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Diffstat (limited to 'rse/plugins/org.eclipse.rse.importexport/src/org/eclipse/rse/internal/synchronize/filesystem/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 564 deletions
diff --git a/rse/plugins/org.eclipse.rse.importexport/src/org/eclipse/rse/internal/synchronize/filesystem/ b/rse/plugins/org.eclipse.rse.importexport/src/org/eclipse/rse/internal/synchronize/filesystem/
deleted file mode 100644
index 401ecddcf..000000000
--- a/rse/plugins/org.eclipse.rse.importexport/src/org/eclipse/rse/internal/synchronize/filesystem/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,564 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- * Andreas Voss <> - Bug 181141 [Examples] Team: filesystem provider example can not handle deletions
- * Takuya Miyamoto - Adapted from / FileSystemOperations
- * David McKnight (IBM) - [272708] [import/export] fix various bugs with the synchronization support
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.rse.internal.synchronize.filesystem;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceVisitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping.ResourceTraversal;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.rse.internal.importexport.files.UniFilePlus;
-import org.eclipse.rse.internal.synchronize.filesystem.subscriber.FileSystemResourceVariant;
-import org.eclipse.rse.internal.synchronize.filesystem.subscriber.FileSystemSubscriber;
-import org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.core.SystemIFileProperties;
-import org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.core.subsystems.IRemoteFile;
-import org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.ContainerGenerator;
- * The get and put operations for the file system provider.
- */
-public class FileSystemOperations {
- // A reference to the provider
- // private FileSystemProvider provider;
- FileSystemOperations(FileSystemProvider provider) {
- // this.provider = provider;
- }
- private FileSystemProvider getProvider(IResource resource) {
- return (FileSystemProvider) RepositoryProvider.getProvider(resource.getProject());
- }
- /**
- * Make the local state of the project match the remote state by getting any
- * out-of-sync resources. The overrideOutgoing flag is used to indicate
- * whether locally modified files should also be replaced or left alone.
- *
- * @param resources
- * the resources to get
- * @param depth
- * the depth of the operation
- * @param overrideOutgoing
- * whether locally modified resources should be replaced
- * @param progress
- * a progress monitor
- * @throws TeamException
- */
- public void get(IResource[] resources, int depth, boolean overrideOutgoing, IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException {
- try {
- // ensure the progress monitor is not null
- progress = Policy.monitorFor(progress);
- progress.beginTask(Policy.bind("GetAction.working"), 100); //$NON-NLS-1$
- // Refresh the subscriber so we have the latest remote state
- FileSystemSubscriber.getInstance().refresh(resources, depth, new SubProgressMonitor(progress, 30));
- internalGet(resources, depth, overrideOutgoing, new SubProgressMonitor(progress, 70));
- } finally {
- progress.done();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Make the local state of the traversals match the remote state by getting
- * any out-of-sync resources. The overrideOutgoing flag is used to indicate
- * whether locally modified files should also be replaced or left alone.
- *
- * @param traversals
- * the traversals that cover the resources to get
- * @param overrideOutgoing
- * whether locally modified resources should be replaced
- * @param progress
- * a progress monitor
- * @throws TeamException
- */
- public void get(ResourceTraversal[] traversals, boolean overrideOutgoing, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws TeamException {
- try {
- // ensure the progress monitor is not null
- monitor = Policy.monitorFor(monitor);
- monitor.beginTask(null, 100 * traversals.length);
- for (int i = 0; i < traversals.length; i++) {
- ResourceTraversal traversal = traversals[i];
- get(traversal.getResources(), traversal.getDepth(), overrideOutgoing, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 100));
- }
- } finally {
- monitor.done();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Checkout the given resources to the given depth by setting any files to
- * writable (i.e set read-only to <code>false</code>.
