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Diffstat (limited to 'rse/plugins/org.eclipse.rse.ui/UI/org/eclipse/rse/ui/wizards/newconnection/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 557 deletions
diff --git a/rse/plugins/org.eclipse.rse.ui/UI/org/eclipse/rse/ui/wizards/newconnection/ b/rse/plugins/org.eclipse.rse.ui/UI/org/eclipse/rse/ui/wizards/newconnection/
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index be0479b86..000000000
--- a/rse/plugins/org.eclipse.rse.ui/UI/org/eclipse/rse/ui/wizards/newconnection/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,557 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms
- * of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
- * available at
- *
- * Initial Contributors:
- * The following IBM employees contributed to the Remote System Explorer
- * component that contains this file: David McKnight, Kushal Munir,
- * Michael Berger, David Dykstal, Phil Coulthard, Don Yantzi, Eric Simpson,
- * Emily Bruner, Mazen Faraj, Adrian Storisteanu, Li Ding, and Kent Hawley.
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Uwe Stieber (Wind River) - Reworked new connection wizard extension point.
- * Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [168975] Move RSE Events API to Core
- * Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [184095] Replace systemTypeName by IRSESystemType
- * Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [186640] Add IRSESystemType.testProperty()
- * Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [186748] Move ISubSystemConfigurationAdapter from UI/rse.core.subsystems.util
- * Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [186773] split ISystemRegistryUI from ISystemRegistry
- * Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [175680] Deprecate obsolete ISystemRegistry methods
- * Uwe Stieber (Wind River) - [192202] Default RSE new connection wizard does not allow to query created host instance anymore
- * Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [cleanup] Avoid using SystemStartHere in production code
- * David Dykstal (IBM) - [168976][api] move ISystemNewConnectionWizardPage from core to UI
- * Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [218304] Improve deferred adapter loading
- * David McKnight (IBM) - [243332] Removing wizard page caused subsystem to be removed
- ********************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.rse.ui.wizards.newconnection;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
-import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent;
-import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.IWizardPage;
-import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardPage;
-import org.eclipse.rse.core.IRSESystemType;
-import org.eclipse.rse.core.RSECorePlugin;
-import org.eclipse.rse.core.model.IHost;
-import org.eclipse.rse.core.model.ISubSystemConfigurator;
-import org.eclipse.rse.core.model.ISystemProfile;
-import org.eclipse.rse.core.model.ISystemRegistry;
-import org.eclipse.rse.core.subsystems.ISubSystem;
-import org.eclipse.rse.core.subsystems.ISubSystemConfiguration;
-import org.eclipse.rse.internal.ui.SystemResources;
-import org.eclipse.rse.internal.ui.view.SystemPerspectiveHelpers;
-import org.eclipse.rse.ui.ISystemMessages;
-import org.eclipse.rse.ui.RSEUIPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.rse.ui.SystemBasePlugin;
-import org.eclipse.rse.ui.SystemConnectionForm;
-import org.eclipse.rse.ui.messages.SystemMessageDialog;
-import org.eclipse.rse.ui.subsystems.ISubSystemConfigurationAdapter;
- * Standard RSE new connection wizard implementation.
- */
-public class RSEDefaultNewConnectionWizard extends RSEAbstractNewConnectionWizard {
- private RSEDefaultNewConnectionWizardMainPage mainPage;
- private ISystemNewConnectionWizardPage[] subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages;
- private Map ssfWizardPagesPerSystemType = new Hashtable();
- private String defaultUserId;
- private String defaultConnectionName;
- private String defaultHostName;
- private String[] activeProfileNames = null;
- private int privateProfileIndex = -1;
- private ISystemProfile privateProfile = null;
- private IHost selectedContext = null;
- private static String lastProfile = null;
- private IHost createdHost = null;
- /**
- * Constructor.
