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-<title>Adding a complex type</title>
-<body id="taddcmxt"><a name="taddcmxt"><!-- --></a> <h1 class="topictitle1">Adding
-complex types</h1> <div><p>A complex type allows elements in its content and
-can carry attributes. Complex types can be used to help determine the appropriate
-content for any instance documents generated from or associated with your
-XML schema.</p> <div class="section"><p>You can add as many complex types
-as you want to an XML schema.</p> <p>The following instructions were written
-for the Resource perspective, but they will also work in many other perspectives.</p> <p>To
-add a complex type to an XML schema, follow these steps:</p> </div> <ol>
-<li class="skipspace"><span>Open your XML schema in the XML schema editor.</span></li>
-<li class="skipspace"><span>In the Outline view, select your schema.</span></li>
-<li class="skipspace"><span>In the Graph view, right click in the <b>Types</b> section
-and click <b> <span class="uicontrol">Add Complex Type</span></b>.</span></li>
-<li class="skipspace"><span>In the Properties view, type a new name for the
-complex type in the <b> <span class="uicontrol">Name</span></b> field.</span></li>
-<li class="skipspace"><span>Click the <b> <span class="uicontrol">Browse</span></b> button
- <img border="0" height="18" src="../images/Browse.gif" width="22"/> to select
-a base type for your complex type.</span> You can either set a base type for
-your complex type, or you add a content model to it (which represents any
-data that may be contained inside an element), but you cannot do both. For
-more information about content models, refer to the related tasks.</li>
-<li class="stepexpand"><span>Select <span class="uicontrol">restriction</span> or <span
-class="uicontrol">extension</span> from the <span class="uicontrol">Derived
-by</span> list.</span> This specifies whether your type is derived from its
-base type by restriction or extension.</li>
-<li class="skipspace"><span>Click the <b> <span class="uicontrol">Other</span></b> tab.</span> The
-following optional values can be specified in this page:<ol type="a">
-<li class="skipspace"><span>Select the appropriate value in the <b> <span
-class="uicontrol">abstract</span></b> list.</span> When a complex type is
-declared abstract, it cannot be used in an instance document. Click <b>true</b> if
-you want the complex type to be abstract; otherwise, click <b>false</b>.</li>
-<li class="skipspace"><span>Select the appropriate value in the <b> <span
-class="uicontrol">block</span></b> list.</span> If you select <b>#all</b>,
-the complex type may not be replaced by any derivations. If you select <b>extension</b>,
-the complex type may not be replaced by any type derived from it by extending
-it. If you select <b>restriction</b>, the complex type may not be replaced
-by any type derived from it by restricting it.</li>
-<li class="skipspace"><span> Select the appropriate value in the <b> <span
-class="uicontrol">final</span></b> list.</span> If you select <b>#all</b>,
-the complex type may not be derived from at all. If you select <b>extension</b>,
-the complex type may not be derived from by extension. If you select <b>restriction</b>,
-the complex type may not be derived from by restriction.</li>
-<li class="skipspace"><span>Select the appropriate value in the <b> <span
-class="uicontrol">mixed</span></b> list.</span> If you click <b>true</b>,
-the complex type can contain mixed content (both character data and other
-elements). If you click <b>false</b>, the complex type can only contain other
-</ol> </li>
-<li class="skipspace"><span>Click the <b> <span class="uicontrol">Attributes</span></b> tab.</span> You
-can use this page to add attributes, attribute references, attributes group
-references, and <samp class="codeph">any</samp> attributes to your complex
-<li class="skipspace"><span>An attribute associates an attribute name with
-a specific type and value. To add an attribute, right-click in the Attributes
-page, and click <b> <span class="uicontrol">Add Attribute</span></b>.</span> You
-can specify the following values for an attribute<ul>
-<li><b><span class="uicontrol">fixed/default</span></b>. Click the <b> <span
-class="uicontrol">Browse</span></b> button <span> <img border="0" height="18"
-src="../images/Browse.gif" width="22"/></span> and select the <b> <span class="uicontrol">Fixed</span></b> or <b> <span
-class="uicontrol">Default</span></b> radio button and specify an appropriate
-value. If you select <b>Fixed</b>, the attribute has a fixed value, which
-cannot be changed. If you select <b>Default</b>, the attribute has a default
-value. When an attribute has a default value, the value of the attribute is
