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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests')
210 files changed, 188134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/.classpath b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/.classpath
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <classpathentry kind="src" path="src"/>
+ <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER"/>
+ <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.pde.core.requiredPlugins"/>
+ <classpathentry kind="output" path="bin"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/.project b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/.project
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/.project
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+ <comment></comment>
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+ <name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>
+ <arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </buildCommand>
+ <buildCommand>
+ <name>org.eclipse.pde.ManifestBuilder</name>
+ <arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </buildCommand>
+ <buildCommand>
+ <name>org.eclipse.pde.SchemaBuilder</name>
+ <arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </buildCommand>
+ </buildSpec>
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+ <nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>
+ <nature>org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature</nature>
+ <nature>org.atl.eclipse.adt.builder.atlNature</nature>
+ </natures>
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#Fri Oct 19 16:01:30 CEST 2007
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/AllTests.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/AllTests.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..613c9e7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/AllTests.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
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+<launchConfiguration type="org.eclipse.pde.ui.JunitLaunchConfig">
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--- /dev/null
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+Manifest-Version: 1.0
+Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
+Bundle-Name: (Incubation)
+Bundle-SymbolicName: org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests;singleton:=true
+Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
+Export-Package: org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests;
+ uses:="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource,
+ org.eclipse.core.runtime,
+ org.eclipse.ui.plugin,
+ org.osgi.framework",
+ org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.unit;uses:="junit.framework,org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.launcher",
+ org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.util;uses:="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource,org.eclipse.emf.ecore,org.eclipse.emf.common.util"
+Require-Bundle: org.junit,
+ org.eclipse.core.runtime,
+ org.eclipse.core.resources,
+ org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi,
+ org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine,
+ org.eclipse.m2m.atl.adt.debug
+Bundle-Activator: org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.AtlTestPlugin
+Eclipse-LazyStart: true
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+output.. = bin/
+source.. = src/
+bin.includes = plugin.xml,\
+ .,\
+src.includes = .classpath,\
+ .project,\
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb20898e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Obeo.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# Contributors:
+# Obeo - VM tester
+# Avoids problematic tests :
+# ==========================
+# UML Profile
+# EnumLiteral
+# ME with ::
+# FAIL without errors
+# Collections
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/ATL2Problem/ATL2Problem.atl.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/ATL2Problem/ATL2Problem.atl.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..534630a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/ATL2Problem/ATL2Problem.atl.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,2526 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
+<atl:Module xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:atl="" xmlns:ocl="" location="1:1-925:2" name="ATL2Problem">
+ <inModels location="2:27-2:35" name="IN">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/1"/>
+ </inModels>
+ <outModels location="2:8-2:21" name="OUT">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/0"/>
+ </outModels>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="12:1-16:4">
+ <definition location="12:8-16:3">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Attribute" location="12:13-16:3" name="singleIteratorExps">
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:SetExp" location="13:2-16:3">
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+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="15:3-15:11" stringSymbol="reject"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="15:13-15:28" stringSymbol="collectNested"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="15:30-15:40" stringSymbol="sortedBy"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SetType" location="12:34-12:45">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="12:38-12:44"/>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="23:1-23:71">
+ <definition location="23:8-23:70">
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+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:SetExp" location="23:47-23:70">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="23:51-23:59" stringSymbol="exists"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="23:61-23:69" stringSymbol="forAll"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SetType" location="23:33-23:44">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="23:37-23:43"/>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="30:1-31:36">
+ <definition location="30:8-31:35">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Attribute" location="30:13-31:35" name="collectionTypes">
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="31:2-31:35" operationName="allInstances">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="31:2-31:20" name="CollectionType">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SetType" location="30:31-30:54">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="30:35-30:53" name="CollectionType">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="39:18-39:28" name="Module">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="40:3-40:13" name="Module">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="42:2-45:14" operationName="flatten">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="42:2-45:3">
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+ </elements>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="44:3-44:12" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@variable"/>
+ </elements>
+ </source>
+ </in_>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="38:25-38:47">
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="53:1-54:50">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="54:2-54:11" name="Query">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="53:24-53:33" name="Query">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="61:1-62:43">
+ <definition location="61:8-62:42">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="62:2-62:13" name="Binding">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="61:27-61:48">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="61:36-61:47" name="Binding">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="69:1-70:45">
+ <definition location="69:8-70:44">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="70:2-70:30" operationName="allInstances">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="70:2-70:15" name="InPattern">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="69:29-69:52">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="69:38-69:51" name="InPattern">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="77:1-78:52">
+ <definition location="77:8-78:51">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="78:2-78:22" name="InPatternElement">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="77:32-77:62">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="77:41-77:61" name="InPatternElement">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="85:1-86:53">
+ <definition location="85:8-86:52">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Attribute" location="85:13-86:52" name="allOutPatternElts">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="86:2-86:38" operationName="allInstances">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="86:2-86:23" name="OutPatternElement">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="85:33-85:64">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="85:42-85:63" name="OutPatternElement">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="94:1-95:40">
+ <definition location="94:8-95:39">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Attribute" location="94:13-95:39" name="allRules">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="95:2-95:25" operationName="allInstances">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="95:2-95:10" name="Rule">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="94:24-94:42">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="94:33-94:41" name="Rule">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="102:1-103:42">
+ <definition location="102:8-103:41">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Attribute" location="102:13-103:41" name="allHelpers">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="103:2-103:12" name="Helper">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="102:26-102:46">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="102:35-102:45" name="Helper">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="110:1-111:43">
+ <definition location="110:8-111:42">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Attribute" location="110:13-111:42" name="allLoopExps">
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="111:2-111:42" operationName="asSequence">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="111:2-111:28" operationName="allInstances">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="111:2-111:13" name="LoopExp">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="110:27-110:48">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="110:36-110:47" name="LoopExp">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="118:1-119:46">
+ <definition location="118:8-119:45">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Attribute" location="118:13-119:45" name="allIterateExps">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="119:2-119:31" operationName="allInstances">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="119:2-119:16" name="IterateExp">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="118:30-118:54">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="118:39-118:53" name="IterateExp">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="130:1-141:15">
+ <definition location="130:8-141:14">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Attribute" location="131:7-141:14" name="namedElements">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="132:2-141:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="133:3-138:8">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="135:4-135:27" name="elements">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="135:4-135:18" name="inPattern">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="135:4-135:8">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/3"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="133:6-133:39" operationName="oclIsTypeOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="133:6-133:10">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="133:23-133:38" name="MatchedRule">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="137:4-137:14"/>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="139:3-139:31" operationName="asSequence">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="139:3-139:17" name="variables">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="139:3-139:7">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/4"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="140:3-140:41" operationName="asSequence">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="140:3-140:18" name="outPattern">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="140:3-140:7">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/5"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </elements>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="131:23-131:56">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="131:32-131:55" name="VariableDeclaration">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="130:8-130:24">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="130:16-130:24" name="Rule">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="152:1-158:8">
+ <definition location="152:8-158:7">
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/7"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/6"/>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="157:3-157:7">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/8"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </initExpression>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="152:8-152:34">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="152:16-152:34" name="PatternElement">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/10"/>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/9"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/12"/>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/11"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/15"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/13"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/19"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/17"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/23"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </condition>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/27"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/25"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="193:48-193:63" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/31"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="198:41-198:49" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/29"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="196:42-196:50" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </body>
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+ </condition>
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+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </initExpression>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="180:8-180:39">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="180:16-180:39" name="VariableDeclaration">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <definition location="236:8-266:37">
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/34"/>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="237:9-237:13">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/33"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/36"/>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="238:14-238:18">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/35"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/38"/>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="239:14-239:18">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/37"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/40"/>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="240:14-240:18">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/39"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/42"/>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/41"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/44"/>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/43"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/46"/>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
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+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/47"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/50"/>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/52"/>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/54"/>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/57"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/55"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/61"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/59"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/66"/>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/63"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
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+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
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+ </type>
+ </feature>
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+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
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+ </elements>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/69"/>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
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+ </elements>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </elements>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </elements>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/73"/>
+ </elements>
+ </source>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </in_>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
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+ </type>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/74"/>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
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+ </source>
+ </elements>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </elements>
+ </source>
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+ </condition>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
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+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </elements>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </elements>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="376:6-376:29" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="376:25-376:29">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/75"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </elements>
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+ </elements>
+ </source>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </elements>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="388:6-388:29" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="388:25-388:29">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/76"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </elements>
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+ </elements>
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+ </elements>
+ </source>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="400:7-400:17"/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="345:8-345:33">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="345:16-345:33" name="OclExpression">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="462:1-475:8">
+ <definition location="462:8-475:7">
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </returnType>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="463:32-463:36">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/77"/>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="465:2-475:7">
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+ </condition>
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+ </thenExpression>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="473:4-473:13" referredVariable="//@elements.19/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable"/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="462:8-462:33">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="462:16-462:33" name="OclExpression">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="496:4-496:22" propertyName="severity">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:EnumLiteralExp" location="496:16-496:22" name="error"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="497:4-503:10" propertyName="location">
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+ </thenExpression>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="498:8-498:9" referredVariable="//@elements.20/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="502:6-502:7" referredVariable="//@elements.20/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="504:47-504:61" stringSymbol="' undefined"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="492:41-492:53" stringSymbol="thisModule"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="520:41-520:61" stringSymbol="' already defined"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="514:4-514:14">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/78"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="514:37-514:63" operationName="and">
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="530:4-530:14">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/79"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="530:36-530:62" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="530:36-530:51" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="548:4-575:6" name="exists">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="548:4-548:25" name="allHelpers">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="548:4-548:14">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/80"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="550:6-574:8" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="550:6-551:59" operationName="and">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="550:6-550:7" referredVariable="//@elements.23/@inPattern/@filter/@iterators.0"/>
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+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="551:6-551:59" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="551:6-551:26" name="feature">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="551:6-551:18" name="definition">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="551:6-551:7" referredVariable="//@elements.23/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="551:34-551:59" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="551:34-551:54" name="feature">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="551:34-551:46" name="definition">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="551:34-551:35" referredVariable="//@elements.23/@inPattern/@filter/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="553:7-573:12">
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+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="559:8-564:14">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="561:10-561:83" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="561:10-561:40" name="context_">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="561:10-561:31" name="context_">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="561:10-561:22" name="definition">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="561:10-561:11" referredVariable="//@elements.23/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="561:48-561:83" name="name">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="561:48-561:69" name="context_">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="561:48-561:60" name="definition">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="561:48-561:49" referredVariable="//@elements.23/@inPattern/@filter/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="559:11-559:67" operationName="not">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="559:15-559:50" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="559:15-559:45" name="context_">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="559:15-559:36" name="context_">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="559:15-559:27" name="definition">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="559:15-559:16" referredVariable="//@elements.23/@inPattern/@filter/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="563:10-563:15"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="557:10-557:66" operationName="not">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="557:14-557:66" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="557:14-557:49" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="557:14-557:44" name="context_">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="557:14-557:35" name="context_">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="557:14-557:26" name="definition">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="557:14-557:15" referredVariable="//@elements.23/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="566:9-566:61" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="566:9-566:44" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="566:9-566:39" name="context_">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="566:9-566:30" name="context_">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="566:9-566:21" name="definition">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="566:9-566:10" referredVariable="//@elements.23/@inPattern/@filter/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="555:11-555:53" operationName="not">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="555:15-555:53" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="555:15-555:36" name="context_">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="555:15-555:27" name="definition">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="555:15-555:16" referredVariable="//@elements.23/@inPattern/@filter/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="569:8-569:13"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="553:10-553:52" operationName="not">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="553:14-553:52" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="553:14-553:35" name="context_">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="553:14-553:26" name="definition">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="553:14-553:15" referredVariable="//@elements.23/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="572:8-572:46" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="572:8-572:29" name="context_">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="572:8-572:20" name="definition">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="572:8-572:9" referredVariable="//@elements.23/@inPattern/@filter/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="549:14-549:15" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.23/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@source/@source/@source //@elements.23/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@source/@arguments.0/@arguments.0/@source/@source/@source //@elements.23/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@arguments.0/@thenExpression/@condition/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.23/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@arguments.0/@thenExpression/@thenExpression/@thenExpression/@condition/@source/@source/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.23/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@arguments.0/@thenExpression/@thenExpression/@thenExpression/@thenExpression/@arguments.0/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.23/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@arguments.0/@thenExpression/@thenExpression/@elseExpression/@source/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.23/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@arguments.0/@elseExpression/@source/@source/@source"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="589:1-602:2" name="BindingNameIsUniqueInPattern">
+ <outPattern location="595:2-601:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="596:3-601:4" varName="t">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="596:7-596:22" name="Problem">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="597:4-597:22" propertyName="severity">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:EnumLiteralExp" location="597:16-597:22" name="error"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="598:4-598:26" propertyName="location">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="598:16-598:26" name="location">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="598:16-598:17" referredVariable="//@elements.24/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="599:4-600:68" propertyName="description">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="600:5-600:68" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="600:5-600:34" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="600:5-600:17" stringSymbol="binding '"/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="600:20-600:21" referredVariable="//@elements.24/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="600:37-600:68" stringSymbol="' already defined in pattern"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="590:2-594:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="591:3-591:18" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.24/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@source/@source //@elements.24/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@source/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.24/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@arguments.0/@arguments.0 //@elements.24/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.24/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@source/@arguments.0/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="591:7-591:18" name="Binding">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="592:4-593:61" name="exists">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="592:4-592:32" name="bindings">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="592:4-592:23" name="outPatternElement">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="592:4-592:5" referredVariable="//@elements.24/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="593:18-593:60" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="593:18-593:49" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="593:18-593:32" name="propertyName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="593:18-593:19" referredVariable="//@elements.24/@inPattern/@filter/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="593:35-593:49" name="propertyName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="593:35-593:36" referredVariable="//@elements.24/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="593:54-593:60" operationName="&lt;>">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="593:54-593:55" referredVariable="//@elements.24/@inPattern/@filter/@iterators.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="593:59-593:60" referredVariable="//@elements.24/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="593:14-593:15" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.24/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@source/@source/@source //@elements.24/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@arguments.0/@source"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="608:1-622:2" name="PatternNameIsUniqueInRule">
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+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="615:3-621:4" varName="t">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="615:7-615:22" name="Problem">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="616:4-616:22" propertyName="severity">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:EnumLiteralExp" location="616:16-616:22" name="error"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="617:4-617:26" propertyName="location">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="617:16-617:26" name="location">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="617:16-617:17" referredVariable="//@elements.25/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="618:4-620:47" propertyName="description">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="619:5-620:47" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="619:5-620:16" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="619:5-619:35" stringSymbol="pattern or variable named '"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="620:7-620:16" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="620:7-620:8" referredVariable="//@elements.25/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="620:19-620:47" stringSymbol="' already defined in rule"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="609:2-613:4">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="610:7-610:25" name="PatternElement">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="611:4-612:51" name="exists">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="611:4-611:26" name="namedElements">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="611:4-611:12" name="rule">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="611:4-611:5" referredVariable="//@elements.25/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="612:18-612:50" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="612:18-612:39" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="612:18-612:27" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="612:18-612:19" referredVariable="//@elements.25/@inPattern/@filter/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="612:30-612:39" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="612:30-612:31" referredVariable="//@elements.25/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="612:44-612:50" operationName="&lt;>">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="612:44-612:45" referredVariable="//@elements.25/@inPattern/@filter/@iterators.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="612:49-612:50" referredVariable="//@elements.25/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="612:14-612:15" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.25/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@source/@source/@source //@elements.25/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@arguments.0/@source"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="629:1-643:2" name="VariableNameIsUniqueInRule">
+ <outPattern location="635:2-642:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="636:3-642:4" varName="t">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="636:7-636:22" name="Problem">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="637:4-637:22" propertyName="severity">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:EnumLiteralExp" location="637:16-637:22" name="error"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="638:4-638:26" propertyName="location">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="638:16-638:26" name="location">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="638:16-638:17" referredVariable="//@elements.26/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="639:4-641:35" propertyName="description">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="640:5-641:35" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="640:5-640:47" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="640:5-640:35" stringSymbol="pattern or variable named '"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="640:38-640:47" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="640:38-640:39" referredVariable="//@elements.26/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="641:7-641:35" stringSymbol="' already defined in rule"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="630:2-634:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="631:3-631:34" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.26/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@source/@source //@elements.26/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@source/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.26/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@arguments.0/@arguments.0 //@elements.26/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.26/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@source/@arguments.0/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="631:7-631:34" name="RuleVariableDeclaration">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="632:4-633:51" name="exists">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="632:4-632:26" name="namedElements">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="632:4-632:12" name="rule">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="632:4-632:5" referredVariable="//@elements.26/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="633:18-633:50" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="633:18-633:39" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="633:18-633:27" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="633:18-633:19" referredVariable="//@elements.26/@inPattern/@filter/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="633:30-633:39" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="633:30-633:31" referredVariable="//@elements.26/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="633:44-633:50" operationName="&lt;>">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="633:44-633:45" referredVariable="//@elements.26/@inPattern/@filter/@iterators.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="633:49-633:50" referredVariable="//@elements.26/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="633:14-633:15" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.26/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@source/@source/@source //@elements.26/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@arguments.0/@source"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="650:1-670:2" name="NoHelperWithCollectionAsContext">
+ <outPattern location="661:2-669:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="662:3-669:4" varName="t">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="662:7-662:22" name="Problem">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="663:4-663:22" propertyName="severity">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:EnumLiteralExp" location="663:16-663:22" name="error"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="664:4-664:26" propertyName="location">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="664:16-664:26" name="location">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="664:16-664:17" referredVariable="//@elements.27/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="665:4-668:49" propertyName="description">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="666:5-668:49" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="666:5-667:46" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="666:5-666:44" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="666:5-666:16" stringSymbol="helper '"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="666:19-666:44" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="666:19-666:39" name="feature">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="666:19-666:31" name="definition">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="666:19-666:20" referredVariable="//@elements.27/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="667:8-667:46" stringSymbol="': current implementation does not "/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="668:8-668:49" stringSymbol="support helpers with collection context"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="651:2-660:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="652:3-652:17" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.27/@inPattern/@filter/@condition/@source/@source/@source //@elements.27/@inPattern/@filter/@elseExpression/@body/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.27/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.27/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@source/@source/@arguments.0/@source/@source/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="652:7-652:17" name="Helper">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="653:4-659:9">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="655:5-655:10"/>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="653:7-653:45" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="653:7-653:28" name="context_">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="653:7-653:19" name="definition">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="653:7-653:8" referredVariable="//@elements.27/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="657:5-658:54" name="exists">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="657:5-657:31" name="collectionTypes">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="657:5-657:15">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/81"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="658:19-658:53" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="658:19-658:49" name="context_">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="658:19-658:40" name="context_">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="658:19-658:31" name="definition">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="658:19-658:20" referredVariable="//@elements.27/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="658:52-658:53" referredVariable="//@elements.27/@inPattern/@filter/@elseExpression/@iterators.0"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="658:15-658:16" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.27/@inPattern/@filter/@elseExpression/@body/@arguments.0"/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="679:1-692:2" name="NoSelfOrThisModuleVariableDeclaration">
+ <outPattern location="685:2-691:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="686:3-691:4" varName="t">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="686:7-686:22" name="Problem">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="687:4-687:22" propertyName="severity">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:EnumLiteralExp" location="687:16-687:22" name="error"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="688:4-688:26" propertyName="location">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="688:16-688:26" name="location">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="688:16-688:17" referredVariable="//@elements.28/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="689:4-690:62" propertyName="description">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="690:5-690:62" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="690:5-690:28" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="690:5-690:16" stringSymbol="helper '"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="690:19-690:28" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="690:19-690:20" referredVariable="//@elements.28/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="690:31-690:62" stringSymbol="' is not valid variable name"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="680:2-684:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="681:3-681:30" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.28/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.28/@inPattern/@filter/@arguments.0/@source/@source/@source //@elements.28/@inPattern/@filter/@arguments.0/@arguments.0/@source/@source //@elements.28/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.28/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@source/@arguments.0/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="681:7-681:30" name="VariableDeclaration">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="682:4-683:52" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="682:4-682:45" operationName="not">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="682:8-682:45" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="682:8-682:28" name="immediateComposite">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="682:8-682:9" referredVariable="//@elements.28/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="683:5-683:51" operationName="or">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="683:5-683:23" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="683:5-683:14" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="683:5-683:6" referredVariable="//@elements.28/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="683:17-683:23" stringSymbol="self"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="683:27-683:51" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="683:27-683:36" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="683:27-683:28" referredVariable="//@elements.28/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="683:39-683:51" stringSymbol="thisModule"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="697:1-726:2" name="NoSelfVariableInRule">
+ <outPattern location="718:2-725:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="719:3-725:4" varName="t">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="719:7-719:22" name="Problem">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="720:4-720:22" propertyName="severity">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:EnumLiteralExp" location="720:16-720:22" name="error"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="721:4-721:26" propertyName="location">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="721:16-721:26" name="location">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="721:16-721:17" referredVariable="//@elements.29/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="722:4-724:61" propertyName="description">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="723:5-724:61" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="723:5-723:43" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="723:5-723:14" stringSymbol="rule '"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="723:17-723:43" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="723:17-723:35" name="referredVariable">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="723:17-723:18" referredVariable="//@elements.29/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="724:7-724:61" stringSymbol="': use of the 'self' variable prohibited in rules"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="698:2-717:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="699:3-699:22" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.29/@inPattern/@filter/@condition/@source/@source //@elements.29/@inPattern/@filter/@elseExpression/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.29/@inPattern/@filter/@elseExpression/@arguments.0/@variable/@initExpression/@source //@elements.29/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.29/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@source/@arguments.0/@source/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="699:7-699:22" name="VariableExp">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="706:4-716:9">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="708:5-708:10"/>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="706:7-706:42" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="706:7-706:25" name="referredVariable">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="706:7-706:8" referredVariable="//@elements.29/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="710:5-715:6" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="710:5-710:40" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="710:5-710:31" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="710:5-710:23" name="referredVariable">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="710:5-710:6" referredVariable="//@elements.29/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="710:34-710:40" stringSymbol="self"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:LetExp" location="712:6-714:38">
+ <variable location="712:10-712:52" varName="rComp" variableExp="//@elements.29/@inPattern/@filter/@elseExpression/@arguments.0/@in_/@source/@source //@elements.29/@inPattern/@filter/@elseExpression/@arguments.0/@in_/@arguments.0/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="712:18-712:29" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="712:32-712:52" operationName="getRootComposite">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="712:32-712:33" referredVariable="//@elements.29/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="713:6-714:38" operationName="or">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="713:6-713:36" operationName="oclIsTypeOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="713:6-713:11" referredVariable="//@elements.29/@inPattern/@filter/@elseExpression/@arguments.0/@variable"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="713:24-713:35" name="Binding">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="714:6-714:38" operationName="oclIsTypeOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="714:6-714:11" referredVariable="//@elements.29/@inPattern/@filter/@elseExpression/@arguments.0/@variable"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="714:24-714:37" name="InPattern">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </in_>
+ </arguments>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="731:1-759:2" name="NoResolveTempInSourcePattern">
+ <outPattern location="750:2-758:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="751:3-758:4" varName="t">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="751:7-751:22" name="Problem">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="752:4-752:22" propertyName="severity">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:EnumLiteralExp" location="752:16-752:22" name="error"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="753:4-753:26" propertyName="location">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="753:16-753:26" name="location">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="753:16-753:17" referredVariable="//@elements.30/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="754:4-757:41" propertyName="description">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="755:5-757:41" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="755:5-756:58" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="755:5-755:49" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="755:5-755:14" stringSymbol="rule '"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="755:17-755:49" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="755:17-755:44" name="rule">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="755:17-755:37" operationName="getRootComposite">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="755:17-755:18" referredVariable="//@elements.30/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="756:7-756:58" stringSymbol="': use of 'thisModule.resolveTemp()' function "/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="757:7-757:41" stringSymbol="is prohibited in source patterns"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="732:2-749:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="733:3-733:27" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.30/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.30/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@arguments.0/@condition/@source/@source //@elements.30/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@arguments.0/@thenExpression/@condition/@source/@source/@source //@elements.30/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@arguments.0/@thenExpression/@elseExpression/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.30/@inPattern/@filter/@arguments.0/@source/@source //@elements.30/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.30/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@source/@source/@arguments.0/@source/@source/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="733:7-733:27" name="OperationCallExp">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="734:4-748:51" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="734:4-747:5" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="734:4-734:35" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="734:4-734:19" name="operationName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="734:4-734:5" referredVariable="//@elements.30/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="734:22-734:35" stringSymbol="resolveTemp"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="736:5-746:10">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="738:6-743:11">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="740:7-740:12"/>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="738:9-738:51" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="738:9-738:34" name="referredVariable">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="738:9-738:17" name="source">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="738:9-738:10" referredVariable="//@elements.30/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="742:7-742:55" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="742:7-742:40" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="742:7-742:32" name="referredVariable">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="742:7-742:15" name="source">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="742:7-742:8" referredVariable="//@elements.30/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="742:43-742:55" stringSymbol="thisModule"/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="736:8-736:45" operationName="oclIsTypeOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="736:8-736:16" name="source">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="736:8-736:9" referredVariable="//@elements.30/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="736:29-736:44" name="VariableExp">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="745:6-745:11"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="748:4-748:51" operationName="oclIsTypeOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="748:4-748:24" operationName="getRootComposite">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="748:4-748:5" referredVariable="//@elements.30/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="748:37-748:50" name="InPattern">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="764:1-792:2" name="NoResolveTempInModuleAttribute">
