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diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org')
107 files changed, 0 insertions, 9383 deletions
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- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.DefaultScope;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.InstanceScope;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.JSPCorePlugin;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.encoding.JSPDocumentLoader;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.preferences.JSPCorePreferenceNames;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.provisional.contenttype.ContentTypeIdForJSP;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.encoding.CommonEncodingPreferenceNames;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.encoding.ContentBasedPreferenceGateway;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.encoding.ContentTypeEncodingPreferences;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.document.IEncodedDocument;
-import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
-import org.osgi.framework.BundleException;
-import org.osgi.service.prefs.Preferences;
- * The purpose of this test is to verify the validity of the JSP Source editor
- * preferences. Tests include setting/getting preferences.
- *
- * NOTE: This test should be preformed on a clean workspace. If performed on
- * an existing workspace, this test will manipulate preferences in the
- * workspace, though attempts will be made to restore original values after
- * testing.
- */
-public class JSPCorePreferencesTest extends TestCase {
- /**
- * Tests existance of preference values when getting preference values
- * through Platform.getPreferencesService()
- */
- public void testBundleGetPreferences() {
- final String bundleName = "org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core";
- // need to start up bundle for default values to be loaded
- Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle(bundleName);
- try {
- if (bundle != null)
- bundle.start();
- else
- fail("Get preference value failed because could not find bundle: " + bundleName);
- }
- catch (BundleException e) {
- fail("Get preference value failed because of exception starting bundle: " + bundleName + " exception: " + e);
- }
- bundleGetPreference(bundleName, JSPCorePreferenceNames.DEFAULT_EXTENSION);
- }
- private void bundleGetPreference(String bundleName, String prefKey) {
- String defaultValue = null;
- String value = Platform.getPreferencesService().getString(bundleName, prefKey, defaultValue, null);
- assertTrue("Get preference value failed using Platform.getPreferencesService. Key: " + prefKey, defaultValue != value);
- }
- /**
- * Tests default values of preferences.
- *
- * NOTE: Expected default values are hard-coded, so if default values do
- * get changed, assertions need to be updated as well
- */
- public void testPluginGetDefaultPreferences() {
- IEclipsePreferences node = new DefaultScope().getNode(JSPCorePlugin.getDefault().getBundle().getSymbolicName());
- pluginGetDefaultPreference(node, JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, Boolean.toString(true));
- }
- private void pluginGetDefaultPreference(IEclipsePreferences node, String prefKey, String expected) {
- String defaultValue = Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()); // random
- // string
- String theDefaultValue = node.get(prefKey, defaultValue);
- assertEquals("Get default preference value failed using plugin.getPreferenceStore. Key: " + prefKey, expected, theDefaultValue);
- }
- /**
- * Tests setting preference values by setting preference value to be a
- * certain value, then getting the preference value to verify it was set.
- */
- public void testPluginSetPreferences() {
- IEclipsePreferences node = new InstanceScope().getNode(JSPCorePlugin.getDefault().getBundle().getSymbolicName());
- pluginSetPreferenceBoolean(node, JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS);
- }
- private void pluginSetPreferenceBoolean(IEclipsePreferences node, String prefKey) {
- boolean originalValue = false;
- boolean expectedValue = true;
- String originalString = node.get(prefKey, "bogus");
- if (!"bogus".equals(originalString)) {
- originalValue = Boolean.valueOf(originalString).booleanValue();
- expectedValue = !originalValue;
- }
- node.putBoolean(prefKey, expectedValue);
- boolean foundValue = node.getBoolean(prefKey, true);
- assertEquals("Set preference value failed using plugin.getPreferenceStore. Key: " + prefKey + " expected: " + expectedValue + " found: " + foundValue, expectedValue, foundValue);
- // attempt to restore original preference value
- if ("bogus".equals(originalString))
- node.remove(prefKey);
- else
- node.put(prefKey, originalString);
- }
- /**
- * Tests line delimiter preferences by making sure document created
- * follows line delimiter preference.
- */
- public void testDelimiterPreferences() {
- // check if content type preferences match
- String preferredDelimiter = ContentTypeEncodingPreferences.getPreferredNewLineDelimiter(ContentTypeIdForJSP.ContentTypeID_JSP);
- Preferences prefs = ContentBasedPreferenceGateway.getPreferences(ContentTypeIdForJSP.ContentTypeID_JSP);
- String gatewayDelimiter = prefs.get(CommonEncodingPreferenceNames.END_OF_LINE_CODE, null);
- assertEquals("ContentTypeEncodingPreferences and ContentBasedPreferenceGateway preferences do not match", gatewayDelimiter, preferredDelimiter);
- // set a particular line delimiter
- prefs.put(CommonEncodingPreferenceNames.END_OF_LINE_CODE, CommonEncodingPreferenceNames.LF);
- // create document
- JSPDocumentLoader loader = new JSPDocumentLoader();
- IEncodedDocument document = loader.createNewStructuredDocument();
- String documentDelimiter = document.getPreferredLineDelimiter();
- // verify delimiter in document matches preference
- assertEquals("Delimiter in document does not match preference", CommonEncodingPreferenceNames.STRING_LF, documentDelimiter);
- // return to original preference
- prefs.remove(CommonEncodingPreferenceNames.END_OF_LINE_CODE);
- }
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- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.cleanupformat.FormatTester;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.contentmodels.TestFixedCMDocuments;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.contentmodels.TestTaglibCMTests;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.contenttypeidentifier.contentspecific.TestContentTypeHandlers;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.contenttypeidentifier.contentspecific.TestModelHandlers;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.dom.AttrValueTest;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.dom.TestImportedNodes;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.model.TestModelIncludes;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.model.TestModelRelease;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.model.TestModelWithNoFile;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.source.JSPTokenizerTest;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.translation.JSPJavaTranslatorCoreTest;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.translation.JSPTranslatorPersistenceTest;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.validation.JSPActionValidatorTest;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.validation.JSPBatchValidatorTest;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.validation.JSPDirectiveValidatorTest;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.validation.JSPJavaValidatorTest;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.css.core.tests.source.JSPedCSSSourceParserTest;
-public class JSPCoreTestSuite extends TestSuite {
- public static Test suite() {
- return new JSPCoreTestSuite();
- }
- public JSPCoreTestSuite() {
- super("JSP Core Test Suite");
- String noninteractive = System.getProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive");
- String wtp_autotest_noninteractive = null;
- if (noninteractive != null)
- wtp_autotest_noninteractive = noninteractive;
- System.setProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive", "true");
- addTest(TestCeanupFormat.suite());
- addTest(ModelCloneSuite.suite());
- addTest(new TestSuite(TestModelHandlers.class, "TestModelHandlers"));
- addTest(new TestSuite(TestContentTypeHandlers.class, "TestContentTypeHandlers"));
- addTest(new TestSuite(TestModelManager.class, "TestModelManager"));
- addTest(new TestSuite(FormatTester.class, "FormatTester"));
- addTest(new TestSuite(TestModelRelease.class, "Model Tests"));
- addTest(new TestSuite(TestModelWithNoFile.class, "Model with no file Tests"));
- // temporarily removed since unstable, see
- // addTest(new TestSuite(TestIndex.class, "TaglibIndex Tests"));
- addTest(new TestSuite(JSPTokenizerTest.class, "Special Parsing Tests"));
- addTest(new TestSuite(AttrValueTest.class, "JSP Attribute Tests"));
- addTest(new TestSuite(JSPJavaTranslatorCoreTest.class, "Core Translator Tests"));
- addTest(new TestSuite(TestModelIncludes.class, "Core Fragment Inclusion Tests"));
- addTest(new TestSuite(JSPCorePreferencesTest.class, "Preference Tests"));
- addTest(new TestSuite(JSPedCSSSourceParserTest.class, "Special Parsing Tests for JSP-CSS content"));
- addTest(new TestSuite(JSPJavaValidatorTest.class, "Java Validator Tests"));
- addTest(new TestSuite(TestImportedNodes.class, "Imported Nodes Tests"));
- addTest(new TestSuite(TestFixedCMDocuments.class, "Fixed CMDocument Creation Tests"));
- addTest(new TestSuite(TestTaglibCMTests.class, "Custom Tag Library Content Model Tests"));
- addTest(new TestSuite(JSPActionValidatorTest.class, "Action Validator Tests"));
- addTest(new TestSuite(JSPBatchValidatorTest.class, "Batch Validator Tests"));
- addTest(new TestSuite(JSPDirectiveValidatorTest.class, "Directive Validator Tests"));
- addTest(JSPTranslatorPersistenceTest.suite());
- if (wtp_autotest_noninteractive != null)
- System.setProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive", wtp_autotest_noninteractive);
- }
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@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests;
-import java.util.MissingResourceException;
-import java.util.ResourceBundle;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.FileLocator;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin;
- * The main plugin class to be used in the desktop.
- */
-public class JSPCoreTestsPlugin extends Plugin {
- //The shared instance.
- private static JSPCoreTestsPlugin plugin;
- //Resource bundle.
- private ResourceBundle resourceBundle;
- /**
- * The constructor.
- */
- public JSPCoreTestsPlugin() {
- super();
- plugin = this;
- try {
- resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.TestsPluginResources");
- }
- catch (MissingResourceException x) {
- resourceBundle = null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the shared instance.
- */
- public static JSPCoreTestsPlugin getDefault() {
- return plugin;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the string from the plugin's resource bundle,
- * or 'key' if not found.
- */
- public static String getResourceString(String key) {
- ResourceBundle bundle = JSPCoreTestsPlugin.getDefault().getResourceBundle();
- try {
- return (bundle != null) ? bundle.getString(key) : key;
- }
- catch (MissingResourceException e) {
- return key;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the plugin's resource bundle,
- */
- public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle() {
- return resourceBundle;
- }
- public static URL getInstallLocation() {
- URL installLocation = Platform.getBundle("org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests").getEntry("/");
- URL resolvedLocation = null;
- try {
- resolvedLocation = FileLocator.resolve(installLocation);
- }
- catch (IOException e) {
- // impossible
- throw new Error(e);
- }
- return resolvedLocation;
- }
- public static File getTestFile(String filepath) {
- URL installURL = getInstallLocation();
- //String scheme = installURL.getProtocol();
- String path = installURL.getPath();
- String location = path + filepath;
- File result = new File(location);
- return result;
- }
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- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
-import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
- * Small convenience class to log messages to plugin's log file and also, if desired,
- * the console. This class should only be used by classes in this plugin. Other
- * plugins should make their own copy, with appropriate ID.
- */
-public class Logger {
- private static Plugin fPlugin = JSPCoreTestsPlugin.getDefault();
- private static Bundle fBundle = fPlugin.getBundle();
- private static final String fPluginId = fBundle.getSymbolicName();
- private static final String TRACEFILTER_LOCATION = "/debug/tracefilter"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- public static final int OK = IStatus.OK; // 0
- public static final int INFO = IStatus.INFO; // 1
- public static final int WARNING = IStatus.WARNING; // 2
- public static final int ERROR = IStatus.ERROR; // 4
- public static final int OK_DEBUG = 200 + OK;
- public static final int INFO_DEBUG = 200 + INFO;
- public static final int WARNING_DEBUG = 200 + WARNING;
- public static final int ERROR_DEBUG = 200 + ERROR;
- /**
- * Adds message to log.
- * @param level severity level of the message (OK, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, OK_DEBUG, INFO_DEBUG, WARNING_DEBUG, ERROR_DEBUG)
- * @param message text to add to the log
- * @param exception exception thrown
- */
- protected static void _log(int level, String message, Throwable exception) {
- if (level == OK_DEBUG || level == INFO_DEBUG || level == WARNING_DEBUG || level == ERROR_DEBUG) {
- if (!isDebugging())
- return;
- }
- int severity = IStatus.OK;
- switch (level) {
- case INFO_DEBUG :
- case INFO :
- severity = IStatus.INFO;
- break;
- case WARNING :
- severity = IStatus.WARNING;
- break;
- case ERROR_DEBUG :
- case ERROR :
- severity = IStatus.ERROR;
- }
- message = (message != null) ? message : "null"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- Status statusObj = new Status(severity, fPluginId, severity, message, exception);
- fPlugin.getLog().log(statusObj);
- }
- /**
- * Prints message to log if category matches /debug/tracefilter option.
- * @param message text to print
- * @param category category of the message, to be compared with /debug/tracefilter
- */
- protected static void _trace(String category, String message, Throwable exception) {
- if (isTracing(category)) {
- message = (message != null) ? message : "null"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- Status statusObj = new Status(IStatus.OK, fPluginId, IStatus.OK, message, exception);
- fPlugin.getLog().log(statusObj);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @return true if the plugin for this logger is debugging
- */
- public static boolean isDebugging() {
- return fPlugin.isDebugging();
- }
- /**
- * Determines if currently tracing a category
- * @param category
- * @return true if tracing category, false otherwise
- */
- public static boolean isTracing(String category) {
- if (!isDebugging())
- return false;
- String traceFilter = Platform.getDebugOption(fPluginId + TRACEFILTER_LOCATION);
- if (traceFilter != null) {
- StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(traceFilter, ","); //$NON-NLS-1$
- while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
- String cat = tokenizer.nextToken().trim();
- if (category.equals(cat)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- public static void log(int level, String message) {
- _log(level, message, null);
- }
- public static void log(int level, String message, Throwable exception) {
- _log(level, message, exception);
- }
- public static void logException(String message, Throwable exception) {
- _log(ERROR, message, exception);
- }
- public static void logException(Throwable exception) {
- _log(ERROR, exception.getMessage(), exception);
- }
- public static void traceException(String category, String message, Throwable exception) {
- _trace(category, message, exception);
- }
- public static void traceException(String category, Throwable exception) {
- _trace(category, exception.getMessage(), exception);
- }
- public static void trace(String category, String message) {
- _trace(category, message, null);
- }
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- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.taglibindex.TestIndex;
-public class ManyTestIndex extends TestSuite {
- public static Test suite() {
- return new ManyTestIndex();
- }
- public ManyTestIndex() {
- super("SSE JSP Core Test Suite");
- String noninteractive = System.getProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive");
- String wtp_autotest_noninteractive = null;
- if (noninteractive != null)
- wtp_autotest_noninteractive = noninteractive;
- System.setProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive", "true");
- for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
- addTest(new TestSuite(TestIndex.class, "TaglibIndex Tests " + (i + 1)));
- }
- if (wtp_autotest_noninteractive != null)
- System.setProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive", wtp_autotest_noninteractive);
- }
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- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-public class ModelCloneSuite extends TestSuite {
- public static Test suite() {
- return new ModelCloneSuite();
- }
- public ModelCloneSuite() {
- super("ModelCloneSuite");
- addTest(new TestSuite(TestStructuredDocumentClone.class, "TestStructuredDocumentClone"));
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/
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- * Copyright (c) 2001, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- * Jens Lukowski/Innoopract - initial renaming/restructuring
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests;
-public class NullInputStream extends InputStream {
- /*
- * (non-Javadoc)
- *
- * @see
- */
- public synchronized void mark(int readlimit) {
- // nothing to do
- }
- /*
- * (non-Javadoc)
- *
- * @see
- */
- public boolean markSupported() {
- // we can mark nothing.
- // and, we are using this Null class specifically for
- // a "fake" resettable stream.
- return true;
- }
- /*
- * (non-Javadoc)
- *
- * @see
- */
- public int read() throws IOException {
- return -1;
- }
- /*
- * (non-Javadoc)
- *
- * @see
- */
- public synchronized void reset() throws IOException {
- // nothing to do
- }
- /*
- * (non-Javadoc)
- *
- * @see
- */
- public long skip(long n) throws IOException {
- return 0;
- }
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- * Copyright (c) 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectDescription;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRunnable;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
- *
- * @see org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.tests.ProjectUtil Similar Project Utils
- * @see org.eclipse.wst.css.ui.tests.ProjectUtil Similar Project Utils
- * @see org.eclipse.wst.dtd.ui.tests.ProjectUtil Similar Project Utils
- */
-public class ProjectUtil {
- public static IProject createProject(String name, IPath location, String[] natureIds) {
- IProjectDescription description = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().newProjectDescription(name);
- if (location != null) {
- description.setLocation(location);
- }
- if (natureIds != null) {
- description.setNatureIds(natureIds);
- }
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(name);
- try {
- project.create(description, new NullProgressMonitor());
- NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- catch (CoreException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return project;
- }
- /**
- * @param rootEntry - avoid trailing separators
- * @param fullTargetPath
- */
- public static void copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace(final String rootEntry, final String fullTargetPath) {
- IWorkspaceRunnable runnable = new IWorkspaceRunnable() {
- public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
- _copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace(rootEntry, fullTargetPath);
- ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().checkpoint(true);
- }
- };
- try {
- ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().run(runnable, new NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- catch (CoreException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- static void _copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace(final String rootEntry, final String fullTargetPath) throws CoreException {
- Enumeration entries = JSPCoreTestsPlugin.getDefault().getBundle().getEntryPaths(rootEntry);
- while (entries != null && entries.hasMoreElements()) {
- String entryPath = entries.nextElement().toString();
- String targetPath = new Path(fullTargetPath + "/" + entryPath.substring(rootEntry.length())).toString();
- if (entryPath.endsWith("/")) {
- IFolder folder = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFolder(new Path(targetPath));
- if (!folder.exists()) {
- folder.create(true, true, new NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- _copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace(entryPath, targetPath);
- }
- else {
- _copyBundleEntryIntoWorkspace(entryPath, targetPath);
- }
- }
- }
- static IFile _copyBundleEntryIntoWorkspace(String entryname, String fullPath) throws CoreException {
- IFile file = null;
- URL entry = JSPCoreTestsPlugin.getDefault().getBundle().getEntry(entryname);
- if (entry != null) {
- try {
- byte[] b = new byte[2048];
- InputStream input = entry.openStream();
- ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- int i = -1;
- while ((i = > -1) {
- output.write(b, 0, i);
- }
- file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(fullPath));
- if (file != null) {
- if (!file.exists()) {
- file.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(output.toByteArray()), true, new NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- else {
- file.setContents(new ByteArrayInputStream(output.toByteArray()), true, false, new NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- }
- }
- catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- catch (CoreException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- return file;
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/
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@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.cleanupformat.CleanupTester;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.cleanupformat.FormatTester;
-public class TestCeanupFormat extends TestSuite {
- public static Test suite() {
- return new TestCeanupFormat();
- }
- public TestCeanupFormat() {
- super("TestCeanupFormat");
- addTest(new TestSuite(CleanupTester.class, "CleanupTester"));
- addTest(new TestSuite(FormatTester.class, "FormatTester"));
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.StructuredModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IStructuredModel;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.exceptions.ResourceInUse;
- * This class tests basic creation of IModelManager plugin and the
- * ModelManger.
- *
- * Appropriate for BVT.
- */
-public class TestModelManager extends TestCase {
- /**
- * Constructor for TestModelManager.
- *
- * @param name
- */
- public TestModelManager(String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- public void testModelManager() throws IOException {
- IStructuredModel model = null;
- IModelManager modelManager = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager();
- assertTrue("modelManager must not be null", modelManager != null);
- try {
- model = modelManager.getModelForEdit(getClass().getName() + "." + getName() + ".test.jsp", new NullInputStream(), null);
- assertTrue("basic JSP empty model could not be created", model != null);
- } finally {
- if (model != null) {
- model.releaseFromEdit();
- }
- }
- }
- public void testCopyJSPModelForEdit() throws IOException {
- IStructuredModel model = null;
- try {
- IModelManager modelManager = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager();
- model = modelManager.getModelForEdit("test.jsp", new NullInputStream(), null);
- IStructuredModel modelCopy = modelManager.copyModelForEdit(model.getId(), getName()+".newId");
- assertNotNull("copied JSP model was null", modelCopy);
- assertEquals("ModelHandlers differ", model.getModelHandler(), modelCopy.getModelHandler());
- assertEquals("StructuredDocument RegionParsers differ", model.getStructuredDocument().getParser().getClass(), modelCopy.getStructuredDocument().getParser().getClass());
- assertEquals("Text document contents differ", model.getStructuredDocument().get(), modelCopy.getStructuredDocument().get());
- }
- catch (ResourceInUse e) {
- fail("Resource in use reported for " + model.getId());
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null)
- model.releaseFromEdit();
- }
- }
- public void testNullArgument() throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
- IStructuredModel model = null;
- Exception e = null;
- IModelManager modelManager = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager();
- try {
- model = modelManager.getModelForEdit((String) null, null, null);
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
- e = exception;
- assertTrue("illegal argument failed to throw IllegalArgumentException", e instanceof IllegalArgumentException);
- } finally {
- if (model != null) {
- model.releaseFromEdit();
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.StructuredModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.IStructuredDocument;
- * @author davidw
- *
- * To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment":
- * Window>Preferences>Java>Templates.
- * To enable and disable the creation of type comments go to
- * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation.
- */
-public class TestStructuredDocumentClone extends TestCase {
- /**
- * Constructor for TestModelClone.
- */
- public TestStructuredDocumentClone(String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- public static Test getTest() {
- return new TestStructuredDocumentClone("testCloneStructuredModelJSPXML");
- }
- public void testCloneStructuredDocumentXML() throws IOException {
- // First make (empty) structuredDocument
- IModelManager modelManager = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager();
- IStructuredDocument structuredDocument = modelManager.createStructuredDocumentFor("dummy.xml", (InputStream) null, null);
- assertTrue("structuredDocument could not be created!", structuredDocument != null);
- IStructuredDocument clonedStructuredDocument = structuredDocument.newInstance();
- // make sure the critical variables are NOT identical, but that new instances
- // have been made
- boolean passed = true;
- if (clonedStructuredDocument.getEncodingMemento() == structuredDocument.getEncodingMemento())
- passed = false;
- if (clonedStructuredDocument.getParser() == structuredDocument.getParser())
- passed = false;
- if (clonedStructuredDocument.getReParser() == structuredDocument.getReParser())
- passed = false;
- assertTrue("newInstance of XML structuredDocument is not correct", passed);
- }
- /**
- * This test is most useful to check breakpoints and dig deep in object
- * to check clones values
- */
- public void testCloneStructuredDocumentJSP() throws IOException {
- // First make (empty) structuredDocument
- IModelManager modelManager = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager();
- IStructuredDocument structuredDocument = modelManager.createStructuredDocumentFor("dummy.jsp", (InputStream) null, null);
- assertTrue("structuredDocument could not be created!", structuredDocument != null);
- IStructuredDocument clonedStructuredDocument = structuredDocument.newInstance();
- // make sure the critical variables are NOT identical, but that new instances
- // have been made
- boolean passed = true;
- if (clonedStructuredDocument.getEncodingMemento() == structuredDocument.getEncodingMemento())
- passed = false;
- if (clonedStructuredDocument.getParser() == structuredDocument.getParser())
- passed = false;
- if (clonedStructuredDocument.getReParser() == structuredDocument.getReParser())
- passed = false;
- assertTrue("newInstance of JSP structuredDocument is not correct", passed);
- }
- /**
- * This test is most useful to check breakpoints and dig deep in object
- * to check clones values
- */
- public void testCloneStructuredDocumentJSPXML() throws IOException {
- // First make (empty) structuredDocument
- IModelManager modelManager = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager();
- String testContent = "<@! page contentType=\"text/xml\" @>";
- IStructuredDocument structuredDocument = modelManager.createStructuredDocumentFor("dummy.jsp", testContent, null);
- assertTrue("structuredDocument could not be created!", structuredDocument != null);
- IStructuredDocument clonedStructuredDocument = structuredDocument.newInstance();
- // make sure the critical variables are NOT identical, but that new instances
- // have been made
- boolean passed = true;
- if (clonedStructuredDocument.getEncodingMemento() == structuredDocument.getEncodingMemento())
- passed = false;
- if (clonedStructuredDocument.getParser() == structuredDocument.getParser())
- passed = false;
- if (clonedStructuredDocument.getReParser() == structuredDocument.getReParser())
- passed = false;
- assertTrue("newInstance of JSPXML structuredDocument is not correct", passed);
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.cleanupformat;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.util.StringCompareUtil;
-import org.eclipse.wst.html.core.internal.cleanup.HTMLCleanupProcessorImpl;
-import org.eclipse.wst.html.core.internal.preferences.HTMLCorePreferenceNames;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.StructuredModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.cleanup.AbstractStructuredCleanupProcessor;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.cleanup.IStructuredCleanupPreferences;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IStructuredModel;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.cleanup.CleanupProcessorXML;
-public class CleanupTester extends TestCase {
-// private static final boolean PRINT_FAILED_FORMAT_TESTS = false;
- protected IModelManager fModelManager = null;
- protected CleanupProcessorXML fCleanupProcessor = null;
- protected HTMLCleanupProcessorImpl fHTMLCleanupProcessor = null;
- private StringCompareUtil fStringCompareUtil;
- public CleanupTester(String name) {
- super(name);
- // get model manager
- fModelManager = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager();
- // get cleanup processor
- fCleanupProcessor = new CleanupProcessorXML();
- // get HTML cleanup processor
- fHTMLCleanupProcessor = new HTMLCleanupProcessorImpl();
- }
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- fStringCompareUtil = new StringCompareUtil();
- }
- public void testCleanupInsertTagsQuoteAttrs() throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("invoice.xml");
- // use for debugging
- // String precleaned = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- // init CleanupPreferences
- IStructuredCleanupPreferences cleanupPreferences = fCleanupProcessor.getCleanupPreferences();
- cleanupPreferences.setCompressEmptyElementTags(false);
- cleanupPreferences.setInsertRequiredAttrs(false);
- cleanupPreferences.setInsertMissingTags(true);
- cleanupPreferences.setQuoteAttrValues(true);
- cleanupPreferences.setFormatSource(false);
- cleanupPreferences.setConvertEOLCodes(false);
- // cleanup
- ((AbstractStructuredCleanupProcessor) fCleanupProcessor).refreshCleanupPreferences = false;
- fCleanupProcessor.cleanupModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredCleanupProcessor) fCleanupProcessor).refreshCleanupPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String cleaned = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "invoice.afterCleanupInsertTagsQuoteAttrs.xml";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, cleaned);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- public void testCleanupInsertTags() throws IOException, IOException {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("invoice.xml");
- // init CleanupPreferences
- IStructuredCleanupPreferences cleanupPreferences = fCleanupProcessor.getCleanupPreferences();
- cleanupPreferences.setCompressEmptyElementTags(false);
- cleanupPreferences.setInsertRequiredAttrs(false);
- cleanupPreferences.setInsertMissingTags(true);
- cleanupPreferences.setQuoteAttrValues(false);
- cleanupPreferences.setFormatSource(false);
- cleanupPreferences.setConvertEOLCodes(false);
- // cleanup
- ((AbstractStructuredCleanupProcessor) fCleanupProcessor).refreshCleanupPreferences = false;
- fCleanupProcessor.cleanupModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredCleanupProcessor) fCleanupProcessor).refreshCleanupPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String cleaned = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "invoice.afterCleanupInsertTags.xml";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, cleaned);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- public void testCleanupCompressEmptyElementTags() throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("small2.xml");
- // init CleanupPreferences
- IStructuredCleanupPreferences cleanupPreferences = fCleanupProcessor.getCleanupPreferences();
- cleanupPreferences.setCompressEmptyElementTags(true);
- cleanupPreferences.setInsertRequiredAttrs(false);
- cleanupPreferences.setInsertMissingTags(false);
- cleanupPreferences.setQuoteAttrValues(false);
- cleanupPreferences.setFormatSource(true);
- cleanupPreferences.setConvertEOLCodes(false);
- // cleanup
- ((AbstractStructuredCleanupProcessor) fCleanupProcessor).refreshCleanupPreferences = false;
- fCleanupProcessor.cleanupModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredCleanupProcessor) fCleanupProcessor).refreshCleanupPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String cleaned = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "small2.afterCompressEmptyElementTags-newfmt.xml";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, cleaned);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- public void testCleanupHTML() throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("cleanup.html");
- // init CleanupPreferences
- IStructuredCleanupPreferences cleanupPreferences = fHTMLCleanupProcessor.getCleanupPreferences();
- cleanupPreferences.setTagNameCase(HTMLCorePreferenceNames.UPPER);
- cleanupPreferences.setAttrNameCase(HTMLCorePreferenceNames.LOWER);
- cleanupPreferences.setCompressEmptyElementTags(false);
- cleanupPreferences.setInsertRequiredAttrs(false);
- cleanupPreferences.setInsertMissingTags(true);
- cleanupPreferences.setQuoteAttrValues(true);
- cleanupPreferences.setFormatSource(false);
- cleanupPreferences.setConvertEOLCodes(false);
- // cleanup
- ((AbstractStructuredCleanupProcessor) fHTMLCleanupProcessor).refreshCleanupPreferences = false;
- fHTMLCleanupProcessor.cleanupModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredCleanupProcessor) fHTMLCleanupProcessor).refreshCleanupPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String cleaned = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "cleanup.afterCleanup.html";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, cleaned);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- public void testCleanupHTMLtwice() throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("cleanup.afterCleanup.html");
- // init CleanupPreferences
- IStructuredCleanupPreferences cleanupPreferences = fHTMLCleanupProcessor.getCleanupPreferences();
- cleanupPreferences.setTagNameCase(HTMLCorePreferenceNames.UPPER);
- cleanupPreferences.setAttrNameCase(HTMLCorePreferenceNames.LOWER);
- cleanupPreferences.setCompressEmptyElementTags(false);
- cleanupPreferences.setInsertRequiredAttrs(false);
- cleanupPreferences.setInsertMissingTags(true);
- cleanupPreferences.setQuoteAttrValues(true);
- cleanupPreferences.setFormatSource(false);
- cleanupPreferences.setConvertEOLCodes(false);
- // cleanup
- ((AbstractStructuredCleanupProcessor) fHTMLCleanupProcessor).refreshCleanupPreferences = false;
- fHTMLCleanupProcessor.cleanupModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredCleanupProcessor) fHTMLCleanupProcessor).refreshCleanupPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String cleaned = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "cleanup.afterCleanup.html";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, cleaned);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- // public void testCleanupJSPEmptyTags1() throws
- // UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
- // // get model
- // IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("login.jsp");
- //
- // // init CleanupPreferences
- // IStructuredCleanupPreferences cleanupPreferences =
- // fHTMLCleanupProcessor.getCleanupPreferences();
- // cleanupPreferences.setTagNameCase(CommonModelPreferenceNames.UPPER);
- // cleanupPreferences.setAttrNameCase(CommonModelPreferenceNames.LOWER);
- // cleanupPreferences.setCompressEmptyElementTags(false);
- // cleanupPreferences.setInsertRequiredAttrs(false);
- // cleanupPreferences.setInsertMissingTags(true);
- // cleanupPreferences.setQuoteAttrValues(true);
- // cleanupPreferences.setFormatSource(true);
- // cleanupPreferences.setConvertEOLCodes(false);
- //
- // // cleanup
- // ((AbstractStructuredCleanupProcessor)
- // fHTMLCleanupProcessor).refreshCleanupPreferences = false;
- // fHTMLCleanupProcessor.cleanupModel(structuredModel);
- // ((AbstractStructuredCleanupProcessor)
- // fHTMLCleanupProcessor).refreshCleanupPreferences = true;
- //
- // // compare
- // String cleaned = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- // String expectedFileName = "login.afterCleanup.jsp";
- // String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- // compare(expectedFileName, expected, cleaned);
- //
- // // release model
- // structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- // }
- //
- // public void testCleanupJSPEmptyTags2() throws
- // UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
- // // get model
- // IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("subscription.jsp");
- //
- // // init CleanupPreferences
- // IStructuredCleanupPreferences cleanupPreferences =
- // fHTMLCleanupProcessor.getCleanupPreferences();
- // cleanupPreferences.setTagNameCase(CommonModelPreferenceNames.UPPER);
- // cleanupPreferences.setAttrNameCase(CommonModelPreferenceNames.LOWER);
- // cleanupPreferences.setCompressEmptyElementTags(false);
