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-<title>Creating Listeners</title>
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-<h1 class="topictitle1">Creating Listeners</h1>
-<p>The listener wizard helps you create application lifecycle
-listeners by walking you through the creation process and by providing
-you with output files that you can use or that you can modify for use
-with your Web application. The listeners can run on Java EE-compliant
-Web servers.</p>
-<div class="section">
-<p>To create a listener, complete the following steps:</p>
- <li class="stepexpand"><span>In the Java EE perspective,
- expand your <a href="ccwebprj.html" title="">dynamic project</a> in the
- Project Explorer view.</span></li>
- <li class="stepexpand"><span>Right click on the <strong>Listener</strong>
- icon, and select <span class="menucascade"> <span
- class="uicontrol">New</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Listener</span></span>
- from the pop-up menu.</span> The <span class="uicontrol">Create Listener</span>
- wizard appears.</li>
- <li class="stepexpand"><span>Follow the project wizard
- prompts.</span></li>
-<div class="section">
-<p><strong>General Information</strong></p>
- <p>
- <dt class="dlterm">Application lifecycle listeners</dt>
- </p>
- <dd>The <cite>Sun Microsystems Java Servlet Specification</cite> defines the
- following interfaces that represent that application lifecycle
- listeners. You should select at least one of the intefaces.
- <ul>
- <li><strong>javax.servlet.ServletContextListener:
- </strong> This interface is provided by javax.servlet package and can be used
- to listen to the ServletContext life-cycle events. This interface has
- two methods: contextInitialized and contextDestroyed. The
- <b><i>contextInitialized</i></b> method is called when the web application is ready
- to service requests and the <b><i>contextDestroyed</i></b> method is invoked when
- the servlet context is about to be shut down.</li>
- <li><strong>javax.servlet.ServletContextAttributeListener:
- </strong> This interface is provided by javax.servlet package. It can be used
- to be notified when any attribute is added to the ServletContext or if
- any of the ServletContext's attributes are changed or removed. This
- inetface has three methods: <b><i>attributeAdded, attributeRemoved</i></b> and
- <b><i>attributeReplaced</i></b>.</li>
- <li><strong>javax.servlet.ServletRequestListener:
- </strong> This interface is provided by javax.servlet package. It can be used
- to be notified when a request is coming in or out of scope in a Web
- component. This interface has two methods: requestInitialized and
- requestDestroyed. The <b><i>requestInitialized</i></b> method is called when it is
- about to enter the first servlet or filter in each Web application. The <b><i>requestDestroyed</i></b> method is called when it exits the last servlet
- or the first filter in the chain.</li>
- <li><strong>javax.servlet.ServletRequestAttributeListener:
- </strong> This interface is provided by javax.servlet package and can be used
- to be notified when any request attribute is changed. This interface
- has three methods: attributeAdded, attributeRemoved and
- attributeReplaced. The <b><i>attributteAdded</i></b> method is called when a new
- attribute was added to servlet request. The <b><i>attributeRemoved</i></b> method is
- called when an existing attribute has been removed from the servlet
- request. The <b><i>attributeReplaced</i></b> method is called when an attribute
- was replaced on the servlet request.</li>
- <li><strong>javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener:
- </strong> This interface is provided by javax.servlet.http package and can be
- used to listen to a session&apos;s life cycle events. This interface has
- two methods: sessionCreated and sessionDestroyed. The <b><i>sessionCreated</i></b>
- method is called when an HttpSession object is created. The
- <b><i>sessionDestroyed</i></b> method is called when an HttpSession object is
- invalidated.</li>
- <li><strong>javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionActivationListener:
- </strong> This interface is provided by javax.servlet.http package. It can be
- used to listen to a container events notifying that sessions will be
- passivated or activated. This interface has two methods:
- sessionDidActivate and sessionWillPasivate. The <b><i>sessionDidActivate</i></b> is
- called when the session has just been activated and the
- <b><i>sessionWillPasivate</i></b> is called when the session is about to be
- passivated.</li>
- <li><strong>javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionAttributeListener:
- </strong> This interface is provided by javax.servlet.http package and can be
- used to listen to events related to session attributes. This interface
- has three methods: attributeAdded, attributeRemoved and
- attributeReplaced. The <b><i>attributeAdded</i></b> method is called when an
- attribute is added to an HttpSession object. The <b><i>attributeRemoved</i></b> and
- <b><i>attributeReplaced</i></b> methods are called when an HttpSession attribute is
- removed or replaced, respectively.</li>
- <li><strong>javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener:
- </strong> This interface is provided by javax.servlet.http package and can be
- used to be notified when an object is bound to or unbound from a
- session. This interface has two methods: valueBound and valueUnbound.
- The <b><i>valueBound</i></b> method is called when the object is being bound to a
- session and identifies the session. The <b><i>valueUnbound</i></b> method is called
- when the object is being unbound from a session and identifies the
- session.</li>
- </ul>
- </dd>
- <p>
- <dt class="dlterm">Modifiers</dt>
- </p>
- <dd>The <cite>Sun Microsystems Java Servlet Specification</cite> states that a
- Listener class must be <b>public</b> and not <b>abstract</b>. Therefore,
- you cannot change these modifiers. The only one available for change is
- the <b>final</b> modifier. </dd>
- <p>
- <dt class="dlterm">Interfaces</dt>
- </p>
- <dd>The interfaces that you selected in the previous page of the wizard
- are provided as default values in the <b>Interfaces</b> field. To add
- additional interfaces, click the <b>Add</b> button next to this field.</dd>
- <p>
- <dt class="dlterm">Interfaces dialog</dt>
- </p>
- <dd>This dialog appears if you select to add an interface to your
- servlet. As you type the name of the interface that you are adding, a
- list of available interfaces listed in the <b>Matching items</b> list box
- updates dynamically to display only the interfaces that match the
- pattern. Choose an interface to see the qualifier, and then click <b>OK</b>
- when finished.</dd>

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