+ <outPattern location="783:2-791:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="784:3-791:4" varName="t">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="784:7-784:22" name="Problem">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="785:4-785:22" propertyName="severity">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:EnumLiteralExp" location="785:16-785:22" name="error"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="786:4-786:26" propertyName="location">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="786:16-786:26" name="location">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="786:16-786:17" referredVariable="//@elements.31/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="787:4-790:36" propertyName="description">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="788:5-790:36" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="788:5-789:58" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="788:5-788:47" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="788:5-788:19" stringSymbol="attribute '"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="788:22-788:47" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="788:22-788:42" operationName="getRootComposite">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="788:22-788:23" referredVariable="//@elements.31/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="789:7-789:58" stringSymbol="': use of 'thisModule.resolveTemp()' function "/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="790:7-790:36" stringSymbol="is prohibited in attributes"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="765:2-782:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="766:3-766:27" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.31/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.31/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@arguments.0/@condition/@source/@source //@elements.31/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@arguments.0/@thenExpression/@condition/@source/@source/@source //@elements.31/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@arguments.0/@thenExpression/@elseExpression/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.31/@inPattern/@filter/@arguments.0/@source/@source //@elements.31/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.31/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@source/@source/@arguments.0/@source/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="766:7-766:27" name="OperationCallExp">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="767:4-781:51" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="767:4-780:5" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="767:4-767:35" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="767:4-767:19" name="operationName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="767:4-767:5" referredVariable="//@elements.31/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="767:22-767:35" stringSymbol="resolveTemp"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="769:5-779:10">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="771:6-776:11">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="773:7-773:12"/>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="771:9-771:51" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="771:9-771:34" name="referredVariable">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="771:9-771:17" name="source">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="771:9-771:10" referredVariable="//@elements.31/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="775:7-775:55" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="775:7-775:40" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="775:7-775:32" name="referredVariable">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="775:7-775:15" name="source">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="775:7-775:8" referredVariable="//@elements.31/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="775:43-775:55" stringSymbol="thisModule"/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="769:8-769:45" operationName="oclIsTypeOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="769:8-769:16" name="source">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="769:8-769:9" referredVariable="//@elements.31/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="769:29-769:44" name="VariableExp">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="778:6-778:11"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="781:4-781:51" operationName="oclIsTypeOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="781:4-781:24" operationName="getRootComposite">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="781:4-781:5" referredVariable="//@elements.31/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="781:37-781:50" name="Attribute">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="797:1-811:2" name="ProhibitedMultiIteratorCollectionOperation">
+ <outPattern location="803:2-810:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="804:3-810:4" varName="t">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="804:7-804:22" name="Problem">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="805:4-805:22" propertyName="severity">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:EnumLiteralExp" location="805:16-805:22" name="error"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="806:4-806:26" propertyName="location">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="806:16-806:26" name="location">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="806:16-806:17" referredVariable="//@elements.32/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="807:4-809:50" propertyName="description">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="808:5-809:50" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="808:5-808:27" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="808:5-808:18" stringSymbol="iterator '"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="808:21-808:27" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="808:21-808:22" referredVariable="//@elements.32/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="809:7-809:50" stringSymbol="' may have at most one iterator variable"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="798:2-802:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="799:3-799:22" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.32/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@body/@source/@source //@elements.32/@inPattern/@filter/@arguments.0/@source/@source/@source //@elements.32/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.32/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@source/@arguments.0/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="799:7-799:22" name="IteratorExp">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="800:4-801:27" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="800:4-800:57" name="exists">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="800:4-800:33" name="singleIteratorExps">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="800:4-800:14">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/82"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="800:46-800:56" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="800:46-800:52" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="800:46-800:47" referredVariable="//@elements.32/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="800:55-800:56" referredVariable="//@elements.32/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="800:42-800:43" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.32/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@body/@arguments.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="801:4-801:27" operationName=">">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="801:4-801:23" operationName="size">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="801:4-801:15" name="iterators">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="801:4-801:5" referredVariable="//@elements.32/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="801:26-801:27" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="817:1-831:2" name="UnsupportedMultiIteratorCollectionOperation">
+ <outPattern location="823:2-830:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="824:3-830:4" varName="t">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="824:7-824:22" name="Problem">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="825:4-825:22" propertyName="severity">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:EnumLiteralExp" location="825:16-825:22" name="error"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="826:4-826:26" propertyName="location">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="826:16-826:26" name="location">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="826:16-826:17" referredVariable="//@elements.33/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="827:4-829:50" propertyName="description">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="828:5-829:50" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="828:5-828:56" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="828:5-828:47" stringSymbol="with current implementation, iterator '"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="828:50-828:56" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="828:50-828:51" referredVariable="//@elements.33/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="829:7-829:50" stringSymbol="' may have at most one iterator variable"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="818:2-822:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="819:3-819:22" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.33/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@body/@source/@source //@elements.33/@inPattern/@filter/@arguments.0/@source/@source/@source //@elements.33/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.33/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@source/@arguments.0/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="819:7-819:22" name="IteratorExp">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="820:4-821:27" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="820:4-820:56" name="exists">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="820:4-820:32" name="multiIteratorExps">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="820:4-820:14">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/83"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="820:45-820:55" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="820:45-820:51" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="820:45-820:46" referredVariable="//@elements.33/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="820:54-820:55" referredVariable="//@elements.33/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="820:41-820:42" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.33/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@body/@arguments.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="821:4-821:27" operationName=">">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="821:4-821:23" operationName="size">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="821:4-821:15" name="iterators">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="821:4-821:5" referredVariable="//@elements.33/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="821:26-821:27" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="836:1-853:2" name="ParameterNameIsUniqueInOperation">
+ <outPattern location="845:2-852:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="846:3-852:4" varName="t">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="846:7-846:22" name="Problem">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="847:4-847:22" propertyName="severity">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:EnumLiteralExp" location="847:16-847:22" name="error"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="848:4-848:26" propertyName="location">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="848:16-848:26" name="location">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="848:16-848:17" referredVariable="//@elements.34/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="849:4-851:49" propertyName="description">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="850:5-851:49" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="850:5-850:39" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="850:5-850:27" stringSymbol="a parameter named '"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="850:30-850:39" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="850:30-850:31" referredVariable="//@elements.34/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="851:7-851:49" stringSymbol="' is already declared in this operation"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="837:2-844:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="838:3-838:20" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.34/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.34/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@body/@source/@source/@source //@elements.34/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@body/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.34/@inPattern/@filter/@arguments.0/@source/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.34/@inPattern/@filter/@arguments.0/@source/@source/@arguments.0/@source/@source //@elements.34/@inPattern/@filter/@arguments.0/@source/@arguments.0/@source/@source //@elements.34/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.34/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@source/@arguments.0/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="838:7-838:20" name="Parameter">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="839:4-843:5" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="839:5-840:51" name="exists">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="839:5-839:27" name="parameters">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="839:5-839:16" name="operation">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="839:5-839:6" referredVariable="//@elements.34/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="840:18-840:50" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="840:18-840:39" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="840:18-840:27" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="840:18-840:19" referredVariable="//@elements.34/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="840:30-840:39" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="840:30-840:31" referredVariable="//@elements.34/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="840:44-840:50" operationName="&lt;>">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="840:44-840:45" referredVariable="//@elements.34/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="840:49-840:50" referredVariable="//@elements.34/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="840:14-840:15" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.34/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@body/@source/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.34/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@body/@arguments.0/@arguments.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="840:57-843:5" operationName="not">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="841:4-842:53" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="841:4-842:23" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="841:4-841:41" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="841:4-841:24" name="immediateComposite">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="841:4-841:5" referredVariable="//@elements.34/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="842:4-842:23" operationName="&lt;>">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="842:4-842:13" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="842:4-842:5" referredVariable="//@elements.34/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="842:17-842:23" stringSymbol="self"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="842:28-842:53" operationName="&lt;>">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="842:28-842:37" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="842:28-842:29" referredVariable="//@elements.34/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="842:41-842:53" stringSymbol="thisModule"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="859:1-880:2" name="VariableNameIsUniqueInLoop">
+ <outPattern location="872:2-879:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="873:3-879:4" varName="t">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="873:7-873:22" name="Problem">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="874:4-874:22" propertyName="severity">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:EnumLiteralExp" location="874:16-874:22" name="error"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="875:4-875:26" propertyName="location">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="875:16-875:26" name="location">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="875:16-875:17" referredVariable="//@elements.35/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="876:4-878:44" propertyName="description">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="877:5-878:44" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="877:5-877:38" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="877:5-877:26" stringSymbol="a variable named '"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="877:29-877:38" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="877:29-877:30" referredVariable="//@elements.35/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="878:7-878:44" stringSymbol="' is already declared in this loop"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="860:2-871:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="861:3-861:19" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.35/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.35/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@body/@source/@source/@source //@elements.35/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@body/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.35/@inPattern/@filter/@arguments.0/@condition/@source/@source //@elements.35/@inPattern/@filter/@arguments.0/@thenExpression/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.35/@inPattern/@filter/@arguments.0/@thenExpression/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.35/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.35/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@source/@arguments.0/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="861:7-861:19" name="Iterator">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="862:4-870:9" operationName="or">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="862:4-863:51" name="exists">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="862:4-862:24" name="iterators">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="862:4-862:14" name="loopExpr">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="862:4-862:5" referredVariable="//@elements.35/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="863:18-863:50" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="863:18-863:39" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="863:18-863:27" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="863:18-863:19" referredVariable="//@elements.35/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="863:30-863:39" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="863:30-863:31" referredVariable="//@elements.35/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="863:44-863:50" operationName="&lt;>">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="863:44-863:45" referredVariable="//@elements.35/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="863:49-863:50" referredVariable="//@elements.35/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="863:14-863:15" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.35/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@body/@source/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.35/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@body/@arguments.0/@arguments.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="865:4-870:9">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="867:5-867:42" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="867:5-867:30" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="867:5-867:22" name="result">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="867:5-867:15" name="loopExpr">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="867:5-867:6" referredVariable="//@elements.35/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="867:33-867:42" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="867:33-867:34" referredVariable="//@elements.35/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="865:7-865:45" operationName="oclIsTypeOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="865:7-865:17" name="loopExpr">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="865:7-865:8" referredVariable="//@elements.35/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="865:30-865:44" name="IterateExp">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="869:5-869:10"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="886:1-905:2" name="ResultNameIsUniqueInIterate">
+ <outPattern location="897:2-904:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="898:3-904:4" varName="t">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="898:7-898:22" name="Problem">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="899:4-899:22" propertyName="severity">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:EnumLiteralExp" location="899:16-899:22" name="error"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="900:4-900:26" propertyName="location">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="900:16-900:26" name="location">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="900:16-900:17" referredVariable="//@elements.36/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="901:4-903:44" propertyName="description">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="902:5-903:44" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="902:5-902:38" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="902:5-902:26" stringSymbol="a variable named '"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="902:29-902:38" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="902:29-902:30" referredVariable="//@elements.36/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="903:7-903:44" stringSymbol="' is already declared in this loop"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="887:2-896:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="888:3-888:30" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.36/@inPattern/@filter/@condition/@source/@source //@elements.36/@inPattern/@filter/@elseExpression/@source/@source/@source //@elements.36/@inPattern/@filter/@elseExpression/@body/@source/@source/@source //@elements.36/@inPattern/@filter/@elseExpression/@body/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.36/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.36/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@source/@arguments.0/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="888:7-888:30" name="VariableDeclaration">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="889:4-895:9">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="891:5-891:10"/>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="889:7-889:33" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="889:7-889:16" name="baseExp">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="889:7-889:8" referredVariable="//@elements.36/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="893:5-894:52" name="exists">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="893:5-893:24" name="iterators">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="893:5-893:14" name="baseExp">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="893:5-893:6" referredVariable="//@elements.36/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="894:19-894:51" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="894:19-894:40" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="894:19-894:28" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="894:19-894:20" referredVariable="//@elements.36/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="894:31-894:40" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="894:31-894:32" referredVariable="//@elements.36/@inPattern/@filter/@elseExpression/@iterators.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="894:45-894:51" operationName="&lt;>">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="894:45-894:46" referredVariable="//@elements.36/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="894:50-894:51" referredVariable="//@elements.36/@inPattern/@filter/@elseExpression/@iterators.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="894:15-894:16" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.36/@inPattern/@filter/@elseExpression/@body/@source/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.36/@inPattern/@filter/@elseExpression/@body/@arguments.0/@arguments.0"/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="912:1-925:2" name="VariableNameIsUniqueInContainer">
+ <outPattern location="917:2-924:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="918:3-924:4" varName="t">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="918:7-918:22" name="Problem">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="919:4-919:24" propertyName="severity">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:EnumLiteralExp" location="919:16-919:24" name="warning"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="920:4-920:26" propertyName="location">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="920:16-920:26" name="location">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="920:16-920:17" referredVariable="//@elements.37/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="921:4-923:49" propertyName="description">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="922:5-923:49" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="922:5-922:38" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="922:5-922:26" stringSymbol="a variable named '"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="922:29-922:38" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="922:29-922:30" referredVariable="//@elements.37/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="923:7-923:49" stringSymbol="' is already declared in this container"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="913:2-916:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="914:3-914:30" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.37/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@source //@elements.37/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@source/@source/@source //@elements.37/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.37/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.37/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@source/@arguments.0/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="914:7-914:30" name="VariableDeclaration">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="915:4-915:69" name="exists">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="915:4-915:23" operationName="getDeclarations">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="915:4-915:5" referredVariable="//@elements.37/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="915:36-915:68" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="915:36-915:57" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="915:36-915:45" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="915:36-915:37" referredVariable="//@elements.37/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="915:48-915:57" name="varName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="915:48-915:49" referredVariable="//@elements.37/@inPattern/@filter/@iterators.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="915:62-915:68" operationName="&lt;>">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="915:62-915:63" referredVariable="//@elements.37/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="915:67-915:68" referredVariable="//@elements.37/@inPattern/@filter/@iterators.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="915:32-915:33" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.37/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@source/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.37/@inPattern/@filter/@body/@arguments.0/@arguments.0"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/ATL2Problem/atl-problem.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/ATL2Problem/atl-problem.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d110367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/ATL2Problem/atl-problem.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns="Diagnostic">
+ <Problem location="9:15-9:26" description="variable 'A' undefined"/>
+ <Problem location="9:28-9:37" description="variable 'B' undefined"/>
+ <Problem location="9:39-9:47" description="variable 'A' undefined"/>
+ <Problem location="26:1-30:17" description="helper 'pouet': current implementation does not support helpers with collection context"/>
+ <Problem location="56:30-56:34" description="rule 'self': use of the 'self' variable prohibited in rules"/>
+ <Problem location="67:25-67:59" description="rule 'R2': use of 'thisModule.resolveTemp()' function is prohibited in source patterns"/>
+ <Problem location="19:9-19:45" description="attribute 'baba': use of 'thisModule.resolveTemp()' function is prohibited in attributes"/>
+ <Problem location="15:9-15:56" description="iterator 'select' may have at most one iterator variable"/>
+ <Problem location="15:44-15:45" description="a variable named 'm' is already declared in this loop"/>
+ <Problem location="15:47-15:48" description="a variable named 'm' is already declared in this loop"/>
+ <Problem location="16:27-16:30" description="a variable named 'res' is already declared in this loop"/>
+ <Problem location="16:32-16:69" description="a variable named 'res' is already declared in this loop"/>
+ <Problem severity="warning" location="23:13-23:29" description="a variable named 'x' is already declared in this container"/>
+ <Problem severity="warning" location="60:34-60:49" description="a variable named 'a' is already declared in this container"/>
+ <Problem severity="warning" location="46:42-46:61" description="a variable named 'a' is already declared in this container"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven.atl.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven.atl.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45ca84d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven.atl.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,1055 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
+<atl:Module xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:atl="" xmlns:ocl="" location="1:1-352:2" name="Ant2Maven">
+ <inModels location="2:63-2:71" name="IN">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/2"/>
+ </inModels>
+ <outModels location="2:8-2:29" name="OUTMaven">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/0"/>
+ </outModels>
+ <outModels location="2:31-2:56" name="OUTProject">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/1"/>
+ </outModels>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="7:1-38:2" name="AntProject2Maven">
+ <outPattern location="15:3-37:5">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="15:6-20:6" varName="mp">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="15:11-15:31" name="Project">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="16:8-16:20" propertyName="id">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="16:14-16:20" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="16:14-16:15" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="17:8-17:22" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="17:16-17:22" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="17:16-17:17" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="18:5-18:33" propertyName="description">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="18:20-18:33" name="description">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="18:20-18:21" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="19:5-19:21" propertyName="build">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="19:14-19:21" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@outPattern/@elements.1"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="21:5-24:6" varName="mpBuild" variableExp="//@elements.0/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.3/@value">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="21:15-21:33" name="Build">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="22:5-22:33" propertyName="sourceDirectory">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="22:24-22:33" name="basedir">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="22:24-22:25" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="23:5-23:34" propertyName="defaultGoal">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="23:20-23:34" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="23:20-23:29" name="default">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="23:20-23:21" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="26:4-33:7" varName="mm">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="26:9-26:27" name="Project">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="27:5-27:22" propertyName="xmlns">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="27:14-27:22" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@outPattern/@elements.3"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="28:5-28:25" propertyName="default">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="28:16-28:25" name="default">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="28:16-28:17" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="29:5-29:19" propertyName="path">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="29:13-29:19" name="path">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="29:13-29:14" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="30:5-30:31" propertyName="properties">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="30:19-30:31" name="properties">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="30:19-30:20" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="31:5-31:26" propertyName="taskdefs">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="31:17-31:26" name="taskdef">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="31:17-31:18" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="32:5-32:23" propertyName="goals">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="32:14-32:23" name="targets">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="32:14-32:15" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="34:4-37:5" varName="itsXmlns" variableExp="//@elements.0/@outPattern/@elements.2/@bindings.0/@value">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="34:15-34:31" name="Xmlns">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="35:5-35:18" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="35:13-35:18" stringSymbol="ant"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="36:5-36:25" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="36:14-36:25" stringSymbol="jelly:ant"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="8:3-13:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="8:8-8:23" varName="a" variableExp="//@elements.0/@inPattern/@filter/@condition/@source/@source //@elements.0/@inPattern/@filter/@elseExpression/@source/@source/@source //@elements.0/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source //@elements.0/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.0/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@source //@elements.0/@outPattern/@elements.1/@bindings.0/@value/@source //@elements.0/@outPattern/@elements.1/@bindings.1/@value/@source/@source //@elements.0/@outPattern/@elements.2/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.0/@outPattern/@elements.2/@bindings.2/@value/@source //@elements.0/@outPattern/@elements.2/@bindings.3/@value/@source //@elements.0/@outPattern/@elements.2/@bindings.4/@value/@source //@elements.0/@outPattern/@elements.2/@bindings.5/@value/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="8:12-8:23" name="Project">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="9:3-12:9">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="10:9-10:14"/>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="9:6-9:36" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="9:6-9:19" name="description">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="9:6-9:7" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="11:9-11:31" operationName="not">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="11:14-11:30" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="11:14-11:27" name="description">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="11:14-11:15" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="11:28-11:30" stringSymbol=""/>
+ </source>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="40:1-71:2" name="AntProject2MavenWithoutDescription">
+ <outPattern location="48:3-70:5">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="48:6-52:6" varName="mp">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="48:11-48:31" name="Project">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="49:8-49:20" propertyName="id">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="49:14-49:20" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="49:14-49:15" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="50:8-50:22" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="50:16-50:22" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="50:16-50:17" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="51:5-51:21" propertyName="build">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="51:14-51:21" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@outPattern/@elements.1"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="53:5-56:6" varName="mpBuild" variableExp="//@elements.1/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="53:15-53:33" name="Build">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="54:5-54:33" propertyName="sourceDirectory">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="54:24-54:33" name="basedir">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="54:24-54:25" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="55:5-55:34" propertyName="defaultGoal">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="55:20-55:34" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="55:20-55:29" name="default">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="55:20-55:21" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="58:4-66:7" varName="mm">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="58:9-58:27" name="Project">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="59:5-59:22" propertyName="xmlns">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="59:14-59:22" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@outPattern/@elements.3"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="60:5-60:25" propertyName="default">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="60:16-60:25" name="default">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="60:16-60:17" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="61:5-61:19" propertyName="path">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="61:13-61:19" name="path">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="61:13-61:14" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="62:5-62:31" propertyName="properties">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="62:19-62:31" name="properties">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="62:19-62:20" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="63:5-63:26" propertyName="taskdefs">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="63:17-63:26" name="taskdef">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="63:17-63:18" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="64:5-64:23" propertyName="goals">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="64:14-64:23" name="targets">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="64:14-64:15" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="67:4-70:5" varName="itsXmlns" variableExp="//@elements.1/@outPattern/@elements.2/@bindings.0/@value">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="67:15-67:31" name="Xmlns">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="68:5-68:18" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="68:13-68:18" stringSymbol="ant"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="69:5-69:25" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="69:14-69:25" stringSymbol="jelly:ant"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="41:3-46:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="41:8-41:23" varName="a" variableExp="//@elements.1/@inPattern/@filter/@condition/@source/@source //@elements.1/@inPattern/@filter/@elseExpression/@source/@source //@elements.1/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source //@elements.1/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.1/@outPattern/@elements.1/@bindings.0/@value/@source //@elements.1/@outPattern/@elements.1/@bindings.1/@value/@source/@source //@elements.1/@outPattern/@elements.2/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.1/@outPattern/@elements.2/@bindings.2/@value/@source //@elements.1/@outPattern/@elements.2/@bindings.3/@value/@source //@elements.1/@outPattern/@elements.2/@bindings.4/@value/@source //@elements.1/@outPattern/@elements.2/@bindings.5/@value/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="41:12-41:23" name="Project">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="42:3-45:9">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="43:9-43:13" booleanSymbol="true"/>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="42:6-42:36" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="42:6-42:19" name="description">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="42:6-42:7" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="44:9-44:25" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="44:9-44:22" name="description">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="44:9-44:10" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="44:23-44:25" stringSymbol=""/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="88:1-100:3" name="AntTarget2MavenMavenGoal">
+ <outPattern location="93:2-99:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="93:5-96:4" varName="mg">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="93:10-93:25" name="Goal">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="94:3-94:17" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="94:11-94:17" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="94:11-94:12" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="95:3-95:49" propertyName="contentsGoal">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="95:19-95:49">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="95:28-95:40" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.1"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="95:41-95:48" name="tasks">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="95:41-95:42" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </elements>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:ForEachOutPatternElement" location="97:2-99:3" varName="dependencies" variableExp="//@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@elements.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="97:26-97:47" name="AttainGoal">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="98:3-98:18" propertyName="attainGoal">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="98:17-98:18" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.1/@iterator"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <collection xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="97:61-97:76" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@variables.0"/>
+ <iterator location="97:56-97:57" varName="g" variableExp="//@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.1/@bindings.0/@value"/>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <variables location="91:3-91:68" varName="itsDependencies" variableExp="//@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.1/@collection">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="91:21-91:41">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="91:30-91:40" name="Target">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="91:44-91:67" operationName="asSequence">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="91:44-91:53" name="depends">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="91:44-91:45" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variables>
+ <inPattern location="89:2-89:21">
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+ </bindings>
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+ </outPattern>
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+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="346:7-346:27" varName="a" variableExp="//@elements.29/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source //@elements.29/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.29/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="346:11-346:27" name="ExcludesFile">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/mavenFile.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/mavenFile.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d3165ff4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/mavenFile.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<Project xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns="MavenMaven" default="//@goals.5">
+ <xmlns name="ant" value="jelly:ant"/>
+ <path id="classpath" refid="">
+ <fileset dir="${jwsdp.home}/common/lib">
+ <include name="*.jar" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ </fileset>
+ </path>
+ <properties xsi:type="AntPropertyValue" name="example" value="GSApp"/>
+ <properties xsi:type="AntPropertyValue" name="path" value="/${example}"/>
+ <properties xsi:type="AntPropertyValue" name="build" value="${jwsdp.home}/docs/tutorial/examples/${example}/build"/>
+ <properties xsi:type="AntPropertyValue" name="url" value="http://localhost:8080/manager"/>
+ <properties xsi:type="AntPropertyFile" file=""/>
+ <properties xsi:type="AntPropertyFile" file="${user.home}/"/>
+ <taskdefs name="install" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.InstallTask"/>
+ <taskdefs name="reload" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ReloadTask"/>
+ <taskdefs name="remove" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.RemoveTask"/>
+ <goals name="init">
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="Tstamp"/>
+ </goals>
+ <goals name="prepare">
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="AttainGoal" attainGoal="//@goals.0"/>
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="Mkdir" dir="${build}"/>
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="Mkdir" dir="${build}/WEB-INF"/>
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="Mkdir" dir="${build}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
+ </goals>
+ <goals name="install">
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="AttainGoal" attainGoal="//@goals.5"/>
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="NewTask" taskName="//@taskdefs.0">
+ <attributes name="url" value="${url}"/>
+ <attributes name="username" value="${username}"/>
+ <attributes name="password" value="${password}"/>
+ <attributes name="path" value="${path}"/>
+ <attributes name="war" value="file:${build}"/>
+ </contentsGoal>
+ </goals>
+ <goals name="reload">
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="AttainGoal" attainGoal="//@goals.5"/>
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="NewTask" taskName="//@taskdefs.1">
+ <attributes name="url" value="${url}"/>
+ <attributes name="username" value="${username}"/>
+ <attributes name="password" value="${password}"/>
+ <attributes name="path" value="${path}"/>
+ </contentsGoal>
+ </goals>
+ <goals name="remove">
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="NewTask" taskName="//@taskdefs.2">
+ <attributes name="url" value="${url}"/>
+ <attributes name="username" value="${username}"/>
+ <attributes name="password" value="${password}"/>
+ <attributes name="path" value="${path}"/>
+ </contentsGoal>
+ </goals>
+ <goals name="build">
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="AttainGoal" attainGoal="//@goals.1"/>
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="Javac" srcdir="src" destdir="${build}/WEB-INF/classes">
+ <inExcludes xsi:type="Includes" name="**/*.java" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ <classPath refid="classpath"/>
+ </contentsGoal>
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="Copy" todir="${build}/WEB-INF">
+ <fileset dir="web/WEB-INF">
+ <include name="web.xml" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ </fileset>
+ </contentsGoal>
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="Copy" todir="${build}">
+ <fileset dir="web">
+ <include name="*.html" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ <include name="*.jsp" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ <include name="*.gif" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ </fileset>
+ </contentsGoal>
+ </goals>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/projectFile.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/projectFile.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8fea7ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/projectFile.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<Project xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns="MavenProject" id="gs-example"
+ name="gs-example">
+ <build defaultGoal="build" sourceDirectory="."/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/Maven2XML.atl.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/Maven2XML.atl.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..85906b8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/Maven2XML.atl.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,1450 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
+<atl:Module xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:atl="" xmlns:ocl="" location="1:1-432:2" name="Maven2XML">
+ <inModels location="3:9-3:29" name="InMaven">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/2"/>
+ </inModels>
+ <inModels location="3:31-3:55" name="InProject">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/3"/>
+ </inModels>
+ <outModels location="2:9-2:24" name="XML1">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/0"/>
+ </outModels>
+ <outModels location="2:28-2:45" name="XML2">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/1"/>
+ </outModels>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="10:1-12:40">
+ <definition location="10:8-12:39">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="10:12-12:39" name="getXmlnsAux">
+ <parameters location="10:24-10:36" varName="name" variableExp="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@source/@body/@arguments.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="10:30-10:36"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="10:39-10:45"/>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="11:2-12:39" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="11:2-12:34" operationName="first">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="11:2-12:25" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="11:2-11:33" operationName="allInstances">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="11:2-11:18" name="Xmlns">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="12:12-12:24" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="12:12-12:19" name="value">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="12:12-12:13" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="12:20-12:24" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@parameters.0"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="12:10-12:11" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@source/@body/@source/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="15:1-20:9">
+ <definition location="15:8-20:8">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="15:12-20:8" name="getXmlns">
+ <parameters location="15:21-15:33" varName="name" variableExp="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable/@initExpression/@arguments.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="15:27-15:33"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="15:36-15:42"/>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:LetExp" location="16:2-20:8">
+ <variable location="16:6-16:58" varName="completeValue" variableExp="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@condition/@source/@source //@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@thenExpression/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="16:21-16:27"/>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="16:30-16:58" operationName="getXmlnsAux">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="16:30-16:40">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/4"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="16:53-16:57" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@parameters.0"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="17:2-20:8">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="18:8-18:25" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="18:8-18:21" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="18:22-18:25" stringSymbol=":"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="17:5-17:27" operationName=">">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="17:5-17:25" operationName="size">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="17:5-17:18" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="17:26-17:27" integerSymbol="0"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="19:8-19:10" stringSymbol=""/>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="25:1-38:2" name="MavenMavenProject2XMLMavenRoot">
+ <outPattern location="27:2-36:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="27:5-32:3" varName="o">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="27:9-27:22" name="Root">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="28:3-28:20" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="28:11-28:20" stringSymbol="project"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="29:3-31:32" propertyName="children">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="29:15-31:32">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="29:25-29:32" name="xmlns">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="29:25-29:26" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="29:33-29:44" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.1"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="30:9-30:15" name="path">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="30:9-30:10" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="30:16-30:28" name="properties">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="30:16-30:17" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="30:29-30:39" name="taskdefs">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="30:29-30:30" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="31:9-31:23" name="prePostGoals">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="31:9-31:10" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="31:24-31:31" name="goals">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="31:24-31:25" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </elements>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="33:2-36:3" varName="goalDefault" variableExp="//@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@elements.1">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="33:16-33:34" name="Attribute">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="34:3-34:20" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="34:11-34:20" stringSymbol="default"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="35:3-35:26" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="35:12-35:26" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="35:12-35:21" name="default">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="35:12-35:13" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="26:2-26:29">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="26:7-26:29" varName="i" variableExp="//@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@elements.0/@source //@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@elements.2/@source //@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@elements.3/@source //@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@elements.4/@source //@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@elements.5/@source //@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@elements.6/@source //@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.1/@bindings.1/@value/@source/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="26:11-26:29" name="Project">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="41:1-47:2" name="Xmlns">