- *
- * @param resources
- * the resources to be checked out
- * @param depth
- * the depth of the checkout
- * @param progress
- * a progress monitor
- * @throws TeamException
- */
- public void checkout(IResource[] resources, int depth, IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException {
- try {
- progress = Policy.monitorFor(progress);
- progress.beginTask(Policy.bind("FileSystemSimpleAccessOperations.1"), resources.length); //$NON-NLS-1$
- for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) {
- Policy.checkCanceled(progress);
- resources[i].accept(new IResourceVisitor() {
- public boolean visit(IResource resource) throws CoreException {
- if (resource.getType() == IResource.FILE) {
- // TODO: lock the file on the' server'.
- resource.getResourceAttributes().setReadOnly(false);
- }
- return true;
- }
- }, depth, false /* include phantoms */);
- progress.worked(1);
- }
- } catch (CoreException e) {
- throw TeamException.asTeamException(e);
- } finally {
- progress.done();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Check-in the given resources to the given depth by replacing the remote
- * (i.e. file system) contents with the local workspace contents.
- *
- * @param resources
- * the resources
- * @param depth
- * the depth of the operation
- * @param overrideIncoming
- * indicate whether incoming remote changes should be replaced
- * @param progress
- * a progress monitor
- * @throws TeamException
- */
- public void checkin(IResource[] resources, int depth, boolean overrideIncoming, IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException {
- try {
- // ensure the progress monitor is not null
- progress = Policy.monitorFor(progress);
- progress.beginTask(Policy.bind("PutAction.working"), 100); //$NON-NLS-1$
- // Refresh the subscriber so we have the latest remote state
- FileSystemSubscriber.getInstance().refresh(resources, depth, new SubProgressMonitor(progress, 30));
- internalPut(resources, depth, overrideIncoming, new SubProgressMonitor(progress, 70));
- } finally {
- progress.done();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Check-in the given resources to the given depth by replacing the remote
- * (i.e. file system) contents with the local workspace contents.
- *
- * @param traversals
- * the traversals that cover the resources to check in
- * @param overrideIncoming
- * indicate whether incoming remote changes should be replaced
- * @param progress
- * a progress monitor
- * @throws TeamException
- */
- public void checkin(ResourceTraversal[] traversals, boolean overrideIncoming, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws TeamException {
- try {
- // ensure the progress monitor is not null
- monitor = Policy.monitorFor(monitor);
- monitor.beginTask(null, 100 * traversals.length);
- for (int i = 0; i < traversals.length; i++) {
- ResourceTraversal traversal = traversals[i];
- checkin(traversal.getResources(), traversal.getDepth(), overrideIncoming, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 100));
- // update to the latest state
- FileSystemSubscriber.getInstance().refresh(traversal.getResources(), traversal.getDepth(), null);
- }
- } finally {
- monitor.done();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Return whether the local resource is checked out. A resource is checked
- * out if it is a file that is not read-only. Folders are always checked
- * out.
- *
- * @param resource
- * the resource
- * @return whether the resource is checked out and can be modified
- */
- public boolean isCheckedOut(IResource resource) {
- if (resource.getType() != IResource.FILE) {
- return true;
- }
- return !resource.getResourceAttributes().isReadOnly();
- // return !resource.isReadOnly();
- }
- /*
- * Get the resource variant for the given resource.
- */
- private FileSystemResourceVariant getExportResourceVariant(IResource resource) {
- // return
- // (FileSystemResourceVariant)provider.getResourceVariant(resource);
- return (FileSystemResourceVariant) getProvider(resource).getExportResourceVariant(resource);
- }
- private FileSystemResourceVariant getImportResourceVariant(IResource resource){
- return (FileSystemResourceVariant) getProvider(resource).getImportResourcevariant(resource);
- }
- private void internalGet(IResource[] resources, int depth, boolean overrideOutgoing, IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException {
- // Traverse the resources and get any that are out-of-sync
- // System.out.println("get operation");
- progress.beginTask(Policy.bind("GetAction.working"), IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN); //$NON-NLS-1$
- for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) {
- Policy.checkCanceled(progress);
- if (resources[i].getType() == IResource.FILE) {
- internalGet((IFile) resources[i], overrideOutgoing, progress);
- } else if (depth != IResource.DEPTH_ZERO) {
- internalGet((IContainer) resources[i], depth, overrideOutgoing, progress);
- }
- progress.worked(1);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Get the folder and its children to the depth specified.
