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authorStephan Herrmann2014-01-02 20:06:15 +0000
committerStephan Herrmann2014-01-02 21:53:09 +0000
commitaf4fd6e163e73e0277be2831b65124121ae61b6a (patch)
treef498f1bea84ae16d8081aaba1f40c4a5158e165b /org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/lookup/
parent2fff6df1ea3b14f69d654fa93601c74c4e0b4964 (diff)
Update jdt.core from origin BETA_JAVA8 with
Diffstat (limited to 'org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/lookup/')
1 files changed, 393 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/lookup/ b/org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/lookup/
index c33f02e30..1be22f6d0 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/lookup/
+++ b/org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/lookup/
@@ -14,67 +14,437 @@
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.SimpleLookupTable;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util;
+import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.DependentTypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.ITeamAnchor;
+import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.RoleTypeBinding;
-public abstract class TypeSystem {
+/* TypeSystem: An abstraction responsible for keeping track of types that undergo "derivation" of some sort and the derived types produced thus.
+ Here we use the term derivation in the Pascal sense and not per object oriented parlance.
+ As of Java SE8, a type can undergo derivation in a bunch of ways:
+ - By being created arrays out of,
+ - By being parameterized,
+ - By being created raw forms of,
+ - By being the generic type which a wildcard type or an intersection type parameterizes,
+ - By being annotated.
+ It is the responsibility of the TypeSystem to serve as the factory and ensure that unique types are created and maintained. Most of the
+ compiler depends on object identity given the derivation parameters are the same. E.g: If we dole out non-unique ParameterizedTypeBinding's
+ for two attempts to create List<String>, then one cannot be assigned to the other.
+ Till Java SE7, we could manage to create a single binding for a type - not so with annotations coming into the picture. In order for
+ two uses of the same type to be annotated differently, the bindings for them need to be distinct and cannot be shared. If we start
+ doling out different bindings, then validating type identity and equivalence becomes an issue.
+ What we do to solve the problem is produce different bindings when they need to be annotated differently, but stamp them with the
+ same id (TypeBinding#id). Thus types that fail == or != could quickly be ascertained to be mere annotation variants by comparing
+ the id field.
+ This class is responsible for id stamping unique types. Only those types that are "derived from" in some form or participate in the
+ derivation in some form (by being type arguments say) get tracked and id'd here. A type which is not thus derived from in one form or
+ the other or participate in the derivation thus - we are completely oblivious to.
+ computation: For primitive types and certain "well known" types, id assignment happens elsewhere. Here we start with an
+ id value that is suitably high and proceed monotonically upwards so we will not accidentally collide with the id space in use already.
+ id assignments happens in such a way that a naked type and its annotated variants - variously annotated - would all share the same id.
+ Example: @T1 Map<@T2 String, @T3 Object> and Map<@T4 String, @T5 Object> and @T6 Map<String, Object> and @T7 Map<String, @T8 Object> and
+ Map<String, @T9 Object> would all share the same id since the unadorned naked type in each case is the same: Map<String, Object>. None
+ of this would share the id with Map<String, String>. Briefly put, if you take a certain annotated type and strip it of all annotations
+ to come up with the naked type, that naked type and the annotated type would have the same id. Alternately, if you take a certain naked
+ type and arrive at the universe of all differently annotated types, they would all share the same id while their bindings could be different -
+ would be different unless they are identically annotated.
+ Thus subsystems that are annotation agnostic could quickly ascertain binding equality by comparing the id field.
+public class TypeSystem {
- public boolean isAnnotatedTypeSystem() {
- return false;
+ private int typeid = TypeIds.T_LastWellKnownTypeId;
+ private TypeBinding [][] types;
+ private SimpleLookupTable annotationTypes; // cannot store in types, since AnnotationBinding is not a TypeBinding and we don't want types to operate at Binding level.
+ private LookupEnvironment environment;
+ public TypeSystem(LookupEnvironment environment) {
+ this.environment = environment;
+ this.annotationTypes = new SimpleLookupTable(16);
+ this.typeid = TypeIds.T_LastWellKnownTypeId;
+ this.types = new TypeBinding[TypeIds.T_LastWellKnownTypeId * 2][];
- public abstract AnnotationBinding getAnnotationType(ReferenceBinding annotationType, boolean requireResolved);
+ // Given a type, answer its unannotated aka naked prototype. This is also a convenient way to "register" a type with TypeSystem and have it id stamped.
