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 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.ui.internal.editors.text;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree;

import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ListenerList;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SafeRunner;

import org.eclipse.jface.util.SafeRunnable;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CheckStateChangedEvent;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CheckboxTableViewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CheckboxTreeViewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ICheckStateListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredContentProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeContentProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeViewerListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredSelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeExpansionEvent;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerComparator;

 * XXX: This is an copy of the internal ResourceTreeAndListGroup class, see:

 * Workbench-level composite that combines a CheckboxTreeViewer and
 * CheckboxListViewer. All viewer selection-driven interactions are handled
 * within this object
class SelectResourcesBlock implements ICheckStateListener, ISelectionChangedListener, ITreeViewerListener {

	 * The IElementFilter is a interface that defines
	 * the API for filtering the current selection of
	 * a ResourceTreeAndListGroup in order to find a
	 * subset to update as the result of a type filtering.
	 * This is meant as an internal class and is used exclusively
	 * by the import dialog.
	interface IElementFilter {

		void filterElements(Collection elements) throws InterruptedException;

	    void filterElements(Object[] elements) throws InterruptedException;

	private Object root;

	private Object currentTreeSelection;

	private Collection expandedTreeNodes= new HashSet();

	private Map checkedStateStore= new HashMap(9);

	private Collection whiteCheckedTreeItems= new HashSet();

	private ListenerList listeners= new ListenerList(ListenerList.IDENTITY);

	private ITreeContentProvider treeContentProvider;

	private IStructuredContentProvider listContentProvider;

	private ILabelProvider treeLabelProvider;

	private ILabelProvider listLabelProvider;

	// widgets
	private CheckboxTreeViewer treeViewer;

	private CheckboxTableViewer listViewer;

	//height hint for viewers
	private static int PREFERRED_HEIGHT= 150;

	 * Create an instance of this class. Use this constructor if you wish to specify the width
	 * and/or height of the combined widget (to only hard code one of the sizing dimensions, specify
	 * the other dimension's value as -1)
	 * @param parent the parent composite
	 * @param rootObject the root object
	 * @param treeContentProvider the tree content provider
	 * @param treeLabelProvider the tree label provider
	 * @param listContentProvider the list content provider
	 * @param listLabelProvider the list label provider
	 * @param style the style flags for the new Composite
	 * @param useHeightHint If true then use the height hint to make this group big enough
	public SelectResourcesBlock(Composite parent, Object rootObject, ITreeContentProvider treeContentProvider, ILabelProvider treeLabelProvider, IStructuredContentProvider listContentProvider, ILabelProvider listLabelProvider, int style, boolean useHeightHint) {

		root= rootObject;
		this.treeContentProvider= treeContentProvider;
		this.listContentProvider= listContentProvider;
		this.treeLabelProvider= treeLabelProvider;
		this.listLabelProvider= listLabelProvider;
		createContents(parent, style, useHeightHint);

	 * Add the passed listener to self's collection of clients that listen for
	 * changes to element checked states
	 * @param listener ICheckStateListener
	public void addCheckStateListener(ICheckStateListener listener) {

	 * Iterates over the passed elements which are being realized for the
	 * first time and check each one in the tree viewer as appropriate.
	 * @param elements the elements
	private void checkNewTreeElements(Object[] elements) {
		for (int i= 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
			Object currentElement= elements[i];
			boolean checked= checkedStateStore.containsKey(currentElement);
			treeViewer.setChecked(currentElement, checked);
			treeViewer.setGrayed(currentElement, checked && !whiteCheckedTreeItems.contains(currentElement));

	 * An item was checked in one of self's two views. Determine which view this
	 * occurred in and delegate appropriately
	 * @param event the check state event
	 * @see org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ICheckStateListener#checkStateChanged(org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CheckStateChangedEvent)
	public void checkStateChanged(final CheckStateChangedEvent event) {

		//Potentially long operation - show a busy cursor
		BusyIndicator.showWhile(treeViewer.getControl().getDisplay(), new Runnable() {
			public void run() {
				if (event.getCheckable().equals(treeViewer))
					treeItemChecked(event.getElement(), event.getChecked());
					listItemChecked(event.getElement(), event.getChecked(), true);