+ <outPattern location="43:2-46:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="43:5-46:3" varName="o">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="43:7-43:25" name="Attribute">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="44:3-44:26" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="44:11-44:26" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="44:11-44:19" stringSymbol="xmlns:"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="44:20-44:26" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="44:20-44:21" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="45:3-45:19" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="45:12-45:19" name="value">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="45:12-45:13" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="42:2-42:27">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="42:7-42:27" varName="i" variableExp="//@elements.3/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.3/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="42:11-42:27" name="Xmlns">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="51:1-65:2" name="PropertyValue">
+ <outPattern location="53:2-64:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="53:5-56:3" varName="o">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="53:9-53:25" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="54:3-54:54" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="54:11-54:54" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="54:11-54:43" operationName="getXmlns">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="54:11-54:21">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/5"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="54:31-54:42" stringSymbol="jelly:ant"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="54:44-54:54" stringSymbol="property"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="55:3-55:52" propertyName="children">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="55:15-55:52">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="55:24-55:37" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.1"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="55:38-55:51" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.2"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="57:2-60:3" varName="propertyName2" variableExp="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@elements.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="57:18-57:36" name="Attribute">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="58:3-58:17" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="58:11-58:17" stringSymbol="name"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="59:3-59:18" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="59:12-59:18" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="59:12-59:13" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="61:2-64:3" varName="propertyValue" variableExp="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@elements.1">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="61:18-61:36" name="Attribute">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="62:3-62:18" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="62:11-62:18" stringSymbol="value"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="63:3-63:19" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="63:12-63:19" name="value">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="63:12-63:13" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="52:2-52:38">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="52:7-52:38" varName="i" variableExp="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.1/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.2/@bindings.1/@value/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="52:11-52:38" name="AntPropertyValue">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="66:1-80:2" name="PropertyLocation">
+ <outPattern location="68:2-79:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="68:5-71:3" varName="o">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="68:9-68:25" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="69:3-69:54" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="69:11-69:54" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="69:11-69:43" operationName="getXmlns">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="69:11-69:21">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/6"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="69:31-69:42" stringSymbol="jelly:ant"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="69:44-69:54" stringSymbol="property"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="70:3-70:55" propertyName="children">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="70:15-70:55">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="70:24-70:37" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@outPattern/@elements.1"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="70:38-70:54" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@outPattern/@elements.2"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="72:2-75:3" varName="propertyName2" variableExp="//@elements.5/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@elements.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="72:18-72:36" name="Attribute">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="73:3-73:17" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="73:11-73:17" stringSymbol="name"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="74:3-74:18" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="74:12-74:18" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="74:12-74:13" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="76:2-79:3" varName="propertyLocation" variableExp="//@elements.5/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@elements.1">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="76:21-76:39" name="Attribute">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="77:3-77:21" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="77:11-77:21" stringSymbol="location"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="78:3-78:22" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="78:12-78:22" name="location">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="78:12-78:13" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="67:2-67:41">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="67:7-67:41" varName="i" variableExp="//@elements.5/@outPattern/@elements.1/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.5/@outPattern/@elements.2/@bindings.1/@value/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="67:11-67:41" name="AntPropertyLocation">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="82:1-92:2" name="PropertyFile">
+ <outPattern location="84:2-91:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="84:5-87:3" varName="o">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="84:9-84:25" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="85:3-85:54" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="85:11-85:54" operationName="+">
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </bindings>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </source>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </source>
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+ </type>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </value>
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+ </type>
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+ </elements>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </source>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </source>
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+ </type>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </type>
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+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </type>
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+ </type>
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+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/22"/>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/3"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="353:9-353:31" operationName="not">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="353:14-353:30" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </value>
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+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ </source>
+ </condition>
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+ </filter>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/mavenFileXML.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/mavenFileXML.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43420d25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/mavenFileXML.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
+<Root xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="XML" name="project">
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+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="dir" value="${jwsdp.home}/common/lib"/>
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/projectFileXML.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
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+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" name="sourceDirectory">
+ <children xsi:type="Text" name="." value="."/>
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diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/XML2Ant.atl.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/XML2Ant.atl.ecore
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/XML2Ant.atl.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,1938 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
+<atl:Module xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:atl="" xmlns:ocl="" location="1:1-459:2" name="XML2Ant">
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+ <metamodel href="temp#/1"/>
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+ <metamodel href="temp#/0"/>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="10:33-10:39"/>
+ </parameters>
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+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="10:50-10:56"/>
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+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="18:101-18:107"/>
+ </type>
+ </parameters>
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+ </returnType>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/3"/>
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+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/4"/>
+ </source>
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+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="33:51-33:57"/>
+ </parameters>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/5"/>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="39:54-39:60"/>
+ </parameters>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/6"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="39:8-39:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="39:16-39:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="46:52-46:58"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="46:60-46:66"/>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/8"/>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/7"/>
+ </source>
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+ </condition>
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+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="46:8-46:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="46:16-46:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ </parameters>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/9"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="64:48-64:54"/>
+ </parameters>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ </source>
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+ </condition>
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+ </body>
+ </feature>
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+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="64:16-64:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
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+ </type>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="133:5-135:3" varName="o">
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="134:3-134:33" propertyName="file">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="129:11-129:22" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="130:3-131:26" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="130:3-130:22" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="130:3-130:9" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="130:3-130:4" referredVariable="//@elements.10/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="138:1-146:2" name="PropertyEnv">
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+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="143:5-145:3" varName="o">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="143:9-143:24" name="PropertyEnv">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="144:3-144:47" propertyName="environment">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="139:11-139:22" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="140:3-141:33" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="140:3-140:22" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="140:3-140:9" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="140:3-140:4" referredVariable="//@elements.11/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="151:1-167:2" name="Target">
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+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="155:5-166:3" varName="o">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="155:9-155:19" name="Target">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="157:3-157:47" propertyName="description">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="160:15-160:26" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="161:16-163:40" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="161:16-161:33" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="162:9-162:19">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/12"/>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="164:3-165:42" propertyName="tasks">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="164:12-164:13" referredVariable="//@elements.12/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="165:11-165:12" varName="d" variableExp="//@elements.12/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.5/@value/@body/@source"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="153:3-153:20" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="153:3-153:4" referredVariable="//@elements.12/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="153:12-153:20" stringSymbol="target"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="177:1-185:2" name="TaskDef">
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+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="181:5-184:3" varName="o">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="181:9-181:20" name="TaskDef">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="179:3-179:21" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="179:3-179:4" referredVariable="//@elements.13/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="179:12-179:21" stringSymbol="taskdef"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="199:16-200:38" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="199:16-199:34" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="199:25-199:34" stringSymbol="taskdef"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="200:9-200:38" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="203:17-203:18" referredVariable="//@elements.14/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="191:7-193:39" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="191:7-191:33" operationName="allInstances">
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="192:16-193:38" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="192:16-192:34" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="192:16-192:17" referredVariable="//@elements.14/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="192:25-192:34" stringSymbol="taskdef"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="193:9-193:38" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="193:9-193:10" referredVariable="//@elements.14/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="217:11-217:12" referredVariable="//@elements.15/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="218:3-218:18" propertyName="value">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="211:3-214:16" operationName="not">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="211:7-211:33" operationName="allInstances">
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="212:16-213:45" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="212:16-212:34" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="212:16-212:22" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="212:16-212:17" referredVariable="//@elements.15/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="212:25-212:34" stringSymbol="taskdef"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="213:9-213:45" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ </elements>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </type>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </type>
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="378:30-378:40" stringSymbol="location"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="373:2-375:3">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="373:11-373:22" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="374:3-374:25" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="374:3-374:4" referredVariable="//@elements.28/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="374:12-374:25" stringSymbol="pathelement"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="384:1-396:2" name="FilterSet">
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+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="388:5-395:3" varName="o">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="388:9-388:22" name="FilterSet">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="389:3-389:45" propertyName="starttoken">
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="389:32-389:44" stringSymbol="starttoken"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="390:6-390:44" propertyName="endtoken">
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="390:33-390:43" stringSymbol="endtoken"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="391:3-392:64" propertyName="filter">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="391:13-392:64" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="391:13-391:23" name="children">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="391:13-391:14" referredVariable="//@elements.29/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="392:15-392:63" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="392:15-392:41" operationName="oclIsKindOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="392:15-392:16" referredVariable="//@elements.29/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@iterators.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="392:29-392:40" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="392:46-392:63" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="392:46-392:52" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="392:46-392:47" referredVariable="//@elements.29/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="392:55-392:63" stringSymbol="filter"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="392:11-392:12" varName="d" variableExp="//@elements.29/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@body/@source/@source //@elements.29/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@body/@arguments.0/@source/@source"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="393:3-394:69" propertyName="filtersfile">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="393:18-394:69" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="393:18-393:28" name="children">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="393:18-393:19" referredVariable="//@elements.29/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="394:15-394:68" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="394:15-394:41" operationName="oclIsKindOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="394:15-394:16" referredVariable="//@elements.29/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.3/@value/@iterators.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="394:29-394:40" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="394:46-394:68" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="394:46-394:52" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="394:46-394:47" referredVariable="//@elements.29/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.3/@value/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="394:55-394:68" stringSymbol="filtersfile"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="394:11-394:12" varName="d" variableExp="//@elements.29/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.3/@value/@body/@source/@source //@elements.29/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.3/@value/@body/@arguments.0/@source/@source"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="385:2-387:3">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="385:11-385:22" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="386:3-386:23" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="386:3-386:9" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="386:3-386:4" referredVariable="//@elements.29/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="386:12-386:23" stringSymbol="filterset"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="398:1-406:2" name="Filter">
+ <outPattern location="402:2-405:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="402:5-405:3" varName="o">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="402:9-402:19" name="Filter">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="403:3-403:35" propertyName="token">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="403:12-403:35" operationName="getAttribute">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="403:12-403:13" referredVariable="//@elements.30/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="403:27-403:34" stringSymbol="token"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="404:3-404:35" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="404:12-404:35" operationName="getAttribute">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="404:12-404:13" referredVariable="//@elements.30/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="404:27-404:34" stringSymbol="value"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="399:2-401:3">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="399:11-399:22" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="400:3-400:20" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="400:3-400:9" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="400:3-400:4" referredVariable="//@elements.30/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="400:12-400:20" stringSymbol="filter"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="408:1-415:2" name="FiltersFile">
+ <outPattern location="412:2-414:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="412:5-414:3" varName="o">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="412:9-412:24" name="FiltersFile">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="413:3-413:33" propertyName="file">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="413:11-413:33" operationName="getAttribute">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="413:11-413:12" referredVariable="//@elements.31/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="413:26-413:32" stringSymbol="file"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="409:2-411:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="409:7-409:22" varName="i" variableExp="//@elements.31/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@source //@elements.31/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="409:11-409:22" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="410:3-410:25" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="410:3-410:9" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="410:3-410:4" referredVariable="//@elements.31/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="410:12-410:25" stringSymbol="filtersfile"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="417:1-426:2" name="Includes">
+ <outPattern location="421:2-425:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="421:5-425:3" varName="o">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="421:9-421:21" name="Includes">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="422:3-422:33" propertyName="name">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="422:11-422:12" referredVariable="//@elements.32/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="422:26-422:32" stringSymbol="name"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="423:3-423:38" propertyName="ifCondition">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="423:18-423:19" referredVariable="//@elements.32/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="423:33-423:37" stringSymbol="if"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="424:3-424:37" propertyName="unless">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="424:13-424:14" referredVariable="//@elements.32/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="424:28-424:36" stringSymbol="unless"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="418:2-420:3">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="418:11-418:22" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="419:3-419:21" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="419:3-419:9" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="419:3-419:4" referredVariable="//@elements.32/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="419:12-419:21" stringSymbol="include"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="428:1-437:2" name="Excludes">
+ <outPattern location="432:2-436:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="432:5-436:3" varName="o">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="432:9-432:21" name="Excludes">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="433:3-433:33" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="433:11-433:33" operationName="getAttribute">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="433:11-433:12" referredVariable="//@elements.33/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="433:26-433:32" stringSymbol="name"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="434:3-434:38" propertyName="ifCondition">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="434:18-434:38" operationName="getAttribute">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="434:18-434:19" referredVariable="//@elements.33/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="434:33-434:37" stringSymbol="if"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="435:3-435:37" propertyName="unless">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="435:13-435:37" operationName="getAttribute">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="435:13-435:14" referredVariable="//@elements.33/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="435:28-435:36" stringSymbol="unless"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="429:2-431:3">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="429:11-429:22" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="430:3-430:21" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="430:3-430:9" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="430:3-430:4" referredVariable="//@elements.33/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="430:12-430:21" stringSymbol="exclude"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="439:1-448:2" name="IncludesFile">
+ <outPattern location="443:2-447:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="443:5-447:3" varName="o">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="443:8-443:24" name="IncludesFile">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="444:3-444:33" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="444:11-444:33" operationName="getAttribute">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="444:11-444:12" referredVariable="//@elements.34/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="444:26-444:32" stringSymbol="name"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="445:3-445:38" propertyName="ifCondition">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="445:18-445:38" operationName="getAttribute">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="445:18-445:19" referredVariable="//@elements.34/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="445:33-445:37" stringSymbol="if"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="446:3-446:37" propertyName="unless">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="446:13-446:14" referredVariable="//@elements.34/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="446:28-446:36" stringSymbol="unless"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="440:2-442:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="440:7-440:22" varName="i" variableExp="//@elements.34/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@source //@elements.34/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source //@elements.34/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.34/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="440:11-440:22" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="441:3-441:26" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="441:3-441:9" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="441:3-441:4" referredVariable="//@elements.34/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="441:12-441:26" stringSymbol="includesfile"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="450:1-459:2" name="ExcludesFile">
+ <outPattern location="454:2-458:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="454:5-458:3" varName="o">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="454:9-454:25" name="ExcludesFile">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="455:3-455:33" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="455:11-455:33" operationName="getAttribute">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="455:11-455:12" referredVariable="//@elements.35/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="455:26-455:32" stringSymbol="name"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="456:3-456:38" propertyName="ifCondition">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="456:18-456:38" operationName="getAttribute">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="456:18-456:19" referredVariable="//@elements.35/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="456:33-456:37" stringSymbol="if"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="457:3-457:37" propertyName="unless">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="457:13-457:37" operationName="getAttribute">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="457:13-457:14" referredVariable="//@elements.35/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="457:28-457:36" stringSymbol="unless"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="451:2-453:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="451:7-451:22" varName="i" variableExp="//@elements.35/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@source //@elements.35/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source //@elements.35/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.35/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="451:11-451:22" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="452:3-452:26" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="452:3-452:9" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="452:3-452:4" referredVariable="//@elements.35/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="452:12-452:26" stringSymbol="excludesfile"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/buildAnt.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/buildAnt.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df12ac11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/buildAnt.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
+<Project xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="Ant" name="gs-example" basedir="." description="" default="//@targets.5">
+ <path id="classpath" refid="">
+ <fileset dir="${jwsdp.home}/common/lib">
+ <include name="*.jar" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ </fileset>
+ </path>
+ <properties xsi:type="PropertyValue" name="example" value="GSApp"/>
+ <properties xsi:type="PropertyValue" name="path" value="/${example}"/>
+ <properties xsi:type="PropertyValue" name="build" value="${jwsdp.home}/docs/tutorial/examples/${example}/build"/>
+ <properties xsi:type="PropertyValue" name="url" value="http://localhost:8080/manager"/>
+ <properties xsi:type="PropertyFile" file=""/>
+ <properties xsi:type="PropertyFile" file="${user.home}/"/>
+ <taskdef name="install" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.InstallTask"/>
+ <taskdef name="reload" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ReloadTask"/>
+ <taskdef name="remove" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.RemoveTask"/>
+ <targets name="init" description="" unless="" ifCondition="">
+ <tasks xsi:type="Tstamp"/>
+ </targets>
+ <targets name="prepare" description="Create build directories." unless="" ifCondition="" depends="//@targets.0">
+ <tasks xsi:type="Mkdir" dir="${build}"/>
+ <tasks xsi:type="Mkdir" dir="${build}/WEB-INF"/>
+ <tasks xsi:type="Mkdir" dir="${build}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
+ </targets>
+ <targets name="install" description="Install Web application" unless="" ifCondition="" depends="//@targets.5">
+ <tasks xsi:type="NewTask" taskName="//@taskdef.0">
+ <attributes name="url" value="${url}"/>
+ <attributes name="username" value="${username}"/>
+ <attributes name="password" value="${password}"/>
+ <attributes name="path" value="${path}"/>
+ <attributes name="war" value="file:${build}"/>
+ </tasks>
+ </targets>
+ <targets name="reload" description="Reload Web application" unless="" ifCondition="" depends="//@targets.5">
+ <tasks xsi:type="NewTask" taskName="//@taskdef.1">
+ <attributes name="url" value="${url}"/>
+ <attributes name="username" value="${username}"/>
+ <attributes name="password" value="${password}"/>
+ <attributes name="path" value="${path}"/>
+ </tasks>
+ </targets>
+ <targets name="remove" description="Remove Web application" unless="" ifCondition="">
+ <tasks xsi:type="NewTask" taskName="//@taskdef.2">
+ <attributes name="url" value="${url}"/>
+ <attributes name="username" value="${username}"/>
+ <attributes name="password" value="${password}"/>
+ <attributes name="path" value="${path}"/>
+ </tasks>
+ </targets>
+ <targets name="build" description="Compile app Java files and copy HTML and JSP pages" unless="" ifCondition="" depends="//@targets.1">
+ <tasks xsi:type="Javac" srcdir="src" destdir="${build}/WEB-INF/classes">
+ <inExcludes xsi:type="Includes" name="**/*.java" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ <classPath refid="classpath"/>
+ </tasks>
+ <tasks xsi:type="Copy" todir="${build}/WEB-INF">
+ <fileset dir="web/WEB-INF">
+ <include name="web.xml" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ </fileset>
+ </tasks>
+ <tasks xsi:type="Copy" todir="${build}">
+ <fileset dir="web">
+ <include name="*.html" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ <include name="*.jsp" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ <include name="*.gif" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ </fileset>
+ </tasks>
+ </targets>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/AssertionModification/AssertionModification.atl.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/AssertionModification/AssertionModification.atl.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..edcda678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/AssertionModification/AssertionModification.atl.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,1395 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
+<atl:Module xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:atl="" xmlns:ocl="" location="11:1-289:2" name="AssertionModification">
+ <inModels location="12:30-12:39" name="IN">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/1"/>
+ </inModels>
+ <inModels location="12:41-12:50" name="Lib">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/2"/>
+ </inModels>
+ <outModels location="12:8-12:24" name="OUT">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/0"/>
+ </outModels>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="16:1-19:40">
+ <definition location="16:8-19:39">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="16:34-19:39" name="getAttr">
+ <parameters location="16:42-16:55" varName="name" variableExp="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@body/@arguments.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="16:49-16:55"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="16:59-16:72" name="Attribute">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </returnType>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="17:3-19:39" operationName="first">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="17:3-19:30" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="17:3-18:44" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="17:3-17:16" name="children">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="17:3-17:7">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/3"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="18:13-18:14" varName="c" variableExp="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@source/@body/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="19:16-19:29" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="19:16-19:17" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="19:25-19:29" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@parameters.0"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="19:14-19:15" varName="c" variableExp="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@body/@source/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="16:8-16:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="16:16-16:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="22:1-23:28">
+ <definition location="22:8-23:27">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="22:34-23:27" name="getAttrVal">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="22:52-22:58"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="22:62-22:68"/>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="23:3-23:27" name="value">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="23:3-23:21" operationName="getAttr">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="23:3-23:7">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/4"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="23:16-23:20" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@parameters.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="22:8-22:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="22:16-22:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="26:1-29:60">
+ <definition location="26:8-29:59">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="27:7-29:59" name="getChildren">
+ <parameters location="27:19-27:32" varName="type" variableExp="//@elements.2/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@body/@arguments.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclAnyType" location="27:26-27:32"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <parameters location="27:34-27:47" varName="name" variableExp="//@elements.2/@definition/@feature/@body/@body/@arguments.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="27:41-27:47"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="27:51-27:69">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="27:60-27:68" name="Node">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </returnType>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="28:3-29:59" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="28:3-29:34" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="28:3-28:16" name="children">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="28:3-28:7">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/5"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </body>
+ <iterators location="29:12-29:13" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.2/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@body/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="29:45-29:58" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="29:45-29:51" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="29:45-29:46" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@definition/@feature/@body/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="29:54-29:58" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@definition/@feature/@parameters.1"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="29:43-29:44" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.2/@definition/@feature/@body/@body/@source/@source"/>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="26:8-26:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="26:16-26:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="32:1-43:3">
+ <definition location="32:8-42:7">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Attribute" location="32:37-42:7" name="searchInLib">
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="33:2-42:7">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="34:7-34:11">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/7"/>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="33:5-33:39" operationName="oclIsTypeOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="33:5-33:15" name="owner">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="33:5-33:9">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/6"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="33:28-33:38" name="Class">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="35:7-41:8">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="36:8-36:36" operationName="AssociationExistInLib">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="36:8-36:12">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/9"/>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="35:10-35:50" operationName="oclIsTypeOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="35:10-35:20" name="owner">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="35:10-35:14">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/8"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="35:33-35:49" name="Association">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="37:8-40:9">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="38:9-38:35" operationName="OperationExistInLib">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="38:9-38:13">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/11"/>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="37:11-37:49" operationName="oclIsTypeOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="37:11-37:21" name="owner">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="37:11-37:15">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/10"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="37:34-37:48" name="Operation">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="39:9-39:70" stringSymbol="Erreur entry Type: either class or association or operation"/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="32:51-32:57"/>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="32:8-32:31">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="32:16-32:31" name="Constraint">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="46:1-63:3">
+ <definition location="46:8-62:7">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="46:37-62:7" name="ClassExistInLib">
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="46:57-46:63"/>
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+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="54:3-60:64" name="value">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="54:3-60:50" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="54:3-59:50" operationName="getChildren">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="54:3-54:55" name="select">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="54:3-54:14" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="54:40-54:54" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="54:40-54:46" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="54:40-54:41" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@definition/@feature/@body/@thenExpression/@source/@source/@source/@source/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="54:47-54:54" stringSymbol="class"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="54:38-54:39" varName="c" variableExp="//@elements.4/@definition/@feature/@body/@thenExpression/@source/@source/@source/@source/@source/@source/@body/@source/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="55:12-58:52" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="55:12-56:49" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="55:12-55:64" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="55:12-55:32" operationName="getAttr">
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="55:41-55:51" name="owner">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="55:41-55:45">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/15"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="56:8-56:49" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="56:34-56:38">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/16"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </arguments>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="57:35-57:46" stringSymbol="assertion"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="58:18-58:51" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="58:42-58:46">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/17"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="58:12-58:17" varName="const" variableExp="//@elements.4/@definition/@feature/@body/@thenExpression/@source/@source/@source/@source/@source/@body/@arguments.0/@body/@source/@source"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="55:10-55:11" varName="c" variableExp="//@elements.4/@definition/@feature/@body/@thenExpression/@source/@source/@source/@source/@source/@body/@source/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.4/@definition/@feature/@body/@thenExpression/@source/@source/@source/@source/@source/@body/@source/@arguments.0/@source/@source/@source //@elements.4/@definition/@feature/@body/@thenExpression/@source/@source/@source/@source/@source/@body/@arguments.0/@source/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="59:25-59:36" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </arguments>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="59:38-59:49" stringSymbol="assertion"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="60:16-60:49" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="60:16-60:37" operationName="getAttr">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="60:16-60:21" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@definition/@feature/@body/@thenExpression/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="60:30-60:36" stringSymbol="name"/>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="60:40-60:44">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/18"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="60:10-60:15" varName="const" variableExp="//@elements.4/@definition/@feature/@body/@thenExpression/@source/@source/@body/@source/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="47:5-52:28" operationName="&lt;>">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="47:5-47:57" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="47:5-47:31" operationName="allInstances">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="47:5-47:16" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="47:42-47:56" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="47:42-47:48" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="47:42-47:43" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@definition/@feature/@body/@condition/@source/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="47:49-47:56" stringSymbol="class"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="47:40-47:41" varName="c" variableExp="//@elements.4/@definition/@feature/@body/@condition/@source/@source/@source/@body/@source/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="48:12-51:52" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="48:12-49:49" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="48:12-48:64" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="48:12-48:38" name="value">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="48:12-48:32" operationName="getAttr">
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="48:22-48:31" stringSymbol="package"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="48:41-48:64" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="48:41-48:59" name="package">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="48:41-48:51" name="owner">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="48:41-48:45">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/12"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="49:8-49:49" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="49:34-49:38">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/13"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="50:22-50:33" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </arguments>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="50:35-50:46" stringSymbol="assertion"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="51:18-51:51" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="51:18-51:39" operationName="getAttr">
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="51:32-51:38" stringSymbol="name"/>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/14"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="51:12-51:17" varName="const" variableExp="//@elements.4/@definition/@feature/@body/@condition/@source/@source/@body/@arguments.0/@body/@source/@source"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </condition>
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+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="46:8-46:31">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="46:16-46:31" name="Constraint">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/22"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </arguments>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/19"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="66:8-66:31">
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/28"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/29"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </arguments>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="92:36-92:50" stringSymbol="precondition"/>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </condition>
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+ </thenExpression>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/26"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/27"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/40"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </arguments>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </arguments>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="107:45-107:63" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="108:43-108:53" name="owner">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="108:43-108:47">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/37"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/38"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </arguments>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="110:37-110:52" stringSymbol="postcondition"/>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/39"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </condition>
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+ </thenExpression>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/35"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/36"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </elseExpression>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="86:8-86:31">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="86:16-86:31" name="Constraint">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="165:4-165:26" propertyName="value">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="161:2-162:32">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="162:13-162:32" name="LiteralInteger">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="175:15-175:49" name="LiteralUnlimitedNatural">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="185:4-185:48" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="185:4-185:17" name="owner">
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="185:40-185:48" stringSymbol="noRule"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="194:1-202:2" name="Association">
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="200:4-200:33" propertyName="memberEnd">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="200:17-200:23" referredVariable="//@elements.13/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="215:4-215:35" propertyName="lowerValue">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="215:18-215:24" referredVariable="//@elements.14/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="227:4-227:23" propertyName="name">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="229:4-232:14" propertyName="specification">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="230:14-230:20" referredVariable="//@elements.15/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="229:24-229:61" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="229:53-229:61" stringSymbol="noRule"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="231:14-231:40" operationName="newRule">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="231:14-231:24">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/44"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="231:33-231:39" referredVariable="//@elements.15/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="224:12-224:27" name="Constraint">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="238:1-250:2" name="Class">
