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Diffstat (limited to 'rse/examples/org.eclipse.rse.examples.tutorial/src/samples/ui/propertypages/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 279 deletions
diff --git a/rse/examples/org.eclipse.rse.examples.tutorial/src/samples/ui/propertypages/ b/rse/examples/org.eclipse.rse.examples.tutorial/src/samples/ui/propertypages/
deleted file mode 100644
index 45e00e986..000000000
--- a/rse/examples/org.eclipse.rse.examples.tutorial/src/samples/ui/propertypages/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Initial Contributors:
- * The following IBM employees contributed to the Remote System Explorer
- * component that contains this file: David McKnight, Kushal Munir,
- * Michael Berger, David Dykstal, Phil Coulthard, Don Yantzi, Eric Simpson,
- * Emily Bruner, Mazen Faraj, Adrian Storisteanu, Li Ding, and Kent Hawley.
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - Adapted original tutorial code to Open RSE.
- *******************************************************************************/
-package samples.ui.propertypages;
-import org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.files.core.subsystems.IRemoteFile;
-import org.eclipse.rse.ui.SystemWidgetHelpers;
-import org.eclipse.rse.ui.propertypages.SystemBasePropertyPage;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
-import samples.RSESamplesPlugin;
- * A sample property page for a remote object, which in this case is scoped via the
- * extension point xml to only apply to folder objects.
- */
-public class FolderInfoPropertyPage
- extends SystemBasePropertyPage
- implements SelectionListener
- // gui widgets...
- private Label sizeLabel, filesLabel, foldersLabel;
- private Button stopButton;
- // state...
- private int totalSize = 0;
- private int totalFolders = 0;
- private int totalFiles = 0;
- private boolean stopped = false;
- private Thread workerThread;
- private Runnable guiUpdater;
- /**
- * Constructor for FolderInfoPropertyPage.
- */
- public FolderInfoPropertyPage()
- {
- super();
- }
- // --------------------------
- // Parent method overrides...
- // --------------------------
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.rse.files.ui.propertypages.SystemAbstractRemoteFilePropertyPageExtensionAction#createContentArea(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite)
- */
- protected Control createContentArea(Composite parent)
- {
- Composite composite = SystemWidgetHelpers.createComposite(parent, 2);
- // draw the gui
- sizeLabel = SystemWidgetHelpers.createLabeledLabel(composite,
- RSESamplesPlugin.getResourceString("pp.size.label"), //$NON-NLS-1$
- RSESamplesPlugin.getResourceString("pp.size.tooltip"), //$NON-NLS-1$
- false);
- filesLabel = SystemWidgetHelpers.createLabeledLabel(composite,
- RSESamplesPlugin.getResourceString("pp.files.label"), //$NON-NLS-1$
- RSESamplesPlugin.getResourceString("pp.files.tooltip"), //$NON-NLS-1$
- false);
- foldersLabel = SystemWidgetHelpers.createLabeledLabel(composite,
- RSESamplesPlugin.getResourceString("pp.folders.label"), //$NON-NLS-1$
- RSESamplesPlugin.getResourceString("pp.folders.tooltip"), //$NON-NLS-1$
- false);
- stopButton = SystemWidgetHelpers.createPushButton(composite, null,
- RSESamplesPlugin.getResourceString("pp.stopButton.label"), //$NON-NLS-1$
- RSESamplesPlugin.getResourceString("pp.stopButton.tooltip") //$NON-NLS-1$
- );
- stopButton.addSelectionListener(this);
- setValid(false); // Disable OK button until thread is done
- // show "Processing..." message
- setMessage(RSESamplesPlugin.getPluginMessage("RSSG1002")); //$NON-NLS-1$
- // create instance of Runnable to allow asynchronous GUI updates from background thread
- guiUpdater = new RunnableGUIClass();
- // spawn a thread to calculate the information
- workerThread = new RunnableClass(getRemoteFile());
- workerThread.start();
- return composite;
- }
- /**
- * Intercept from PreferencePage. Called when user presses Cancel button.
- * We stop the background thread.
- * @see org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferencePage#performCancel()
- */
- public boolean performCancel()
- {
- killThread();
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Intercept from DialogPage. Called when dialog going away.
- * If the user presses the X to close this dialog, we
- * need to stop that background thread.
- */
- public void dispose()
- {
- killThread();
- super.dispose();
- }
- /**
- * Private method to kill our background thread.
- * Control doesn't return until it ends.
- */
- private void killThread()
- {
- if (!stopped && workerThread.isAlive())
- {
- stopped = true;
- try {
- workerThread.join(); // wait for thread to end
- } catch (InterruptedException exc) {}
- }
- }
- // -------------------------------------------
- // Methods from SelectionListener interface...
- // -------------------------------------------
- /**
- * From SelectionListener
- * @see SelectionListener#widgetSelected(SelectionEvent)
- */
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event)
- {
- if (event.getSource() == stopButton)
- {
- stopped = true;
- stopButton.setEnabled(false);
- }
- }
- /**
- * From SelectionListener
- * @see SelectionListener#widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent)
- */
- public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent event)
- {
- }
- // ----------------
- // Inner classes...
- // ----------------
- /**
- * Inner class encapsulating the background work to be done, so it may be executed
- * in background thread.
- */
- private class RunnableClass extends Thread
- {
- IRemoteFile inputFolder;
- RunnableClass(IRemoteFile inputFolder)
- {
- this.inputFolder = inputFolder;
- }
- public void run()
- {
- if (stopped)
- return;
- walkFolder(inputFolder);
- updateGUI();
- if (!stopped)
- {
- stopped = true;
- updateGUI();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Recursively walk a folder, updating the running tallies.
- * Update the GUI after processing each subfolder.
- */
- private void walkFolder(IRemoteFile currFolder)
- {
- try
- {
- IRemoteFile[] folders = currFolder.getParentRemoteFileSubSystem().listFoldersAndFiles( currFolder, null);
- if ((folders != null) && (folders.length>0))
- {
- for (int idx=0; !stopped && (idx<folders.length); idx++)
- {
- // is this a folder?
- if (folders[idx].isDirectory())
- {
- ++totalFolders;
- walkFolder(folders[idx]);
- updateGUI();
- }
- // is this a file?
- else
- {
- ++totalFiles;
- totalSize += folders[idx].getLength();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- catch (SystemMessageException e)
- {
- }
- } // end of walkFolder method
- } // end of inner class
- /**
- * Inner class encapsulating the GUI work to be done from the
- * background thread.
- */
- private class RunnableGUIClass implements Runnable
- {
- public void run()
- {
- if (stopButton.isDisposed())
- return;
- if (!stopped)
- {
- sizeLabel.setText(Integer.toString(totalSize));
- filesLabel.setText(Integer.toString(totalFiles));
- foldersLabel.setText(Integer.toString(totalFolders));
- }
- else if (stopped)
- {
- setValid(true); // re-enable OK button
- stopButton.setEnabled(false); // disable Stop button
- clearMessage(); // clear "Processing..." message
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Update the GUI with the current status
- */
- private void updateGUI()
- {
- Display.getDefault().asyncExec(guiUpdater);
- }
- protected boolean verifyPageContents() {
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Get the input remote file object
- */
- protected IRemoteFile getRemoteFile()
- {
- Object element = getElement();
- return ((IRemoteFile)element);
- }

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