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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 436 deletions
diff --git a/bundles/ b/bundles/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fb01fb75..000000000
--- a/bundles/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-import java.util.Enumeration;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import org.eclipse.wst.command.env.core.common.Choice;
-import org.eclipse.wst.command.env.core.common.Environment;
-import org.eclipse.wst.command.env.core.common.MessageUtils;
-import org.eclipse.wst.command.env.core.common.SimpleStatus;
-import org.eclipse.wst.command.env.core.common.Status;
-import org.eclipse.wst.command.env.core.selection.BooleanSelection;
-* Objects of this class represent a JavaMofBeanVisitorAction.
-* This VisitorAction will create a BeanElement using the
-* JavaClass and the BeanModelElementsFactory
-* It will also automatically walk the methods in the JavaClass
-* */
-public class JavaMofBeanVisitorAction implements VisitorAction
- // Copyright
- public static final String copyright = "(c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2000, 2002.";
- private MessageUtils msgUtils_;
- protected Environment env_;
- // protected BeanElement fBeanElement;
- protected Visitor fVisitor;
- /*
- * The project that defines the context
- **/
- protected String clientProject;
- /*
- * The Status monitor
- **/
- protected StatusMonitor monitor_;
- /*
- * The model that will be created
- **/
- protected Model fModel;
- /*
- * This is the parent element used when creating a
- * new element
- */
- protected Element fParentElement;
- /*
- * Methods processed from proxy
- */
- protected Vector fBeansCreated;
- private BooleanSelection[] fMethodsSelected;
- /*
- * this boolean tells wether the bean is a return parameter or an input parameter
- * usually this should be set around the parametervisitoraction, and passed on from there
- */
- protected boolean fReturnParam=false;
- public JavaMofBeanVisitorAction(String clientProject,BooleanSelection[] methods, Environment env)
- {
- this.clientProject = clientProject;
- fMethodsSelected = methods;
- String pluginId = "";
- msgUtils_ = new MessageUtils(pluginId + ".plugin", this);
- env_ = env;
- }
- /*
- *Constructor
- * @param Model model is the Model that this bean will be placed in
- * @param IProject used in nature
- **/
- public JavaMofBeanVisitorAction(Model model, String clientProject, Environment env)
- {
- this.clientProject = clientProject;
- fModel = model;
- String pluginId = "";
- msgUtils_ = new MessageUtils(pluginId + ".plugin", this);
- env_ = env;
- }
- /*
- *Constructor
- * @param Element the parent element that this element will be added too
- * @param IProject used in nature
- **/
- public JavaMofBeanVisitorAction(Element parentElement, String clientProject, Environment env )
- {
- fParentElement = parentElement;
- this.clientProject = clientProject;
- String pluginId = "";
- msgUtils_ = new MessageUtils(pluginId + ".plugin", this);
- env_ = env;
- }
- /**
- * The visit will create the bean
- * Walk the methods
- * @param JavaClass the class to be used to create the bean model
- **/
- public Status visit (Object javaclass)
- {
- Choice OKChoice = new Choice('O', msgUtils_.getMessage("LABEL_OK"), msgUtils_.getMessage("DESCRIPTION_OK"));
- Choice CancelChoice = new Choice('C', msgUtils_.getMessage("LABEL_CANCEL"), msgUtils_.getMessage("DESCRIPTION_CANCEL"));
- Status status = new SimpleStatus("");
- JavaClass javaClass = (JavaClass)javaclass;
- BeanElement beanElement = (BeanElement)BeanModelElementsFactory.getBeanModelElement(javaClass,fParentElement,fModel);
- if(beanElement.isOwnerParameter()) {
- resetBeansCreated();
- }
- fModel = beanElement.getModel();
- //this for the subsequent beans that represent types
- //first do the attributes
- //if we are not on the root
- if (!(beanElement == fModel.getRootElement())){
- Enumeration e = getBeansCreated().elements();
- while(e.hasMoreElements()){
- String name = (String)e.nextElement();
- if(name.equals(javaClass.getName())){
- status = new SimpleStatus("", msgUtils_.getMessage("MSG_ERROR_JTS_CYCLIC_BEAN"), Status.WARNING);