- // cleanupPreferences.setInsertRequiredAttrs(false);
- // cleanupPreferences.setInsertMissingTags(true);
- // cleanupPreferences.setQuoteAttrValues(true);
- // cleanupPreferences.setFormatSource(true);
- // cleanupPreferences.setConvertEOLCodes(false);
- //
- // // cleanup
- // ((AbstractStructuredCleanupProcessor)
- // fHTMLCleanupProcessor).refreshCleanupPreferences = false;
- // fHTMLCleanupProcessor.cleanupModel(structuredModel);
- // ((AbstractStructuredCleanupProcessor)
- // fHTMLCleanupProcessor).refreshCleanupPreferences = true;
- //
- // // compare
- // String cleaned = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- // String expectedFileName = "subscription.afterCleanup.jsp";
- // String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- // compare(expectedFileName, expected, cleaned);
- //
- // // release model
- // structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- // }
- protected String readFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
- String inputString = null;
- InputStream fileInputStream = null;
- try {
- fileInputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(fileName);
- byte[] inputBuffer = new byte[2048];
- inputString = new String();
- int bytesRead = -1;
- while (true) {
- bytesRead =;
- if (bytesRead == -1)
- break;
- String bufferString = new String(inputBuffer, 0, bytesRead);
- // bufferString = bufferString.substring(0, bytesRead);
- inputString = inputString.concat(bufferString);
- }
- }
- finally {
- if (fileInputStream != null)
- fileInputStream.close();
- }
- return inputString;
- }
- protected static void printException(Exception exception) {
- exception.printStackTrace();
- }
- protected IStructuredModel getModel(String fileName) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = null;
- InputStream inputStream = null;
- try {
- String input = getFile(fileName);
- inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes("UTF-8"));
- String id = inputStream.toString().concat(fileName);
- structuredModel = fModelManager.getModelForRead(id, inputStream, null);
- }
- // since in test code, no need to catch this
- // catch (Exception exception) {
- // Logger.logException(exception);
- // }
- finally {
- try {
- inputStream.close();
- }
- catch (Exception exception) {
- // hopeless
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- exception.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- }
- return structuredModel;
- }
- protected String getFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
- return readFile("testfiles/".concat(fileName));
- }
- protected void compare(String testcaseName, String expected, String cleaned) {
- assertTrue("Cleaned up document differs from the expected.\nExpected Contents:\n" + expected + "\nActual Contents:\n" + cleaned, fStringCompareUtil.equalsIgnoreLineSeperator(expected, cleaned));
-// if (cleaned.compareTo(expected) != 0) {
-// System.out.println();
-// System.out.println(testcaseName + " failed");
-// System.out.println("========== expected file ==========");
-// System.out.println(expected);
-// System.out.println("========== cleaned file ==========");
-// System.out.println(cleaned);
-// System.out.println("========== expected file ==========");
-// String expectedString = StringUtils.replace(expected, "\r", "\\r");
-// expectedString = StringUtils.replace(expectedString, "\n", "\\n");
-// expectedString = StringUtils.replace(expectedString, "\t", "\\t");
-// System.out.println(expectedString);
-// System.out.println("========== cleaned file ==========");
-// String cleanedString = StringUtils.replace(cleaned, "\r", "\\r");
-// cleanedString = StringUtils.replace(cleanedString, "\n", "\\n");
-// cleanedString = StringUtils.replace(cleanedString, "\t", "\\t");
-// System.out.println(cleanedString);
-// System.out.println("=======================================");
-// }
-// assertTrue(false);
-// }
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/
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@@ -1,586 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.cleanupformat;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.wst.html.core.internal.format.HTMLFormatProcessorImpl;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.StructuredModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.format.AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.format.IStructuredFormatPreferences;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IStructuredModel;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.utils.StringUtils;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.format.FormatProcessorXML;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.format.StructuredFormatPreferencesXML;
-public class FormatTester extends TestCase {
- private static final boolean PRINT_FAILED_FORMAT_TESTS = false;
- protected IModelManager fModelManager = null;
- protected FormatProcessorXML fFormatProcessor = null;
- protected HTMLFormatProcessorImpl fHTMLFormatProcessor = null;
- public FormatTester(String name) {
- super(name);
- // get model manager
- fModelManager = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager();
- // get format processor
- fFormatProcessor = new FormatProcessorXML();
- // get HTML format processor
- fHTMLFormatProcessor = new HTMLFormatProcessorImpl();
- }
- public void testFormat261968() {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("261968.xml");
- // init FormatPreferences
- IStructuredFormatPreferences formatPreferences = fFormatProcessor.getFormatPreferences();
- ((StructuredFormatPreferencesXML) formatPreferences).setSplitMultiAttrs(false);
- formatPreferences.setLineWidth(999);
- formatPreferences.setIndent("\t");
- formatPreferences.setClearAllBlankLines(false);
- // format
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = false;
- fFormatProcessor.formatModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String formatted = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "261968.afterDefaultFormat.xml";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, formatted);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- public void testFormatTagOpen() {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("tagOpen.xml");
- // init FormatPreferences
- IStructuredFormatPreferences formatPreferences = fFormatProcessor.getFormatPreferences();
- ((StructuredFormatPreferencesXML) formatPreferences).setSplitMultiAttrs(false);
- formatPreferences.setLineWidth(999);
- formatPreferences.setIndent("\t");
- formatPreferences.setClearAllBlankLines(false);
- // format
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = false;
- fFormatProcessor.formatModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String formatted = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "tagOpen.xml";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, formatted);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- public void testFormatTagOpenTagClose() {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("tagOpenTagClose.xml");
- // init FormatPreferences
- IStructuredFormatPreferences formatPreferences = fFormatProcessor.getFormatPreferences();
- ((StructuredFormatPreferencesXML) formatPreferences).setSplitMultiAttrs(false);
- formatPreferences.setLineWidth(999);
- formatPreferences.setIndent("\t");
- formatPreferences.setClearAllBlankLines(false);
- // format
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = false;
- fFormatProcessor.formatModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String formatted = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "tagOpenTagClose.xml";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, formatted);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- public void testFormatTags() {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("tags.xml");
- // init FormatPreferences
- IStructuredFormatPreferences formatPreferences = fFormatProcessor.getFormatPreferences();
- ((StructuredFormatPreferencesXML) formatPreferences).setSplitMultiAttrs(false);
- formatPreferences.setLineWidth(999);
- formatPreferences.setIndent("\t");
- formatPreferences.setClearAllBlankLines(false);
- // format
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = false;
- fFormatProcessor.formatModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String formatted = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "tags.afterDefaultFormat.xml";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, formatted);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- public void testFormatEmpty() {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("empty.xml");
- // init FormatPreferences
- IStructuredFormatPreferences formatPreferences = fFormatProcessor.getFormatPreferences();
- ((StructuredFormatPreferencesXML) formatPreferences).setSplitMultiAttrs(false);
- formatPreferences.setLineWidth(999);
- formatPreferences.setIndent("\t");
- formatPreferences.setClearAllBlankLines(false);
- // format
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = false;
- fFormatProcessor.formatModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String formatted = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "empty.xml";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, formatted);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- public void testFormatOneSpace() {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("oneSpace.xml");
- // init FormatPreferences
- IStructuredFormatPreferences formatPreferences = fFormatProcessor.getFormatPreferences();
- ((StructuredFormatPreferencesXML) formatPreferences).setSplitMultiAttrs(false);
- formatPreferences.setLineWidth(999);
- formatPreferences.setIndent("\t");
- formatPreferences.setClearAllBlankLines(false);
- // format
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = false;
- fFormatProcessor.formatModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String formatted = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "empty.xml";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, formatted);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- public void testFormatOneChar() {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("oneChar.xml");
- // init FormatPreferences
- IStructuredFormatPreferences formatPreferences = fFormatProcessor.getFormatPreferences();
- ((StructuredFormatPreferencesXML) formatPreferences).setSplitMultiAttrs(false);
- formatPreferences.setLineWidth(999);
- formatPreferences.setIndent("\t");
- formatPreferences.setClearAllBlankLines(false);
- // format
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = false;
- fFormatProcessor.formatModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String formatted = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "oneChar.xml";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, formatted);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- public void testFormatSpaces() {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("spaces.xml");
- // init FormatPreferences
- IStructuredFormatPreferences formatPreferences = fFormatProcessor.getFormatPreferences();
- ((StructuredFormatPreferencesXML) formatPreferences).setSplitMultiAttrs(false);
- formatPreferences.setLineWidth(999);
- formatPreferences.setIndent("\t");
- formatPreferences.setClearAllBlankLines(false);
- // format
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = false;
- fFormatProcessor.formatModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String formatted = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "empty.xml";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, formatted);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- public void testFormatChars() {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("chars.xml");
- // init FormatPreferences
- IStructuredFormatPreferences formatPreferences = fFormatProcessor.getFormatPreferences();
- ((StructuredFormatPreferencesXML) formatPreferences).setSplitMultiAttrs(false);
- formatPreferences.setLineWidth(999);
- formatPreferences.setIndent("\t");
- formatPreferences.setClearAllBlankLines(false);
- // format
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = false;
- fFormatProcessor.formatModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String formatted = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "chars.xml";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, formatted);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- public void testFormatSpacesAndChars() {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("spacesAndChars.xml");
- // init FormatPreferences
- IStructuredFormatPreferences formatPreferences = fFormatProcessor.getFormatPreferences();
- ((StructuredFormatPreferencesXML) formatPreferences).setSplitMultiAttrs(false);
- formatPreferences.setLineWidth(999);
- formatPreferences.setIndent("\t");
- formatPreferences.setClearAllBlankLines(false);
- // format
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = false;
- fFormatProcessor.formatModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String formatted = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "chars.xml";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, formatted);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- public void testFormat() {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("small.xml");
- // init FormatPreferences
- IStructuredFormatPreferences formatPreferences = fFormatProcessor.getFormatPreferences();
- ((StructuredFormatPreferencesXML) formatPreferences).setSplitMultiAttrs(false);
- formatPreferences.setLineWidth(999);
- formatPreferences.setIndent("\t");
- formatPreferences.setClearAllBlankLines(false);
- // format
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = false;
- fFormatProcessor.formatModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String formatted = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "small.afterDefaultFormat.xml";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, formatted);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- public void testFormatSplitLinesSplitMultiAttrs() {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("small.xml");
- // init FormatPreferences
- IStructuredFormatPreferences formatPreferences = fFormatProcessor.getFormatPreferences();
- ((StructuredFormatPreferencesXML) formatPreferences).setSplitMultiAttrs(true);
- formatPreferences.setLineWidth(72);
- formatPreferences.setIndent("\t");
- formatPreferences.setClearAllBlankLines(false);
- // format
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = false;
- fFormatProcessor.formatModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String formatted = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "small.afterSplitLinesSplitMultiAttrsFormat.xml";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, formatted);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- public void testFormatSplitLines() {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("small.xml");
- // init FormatPreferences
- IStructuredFormatPreferences formatPreferences = fFormatProcessor.getFormatPreferences();
- ((StructuredFormatPreferencesXML) formatPreferences).setSplitMultiAttrs(false);
- formatPreferences.setLineWidth(72);
- formatPreferences.setIndent("\t");
- formatPreferences.setClearAllBlankLines(false);
- // format
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = false;
- fFormatProcessor.formatModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String formatted = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "small.afterSplitLinesFormat.xml";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, formatted);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- public void testFormatBlockComments() {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("blockComments.xml");
- // init FormatPreferences
- IStructuredFormatPreferences formatPreferences = fFormatProcessor.getFormatPreferences();
- ((StructuredFormatPreferencesXML) formatPreferences).setSplitMultiAttrs(false);
- formatPreferences.setLineWidth(999);
- formatPreferences.setIndent("\t");
- formatPreferences.setClearAllBlankLines(false);
- // format
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = false;
- fFormatProcessor.formatModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String formatted = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "blockComments.afterDefaultFormat.xml";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, formatted);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- public void testFormatInlineComments() {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("inlineComments.xml");
- // init FormatPreferences
- IStructuredFormatPreferences formatPreferences = fFormatProcessor.getFormatPreferences();
- ((StructuredFormatPreferencesXML) formatPreferences).setSplitMultiAttrs(false);
- formatPreferences.setLineWidth(999);
- formatPreferences.setIndent("\t");
- formatPreferences.setClearAllBlankLines(false);
- // format
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = false;
- fFormatProcessor.formatModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String formatted = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "inlineComments.afterDefaultFormat.xml";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, formatted);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- public void testFormatInlineCommentsSplitLinesSplitMultiAttrs() {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("inlineComments.xml");
- // init FormatPreferences
- IStructuredFormatPreferences formatPreferences = fFormatProcessor.getFormatPreferences();
- ((StructuredFormatPreferencesXML) formatPreferences).setSplitMultiAttrs(true);
- formatPreferences.setLineWidth(72);
- formatPreferences.setIndent("\t");
- formatPreferences.setClearAllBlankLines(false);
- // format
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = false;
- fFormatProcessor.formatModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String formatted = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "inlineComments.afterSplitLinesSplitMultiAttrsFormat.xml";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, formatted);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- public void testHTMLFormat() {
- // get model
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = getModel("HitCounterIntro.html");
- // init FormatPreferences
- IStructuredFormatPreferences formatPreferences = fHTMLFormatProcessor.getFormatPreferences();
- ((StructuredFormatPreferencesXML) formatPreferences).setSplitMultiAttrs(false);
- formatPreferences.setLineWidth(72);
- formatPreferences.setIndent("\t");
- formatPreferences.setClearAllBlankLines(false);
- // format
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fHTMLFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = false;
- fHTMLFormatProcessor.formatModel(structuredModel);
- ((AbstractStructuredFormatProcessor) fHTMLFormatProcessor).refreshFormatPreferences = true;
- // compare
- String formatted = structuredModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- String expectedFileName = "HitCounterIntro.afterDefaultFormat.html";
- String expected = getFile(expectedFileName);
- compare(expectedFileName, expected, formatted);
- // release model
- structuredModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- protected String readFile(String fileName) {
- String inputString = null;
- InputStream fileInputStream = null;
- try {
- fileInputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(fileName);
- byte[] inputBuffer = new byte[1024];
- inputString = new String();
- int bytesRead = -1;
- while (true) {
- bytesRead =;
- if (bytesRead == -1)
- break;
- String bufferString = new String(inputBuffer);
- bufferString = bufferString.substring(0, bytesRead);
- inputString = inputString.concat(bufferString);
- }
- if (fileInputStream != null)
- fileInputStream.close();
- }
- catch (IOException exception) {
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- exception.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- return inputString;
- }
- protected static void printException(Exception exception) {
- exception.printStackTrace();
- }
- protected IStructuredModel getModel(String fileName) {
- IStructuredModel structuredModel = null;
- InputStream inputStream = null;
- try {
- String input = getFile(fileName);
- inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes("UTF8"));
- String id = inputStream.toString().concat(fileName);
- structuredModel = fModelManager.getModelForRead(id, inputStream, null);
- }
- catch (Exception exception) {
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- exception.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- finally {
- try {
- inputStream.close();
- }
- catch (Exception exception) {
- // hopeless
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- exception.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- }
- return structuredModel;
- }
- protected String getFile(String fileName) {
- return readFile("testfiles/".concat(fileName));
- }
- protected void compare(String testcaseName, String expected, String formatted) {
- if (formatted.compareTo(expected) != 0) {
- System.out.println();
- System.out.println(testcaseName + " failed");
- System.out.println("========== expected file ==========");
- System.out.println(expected);
- System.out.println("========== formatted file ==========");
- System.out.println(formatted);
- System.out.println("========== expected file ==========");
- String expectedString = StringUtils.replace(expected, "\r", "\\r");
- expectedString = StringUtils.replace(expectedString, "\n", "\\n");
- expectedString = StringUtils.replace(expectedString, "\t", "\\t");
- System.out.println(expectedString);
- System.out.println("========== formatted file ==========");
- String formattedString = StringUtils.replace(formatted, "\r", "\\r");
- formattedString = StringUtils.replace(formattedString, "\n", "\\n");
- formattedString = StringUtils.replace(formattedString, "\t", "\\t");
- System.out.println(formattedString);
- System.out.println("=======================================");
- }
- assertEquals(expected, formatted);
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/261968.afterDefaultFormat.xml b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/261968.afterDefaultFormat.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 048388219..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/261968.afterDefaultFormat.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- <t1></t1>
- <t2></t2
- <t3></t3>
- <t1></t1>
- <t2>
- /t2>
- <t3></t3>
- <t1></t1>
- t2>
- </t2>
- <t3></t3>
- <t1></t1>
- <t2</t2>
- <t3></t3>
- <t1></t1>
- <t2</t2
- <t3></t3>
- <t1></t1>
- <t2</t2>
- <t3></t3>
- <t1></t1>
- <t2</t2>
- <t3></t3>
- <t1></t1>
- <t2</t2>
- t3>
- </t3>
-</tag> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/261968.xml b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/261968.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b9981e9c0..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/261968.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- <t1></t1>
- <t2></t2
- <t3></t3>
- <t1></t1>
- <t2>/t2>
- <t3></t3>
- <t1></t1>
- t2></t2>
- <t3></t3>
- <t1></t1>
- <t2</t2>
- <t3></t3>
- <t1></t1>
- <t2</t2 <t3></t3>
- <t1></t1>
- <t2</t2 > <t3></t3>
- <t1></t1>
- <t2</t2 ><t3></t3>
- <t1></t1>
- <t2</t2 >t3></t3>
-</tag> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/HitCounterIntro.afterDefaultFormat.html b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/HitCounterIntro.afterDefaultFormat.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c313202a6..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/HitCounterIntro.afterDefaultFormat.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
-<META http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<META name="GENERATOR" content="IBM WebSphere Studio">
-<TITLE>Page Hit Counter Introduction</TITLE>
-<LINK rel="STYLESHEET" href="../theme/Master.css" type="text/css">
- <FORM name="myForm" method="post"
- action="../Controllers/SampleController">
- <TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500">
- <TR>
- <TD colspan="2"><IMG src="../images/clearPixel.gif" width="1"
- height="25" alt="">
- </TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD rowspan="2" align="LEFT" width="220" height="300"><IMG
- src="../images/hitCounter01.gif" width="200" height="300" alt="">
- </TD>
- <TD align="LEFT" width="380">
- <P>
- <FONT size="+1"><B>Page Hit Counter Sample</B>
- </FONT>
- </P></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD align="LEFT" valign="TOP">
- <P>
- <FONT size="-1">This sample shows you how to use a Java
- servlet to count how many times a page was visited.</FONT>
- </P>
- <P>
- <FONT size="-1">This sample requires a database to store
- the counter. If you have not already installed and configured
- your database for the WebSphere samples, refer to <A
- href="../Configuration/DBConfig.html">Database
- Configuration</A> for instructions. </FONT>
- </P>
- <P>
- <FONT size="-1"><A
- href="javascript:document.myForm.submit()" target="_self">
- <B>Run this sample</B>
- </A> </FONT>
- </P> <INPUT name="command" type="hidden" value="HitCounterView" /> <INPUT
- name="db_region" type="hidden" value="true" />
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
- </FORM>
- <BR>
- <TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500">
- <TR>
- <TD align="CENTER">
- <P>
- <B><FONT size="-1">How this sample works:</FONT>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD>
- <TABLE border="0" width="100%">
- <TR>
- <TD>
- <!-- ############ horizontal spacer ############ --> <IMG
- src="../images/clearPixel.gif" width="15" height="1" alt="">
- <!-- ########################################### -->
- </TD>
- <TD>
- <P>
- <FONT size="-1">This sample has:</FONT>
- </P>
- <UL>
- <LI><FONT size="-1">A Java servlet that
- increments a counter every time it is invoked </FONT>
- <UL>
- <LI><FONT size="-1">A Java Server Page (JSP)
- that invokes the servlet and displays the counter </FONT>
- <LI><FONT size="-1">A .servlet file that
- provides information about the servlet to the WebSphere
- Application Server </FONT>
- </UL>
- </UL>
- <P>
- <FONT size="-1">The Application Server processes .jsp
- files with its JSP 1.0 processor servlet. It handles the
- &lt;jsp:include ... /&gt; tag as a server-side include,
- replacing the tag with the variable data generated by the
- servlet.</FONT>
- </P></TD>
- <TD>
- <!-- ############ horizontal spacer ############ --> <IMG
- src="../images/clearPixel.gif" width="15" height="1" alt="">
- <!-- ########################################### -->
- </TD>
- </TBODY>
- </TABLE></TD>
- </TR>
- </TBODY>
- </TABLE>
- <BR>
- <TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500"
- border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500" border="0"
- cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500" border="0"
- cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500">
- <TR>
- <TD align="CENTER">
- <P>
- <B><FONT size="-1"> How to use this sample on your web
- page:</FONT>
- </B>
- </P></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD>
- <TABLE border="0" width="100%">
- <TR>
- <TD>
- <!-- ############ horizontal spacer ############ --> <IMG
- src="../images/clearPixel.gif" width="15" height="1" alt="">
- <!-- ########################################### -->
- </TD>
- <TD>
- <P>
- <FONT size="-1">You can add this exact tag to any HTML
- page you have on your site. Rename the HTML file with a .jsp
- file extension, put the Java .class and .servlet files in
- the classes folder, publish.... and you're ready to go.</FONT>
- </P></TD>
- <TD>
- <!-- ############ horizontal spacer ############ --> <IMG
- src="../images/clearPixel.gif" width="15" height="1" alt="">
- <!-- ########################################### -->
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TBODY>
- </TABLE></TD>
- </TR>
- </TBODY>
- </TABLE>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/HitCounterIntro.html b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/HitCounterIntro.html
deleted file mode 100644
index cccca180a..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/HitCounterIntro.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
- <HEAD>
-<META http-equiv
-content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
-<META http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<META name="GENERATOR" content="IBM WebSphere Studio">
-<TITLE>Page Hit Counter Introduction</TITLE>
-<LINK rel="STYLESHEET" href="../theme/Master.css" type="text/css">
-<FORM name = "myForm" method="post" action="../Controllers/SampleController">
- <TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500">
- <TR>
- <TD colspan="2">
- <IMG src="../images/clearPixel.gif" width="1" height="25" alt=""></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD rowspan="2" align="LEFT" width="220" height="300"><IMG src="../images/hitCounter01.gif" width="200" height="300" alt=""></TD>
- <TD align="LEFT" width="380">
- <P><FONT size="+1"><B>Page Hit Counter Sample</B></FONT></P>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD align="LEFT" valign="TOP">
- <P><FONT size="-1">This sample shows you how to use a Java servlet to count how many times a page was visited.</FONT></P>
- <P><FONT size="-1">This sample requires a database to store the counter. If you have not already installed and configured your database for the WebSphere samples, refer to <A href="../Configuration/DBConfig.html">Database Configuration</A> for instructions. </FONT></P>
- <P><FONT size="-1"><A href="javascript:document.myForm.submit()" target="_self"> <B>Run this sample</B></A> </FONT></P>
- <INPUT name="command" type="hidden" value="HitCounterView" /> <INPUT name="db_region" type="hidden" value="true" /></TD>
- </TR>
-<TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500">
- <TR>
- <TD align="CENTER">
- <P><B><FONT size="-1">How this sample works:</FONT>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD>
- <TABLE border="0" width="100%">
- <TR>
- <TD><!-- ############ horizontal spacer ############ --> <IMG src="../images/clearPixel.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""> <!-- ########################################### --></TD>
- <TD>
- <P><FONT size="-1">This sample has:</FONT></P>
- <UL>
- <LI><FONT size="-1">A Java servlet that increments a counter every time it is invoked </FONT>
- <LI><FONT size="-1">A Java Server Page (JSP) that invokes the servlet and displays the counter </FONT>
- <LI><FONT size="-1">A .servlet file that provides information about the servlet to the WebSphere Application Server </FONT>
- </UL>
- <P><FONT size="-1">The Application Server processes .jsp files with its JSP 1.0 processor servlet. It handles the &lt;jsp:include ... /&gt; tag as a server-side include, replacing the tag with the variable data generated by the servlet.</FONT></P>
- </TD>
- <TD><!-- ############ horizontal spacer ############ --> <IMG src="../images/clearPixel.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""> <!-- ########################################### --></TD>
- </TBODY>
- </TABLE>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TBODY>
-<TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500">
- <TR>
- <TD align="CENTER">
- <P><B><FONT size="-1">
-How to use this sample on your web page:</FONT></B></P>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD>
- <TABLE border="0" width="100%">
- <TR>
- <TD><!-- ############ horizontal spacer ############ --> <IMG src="../images/clearPixel.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""> <!-- ########################################### --></TD>
- <TD>
- <P><FONT size="-1">You can add this exact tag to any HTML page you have on your site. Rename the HTML file with a .jsp file extension, put the Java .class and .servlet files in the classes folder, publish.... and you're ready to go.</FONT></P>
- </TD>
- <TD><!-- ############ horizontal spacer ############ --> <IMG src="../images/clearPixel.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""> <!-- ########################################### --></TD>
- </TR>
- </TBODY>
- </TABLE>
- </TD>
- </TR>
- </TBODY>
- </TABLE>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/blockComments.afterDefaultFormat.xml b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/blockComments.afterDefaultFormat.xml
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--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/blockComments.afterDefaultFormat.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-<!-- comment on a new line -->
-<menu date="11/30/2000"><!-- inline comment after tag -->
- <rname>Liam's Chowder House and Grill</rname><!-- inline comment after tag -->
- <!-- block comment
- Black = #000000
- Silver= #C0C0C0
- Gray = #808080
- White = #FFFFFF
- -->
- <!-- block comment
- Black = #000000
- Silver= #C0C0C0
- Gray = #808080
- White = #FFFFFF
- -->
- <item type="appetizer">
- <desc>Warmed leek salad</desc><!-- inline comment after tag -->
- <price units="usd">6.95<!-- inline comment after text --></price>
- <price units="usd" units="usd">6.95<!-- inline comment after text --></price>
- </item>
- <!-- comment on a new line -->
- <!-- comment on a new line -->
- <!--comment on a new line with no space-->
- <!--
- No space
- -->
- <!--
- OneSpace
- -->
- <!--
- One tab
- -->
- <!--
- This is a long paragraph.
- The text
- in this paragraph should NOT be re-flowed.-->
- <!--
- This is a long paragraph.
- The text
- in this paragraph should NOT be re-flowed.
- -->
- <!--
- This is a long paragraph.
- The text
- in this paragraph should NOT be re-flowed.
- -->
- <!--
- This is a long paragraph.
- The text
- in this paragraph should NOT be re-flowed.
- -->
- <!--
- This is a long paragraph.
- The text
- in this paragraph should NOT be re-flowed.
- -->
- <!--
- This is a long paragraph.
- The text
- in this paragraph should NOT be re-flowed.
- -->
- <!--
- This is a long paragraph.
- The text
- in this paragraph should NOT be re-flowed.
- -->
- <item type="appetizer">
- <!-- a
- b-->
- <!-- a
- b -->
- <!--
- a
- b-->
- <!--
- a
- b -->
- <!--
- a
- b
- -->
- <!-- a
- b
- -->
- <!--
- a
- b
- -->
- <desc>Prosciutto ham with melon</desc>
- <!-- this block comment should line up with the sibilings
- Black = #000000
- Silver= #C0C0C0
- Gray = #808080
- White = #FFFFFF
- -->
- <price units="usd">7.95</price>
- <!-- comment before missing end tag -->
-</menu> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/blockComments.xml b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/blockComments.xml
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <!-- comment on a new line -->
- <menu date="11/30/2000"><!-- inline comment after tag -->
- <rname>Liam's Chowder House and Grill</rname><!-- inline comment after tag -->
- <!-- block comment
- Black = #000000
- Silver= #C0C0C0
- Gray = #808080
- White = #FFFFFF
- -->
- <!-- block comment
- Black = #000000
- Silver= #C0C0C0
- Gray = #808080
- White = #FFFFFF
- <item type="appetizer">
- <desc>Warmed leek salad</desc><!-- inline comment after tag --><price units="usd">6.95<!-- inline comment after text --></price><price units="usd" units="usd">6.95<!-- inline comment after text --></price>
- </item>
- <!-- comment on a new line -->
- <!-- comment on a new line -->
- <!--comment on a new line with no space-->
-No space
- OneSpace
- One tab
-This is a long paragraph.
-The text
-in this paragraph should NOT be re-flowed.-->
-This is a long paragraph.
-The text
-in this paragraph should NOT be re-flowed.
-This is a long paragraph.
-The text
-in this paragraph should NOT be re-flowed.
-This is a long paragraph.
-The text
-in this paragraph should NOT be re-flowed.
-This is a long paragraph.
-The text
-in this paragraph should NOT be re-flowed.
-This is a long paragraph.
-The text
-in this paragraph should NOT be re-flowed.
-This is a long paragraph.
-The text
-in this paragraph should NOT be re-flowed.
- <item type="appetizer">
-<!-- a
- b-->
-<!-- a
- b -->
- b-->
- b -->
- b
-<!-- a
- b
- -->
- <desc>Prosciutto ham with melon</desc>
-<!-- this block comment should line up with the sibilings
- Black = #000000
- Silver= #C0C0C0
- Gray = #808080
- White = #FFFFFF
- <price units="usd">7.95</price>
- <!-- comment before missing end tag -->
-</menu> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/chars.xml b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/chars.xml
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--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/chars.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-abc \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/cleanup.afterCleanup.html b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/cleanup.afterCleanup.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 847d8d7c6..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/cleanup.afterCleanup.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
- <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
- <META name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.72 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]" />
-This is a page of some of the technical stuff that I've written using various
-programming languages. Click on the links to learn more about the projects or
-to see the source code.<BR>
-<I>Note: Feel free to copy, steal, modify, destroy what you will...</I><BR><BR>
-<H2> Programs and Utilities </H2>
-<LI><A href="makemake.html"> <I> Automatic
-Makefile Utility: </I></A> This generates a Makefile and updates it according
-to the files currently in your directory.
-Take a gander at the source here: <A
-href="makemake.c"> <I> makemake.c
- </I></A>
-</LI><LI><A href="" > <I>
-mail file sorter: </I> </A>
-This utility parses a mail file and creates another mail file containing only
-the messages specified by paramaters. For example, parse a mail archive file
-(old-mail-Jan-2000) and extract all of the messages from or
-with the subject Marillion. This guy was whipped up in Perl.
-</LI><LI><A href="electronicNotes.html" > <I>
-Electronic Notes: </I> </A> This is an original idea (gasp!) that I developed which is a
-system for keeping little reminders to yourself during the day and having them
-sent to you all in one convenient file via email at the end of the day.
-</LI><LI><A href="header.html" > <I> C/C++ Header file
-to Implementation file converter: </I> </A>
-This is a very useful tool written in C++ that converts .h files to empty
-implementation (.C) files.
-</LI><LI><A href="matrix.html" > <I> Matrix Manipulation
-Package: </I></A> This is a package that does all sorts of cool manipulations
-with matrices, such as Gaussian Elimination, Normal Equations, Vandermonde
-Matrices, Cholesky Factorization, Error Analysis, and more stuff than you would
-ever want to do with a matrix. It is written in good ol' C.
