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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-06-05Bug 535318 - Update license to EPL-2.0 for platform.ui in about.htmlLars Vogel1-16/+24
2018-06-01Version 4.9 in plaform.ui as prep for the EPL 2.0 updateI20180601-0915I20180601-0900Lars Vogel2-2/+2
2018-05-30Bug 535191 - POM version change for 4.9 releaseLars Vogel1-1/+1
2018-04-03Bug 532806 - Update to latest Eclipse formatter profile inLars Vogel2-7/+29
2017-12-12[Bug 527855] Add Automatic-Module-Name to MANIFEST.MF forI20171212-2000Lars Vogel2-2/+3
2017-06-22Bug 517929 - Update POMs in the master for 4.8 release I20170622-0950Alexander Kurtakov1-1/+1
2017-04-14Bug 513377 - ExtendedObjectSupplier leak IRequestorDirk Fauth3-1/+8
2017-03-07Bug 513278 - Correct p2 capability advice settings for osgi.componentY20170309-1000S4_7_0_M6I20170308-2000I20170308-0800Dirk Fauth1-1/+1
2017-02-07Bug 463613 - Annotations in o.e.e4.core.di.extensions should be moved toI20170208-2000I20170208-0700Dirk Fauth2-4/+5
2016-09-19Bug 501330 - Remove unnecessary unbind methods after Bug 492726Dirk Fauth3-10/+4
2016-09-01Bug 462862 - [Metadata] Missing explicit dependency onDirk Fauth2-0/+5
2016-07-18Bug 497785 - Use DS annotations in o.e.e4.ui.diDirk Fauth3-6/+24
2016-06-30Bug 497052 - Move org.eclipse.e4.ui.di to 1.8Andrey Loskutov5-8/+8
2016-06-28Bug 496557 - Uses constraint violationDirk Fauth1-3/+3
2016-06-28Bug 496465: Prep for 4.7 (Oxygen) buildsMarkus Keller1-1/+1
2016-05-06Bug 492894 - Plug-in Version Update NeededSopot Cela2-2/+2
2015-09-22Bug 476364 - Refactor EventObjectSupplier to use DSAlex Blewitt3-1/+7
2015-07-27Bug 473681 - Run "Fix Copyrights" on source folder for plug-ins ofLars Vogel6-6/+6
2015-07-27Bug 473637 - Remove typo in @Focus annotation JavadocLars Vogel1-3/+5
2015-07-02Bug 469765: Prep for 4.6 (Neon) and 4.5 (Mars) maintenance builds - update pa...I20150707-0800Markus Keller1-1/+1
2015-04-22Bug 460383 - Move platform ui plugins to Java 1.7 BREEI20150422-1000Andrey Loskutov2-3/+3
2015-04-06Bug 460383 - Move platform ui plugins to Java 1.7 BREE - from Java 6I20150407-0800Andrey Loskutov5-8/+103
2015-03-09Bug 461685 - Fix whitespace issues in org.eclipse.e4.ui.diLars Vogel8-13/+306
2014-06-25Bug 436736 - Prep for 4.5 (Mars) and 4.4 maintenance buildsPaul Webster1-1/+1
2014-03-28Bug 431530 - Add @Override and @Deprecated annotations to platform.uiLars Vogel1-0/+4
2014-03-11Bug 430041 - (UI)EventTopicSupplier sends events to elements of aTom Schindl1-0/+5
2014-02-27Bug 429220 - Update remaining org.eclipse.e4.ui.* bundles to use JavaLars Vogel3-6/+5
2014-02-19Update java editor save actionsPaul Webster1-0/+54
2013-06-26Bug 411156 - Update parent POMs for LunaPaul Webster1-1/+1
2013-05-15Bug 407431 - Run fix copyrights tool on UI bundlesPaul Webster2-1/+11
2013-05-01Update the pom version to match the manifest.I20130507-0000I20130506-2000I20130505-2000I20130504-1500I20130503-2000I20130502-0800I20130501-2000I20130501-1400Paul Webster1-1/+1
2013-05-01Bug 406918 - add noextend and noinstantiate I20130501-1100Mike Rennie9-15/+39
2013-03-26Bug 403966 - Update Platform UI, UA, Runtime with new parent versionPaul Webster2-1/+3
2013-03-22Bug 403190 - Final e4 UI API for kepler - clean up API tools warnings /Mike Rennie1-1/+3
2013-03-20Bug 402915 - Enable API tools for the e4.ui bundles Mike Rennie2-0/+103
2013-02-20Bug 397850 - [CBI] use the correct group IDs for all artifactsv20130220-215121Paul Webster1-4/+2
2012-12-06Bug 389063 - Dynamic menu contribution call back similar to Eclipse 3 org.ui....v20121206-201754I20121210-0800I20121209-2000Marco Descher4-2/+68
2012-05-23Bug 380469 - Update version numbers on bundles that haven't been updatedv20120523-1955I20120523-1900Paul Webster2-2/+2
2012-05-21Add poms for Tycho buildv20120521-2329I20120522-1900Igor Fedorenko1-0/+26
2012-02-17Bugs 318866 & 327761 - Minimized stacks do not get updated icons or toolv20120217-1935droberts1-1/+5
2012-02-13Bug 371087 - [EAP] No way to store UI-State like in 3.x with IMementov20120213-1719Tom Schindl1-0/+33
2012-02-09Bug 370617 - Platform UI e4 bundles should use version ranges forv20120209-1845Curtis Windatt2-1/+33
2011-10-12Bug 356044 extra packages created when "import" from target as sourcev20111012-1223Remy Suen1-5/+1
2011-10-07Changed 'New text file line delimiter' to 'Unix'.v20111007-1320Dani Megert1-0/+2
2011-06-14Bug 349255 - [releng] Change our bundle version numbers for 4.1v20110613-2030Paul Webster1-1/+1
2011-06-03Bug 348123 - Annotation @PostConstruct not found by injectorv20110603-1130Paul Webster1-1/+1
2011-05-17Bug 344003 - e4 source bundles (still) need about.html filesJohn Arthorne1-0/+5
2011-03-03Bug 338559 - has a dependency on SWTv20110303-1630Thomas Schindl3-6/+41
2010-11-12Bug 330118 - Reduce number of RaTs created on context updateOleg Besedin1-1/+1
2010-10-19Bug 328163 - [contexts] Provide debug / trace functionalityOleg Besedin1-1/+1

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