- */
- private void internalGet(IContainer container, int depth, boolean overrideOutgoing, IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException {
- try {
- ThreeWaySynchronizer synchronizer = FileSystemSubscriber.getInstance().getSynchronizer();
- // Make the local folder state match the remote folder state
- List toDelete = new ArrayList();
- if (container.getType() == IResource.FOLDER) {
- IFolder folder = (IFolder) container;
-// FileSystemResourceVariant remote = getExportResourceVariant(container);
- FileSystemResourceVariant remote = getImportResourceVariant(container);
- if (!folder.exists() && remote != null) {
- // Create the local folder
-// folder.create(false, true, progress);
- folder.create(true, true, progress);
- folder.getResourceAttributes().setReadOnly(false);
- synchronizer.setBaseBytes(folder, remote.asBytes());
- } else if (folder.exists() && remote == null) {
- // Schedule the folder for removal but delay in
- // case the folder contains outgoing changes
- toDelete.add(folder);
- }
- }
- // Get the children
- IResource[] children = synchronizer.members(container);
- if (children.length > 0) {
- internalGet(children, depth == IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE ? IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE : IResource.DEPTH_ZERO, overrideOutgoing, progress);
- }
- // Remove any empty folders
- for (Iterator iter = toDelete.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
- IFolder folder = (IFolder);
- if (folder.members().length == 0) {
- folder.delete(false, true, progress);
- synchronizer.flush(folder, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE);
- }
- }
- } catch (CoreException e) {
- throw TeamException.asTeamException(e);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- /*
- * Get the file if it is out-of-sync.
- */
- private void internalGet(IFile localFile, boolean overrideOutgoing, IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException {
- ThreeWaySynchronizer synchronizer = FileSystemSubscriber.getInstance().getSynchronizer();
- IResourceVariantComparator comparator = FileSystemSubscriber.getInstance().getResourceComparator();
-// FileSystemResourceVariant remote = getExportResourceVariant(localFile);
- FileSystemResourceVariant remote = getImportResourceVariant(localFile);
- byte[] baseBytes = synchronizer.getBaseBytes(localFile);
- FileSystemProvider provider = getProvider(localFile);
- IResourceVariant base = provider.getResourceVariant(localFile, baseBytes);
-// if (!synchronizer.hasSyncBytes(localFile) || (isLocallyModified(localFile) && !overrideOutgoing)) {
-// // Do not overwrite the local modification
-// return;
-// }
- if (base != null && remote == null) {
- // The remote no longer exists so remove the local
- try {
- localFile.delete(false, true, progress);
- synchronizer.flush(localFile, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
- return;
- } catch (CoreException e) {
- throw TeamException.asTeamException(e);
- }
- }
- if (!synchronizer.isLocallyModified(localFile) && base != null && remote != null &&, remote)) {
- // The base and remote are the same and there's no local changes
- // so nothing needs to be done
- return;
- }
- try {
-// UniFilePlus remoteFile = (UniFilePlus) provider.getExportFile(localFile);
- UniFilePlus remoteFile = (UniFilePlus) provider.getImportFile(localFile);
- if(!remoteFile.exists()){
- localFile.delete(true, null);
- synchronizer.flush(localFile, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
- }else{
- if(localFile.exists()){
- localFile.delete(true, null);
- }
- try {
- // Copy from the remote file to the local file:
-// if(!localFile.getParent().exists()){
-// IPath parentPath = localFile.getFullPath().removeLastSegments(1);
