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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-11-19Bug 533667: the nameNicolas FAUVERGUE1-10/+10
2018-01-09Bug 515367 - [releng] Uniformization of the end of lines to Unix standardQuentin Le Menez1-835/+835
2017-09-01Bug 520836: [SequenceDiagram] Some Links EditPart doesn't implementptessier1-41/+75
2017-05-08Bug 515998 - [SequenceDiagram] Fix existed Tests for the Sequenceptessier1-49/+38
2017-05-08format sequence codeptessier1-7/+32
2017-01-27Bug 510889 - [GMFT] Fork gmft.runtimeBenoit Maggi1-32/+7
2016-09-20500119: [Diagram Generation] Generate diagram for the version oxygenPatrick Tessier1-0/+812

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