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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 721 deletions
diff --git a/bundles/ b/bundles/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ade0446d..000000000
--- a/bundles/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,721 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- * yyyymmdd bug Email and other contact information
- * -------- -------- -----------------------------------------------------------
- * 20060410 135441 - Joan Haggarty
- * 20060410 136011 - Kathy Chan
- * 20060420 135912 - Joan Haggarty
- * 20060504 119296 - Peter Moogk
- * 20060525 142281 - Joan Haggarty
- * 20060607 144932 - Kathy Chan
- * 20060612 145081 - Peter Moogk
- * 20060719 139977 - Kathy Chan
- * 20060803 152701 - Chris Brealey
- * 20060803 152486 - Andrew Mak, Typing WSDL in Service definition field is very slow
- * 20060825 135570 - Andrew Mak, Service implementation URL not displayed properly on first page
- * 20060831 155883 - Andrew Mak, service impl field doesn't work after switching from BU to TD
- * 20061106 142500 - David Schneider, WTP properties pages fonts don't follow Eclipse preferences
- * 20061211 161589 - Andrew Mak, NPE in service generation after opening and cancelling from browse dialog
- * 20070131 168786 - Andrew Mak, wsdl url on web service wizard page 1 is not reflected in browse dialog
- * 20070326 171071 - Andrew Mak, Create public utility method for copying WSDL files
- *******************************************************************************/
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
-import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredSelection;
-import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.webservice.wsclient.ServiceRef;
-import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
-import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
-import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
-import org.eclipse.wst.command.internal.env.core.common.StatusUtils;
-import org.eclipse.wst.command.internal.env.ui.widgets.WidgetDataEvents;
-import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.resources.IVirtualComponent;
-import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.internal.impl.ServiceImpl;
-import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.util.WSDLResourceImpl;
-import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.validation.internal.IValidationMessage;
-public class WSDLSelectionWidget extends AbstractObjectSelectionWidget implements IObjectSelectionWidget, Runnable
- private String pluginId_;
- private FileExtensionFilter wsFilter_;
- private WebServicesParser webServicesParser;
- private String wsdlURI_;
- private Composite parent_;
- private Listener statusListener_;
- private ModifyListener modifyListener_;
- private WSDLSelectionTreeWidget tree;
- private Timer timer_ = null;
- /*CONTEXT_ID PCON0001 for the WSDL Selection Page*/
- private final String INFOPOP_PCON_PAGE = "PCON0001";
- /*CONTEXT_ID PCON0002 for the WSDL Document text field of the WSDL Selection Page*/
- private final String INFOPOP_PCON_TEXT_WSDL = "PCON0002";
- private Text webServiceURI;
- /*CONTEXT_ID PCON0003 for the WSDL Resource Browse button of the WSDL Selection Page*/
- private final String INFOPOP_PCON_BUTTON_BROWSE_WSDL = "PCON0003";
- private Button wsBrowseButton_;
- /*CONTEXT_ID PCON0004 for the Wizard WSDL Validation table of the WSDL Selection Page*/
- private ValidationMessageViewerWidget msgViewer_;
- private ValidateWSDLJob validateWSDLJob_;
- private JobChangeAdapter jobChangeAdapter_;
- /*CONTEXT_ID PCON0005 for the Wizard WSDL Validation summary message of the WSDL Selection Page*/
- private Text validationSummaryText_;
- private Text validationSummaryText2_;
- /*CONTEXT_ID PCON0006 for the Stop Wizard WSDL Validation button of the WSDL Selection Page*/