- //getStatusMonitor().reportStatus(new Status(IStatus.WARNING,WebServiceConsumptionPlugin.ID,0,
- //WebServiceConsumptionPlugin.getMessage( "%MSG_ERROR_JTS_CYCLIC_BEAN" ),null));
- return status;
- }
- }
- JavaMofAttributeVisitorAction attributeVisitorAction = new JavaMofAttributeVisitorAction(beanElement,clientProject, env_);
- //attributeVisitorAction.setStatusMonitor(getStatusMonitor());
- Vector childVector = ((Vector)getBeansCreated().clone());
- childVector.addElement(javaClass.getName());
- attributeVisitorAction.setBeansCreated(childVector);
- attributeVisitorAction.setReturnParam(getReturnParam());
- JavaMofAttributeVisitor attributeVisitor = new JavaMofAttributeVisitor();
- attributeVisitor.setReturnParameter(getReturnParam());
- attributeVisitor.setProject(getProject());
- attributeVisitor.setEnvironment(env_);
- status =,attributeVisitorAction);
- //
- int severity = status.getSeverity();
- if (severity==Status.ERROR)
- return status;
- if (severity==Status.WARNING)
- {
- Choice result = env_.getStatusHandler().report(status, new Choice[]{OKChoice, CancelChoice});
- if (result.getLabel().equals(CancelChoice.getLabel()))
- {
- //return an error status since the user canceled
- return new SimpleStatus("", msgUtils_.getMessage("MSG_ERROR_SAMPLE_CREATION_CANCELED"), Status.ERROR);
- }
- }
- //
- JavaMofFieldVisitorAction fieldVisitorAction = new JavaMofFieldVisitorAction(beanElement,clientProject, env_);
- //fieldVisitorAction.setStatusMonitor(getStatusMonitor());
- Vector childVector2 = ((Vector)getBeansCreated().clone());
- childVector2.addElement(javaClass.getName());
- fieldVisitorAction.setBeansCreated(childVector2);
- fieldVisitorAction.setReturnParam(getReturnParam());
- JavaMofFieldVisitor fieldVisitor = new JavaMofFieldVisitor();
- fieldVisitor.setProject(getProject());
- status =,fieldVisitorAction);
- //
- severity = status.getSeverity();
- if (severity==Status.ERROR)
- return status;
- if (severity==Status.WARNING)
- {
- Choice result = env_.getStatusHandler().report(status, new Choice[]{OKChoice, CancelChoice});
- if (result.getLabel().equals(CancelChoice.getLabel()))
- {
- //return an error status since the user canceled
- return new SimpleStatus("", msgUtils_.getMessage("MSG_ERROR_SAMPLE_CREATION_CANCELED"), Status.ERROR);
- }
- }
- //
- }
- //this is to insure we are on the proxy
- //now do the methods
- if (beanElement == fModel.getRootElement()){
- //first lets make sure the proxy is in good form
- //-it has a default constructor
- //-it has at least one method
- //otherwise return the problem in the form of a status
- if (!proxyCheck(javaClass, status)) return status;
- JavaMofMethodVisitorAction methodVisitorAction = new JavaMofMethodVisitorAction(beanElement,clientProject, env_);
- //methodVisitorAction.setStatusMonitor(getStatusMonitor());
- JavaMofMethodVisitor methodVisitor = new JavaMofMethodVisitor();
- methodVisitor.setMethodSelection(fMethodsSelected);
- status =,methodVisitorAction);
- //
- int severity = status.getSeverity();
- if (severity==Status.ERROR)
- return status;
- if (severity==Status.WARNING)
- {
- Choice result = env_.getStatusHandler().report(status, new Choice[]{OKChoice, CancelChoice});
- if (result.getLabel().equals(CancelChoice.getLabel()))
- {
- //return an error status since the user canceled
- return new SimpleStatus("", msgUtils_.getMessage("MSG_ERROR_SAMPLE_CREATION_CANCELED"), Status.ERROR);
- }
- }
- //
- //This is where we check for several things:
- //-if no methods were processed because of unsupported types then we send back that result
- //-if there were any methods omitted we should warn them
- //first no methods
- if (!methodVisitorAction.wereMethodsProcessed()){
- //this has to be done to insure the dialog is an error
- status = new SimpleStatus("",msgUtils_.getMessage("MSG_ERROR_JTS_NO_PROXY_METHODS_PROCESSED"), Status.ERROR);
- return status;
- //getStatusMonitor().reportStatus( new Status(IStatus.ERROR,WebServiceConsumptionPlugin.ID,0,
- // WebServiceConsumptionPlugin.getMessage( "%MSG_ERROR_JTS_NO_PROXY_METHODS_PROCESSED" ),null));
- }
- //now methods omitted
- else if(methodVisitorAction.wereMethodsOmitted()){