- */
- public RSEDefaultNewConnectionWizard() {
- String[] profiles = RSECorePlugin.getTheSystemProfileManager().getActiveSystemProfileNames();
- // normalize the profiles by sorting our null or empty profile names
- List normalized = new LinkedList();
- for (int i = 0; i < profiles.length; i++) {
- if (profiles[i] != null && !"".equals(profiles[i].trim())) normalized.add(profiles[i]); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- activeProfileNames = (String[])normalized.toArray(new String[normalized.size()]);
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard#dispose()
- */
- public void dispose() {
- super.dispose();
- mainPage = null;
- subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages = null;
- ssfWizardPagesPerSystemType.clear();
- defaultUserId = null;
- defaultHostName = null;
- defaultConnectionName = null;
- activeProfileNames = null;
- privateProfileIndex = -1;
- privateProfile = null;
- selectedContext = null;
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.rse.ui.wizards.AbstractNewConnectionWizard#selectionChanged(org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent)
- */
- public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
- super.selectionChanged(event);
- if (mainPage != null && getSystemType() != null) {
- IRSESystemType systemType = getSystemType();
- mainPage.setTitle(getPageTitle());
- mainPage.setSystemType(systemType);
- subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages = getAdditionalWizardPages(systemType);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Creates the wizard pages. This method is an override from the parent Wizard class.
- */
- public void addPages() {
- try {
- // reset the remembered created host instance
- createdHost = null;
- mainPage = createMainPage(getSystemType());
- SystemConnectionForm form = mainPage.getSystemConnectionForm();
- if (form != null) {
- form.setCurrentlySelectedConnection(selectedContext);
- if (defaultUserId != null) form.setUserId(defaultUserId);
- // bugzilla#175153: setCurrentlySelectedConnection is filling in the name from the selected
- // connection. As this is not wanted, set the connection name field always to be empty, except
- // there had been a default connection name explicitly set from outside.
- if (defaultConnectionName != null) form.setConnectionName(defaultConnectionName);
- else form.setConnectionName(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
- if (defaultHostName != null) form.setHostName(defaultHostName);
- }
- if (mainPage != null && getSystemType() != null) mainPage.setSystemType(getSystemType());
- updateDefaultSelectedProfile();
- addPage(mainPage);
- } catch (Exception exc) {
- SystemBasePlugin.logError("New connection: Error in createPages: ", exc); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- }
- /**
- * Creates the wizard's main page. This method is an override from the parent class.
- */
- protected RSEDefaultNewConnectionWizardMainPage createMainPage(IRSESystemType systemType) {
- if (mainPage == null) {
- mainPage = new RSEDefaultNewConnectionWizardMainPage(this, getPageTitle(), SystemResources.RESID_NEWCONN_PAGE1_DESCRIPTION);
- mainPage.setTitle(getPageTitle());
- mainPage.setSystemType(systemType);
- subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages = systemType != null ? getAdditionalWizardPages(systemType) : null;
- }
- return mainPage;
- }
- public String getPageTitle() {
- String pageTitle = null;
- if (getSystemType() == null) {
- pageTitle = SystemResources.RESID_NEWCONN_PAGE1_TITLE;
- } else {
- IRSESystemType onlySystemType = getSystemType();
- if (onlySystemType.isLocal()) {
- pageTitle = SystemResources.RESID_NEWCONN_PAGE1_LOCAL_TITLE;
- } else {
- pageTitle = SystemResources.RESID_NEWCONN_PAGE1_REMOTE_TITLE;
- pageTitle = SystemMessage.sub(pageTitle, "&1", onlySystemType.getLabel()); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- }
- return pageTitle;
- }
- /**
- * Calculates the default profile name to propose on the default new
- * connection wizard main page.
- *
- * <pre>
- * Expected order of default profile selection:
- * 1. If a connection is selected, the default profile is the one from the connection.
- * 2. If the wizard remembered the last profile and this last remembered profile is still
- * available and active, the remembered last profile is the default profile.
- * 3. If the default private system profile is availabe and active, the default private system profile
- * is the default profile.
- * 4. The first non-empty profile from the list of active profiles is the default profile.
- *
- * In case a profile name is not in the list of currently active profiles, the logic will
- * fall trough to the next lower level.
- * </pre>
- */
- protected void updateDefaultSelectedProfile() {
- if (mainPage == null) return;
- List profileNames = activeProfileNames != null ? Arrays.asList(activeProfileNames) : new ArrayList();
- mainPage.getSystemConnectionForm().setProfileNames(activeProfileNames);
- // 1. If a connection is selected, the default profile is the one from the connection.