- private Button stopValidationButton_;
- private final String INFOPOP_PCON_BUTTON_STOP_VALIDATION = "PCON0006";
- public WSDLSelectionWidget()
- {
- pluginId_ = "";
- wsFilter_ = new FileExtensionFilter(new String[] {"wsdl", "wsil", "html"});
- webServicesParser = WSDLParserFactory.getWSDLParser();
- final Runnable handleValidationMessages = new Runnable()
- {
- public void run()
- {
- msgViewer_.setInput(validateWSDLJob_.getValidationMessages());
- updateValidationSummary(validateWSDLJob_.getValidationMessageSeverity());
- setValidationInProgress(false);
- }
- };
- jobChangeAdapter_ = new JobChangeAdapter()
- {
- public void done(IJobChangeEvent event)
- {
- if (msgViewer_!= null && msgViewer_.getContentProvider() != null) {
- Display.getDefault().asyncExec( handleValidationMessages );
- }
- }
- };
- }
- public WidgetDataEvents addControls( Composite parent, Listener statusListener )
- {
- UIUtils uiUtils = new UIUtils( pluginId_ );
- parent_ = parent;
- statusListener_ = statusListener;
- parent.setToolTipText( ConsumptionUIMessages.TOOLTIP_PCON_PAGE );
- PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getHelpSystem().setHelp( parent, pluginId_ + "." + INFOPOP_PCON_PAGE );
- Composite wsdlGroup = uiUtils.createComposite( parent, 2, 5, 0 );
- Label wsLabel = new Label( wsdlGroup, SWT.WRAP);
- wsLabel.setText( ConsumptionUIMessages.LABEL_WS_SELECTION);
- GridData gd = new GridData(GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FILL);
- gd.horizontalSpan = 2;
- wsLabel.setLayoutData(gd);
- wsLabel.setToolTipText( ConsumptionUIMessages.TOOLTIP_PCON_TEXT_WS );
- webServiceURI = uiUtils.createText( wsdlGroup, null,
- ConsumptionUIMessages.TOOLTIP_PCON_TEXT_WS,
- modifyListener_ =
- new ModifyListener()
- {
- public void modifyText(ModifyEvent event)
- {
- handleWebServiceURIModifyEvent();
- }
- };
- webServiceURI.addModifyListener(modifyListener_);
-// webServiceURI.addListener( SWT.Modify, statusListener );
- wsBrowseButton_ = uiUtils.createPushButton( wsdlGroup, ConsumptionUIMessages.BUTTON_BROWSE,
- wsBrowseButton_.addSelectionListener(
- new SelectionListener()
- {
- public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent event)
- {
- handleWSDLButton();
- }
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event)
- {
- handleWSDLButton();
- }
- });
- tree = new WSDLSelectionTreeWidget();
- tree.addControls(parent, statusListener);
- tree.setWebServicesParser(webServicesParser);
- msgViewer_ = new ValidationMessageViewerWidget();
- msgViewer_.addControls(parent, statusListener);
- validationSummaryText_ = new Text( parent, SWT.WRAP);
- validationSummaryText_.setEditable(false);
- GridData gd1 = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, false, false);
- validationSummaryText_.setLayoutData(gd1);
- validationSummaryText_.setToolTipText( ConsumptionUIMessages.TOOLTIP_VALIDATE_TEXT_MESSAGE_SUMMARY );
- validationSummaryText2_ = new Text( parent, SWT.WRAP);
- validationSummaryText2_.setEditable(false);
- validationSummaryText2_.setLayoutData(gd1);
- stopValidationButton_ = uiUtils.createPushButton(parent,
- setValidationInProgress(false);
- stopValidationButton_.addSelectionListener(
- new SelectionListener()
- {
- public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent event)
- {
- handleStopValidationButton();
- }
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event)
- {
- handleStopValidationButton();
- }
- });
- setMessageSummary();
- Dialog.applyDialogFont(parent);
- return this;
- }
- private void setMessageSummary() {
- String validationMessageSummary = ConsumptionUIMessages.MESSAGE_VALIDATE_NO_WSDL;
- PersistentWSDLValidationContext wsdlValidationContext = WSPlugin.getInstance().getWSDLValidationContext();
- String validationSelection = wsdlValidationContext.getPersistentWSDLValidation();
- if (PersistentWSDLValidationContext.VALIDATE_REMOTE_WSDL.equals(validationSelection)) {