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="243:4-243:23" propertyName="name">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="243:12-243:18" referredVariable="//@elements.16/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="244:4-244:43" propertyName="ownedOperation">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="244:22-244:28" referredVariable="//@elements.16/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="245:4-245:48" propertyName="nestedClassifier">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="246:4-246:32" propertyName="isActive">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="240:12-240:22" name="Class">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="260:4-260:25" propertyName="class">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="260:13-260:19" referredVariable="//@elements.17/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="261:4-261:33" propertyName="ownedRule">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="261:17-261:23" referredVariable="//@elements.17/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="262:4-262:43" propertyName="ownedParameter">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="262:22-262:28" referredVariable="//@elements.17/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="255:2-256:26">
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="272:13-272:33" name="Parameter">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="273:4-273:23" propertyName="name">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="273:12-273:18" referredVariable="//@elements.18/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="275:4-275:23" propertyName="type">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="275:12-275:18" referredVariable="//@elements.18/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="269:2-270:26">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="270:12-270:26" name="Parameter">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:LazyMatchedRule" location="282:1-289:2" name="newRule">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="286:14-286:38" name="LiteralString">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="287:4-287:41" propertyName="value">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="287:13-287:19" referredVariable="//@elements.19/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="283:2-284:27">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="284:12-284:27" name="Constraint">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/AssertionModification/example-UML2Target.uml b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/AssertionModification/example-UML2Target.uml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2e2bf6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/AssertionModification/example-UML2Target.uml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<uml:Model xmi:version="2.1" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:uml="" xmi:id="a1" name="example">
+ <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Class" xmi:id="a2" name="A">
+ <nestedClassifier xmi:type="uml:DataType" xmi:id="a3" name="T"/>
+ <nestedClassifier xmi:type="uml:DataType" xmi:id="a4" name="S"/>
+ <ownedOperation xmi:type="uml:Operation" xmi:id="a5" name="op">
+ <ownedRule xmi:type="uml:Constraint" xmi:id="a6" name="P2">
+ <specification xmi:type="uml:LiteralString" xmi:id="a7" value="pre ::= {P2 : x &lt; 0 }"/>
+ </ownedRule>
+ <ownedRule xmi:type="uml:Constraint" xmi:id="a8" name="Q2">
+ <specification xmi:type="uml:LiteralString" xmi:id="a9" value="post ::= {Q2 : S>5}"/>
+ </ownedRule>
+ <ownedParameter xmi:type="uml:Parameter" xmi:id="a10" name="x" type="a3"/>
+ </ownedOperation>
+ </packagedElement>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/BibTeX2DocBook/BibTeX2DocBook.atl.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/BibTeX2DocBook/BibTeX2DocBook.atl.ecore
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@@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
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+ <metamodel href="temp#/1"/>
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+ <metamodel href="temp#/0"/>
+ </outModels>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="13:51-13:64" name="Author">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
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+ <articles title="BibTeXML to DocBook">
+ <sections_1 title="References List">
+ <paras content="[a] PhDThesis Interrogation continue des Systèmes d'Information de Proximité Touzet, D. 2004 IFSIC"/>
+ <paras content="[b] MasterThesis Etude des Design Patterns et de leur impact sur la réutilisabilité Belangour, A. 2000 ENSIAS"/>
+ <paras content="[c] Article Platform independent Web Application Modeling and Development with Netsilon Bézivin, J. Fondement, F. Muller, P. Studer, P. 2005 Journal on Software and Systems Modeling"/>
+ <paras content="[d] TechReport An Eclipse-based IDE for the ATL model transformation language Bézivin, J. Jouault, F. Valduriez, P. 2004"/>
+ <paras content="[e] Unpublished Model Engineering: Principles and Definitions Bézivin, J. Jouault, F. Touzet, D. Draft"/>
+ <paras content="[f] Manual ATL User Manual"/>
+ <paras content="[g] InProceedings On the Need for Megamodels Bézivin, J. Jouault, F. Valduriez, P. 2004 Proceedings of OOPSLA and GPCE Workshop"/>
+ <paras content="[h] InCollection Discriminative Model Selection for Density Models Meek, C. Thiesson, B. 2003 Proceedings of Ninth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics The Society for Artificial Intelligence and Statistics"/>
+ <paras content="[i] Proceedings Proceedings of OOPSLA and GPCE Workshop 2004"/>
+ <paras content="[j] Booklet 1998"/>
+ <paras content="[k] Book eclipse Modeling Framework Budinsky, F. Steinberg, D. Merks, E. Ellersick, R. Grose, T. J. 2004 Addison-Wesley"/>
+ <paras content="[l] InBook Software Factories Greenfield, J. Short, K. 2004 Wiley 1"/>
+ <paras content="[m] Misc"/>
+ <paras content="[n] Article Graph Transformations on Domain-Specific Models Agrawal, A. Karsai, G. Shi, F. 2003 Journal on Software and Systems Modeling"/>
+ <paras content="[o] Article Sur les principes de base de l'ingénierie des modèles Bézivin, J. 2004 RSTI-L'Objet"/>
+ <paras content="[p] TechReport An Introduction to the ATLAS Model Management Architecture Bézivin, J. Jouault, F. Touzet, D. 2005"/>
+ </sections_1>
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+ <paras content="Agrawal, A."/>
+ <paras content="Belangour, A."/>
+ <paras content="Budinsky, F."/>
+ <paras content="Bézivin, J."/>
+ <paras content="Ellersick, R."/>
+ <paras content="Fondement, F."/>
+ <paras content="Greenfield, J."/>
+ <paras content="Grose, T. J."/>
+ <paras content="Jouault, F."/>
+ <paras content="Karsai, G."/>
+ <paras content="Meek, C."/>
+ <paras content="Merks, E."/>
+ <paras content="Muller, P."/>
+ <paras content="Shi, F."/>
+ <paras content="Short, K."/>
+ <paras content="Steinberg, D."/>
+ <paras content="Studer, P."/>
+ <paras content="Thiesson, B."/>
+ <paras content="Touzet, D."/>
+ <paras content="Valduriez, P."/>
+ </sections_1>
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+ <paras content="ATL User Manual"/>
+ <paras content="An Eclipse-based IDE for the ATL model transformation language"/>
+ <paras content="An Introduction to the ATLAS Model Management Architecture"/>
+ <paras content="Discriminative Model Selection for Density Models"/>
+ <paras content="Etude des Design Patterns et de leur impact sur la réutilisabilité"/>
+ <paras content="Graph Transformations on Domain-Specific Models"/>
+ <paras content="Interrogation continue des Systèmes d'Information de Proximité"/>
+ <paras content="Model Engineering: Principles and Definitions"/>
+ <paras content="On the Need for Megamodels"/>
+ <paras content="Platform independent Web Application Modeling and Development with Netsilon"/>
+ <paras content="Proceedings of OOPSLA and GPCE Workshop"/>
+ <paras content="Software Factories"/>
+ <paras content="Sur les principes de base de l'ingénierie des modèles"/>
+ <paras content="eclipse Modeling Framework"/>
+ </sections_1>
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+ <paras content="Journal on Software and Systems Modeling"/>
+ <paras content="RSTI-L'Objet"/>
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="15:53-15:64" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="15:35-15:36" varName="c" variableExp="//@elements.1/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source/@body/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="8:2-11:4">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="9:7-9:18" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="10:4-10:19" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="10:4-10:10" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="10:4-10:5" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="10:13-10:19" stringSymbol="book"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="19:1-30:2" name="Chapter">
+ <outPattern location="24:2-29:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="25:3-29:4" varName="c">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="25:7-25:19" name="Chapter">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="26:4-26:34" propertyName="title">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="27:4-27:50" propertyName="nbPages">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="27:15-27:16" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
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+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="28:4-28:36" propertyName="author">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="28:14-28:36" operationName="getAttrVal">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="28:14-28:15" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="21:7-21:18" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="22:4-22:22" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="22:4-22:5" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="22:13-22:22" stringSymbol="chapter"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Book2Publication/XML2Book/modelBook.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Book2Publication/XML2Book/modelBook.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec39b2aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Book2Publication/XML2Book/modelBook.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns="Book">
+ <Book title="article">
+ <chapters title="chapter 1" nbPages="13" author="Michel"/>
+ <chapters title="chapter 2" nbPages="1" author="David"/>
+ </Book>
+ <Book title="livre">
+ <chapters title="chapter 1" nbPages="13" author="toto"/>
+ <chapters title="chapter 2" nbPages="17" author="toto"/>
+ <chapters title="chapter 3" nbPages="20" author="titi"/>
+ </Book>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/Class2Relational.atl.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/Class2Relational.atl.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55c6d93e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/Class2Relational.atl.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
+<atl:Module xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:atl="" xmlns:ocl="" location="1:1-104:2" name="Class2Relational">
+ <inModels location="2:30-2:40" name="IN">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/1"/>
+ </inModels>
+ <outModels location="2:8-2:24" name="OUT">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/0"/>
+ </outModels>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="11:1-12:73">
+ <definition location="11:8-12:72">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Attribute" location="11:13-12:72" name="objectIdType">
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="12:2-12:72" operationName="first">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="12:2-12:63" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="12:2-12:31" operationName="allInstances">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="12:2-12:16" name="DataType">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="12:44-12:62" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="12:44-12:50" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="12:44-12:45" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="12:53-12:62" stringSymbol="Integer"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="12:40-12:41" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@source/@body/@source/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="11:28-11:43" name="Type">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="14:1-28:2" name="Class2Table">
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+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="18:3-23:4" varName="out">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="18:9-18:25" name="Table">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="19:4-19:18" propertyName="name">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="19:12-19:13" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="21:4-21:71" propertyName="col">
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </body>
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+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="24:9-24:26" name="Column">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="25:4-25:22" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="25:12-25:22" stringSymbol="objectId"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="26:4-26:35" propertyName="type">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="26:12-26:22">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="16:7-16:18" name="Class">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="42:4-42:5" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="42:47-42:48" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="61:12-61:13" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="61:27-61:30" stringSymbol="_"/>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="61:33-61:34" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="62:4-62:31" propertyName="col">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="65:12-65:19" name="owner">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="65:12-65:13" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="65:27-65:31" stringSymbol="Id"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="66:4-66:35" propertyName="type">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="66:12-66:22">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/3"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="69:4-69:18" propertyName="name">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="57:4-57:10" name="type">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="57:4-57:5" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="57:43-57:44" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="74:1-84:2" name="ClassAttribute2Column">
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="81:4-81:25" propertyName="name">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="81:12-81:13" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="81:21-81:25" stringSymbol="Id"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="82:4-82:35" propertyName="type">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="82:12-82:22">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/4"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="77:4-77:10" name="type">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="77:4-77:5" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="77:23-77:34" name="Class">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="77:44-77:45" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="93:4-93:39" propertyName="name">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="93:12-93:13" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="93:27-93:30" stringSymbol="_"/>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="93:33-93:34" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="94:4-94:36" propertyName="col">
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+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="94:25-94:35" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.2"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="97:4-97:31" propertyName="name">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="97:12-97:19" name="owner">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="97:12-97:13" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="97:27-97:31" stringSymbol="Id"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="98:4-98:35" propertyName="type">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="98:12-98:35" name="objectIdType">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="98:12-98:22">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/5"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="101:4-101:25" propertyName="name">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="101:12-101:13" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="101:21-101:25" stringSymbol="Id"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="102:4-102:35" propertyName="type">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="102:12-102:35" name="objectIdType">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="102:12-102:22">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/6"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="87:2-90:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="88:3-88:22" varName="a" variableExp="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@source/@source //@elements.6/@inPattern/@filter/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.1/@bindings.0/@value/@source/@source/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.2/@bindings.0/@value/@source/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="88:7-88:22" name="Attribute">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="89:4-89:53" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="89:4-89:35" operationName="oclIsKindOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="89:4-89:10" name="type">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="89:4-89:5" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="89:23-89:34" name="Class">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="89:40-89:53" name="multiValued">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="89:40-89:41" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/outRelational.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/outRelational.ecore
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/outRelational.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns="Relational">
+ <Table name="Family" key="/0/@col.0">
+ <col name="objectId" keyOf="/0" type="/3"/>
+ <col name="name" type="/2"/>
+ </Table>
+ <Table name="Person" key="/1/@col.0">
+ <col name="objectId" keyOf="/1" type="/3"/>
+ <col name="firstName" type="/2"/>
+ <col name="closestFriendId" type="/3"/>
+ </Table>
+ <Type name="String"/>
+ <Type name="Integer"/>
+ <Table name="Person_emailAddresses">
+ <col name="PersonId" type="/3"/>
+ <col name="emailAddresses" type="/2"/>
+ </Table>
+ <Table name="Family_members">
+ <col name="FamilyId" type="/3"/>
+ <col name="membersId" type="/3"/>
+ </Table>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/Ecore2Class.atl.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/Ecore2Class.atl.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f531b044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/Ecore2Class.atl.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
+<atl:Module xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:atl="" xmlns:ocl="" location="1:1-33:2" name="Ecore2Class">
+ <inModels location="2:25-2:33" name="IN">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/1"/>
+ </inModels>
+ <outModels location="2:8-2:19" name="OUT">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/0"/>
+ </outModels>
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+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="8:3-12:4" varName="oc">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="8:8-8:19" name="Class">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="9:4-9:19" propertyName="name">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="9:12-9:14" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="10:4-10:34" propertyName="attr">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="10:12-10:34" name="eStructuralFeatures">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="10:12-10:14" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="11:4-11:27" propertyName="super">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="11:13-11:27" name="eSuperTypes">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="11:13-11:15" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="5:2-6:18">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="6:8-6:18" name="EClass">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="15:1-24:2" name="Attribute">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="19:8-19:23" name="Attribute">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="20:12-20:14" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="21:4-21:63" propertyName="multiValued">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="21:20-21:22" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="21:36-21:37" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="21:43-21:62" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="21:43-21:45" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="22:12-22:14" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="16:2-17:22">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="17:8-17:22" name="EAttribute">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="26:1-33:2" name="DataType">
+ <outPattern location="29:2-32:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="30:3-32:4" varName="odt">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="30:9-30:23" name="DataType">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="31:4-31:20" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="31:12-31:20" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="31:12-31:15" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="27:2-28:22">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="28:3-28:22" varName="idt" variableExp="//@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="28:9-28:22" name="EDataType">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/outSample.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/outSample.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53f2c68c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/outSample.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns="Class">
+ <Class name="Family">
+ <attr name="name" type="/2"/>
+ <attr name="members" multiValued="true" type="/1"/>
+ </Class>
+ <Class name="Person">
+ <attr name="firstName" type="/2"/>
+ <attr name="closestFriend" type="/1"/>
+ <attr name="emailAddresses" multiValued="true" type="/2"/>
+ </Class>
+ <DataType name="String"/>
+ <DataType name="Integer"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/DSL2KM3/DSL2KM3.atl.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/DSL2KM3/DSL2KM3.atl.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ed3e5b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/DSL2KM3/DSL2KM3.atl.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,765 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
+<atl:Module xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:atl="" xmlns:ocl="" location="4:1-227:2" name="DSL2KM3">
+ <inModels location="5:23-5:31" name="IN">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/1"/>
+ </inModels>
+ <outModels location="5:8-5:17" name="OUT">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/0"/>
+ </outModels>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="18:1-25:37">
+ <definition location="18:8-25:36">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="18:38-25:36" name="needTurnOnClass">
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:BooleanType" location="18:58-18:65"/>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:LetExp" location="19:2-25:36">
+ <variable location="19:6-21:45" varName="cond" variableExp="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:BooleanType" location="19:13-19:20"/>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:IterateExp" location="20:2-21:45">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="20:2-20:25" operationName="allInstances">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="20:2-20:10" name="Role">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="21:3-21:44" operationName="or">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="21:3-21:6" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable/@initExpression/@result"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="21:11-21:43" operationName="or">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="21:11-21:24" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="21:11-21:12" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable/@initExpression/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="21:20-21:24">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/2"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="21:28-21:43" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="21:28-21:36" name="source">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="21:28-21:29" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable/@initExpression/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="21:39-21:43">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/3"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:BooleanType" location="20:44-20:51"/>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="20:54-20:59"/>
+ </result>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="22:7-25:35" operationName="or">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="22:7-22:11" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable"/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="23:9-23:34" operationName="isEmpty">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="23:9-23:24" name="properties">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="23:9-23:13">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/4"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="24:7-25:33" operationName="or">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="24:11-24:42" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="24:11-24:25" name="superType">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="24:11-24:15">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/5"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="25:6-25:33" operationName="not">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="25:10-25:14">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/6"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="18:8-18:32">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="18:16-18:32" name="Relationship">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="30:1-34:38">
+ <definition location="30:8-34:37">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="30:13-34:37" name="getRoles">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="30:26-30:35" name="Class">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="30:39-30:57">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="30:48-30:56" name="Role">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </returnType>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="31:5-34:37" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="31:5-31:28" operationName="allInstances">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="31:5-31:13" name="Role">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="31:41-34:36" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="31:41-33:44" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="31:41-32:41" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="31:41-31:53" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="31:41-31:49" name="source">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="31:41-31:42" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@body/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="32:10-32:20" name="relation">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="32:10-32:11" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@body/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="33:7-33:8" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@body/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="34:7-34:8" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@body/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/7"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
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+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ </condition>
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+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
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+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="39:16-39:24" name="Role">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </type>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </filter>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </thenExpression>
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+ </source>
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+ </condition>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="172:13-172:25" referredVariable="//@elements.7/@variables.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="173:4-173:56" propertyName="upper">
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+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="173:16-173:34" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="173:16-173:28" referredVariable="//@elements.7/@variables.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="173:33-173:34" integerSymbol="0"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="173:49-173:50" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="174:4-174:39" propertyName="isOrdered">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="174:17-174:29" referredVariable="//@elements.7/@variables.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <value xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="176:16-176:21"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variables>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="149:4-149:5" referredVariable="//@elements.7/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ <value xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="192:17-192:22"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<Metamodel xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns="KM3">
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+ type="//@contents.0/@contents.1" isContainer="true" opposite="//@contents.0/@contents.1/@structuralFeatures.0"/>
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+ type="//@contents.0/@contents.2" isContainer="true" opposite="//@contents.0/@contents.2/@structuralFeatures.0"/>
+ </contents>
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+ isOrdered="true" type="//@contents.0/@contents.0" opposite="//@contents.0/@contents.0/@structuralFeatures.0"/>
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+ isOrdered="true" type="//@contents.0/@contents.3" opposite="//@contents.0/@contents.3/@structuralFeatures.1"/>
+ </contents>
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+ isOrdered="true" type="//@contents.0/@contents.0" opposite="//@contents.0/@contents.0/@structuralFeatures.1"/>
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+ isOrdered="true" type="//@contents.0/@contents.3" opposite="//@contents.0/@contents.3/@structuralFeatures.2"/>
+ </contents>
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+ type="//@contents.1/@contents.0"/>
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+ isOrdered="true" type="//@contents.0/@contents.1" opposite="//@contents.0/@contents.1/@structuralFeatures.1"/>
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+ isOrdered="true" type="//@contents.0/@contents.2" opposite="//@contents.0/@contents.2/@structuralFeatures.1"/>
+ </contents>
+ </contents>
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/XML2DSL/SimpleExampleMM-DSL.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<DomainModel xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns="DSL" name="SimpleExample"
+ identity="14141e04-a097-496d-b2ab-d343fac336fa" namespace="Example.SimpleExample.DomainModel"
+ isLoaded="true">
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+ namespace="Example.SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true"/>
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+ namespace="Example.SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true"/>
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+ namespace="Example.SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true"/>
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+ namespace="Example.SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true" isEmbedding="true">
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+ isUnbounded="true" accepts="all" isOrdered="true" source="//@classifiers.0"
+ type="//@classifiers.1"/>
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+ max="1" accepts="none" isOrdered="true" source="//@classifiers.1" type="//@classifiers.0"/>
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+ namespace="Example.SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true" isEmbedding="true">
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+ isUnbounded="true" accepts="all" isOrdered="true" source="//@classifiers.0"
+ type="//@classifiers.2"/>
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+ max="1" accepts="none" isOrdered="true" source="//@classifiers.2" type="//@classifiers.0"/>
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+ max="1" accepts="none" isOrdered="true" source="//@classifiers.1" type="//@classifiers.2"/>
+ <roles name="ReferringBs" identity="ce58c89b-2db4-4e44-9f8e-4a58c02a8351" min="0"
+ max="0" isUnbounded="true" accepts="none" isOrdered="true" source="//@classifiers.2"
+ type="//@classifiers.1"/>
+ </classifiers>
+ <types xsi:type="SimpleType" name="String"/>
+ <types xsi:type="SimpleType" name="Integer"/>
+ <types xsi:type="SimpleType" name="Boolean"/>
+ <types xsi:type="SimpleType" name="Double"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/XML2DSL/XML2DSL.atl.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/XML2DSL/XML2DSL.atl.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db58876b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/XML2DSL/XML2DSL.atl.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,1661 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
+<atl:Module xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:atl="" xmlns:ocl="" location="4:1-365:2" name="XML2DSL">
+ <inModels location="5:23-5:31" name="IN">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/1"/>
+ </inModels>
+ <outModels location="5:8-5:17" name="OUT">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/0"/>
+ </outModels>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="14:52-14:58"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:BooleanType" location="14:62-14:69"/>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="15:10-15:16"/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="16:5-16:78" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="16:5-16:18" name="children">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="16:5-16:9">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="16:31-16:77" operationName="and">
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="16:64-16:77" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="16:64-16:70" name="name">
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+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="16:73-16:77" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@parameters.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="17:5-17:44">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="17:23-17:27" booleanSymbol="true"/>
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="17:11-17:17" stringSymbol="true"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="17:33-17:38"/>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="14:8-14:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="14:16-14:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="22:1-23:94">
+ <definition location="22:8-23:93">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="22:51-22:57"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="22:61-22:67"/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="23:5-23:18" name="children">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="23:5-23:9">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/3"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="23:31-23:77" operationName="and">
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="23:64-23:77" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="23:64-23:65" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="23:73-23:77" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@parameters.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="22:8-22:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="22:16-22:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="29:1-31:79">
+ <definition location="29:8-31:78">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="29:33-31:78" name="get">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="29:45-29:51"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <parameters location="29:52-29:65" varName="name" variableExp="//@elements.2/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@source/@body/@arguments.0/@arguments.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="29:59-29:65"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="29:69-29:75"/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="30:5-30:104" name="collect">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="30:5-30:79" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="30:5-30:18" name="children">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="30:5-30:9">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/4"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="30:64-30:78" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="30:73-30:78" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@definition/@feature/@parameters.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
+ <iterators location="30:89-30:90" varName="d" variableExp="//@elements.2/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@source/@source/@source/@body/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="31:48-31:61" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="31:48-31:54" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="31:48-31:49" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="31:57-31:61" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@definition/@feature/@parameters.1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="29:8-29:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="29:16-29:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="36:1-39:38">
+ <definition location="36:8-39:37">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="36:33-39:37" name="getType">
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="36:45-36:51"/>
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+ <variable location="37:6-38:63" varName="type" variableExp="//@elements.3/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@source //@elements.3/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@arguments.1/@source/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="37:13-37:19"/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="37:22-38:31" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="37:22-37:35" name="children">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="37:22-37:26">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/5"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="37:48-38:30" operationName="and">
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="38:7-38:30" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="38:16-38:30" stringSymbol="propertyInfo"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="38:52-38:62" stringSymbol="xsi:type"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
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+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="39:34-39:36" integerSymbol="12"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="36:8-36:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="36:16-36:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="44:1-46:35">
+ <definition location="44:8-46:34">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="44:33-46:34" name="getEnumId">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="45:3-45:16" name="children">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="45:3-45:7">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/6"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="45:29-45:83" operationName="and">
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="45:43-45:54" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="45:60-45:83" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="45:60-45:66" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="45:60-45:61" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="45:69-45:83" stringSymbol="propertyInfo"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="46:20-46:33" stringSymbol="enumeration"/>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="44:8-44:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="44:16-44:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="52:1-65:8">
+ <definition location="52:8-65:7">
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+ <parameters location="52:41-52:54" varName="name" variableExp="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@elseExpression/@variable/@initExpression/@body/@arguments.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="52:48-52:54"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="52:58-52:64"/>
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+ <variable location="53:6-54:57" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@condition/@source //@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@elseExpression/@variable/@initExpression/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="53:9-53:30">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="53:18-53:29" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="54:2-54:6">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/7"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="54:25-54:26" varName="m" variableExp="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable/@initExpression/@body/@source"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="56:2-65:7">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="56:22-56:24" stringSymbol=""/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="56:5-56:6" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:LetExp" location="57:3-64:8">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="57:9-57:30">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="57:18-57:29" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
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+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="58:19-58:30" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="58:26-58:30" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@parameters.0"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="58:17-58:18" varName="f" variableExp="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@elseExpression/@variable/@initExpression/@body/@source/@source"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="60:3-64:8">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="60:23-60:25" stringSymbol=""/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="60:6-60:7" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@elseExpression/@variable"/>
+ </condition>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="61:4-62:42" name="select">
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+ </body>
+ <iterators location="61:16-61:17" varName="d" variableExp="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@elseExpression/@in_/@elseExpression/@source/@source/@source/@source/@source/@body/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="63:19-63:35" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </in_>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="52:8-52:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="52:16-52:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ </parameters>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="70:62-70:68"/>
+ </parameters>
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+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="70:81-70:92" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </returnType>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/8"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="70:8-70:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="70:16-70:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="77:52-77:58"/>
+ </parameters>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/9"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="79:60-79:73" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="81:18-81:23"/>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="77:8-77:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="77:16-77:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="88:48-88:54"/>
+ </parameters>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/10"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="90:62-90:75" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="91:5-93:7">
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="92:29-92:34"/>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="88:8-88:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="88:16-88:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/12"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="103:27-103:49" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/11"/>
+ </source>
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+ </condition>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/13"/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/14"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </source>
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+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="112:10-112:15"/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="99:8-99:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="99:16-99:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="122:14-122:30" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </body>
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+ </valueType>
+ <keyType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="121:54-121:60"/>
+ </type>
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+ </result>
+ </initExpression>
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+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
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+ <definition location="132:8-147:25">
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+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:BooleanType" location="132:52-132:59"/>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:LetExp" location="133:2-147:25">
+ <variable location="133:6-133:71" varName="id1" variableExp="//@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@in_/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@source/@body/@thenExpression/@thenExpression/@source/@source/@source/@arguments.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="133:11-133:17"/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="133:19-133:54" operationName="first">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="133:19-133:46" operationName="getSeq">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="133:19-133:23">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/15"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="133:31-133:38" stringSymbol="roles"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="133:39-133:45" stringSymbol="role"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="133:66-133:70" stringSymbol="id"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:LetExp" location="134:2-147:25">
+ <variable location="134:6-134:70" varName="id2" variableExp="//@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@in_/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@source/@body/@thenExpression/@thenExpression/@source/@source/@arguments.0/@arguments.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="134:11-134:17"/>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="134:19-134:70" operationName="getAttrVal">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="134:19-134:53" operationName="last">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="134:19-134:46" operationName="getSeq">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="134:19-134:23">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/16"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="134:31-134:38" stringSymbol="roles"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="134:39-134:45" stringSymbol="role"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="134:65-134:69" stringSymbol="id"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:LetExp" location="135:2-147:25">
+ <variable location="135:6-146:28" varName="containmentstyle" variableExp="//@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@in_/@in_/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:BooleanType" location="135:25-135:32"/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="136:2-146:11" operationName="first">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="136:2-145:19" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="136:2-136:28" operationName="allInstances">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="136:2-136:13" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="138:2-145:18">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="140:9-141:32" operationName="or">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="140:9-140:37" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="140:9-140:33" operationName="getText">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="140:9-140:17" name="parent">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="140:9-140:10" referredVariable="//@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@in_/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="140:26-140:32" stringSymbol="role"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="140:34-140:37" referredVariable="//@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="141:4-141:32" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="141:4-141:12" name="parent">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="141:4-141:5" referredVariable="//@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@in_/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="141:21-141:27" stringSymbol="role"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="141:29-141:32" referredVariable="//@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@variable"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="142:8-142:61" operationName="&lt;>">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="142:8-142:16" name="parent">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="142:8-142:9" referredVariable="//@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@in_/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="142:28-142:46" stringSymbol="containmentstyle"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="142:49-142:61" stringSymbol="fromsource"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="143:8-143:60" operationName="&lt;>">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="143:8-143:16" name="parent">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="143:8-143:9" referredVariable="//@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@in_/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="143:28-143:46" stringSymbol="containmentstyle"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="143:49-143:60" stringSymbol="reference"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="139:10-139:40" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="139:10-139:23" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="139:10-139:18" name="parent">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="139:10-139:11" referredVariable="//@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@in_/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="139:24-139:40" stringSymbol="treeExpression"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="144:8-144:13"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="138:5-138:18" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="138:5-138:11" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="138:5-138:6" referredVariable="//@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@in_/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="138:12-138:18" stringSymbol="role"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="145:7-145:12"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="137:9-137:10" varName="t" variableExp="//@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@in_/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@source/@body/@condition/@source/@source //@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@in_/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@source/@body/@thenExpression/@condition/@source/@source/@source //@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@in_/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@source/@body/@thenExpression/@thenExpression/@source/@source/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@in_/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@source/@body/@thenExpression/@thenExpression/@source/@source/@arguments.0/@source/@source/@source //@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@in_/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@source/@body/@thenExpression/@thenExpression/@source/@arguments.0/@source/@source/@source //@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@in_/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@source/@body/@thenExpression/@thenExpression/@arguments.0/@source/@source/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="147:5-147:25" operationName="not">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="147:9-147:25" referredVariable="//@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@in_/@variable"/>
+ </in_>
+ </in_>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="132:8-132:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="132:16-132:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="153:1-160:11">
+ <definition location="153:8-160:10">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="153:13-160:10" name="getSubTypes">