+ public final TypeBinding getUnannotatedType(TypeBinding type) {
+ if ( == TypeIds.NoId) {
+ if (type.hasTypeAnnotations())
+ throw new IllegalStateException();
+ int typesLength = this.types.length;
+ if (this.typeid == typesLength)
+ System.arraycopy(this.types, 0, this.types = new TypeBinding[typesLength * 2][], 0, typesLength);
+ this.types[ = this.typeid++] = new TypeBinding[4];
+ } else {
+ TypeBinding nakedType = this.types[] == null ? null : this.types[][0];
+ if (type.hasTypeAnnotations() && nakedType == null)
+ throw new IllegalStateException();
+ if (nakedType != null)
+ return nakedType;
+ this.types[] = new TypeBinding[4]; // well known type, assigned id elsewhere.
+ }
- public abstract ArrayBinding getArrayType(TypeBinding leafComponentType, int dimensions);
+ return this.types[][0] = type;
+ }
+ // Given a type, return all its variously annotated versions.
+ public TypeBinding[] getAnnotatedTypes(TypeBinding type) {
+ return Binding.NO_TYPES;
+ }
+ /* Note: parameters will not have type type annotations if lookup environment directly uses TypeSystem as its typeSystem. When ATS is used however
+ they may be annotated and we need to materialize the unannotated versions and work on them.
+ */
+ public ArrayBinding getArrayType(TypeBinding leafType, int dimensions) {
+ TypeBinding unannotatedLeafType = getUnannotatedType(leafType);
+ TypeBinding[] derivedTypes = this.types[];
+ int i, length = derivedTypes.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ TypeBinding derivedType = derivedTypes[i];
+ if (derivedType == null)
+ break;
+ if (!derivedType.isArrayType() || derivedType.hasTypeAnnotations())
+ continue;
+ if (derivedType.leafComponentType() == unannotatedLeafType && derivedType.dimensions() == dimensions)
+ return (ArrayBinding) derivedType;
+ }
+ if (i == length) {
+ System.arraycopy(derivedTypes, 0, derivedTypes = new TypeBinding[length * 2], 0, length);
+ this.types[] = derivedTypes;
+ }
+ TypeBinding arrayType = derivedTypes[i] = new ArrayBinding(unannotatedLeafType, dimensions, this.environment);
+ int typesLength = this.types.length;
+ if (this.typeid == typesLength)
+ System.arraycopy(this.types, 0, this.types = new TypeBinding[typesLength * 2][], 0, typesLength);
+ this.types[this.typeid] = new TypeBinding[1];
+ return (ArrayBinding) (this.types[ = this.typeid++][0] = arrayType);
+ }
public ArrayBinding getArrayType(TypeBinding leafComponentType, int dimensions, AnnotationBinding[] annotations) {
return getArrayType(leafComponentType, dimensions);
-//{ObjectTeams: 2 parameters added:
+ public ReferenceBinding getMemberType(ReferenceBinding memberType, ReferenceBinding enclosingType) {
+ return memberType; // nothing to do for plain vanilla type system, they are already hooked.
+ }
+ /* Note: parameters will not have type type annotations if lookup environment directly uses TypeSystem. When AnnotatableTypeSystem is in use
+ they may and we need to materialize the unannotated versions and work on them.