	 * Lay out and initialize self's visual components.
	 * @param parent org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite
	 * @param style the style flags for the new Composite
	 * @param useHeightHint If true use the preferredHeight.
	private void createContents(Composite parent, int style, boolean useHeightHint) {
		// group pane
		Composite composite= new Composite(parent, style);
		GridLayout layout= new GridLayout();
		layout.numColumns= 2;
		layout.makeColumnsEqualWidth= true;
		layout.marginHeight= 0;
		layout.marginWidth= 0;
		composite.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH));

		createTreeViewer(composite, useHeightHint);
		createListViewer(composite, useHeightHint);


	 * Creates this block's list viewer.
	 * @param parent the parent control
	 * @param useHeightHint if <code>true</code> use the height hints
	private void createListViewer(Composite parent, boolean useHeightHint) {
		listViewer= CheckboxTableViewer.newCheckList(parent, SWT.BORDER);
		GridData data= new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH);
		if (useHeightHint)
			data.heightHint= PREFERRED_HEIGHT;

	 * Create this block's tree viewer.
	 * @param parent the parent control
	 * @param useHeightHint if <code>true</code> use the height hints
	private void createTreeViewer(Composite parent, boolean useHeightHint) {
		Tree tree= new Tree(parent, SWT.CHECK | SWT.BORDER);
		GridData data= new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH);
		if (useHeightHint)
			data.heightHint= PREFERRED_HEIGHT;

		treeViewer= new CheckboxTreeViewer(tree);

	 * Returns a boolean indicating whether the passed tree element should be at
	 * LEAST gray-checked. Note that this method does not consider whether it
	 * should be white-checked, so a specified tree item which should be
	 * white-checked will result in a <code>true</code> answer from this
	 * method.
	 * @param treeElement java.lang.Object
	 * @return boolean
	private boolean determineShouldBeAtLeastGrayChecked(Object treeElement) {
		// if any list items associated with treeElement are checked then it
		// retains its gray-checked status regardless of its children
		List checked= (List) checkedStateStore.get(treeElement);
		if (checked != null && (!checked.isEmpty()))
			return true;

		// if any children of treeElement are still gray-checked then
		// treeElement
		// must remain gray-checked as well. Only ask expanded nodes
		if (expandedTreeNodes.contains(treeElement)) {
			Object[] children= treeContentProvider.getChildren(treeElement);
			for (int i= 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
				if (checkedStateStore.containsKey(children[i]))
					return true;

		return false;

	 * Expands an element in a tree viewer.
	 * @param element the element to be expanded
	private void expandTreeElement(final Object element) {
		BusyIndicator.showWhile(treeViewer.getControl().getDisplay(), new Runnable() {
			public void run() {

				// First see if the children need to be given their checked
				// state at all. If they've
				// already been realized then this won't be necessary
				if (expandedTreeNodes.contains(element))
				else {

					if (whiteCheckedTreeItems.contains(element)) {
						//If this is the first expansion and this is a white
						// checked node then check the children
						Object[] children= treeContentProvider.getChildren(element);
						for (int i= 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
							if (!whiteCheckedTreeItems.contains(children[i])) {
								Object child= children[i];
								setWhiteChecked(child, true);
								treeViewer.setChecked(child, true);
								checkedStateStore.put(child, new ArrayList());

						//Now be sure to select the list of items too


	 * Adds all of the selected children of <code>treeElement</code> to result recursively. This
	 * does not set any values in the checked state.
	 * @param  treeElement the tree element being queried
	 * @param parentLabel the parent label
	 * @param addAll a boolean to indicate if the checked state store needs to be queried
	 * @param filter the filter being used on the data
	 * @throws InterruptedException in case of interruption
	private void findAllSelectedListElements(Object treeElement, String parentLabel, boolean addAll, IElementFilter filter) throws InterruptedException {

		String fullLabel= null;

		if (addAll)
		else { //Add what we have stored
			if (checkedStateStore.containsKey(treeElement))
				filter.filterElements((Collection) checkedStateStore.get(treeElement));

		Object[] treeChildren= treeContentProvider.getChildren(treeElement);
		for (int i= 0; i < treeChildren.length; i++) {
			Object child= treeChildren[i];
			if (addAll)
				findAllSelectedListElements(child, fullLabel, true, filter);
			else { //Only continue for those with checked state
				if (checkedStateStore.containsKey(child))
					findAllSelectedListElements(child, fullLabel, whiteCheckedTreeItems.contains(child), filter);


