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Diffstat (limited to 'rse/plugins/org.eclipse.rse.ui/UI/org/eclipse/rse/internal/ui/view/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 631 deletions
diff --git a/rse/plugins/org.eclipse.rse.ui/UI/org/eclipse/rse/internal/ui/view/ b/rse/plugins/org.eclipse.rse.ui/UI/org/eclipse/rse/internal/ui/view/
deleted file mode 100644
index af65137d8..000000000
--- a/rse/plugins/org.eclipse.rse.ui/UI/org/eclipse/rse/internal/ui/view/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,631 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2002, 2008 IBM Corporation and others. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms
- * of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
- * available at
- *
- * Initial Contributors:
- * The following IBM employees contributed to the Remote System Explorer
- * component that contains this file: David McKnight, Kushal Munir,
- * Michael Berger, David Dykstal, Phil Coulthard, Don Yantzi, Eric Simpson,
- * Emily Bruner, Mazen Faraj, Adrian Storisteanu, Li Ding, and Kent Hawley.
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [168975] Move RSE Events API to Core
- * Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [184095] Replace systemTypeName by IRSESystemType
- * Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [186128] Move IProgressMonitor last in all API
- * Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [175680] Deprecate obsolete ISystemRegistry methods
- * Tobias Schwarz (Wind River) - [173267] "empty list" should not be displayed
- * Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [190271] Move ISystemViewInputProvider to Core
- * David Dykstal (IBM) - [224671] [api] org.eclipse.rse.core API leaks non-API types
- * David McKnight (IBM) - [225506] [api][breaking] RSE UI leaks non-API types
- ********************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.rse.internal.ui.view;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.rse.core.IRSESystemType;
-import org.eclipse.rse.core.filters.ISystemFilter;
-import org.eclipse.rse.core.filters.ISystemFilterReference;
-import org.eclipse.rse.core.filters.ISystemFilterStringReference;
-import org.eclipse.rse.core.filters.SystemFilterUtil;
-import org.eclipse.rse.core.model.IHost;
-import org.eclipse.rse.core.subsystems.ISubSystem;
-import org.eclipse.rse.core.subsystems.ISubSystemConfiguration;
-import org.eclipse.rse.ui.SystemBasePlugin;
-import org.eclipse.rse.ui.internal.model.SystemNewConnectionPromptObject;
-import org.eclipse.rse.ui.view.ISystemRemoteElementAdapter;
-import org.eclipse.rse.ui.view.ISystemSelectRemoteObjectAPIProvider;
-import org.eclipse.rse.ui.view.ISystemSelectRemoteObjectAPIProviderCaller;
-import org.eclipse.rse.ui.view.ISystemViewElementAdapter;
-import org.eclipse.rse.ui.view.SystemAbstractAPIProvider;
-import org.eclipse.rse.ui.view.SystemAdapterHelpers;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
- * This class is a provider of root nodes to the remote systems tree viewer part.
- * <p>
- * It is used when the contents are used to allow the user to select a remote system object.
- * The tree will begin with the filter pool references or filter references (depending on
- * the user's preferences setting) of the given subsystem.
- * <p>
- * Alternatively, a filter string can be given and the contents will be the result of resolving
- * that filter string.
- */
-public class SystemSelectRemoteObjectAPIProviderImpl
- extends SystemAbstractAPIProvider
- implements ISystemSelectRemoteObjectAPIProvider
- {
- protected ISubSystem subsystem = null;
- protected String filterString = null;
- protected ISystemViewElementAdapter subsystemAdapter = null;
- // For mode when we want to list the connections ...
- protected boolean listConnectionsMode = false;
- protected boolean showNewConnectionPrompt = false;
- protected boolean singleConnectionMode = false;
- protected String subsystemConfigurationId;
- protected String subsystemConfigurationCategory;
- protected String filterSuffix;
- protected IRSESystemType[] systemTypes;
- protected String preSelectFilterChild;
- protected Object preSelectFilterChildObject;
- protected ISystemFilter[] quickFilters;
- protected IHost[] inputConnections;
- protected SystemNewConnectionPromptObject connPrompt = null;
- protected Object[] connPromptAsArray;
- protected ISystemSelectRemoteObjectAPIProviderCaller caller;
- protected boolean multiConnections = false;
- /**
- * Constructor that takes the input needed to drive the list. Specifically,
- * we need to know what connections to list, and when a connection is expanded,
- * what subsystems to query for the remote objects.