+ <parameters location="153:25-153:34" varName="id" variableExp="//@elements.12/@definition/@feature/@body/@body/@thenExpression/@condition/@arguments.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="153:28-153:34"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="153:37-153:58">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="153:46-153:57" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </returnType>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:IterateExp" location="154:1-160:10">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="154:1-154:27" operationName="allInstances">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="154:1-154:12" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="155:9-160:8">
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="157:26-157:27" referredVariable="//@elements.12/@definition/@feature/@body/@iterators.0"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="156:7-156:32" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="156:7-156:29" operationName="getText">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="156:7-156:8" referredVariable="//@elements.12/@definition/@feature/@body/@iterators.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="156:17-156:28" stringSymbol="superType"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="156:30-156:32" referredVariable="//@elements.12/@definition/@feature/@parameters.0"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="158:17-158:20" referredVariable="//@elements.12/@definition/@feature/@body/@result"/>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="155:14-155:55" operationName="or">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="155:14-155:30" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="155:14-155:20" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="155:14-155:15" referredVariable="//@elements.12/@definition/@feature/@body/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="155:21-155:30" stringSymbol="concept"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="155:34-155:55" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="155:34-155:35" referredVariable="//@elements.12/@definition/@feature/@body/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="155:41-155:55" stringSymbol="relationship"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="155:71-155:82" stringSymbol="superType"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="159:21-159:24" referredVariable="//@elements.12/@definition/@feature/@body/@result"/>
+ </body>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="154:46-154:67">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="154:55-154:66" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="154:70-154:81"/>
+ </result>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="165:1-185:8">
+ <definition location="165:8-185:7">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="165:24-165:30"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="165:34-165:48" name="SimpleType">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </returnType>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:LetExp" location="166:2-185:7">
+ <variable location="166:6-172:22" varName="a" variableExp="//@elements.13/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@thenExpression/@arguments.0 //@elements.13/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@elseExpression/@thenExpression/@arguments.0 //@elements.13/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@elseExpression/@elseExpression/@thenExpression/@arguments.0 //@elements.13/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@elseExpression/@elseExpression/@elseExpression/@arguments.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="166:10-166:21" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="167:3-172:22" operationName="first">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="167:3-172:12" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="167:3-167:29" operationName="allInstances">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="167:3-167:14" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="167:44-172:10">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="169:12-169:32" operationName="getAttrVal">
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="169:25-169:31" stringSymbol="name"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="169:36-169:42" stringSymbol="Core"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="168:14-168:35" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="168:14-168:22" name="parent">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="168:14-168:15" referredVariable="//@elements.13/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="168:30-168:35" stringSymbol="dmd"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="170:12-170:17"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="167:47-167:63" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="167:47-167:48" referredVariable="//@elements.13/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="167:56-167:63" stringSymbol="model"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="171:11-171:16"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="167:40-167:41" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.13/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@body/@condition/@source/@source //@elements.13/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@body/@thenExpression/@condition/@source/@source/@source //@elements.13/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@body/@thenExpression/@thenExpression/@source/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="174:2-185:7">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="175:7-175:38" operationName="resolveTemp">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="175:7-175:17">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/17"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="175:30-175:31" referredVariable="//@elements.13/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="175:32-175:37" stringSymbol="str"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="174:5-174:15" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="174:5-174:6" referredVariable="//@elements.13/@definition/@feature/@parameters.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="174:7-174:15" stringSymbol="String"/>
+ </condition>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="178:8-178:18">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/18"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="178:31-178:32" referredVariable="//@elements.13/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="178:33-178:38" stringSymbol="int"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="177:6-177:29" operationName="or">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="177:6-177:17" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="177:6-177:7" referredVariable="//@elements.13/@definition/@feature/@parameters.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="177:8-177:17" stringSymbol="Integer"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="177:21-177:29" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="177:21-177:22" referredVariable="//@elements.13/@definition/@feature/@parameters.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="177:23-177:29" stringSymbol="Long"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="181:9-181:19">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/19"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="181:32-181:33" referredVariable="//@elements.13/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="181:34-181:42" stringSymbol="double"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="180:7-180:17" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="180:7-180:8" referredVariable="//@elements.13/@definition/@feature/@parameters.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="180:9-180:17" stringSymbol="Double"/>
+ </condition>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="182:9-182:19">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/20"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="182:32-182:33" referredVariable="//@elements.13/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="182:34-182:40" stringSymbol="bool"/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="194:1-228:2" name="DomainModel">
+ <outPattern location="204:2-227:4">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="205:7-205:22" name="DomainModel">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="206:4-206:32" propertyName="name">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="210:4-213:7" propertyName="classifiers">
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+ </elements>
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+ </elements>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="214:4-214:81" propertyName="types">
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+ </elements>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="220:4-220:19" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="220:10-220:19" stringSymbol="Integer"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="223:4-223:19" propertyName="name">
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+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="226:4-226:18" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="226:10-226:18" stringSymbol="Double"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="197:5-202:10">
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+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="199:36-199:42" stringSymbol="Core"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="198:14-198:35" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="198:14-198:27" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="198:14-198:22" name="parent">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="198:14-198:15" referredVariable="//@elements.14/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="198:30-198:35" stringSymbol="dmd"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="200:12-200:17"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="197:8-197:24" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="197:8-197:9" referredVariable="//@elements.14/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="197:17-197:24" stringSymbol="model"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="201:11-201:16"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="239:3-250:4" varName="c">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="239:7-239:16" name="Class">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="242:4-242:42" propertyName="namespace">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="243:4-243:41" propertyName="isLoaded">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="244:4-244:32" propertyName="isAbstract">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="244:18-244:19" referredVariable="//@elements.15/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </elements>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="247:4-247:34" propertyName="domainModel">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="247:19-247:20" referredVariable="//@elements.15/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="248:4-248:71" propertyName="superType">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="248:17-248:27">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/21"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/22"/>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="236:4-236:22" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="236:4-236:5" referredVariable="//@elements.15/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="236:13-236:22" stringSymbol="concept"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="270:4-270:41" propertyName="isLoaded">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="271:4-271:32" propertyName="isAbstract">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="271:18-271:19" referredVariable="//@elements.16/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="272:4-272:37" propertyName="roles">
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="272:30-272:36" stringSymbol="role"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="273:4-273:34" propertyName="domainModel">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="273:19-273:20" referredVariable="//@elements.16/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="274:4-274:37" propertyName="isEmbedding">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="274:19-274:20" referredVariable="//@elements.16/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="275:4-275:56" propertyName="properties">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="276:4-276:71" propertyName="superType">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="276:17-276:27">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/23"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/24"/>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="263:4-263:27" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="263:4-263:5" referredVariable="//@elements.16/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
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+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="295:14-295:24">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/25"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="296:4-296:61" propertyName="type">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="296:12-296:22">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/26"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="299:4-299:40" propertyName="max">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="299:9-299:40" operationName="toInteger">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="299:9-299:28" operationName="getAttrVal">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="299:9-299:10" referredVariable="//@elements.17/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
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+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="300:4-300:38" propertyName="accepts">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="300:15-300:16" referredVariable="//@elements.17/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="300:28-300:37" stringSymbol="accepts"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="301:4-301:47" propertyName="isUnbounded">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="301:19-301:20" referredVariable="//@elements.17/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="301:33-301:46" stringSymbol="isUnbounded"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="302:4-303:41" propertyName="isOrdered">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="302:17-302:92" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="302:17-302:27" name="children">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="302:17-302:18" referredVariable="//@elements.17/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="302:71-302:91" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="302:71-302:77" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="302:71-302:72" referredVariable="//@elements.17/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.9/@value/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="302:78-302:91" stringSymbol="mdfmetadata"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="303:29-303:40" stringSymbol="isordered"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="304:4-305:47" propertyName="isNavigableFrom">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="304:23-305:47" operationName="getAttrBool">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="304:23-305:16" operationName="first">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="304:23-304:98" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="304:23-304:33" name="children">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="304:23-304:24" referredVariable="//@elements.17/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="304:46-304:97" operationName="and">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="304:46-304:47" referredVariable="//@elements.17/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.10/@value/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="304:60-304:71" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="304:77-304:97" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="304:77-304:83" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="304:77-304:78" referredVariable="//@elements.17/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.10/@value/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="304:84-304:97" stringSymbol="mdfmetadata"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="304:42-304:43" varName="a" variableExp="//@elements.17/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.10/@value/@source/@source/@body/@source/@source //@elements.17/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.10/@value/@source/@source/@body/@arguments.0/@source/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="305:29-305:46" stringSymbol="isnavigablefrom"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="284:2-290:4">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="285:7-285:18" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="286:4-289:9">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="287:10-287:33" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="287:10-287:23" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="287:10-287:18" name="parent">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="287:10-287:11" referredVariable="//@elements.17/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="287:26-287:33" stringSymbol="roles"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="286:7-286:22" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="286:7-286:13" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="286:7-286:8" referredVariable="//@elements.17/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="286:16-286:22" stringSymbol="role"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="288:10-288:15"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="311:1-328:2" name="ValueProperty">
+ <outPattern location="319:2-327:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="320:3-327:4" varName="p">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="320:7-320:24" name="ValueProperty">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="321:4-321:32" propertyName="name">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="321:12-321:13" referredVariable="//@elements.18/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="321:25-321:31" stringSymbol="name"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="322:4-322:40" propertyName="identity">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="322:16-322:17" referredVariable="//@elements.18/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="322:29-322:39" stringSymbol="identity"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="323:4-326:11" propertyName="type">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="323:12-326:11">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="324:12-324:44" operationName="findType">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="324:12-324:22">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/27"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="324:32-324:43" operationName="getType">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="324:32-324:33" referredVariable="//@elements.18/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="323:15-323:41" operationName="&lt;>">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="323:15-323:16" referredVariable="//@elements.18/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="323:28-323:41" stringSymbol="Enumeration"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="325:12-325:57" operationName="get">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="325:12-325:38" name="dslElementsById">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="325:12-325:22">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/28"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="325:43-325:56" operationName="getEnumId">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="325:43-325:44" referredVariable="//@elements.18/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="312:2-318:4">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="313:7-313:18" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="314:4-317:9">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="315:10-315:43" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="315:10-315:18" name="parent">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="315:10-315:11" referredVariable="//@elements.18/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="315:26-315:43" stringSymbol="valueProperties"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="314:8-314:27" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="314:8-314:14" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="314:8-314:9" referredVariable="//@elements.18/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="314:17-314:27" stringSymbol="property"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="316:10-316:15"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="332:1-347:2" name="Enumeration">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="341:7-341:22" name="Enumeration">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="342:4-342:32" propertyName="name">
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="342:25-342:31" stringSymbol="name"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="343:4-343:40" propertyName="identity">
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="343:29-343:39" stringSymbol="identity"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="344:4-344:42" propertyName="namespace">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="344:17-344:18" referredVariable="//@elements.19/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="344:30-344:41" stringSymbol="namespace"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="345:4-345:57" propertyName="literals">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="334:7-334:18" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="335:4-338:9">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="336:10-336:40" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="336:10-336:23" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="336:10-336:18" name="parent">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="336:10-336:11" referredVariable="//@elements.19/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="336:26-336:40" stringSymbol="enumerations"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="335:7-335:29" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="335:7-335:8" referredVariable="//@elements.19/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="335:16-335:29" stringSymbol="enumeration"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="337:10-337:15"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="351:1-365:2" name="EnumerationLiteral">
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="361:4-361:32" propertyName="name">
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="361:25-361:31" stringSymbol="name"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="362:4-362:40" propertyName="identity">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="363:4-363:46" propertyName="value">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="363:13-363:14" referredVariable="//@elements.20/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="363:26-363:33" stringSymbol="value"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="352:2-358:4">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="353:7-353:18" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="354:4-357:9">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="355:10-355:36" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="355:10-355:18" name="parent">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="355:10-355:11" referredVariable="//@elements.20/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="355:26-355:36" stringSymbol="literals"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="354:7-354:36" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="354:7-354:13" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="354:7-354:8" referredVariable="//@elements.20/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="354:16-354:36" stringSymbol="enumerationLiteral"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="356:10-356:15"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/DSL2XML/DSL2XML.atl.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/DSL2XML/DSL2XML.atl.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d54335da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/DSL2XML/DSL2XML.atl.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,7297 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
+<atl:Module xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:atl="" xmlns:ocl="" location="4:1-1464:2" name="DSL2XML">
+ <inModels location="5:23-5:31" name="IN">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/1"/>
+ </inModels>
+ <outModels location="5:8-5:17" name="OUT">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/0"/>
+ </outModels>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="14:1-15:41">
+ <definition location="14:8-15:40">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="14:29-15:40" name="bool2string">
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="14:45-14:51"/>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="15:2-15:40">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="15:15-15:21" stringSymbol="true"/>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="15:5-15:9">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/2"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="15:27-15:34" stringSymbol="false"/>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="14:8-14:23">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:BooleanType" location="14:16-14:23"/>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="20:1-21:62">
+ <definition location="20:8-21:61">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="20:39-21:61" name="getContainment">
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="20:58-20:64"/>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="21:2-21:61">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="21:27-21:38" stringSymbol="embedding"/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="21:5-21:9">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/3"/>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="21:44-21:55" stringSymbol="reference"/>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="20:8-20:32">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="20:16-20:32" name="Relationship">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="27:1-27:33">
+ <definition location="27:8-27:32">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Attribute" location="27:13-27:32" name="curId">
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="27:31-27:32" integerSymbol="0"/>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:IntegerType" location="27:21-27:28"/>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="35:1-42:20">
+ <definition location="35:8-42:19">
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+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="35:30-35:36"/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="36:20-36:30">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/4"/>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/5"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="36:71-36:72" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
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+ </arguments>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ </condition>
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+ </arguments>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ </condition>
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+ </arguments>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ </condition>
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+ </arguments>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </arguments>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/6"/>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="49:3-50:51" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="49:3-50:31" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="49:3-50:27" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="49:3-50:7" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="49:3-49:48" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="49:3-49:28" operationName="+">
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="47:8-47:32">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="47:16-47:32" name="NamedElement">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="57:20-57:30">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/7"/>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/8"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="57:71-57:72" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
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+ </arguments>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ </condition>
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+ </arguments>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ </condition>
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+ </arguments>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ </condition>
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+ </arguments>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </arguments>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/9"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="70:9-70:10" varName="r" variableExp="//@elements.6/@definition/@feature/@body/@body/@arguments.0/@source/@source/@source/@source"/>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:BooleanType" location="70:18-70:25"/>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="70:28-70:33"/>
+ </result>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="68:8-68:25">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="68:16-68:25" name="Class">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
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+ </source>
+ </condition>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="82:3-82:12" name="Class">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </body>
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+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
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+ </source>
+ </condition>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="86:4-86:13" name="Class">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </body>
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+ </variable>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </in_>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </in_>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </in_>
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+ </type>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..572fcdb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/KM32DSL/KM32DSL.atl.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,1431 @@
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+<atl:Module xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:atl="" xmlns:ocl="" location="4:1-374:2" name="KM32DSL">
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+ </context_>
+ </context_>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </arguments>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
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+ </definition>
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+ </source>
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+ </condition>
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+ </arguments>
+ </elseExpression>
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+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
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+ </elementType>
+ </type>
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+ </elementType>
+ </type>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </elementType>
+ </type>
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+ </body>
+ </feature>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="112:13-112:14" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@body/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </returnType>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/14"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="118:8-118:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="118:16-118:27" name="Package">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="124:1-125:45">
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </returnType>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
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+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="124:16-124:27" name="Package">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="131:1-131:13" operationName="=">
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/15"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="131:18-131:34" operationName="=">
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/16"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
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+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="130:16-130:29" name="Reference">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <definition location="136:8-139:17">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="137:1-137:5">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/17"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="138:44-138:48">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/19"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="138:8-138:12">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/18"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="139:6-139:11"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="136:8-136:29">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="136:16-136:29" name="Reference">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/20"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="148:6-148:45" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="148:6-148:24" operationName="=">
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/21"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="148:29-148:45" operationName="=">
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/22"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:BooleanType" location="147:18-147:25"/>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="147:28-147:32" booleanSymbol="true"/>
+ </result>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="145:8-145:29">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="145:16-145:29" name="Reference">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="154:1-157:54">
+ <definition location="154:8-157:53">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="155:1-155:29" operationName="allInstances">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="155:1-155:14" name="Reference">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="157:2-157:18" operationName="=">
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/24"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="157:23-157:39" operationName="=">
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/25"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/26"/>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:BooleanType" location="156:18-156:25"/>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="156:28-156:33"/>
+ </result>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="154:8-154:29">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="154:16-154:29" name="Reference">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/27"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/28"/>
+ </source>
+ </elements>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/29"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/30"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </elements>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </elements>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ </source>
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+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/31"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/32"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="213:6-213:22" name="Relationship">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="214:4-224:11" propertyName="name">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="215:15-215:21"/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="216:9-216:10" referredVariable="//@elements.20/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="217:22-217:26" stringSymbol="to"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:LetExp" location="219:4-224:11">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="219:12-219:18"/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="220:5-220:12" name="owner">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="220:5-220:6" referredVariable="//@elements.20/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="220:18-220:22" referredVariable="//@elements.20/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@variable"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="220:23-220:34" name="name">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="220:23-220:24" referredVariable="//@elements.20/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="222:5-224:11">
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+ </condition>
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+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="223:16-223:26">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/34"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </in_>
+ </in_>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="226:4-226:39" propertyName="identity">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="226:14-226:24">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/35"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="227:4-227:37" propertyName="namespace">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="227:17-227:27">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/36"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="231:4-231:21" propertyName="isAbstract">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="231:16-231:21"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="232:4-232:20" propertyName="isLoaded">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="232:16-232:20" booleanSymbol="true"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/37"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="237:4-237:18" propertyName="accepts">
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+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="240:4-240:19" propertyName="source">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="240:12-240:13" referredVariable="//@elements.20/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="241:4-241:16" propertyName="type">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </elseExpression>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/38"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="254:4-254:28" propertyName="source">
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+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="255:4-255:25" propertyName="type">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="255:10-255:11" referredVariable="//@elements.20/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="256:4-256:25" propertyName="min">
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+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="257:4-257:69" propertyName="max">
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="257:32-257:33" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="257:47-257:48" referredVariable="//@elements.20/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="258:4-258:35" propertyName="isOrdered">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="258:15-258:16" referredVariable="//@elements.20/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="259:18-259:19" referredVariable="//@elements.20/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="260:4-260:29" propertyName="isNavigableFrom">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="260:24-260:29"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="210:3-210:67" operationName="and">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="210:3-210:18" name="list">
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/33"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="274:6-274:22" name="Relationship">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="276:15-276:21"/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="277:9-277:10" referredVariable="//@elements.21/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="278:22-278:26" stringSymbol="to"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="280:12-280:18"/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="281:5-281:12" name="owner">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="281:5-281:6" referredVariable="//@elements.21/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="283:5-285:11">
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+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="284:10-284:48" operationName="+">
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+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="284:16-284:26">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/40"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </in_>
+ </in_>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="287:14-287:24">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/41"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="288:17-288:27">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/42"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="292:4-292:21" propertyName="isAbstract">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="292:16-292:21"/>
+ </bindings>
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+ <value xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="293:16-293:20" booleanSymbol="true"/>
+ </bindings>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/43"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="298:13-298:18" stringSymbol="all"/>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="303:9-303:10" referredVariable="//@elements.21/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="304:4-304:51" propertyName="max">
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+ </source>
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="304:23-304:24" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </elseExpression>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="311:14-311:24">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/44"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="312:4-312:18" propertyName="accepts">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="312:13-312:18" stringSymbol="all"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="313:4-315:33" propertyName="name">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="314:4-314:5" referredVariable="//@elements.21/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="314:11-314:21">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/45"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="313:13-313:14" referredVariable="//@elements.21/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </condition>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="315:9-315:10" referredVariable="//@elements.21/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="315:23-315:33" stringSymbol="Opposite"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="318:10-318:11" referredVariable="//@elements.21/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="319:4-319:10" propertyName="min">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="319:9-319:10" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="320:4-320:10" propertyName="max">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="320:9-320:10" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="321:4-321:20" propertyName="isOrdered">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="321:15-321:20"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="322:4-322:23" propertyName="isUnbounded">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="322:18-322:23"/>
+ </bindings>
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+ <value xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="323:24-323:29"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="271:3-271:13">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/39"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="271:36-271:37" referredVariable="//@elements.21/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/46"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="348:17-348:27">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/47"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="349:4-349:41" propertyName="identity">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="349:16-349:26">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/48"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="350:16-350:17" referredVariable="//@elements.23/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/49"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="373:22-373:78" propertyName="name">
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+ </source>
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+ </elseExpression>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="371:6-371:18" name="DataType">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<DomainModel xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns="DSL" name="SimpleExample"
+ identity="10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001" namespace="SimpleExample.DomainModel"
+ isLoaded="true">
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+ namespace="SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true"/>
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+ namespace="SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true"/>
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+ namespace="SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true"/>
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+ namespace="SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true">
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+ namespace="SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true" isEmbedding="true">
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+ isUnbounded="true" accepts="all" isOrdered="true" source="//@classifiers.0"
+ type="//@classifiers.1"/>
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+ max="1" accepts="all" source="//@classifiers.1" type="//@classifiers.0"/>
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+ namespace="SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true" isEmbedding="true">
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+ isUnbounded="true" accepts="all" isOrdered="true" source="//@classifiers.0"
+ type="//@classifiers.2"/>
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+ max="1" accepts="all" source="//@classifiers.2" type="//@classifiers.0"/>
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+ namespace="SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true">
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+ max="1" accepts="all" source="//@classifiers.1" type="//@classifiers.3"/>
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+ max="0" isUnbounded="true" accepts="all" source="//@classifiers.3" type="//@classifiers.1"/>
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+ namespace="SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true">
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+ max="0" isUnbounded="true" accepts="all" isOrdered="true" source="//@classifiers.2"
+ type="//@classifiers.3"/>
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+ max="1" accepts="all" source="//@classifiers.3" type="//@classifiers.2"/>
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index 00000000..f4a07be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/DSLModel2KM2.atl.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,985 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
+<atl:Module xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:atl="" xmlns:ocl="" location="1:1-263:2" name="DSLModel2KM2">
+ <inModels location="2:24-2:38" name="IN1">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/1"/>
+ </inModels>
+ <inModels location="2:40-2:49" name="IN2">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/2"/>
+ </inModels>
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+ <metamodel href="temp#/0"/>
+ </outModels>
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+ <definition location="12:8-16:48">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="13:10-13:18" name="Role">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </type>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="13:21-13:29" name="Role">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="14:18-15:26" operationName="and">
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="14:36-14:40">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/3"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="15:8-15:26" operationName="=">
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/4"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
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+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="16:18-16:19" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="16:38-16:42" booleanSymbol="true"/>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="12:8-12:29">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="12:16-12:29" name="Role">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="22:1-25:54">
+ <definition location="22:8-25:53">
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:BooleanType" location="22:80-22:87"/>
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+ <variable location="23:6-24:48" varName="a" variableExp="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@condition/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="23:10-23:23" name="Role">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
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+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/5"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="25:5-25:53">
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+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="25:43-25:47" booleanSymbol="true"/>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="22:8-22:29">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="22:16-22:29" name="Role">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="31:71-31:84" name="Role">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </returnType>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/6"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </elseExpression>
+ </body>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="32:64-32:74"/>
+ </result>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
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+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="31:16-31:37" name="ModelElement">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="41:40-41:53" name="Role">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </returnType>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="45:7-45:8" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable/@initExpression/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="45:34-45:35" integerSymbol="0"/>
+ </condition>
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+ </body>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="44:30-44:40"/>
+ </result>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="48:12-48:13" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable"/>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <definition location="54:8-56:37">
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+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="54:68-54:81" name="Role">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </returnType>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:IterateExp" location="55:2-56:37">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="55:2-55:6">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/7"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="55:46-55:59" name="Role">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="55:63-55:73"/>
+ </result>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="54:8-54:37">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="54:16-54:37" name="ModelElement">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="61:1-73:11">
+ <definition location="61:8-73:10">
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="62:44-63:51" name="select">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="62:44-62:65" name="ModelElement">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="63:10-63:11" varName="a" variableExp="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@source/@body/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="63:64-63:85" operationName=">">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="63:64-63:65" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="63:84-63:85" integerSymbol="0"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="63:60-63:61" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@body/@source/@source/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:IterateExp" location="65:5-73:10">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="65:5-65:6" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable"/>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="66:3-73:8">
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+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="69:13-69:31" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="69:13-69:22" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="69:13-69:16" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@result"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="69:19-69:22" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@result"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="69:27-69:31" booleanSymbol="true"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="68:14-68:37" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="68:14-68:15" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="68:23-68:37" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="68:23-68:32" name="type">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="68:23-68:27">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/10"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="70:13-70:16" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@result"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="67:12-67:43" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="67:12-67:24" name="type">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="67:12-67:19" name="owner">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="67:12-67:13" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="67:27-67:43" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="67:27-67:38" name="source">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="67:27-67:31">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/9"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="71:19-71:22" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@result"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="66:6-66:39" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="66:6-66:18" name="parentLink">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="66:6-66:7" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="66:21-66:39" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="66:21-66:34" name="relation">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="66:21-66:25">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/8"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="72:16-72:19" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@result"/>