- String defaultProfileName = selectedContext != null ? selectedContext.getSystemProfileName() : null;
- if (defaultProfileName == null || !profileNames.contains(defaultProfileName)) {
- // 3. If the wizard is invoked the 2nd time and a last profile is remembered, the last
- // profile is the default profile.
- if (lastProfile != null && "".equals(lastProfile)) lastProfile = null; //$NON-NLS-1$
- defaultProfileName = lastProfile;
- if (defaultProfileName == null || !profileNames.contains(defaultProfileName)) {
- // 2. If the wizard is invoked the 1st time, the default private system profile is the
- // default profile.
- ISystemProfile defaultPrivateProfile = RSECorePlugin.getTheSystemRegistry().getSystemProfileManager().getDefaultPrivateSystemProfile();
- if (defaultPrivateProfile != null) defaultProfileName = defaultPrivateProfile.getName();
- if (defaultProfileName == null || !profileNames.contains(defaultProfileName)) {
- // 4. The first non-empty profile from the list of active profiles is the default profile.
- // Note: The profile names get normalized within the constructor.
- if (profileNames.size() > 0) defaultProfileName = (String)profileNames.get(0);
- }
- }
- }
- // set the default profile to the page and remember it.
- if (defaultProfileName != null) {
- mainPage.getSystemConnectionForm().setProfileNamePreSelection(defaultProfileName);
- // do not update the last selected profile marker if the default profile
- // name came for the selected context.
- if (selectedContext == null || !defaultProfileName.equals(selectedContext.getSystemProfileName()))
- lastProfile = defaultProfileName;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Set the currently selected context. Used to better default entry fields.
- */
- public void setSelectedContext(IHost selectedContext) {
- this.selectedContext = selectedContext;
- updateDefaultSelectedProfile();
- }
- /**
- * For "new" mode, allows setting of the initial user Id. Sometimes subsystems
- * like to have their own default userId preference page option. If so, query
- * it and set it here by calling this.
- */
- public void setUserId(String userId) {
- defaultUserId = userId;
- if (mainPage != null) mainPage.getSystemConnectionForm().setUserId(userId);
- }
- /**
- * Preset the connection name
- */
- public void setConnectionName(String name) {
- defaultConnectionName = name;
- if (mainPage != null) mainPage.getSystemConnectionForm().setConnectionName(name);
- }
- /**
- * Preset the host name
- */
- public void setHostName(String name) {
- defaultHostName = name;
- if (mainPage != null) mainPage.getSystemConnectionForm().setHostName(name);
- }
- /**
- * Set's an error message to the wizard if a page, which is not the current page
- * is having a page error.
- */
- private void setPageError(IWizardPage page) {
- IWizardPage currentPage = getContainer().getCurrentPage();
- if (currentPage != page) {
- SystemMessage msg = RSEUIPlugin.getPluginMessage(ISystemMessages.MSG_WIZARD_PAGE_ERROR);
- if (currentPage instanceof WizardPage)
- ((WizardPage)currentPage).setErrorMessage(msg.getLevelOneText());
- }
- }
- private ISubSystemConfigurator[] getSubSystemConfigurators()
- {
- // what kind of subsystems do we have here?
- ISystemRegistry sr = RSECorePlugin.getTheSystemRegistry();
- IRSESystemType systemType = getSystemType();
- ISubSystemConfiguration[] configurations = sr.getSubSystemConfigurationsBySystemType(systemType, true);
- ArrayList configList = new ArrayList();
- for (int i = 0; i < configurations.length; i++){
- ISubSystemConfiguration configuration = configurations[i];
- ISubSystemConfigurator firstMatch = null;
- for (int j = 0; j < subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages.length; j++){
- ISystemNewConnectionWizardPage page = subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages[j];
- ISubSystemConfiguration pageConfiguration = page.getSubSystemConfiguration();
- if (configuration == pageConfiguration){ // found a match
- configList.add(page); // could be more than one
- if (firstMatch == null){
- firstMatch = page;
- }
- }
- }
- if (firstMatch == null){ // no match found so need to provide alternative
- class DefaultConfigurator implements ISubSystemConfigurator {
- private ISubSystemConfiguration _configuration;
- public DefaultConfigurator(ISubSystemConfiguration configuration){
- _configuration = configuration;
- }
- public boolean applyValues(ISubSystem ss) {
- return true;
- }
- public ISubSystemConfiguration getSubSystemConfiguration() {
- return _configuration;
- }
- }
- configList.add(new DefaultConfigurator(configuration));
- }
- }
- return (ISubSystemConfigurator[])configList.toArray(new ISubSystemConfigurator[configList.size()]);
- }
- /**
- * Completes processing of the wizard. If this
- * method returns true, the wizard will close;
- * otherwise, it will stay active.