- * <p>
- * This can be done by giving one of two possible pieces of information:
- * <ul>
- * <li>a subsystem factory Id, which scopes the connections to those containing subsystems
- * owned by this factory, and scopes subsystems to only those from this factory.
- * <li>The subsystem factory Id is usually the right choice, unless you want to include
- * connections and subsystems from multiple subsystem factories, such as is the case
- * for universal files ... there is one base factory but it is subclassed a number of
- * times. For this and any other case we also allow scoping by subsystem factory
- * category. All connections from any factory of this category are included, and
- * subsystems of factories from this category are used to populate the list.
- * </ul>
- * <p>
- * You must supply one of these. There is no need to supply both.
- * <p>
- * Also, it is often desired to restrict what system types the user can create new connections for.
- * While this could be deduced from the first two pieces of information, it is safer to ask the
- * caller to explicitly identify these. If null is passed, then there is no restrictions.
- *
- * @param configId The subsystemConfigurationId to restrict connections and subsystems to
- * An alternative to factoryCategory. Specify only one, pass null for the other.
- * @param configCategory The subsystem configuration category to restrict connections and subsystems to.
- * An alternative to factoryId. Specify only one, pass null for the other.
- * @param showNewConnectionPrompt true if to show "New Connection" prompt, false if not to
- * @param systemTypes Optional list of system types to restrict the "New Connection" wizard to. Pass null for no restrictions
- */
- public SystemSelectRemoteObjectAPIProviderImpl(String configId, String configCategory,
- boolean showNewConnectionPrompt, IRSESystemType[] systemTypes)
- {
- super();
- this.subsystemConfigurationId = configId;
- this.subsystemConfigurationCategory = configCategory;
- this.systemTypes = systemTypes;
- this.showNewConnectionPrompt = showNewConnectionPrompt;
- this.listConnectionsMode = true;
- }
- /**
- * Set the caller to callback to for some events, such as the expansion of a prompting
- * transient filter.
- */
- public void setCaller(ISystemSelectRemoteObjectAPIProviderCaller caller)
- {
- this.caller = caller;
- }
- /**
- * Specify whether the user should see the "New Connection..." special connection prompt
- */
- public void setShowNewConnectionPrompt(boolean show)
- {
- this.showNewConnectionPrompt = show;
- }
- /**
- * Specify system types to restrict what types of connections
- * the user can create, and see.
- * This will override subsystemConfigurationId,if that has been set!
- *
- * @param systemTypes An array of system types, or
- * <code>null</code> to allow all registered valid system types.
- * A system type is valid if at least one subsystem configuration
- * is registered against it.
- */
- public void setSystemTypes(IRSESystemType[] systemTypes)
- {
- this.systemTypes = systemTypes;
- }
- /**
- * Constructor when there is a subsystem
- * @param subsystem The subsystem that will resolve the filter string
- */
- public SystemSelectRemoteObjectAPIProviderImpl(ISubSystem subsystem)
- {
- super();
- setSubSystem(subsystem);
- }
- /**
- * Constructor when there is no subsystem yet
- * @see #setSubSystem(ISubSystem)
- */
- public SystemSelectRemoteObjectAPIProviderImpl()
- {
- super();
- }
- /**
- * Default or Restrict to a specific connection.
- * If default mode, it is preselected.
- * If only mode, it is the only connection listed.
- * @param connection The connection to default or restrict to
- * @param onlyMode true if this is to be the only connection shown in the list
- */
- public void setSystemConnection(IHost connection, boolean onlyMode)
- {
- this.inputConnections = new IHost[] {connection};
- this.singleConnectionMode = onlyMode;
- if (onlyMode)
- multiConnections = false;
- }
- /**
- * Change the input subsystem
- */
- public void setSubSystem(ISubSystem subsystem)
- {
- this.subsystem = subsystem;
- if (subsystem != null)
- this.subsystemAdapter = getViewAdapter(subsystem);
- else
- this.subsystemAdapter = null;
- }
- /**
- * Set the filter string to use to resolve the inputs.
