344)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "ISOAPHeaderFault")
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- Parent_View @42
- location (1795, 294)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 10
- nlines 1
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- label "<<Interface>>")
- icon "Interface"
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- quidu "45E488BD03A9"
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- supplier @12
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- origin_attachment (1921, 1460)
- terminal_attachment (1921, 1418)
- drawSupplier @34)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (592, 1792)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @44
- location (469, 1768)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 246
- justify 0
- label "ISOAPFault")
- stereotype (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @44
- location (469, 1718)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 10
- nlines 1
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- label "<<Interface>>")
- icon "Interface"
- icon_style "Label"
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- quidu "45E488870119"
- width 264
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- supplier @44
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressAttribute TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1472, 1776)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @46
- location (1273, 1724)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "ISOAPBody")
- stereotype (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @46
- location (1273, 1674)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 10
- nlines 1
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- label "<<Interface>>")
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- Parent_View @46
- location (1273, 1784)
- icon_style "Icon"
- fill_color 16777215
- anchor 2
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- max_width 0)
- width 416
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- annotation 8
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @19
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @42
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (848, 832)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @49
- location (647, 751)
- fill_color 13434879
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- icon_style "Icon"
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressAttribute TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (848, 256)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @50
- location (696, 235)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 304
- justify 0
- label "ISOAPAddress")
- stereotype (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @50
- location (696, 185)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 10
- nlines 1
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- label "<<Interface>>")
- icon "Interface"
- icon_style "Label"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "45E487E700EA"
- width 322
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- annotation 8
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @50
- line_style 0)))
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- items (list diagram_item_list
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1520, 576)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @52
- location (1371, 527)
- fill_color 13434879
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- icon_style "Icon"
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (304, 592)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @53
- location (162, 543)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "SOAPBinding")
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1072, 1104)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @54
- location (950, 1055)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- label "SOAPBody")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1232, 1264)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @55
- location (1112, 1215)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "SOAPFault")
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (512, 752)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @56
- location (344, 703)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- label "SOAPOperation")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (816, 928)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @57
- location (627, 879)
- fill_color 13434879
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- location (608, 128)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @58
- location (408, 53)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (608, 305)
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- supplier @58
- vertices (list Points
- (608, 305)
- (608, 215)))
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- terminal_attachment (344, 305)
- drawSupplier @59)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @57
- supplier @58
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- origin_attachment (815, 867)
- terminal_attachment (815, 305)
- drawSupplier @59)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @54
- supplier @58
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (1068, 1043)
- terminal_attachment (1068, 305)
- drawSupplier @59)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @56
- supplier @58
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (506, 691)
- terminal_attachment (506, 305)
- drawSupplier @59)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @58
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (1231, 1203)
- terminal_attachment (1231, 305)
- drawSupplier @59)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @52
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- line_style 3
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- terminal_attachment (1520, 305)
- drawSupplier @59)))))
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- is_unit TRUE
- is_loaded FALSE
- file_name "$VABASE_PLUGINS_PATH\\org.eclipse.xsd\\model\\"
- quid "39ABDC6F01AA"))
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- max_width 21600
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- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (272, 256)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @66
- location (128, 172)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (704, 256)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @67
- location (560, 172)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (1152, 256)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @68
- location (1008, 172)
- fill_color 13434879
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- title "Main"
- zoom 100
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- max_width 21600
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- quid "39E27F080068"
- title "Deployment View"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list))))
- properties (object Properties
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "DDL"
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- value "809135966")
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- tool "DDL"
- name "default__Project"
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- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "Directory"
- value "AUTO GENERATE")
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- tool "DDL"
- name "DataBase"
- value ("DataBaseSet" 800))
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- tool "DDL"
- name "DataBaseSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "ANSI"
- value 800)
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- name "Oracle"
- value 801)
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- name "SQLServer"
- value 802)
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- tool "DDL"
- name "Sybase"
- value 803)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "Watcom"
- value 804)))
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- tool "DDL"
- name "PrimaryKeyColumnName"
- value "Id")
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- tool "DDL"
- name "PrimaryKeyColumnType"
- value "NUMBER(5)")
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- tool "DDL"
- name "ViewName"
- value "V_")
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- tool "DDL"
- name "TableName"
- value "T_")
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- tool "DDL"
- name "InheritSuffix"
- value "_V")
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- tool "DDL"
- name "DropClause"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "BaseViews"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "DDLScriptFilename"
- value "DDL1.SQL")))
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- tool "DDL"
- name "default__Attribute"
- value (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "ColumnType"
- value "VARCHAR")
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- tool "DDL"
- name "Length"
- value "")
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "NullsOK"
- value TRUE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "PrimaryKey"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "Unique"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "CompositeUnique"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "CheckConstraint"
- value "")))
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- tool "DDL"
- name "HiddenTool"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "framework"
- name "HiddenTool"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "propertyId"
- value "809135966")
