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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.webtools.doc.user/topics/twfltwiz.dita b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.webtools.doc.user/topics/twfltwiz.dita
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2006, v.4002-->
- "task.dtd">
-<task id="twfltwiz" xml:lang="en-us">
-<title>Creating Filters</title>
-<shortdesc>The filters wizard helps you to create <tm tmclass="special" tmowner="Sun Microsystems, Inc."
-tmtype="tm" trademark="Java">Java</tm> servlet filters by walking you through
-the creation process and by providing you with output files that you can use
-or that you can modify for use with your Web application. The filters can
-run on Java EE-compliant Web servers.</shortdesc>
-<context> <p>To create a filter, complete the following steps: </p></context>
-<step><cmd>In the Java EE perspective, expand your <xref href="ccwebprj.dita"
-scope="peer"><desc></desc>dynamic project</xref> in the Project Explorer view.</cmd>
-<step><cmd>Right click on the <b>Filter</b> icon, and select <menucascade>
-<uicontrol>New</uicontrol><uicontrol>Filter</uicontrol></menucascade> from
-the pop-up menu.</cmd><stepresult> The <uicontrol>Create Filter</uicontrol> wizard
-<step><cmd>Follow the project wizard prompts.</cmd></step>
-<postreq><p><b>General Information</b></p><dl><dlentry>
-<dd>The <cite>Sun Microsystems <tm tmclass="special" tmowner="Sun Microsystems, Inc."
-tmtype="tm" trademark="Java">Java</tm> Servlet 2.3 Specification</cite> states
-that a Servlet class must be <b>public</b> and not <b>abstract</b>. Therefore,
-you cannot change these modifiers. The only one available for change is the <b>final</b> modifier.</dd>
-<dd>There is one obligatory interface that filter classes must implement: <b>javax.servlet.Filter</b>.
-This interface is provided by javax.servlet package and is used to represent
-the life-cycle of the filter. This interface has three methods: init, doFilter
-and destroy. <ul>
-<li>The <b>init</b> method is called by the servlet container only once, when
-it finishes instantiating the filter.</li>
-<li>The<b>doFilter</b> method is where the filtering is performed and is called
-every time a user requests a resource, such as a servlet, to which the filter
-is mapped.</li>
-<li>The <b>destroy</b> method is called by the servlet container to tell the
-filter that it will be taken out of service.</li>
-</ul> Although, that the javax.servlet.Filter interface is provided in the <b>Interfaces</b> field
-by default, you can add additional interfaces to implement by using the <b>Add</b> button.</dd>
-<dt>Interface selection dialog</dt>
-<dd>This dialog appears if you select to add an interface to your filter.
-As you type the name of the interface that you are adding, a list of available
-interfaces listed in the <b>Matching items</b> list box updates dynamically
-to display only the interfaces that match the pattern. Choose an interface
-to see the qualifier, and then click <b>OK</b> when finished.</dd>
-<dt>Filter Mappings</dt>
-<dd>For a filter to intercept a request to a servlet, you must: <ol>
-<li>declare the filter with a <b>&lt;filter&gt;</b> element in the deployment
-<li>map the filter to the servlet using the <b>&lt;filter-mapping&gt;</b>
-</ol> Sometimes you want a filter to work on multiple servlets. You can do
-this by mapping a filter to a URL pattern so that any request that matches
-that URL pattern will be filtered. All this is made automatically if you use
-the <b>Filter Mappings</b> field.</dd>
-<dt>Method stubs</dt>
-<dd>Because each filter must implement the javax.servlet.Filter interface,
-the <b>Inherited abstract methods</b> option is always checked and cannot
-be changed.</dd>

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