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Diffstat (limited to 'docs/org.eclipse.wst.webtools.doc.user/topics/twcreprj.dita')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.webtools.doc.user/topics/twcreprj.dita b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.webtools.doc.user/topics/twcreprj.dita
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2005, v.4002-->
- "task.dtd">
-<!-- ArborText, Inc., 1988-2002, v.4002-->
-<task id="twcreprj" xml:lang="en-us">
-<title>Creating a dynamic Web project</title>
-<shortdesc>You create and maintain the resources for your Web applications
-in Web projects.</shortdesc>
-<keywords><indexterm>Web projects<indexterm>creating dynamic projects</indexterm></indexterm>
-<indexterm>Web applications<indexterm>resources</indexterm></indexterm>
-<context> <p> Unlike with <xref href="twcresta.dita" scope="peer"><desc></desc>static</xref> Web
-projects, dynamic Web projects enable you to create resources such as JavaServer
-Pages and servlets.</p><p>To create a new dynamic Web project, complete the
-following steps:</p></context>
-<step><cmd>Open the J2EE perspective.</cmd></step>
-<step><cmd>In the Project Explorer, right click on Dynamic Web Projects, and
-select <menucascade><uicontrol>New</uicontrol><uicontrol>Dynamic Web Project</uicontrol>
-</menucascade> from the context menu. The New Dynamic Web Project wizard starts.</cmd>
-<step><cmd>Follow the project wizard prompts.</cmd></step>
-<postreq><p><b>General Information</b></p><dl><dlentry>
-<dt>Project Facets </dt>
-<dd>A facet represents a unit of functionality in a Web project. For example,
-the Dynamic Web Module facet enables the project to be deployed as a dynamic
-Web module. A brief description of a project facet appears in the wizard when
-you select it. Note that in many instances, you can view the constraints
-for a project facet by right clicking on the facet and selecting project constraints
-from the pop up menu. </dd>
-<dt>Target Runtime</dt>
-<dd>Use this field to define a new installed runtime environment. Runtimes
-are used at build time to compile projects.</dd>
-<dt>Enterprise Application project (EAR Project)</dt>
-<dd>A new or existing Enterprise Application project (EAR Project) must be
-associated with your new Web project to facilitate deployment. If you want
-to override the default settings for the Enterprise Application project, you
-can do so using the wizard. When your Web project is created at the end of
-the wizard, the new Enterprise Application project is also created with the
-name specified in the EAR project field. Note that the default is the name
-of the web project appended with EAR (unless the ear project was selected
-when you opened the wizard.)</dd>
-<dt>Context Root</dt>
-<dd>The context root is the Web application root, which is the top-level directory
-of your application when it is deployed to the Web server. You can change
-the context root after you create a project using the project Properties dialog,
-which you access from the project's pop-up menu. The context root can also
-be used by the links builder to ensure that your links remain ready to publish
-as you move and rename files inside your project.</dd>

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