+ */
+ public ParameterizedTypeBinding getParameterizedType(ReferenceBinding genericType, TypeBinding[] typeArguments, ReferenceBinding enclosingType) {
+//{ObjectTeams: more arguments for role types:
+ return getParameterizedType(genericType, typeArguments, null, -1, enclosingType);
+ }
+ public ParameterizedTypeBinding getParameterizedType(ReferenceBinding genericType, TypeBinding[] typeArguments,
+ ITeamAnchor teamAnchor, int valueParamPosition, ReferenceBinding enclosingType) {
+ if (teamAnchor == null && genericType instanceof DependentTypeBinding)
+ teamAnchor = ((DependentTypeBinding) genericType)._teamAnchor;
+// SH}
+ ReferenceBinding unannotatedGenericType = (ReferenceBinding) getUnannotatedType(genericType);
+ int typeArgumentsLength = typeArguments == null ? 0: typeArguments.length;
+ TypeBinding [] unannotatedTypeArguments = typeArguments == null ? null : new TypeBinding[typeArgumentsLength];
+ for (int i = 0; i < typeArgumentsLength; i++) {
+ unannotatedTypeArguments[i] = getUnannotatedType(typeArguments[i]);
+ }
+ ReferenceBinding unannotatedEnclosingType = enclosingType == null ? null : (ReferenceBinding) getUnannotatedType(enclosingType);
+ TypeBinding[] derivedTypes = this.types[];
+ int i, length = derivedTypes.length;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < length; i++) {
+ TypeBinding derivedType = derivedTypes[i];
+ if (derivedType == null)
+ break;
+//{ObjectTeams: parameterized and/or anchored?
/* orig:
- public abstract ParameterizedTypeBinding getParameterizedType (ReferenceBinding genericType, TypeBinding[] typeArguments, ReferenceBinding enclosingType);
+ if (!derivedType.isParameterizedType() || derivedType.actualType() != unannotatedGenericType || derivedType.hasTypeAnnotations())
+ continue;
:giro */
- public abstract ParameterizedTypeBinding getParameterizedType(ReferenceBinding genericType, TypeBinding[] typeArguments,
- ITeamAnchor teamAnchor, int valueParamPosition, ReferenceBinding enclosingType);
+ if (!(derivedType instanceof ParameterizedTypeBinding)) // roles might answer 'false' to isParameterized(), still they are valid candidates, here
+ continue;
+ if (derivedType.actualType() != unannotatedGenericType)
+ continue;
+ if (derivedType.isRawType() && unannotatedTypeArguments != null)
+ continue;
+ // also match team anchor if given:
+ if (!isRoleTypeMatch(teamAnchor, valueParamPosition, derivedType))
+ continue;
+ if (derivedType.enclosingType() == unannotatedEnclosingType && Util.effectivelyEqual(derivedType.typeArguments(), unannotatedTypeArguments))
+ return (ParameterizedTypeBinding) derivedType;
+ }
+ if (i == length) {
+ System.arraycopy(derivedTypes, 0, derivedTypes = new TypeBinding[length * 2], 0, length);
+ this.types[] = derivedTypes;
+ }
+//{ObjectTeams: dependent type?
+/* orig:
+ TypeBinding parameterizedType = derivedTypes[i] = new ParameterizedTypeBinding(unannotatedGenericType, unannotatedTypeArguments, unannotatedEnclosingType, this.environment);
+ :giro */
+ ParameterizedTypeBinding parameterizedType;
+ if (teamAnchor == null) {
+ parameterizedType = new ParameterizedTypeBinding(unannotatedGenericType,unannotatedTypeArguments, unannotatedEnclosingType, this.environment);
+ } else {
+ if (genericType.isRole()) {
+ parameterizedType = new RoleTypeBinding(unannotatedGenericType, unannotatedTypeArguments, teamAnchor, unannotatedEnclosingType, this.environment);
+ } else {
+ parameterizedType = new DependentTypeBinding(unannotatedGenericType, unannotatedTypeArguments, teamAnchor, valueParamPosition, unannotatedEnclosingType, this.environment);
+ }
+ }
+ derivedTypes[i] = parameterizedType;
+// SH}
+ int typesLength = this.types.length;
+ if (this.typeid == typesLength)
+ System.arraycopy(this.types, 0, this.types = new TypeBinding[typesLength * 2][], 0, typesLength);
+ this.types[this.typeid] = new TypeBinding[1];
+ return (ParameterizedTypeBinding) (this.types[ = this.typeid++][0] = parameterizedType);
+ }
+//{ObjectTeams: more parameters:
/* orig:
public ParameterizedTypeBinding getParameterizedType(ReferenceBinding genericType, TypeBinding[] typeArguments, ReferenceBinding enclosingType, AnnotationBinding[] annotations) {
return getParameterizedType(genericType, typeArguments, enclosingType);
:giro */
public ParameterizedTypeBinding getParameterizedType(ReferenceBinding genericType, TypeBinding[] typeArguments,
- ITeamAnchor teamAnchor, int valueParamPosition, ReferenceBinding enclosingType, AnnotationBinding[] annotations) {
+ ITeamAnchor teamAnchor, int valueParamPosition, ReferenceBinding enclosingType, AnnotationBinding[] annotations) {
return getParameterizedType(genericType, typeArguments, teamAnchor, valueParamPosition, enclosingType);
// SH}
- public abstract RawTypeBinding getRawType(ReferenceBinding genericType, ReferenceBinding enclosingType);
+ /* Note: Parameters will not have type type annotations if lookup environment directly uses TypeSystem. However when AnnotatableTypeSystem is in use,
+ they may and we need to materialize the unannotated versions and work on them.
