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Diffstat (limited to 'bundles/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 450 deletions
diff --git a/bundles/ b/bundles/
deleted file mode 100644
index ec413795b..000000000
--- a/bundles/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-import java.util.Enumeration;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
-public abstract class Node
- protected TreeElement element_;
- protected NodeManager nodeManager_;
- protected int nodeId_;
- protected int nodeDepth_;
- protected String imagePath_;
- protected boolean isOpen_;
- protected Vector childNodes_;
- protected ToolManager toolManager_;
- protected Node parent_;
- private String anchorName_;
- private int viewId_;
- public Node(TreeElement element,NodeManager nodeManager,int nodeDepth,String imagePath)
- {
- element_ = element;
- nodeManager_ = nodeManager;
- nodeId_ = nodeManager.addToNodeTable(this);
- nodeDepth_ = nodeDepth;
- Controller controller = nodeManager_.getController();
- if (imagePath == null)
- imagePath_ = controller.getPathWithContext(NodeManager.PATH_SPACE);
- else
- imagePath_ = imagePath;
- isOpen_ = true;
- childNodes_ = new Vector();
- toolManager_ = new ToolManager(this);
- initTools();
- anchorName_ = (new StringBuffer("action")).append(nodeId_).toString();
- parent_ = null;
- viewId_ = ActionInputs.VIEWID_DEFAULT;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the TreeElement associated with this node.
- * @return TreeElement The element associated with this node.
- */
- public TreeElement getTreeElement()
- {
- return element_;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the name of the node.
- * @return String
- */
- public String getNodeName()
- {
- return element_.getName();
- }
- /**
- * Returns the NodeManager managing this node.
- * @return NodeManager
- */
- public NodeManager getNodeManager()
- {
- return nodeManager_;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the id of this node.
- * @return int
- */
- public int getNodeId()
- {
- return nodeId_;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the depth in the tree of this node relative to the root node
- * @return int
- */
- public int getNodeDepth()
- {
- return nodeDepth_;
- }
- /**
- * Set the path of the image representing this class of Node.
- * @param String The path.
- */
- public void setImagePath(String path)
- {
- imagePath_ = path;
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if the children of this node are visible. Returns false
- * if they are not.
- * @return boolean
- */
- public boolean isOpen()
- {
- return isOpen_;
- }
- public boolean isVisible()
- {
- Node parentNode = parent_;
- while (parentNode != null)
- {
- if (!parentNode.isOpen())
- return false;
- parentNode = parentNode.getParent();
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the visibility of this node's children to the specified value.
- * Updates the NodeManager's record of the maximum depth visible in the tree.
- * @param boolean
- */
- public final void setVisibilityOfChildren(boolean open)
- {
- isOpen_ = open;
- nodeManager_.updateMaxDepthVisible();
- }
- /**
- * Gets the maximum depth displayed in this node's branch of the tree
- * Used by NodeManager for html display purposes.
- * @return int
- */
- public int getMaxDepthVisible()
- {
- if (!isOpen_)
- return nodeDepth_;
- else
- {
- int currentDepth = nodeDepth_;
- Enumeration e = childNodes_.elements();
- while (e.hasMoreElements())
- {
- Node thisNode = (Node)e.nextElement();
- int depth = thisNode.getMaxDepthVisible();
- if (depth>currentDepth)
- currentDepth=depth;
- }
- return currentDepth;
- }
- }
- public final void setParent(Node node)
- {
- parent_ = node;
- }
- public final Node getParent()
- {
- return parent_;
- }
- public final void setViewId(int viewId)
- {
- viewId_ = viewId;
- }
- public final int getViewId()
- {
- return viewId_;
- }
- public final int getViewToolId()
- {
- ToolManager viewToolManager = getViewToolManager();
- if (viewToolManager != null)
- return viewToolManager.getSelectedToolId();
- return ActionInputs.VIEWTOOLID_DEFAULT;
- }
- /**
- * Adds the specified node as a child of this node.
- * @param Node The child being added.
- * @return boolean Always true.
- */
- public final boolean addChild(Node childNode)
- {
- childNode.setParent(this);
- childNodes_.addElement(childNode);
- nodeManager_.updateMaxDepthVisible();
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the child nodes of this node. If this node has no children, an
- * empty vector is returned.