- * If this is an absolute filter string, it gets turned into a quick filter string,
- * so that the user sees it and can expand it. If it is a relative filter string
- * to apply to all expansions, it is used to decorate all filtering as the user drills down.
- */
- public void setFilterString(String string)
- {
- this.filterString = string;
- filterSuffix = null;
- if (string == null)
- return;
- if (string.endsWith(",")) //$NON-NLS-1$
- {
- int idx = string.indexOf('/');
- if (idx == -1)
- idx = string.indexOf('\\');
- if (idx == -1)
- {
- filterSuffix = string;
- }
- }
- if (filterSuffix != null)
- filterString = null;
- SystemBasePlugin.logDebugMessage(this.getClass().getName(), "*** FILTER SUFFIX = '" + filterSuffix + "' ***"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
- }
- /**
- * Set the filters to be exposed to the user. These will be shown to the
- * user when they expand a connection.
- */
- public void setQuickFilters(ISystemFilter[] filters)
- {
- this.quickFilters = filters;
- }
- /**
- * Set child of the first filter to preselect
- */
- public void setPreSelectFilterChild(String name)
- {
- this.preSelectFilterChild = name;
- }
- /**
- * Get the name of the item to select when the first filter is expanded.
- * Called by the filter adapter.
- */
- public String getPreSelectFilterChild()
- {
- return preSelectFilterChild;
- }
- /**
- * Set actual child object of the first filter to preselect. Called
- * by the filter adapter once the children are resolved and a match on
- * the name is found.
- */
- public void setPreSelectFilterChildObject(Object obj)
- {
- this.preSelectFilterChildObject = obj;
- }
- /**
- * Get the actual object of the item to select when the first filter is expanded.
- * Called by the GUI form after expansion, so it can select this object
- */
- public Object getPreSelectFilterChildObject()
- {
- return preSelectFilterChildObject;
- }
- /**
- * Adorn filter string with any relative attributes requested. Eg "/nf" for folders only
- */
- public String decorateFilterString(Object selectedObject, String inputFilterString)
- {
- // this is a hack explicitly for the universal file system. We want to propogate "type filters"
- // like "/nf" and "class," on down the chain, even though we start by showing the user's filters.
- // When those filters are finally expanded, the filter adapter calls us to do this adornment.
- if (inputFilterString == null)
- return inputFilterString;
- else if ((filterSuffix != null) && (inputFilterString.indexOf(filterSuffix)==-1))
- {
- SystemBasePlugin.logDebugMessage(this.getClass().getName(), "*** INPUT FILTER = '" + inputFilterString + "' ***"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
- String result = inputFilterString;
- if (filterSuffix.equals(" /nf")) //$NON-NLS-1$
- result = inputFilterString + filterSuffix;
- else
- {
- /** FIXME - can't be coupled with IRemoteFile
- RemoteFileFilterString rffs =
- new RemoteFileFilterString((IRemoteFileSubSystemConfiguration)getSubSystemConfiguration(selectedObject), inputFilterString);
- rffs.setFile(filterSuffix);
- result = rffs.toString();
- */
- result = inputFilterString;
- }
- SystemBasePlugin.logDebugMessage(this.getClass().getName(), "*** ADORNED FILTER = '" + result + "' ***"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
- return result;
- }
- else
- return inputFilterString;
- }
- /**
- * For performance reasons, pre-check to see if filter decoration is even necessary...
- */
- public boolean filtersNeedDecoration(Object selectedObject)
- {
- ISubSystemConfiguration ssf = getSubSystemConfiguration(selectedObject);
- if (ssf == null)
- return false;
- /** FIXME - can't be coupled with IRemoteFile
- return ((ssf instanceof IRemoteFileSubSystemConfiguration) && (filterSuffix != null));
- */
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * get subsystem factory from filter or filter string
- */
- private ISubSystemConfiguration getSubSystemConfiguration(Object selectedObject)
- {
- if (selectedObject instanceof ISystemFilterReference)
- {
- ISubSystem ss = (ISubSystem)((ISystemFilterReference)selectedObject).getProvider();
- return ss.getSubSystemConfiguration();
- }
- else if (selectedObject instanceof ISystemFilterStringReference)
- {
- ISubSystem ss = (ISubSystem)((ISystemFilterStringReference)selectedObject).getProvider();
- return ss.getSubSystemConfiguration();
- }
- else
- return null;
- }
- // ----------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------
- /**
- * Return the children objects to consistute the root elements in the system view tree.