- validationMessageSummary = ConsumptionUIMessages.MESSAGE_VALIDATE_REMOTE_WSDL;
- } else if (PersistentWSDLValidationContext.VALIDATE_ALL_WSDL.equals(validationSelection)) {
- validationMessageSummary = ConsumptionUIMessages.MESSAGE_VALIDATE_ALL_WSDL;
- }
- validationSummaryText_.setText( validationMessageSummary );
- validationSummaryText2_.setText(" ");
- }
- private void handleWebServiceURIModifyEvent()
- {
- if (webServiceURI.getText().indexOf(':') > 0) {
- timer_ = Timer.newInstance(timer_, Display.getCurrent(), this);
- timer_.startTimer();
- }
- else
- handleWebServiceURI();
- statusListener_.handleEvent(null);
- }
- private void handleWebServiceURI() {
- handleWebServiceURI(webServiceURI.getText());
- }
- private void handleWebServiceURI(String wsURI)
- {
- if (wsURI.indexOf(':') < 0)
- {
- IFile file = uri2IFile(wsURI);
- if (file != null)
- wsURI = iFile2URI(file);
- }
- if (wsURI != null && wsURI.indexOf(':') >= 0 && webServicesParser.getWebServiceEntityByURI(wsURI) == null)
- {
- TimedWSDLSelectionConditionCommand cmd = new TimedWSDLSelectionConditionCommand();
- cmd.setWebServicesParser(webServicesParser);
- cmd.setWebServiceURI(wsURI);
- cmd.execute(null, null);
- }
- WebServiceEntity entity = webServicesParser.getWebServiceEntityByURI(wsURI);
- if (entity != null && entity.getType() == WebServiceEntity.TYPE_WSDL)
- tree.setEnabled(false);
- else
- tree.setEnabled(true);
- tree.setWebServiceURI(wsURI);
- tree.refreshTreeViewer();
- wsdlURI_ = wsURI;
- }
- public void run()
- {
- handleWebServiceURI();
- statusListener_.handleEvent(null);
- }
- private void handleWSDLButton()
- {
- DialogResourceBrowser dialog = new DialogResourceBrowser( parent_.getShell(), null, wsFilter_);
- IResource res = dialog.getFirstSelection();
- if( res != null )
- {
- wsdlURI_ = res.getFullPath().toString();
- webServiceURI.setText( wsdlURI_ );
- }
- statusListener_.handleEvent(null);
- }
- private void setValidationInProgress(boolean validating) {
- stopValidationButton_.setEnabled(validating);
- }
- private void handleStopValidationButton()
- {
- IJobManager jobManager = Platform.getJobManager();
- Job[] jobs = jobManager.find( ValidateWSDLJob.VALIDATE_WSDL_JOB_FAMILY );
- ValidateWSDLJob existingValidateWSDLJob = null;
- if( jobs.length > 0 )
- {
- for (int i=0; i<jobs.length; i++) {
- existingValidateWSDLJob = (ValidateWSDLJob)jobs[i];
- if (existingValidateWSDLJob.getState() != Job.NONE) {
- existingValidateWSDLJob.cancel();
- }
- }
- }
- clearValidationMessages();
- setValidationInProgress(false);
- }
- private void clearValidationMessages() {
- msgViewer_.clearInput();
- validationSummaryText_.setText(" " );
- validationSummaryText2_.setText(" ");
- }
- public IStatus getStatus()
- {
- // Timer validation
- /*
- * Commenting out because we don't want to block fast typers from hitting Next/Finish
- if (Timer.isRunning())
- return new SimpleStatus("", ConsumptionUIMessages.PAGE_MSG_LOADING_WEB_SERVICE_URI, Status.ERROR);
- */
- // Validate the String representation of the Web service URI
- // For example, is it pointing to an existing resource in the workspace?
- String wsPath = webServiceURI.getText();
- if( wsPath == null || wsPath.length() <= 0 ) {
- clearValidationMessages();
- return StatusUtils.errorStatus( ConsumptionUIMessages.PAGE_MSG_INVALID_WEB_SERVICE_URI );
- }
- else if( wsPath.indexOf(':') < 0 )
- {
- IResource res = ResourceUtils.findResource(wsPath);
- if( res == null ) {
- clearValidationMessages();
- return StatusUtils.errorStatus( NLS.bind(ConsumptionUIMessages.PAGE_MSG_NO_SUCH_FILE, new Object[] {wsPath}) );
- }
- else if( res.getType() != IResource.FILE ) {
- clearValidationMessages();
- return StatusUtils.errorStatus( ConsumptionUIMessages.PAGE_MSG_INVALID_WEB_SERVICE_URI );
- }
- }
- // Validate the content of the Web service URI
- // For example, is selection a WSDL URI?