+ </body>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:BooleanType" location="65:26-65:33"/>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="65:36-65:41"/>
+ </result>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="61:8-61:24">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="61:16-61:24" name="Role">
+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <definition location="78:8-82:68">
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </returnType>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </type>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="81:17-81:35" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/11"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="82:5-82:68" operationName="first">
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+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="82:26-82:57" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/12"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="78:8-78:38">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="78:16-78:38" name="EmbeddingLink">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </arguments>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </elements>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ </type>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </source>
+ </elements>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
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+ </type>
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+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="161:4-161:23" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </inPattern>
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+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="182:81-182:96" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="182:81-182:82" referredVariable="//@elements.12/@variables.0/@initExpression/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="182:90-182:91" referredVariable="//@elements.12/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="182:77-182:78" varName="c" variableExp="//@elements.12/@variables.0/@initExpression/@body/@source/@source"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variables>
+ <inPattern location="174:2-180:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="175:3-175:20" varName="r" variableExp="//@elements.12/@inPattern/@filter/@condition/@arguments.0 //@elements.12/@inPattern/@filter/@thenExpression/@source //@elements.12/@variables.0/@initExpression/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.12/@variables.0/@initExpression/@body/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.12/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="175:7-175:20" name="Role">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="176:4-179:9">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="177:10-177:11" referredVariable="//@elements.12/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="176:7-176:45" operationName="includes">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="176:7-176:17">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/13"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="176:43-176:44" referredVariable="//@elements.12/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="178:10-178:15"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="197:1-216:2" name="PropertyFromDSLModelRole">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="209:7-209:19" name="Property">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="210:4-210:18" propertyName="name">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="210:12-210:13" referredVariable="//@elements.13/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="211:4-211:16" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="211:13-211:16" referredVariable="//@elements.13/@outPattern/@elements.1"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="213:3-215:4" varName="rol" variableExp="//@elements.13/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="213:9-213:31" name="ModelElementRefVal">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="214:4-214:27" propertyName="element">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="214:15-214:27" name="element">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="214:15-214:19" referredVariable="//@elements.13/@variables.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <variables location="206:4-206:92" varName="role" variableExp="//@elements.13/@outPattern/@elements.1/@bindings.0/@value/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="206:11-206:24" name="Role">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="206:27-206:91" operationName="first">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="206:27-206:83" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="206:27-206:54" operationName="getLastRole">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="206:27-206:40" name="owner">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="206:27-206:34" name="owner">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="206:27-206:28" referredVariable="//@elements.13/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="206:67-206:82" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="206:67-206:73" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="206:67-206:68" referredVariable="//@elements.13/@variables.0/@initExpression/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="206:76-206:82" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="206:76-206:77" referredVariable="//@elements.13/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="206:63-206:64" varName="c" variableExp="//@elements.13/@variables.0/@initExpression/@source/@body/@source/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variables>
+ <inPattern location="198:2-204:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="199:3-199:20" varName="r" variableExp="//@elements.13/@inPattern/@filter/@condition/@arguments.0 //@elements.13/@inPattern/@filter/@thenExpression/@source/@source //@elements.13/@variables.0/@initExpression/@source/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.13/@variables.0/@initExpression/@source/@body/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.13/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="199:7-199:20" name="Role">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="200:4-203:9">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="201:10-201:28" operationName="not">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="201:14-201:28" operationName="isMultiple">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="201:14-201:15" referredVariable="//@elements.13/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="200:7-200:45" operationName="includes">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="200:7-200:33" operationName="propertyRoles">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="200:7-200:17">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/14"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="200:43-200:44" referredVariable="//@elements.13/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="202:10-202:15"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="220:1-233:2" name="StringProperty">
+ <outPattern location="225:2-232:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="226:3-229:4" varName="p">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="226:7-226:19" name="Property">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="227:4-227:18" propertyName="name">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="227:12-227:13" referredVariable="//@elements.14/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="228:4-228:14" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="228:13-228:14" referredVariable="//@elements.14/@outPattern/@elements.1"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="230:3-232:4" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.14/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="230:7-230:20" name="StringVal">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="231:4-231:26" propertyName="value">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="231:13-231:14" referredVariable="//@elements.14/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="221:2-224:4">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="222:7-222:24" name="Property">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="223:4-223:5" referredVariable="//@elements.14/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="223:24-223:44" name="StringValue">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="235:1-248:2" name="IntegerProperty">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="241:7-241:19" name="Property">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="242:4-242:18" propertyName="name">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="242:12-242:13" referredVariable="//@elements.15/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="243:4-243:14" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="243:13-243:14" referredVariable="//@elements.15/@outPattern/@elements.1"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="245:3-247:4" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.15/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="245:7-245:21" name="IntegerVal">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="246:4-246:26" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="246:13-246:26" name="value">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="246:13-246:14" referredVariable="//@elements.15/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="236:2-239:4">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="237:7-237:24" name="Property">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="238:4-238:46" operationName="oclIsTypeOf">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="238:4-238:5" referredVariable="//@elements.15/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="238:24-238:45" name="IntegerValue">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="250:1-263:2" name="BooleanProperty">
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="257:4-257:18" propertyName="name">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="257:12-257:13" referredVariable="//@elements.16/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="258:4-258:14" propertyName="value">
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+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="260:3-262:4" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.16/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="260:7-260:21" name="BooleanVal">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="261:4-261:26" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="261:13-261:26" name="value">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="261:13-261:14" referredVariable="//@elements.16/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="251:2-254:4">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="252:7-252:24" name="Property">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="253:4-253:46" operationName="oclIsTypeOf">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="253:4-253:5" referredVariable="//@elements.16/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="253:24-253:45" name="BooleanValue">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/SimpleExampleM-KM2.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/SimpleExampleM-KM2.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d9b502b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/SimpleExampleM-KM2.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<Model xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns="KM2" metamodel="SimpleExample">
+ <contents name="ConceptA" id="d86d3730-d7a0-481b-bdc2-dab72146d013">
+ <properties name="Bs">
+ <value xsi:type="SetVal">
+ <contents xsi:type="ModelElementVal">
+ <element name="ConceptB" id="30477d0b-eb6d-4f53-b4cd-ed58abf5dafb">
+ <properties name="ReferencedC">
+ <value xsi:type="ModelElementRefVal" element="//@contents.0/@properties.1/@value/@contents.0/@element"/>
+ </properties>
+ </element>
+ </contents>
+ <contents xsi:type="ModelElementVal">
+ <element name="ConceptB" id="5b91bf49-4f2e-44fb-acdf-76c393b91f3e">
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+ <value xsi:type="ModelElementRefVal" element="//@contents.0/@properties.1/@value/@contents.0/@element"/>
+ </properties>
+ </element>
+ </contents>
+ </value>
+ </properties>
+ <properties name="Cs">
+ <value xsi:type="SetVal">
+ <contents xsi:type="ModelElementVal">
+ <element name="ConceptC" id="1b07f1f7-fbc7-42e8-a827-f28a6d4e172c">
+ <properties name="ReferringBs">
+ <value xsi:type="SetVal">
+ <contents xsi:type="ModelElementRefVal" element="//@contents.0/@properties.0/@value/@contents.0/@element"/>
+ <contents xsi:type="ModelElementRefVal" element="//@contents.0/@properties.0/@value/@contents.1/@element"/>
+ </value>
+ </properties>
+ </element>
+ </contents>
+ </value>
+ </properties>
+ </contents>
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+ <properties name="Property">
+ <value xsi:type="StringVal" value=""/>
+ </properties>
+ </contents>
+ <contents name="BReferencesC" id="c36ad301-9625-45ab-bba7-93cbec173cd6">
+ <properties name="Property">
+ <value xsi:type="StringVal" value=""/>
+ </properties>
+ </contents>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/ATL-KM22SimpleExample.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/ATL-KM22SimpleExample.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1adc9c55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/ATL-KM22SimpleExample.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns="ATL" xmlns:_1="Types" xmlns:_2="Expressions" xmlns:_3="OCL">
+ <Module name="KM22SimpleExample">
+ <libraries name="KM2Tools"/>
+ <inModels metamodel="/1" name="IN"/>
+ <outModels metamodel="/2" name="OUT"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="MatchedRule" name="ConceptA">
+ <outPattern>
+ <elements xsi:type="SimpleOutPatternElement" varName="c">
+ <type xsi:type="_1:OclModelElement" name="ConceptA" model="/2"/>
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+ <value xsi:type="_2:OperationCallExp" operationName="getSet">
+ <source xsi:type="_2:VariableExp" referredVariable="/0/@elements.0/@inPattern/@elements.0"
+ name="me"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="_2:StringExp" stringSymbol="Bs"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings propertyName="Cs">
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+ <source xsi:type="_2:VariableExp" referredVariable="/0/@elements.0/@inPattern/@elements.0"
+ name="me"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="_2:StringExp" stringSymbol="Cs"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ varName="me" id="me0">
+ <type xsi:type="_1:OclModelElement" name="ModelElement" model="/1"/>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="_2:OperatorCallExp" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="_2:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="_2:VariableExp" referredVariable="/0/@elements.0/@inPattern/@elements.0"
+ name="me"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="_2:StringExp" stringSymbol="ConceptA"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <type xsi:type="_1:OclModelElement" name="ConceptB" model="/2"/>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ varName="me" id="me0">
+ <type xsi:type="_1:OclModelElement" name="ModelElement" model="/1"/>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="_2:OperatorCallExp" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="_2:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="_2:VariableExp" referredVariable="/0/@elements.1/@inPattern/@elements.0"
+ name="me"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="_2:StringExp" stringSymbol="ConceptB"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <elements xsi:type="SimpleOutPatternElement" varName="c">
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+ <source xsi:type="_2:VariableExp" referredVariable="/0/@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"
+ name="me"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="_2:StringExp" stringSymbol="ReferringBs"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ varName="me" id="me0">
+ <type xsi:type="_1:OclModelElement" name="ModelElement" model="/1"/>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="_2:OperatorCallExp" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="_2:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="_2:VariableExp" referredVariable="/0/@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"
+ name="me"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="_2:StringExp" stringSymbol="ConceptC"/>
+ </filter>
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+ <elements xsi:type="SimpleOutPatternElement" varName="c">
+ <type xsi:type="_1:OclModelElement" name="BReferencesC" model="/2"/>
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+ <value xsi:type="_2:OperationCallExp" operationName="getStringProperty">
+ <source xsi:type="_2:VariableExp" referredVariable="/0/@elements.3/@inPattern/@elements.0"
+ name="me"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="_2:StringExp" stringSymbol="Property"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ varName="me" id="me0">
+ <type xsi:type="_1:OclModelElement" name="ModelElement" model="/1"/>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="_2:OperatorCallExp" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="_2:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="_2:VariableExp" referredVariable="/0/@elements.3/@inPattern/@elements.0"
+ name="me"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="_2:StringExp" stringSymbol="BReferencesC"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ </Module>
+ <_3:OclModel elements="/0/@elements.0/@inPattern/@elements.0/@type /0/@elements.1/@inPattern/@elements.0/@type /0/@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0/@type /0/@elements.3/@inPattern/@elements.0/@type"
+ model="/0/@inModels.0" name="KM2"/>
+ <_3:OclModel elements="/0/@elements.0/@outPattern/@elements.0/@type /0/@elements.1/@outPattern/@elements.0/@type /0/@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.0/@type /0/@elements.3/@outPattern/@elements.0/@type"
+ model="/0/@outModels.0" name="SimpleExample"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/KM32ATL_KM22MM.atl.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/KM32ATL_KM22MM.atl.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4569258c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/KM32ATL_KM22MM.atl.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,841 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
+<atl:Module xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:atl="" xmlns:ocl="" location="1:1-239:2" name="KM32ATL_KM22MM">
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+ <metamodel href="temp#/1"/>
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+ </outModels>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="11:25-11:38" name="Metamodel">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </initExpression>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
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+ </body>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/3"/>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
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+ </body>
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+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="23:16-23:25" name="Class">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </arguments>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
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+ </result>
+ </initExpression>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
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+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </value>
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+ </source>
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+ </type>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/8"/>
+ </source>
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+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </elements>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="114:17-114:22" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.1"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="115:4-115:24" propertyName="outPattern">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="115:18-115:24" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.8"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="116:4-116:23" propertyName="isRefining">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="116:18-116:23"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="117:4-117:23" propertyName="isAbstract">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="117:18-117:23"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="121:4-121:25" propertyName="elements">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="121:16-121:25" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.6"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="122:4-122:16" propertyName="filter">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="122:14-122:16" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.2"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="125:3-129:4" varName="oc" variableExp="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.1/@bindings.1/@value">
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="126:4-126:24" propertyName="operationName">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="126:21-126:24" stringSymbol="="/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="127:4-127:18" propertyName="source">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="127:14-127:18" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.3"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="128:4-128:28" propertyName="arguments">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="128:17-128:28">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="128:26-128:27" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.5"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="131:4-131:18" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="131:12-131:18" stringSymbol="name"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="132:4-132:15" propertyName="source">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="132:13-132:15" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.4"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="134:3-137:4" varName="fv" variableExp="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.3/@bindings.1/@value">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="134:8-134:23" name="VariableExp">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="135:4-135:16" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="135:12-135:16" stringSymbol="me"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="136:4-136:33" propertyName="referredVariable">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="136:24-136:33" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.6"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="138:3-140:4" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.2/@bindings.2/@value/@elements.0">
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="139:4-139:26" propertyName="stringSymbol">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="139:20-139:26" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="139:20-139:21" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="142:15-142:41" name="SimpleInPatternElement">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="143:4-143:15" propertyName="id">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="143:10-143:15" stringSymbol="me0"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="144:4-144:19" propertyName="varName">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="144:15-144:19" stringSymbol="me"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="145:4-145:18" propertyName="type">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="145:12-145:18" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.7"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="147:3-150:4" varName="intype" variableExp="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.6/@bindings.2/@value">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="147:12-147:31" name="OclModelElement">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="148:4-148:26" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="148:12-148:26" stringSymbol="ModelElement"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="149:4-149:63" propertyName="model">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="149:13-149:63" operationName="resolveTemp">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="149:13-149:23">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/9"/>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="149:36-149:46">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/10"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="149:57-149:62" stringSymbol="mm1"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="153:3-155:4" varName="outPat" variableExp="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="153:12-153:26" name="OutPattern">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="154:4-154:26" propertyName="elements">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="154:16-154:26" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.9"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="156:3-164:4" varName="elementout" variableExp="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.8/@bindings.0/@value">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="156:16-156:43" name="SimpleOutPatternElement">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="157:4-157:18" propertyName="varName">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="157:15-157:18" stringSymbol="c"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="158:4-158:19" propertyName="type">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="158:12-158:19" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.10"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="159:4-163:6" propertyName="bindings">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="160:5-163:6">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="161:6-161:13" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@variables.1"/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="161:26-161:36">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/11"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="161:62-161:63" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.9/@bindings.2/@value/@elements.0/@iterators.0"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="161:22-161:23" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.9/@bindings.2/@value/@elements.0/@body/@arguments.0"/>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="162:6-162:13" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@variables.2"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="166:4-166:18" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="166:12-166:18" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="166:12-166:13" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="167:4-167:63" propertyName="model">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="167:13-167:63" operationName="resolveTemp">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="167:13-167:23">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/12"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="167:36-167:56" name="metamodel">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="167:36-167:46">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/13"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="167:57-167:62" stringSymbol="mm2"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <variables location="107:3-107:67" varName="allSfs" variableExp="//@elements.6/@variables.1/@initExpression/@source //@elements.6/@variables.2/@initExpression/@source">
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+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="107:16-107:37" name="StructuralFeature">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="107:41-107:42" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variables>
+ <variables location="108:3-108:85" varName="allRefs" variableExp="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.9/@bindings.2/@value/@elements.0/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SetType" location="108:13-108:31">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="108:17-108:30" name="Reference">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="108:35-108:84" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="108:35-108:41" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@variables.0"/>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="108:50-108:51" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.6/@variables.1/@initExpression/@body/@source"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variables>
+ <variables location="109:3-109:85" varName="allAttr" variableExp="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.9/@bindings.2/@value/@elements.1">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SetType" location="109:13-109:31">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="109:17-109:30" name="Attribute">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="109:35-109:84" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="109:35-109:41" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@variables.0"/>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="109:50-109:51" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.6/@variables.2/@initExpression/@body/@source"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variables>
+ <inPattern location="102:2-105:4">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="103:7-103:16" name="Class">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="104:4-104:38" operationName="&lt;>">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="104:4-104:18" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="104:4-104:13" name="package">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="104:4-104:5" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="104:22-104:38" stringSymbol="PrimitiveTypes"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="171:1-191:2" name="Attribute">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="175:7-175:18" name="Binding">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="176:4-176:26" propertyName="propertyName">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="176:20-176:21" referredVariable="//@elements.7/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="177:4-177:15" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="177:13-177:15" referredVariable="//@elements.7/@outPattern/@elements.1"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="179:3-183:4" varName="oc" variableExp="//@elements.7/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="179:8-179:28" name="OperationCallExp">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="180:4-180:41" propertyName="operationName">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="180:21-180:22" referredVariable="//@elements.7/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="181:4-181:16" propertyName="source">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="181:14-181:16" referredVariable="//@elements.7/@outPattern/@elements.2"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="182:4-182:29" propertyName="arguments">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="182:17-182:29">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="182:27-182:28" referredVariable="//@elements.7/@outPattern/@elements.3"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="184:3-187:4" varName="fv" variableExp="//@elements.7/@outPattern/@elements.1/@bindings.1/@value">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="184:8-184:23" name="VariableExp">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="185:4-185:16" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="185:12-185:16" stringSymbol="me"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="186:4-186:67" propertyName="referredVariable">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="186:24-186:67" operationName="resolveTemp">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="186:24-186:34">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/14"/>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="186:47-186:48" referredVariable="//@elements.7/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="186:55-186:66" stringSymbol="elementin"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="188:3-190:4" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.7/@outPattern/@elements.1/@bindings.2/@value/@elements.0">
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="189:4-189:26" propertyName="stringSymbol">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="189:20-189:26" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="189:20-189:21" referredVariable="//@elements.7/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="172:2-173:20">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="173:7-173:20" name="Attribute">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="193:1-215:2" name="ReferenceMultiple">
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+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="199:3-202:4" varName="b">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="199:7-199:18" name="Binding">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="200:4-200:26" propertyName="propertyName">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="200:20-200:26" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="200:20-200:21" referredVariable="//@elements.8/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="201:4-201:15" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="201:13-201:15" referredVariable="//@elements.8/@outPattern/@elements.1"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="203:3-207:4" varName="oc" variableExp="//@elements.8/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="203:8-203:28" name="OperationCallExp">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="204:4-204:74" propertyName="operationName">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="204:21-204:74">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="204:43-204:51" stringSymbol="getSet"/>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="204:24-204:37" name="isContainer">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="204:24-204:25" referredVariable="//@elements.8/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="204:57-204:68" stringSymbol="getRefSet"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="205:4-205:16" propertyName="source">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="205:14-205:16" referredVariable="//@elements.8/@outPattern/@elements.2"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="206:4-206:29" propertyName="arguments">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="206:17-206:29">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="206:27-206:28" referredVariable="//@elements.8/@outPattern/@elements.3"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="208:3-211:4" varName="fv" variableExp="//@elements.8/@outPattern/@elements.1/@bindings.1/@value">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="208:8-208:23" name="VariableExp">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="209:4-209:16" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="209:12-209:16" stringSymbol="me"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="210:4-210:67" propertyName="referredVariable">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="210:24-210:67" operationName="resolveTemp">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="210:24-210:34">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/16"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="210:47-210:54" name="owner">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="210:47-210:48" referredVariable="//@elements.8/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="210:55-210:66" stringSymbol="elementin"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="212:3-214:4" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.8/@outPattern/@elements.1/@bindings.2/@value/@elements.0">
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="213:4-213:26" propertyName="stringSymbol">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="213:20-213:26" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="213:20-213:21" referredVariable="//@elements.8/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="194:2-197:4">
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="196:4-196:60" operationName="and">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="196:4-196:29" name="usedReferences">
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/15"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="196:40-196:41" referredVariable="//@elements.8/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="196:47-196:60" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="196:57-196:60" operationName="-">
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+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="224:20-224:21" referredVariable="//@elements.9/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="225:4-225:15" propertyName="value">
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+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="228:4-228:26" propertyName="operationName">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="228:21-228:26" stringSymbol="get"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="229:4-229:16" propertyName="source">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="229:14-229:16" referredVariable="//@elements.9/@outPattern/@elements.2"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="230:4-230:29" propertyName="arguments">
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+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="230:27-230:28" referredVariable="//@elements.9/@outPattern/@elements.3"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="232:8-232:23" name="VariableExp">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="233:4-233:16" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="233:12-233:16" stringSymbol="me"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="234:4-234:67" propertyName="referredVariable">
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/18"/>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="234:55-234:66" stringSymbol="elementin"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="237:4-237:26" propertyName="stringSymbol">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="218:2-221:4">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="219:7-219:20" name="Reference">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="220:4-220:66" operationName="and">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="220:4-220:29" name="usedReferences">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="220:4-220:14">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/17"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="220:40-220:41" referredVariable="//@elements.9/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="220:47-220:66" operationName="not">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="220:52-220:65" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="220:52-220:53" referredVariable="//@elements.9/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="220:62-220:65" operationName="-">
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/XML2DSLModel/SimpleExampleM-DSLModel.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/XML2DSLModel/SimpleExampleM-DSLModel.ecore
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/XML2DSLModel/SimpleExampleM-DSLModel.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<Model xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns="DSLModel" domainModel="SimpleExample">
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+ modelElement="//@contents.1">
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+ modelElement="//@contents.2">
+ <roles name="ReferringBs" element="//@contents.0/@embeddinglinks.0/@elements.1"/>
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+ modelElement="//@contents.1">
+ <roles name="ReferencedC" element="//@contents.0/@embeddinglinks.1/@elements.0"/>
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+ modelElement="//@contents.2">
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+ </elements>
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+ links="//@contents.0/@embeddinglinks.0/@elements.0/@referencelinks.0 //@contents.0/@embeddinglinks.1/@elements.0/@referencelinks.0">
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+ </contents>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/XML2DSLModel/XML2DSLModel.atl.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/XML2DSLModel/XML2DSLModel.atl.ecore
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/XML2DSLModel/XML2DSLModel.atl.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,1798 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
+<atl:Module xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:atl="" xmlns:ocl="" location="1:1-396:2" name="XML2DSLModel">
+ <inModels location="2:29-2:38" name="IN1">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/1"/>
+ </inModels>
+ <inModels location="2:40-2:49" name="IN2">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/2"/>
+ </inModels>
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+ <metamodel href="temp#/0"/>
+ </outModels>
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+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="11:14-12:91" name="getDomainModelName">
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="17:136-17:139" stringSymbol="."/>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="22:34-22:40"/>
+ </parameters>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/3"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="27:52-27:58"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:BooleanType" location="27:62-27:69"/>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="28:10-28:16"/>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/4"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="29:31-29:77" operationName="and">
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="29:64-29:77" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="30:5-30:44">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="30:23-30:27" booleanSymbol="true"/>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="30:8-30:17" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="30:8-30:9" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="30:11-30:17" stringSymbol="true"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="30:33-30:38"/>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="27:8-27:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="27:16-27:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="35:1-36:91">
+ <definition location="35:8-36:90">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="35:51-35:57"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="35:61-35:67"/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="36:2-36:15" name="children">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="36:2-36:6">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/5"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="36:61-36:74" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="35:8-35:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="35:16-35:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="41:1-46:8">
+ <definition location="41:8-46:7">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="41:48-41:54"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:BooleanType" location="41:58-41:65"/>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:LetExp" location="42:2-46:7">
+ <variable location="42:6-43:86" varName="a" variableExp="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@condition/@source //@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@thenExpression/@source/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="42:10-42:23" name="Attribute">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="43:2-43:6">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/6"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="43:29-43:75" operationName="and">
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="43:62-43:75" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="43:62-43:68" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="43:62-43:63" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="43:71-43:75" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@parameters.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="44:5-46:7">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="45:10-45:23" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="45:10-45:16" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="45:10-45:11" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="45:19-45:23" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@parameters.0"/>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="44:9-44:10" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="44:23-44:36" name="Attribute">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="45:30-45:35"/>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="41:8-41:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="41:16-41:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="52:1-59:7">
+ <definition location="52:8-59:6">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Attribute" location="52:13-59:6" name="ModelElementsById">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="53:5-53:16" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="54:9-58:14">
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+ </arguments>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="55:50-55:51" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@iterators.0"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="54:13-54:59" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="54:14-54:38" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="54:14-54:15" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="54:21-54:38" stringSymbol="om:ModelElement"/>
+ </source>
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="54:54-54:58" stringSymbol="Id"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="57:14-57:17" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@result"/>
+ </body>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:MapType" location="53:50-53:73">
+ <valueType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="53:61-53:72" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </valueType>
+ <keyType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="53:54-53:60"/>
+ </type>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:MapExp" location="53:76-53:82"/>
+ </result>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:MapType" location="52:33-52:57">
+ <valueType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="52:45-52:56" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </valueType>
+ <keyType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="52:37-52:43"/>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="65:1-72:7">
+ <definition location="65:8-72:6">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="66:5-66:16" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="67:9-71:14">
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+ </arguments>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="68:50-68:51" referredVariable="//@elements.7/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@iterators.0"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="67:13-67:58" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="67:14-67:37" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="67:14-67:15" referredVariable="//@elements.7/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="67:21-67:37" stringSymbol="om:ElementLink"/>
+ </source>
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="67:53-67:57" stringSymbol="Id"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="70:14-70:17" referredVariable="//@elements.7/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@result"/>
+ </body>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:MapType" location="66:50-66:73">
+ <valueType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="66:61-66:72" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </valueType>
+ <keyType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="66:54-66:60"/>
+ </type>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:MapExp" location="66:76-66:82"/>
+ </result>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:MapType" location="65:32-65:56">
+ <valueType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="65:44-65:55" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </valueType>
+ <keyType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="65:36-65:42"/>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="77:1-80:50">
+ <definition location="77:8-80:49">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="78:10-78:16"/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="78:19-78:23">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/7"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="78:35-78:41" stringSymbol="Type"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:LetExp" location="79:2-80:49">
+ <variable location="79:6-79:52" varName="b" variableExp="//@elements.8/@definition/@feature/@body/@in_/@in_/@condition/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="79:10-79:16"/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="79:31-79:32" referredVariable="//@elements.8/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="79:41-79:42" integerSymbol="6"/>
+ </arguments>
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+ </arguments>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="80:2-80:49">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="80:28-80:32" booleanSymbol="true"/>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="80:7-80:20" operationName="=">
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+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="80:11-80:20" stringSymbol="Diagram"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="80:38-80:43"/>
+ </in_>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="77:8-77:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="77:16-77:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="86:1-88:47">
+ <definition location="86:8-88:46">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="86:14-88:46" name="elementToAvoid">
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </returnType>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="87:3-88:46" operationName="first">
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="87:73-87:99" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="87:82-87:99" stringSymbol="om:ModelElement"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="88:15-88:16" referredVariable="//@elements.9/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="88:11-88:12" varName="d" variableExp="//@elements.9/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@body/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="93:1-102:7">
+ <definition location="93:8-102:6">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="93:50-93:61" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:BooleanType" location="93:65-93:72"/>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:LetExp" location="94:2-102:6">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:BooleanType" location="94:10-94:17"/>
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+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="96:12-96:27" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="96:12-96:16">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/9"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="96:26-96:27" referredVariable="//@elements.10/@definition/@feature/@parameters.0"/>
+ </condition>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="98:11-98:15">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/10"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="98:36-98:37" referredVariable="//@elements.10/@definition/@feature/@parameters.0"/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="95:6-95:10">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/8"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="95:30-95:41" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="100:9-100:14"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="102:5-102:6" referredVariable="//@elements.10/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable"/>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="93:8-93:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="93:16-93:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="107:1-111:21">
+ <definition location="107:8-111:20">
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+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="108:19-108:30" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="109:4-109:70" name="select">
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="109:43-109:68" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="109:43-109:49" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="109:43-109:44" referredVariable="//@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="109:52-109:68" stringSymbol="om:ElementLink"/>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="110:18-110:58" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="110:18-110:19" referredVariable="//@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@iterators.0"/>
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+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="110:37-110:41">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/11"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="110:53-110:57" stringSymbol="Id"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="110:14-110:15" varName="b" variableExp="//@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable/@initExpression/@source/@body/@source/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="111:5-111:20" operationName="not">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="111:9-111:20" operationName="isEmpty">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="111:9-111:10" referredVariable="//@elements.11/@definition/@feature/@body/@variable"/>
+ </source>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="107:8-107:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="107:16-107:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="116:1-124:4">
