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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 33 deletions
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-<title>RSE Remote Resource API</title>
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-<h1>RSE Remote Resource API</h1>
-<p>RSE supplies subsystems for accessing the file system and for executing commands, for
-all system types ("universally").
-To programmatically access the files in a remote system
-identified by a particular system connection, use the
-<A href="../../reference/api/org/eclipse/rse/core/model/ISystemRegistry.html">system registry</A> to get to the
-<A href="../../reference/api/org/eclipse/rse/core/model/ISystemRegistry.html#getSubSystemsBySubSystemConfigurationCategory(String, org.eclipse.rse.core.model.IHost)">file subsystem</A>
-for that connection, by passing in the file category as a String. This <A href="../../reference/api/org/eclipse/rse/subsystems/files/core/subsystems/IRemoteFileSubSystem.html">file subsystem</A> offers methods for accessing the remote files.
-Similarly, to programmatically run commands in a remote system
-identified by a particular system connection, use the
-<A href="../../reference/api/org/eclipse/rse/core/model/ISystemRegistry.html">system registry</A> to get to the
-<A href="../../reference/api/org/eclipse/rse/core/model/ISystemRegistry.html#getSubSystemsBySubSystemConfigurationCategory(String, org.eclipse.rse.core.model.IHost)">command subsystem</A>
-for that connection, by passing in the command category as a String. This <A href="../../reference/api/org/eclipse/rse/subsystems/shells/core/subsystems/IRemoteCmdSubSystem.html">command subsystem</A> offers methods for running remote commands,
-either in a new command shell or an existing command shell. You can also set environment variables
-using this subsytem object.

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