- if (!Timer.isRunning(timer_) && tree.isEnabled())
- {
- IStatus status = tree.getStatus();
- if (status != null)
- {
- int severity = status.getSeverity();
- if (severity == Status.ERROR || severity == Status.WARNING) {
- clearValidationMessages();
- return status;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if( wsPath.indexOf(':') < 0 )
- {
- String wsdlURI = iFile2URI((IFile)ResourceUtils.findResource(wsPath));
- if (webServicesParser.getWSDLDefinition(wsdlURI) == null) {
- clearValidationMessages();
- return StatusUtils.errorStatus(ConsumptionUIMessages.PAGE_MSG_SELECTION_MUST_BE_WSDL );
- }
- }
- }
- if (!Timer.isRunning(timer_)) {
- String wsdlURI1 = wsPath;
- boolean isRemote = true;
- if (tree.isEnabled()) { // is wsil
- wsdlURI1 = tree.getWsdlURI();
- if (wsdlURI1.startsWith("file:") || wsdlURI1.startsWith("platform:"))
- {
- isRemote = false;
- }
- } else {
- if (wsPath.indexOf(':') < 0)
- {
- isRemote = false;
- wsdlURI1 = iFile2URI((IFile)ResourceUtils.findResource(wsPath));
- }
- else if (wsPath.startsWith("file:") || wsPath.startsWith("platform:"))
- {
- isRemote = false;
- }
- }
- setMessageSummary();
- msgViewer_.clearInput();
- validateWSDL(wsdlURI1, isRemote);
- }
- // OK status
- return Status.OK_STATUS;
- }
- private void validateWSDL (String wsdlURI, boolean isRemote) {
- String validationSelection = WSPlugin.getInstance().getWSDLValidationContext().getPersistentWSDLValidation();;
- if ((PersistentWSDLValidationContext.VALIDATE_ALL_WSDL.equals(validationSelection)) ||
- (PersistentWSDLValidationContext.VALIDATE_REMOTE_WSDL.equals(validationSelection) && isRemote)) {
- IJobManager jobManager = Platform.getJobManager();
- Job[] jobs = jobManager.find( ValidateWSDLJob.VALIDATE_WSDL_JOB_FAMILY );
- ValidateWSDLJob existingValidateWSDLJob = null;
- boolean startWSDLValidation = true;
- validationSummaryText_.setText( ConsumptionUIMessages.MESSAGE_VALIDATE_IN_PROGRESS );
- validationSummaryText2_.setText(" ");
- if( jobs.length > 0 )
- {
- for (int i=0; i<jobs.length; i++) {
- existingValidateWSDLJob = (ValidateWSDLJob)jobs[i];
- if (existingValidateWSDLJob.getState() != Job.NONE) {
- // Job running or to be run
- // If the job is validating the same wsdlURI, let it finish running and ignore this one.
- // It is not for the same wsdlURI, cancel the job and schedule this one.
- if (!wsdlURI.equals(existingValidateWSDLJob.getWsdlURI())) {
- existingValidateWSDLJob.cancel();
- setValidationInProgress(false);
- } else {
- startWSDLValidation = false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (startWSDLValidation) {
- startWSDLValidationJob(wsdlURI);
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- private void startWSDLValidationJob (String wsdlURI) {
- validateWSDLJob_ = new ValidateWSDLJob(wsdlURI);
- validateWSDLJob_.addJobChangeListener( jobChangeAdapter_ );
- validateWSDLJob_.schedule();
- setValidationInProgress(true);
- }
- public void updateValidationSummary(int messageSeverity)
- {
- switch (messageSeverity) {
- case IValidationMessage.SEV_ERROR:
- validationSummaryText_.setText(ConsumptionUIMessages.ERROR_MESSAGES_IN_VALIDATION);
- validationSummaryText2_.setText(ConsumptionUIMessages.WARNING_IF_CONTINUE);
- break;
- case IValidationMessage.SEV_WARNING:
- validationSummaryText_.setText(ConsumptionUIMessages.WARNING_MESSAGES_IN_VALIDATION);
- validationSummaryText2_.setText(ConsumptionUIMessages.WARNING_IF_CONTINUE);
- break;
- default:
- validationSummaryText_.setText(ConsumptionUIMessages.VALIDATION_COMPLETED);
- validationSummaryText2_.setText(" ");
- break;
- }
- }
- private IFile uri2IFile(String uri)
- {
- IResource res = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().findMember(uri);
- if (res instanceof IFile)
- return (IFile)res;
- else
- return null;
- }
- private String iFile2URI(IFile file)
- {
- File f = file.getLocation().toFile();
- try
- {
- return f.toURL().toString();
- }
- catch (MalformedURLException murle)
- {
- }
- return f.toString();
- }
- public void setInitialSelection(IStructuredSelection initialSelection)
- {
- if (initialSelection != null && !initialSelection.isEmpty())
- {
- Object object = initialSelection.getFirstElement();
- String wsdlURI = toWsdlURI(object);
- wsdlURI_ = wsdlURI;
- if (wsdlURI != null && webServiceURI != null)
- {
- handleWebServiceURI(wsdlURI);
- webServiceURI.removeModifyListener(modifyListener_);