- */
- public Object[] getSystemViewRoots()
- {
- if (listConnectionsMode)
- return getConnections();
- if (subsystemAdapter == null)
- {
- return emptyList;
- }
- Object[] children = null;
- if (filterString == null)
- children = subsystemAdapter.getChildren((IAdaptable)subsystem, new NullProgressMonitor());
- else
- {
- children = resolveFilterString(subsystem, filterString);
- }
- return checkForEmptyList(children, null, true);
- }
- /**
- * Return true if {@link #getSystemViewRoots()} will return a non-empty list
- */
- public boolean hasSystemViewRoots()
- {
- if (listConnectionsMode)
- return true;
- else
- {
- boolean hasroots = false;
- if (subsystemAdapter == null)
- hasroots = false;
- else if (filterString != null)
- hasroots = true;
- else
- hasroots = subsystemAdapter.hasChildren((IAdaptable)subsystem);
- return hasroots;
- }
- }
- /**
- * This method is called by the connection adapter when the user expands
- * a connection. This method must return the child objects to show for that
- * connection.
- */
- public Object[] getConnectionChildren(IHost selectedConnection)
- {
- if (!listConnectionsMode)
- return null; // not applicable, never get called
- else
- {
- Object[] children = null;
- ISubSystem[] subsystems = getSubSystems(selectedConnection);
- ISubSystem subsystem = null;
- if ((subsystems != null) && (subsystems.length > 0))
- {
- subsystem = subsystems[0]; // always just use first. Hopefully never a problem!
- if (subsystems.length > 1)
- SystemBasePlugin.logWarning(this.getClass().getName() + ": More than one subsystem meeting criteria. SSFID = "+subsystemConfigurationId+", SSFCat = "+subsystemConfigurationCategory); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
- if (quickFilters != null)
- {
- // DKM - quick filters are only work properly for first subsystem, so for now, I'm only
- // only going to use them for the initial subsystem
- //boolean useFilters = false;
- // Phil
- // 50167: re-using the same filter object for every connection causes
- // grief, so we have to clone the filter for each connection.
- if (multiConnections)
- {
- // walk through quick filters, and create a clone for each one
- children = new ISystemFilter[quickFilters.length];
- for (int idx=0; idx<quickFilters.length; idx++)
- {
- ISystemFilter quickFilter = quickFilters[idx];
- children[idx] = SystemFilterUtil.makeSimpleFilter(quickFilter.getName());
- quickFilter.clone((ISystemFilter)children[idx]);
- ((ISystemFilter)children[idx]).setSubSystem(subsystem);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // walk through quickFilters and if they are transient, assign current subsystem as parent
- for (int idx=0; idx<quickFilters.length; idx++)
- {
- if ((quickFilters[idx].isTransient()))
- {
- quickFilters[idx].setSubSystem(subsystem);
- }
- }
- children = quickFilters;
- }
- }
- else if ((filterString == null) || (filterSuffix != null))
- {
- children = subsystem.getChildren();
- }
- else
- {
- children = resolveFilterString(subsystem, filterString);
- }
- }
- return checkForEmptyList(children, subsystem, true);
- }
- }
- /**
- * This method is called by the connection adapter when deciding to show a plus-sign
- * or not beside a connection. Return true if this connection has children to be shown.
- */
- public boolean hasConnectionChildren(IHost selectedConnection)
- {
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Return true if we are listing connections or not, so we know whether we are interested in
- * connection-add events
- */
- public boolean showingConnections()
- {
- return listConnectionsMode;
- }
- // ----------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------
- /**
- * Return the connections appropriate for our subsystem factory ID or category
- * requirements.
