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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 429 deletions
diff --git a/bundles/ b/bundles/
deleted file mode 100644
index 38b1565fc..000000000
--- a/bundles/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2003, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-import java.util.Vector;
-import org.apache.wsil.Abstract;
-import org.apache.wsil.Description;
-import org.apache.wsil.Inspection;
-import org.apache.wsil.Link;
-import org.apache.wsil.Service;
-import org.apache.wsil.ServiceName;
-import org.apache.wsil.WSILDocument;
-import org.apache.wsil.WSILException;
-import org.apache.wsil.extension.uddi.BusinessDescription;
-import org.apache.wsil.extension.uddi.ServiceDescription;
-import org.apache.wsil.impl.AbstractImpl;
-import org.apache.wsil.impl.DescriptionImpl;
-import org.apache.wsil.impl.LinkImpl;
-import org.apache.wsil.impl.ServiceImpl;
-import org.apache.wsil.impl.ServiceNameImpl;
-import org.apache.wsil.impl.extension.uddi.BusinessDescriptionImpl;
-import org.apache.wsil.impl.extension.uddi.ServiceDescriptionImpl;
-import org.uddi4j.util.BusinessKey;
-import org.uddi4j.util.ServiceKey;
-public abstract class FavoritesRegistryTypeAbstract implements IFavoritesRegistryType
- public FavoritesRegistryTypeAbstract()
- {
- }
- public abstract String getReadLocation();
- public abstract String getWriteLocation();
- protected abstract WSILDocument getWSILDocument();
- public void init()
- {
- getWSILDocument();
- }
- protected WSILDocument loadWSILDocument(String path, boolean force)
- {
- try
- {
- WSILDocument wsilDoc = WSILDocument.newInstance();
- FileReader(new File(path)));
- return wsilDoc;
- }
- catch (Exception t)
- {
- if (force)
- {
- try
- {
- return WSILDocument.newInstance();
- }
- catch (Exception t2)
- {
- return null;
- }
- }
- else
- return null;
- }
- }
- public String getFavoritesVersion()
- {
- WSILDocument wsilDoc = getWSILDocument();
- Inspection inspection = wsilDoc.getInspection();
- Abstract[] abstracts = inspection.getAbstracts();
- if (abstracts.length > 0)
- return abstracts[0].getText();
- else
- return null;
- }
- public void setFavoritesVersion(String version)
- {
- WSILDocument wsilDoc = getWSILDocument();
- Inspection inspection = wsilDoc.getInspection();
- Abstract abst = new AbstractImpl();
- abst.setText(version);
- inspection.removeAbstracts();
- inspection.addAbstract(abst);
- }
- public synchronized void save() throws WSILException, IOException
- {
- WSILDocument wsilDoc = getWSILDocument();
- if (wsilDoc != null)
- wsilDoc.write(getWriteLocation());
- }
- public IFavoritesUDDIRegistry[] getFavoritesUDDIRegistries()
- {
- Link[] links = loadUDDIRegistries();
- FavoritesUDDIRegistry[] registries = new FavoritesUDDIRegistry[links.length];
- for (int i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
- {
- registries[i] = new FavoritesUDDIRegistry();
- registries[i].setLink(links[i]);
- }
- return registries;
- }
- public IFavoritesUDDIBusiness[] getFavoritesUDDIBusinesses()
- {
- Link[] links = loadUDDIBusinesses();
- FavoritesUDDIBusiness[] businesses = new FavoritesUDDIBusiness[links.length];
- for (int i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
- {
- businesses[i] = new FavoritesUDDIBusiness();
- businesses[i].setLink(links[i]);
- }
- return businesses;
- }
- public IFavoritesUDDIService[] getFavoritesUDDIServices()
- {
- Service[] services = loadUDDIServices();
- FavoritesUDDIService[] uddiServices = new FavoritesUDDIService[services.length];
- for (int i = 0; i < services.length; i++)
- {
- uddiServices[i] = new FavoritesUDDIService();
- uddiServices[i].setService(services[i]);
- }
- return uddiServices;
- }
- public IFavoritesUDDIServiceInterface[] getFavoritesUDDIServiceInterfaces()
- {
- Service[] services = loadUDDIServiceInterfaces();
- FavoritesUDDIServiceInterface[] serInts = new FavoritesUDDIServiceInterface[services.length];
- for (int i = 0; i < services.length; i++)
- {
- serInts[i] = new FavoritesUDDIServiceInterface();
- serInts[i].setService(services[i]);
- }
- return serInts;
- }
- public IFavoritesWSDL[] getFavoritesWSDLs()
- {
- Service[] services = loadWSDLServices();
- FavoritesWSDL[] wsdls = new FavoritesWSDL[services.length];
