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Diffstat (limited to 'rse/plugins/org.eclipse.rse.ui/UI/org/eclipse/rse/ui/filters/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 730 deletions
diff --git a/rse/plugins/org.eclipse.rse.ui/UI/org/eclipse/rse/ui/filters/ b/rse/plugins/org.eclipse.rse.ui/UI/org/eclipse/rse/ui/filters/
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+++ /dev/null
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- * Copyright (c) 2002, 2007 IBM Corporation and others. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms
- * of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
- * available at
- *
- * Initial Contributors:
- * The following IBM employees contributed to the Remote System Explorer
- * component that contains this file: David McKnight, Kushal Munir,
- * Michael Berger, David Dykstal, Phil Coulthard, Don Yantzi, Eric Simpson,
- * Emily Bruner, Mazen Faraj, Adrian Storisteanu, Li Ding, and Kent Hawley.
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [175680] Deprecate obsolete ISystemRegistry methods
- ********************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.rse.ui.filters;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import org.eclipse.rse.core.filters.ISystemFilterPoolManagerProvider;
-import org.eclipse.rse.core.filters.ISystemFilterPoolReferenceManagerProvider;
-import org.eclipse.rse.internal.ui.SystemResources;
-import org.eclipse.rse.ui.ISystemMessages;
-import org.eclipse.rse.ui.RSEUIPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.rse.ui.SystemWidgetHelpers;
-import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
- * This class prompts the user to create or edit the contents of a single
- * filter string. This edit pane is used in many places, so creating a decent
- * looking subclass is important:
- * <ul>
- * <li>The first page of the New Filter wizard
- * <li>The only page of the New Filter String wizard
- * <li>The right side of the Change Filter dialog, when "new" or an existing filter string is selected
- * </ul>
- * So what is the "contract" the edit pane has to fulfill?
- * <ul>
- * <li>work in "new" or "edit" mode. In the latter case it is given a String as input. This needs to be
- * switchable on the fly. This is typically automated by use of a "state machine".
- * <li>give as output a new or updated String
- * <li>allow interested parties to know when the contents have been changed, as they change,
- * and whether there are errors in those changes
- * </ul>
- * Contractually, here are the methods called by the main page of the new filter wizard:
- * <ul>
- * <li>addChangeListener ... no need to ever override
- * <li>setSystemFilterPoolReferenceManagerProvider ... no need to ever override
- * <li>setType ... no need to ever override
- * <li>setFilterStringValidator ... no need to ever override
- * <li>isComplete ... no need to ever override
- * <li>createContents ... you will typically override
- * <li>verify ... you will typically override
- * <li>getInitialFocusControl ... you will typically override
- * <li>getFilterString ... you will typically override
- * <li>areFieldsComplete ... you will typically override
- * </ul>
- */
-public class SystemFilterStringEditPane implements SelectionListener
- // inputs
- protected Shell shell;
- protected String inputFilterString;
- protected Vector listeners = new Vector();
- protected ISystemFilterPoolReferenceManagerProvider refProvider = null;
- protected ISystemFilterPoolManagerProvider provider = null;
- protected String type;
- protected boolean newMode = true;
- protected boolean changeFilterMode = false;
- protected boolean ignoreChanges;
- protected boolean editable = true;
- // default GUI
- protected Label labelString;
- protected Text textString;
- protected Button dlgTestButton;
- // state
- protected SystemMessage errorMessage;
- protected boolean skipEventFiring;
- protected int currentSelectionIndex;
- /**
- * Constructor for SystemFilterStringEditPane.
- * @param shell - the shell of the wizard or dialog host this
- */
- public SystemFilterStringEditPane(Shell shell)
- {
- super();
- = shell;
- }
- // ------------------------------
- // ------------------------------
- /**
- * <i>Helper method. Do not override.</i><br>
- * Return the shell given us in the ctor
- */
- protected Shell getShell()
- {
- return shell;
- }
- /**
- * <i>Helper method. Do not override.</i><br>
- * Return the input filter string as given us in setFilterString
- */
- protected String getInputFilterString()
- {
- return inputFilterString;
- }
- /**
- * <i>Helper method. Do not override.</i><br>
- * Add a separator line. This is a physically visible line.