-<BR ><BR >
-<A href="lisp.html" > <I>Set Operations: </I></A> <I></I> A program that performs set
-operations on a list. This is written in Lisp, of all things. There's also
-some examples of my own interpretations of some Lisp functions. Lisp is a good
-language for AI and things of that nature.
-It relies heavily on recursion, so it takes a different
-mindset to program in this language. But used correctly and for its intended
-purpose, Lisp is a very unique and powerful programming language.
-<BR ><BR >
-<A href="loc.html" > <I> Lines Of Code Counter:
-</I></A><I></I> This is is LOC counter that I wrote in Perl that calculates the number of
-uncommented lines of code in a program. This works for any programming
-language as you can supply the comment character on the command line. This is
-an extremely useful program for use in software metrics.
-<BR abc="def"><BR abc="def" >
-</LI><LI><A href="linwin.html"> <I> Simple *nix to
-windows text converter </I></A> This takes files written in Linux (and in vi or
- an editor with automatic line breaks after every 80 or so chars) and
-formats it so it will display properly in Windows environment should you be
-forced to do so.
-Peruse (peruse, mind you. I don't want to see any <I>browsing</I>) the source here: <A
-href="linwin.c"> <I> linwin.c
- </I></A>
-<BR abc = "def"><BR abc = "def">
-</LI><LI><B> Regression and Standard Deviation: </B>
-A math class written in Java using Object Oriented design principles. The main
-aspects of the program are for figuring out Standard Deviation and the
-Regression, when you input a set of x and y values. Regression calculations
-are often used in Software Metrics to to help in estimating length of code, and
-time spent on the project.<BR>
-<A href="RegressionCalc.html" >
-<I> </I> </A> This is the main class that does the
-calculations. It calculates B1, B0, and r^2, which are all parameters of
-<BR abc= "def">
-<A href="MathClass.html" >
-<I> </I> </A> This is simply a small class which calculates the
-mean and the standard deviation of a vector of numbers. This is used by the
-RegressionCalc class in its calculations.
-<BR abc ="def">
-<A href="Regression.html" >
-<I> </I> </A> This is basically the main routine, or where the
-program starts. It puts all of the input from the command line into two
-separate vectors for the x and y values.<BR><BR>
-An example of the usage of this program would be: <BR>
-If you had a history of data on your estimated Lines Of Code (LOC) per class,
-as well as the actual LOC per class, you could put these in the formula and
-find out the Regression of the data (or how far away each point is from the
-function line.)
-You would input the data for the estimated LOC, separated by a comma, and
-followed by the actual LOC. The result would be the regression calculation.
-%java Regression 130 650 99 150 , 186 699 132 272
-X Data = [ 130.0 650.0 99.0 150.0 ]
-Y Data = [ 186.0 699.0 132.0 272.0 ]
-N = 4
-Beta0 = 72.6905030780361
-Beta1 = 0.9701049443030667
-rSquared = 2212.504697673689
-<H2> Knowledge </H2>
-<LI><A href="vim.html"> <I> Espousing my love
-for vim! </I></A> vim just rocks, okay. Really. If I had to choose between,
-like, sex, or using vim--let's just say I'd be one masterful-editing monk.
-<A href="MBR-LILO.txt">
-<I> Lost LILO? Recover.</I> </A> If you have Linux installed in a multi-boot
-environment, and you overwrite your MBR, you can lose LILO. I reinstalled
-Windows (hey, I needed to play Final Fantasy VIII!) and couldn't boot into
-Linux. Here's how I recovered.
-</HTML> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/cleanup.html b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/cleanup.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b97a0020..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/cleanup.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
- <META name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.72 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]" />
-This is a page of some of the technical stuff that I've written using various
-programming languages. Click on the links to learn more about the projects or
-to see the source code.<BR>
-<I>Note: Feel free to copy, steal, modify, destroy what you will...</I><BR><BR>
-<H2> Programs and Utilities </H2>
-<LI><A href="makemake.html"> <I> Automatic
-Makefile Utility: </I></A> This generates a Makefile and updates it according
-to the files currently in your directory.
-Take a gander at the source here: <A
-href="makemake.c"> <I> makemake.c
- </I></A>
-</LI><LI><A href="" > <I>
-mail file sorter: </I> </A>
-This utility parses a mail file and creates another mail file containing only
-the messages specified by paramaters. For example, parse a mail archive file
-(old-mail-Jan-2000) and extract all of the messages from or
-with the subject Marillion. This guy was whipped up in Perl.
-</LI><LI><A href="electronicNotes.html" > <I>
-Electronic Notes: </I> </A> This is an original idea (gasp!) that I developed which is a
-system for keeping little reminders to yourself during the day and having them
-sent to you all in one convenient file via email at the end of the day.
-</LI><LI><A href="header.html" > <I> C/C++ Header file
-to Implementation file converter: </I> </A>
-This is a very useful tool written in C++ that converts .h files to empty
-implementation (.C) files.
-</LI><LI><A href="matrix.html" > <I> Matrix Manipulation
-Package: </I></A> This is a package that does all sorts of cool manipulations
-with matrices, such as Gaussian Elimination, Normal Equations, Vandermonde
-Matrices, Cholesky Factorization, Error Analysis, and more stuff than you would
-ever want to do with a matrix. It is written in good ol' C.
-<BR ><BR >
-<A href="lisp.html" > <I>Set Operations: </I></A> <I></I> A program that performs set
-operations on a list. This is written in Lisp, of all things. There's also
-some examples of my own interpretations of some Lisp functions. Lisp is a good
-language for AI and things of that nature.
-It relies heavily on recursion, so it takes a different
-mindset to program in this language. But used correctly and for its intended
-purpose, Lisp is a very unique and powerful programming language.
-<BR ><BR >
-<A href="loc.html" > <I> Lines Of Code Counter:
-</I></A><I></I> This is is LOC counter that I wrote in Perl that calculates the number of
-uncommented lines of code in a program. This works for any programming
-language as you can supply the comment character on the command line. This is
-an extremely useful program for use in software metrics.
-<BR abc="def"><BR abc="def" >
-</LI><LI><A href="linwin.html"> <I> Simple *nix to
-windows text converter </I></A> This takes files written in Linux (and in vi or
- an editor with automatic line breaks after every 80 or so chars) and
-formats it so it will display properly in Windows environment should you be
-forced to do so.
-Peruse (peruse, mind you. I don't want to see any <I>browsing</I>) the source here: <A
-href="linwin.c"> <I> linwin.c
- </I></A>
-<BR abc = "def"><BR abc = "def">
-</LI><LI><B> Regression and Standard Deviation: </B>
-A math class written in Java using Object Oriented design principles. The main
-aspects of the program are for figuring out Standard Deviation and the
-Regression, when you input a set of x and y values. Regression calculations
-are often used in Software Metrics to to help in estimating length of code, and
-time spent on the project.<BR>
-<A href="RegressionCalc.html" >
-<I> </I> </A> This is the main class that does the
-calculations. It calculates B1, B0, and r^2, which are all parameters of
-<BR abc= "def">
-<A href="MathClass.html" >
-<I> </I> </A> This is simply a small class which calculates the
-mean and the standard deviation of a vector of numbers. This is used by the
-RegressionCalc class in its calculations.
-<BR abc ="def">
-<A href="Regression.html" >
-<I> </I> </A> This is basically the main routine, or where the
-program starts. It puts all of the input from the command line into two
-separate vectors for the x and y values.<BR><BR>
-An example of the usage of this program would be: <BR>
-If you had a history of data on your estimated Lines Of Code (LOC) per class,
-as well as the actual LOC per class, you could put these in the formula and
-find out the Regression of the data (or how far away each point is from the
-function line.)
-You would input the data for the estimated LOC, separated by a comma, and
-followed by the actual LOC. The result would be the regression calculation.
-%java Regression 130 650 99 150 , 186 699 132 272
-X Data = [ 130.0 650.0 99.0 150.0 ]
-Y Data = [ 186.0 699.0 132.0 272.0 ]
-N = 4
-Beta0 = 72.6905030780361
-Beta1 = 0.9701049443030667
-rSquared = 2212.504697673689
-<H2> Knowledge </H2>
-<LI><A href="vim.html"> <I> Espousing my love
-for vim! </I></A> vim just rocks, okay. Really. If I had to choose between,
-like, sex, or using vim--let's just say I'd be one masterful-editing monk.
-<A href="MBR-LILO.txt">
-<I> Lost LILO? Recover.</I> </A> If you have Linux installed in a multi-boot
-environment, and you overwrite your MBR, you can lose LILO. I reinstalled
-Windows (hey, I needed to play Final Fantasy VIII!) and couldn't boot into
-Linux. Here's how I recovered.
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/empty.xml b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/empty.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/empty.xml
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/inlineComments.afterDefaultFormat.xml b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/inlineComments.afterDefaultFormat.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9322d4bea..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/inlineComments.afterDefaultFormat.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- <desc>Warmed leek salad</desc><!-- inline comment after tag -->
- <desc>Warmed leek salad</desc><!-- inline comment after text -->
- <price units="usd">6.95<!-- inline comment after text --></price>
- <price units="usd">
- <number /><!-- inline comment after tag -->
- </price>
- <price units="usd">
- <number /><!-- inline comment after tag -->
- </price>
- <price units="usd">
- <number /><!-- inline comment after tag -->
- </price>
- <price units="usd" units="usd">6.95<!-- inline comment after text --></price>
- <price units="usd" units="usd">6.95<!-- inline comment after text and followed by text -->
- dollars
- </price>
- <price units="usd" units="usd">
- <number /><!-- inline comment after tag -->
- <unit />
- </price>
- <price>
- <number /><!-- inline comment after tag -->
- <unit />
- </price>
- <price>
- <number />
- <!-- comment on a new line -->
- <unit />
- </price>
- <price><!-- inline comment --></price>
- <th>
- <b>Fahrenheit<!-- testing --></b>
- </th>
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- <desc>Warmed leek salad</desc><!-- inline comment after tag -->
- <desc>Warmed leek salad</desc><!-- inline comment after text -->
- <price units="usd">6.95<!-- inline comment after text --></price>
- <price units="usd">
- <number /><!-- inline comment after tag -->
- </price>
- <price units="usd">
- <number /><!-- inline comment after tag -->
- </price>
- <price units="usd">
- <number /><!-- inline comment after tag -->
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- <price
- units="usd"
- units="usd">
- 6.95<!-- inline comment after text -->
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- <price
- units="usd"
- units="usd">
- 6.95<!-- inline comment after text and followed by text -->
- dollars
- </price>
- <price
- units="usd"
- units="usd">
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- <unit />
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- <price>
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- <price>
- <number />
- <!-- comment on a new line -->
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- <th>
- <b>Fahrenheit<!-- testing --></b>
- </th>
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-<desc>Warmed leek salad</desc> <!-- inline comment after text -->
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-<price units="usd"><number/> <!-- inline comment after tag --></price>
-<price units="usd"> <number/><!-- inline comment after tag --></price>
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-<price units="usd" units="usd">6.95<!-- inline comment after text and followed by text -->dollars</price>
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-<price><number/><!-- inline comment after tag --><unit/></price>
-<!-- comment on a new line --><unit/></price>
-<price><!-- inline comment --></price>
-<th><b>Fahrenheit <!-- testing --></b></th>
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- <Month>July</Month>
- <Day>15</Day>
- <Year>2001
- </Year></Date>
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- <BillTo custNumber= />
- <BillTo custNumber =/>
- <BillTo custNumber = />
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- <BillTo custNumber name phone/>
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- <street2>1150 Eglinton Ave East</street2>
- <city>Toronto</city>
- <state>Ontario</state>
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- <country>Canada
- </country></Address></BillTo></Header>
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- <description>A wedding ring</description></Item></Invoice> \ No newline at end of file
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- <Header invoiceNumber="12345">
- <Date>
- <Month>July</Month>
- <Day>15</Day>
- <Year>2001
- </Year></Date>
- <BillTo custNumber="custNumber"/>
- <BillTo custNumber= "custNumber"/>
- <BillTo custNumber ="custNumber"/>
- <BillTo custNumber = "custNumber"/>
- <BillTo custNumber="custNumber" name="Craig" phone = "416-448-4414" />
- <BillTo custNumber = "X5739" name="name" phone = "416-448-4414" />
- <BillTo custNumber = "X5739" name = "Craig" phone="phone"/>
- <BillTo custNumber="custNumber" name="name" phone="phone"/>
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- <street1>IBM</street1>
- <street2>1150 Eglinton Ave East</street2>
- <city>Toronto</city>
- <state>Ontario</state>
- <zip>M3C 1H7</zip>
- <country>Canada
- </country></Address></BillTo></Header>
- <Item discount="promotion" price="57">
- <description>A wedding ring</description></Item></Invoice> \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/invoice.xml
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE Invoice PUBLIC "InvoiceId" "Invoice.dtd" >
- <Header invoiceNumber=12345>
- <Date>
- <Month>July</Month>
- <Day>15</Day>
- <Year>2001
- </Date>
- <BillTo custNumber=/>
- <BillTo custNumber= />
- <BillTo custNumber =/>
- <BillTo custNumber = />
- <BillTo custNumber name=Craig phone = 416-448-4414 />
- <BillTo custNumber = X5739 name phone = 416-448-4414 />
- <BillTo custNumber = X5739 name = Craig phone/>
- <BillTo custNumber name phone/>
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- <street1>IBM</street1>
- <street2>1150 Eglinton Ave East</street2>
- <city>Toronto</city>
- <state>Ontario</state>
- <zip>M3C 1H7</zip>
- <country>Canada
- </Header>
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- <description>A wedding ring \ No newline at end of file
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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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-<BODY bgcolor="#ffffcc">
- function submitForm(dest){
- document.myForm.action = dest
- document.myForm.submit()
- }
-<H1>Database Connectivity</H1>
-<P>Enter the username &amp; password to connect to the database.<BR>
-This username &amp; password should be the one used while creating the
-<% if(session.getAttribute("error_message") != null) { %>
-<P>* Incorrect Login or Password</P>
-<% session.removeAttribute("error_message");
- } %>
-<FORM name="myForm" method="POST" action="../Login/LogonServlet"><INPUT
- type="hidden" name="command"
- value='<%=session.getAttribute("final_page") %>'> <INPUT type="hidden"
- name="previous_page" value="Login/Login.jsp"> <A
- href="javascript:submitForm('../Login/LogonServlet')">OK</A>
-<TABLE border="0">
- <TR>
- <TD><FONT color="#993333"> username: </FONT></TD>
- <TD><INPUT name="userID" type="text" size="30" maxlength="40"></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD><FONT color="#993333"> password: </FONT></TD>
- <TD><INPUT name="password" type="password" size="30" maxlength="40"></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD><FONT color="#993333"> drivername: </FONT></TD>
- <TD><INPUT name="driver" type="text" size="30" maxlength="40"
- value=""></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD><FONT color="#993333"> url: </FONT></TD>
- <TD><INPUT name="url" type="text" size="30" maxlength="40"
- value="jdbc:db2:WSSAMPLE"></TD>
- </TR>
- </TBODY>
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-<LINK href="../theme/Master.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<BODY bgcolor="#ffffcc">
- function submitForm(dest){
- document.myForm.action = dest
- document.myForm.submit()
- }
-<H1>Database Connectivity</H1>
-<P>Enter the username &amp; password to connect to the database.<BR>
-This username &amp; password should be the one used while creating the database.</P>
-<% if(session.getAttribute("error_message") != null) { %>
-<P>* Incorrect Login or Password</P>
-<% session.removeAttribute("error_message");
- } %>
-<FORM name="myForm" method="POST" action="../Login/LogonServlet"><INPUT type="hidden" name="command" value='<%=session.getAttribute("final_page") %>'> <INPUT type="hidden" name="previous_page" value="Login/Login.jsp"> <A href="javascript:submitForm('../Login/LogonServlet')">OK</A>
-<TABLE border="0">
- <TR>
- <TD><FONT color="#993333"> username: </FONT></TD>
- <TD><INPUT name="userID" type="text" size="30" maxlength="40"></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD><FONT color="#993333"> password: </FONT></TD>
- <TD><INPUT name="password" type="password" size="30" maxlength="40"></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD><FONT color="#993333"> drivername: </FONT></TD>
- <TD><INPUT name="driver" type="text" size="30" maxlength="40" value=""></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD><FONT color="#993333"> url: </FONT></TD>
- <TD><INPUT name="url" type="text" size="30" maxlength="40" value="jdbc:db2:WSSAMPLE"></TD>
- </TR>
- </TBODY>
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- <XMI.exporterVersion></XMI.exporterVersion>
- </XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.exporterVersion></XMI.exporterVersion>
- </XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.exporterVersion>1.05</XMI.exporterVersion>
- </XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.exporterVersion>1.05</XMI.exporterVersion>
- </XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.exporterVersion
- xmi.version="1.1">
- </XMI.exporterVersion>
- </XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.exporterVersion
- xmi.version="1.1">
- </XMI.exporterVersion>
- </XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.exporterVersion
- xmi.version="1.1">
- 1.05
- </XMI.exporterVersion>
- </XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.exporterVersion
- xmi.version="1.1">
- 1.05
- </XMI.exporterVersion>
- </XMI.documentation>
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- xmi.version="1.1" />
- </XMI.header>
- <XMI.content>
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- xmi.uuid="Name:ejb">
- <>
- ejb
- </>
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- v="&#34;Rose 6.5.9232.10&#34;" />
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- XMI Toolkit
- </XMI.exporter>
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- </XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.exporterVersion></XMI.exporterVersion></XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.exporterVersion></XMI.exporterVersion> </XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.documentation>
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- <XMI.documentation>
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- =
- "1.1" />
- </XMI.header>
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-"_1" xmi.uuid="Name:ejb">
- <>ejb </>
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- />
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- t="quid"
- v="3780E272032D"
- />
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- t="is_unit"
- v="TRUE"
- />
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- v="&#34;$ECLIPSE_RESOURCES\\eTools EJB libraries\\;"
- />
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- </XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.documentation>
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- </XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.documentation>
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- </XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.documentation>
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- </XMI.documentation>
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- <XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.exporterVersion></XMI.exporterVersion> </XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.documentation>
- <XMI.documentation>
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- <XMI.documentation>
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- =
- "1.1" />
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- \ No newline at end of file
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- abc \ No newline at end of file
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-<app:checkLogon />
-<%-- In real life, these would be loaded from a database --%>
- java.util.ArrayList list = new java.util.ArrayList();
- list.add(new org.apache.struts.util.LabelValueBean("IMAP Protocol", "imap"));
- list.add(new org.apache.struts.util.LabelValueBean("POP3 Protocol", "pop3"));
- pageContext.setAttribute("serverTypes", list);
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- value="Create">
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- value="Delete">
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- value="Edit">
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- <TR>
- <TH align="right"><bean:message key="prompt.username" />:</TH>
- <TD align="left"><bean:write name="user" property="username"
- filter="true" /></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TH align="right"><bean:message key="prompt.mailHostname" />:</TH>
- <TD align="left"><logic:equal name="subscriptionForm"
- property="action" scope="request" value="Create">
- <html:text property="host" size="50" />
- </logic:equal> <logic:notEqual name="subscriptionForm"
- property="action" scope="request" value="Create">
- <html:hidden property="host" write="true" />
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- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TH align="right"><bean:message key="prompt.mailUsername" />:</TH>
- <TD align="left"><html:text property="username" size="50" /></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TH align="right"><bean:message key="prompt.mailPassword" />:</TH>
- <TD align="left"><html:password property="password" size="50" /></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TH align="right"><bean:message key="prompt.mailServerType" />:</TH>
- <TD align="left"><html:select property="type">
- <html:options collection="serverTypes" property="value"
- labelProperty="label" />
- </html:select></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TH align="right"><bean:message key="prompt.autoConnect" />:</TH>
- <TD align="left"><html:checkbox property="autoConnect" /></TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD align="right"><logic:equal name="subscriptionForm"
- property="action" scope="request" value="Create">
- <html:submit>
- <bean:message key="" />
- </html:submit>
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- scope="request" value="Delete">
- <html:submit>
- <bean:message key="button.confirm" />
- </html:submit>
- </logic:equal> <logic:equal name="subscriptionForm" property="action"
- scope="request" value="Edit">
- <html:submit>
- <bean:message key="" />
- </html:submit>
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- <TD align="left"><logic:notEqual name="subscriptionForm"
- property="action" scope="request" value="Delete">
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-<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
-<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
-<%-- In real life, these would be loaded from a database --%>
- java.util.ArrayList list = new java.util.ArrayList();
- list.add(new org.apache.struts.util.LabelValueBean("IMAP Protocol", "imap"));
- list.add(new org.apache.struts.util.LabelValueBean("POP3 Protocol", "pop3"));
- pageContext.setAttribute("serverTypes", list);
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- scope="request" value="Create">
- <title><bean:message key="subscription.title.create"/></title>
-<logic:equal name="subscriptionForm" property="action"
- scope="request" value="Delete">
- <title><bean:message key="subscription.title.delete"/></title>
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- scope="request" value="Edit">
- <title><bean:message key="subscription.title.edit"/></title>
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-<html:form action="/saveSubscription" focus="host">
-<html:hidden property="action"/>
-<table border="0" width="100%">
- <tr>
- <th align="right">
- <bean:message key="prompt.username"/>:
- </th>
- <td align="left">
- <bean:write name="user" property="username" filter="true"/>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">
- <bean:message key="prompt.mailHostname"/>:
- </th>
- <td align="left">
- <logic:equal name="subscriptionForm" property="action"
- scope="request" value="Create">
- <html:text property="host" size="50"/>
- </logic:equal>
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- scope="request" value="Create">
- <html:hidden property="host" write="true"/>
- </logic:notEqual>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">
- <bean:message key="prompt.mailUsername"/>:
- </th>
- <td align="left">
- <html:text property="username" size="50"/>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">
- <bean:message key="prompt.mailPassword"/>:
- </th>
- <td align="left">
- <html:password property="password" size="50"/>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">
- <bean:message key="prompt.mailServerType"/>:
- </th>
- <td align="left">
- <html:select property="type">
- <html:options collection="serverTypes" property="value"
- labelProperty="label"/>
- </html:select>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">
- <bean:message key="prompt.autoConnect"/>:
- </th>
- <td align="left">
- <html:checkbox property="autoConnect"/>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="right">
- <logic:equal name="subscriptionForm" property="action"
- scope="request" value="Create">
- <html:submit>
- <bean:message key=""/>
- </html:submit>
- </logic:equal>
- <logic:equal name="subscriptionForm" property="action"
- scope="request" value="Delete">
- <html:submit>
- <bean:message key="button.confirm"/>
- </html:submit>
- </logic:equal>
- <logic:equal name="subscriptionForm" property="action"
- scope="request" value="Edit">
- <html:submit>
- <bean:message key=""/>
- </html:submit>
- </logic:equal>
- </td>
- <td align="left">
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- scope="request" value="Delete">
- <html:reset>
- <bean:message key="button.reset"/>
- </html:reset>
- </logic:notEqual>
- &nbsp;
- <html:cancel>
- <bean:message key="button.cancel"/>
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diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/tagOpen.xml b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/tagOpen.xml
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@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-< \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/tagOpenTagClose.xml b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/tagOpenTagClose.xml
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-<> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/tags.afterDefaultFormat.xml b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/tags.afterDefaultFormat.xml
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- <tag></tag>
- <tag></tag>
- <tag></tag>
- <tag></tag>
- <tag>
- <tag></tag>
- <tag></tag>
- <tag></tag>
- <tag></tag> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/tags.xml b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/tags.xml
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--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/cleanupformat/testfiles/tags.xml
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@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<tag></tag >
-<tag> </tag>
-<tag> </tag >
-<tag >
-<tag ></tag>
-<tag ></tag >
-<tag > </tag>
-<tag > </tag > \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/contentmodels/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/contentmodels/
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@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.contentmodels;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.contentmodel.JSPCMDocumentFactory;
-import org.eclipse.wst.html.core.internal.contentmodel.JSP11Namespace;
-import org.eclipse.wst.html.core.internal.contentmodel.JSP20Namespace;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMAttributeDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMDocument;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMElementDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMNamedNodeMap;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMNode;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.contentmodel.CMDocType;
-public class TestFixedCMDocuments extends TestCase {
- public TestFixedCMDocuments(String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- /**
- * @param cm_doc_type
- * @param elementName
- * @param attrNameImport
- */
- private void checkAttrNames(String documentKey, String elementName, String[] attrNames) {
- CMDocument document = JSPCMDocumentFactory.getCMDocument(documentKey);
- CMNode elementDeclaration = document.getElements().getNamedItem(elementName);
- assertEquals("not an element declaration:" + elementDeclaration, CMNode.ELEMENT_DECLARATION, elementDeclaration.getNodeType());
- assertNotNull("missing element declaration:" + elementName, elementDeclaration);
- CMNamedNodeMap attributes = ((CMElementDeclaration) elementDeclaration).getAttributes();
- for (int i = 0; i < attrNames.length; i++) {
- assertNotNull("missing attribute declaration:" + attrNames[i], attributes.getNamedItem(attrNames[i]));
- }
- assertEquals("Attributes defined in content model that are not expected by the test", attributes.getLength(), attrNames.length);
- }
- private void checkDocument(Object documentKey) {
- CMDocument document = JSPCMDocumentFactory.getCMDocument(documentKey.toString());
- assertNotNull("missing doc:" + documentKey.toString(), document);
- CMNamedNodeMap elements = document.getElements();
- for (int i = 0; i < elements.getLength(); i++) {
- CMNode item = elements.item(i);
- verifyElementDeclarationHasName(item);
- }
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP11Forward() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.JSP11_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.FORWARD, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_PAGE});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP11GetProperty() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.JSP11_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.GETPROPERTY, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_NAME, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_PROPERTY});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP11Include() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.JSP11_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.INCLUDE, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_PAGE, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_FLUSH});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP11IncludeDirective() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.JSP11_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.DIRECTIVE_INCLUDE, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_FILE});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP11PageDirective() {
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP11Param() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.JSP11_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.PARAM, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_NAME, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_VALUE});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP11Plugin() {
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP11Root() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.JSP11_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.ROOT, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_XMLNS_JSP, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_VERSION});
- }
-// public void testAttributesOnJSP21PageDirective() {
-// }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP11SetProperty() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.JSP11_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.SETPROPERTY, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_NAME, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_PROPERTY, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_PARAM, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_VALUE});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP11TaglibDirective() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.JSP11_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.DIRECTIVE_TAGLIB, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_URI, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_PREFIX});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP11UseBean() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.JSP11_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.USEBEAN, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_ID, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_SCOPE, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_CLASS, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_BEAN_NAME});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP20Attribute() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.JSP20_DOC_TYPE, JSP20Namespace.ElementName.ATTRIBUTE, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_NAME, JSP20Namespace.ATTR_NAME_TRIM});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP20Element() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.JSP20_DOC_TYPE, JSP20Namespace.ElementName.ELEMENT, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_NAME});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP20Forward() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.JSP20_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.FORWARD, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_PAGE});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP20GetProperty() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.JSP20_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.GETPROPERTY, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_NAME, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_PROPERTY});
- }
- // JSP 2.1 attributes on tag directives
-// public void testAttributesOnTAG21TagDirective() {
-// }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP20Include() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.JSP20_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.INCLUDE, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_PAGE, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_FLUSH});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP20IncludeDirective() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.JSP20_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.DIRECTIVE_INCLUDE, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_FILE});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP20Output() {
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP20PageDirective() {
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP20Param() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.JSP20_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.PARAM, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_NAME, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_VALUE});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP20Plugin() {
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP20Root() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.JSP20_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.ROOT, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_XMLNS_JSP, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_VERSION});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP20SetProperty() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.JSP20_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.SETPROPERTY, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_NAME, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_PROPERTY, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_PARAM, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_VALUE});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP20TaglibDirective() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.JSP20_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.DIRECTIVE_TAGLIB, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_URI, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_PREFIX, JSP20Namespace.ATTR_NAME_TAGDIR});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnJSP20UseBean() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.JSP20_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.USEBEAN, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_ID, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_SCOPE, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_CLASS, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_BEAN_NAME});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnTAG20Attribute() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.TAG20_DOC_TYPE, JSP20Namespace.ElementName.ATTRIBUTE, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_NAME, JSP20Namespace.ATTR_NAME_TRIM});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnTAG20AttributeDirective() {
- }
- public void testAttributesOnTAG20DoBody() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.TAG20_DOC_TYPE, JSP20Namespace.ElementName.DOBODY, new String[]{JSP20Namespace.ATTR_NAME_VAR, JSP20Namespace.ATTR_NAME_VARREADER, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_SCOPE});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnTAG20Element() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.TAG20_DOC_TYPE, JSP20Namespace.ElementName.ELEMENT, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_NAME});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnTAG20Forward() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.TAG20_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.FORWARD, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_PAGE});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnTAG20GetProperty() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.TAG20_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.GETPROPERTY, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_NAME, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_PROPERTY});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnTAG20Include() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.TAG20_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.INCLUDE, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_PAGE, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_FLUSH});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnTAG20IncludeDirective() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.TAG20_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.DIRECTIVE_INCLUDE, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_FILE});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnTAG20Invoke() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.TAG20_DOC_TYPE, JSP20Namespace.ElementName.INVOKE, new String[]{JSP20Namespace.ATTR_NAME_FRAGMENT, JSP20Namespace.ATTR_NAME_VAR, JSP20Namespace.ATTR_NAME_VARREADER, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_SCOPE});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnTAG20Output() {
- }
- public void testAttributesOnTAG20Param() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.TAG20_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.PARAM, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_NAME, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_VALUE});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnTAG20Plugin() {
- }