- webServiceURI.setText(getObjectSelectionDisplayableString());
- webServiceURI.addModifyListener(modifyListener_);
- }
- }
- }
- private String toWsdlURI(Object object)
- {
- if (object instanceof ServiceImpl)
- return J2EEActionAdapterFactory.getWSDLURI((ServiceImpl)object);
- else if (object instanceof WSDLResourceImpl)
- return J2EEActionAdapterFactory.getWSDLURI((WSDLResourceImpl)object);
- else if (object instanceof ServiceRef)
- return J2EEActionAdapterFactory.getWSDLURI((ServiceRef)object);
- else if (object instanceof IFile)
- return ((IFile)object).getFullPath().toString();
- else if (object instanceof String)
- return (String)object;
- else
- return null;
- }
- public IStructuredSelection getObjectSelection()
- {
- StructuredSelection ss;
- if (tree != null && tree.getWsdlURI() != null)
- ss = new StructuredSelection(tree.getWsdlURI());
- else
- ss = new StructuredSelection(wsdlURI_);
- return new StructuredSelection(
- new WSDLSelectionWrapper( webServicesParser, ss));
- }
- public WebServicesParser getWebServicesParser()
- {
- return webServicesParser;
- }
- public IStatus validateSelection(IStructuredSelection objectSelection)
- {
- return Status.OK_STATUS;
- }
- public IProject getProject()
- {
- String wsdlURI;
- if (tree != null)
- wsdlURI = tree.getWsdlURI();
- else
- wsdlURI = wsdlURI_;
- if (wsdlURI != null)
- {
- IProject p = getProjectFromURI(wsdlURI);
- if (p!=null && p.exists())
- return p;
- String wsRelPath = wsdlURI_;
- IResource wsRes = ResourceUtils.findResource(wsRelPath);
- if (wsRes!=null && wsRes instanceof IFile)
- {
- IProject p2 = ((IFile)wsRes).getProject();
- return p2;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public String getComponentName()
- {
- String wsdlURI;
- if (tree != null)
- wsdlURI = tree.getWsdlURI();
- else
- wsdlURI = wsdlURI_;
- if (wsdlURI != null)
- {
- String cname = getComponentNameFromURI(wsdlURI);
- if (cname!=null && cname.length()>0)
- return cname;
- String wsRelPath = wsdlURI_;
- IResource wsRes = ResourceUtils.findResource(wsRelPath);
- if (wsRes!=null && wsRes instanceof IFile)
- {
- IVirtualComponent comp = ResourceUtils.getComponentOf(wsRes);
- if (comp!=null)
- {
- return comp.getName();
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- private IProject getProjectFromURI(String uri)
- {
- IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
- String wkspcRootLoc = root.getLocation().toString();
- int idx = uri.indexOf(wkspcRootLoc);
- if (idx != -1)
- {
- String relPath = uri.substring(wkspcRootLoc.length()+idx);
- IResource res = root.findMember(new Path(relPath));
- if (res instanceof IFile)
- {
- IProject p = ((IFile)res).getProject();
- return p;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- private String getComponentNameFromURI(String uri)
- {
- IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
- String wkspcRootLoc = root.getLocation().toString();
- int idx = uri.indexOf(wkspcRootLoc);
- if (idx != -1)
- {
- String relPath = uri.substring(wkspcRootLoc.length()+idx);
- IResource res = root.findMember(new Path(relPath));
- if (res instanceof IFile)
- {
- IVirtualComponent comp = ResourceUtils.getComponentOf(res);
- if (comp!=null)
- {
- return comp.getName();
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public String getObjectSelectionDisplayableString()
- {
- if (tree != null)
- {
- return UniversalPathTransformer.toPath(tree.getWsdlURI());
- }
- else
- {
- return UniversalPathTransformer.toPath(wsdlURI_);
- }
- }
- public Point getWidgetSize() {
- return new Point( 580, 580);
- }
- public boolean validate(String s) {
- String wsURI = s;
- if (wsURI.indexOf(':') < 0)
- {
- IFile file = uri2IFile(wsURI);
- if (file != null)
- wsURI = iFile2URI(file);
- }
- if (wsURI != null && wsURI.indexOf(':') >= 0 && webServicesParser.getWebServiceEntityByURI(wsURI) == null)
- {
- TimedWSDLSelectionConditionCommand cmd = new TimedWSDLSelectionConditionCommand();
- cmd.setWebServicesParser(webServicesParser);
- cmd.setWebServiceURI(wsURI);
- cmd.execute(null, null);
- }
- // prime widget based on the string
- wsdlURI_ = wsURI;
- if (tree != null)
- tree.setWebServiceURI(wsURI);
- WebServiceEntity entity = webServicesParser.getWebServiceEntityByURI(wsURI);
- if (entity != null && entity.getType() == WebServiceEntity.TYPE_WSDL)
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }

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