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Diffstat (limited to 'bundles/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.web.core/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/web/core/internal/text/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 459 deletions
diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.web.core/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/web/core/internal/text/ b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.web.core/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/web/core/internal/text/
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index e2f1ee28e0..0000000000
--- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.web.core/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/web/core/internal/text/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
-/* Bradley Childs (
- *
- * This partitioner is an 'intercepter' for a bigger, stronger partitioner.
- *
- */
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.web.core.internal.text;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.DocumentEvent;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentPartitioner;
-import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITypedRegion;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.IStructuredDocument;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.IStructuredDocumentRegion;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.IStructuredTextPartitioner;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.ITextRegion;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.ITextRegionList;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.text.rules.IStructuredTypedRegion;
-import org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.text.rules.SimpleStructuredTypedRegion;
-import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.regions.DOMRegionContext;
-public class StructuredTextPartitionerScripHelper implements
- IStructuredTextPartitioner {
- private IDocument fInternalDocument;
- private IStructuredTextPartitioner fMasterPartitioner;
- private static Hashtable newPartitionType = new Hashtable();
- private static Hashtable contentTypeMap = new Hashtable();
- private String[] subPartitionType;
- public StructuredTextPartitionerScripHelper(
- IStructuredTextPartitioner masterPartitioner,
- String[] subPartitionType, String newPartitionType) {
- setMasterPartitioner(masterPartitioner);
- this.subPartitionType = subPartitionType;
- StructuredTextPartitionerScripHelper.newPartitionType.put(
- subPartitionType, newPartitionType);
- }
- public void setMasterPartitioner(
- IStructuredTextPartitioner embeddedPartitioner) {
- /*
- * manage connected state of embedded partitioner
- */
- if (fMasterPartitioner != null && fInternalDocument != null) {
- fMasterPartitioner.disconnect();
- contentTypeMap.remove(fMasterPartitioner);
- }
- this.fMasterPartitioner = embeddedPartitioner;
- if (fMasterPartitioner != null && fInternalDocument != null) {
- fMasterPartitioner.connect(fInternalDocument);
- }
- if (fMasterPartitioner != null) {
- try {
- Class[] parameterTypes = new Class[] {};
- Class c = fMasterPartitioner.getClass();
- Object[] arguments = new Object[] {};
- Method getConfiguredContentTypes = c.getMethod(
- "getConfiguredContentTypes", parameterTypes);
- String[] additionalContentTypes = (String[]) getConfiguredContentTypes
- .invoke(fMasterPartitioner, arguments);
- contentTypeMap.put(fMasterPartitioner, additionalContentTypes);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- }
- }
- }
- public static String[] getConfiguredContentTypes(
- IStructuredTextPartitioner partitioner) {
- return (String[]) contentTypeMap.get(partitioner);
- }
- public static String[] getConfiguredContentTypes() {
- /*
- * return every content type support (may be MANY if used in multiple
- * partition types.. This includes every static registerd master
- * partitioner, and all of the new content types this classes brings
- * along.
- */
- Enumeration keys = contentTypeMap.keys();
- Vector contentTypes = new Vector();
- while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
- String[] addContentTypes = (String[]) contentTypeMap.get(keys
- .nextElement());
- for (int i = 0; i < addContentTypes.length; i++) {
- if (addContentTypes[i] != null
- && !addContentTypes[i].equals("")) {
- contentTypes.add(addContentTypes[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- keys = newPartitionType.keys();
- while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
- String addContentTypes = (String) newPartitionType.get(keys
- .nextElement());
- if (addContentTypes != null && !addContentTypes.equals("")) {
- contentTypes.add(addContentTypes);
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < contentTypes.size(); i++) {
- System.out.println(contentTypes.elementAt(i));
- }
- return (String[]) (contentTypes.toArray(new String[0]));
- }
- public StructuredTextPartitionerScripHelper() {
- /*
- * Should read extension points here and dynamically set the 'master'
- * partitioner but its hard coded to the JSP partitioner ATM.