+ <definition location="116:9-124:3">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="116:35-116:41"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="116:45-116:66">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="116:54-116:65" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </returnType>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="117:2-117:98" name="select">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="117:2-117:13" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="117:72-117:97" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="117:81-117:97" stringSymbol="om:ElementLink"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
+ <iterators location="118:12-118:13" varName="n" variableExp="//@elements.12/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@body/@source/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="120:3-123:8">
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+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="120:6-120:29" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </condition>
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+ </body>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="119:45-119:55"/>
+ </result>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </type>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="131:46-131:110" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/12"/>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/13"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="131:102-131:108" stringSymbol="Type"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="132:56-132:88" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/14"/>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="133:5-133:71">
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+ </condition>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="133:57-133:65" stringSymbol="String"/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="129:8-129:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="129:16-129:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <definition location="135:8-139:72">
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </type>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="137:46-137:110" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/16"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="137:102-137:108" stringSymbol="Type"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="138:56-138:88" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
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+ </condition>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="139:43-139:49" name="type">
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="139:57-139:66" stringSymbol="Boolean"/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="135:8-135:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="135:16-135:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <definition location="141:8-145:72">
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </type>
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+ <model href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="143:46-143:110" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/19"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="143:102-143:108" stringSymbol="Type"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="144:56-144:88" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
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+ </condition>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="145:43-145:49" name="type">
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="145:57-145:66" stringSymbol="Integer"/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </in_>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="141:8-141:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="141:16-141:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="151:61-151:67"/>
+ </returnType>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="152:70-152:96" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="153:29-153:35"/>
+ </type>
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+ </result>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="151:8-151:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="151:16-151:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="160:61-160:67"/>
+ </parameters>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </returnType>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="161:60-161:86" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="162:16-162:72" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="160:8-160:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="160:16-160:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="168:65-168:71"/>
+ </type>
+ </parameters>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </elementType>
+ </returnType>
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
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+ </result>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="168:8-168:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="168:16-168:27" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="181:19-181:29">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/26"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/27"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/28"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ </source>
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+ </condition>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/31"/>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </thenExpression>
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </thenExpression>
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+ </source>
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+ </type>
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+ </source>
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+ </elementType>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
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+ </type>
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+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="204:30-204:40">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/30"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="206:14-206:35" operationName="not">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="206:18-206:19" referredVariable="//@elements.20/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="201:7-201:31" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="201:7-201:8" referredVariable="//@elements.20/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="201:14-201:31" stringSymbol="om:ModelElement"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="209:10-209:15"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="261:1-279:2" name="ReferenceLink">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="273:8-273:30" name="ReferenceLink">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="274:4-274:57" propertyName="type">
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/35"/>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="275:4-275:28" propertyName="id">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="276:13-276:14" referredVariable="//@elements.21/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="276:67-276:85" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="276:76-276:85" stringSymbol="om:Role"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="277:4-277:72" propertyName="modelElement">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="277:20-277:30">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/36"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="264:5-270:9">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="265:29-265:39">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/34"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </source>
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+ </elseExpression>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="264:8-264:31" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="264:8-264:9" referredVariable="//@elements.21/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
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+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="269:10-269:15"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/39"/>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="299:72-299:92" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/40"/>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="286:11-286:16"/>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="285:13-285:44" operationName="=">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="285:17-285:27">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/37"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="287:30-287:40">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/38"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="284:7-284:31" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="292:10-292:15"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="321:13-321:14" referredVariable="//@elements.23/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="322:4-322:67" propertyName="element">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="322:15-322:25">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/42"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="309:30-309:40">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/41"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </thenExpression>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="313:12-313:17"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="307:7-307:25" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="307:16-307:25" stringSymbol="om:Role"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="315:10-315:15"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="341:6-341:23" name="Property">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/43"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </elseExpression>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="330:13-330:44" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </condition>
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+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="329:6-329:26" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="329:6-329:12" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="329:6-329:7" referredVariable="//@elements.24/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="329:13-329:26" stringSymbol="om:Property"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="337:9-337:14"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="350:1-372:2" name="BooleanProperty">
+ <outPattern location="364:2-371:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="365:2-368:3" varName="p">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="365:6-365:23" name="Property">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="366:3-366:29" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="366:9-366:29" operationName="getAttrVal">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="366:9-366:10" referredVariable="//@elements.25/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="366:22-366:28" stringSymbol="Name"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="367:3-367:13" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="367:12-367:13" referredVariable="//@elements.25/@outPattern/@elements.1"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="369:2-371:3" varName="v" variableExp="//@elements.25/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="369:6-369:27" name="BooleanValue">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="370:3-370:34" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="370:12-370:34" operationName="getAttrBool">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="370:12-370:13" referredVariable="//@elements.25/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="370:26-370:33" stringSymbol="Value"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="351:2-363:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="352:3-352:16" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.25/@inPattern/@filter/@condition/@source/@source //@elements.25/@inPattern/@filter/@thenExpression/@condition/@source/@source/@source //@elements.25/@inPattern/@filter/@thenExpression/@thenExpression/@condition/@source //@elements.25/@inPattern/@filter/@thenExpression/@thenExpression/@elseExpression/@source //@elements.25/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source //@elements.25/@outPattern/@elements.1/@bindings.0/@value/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="352:5-352:16" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="353:3-362:8">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="354:10-360:10">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="355:11-358:12">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="356:13-356:18"/>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="355:14-355:57" operationName="isChildrenOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="355:14-355:15" referredVariable="//@elements.25/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="355:29-355:56" operationName="elementToAvoid">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="355:29-355:39">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/44"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="357:13-357:26" operationName="isBoolean">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="357:13-357:14" referredVariable="//@elements.25/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="354:13-354:44" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="354:13-354:26" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="354:13-354:21" name="parent">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="354:13-354:14" referredVariable="//@elements.25/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="354:27-354:44" stringSymbol="om:ModelElement"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="359:11-359:16"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="353:6-353:26" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="353:6-353:12" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="353:6-353:7" referredVariable="//@elements.25/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="353:13-353:26" stringSymbol="om:Property"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="361:9-361:14"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="374:1-396:2" name="IntegerProperty">
+ <outPattern location="388:2-395:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="389:2-392:3" varName="p">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="389:6-389:23" name="Property">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="390:3-390:29" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="390:9-390:29" operationName="getAttrVal">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="390:9-390:10" referredVariable="//@elements.26/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="390:22-390:28" stringSymbol="Name"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="391:3-391:13" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="391:12-391:13" referredVariable="//@elements.26/@outPattern/@elements.1"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="393:2-395:3" varName="v" variableExp="//@elements.26/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="393:6-393:27" name="IntegerValue">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="394:3-394:45" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="394:12-394:45" operationName="toInteger">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="394:12-394:33" operationName="getAttrVal">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="394:12-394:13" referredVariable="//@elements.26/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="394:25-394:32" stringSymbol="Value"/>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="375:2-387:3">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="376:3-376:16" varName="e" variableExp="//@elements.26/@inPattern/@filter/@condition/@source/@source //@elements.26/@inPattern/@filter/@thenExpression/@condition/@source/@source/@source //@elements.26/@inPattern/@filter/@thenExpression/@thenExpression/@condition/@source //@elements.26/@inPattern/@filter/@thenExpression/@thenExpression/@elseExpression/@source //@elements.26/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source //@elements.26/@outPattern/@elements.1/@bindings.0/@value/@source/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="376:5-376:16" name="Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="377:3-386:8">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="378:10-384:10">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="379:11-382:12">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="380:13-380:18"/>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="379:14-379:57" operationName="isChildrenOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="379:14-379:15" referredVariable="//@elements.26/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="379:29-379:56" operationName="elementToAvoid">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="379:29-379:39">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/45"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="381:13-381:26" operationName="isInteger">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="381:13-381:14" referredVariable="//@elements.26/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="378:13-378:44" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="378:13-378:26" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="378:13-378:21" name="parent">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="378:13-378:14" referredVariable="//@elements.26/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="378:27-378:44" stringSymbol="om:ModelElement"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="383:11-383:16"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="377:6-377:26" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="377:6-377:12" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="377:6-377:7" referredVariable="//@elements.26/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="377:13-377:26" stringSymbol="om:Property"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="385:9-385:14"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Families2Persons/Families2Persons.atl.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Families2Persons/Families2Persons.atl.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6acf90b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Families2Persons/Families2Persons.atl.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
+<atl:Module xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:atl="" xmlns:ocl="" location="1:1-46:2" name="Families2Persons">
+ <inModels location="2:27-2:40" name="IN">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/1"/>
+ </inModels>
+ <outModels location="2:8-2:21" name="OUT">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/0"/>
+ </outModels>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="4:1-17:8">
+ <definition location="4:8-17:7">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Attribute" location="4:37-17:7" name="familyName">
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="5:2-17:7">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="6:3-6:29" name="lastName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="6:3-6:20" name="familyFather">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="6:3-6:7">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/3"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="5:5-5:43" operationName="not">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="5:9-5:43" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="5:9-5:26" name="familyFather">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="5:9-5:13">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="8:3-16:8">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="9:4-9:30" name="lastName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="9:4-9:21" name="familyMother">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="9:4-9:8">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/5"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="8:6-8:44" operationName="not">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="8:10-8:44" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="8:10-8:27" name="familyMother">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="8:10-8:14">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/4"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="11:4-15:9">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="12:5-12:28" name="lastName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="12:5-12:19" name="familySon">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="12:5-12:9">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/7"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="11:7-11:42" operationName="not">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="11:11-11:42" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="11:11-11:25" name="familySon">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="11:11-11:15">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/6"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="14:5-14:33" name="lastName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="14:5-14:24" name="familyDaughter">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="14:5-14:9">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/8"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="4:50-4:56"/>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="4:8-4:31">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="4:16-4:31" name="Member">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="19:1-28:8">
+ <definition location="19:8-28:7">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="19:37-28:7" name="isFemale">
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:BooleanType" location="19:50-19:57"/>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="20:2-28:7">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="21:3-21:7" booleanSymbol="true"/>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="20:5-20:43" operationName="not">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="20:9-20:43" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="20:9-20:26" name="familyMother">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="20:9-20:13">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/9"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="23:3-27:8">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="24:4-24:8" booleanSymbol="true"/>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="23:6-23:46" operationName="not">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="23:10-23:46" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="23:10-23:29" name="familyDaughter">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="23:10-23:14">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/10"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="26:4-26:9"/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="19:8-19:31">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="19:16-19:31" name="Member">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="30:1-37:2" name="Member2Male">
+ <outPattern location="33:2-36:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="34:3-36:4" varName="t">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="34:7-34:19" name="Male">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="35:4-35:48" propertyName="fullName">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="35:16-35:48" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="35:16-35:33" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="35:16-35:27" name="firstName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="35:16-35:17" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="35:30-35:33" stringSymbol=" "/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="35:36-35:48" name="familyName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="35:36-35:37" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="31:2-32:41">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="32:3-32:22" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@filter/@source/@source //@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source/@source/@source //@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@arguments.0/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="32:7-32:22" name="Member">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="32:24-32:40" operationName="not">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="32:28-32:40" operationName="isFemale">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="32:28-32:29" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="39:1-46:2" name="Member2Female">
+ <outPattern location="42:2-45:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="43:3-45:4" varName="t">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="43:7-43:21" name="Female">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="44:4-44:48" propertyName="fullName">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="44:16-44:48" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="44:16-44:33" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="44:16-44:27" name="firstName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="44:16-44:17" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="44:30-44:33" stringSymbol=" "/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="44:36-44:48" name="familyName">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="44:36-44:37" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="40:2-41:37">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="41:3-41:22" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.3/@inPattern/@filter/@source //@elements.3/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source/@source/@source //@elements.3/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@arguments.0/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="41:7-41:22" name="Member">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="41:24-41:36" operationName="isFemale">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="41:24-41:25" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Families2Persons/sample-Persons.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Families2Persons/sample-Persons.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0eb8c8b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/Families2Persons/sample-Persons.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns="Persons">
+ <Male fullName="Jim March"/>
+ <Male fullName="Brandon March"/>
+ <Male fullName="Peter Sailor"/>
+ <Male fullName="David Sailor"/>
+ <Male fullName="Dylan Sailor"/>
+ <Female fullName="Cindy March"/>
+ <Female fullName="Brenda March"/>
+ <Female fullName="Jackie Sailor"/>
+ <Female fullName="Kelly Sailor"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/FlattenTest/FlattenTest.atl.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/FlattenTest/FlattenTest.atl.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..678dfcb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/FlattenTest/FlattenTest.atl.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
+<atl:Module xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:atl="" xmlns:ocl="" location="1:1-42:2" name="FlattenTest">
+ <inModels location="2:23-2:31" name="IN">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/0"/>
+ </inModels>
+ <outModels location="2:8-2:17" name="OUT">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/0"/>
+ </outModels>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="4:1-5:74">
+ <definition location="4:8-5:73">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Attribute" location="4:14-5:73" name="testSequence">
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="5:2-5:73">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="5:11-5:12" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="5:13-5:72">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="5:22-5:23" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="5:24-5:71">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="5:33-5:34" integerSymbol="2"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="5:35-5:70">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="5:44-5:45" integerSymbol="2"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="5:46-5:69">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="5:55-5:56" integerSymbol="3"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="5:57-5:68">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="5:66-5:67" integerSymbol="3"/>
+ </elements>
+ </elements>
+ </elements>
+ </elements>
+ </elements>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="4:29-4:46">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:IntegerType" location="4:38-4:45"/>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="7:1-8:65">
+ <definition location="7:8-8:64">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Attribute" location="7:14-8:64" name="testBag">
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:BagExp" location="8:2-8:64">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="8:6-8:7" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:BagExp" location="8:8-8:63">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="8:12-8:13" integerSymbol="2"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:BagExp" location="8:14-8:62">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="8:18-8:19" integerSymbol="3"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:BagExp" location="8:20-8:61">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="8:24-8:25" integerSymbol="4"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:BagExp" location="8:26-8:60">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="8:30-8:31" integerSymbol="5"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:BagExp" location="8:32-8:59">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="8:36-8:37" integerSymbol="6"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:BagExp" location="8:38-8:58">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="8:42-8:43" integerSymbol="7"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:BagExp" location="8:44-8:57">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="8:48-8:49" integerSymbol="8"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:BagExp" location="8:50-8:56">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="8:54-8:55" integerSymbol="9"/>
+ </elements>
+ </elements>
+ </elements>
+ </elements>
+ </elements>
+ </elements>
+ </elements>
+ </elements>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:BagType" location="7:24-7:36">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:IntegerType" location="7:28-7:35"/>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="10:1-11:44">
+ <definition location="10:8-11:43">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Attribute" location="10:14-11:43" name="testSet">
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:SetExp" location="11:2-11:43">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="11:6-11:7" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:SetExp" location="11:8-11:42">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="11:12-11:13" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:SetExp" location="11:14-11:41">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="11:18-11:19" integerSymbol="2"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:SetExp" location="11:20-11:40">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="11:24-11:25" integerSymbol="2"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:SetExp" location="11:26-11:39">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="11:30-11:31" integerSymbol="3"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:SetExp" location="11:32-11:38">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="11:36-11:37" integerSymbol="3"/>
+ </elements>
+ </elements>
+ </elements>
+ </elements>
+ </elements>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SetType" location="10:24-10:36">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:IntegerType" location="10:28-10:35"/>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="13:1-14:86">
+ <definition location="13:8-14:85">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Attribute" location="13:14-14:85" name="testOrderedSet">
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:OrderedSetExp" location="14:2-14:85">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="14:13-14:14" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:OrderedSetExp" location="14:15-14:84">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="14:26-14:27" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:OrderedSetExp" location="14:28-14:83">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="14:39-14:40" integerSymbol="2"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:OrderedSetExp" location="14:41-14:82">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="14:52-14:53" integerSymbol="2"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:OrderedSetExp" location="14:54-14:81">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="14:65-14:66" integerSymbol="3"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:OrderedSetExp" location="14:67-14:80">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="14:78-14:79" integerSymbol="3"/>
+ </elements>
+ </elements>
+ </elements>
+ </elements>
+ </elements>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OrderedSetType" location="13:31-13:50">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:IntegerType" location="13:42-13:49"/>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="16:1-42:2" name="Class">
+ <outPattern location="20:2-41:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="21:3-29:4" varName="container">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="21:15-21:24" name="Model">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="22:4-22:27" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="22:12-22:27" stringSymbol="tests results"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="23:4-28:5" propertyName="packagedElement">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="23:23-28:5">
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="24:5-24:22" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.1"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="25:5-25:17" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.2"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="26:5-26:17" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.3"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="27:5-27:24" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.4"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="30:3-32:4" varName="testSequenceClass" variableExp="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@elements.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="30:23-30:32" name="Class">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="31:4-31:62" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="31:12-31:62" operationName="toString">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="31:12-31:48" operationName="flatten">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="31:12-31:35" name="testSequence">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="31:12-31:22">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="33:3-35:4" varName="testBagClass" variableExp="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@elements.1">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="33:18-33:27" name="Class">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="34:4-34:57" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="34:12-34:57" operationName="toString">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="34:12-34:43" operationName="flatten">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="34:12-34:30" name="testBag">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="34:12-34:22">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="36:3-38:4" varName="testSetClass" variableExp="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@elements.2">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="36:18-36:27" name="Class">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="37:4-37:57" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="37:12-37:57" operationName="toString">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="37:12-37:43" operationName="flatten">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="37:12-37:30" name="testSet">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="37:12-37:22">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/3"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="39:3-41:4" varName="testOrderedSetClass" variableExp="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@elements.3">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="39:25-39:34" name="Class">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="40:4-40:64" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="40:12-40:64" operationName="toString">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="40:12-40:50" operationName="flatten">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="40:12-40:37" name="testOrderedSet">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="40:12-40:22">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/4"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="17:2-18:22">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="18:3-18:22" varName="trigger">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="18:13-18:22" name="Model">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/FlattenTest/Results.uml b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/FlattenTest/Results.uml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5f61c8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/FlattenTest/Results.uml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<uml:Model xmi:version="2.1" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:uml="" xmi:id="a1" name="tests results">
+ <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Class" xmi:id="a2" name="Sequence {1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3}"/>
+ <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Class" xmi:id="a3" name="Bag {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}"/>
+ <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Class" xmi:id="a4" name="Set {1, 2, 3}"/>
+ <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Class" xmi:id="a5" name="OrderedSet {1, 2, 3}"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace.atl.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace.atl.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6fb7fc53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace.atl.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
+<atl:Module xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:atl="" xmlns:ocl="" location="5:1-106:2" name="SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace">
+ <inModels location="6:25-6:53" name="IN">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/1"/>
+ </inModels>
+ <outModels location="6:8-6:19" name="OUT">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/0"/>
+ </outModels>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="16:1-30:9">
+ <definition location="16:8-30:8">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Attribute" location="16:49-30:8" name="isALevelDescriptionBeginning">
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:LetExp" location="17:2-30:8">
+ <variable location="17:6-17:70" varName="data" variableExp="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@in_/@condition/@source/@source //@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@in_/@thenExpression/@condition/@source/@source //@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@in_/@thenExpression/@thenExpression/@condition/@source/@source/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="17:13-17:41" name="Data">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="17:44-17:70" name="c_data">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="17:44-17:63" operationName="at">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="17:44-17:56" name="r_cells">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="17:44-17:48">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="17:61-17:62" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="18:3-30:8">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="19:4-27:9">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="20:5-24:10">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="21:6-21:10" booleanSymbol="true"/>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="20:8-20:34" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="20:8-20:24" name="value">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="20:8-20:18" name="value">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="20:8-20:12" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@variable"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="20:27-20:34" stringSymbol="Index"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="23:6-23:11"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="19:7-19:66" operationName="oclIsTypeOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="19:7-19:17" name="value">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="19:7-19:11" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@variable"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="19:30-19:65" name="StringValue">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="26:5-26:10"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="18:6-18:31" operationName="not">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="18:10-18:31" operationName="oclIsUndefined">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="18:10-18:14" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@variable"/>
+ </source>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:BooleanExp" location="29:4-29:9"/>
+ </in_>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:BooleanType" location="16:80-16:87"/>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="16:8-16:43">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="16:16-16:43" name="Row">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="35:1-42:9">
+ <definition location="35:8-42:8">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Attribute" location="35:49-42:8" name="getIndexOfLastRowBeforeNextLevel">
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:LetExp" location="36:2-42:8">
+ <variable location="36:6-37:70" varName="rows" variableExp="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@in_/@condition/@source/@source //@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@in_/@condition/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@in_/@thenExpression/@source/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@in_/@thenExpression/@source/@arguments.0/@arguments.0/@source/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="36:13-36:50">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="36:22-36:49" name="Row">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </elementType>
+ </type>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="37:3-37:70" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="37:3-37:22" name="t_rows">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="37:3-37:15" name="r_table">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="37:3-37:7">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/3"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="37:37-37:69" name="isALevelDescriptionBeginning">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="37:37-37:40" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@variable/@initExpression/@iterators.0"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="37:31-37:34" varName="row" variableExp="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@variable/@initExpression/@body/@source"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="38:3-42:8">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="39:4-39:67" operationName="-">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="39:4-39:65" operationName="indexOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="39:4-39:23" name="t_rows">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="39:4-39:16" name="r_table">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="39:4-39:8">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/5"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="39:33-39:64" operationName="at">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="39:33-39:37" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@variable"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="39:42-39:63" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="39:42-39:61" operationName="indexOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="39:42-39:46" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@variable"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="39:56-39:60">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/6"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="39:62-39:63" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="39:66-39:67" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="38:6-38:41" operationName="&lt;>">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="38:6-38:25" operationName="indexOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="38:6-38:10" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@variable"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="38:20-38:24">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/4"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="38:29-38:41" operationName="size">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="38:29-38:33" referredVariable="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@variable"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="41:4-41:86" operationName="indexOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="41:4-41:23" name="t_rows">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="41:4-41:16" name="r_table">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="41:4-41:8">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/7"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="41:33-41:85" operationName="at">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="41:33-41:52" name="t_rows">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="41:33-41:45" name="r_table">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="41:33-41:37">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/8"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="41:57-41:84" operationName="size">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="41:57-41:76" name="t_rows">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="41:57-41:69" name="r_table">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="41:57-41:61">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/9"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </in_>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:IntegerType" location="35:84-35:91"/>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="35:8-35:43">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="35:16-35:43" name="Row">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="45:1-45:45">
+ <definition location="45:8-45:44">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Attribute" location="45:13-45:44" name="currentLevelIndex">
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="45:43-45:44" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:IntegerType" location="45:33-45:40"/>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="52:1-61:2" name="Worksheet2Trace">
+ <outPattern location="55:2-60:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="56:3-60:4" varName="t">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="56:7-56:18" name="Trace">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="57:4-57:19" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="57:12-57:19" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="57:12-57:14" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="58:4-59:51" propertyName="levels">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="58:14-59:51" name="collect">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="58:14-58:80" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="58:14-58:32" name="t_rows">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="58:14-58:25" name="ws_table">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="58:14-58:16" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="58:47-58:79" name="isALevelDescriptionBeginning">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="58:47-58:50" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="58:41-58:44" varName="row" variableExp="//@elements.3/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source/@body/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="59:23-59:50" operationName="CreateLevel">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="59:23-59:33">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/10"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="59:46-59:49" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@iterators.0"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="59:17-59:20" varName="row" variableExp="//@elements.3/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@body/@arguments.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="53:2-54:41">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="54:3-54:41" varName="ew" variableExp="//@elements.3/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source //@elements.3/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source/@source/@source/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="54:8-54:41" name="Worksheet">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:LazyMatchedRule" location="63:1-76:2" name="CreateLevel">
+ <outPattern location="66:2-71:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="67:3-71:4" varName="l">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="67:7-67:18" name="Level">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="68:4-70:46" propertyName="calls">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="68:13-70:46" name="collect">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="68:13-69:90" operationName="subSequence">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="68:13-68:30" name="t_rows">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="68:13-68:23" name="r_table">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="68:13-68:15" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="69:21-69:53" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="69:21-69:51" operationName="indexOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="69:21-69:38" name="t_rows">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="69:21-69:31" name="r_table">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="69:21-69:23" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="69:48-69:50" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="69:52-69:53" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="69:54-69:89" name="getIndexOfLastRowBeforeNextLevel">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="69:54-69:56" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="70:21-70:45" operationName="CreateCall">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="70:21-70:31">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/11"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="70:43-70:44" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@iterators.0"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="70:17-70:18" varName="r" variableExp="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@body/@arguments.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <actionBlock location="72:2-75:3">
+ <statements xsi:type="atl:BindingStat" location="73:3-74:27">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="73:3-73:31" name="currentLevelIndex">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="73:3-73:13">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/12"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="73:35-74:26" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="73:35-74:24" operationName="indexOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="73:35-73:100" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="73:35-73:52" name="t_rows">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="73:35-73:45" name="r_table">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="73:35-73:37" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="73:67-73:99" name="isALevelDescriptionBeginning">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="73:67-73:70" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@actionBlock/@statements.0/@value/@source/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="73:61-73:64" varName="row" variableExp="//@elements.4/@actionBlock/@statements.0/@value/@source/@source/@body/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="74:21-74:23" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="74:25-74:26" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ </value>
+ </statements>
+ </actionBlock>
+ <inPattern location="64:2-65:35">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="65:3-65:35" varName="er" variableExp="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source/@arguments.0/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source/@arguments.0/@source/@arguments.0 //@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source/@arguments.1/@source //@elements.4/@actionBlock/@statements.0/@value/@source/@source/@source/@source/@source //@elements.4/@actionBlock/@statements.0/@value/@source/@arguments.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="65:8-65:35" name="Row">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:LazyMatchedRule" location="78:1-97:2" name="CreateCall">