-// ContainerGenerator generator = new ContainerGenerator(parentPath);
-// IContainer container = generator.generateContainer(null);
-// container.getResourceAttributes().setReadOnly(false);
-// }
- createParentFolderRecursively(localFile);
- remoteFile.getRemoteFile().getParentRemoteFileSubSystem().download(remoteFile.getRemoteFile(), localFile.getLocation().toOSString(), localFile.getCharset(), progress);
-// remoteFile.getRemoteFile().getParentRemoteFileSubSystem().download(remoteFile.getRemoteFile(), parent.getLocation().toOSString(), localFile.getCharset(), progress);
- // Mark as read-only to force a checkout before editing
- //System.out.println(localFile.getLocation() + " : accessible = " + localFile.isAccessible()+", existing = "+localFile.exists());
- if(localFile.isAccessible()){
- localFile.getResourceAttributes().setReadOnly(true);
- }
- localFile.getParent().refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ONE, progress);
- // update sync status
- synchronizer.setBaseBytes(localFile, remote.asBytes());
- // update stored timestamp
- SystemIFileProperties properties = new SystemIFileProperties(localFile);
- properties.setRemoteFileTimeStamp(remoteFile.lastModified());
- properties.setDownloadFileTimeStamp(localFile.getLocalTimeStamp());
- } catch (SystemMessageException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- } catch (CoreException e) {
- throw FileSystemPlugin.wrapException(e);
- }
- }
- // actual put operation for files
- private void internalPut(IResource[] resources, int depth, boolean overrideIncoming, IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException {
- try {
- // ensure the progress monitor is not null
- progress = Policy.monitorFor(progress);
- progress.beginTask(Policy.bind("PutAction.working"), IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN); //$NON-NLS-1$
- for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) {
- Policy.checkCanceled(progress);
- if (resources[i].getType() == IResource.FILE) {
- internalPut((IFile) resources[i], overrideIncoming, progress);
- } else if (depth > 0) { // Assume that resources are either
- // files or containers.
- internalPut((IContainer) resources[i], depth, overrideIncoming, progress);
- }
- progress.worked(1);
- }
- progress.done();
- } catch (TeamException e) {
- throw e;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Put the file if the sync state allows it.
- *
- * @param localFile
- * the local file
- * @param overrideIncoming
- * whether incoming changes should be overwritten
- * @param progress
- * a progress monitor
- * @return whether the put succeeded (i.e. the local matches the remote)
- * @throws TeamException
- */
- private boolean internalPut(IFile localFile, boolean overrideIncoming, IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException {
- ThreeWaySynchronizer synchronizer = FileSystemSubscriber.getInstance().getSynchronizer();
- IResourceVariantComparator comparator = FileSystemSubscriber.getInstance().getResourceComparator();
- FileSystemResourceVariant remote = getExportResourceVariant(localFile);
- byte[] baseBytes = synchronizer.getBaseBytes(localFile);
- FileSystemProvider provider = getProvider(localFile);
- IResourceVariant base = provider.getResourceVariant(localFile, baseBytes);
- overrideIncoming = true; // DKM - test
- // Check whether we are overriding a remote change
- if (base == null && remote != null && !overrideIncoming) {
- // The remote is an incoming (or conflicting) addition.
- // Do not replace unless we are overriding
- return false;
- } else if (base != null && remote == null) {
- // The remote is an incoming deletion
- if (!localFile.exists()) {
- // Conflicting deletion. Clear the synchronizer.