- */
- protected Object[] getConnections()
- {
- if (singleConnectionMode && !showNewConnectionPrompt)
- return inputConnections;
- if ((connPrompt == null) && showNewConnectionPrompt)
- {
- connPrompt = new SystemNewConnectionPromptObject();
- connPromptAsArray = new Object[1];
- connPromptAsArray[0] = connPrompt;
- }
- if ((connPrompt!=null) && (systemTypes != null))
- {
- connPrompt.setSystemTypes(systemTypes);
- }
- IHost[] conns = null;
- if (singleConnectionMode)
- conns = inputConnections;
- else if (systemTypes != null)
- conns = sr.getHostsBySystemTypes(systemTypes);
- else if (subsystemConfigurationId != null) {
- ISubSystemConfiguration config = sr.getSubSystemConfiguration(subsystemConfigurationId);
- conns = sr.getHostsBySubSystemConfiguration(config);
- }
- else if (subsystemConfigurationCategory != null)
- conns = sr.getHostsBySubSystemConfigurationCategory(subsystemConfigurationCategory);
- else
- conns = sr.getHosts();
- Object[] children = null;
- if (showNewConnectionPrompt)
- {
- if ((conns == null) || (conns.length == 0))
- children = connPromptAsArray;
- else
- {
- multiConnections = (conns.length>1); // 50167pc
- children = new Object[1+conns.length];
- children[0] = connPrompt;
- for (int idx=0; idx<conns.length; idx++)
- children[idx+1] = conns[idx];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- children = conns;
- multiConnections = ((conns!=null) && (conns.length>1)); // 50167pc
- }
- return checkForEmptyList(children, null, false);
- }
- /**
- * Given a connection, return the subsystem(s) appropriate for the given
- * subsystem configuration id or category
- */
- protected ISubSystem[] getSubSystems(IHost selectedConnection)
- {
- ISubSystem[] subsystems = null;
- if (subsystemConfigurationId != null) {
- ISubSystemConfiguration config = sr.getSubSystemConfiguration(subsystemConfigurationId);
- if (config==null)
- subsystems = new ISubSystem[0];
- else
- subsystems = config.getSubSystems(selectedConnection, true);
- }
- else if (subsystemConfigurationCategory != null) {
- subsystems = sr.getSubSystemsBySubSystemConfigurationCategory(subsystemConfigurationCategory, selectedConnection);
- }
- else
- subsystems = sr.getSubSystems(selectedConnection);
- return subsystems;
- }
- /**
- * Return the result of asking a given subsystem to resolve a filter string
- */
- protected Object[] resolveFilterString(ISubSystem subsystem, String filterString)
- {
- Object[] children = null;
- try
- {
- children = subsystem.resolveFilterString(filterString, new NullProgressMonitor());
- } catch (InterruptedException exc)
- {
- if (cancelledObject == null)
- children = getCancelledMessageObject();
- } catch (Exception exc)
- {
- children = getFailedMessageObject();
- SystemBasePlugin.logError("Error in SystemTestFilterStringAPIProviderImpl#getSystemViewRoots()",exc); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- return children;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the implementation of ISystemViewElement for the given
- * object. Returns null if the adapter is not defined or the
- * object is not adaptable.
- */
- protected ISystemViewElementAdapter getViewAdapter(Object o)
- {
- return SystemAdapterHelpers.getViewAdapter(o);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the implementation of ISystemRemoteElement for the given
- * object. Returns null if this object does not adaptable to this.
- */
- protected ISystemRemoteElementAdapter getRemoteAdapter(Object o)
- {
- return SystemAdapterHelpers.getRemoteAdapter(o);
- }
- /**
- * Prompt the user to create a new filter as a result of the user expanding a promptable
- * transient filter
- * <p>
- * Simply passes the request on to the caller.
- * <p>
- *
- * @return the filter created by the user or null if they cancelled the prompting
- */
- public ISystemFilter createFilterByPrompting(ISystemFilter filterPrompt, Shell shell)
- throws Exception
- {
- if (caller!=null)
- return caller.createFilterByPrompting(filterPrompt, shell);
- else
- return null;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file

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