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- tool "IDL"
- name "default__Project"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "IDL"
- name "CreateMissingDirectories"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "StopOnError"
- value TRUE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "IDL"
- name "Directory"
- value "AUTO GENERATE")
- (object Attribute
- tool "IDL"
- name "GeneratePreserveRegions"
- value TRUE)))
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- tool "IDL"
- name "default__Class"
- value (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "IDL"
- name "ImplementationType"
- value "")
- (object Attribute
- tool "IDL"
- name "ConstValue"
- value "")
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- tool "IDL"
- name "GenerateDefaultSpecifier"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "DefaultSpecifier"
- value "")
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- tool "IDL"
- name "IDLElement"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "IDLSpecificationType"
- value ("IDLSpecSet" 22))
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- tool "IDL"
- name "IDLSpecSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "IDL"
- name "Interface"
- value 22)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "Typedef"
- value 54)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "Enumeration"
- value 8)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "Const"
- value 71)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "Exception"
- value 61)
- (object Attribute
- tool "IDL"
- name "Struct"
- value 51)
- (object Attribute
- tool "IDL"
- name "Union"
- value 81)))))
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- tool "IDL"
- name "default__Module-Spec"
- value (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "IDL"
- name "Generate"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "CmIdentification"
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- value (value Text " %X% @(#) plugins/, ctc, ibmctc"))
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- name "Raises"
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- value "$relationship")
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- name "DELETE"
- value 1603)
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- tool "Oracle8"
- value 1604)
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- tool "Oracle8"
- value 1605)
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- tool "Oracle8"
- value 1606)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Oracle8"
- value 1607)))))
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- tool "Oracle8"
- name "default__Role"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "Oracle8"
- name "OrderNumber"
- value "")))
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- tool "Oracle8"
- name "default__Attribute"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "Oracle8"
- name "OrderNumber"
- value "")
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- tool "Oracle8"
- name "IsUnique"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "Oracle8"
- name "NullsAllowed"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "Oracle8"
- name "Length"
- value "")
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- tool "Oracle8"
- name "Precision"
- value "2")
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- tool "Oracle8"
- name "Scale"
- value "6")
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- tool "Oracle8"
- name "IsIndex"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "Oracle8"
- name "IsPrimaryKey"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "Oracle8"
- name "CompositeUnique"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "Oracle8"
- name "CheckConstraint"
- value "")))
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- tool "Oracle8"
- name "HiddenTool"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "Repository"
- name "HiddenTool"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "propertyId"
- value "809135966")
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- name "default__Project"
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- name "CreateMissingDirectories"
- value TRUE)
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- name "StopOnError"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "ErrorLimit"
- value 30)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Directory"
- value "$ROSECPP_SOURCE")
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- name "PathSeparator"
- value "")
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- value "128vx_b")
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- value "int")
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- name "AllowTemplates"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AllowExplicitInstantiations"
- value TRUE)
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- name "AllowProtectedInheritance"
- value TRUE)
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- value 60)
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- name "OneByValueContainer"
- value "$targetClass")
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- value "$targetClass *")
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- value "OptionalByValue<$targetClass>")
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- value "$targetClass *")
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- value "$targetClass[$limit]")
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- tool "cg"
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- value "$targetClass[$limit]")
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- tool "cg"
- name "FixedByReferenceContainer"
- value "$targetClass *[$limit]")
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- name "UnorderedFixedByReferenceContainer"
- value "$targetClass *[$limit]")
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- tool "cg"
- name "BoundedByValueContainer"
- value "BoundedListByValue<$targetClass,$limit>")
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- value "UnboundedListByValue<$targetClass>")
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- tool "cg"
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- value "AssociationByValue<$qualtype, $qualcont>")
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedByReferenceContainer"
- value "AssociationByReference<$qualtype, $qualcont>")
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- tool "cg"
- name "UnorderedQualifiedByReferenceContainer"
- value "DictionaryByReference<$qualtype, $qualcont>")
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- tool "cg"
- name "GeneratePreserveRegions"
- value TRUE)))
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "CodeName"
- value "")
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- name "ImplementationType"
- value "")
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- name "ClassKey"
- value "class")
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "None"
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- value 2)
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- tool "cg"
- name "All"
- value 3)))
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- name "PutBodiesInSpec"
- value FALSE)
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- name "InlineDefaultConstructor"
- value FALSE)
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- value FALSE)
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- value FALSE)
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- name "ExplicitCopyConstructor"
- value FALSE)
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- value TRUE)
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- name "InlineDestructor"
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- value FALSE)
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- value FALSE)
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- value "")
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- value FALSE)
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- value FALSE)
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- value ("VisibilitySet" 45))
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "DoNotDeclare"
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- name "ConstValue"
- value "")
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- name "GenerateDefaultSpecifier"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "DefaultSpecifier"
- value "")))
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- name "Generate"
- value TRUE)
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- name "All"
- value 3)))
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-|#include "$file"
- ))
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- value FALSE)
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- value TRUE)
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- name "All"
- value 3)))
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- value (value Text " %X% @(#) plugins/, ctc, ibmctc"))
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- value (value Text ""))
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- value "AUTO GENERATE")
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- value FALSE)
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- name "IncludeFormat"
- value (value Text
-|// $package
-|#include "$file"
- ))
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- value FALSE)
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- name "IncludePrecompiledHeader"
- value TRUE)
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- name "AdditionalIncludes"
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- value (value Text ""))