- synchronizer.flush(localFile, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
- } else if (!overrideIncoming) {
- // Do not override the incoming deletion
- return false;
- }
- } else if (base != null && remote != null) {
- boolean same =, remote);
- if (!isLocallyModified(localFile) && same) {
- // The base and remote are the same and there's no local changes
- // so nothing needs to be done
- return true;
- }
- if (!same && !overrideIncoming) {
- // The remote has changed. Only override if specified
- return false;
- }
- }
- // Handle an outgoing deletion
- UniFilePlus remoteFile = (UniFilePlus) provider.getExportFile(localFile);
- if (!localFile.exists()) {
- remoteFile.delete();
- synchronizer.flush(localFile, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
- } else {
- // Otherwise, upload the contents
- try {
- // Copy from the local file to the remote file:
- try {
- if (!remoteFile.getParentFile().exists()) {
- remoteFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
- }
- remoteFile.getRemoteFile().getParentRemoteFileSubSystem().upload(localFile.getLocation().toOSString(), remoteFile.getRemoteFile(), localFile.getCharset(), progress);
- // Mark the file as read-only to require another checkout
- localFile.getResourceAttributes().setReadOnly(true);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- // Update the synchronizer base bytes
- remote = getExportResourceVariant(localFile);
- synchronizer.setBaseBytes(localFile, remote.asBytes());
- // update stored timestamp
- // make sure the remote file is up-to-date
- remoteFile.getRemoteFile().markStale(true);
- IRemoteFile updatedRemoteFile = remoteFile.getRemoteFile().getParentRemoteFileSubSystem().getRemoteFileObject(remoteFile.getRemoteFile().getAbsolutePath(), progress);
- SystemIFileProperties properties = new SystemIFileProperties(localFile);
- properties.setRemoteFileTimeStamp(updatedRemoteFile.getLastModified());
- properties.setDownloadFileTimeStamp(localFile.getLocalTimeStamp());
- } catch (CoreException e) {
- throw FileSystemPlugin.wrapException(e);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- private boolean isLocallyModified(IFile localFile) throws TeamException {
- ThreeWaySynchronizer synchronizer = FileSystemSubscriber.getInstance().getSynchronizer();
- if (!localFile.exists()) {
- // Extra check for bug 141415
- return synchronizer.getBaseBytes(localFile) != null;
- }
- return synchronizer.isLocallyModified(localFile);
- }
- /*
- * Get the folder and its children to the depth specified.
- */
- private void internalPut(IContainer container, int depth, boolean overrideIncoming, IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException {
- try {
- ThreeWaySynchronizer synchronizer = FileSystemSubscriber.getInstance().getSynchronizer();
- FileSystemProvider provider = getProvider(container);
- // Make the local folder state match the remote folder state
- List toDelete = new ArrayList();
- if (container.getType() == IResource.FOLDER) {
- IFolder folder = (IFolder) container;
- UniFilePlus diskFile = (UniFilePlus) provider.getExportFile(container);
- FileSystemResourceVariant remote = getExportResourceVariant(container);
- if (!folder.exists() && remote != null) {
- // Schedule the folder for removal but delay in
- // case the folder contains incoming changes
- toDelete.add(diskFile);
- } else if (folder.exists() && remote == null) {
- // Create the remote directory and sync up the local
- diskFile.mkdirs();
- IResourceVariant variant = provider.getExportResourceVariant(folder);
- if (variant == null){
- // remote directory does not exist
- }
- else {
- synchronizer.setBaseBytes(folder, variant.asBytes());
- }
- }
- } else if (container.getType() == IResource.PROJECT) {
- IProject project = (IProject) container;
- UniFilePlus remoteProjectFolder = (UniFilePlus) provider.getExportFile(project);
- FileSystemResourceVariant remoteResourceVariant = getExportResourceVariant(container);
- if (project.exists() && remoteResourceVariant == null) {
- remoteProjectFolder.mkdir();
- synchronizer.setBaseBytes(project, provider.getExportResourceVariant(project).asBytes());
- }
- }
- // Get the children
- IResource[] children = synchronizer.members(container);
- if (children.length > 0) {
- internalPut(children, depth == IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE ? IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE : IResource.DEPTH_ZERO, overrideIncoming, progress);
- }
- // Remove any empty folders
- for (Iterator iter = toDelete.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
- File diskFile = (File);
- if (diskFile.listFiles().length == 0) {
- diskFile.delete();
- synchronizer.flush(container, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE);
- }
- }
- } catch (CoreException e) {
- throw TeamException.asTeamException(e);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- private void createParentFolderRecursively(IResource resource) throws CoreException{
- if(!resource.getParent().exists()){
- ContainerGenerator generator = new ContainerGenerator(resource.getParent().getFullPath());
- IContainer parent = generator.generateContainer(null);
- createParentFolderRecursively(parent);
- }
- }

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