	 * Find all of the white checked children of the treeElement and add them to
	 * the collection. If the element itself is white select add it. If not then
	 * add any selected list elements and recurse down to the children.
	 * @param treeElement java.lang.Object
	 * @param result java.util.Collection
	private void findAllWhiteCheckedItems(Object treeElement, Collection result) {

		if (whiteCheckedTreeItems.contains(treeElement))
		else {
			Collection listChildren= (Collection) checkedStateStore.get(treeElement);
			//if it is not in the store then it and it's children are not
			// interesting
			if (listChildren == null)
			Object[] children= treeContentProvider.getChildren(treeElement);
			for (int i= 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
				findAllWhiteCheckedItems(children[i], result);

	 * Returns a flat list of all of the leaf elements which are checked. Filter
	 * then based on the supplied ElementFilter. If monitor is canceled then
	 * return null
	 * @param filter - the filter for the data
	 * @throws InterruptedException in case of interruption
	private void getAllCheckedListItems(IElementFilter filter) throws InterruptedException {
		//Iterate through the children of the root as the root is not in the store
		Object[] children= treeContentProvider.getChildren(root);
		for (int i= 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
			findAllSelectedListElements(children[i], null, whiteCheckedTreeItems.contains(children[i]), filter);

	 * Returns a flat list of all of the leaf elements which are checked.
	 * @return all of the leaf elements which are checked. This API does not
	 *         return null in order to keep backwards compatibility.
	public List getAllCheckedListItems() {

		final ArrayList returnValue= new ArrayList();

		IElementFilter passThroughFilter= new IElementFilter() {

			public void filterElements(Collection elements) throws InterruptedException {

			public void filterElements(Object[] elements) throws InterruptedException {
				for (int i= 0; i < elements.length; i++) {

		try {
		} catch (InterruptedException exception) {
			return new ArrayList();
		return returnValue;


	 * Returns a list of all of the items that are white checked. Any folders
	 * that are white checked are added and then any files from white checked
	 * folders are added.
	 * @return the list of all of the items that are white checked
	public List getAllWhiteCheckedItems() {

		List result= new ArrayList();

		//Iterate through the children of the root as the root is not in the
		// store
		Object[] children= treeContentProvider.getChildren(root);
		for (int i= 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
			findAllWhiteCheckedItems(children[i], result);

		return result;

	 * Logically gray-check all ancestors of <code>treeElement</code> by ensuring that they
	 * appear in the checked table.
	 * @param treeElement the tree element
	private void grayCheckHierarchy(Object treeElement) {

		//expand the element first to make sure we have populated for it

		// if this tree element is already gray then its ancestors all are as
		// well
		if (checkedStateStore.containsKey(treeElement))
			return; // no need to proceed upwards from here

		checkedStateStore.put(treeElement, new ArrayList());
		Object parent= treeContentProvider.getParent(treeElement);
		if (parent != null)

	 * Set the checked state of self and all ancestors appropriately. Do not
	 * white check anyone - this is only done down a hierarchy.
	 * @param treeElement the tree element
	private void grayUpdateHierarchy(Object treeElement) {

		boolean shouldBeAtLeastGray= determineShouldBeAtLeastGrayChecked(treeElement);

		treeViewer.setGrayChecked(treeElement, shouldBeAtLeastGray);

		if (whiteCheckedTreeItems.contains(treeElement))

		// proceed up the tree element hierarchy
		Object parent= treeContentProvider.getParent(treeElement);
		if (parent != null) {

	public void selectAndReveal(Object treeElement) {
		IStructuredSelection selection= new StructuredSelection(treeElement);

	 * Initialize this group's viewers after they have been laid out.
	private void initialize() {
		this.expandedTreeNodes= new ArrayList();


