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diff --git a/rse/doc/org.eclipse.rse.doc.isv/guide/rse_int_architecture.html b/rse/doc/org.eclipse.rse.doc.isv/guide/rse_int_architecture.html
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-<h1>RSE Architecture</h1>
-<p> The Remote System Explorer is structured into three major layors:</p>
- <li><A href="#Services">Service Layer</A></li>
- <li><A href="#Subsystems">Subsystem Layer</A></li>
- <li><A href="#UI">UI Layer</A></li>
-<A name="Services"></A><h2>RSE Service Layer</h2>
-This is the headless, barebones API layer that is used to interact with different protocols to
-provide remote services that can be integrated into RSE. By default, RSE defines the following
-types of services:
- <ul>
- <li>File Service - for listing, modifying, copying, and transfering remote file and folders</li>
- <li>Shell Service - for launching remote shells and interacting with the associated IO</li>
- <li>Process Services - for listing remote processes</li>
- <p>
-New service types can be added as needed, either in core RSE, or extensions to the base. The service
-interfaces are defined loosely so that different implementations of the same service can be made using
-different protocols. For example, the IFileService could be implemented locally with, FTP, DataStore or some
-other protocol. Similarly, the IShellService could be implemented locally via DataStore, telnet, SSH or something
-<A name="Subsystems"></A><h2>RSE Subsystem Layer</h2>
-RSE subsystems integrate the services of the service layer with connection information, model artifacts and persistence.
-Each subsystem is associated with a single service type. For example, the file service subsystem is associated with the
-file service. Each <a href="rse_int_subsystems.html">subsystem</a> is associated with one or more services from the service layer,
-a <a href="rse_int_connectorservices.html">connector service</a> and, in some cases, a model adapter, which is used to
-convert artifacts from the service layer into a form that is suitable for the subsystem layer.
-Subsystems are contributed via the subsystem configuration extension point. A subsystem configuration is registered with
-one or more system type (i.e. Local, Linux, Windows, etc.). When there is an RSE <a href="rse_int_hosts.html">host</a>
-of a particular system type, the subsystem configurations that are registered with that system type are used to instantiate
-and configure the subsystems for that host. Each subsystem configuration determines the subsystem to instantiate, the service
-implementation, the connector service and anything else that requires customization for it's service.
-Multiple subsystem configurations can exist for the same type of subsystem. This will be the case when there are more than
-one protocols that can be used to implement the same service. For example, there are both FTP and DataStore implementations of
-the IFileService. Subsystem configurations are contributed for both the FTP implementation and the DataStore one. In
-such cases, only one subsystem is instantiated for each host, however that subsystem can have its configuration changed from FTP
-to DataStore and vice versa.
-Subsystems do not have to be implemented on top of a formally defined service layer, although this is highly recommended.
-Instead it may have all the services implemented directly in the subsystem itself.
-If a subsystem does not use a service layer it should return <strong>null</strong> when implementing getServiceType().
-Subsystems are RSE objects that are persistable and maintain higher level functionality from the service layer. Subsystems that
-are used to query information on a host often have <a href="rse_int_filters.html">filters</a>. Filters provide the user the means to
-specify a criteria for which to query a set of data. In addition to filters, there are more arbitrary properties that can be
-associated with a subsystem, each of which can be saved and restored across sessions.
-<A name="UI"></A><h2>RSE UI Layer</h2>
-The Remote System Explorer perspective provides views that render the subsystems and associated artifacts. Users can create
-new connections, which can be expanded to reveal subsystems and the information the subsystems reveal about a system.

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