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- name "IncludeClosure"
- value (value Text ""))))
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- name "CodeName"
- value "")
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- name "Static"
- value 203)
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- name "Friend"
- value 204)))
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- value FALSE)
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- name "OperationIsExplicit"
- value FALSE)
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- name "Inline"
- value FALSE)
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- name "EntryCode"
- value (value Text ""))
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- name "ExitCode"
- value (value Text ""))
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "All"
- value 3)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "BodyAnnotations"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "OperationIsOneWay"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Context"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "Raises"
- value "")))
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- name "default__Has"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "CodeName"
- value "")
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- name "Ordered"
- value TRUE)
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- name "NameIfUnlabeled"
- value "the_$supplier")
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- name "GenerateDataMember"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberName"
- value "$relationship")
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- value 14)
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- value 210)))
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- name "Unrestricted"
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- name "Mutable"
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- name "Const"
- value 2)))
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- value FALSE)
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- name "DataMemberFieldSize"
- value "")
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- name "InitialValue"
- value (value Text ""))
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- name "GenerateGetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- name "GenerateSetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetName"
- value "get_$relationship")
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- name "SetName"
- value "set_$relationship")
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- value 203)
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- value 204)))
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- name "ContainerClass"
- value "")
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- name "SelectorName"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "SelectorType"
- value "")
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- name "GetIsConst"
- value TRUE)
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "False"
- value 0)
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- name "True"
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- name "Same_As_Function"
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- name "GetSetByReference"
- value FALSE)
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- name "InlineGet"
- value TRUE)
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- name "SetReturnsValue"
- value FALSE)
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- name "InlineSet"
- value TRUE)
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- name "ForwardReferenceOnly"
- value FALSE)
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- name "GenerateForwardReference"
- value FALSE)
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- name "IsReadOnly"
- value FALSE)
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "Array"
- value 24)
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- name "Sequence"
- value 47)))))
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- name "default__Association"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "NameIfUnlabeled"
- value "the_$targetClass")))
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- name "default__Inherit"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "InstanceArguments"
- value "")))
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- tool "cg"
- name "default__Role"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "CodeName"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "ForwardReferenceOnly"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "NameIfUnlabeled"
- value "the_$targetClass")
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateDataMember"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberName"
- value "$target")
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberVisibility"
- value ("DataMemberVisibilitySet" 14))
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberVisibilitySet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "Public"
- value 45)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Protected"
- value 44)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Private"
- value 43)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Implementation"
- value 14)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AtRelationshipVisibility"
- value 210)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberMutability"
- value ("DataMemberMutabilitySet" 0))
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberMutabilitySet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "Unrestricted"
- value 0)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Mutable"
- value 1)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Const"
- value 2)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberIsVolatile"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberFieldSize"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "InitialValue"
- value (value Text ""))
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- tool "cg"
- name "ContainerClass"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "ContainerGet"
- value "$data.get($keys)")
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- tool "cg"
- name "ContainerSet"
- value "$data.set($keys,$value)")
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedContainer"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassContainer"
- value "$supplier *")
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassInitialValue"
- value (value Text ""))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetSetKinds"
- value ("GetSetKindsSet" 200))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetSetKindsSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "Common"
- value 200)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Virtual"
- value 201)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Abstract"
- value 202)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Static"
- value 203)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Friend"
- value 204)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetSetByReference"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateGetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetName"
- value "get_$target")
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetIsConst"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetResultIsConst"
- value ("GetResultIsConstSet" 2))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetResultIsConstSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "False"
- value 0)
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- tool "cg"
- name "True"
- value 1)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Same_As_Function"
- value 2)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "InlineGet"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateSetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "SetName"
- value "set_$target")
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- tool "cg"
- name "SetReturnsValue"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "InlineSet"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedGetSetByReference"
- value ("QualifiedGetSetByReferenceSet" 2))
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedGetSetByReferenceSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "False"
- value 0)
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- tool "cg"
- name "True"
- value 1)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Same_As_GetSetByReference"
- value 2)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateQualifiedGetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedGetName"
- value "get_$target")
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedGetIsConst"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedGetResultIsConst"
- value ("GetResultIsConstSet" 2))
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- tool "cg"
- name "InlineQualifiedGet"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateQualifiedSetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedSetName"
- value "set_$target")
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedSetReturnsValue"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "InlineQualifiedSet"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateAssocClassDataMember"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassDataMemberName"
- value "$target")
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassDataMemberVisibility"
- value ("DataMemberVisibilitySet" 14))
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberVisibilitySet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "Public"