+ */
+ public RawTypeBinding getRawType(ReferenceBinding genericType, ReferenceBinding enclosingType) {
+ ReferenceBinding unannotatedGenericType = (ReferenceBinding) getUnannotatedType(genericType);
+ ReferenceBinding unannotatedEnclosingType = enclosingType == null ? null : (ReferenceBinding) getUnannotatedType(enclosingType);
+ TypeBinding[] derivedTypes = this.types[];
+ int i, length = derivedTypes.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ TypeBinding derivedType = derivedTypes[i];
+ if (derivedType == null)
+ break;
+ if (!derivedType.isRawType() || derivedType.actualType() != unannotatedGenericType || derivedType.hasTypeAnnotations())
+ continue;
+ if (derivedType.enclosingType() == unannotatedEnclosingType)
+ return (RawTypeBinding) derivedType;
+ }
+ if (i == length) {
+ System.arraycopy(derivedTypes, 0, derivedTypes = new TypeBinding[length * 2], 0, length);
+ this.types[] = derivedTypes;
+ }
+ TypeBinding rawTytpe = derivedTypes[i] = new RawTypeBinding(unannotatedGenericType, unannotatedEnclosingType, this.environment);
+ int typesLength = this.types.length;
+ if (this.typeid == typesLength)
+ System.arraycopy(this.types, 0, this.types = new TypeBinding[typesLength * 2][], 0, typesLength);
+ this.types[this.typeid] = new TypeBinding[1];
+ return (RawTypeBinding) (this.types[ = this.typeid++][0] = rawTytpe);
+ }
public RawTypeBinding getRawType(ReferenceBinding genericType, ReferenceBinding enclosingType, AnnotationBinding[] annotations) {
return getRawType(genericType, enclosingType);
- public abstract WildcardBinding getWildcard(ReferenceBinding genericType, int rank, TypeBinding bound, TypeBinding[] otherBounds, int boundKind);
+ /* Parameters will not have type type annotations if lookup environment directly uses TypeSystem. When AnnotatableTypeSystem is in use,
+ they may and we need to materialize the unannotated versions and work on them.
+ */
+ public WildcardBinding getWildcard(ReferenceBinding genericType, int rank, TypeBinding bound, TypeBinding[] otherBounds, int boundKind) {
+ if (genericType == null) // pseudo wildcard denoting composite bounds for lub computation
+ genericType = ReferenceBinding.LUB_GENERIC;
+ ReferenceBinding unannotatedGenericType = (ReferenceBinding) getUnannotatedType(genericType);
+ int otherBoundsLength = otherBounds == null ? 0: otherBounds.length;
+ TypeBinding [] unannotatedOtherBounds = otherBounds == null ? null : new TypeBinding[otherBoundsLength];
+ for (int i = 0; i < otherBoundsLength; i++) {
+ unannotatedOtherBounds[i] = getUnannotatedType(otherBounds[i]);
+ }
+ TypeBinding unannotatedBound = bound == null ? null : getUnannotatedType(bound);
+ TypeBinding[] derivedTypes = this.types[]; // by construction, cachedInfo != null now.