- public void testAttributesOnTAG20Root() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.TAG20_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.ROOT, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_XMLNS_JSP, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_VERSION});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnTAG20SetProperty() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.TAG20_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.SETPROPERTY, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_NAME, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_PROPERTY, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_PARAM, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_VALUE});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnTAG20TagDirective() {
- }
- public void testAttributesOnTAG20TaglibDirective() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.TAG20_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.DIRECTIVE_TAGLIB, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_URI, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_PREFIX, JSP20Namespace.ATTR_NAME_TAGDIR});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnTAG20UseBean() {
- checkAttrNames(CMDocType.TAG20_DOC_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ElementName.USEBEAN, new String[]{JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_ID, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_SCOPE, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_CLASS, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_TYPE, JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_BEAN_NAME});
- }
- public void testAttributesOnTAG20VariableDirective() {
- }
- public void testCHTMLdocument() {
- checkDocument(CMDocType.CHTML_DOC_TYPE);
- }
- public void testHTML4document() {
- checkDocument(CMDocType.HTML_DOC_TYPE);
- }
- public void testJSP11document() {
- checkDocument(CMDocType.JSP11_DOC_TYPE);
- }
- public void testJSP12document() {
- checkDocument(CMDocType.JSP12_DOC_TYPE);
- }
- public void testJSP20document() {
- checkDocument(CMDocType.JSP20_DOC_TYPE);
- }
- public void testTag20document() {
- checkDocument(CMDocType.TAG20_DOC_TYPE);
- }
- private void verifyAttributeDeclaration(CMElementDeclaration elemDecl, CMNode attr) {
- assertTrue(attr.getNodeType() == CMNode.ATTRIBUTE_DECLARATION);
- assertNotNull("no name on an attribute declaration", attr.getNodeName());
- CMAttributeDeclaration attrDecl = (CMAttributeDeclaration) attr;
- assertNotNull("no attribute 'type' on an attribute declaration " + elemDecl.getNodeName() + "/" + attr.getNodeName(), attrDecl.getAttrType());
- }
- private void verifyElementDeclarationHasName(CMNode item) {
- assertTrue(item.getNodeType() == CMNode.ELEMENT_DECLARATION);
- assertNotNull("no name on an element declaration", item.getNodeName());
- CMNamedNodeMap attrs = ((CMElementDeclaration) item).getAttributes();
- for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
- CMNode attr = attrs.item(i);
- verifyAttributeDeclaration(((CMElementDeclaration) item), attr);
- }
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/contentmodels/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/contentmodels/
deleted file mode 100644
index 429e7a02c..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/contentmodels/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.contentmodels;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IncrementalProjectBuilder;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.contentmodel.tld.CMDocumentFactoryTLD;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.contentmodel.tld.CMElementDeclarationImpl;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.provisional.JSP20Namespace;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.taglib.ITaglibRecord;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.taglib.TaglibIndex;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.taglibindex.BundleResourceUtil;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.StructuredModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.INodeNotifier;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMDocument;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMElementDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMNamedNodeMap;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMNode;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMModel;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.ssemodelquery.ModelQueryAdapter;
-import org.w3c.dom.Element;
-import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
-public class TestTaglibCMTests extends TestCase {
- private static final String TESTFILES_PATHSTRING = "/testfiles/";
- private static final String PROJECT_NAME = "testLoadTaglibs";
- private static final String TAG_NAME = "logic:empty";
- public TestTaglibCMTests(String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- public TestTaglibCMTests() {
- super();
- }
- public static Test suite() {
- return new TestTaglibCMTests();
- }
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(PROJECT_NAME);
- if (!project.exists()) {
- // Create new project
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(PROJECT_NAME, null, null);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace(TESTFILES_PATHSTRING + PROJECT_NAME, Path.ROOT.append(PROJECT_NAME).toString());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntryIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/struts.jar", Path.ROOT.append(PROJECT_NAME).append("web stuff/WEB-INF/lib/struts.jar").toString());
- project.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null);
-, null);
- }
- assertTrue(project.isAccessible());
- }
- public void testLoadCustomTagsThroughJSPSyntax() throws IOException, CoreException {
- IFile jspFile = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(Path.ROOT.append(PROJECT_NAME).append("web stuff/test1.jsp"));
- assertTrue("test file " + jspFile.getFullPath() + " does not exist", jspFile.exists());
- IDOMModel model = null;
- try {
- model = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForEdit(jspFile);
- NodeList presents = model.getDocument().getElementsByTagName(TAG_NAME);
- assertNotNull(TAG_NAME + " was missing from document", presents.item(0));
- ModelQueryAdapter modelQueryAdapter = (ModelQueryAdapter) ((INodeNotifier) presents.item(0)).getAdapterFor(ModelQueryAdapter.class);
- CMElementDeclaration declaration = modelQueryAdapter.getModelQuery().getCMElementDeclaration((Element) presents.item(0));
- assertNotNull("no CMElementDelcaration for " + TAG_NAME, declaration);
- assertEquals("qualified name from element declaration was different", TAG_NAME, declaration.getNodeName());
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null) {
- model.releaseFromEdit();
- }
- }
- }
- public void testLoadCustomTagsThroughXMLSyntax() throws IOException, CoreException {
- IFile jspFile = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(Path.ROOT.append(PROJECT_NAME).append("web stuff/testX.jsp"));
- assertTrue("test file " + jspFile.getFullPath() + " does not exist", jspFile.exists());
- IDOMModel model = null;
- try {
- model = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForEdit(jspFile);
- NodeList presents = model.getDocument().getElementsByTagName(TAG_NAME);
- assertNotNull(TAG_NAME + " was missing from document", presents.item(0));
- ModelQueryAdapter modelQueryAdapter = (ModelQueryAdapter) ((INodeNotifier) presents.item(0)).getAdapterFor(ModelQueryAdapter.class);
- CMElementDeclaration declaration = modelQueryAdapter.getModelQuery().getCMElementDeclaration((Element) presents.item(0));
- assertNotNull("no CMElementDeclaration for " + TAG_NAME, declaration);
- assertEquals("qualified name from element declaration was different", TAG_NAME, declaration.getNodeName());
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null) {
- model.releaseFromEdit();
- }
- }
- }
- public void testTagFileReferencedInTLD() throws IOException, CoreException {
- String DPROJECT_NAME = "DynamicWebProject";
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(DPROJECT_NAME);
- if (!project.exists()) {
- // Create new project
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(DPROJECT_NAME, null, null);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleZippedEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/", Path.ROOT);
- }
- project.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null);
- IFile jspFile = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(Path.ROOT.append("DynamicWebProject/WebContent/index.jsp"));
- assertTrue("test file " + jspFile.getFullPath() + " does not exist", jspFile.exists());
- IDOMModel model = null;
- try {
- model = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForEdit(jspFile);
- String DTAGNAME = "date:returndate";
- NodeList returnDates = model.getDocument().getElementsByTagName(DTAGNAME);
- assertNotNull("date:returndate was missing from document", returnDates.item(0));
- ModelQueryAdapter modelQueryAdapter = (ModelQueryAdapter) ((INodeNotifier) returnDates.item(0)).getAdapterFor(ModelQueryAdapter.class);
- CMElementDeclaration declaration = modelQueryAdapter.getModelQuery().getCMElementDeclaration((Element) returnDates.item(0));
- assertNotNull("no CMElementDeclaration for date:returndate", declaration);
- assertEquals("qualified name from element declaration was different", DTAGNAME, declaration.getNodeName());
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null) {
- model.releaseFromEdit();
- }
- }
- }
- public void testTagFileHasHTMLContentModel() throws IOException, CoreException {
- String DPROJECT_NAME = getName();
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(DPROJECT_NAME);
- if (!project.exists()) {
- // Create new project
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(DPROJECT_NAME, null, null);
- }
- project.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null);
- IFile tagFile = project.getFile("test1.tag");
- tagFile.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]), IResource.FORCE, null);
- IDOMModel model = null;
- try {
- model = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForEdit(tagFile);
- model.getStructuredDocument().set("<b/>");
- ModelQueryAdapter modelQueryAdapter = (ModelQueryAdapter) ((INodeNotifier) model.getDocument().getDocumentElement()).getAdapterFor(ModelQueryAdapter.class);
- CMElementDeclaration declaration = modelQueryAdapter.getModelQuery().getCMElementDeclaration(model.getDocument().getDocumentElement());
- assertNotNull("no CMElementDeclaration for 'b'", declaration);
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null) {
- model.releaseFromEdit();
- }
- }
- project.delete(true, null);
- }
- public void testTagFileHasTagContentModel() throws IOException, CoreException {
- String DPROJECT_NAME = getName();
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(DPROJECT_NAME);
- if (!project.exists()) {
- // Create new project
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(DPROJECT_NAME, null, null);
- }
- project.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null);
- IFile tagFile = project.getFile("test1.tag");
- tagFile.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]), IResource.FORCE, null);
- IDOMModel model = null;
- try {
- model = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForEdit(tagFile);
- model.getStructuredDocument().set("<"+JSP20Namespace.ElementName.DOBODY+"/>");
- ModelQueryAdapter modelQueryAdapter = (ModelQueryAdapter) ((INodeNotifier) model.getDocument().getDocumentElement()).getAdapterFor(ModelQueryAdapter.class);
- CMElementDeclaration declaration = modelQueryAdapter.getModelQuery().getCMElementDeclaration(model.getDocument().getDocumentElement());
- assertNotNull("no CMElementDeclaration for '"+JSP20Namespace.ElementName.DOBODY+"'", declaration);
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null) {
- model.releaseFromEdit();
- }
- }
- project.delete(true, null);
- }
- public void testDynamicAttributes() throws Exception {
- final String testName = "testDynamicAttributes";
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(testName);
- if (!project.exists()) {
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(testName, null, null);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace(TESTFILES_PATHSTRING + "testDynamicAttributes", "/testDynamicAttributes");
- }
- project.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null);
- CMDocumentFactoryTLD factory = new CMDocumentFactoryTLD();
- ITaglibRecord[] records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/"+ testName + "/"));
- assertEquals("There should only be one taglib record", 1, records.length);
- CMDocument document = factory.createCMDocument(records[0]);
- CMNamedNodeMap elements = document.getElements();
- assertNotNull("No elements for the CM Document", elements);
- CMNode node = elements.getNamedItem("bar");
- assertTrue("Node must be a CMElementDeclarationImpl", node instanceof CMElementDeclarationImpl);
- assertEquals("Dynamic attributes must be set to 'true'", "true", ((CMElementDeclarationImpl) node).getDynamicAttributes());
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/contenttypeidentifier/contentspecific/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/contenttypeidentifier/contentspecific/
deleted file mode 100644
index ac16f838f..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/contenttypeidentifier/contentspecific/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.contenttypeidentifier.contentspecific;
-public class NullStream extends InputStream {
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see
- */
- public int read() throws IOException {
- return -1;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/contenttypeidentifier/contentspecific/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/contenttypeidentifier/contentspecific/
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/contenttypeidentifier/contentspecific/
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@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.contenttypeidentifier.contentspecific;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentDescription;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentType;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentTypeManager;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.provisional.contenttype.ContentTypeIdForJSP;
-import org.eclipse.wst.css.core.internal.provisional.contenttype.ContentTypeIdForCSS;
-import org.eclipse.wst.html.core.internal.provisional.contenttype.ContentTypeIdForHTML;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.contenttype.ContentTypeIdForXML;
- * This class is to test very basics of content type handlers.
- *
- * It tests that
- *
- * BVT: content registry can be / is created 5 expected contentTypeIdentifiers
- * can be created/found based on id. there is one and only one default content
- * type handler.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- */
-public class TestContentTypeHandlers extends TestCase {
- private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
- public TestContentTypeHandlers(String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- private static IContentTypeManager getContentTypeRegistry() {
- IContentTypeManager registry = Platform.getContentTypeManager();
- return registry;
- }
- public void testCreation() {
- IContentTypeManager registry = getContentTypeRegistry();
- assertTrue("content type identifer registry must exist", registry != null);
- if (DEBUG) {
- IContentType[] allTypes = registry.getAllContentTypes();
- for (int i = 0; i < allTypes.length; i++) {
- System.out.println(allTypes[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- public void testXMLExists() {
- String id = ContentTypeIdForXML.ContentTypeID_SSEXML;
- IContentTypeManager registry = getContentTypeRegistry();
- IContentType identifier = registry.getContentType(id);
- assertTrue("content type identifier " + id + " does not have custom XML type ", identifier != null);
- }
- public void testHTMLExists() {
- String id = ContentTypeIdForHTML.ContentTypeID_HTML;
- IContentTypeManager registry = getContentTypeRegistry();
- IContentType identifier = registry.getContentType(id);
- assertTrue("content type identifier " + id + " does not have HTML type ", identifier != null);
- }
- public void testJSPExists() {
- String id = ContentTypeIdForJSP.ContentTypeID_JSP;
- IContentTypeManager registry = getContentTypeRegistry();
- IContentType identifier = registry.getContentType(id);
- assertTrue("content type identifier " + id + " does not have JSP type ", identifier != null);
- }
- public void testCSSExists() {
- String id = ContentTypeIdForCSS.ContentTypeID_CSS;
- IContentTypeManager registry = getContentTypeRegistry();
- IContentType identifier = registry.getContentType(id);
- assertTrue("content type identifier " + id + " does not have CSS type ", identifier != null);
- }
- public void testDTDExists() {
- String id = "org.eclipse.wst.dtd.core.dtdsource";
- IContentTypeManager registry = getContentTypeRegistry();
- IContentType identifier = registry.getContentType(id);
- assertTrue("content type identifier " + id + " does not have DTD type ", identifier != null);
- }
- public void testXMLExistsByFileExtension() throws IOException {
- String filename = "test.xml";
- IContentTypeManager registry = getContentTypeRegistry();
- IContentType identifier = registry.getDescriptionFor(new NullStream(), filename, IContentDescription.ALL).getContentType();
- assertTrue("content type identifier for " + filename + " does not have XML type ", identifier != null);
- }
- public void testHTMLExistsByFileExtension() throws IOException {
- String filename = "test.html";
- IContentTypeManager registry = getContentTypeRegistry();
- IContentType identifier = registry.getDescriptionFor(new NullStream(), filename, IContentDescription.ALL).getContentType();
- assertTrue("content type identifier for " + filename + " does not have HTML type ", identifier != null);
- }
- public void testJSPExistsByFileExtension() throws IOException {
- String filename = "test.jsp";
- IContentTypeManager registry = getContentTypeRegistry();
- IContentType identifier = registry.getDescriptionFor(new NullStream(), filename, IContentDescription.ALL).getContentType();
- assertTrue("content type identifier for " + filename + " does not have JSP type ", identifier != null);
- }
- public void testCSSExistsByFileExtension() throws IOException {
- String filename = "test.css";
- IContentTypeManager registry = getContentTypeRegistry();
- IContentType identifier = registry.getDescriptionFor(new NullStream(), filename, IContentDescription.ALL).getContentType();
- assertTrue("content type identifier for " + filename + " does not have CSS type ", identifier != null);
- }
- public void testDTDExistsByFileExtension() throws IOException {
- String filename = "test.dtd";
- IContentTypeManager registry = getContentTypeRegistry();
- IContentType identifier = registry.getDescriptionFor(new NullStream(), filename, IContentDescription.ALL).getContentType();
- assertTrue("content type identifier for " + filename + " does not have DTD type ", identifier != null);
- }
- public void testMultipleDefinitions() throws IOException {
- String id = ContentTypeIdForCSS.ContentTypeID_CSS;
- String filename = "test.css";
- IContentTypeManager registry = getContentTypeRegistry();
- IContentType identifier1 = registry.getContentType(id);
- IContentType identifier2 = registry.getDescriptionFor(new NullStream(), filename, IContentDescription.ALL).getContentType();
- assertTrue("mulitple content type identifiers need to be equal (but not same instance) ", identifier1.equals(identifier2));
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/contenttypeidentifier/contentspecific/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/contenttypeidentifier/contentspecific/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e6c937e1..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/contenttypeidentifier/contentspecific/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.contenttypeidentifier.contentspecific;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.document.PageDirectiveAdapter;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.provisional.contenttype.ContentTypeIdForJSP;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.taglibindex.BundleResourceUtil;
-import org.eclipse.wst.css.core.internal.provisional.contenttype.ContentTypeIdForCSS;
-import org.eclipse.wst.html.core.internal.provisional.contenttype.ContentTypeIdForHTML;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.StructuredModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.ltk.modelhandler.EmbeddedTypeHandler;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.ltk.modelhandler.IModelHandler;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.modelhandler.ModelHandlerRegistry;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.INodeNotifier;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IStructuredModel;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.contenttype.ContentTypeIdForXML;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMModel;
-import org.w3c.dom.Document;
-public class TestModelHandlers extends TestCase {
- private static ModelHandlerRegistry getModelHandlerRegistry() {
- ModelHandlerRegistry registry = ModelHandlerRegistry.getInstance();
- return registry;
- }
- public TestModelHandlers() {
- super();
- }
- public void testCreation() {
- ModelHandlerRegistry registry = getModelHandlerRegistry();
- assertTrue("model handler registry must exist", registry != null);
- }
- public void testCSSExists() {
- String id = ContentTypeIdForCSS.ContentTypeID_CSS;
- ModelHandlerRegistry registry = getModelHandlerRegistry();
- IModelHandler handler = registry.getHandlerForContentTypeId(id);
- assertTrue("model handler registry does not have CSS type ", handler != null && handler.getAssociatedContentTypeId().equals(id));
- }
- public void testCSSExistsFromFilename() throws IOException {
- String filename = "test.css";
- ModelHandlerRegistry registry = getModelHandlerRegistry();
- IModelHandler handler = registry.getHandlerFor(filename, null);
- assertTrue("model handler registry does not have CSS type ", handler != null && handler.getAssociatedContentTypeId().equals(ContentTypeIdForCSS.ContentTypeID_CSS));
- }
- public void testDTDExists() {
- String id = "org.eclipse.wst.dtd.core.dtdsource";
- ModelHandlerRegistry registry = getModelHandlerRegistry();
- IModelHandler handler = registry.getHandlerForContentTypeId(id);
- assertTrue("model handler registry does not have DTD type ", handler != null && handler.getAssociatedContentTypeId().equals(id));
- }
- public void testDTDExistsFromFilename() throws IOException {
- String filename = "test.dtd";
- ModelHandlerRegistry registry = getModelHandlerRegistry();
- IModelHandler handler = registry.getHandlerFor(filename, null);
- assertTrue("model handler registry does not have DTD type ", handler != null && handler.getAssociatedContentTypeId().equals("org.eclipse.wst.dtd.core.dtdsource"));
- }
- public void testHTMLExists() {
- String id = ContentTypeIdForHTML.ContentTypeID_HTML;
- ModelHandlerRegistry registry = getModelHandlerRegistry();
- IModelHandler handler = registry.getHandlerForContentTypeId(id);
- assertTrue("model handler registry does not have HTML type ", handler != null && handler.getAssociatedContentTypeId().equals(id));
- }
- public void testHTMLExistsFromFilename() throws IOException {
- String filename = "test.html";
- ModelHandlerRegistry registry = getModelHandlerRegistry();
- IModelHandler handler = registry.getHandlerFor(filename, null);
- assertTrue("model handler registry does not have HTML type ", handler != null && handler.getAssociatedContentTypeId().equals(ContentTypeIdForHTML.ContentTypeID_HTML));
- }
- public void testJSPExists() {
- String id = ContentTypeIdForJSP.ContentTypeID_JSP;
- ModelHandlerRegistry registry = getModelHandlerRegistry();
- IModelHandler handler = registry.getHandlerForContentTypeId(id);
- assertTrue("model handler registry does not have JSP type ", handler != null && handler.getAssociatedContentTypeId().equals(id));
- }
- public void testJSPExistsFromFilename() throws IOException {
- String filename = "test.jsp";
- ModelHandlerRegistry registry = getModelHandlerRegistry();
- IModelHandler handler = registry.getHandlerFor(filename, null);
- assertTrue("model handler registry does not have JSP type ", handler != null && handler.getAssociatedContentTypeId().equals(ContentTypeIdForJSP.ContentTypeID_JSP));
- }
- public void testXMLExists() {
- String id = ContentTypeIdForXML.ContentTypeID_XML;
- ModelHandlerRegistry registry = getModelHandlerRegistry();
- IModelHandler handler = registry.getHandlerForContentTypeId(id);
- assertEquals("model handler registry does not have XML type ", id, handler.getAssociatedContentTypeId());
- }
- public void testXMLExistsFromFilename() throws IOException {
- String filename = "test.xml";
- ModelHandlerRegistry registry = getModelHandlerRegistry();
- IModelHandler handler = registry.getHandlerFor(filename, null);
- assertEquals("model handler registry does not have XML type ", ContentTypeIdForXML.ContentTypeID_XML, handler.getAssociatedContentTypeId());
- }
- public void testDirtyStateForEmbeddedContentTypeTextHTML() throws Exception {
- String name = "bug243243";
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(name);
- if (!project.isAccessible()) {
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(name, null, null);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/bug243243", "/bug243243");
- }
- IFile testFile = project.getFile("html.jsp");
- IStructuredModel model = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForRead(testFile);
- assertFalse("newly opened model was dirty " + testFile.getName(), model.isDirty());
- model.releaseFromRead();
- project.delete(true, null);
- }
- public void testDirtyStateForEmbeddedContentTypeTextCSS() throws Exception {
- String name = "bug243243";
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(name);
- if (!project.isAccessible()) {
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(name, null, null);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/bug243243", "/bug243243");
- }
- IFile testFile = project.getFile("css.jsp");
- IStructuredModel model = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForRead(testFile);
- assertFalse("newly opened model was dirty " + testFile.getName(), model.isDirty());
- model.releaseFromRead();
- project.delete(true, null);
- }
- public void testDirtyStateForEmbeddedContentTypeTextXML() throws Exception {
- String name = "bug243243";
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(name);
- if (!project.isAccessible()) {
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(name, null, null);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/bug243243", "/bug243243");
- }
- IFile testFile = project.getFile("xml.jsp");
- IStructuredModel model = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForRead(testFile);
- assertFalse("newly opened model was dirty " + testFile.getName(), model.isDirty());
- model.releaseFromRead();
- project.delete(true, null);
- }
- public void testDirtyStateForMisspelledEmbeddedCharset() throws Exception {
- String projectName = "TestModelHandlers." + getName();
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(projectName);
- if (!project.isAccessible()) {
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(projectName, null, null);
- }
- IFile testFile = project.getFile("charaset.jsp");
- String contents = "<%@ page language=\"java\" contentType=\"text/xml; charaset=UTF-8\" pageEncoding=\"UTF-8\"%>\n" +
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" +
- "<Contents>\n" +
- "<Error state=\"fatal\" code=\"\">\n" +
- "</Error>\n" +
- "</Contents>";
- if (!testFile.exists()) {
- testFile.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(contents.getBytes("utf8")), IResource.FORCE, null);
- }
- else {
- testFile.setContents(new ByteArrayInputStream(contents.getBytes("utf8")), IResource.FORCE, null);
- }
- IStructuredModel model = null;
- try {
- model = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForRead(testFile);
- Document doc = ((IDOMModel) model).getDocument();
- PageDirectiveAdapter pageDirectiveAdapter = (PageDirectiveAdapter) ((INodeNotifier) doc).getAdapterFor(PageDirectiveAdapter.class);
- EmbeddedTypeHandler embeddedHandler = pageDirectiveAdapter.getEmbeddedType();
- assertFalse("newly opened model was dirty, embedded handler changed? current family:" + embeddedHandler.getFamilyId(), model.isDirty());
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null)
- model.releaseFromRead();
- }
- project.delete(true, null);
- }
- public void testDirtyStateForEmbeddedCharsetWithoutContentType() throws Exception {
- String projectName = "TestModelHandlers." + getName();
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(projectName);
- if (!project.isAccessible()) {
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(projectName, null, null);
- }
- IFile testFile = project.getFile("charaset.jsp");
- String contents = "<%@ page language=\"java\" contentType=\"charset=UTF-8\" pageEncoding=\"UTF-8\"%>\n" +
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" +
- "<Contents>\n" +
- "<Error state=\"fatal\" code=\"\">\n" +
- "</Error>\n" +
- "</Contents>";
- if (!testFile.exists()) {
- testFile.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(contents.getBytes("utf8")), IResource.FORCE, null);
- }
- else {
- testFile.setContents(new ByteArrayInputStream(contents.getBytes("utf8")), IResource.FORCE, null);
- }
- IStructuredModel model = null;
- try {
- model = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForRead(testFile);
- Document doc = ((IDOMModel) model).getDocument();
- PageDirectiveAdapter pageDirectiveAdapter = (PageDirectiveAdapter) ((INodeNotifier) doc).getAdapterFor(PageDirectiveAdapter.class);
- EmbeddedTypeHandler embeddedHandler = pageDirectiveAdapter.getEmbeddedType();
- assertFalse("newly opened model was dirty, embedded handler changed? current family:" + embeddedHandler.getFamilyId(), model.isDirty());
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null)
- model.releaseFromRead();
- }
- project.delete(true, null);
- }
- public void testDirtyStateForUnsupportedEmbeddedContentType() throws Exception {
- String projectName = "TestModelHandlers." + getName();
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(projectName);
- if (!project.isAccessible()) {
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(projectName, null, null);
- }
- IFile testFile = project.getFile("unsupported.jsp");
- String contents = "<%@ page language=\"java\" contentType=\"image/gif\"%>\n" +
- "out.write(\"GIF89a\"";
- if (!testFile.exists()) {
- testFile.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(contents.getBytes("utf8")), IResource.FORCE, null);
- }
- else {
- testFile.setContents(new ByteArrayInputStream(contents.getBytes("utf8")), IResource.FORCE, null);
- }
- IStructuredModel model = null;
- try {
- model = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForRead(testFile);
- assertFalse("newly opened model was dirty " + testFile.getName(), model.isDirty());
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null)
- model.releaseFromRead();
- }
- project.delete(true, null);
- }
- public void testDirtyStateForEmbeddedContentTypeSubXML() throws Exception {
- String name = "bug243243";
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(name);
- if (!project.isAccessible()) {
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(name, null, null);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/bug243243", "/bug243243");
- }
- IFile testFile = project.getFile("rdf.jsp");
- IStructuredModel model = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForRead(testFile);
- assertFalse("newly opened model was dirty " + testFile.getName(), model.isDirty());
- model.releaseFromRead();
- project.delete(true, null);
- }
- public void testDirtyStateForDefaultEmbeddedContentType() throws Exception {
- String name = "bug243243";
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(name);
- if (!project.isAccessible()) {
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(name, null, null);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/bug243243", "/bug243243");
- }
- IFile testFile = project.getFile("default.jsp");
- IStructuredModel model = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForRead(testFile);
- assertFalse("newly opened model was dirty " + testFile.getName(), model.isDirty());
- model.releaseFromRead();
- project.delete(true, null);
- }
- public void testDirtyStateWithNoPageDirective() throws Exception {
- String name = "bug243243";
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(name);
- if (!project.isAccessible()) {
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(name, null, null);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/bug243243", "/bug243243");
- }
- IFile testFile = project.getFile("nodirective.jsp");
- IStructuredModel model = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForRead(testFile);
- assertFalse("newly opened model was dirty " + testFile.getName(), model.isDirty());
- model.releaseFromRead();
- project.delete(true, null);
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/dom/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/dom/
deleted file mode 100644
index f19cf5e21..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/dom/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.dom;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.StructuredModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.IStructuredDocument;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.IStructuredDocumentRegion;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.ITextRegion;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.parser.ContextRegionContainer;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMDocument;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMModel;
-import org.w3c.dom.Node;
-import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
-public class AttrValueTest extends TestCase {
- private static final String[] VALUES = {"<<Previous", "<page>", "Next>>"};
- public void testAttributeValue() {
- IDOMModel model = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().createUnManagedStructuredModelFor("org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.jspsource");
- assertNotNull(model);
- IStructuredDocument document = model.getStructuredDocument();
- assertNotNull(document);
- document.setText(this, "<button value=\""+ VALUES[0] +"\"></button><button value=\"" + VALUES[1] + "\"></button><button value=\"" + VALUES[2] + "\"></button>");
- IDOMDocument dom = model.getDocument();
- NodeList nodes = dom.getElementsByTagName("button");
- assertTrue("Must be 3 button elements in the document.", nodes.getLength() == 3);
- for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
- Node node = nodes.item(i);
- Node attr = node.getAttributes().getNamedItem("value");
- assertTrue("Attribute 'value' not present.", attr != null && attr.getNodeValue().length() > 0);
- assertEquals("Attribute values are not equal", VALUES[i], attr.getNodeValue());
- }
- }
- public void testEmbeddedTagValue() {
- IDOMModel model = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().createUnManagedStructuredModelFor("org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.jspsource");
- assertNotNull(model);
- IStructuredDocument document = model.getStructuredDocument();
- assertNotNull(document);
- document.setText(this, "<a href=\"<c:out value='test.html'></c:out>\">Test</a>");
- IDOMDocument dom = model.getDocument();
- NodeList nodes = dom.getElementsByTagName("a");
- assertTrue("Must be 1 anchor element in the document.", nodes.getLength() == 1);
- IStructuredDocumentRegion region = document.getFirstStructuredDocumentRegion();
- ITextRegion embeddedRegion = region.getRegionAtCharacterOffset(9);
- assertTrue("The attribute is not a ContextRegionContainer", embeddedRegion instanceof ContextRegionContainer);
- Node node = nodes.item(0);
- Node attr = node.getAttributes().getNamedItem("href");
- assertEquals("Attribute values are not equal", "<c:out value='test.html'></c:out>", attr.getNodeValue());
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/dom/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/dom/
deleted file mode 100644
index 74e69ee44..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/dom/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.dom;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.StructuredModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMModel;
-import org.w3c.dom.Node;
-public class TestImportedNodes extends TestCase {
- public void testImportedComments() {
- IDOMModel orgModel = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().
- createUnManagedStructuredModelFor("org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.jspsource");
- IDOMModel foreignModel = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().
- createUnManagedStructuredModelFor("org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.jspsource");
- foreignModel.getStructuredDocument().set("<%-- abc --%>");
- Node child = foreignModel.getDocument().getLastChild();
- // import comment node
- child = orgModel.getDocument().importNode(child, true);
- orgModel.getDocument().appendChild(child);
- // create text node and insert it after comment node
- child = orgModel.getDocument().createTextNode("abc");
- orgModel.getDocument().appendChild(child);
- String text = orgModel.getStructuredDocument().get();
- assertEquals("document text was not expected", "<%-- abc --%>abc", text);
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/dom/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/dom/
deleted file mode 100644
index 71105b591..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/dom/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.dom;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.provisional.contenttype.ContentTypeIdForJSP;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.Logger;
-import org.eclipse.wst.html.core.internal.provisional.contenttype.ContentTypeIdForHTML;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.StructuredModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.document.AttrImpl;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMModel;
-import org.w3c.dom.Document;
-import org.w3c.dom.Element;
- * This test will cause a "region management error" to be thrown in DOM parser
- * (and its subsequent 'handleRefresh' to be called). This is "normal" in this
- * error case, of appending an jsp element to an html document. This
- * error/exception is not normally printed out, but is if 'debug' is turned on.
- */
-public class TestOrphan extends TestCase {
- private static final String fCategory = "unittests";
- public TestOrphan(String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- private Document getJSPDoc() {
- IDOMModel structuredModel = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().createUnManagedStructuredModelFor(ContentTypeIdForJSP.ContentTypeID_JSP);
- Document doc = structuredModel.getDocument();
- return doc;
- }
- private Document getHTMLDoc() {
- IDOMModel structuredModel = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().createUnManagedStructuredModelFor(ContentTypeIdForHTML.ContentTypeID_HTML);
- Document doc = structuredModel.getDocument();
- return doc;
- }
- private Element makeElement(Document document) {
- Element element = document.createElement("IMG");
- element.setAttribute("src", "<bean:message />");
- return element;
- }
- public void testNonOrphanInHTMLDoc() {
- Logger.trace(fCategory, "testNonOrphanInHTMLDoc");
- Document doc = getHTMLDoc();
- Element element = makeElement(doc);
- AttrImpl attr = (AttrImpl) element.getAttributeNode("src");
- String attrValue = attr.getValue();
- Logger.trace(fCategory, "attrValue: " + attrValue);
- doc.appendChild(element);
- boolean isJspValue = attr.hasNestedValue();
- Logger.trace(fCategory, "isJspValue: " + isJspValue);
- assertFalse(isJspValue);
- }
- public void testNonOrphanInJSPDoc() {
- Logger.trace(fCategory, "testNonOrphanInJSPDoc");
- Document doc = getJSPDoc();
- Element element = makeElement(doc);
- AttrImpl attr = (AttrImpl) element.getAttributeNode("src");
- String attrValue = attr.getValue();
- Logger.trace(fCategory, "attrValue: " + attrValue);
- doc.appendChild(element);
- boolean isJspValue = attr.hasNestedValue();
- Logger.trace(fCategory, "isJspValue: " + isJspValue);
- assertTrue(isJspValue);
- }
- public void testNonOrphanInBoth() {
- Logger.trace(fCategory, "testNonOrphanInBoth");
- Document jspDoc = getJSPDoc();
- Element commonElement = makeElement(jspDoc);
- AttrImpl attr = (AttrImpl) commonElement.getAttributeNode("src");
- String attrValue = attr.getValue();
- Logger.trace(fCategory, "attrValue: " + attrValue);
- jspDoc.appendChild(commonElement);
- boolean isJspValue = attr.hasNestedValue();
- Logger.trace(fCategory, "isJspValue: " + isJspValue);
- assertTrue(isJspValue);
- Document htmlDoc = getHTMLDoc();
- // this test will cause a "region management error" to be
- // thrown in parser (and its subsequent 'handleRefresh').
