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Diffstat (limited to 'bundles/org.eclipse.jst.standard.schemas/dtdsAndSchemas/web-jsptaglibrary_1_2.dtd')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 468 deletions
diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.jst.standard.schemas/dtdsAndSchemas/web-jsptaglibrary_1_2.dtd b/bundles/org.eclipse.jst.standard.schemas/dtdsAndSchemas/web-jsptaglibrary_1_2.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 602eb5c98e..0000000000
--- a/bundles/org.eclipse.jst.standard.schemas/dtdsAndSchemas/web-jsptaglibrary_1_2.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
- Use is subject to license terms.
- -->
- This is the DTD defining the JavaServer Pages 1.2 Tag Library
- descriptor (.tld) (XML) file format/syntax.
- A Tag Library is a JAR file containing a valid instance of a Tag Library
- Descriptor (taglib.tld) file in the META-INF subdirectory, along with the
- appropriate implementing classes, and other resources required to
- implement the tags defined therein.
- Use is subject to license terms.
- -->
- "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.2//EN">
-This is the XML DTD for the JSP 1.2 Tag Library Descriptor.
-All JSP 1.2 tag library descriptors must include a DOCTYPE
-of the following form:
- <!DOCTYPE taglib
- PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.2//EN"
- "">
-The taglib tag is the document root, it defines:
-tlib-version the version of the tag library implementation
-jsp-version the version of JSP the tag library depends upon
-short-name a simple default short name that could be used by
- a JSP authoring tool to create names with a mnemonic
- value; for example, the it may be used as the prefered
- prefix value in taglib directives
-uri a uri uniquely identifying this taglib
-display-name the display-name element contains a short name that
- is intended to be displayed by tools
-small-icon optional small-icon that can be used by tools
-large-icon optional large-icon that can be used by tools
-description a simple string describing the "use" of this taglib,
- should be user discernable
-validator optional TagLibraryValidator information
-listener optional event listener specification
-<!ELEMENT taglib (tlib-version, jsp-version, short-name, uri?,
- display-name?, small-icon?, large-icon?, description?,
- validator?, listener*, tag+) >
-<!ATTLIST taglib id ID #IMPLIED
- xmlns CDATA #FIXED
- ""
-Describes this version (number) of the taglibrary (dewey decimal)
-#PCDATA ::= [0-9]*{ "."[0-9] }0..3
-<!ELEMENT tlib-version (#PCDATA) >
-Describes the JSP version (number) this taglibrary requires in
-order to function (dewey decimal)
-The default is 1.2
-#PCDATA ::= [0-9]*{ "."[0-9] }0..3
-<!ELEMENT jsp-version (#PCDATA) >
-Defines a short (default) short-name to be used for tags and
-variable names used/created by this tag library. Do not use
-white space, and do not start with digits or underscore.
-<!ELEMENT short-name (#PCDATA) >
-Defines a public URI that uniquely identifies this version of
-the taglibrary. Leave it empty if it does not apply.
-<!ELEMENT uri (#PCDATA) >
-Defines an arbitrary text string descirbing the tag library
-<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA) >
-Defines an optional validator that can be used to
-validate the conformance of a JSP page to using this tag library.
-<!ELEMENT validator (validator-class, init-param*, description?) >
-Defines the TagLibraryValidator class that can be used to
-validate the conformance of a JSP page to using this tag library.
-<!ELEMENT validator-class (#PCDATA) >
-The init-param element contains a name/value pair as an
-initialization param
-<!ELEMENT init-param (param-name, param-value, description?)>
-The param-name element contains the name of a parameter.
-<!ELEMENT param-name (#PCDATA)>
-The param-value element contains the value of a parameter.
-<!ELEMENT param-value (#PCDATA)>
-Defines an optional event listener object to be instantiated and
-registered automatically.
-<!ELEMENT listener (listener-class) >
-The listener-class element declares a class in the application that
-must be registered as a web application listener bean. See the
-Servlet 2.3 specification for details.
-<!ELEMENT listener-class (#PCDATA) >
-The tag defines a unique tag in this tag library. It has one
-attribute, id.
-The tag element may have several subelements defining:
-name The unique action name
-tag-class The tag handler class implementing
- javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
-tei-class An optional subclass of
- javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagExtraInfo
-body-content The body content type
-display-name A short name that is intended to be displayed
- by tools
-small-icon Optional small-icon that can be used by tools
-large-icon Optional large-icon that can be used by tools
-description Optional tag-specific information
-variable Optional scripting variable information
-attribute All attributes of this action
-example Optional informal description of an example of a
- use of this tag
-<!ELEMENT tag (name, tag-class, tei-class?, body-content?, display-name?,
- small-icon?, large-icon?, description?, variable*, attribute*,
- example?) >
-Defines the subclass of javax.serlvet.jsp.tagext.Tag that implements
-the request time semantics for this tag. (required)
-#PCDATA ::= fully qualified Java class name
-<!ELEMENT tag-class (#PCDATA) >
-Defines the subclass of javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagExtraInfo for
-this tag. (optional)
-If this is not given, the class is not consulted at translation time.