- */
- this(new StructuredTextPartitionerForJSP(),
- }
- public void setEmbeddedPartitioner(
- IStructuredTextPartitioner embeddedPartitioner) {
- /* Required from the JSP partitioner............... SHOULD REMOVE! */
- try {
- Class[] parameterTypes = new Class[] { IStructuredTextPartitioner.class };
- Class c = fMasterPartitioner.getClass();
- Object[] arguments = new Object[] { embeddedPartitioner };
- Method setLanguageMethod = c.getMethod("setEmbeddedPartitioner",
- parameterTypes);
- setLanguageMethod.invoke(fMasterPartitioner, arguments);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // oops wrong class type
- }
- }
- public void setLanguage(String language) {
- try {
- Class[] parameterTypes = new Class[] { String.class };
- Class c = fMasterPartitioner.getClass();
- Object[] arguments = new Object[] { language };
- Method setLanguageMethod = c.getMethod("setLanguage",
- parameterTypes);
- setLanguageMethod.invoke(fMasterPartitioner, arguments);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // oops wrong class type
- }
- }
- public void connect(IDocument document) {
- this.fInternalDocument = document;
- if (fMasterPartitioner != null) {
- fMasterPartitioner.connect(document);
- }
- }
- public IStructuredTypedRegion createPartition(int offset, int length,
- String partitionType) {
- // String parType =
- // isSubPartitionType(partitionType)?(String)newPartitionType.get(subPartitionType):partitionType;
- System.out.println("Called create partition on type " + partitionType);
- return fMasterPartitioner
- .createPartition(offset, length, partitionType);
- }
- public String getDefaultPartitionType() {
- String partitionType = fMasterPartitioner.getDefaultPartitionType();
- return isSubPartitionType(partitionType) ? (String) newPartitionType
- .get(subPartitionType) : partitionType;
- }
- public String getPartitionType(ITextRegion region, int offset) {
- String partitionType = fMasterPartitioner.getPartitionType(region,
- offset);
- System.out.println("Region Par Type:" + partitionType
- + "------------------------------------------");
- System.out.println(fInternalDocument.get().substring(region.getStart(),
- region.getTextEnd()));
- System.out
- .println("/Region:--------------------------------------------");
- return isSubPartitionType(partitionType) ? (String) newPartitionType
- .get(subPartitionType) : partitionType;
- }
- public String getPartitionTypeBetween(
- IStructuredDocumentRegion previousNode,
- IStructuredDocumentRegion nextNode) {
- System.out.println("getPartitoinTypeBetween");
- String partitionType = fMasterPartitioner.getPartitionTypeBetween(
- previousNode, nextNode);
- if (isSubPartitionType(partitionType)) {
- return (String) newPartitionType.get(subPartitionType);
- } else {
- return partitionType;
- }
- }
- public ITypedRegion[] computePartitioning(int offset, int length) {
- //
- // /* Look for EVENTs and label them SCRIPT partitions */
- //
- // System.out.println("Compute Partitions--------");
- // System.out.println(fInternalDocument.get().substring(offset,offset+length));
- // Vector typedRegions = new Vector();
- //
- // if(fInternalDocument instanceof IStructuredDocument){
- // IStructuredDocument structDoc =
- // (IStructuredDocument)(fInternalDocument);
- // IStructuredDocumentRegion[] regions =
- // structDoc.getStructuredDocumentRegions(offset, length);
- //
- // if(regions==null) return new ITypedRegion[]{};
- // NodeHelper nh;
- //
- //
- // for(int i = 0;i<regions.length;i++){
- // if(regions[i].getType()==DOMRegionContext.XML_TAG_NAME && (nh = new
- // NodeHelper(regions[i])).containsAttribute(JsDataTypes.HTMLATREVENTS)){
- // // Found an event tag!
- // ITextRegionList t = regions[i].getRegions();
- // ITextRegion r;
- // Iterator regionIterator = t.iterator();
- // String tagAttrname = new String();
- // while(regionIterator.hasNext() ){
- // r = (ITextRegion);
- //
- // if(r.getType()== DOMRegionContext.XML_TAG_ATTRIBUTE_NAME){
- // tagAttrname = regions[i].getText().substring(r.getStart() ,
- // r.getTextEnd()).trim();
- //
- // }else if(r.getType()==DOMRegionContext.XML_TAG_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE &&
- // nh.isInArray(JsDataTypes.HTMLATREVENTS, tagAttrname)){
- // System.out.println("Found script event type:--------");
- // System.out.println(regions[i].getText().substring(r.getStart() ,
- // r.getTextEnd()));
- // System.out.println("/Found script event type:--------");
- //
- // boolean isQuoted =
- // nh.isQuoted(regions[i].getText().substring(r.getStart() ,
- // r.getTextEnd()));
- //
- // int quoteOffset = isQuoted?1:0;
- //
- // typedRegions.add(new
- // SimpleStructuredTypedRegion(r.getStart()+quoteOffset,
- // r.getLength() - quoteOffset*2,
- // (String)newPartitionType.get(subPartitionType)));
- // createPartition(r.getStart()+quoteOffset,
- // r.getLength()- quoteOffset*2,
- // (String)newPartitionType.get(subPartitionType));
- //
- // createPartition( r.getStart()+quoteOffset,
- // r.getLength()- quoteOffset*2,
- // (String)newPartitionType.get(subPartitionType));
- // tagAttrname = new String();
- //
- // /* Add two arbitrary 1 char positions if quoted */
- //
- // if(isQuoted){
- //
- // typedRegions.addAll(Arrays.asList(fMasterPartitioner.computePartitioning(r.getStart(),1)));
- // typedRegions.addAll(Arrays.asList(fMasterPartitioner.computePartitioning(r.getTextEnd(),1)));
- //
- //
- // }
- //
- //
- // }else{
- //
- // typedRegions.addAll(Arrays.asList(fMasterPartitioner.computePartitioning(r.getStart(),r.getLength())));
- // }
- //
- //
- // }
- //
- // }else{
- // // not a name tag so compute its partition
- // /*
- // typedRegions.add(new
- // SimpleStructuredTypedRegion(regions[i].getStart(),
- // regions[i].getLength(),
- // (String)newPartitionType.get(subPartitionType)));
- // createPartition(regions[i].getStart(),
- // regions[i].getLength(),
- // (String)newPartitionType.get(subPartitionType));
- //
- //
- // */
- //
- // // Let somebody else compute this partition type
- // typedRegions.addAll(Arrays.asList(fMasterPartitioner.computePartitioning(regions[i].getStart(),regions[i].getLength())));
- // }
- //
- // } // End for loop itterating over all sub regions in this region.