- // this is "normal" in this error case, of appending an jsp
- // element to an html document. This error/exception is not
- // normally printed out, but is if 'debug' is turned on.
- htmlDoc.appendChild(commonElement);
- isJspValue = attr.hasNestedValue();
- Logger.trace(fCategory, "isJspValue: " + isJspValue);
- assertFalse(isJspValue);
- }
- public void testNonOrphanInBothReversedOrder() {
- Logger.trace(fCategory, "testNonOrphanInBothReversedOrder");
- Document htmlDoc = getHTMLDoc();
- Element commonElement = makeElement(htmlDoc);
- AttrImpl attr = (AttrImpl) commonElement.getAttributeNode("src");
- String attrValue = attr.getValue();
- Logger.trace(fCategory, "attrValue: " + attrValue);
- htmlDoc.appendChild(commonElement);
- boolean isJspValue = attr.hasNestedValue();
- Logger.trace(fCategory, "isJspValue: " + isJspValue);
- assertFalse(isJspValue);
- Document jspDoc = getJSPDoc();
- // this little test shows its important to
- // actually create the element with the right kind of
- // document, not just append.
- // (and, append is needed too, as can be seen by
- // commenting out one or the other of the following
- // two lines.
- commonElement = makeElement(jspDoc);
- jspDoc.appendChild(commonElement);
- //
- attr = (AttrImpl) commonElement.getAttributeNode("src");
- attrValue = attr.getValue();
- Logger.trace(fCategory, "attrValue: " + attrValue);
- isJspValue = attr.hasNestedValue();
- Logger.trace(fCategory, "isJspValue: " + isJspValue);
- assertTrue(isJspValue);
- }
- public void doBothTests() {
- testNonOrphanInHTMLDoc();
- testNonOrphanInJSPDoc();
- testNonOrphanInBoth();
- testNonOrphanInBothReversedOrder();
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/model/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/model/
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.model;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.provisional.contenttype.ContentTypeIdForJSP;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.StructuredModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IStructuredModel;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMModel;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.ssemodelquery.ModelQueryAdapter;
- * @deprecated - we don't have INodeAdapters directly on our models and this
- * is not part of the usual test suite (test.xml)
- */
-public class TestModelAdapters extends TestCase {
- public void testJSPModel() throws IOException {
- IModelManager modelManager = getModelManager();
- IDOMModel structuredModel = (IDOMModel) modelManager.createUnManagedStructuredModelFor(ContentTypeIdForJSP.ContentTypeID_JSP);
- try {
- boolean test = structuredModel.getId().equals(IModelManager.UNMANAGED_MODEL);
- assertTrue(test);
- ModelQueryAdapter modelQueryAdapter = (ModelQueryAdapter) structuredModel.getAdapter(ModelQueryAdapter.class);
- assertNotNull("initial modelQueryAdapter should not be null", modelQueryAdapter);
- IStructuredModel newModel = structuredModel.newInstance();
- // IDOMDocument newDocument = ((IDOMModel)
- // newModel).getDocument();
- // INodeNotifier notifier = newDocument;
- ModelQueryAdapter result = (ModelQueryAdapter) newModel.getAdapter(ModelQueryAdapter.class);
- assertNotNull("newInstance modelQueryAdapter should not be null", result);
- }
- finally {
- // even though model is unmanaged, release still required, since
- // adapter factories, etc., may be depending on it.
- structuredModel.releaseFromEdit();
- // if above complete's normally (with no exceptions)
- // consider passed.
- assertTrue(true);
- }
- }
- private IModelManager getModelManager() {
- IModelManager modelManager = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager();
- return modelManager;
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/model/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/model/
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@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.model;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.contentmodel.tld.provisional.TLDElementDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.modelhandler.ModelHandlerForJSP;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.taglibindex.BundleResourceUtil;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.StructuredModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMElementDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.modelquery.ModelQueryUtil;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.contentmodel.CMNodeWrapper;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMModel;
-import org.w3c.dom.Element;
- * Tests for JSP include directives
- */
-public class TestModelIncludes extends TestCase {
- String wtp_autotest_noninteractive = null;
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- String noninteractive = System.getProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive");
- if (noninteractive != null)
- wtp_autotest_noninteractive = noninteractive;
- System.setProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive", "true");
- }
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- super.tearDown();
- if (wtp_autotest_noninteractive != null)
- System.setProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive", wtp_autotest_noninteractive);
- }
- /**
- * Tests the custom tag content model when single line fragments are used
- * without trailing white space
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testContentModelSingleLineIncludedFileWithNoSpacesButWithTaglibInInclude() throws Exception {
- String projectName = "prj119576_a";
- BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(projectName, null, null);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + projectName, "/" + projectName);
- assertTrue("project could not be created", ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(projectName).exists());
- IFile file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path("/prj119576_a/WebContent/body2.jsp"));
- IDOMModel model = null;
- try {
- model = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForRead(file);
- assertTrue("model has no content", model.getStructuredDocument().getLength() > 0);
- Element element = (Element) model.getIndexedRegion(75);
- CMElementDeclaration ed = ModelQueryUtil.getModelQuery(model).getCMElementDeclaration(element);
- assertNotNull("no (TLD) element declaration found for " + element.getNodeName(), ed);
- assertTrue("not a wrapping content model element declaration: " + ed.getNodeName(), ed instanceof CMNodeWrapper);
- assertTrue("not a taglib content model element declaration: " + ed.getNodeName(), ((CMNodeWrapper) ed).getOriginNode() instanceof TLDElementDeclaration);
- String tagClassName = ((TLDElementDeclaration) ((CMNodeWrapper) ed).getOriginNode()).getTagclass();
- assertNotNull("no tag class name found", tagClassName);
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null)
- model.releaseFromRead();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Verify included files are translated properly when they contain a
- * multiple lines
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testTranslateMultiLineIncludedFileWithSpacesAndScriptletInInclude() throws Exception {
- String projectName = "prj119576_c";
- BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(projectName, null, null);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + projectName, "/" + projectName);
- assertTrue("project could not be created", ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(projectName).exists());
- IFile file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path("/" + projectName + "/WebContent/body3.jsp"));
- IDOMModel model = null;
- try {
- model = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForRead(file);
- assertTrue("model has no content", model.getStructuredDocument().getLength() > 0);
- ModelHandlerForJSP.ensureTranslationAdapterFactory(model);
- JSPTranslationAdapter adapter = (JSPTranslationAdapter) model.getDocument().getAdapterFor(IJSPTranslation.class);
- String source = adapter.getJSPTranslation().getJavaText();
- assertTrue("scriptlet with variable declaration not found\n" + source, source.indexOf("java.util.Date headerDate") > -1);
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null)
- model.releaseFromRead();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Verify included files are translated properly when they contain a
- * single line and document region and no trailing white space.
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testTranslateSingleLineIncludedFileWithNoSpacesButScriptletInInclude() throws Exception {
- String projectName = "prj119576_b";
- BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(projectName, null, null);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + projectName, "/" + projectName);
- assertTrue("project could not be created", ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(projectName).exists());
- IFile file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path("/" + projectName + "/WebContent/body3.jsp"));
- IDOMModel model = null;
- try {
- model = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForRead(file);
- assertTrue("model has no content", model.getStructuredDocument().getLength() > 0);
- ModelHandlerForJSP.ensureTranslationAdapterFactory(model);
- JSPTranslationAdapter adapter = (JSPTranslationAdapter) model.getDocument().getAdapterFor(IJSPTranslation.class);
- String source = adapter.getJSPTranslation().getJavaText();
- assertTrue("scriptlet with variable declaration not found", source.indexOf("java.util.Date headerDate") > -1);
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null)
- model.releaseFromRead();
- }
- }
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@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.model;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.provisional.contenttype.ContentTypeIdForJSP;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.StructuredModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMModel;
-public class TestModelRelease extends TestCase {
- public void testJSPModel() {
- IModelManager modelManager = getModelManager();
- IDOMModel structuredModel = (IDOMModel) modelManager.createUnManagedStructuredModelFor(ContentTypeIdForJSP.ContentTypeID_JSP);
- boolean test = structuredModel.getId().equals(IModelManager.UNMANAGED_MODEL);
- assertTrue(test);
- // even though model is unmanaged, release still required, since
- // adapter factories, etc., may be depending on it.
- structuredModel.releaseFromEdit();
- // if above complete's normally (with no exceptions)
- // consider passed.
- assertTrue(true);
- }
- private IModelManager getModelManager() {
- IModelManager modelManager = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager();
- return modelManager;
- }
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@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.model;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectDescription;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.provisional.contenttype.ContentTypeIdForJSP;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.JSPCoreTestsPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.StructuredModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IStructuredModel;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMModel;
-public class TestModelWithNoFile extends TestCase {
- public void testJSPModel() {
- IDOMModel structuredModel = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().createUnManagedStructuredModelFor(ContentTypeIdForJSP.ContentTypeID_JSP);
- boolean test = structuredModel.getId().equals(IModelManager.UNMANAGED_MODEL);
- assertTrue(test);
- structuredModel.releaseFromEdit();
- assertTrue(true);
- }
- public void testBug116066_1() {
- IModelManager modelManager = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager();
- IStructuredModel model = null;
- // Create new project
- IProject project = createSimpleProject("bug116066_1", null, null);
- IFile testFile = project.getFile("nonExistant.jsp");
- assertFalse("nonExistant.jsp test file already exists (not a clean workspace)?", testFile.exists());
- // Get the model and set a reference to that tag library into it
- try {
- model = modelManager.getNewModelForEdit(testFile, false);
- assertNotNull("couldn't get new model for " + testFile.getFullPath(), model);
- model.getStructuredDocument().set("<%@taglib prefix=\"tagdependent\" uri=\"tagdependent\">\n<tagdependent:code> <<< </tagdependent:code>");
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null) {
- model.releaseFromEdit();
- }
- }
- }
- public void testBug116066_2() {
- IModelManager modelManager = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager();
- IStructuredModel model = null;
- // Create new project
- IProject project = createSimpleProject("bug116066_2", null, null);
- // Copy a TLD into the project
- IFile tld = copyBundleEntryIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/116066/tagdep.tld", "/bug116066_2/tagdep.tld");
- assertNotNull("TLD entry was not copied properly", tld);
- assertTrue("TLD IFile does not exist", tld.exists());
- IFile testFile = project.getFile("nonExistant.jsp");
- assertFalse("nonExistant.jsp test file already exists (not a clean workspace)?", testFile.exists());
- // Get the model and set a reference to that tag library into it
- try {
- model = modelManager.getNewModelForEdit(testFile, false);
- assertNotNull("couldn't get new model for " + testFile.getFullPath(), model);
- model.getStructuredDocument().set("<%@taglib prefix=\"tagdependent\" uri=\"tagdependent\">\n<tagdependent:code> <<< </tagdependent:code>");
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null) {
- model.releaseFromEdit();
- }
- }
- }
- private IFile copyBundleEntryIntoWorkspace(String entryname, String fullPath) {
- IFile file = null;
- URL entry = JSPCoreTestsPlugin.getDefault().getBundle().getEntry(entryname);
- if (entry != null) {
- try {
- byte[] b = new byte[2048];
- InputStream input = entry.openStream();
- ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- int i = -1;
- while ((i = > -1) {
- output.write(b, 0, i);
- }
- file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(fullPath));
- if (file != null) {
- file.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(output.toByteArray()), true, new NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- }
- catch (IOException e) {
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- catch (CoreException e) {
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- }
- return file;
- }
- private IProject createSimpleProject(String name, IPath location, String[] natureIds) {
- IProjectDescription description = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().newProjectDescription(name);
- if (location != null) {
- description.setLocation(location);
- }
- if (natureIds != null) {
- description.setNatureIds(natureIds);
- }
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(name);
- try {
- project.create(description, new NullProgressMonitor());
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- catch (CoreException e) {
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- return project;
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/source/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/source/
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@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.source;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.parser.internal.JSPTokenizer;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.ITextRegion;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.regions.DOMRegionContext;
-public class JSPTokenizerTest extends TestCase {
- private JSPTokenizer tokenizer = null;
- private void reset(Reader in) {
- tokenizer.reset(in);
- }
- private void reset(String filename) {
- Reader fileReader = null;
- try {
- fileReader = new InputStreamReader(getClass().getResourceAsStream(filename), "utf8");
- }
- catch (IOException e) {
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);
- reset(reader);
- }
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- tokenizer = new JSPTokenizer();
- }
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- super.tearDown();
- tokenizer = null;
- }
- public void test144807_AttrName() {
- String input = "";
- for (int i = 0; i < 400; i++) {
- input = input += "<a ";
- }
- try {
- reset(new StringReader(input));
- assertTrue("empty input", tokenizer.getNextToken() != null);
- while (tokenizer.getNextToken() != null) {
- // really, we just want to loop
- }
- }
- catch (IOException e) {
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- }
- public void test144807_AttrValue() {
- String input = "<a b=";
- for (int i = 0; i < 400; i++) {
- input = input += "<a ";
- }
- try {
- reset(new StringReader(input));
- assertTrue("empty input", tokenizer.getNextToken() != null);
- while (tokenizer.getNextToken() != null) {
- // really, we just want to loop
- }
- }
- catch (IOException e) {
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- }
- public void test144807_Equals() {
- String input = "<a b";
- for (int i = 0; i < 400; i++) {
- input = input += "<a ";
- }
- try {
- reset(new StringReader(input));
- assertTrue("empty input", tokenizer.getNextToken() != null);
- while (tokenizer.getNextToken() != null) {
- // really, we just want to loop
- }
- }
- catch (IOException e) {
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- }
- public void testInsertComment() {
- reset("jspcomment01.jsp");
- try {
- assertTrue("empty input", tokenizer.getNextToken() != null);
- while (tokenizer.getNextToken() != null) {
- // really, we just want to loop
- }
- }
- catch (IOException e) {
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- catch (StackOverflowError e) {
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- // success if StackOverFlowError does not occur with tokenizer.
- assertTrue(true);
- }
- // [260004]
- public void test26004() {
- String input = "<c:set var=\"foo\" value=\"${foo} bar #\" /> <div id=\"container\" >Test</div>";
- try {
- reset(new StringReader(input));
- ITextRegion region = tokenizer.getNextToken();
- assertTrue("empty input", region != null);
- while (region != null) {
- if (region.getType() == DOMRegionContext.XML_TAG_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE) {
- region = tokenizer.getNextToken();
- assertNotNull("document consumed by trailing $ or #", region);
- }
- else
- region = tokenizer.getNextToken();
- }
- }
- catch (IOException e) {
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- }
- // [150794]
- public void test150794() {
- String input = "<a href=\"<jsp:getProperty/>\">";
- try {
- reset(new StringReader(input));
- ITextRegion region = tokenizer.getNextToken();
- assertTrue("empty input", region != null);
- while (region != null) {
- if (region.getType() == DOMRegionContext.XML_TAG_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE) {
- region = tokenizer.getNextToken();
- assertNotNull("document consumed by embedded JSP tag", region);
- }
- else
- region = tokenizer.getNextToken();
- }
- }
- catch (IOException e) {
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- }
- /**
- * <p>This test is to protect against regression of 299146 where &#160 was being
- * broken up into & #1 60 and then when a ; was typed could not be recognized
- * as a Unicode character reference. It should be detected as & #160 which is
- * what is tested for here.</p>
- */
- public void test299146() {
- String input = "<root>&#160</root>";
- try {
- reset(new StringReader(input));
- ITextRegion region = null;
- for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
- region = tokenizer.getNextToken();
- }
- assertNotNull("This region should exist", region);
- assertEquals("The region did not have the expected start location", 7, region.getStart());
- assertEquals("The region did not have the expected length", 4, region.getLength());
- }
- catch (IOException e) {
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- }
- // Need to simulate typing characters into the document to cause the stack overflow.
- // Test is irrelevant due to changes in [280496]
- /*public void test265380() throws Exception {
- String projectName = "bug_265380";
- int oldDepth = BooleanStack.maxDepth;
- // Make the maxDepth equivalent to that we'd see in a normal editor
- BooleanStack.maxDepth = 100;
- // Create new project
- IProject project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(projectName, null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + projectName, "/" + projectName);
- IFile file = project.getFile("test265380.jsp");
- assertTrue(file.exists());
- IStructuredModel model = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForEdit(file);
- try {
- IStructuredDocument jspDocument = model.getStructuredDocument();
- // offset in the document to begin inserting text
- int offset = 414;
- // String to insert character-by-character
- String cif = "<c:out value=\"lorem ipsum\"></c:out>\n";
- // It takes several tags to be inserted before the stack was overflowed
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < cif.length(); j++)
- jspDocument.replace(offset++, 0, String.valueOf(cif.charAt(j)));
- }
- }
- catch (StackOverflowError e) {
- fail("Stack overflow encountered while editing document.");
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null)
- model.releaseFromEdit();
- BooleanStack.maxDepth = oldDepth;
- }
- }*/
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/source/jspcomment01.jsp b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/source/jspcomment01.jsp
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- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.taglibindex;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectDescription;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRunnable;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClasspathEntry;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.JSPCoreTestsPlugin;
-public class BundleResourceUtil {
- public static void _copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace(final String rootEntry, final String fullTargetPath) throws Exception {
- Enumeration entries = JSPCoreTestsPlugin.getDefault().getBundle().getEntryPaths(rootEntry);
- while (entries != null && entries.hasMoreElements()) {
- String entryPath = entries.nextElement().toString();
- String targetPath = new Path(fullTargetPath + "/" + entryPath.substring(rootEntry.length())).toString();
- if (entryPath.endsWith("/")) {
- IFolder folder = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFolder(new Path(targetPath));
- if (!folder.exists()) {
- folder.create(true, true, new NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- _copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace(entryPath, targetPath);
- }
- else {
- _copyBundleEntryIntoWorkspace(entryPath, targetPath);
- }
- // System.out.println(entryPath + " -> " + targetPath);
- }
- }
- public static IFile _copyBundleEntryIntoWorkspace(String entryname, String fullPath) throws Exception {
- IFile file = null;
- URL entry = JSPCoreTestsPlugin.getDefault().getBundle().getEntry(entryname);
- if (entry != null) {
- IPath path = new Path(fullPath);
- // for (int j = 1; j <= path.segmentCount() - 2; j++) {
- // IPath folderPath = path.removeLastSegments(path.segmentCount()
- // - j);
- // IFolder folder =
- // ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFolder(folderPath);
- // if (!folder.exists()) {
- // folder.create(true, true, null);
- // }
- // }
- byte[] b = new byte[2048];
- InputStream input = entry.openStream();
- ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- int i = -1;
- while ((i = > -1) {
- output.write(b, 0, i);
- }
- file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(path);
- if (file != null) {
- if (!file.exists()) {
- file.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(output.toByteArray()), true, new NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- else {
- file.setContents(new ByteArrayInputStream(output.toByteArray()), true, false, new NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- System.err.println("can't find " + entryname);
- }
- return file;
- }
- public static void copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace(final String rootEntry, final String fullTargetPath) throws Exception {
- IWorkspaceRunnable runnable = new IWorkspaceRunnable() {
- public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
- try {
- _copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace(rootEntry, fullTargetPath);
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, JSPCoreTestsPlugin.getDefault().getBundle().getSymbolicName(), 0, null, e));
- }
- ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().checkpoint(true);
- }
- };
- ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().run(runnable, new NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- public static IFile copyBundleEntryIntoWorkspace(final String entryname, final String fullPath) throws Exception {
- final IFile file[] = new IFile[1];
- IWorkspaceRunnable runnable = new IWorkspaceRunnable() {
- public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
- try {
- file[0] = _copyBundleEntryIntoWorkspace(entryname, fullPath);
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, JSPCoreTestsPlugin.getDefault().getBundle().getSymbolicName(), 0, null, e));
- }
- ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().checkpoint(true);
- }
- };
- ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().run(runnable, new NullProgressMonitor());
- return file[0];
- }
- public static void copyBundleZippedEntriesIntoWorkspace(final String zipFileEntry, final IPath fullTargetPath) throws CoreException {
- IWorkspaceRunnable runnable = new IWorkspaceRunnable() {
- public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
- IFile file = null;
- URL entry = JSPCoreTestsPlugin.getDefault().getBundle().getEntry(zipFileEntry);
- if (entry != null) {
- try {
- byte[] b = new byte[2048];
- ZipInputStream input = new ZipInputStream(entry.openStream());
- ZipEntry nextEntry = input.getNextEntry();
- while (nextEntry != null) {
- IPath path = fullTargetPath.append(nextEntry.getName());
- if (nextEntry.isDirectory()) {
- IFolder folder = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFolder(path);
- if (!folder.exists()) {
- folder.create(true, true, null);
- }
- }
- else {
- IPath folderPath = path.removeLastSegments(1);
- for (int i = folderPath.segmentCount(); i > 0; i--) {
- IPath parentFolderPath = path.removeLastSegments(i);
- if (parentFolderPath.segmentCount() > 1) {
- IFolder folder = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFolder(parentFolderPath);
- if (!folder.exists()) {
- folder.create(true, true, null);
- }
- }
- }
- file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(path);
- ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- int i = -1;
- while ((i = > -1) {
- output.write(b, 0, i);
- }
- if (!file.exists()) {
- file.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(output.toByteArray()), true, new NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- else {
- file.setContents(new ByteArrayInputStream(output.toByteArray()), true, false, new NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- }
- ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().checkpoint(true);
- nextEntry = input.getNextEntry();
- }
- }
- catch (IOException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- catch (CoreException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- else {
- System.err.println("can't find " + zipFileEntry);
- }
- ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().checkpoint(true);
- }
- };
- ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().run(runnable, new NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- /**
- * Creates a simple project.
- *
- * @param name -
- * the name of the project
- * @param location -
- * the location of the project, or null if the default of
- * "/name" within the workspace is to be used
- * @param natureIds -
- * an array of natures IDs to set on the project, null if none
- * should be set
- * @return
- */
- public static IProject createSimpleProject(String name, IPath location, String[] natureIds) {
- IProjectDescription description = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().newProjectDescription(name);
- if (location != null) {
- description.setLocation(location);
- }
- if (natureIds != null) {
- description.setNatureIds(natureIds);
- }
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(name);
- try {
- project.create(description, new NullProgressMonitor());
- NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- catch (CoreException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return project;
- }
- public static final String JAVA_NATURE_ID = "org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature";
- /**
- * Add a library entry (like a jar) to the classpath of a project. The jar
- * must be in your poject. You can copy the jar into your workspace using
- * copyBundleEntryIntoWorkspace(String entryname, String fullPath)
- *
- * @param proj
- * assumed it has java nature
- * @param pathToJar
- * project relative, no leading slash
- */
- public static void addLibraryEntry(IProject proj, String pathToJar) {
- IPath projLocation = proj.getLocation();
- IPath absJarPath = projLocation.append(pathToJar);
- IJavaProject jProj = JavaCore.create(proj);
- IClasspathEntry strutsJarEntry = JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(absJarPath, null, null);
- try {
- IClasspathEntry[] currentEntries = jProj.getRawClasspath();
- List l = new ArrayList();
- l.addAll(Arrays.asList(currentEntries));
- l.add(strutsJarEntry);
- IClasspathEntry[] newEntries = (IClasspathEntry[]) l.toArray(new IClasspathEntry[l.size()]);
- jProj.setRawClasspath(newEntries, new NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- catch (JavaModelException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/taglibindex/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/taglibindex/
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index ddde55557..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/taglibindex/
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@@ -1,484 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.taglibindex;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ResourceException;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.MultiStatus;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClasspathEntry;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.ClasspathEntry;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.contentmodel.tld.provisional.TLDDocument;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.contentmodel.tld.provisional.TLDElementDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.taglib.IJarRecord;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.taglib.ITaglibRecord;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.taglib.IURLRecord;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.taglib.TaglibIndex;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.StructuredModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMElementDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMNode;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.modelquery.ModelQueryUtil;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.contentmodel.CMNodeWrapper;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMModel;
-import org.w3c.dom.Element;
-import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
- * Tests for the TaglibIndex.