- * This method is an override from the parent Wizard class.
- *
- * @return whether the wizard finished successfully
- */
- public boolean performFinish() {
- boolean ok = mainPage.getSystemConnectionForm().verify(true);
- if (!ok)
- setPageError(mainPage);
- else if (ok && hasAdditionalPages()) {
- for (int idx = 0; ok && (idx < subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages.length); idx++) {
- ok = subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages[idx].performFinish();
- if (!ok)
- setPageError((IWizardPage)subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages[idx]);
- }
- }
- if (ok) {
- boolean cursorSet = true;
- setBusyCursor(true);
- ISystemRegistry sr = RSECorePlugin.getTheSystemRegistry();
- // if private profile is not null, then we have to rename the private profile
- // with the new profile name
- if (privateProfile != null) {
- try {
- String newName = activeProfileNames[privateProfileIndex];
- sr.renameSystemProfile(privateProfile, newName);
- } catch (SystemMessageException exc) {
- SystemMessageDialog.displayMessage(getShell(), exc);
- ok = false;
- } catch (Exception exc) {
- setBusyCursor(false);
- cursorSet = false;
- String msg = "Exception renaming profile "; //$NON-NLS-1$
- SystemBasePlugin.logError(msg, exc);
- SystemMessageDialog.displayExceptionMessage(getShell(), exc);
- ok = false;
- }
- }
- if (ok) {
- try {
- ISubSystemConfigurator[] configurators = getSubSystemConfigurators();
- IRSESystemType systemType = getSystemType();
- SystemConnectionForm form = mainPage.getSystemConnectionForm();
- createdHost = sr.createHost(form.getProfileName(), systemType, form.getConnectionName(), form.getHostName(),
- form.getConnectionDescription(), form.getDefaultUserId(), form.getUserIdLocation(),
- configurators);
- setBusyCursor(false);
- cursorSet = false;
- // a tweak that is the result of UCD feedback. Phil
- if ((createdHost != null) && SystemPerspectiveHelpers.isRSEPerspectiveActive()) {
- if (systemType.getId().equals(IRSESystemType.SYSTEMTYPE_ISERIES_ID)) {
- ISubSystem[] objSubSystems = sr.getSubSystemsBySubSystemConfigurationCategory("nativefiles", createdHost); //$NON-NLS-1$
- if ((objSubSystems != null) && (objSubSystems.length > 0))// might be in product that doesn't have iSeries plugins
- RSEUIPlugin.getTheSystemRegistryUI().expandSubSystem(objSubSystems[0]);
- else
- RSEUIPlugin.getTheSystemRegistryUI().expandHost(createdHost);
- } else
- RSEUIPlugin.getTheSystemRegistryUI().expandHost(createdHost);
- }
- lastProfile = form.getProfileName();
- } catch (Exception exc) {
- if (cursorSet)
- setBusyCursor(false);
- cursorSet = false;
- String msg = "Exception creating connection "; //$NON-NLS-1$
- SystemBasePlugin.logError(msg, exc);
- SystemMessageDialog.displayExceptionMessage(getShell(), exc);
- ok = false;
- }
- }
- //getShell().setCursor(null);
- //busyCursor.dispose();
- if (cursorSet)
- setBusyCursor(false);
- return ok;
- }
- return ok;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the create host instance once the user pressed finished. The created
- * host instance will be reset to <code>null</code> once the wizard got disposed.
- *
- * @return The created host instance or <code>null</code>.
- */
- public IHost getCreatedHost() {
- return createdHost;
- }
- /**
- * Private method to get all the wizard pages from all the subsystem factories, given a
- * system type.
- *
- * @param systemType The system type to query the additional subsystem service pages for. Must be not <code>null</code>.