+ int i, length = derivedTypes.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ TypeBinding derivedType = derivedTypes[i];
+ if (derivedType == null)
+ break;
+ if (!derivedType.isWildcard() || derivedType.actualType() != unannotatedGenericType || derivedType.hasTypeAnnotations())
+ continue;
+ if (derivedType.rank() != rank || derivedType.boundKind() != boundKind || derivedType.bound() != unannotatedBound)
+ continue;
+ if (Util.effectivelyEqual(derivedType.additionalBounds(), unannotatedOtherBounds))
+ return (WildcardBinding) derivedType;
+ }
+ if (i == length) {
+ System.arraycopy(derivedTypes, 0, derivedTypes = new TypeBinding[length * 2], 0, length);
+ this.types[] = derivedTypes;
+ }
+ TypeBinding wildcard = derivedTypes[i] = new WildcardBinding(unannotatedGenericType, rank, unannotatedBound, unannotatedOtherBounds, boundKind, this.environment);
+ int typesLength = this.types.length;
+ if (this.typeid == typesLength)
+ System.arraycopy(this.types, 0, this.types = new TypeBinding[typesLength * 2][], 0, typesLength);
+ this.types[this.typeid] = new TypeBinding[1];
+ return (WildcardBinding) (this.types[ = this.typeid++][0] = wildcard);
+ }
public WildcardBinding getWildcard(ReferenceBinding genericType, int rank, TypeBinding bound, TypeBinding[] otherBounds, int boundKind, AnnotationBinding[] annotations) {
return getWildcard(genericType, rank, bound, otherBounds, boundKind);
public TypeBinding getAnnotatedType(TypeBinding type, AnnotationBinding[][] annotations) {
- return type;
+ return type; // Nothing to do for plain vanilla type system.
+ }
+ protected final TypeBinding /* @NonNull */ [] getDerivedTypes(TypeBinding keyType) {
+ keyType = getUnannotatedType(keyType);
+ return this.types[];
+ }
+ private TypeBinding cacheDerivedType(TypeBinding keyType, TypeBinding derivedType) {
+ if (keyType == null || derivedType == null || == TypeIds.NoId)
+ throw new IllegalStateException();
+ TypeBinding[] derivedTypes = this.types[];
+ int i = 0, length = derivedTypes.length;
+ while (i < length && derivedTypes[i] != null) {
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (i == length) {
+ System.arraycopy(derivedTypes, 0, derivedTypes = new TypeBinding[length * 2], 0, length);
+ this.types[] = derivedTypes;
+ }
+ return derivedTypes[i] = derivedType;
+ }
+ protected final TypeBinding cacheDerivedType(TypeBinding keyType, TypeBinding nakedType, TypeBinding derivedType) {
+ /* Cache the derived type, tagging it as a derivative of both the key type and the naked type.
+ E.g: int @NonNull [] would be tagged as a derived type of both int and int []. This is not
+ needed for correctness, but for annotated object reuse. We provide two alternate ways to
+ annotate a type:
+ Taking parameterized types as an example, a call to getParamaterizedType can be made with annotations
+ to create @NonNull List<@NonNull String> in one stroke. Or a parameterized type can be created first
+ and then annotated via getAnnotatedType. In the former case, the tables get looked up with List as
+ the key, in the latter with List<String> as the key.
+ Binary vs source, substitutions, annotation re-attribution from SE7 locations etc trigger these
+ alternate code paths. Unless care is exercised, we will end up with duplicate objects (that share
+ the same => correctness is not an issue, but memory wastage is)
+ */
+ cacheDerivedType(keyType, derivedType);
+ if ( != {
+ cacheDerivedType(nakedType, derivedType);
+ }
+ return derivedType;
- public abstract void reset();
+ /* Return a unique annotation binding for an annotation with either no or all default element-value pairs.
+ We may return a resolved annotation when requested for unresolved one, but not vice versa.