- */
- protected void addSeparatorLine(Composite parent, int nbrColumns)
- {
- Label separator = new Label(parent, SWT.SEPARATOR | SWT.HORIZONTAL);
- GridData data = new GridData();
- data.horizontalSpan = nbrColumns;
- data.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
- separator.setLayoutData(data);
- }
- /**
- * <i>Helper method. Do not override.</i><br>
- * Add a spacer line
- */
- protected void addFillerLine(Composite parent, int nbrColumns)
- {
- Label filler = new Label(parent, SWT.LEFT);
- GridData data = new GridData();
- data.horizontalSpan = nbrColumns;
- data.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
- filler.setLayoutData(data);
- }
- /**
- * <i>Helper method. Do not override.</i><br>
- * Add a spacer line that grows in height to absorb extra space
- */
- protected void addGrowableFillerLine(Composite parent, int nbrColumns)
- {
- Label filler = new Label(parent, SWT.LEFT);
- GridData data = new GridData();
- data.horizontalSpan = nbrColumns;
- data.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
- data.verticalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
- data.grabExcessVerticalSpace = true;
- filler.setLayoutData(data);
- }
- // ------------------------------
- // ------------------------------
- /**
- * <i>Configuration method, called from Change Filter dialog and New Filter wizard. Do not override.</i><br>
- * Set the input filter string, in edit mode.
- * Or pass null if reseting to new mode.
- * @param filterString - the filter string to edit or null if new mode
- * @param selectionIndex - the index of the currently selected filter string. Only used for getCurrentSelectionIndex().
- */
- public void setFilterString(String filterString, int selectionIndex)
- {
- this.inputFilterString = filterString;
- this.currentSelectionIndex = selectionIndex;
- newMode = (filterString == null);
- setIgnoreChanges(true);
- resetFields();
- clearErrorsPending();
- if (inputFilterString != null)
- doInitializeFields();
- setIgnoreChanges(false);
- }
- /**
- * <i>Configuration method, called from Change Filter dialog and New Filter wizard. Do not override.</i><br>
- * Set the input filter string only without any initialzing.
- */
- public void setInputFilterString(String filterString)
- {
- this.inputFilterString = filterString;
- }
- /**
- * <i>Lifecyle method. Call, but do not override.</i><br>
- * Turn on ignore changes mode. Subclasses typically can just query the inherited
- * field ignoreChanges, unless they need to set the ignoreChanges mode in their
- * own composite widgets, in which case they can override and intercept this.
- */
- protected void setIgnoreChanges(boolean ignoreChanges)
- {
- this.ignoreChanges = ignoreChanges;
- }
- /**
- * <i>Configuration method, called from Change Filter dialog and New Filter wizard. Do not override.</i><br>
- * Identify a listener interested in any changes made to the filter string,
- * as they happen
- */
- public void addChangeListener(ISystemFilterStringEditPaneListener l)
- {
- listeners.add(l);
- }
- /**
- * <i>Configuration method, called from Change Filter dialog and New Filter wizard. Do not override.</i><br>
- * Remove a listener interested in any changes made to the filter string,
- * as they happen
- */
- public void removeChangeListener(ISystemFilterStringEditPaneListener l)
- {
- listeners.remove(l);
- }
- /**
- * <i>Configuration method, called from Change Filter dialog and New Filter wizard. Do not override.</i><br>
- * Sets the contextual system filter pool reference manager provider. That is, it will
- * be the currently selected subsystem if New Filter is launched from a subsystem.
- * <p>
- * Will be non-null if the current selection is a reference to a
- * filter pool or filter, or a reference manager provider.
- * <p>
- * This is not used by default but made available for subclasses.
- * @see #setSystemFilterPoolManagerProvider(ISystemFilterPoolManagerProvider)
- */
- public void setSystemFilterPoolReferenceManagerProvider(ISystemFilterPoolReferenceManagerProvider provider)
- {
- this.refProvider = provider;
- }
- /**
- * <i>Configuration method, called from Change Filter dialog and New Filter wizard. Do not override.</i><br>
- * Sets the contextual system filter pool manager provider. That is, it will
- * be the subsystem factory of the given subsystem, filter pool or filter. Used
- * when there is no way to set setSystemFilterPoolReferenceManagerProvider, because
- * there isn't one derivable from the selection.
- * <p>
- * Will be non-null if the current selection is a reference to a
- * filter pool or filter, or a filter pool or filter, or a manager provider itself.
- * <p>
- * This is not used by default but made available for subclasses.
- * @see #setSystemFilterPoolReferenceManagerProvider(ISystemFilterPoolReferenceManagerProvider)
- */
- public void setSystemFilterPoolManagerProvider(ISystemFilterPoolManagerProvider provider)
- {
- this.provider = provider;
- }
- /**
- * <i>Getter method, for the use of subclasses. Do not override.</i><br>
- * Return the contextual system filter pool reference manager provider (ie subsystem) that
- * this was launched from. Will be null if not launched from a subsystem, or reference to a
- * filter pool or filter.