- for (int i = 0; i < services.length; i++)
- {
- wsdls[i] = new FavoritesWSDL();
- wsdls[i].setService(services[i]);
- }
- return wsdls;
- }
- public IFavoritesWSIL[] getFavoritesWSILs()
- {
- Link[] links = loadWSILs();
- FavoritesWSIL[] wsils = new FavoritesWSIL[links.length];
- for (int i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
- {
- wsils[i] = new FavoritesWSIL();
- wsils[i].setLink(links[i]);
- }
- return wsils;
- }
- public Link[] loadUDDIRegistries() {
- return loadLinksByNamespace(FavoritesConstants.NAMESPACE_UDDI_V1);
- }
- public Link[] loadUDDIBusinesses() {
- return loadLinksByNamespace(FavoritesConstants.NAMESPACE_UDDI_V2);
- }
- public Service[] loadUDDIServices() {
- return loadServicesByNamespace(FavoritesConstants.NAMESPACE_UDDI_V2);
- }
- public Service[] loadUDDIServiceInterfaces() {
- return loadServicesByNamespace(FavoritesConstants.NAMESPACE_UDDI_V1);
- }
- public Service[] loadWSDLServices() {
- return loadServicesByNamespace(FavoritesConstants.NAMESPACE_WSDL);
- }
- public Link[] loadWSILs() {
- return loadLinksByNamespace(FavoritesConstants.NAMESPACE_WSIL_INSPECTION);
- }
- private Service[] loadServicesByNamespace(String namespace) {
- Vector serviceVector = new Vector();
- WSILDocument wsilDoc = getWSILDocument();
- if (wsilDoc != null)
- {
- Inspection inspection = wsilDoc.getInspection();
- Service[] services = inspection.getServices();
- for (int i = 0; i < services.length; i++)
- {
- Description[] desc = services[i].getDescriptions();
- if (desc[0].getReferencedNamespace().equals(namespace))
- serviceVector.add(services[i]);
- }
- }
- Service[] services = new Service[serviceVector.size()];
- serviceVector.copyInto(services);
- return services;
- }
- private Link[] loadLinksByNamespace(String namespace) {
- Vector linkVector = new Vector();
- WSILDocument wsilDoc = getWSILDocument();
- if (wsilDoc != null)
- {
- Inspection inspection = wsilDoc.getInspection();
- Link[] links = inspection.getLinks();
- for (int i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
- {
- if (links[i].getReferencedNamespace().equals(namespace))
- linkVector.add(links[i]);
- }
- }
- Link[] links = new Link[linkVector.size()];
- linkVector.copyInto(links);
- return links;
- }
- public void addFavoritesUDDIRegistry(IFavoritesUDDIRegistry registry)
- {
- addUDDIRegistry(registry.getName(), registry.getInquiryURL(), registry.getPublishURL(), registry.getRegistrationURL());
- }
- public void addFavoritesUDDIBusiness(IFavoritesUDDIBusiness business)
- {
- addUDDIBusiness(business.getName(), business.getInquiryURL(), business.getBusinessKey());
- }
- public void addFavoritesUDDIService(IFavoritesUDDIService service)
- {
- addUDDIService(service.getName(), service.getInquiryURL(), service.getServiceKey());
- }
- public void addFavoritesUDDIServiceInterface(IFavoritesUDDIServiceInterface serviceInterface)
- {
- addUDDIServiceInterface(serviceInterface.getName(), serviceInterface.getInquiryURL(), serviceInterface.getServiceInterfaceKey());
- }
- public void addFavoritesWSDL(IFavoritesWSDL wsdl)
- {
- addWSDLService(wsdl.getWsdlUrl());
- }
- public void addFavoritesWSIL(IFavoritesWSIL wsil)
- {
- addWSILLink(wsil.getWsilUrl());
- }
- public Link addUDDIRegistry(String registryName, String inquiryAPI, String publishAPI, String registrationURL) {
- WSILDocument wsilDoc = getWSILDocument();
- Inspection inspection = wsilDoc.getInspection();
- Link link = new LinkImpl();
- // registry name
- Abstract abst = new AbstractImpl();
- abst.setText(registryName);
- link.addAbstract(abst);
- // inquiry URL
- Abstract abst2 = new AbstractImpl();
- abst2.setText(inquiryAPI);
- link.addAbstract(abst2);
- // publish URL
- Abstract abst3 = new AbstractImpl();
- if (publishAPI != null)
- abst3.setText(publishAPI);
- else
- abst3.setText("");
- link.addAbstract(abst3);
- // registration URL
- Abstract abst4 = new AbstractImpl();
- if (registrationURL != null)
- abst4.setText(registrationURL);
- else
- abst4.setText("");
- link.addAbstract(abst4);
- // add namespace
- link.setReferencedNamespace(FavoritesConstants.NAMESPACE_UDDI_V1);
- inspection.addLink(link);
- return link;
- }
- public Link addUDDIBusiness(String businessName, String inquiryAPI, String businessKey) {