- //
- // }
- //
- // System.out.println("/Compute Partitions--------");
- return fMasterPartitioner.computePartitioning(offset, length);
- // return (ITypedRegion[])typedRegions.toArray(new ITypedRegion[]{});
- }
- public void disconnect() {
- fMasterPartitioner.disconnect();
- }
- public void documentAboutToBeChanged(DocumentEvent event) {
- fMasterPartitioner.documentAboutToBeChanged(event);
- }
- public boolean documentChanged(DocumentEvent event) {
- return fMasterPartitioner.documentChanged(event);
- }
- public String getContentType(int offset) {
- System.out.println("Queried for content type");
- if (!(fInternalDocument instanceof IStructuredDocument)) {
- return fMasterPartitioner.getContentType(offset);
- }
- IStructuredDocument structDoc = (IStructuredDocument) (fInternalDocument);
- IStructuredDocumentRegion structuredDocRegion = structDoc
- .getRegionAtCharacterOffset(offset);
- ITextRegion currentRegion = structuredDocRegion
- .getRegionAtCharacterOffset(offset);
- /* If its not an XML_TAG_ATTRIBUTE inspect no further */
- if (currentRegion.getType() != DOMRegionContext.XML_TAG_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE) {
- return fMasterPartitioner.getContentType(offset);
- }
- /* make sure we're not at a quoted character */
- if (structDoc.get().charAt(offset) == '\''
- | structDoc.get().charAt(offset) == '"') {
- return fMasterPartitioner.getContentType(offset);
- }
- /*
- * If we've fallen through to here, then we're in a
- * XML_TAG_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE need to check if this event type tag
- */
- ITextRegionList regionList = structuredDocRegion.getRegions();
- int currentIndex = regionList.indexOf(currentRegion);
- /*
- * We determinate attrib name 2 previous regions: Node
- */
- if ((currentIndex - 2) < 0) {
- return fMasterPartitioner.getContentType(offset);
- }
- ITextRegion tagAttrNameRegion = regionList.get(currentIndex - 2);
- String tagAttrName = structuredDocRegion.getText().substring(
- tagAttrNameRegion.getStart(), tagAttrNameRegion.getTextEnd())
- .trim();
- if (NodeHelper.isInArray(JsDataTypes.HTMLATREVENTS, tagAttrName)) {
- System.out.println("returning JS content type");
- return (String) newPartitionType.get(subPartitionType);
- }
- return fMasterPartitioner.getContentType(offset);
- }
- public String[] getLegalContentTypes() {
- return fMasterPartitioner.getLegalContentTypes();
- }
- public ITypedRegion getPartition(int offset) {
- if (getContentType(offset) != (String) newPartitionType
- .get(subPartitionType)) {
- return fMasterPartitioner.getPartition(offset);
- }
- if (!(fInternalDocument instanceof IStructuredDocument)) {
- return fMasterPartitioner.getPartition(offset);
- }
- IStructuredDocument structDoc = (IStructuredDocument) (fInternalDocument);
- IStructuredDocumentRegion structuredDocRegion = structDoc
- .getRegionAtCharacterOffset(offset);
- ITextRegion currentRegion = structuredDocRegion
- .getRegionAtCharacterOffset(offset);
- boolean isAttrQuoted = NodeHelper.isQuoted(structuredDocRegion
- .getText().substring(currentRegion.getStart(),
- currentRegion.getTextEnd()));
- int quoteOffset = isAttrQuoted ? 1 : 0;
- ITypedRegion jsTypedRegion = new SimpleStructuredTypedRegion(
- currentRegion.getStart() + quoteOffset, currentRegion
- .getLength()
- - quoteOffset * 2, (String) newPartitionType
- .get(subPartitionType));
- createPartition(jsTypedRegion.getOffset(), jsTypedRegion.getLength(),
- jsTypedRegion.getType());
- return jsTypedRegion;
- }
- public IDocumentPartitioner newInstance() {
- return new StructuredTextPartitionerForJSP();
- }
- private boolean isSubPartitionType(String type) {
- return NodeHelper.isInArray(subPartitionType, type);
- }
- @Override
- public void finalize() {
- if (newPartitionType != null) {
- newPartitionType.remove(subPartitionType);
- }
- if (contentTypeMap != null) {
- contentTypeMap.remove(fMasterPartitioner);
- }
- }

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