	 * Callback that's invoked when the checked status of an item in the list is
	 * changed by the user. Do not try and update the hierarchy if we are
	 * building the initial list.
	 * @param listElement the list element
	 * @param state the checked state
	 * @param updatingFromSelection <code>true</code> if we are inside an
	 *            update caused by selection
	private void listItemChecked(Object listElement, boolean state, boolean updatingFromSelection) {
		List checkedListItems= (List) checkedStateStore.get(currentTreeSelection);
		//If it has not been expanded do so as the selection of list items will
		// affect gray state
		if (!expandedTreeNodes.contains(currentTreeSelection))

		if (state) {
			if (checkedListItems == null) {
				// since the associated tree item has gone from 0 -> 1 checked
				// list items, tree checking may need to be updated
				checkedListItems= (List) checkedStateStore.get(currentTreeSelection);
		} else {
			if (checkedListItems.isEmpty()) {
				// since the associated tree item has gone from 1 -> 0 checked
				// list items, tree checking may need to be updated

		//Update the list with the selections if there are any
		if (checkedListItems.size() > 0)
			checkedStateStore.put(currentTreeSelection, checkedListItems);
		if (updatingFromSelection)

	 * Notify all checked state listeners with the given event.
	 * @param event the event
	private void notifyCheckStateChangeListeners(final CheckStateChangedEvent event) {
		Object[] array= listeners.getListeners();
		for (int i= 0; i < array.length; i++) {
			final ICheckStateListener l= (ICheckStateListener) array[i]; SafeRunnable() {
				public void run() {

	 * Set the contents of the list viewer based upon the specified selected
	 * tree element. This also includes checking the appropriate list items.
	 * @param treeElement java.lang.Object
	private void populateListViewer(final Object treeElement) {

		//If the element is white checked but not expanded we have not set up
		// all of the children yet
		if (!(expandedTreeNodes.contains(treeElement)) && whiteCheckedTreeItems.contains(treeElement)) {

			//Potentially long operation - show a busy cursor
			BusyIndicator.showWhile(treeViewer.getControl().getDisplay(), new Runnable() {
				public void run() {

		} else {
			List listItemsToCheck= (List) checkedStateStore.get(treeElement);

			if (listItemsToCheck != null) {
				Iterator listItemsEnum= listItemsToCheck.iterator();
				while (listItemsEnum.hasNext())
					listViewer.setChecked(, true);

	 * Logically gray-check all ancestors of <code>item</code> by ensuring
	 * that they appear in the checked table. Add any elements to the
	 * <code>selectedNodes</code> so we can track that has been done.
	 * @param item the tree item
	 * @param selectedNodes the set of selected nodes
	private void primeHierarchyForSelection(Object item, Set selectedNodes) {

		//Only prime it if we haven't visited yet
		if (selectedNodes.contains(item))

		checkedStateStore.put(item, new ArrayList());

		//mark as expanded as we are going to populate it after this

		Object parent= treeContentProvider.getParent(item);
		if (parent != null)
			primeHierarchyForSelection(parent, selectedNodes);

	 * Remove the passed listener from self's collection of clients that listen
	 * for changes to element checked states
	 * @param listener ICheckStateListener
	public void removeCheckStateListener(ICheckStateListener listener) {

	 * Handle the selection of an item in the tree viewer
	 * @param event SelectionChangedEvent
	public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
		IStructuredSelection selection= (IStructuredSelection) event.getSelection();
		Object selectedElement= selection.getFirstElement();
		if (selectedElement == null) {
			currentTreeSelection= null;

		// i.e.- if not an item deselection
		if (selectedElement != currentTreeSelection)

		currentTreeSelection= selectedElement;

	 * Select or deselect all of the elements in the tree depending on the value
	 * of <code>selection</code>. Be sure to update the displayed files as
	 * well.
	 * @param selection <code>true</code> if selection should be set,
	 *            <code>false</code> if it should be removed
	public void setAllSelections(final boolean selection) {

		//If there is no root there is nothing to select
		if (root == null)

		//Potentially long operation - show a busy cursor
		BusyIndicator.showWhile(treeViewer.getControl().getDisplay(), new Runnable() {
			public void run() {
				setTreeChecked(root, selection);

	 * The treeElement has been white selected. Get the list for the element and
	 * set it in the checked state store.
	 * @param treeElement the element being updated
	private void setListForWhiteSelection(Object treeElement) {