- WSILDocument wsilDoc = getWSILDocument();
- Inspection inspection = wsilDoc.getInspection();
- Link link = new LinkImpl();
- Abstract abst = new AbstractImpl();
- abst.setText(businessName);
- link.addAbstract(abst);
- link.setReferencedNamespace(FavoritesConstants.NAMESPACE_UDDI_V2);
- BusinessDescription bd = new BusinessDescriptionImpl();
- bd.setLocation(inquiryAPI);
- BusinessKey key = new BusinessKey(businessKey);
- bd.setBusinessKey(key);
- link.setExtensionElement(bd);
- inspection.addLink(link);
- return link;
- }
- public Service addUDDIService(String serviceName, String inquiryAPI, String serviceKey) {
- WSILDocument wsilDoc = getWSILDocument();
- Inspection inspection = wsilDoc.getInspection();
- Service service = new ServiceImpl();
- ServiceName name = new ServiceNameImpl();
- name.setText(serviceName);
- service.addServiceName(name);
- Description desc = new DescriptionImpl();
- desc.setReferencedNamespace(FavoritesConstants.NAMESPACE_UDDI_V2);
- ServiceDescription sd = new ServiceDescriptionImpl();
- sd.setLocation(inquiryAPI);
- ServiceKey key = new ServiceKey(serviceKey);
- sd.setServiceKey(key);
- desc.setExtensionElement(sd);
- service.addDescription(desc);
- inspection.addService(service);
- return service;
- }
- public Service addUDDIServiceInterface(String serIntName, String inquiryAPI, String serIntKey) {
- WSILDocument wsilDoc = getWSILDocument();
- Inspection inspection = wsilDoc.getInspection();
- Service service = new ServiceImpl();
- ServiceName name = new ServiceNameImpl();
- name.setText(serIntName);
- service.addServiceName(name);
- Description desc = new DescriptionImpl();
- desc.setReferencedNamespace(FavoritesConstants.NAMESPACE_UDDI_V1);
- ServiceDescription sd = new ServiceDescriptionImpl();
- sd.setLocation(inquiryAPI);
- ServiceKey key = new ServiceKey(serIntKey);
- sd.setServiceKey(key);
- desc.setExtensionElement(sd);
- service.addDescription(desc);
- inspection.addService(service);
- return service;
- }
- public Service addWSDLService(String url) {
- WSILDocument wsilDoc = getWSILDocument();
- Inspection inspection = wsilDoc.getInspection();
- Service service = new ServiceImpl();
- Description desc = new DescriptionImpl();
- desc.setLocation(url);
- desc.setReferencedNamespace(FavoritesConstants.NAMESPACE_WSDL);
- service.addDescription(desc);
- inspection.addService(service);
- return service;
- }
- public Link addWSILLink(String url) {
- WSILDocument wsilDoc = getWSILDocument();
- Inspection inspection = wsilDoc.getInspection();
- Link link = new LinkImpl();
- link.setLocation(url);
- link.setReferencedNamespace(FavoritesConstants.NAMESPACE_WSIL_INSPECTION);
- inspection.addLink(link);
- return link;
- }
- public void removeFavoritesUDDIRegistry(IFavoritesUDDIRegistry registry)
- {
- if (registry instanceof FavoritesUDDIRegistry)
- removeLink(((FavoritesUDDIRegistry)registry).getLink());
- }
- public void removeFavoritesUDDIBusiness(IFavoritesUDDIBusiness business)
- {
- if (business instanceof FavoritesUDDIBusiness)
- removeLink(((FavoritesUDDIBusiness)business).getLink());
- }
- public void removeFavoritesUDDIService(IFavoritesUDDIService service)
- {
- if (service instanceof FavoritesUDDIService)
- removeService(((FavoritesUDDIService)service).getService());
- }
- public void removeFavoritesUDDIServiceInterface(IFavoritesUDDIServiceInterface serviceInterface)
- {
- if (serviceInterface instanceof FavoritesUDDIServiceInterface)
- removeService(((FavoritesUDDIServiceInterface)serviceInterface).getService());
- }
- public void removeFavoritesWSDL(IFavoritesWSDL wsdl)
- {
- if (wsdl instanceof FavoritesWSDL)
- removeService(((FavoritesWSDL)wsdl).getService());
- }
- public void removeFavoritesWSIL(IFavoritesWSIL wsil)
- {
- if (wsil instanceof FavoritesWSIL)
- removeLink(((FavoritesWSIL)wsil).getLink());
- }
- public void removeService(Service service)
- {
- WSILDocument wsilDoc = getWSILDocument();
- Inspection inspection = wsilDoc.getInspection();
- inspection.removeService(service);
- }
- public void removeLink(Link link)
- {
- WSILDocument wsilDoc = getWSILDocument();
- Inspection inspection = wsilDoc.getInspection();
- inspection.removeLink(link);
- }

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