- */
-public class TestIndex extends TestCase {
- String wtp_autotest_noninteractive = null;
- int MAX_RETRYS = 5;
- int PAUSE_TIME = 1;
- boolean DEBUG = true;
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- String noninteractive = System.getProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive");
- if (noninteractive != null)
- wtp_autotest_noninteractive = noninteractive;
- System.setProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive", "true");
- }
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- super.tearDown();
- if (wtp_autotest_noninteractive != null)
- System.setProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive", wtp_autotest_noninteractive);
- removeAllProjects();
- }
- public void testAvailableAfterAddingJARToBuildPath() throws Exception {
- String url = "";
- // Create new project
- IProject project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject("bug_118251-e", null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- ITaglibRecord[] records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/bug_118251-e"));
- assertEquals("wrong number of taglib records found before unpacking", 0, records.length);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/bug_118251-e", "/bug_118251-e");
- // bug_118251-e/WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml
- // bug_118251-e/WebContent/WEB-INF/tld/sample2_for_118251-e.tld
- // bug_118251-e/WebContent/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
- // bug_118251-e/WebContent/test1.jsp
- // bug_118251-e/.classpath
- // bug_118251-e/.project
- ITaglibRecord taglibRecord = TaglibIndex.resolve("/bug_118251-e/WebContent/test1.jsp", url, false);
- assertNull("unexpected record found for " + url, taglibRecord);
- records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/bug_118251-e/WebContent/"));
- assertEquals("wrong number of taglib records found after unpacking but before copying", 2, records.length);
- /*
- * increase by <b>one</b> for the URL to the TLD in the jar (one
- * implicit for the TLD in the jar as a resource and another implicit
- * overwriting it with the same URL to the TLD in the jar on the
- * classpath)
- */
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntryIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/bug_118251-sample/sample_tld.jar", "/bug_118251-e/WebContent/WEB-INF/sample_tld.jar");
- url = "";
- taglibRecord = TaglibIndex.resolve("/bug_118251-e/WebContent/test1.jsp", url, false);
- assertNotNull("expected record missing for " + url, taglibRecord);
- records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/bug_118251-e/WebContent/"));
- assertEquals("wrong number of taglib records found after copying", 3, records.length);
- }
- public void testAvailableAfterCopyingJARIntoProject() throws Exception {
- // Create new project
- IProject project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject("bug_118251-f", null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- ITaglibRecord[] records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/bug_118251-f"));
- assertEquals("wrong number of taglib records found before unpacking", 0, records.length);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/bug_118251-f", "/bug_118251-f");
- // bug_118251-f/WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml
- // bug_118251-f/WebContent/WEB-INF/tld/sample2_for_118251-e.tld
- // bug_118251-f/WebContent/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
- // bug_118251-f/WebContent/test1.jsp
- // bug_118251-f/.classpath
- // bug_118251-f/.project
- String url = "";
- ITaglibRecord taglibRecord = TaglibIndex.resolve("/bug_118251-f/WebContent/test1.jsp", url, false);
- assertNull("unexpected record found for " + url, taglibRecord);
- records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/bug_118251-f/WebContent/"));
- assertEquals("wrong number of taglib records found after unpacking but before copying", 3, records.length);
- /*
- * increase by <b>one</b> for the URL to the TLD in the jar (one
- * implicit for the TLD in the jar as a resource and another implicit
- * overwriting it with the same URL to the TLD in the jar on the
- * classpath)
- */
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntryIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/bug_118251-sample/sample_tld.jar", "/bug_118251-f/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/sample_tld.jar");
- taglibRecord = TaglibIndex.resolve("/bug_118251-f/WebContent/test1.jsp", url, false);
- assertNotNull("no record found for " + url, taglibRecord);
- assertTrue("record found was wrong type", taglibRecord instanceof IURLRecord);
- assertNotNull("record has no base location", ((IURLRecord) taglibRecord).getBaseLocation());
- assertEquals("record has wrong short name", "sample", ((IURLRecord) taglibRecord).getShortName());
- assertEquals("record has wrong URI", url, ((IURLRecord) taglibRecord).getDescriptor().getURI());
- URL recordURL = ((IURLRecord) taglibRecord).getURL();
- assertNotNull("record has no URL", recordURL);
- assertTrue("record has wrong URL", recordURL.toString().length() > 4);
- assertEquals("record has wrong URL protocol", "jar:", recordURL.toString().substring(0, 4));
- assertEquals("record has wrong URL", "/bug_118251-f/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/sample_tld.jar!/folder/sample_for_118251.tld", recordURL.toString().substring(recordURL.toString().length() - 81));
- records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/bug_118251-f/WebContent/"));
- assertEquals("wrong number of taglib records found after copying", 4, records.length);
- records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/bug_118251-f/WebContent"));
- assertEquals("wrong number of taglib records found after copying", 4, records.length);
- records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/bug_118251-f/WebContent/WEB-INF"));
- assertEquals("wrong number of taglib records found after copying", 4, records.length);
- records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/bug_118251-f/WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml"));
- assertEquals("wrong number of taglib records found after copying", 4, records.length);
- }
- public void testAvailableAfterCopyingJARIntoProject2() throws Exception {
- // Create new project
- IProject project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject("bug_118251-g", null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- ITaglibRecord[] records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/bug_118251-g"));
- assertEquals("wrong number of taglib records found before unpacking", 0, records.length);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/bug_118251-g", "/bug_118251-g");
- // bug_118251-g/Web Content/WEB-INF/web.xml
- // bug_118251-g/Web Content/WEB-INF/tld/sample2_for_118251-e.tld
- // bug_118251-g/Web Content/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
- // bug_118251-g/Web Content/test1.jsp
- // bug_118251-g/.classpath
- // bug_118251-g/.project
- String url = "";
- ITaglibRecord taglibRecord = TaglibIndex.resolve("/bug_118251-g/Web Content/test1.jsp", url, false);
- assertNull("unexpected record found for " + url, taglibRecord);
- records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/bug_118251-g/Web Content/"));
- assertEquals("wrong number of taglib records found after unpacking but before copying", 3, records.length);
- /*
- * increase by <b>one</b> for the URL to the TLD in the jar (one
- * implicit for the TLD in the jar as a resource and another implicit
- * overwriting it with the same URL to the TLD in the jar on the
- * classpath)
- */
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntryIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/bug_118251-sample/sample_tld.jar", "/bug_118251-g/Web Content/WEB-INF/lib/sample_tld.jar");
- taglibRecord = TaglibIndex.resolve("/bug_118251-g/Web Content/test1.jsp", url, false);
- assertNotNull("no record found for " + url, taglibRecord);
- assertTrue("record found was wrong type", taglibRecord instanceof IURLRecord);
- assertNotNull("record has no base location", ((IURLRecord) taglibRecord).getBaseLocation());
- assertEquals("record has wrong short name", "sample", ((IURLRecord) taglibRecord).getShortName());
- assertEquals("record has wrong URI", url, ((IURLRecord) taglibRecord).getDescriptor().getURI());
- URL recordURL = ((IURLRecord) taglibRecord).getURL();
- assertNotNull("record has no URL", recordURL);
- assertTrue("record has wrong URL", recordURL.toString().length() > 4);
- assertEquals("record has wrong URL protocol", "jar:", recordURL.toString().substring(0, 4));
- assertEquals("record has wrong URL", "/bug_118251-g/Web Content/WEB-INF/lib/sample_tld.jar!/folder/sample_for_118251.tld", recordURL.toString().substring(recordURL.toString().length() - 82));
- records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/bug_118251-g/Web Content/"));
- assertEquals("wrong number of taglib records found after copying", 4, records.length);
- records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/bug_118251-g/Web Content"));
- assertEquals("wrong number of taglib records found after copying", 4, records.length);
- records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/bug_118251-g/Web Content/WEB-INF"));
- assertEquals("wrong number of taglib records found after copying", 4, records.length);
- records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/bug_118251-g/Web Content/WEB-INF/web.xml"));
- assertEquals("wrong number of taglib records found after copying", 4, records.length);
- }
- public void testUtilityProjectSupport() throws Exception {
- // Create project 1
- IProject project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject("test-jar", null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/bug183756/test-jar", "/test-jar");
- // Create project 2
- IProject project2 = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject("test-war", null, null);
- assertTrue(project2.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/bug183756/test-war", "/test-war");
- IFile testFile = project2.getFile(new Path("src/main/webapp/test.jsp"));
- assertTrue("missing test JSP file!", testFile.isAccessible());
- IDOMModel jspModel = null;
- try {
- jspModel = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForRead(testFile);
- NodeList tests = jspModel.getDocument().getElementsByTagName("test:test");
- assertTrue("test:test element not found", tests.getLength() > 0);
- CMElementDeclaration elementDecl = ModelQueryUtil.getModelQuery(jspModel).getCMElementDeclaration(((Element) tests.item(0)));
- assertNotNull("No element declaration was found for test:test at runtime", elementDecl);
- assertTrue("element declaration was not the expected kind", elementDecl instanceof CMNodeWrapper);
- CMNode originNode = ((CMNodeWrapper) elementDecl).getOriginNode();
- assertTrue("element declaration was not from a tag library", originNode instanceof TLDElementDeclaration);
- assertEquals("element declaration was not from expected tag library", "", ((TLDDocument) ((TLDElementDeclaration) originNode).getOwnerDocument()).getUri());
- }
- finally {
- if (jspModel != null) {
- jspModel.releaseFromRead();
- }
- }
- }
- public void testWebXMLTaglibMappingsToJARs() throws Exception {
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject("bug_148717");
- if (!project.exists()) {
- // Create new project
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject("bug_148717", null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/bug_148717", "/bug_148717");
- }
- IFile file = project.getFile("/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/internal.jar");
- assertTrue(file.exists());
- String uri = "";
- ITaglibRecord taglibRecord = TaglibIndex.resolve("/bug_148717/WebContent/", uri, false);
- assertNotNull("record not found for " + uri, taglibRecord);
- assertEquals(ITaglibRecord.JAR, taglibRecord.getRecordType());
- assertEquals(uri, ((IJarRecord) taglibRecord).getDescriptor().getURI());
- ITaglibRecord taglibRecord2 = null;
- ITaglibRecord[] records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/bug_148717/WebContent/"));
- for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
- int type = records[i].getRecordType();
- switch (type) {
- case ITaglibRecord.JAR : {
- taglibRecord2 = records[i];
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- assertNotNull("record not returned for " + uri, taglibRecord2);
- assertEquals(ITaglibRecord.JAR, taglibRecord2.getRecordType());
- assertEquals(uri, ((IJarRecord) taglibRecord2).getDescriptor().getURI());
- }
- /**
- * test caching from session-to-session
- */
- public void testRecordCacheCountBetweenSessions() throws Exception {
- TaglibIndex.shutdown();
- // Create new project
- IProject project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject("testcache1", null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/testcache1", "/testcache1");
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntryIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/bug_118251-sample/sample_tld.jar", "/testcache1/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/sample_tld.jar");
- TaglibIndex.startup();
- ITaglibRecord[] records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/testcache1/WebContent"));
- assertEquals("total ITaglibRecord count doesn't match", 5, records.length);
- TaglibIndex.shutdown();
- TaglibIndex.startup();
- ITaglibRecord[] records2 = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/testcache1/WebContent"));
- assertEquals("total ITaglibRecord count doesn't match (1st restart)", records.length, records2.length);
- TaglibIndex.shutdown();
- TaglibIndex.startup();
- records2 = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/testcache1/WebContent"));
- assertEquals("total ITaglibRecord count doesn't match (2nd restart)", records.length, records2.length);
- TaglibIndex.shutdown();
- TaglibIndex.startup();
- records2 = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/testcache1/WebContent"));
- assertEquals("total ITaglibRecord count doesn't match (3rd restart)", records.length, records2.length);
- }
- /**
- * test caching from session-to-session with an addition in one session
- */
- public void testCachingWithAddingLibrary() throws Exception {
- // Create new project
- IProject project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject("testcache2", null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/testcache2", "/testcache2");
- ITaglibRecord[] records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/testcache2/WebContent"));
- TaglibIndex.shutdown();
- TaglibIndex.startup();
- ITaglibRecord[] records2 = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/testcache2/WebContent"));
- assertEquals("total ITaglibRecord count doesn't match (1st restart)", records.length, records2.length);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntryIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/bug_118251-sample/sample_tld.jar", "/testcache2/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/sample_tld.jar");
- records2 = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/testcache2/WebContent"));
- assertEquals("total ITaglibRecord count doesn't match (1st restart, added jar file)", records.length + 1, records2.length);
- TaglibIndex.shutdown();
- TaglibIndex.startup();
- records2 = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/testcache2/WebContent"));
- assertEquals("total ITaglibRecord count doesn't match (2nd restart)", records.length + 1, records2.length);
- BundleResourceUtil.addLibraryEntry(project, "WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/sample_tld.jar");
- TaglibIndex.shutdown();
- TaglibIndex.startup();
- assertEquals("total ITaglibRecord count doesn't match (3nd restart)", records.length + 1, records2.length);
- TaglibIndex.shutdown();
- TaglibIndex.startup();
- records2 = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/testcache2/WebContent"));
- assertEquals("total ITaglibRecord count doesn't match changed value (4th restart, add jar to build path)", records.length + 2, records2.length);
- }
- public void testAvailableFromExportedOnBuildpathFromAnotherProject() throws Exception {
- TaglibIndex.shutdown();
- // Create project 1
- IProject project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject("testavailable1", null, null);
- assertTrue(project.isAccessible());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/testavailable1", "/testavailable1");
- // Create project 2
- IProject project2 = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject("testavailable2", null, null);
- assertTrue(project2.isAccessible());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/testavailable2", "/testavailable2");
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntryIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/bug_118251-sample/sample_tld.jar", "/testavailable2/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/sample_tld.jar");
- TaglibIndex.startup();
- // make sure project 1 sees no taglibs
- ITaglibRecord[] records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/testavailable1/WebContent"));
- assertEquals("ITaglibRecords were found", 0, records.length);
- // make sure project 2 sees two taglibs
- ITaglibRecord[] records2 = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/testavailable2/WebContent"));
- if (records2.length != 2) {
- for (int i = 0; i < records2.length; i++) {
- System.err.println(records2[i]);
- }
- }
- assertEquals("total ITaglibRecord count doesn't match", 2, records2.length);
- TaglibIndex.shutdown();
- TaglibIndex.startup();
- records2 = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/testavailable2/WebContent"));
- assertEquals("total ITaglibRecord count doesn't match after restart", 2, records2.length);
- IJavaProject created = JavaCore.create(project2);
- assertTrue("/availabletest2 not a Java project", created.exists());
- // export the jar from project 2
- IClasspathEntry[] entries = created.getRawClasspath();
- boolean found = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- IClasspathEntry entry = entries[i];
- if (entry.getPath().equals(new Path("/testavailable2/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/sample_tld.jar"))) {
- found = true;
- assertFalse("was exported", entry.isExported());
- ((ClasspathEntry) entry).isExported = true;
- }
- }
- assertTrue("/testavailable2/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/sample_tld.jar was not found in build path", found);
- IClasspathEntry[] entries2 = new IClasspathEntry[entries.length];
- System.arraycopy(entries, 1, entries2, 0, entries.length - 1);
- entries2[entries.length - 1] = entries[0];
- created.setRawClasspath(entries2, new NullProgressMonitor());
- entries = created.getRawClasspath();
- found = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- IClasspathEntry entry = entries[i];
- if (entry.getPath().equals(new Path("/testavailable2/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/sample_tld.jar"))) {
- found = true;
- assertTrue("/testavailable2/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/sample_tld.jar was not exported", ((ClasspathEntry) entry).isExported);
- }
- }
- assertTrue("/testavailable2/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/sample_tld.jar was not found (and exported) in build path", found);
- // project 2 should still have just two taglibs
- records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/testavailable2/WebContent"));
- assertEquals("total ITaglibRecord count doesn't match (after exporting jar)", 2, records.length);
- // now one taglib should be visible from project 1
- records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/testavailable1/WebContent"));
- assertEquals("total ITaglibRecord count doesn't match (after exporting jar), classpath provider problem?", 1, records.length);
- TaglibIndex.shutdown();
- TaglibIndex.startup();
- // project 2 should still have just two taglibs
- records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/testavailable2/WebContent"));
- assertEquals("total ITaglibRecord count doesn't match (after exporting jar and restarting)", 2, records.length);
- // and one taglib should still be visible from project 1
- records = TaglibIndex.getAvailableTaglibRecords(new Path("/testavailable1/WebContent"));
- assertEquals("total ITaglibRecord count doesn't match (after exporting jar and restarting)", 1, records.length);
- }
- private void removeAllProjects() throws CoreException, InterruptedException {
- IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
- IProject[] projects = workspace.getRoot().getProjects();
- IProject project = null;
- for (int i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) {
- project = projects[i];
- deleteProject(project);
- }
- }
- /**
- * It's not easy to delete projects. If any of it's files are open by another thread,
- * the operation will fail. So, this method will make several attempts before giving up.
- * @param project
- * @throws CoreException
- * @throws InterruptedException
- */
- private void deleteProject(IProject project) throws CoreException, InterruptedException {
- int nTrys = 0;
- while (project != null && project.exists() && nTrys < MAX_RETRYS) {
- try {
- nTrys++;
- project.delete(true, true, null);
- }
- catch (ResourceException e) {
- if (DEBUG) {
- System.out.println();
- System.out.println("Could not delete project on attempt number: "+ nTrys);
- IStatus eStatus = e.getStatus();
- // should always be MultiStatus, but we'll check
- if (eStatus instanceof MultiStatus) {
- MultiStatus mStatus = (MultiStatus) eStatus;
- IStatus[] iStatus = mStatus.getChildren();
- for (int j = 0; j < iStatus.length; j++) {
- System.out.println("Status: " + j + " " + iStatus[j]);
- }
- }
- else {
- System.out.println("Status: " + eStatus);
- }
- }
- /*
- * If we could not delete the first time, wait a bit and
- * re-try. If we could not delete, it is likely because
- * another thread has a file open, or similar (such as the
- * validation thread).
- */
- Thread.sleep(PAUSE_TIME);
- }
- }
- if (project != null && project.exists()) {
- fail("Error in test infrastructure. Could not delete project " + project + " after " + MAX_RETRYS + "attempts.");
- }
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/translation/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/translation/
deleted file mode 100644
index f94a6fa0d..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/translation/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,691 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.translation;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IncrementalProjectBuilder;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.JSPCorePlugin;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.modelhandler.ModelHandlerForJSP;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.preferences.JSPCorePreferenceNames;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.taglib.CustomTag;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.taglib.TaglibHelper;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.validation.JSPJavaValidator;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.validation.JSPValidator;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.JSPCoreTestsPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.taglibindex.BundleResourceUtil;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.validation.ReporterForTest;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.validation.ValidationContextForTest;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.StructuredModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IStructuredModel;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.IStructuredDocument;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.ValidationFramework;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.ValidationResult;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.ValidationState;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.operations.ValidatorManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.provisional.core.IMessage;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.provisional.core.IReporter;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMDocument;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMModel;
-public class JSPJavaTranslatorCoreTest extends TestCase {
- static final String WTP_AUTOTEST_NONINTERACTIVE = "wtp.autotest.noninteractive";
- private static byte[] creationLock = new byte[0];
- public JSPJavaTranslatorCoreTest() {
- }
- public JSPJavaTranslatorCoreTest(String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- String wtp_autotest_noninteractive = null;
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- String noninteractive = System.getProperty(WTP_AUTOTEST_NONINTERACTIVE);
- if (noninteractive != null)
- wtp_autotest_noninteractive = noninteractive;
- System.setProperty(WTP_AUTOTEST_NONINTERACTIVE, "true");
- }
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- super.tearDown();
- if (wtp_autotest_noninteractive != null)
- System.setProperty(WTP_AUTOTEST_NONINTERACTIVE, wtp_autotest_noninteractive);
- }
- public void test_107338() throws Exception {
- String projectName = "bug_107338";
- // Create new project
- IProject project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(projectName, null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + projectName, "/" + projectName);
- IFile file = project.getFile("WebContent/test107338.jsp");
- assertTrue(file.exists());
- IStructuredModel model = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForRead(file);
- IDOMModel jspModel = (IDOMModel) model;
- String jspSource = model.getStructuredDocument().get();
- assertTrue("line delimiters have been converted to Windows [CRLF]", jspSource.indexOf("\r\n") < 0);
- assertTrue("line delimiters have been converted to Mac [CR]", jspSource.indexOf("\r") < 0);
- ModelHandlerForJSP.ensureTranslationAdapterFactory(model);
- IDOMDocument xmlDoc = jspModel.getDocument();
- JSPTranslationAdapter translationAdapter = (JSPTranslationAdapter) xmlDoc.getAdapterFor(IJSPTranslation.class);
- JSPTranslation translation = translationAdapter.getJSPTranslation();
- // System.err.print(translation.getJavaText());
- assertTrue("new-line beginning scriptlet missing from translation", translation.getJavaText().indexOf("int i = 0;") >= 0);
- model.releaseFromRead();
- }
- /**
- * Tests jsp translation when jsp is within html comments. See
- *
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void test_126377() throws Exception {
- String projectName = "bug_126377";
- // Create new project
- IProject project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(projectName, null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + projectName, "/" + projectName);
- IFile file = project.getFile("WebContent/test126377_noerror.jsp");
- assertTrue(file.exists());
- JSPValidator validator = new JSPJavaValidator();
- IReporter reporter = new ReporterForTest();
- ValidationContextForTest helper = new ValidationContextForTest();
- helper.setURI(file.getFullPath().toOSString());
- validator.validate(helper, reporter);
- assertTrue("found jsp java error within html comments when there are none", reporter.getMessages().isEmpty());
- file = project.getFile("WebContent/test126377_error.jsp");
- assertTrue(file.exists());
- helper.setURI(file.getFullPath().toOSString());
- validator.validate(helper, reporter);
- int errors = reporter.getMessages().size();
- assertTrue("found "+errors+" jsp java errors within html comments when there should be 3", (errors == 3));
- }
- // public void testMangling() {
- // assertEquals("simple_tag", JSP2ServletNameUtil.mangle("simple.tag"));
- // assertEquals("simple_jspf", JSP2ServletNameUtil.mangle("simple.jspf"));
- // assertEquals("sim_005f_005fple_tagx",
- // JSP2ServletNameUtil.mangle("sim__ple.tagx"));
- // assertEquals(new Path("Project.folder.simple_tag"),
- // JSP2ServletNameUtil.mangle(new Path("/Project/folder/simple.tag")));
- // assertEquals(new Path("Project.fold_005fer.simple_jspx"),
- // JSP2ServletNameUtil.mangle(new Path("/Project/fold_er/simple.jspx")));
- // }
- //
- // public void testUnmangling() {
- // assertEquals("simple.tag", JSP2ServletNameUtil.unmangle("simple_tag"));
- // assertEquals("simple.jspf",
- // JSP2ServletNameUtil.unmangle("simple_jspf"));
- // assertEquals("sim__ple.tagx",
- // JSP2ServletNameUtil.unmangle("sim_005f_005fple_tagx"));
- // assertEquals(new Path("/Project/folder/simple.tag"),
- // JSP2ServletNameUtil.unmangle(new Path("Project.folder.simple_tag")));
- // assertEquals(new Path("/Project/fold_er/simple.jspx"),
- // JSP2ServletNameUtil.unmangle(new
- // Path("Project.fold_005fer.simple_jspx")));
- // }
- public void test_174042() throws Exception {
- boolean doValidateSegments = JSPCorePlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences().getBoolean(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS);
- String testName = "bug_174042";
- // Create new project
- IProject project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(testName, null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- JSPCorePlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences().setValue(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, true);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + testName, "/" + testName);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntryIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/struts.jar", "/" + testName + "/struts.jar");
- waitForBuildAndValidation(project);
- JSPCorePlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences().setValue(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, doValidateSegments);
- IFile main = project.getFile("main.jsp");
- IMarker[] markers = main.findMarkers(IMarker.PROBLEM, true, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
- StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
- for (int i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
- s.append("\nproblem marker on line " + markers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER) + ": \"" + markers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE) + "\" ");
- }
- assertEquals("problem markers found, " + s.toString(), 0, markers.length);
- }
- private void waitForBuildAndValidation() throws CoreException {
- IWorkspaceRoot root = null;
- try {
- ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().checkpoint(true);
- Job.getJobManager().join(ResourcesPlugin.FAMILY_AUTO_BUILD, new NullProgressMonitor());
- Job.getJobManager().join(ResourcesPlugin.FAMILY_MANUAL_BUILD, new NullProgressMonitor());
- Job.getJobManager().join(ValidatorManager.VALIDATOR_JOB_FAMILY, new NullProgressMonitor());
- Job.getJobManager().join(ResourcesPlugin.FAMILY_AUTO_BUILD, new NullProgressMonitor());
- Thread.sleep(200);
- Job.getJobManager().beginRule(root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(), null);
- }
- catch (InterruptedException e) {
- // woken up from sleep?
-// StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
-// e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
-// fail(s.toString());
- }
- catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- finally {
- if (root != null) {
- Job.getJobManager().endRule(root);
- }
- }
- }
- private void waitForBuildAndValidation(IProject project) throws CoreException {
-, new NullProgressMonitor());
- waitForBuildAndValidation();
-, new NullProgressMonitor());
- waitForBuildAndValidation();
- }
- public void test_178443() throws Exception {
- boolean doValidateSegments = JSPCorePlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences().getBoolean(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS);
- String testName = "bug_178443";
- // Create new project
- IProject project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(testName, Platform.getStateLocation(JSPCoreTestsPlugin.getDefault().getBundle()).append(testName), null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- /*
- * Should be set to false. A referenced class in an included segment
- * does not exist.
- */
- JSPCorePlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences().setValue(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, false);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + testName, "/" + testName);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntryIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/struts.jar", "/" + testName + "/struts.jar");
- waitForBuildAndValidation(project);
- JSPCorePlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences().setValue(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, doValidateSegments);
- IFile main = project.getFile("main.jsp");
- IMarker[] markers = main.findMarkers(IMarker.PROBLEM, true, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
- StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
- for (int i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
- s.append("\nproblem on line " + markers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER) + ": " + markers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE));
- }
- assertEquals("problem markers found" + s.toString(), 0, markers.length);
- }
- public void test_109721() throws Exception {
- boolean doValidateSegments = JSPCorePlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences().getBoolean(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS);
- String testName = "bug_109721";
- // Create new project
- IProject project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(testName, Platform.getStateLocation(JSPCoreTestsPlugin.getDefault().getBundle()).append(testName), null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- /*
- * Should be set to false. A referenced class in an included segment
- * does not exist.
- */
- JSPCorePlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences().setValue(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, false);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + testName, "/" + testName);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntryIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/struts.jar", "/" + testName + "/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/struts.jar");
- waitForBuildAndValidation(project);
- JSPCorePlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences().setValue(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, doValidateSegments);
- IFile main = project.getFile("WebContent/main.jsp");
- ValidationResult result = new JSPJavaValidator().validate(main, IResourceDelta.ADDED, new ValidationState(), new NullProgressMonitor());
- List messages = result.getReporter(null).getMessages();
- StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
- for (int i = 0; i < messages.size(); i++) {
- s.append("\nproblem on line " + ((IMessage)messages.get(i)).getAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER) + ": " + ((IMessage)messages.get(i)).getText());
- }
- assertEquals("problem markers found" + s.toString(), 0, messages.size());
- }
- public void test_181057a() throws Exception {
- boolean doValidateSegments = JSPCorePlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences().getBoolean(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS);
- String testName = "bug_181057";
- // Create new project
- IProject j = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject("j", null, null);
- assertTrue(j.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/j", "/j");
- IProject k = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject("k", null, null);
- assertTrue(k.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/k", "/k");
- IProject project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(testName, Platform.getStateLocation(JSPCoreTestsPlugin.getDefault().getBundle()).append(testName), null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- JSPCorePlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences().setValue(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, true);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + testName, "/" + testName);
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntryIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/struts.jar", "/" + testName + "/struts.jar");
- waitForBuildAndValidation(project);
- JSPCorePlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences().setValue(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, doValidateSegments);
- /*
- * main.jsp contains numerous references to tags in struts.jar, which
- * is at the end of the build path
- */
- IFile main = project.getFile("main.jsp");
- IMarker[] markers = main.findMarkers(IMarker.PROBLEM, true, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
- StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
- for (int i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
- s.append("\n" + markers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER) + ":" + markers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE));
- }
- assertEquals("problem markers found" + s.toString(), 0, markers.length);
- }
- public void test_219761a() throws Exception {
- /**
- * Broken behavior has a Java syntax error on line 19, which only
- * contains an include directive to a fragment that doesn't exist.
- *
- * All syntax errors should be on lines 25 or 28 and after offset 373
- * (single character line delimiter!).
- */
- String testName = "testTranslatorMessagesWithIncludes";
- // Create new project
- IProject project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(testName, null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + testName, "/" + testName);
- waitForBuildAndValidation(project);
- ValidationFramework.getDefault().validate(new IProject[]{project}, true, true, new NullProgressMonitor());
- IFile main = project.getFile("/WebContent/sample.jsp");
- assertTrue("sample test file does not exist", main.isAccessible());
- IMarker[] markers = main.findMarkers(IMarker.PROBLEM, true, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
- StringBuffer markerText = new StringBuffer();
- for (int i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
- // line/start-end
- markerText.append("\nL" + markers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER) + "/o" + markers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.CHAR_START) + "-" + markers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.CHAR_END) + ":" + markers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE));
- }
-// int numberOfSyntaxErrors = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
- Object message = markers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE);
- assertNotNull("Marker message was null!", message);
- if (message.toString().startsWith("Syntax error")) {
-// numberOfSyntaxErrors++;
- assertTrue("Syntax error reported before line 25" + markerText, ((Integer) markers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER)).intValue() >= 25);
-// assertTrue("Syntax error reported before offset 371" + markerText, ((Integer) markers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.CHAR_START)).intValue() >= 370);
-// assertTrue("Syntax error reported after 456" + markerText, ((Integer) markers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.CHAR_START)).intValue() < 456);
- }
- }
-// assertEquals("wrong number of syntax errors reported\n" + markerText, 3, numberOfSyntaxErrors);
- // clean up if we got to the end
- project.delete(true, true, null);
- }
- public void test_150794() throws Exception {
- String testName = "bug_150794";
- // Create new project
- IProject project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(testName, null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + testName, "/" + testName);
- IFile main = project.getFile("/WebContent/escapedQuotes.jsp");
- assertTrue("sample test file does not exist", main.isAccessible());
- JSPJavaValidator validator = new JSPJavaValidator();
- IReporter reporter = new ReporterForTest();
- ValidationContextForTest helper = new ValidationContextForTest();
- helper.setURI(main.getFullPath().toOSString());
- validator.validate(helper, reporter);
- assertTrue("Unexpected problems found", reporter.getMessages().size() == 0);
- // clean up if we got to the end
- project.delete(true, true, null);
- }
- public void test_preludes() throws Exception {
- String testName = "testPreludeAndCodas";
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(testName);
- synchronized (creationLock) {
- if (!project.isAccessible()) {
- // Create new project
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(testName, null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + testName, "/" + testName);
- }
- }
- IFile main = project.getFile("/web stuff/prelude-user/test.jsp");
- assertTrue("sample test file not accessible", main.isAccessible());
- IDOMModel model = null;
- try {
- model = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForEdit(main);
- ModelHandlerForJSP.ensureTranslationAdapterFactory(model);
- JSPTranslationAdapter translationAdapter = (JSPTranslationAdapter) model.getDocument().getAdapterFor(IJSPTranslation.class);
- IJSPTranslation translation = translationAdapter.getJSPTranslation();
- assertNotNull("no Java translation found", translation);
- assertTrue("prelude0 contents not included", translation.getJavaText().indexOf("int prelude0") > 0);
- assertTrue("prelude1 contents not included", translation.getJavaText().indexOf("int prelude1") > 0);
- assertTrue("import statement not found", translation.getJavaText().indexOf("import java.lang.ref.Reference") > 0);
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null)
- model.releaseFromEdit();
- }
- }
- public void test_codas() throws Exception {
- String testName = "testPreludeAndCodas";
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(testName);
- synchronized (creationLock) {
- if (!project.isAccessible()) {
- // Create new project
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(testName, null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + testName, "/" + testName);
- }
- }
- IFile main = project.getFile("/web stuff/coda-user/test.jsp");
- assertTrue("sample test file not accessible", main.isAccessible());
- IDOMModel model = null;
- try {
- model = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForEdit(main);
- ModelHandlerForJSP.ensureTranslationAdapterFactory(model);
- JSPTranslationAdapter translationAdapter = (JSPTranslationAdapter) model.getDocument().getAdapterFor(IJSPTranslation.class);
- IJSPTranslation translation = translationAdapter.getJSPTranslation();
- assertNotNull("no Java translation found", translation);
- assertTrue("coda0 contents not included", translation.getJavaText().indexOf("int coda0") > 0);
- assertTrue("coda1 contents not included", translation.getJavaText().indexOf("int coda1") > 0);
- assertTrue("import statement not found", translation.getJavaText().indexOf("import java.lang.ref.Reference") > 0);
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null)
- model.releaseFromEdit();
- }
- }
- public void test_prelude_and_coda() throws Exception {
- String testName = "testPreludeAndCodas";
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(testName);
- synchronized (creationLock) {
- if (!project.isAccessible()) {
- // Create new project
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(testName, null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + testName, "/" + testName);
- }
- }
- IFile main = project.getFile("/web stuff/both/test.jsp");
- assertTrue("sample test file not accessible", main.isAccessible());
- IDOMModel model = null;
- try {
- model = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForEdit(main);
- ModelHandlerForJSP.ensureTranslationAdapterFactory(model);
- JSPTranslationAdapter translationAdapter = (JSPTranslationAdapter) model.getDocument().getAdapterFor(IJSPTranslation.class);
- IJSPTranslation translation = translationAdapter.getJSPTranslation();
- assertNotNull("no Java translation found", translation);
- assertTrue("prelude0 contents not included", translation.getJavaText().indexOf("int prelude0") > 0);
- assertTrue("prelude1 contents included", translation.getJavaText().indexOf("int prelude1") < 0);
- assertTrue("coda0 contents not included", translation.getJavaText().indexOf("int coda0") > 0);
- assertTrue("coda1 contents included", translation.getJavaText().indexOf("int coda1") < 0);
- assertTrue("import statement not found", translation.getJavaText().indexOf("import java.lang.ref.Reference") > 0);
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null)
- model.releaseFromEdit();
- }
- }
- public void testVariablesFromIncludedFragments() throws Exception {
- String testName = "testVariablesFromIncludedFragments";
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(testName);
- synchronized (creationLock) {
- if (!project.isAccessible()) {
- // Create new project
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(testName, null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + testName, "/" + testName);
- }
- }
- IFile main = project.getFile("/WebContent/main.jsp");
- assertTrue("sample test file not accessible", main.isAccessible());
- IDOMModel model = null;
- try {
- model = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForEdit(main);
- ModelHandlerForJSP.ensureTranslationAdapterFactory(model);
- JSPTranslationAdapter translationAdapter = (JSPTranslationAdapter) model.getDocument().getAdapterFor(IJSPTranslation.class);
- IJSPTranslation translation = translationAdapter.getJSPTranslation();
- assertNotNull("no Java translation found", translation);
- assertTrue("String variableFromHeader1 not found", translation.getJavaText().indexOf("String variableFromHeader1") > 0);
- assertTrue("header1 contents not included", translation.getJavaText().indexOf("String variableFromHeader1 = \"initialized in header 1\";") > 0);
- assertTrue("header2 contents not included", translation.getJavaText().indexOf("variableFromHeader1 = \"reassigned in header 2\";") > 0);
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null)
- model.releaseFromEdit();
- }
- }
- public void testIterationTags() throws Exception {
- String testName = "testIterationTags";
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(testName);
- if (!project.isAccessible()) {
- // Create new project
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(testName, null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + testName, "/" + testName);
- }
- waitForBuildAndValidation(project);
- IFile testFile = project.getFile("/WebContent/test.jsp");
- assertTrue("test.jsp is not accessible", testFile.isAccessible());
- IDOMModel model = null;
- try {
- model = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForEdit(testFile);
- ModelHandlerForJSP.ensureTranslationAdapterFactory(model);
- JSPTranslationAdapter translationAdapter = (JSPTranslationAdapter) model.getDocument().getAdapterFor(IJSPTranslation.class);
- JSPTranslationExtension translation = translationAdapter.getJSPTranslation();
- translation.setProblemCollectingActive(true);
- assertNotNull("No Java translation found", translation);
- translation.reconcileCompilationUnit();
- translation.setProblemCollectingActive(false);
- List problems = translation.getProblems();
- assertNotNull("Translation had a null problems list.", problems);
- Iterator it = problems.iterator();
- String javaText = translation.getJavaText();
- int startOffset = javaText.indexOf("<plain:simple>");
- assertTrue("<plan:simple> scope not found.", startOffset > 0);
- int endOffset = javaText.indexOf("</plain:simple>", startOffset);
- assertTrue("</plan:simple> scope not found.", endOffset > 0);
- // Finds all errors caused by "continue cannot be used outside of a loop" - should only occur between <plain:simple></plain:simple>
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- IProblem problem = (IProblem);
- if (problem.isError()) {
- if ("continue cannot be used outside of a loop".equals(problem.getMessage())) {
- assertTrue("'continue cannot be used outside of a loop' outside of iteration tag: ", problem.getSourceStart() > startOffset && problem.getSourceEnd() < endOffset);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null)
- model.releaseFromEdit();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Tests that an iteration tag will generate
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testIterationTagsIncomplete() throws Exception {
- String testName = "testIterationTags";
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(testName);
- if (!project.isAccessible()) {
- // Create new project
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(testName, null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + testName, "/" + testName);
- }
- waitForBuildAndValidation(project);
- IFile testFile = project.getFile("/WebContent/test_missing_end_tag.jsp");
- assertTrue("test_missing_end_tag.jsp is not accessible", testFile.isAccessible());
- IDOMModel model = null;
- try {
- model = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForEdit(testFile);
- ModelHandlerForJSP.ensureTranslationAdapterFactory(model);
- JSPTranslationAdapter translationAdapter = (JSPTranslationAdapter) model.getDocument().getAdapterFor(IJSPTranslation.class);
- JSPTranslationExtension translation = translationAdapter.getJSPTranslation();
- String javaText = translation.getJavaText();
- int startOffset = javaText.indexOf("} // [</plain:loop>]");
- assertTrue("Missing end tag was not accounted for.", startOffset != -1);
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null)
- model.releaseFromEdit();
- }
- }
- public void testTaglibHelperWrongHierarchy() throws Exception {
- String testName = "testIterationTags";
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(testName);
- if (!project.isAccessible()) {
- // Create new project
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(testName, null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + testName, "/" + testName);
- }
- waitForBuildAndValidation(project);
- TaglibHelper helper = new TaglibHelper(project);
- IFile testFile = project.getFile("/WebContent/iterationTester.jsp");
- assertTrue("iterationTester.jsp is not accessible", testFile.isAccessible());
- IDOMModel model = null;
- try {
- model = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForRead(testFile);
- IStructuredDocument doc = model.getStructuredDocument();
- CustomTag tag = helper.getCustomTag("plain:list", doc, null, new ArrayList());
- assertFalse("plain:list should not be an IterationTag", tag.isIterationTag());
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null)
- model.releaseFromRead();
- }
- }
- public void testTaglibHelperUnresolvedSupertype() throws Exception {
- String testName = "testIterationTags";
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(testName);
- if (!project.isAccessible()) {
- // Create new project
- project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(testName, null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + testName, "/" + testName);
- }
- waitForBuildAndValidation(project);
- TaglibHelper helper = new TaglibHelper(project);
- IFile testFile = project.getFile("/WebContent/iterationTester.jsp");
- assertTrue("iterationTester.jsp is not accessible", testFile.isAccessible());
- IDOMModel model = null;
- try {
- model = (IDOMModel) StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForRead(testFile);
- IStructuredDocument doc = model.getStructuredDocument();
- CustomTag tag = helper.getCustomTag("plain:uberloop", doc, null, new ArrayList());
- assertTrue("plain:uberloop should be an IterationTag", tag.isIterationTag());
- }
- finally {
- if (model != null)
- model.releaseFromRead();
- }
- }
- public void test_javaVariableIncludes() throws Exception {
- String testFolderName = "jspx_javaVariable_includes";
- // Create new project
- IProject project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(testFolderName, null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + testFolderName, "/" + testFolderName);
- waitForBuildAndValidation(project);
- ValidationFramework.getDefault().validate(new IProject[]{project}, true, false, new NullProgressMonitor());
- assertNoProblemMarkers(project.getFile("/WebContent/test1.jsp"));
- assertNoProblemMarkers(project.getFile("/WebContent/index.jspx"));
- // clean up if we got to the end
- project.delete(true, true, null);
- }
- private void assertNoProblemMarkers(IFile file) throws CoreException {
- assertTrue("sample test file does not exist", file.isAccessible());
- IMarker[] markers = file.findMarkers(IMarker.PROBLEM, true, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
- StringBuffer markerText = new StringBuffer();
- for (int i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
- // line/start-end
- markerText.append("\nL" + markers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER) + "/o" + markers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.CHAR_START) + "-" + markers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.CHAR_END) + ":" + markers[i].getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE));
- }
- assertEquals("Problem markers reported found \n" + markerText, 0, markers.length);
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/translation/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/translation/
deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.translation;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.validation.JSPJavaValidator;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.validation.JSPValidator;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.taglibindex.BundleResourceUtil;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.validation.ReporterForTest;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.validation.ValidationContextForTest;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.provisional.core.IReporter;
-public class JSPJavaTranslatorCustomTagTest extends TestCase {
- static final String WTP_AUTOTEST_NONINTERACTIVE = "wtp.autotest.noninteractive";//$NON-NLS-1$
-// private static byte[] creationLock = new byte[0];
- public JSPJavaTranslatorCustomTagTest() {
- }
- public JSPJavaTranslatorCustomTagTest(String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- String wtp_autotest_noninteractive = null;
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- String noninteractive = System.getProperty(WTP_AUTOTEST_NONINTERACTIVE);
- if (noninteractive != null)
- wtp_autotest_noninteractive = noninteractive;
- System.setProperty(WTP_AUTOTEST_NONINTERACTIVE, "true");//$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- super.tearDown();
- if (wtp_autotest_noninteractive != null)
- System.setProperty(WTP_AUTOTEST_NONINTERACTIVE, wtp_autotest_noninteractive);
- }
- /**
- * Tests jsp translation when custom tag used
- *
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void test_310085() throws Exception {
- String projectName = "bug_310085"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- // Create new project
- IProject project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(projectName, null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + projectName, "/" + projectName);//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
- IFile file = project.getFile("WebContent/test310085.jsp");//$NON-NLS-1$
- assertTrue(file.exists());
- JSPValidator validator = new JSPJavaValidator();
- IReporter reporter = new ReporterForTest();
- ValidationContextForTest helper = new ValidationContextForTest();
- helper.setURI(file.getFullPath().toString());
- validator.validate(helper, reporter);
- assertTrue("Found JSP Java problem for custom tag "+reporter.getMessages().size(), reporter.getMessages().isEmpty());//$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- /**
- * Tests jsp translation when custom tag used
- *
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void test_326193() throws Exception {
- String projectName = "bug_326193"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- // Create new project
- IProject project = BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(projectName, null, null);
- assertTrue(project.exists());
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + projectName, "/" + projectName); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
- IFile file = project.getFile("WebContent/test326193.jsp"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- assertTrue(file.exists());
- JSPValidator validator = new JSPJavaValidator();
- IReporter reporter = new ReporterForTest();
- ValidationContextForTest helper = new ValidationContextForTest();
- helper.setURI(file.getFullPath().toOSString());
- validator.validate(helper, reporter);
- assertTrue("found jsp java error for empty end tag in xml comment in script", reporter.getMessages().isEmpty());//$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/translation/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/translation/
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--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/translation/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.translation;
-import junit.extensions.TestSetup;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.ProjectUtil;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.StructuredModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.INodeAdapter;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IStructuredModel;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMDocument;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMModel;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMNode;
- *
- */
-public class JSPTranslatorPersistenceTest extends TestCase {
- /** The name of the project that all of these tests will use */
- private static final String PROJECT_NAME = "JSPTranslatorPersistenceTest";
- /** The location of the testing files */
- private static final String PROJECT_FILES = "/testfiles/JSPTranslatorPersistenceTest";
- /** The project that all of the tests use */
- private static IProject fProject;
- /**
- * <p>Default constructor<p>
- * <p>Use {@link #suite()}</p>
- *
- * @see #suite()
- */
- public JSPTranslatorPersistenceTest() {
- super("JSPTranslator Externalization Test");
- }
- /**
- * <p>Constructor that takes a test name.</p>
- * <p>Use {@link #suite()}</p>
- *
- * @param name The name this test run should have.