- * @return Vector
- */
- public Vector getChildNodes()
- {
- return childNodes_;
- }
- public final Node getChildNode(TreeElement element)
- {
- Enumeration e = childNodes_.elements();
- while (e.hasMoreElements())
- {
- Node presentNode = (Node)e.nextElement();
- if (presentNode.getTreeElement() == element)
- return presentNode;
- }
- return null;
- }
- public final void removeChildNodes(boolean isEntry)
- {
- int numberOfChildNodes = childNodes_.size();
- for (int i=numberOfChildNodes-1;i>=0;i--)
- {
- Node childNode = (Node)childNodes_.elementAt(i);
- childNode.removeChildNodes(false);
- nodeManager_.removeFromNodeTable(childNode.getNodeId());
- }
- if (numberOfChildNodes > 0)
- {
- childNodes_.removeAllElements();
- if (isEntry)
- nodeManager_.updateMaxDepthVisible();
- }
- }
- public final boolean removeChildNode(TreeElement element)
- {
- Node childNode = getChildNode(element);
- if (childNode != null)
- {
- int childNodeId = childNode.getNodeId();
- if (nodeManager_.getSelectedNodeId() == childNodeId)
- nodeManager_.setSelectedNodeId(nodeId_);
- childNodes_.removeElement(childNode);
- nodeManager_.removeFromNodeTable(childNodeId);
- nodeManager_.updateMaxDepthVisible();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Get the name of the HTML anchor associated with this node.
- * @return String The name of the anchor.
- */
- public String getAnchorName()
- {
- return anchorName_;
- }
- public ToolManager getToolManager()
- {
- return toolManager_;
- }
- public ToolManager getViewToolManager()
- {
- if (viewId_ != ActionInputs.VIEWID_DEFAULT)
- {
- ViewTool viewTool = (ViewTool)toolManager_.getSelectedTool();
- return viewTool.getToolManager(viewId_);
- }
- return null;
- }
- public ToolManager getCurrentToolManager()
- {
- ToolManager toolManager = getViewToolManager();
- if (toolManager == null)
- toolManager = toolManager_;
- return toolManager;
- }
- protected abstract void initTools();
- protected abstract String getToggleNodeActionHref();
- protected String getToggleNodeActionTarget()
- {
- }
- protected void addToggle(HttpServletResponse response,StringBuffer treeView,boolean isLastChild)
- {
- if (nodeDepth_ != 1)
- {
- treeView.append(" <td align=\"left\" width=16 height=16 nowrap>");
- String toggleImageTag;
- if (childNodes_.size() > 0)
- {
- // <a href="..." target="...">toggleImageTag</a>
- String href = nodeManager_.getController().getPathWithContext(getToggleNodeActionHref());
- if (isOpen_)
- {
- String toggleAlt = nodeManager_.getController().getMessage("ALT_CLOSE");
- if (isLastChild)
- toggleImageTag = HTMLUtils.getHTMLImageTag(response,nodeManager_.getController().getPathWithContext(NodeManager.PATH_MINUS_LAST),toggleAlt,"16","16",null);
- else
- toggleImageTag = HTMLUtils.getHTMLImageTag(response,nodeManager_.getController().getPathWithContext(NodeManager.PATH_MINUS_NOTLAST),toggleAlt,"16","16",null);
- }
- else
- {
- String toggleAlt = nodeManager_.getController().getMessage("ALT_OPEN");
- if (isLastChild)
- toggleImageTag = HTMLUtils.getHTMLImageTag(response,nodeManager_.getController().getPathWithContext(NodeManager.PATH_PLUS_LAST),toggleAlt,"16","16",null);
- else
- toggleImageTag = HTMLUtils.getHTMLImageTag(response,nodeManager_.getController().getPathWithContext(NodeManager.PATH_PLUS_NOTLAST),toggleAlt,"16","16",null);
- }
- String linkTag = HTMLUtils.getHTMLLinkTag(response,href,getToggleNodeActionTarget(),String.valueOf(nodeId_),toggleImageTag,null);
- treeView.append(linkTag);
- }
- else
- {
- // <img...>
- if (isLastChild)
- toggleImageTag = HTMLUtils.getHTMLImageTag(response,nodeManager_.getController().getPathWithContext(NodeManager.PATH_LINE_LAST),"","16","16",null);
- else
- toggleImageTag = HTMLUtils.getHTMLImageTag(response,nodeManager_.getController().getPathWithContext(NodeManager.PATH_LINE_NOTLAST),"","16","16",null);
- treeView.append(toggleImageTag);
- }
- treeView.append("</td>").append(HTMLUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR);
- }
- }
- protected abstract String getLinkActionHref();
- protected String getLinkActionTarget()
- {
- }
- public String getOpenImagePath()
- {
- return imagePath_;
- }
- public String getClosedImagePath()
- {
- return imagePath_;
- }
- protected void addHTMLLabel(HttpServletResponse response,StringBuffer treeView,boolean isLastChild)
- {