-#PCDATA ::= fully qualified Java class name
-<!ELEMENT tei-class (#PCDATA) >
-Provides a hint as to the content of the body of this tag. Primarily
-intended for use by page composition tools.
-There are currently three values specified:
-tagdependent The body of the tag is interpreted by the tag
- implementation itself, and is most likely in a
- different "langage", e.g embedded SQL statements.
-JSP The body of the tag contains nested JSP syntax
-empty The body must be empty
-The default (if not defined) is JSP
-#PCDATA ::= tagdependent | JSP | empty
-<!ELEMENT body-content (#PCDATA) >
-The display-name element contains a short name that is intended
-to be displayed by tools.
-<!ELEMENT display-name (#PCDATA) >
-The large-icon element contains the name of a file containing a large
-(32 x 32) icon image. The file name is a relative path within the
-tag library. The image must be either in the JPEG or GIF format, and
-the file name must end with the suffix ".jpg" or ".gif" respectively.
-The icon can be used by tools.
-<!ELEMENT large-icon (#PCDATA) >
-The small-icon element contains the name of a file containing a large
-(32 x 32) icon image. The file name is a relative path within the
-tag library. The image must be either in the JPEG or GIF format, and
-the file name must end with the suffix ".jpg" or ".gif" respectively.
-The icon can be used by tools.
-<!ELEMENT small-icon (#PCDATA) >
-The example element contains an informal description of an example
-of the use of a tag.
-<!ELEMENT example (#PCDATA) >
-The variable tag provides information on the scripting variables
-defined by this tag. It is a (translation time) error for a tag
-that has one or more variable subelements to have a TagExtraInfo
-class that returns a non-null object.
-The subelements of variable are of the form:
-name-given The variable name as a constant
-name-from-attribute The name of an attribute whose (translation
- time) value will give the name of the
- variable. One of name-given or
- name-from-attribute is required.
-variable-class Name of the class of the variable.
- java.lang.String is default.
-declare Whether the variable is declared or not.
- True is the default.
-scope The scope of the scripting varaible
- defined. NESTED is default.
-description Optional description of this variable
-<!ELEMENT variable ( (name-given | name-from-attribute), variable-class?,
- declare?, scope?, description?) >
-The name for the scripting variable. One of name-given or
-name-from-attribute is required.
-<!ELEMENT name-given (#PCDATA) >
-The name of an attribute whose (translation-time) value will give
-the name of the variable. One of name-given or name-from-attribute
-is required.
-<!ELEMENT name-from-attribute (#PCDATA) >
-The optional name of the class for the scripting variable. The
-default is java.lang.String.
-<!ELEMENT variable-class (#PCDATA) >
-Whether the scripting variable is to be defined or not. See
-TagExtraInfo for details. This element is optional and "true"
-is the default.
-<!ELEMENT declare (#PCDATA) >
-The scope of the scripting variable. See TagExtraInfo for details.
-The element is optional and "NESTED" is the default. Other legal
-values are "AT_BEGIN" and "AT_END".
-<!ELEMENT scope (#PCDATA) >
-The attribute tag defines an attribute for the nesting tag
-An attribute definition is composed of:
-- the attributes name (required)
-- if the attribute is required or optional (optional)
-- if the attributes value may be dynamically calculated at runtime
- by a scriptlet expression (optional)
-- the type of the attributes value (optional)
-- an informal description of the meaning of the attribute (optional)
-The attribute tag defines an attribute for the nesting tag
-An attribute definition is composed of:
-- the attributes name (required)
-- if the attribute is required or optional (optional)
-- if the attributes value may be dynamically calculated at runtime
- by a scriptlet expression (optional)
-- the type of the attributes value (optional)
-- an informal description of the meaning of the attribute (optional)
-<!ELEMENT attribute (name, required? , rtexprvalue?, type?, description?) >
-Defines the canonical name of a tag or attribute being defined
-<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA) >
-Defines if the nesting attribute is required or optional.
-#PCDATA ::= true | false | yes | no
-If not present then the default is "false", i.e the attribute
-is optional.
-<!ELEMENT required (#PCDATA) >
-Defines if the nesting attribute can have scriptlet expressions as
-a value, i.e the value of the attribute may be dynamically calculated
-at request time, as opposed to a static value determined at translation
-#PCDATA ::= true | false | yes | no
-If not present then the default is "false", i.e the attribute
-has a static value
-<!ELEMENT rtexprvalue (#PCDATA) >
-Defines the Java type of the attributes value. For static values
-(those determined at translation time) the type is always
-<!ELEMENT type (#PCDATA) >
-<!-- ID attributes -->
-<!ATTLIST tlib-version id ID #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST jsp-version id ID #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST short-name id ID #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST description id ID #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST example id ID #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST tag-class id ID #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST tei-class id ID #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST body-content id ID #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST attribute id ID #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST required id ID #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST rtexprvalue id ID #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST param-name id ID #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST param-value id ID #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST listener id ID #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST listener-class id ID #IMPLIED>

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