- *
- * @see #suite()
- */
- public JSPTranslatorPersistenceTest(String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- /**
- * <p>Use this method to add these tests to a larger test suite so set up
- * and tear down can be performed</p>
- *
- * @return a {@link TestSetup} that will run all of the tests in this class
- * with set up and tear down.
- */
- public static Test suite() {
- TestSuite ts = new TestSuite(JSPTranslatorPersistenceTest.class, "JSPTranslator Externalization Test");
- return new JSPTranslatorExternalizationTestSetup(ts);
- }
- public void testTranslationTextComparison() throws Exception {
- String outFileName = "testTranslationTextComparison.obj";
- JSPTranslator originalTranslator = writeTranslator("Test1.jsp", outFileName);
- StringBuffer originalTranslation = originalTranslator.getTranslation();
- JSPTranslator externalizedTranslator = (JSPTranslator)readObject(outFileName);
- StringBuffer externalizedTranslation = externalizedTranslator.getTranslation();
- assertEquals("The original translation should be the same as the restored externalized translation",
- originalTranslation.toString(), externalizedTranslation.toString());
- }
- public void testTranslationsDeepEqual() throws Exception {
- String outFileName = "testTranslationTextComparison.obj";
- JSPTranslator originalTranslator = writeTranslator("Test1.jsp", outFileName);
- JSPTranslator externalizedTranslator = (JSPTranslator)readObject(outFileName);
- assertEquals("The original translation should be deeply equal to the restored externalized translation",
- originalTranslator, externalizedTranslator);
- }
- /**
- * <p>This test case follows the general pattern of how a translation is created, then can be
- * externalized when the workspace is closed, then reloaded when its opened again.</p>
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testCreateTranslationAdapter() throws Exception {
- String outFileName = "testCreateTranslationAdapter.obj";
- IStructuredModel structModel = getModelForRead("Test1.jsp");
- //verify there is not already an existing translation adapter
- IDOMDocument domDoc = ((IDOMModel)structModel).getDocument();
- INodeAdapter existingAdapter = domDoc.getAdapterFor(IJSPTranslation.class);
- assertNull("There should be no existing adapter for IJSPTranslation", existingAdapter);
- //create a translator and externalize it, then load the externalized translator
- JSPTranslator originalTranslator = writeTranslator(structModel, outFileName);
- JSPTranslator externalizedTranslator = (JSPTranslator)readObject(outFileName);
- //create an adaptr from the loaded externalized translator and add it to the doc
- JSPTranslationAdapter restoredAdapter = new JSPTranslationAdapter((IDOMModel)structModel, externalizedTranslator);
- domDoc.addAdapter(restoredAdapter);
- //verify we can retrieve the adapter we just set
- existingAdapter = domDoc.getAdapterFor(IJSPTranslation.class);
- assertNotNull("There should now be an existing adapter for IJSPTranslation", existingAdapter);
- assertTrue("Expected " + existingAdapter + " to be an instance of JSPTranslationAdapter",
- existingAdapter instanceof JSPTranslationAdapter);
- JSPTranslationAdapter retrievedAdapter = (JSPTranslationAdapter)existingAdapter;
- JSPTranslationExtension jspTranslationExtension = retrievedAdapter.getJSPTranslation();
- /* verify that the original translation is equal to that of the
- * retrieved adapter created from the previously externalized translator
- */
- assertEquals("The original translation should be the same as the restored externalized translation",
- originalTranslator.getTranslation().toString(), jspTranslationExtension.getJavaText());
- }
- private static JSPTranslator writeTranslator(String jspFileName, String externalizedFileName) throws IOException, CoreException {
- JSPTranslator translator = new JSPTranslator();
- IStructuredModel model = null;
- try {
- model = getModelForRead(jspFileName);
- translator = writeTranslator(model, externalizedFileName);
- } finally {
- if(model != null) {
- model.releaseFromRead();
- }
- }
- return translator;
- }
- private static IStructuredModel getModelForRead(String fileName) throws IOException, CoreException {
- IFile jspFile = fProject.getFile(fileName);
- assertTrue(jspFile.exists());
- IStructuredModel model = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager().getModelForRead(jspFile);
- assertNotNull(model);
- return model;
- }
- private static JSPTranslator writeTranslator(IStructuredModel jspModel, String externalizedFileName) throws IOException, CoreException {
- JSPTranslator translator = new JSPTranslator();
- translator.reset((IDOMNode)jspModel.getIndexedRegion(0), new NullProgressMonitor());
- translator.translate();
- writeObject(externalizedFileName, translator);
- return translator;
- }
- /**
- * <p>Write an {@link Externalizable} object to a file</p>
- *
- * @param fileName
- * @param obj
- * @throws IOException
- */
- private static void writeObject(String fileName, Object obj) throws IOException {
- FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fileName);
- ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
- out.writeObject(obj);
- out.close();
- }
- /**
- * <p>Read an {@link Externalizable} object from a file</p>
- *
- * @param fileName
- * @return
- * @throws IOException
- * @throws ClassNotFoundException
- */
- private static Object readObject(String fileName) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
- Object obj = null;
- FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fileName);
- ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
- obj = in.readObject();
- in.close();
- return obj;
- }
- /**
- * <p>This inner class is used to do set up and tear down before and
- * after (respectively) all tests in the inclosing class have run.</p>
- */
- private static class JSPTranslatorExternalizationTestSetup extends TestSetup {
- private static final String WTP_AUTOTEST_NONINTERACTIVE = "wtp.autotest.noninteractive";
- private static String previousWTPAutoTestNonInteractivePropValue = null;
- /**
- * Default constructor
- *
- * @param test do setup for the given test
- */
- public JSPTranslatorExternalizationTestSetup(Test test) {
- super(test);
- }
- /**
- * <p>This is run once before all of the tests</p>
- *
- * @see junit.extensions.TestSetup#setUp()
- */
- public void setUp() throws Exception {
- fProject = ProjectUtil.createProject(PROJECT_NAME, null, null);
- ProjectUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace(PROJECT_FILES, PROJECT_NAME);
- String noninteractive = System.getProperty(WTP_AUTOTEST_NONINTERACTIVE);
- if (noninteractive != null) {
- previousWTPAutoTestNonInteractivePropValue = noninteractive;
- } else {
- previousWTPAutoTestNonInteractivePropValue = "false";
- }
- System.setProperty(WTP_AUTOTEST_NONINTERACTIVE, "true");
- }
- /**
- * <p>This is run once after all of the tests have been run</p>
- *
- * @see junit.extensions.TestSetup#tearDown()
- */
- public void tearDown() throws Exception {
- if (previousWTPAutoTestNonInteractivePropValue != null) {
- System.setProperty(WTP_AUTOTEST_NONINTERACTIVE, previousWTPAutoTestNonInteractivePropValue);
- }
- fProject.delete(true, new NullProgressMonitor());
- }
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/util/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/util/
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@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.util;
-public class StringCompareUtil {
- public boolean equalsIgnoreLineSeperator(String string1, String string2) {
- if (string1 == null)
- return false;
- if (string2 == null)
- return false;
- StringReader s1Reader = new StringReader(string1);
- StringReader s2Reader = new StringReader(string2);
- // assume true unless find evidence to the contrary
- boolean result = true;
- int s1Char = -1;
- int s2Char = -1;
- do {
- s1Char = getNextChar(s1Reader);
- s2Char = getNextChar(s2Reader);
- if (s1Char != s2Char) {
- result = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- while (s1Char != -1 && s2Char != -1);
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Method getNextChar.
- * @param s1Reader
- * @return char
- */
- private int getNextChar(StringReader reader) {
- int nextChar = -1;
- try {
- nextChar =;
- while (isEOL(nextChar)) {
- nextChar =;
- }
- }
- catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return nextChar;
- }
- private boolean isEOL(int aChar) {
- return (aChar == '\n' || aChar == '\r');
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/validation/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/validation/
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@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.validation;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.JSPCoreMessages;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.validation.JSPActionValidator;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.taglibindex.BundleResourceUtil;
-import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.provisional.core.IMessage;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.provisional.core.IReporter;
-public class JSPActionValidatorTest extends TestCase {
- String wtp_autotest_noninteractive = null;
- private static final String PROJECT_NAME = "testvalidatejspactions";
- private static final String UNDEFINED_ATTR_IDONT = "idont";
- private static final String REQUIRED_ATTR_NAME = "name";
- private static final String NONEMPTY_INLINE_TAG_NAME = "libtags:emptybodycontent";
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- String noninteractive = System.getProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive");
- if (noninteractive != null)
- wtp_autotest_noninteractive = noninteractive;
- System.setProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive", "true");
- if (!ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(PROJECT_NAME).exists()) {
- BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(PROJECT_NAME, null, new String[]{JavaCore.NATURE_ID});
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + PROJECT_NAME, "/" + PROJECT_NAME);
- }
- assertTrue("project could not be created", ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(PROJECT_NAME).exists());
- }
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- super.tearDown();
- if (wtp_autotest_noninteractive != null)
- System.setProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive", wtp_autotest_noninteractive);
- }
- /**
- * Tests if unknown attributes are detected
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testUknownAttribute() throws Exception {
- JSPActionValidator validator = new JSPActionValidator();
- IReporter reporter = new ReporterForTest();
- ValidationContextForTest helper = new ValidationContextForTest();
- String filePath = "/" + PROJECT_NAME + "/WebContent/undefinedattribute.jsp";
- assertTrue("unable to find file: " + filePath, ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(filePath)).exists());
- helper.setURI(filePath);
- validator.validate(helper, reporter);
- boolean foundError1 = errorMessageFound(reporter, NLS.bind(JSPCoreMessages.JSPDirectiveValidator_6, UNDEFINED_ATTR_IDONT), 4);
- if (foundError1)
- foundError1 = errorMessageFound(reporter, NLS.bind(JSPCoreMessages.JSPDirectiveValidator_6, UNDEFINED_ATTR_IDONT), 12);
- if (foundError1)
- foundError1 = errorMessageFound(reporter, NLS.bind(JSPCoreMessages.JSPDirectiveValidator_6, UNDEFINED_ATTR_IDONT), 13);
- assertTrue("jsp action validator did not detect undefined attributes", foundError1);
- }
- /**
- * Tests if missing required attributes are detected
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testMissingRequiredAttribute() throws Exception {
- JSPActionValidator validator = new JSPActionValidator();
- IReporter reporter = new ReporterForTest();
- ValidationContextForTest helper = new ValidationContextForTest();
- String filePath = "/" + PROJECT_NAME + "/WebContent/norequiredattribute.jsp";
- assertTrue("unable to find file: " + filePath, ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(filePath)).exists());
- helper.setURI(filePath);
- validator.validate(helper, reporter);
- boolean foundError = errorMessageFound(reporter, NLS.bind(JSPCoreMessages.JSPDirectiveValidator_5, REQUIRED_ATTR_NAME), 11);
- if (foundError)
- foundError = errorMessageFound(reporter, NLS.bind(JSPCoreMessages.JSPDirectiveValidator_5, REQUIRED_ATTR_NAME), 12);
- assertTrue("jsp action validator did not detect missing required attributes", foundError);
- }
- private boolean errorMessageFound(IReporter reporter, String errorMessage, int errorLineNumber) {
- boolean foundError = false;
- List messages = reporter.getMessages();
- Iterator iter = messages.iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext() && !foundError) {
- IMessage message = (IMessage);
- int lineNumber = message.getLineNumber();
- String messageText = message.getText();
- if (lineNumber == errorLineNumber && messageText.startsWith(errorMessage))
- foundError = true;
- }
- return foundError;
- }
- /**
- * Tests if missing required attributes are detected
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testAttributesCorrect() throws Exception {
- JSPActionValidator validator = new JSPActionValidator();
- IReporter reporter = new ReporterForTest();
- ValidationContextForTest helper = new ValidationContextForTest();
- String filePath = "/" + PROJECT_NAME + "/WebContent/worksfine.jsp";
- assertTrue("unable to find file: " + filePath, ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(filePath)).exists());
- helper.setURI(filePath);
- validator.validate(helper, reporter);
- StringBuffer error = new StringBuffer("jsp action validator found errors when it should not have");
- List messages = reporter.getMessages();
- for (int i = 0; i < messages.size(); i++) {
- error.append('\n');
- error.append(((IMessage) messages.get(i)).getText());
- }
- assertTrue(error.toString(), reporter.getMessages().isEmpty());
- }
- /**
- * Tests if non-empty inline tags are flagged as warnings
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testNonEmptyInlineTag() throws Exception {
- //
- JSPActionValidator validator = new JSPActionValidator();
- IReporter reporter = new ReporterForTest();
- ValidationContextForTest helper = new ValidationContextForTest();
- String filePath = "/" + PROJECT_NAME + "/WebContent/nonemptyinlinetag.jsp";
- assertTrue("unable to find file: " + filePath, ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(filePath)).exists());
- helper.setURI(filePath);
- validator.validate(helper, reporter);
- boolean foundError = errorMessageFound(reporter, NLS.bind(JSPCoreMessages.JSPActionValidator_0, NONEMPTY_INLINE_TAG_NAME), 10);
- assertTrue("jsp action validator had problems detecting an error with content in an inline tag", foundError);
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/validation/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/validation/
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@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.validation;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.ProjectScope;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.InstanceScope;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.JSPCorePlugin;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.contentproperties.JSPFContentProperties;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.preferences.JSPCorePreferenceNames;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.validation.JSPBatchValidator;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.validation.JSPContentValidator;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.validation.JSPJavaValidator;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.validation.JSPValidator;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.taglibindex.BundleResourceUtil;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.ReporterHelper;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.ValidationFramework;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.ValidationResult;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.ValidationState;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.provisional.core.IReporter;
- * Tests JSP Batch Validator
- */
-public class JSPBatchValidatorTest extends TestCase {
- String wtp_autotest_noninteractive = null;
- private static final String PROJECT_NAME = "batchvalidation";
- Object originalWorkspaceValue = null;
- IEclipsePreferences workspaceScope = null;
- IEclipsePreferences projectScope = null;
- Object[] validatorIds = new String[]{"org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.JSPContentValidator", "org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.JSPBatchValidator"};
- IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- String noninteractive = System.getProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive");
- if (noninteractive != null)
- wtp_autotest_noninteractive = noninteractive;
- System.setProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive", "true");
- if (!getProject().exists()) {
- BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(PROJECT_NAME, null, new String[]{JavaCore.NATURE_ID});
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + PROJECT_NAME, "/" + PROJECT_NAME);
- }
- assertTrue("project could not be created", getProject().exists());
- String filePath = "/" + PROJECT_NAME + "/WebContent/header.jspf";
- IFile fragment = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(filePath));
- String qualifier = JSPCorePlugin.getDefault().getBundle().getSymbolicName();
- workspaceScope = new InstanceScope().getNode(qualifier);
- projectScope = new ProjectScope(fragment.getProject()).getNode(qualifier);
- originalWorkspaceValue = workspaceScope.get(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, null);
- }
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- super.tearDown();
- if (wtp_autotest_noninteractive != null)
- System.setProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive", wtp_autotest_noninteractive);
- projectScope.remove(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS);
- projectScope.remove(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATION_USE_PROJECT_SETTINGS);
- if (originalWorkspaceValue != null)
- workspaceScope.put(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, originalWorkspaceValue.toString());
- else
- workspaceScope.remove(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS);
- }
- /**
- * Tests validating 2 jsp files. See
- *
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testValidating2Files() throws Exception {
- JSPValidator validator = new JSPJavaValidator();
- IReporter reporter = new ReporterForTest();
- ValidationContextForTest helper = new ValidationContextForTest();
- String filePath1 = "/" + PROJECT_NAME + "/WebContent/ihaveerrors.jsp";
- IFile file1 = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(filePath1));
- assertTrue(file1.exists());
- String filePath2 = "/" + PROJECT_NAME + "/WebContent/ihaveerrors2.jsp";
- IFile file2 = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(filePath1));
- assertTrue(file2.exists());
- helper.setURIs(new String[]{filePath1, filePath2});
- validator.validate(helper, reporter);
- assertTrue("expected jsp errors were not found in both files: " + reporter.getMessages().size(), reporter.getMessages().size() >= 2);
- }
- public void testFragmentValidationPreferenceOnProject() throws Exception {
- JSPBatchValidator validator1 = new JSPBatchValidator();
- JSPContentValidator validator2 = new JSPContentValidator();
- String filePath = "/" + PROJECT_NAME + "/WebContent/header.jspf";
- ValidationResult result = null;
- IFile file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(filePath));
- // enable workspace-wide but disable in project, no problem markers
- // expected
- workspaceScope.putBoolean(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, true);
- projectScope.putBoolean(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATION_USE_PROJECT_SETTINGS, true);
- projectScope.putBoolean(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, false);
- result = validator1.validate(file, IResourceDelta.CHANGED, new ValidationState(), new NullProgressMonitor());
- result.mergeResults(validator2.validate(file, IResourceDelta.CHANGED, new ValidationState(), new NullProgressMonitor()));
- assertEquals("Problems found while fragment validation was disabled in project but enabled on workspace", 0, (((ReporterHelper)result.getReporter(null)).getMessages().size()));
- /*
- * disable workspace-wide but enable in project, some problem markers
- * expected
- */
- workspaceScope.putBoolean(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, false);
- projectScope.putBoolean(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATION_USE_PROJECT_SETTINGS, true);
- projectScope.putBoolean(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, true);
- JSPFContentProperties.setProperty(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, file, Boolean.toString(true));
- result = validator1.validate(file, IResourceDelta.CHANGED, new ValidationState(), new NullProgressMonitor());
- result.mergeResults(validator2.validate(file, IResourceDelta.CHANGED, new ValidationState(), new NullProgressMonitor()));
- assertTrue("Problems not found while fragment validation was enabled for project but disabled on workspace", 0 < (((ReporterHelper)result.getReporter(null)).getMessages().size()));
- }
- public void testFragmentValidationPreferenceOnWorkspace() throws Exception {
- JSPBatchValidator validator1 = new JSPBatchValidator();
- JSPContentValidator validator2 = new JSPContentValidator();
- String filePath = "/" + PROJECT_NAME + "/WebContent/header.jspf";
- IFile file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(filePath));
- ValidationResult result = null;
- // disable workspace-wide, no problem markers expected
- workspaceScope.putBoolean(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, false);
- result = validator1.validate(file, IResourceDelta.CHANGED, new ValidationState(), new NullProgressMonitor());
- result.mergeResults(validator2.validate(file, IResourceDelta.CHANGED, new ValidationState(), new NullProgressMonitor()));
- assertEquals("Problem markers found while fragment validation was disabled", 0, (((ReporterHelper)result.getReporter(null)).getMessages().size()));
- // enable workspace-wide, some problem markers expected
- workspaceScope.putBoolean(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, true);
- ValidationFramework.getDefault().validate(new IProject[]{getProject()}, true, false, new NullProgressMonitor());
- ValidationFramework.getDefault().join(new NullProgressMonitor());
- result = validator1.validate(file, IResourceDelta.CHANGED, new ValidationState(), new NullProgressMonitor());
- result.mergeResults(validator2.validate(file, IResourceDelta.CHANGED, new ValidationState(), new NullProgressMonitor()));
- assertTrue("Problem markers not found while fragment validation was enabled on workspace", (((ReporterHelper)result.getReporter(null)).getMessages().size()) != 0);
- // check default value is true
- workspaceScope.remove(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS);
- projectScope.remove(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS);
- projectScope.remove(JSPCorePreferenceNames.VALIDATION_USE_PROJECT_SETTINGS);
- result = validator1.validate(file, IResourceDelta.CHANGED, new ValidationState(), new NullProgressMonitor());
- result.mergeResults(validator2.validate(file, IResourceDelta.CHANGED, new ValidationState(), new NullProgressMonitor()));
- assertTrue("Problem markers not found while fragment validation was preferences were default", (((ReporterHelper)result.getReporter(null)).getMessages().size()) != 0);
- }
- public void testELConditional() throws Exception {
- if (!ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject("testIterationTags").exists()) {
- BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject("testIterationTags", null, new String[]{JavaCore.NATURE_ID});
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + PROJECT_NAME, "/" + PROJECT_NAME);
- }
- assertTrue("project could not be created", ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject("testIterationTags").exists());
- JSPValidator validator = new JSPJavaValidator();
- IReporter reporter = new ReporterForTest();
- ValidationContextForTest helper = new ValidationContextForTest();
- String filePath1 = "/testIterationTags/WebContent/default.jspx";
- IFile file1 = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(filePath1));
- assertTrue(file1.exists());
- helper.setURIs(new String[]{filePath1});
- validator.validate(helper, reporter);
- assertTrue("expected jsp errors were not found in both files: " + reporter.getMessages().size(), reporter.getMessages().size() == 0);
- }
- /**
- * @return
- */
- private IProject getProject() {
- return ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(PROJECT_NAME);
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/validation/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/validation/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6caba40bc..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/validation/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.validation;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.JSPCoreMessages;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.validation.JSPBatchValidator;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.validation.JSPDirectiveValidator;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.taglibindex.BundleResourceUtil;
-import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.util.Sorter;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.AbstractValidator;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.ValidationResult;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.ValidationState;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.provisional.core.IMessage;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.provisional.core.IReporter;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.validation.core.ValidationMessage;
-public class JSPDirectiveValidatorTest extends TestCase {
- private String wtp_autotest_noninteractive = null;
- private static final String PROJECT_NAME = "testvalidatejspdirectives";
- private static final String FRAGMENT_NAME = "fragmentThatDoesntExist.jspf";
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- String noninteractive = System.getProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive");
- if (noninteractive != null)
- wtp_autotest_noninteractive = noninteractive;
- System.setProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive", "true");
- if (!ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(PROJECT_NAME).exists()) {
- BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(PROJECT_NAME, null, new String[]{JavaCore.NATURE_ID});
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + PROJECT_NAME, "/" + PROJECT_NAME);
- }
- assertTrue("project could not be created", ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(PROJECT_NAME).exists());
- }
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- super.tearDown();
- if (wtp_autotest_noninteractive != null)
- System.setProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive", wtp_autotest_noninteractive);
- }
- public void testBug265710Expression() throws Exception {
- JSPDirectiveValidator validator = new JSPDirectiveValidator();
- IReporter reporter = new ReporterForTest();
- ValidationContextForTest helper = new ValidationContextForTest();
- String filePath = "/" + PROJECT_NAME + "/WebContent/bug265710expression.jsp";
- assertTrue("unable to find file: " + filePath, ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(filePath)).exists());
- helper.setURI(filePath);
- validator.validate(helper, reporter);
- if (reporter.getMessages().size() > 0) {
- Iterator it = reporter.getMessages().iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- IMessage message = (IMessage);
- if (message.getLineNumber() == 14 && message.getSeverity() == IMessage.HIGH_SEVERITY) {
- fail("JSP Directive Validator flagged a JSP expression in the import directive");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public void testBug265710El() throws Exception {
- JSPDirectiveValidator validator = new JSPDirectiveValidator();
- IReporter reporter = new ReporterForTest();
- ValidationContextForTest helper = new ValidationContextForTest();
- String filePath = "/" + PROJECT_NAME + "/WebContent/bug265710el.jsp";
- assertTrue("unable to find file: " + filePath, ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(filePath)).exists());
- helper.setURI(filePath);
- validator.validate(helper, reporter);
- if (reporter.getMessages().size() > 0) {
- Iterator it = reporter.getMessages().iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- IMessage message = (IMessage);
- if (message.getLineNumber() == 11 && message.getSeverity() == IMessage.HIGH_SEVERITY) {
- fail("JSP Directive Validator flagged JSP EL in the import directive");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public void testIncludeDirective() throws Exception {
- JSPDirectiveValidator validator = new JSPDirectiveValidator();
- IReporter reporter = new ReporterForTest();
- ValidationContextForTest helper = new ValidationContextForTest();
- String filePath = "/" + PROJECT_NAME + "/WebContent/testinclude.jsp";
- assertTrue("unable to find file: " + filePath, ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(filePath)).exists());
- helper.setURI(filePath);
- validator.validate(helper, reporter);
- boolean foundMissingInclude = false;
- boolean foundIncludeWithError = false;
- if (reporter.getMessages().size() > 0) {
- Iterator it = reporter.getMessages().iterator();
- boolean foundError = false;
- while (it.hasNext() && !foundError) {
- IMessage message = (IMessage);
- if (message.getLineNumber() == 11)
- foundIncludeWithError = true;
- else if (message.getLineNumber() == 12) {
- String expectedMsg = NLS.bind(JSPCoreMessages.JSPDirectiveValidator_4, new String[] { FRAGMENT_NAME, "/" + PROJECT_NAME + "/WebContent/" + FRAGMENT_NAME });
- if (!expectedMsg.equals(message.getText()))
- fail("Error found on line 12, but was not a missing fragment error.");
- foundMissingInclude = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- assertFalse("JSP Directive Validator reported an error for a fragment that should be locatable.", foundIncludeWithError);
- assertTrue("JSP Directive Validator did not report the missing fragment.", foundMissingInclude);
- }
- public void testIncludeDirectiveXML() throws Exception {
- String contents = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n"+
- "<jsp:root xmlns:jsp=\"\" version=\"2.0\">\n"+
- "<jsp:directive.include file=\"missing.jspf\"/>\n";
- runNegativeTest("/"+ getName() + "/test.jsp", contents, new JSPBatchValidator(), "Fragment \"missing.jspf\" was not found at expected path /testIncludeDirectiveXML/missing.jspf");
- }
- public void testIncludeDirective2() throws Exception {
- String contents = "<%@include file=\"missing.jspf\"%>\n";
- runNegativeTest("/"+ getName() + "/test.jsp", contents, new JSPBatchValidator(), "Fragment \"missing.jspf\" was not found at expected path /testIncludeDirective2/missing.jspf");
- }
- public void testIncludeAction() throws Exception {
- String contents = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n"+
- "<jsp:root xmlns:jsp=\"\" version=\"2.0\">\n"+
- "<jsp:include page=\"missing.jspf\"/>\n";
- runNegativeTest("/"+ getName() + "/test.jsp", contents, new JSPBatchValidator(), "Fragment \"missing.jspf\" was not found at expected path /testIncludeAction/missing.jspf");
- }
- public void testIncludeMappedURL() throws Exception {
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject("delos");
- if (!project.exists()) {
- BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject("delos", null, new String[]{JavaCore.NATURE_ID});
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/delos", "/delos");
- }
- assertTrue("project could not be created", project.exists());
- JSPDirectiveValidator validator = new JSPDirectiveValidator();
- IReporter reporter = new ReporterForTest();
- ValidationContextForTest helper = new ValidationContextForTest();
- String filePath = "/delos/WebContent/1.jsp";
- assertTrue("unable to find file: " + filePath, ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(filePath)).exists());
- helper.setURI(filePath);
- validator.validate(helper, reporter);
- assertTrue("problems were found in JSP file", reporter.getMessages().isEmpty());
- try {
- project.delete(true, null);
- }
- catch (CoreException e) {
- // failure to clean up shouldn't fail the test
- }
- }
- /**
- * The purpose of a validator is to generate messages. Let us make sure the expected messages are generated.
