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Diffstat (limited to 'docs/org.eclipse.wst.webtools.doc.user/topics/ccwebvw.dita')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 56 deletions
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2006, v.4002-->
-<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN"
- "concept.dtd">
-<concept id="ccwebvw" xml:lang="en-us">
-<title>Project Explorer view and Web development</title>
-<keywords><indexterm keyref="ccwebvw|1|ProjectExplorerviewoverview" status="new">Project
-Explorer view<indexterm>overview</indexterm></indexterm><indexterm keyref="ccwebvw|2|WebdevelopmentProjectExplorerview"
-status="changed">Web projects<indexterm>Project Explorer view</indexterm></indexterm>
-<section><p>The Project Explorer view provides the following notable features: <ul>
-<li><image alt="For Windows" href="../images/nwin.gif" placement="inline">
-</image> You can drag and drop files from <tm tmclass="special" tmowner="Microsoft Corporation"
-tmtype="reg" trademark="Windows">Windows</tm> Explorer or the desktop into
-the Navigator view.</li>
-<li>View filtering is supported by selecting <ph><uicontrol>Filters</uicontrol></ph> from
-the Navigator view <ph><uicontrol>Menu</uicontrol></ph> button. Resources
-can be filtered by name, project type or content type. Files beginning with
-a period are filtered out by default.</li>
-<li>The status line shows the full path of the selected resource.</li>
-<li>Dragging a .java file from the Navigator view into a JSP file will insert
-a usebean tag, the same behavior that is exhibited when a .class file is dragged
-into a JSP file.</li>
-<li>Errors and warnings on resources (including <tm tmclass="special" tmowner="Sun Microsystems, Inc."
-tmtype="tm" trademark="Java">Java</tm>, HTML/JSP, and Links Builder errors
-and warnings) are indicated with a red error <image alt="Error icon" href="../images/nshowerr.gif"
-placement="inline"></image> or yellow warning <image alt="Warning icon" href="../images/nwarning.gif"
-placement="inline"></image> next to the resource with the error, as well as
-the parent containers up to the project. This applies for all project types,
-not only Web projects.</li>
-<li>Items available from the <ph><uicontrol>New</uicontrol></ph> cascading
-menu in the project pop-up menu are context sensitive. All menus will have <ph><uicontrol>Project</uicontrol></ph> and <ph><uicontrol>Other</uicontrol
-></ph> options.</li>
-<section><title>Organization of the Project Explorer view</title><p>The Project
-Explorer view shows a custom view of all Web projects. The following are some
-of the notable top-level objects that appear beneath the project node (based
-on default folder names).</p><p><b>Web content folder</b> - This folder contains
-items to be published to the server. By default, this folder will be named <b>WebContent</b> for
-newly created static and dynamic Web projects. <note>You can change the name
-in the creation wizard Web facet page.</note><ul>
-<li><b>META-INF</b> - This directory contains the <filepath>MANIFEST.MF</filepath> file,
-which is used to map class paths for dependent JAR files that exist in other
-projects in the same Enterprise Application project. An entry in this file
-will update the run-time project class path and <tm tmclass="special" tmowner="Sun Microsystems, Inc."
-tmtype="tm" trademark="Java">Java</tm> build settings to include the referenced
-JAR files.</li>
-<li><b>WEB-INF</b> - The directory where supporting Web resources for a Web
-application are kept (for example: .xmi files, .xml files, and web.xml.) </li>
-</ul> </p> </section>

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