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This CGIT instance is deprecated, and repositories have been moved to Gitlab or Github. See the repository descriptions for specific locations.

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Diffstat (limited to 'bundles/org.eclipse.wst.html.core/data/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.html.core/data/ b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.html.core/data/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cd460d81e..0000000000
--- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.html.core/data/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# Contributors:
-# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
-ATagInfo=A link if the href attribute is present, and the target for a link if the name attribute is present
-ABBRTagInfo=An abbreviation (for example, WWW, HTTP)
-ACRONYMTagInfo=An acronym (for example, SCUBA)
-ADDRESSTagInfo=Address information for the author of the page
-APPLETTagInfo=A Java applet
-AREATagInfo=Defines a client-side image map area
-BTagInfo=Displays contained text as bold
-BASETagInfo=The base URI for the page, to be used when calculating relative paths
-BASEFONTTagInfo=The base font size for the page
-BDOTagInfo=Overrides default bidirectional display. For use with bidirectional languages.
-BIGTagInfo=Displays contained text as large
-BGSOUNDTagInfo=Defines a sound file for the page. Not supported by W3C HTML 4.01.
-BLINKTagInfo=Displays text as blinking. Not supported by W3C HTML 4.01.
-BLOCKQUOTETagInfo=A long quotation
-BODYTagInfo=The document body. Contains all the content for the page.
-BRTagInfo=Forces a line break
-BUTTONTagInfo=Defines a push button
-CAPTIONTagInfo=Defines a table caption
-CENTERTagInfo=Displays contained text centered. Equivalent to DIV with align=center.
-CITETagInfo=A citation
-CODETagInfo=A computer code fragment
-COLTagInfo=A table column
-COLGROUPTagInfo=A group of table columns
-DDTagInfo=A definition or description in a definition or description list
-DELTagInfo=Displays text as deleted
-DFNTagInfo=A definition
-DIRTagInfo=A directory listing
-DIVTagInfo=A generic container, which can be used for defining language or style for the contents
-DLTagInfo=A definition or description list
-DTTagInfo=A term or subject in a definition or description list
-EMTagInfo=Displays text emphasized (generally italicized)
-EMBEDTagInfo=Defines an embedded plug-in. Not supported by W3C HTML 4.01.
-FIELDSETTagInfo=Defines a form control group
-FONTTagInfo=Displays text in the given font
-FORMTagInfo=Defines an interactive form
-FRAMETagInfo=Defines a frame within the current window
-FRAMESETTagInfo=Defines a frameset that divides the window into frames
-H1TagInfo=A top-level heading
-H2TagInfo=A second-level heading
-H3TagInfo=A third-level heading
-H4TagInfo=A fourth-level heading
-H5TagInfo=A fifth-level heading
-H6TagInfo=A sixth-level heading
-HEADTagInfo=Contains metadata and window title information for the document
-HRTagInfo=A horizontal rule
-HTMLTagInfo=The root element for the document.
-ITagInfo=Displays text as italic
-IFRAMETagInfo=Defines an inline subwindow
-IMGTagInfo=Displays the referenced image as embedded content
-INPUTTagInfo=Defines a form control for user input
-INSTagInfo=Defines inserted text
-ISINDEXTagInfo=Defines a single line prompt
-KBDTagInfo=Defines text to be entered by the user
-LABELTagInfo=Defines the label for a form field
-LEGENDTagInfo=Defines the label for a set of form fields
-LITagInfo=Defines a list item within a list
-LINKTagInfo=A media-independent link
-MAPTagInfo=Defines a client-side image map
-MARQUEETagInfo=Displays text as scrolling. Not supported by W3C HTML 4.01.
-MENUTagInfo=Defines a menu list
-METATagInfo=Defines metadata information for the document
-NOBRTagInfo=Overrides and prevents line breaks. Not supported by W3C HTML 4.01.
-NOFRAMESTagInfo=Provides information to display if the current browser does not support frames
-NOSCRIPTTagInfo=Provides information to display if the current browser does not support scripting
-OBJECTTagInfo=Defines a generic embedded object
-OLTagInfo=An ordered list
-OPTGROUPTagInfo=An option group
-OPTIONTagInfo=A selectable choice
-PTagInfo=A paragraph
-PARAMTagInfo=A named property value
-PRETagInfo=Preformatted text
-QTagInfo=A short inline quotation
-STagInfo=Display text in strike-through style
-SAMPTagInfo=Sample program output, scripts, etc. Displays in monospace font.
-SCRIPTTagInfo=Script statements
-SELECTTagInfo=An option selector
-SMALLTagInfo=Displays text as small
-SPANTagInfo=A generic container, which can be used for defining language or style for the contents
-STRIKETagInfo=Display text in strike-through style
-STRONGTagInfo=Displays text as strongly emphasized (generally bold)
-STYLETagInfo=Defines a style for the contained information
-SUBTagInfo=Display as subscript
-SUPTagInfo=Display as superscript
-TABLETagInfo=Defines a table
-TBODYTagInfo=The body of the table
-TDTagInfo=A cell within a table
-TEXTAREATagInfo=A multi-line text field
-TFOOTTagInfo=A table footer
-THTagInfo=A table header cell
-THEADTagInfo=A table header
-TITLETagInfo=The document title, displayed in the browser's title bar
-TRTagInfo=A table row
-TTTagInfo=Displays text in teletype or monospaced text style
-UTagInfo=Displays text as underlined
-ULTagInfo=An unordered list
-VARTagInfo=An instance of a variable or program argument
-WBRTagInfo=Allows a line break within <B>&lt;NOBR&gt;</B> tag. Not supported by W3C HTML 4.01.

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