- // <a href="..." target="..." onClick="selectNode('...')"><img...></a>
- Hashtable additionalAttributes = new Hashtable();
- additionalAttributes.put("name",anchorName_);
- String imagePath = (nodeManager_.getSelectedNodeId() == nodeId_)?getOpenImagePath():getClosedImagePath();
- String imageTag = HTMLUtils.getHTMLImageTag(response,nodeManager_.getController().getPathWithContext(imagePath),"","16","16",additionalAttributes);
- String baseHref = getLinkActionHref();
- String href = ((baseHref == null)?baseHref:nodeManager_.getController().getPathWithContext(baseHref));
- String target = getLinkActionTarget();
- additionalAttributes.clear();
- treeView.append(" <td align=\"left\" width=16 height=16 nowrap>");
- if (href != null)
- treeView.append(HTMLUtils.getHTMLLinkTag(response,href,target,null,imageTag,additionalAttributes));
- else
- treeView.append(imageTag);
- treeView.append("</td>").append(HTMLUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR);
- treeView.append(" <td align=\"left\" width=3 height=10 nowrap>").append(HTMLUtils.getHTMLImageTag(response,nodeManager_.getController().getPathWithContext(NodeManager.PATH_SPACE),"","3","10",null)).append("</td>").append(HTMLUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR);
- // <a name="..." href="..." target="...">label</a>
- treeView.append(" <td align=\"left\" nowrap>").append(HTMLUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR);
- treeView.append(" ");
- if (href != null)
- {
- String textAnchorClass;
- if (nodeManager_.getSelectedNodeId() == nodeId_)
- textAnchorClass="selectedTextAnchor";
- else
- textAnchorClass="unselectedTextAnchor";
- additionalAttributes.put("class",textAnchorClass);
- treeView.append(HTMLUtils.getHTMLLinkTag(response,href,target,anchorName_,getNodeName(),additionalAttributes));
- }
- else
- treeView.append("<strong>").append(getNodeName()).append("</strong>");
- treeView.append(HTMLUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR).append(" </td>").append(HTMLUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR);
- }
- public void renderNode(HttpServletResponse response,StringBuffer treeView,String prefixColumns,boolean isLastChild)
- {
- String space_16x16 = HTMLUtils.getHTMLImageTag(response,nodeManager_.getController().getPathWithContext(NodeManager.PATH_SPACE),"","16","16",null);
- String line_16x16 = HTMLUtils.getHTMLImageTag(response,nodeManager_.getController().getPathWithContext(NodeManager.PATH_LINE),"","16","16",null);
- // Use border=1 to help with debugging.
- treeView.append("<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>").append(HTMLUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR);
- treeView.append(" <tr>").append(HTMLUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR);
- treeView.append(" <td align=\"left\" width=16 height=16 nowrap>").append(space_16x16).append("</td>").append(HTMLUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR);
- StringBuffer newPrefixColumns = new StringBuffer(prefixColumns);
- if (nodeDepth_ >= 2)
- {
- if (prefixColumns.length() > 0)
- treeView.append(prefixColumns).append(HTMLUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR);
- // generate a new prefix columns.
- newPrefixColumns.append(" <td align=\"left\" width=16 height=16 nowrap>");
- if (isLastChild)
- newPrefixColumns.append(space_16x16);
- else
- newPrefixColumns.append(line_16x16);
- newPrefixColumns.append("</td>").append(HTMLUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR);
- }
- addToggle(response,treeView,isLastChild);
- addHTMLLabel(response,treeView,isLastChild);
- treeView.append(" </tr>").append(HTMLUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR);
- treeView.append("</table>").append(HTMLUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR);
- int numberOfChildNodes = childNodes_.size();
- if (numberOfChildNodes > 0)
- {
- if (isOpen_)
- {
- for (int i=0;i<numberOfChildNodes-1;i++)
- {
- Node childNode = (Node)childNodes_.elementAt(i);
- childNode.renderNode(response,treeView,newPrefixColumns.toString(),false);
- }
- Node lastChildNode = (Node)childNodes_.elementAt(numberOfChildNodes-1);
- lastChildNode.renderNode(response,treeView,newPrefixColumns.toString(),true);
- }
- }
- }
- // For sorting purposes.
- public final String toString()
- {
- return getNodeName();
- }

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