- * @param filePath
- * @param content
- * @param validator
- * @param expectedProblemMessages
- * @throws Exception
- */
- protected void runNegativeTest(String filePath, String content, AbstractValidator validator, String expectedProblemMessages) throws Exception {
- IPath path = new Path (filePath);
- IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(path.segment(0));
- if (!project.exists()) {
- BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(path.segment(0), null, new String[]{JavaCore.NATURE_ID});
- }
- IFile file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(path);
- file.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes("utf8")), true, null);
- ValidationResult result = validator.validate(file, IResourceDelta.ADDED, new ValidationState(), new NullProgressMonitor());
- assertEquals(expectedProblemMessages, sortMessages(result.getReporter(new NullProgressMonitor()).getMessages()));
- }
- static class ValidatorMessageSorter extends Sorter {
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.util.Sorter#compare(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
- */
- public boolean compare(Object elementOne, Object elementTwo) {
- if (elementOne instanceof ValidationMessage)
- return ((ValidationMessage) elementTwo).getMessage().compareTo(((ValidationMessage) elementOne).getMessage()) > 0;
- return ((IMessage) elementTwo).getOffset() > ((IMessage) elementOne).getOffset();
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param messages
- * @return
- */
- private String sortMessages(List messages) {
- Object[] sorted = new ValidatorMessageSorter().sort(messages.toArray());
- StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
- for (int i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++) {
- if (sorted[i] instanceof ValidationMessage)
- s.append(((ValidationMessage) sorted[i]).getMessage());
- else
- s.append(((IMessage) sorted[i]).getText());
- }
- return s.toString();
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/validation/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/validation/
deleted file mode 100644
index 622071df3..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/validation/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.validation;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.contentproperties.JSPFContentProperties;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.validation.JSPJavaValidator;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.internal.validation.JSPValidator;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.taglibindex.BundleResourceUtil;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.provisional.core.IReporter;
- * Tests JSP Java Validator
- */
-public class JSPJavaValidatorTest extends TestCase {
- String wtp_autotest_noninteractive = null;
- private static final String PROJECT_NAME = "bug_87351";
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- String noninteractive = System.getProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive");
- if (noninteractive != null)
- wtp_autotest_noninteractive = noninteractive;
- System.setProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive", "true");
- if (!ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(PROJECT_NAME).exists()) {
- BundleResourceUtil.createSimpleProject(PROJECT_NAME, null, new String[]{JavaCore.NATURE_ID});
- BundleResourceUtil.copyBundleEntriesIntoWorkspace("/testfiles/" + PROJECT_NAME, "/" + PROJECT_NAME);
- }
- assertTrue("project could not be created", ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(PROJECT_NAME).exists());
- }
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- super.tearDown();
- if (wtp_autotest_noninteractive != null)
- System.setProperty("wtp.autotest.noninteractive", wtp_autotest_noninteractive);
- }
- /**
- * Tests if jsp fragments are validated when preference is set to true
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testValidatingFragments() throws Exception {
- JSPValidator validator = new JSPJavaValidator();
- IReporter reporter = new ReporterForTest();
- ValidationContextForTest helper = new ValidationContextForTest();
- String filePath = "/" + PROJECT_NAME + "/WebContent/ihaveerrors.jspf";
- helper.setURI(filePath);
- IFile file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(filePath));
- String validate = JSPFContentProperties.getProperty(JSPFContentProperties.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, file, false);
- JSPFContentProperties.setProperty(JSPFContentProperties.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, file, Boolean.toString(true));
- validator.validate(helper, reporter);
- if (validate != null) {
- JSPFContentProperties.setProperty(JSPFContentProperties.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, file, validate);
- }
- assertTrue("jspf was not validated when it should have been", !reporter.getMessages().isEmpty());
- }
- /**
- * Tests if jsp fragments are not validated when preference is set to
- * false
- *
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void testNoValidatingFragments() throws Exception {
- JSPValidator validator = new JSPValidator();
- IReporter reporter = new ReporterForTest();
- ValidationContextForTest helper = new ValidationContextForTest();
- String filePath = "/" + PROJECT_NAME + "/ihaveerrors.jspf";
- helper.setURI(filePath);
- IFile file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(filePath));
- String validate = JSPFContentProperties.getProperty(JSPFContentProperties.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, file, false);
- JSPFContentProperties.setProperty(JSPFContentProperties.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, file, Boolean.toString(false));
- validator.validate(helper, reporter);
- if (validate != null) {
- JSPFContentProperties.setProperty(JSPFContentProperties.VALIDATE_FRAGMENTS, file, validate);
- }
- assertTrue("jspf was validated when it should not have been", reporter.getMessages().isEmpty());
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/validation/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/validation/
deleted file mode 100644
index ab7667d1b..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/validation/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.validation;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.core.IMessageAccess;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.provisional.core.IMessage;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.provisional.core.IReporter;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.provisional.core.IValidator;
-public class ReporterForTest implements IReporter {
- List list = new ArrayList();
- public ReporterForTest() {
- super();
- }
- public void addMessage(IValidator origin, IMessage message) {
- list.add(message);
- }
- public void displaySubtask(IValidator validator, IMessage message) {
- /* do not need to implement */
- }
- public IMessageAccess getMessageAccess() {
- return null;
- }
- public boolean isCancelled() {
- return false;
- }
- public void removeAllMessages(IValidator origin, Object object) { // do
- /* do not need to implement */
- }
- public void removeAllMessages(IValidator origin) {
- /* do not need to implement */
- }
- public void removeMessageSubset(IValidator validator, Object obj, String groupName) {// do
- /* do not need to implement */
- }
- public List getMessages() {
- return list;
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/validation/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/validation/
deleted file mode 100644
index 81d7453fc..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/core/tests/validation/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.validation;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.provisional.core.IValidationContext;
-public class ValidationContextForTest implements IValidationContext {
- private String[] fURIs = null;
- public void setURI(String uri) {
- String[] uris = null;
- if (uri != null)
- uris = new String[]{uri};
- setURIs(uris);
- }
- public void setURIs(String[] uris) {
- fURIs = uris;
- }
- public String[] getURIs() {
- if (fURIs != null)
- return fURIs;
- return new String[0];
- }
- public Object loadModel(String symbolicName) {
- return null;
- }
- public Object loadModel(String symbolicName, Object[] parms) {
- return null;
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/source/ b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/source/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d474107e..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/source/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.jsp.css.core.tests.source;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.FileLocator;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentType;
-import org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests.NullInputStream;
-import org.eclipse.wst.css.core.internal.provisional.document.ICSSModel;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.StructuredModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.IStructuredModel;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.IStructuredDocument;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.IStructuredDocumentRegion;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.ITextRegion;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.ITextRegionList;
-import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
- *
- */
-public class JSPedCSSSourceParserTest extends TestCase {
- private static final String FILES_DIR = "src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- private static final String RESULTS_DIR = "src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- private static final String MODE_OPEN = "MODE_OPEN"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- private static final String MODE_APPEND = "MODE_APPEND"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- private static final String MODE_INSERT = "MODE_INSERT"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- private static final String commonEOL = "\r\n";//$NON-NLS-1$
- public void testSourceOpen1() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample01.jsp", MODE_OPEN); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceAppend1() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample01.jsp", MODE_APPEND); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceInsert1() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample01.jsp", MODE_INSERT); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceOpen2() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample02.jsp", MODE_OPEN); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceAppend2() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample02.jsp", MODE_APPEND); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceOpen3() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample03.jsp", MODE_OPEN); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceAppend3() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample03.jsp", MODE_APPEND); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- /*
- * The following test case fails with WTP 1.5 RC2, but, ignore this release.
- *
- public void testSourceInsert2() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample02.jsp", MODE_INSERT); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceInsert3() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample03.jsp", MODE_INSERT); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceInsert6() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample06.jsp", MODE_INSERT); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceInsert8() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample02.jspf", MODE_INSERT); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceInsert9() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample03.jspf", MODE_INSERT); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceInsert12() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample06.jspf", MODE_INSERT); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- *
- */
- public void testSourceOpen4() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample04.jsp", MODE_OPEN); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceAppend4() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample04.jsp", MODE_APPEND); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceInsert4() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample04.jsp", MODE_INSERT); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceOpen5() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample05.jsp", MODE_OPEN); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceAppend5() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample05.jsp", MODE_APPEND); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceInsert5() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample05.jsp", MODE_INSERT); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceOpen6() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample06.jsp", MODE_OPEN); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceAppend6() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample06.jsp", MODE_APPEND); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceOpen7() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample01.jspf", MODE_OPEN); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceAppend7() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample01.jspf", MODE_APPEND); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceInsert7() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample01.jspf", MODE_INSERT); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceOpen8() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample02.jspf", MODE_OPEN); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceAppend8() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample02.jspf", MODE_APPEND); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceOpen9() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample03.jspf", MODE_OPEN); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceAppend9() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample03.jspf", MODE_APPEND); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceOpen10() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample04.jspf", MODE_OPEN); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceAppend10() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample04.jspf", MODE_APPEND); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceInsert10() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample04.jspf", MODE_INSERT); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceOpen11() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample05.jspf", MODE_OPEN); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceAppend11() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample05.jspf", MODE_APPEND); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceInsert11() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample05.jspf", MODE_INSERT); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceOpen12() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample06.jspf", MODE_OPEN); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceAppend12() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample06.jspf", MODE_APPEND); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceOpen13() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample07.jspf", MODE_OPEN); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceAppend13() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample07.jspf", MODE_APPEND); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceInsert13() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample07.jspf", MODE_INSERT); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceOpen14() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample07.jsp", MODE_OPEN); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceAppend14() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample07.jsp", MODE_APPEND); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceInsert14() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample07.jsp", MODE_INSERT); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceOpen15() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample08.jsp", MODE_OPEN); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceInsert15() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample08.jsp", MODE_INSERT); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceAppend15() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample08.jsp", MODE_APPEND); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceOpen16() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample08.jspf", MODE_OPEN); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceInsert16() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample08.jspf", MODE_INSERT); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- public void testSourceAppend16() throws IOException {
- sourceParserTest("sample08.jspf", MODE_APPEND); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- // set cssjsptestX.jsp(f) file as css jsp.
- IContentType ct = Platform.getContentTypeManager().getContentType("org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.cssjspsource");
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest0.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest1.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest2.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest3.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest4.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest5.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest6.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest7.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest8.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest9.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest10.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest11.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest12.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest13.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest14.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest15.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest16.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest17.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest18.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest19.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest20.jsp", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct = Platform.getContentTypeManager().getContentType("org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.cssjspfragmentsource");
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest0.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest1.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest2.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest3.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest4.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest5.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest6.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest7.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest8.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest9.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest10.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest11.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest12.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest13.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest14.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest15.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest16.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest17.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest18.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest19.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- ct.addFileSpec("cssjsptest20.jspf", IContentType.FILE_NAME_SPEC);
- }
- static int index_jsp = 0;
- static int index_jspf = 0;
- private ICSSModel createModel(boolean isFragment) {
- IStructuredModel model = null;
- try {
- IModelManager modelManager = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager();
- model = !isFragment ? modelManager.getModelForEdit("cssjsptest" + index_jsp++ + ".jsp", new NullInputStream(), null) : //$NON-NLS-1$
- modelManager.getModelForEdit("cssjsptest" + index_jspf++ + ".jspf", new NullInputStream(), null); //$NON-NLS-1$
- model.getStructuredDocument().setLineDelimiter(commonEOL);//$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
- e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(s));
- fail(s.toString());
- }
- return (ICSSModel) model;
- }
- private File createFile(String directory, String filename) throws IOException {
- Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle("org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- URL url = bundle.getEntry("/"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- URL localURL = FileLocator.toFileURL(url);
- String installPath = localURL.getPath();
- String totalDirectory = installPath + directory;
- String totalPath = totalDirectory + "/" + filename; //$NON-NLS-1$
- URL totalURL = new URL(url, totalPath);
- String finalFile = totalURL.getFile();
- File file = new File(finalFile);
- return file;
- }
- private String createString(String directory, String filename) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
- StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
- Reader fileReader = new FileReader(createFile(directory, filename));
- BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);
- String line;
- while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
- buf.append(line);
- buf.append(commonEOL);
- }
- return buf.toString();
- }
- private void sourceParserTest(String filename, String mode) throws IOException {
- ICSSModel model = null;
- if (mode.equals(MODE_OPEN)) {
- model = readModelOpen(filename);
- }
- else if (mode.equals(MODE_APPEND)) {
- model = readModelAppend(filename);
- }
- else if (mode.equals(MODE_INSERT)) {
- model = readModelInsert(filename);
- }
- String result = dumpRegions(model.getStructuredDocument());
- compareResult(result, "JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-" + filename); //$NON-NLS-1$
- closeModel(model);
- }
- private ICSSModel readModelOpen(String filename) throws IOException {
- String source = createString(FILES_DIR, filename);
- ICSSModel model = createModel(filename.endsWith("jspf"));//$NON-NLS-1$
- IStructuredDocument document = model.getStructuredDocument();
- document.replaceText(null, 0, 0, source);
- return model;
- }
- private ICSSModel readModelAppend(String filename) throws IOException {
- String source = createString(FILES_DIR, filename);
- ICSSModel model = createModel(filename.endsWith("jspf"));//$NON-NLS-1$
- IStructuredDocument document = model.getStructuredDocument();
- for (int i = 0; i < source.length(); i++) {
- document.replaceText(null, i, 0, source.substring(i, i + 1));
- }
- return model;
- }
- private ICSSModel readModelInsert(String filename) throws IOException {
- String source = createString(FILES_DIR, filename);
- ICSSModel model = createModel(filename.endsWith("jspf"));//$NON-NLS-1$
- IStructuredDocument document = model.getStructuredDocument();
- for (int i = 0; i < source.length(); i++) {
- int textIndex = source.length() - i - 1;
- document.replaceText(null, 0, 0, source.substring(textIndex, textIndex + 1));
- }
- return model;
- }
- private void closeModel(ICSSModel model) {
- model.releaseFromEdit();
- }
- private String dumpRegions(IStructuredDocument document) {
- StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(dumpRegions(document.getFirstStructuredDocumentRegion()));
- return buf.toString();
- }
- private String dumpRegions(IStructuredDocumentRegion region) {
- StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
- while (region != null){
- buf.append(dumpOneRegion(region));
- region = region.getNext();
- }
- buf.append(commonEOL + "-------" + commonEOL); //$NON-NLS-1$
- return buf.toString();
- }
- private String dumpOneRegion(IStructuredDocumentRegion documentRegion) {
- StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(documentRegion.toString());
- buf.append(commonEOL + " "); //$NON-NLS-1$
- ITextRegionList regionList = documentRegion.getRegions();
- Iterator i = regionList.iterator();
- while (i.hasNext()) {
- ITextRegion textRegion = (ITextRegion);
- buf.append(textRegion.toString());
- buf.append(", "); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- buf.append(commonEOL); //$NON-NLS-1$
- return buf.toString();
- }
- private void compareResult(String actual, String filename) throws IOException {
- String result = createString(RESULTS_DIR, filename);
- assertEquals(result, actual);
- }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample01.jsp b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample01.jsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c4b700d8..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample01.jsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-[0, 73] (<%@ page session="false" contentType="text/css;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
- ContextRegion--> CSS_JSP_DIRECTIVE: 0-69/73,
-[73, 143] (<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c-rt" %>
- ContextRegion--> CSS_JSP_DIRECTIVE: 0-66/70,
-[143, 188] (<%@ include file="./cssjspfragment.jspf" %>
- ContextRegion--> CSS_JSP_DIRECTIVE: 0-43/45,
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample01.jspf b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample01.jspf
deleted file mode 100644
index 49ab4db96..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample01.jspf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-[0, 70] (<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c-rt" %>
- ContextRegion--> CSS_JSP_DIRECTIVE: 0-66/70,
-[70, 115] (<%@ include file="./cssjspfragment.jspf" %>
- ContextRegion--> CSS_JSP_DIRECTIVE: 0-43/45,
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample02.jsp b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample02.jsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 06f5e7c8b..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample02.jsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-[0, 73] (<%@ page session="false" contentType="text/css;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
- ContextRegion--> CSS_JSP_DIRECTIVE: 0-69/73,
-[73, 79] (.hoge )
- ContextRegion--> SELECTOR_CLASS: 0-5/6,
-[79, 83] ({
- )
- ContextRegion--> LBRACE: 0-1/4,
-[83, 97] (float : ${XXX})
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_PROPERTY: 0-5/6, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_SEPARATOR: 6-7/8, ContextRegion--> FOREIGN_ELEMENT: 8-14,
-[97, 98] (;)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_DELIMITER: 0-1,
-[98, 101] (
- )
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-3,
-[101, 120] (border-${XXX}-color)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_PROPERTY: 0-7, ContextRegion--> FOREIGN_ELEMENT: 7-13, ContextRegion--> UNKNOWN: 13-19,
-[120, 126] ( : red)
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-1, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_SEPARATOR: 1-2/3, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_VALUE_IDENT: 3-6,
-[126, 127] (;)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_DELIMITER: 0-1,
-[127, 129] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2,
-[129, 130] (})
- ContextRegion--> RBRACE: 0-1,
-[130, 132] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2,
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample02.jspf b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample02.jspf
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e4a6ec3a..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample02.jspf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-[0, 4] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-4,
-[4, 10] (.hoge )
- ContextRegion--> SELECTOR_CLASS: 0-5/6,
-[10, 14] ({
- )
- ContextRegion--> LBRACE: 0-1/4,
-[14, 28] (float : ${XXX})
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_PROPERTY: 0-5/6, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_SEPARATOR: 6-7/8, ContextRegion--> FOREIGN_ELEMENT: 8-14,
-[28, 29] (;)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_DELIMITER: 0-1,
-[29, 32] (
- )
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-3,
-[32, 51] (border-${XXX}-color)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_PROPERTY: 0-7, ContextRegion--> FOREIGN_ELEMENT: 7-13, ContextRegion--> UNKNOWN: 13-19,
-[51, 57] ( : red)
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-1, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_SEPARATOR: 1-2/3, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_VALUE_IDENT: 3-6,
-[57, 58] (;)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_DELIMITER: 0-1,
-[58, 60] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2,
-[60, 61] (})
- ContextRegion--> RBRACE: 0-1,
-[61, 63] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2,
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample03.jsp b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample03.jsp
deleted file mode 100644
index f36aaa355..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample03.jsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-[0, 73] (<%@ page session="false" contentType="text/css;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
- ContextRegion--> CSS_JSP_DIRECTIVE: 0-69/73,
-[73, 79] (.hoge )
- ContextRegion--> SELECTOR_CLASS: 0-5/6,
-[79, 83] ({
- )
- ContextRegion--> LBRACE: 0-1/4,
-[83, 97] (color : ${XXX})
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_PROPERTY: 0-5/6, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_SEPARATOR: 6-7/8, ContextRegion--> FOREIGN_ELEMENT: 8-14,
-[97, 98] (;)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_DELIMITER: 0-1,
-[98, 101] (
- )
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-3,
-[101, 126] (border-color : <%= YYY %>)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_PROPERTY: 0-12/13, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_SEPARATOR: 13-14/15, ContextRegion--> CSS_JSP_EXP: 15-25,
-[126, 127] (;)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_DELIMITER: 0-1,
-[127, 129] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2,
-[129, 130] (})
- ContextRegion--> RBRACE: 0-1,
-[130, 132] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2,
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample03.jspf b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample03.jspf
deleted file mode 100644
index 29b6482c3..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample03.jspf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-[0, 4] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-4,
-[4, 10] (.hoge )
- ContextRegion--> SELECTOR_CLASS: 0-5/6,
-[10, 14] ({
- )
- ContextRegion--> LBRACE: 0-1/4,
-[14, 28] (color : ${XXX})
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_PROPERTY: 0-5/6, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_SEPARATOR: 6-7/8, ContextRegion--> FOREIGN_ELEMENT: 8-14,
-[28, 29] (;)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_DELIMITER: 0-1,
-[29, 32] (
- )
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-3,
-[32, 57] (border-color : <%= YYY %>)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_PROPERTY: 0-12/13, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_SEPARATOR: 13-14/15, ContextRegion--> CSS_JSP_EXP: 15-25,
-[57, 58] (;)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_DELIMITER: 0-1,
-[58, 60] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2,
-[60, 61] (})
- ContextRegion--> RBRACE: 0-1,
-[61, 63] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2,
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample04.jsp b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample04.jsp
deleted file mode 100644
index cf760e600..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample04.jsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-[0, 73] (<%@ page session="false" contentType="text/css;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
- ContextRegion--> CSS_JSP_DIRECTIVE: 0-69/73,
-[73, 79] (.puge )
- ContextRegion--> SELECTOR_CLASS: 0-5/6,
-[79, 83] ({
- )
- ContextRegion--> LBRACE: 0-1/4,
-[83, 89] (${XXX})
- ContextRegion--> FOREIGN_ELEMENT: 0-6,
-[89, 90] (;)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_DELIMITER: 0-1,
-[90, 93] (
- )
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-3,
-[93, 111] (border-color : red)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_PROPERTY: 0-12/13, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_SEPARATOR: 13-14/15, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_VALUE_IDENT: 15-18,
-[111, 112] (;)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_DELIMITER: 0-1,
-[112, 114] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2,
-[114, 115] (})
- ContextRegion--> RBRACE: 0-1,
-[115, 117] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2,
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample04.jspf b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample04.jspf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d40579d3..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample04.jspf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-[0, 6] (.puge )
- ContextRegion--> SELECTOR_CLASS: 0-5/6,
-[6, 10] ({
- )
- ContextRegion--> LBRACE: 0-1/4,
-[10, 16] (${XXX})
- ContextRegion--> FOREIGN_ELEMENT: 0-6,
-[16, 17] (;)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_DELIMITER: 0-1,
-[17, 20] (
- )
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-3,
-[20, 38] (border-color : red)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_PROPERTY: 0-12/13, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_SEPARATOR: 13-14/15, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_VALUE_IDENT: 15-18,
-[38, 39] (;)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_DELIMITER: 0-1,
-[39, 41] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2,
-[41, 42] (})
- ContextRegion--> RBRACE: 0-1,
-[42, 44] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2,
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample05.jsp b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample05.jsp
deleted file mode 100644
index ddd99933b..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample05.jsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-[0, 71] (<%@ page session="false" contentType="text/css;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
- ContextRegion--> CSS_JSP_DIRECTIVE: 0-69/71,
-[71, 100] (<%--
- ContextRegion--> COMMENT: 0-27/29,
-[100, 103] (H1 )
- ContextRegion--> SELECTOR_ELEMENT_NAME: 0-2/3,
-[103, 107] ({
- )
- ContextRegion--> LBRACE: 0-1/4,
-[107, 130] (background-color : blue)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_PROPERTY: 0-16/17, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_SEPARATOR: 17-18/19, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_VALUE_IDENT: 19-23,
-[130, 131] (;)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_DELIMITER: 0-1,
-[131, 133] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2,
-[133, 134] (})
- ContextRegion--> RBRACE: 0-1,
-[134, 136] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2,
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample05.jspf b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample05.jspf
deleted file mode 100644
index 83fff303b..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample05.jspf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-[0, 31] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2, ContextRegion--> COMMENT: 2-29/31,
-[31, 34] (H1 )
- ContextRegion--> SELECTOR_ELEMENT_NAME: 0-2/3,
-[34, 38] ({
- )
- ContextRegion--> LBRACE: 0-1/4,
-[38, 61] (background-color : blue)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_PROPERTY: 0-16/17, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_SEPARATOR: 17-18/19, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_VALUE_IDENT: 19-23,
-[61, 62] (;)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_DELIMITER: 0-1,
-[62, 64] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2,
-[64, 65] (})
- ContextRegion--> RBRACE: 0-1,
-[65, 67] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2,
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample06.jsp b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample06.jsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 23ac7c0e1..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample06.jsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-[0, 73] (<%@ page session="false" contentType="text/css;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
- ContextRegion--> CSS_JSP_DIRECTIVE: 0-69/73,
-[73, 76] (H1 )
- ContextRegion--> SELECTOR_ELEMENT_NAME: 0-2/3,
-[76, 80] ({
- )
- ContextRegion--> LBRACE: 0-1/4,
-[80, 111] (border-${XXX} : 0px, solid, red)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_PROPERTY: 0-7, ContextRegion--> FOREIGN_ELEMENT: 7-13/14, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_SEPARATOR: 14-15/16, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_VALUE_DIMENSION: 16-19, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_VALUE_OPERATOR: 19-20/21, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_VALUE_IDENT: 21-26, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_VALUE_OPERATOR: 26-27/28, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_VALUE_IDENT: 28-31,
-[111, 112] (;)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_DELIMITER: 0-1,
-[112, 114] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2,
-[114, 115] (})
- ContextRegion--> RBRACE: 0-1,
-[115, 117] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2,
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample06.jspf b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample06.jspf
deleted file mode 100644
index 671d71d32..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample06.jspf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-[0, 4] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-4,
-[4, 7] (H1 )
- ContextRegion--> SELECTOR_ELEMENT_NAME: 0-2/3,
-[7, 11] ({
- )
- ContextRegion--> LBRACE: 0-1/4,
-[11, 42] (border-${XXX} : 0px, solid, red)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_PROPERTY: 0-7, ContextRegion--> FOREIGN_ELEMENT: 7-13/14, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_SEPARATOR: 14-15/16, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_VALUE_DIMENSION: 16-19, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_VALUE_OPERATOR: 19-20/21, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_VALUE_IDENT: 21-26, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_VALUE_OPERATOR: 26-27/28, ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_VALUE_IDENT: 28-31,
-[42, 43] (;)
- ContextRegion--> DECLARATION_DELIMITER: 0-1,
-[43, 45] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2,
-[45, 46] (})
- ContextRegion--> RBRACE: 0-1,
-[46, 48] (
- ContextRegion--> S: 0-2,
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample07.jsp b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample07.jsp
deleted file mode 100644
index c2678fb63..000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample07.jspf b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample07.jspf
deleted file mode 100644
index de5f2acbb..000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample08.jsp b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample08.jsp
deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-[0, 71] (<%@ page session="false" contentType="text/css;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
- ContextRegion--> CSS_JSP_DIRECTIVE: 0-69/71,
-[71, 134] (<% pageContext.getRequest().setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); %>
- ContextRegion--> CSS_JSP_SCRIPTLET: 0-61/63,
-[134, 171] (<%@ include file="./styles.jspf" %>
- ContextRegion--> CSS_JSP_DIRECTIVE: 0-35/37,
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample08.jspf b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/results/JSPedCSSSourceParserTest-sample08.jspf
deleted file mode 100644
index bdb584bcc..000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-[0, 63] (<% pageContext.getRequest().setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); %>
- ContextRegion--> CSS_JSP_SCRIPTLET: 0-61/63,
-[63, 100] (<%@ include file="./styles.jspf" %>
- ContextRegion--> CSS_JSP_DIRECTIVE: 0-35/37,
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample01.jsp b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample01.jsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 19723c594..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample01.jsp
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-<%@ page session="false" contentType="text/css;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
-<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c-rt" %>
-<%@ include file="./cssjspfragment.jspf" %>
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deleted file mode 100644
index a86aee580..000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c-rt" %>
-<%@ include file="./cssjspfragment.jspf" %>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample02.jsp b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample02.jsp
deleted file mode 100644
index b00d5b45e..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample02.jsp
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@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<%@ page session="false" contentType="text/css;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
-.hoge {
- float : ${XXX};
- border-${XXX}-color : red;
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deleted file mode 100644
index 238ad9ee1..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample02.jspf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-.hoge {
- float : ${XXX};
- border-${XXX}-color : red;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample03.jsp b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample03.jsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 38ddb8cad..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample03.jsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<%@ page session="false" contentType="text/css;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
-.hoge {
- color : ${XXX};
- border-color : <%= YYY %>;
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5e638360e..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample03.jspf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-.hoge {
- color : ${XXX};
- border-color : <%= YYY %>;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample04.jsp b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample04.jsp
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index 18709a8b0..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample04.jsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<%@ page session="false" contentType="text/css;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
-.puge {
- ${XXX};
- border-color : red;
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deleted file mode 100644
index 4f03d5a57..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample04.jspf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-.puge {
- ${XXX};
- border-color : red;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample05.jsp b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample05.jsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e39e577e..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample05.jsp
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@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<%@ page session="false" contentType="text/css;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
-H1 {
- background-color : blue;
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample05.jspf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-H1 {
- background-color : blue;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample06.jsp b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample06.jsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 01b344e6f..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample06.jsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<%@ page session="false" contentType="text/css;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
-H1 {
- border-${XXX} : 0px, solid, red;
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0216ce5fb..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample06.jspf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-H1 {
- border-${XXX} : 0px, solid, red;
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample07.jsp b/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample07.jsp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb..000000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.jst.jsp.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/jst/jsp/css/core/tests/testfiles/sample07.jsp
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deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb..000000000
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