		Object[] listItems= listContentProvider.getElements(treeElement);
		List listItemsChecked= new ArrayList();
		for (int i= 0; i < listItems.length; ++i) {

		checkedStateStore.put(treeElement, listItemsChecked);

	 * Set the <code>comparator</code> that is to be applied to self's list viewer
	 * @param comparator the comparator to be set
	public void setListComparator(ViewerComparator comparator) {

	 * Set the checked state of the passed <code>treeElement</code>
	 * appropriately, and do so recursively to all of its child tree elements as
	 * well.
	 * @param treeElement the root of the subtree
	 * @param state <code>true</code> if checked, <code>false</code> otherwise
	private void setTreeChecked(Object treeElement, boolean state) {

		if (treeElement.equals(currentTreeSelection)) {

		if (state) {
		} else

		setWhiteChecked(treeElement, state);
		treeViewer.setChecked(treeElement, state);
		treeViewer.setGrayed(treeElement, false);

		// now logically check/uncheck all children as well if it has been
		// expanded
		if (expandedTreeNodes.contains(treeElement)) {
			Object[] children= treeContentProvider.getChildren(treeElement);
			for (int i= 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
				setTreeChecked(children[i], state);

	 * Set the comparator that is to be applied to self's tree viewer.
	 * @param comparator the comparator to be set
	public void setTreeComparator(ViewerComparator comparator) {

	 * Adjust the collection of references to white-checked tree elements
	 * appropriately.
	 * @param treeElement the root of the subtree
	 * @param isWhiteChecked <code>true</code> if white checked,
	 *            <code>false</code> otherwise
	private void setWhiteChecked(Object treeElement, boolean isWhiteChecked) {
		if (isWhiteChecked) {
			if (!whiteCheckedTreeItems.contains(treeElement))
		} else

	 * Handle the collapsing of an element in a tree viewer.
	 * @param event the collapse event
	public void treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent event) {
		// We don't need to do anything with this

	 * Handle the expansion of an element in a tree viewer.
	 * @param event the expansion event
	public void treeExpanded(TreeExpansionEvent event) {

	 * Callback that's invoked when the checked status of an item in the tree is
	 * changed by the user.
	 * @param treeElement the tree element that has been checked/unchecked
	 * @param state <code>true</code> if checked, <code>false</code> if
	 *            unchecked
	private void treeItemChecked(Object treeElement, boolean state) {

		// recursively adjust all child tree elements appropriately
		setTreeChecked(treeElement, state);

		Object parent= treeContentProvider.getParent(treeElement);
		if (parent == null)

		// now update upwards in the tree hierarchy
		if (state)

		//Update the hierarchy but do not white select the parent

	 * Logically un-gray-check all ancestors of <code>treeElement</code> if
	 * appropriate.
	 * @param treeElement the root of the subtree
	private void ungrayCheckHierarchy(Object treeElement) {
		if (!determineShouldBeAtLeastGrayChecked(treeElement))

		Object parent= treeContentProvider.getParent(treeElement);
		if (parent != null)

	 * Update the selections of the tree elements in items to reflect the new
	 * selections provided.
	 * @param items Map with keys of Object (the tree element) and values of
	 *            List (the selected list elements). NOTE: This method does not
	 *            special case keys with no values (i.e., a tree element with an
	 *            empty list). If a tree element does not have any selected
	 *            items, do not include the element in the Map.
	public void updateSelections(Map items) {
		// We are replacing all selected items with the given selected items,
		// so reinitialize everything.
		this.treeViewer.setCheckedElements(new Object[0]);
		this.whiteCheckedTreeItems= new HashSet();
		Set selectedNodes= new HashSet();
		checkedStateStore= new HashMap();

		//Update the store before the hierarchy to prevent updating parents
		// before all of the children are done
		Iterator keyIterator= items.keySet().iterator();
		while (keyIterator.hasNext()) {
			Object key=;
			primeHierarchyForSelection(key, selectedNodes);
			checkedStateStore.put(key, items.get(key));

		// Update the checked tree items. Since each tree item has a selected
		// item, all the tree items will be gray checked.

		// Update the listView of the currently selected tree item.
		if (currentTreeSelection != null) {
			Object displayItems= items.get(currentTreeSelection);
			if (displayItems != null)
				listViewer.setCheckedElements(((List) displayItems).toArray());

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