- */
- private ISystemNewConnectionWizardPage[] getAdditionalWizardPages(IRSESystemType systemType) {
- assert systemType != null;
- // this query is expensive, so only do it once...
- subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages = (ISystemNewConnectionWizardPage[])ssfWizardPagesPerSystemType.get(systemType);
- if (subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages == null) {
- // query all affected subsystems for their list of additional wizard pages...
- Vector additionalPages = new Vector();
- ISystemRegistry sr = RSECorePlugin.getTheSystemRegistry();
- ISubSystemConfiguration[] factories = sr.getSubSystemConfigurationsBySystemType(systemType, true);
- for (int idx = 0; idx < factories.length; idx++) {
- ISubSystemConfigurationAdapter adapter = (ISubSystemConfigurationAdapter)factories[idx].getAdapter(ISubSystemConfigurationAdapter.class);
- if (adapter == null) {
- // try to activate bundle - FIXME should perhaps be done
- // earlier in the action that shows the wizard dialog?
- // And, is it really necessary to get the wizard pages that
- // early already?
- Platform.getAdapterManager().loadAdapter(factories[idx], ISubSystemConfigurationAdapter.class.getName());
- adapter = (ISubSystemConfigurationAdapter) factories[idx].getAdapter(ISubSystemConfigurationAdapter.class);
- }
- ISystemNewConnectionWizardPage[] pages = adapter.getNewConnectionWizardPages(factories[idx], this);
- if (pages != null) {
- for (int widx = 0; widx < pages.length; widx++) {
- if (pages[widx] instanceof IWizardPage){
- ((IWizardPage)pages[widx]).setWizard(this);
- }
- additionalPages.addElement(pages[widx]);
- }
- }
- }
- subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages = (ISystemNewConnectionWizardPage[])additionalPages.toArray(new ISystemNewConnectionWizardPage[additionalPages.size()]);
- ssfWizardPagesPerSystemType.put(systemType, subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages);
- }
- return subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages;
- }
- /**
- * Return true if there are additional pages. This decides whether to enable the Next button
- * on the main page
- */
- protected boolean hasAdditionalPages() {
- return (subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages != null) && (subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages.length > 0);
- }
- /**
- * Return the first additional page to show when user presses Next on the
- * main page. In RSE 3.0, the ISystemNewConnectionWizardPage return type was
- * moved from org.eclipse.rse.core into a UI plugin.
- *
- * @since 3.0
- */
- protected ISystemNewConnectionWizardPage getFirstAdditionalPage() {
- if ((subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages != null) && (subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages.length > 0)) {
- IWizardPage previousPage = mainPage;
- for (int idx = 0; idx < subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages.length; idx++) {
- ((IWizardPage)subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages[idx]).setPreviousPage(previousPage);
- previousPage = (IWizardPage)subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages[idx];
- }
- return subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages[0];
- } else
- return null;
- }
- // --------------------
- // --------------------
- /**
- * Intercept of Wizard method so we can get the Next button behaviour to work right for the
- * dynamically managed additional wizard pages.
- */
- public IWizardPage getNextPage(IWizardPage page) {
- if (!hasAdditionalPages())
- return null;
- else {
- int index = getAdditionalPageIndex(page);
- if ((index == (subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages.length - 1)))
- // last page or page not found
- return null;
- return (IWizardPage)subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages[index + 1];
- }
- }
- /**
- * @see org.eclipse.rse.ui.wizards.newconnection.RSEAbstractNewConnectionWizard#getPreviousPage(org.eclipse.jface.wizard.IWizardPage)
- */
- public IWizardPage getPreviousPage(IWizardPage page) {
- return null;
- }
- private int getAdditionalPageIndex(IWizardPage page) {
- for (int idx = 0; idx < subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages.length; idx++) {
- if (page == subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages[idx])
- return idx;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- /**
- * Intercept of Wizard method so we can take into account our additional pages
- */
- public boolean canFinish() {
- boolean ok = mainPage.isPageComplete();
- if (ok && hasAdditionalPages()) {
- for (int idx = 0; ok && (idx < subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages.length); idx++)
- ok = subsystemConfigurationSuppliedWizardPages[idx].isPageComplete();
- }
- return ok;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file

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