- value 45)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Protected"
- value 44)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Private"
- value 43)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Implementation"
- value 14)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AtRelationshipVisibility"
- value 210)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassDataMemberMutability"
- value ("DataMemberMutabilitySet" 0))
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberMutabilitySet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "Unrestricted"
- value 0)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Mutable"
- value 1)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Const"
- value 2)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassDataMemberIsVolatile"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassGetSetKinds"
- value ("GetSetKindsSet" 200))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateAssocClassGetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassGetName"
- value "get_$target")
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassGetIsConst"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassGetResultIsConst"
- value ("GetResultIsConstSet" 2))
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- tool "cg"
- name "InlineAssocClassGet"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateAssocClassSetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassSetName"
- value "set_$target")
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassSetReturnsValue"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "InlineAssocClassSet"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassForwardReferenceOnly"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateForwardReference"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "IsReadOnly"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "BoundedRoleType"
- value ("AssocTypeSet" 47))
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocTypeSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "Array"
- value 24)
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- name "Sequence"
- value 47)))))
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- tool "cg"
- name "default__Attribute"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "CodeName"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateDataMember"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberName"
- value "$attribute")
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberVisibility"
- value ("DataMemberVisibilitySet" 14))
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberVisibilitySet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "Public"
- value 45)
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- name "Protected"
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- name "Private"
- value 43)
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- name "Implementation"
- value 14)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AtAttributeVisibility"
- value 211)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberMutability"
- value ("DataMemberMutabilitySet" 0))
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberMutabilitySet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "Unrestricted"
- value 0)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Mutable"
- value 1)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Const"
- value 2)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberIsVolatile"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberFieldSize"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateGetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateSetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetName"
- value "get_$attribute")
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- tool "cg"
- name "SetName"
- value "set_$attribute")
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetSetKinds"
- value ("GetSetKindsSet" 200))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetSetKindsSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "Common"
- value 200)
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- name "Virtual"
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- name "Abstract"
- value 202)
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- name "Static"
- value 203)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Friend"
- value 204)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetIsConst"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetResultIsConst"
- value ("GetResultIsConstSet" 2))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetResultIsConstSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "False"
- value 0)
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- name "True"
- value 1)
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- name "Same_As_Function"
- value 2)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetSetByReference"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "InlineGet"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "SetReturnsValue"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "InlineSet"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "CaseSpecifier"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "IsReadOnly"
- value FALSE)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "default__Uses"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "ForwardReferenceOnly"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "BodyReferenceOnly"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateForwardReference"
- value FALSE)))
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- value "AUTO GENERATE")
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- name "DirectoryIsOnSearchList"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "PrecompiledHeader"
- value "")))
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "IsNamespace"
- value FALSE)
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- name "Indent"
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- tool "cg"
- name "CodeName"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "All"
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- name "Version"
- value "5.0")))
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- name "Class_Factory"
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- value FALSE)
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- value FALSE)
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- tool "MSVC"
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- tool "MSVC"
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- value "")
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- name "OLEClassID"
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- name "OLECtlType"
- value "")
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- value "")
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- name "OLETypeLibMajor"
- value "")
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- value "")
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- name "DispatchDefValue"
- value "")
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- name "GenerateDispIdEnum"
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- value (value Text ""))
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- name "FeatureKind"
- value (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "Unspecified"
- value 0)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "Simple"
- value 1)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "Attribute"
- value 2)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "Element"
- value 4)))
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "annotation"
- value "")))
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "default__Role"
- value (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "referenceName"
- value "")
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isTransient"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isVolatile"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isChangeable"
- value TRUE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isUnsettable"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isResolveProxies"
- value TRUE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "visibility"
- value ("VisibilityKind" 0))
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "VisibilityKind"
- value (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "Unspecified"
- value 0)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "None"
- value 1)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "Read-only"
- value 2)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "Read-write"
- value 3)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "Read-only unsettable"
- value 4)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "Read-write unsettable"
- value 5)))
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "xmlName"
- value "")
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "xmlNamespace"
- value "")
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "xmlFeatureKind"
- value ("FeatureKind" 0))
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "FeatureKind"
- value (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "Unspecified"
- value 0)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "Simple"
- value 1)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "Attribute"
- value 2)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "Element"
- value 4)))
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "annotation"
- value ""))))
- quid "39E27F080067"))

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