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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2019-03-20Remove useless non-javadoc see comments. (take 2)Alexander Kurtakov1-16/+0
2018-08-21Bug 535802 - EPL-2.0 for platform.debug plug-insY20180823-0800Y20180822-2200S4_9_0_M3I20180823-0450I20180823-0430I20180823-0100I20180822-2000I20180822-0800I20180821-2000Lars Vogel1-3/+6
2017-01-13Bug 510100 - [cleanup] Get rid of trailing white space in platform.debugY20170119-1000I20170119-2000I20170119-1010I20170119-0345I20170118-2000I20170118-1215I20170117-2000I20170116-2000I20170115-2000I20170114-2000I20170113-2000Andrey Loskutov1-17/+17
2013-07-31Bug 352626 - Move platform debug to Java 1.6 BREEMike Rennie1-1/+6
2009-11-30updated copyrightMichael Rennie1-1/+1
2009-11-30 Bug 296461 - Source lookup dialog does not have a descriptionMichael Rennie1-0/+1
2008-05-29copyright updatesDarin Wright1-2/+2
2008-03-07Bug 221905 clean up javadoc tagsMichael Rennie1-2/+1
2008-02-27trying api toolingMichael Rennie1-0/+1
2006-11-24Bug 165829Michael Rennie1-1/+2
2006-11-16Bug 164682Michael Rennie1-1/+16
2006-02-09fix for bug 125236Michael Rennie1-2/+1
2006-01-14Bug 111530 - update dialog size/position persistanceDarin Swanson1-22/+13
2005-08-05Bug 106178 - Remove uneccessary NLS tagsDarin Wright1-2/+2
2005-06-02Bug 97628 - Edit source path dialog not re-sizeableDarin Wright1-0/+2
2005-06-02Bug 97628 - Edit source path dialog not re-sizeableDarin Wright1-1/+24
2005-04-07Bug 90318 - Change string externalization to use new formatKevin Barnes1-2/+2
2005-02-24CPL --> EPLDarin Swanson1-4/+4
2005-02-01WorkbenchHelp deprecationsDarin Swanson1-2/+2
2004-05-07Bug 61427 - LaunchConfigurationDialog leaked for each useDarin Swanson1-1/+8
2004-04-19API review - internalize some contantsDarin Wright1-2/+2
2004-04-07Bug 29890 - Debug Platform Source Lookup FacilitesDarin Wright1-3/+3
2004-04-06Bug 29890 - Debug Platform Source Lookup FacilitesDarin Wright1-0/+107

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