- * <p>
- * This is not used by default but made available for subclasses.
- */
- public ISystemFilterPoolReferenceManagerProvider getSystemFilterPoolReferenceManagerProvider()
- {
- return refProvider;
- }
- /**
- * <i>Getter method, for the use of subclasses. Do not override.</i><br>
- * Return the contextual system filter pool manager provider (ie subsystem configuration) that
- * this was launched from. Will be null if not launched from a subsystem configuration, or
- * a filter pool or filter (or reference).
- * <p>
- * This is not used by default but made available for subclasses.
- */
- public ISystemFilterPoolManagerProvider getSystemFilterPoolManagerProvider()
- {
- return provider;
- }
- /**
- * <i>Helper method you do not need to ever override.</i><br>
- * Set the type of filter we are creating. Types are not used by the base filter
- * framework but are a way for tools to create typed filters and have unique
- * actions per filter type.
- * <p>
- * This simply sets the <samp>type</samp> instance variable, so that subclassing code may
- * access it if it needs to know what type of filter is being created. This method is
- * called by the setType method in the SystemNewFilterWizard wizard.
- */
- public void setType(String type)
- {
- this.type = type;
- }
- /**
- * <i>Configuration method, called from Change Filter dialog. Do not override.</i><br>
- * Called by Change Filter dialog to set on our changeFilterMode flag in case we wish to
- * distinguish between new filter and change filter modes
- */
- public void setChangeFilterMode(boolean changeMode)
- {
- this.changeFilterMode = changeMode;
- }
- /**
- * <i>Configuration method, called from Change Filter dialog and New Filter wizard. Do not override.</i><br>
- * Called by Change Filter dialog or New Filter wizard when caller has indicated
- * they want a test button. This is used to set the testButton instance variable.
- * Subclasses show enable/disable it as changes are made, according to valid state.
- */
- public void setTestButton(Button button)
- {
- this.dlgTestButton = button;
- }
- /**
- * <i><b>Overridable</b> method, if subclass supports a Test button.</i><br>
- * Called by owning dialog when common Test button is pressed.
- * Does nothing by default.
- */
- public void processTest(Shell shell)
- {
- System.out.println("Someone forgot to override processTest in SystemFilterStringEditPane!"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- /**
- * Sets whether or not the edit pane is not to be editable. May be invoked
- * atany time prior or after the creation of the controls.
- * Subclasses should override and enable their own controls appropriately.
- * <p>
- * Subclasses should call super to ensure that the "editable" flag is
- * set properly. Controls which are not instantiated in this call will be ignored.
- * @param editable true if the controls in this pane are to be editable.
- * Usually set to true, but if the filter is not modifiable it will be
- * set to false.
- */
- public void setEditable(boolean editable) {
- this.editable = editable;
- enable(labelString, editable);
- enable(textString, editable);
- enable(dlgTestButton, editable);
- }
- /**
- * Set the enabled state of a particular control.
- * @param control the control of which to set the state
- * @param enabled the enabled state
- */
- protected void enable(Control control, boolean enabled) {
- if (!(control == null || control.isDisposed())) {
- control.setEnabled(enabled);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Return whether the edit pane is editable, as set by {@link #setEditable(boolean)}
- *
- */
- public boolean getEditable()
- {
- return editable;
- }
- // ------------------------------
- // ------------------------------
- /**
- * <i><b>Overridable</b> getter method.</i><br>
- * Get the filter string in its current form.
- * This should be overridden if createContents is overridden.
- * <p>This is the functional opposite of doInitializeFields, which tears apart the input string in update mode,
- * to populate the GUIs. This method creates the filter string from the information in the GUI.
- */
- public String getFilterString()
- {
- if (textString != null)
- return textString.getText().trim();
- else
- return inputFilterString;
- }
- /**
- * <i>Getter method. Do not override.</i><br>
- * Get the selection index of the filter string we are currently editing.
- * Used in Change Filter dialog.
- */
- public int getCurrentSelectionIndex()
- {
- return currentSelectionIndex;
- }
- /**
- * <i><b>Overridable</b> getter method.</i><br>
- * For page 2 of the New Filter wizard, if it is possible to
- * deduce a reasonable default name from the user input here,
- * then return it here. Else, just return null (the default).
- */
- public String getDefaultFilterName()
- {
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * <i><b>Overridable</b> configuration method, called from Change Filter dialog and New Filter wizard.</i><br>
- * In the Change Filter dialog, this edit pane is shown on the right side, beside
- * the filter string selection list. Above it is a label, that shows something
- * like "Selected Filter String" in edit mode, or "New Filter String" in new mode.