- //The dialog is already a warning so we just need to set the overall message
- status = new SimpleStatus("",msgUtils_.getMessage("MSG_WARN_JTS_PROXY_METHODS_OMITTED"), Status.WARNING);
- return status;
- //getStatusMonitor().reportStatus( new Status(IStatus.WARNING,WebServiceConsumptionPlugin.ID,0,
- // WebServiceConsumptionPlugin.getMessage( "%MSG_WARN_JTS_PROXY_METHODS_OMITTED" ),null));
- }
- }
- return status;
- }
- public void initialize(String resident)
- {
- //nothing to be done but must be implemented
- }
- /*
- * Return the model that was created
- * @return Model the bean model that was created
- */
- public Model getModel()
- {
- return fModel;
- }
- /*
- * The proxy check insures there is a default constructor and
- * at Least one method
- * @param JavaClass javaClass is used to traverse the methods on the proxy
- */
- public boolean proxyCheck(JavaClass javaClass, Status status)
- {
- // first check for a method
- Iterator m=javaClass.getPublicMethods().iterator();
- if (!m.hasNext()){
- status = new SimpleStatus("", msgUtils_.getMessage("MSG_ERROR_JTS_PROXY_HAS_NO_METHODS"),Status.ERROR);
- //getStatusMonitor().reportStatus( new Status(IStatus.ERROR,WebServiceConsumptionPlugin.ID,0,
- // WebServiceConsumptionPlugin.getMessage( "%MSG_ERROR_JTS_PROXY_HAS_NO_METHODS" ),null));
- return false;
- }
- //now check for a default constructor
- while (m.hasNext()) {
- Method method=(Method);
- if (javaClass.getName().equals(method.getName())){
- //now the inputs
- JavaParameter javaParameter[] = method.listParametersWithoutReturn();
- if (javaParameter.length > 0){
- //then we have no default constructor
- status = new SimpleStatus("", msgUtils_.getMessage("MSG_ERROR_JTS_PROXY_HAS_NO_DEFAULT"),Status.ERROR);
- //getStatusMonitor().reportStatus( new Status(IStatus.ERROR,WebServiceConsumptionPlugin.ID,0,
- //WebServiceConsumptionPlugin.getMessage( "%MSG_ERROR_JTS_PROXY_HAS_NO_DEFAULT" ),null));
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the status monitor that this action will use to report status that occres while executing the Action.
- */
- public void setStatusMonitor ( StatusMonitor monitor )
- {
- monitor_ = monitor;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the status monitor that this task is using to report status.
- */
- public StatusMonitor getStatusMonitor ()
- {
- if (monitor_ == null)
- {
- monitor_ = new NullStatusMonitor();
- }
- return monitor_;
- }
- /**
- * check if the action has finished sucsessfully
- */
- /*
- public boolean isSuccessful ()
- {
- return getStatusMonitor().canContinue();
- }
- */
- public void resetBeansCreated()
- {
- fBeansCreated = new Vector();
- }
- public void setEnvironment(Environment env)
- {
- env_ = env;
- }
- /*
- * The command that called this will get the results of the operation in the form
- * of a status.
- */
- public Vector getBeansCreated ()
- {
- if(fBeansCreated == null) fBeansCreated = new Vector();
- return fBeansCreated;
- }
- /*
- * The command that called this will get the results of the operation in the form
- * of a status.
- */
- public void setBeansCreated (Vector beansCreated)
- {
- fBeansCreated = beansCreated;
- }
- /*
- * This boolean tells wether we are dealing with a return param
- */
- public boolean getReturnParam ()
- {
- return fReturnParam;
- }
- /*
- * This boolean tells wether we are dealing with a return param
- */
- public void setReturnParam (boolean returnparam)
- {
- fReturnParam = returnparam;
- }
- /*
- * This boolean tells wether we are dealing with a return param
- */
- public String getProject ()
- {
- return clientProject;
- }
- /*
- * This boolean tells wether we are dealing with a return param
- */
- public void setProject (String clientProject)
- {
- this.clientProject = clientProject;
- }
- /**
- * sets the visitor that calls the visit
- * @parameter Visitor
- */
- public void setVisitor(Visitor visitor)
- {
- fVisitor = visitor;
- }
- /*
- * Sets the parent element the child then knows where to
- * add itself to the model
- * @param Element parent element
- */
- public void setParentElement(Element element)
- {
- fParentElement = element;
- }

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