-whatever value appears as the attribute's value in an instance document.</li>
-<li><b><span class="uicontrol">form</span></b>. Use this field to indicate
-if the appearance of this attribute in an instance of the XML schema must
-be qualified by a namespace.</li>
-<li><span class="uicontrol"><b>name</b>. </span>Enter the name of the attribute.</li>
-<li><span class="uicontrol"><b>type</b>. </span>Click the <b> <span class="uicontrol">Browse</span></b> button <span> <img
-border="0" height="18" src="../images/Browse.gif" width="22"/></span> and
-select the type of the attribute. </li>
-<li><span class="uicontrol"><b>use</b>. </span>This field indicates how an
-attribute may be used in an instance document. If you select <b>optional</b>,
-the attribute may appear once, but it does not have to. If you select <b>required</b>,
-the attribute must appear once. If you select <b>prohibited</b>, the attribute
-must not appear. <b>Note</b>: If you selected the <b> <span class="uicontrol">Default</span></b> radio
-button, you must select <b>optional</b> in this field, otherwise the default
-value will not be valid.</li>
-</ul> </li>
-<li class="skipspace"><span>An attribute reference provides a reference to
-a global attribute. To add an attribute reference, right-click in the Attributes
-page, and click <b> <span class="uicontrol">Add Attribute Ref</span>.</b> </span>A
-declaration that references a global attribute enables the referenced attribute
-to appear in the instance document in the context of the referencing declaration.
-The menu option to add an attribute reference only appears if there are global
-attributes defined elsewhere in the document.<ol type="a">
-<li><span>Select the reference, then select the global attribute you want
-it to reference from the <b> <span class="uicontrol">ref</span></b> drop down
-</ol> </li>
-<li class="skipspace"><span>An attribute group reference provides a reference
-to an attribute group. To add an attribute group reference, right-click in
-the Attributes page, and click <b> <span class="uicontrol">Add Attribute Group
-Ref. </span></b></span> &nbsp;A declaration that references an attribute group
-enables the referenced attribute group to appear in the instance document
-in the context of the referencing declaration. The menu option to add an attribute
-group reference only appears if there are attribute groups defined elsewhere
-in the document.<ol type="a">
-<li><span>Select the reference, then select the attribute group you want it
-to reference from the<span class="uicontrol"> <b>ref</b></span> drop down
-</ol> </li>
-<li class="skipspace"><span>An <samp class="codeph">any</samp> element enables
-element content according to namespaces, and the corresponding <samp class="codeph">any</samp> attribute
- element enables attributes to appear in elements. To add an <samp class="codeph">any</samp> attribute,
-right-click in the Attributes page, and click <b> <span class="uicontrol">Add
-Any Attribute</span></b>.</span> You can specify the following values for
-an <samp class="codeph">any</samp> attribute:<ul>
-<li>For a <b>namespace</b> value, you can select <b>##any</b> (this allows
-any well-formed XML from any namespace), <b>##local </b> (this allows any
-well-formed XML that is not declared to be in a namespace, <b>##other </b> (this
-allows any well-formed XML that is not from the target namespace of the type
-being defined) or <b>##targetNamespace </b> (which is shorthand for the target
-namespace of the type being defined). </li>
-<li>For a <b> <span class="uicontrol">processContents</span></b> value, you
-can select <b>skip</b> (the XML processor will not validate the attribute
-content at all), <b>lax </b>(the XML processor will validate the attribute
-content as much as it can), or <b>strict </b> (the XML processor will validate
-all the attribute content).</li>
-</ul> </li>
-<li class="skipspace"><span>Click the <b> <span class="uicontrol">Documentation</span></b> tab
-if you want to provide any information about this complex type.</span> The <span
-class="uicontrol">Documentation</span> page is used for human readable material,
-such as a description, and the <span class="uicontrol">App Info</span> page
-can be used to provide information for applications.</li>
-</ol> </div> <div><p><b class="reltaskshd">Related tasks</b><br/> <a href="../topics/taddcmod.html"
-title="You can add a content model to an element, global element, a complex type, or a group. A content model is the representation of any data that may be contained inside the element, global element, complex type, or group."
->Adding a content model</a><br/> </p> </div> </body>

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