- * <p>
- * This method gives subclasses the opportunity to specify unique values for this label.
- * In addition to setting the text, the tooltip text should also be set.
- * <p>
- * Defaults are supplied.
- */
- public void configureHeadingLabel(Label label)
- {
- if (label == null)
- return;
- if (!newMode)
- {
- label.setText(SystemResources.RESID_CHGFILTER_FILTERSTRING_LABEL);
- label.setToolTipText(SystemResources.RESID_CHGFILTER_FILTERSTRING_TOOLTIP);
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- // ------------------------------
- // ------------------------------
- /**
- * <i><b>Overridable</b> lifecycle method.</i><br>
- * Populate the pane with the GUI widgets. This is where we populate the client area.
- * @param parent - the composite that will be the parent of the returned client area composite
- * @return Control - a client-area composite populated with widgets.
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.rse.ui.SystemWidgetHelpers
- */
- public Control createContents(Composite parent)
- {
- // Inner composite
- int nbrColumns = 1;
- Composite composite_prompts = SystemWidgetHelpers.createComposite(parent, nbrColumns);
- ((GridLayout)composite_prompts.getLayout()).marginWidth = 0;
- textString = SystemWidgetHelpers.createLabeledTextField(composite_prompts,null,getFilterStringPromptLabel(), getFilterStringPromptTooltip());
- labelString = SystemWidgetHelpers.getLastLabel();
- ((GridData)textString.getLayoutData()).widthHint=300;
- resetFields();
- doInitializeFields();
- textString.setFocus();
- // add keystroke listeners...
- textString.addModifyListener(
- new ModifyListener() {
- public void modifyText(ModifyEvent e) {
- validateStringInput();
- }
- }
- );
- setEditable(editable);
- return composite_prompts;
- }
- /**
- * <i><b>Overridable</b> lifecycle method.</i><br>
- * Return the control to recieve initial focus. Should be overridden if you override createContents
- */
- public Control getInitialFocusControl()
- {
- return textString;
- }
- protected String getFilterStringPromptLabel()
- {
- }
- protected String getFilterStringPromptTooltip()
- {
- }
- /**
- * <i><b>Overridable</b> lifecycle method.</i><br>
- * Initialize the input fields based on the inputFilterString, and perhaps refProvider.
- * This can be called before createContents, so test for null widgets first!
- * Prior to this being called, resetFields is called to set the initial default state prior to input
- */
- protected void doInitializeFields()
- {
- if (textString == null)
- return; // do nothing
- if (inputFilterString != null)
- textString.setText(inputFilterString);
- }
- /**
- * <i><b>Overridable</b> lifecycle method.</i><br>
- * This is called in the change filter dialog when the user selects "new", or selects another string.
- * You must override this if you override createContents. Be sure to test if the contents have even been created yet!
- */
- protected void resetFields()
- {
- if (textString != null)
- {
- textString.setText(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- }
- /**
- * <i>Lifecycle method. Do not override.</i><br>
- * Instead, override {@link #areFieldsComplete()}.
- * <p>
- * This is called by the wizard page when first shown, to decide if the default information
- * is complete enough to enable finish. It doesn't do validation, that will be done when
- * finish is pressed.
- */
- public boolean isComplete()
- {
- boolean complete = true;
- if (errorMessage != null) // pending errors?
- complete = false; // clearly not complete.
- else
- complete = areFieldsComplete();
- if (dlgTestButton != null)
- dlgTestButton.setEnabled(complete);
- return complete;
- }
- /**
- * <i><b>Overridable</b> lifecycle method.</i><br>
- * Must be overridden if createContents is overridden.
- * <p>
- * This is called by the isComplete, to decide if the default information
- * is complete enough to enable finish. It doesn't do validation, that will be done when
- * finish is pressed.
- */
- protected boolean areFieldsComplete()
- {
- if (textString == null)
- return false;
- else
- return (textString.getText().trim().length()>0);
- }
- /**
- * <i>Lifecycle method. Do not override.</i><br>
- * Are errors pending? Used in Change Filter dialog to prevent changing the filter string selection
- */
- public boolean areErrorsPending()
- { // d45795
- return (errorMessage != null);
- }
- /**
- * <i>Lifecycle method. Do not override.</i><br>
- * Clear any errors pending. Called when Reset is pressed.
- */
- public void clearErrorsPending()
- {
- errorMessage = null;
- }
- // ------------------------------
- // ------------------------------
- /**
- * <i><b>Private</b> method. Do not call or override.</i><br>
- * Fire an event to all registered listeners, that the user has changed the
- * filter string. Include the error message, if in error, so it can be displayed to the user.