+ */
+ public final AnnotationBinding getAnnotationType(ReferenceBinding annotationType, boolean requiredResolved) {
+ AnnotationBinding annotation = (AnnotationBinding) this.annotationTypes.get(annotationType);
+ if (annotation == null) {
+ if (requiredResolved)
+ annotation = new AnnotationBinding(annotationType, Binding.NO_ELEMENT_VALUE_PAIRS);
+ else
+ annotation = new UnresolvedAnnotationBinding(annotationType, Binding.NO_ELEMENT_VALUE_PAIRS, this.environment);
+ this.annotationTypes.put(annotationType, annotation);
+ }
+ if (requiredResolved)
+ annotation.resolve();
+ return annotation;
+ }
- public abstract void updateCaches(UnresolvedReferenceBinding unresolvedType, ReferenceBinding resolvedType);
+ public boolean isAnnotatedTypeSystem() {
+ return false;
+ }
- public abstract TypeBinding getUnannotatedType(TypeBinding type);
+ public void reset() {
+ this.annotationTypes = new SimpleLookupTable(16);
+ this.typeid = TypeIds.T_LastWellKnownTypeId;
+ this.types = new TypeBinding[TypeIds.T_LastWellKnownTypeId * 2][];
+ }
+ public void updateCaches(UnresolvedReferenceBinding unresolvedType, ReferenceBinding resolvedType) {
+ final int unresolvedTypeId =;
+ if (unresolvedTypeId != TypeIds.NoId) {
+ if (this.types[unresolvedTypeId] != null && this.types[unresolvedTypeId][0] == unresolvedType) {
+ = unresolvedTypeId;
+ this.types[unresolvedTypeId][0] = resolvedType;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.annotationTypes.get(unresolvedType) != null) { // update the key
+ Object[] keys = this.annotationTypes.keyTable;
+ for (int i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (keys[i] == unresolvedType) {
+ keys[i] = resolvedType; // hashCode is based on compoundName so this works.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- // Given a type, return all its variously annotated versions.
- public TypeBinding[] getAnnotatedTypes(TypeBinding type) {
- return Binding.NO_TYPES;
+ public final TypeBinding getIntersectionCastType(ReferenceBinding[] intersectingTypes) {
+ int intersectingTypesLength = intersectingTypes == null ? 0 : intersectingTypes.length;
+ if (intersectingTypesLength == 0)
+ return null;
+ TypeBinding keyType = intersectingTypes[0];
+ if (keyType == null || intersectingTypesLength == 1)
+ return keyType;
+ TypeBinding[] derivedTypes = getDerivedTypes(keyType);
+ int i, length = derivedTypes.length;
+ next:
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ TypeBinding derivedType = derivedTypes[i];
+ if (derivedType == null)
+ break;
+ if (!derivedType.isIntersectionCastType())
+ continue;
+ ReferenceBinding [] priorIntersectingTypes = derivedType.getIntersectingTypes();
+ if (priorIntersectingTypes.length != intersectingTypesLength)
+ continue;
+ for (int j = 0; j < intersectingTypesLength; j++) {
+ if (intersectingTypes[j] != priorIntersectingTypes[j])
+ continue next;
+ }
+ return derivedType;
+ }
+ return cacheDerivedType(keyType, new IntersectionCastTypeBinding(intersectingTypes, this.environment));
- public ReferenceBinding getMemberType(ReferenceBinding memberType, ReferenceBinding enclosingType) {
- return memberType; // nothing to do for plain vanilla type system.
+//{ObjectTeams: compare role types:
+ boolean isRoleTypeMatch(ITeamAnchor teamAnchor, int valueParamPosition, TypeBinding cachedType) {
+ if (teamAnchor != null) {
+ if (!(cachedType instanceof DependentTypeBinding))
+ return false;
+ if (!((DependentTypeBinding)cachedType)._teamAnchor.hasSameBestNameAs(teamAnchor))
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( valueParamPosition > -1 // position specified, requires dependent type
+ && !(cachedType instanceof DependentTypeBinding))
+ return false;
+ if ( (cachedType instanceof DependentTypeBinding) // dependent type specified, positions must match
+ && ((DependentTypeBinding)cachedType)._valueParamPosition != valueParamPosition)
+ return false;
+ if (teamAnchor == null && RoleTypeBinding.isRoleType(cachedType)) // role type found though not requested?
+ return false;
+ return true;
+} \ No newline at end of file

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