- * <p>
- * Because this is used to enable/disable the Next and Finish buttons it is important
- * to call it when asked to do verification, even if nothing has changed.
- * <p>
- * It is more efficient, however, to defer the event firing during a full verification
- * until after the last widget has been verified. To enable this, set the protected
- * variable "skipEventFiring" to true at the top of your verify event, then to "false"
- * at the end. Then do fireChangeEvent(errorMessage);
- */
- protected void fireChangeEvent(SystemMessage error)
- {
- if (skipEventFiring)
- return;
- for (int idx=0; idx<listeners.size(); idx++)
- {
- ISystemFilterStringEditPaneListener l = (ISystemFilterStringEditPaneListener)listeners.elementAt(idx);
- l.filterStringChanged(error);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Tell interested callers to backup changes-pending state, as we are about
- * to fire a change event, after which we will want to restore state.
- */
- protected void fireBackupChangeEvent()
- {
- for (int idx=0; idx<listeners.size(); idx++)
- {
- ISystemFilterStringEditPaneListener l = (ISystemFilterStringEditPaneListener)listeners.elementAt(idx);
- l.backupChangedState();
- }
- }
- /**
- * <i><b>Private</b> method. Do not call or override.</i><br>
- * Tell interested callers to restore changes-pending state, as we are done
- * firing a change event and in this case we don't want that state change side effect.
- */
- protected void fireRestoreChangeEvent()
- {
- for (int idx=0; idx<listeners.size(); idx++)
- {
- ISystemFilterStringEditPaneListener l = (ISystemFilterStringEditPaneListener)listeners.elementAt(idx);
- l.restoreChangedState();
- }
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------
- // ---------------------------------------------
- /**
- * <i><b>Overridable</b> lifecycle method.</i><br>
- * Validates filter string as entered so far in the text field.
- * Not called if you override createContents() and verify()
- */
- protected SystemMessage validateStringInput()
- {
- if (ignoreChanges)
- return errorMessage;
- errorMessage= null;
- //if (validator != null)
- // errorMessage = validateFilterString(textString.getText());
- if ((textString!=null) && (textString.getText().trim().length() == 0))
- errorMessage = RSEUIPlugin.getPluginMessage(ISystemMessages.MSG_VALIDATE_FILTERSTRING_EMPTY);
- fireChangeEvent(errorMessage);
- //setPageComplete();
- //setErrorMessage(errorMessage);
- return errorMessage;
- }
- /*
- * Validates filter string using the supplied generic validator.
- * Child classes who do their own syntax validation can call this method
- * to also do uniqueness validation. They are responsible for calling fireChangeEvent though.
- * @see #setFilterStringValidator(ISystemValidator)
- *
- protected SystemMessage validateFilterString(String filterString)
- {
- if (validator != null)
- return validator.validate(filterString);
- else
- return null;
- }*/
- // ---------------------------------
- // ---------------------------------
- /**
- * <i><b>Overridable</b> lifecycle method.</i><br>
- * Does complete verification of input fields. If this
- * method returns null, there are no errors and the dialog or wizard can close.
- * <p>Default implementation calls {@link #validateStringInput()}.
- *
- * @return error message if there is one, else null if ok
- */
- public SystemMessage verify()
- {
- errorMessage = null;
- Control controlInError = null;
- errorMessage = validateStringInput();
- if (errorMessage != null)
- controlInError = textString;
- if (errorMessage != null)
- {
- if (controlInError != null)
- controlInError.setFocus();
- }
- //setPageComplete();
- return errorMessage;
- }
- // ------------------
- // ------------------
- /**
- * <i><b>Overridable</b> lifecycle method.</i><br>
- * User has selected something
- */
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event)
- {
- }
- /**
- * <i><b>Overridable</b> lifecycle method.</i><br>
- * User has selected something via enter/dbl-click
- */
- public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent event)
- {
- }
- // -----------------------
- // Saving related method
- // -----------------------
- /**
- * Returns whether filter string can be saved implicitly. This is called in the Change dialog
- * and property page to check whether filter string can be saved if the user does not
- * explicitly click on Create/Apply button. So, for example, if this method returns <code>false</code>,
- * and the user has pending changes when he clicks on another entry in the filter string list, we will
- * not ask user to save pending changes.
- * By default, returns <code>true</code>
- * @return <code>true</code> to query user to save pending changes, <code>false</code> otherwise.
- */
- public boolean canSaveImplicitly() {
- return true;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file

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