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+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="85:3-96:4" varName="c">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="85:7-85:17" name="Call">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="86:4-87:55" propertyName="indexes">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="86:15-87:55" name="collect">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="86:15-86:70" operationName="subSequence">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="86:15-86:25" name="r_cells">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="86:15-86:17" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="86:39-86:40" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="86:41-86:69" name="currentLevelIndex">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="86:41-86:51">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/14"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="87:26-87:54" operationName="CreateIndex">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="87:26-87:36">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/15"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="87:49-87:53" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@iterators.0"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="87:19-87:23" varName="cell" variableExp="//@elements.5/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@body/@arguments.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="88:4-88:26" propertyName="methodName">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="88:18-88:26" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@variables.0"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="89:4-89:97" propertyName="DBAccessesNumber">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="89:24-89:97" operationName="round">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="89:24-89:89" name="value">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="89:24-89:83" name="value">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="89:24-89:77" name="c_data">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="89:24-89:70" operationName="at">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="89:24-89:34" name="r_cells">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="89:24-89:26" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="89:39-89:69" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="89:39-89:67" name="currentLevelIndex">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="89:39-89:49">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/16"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="89:68-89:69" integerSymbol="2"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="90:4-90:93" propertyName="DBRowsNumber">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="90:20-90:93" operationName="round">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="90:20-90:85" name="value">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="90:20-90:79" name="value">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="90:20-90:73" name="c_data">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="90:20-90:66" operationName="at">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="90:20-90:30" name="r_cells">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="90:20-90:22" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="90:35-90:65" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="90:35-90:63" name="currentLevelIndex">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="90:35-90:45">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/17"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="90:64-90:65" integerSymbol="3"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="91:4-95:12" propertyName="CPUTime">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="91:16-95:12">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="92:8-92:81" operationName="round">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="92:8-92:73" name="value">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="92:8-92:67" name="value">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="92:8-92:61" name="c_data">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="92:8-92:54" operationName="at">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="92:8-92:18" name="r_cells">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="92:8-92:10" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="92:23-92:53" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="92:23-92:51" name="currentLevelIndex">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="92:23-92:33">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/18"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="92:52-92:53" integerSymbol="4"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </thenExpression>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="91:19-91:45" operationName="&lt;>">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="91:19-91:27" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@variables.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="91:31-91:45" stringSymbol="Total DB-Ops"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:OclUndefinedExp" location="94:8-94:20"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <variables location="82:3-82:89" varName="nodeName" variableExp="//@elements.5/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value //@elements.5/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.4/@value/@condition/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="82:14-82:20"/>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="82:23-82:82" name="value">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="82:23-82:76" name="c_data">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="82:23-82:69" operationName="at">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="82:23-82:33" name="r_cells">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="82:23-82:25" referredVariable="//@elements.5/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="82:38-82:68" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="82:38-82:66" name="currentLevelIndex">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="82:38-82:48">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/13"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:IntegerExp" location="82:67-82:68" integerSymbol="1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variables>
+ <inPattern location="79:2-80:35">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="80:8-80:35" name="Row">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:LazyMatchedRule" location="99:1-106:2" name="CreateIndex">
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+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="103:3-105:4" varName="i">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="103:7-103:18" name="Index">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="104:4-104:42" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="104:13-104:42" operationName="round">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="104:13-104:34" name="value">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="104:13-104:28" name="value">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="104:13-104:22" name="c_data">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="104:13-104:15" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="100:2-101:36">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="101:3-101:36" varName="ec" variableExp="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source/@source/@source/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="101:8-101:36" name="Cell">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace/TraceSamples-Trace.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace/TraceSamples-Trace.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94b6c68b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace/TraceSamples-Trace.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<Trace xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns="Trace" name="Order_PerformanceTrace">
+ <levels>
+ <calls methodName="Create New Order" DBAccessesNumber="0" DBRowsNumber="0" CPUTime="8725">
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Select Order" DBAccessesNumber="2" DBRowsNumber="2645" CPUTime="10122">
+ <indexes value="2"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Create New Order" DBAccessesNumber="0" DBRowsNumber="0" CPUTime="7463">
+ <indexes value="3"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Select Order" DBAccessesNumber="3" DBRowsNumber="4225" CPUTime="12473">
+ <indexes value="4"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Select Order" DBAccessesNumber="2" DBRowsNumber="2386" CPUTime="10242">
+ <indexes value="5"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Select Order" DBAccessesNumber="4" DBRowsNumber="5786" CPUTime="12703">
+ <indexes value="6"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Create New Order" DBAccessesNumber="0" DBRowsNumber="0" CPUTime="8364">
+ <indexes value="7"/>
+ </calls>
+ </levels>
+ <levels>
+ <calls methodName="Validate" DBAccessesNumber="1" DBRowsNumber="1114" CPUTime="9789">
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Update Order" DBAccessesNumber="0" DBRowsNumber="0" CPUTime="12322">
+ <indexes value="2"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Cancel" DBAccessesNumber="0" DBRowsNumber="0" CPUTime="486">
+ <indexes value="3"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Delete Order" DBAccessesNumber="0" DBRowsNumber="0" CPUTime="4838">
+ <indexes value="4"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Delete Order" DBAccessesNumber="0" DBRowsNumber="0" CPUTime="5017">
+ <indexes value="5"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Update Order" DBAccessesNumber="0" DBRowsNumber="0" CPUTime="11634">
+ <indexes value="6"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Validate" DBAccessesNumber="1" DBRowsNumber="1115" CPUTime="9662">
+ <indexes value="7"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ </levels>
+ <levels>
+ <calls methodName="Validate" DBAccessesNumber="1" DBRowsNumber="1115" CPUTime="9964">
+ <indexes value="2"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Cancel" DBAccessesNumber="0" DBRowsNumber="0" CPUTime="451">
+ <indexes value="4"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Validate" DBAccessesNumber="1" DBRowsNumber="1115" CPUTime="9423">
+ <indexes value="5"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Validate" DBAccessesNumber="1" DBRowsNumber="1114" CPUTime="9756">
+ <indexes value="6"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ </levels>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Trace2PerformanceMetrics/Trace2PerformanceMetrics.atl.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Trace2PerformanceMetrics/Trace2PerformanceMetrics.atl.ecore
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@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
+<atl:Module xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:atl="" xmlns:ocl="" location="5:1-124:2" name="Trace2PerformanceMetrics">
+ <inModels location="6:28-6:38" name="IN">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/1"/>
+ </inModels>
+ <outModels location="6:9-6:22" name="OUT">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/0"/>
+ </outModels>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="15:1-22:4">
+ <definition location="15:8-22:3">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="15:33-22:3" name="getMethodsList">
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="15:52-15:68">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="15:61-15:67"/>
+ </returnType>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:IterateExp" location="16:2-22:3">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="16:2-16:6">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="17:3-21:8">
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+ </arguments>
+ </thenExpression>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="17:59-17:63" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@body/@iterators.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
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+ </body>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:SequenceType" location="16:35-16:51">
+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="16:44-16:50"/>
+ </type>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="ocl:SequenceExp" location="16:54-16:64"/>
+ </result>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="15:8-15:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="15:16-15:27" name="Level">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="27:1-28:67">
+ <definition location="27:8-28:66">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="27:33-28:66" name="getMethodsList">
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+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="27:61-27:67"/>
+ </returnType>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="28:2-28:6">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/3"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </body>
+ <iterators location="28:23-28:24" varName="l" variableExp="//@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@source/@body/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="27:8-27:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="27:16-27:27" name="Trace">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="30:1-30:57">
+ <definition location="30:8-30:56">
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+ <elementType xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="30:36-30:42"/>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="47:17-47:31" name="Metric">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="48:4-48:53" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="48:12-48:53" stringSymbol="Average number of DB accesses by method"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="50:3-52:4" varName="mDBRows" variableExp="//@elements.3/@actionBlock/@statements.1/@statements.2/@source/@source //@elements.3/@actionBlock/@statements.1/@statements.2/@value/@source/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="50:13-50:27" name="Metric">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="51:4-51:57" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="51:12-51:57" stringSymbol="Average number of DB rows handled by method"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="54:4-54:45" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="54:12-54:45" stringSymbol="Average CPU time used by method"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <actionBlock location="56:2-87:3">
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/4"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </value>
+ </statements>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/5"/>
+ </source>
+ </collection>
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+ </collection>
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+ </collection>
+ <statements xsi:type="atl:IfStat" location="62:6-67:7">
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="62:9-62:37" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="62:27-62:37" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@actionBlock/@statements.1/@iterator"/>
+ </condition>
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+ </value>
+ </thenStatements>
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+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </thenStatements>
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+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </thenStatements>
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+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </thenStatements>
+ </statements>
+ </statements>
+ </statements>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/6"/>
+ </source>
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+ </elements>
+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </statements>
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+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="74:22-74:29" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@outPattern/@elements.1"/>
+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/7"/>
+ </source>
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+ </elements>
+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </statements>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/8"/>
+ </source>
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+ </elements>
+ </arguments>
+ </value>
+ </statements>
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+ </statements>
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+ </statements>
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+ </statements>
+ </statements>
+ </actionBlock>
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+ </variables>
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+ </variables>
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+ </variables>
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+ </variables>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ </actionBlock>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="90:58-90:64"/>
+ </parameters>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:IntegerType" location="91:34-91:41"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <parameters location="91:43-91:73" varName="totalNbOfMethodCalls" variableExp="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source/@arguments.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:IntegerType" location="91:66-91:73"/>
+ </parameters>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ </actionBlock>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="102:54-102:60"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <parameters location="103:12-103:37" varName="totalNbOfDbRows" variableExp="//@elements.5/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:IntegerType" location="103:30-103:37"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <parameters location="103:39-103:69" varName="totalNbOfMethodCalls" variableExp="//@elements.5/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source/@arguments.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:IntegerType" location="103:62-103:69"/>
+ </parameters>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:CalledRule" location="114:1-124:2" name="CreateAverageCPUTimeMetricValue">
+ <outPattern location="116:2-120:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="117:3-120:4" varName="mv" variableExp="//@elements.6/@actionBlock/@statements.0/@expression">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="117:8-117:34" name="IntegerMetricValue">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="118:4-118:21" propertyName="tag">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="118:11-118:21" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@parameters.0"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="119:4-119:58" propertyName="value">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="119:13-119:58" operationName="round">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="119:14-119:49" operationName="/">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="119:14-119:26" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@parameters.1"/>
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+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <actionBlock location="121:2-123:3">
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+ <expression xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="122:3-122:5" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </statements>
+ </actionBlock>
+ <parameters location="114:38-114:57" varName="methodName" variableExp="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="114:51-114:57"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <parameters location="115:12-115:34" varName="totalCPUTime" variableExp="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:IntegerType" location="115:27-115:34"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <parameters location="115:36-115:66" varName="totalNbOfMethodCalls" variableExp="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source/@arguments.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:IntegerType" location="115:59-115:66"/>
+ </parameters>
+ </elements>
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+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Trace2PerformanceMetrics/TraceSamples-Metrics.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns="Metrics">
+ <Metric name="Average number of DB accesses by method">
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Select Order" value="3"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Delete Order" value="0"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Update Order" value="0"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Cancel" value="0"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Validate" value="1"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Create New Order" value="0"/>
+ </Metric>
+ <Metric name="Average number of DB rows handled by method">
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Select Order" value="3761"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Delete Order" value="0"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Update Order" value="0"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Cancel" value="0"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Validate" value="1115"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Create New Order" value="0"/>
+ </Metric>
+ <Metric name="Average CPU time used by method">
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Select Order" value="11385"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Delete Order" value="4928"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Update Order" value="11978"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Cancel" value="469"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Validate" value="9719"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Create New Order" value="8184"/>
+ </Metric>
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
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+ </eStructuralFeatures>
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+ </eStructuralFeatures>
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+ </eStructuralFeatures>
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+ <eType xmi:type="ecore:EDataType" href=""/>
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ </contents>
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+ </elementImport>
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+ </ownedAttribute>
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+ </ownedAttribute>
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+ </ownedAttribute>
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+ </ownedAttribute>
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+ </ownedAttribute>
+ </packagedElement>
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@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
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+ <ownedComment xmi:type="uml:Comment" xmi:id="a4">
+ <body>Sample Activity Diagram: Order Management&#xD;
+ </ownedComment>
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+ </edge>
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+ </eAnnotations>
+ <appliedProfile xmi:type="uml:Profile" href="Performance.profile.uml#_JLfecdfUEduB2uraX9-VYQ"/>
+ </profileApplication>
+ </uml:Model>
+ <Performance:ServicePerformance xmi:id="a61" base_Action="a14" CPUTime="469"/>
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+ <Performance:ServicePerformance xmi:id="a64" base_Action="a11" CPUTime="11978"/>
+ <Performance:ServicePerformance xmi:id="a65" base_Action="a7" CPUTime="8184"/>
+ <Performance:ServicePerformance xmi:id="a66" base_Action="a12" CPUTime="4928"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart.atl.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart.atl.ecore
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+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ </parameters>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="21:44-21:96" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="22:38-22:57" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="24:40-24:46"/>
+ </parameters>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="25:44-25:84" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="26:38-26:57" operationName="=">
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+ </source>
+ </body>
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+ </definition>
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+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
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+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="55:48-55:53" stringSymbol="PRO"/>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </expression>
+ </statements>
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+ <referredVariable href="temp#/3"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </source>
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+ </body>
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+ </source>
+ </source>
+ </source>
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+ </source>
+ </value>
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+ </type>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="81:9-81:51" propertyName="localPostcondition">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="81:31-81:32" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="82:9-82:31" propertyName="argument">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="82:21-82:31" name="argument">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="82:21-82:22" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="83:9-83:27" propertyName="onPort">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="83:19-83:27" name="onPort">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="83:19-83:20" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="84:9-84:27" propertyName="result">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="84:19-84:27" name="result">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="84:19-84:20" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="85:9-85:33" propertyName="operation">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="85:22-85:33" name="operation">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="85:22-85:23" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="86:9-86:27" propertyName="target">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="86:19-86:27" name="target">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="86:19-86:20" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <actionBlock location="87:5-94:3">
+ <statements xsi:type="atl:IfStat" location="88:3-93:4">
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="88:7-88:44" operationName="isStereotypeNeeded">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="88:7-88:17">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/5"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="88:37-88:43" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="88:37-88:38" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </condition>
+ <thenStatements xsi:type="atl:ExpressionStat" location="89:4-89:63">
+ <expression xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="89:4-89:62" operationName="applyStereotype">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="89:4-89:5" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="89:22-89:61" name="servicePerformanceStereotype">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="89:22-89:32">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/6"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </expression>
+ </thenStatements>
+ <thenStatements xsi:type="atl:ExpressionStat" location="90:4-90:100">
+ <expression xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="90:4-90:99" operationName="setValue">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="90:4-90:5" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="90:15-90:54" name="servicePerformanceStereotype">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="90:15-90:25">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/7"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="90:55-90:65" stringSymbol="DBAccess"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="90:66-90:98" operationName="getNbDBAccess">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="90:66-90:76">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/8"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="90:91-90:97" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="90:91-90:92" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </expression>
+ </thenStatements>
+ <thenStatements xsi:type="atl:ExpressionStat" location="91:4-91:96">
+ <expression xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="91:4-91:95" operationName="setValue">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="91:4-91:5" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="91:15-91:54" name="servicePerformanceStereotype">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="91:15-91:25">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/9"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="91:55-91:63" stringSymbol="DBRows"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="91:64-91:94" operationName="getNbDBRows">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="91:64-91:74">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/10"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="91:87-91:93" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="91:87-91:88" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </expression>
+ </thenStatements>
+ <thenStatements xsi:type="atl:ExpressionStat" location="92:4-92:96">
+ <expression xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="92:4-92:95" operationName="setValue">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="92:4-92:5" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="92:15-92:54" name="servicePerformanceStereotype">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="92:15-92:25">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/11"/>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="92:55-92:64" stringSymbol="CPUTime"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="92:65-92:94" operationName="getCPUTime">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="92:65-92:75">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/12"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="92:87-92:93" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="92:87-92:88" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </expression>
+ </thenStatements>
+ </statements>
+ </actionBlock>
+ <inPattern location="64:5-64:82">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="64:10-64:45" varName="s" variableExp="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@filter/@arguments.0 //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.3/@value/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.4/@value/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.5/@value/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.6/@value/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.7/@value/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.8/@value/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.9/@value/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.10/@value/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.11/@value/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.12/@value/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.13/@value/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.14/@value/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.15/@value/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.16/@value/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.17/@value/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.18/@value/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.19/@value/@source //@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.20/@value/@source //@elements.6/@actionBlock/@statements.0/@condition/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.6/@actionBlock/@statements.0/@thenStatements.1/@expression/@arguments.2/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.6/@actionBlock/@statements.0/@thenStatements.2/@expression/@arguments.2/@arguments.0/@source //@elements.6/@actionBlock/@statements.0/@thenStatements.3/@expression/@arguments.2/@arguments.0/@source" mapsTo="//@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="64:14-64:45" name="uml::CallOperationAction">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="64:47-64:81" operationName="includes">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="64:47-64:68" name="inElements">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="64:47-64:57">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/4"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="64:79-64:80" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/UML2Relational/UML2Relational.atl.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/UML2Relational/UML2Relational.atl.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a65c2ccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/UML2Relational/UML2Relational.atl.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
+<atl:Module xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:atl="" xmlns:ocl="" location="6:1-93:2" name="Class2Relational">
+ <inModels location="7:30-7:38" name="IN">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/1"/>
+ </inModels>
+ <outModels location="7:8-7:24" name="OUT">
+ <metamodel href="temp#/0"/>
+ </outModels>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="13:1-14:80">
+ <definition location="13:8-14:79">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="13:40-14:79" name="hasStereotype">
+ <parameters location="13:54-13:73" varName="stereotype" variableExp="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@body/@arguments.0">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:StringType" location="13:67-13:73"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:BooleanType" location="13:77-13:84"/>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:CollectionOperationCallExp" location="14:2-14:79" operationName="includes">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="14:2-14:55" name="collect">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="14:2-14:30" operationName="getAppliedStereotypes">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="14:2-14:6">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/2"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="14:47-14:54" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="14:47-14:49" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@iterators.0"/>
+ </body>
+ <iterators location="14:42-14:44" varName="st" variableExp="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@body/@source/@body/@source"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="14:68-14:78" referredVariable="//@elements.0/@definition/@feature/@parameters.0"/>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="13:8-13:34">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="13:16-13:34" name="uml::Element">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:Helper" location="16:1-20:8">
+ <definition location="16:8-20:7">
+ <feature xsi:type="ocl:Operation" location="16:37-20:7" name="computeType">
+ <returnType xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="16:53-16:68" name="Type">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </returnType>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="17:2-20:7">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:EnumLiteralExp" location="17:31-17:39" name="VARCHAR"/>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="17:5-17:25" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="17:5-17:14" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="17:5-17:9">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/3"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="17:17-17:25" stringSymbol="String"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:IfExp" location="18:3-19:18">
+ <thenExpression xsi:type="ocl:EnumLiteralExp" location="18:33-18:41" name="NUMERIC"/>
+ <condition xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="18:6-18:27" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="18:6-18:15" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="18:6-18:10">
+ <referredVariable href="temp#/4"/>
+ </source>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="18:18-18:27" stringSymbol="Integer"/>
+ </condition>
+ <elseExpression xsi:type="ocl:EnumLiteralExp" location="19:4-19:12" name="NUMERIC"/>
+ </elseExpression>
+ </body>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="16:8-16:31">
+ <context_ xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="16:16-16:31" name="uml::Type">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="26:1-36:2" name="Model2Database">
+ <outPattern location="31:2-35:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="32:3-35:4" varName="out">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="32:9-32:28" name="Database">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="33:4-33:18" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="33:12-33:18" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="33:12-33:13" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="34:4-34:116" propertyName="ownedSchemas">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="34:20-34:116" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="34:20-34:37" name="packagedElement">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="34:20-34:21" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="34:52-34:115" operationName="and">
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="34:52-34:53" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@iterators.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="34:66-34:84" name="uml::Package">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="34:90-34:115" operationName="hasStereotype">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="34:90-34:91" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@iterators.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="34:106-34:114" stringSymbol="Schema"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="27:2-30:5">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleInPatternElement" location="28:3-28:23" varName="m" variableExp="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@filter/@source //@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.0/@value/@source //@elements.2/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source/@source">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="28:7-28:23" name="uml::Model">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="29:5-29:32" operationName="hasStereotype">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="29:5-29:6" referredVariable="//@elements.2/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="29:21-29:31" stringSymbol="Database"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="38:1-48:2" name="Package2Schema">
+ <outPattern location="43:2-47:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="44:3-47:4" varName="out">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="44:9-44:26" name="Schema">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="45:4-45:18" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="45:12-45:18" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="45:12-45:13" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="46:4-46:113" propertyName="ownedTables">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="46:20-46:113" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="46:20-46:37" name="packagedElement">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="46:20-46:21" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="46:52-46:112" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="46:52-46:83" operationName="oclIsTypeOf">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="46:52-46:53" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@iterators.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="46:66-46:82" name="uml::Class">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="46:88-46:112" operationName="hasStereotype">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="46:88-46:89" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@iterators.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="46:104-46:111" stringSymbol="Table"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <inPattern location="39:2-42:5">
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+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="40:7-40:25" name="uml::Package">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="41:5-41:30" operationName="hasStereotype">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="41:5-41:6" referredVariable="//@elements.3/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="41:21-41:29" stringSymbol="Schema"/>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="50:1-65:2" name="Class2Table">
+ <outPattern location="55:2-64:4">
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:SimpleOutPatternElement" location="56:3-64:4" varName="out">
+ <type xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="56:9-56:25" name="Table">
+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
+ <bindings location="57:4-57:18" propertyName="name">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="57:12-57:18" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="57:12-57:13" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="58:4-60:53" propertyName="ownedColumns">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="58:20-60:53" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="58:20-58:31" name="attribute">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="58:20-58:21" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="59:8-60:52" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="59:8-59:33" operationName="hasStereotype">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="59:8-59:9" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@iterators.0"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:StringExp" location="59:24-59:32" stringSymbol="Column"/>
+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="60:8-60:14" name="type">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="60:8-60:9" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="60:27-60:51" name="uml::PrimitiveType">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="61:4-63:57" propertyName="ownedForeignKeys">
+ <value xsi:type="ocl:IteratorExp" location="61:24-63:57" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="61:24-61:35" name="attribute">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="61:24-61:25" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="ocl:OperatorCallExp" location="62:8-63:56" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:OperationCallExp" location="62:8-62:33" operationName="hasStereotype">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="62:8-62:9" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@iterators.0"/>
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+ </source>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="63:12-63:18" name="type">
+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="63:12-63:13" referredVariable="//@elements.4/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="ocl:OclModelElement" location="63:31-63:55" name="uml::PrimitiveType">
+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </source>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </source>
+ </arguments>
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+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="atl:MatchedRule" location="82:1-93:2" name="Property2ForeignKey">
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+ <model href="temp#/0"/>
+ </type>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="91:4-91:25" propertyName="sourceTable">
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </type>
+ </elements>
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+ <source xsi:type="ocl:VariableExp" location="85:5-85:6" referredVariable="//@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
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+ </source>
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+ <model href="temp#/1"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ </arguments>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/UML2Relational/sample-Relational.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/UML2Relational/sample-Relational.ecore
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/expected/UML2Relational/sample-Relational.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<relational:Database xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:relational="" name="sample_database">
+ <ownedSchemas name="sample_schema">
+ <ownedTables name="Table1">
+ <ownedColumns name="column1" type="VARCHAR" isPrimaryKey="true" isUnique="true"/>
+ <ownedColumns name="column2" isUnique="true"/>
+ <ownedForeignKeys name="column3" sourceTable="//@ownedSchemas.0/@ownedTables.1"/>
+ </ownedTables>
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+ <ownedColumns name="column1" type="VARCHAR" isPrimaryKey="true" isUnique="true"/>
+ <ownedColumns name="column2" isUnique="true"/>
+ </ownedTables>
+ </ownedSchemas>
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eSubpackages>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="StringType" eSuperTypes="/0/Types/Primitive"/>
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="SequenceType" eSuperTypes="/0/Types/CollectionType"/>
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="SetType" eSuperTypes="/0/Types/CollectionType"/>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ </eSubpackages>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
+ <ecore:EPackage name="ATL">
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Statement" abstract="true" eSuperTypes="/2/Element"/>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Helper" eSuperTypes="/1/ModuleElement">
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+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="library" ordered="false" eType="/1/Library" eOpposite="/1/Library/helpers"/>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="PatternElement" abstract="true" eSuperTypes="/0/Expressions/VariableDeclaration"/>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="LibraryRef" eSuperTypes="/2/Element">
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="MatchedRule" eSuperTypes="/1/Rule">
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+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="superRule" ordered="false" eType="/1/MatchedRule" eOpposite="/1/MatchedRule/children"/>
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="LazyMatchedRule" eSuperTypes="/1/MatchedRule">
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="SimpleOutPatternElement" eSuperTypes="/1/OutPatternElement"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
+ <ecore:EPackage name="Core">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Element">
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
+ <ecore:EPackage name="PrimitiveTypes">
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+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Boolean"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/ATL2Problem.asm b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/ATL2Problem.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29cdda35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/ATL2Problem.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,6354 @@
+<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ?>
+<asm name="0">
+ <cp>
+ <constant value="ATL2Problem"/>
+ <constant value="links"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;"/>
+ <constant value="col"/>
+ <constant value="J;"/>
+ <constant value="singleIteratorExps"/>
+ <constant value="ES"/>
+ <constant value="multiIteratorExps"/>
+ <constant value="collectionTypes"/>
+ <constant value="EMATL!CollectionType;"/>
+ <constant value="allModels"/>
+ <constant value="QMATL!OclModel;"/>
+ <constant value="queryElt"/>
+ <constant value="MATL!Query;"/>
+ <constant value="allBindings"/>
+ <constant value="QMATL!Binding;"/>
+ <constant value="allInPatterns"/>
+ <constant value="QMATL!InPattern;"/>
+ <constant value="allInPatternElts"/>
+ <constant value="QMATL!InPatternElement;"/>
+ <constant value="allOutPatternElts"/>
+ <constant value="QMATL!OutPatternElement;"/>
+ <constant value="allRules"/>
+ <constant value="QMATL!Rule;"/>
+ <constant value="allHelpers"/>
+ <constant value="QMATL!Helper;"/>
+ <constant value="allLoopExps"/>
+ <constant value="QMATL!LoopExp;"/>
+ <constant value="allIterateExps"/>
+ <constant value="QMATL!IterateExp;"/>
+ <constant value="namedElements"/>
+ <constant value="QMATL!VariableDeclaration;"/>
+ <constant value="rule"/>
+ <constant value="MATL!Rule;"/>
+ <constant value="immediateComposite"/>
+ <constant value="MATL!Element;"/>
+ <constant value="main"/>
+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="0"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
+ <constant value="J.setName(S):V"/>
+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initsingleIteratorExps():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initmultiIteratorExps():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initcollectionTypes():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initallModels():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initqueryElt():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initallBindings():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initallInPatterns():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initallInPatternElts():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initallOutPatternElts():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initallRules():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initallHelpers():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initallLoopExps():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initallIterateExps():V"/>
+ <constant value="Rule"/>
+ <constant value="ATL"/>
+ <constant value="__initnamedElements"/>
+ <constant value="J.registerHelperAttribute(SS):V"/>
+ <constant value="PatternElement"/>
+ <constant value="__initrule"/>
+ <constant value="VariableDeclaration"/>
+ <constant value="__initimmediateComposite"/>
+ <constant value="OclExpression"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="__initsingleIteratorExps"/>
+ <constant value="Set"/>
+ <constant value="isUnique"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.including(J):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="any"/>
+ <constant value="one"/>
+ <constant value="collect"/>
+ <constant value="select"/>
+ <constant value="reject"/>
+ <constant value="collectNested"/>
+ <constant value="sortedBy"/>
+ <constant value="14:3-14:13"/>
+ <constant value="14:15-14:20"/>
+ <constant value="14:22-14:27"/>
+ <constant value="14:29-14:38"/>
+ <constant value="14:40-14:48"/>
+ <constant value="15:3-15:11"/>
+ <constant value="15:13-15:28"/>
+ <constant value="15:30-15:40"/>
+ <constant value="13:2-16:3"/>
+ <constant value="__initmultiIteratorExps"/>
+ <constant value="exists"/>
+ <constant value="forAll"/>
+ <constant value="23:51-23:59"/>
+ <constant value="23:61-23:69"/>
+ <constant value="23:47-23:70"/>
+ <constant value="__initcollectionTypes"/>
+ <constant value="CollectionType"/>
+ <constant value="J.allInstances():J"/>
+ <constant value="31:2-31:20"/>
+ <constant value="31:2-31:35"/>
+ <constant value="__initallModels"/>
+ <constant value="Module"/>
+ <constant value="J.asSequence():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.first():J"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
+ <constant value="inModels"/>
+ <constant value="outModels"/>
+ <constant value="J.flatten():J"/>
+ <constant value="40:3-40:13"/>
+ <constant value="40:3-40:28"/>
+ <constant value="40:3-40:42"/>
+ <constant value="40:3-40:51"/>
+ <constant value="39:6-40:51"/>
+ <constant value="43:3-43:12"/>
+ <constant value="43:3-43:21"/>
+ <constant value="44:3-44:12"/>
+ <constant value="44:3-44:22"/>
+ <constant value="42:2-45:3"/>
+ <constant value="42:2-45:14"/>
+ <constant value="39:2-45:14"/>
+ <constant value="atlModule"/>
+ <constant value="__initqueryElt"/>
+ <constant value="Query"/>
+ <constant value="54:2-54:11"/>
+ <constant value="54:2-54:26"/>
+ <constant value="54:2-54:40"/>
+ <constant value="54:2-54:49"/>
+ <constant value="__initallBindings"/>
+ <constant value="Binding"/>
+ <constant value="62:2-62:13"/>
+ <constant value="62:2-62:28"/>
+ <constant value="62:2-62:42"/>
+ <constant value="__initallInPatterns"/>
+ <constant value="InPattern"/>
+ <constant value="70:2-70:15"/>
+ <constant value="70:2-70:30"/>
+ <constant value="70:2-70:44"/>
+ <constant value="__initallInPatternElts"/>
+ <constant value="InPatternElement"/>
+ <constant value="78:2-78:22"/>
+ <constant value="78:2-78:37"/>
+ <constant value="78:2-78:51"/>
+ <constant value="__initallOutPatternElts"/>
+ <constant value="OutPatternElement"/>
+ <constant value="86:2-86:23"/>
+ <constant value="86:2-86:38"/>
+ <constant value="86:2-86:52"/>
+ <constant value="__initallRules"/>
+ <constant value="95:2-95:10"/>
+ <constant value="95:2-95:25"/>
+ <constant value="95:2-95:39"/>
+ <constant value="__initallHelpers"/>
+ <constant value="Helper"/>
+ <constant value="103:2-103:12"/>
+ <constant value="103:2-103:27"/>
+ <constant value="103:2-103:41"/>
+ <constant value="__initallLoopExps"/>
+ <constant value="LoopExp"/>
+ <constant value="111:2-111:13"/>
+ <constant value="111:2-111:28"/>
+ <constant value="111:2-111:42"/>
+ <constant value="__initallIterateExps"/>
+ <constant value="IterateExp"/>
+ <constant value="119:2-119:16"/>
+ <constant value="119:2-119:31"/>
+ <constant value="119:2-119:45"/>
+ <constant value="MatchedRule"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsTypeOf(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="13"/>
+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="inPattern"/>
+ <constant value="elements"/>
+ <constant value="variables"/>
+ <constant value="outPattern"/>
+ <constant value="133:6-133:10"/>
+ <constant value="133:23-133:38"/>
+ <constant value="133:6-133:39"/>
+ <constant value="137:4-137:14"/>
+ <constant value="135:4-135:8"/>
+ <constant value="135:4-135:18"/>
+ <constant value="135:4-135:27"/>
+ <constant value="135:4-135:41"/>
+ <constant value="133:3-138:8"/>
+ <constant value="139:3-139:7"/>
+ <constant value="139:3-139:17"/>
+ <constant value="139:3-139:31"/>
+ <constant value="140:3-140:7"/>
+ <constant value="140:3-140:18"/>
+ <constant value="140:3-140:27"/>
+ <constant value="140:3-140:41"/>
+ <constant value="132:2-141:3"/>
+ <constant value="132:2-141:14"/>
+ <constant value="MATL!PatternElement;"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="10"/>
+ <constant value="153:5-153:9"/>
+ <constant value="153:22-153:43"/>
+ <constant value="153:5-153:44"/>
+ <constant value="157:3-157:7"/>
+ <constant value="157:3-157:17"/>
+ <constant value="157:3-157:24"/>
+ <constant value="155:3-155:7"/>
+ <constant value="155:3-155:18"/>
+ <constant value="155:3-155:25"/>
+ <constant value="153:2-158:7"/>
+ <constant value="MATL!VariableDeclaration;"/>
+ <constant value="letExp"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.not():J"/>
+ <constant value="190"/>
+ <constant value="baseExp"/>
+ <constant value="187"/>
+ <constant value="J.=(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="B.or(B):B"/>
+ <constant value="169"/>
+ <constant value="151"/>
+ <constant value="iterators"/>
+ <constant value="2"/>
+ <constant value="127"/>
+ <constant value="result"/>
+ <constant value="109"/>
+ <constant value="85"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.first():J"/>
+ <constant value="108"/>
+ <constant value="B.not():B"/>
+ <constant value="106"/>
+ <constant value="126"/>
+ <constant value="124"/>
+ <constant value="150"/>
+ <constant value="148"/>
+ <constant value="168"/>
+ <constant value="165"/>
+ <constant value="186"/>
+ <constant value="183"/>
+ <constant value="189"/>
+ <constant value="192"/>
+ <constant value="181:9-181:13"/>
+ <constant value="181:9-181:20"/>
+ <constant value="181:9-181:37"/>
+ <constant value="181:5-181:37"/>
+ <constant value="183:14-183:18"/>
+ <constant value="183:14-183:26"/>
+ <constant value="183:14-183:43"/>
+ <constant value="183:10-183:43"/>
+ <constant value="185:10-185:20"/>
+ <constant value="185:10-185:37"/>
+ <constant value="185:50-185:51"/>
+ <constant value="185:54-185:58"/>
+ <constant value="185:50-185:58"/>
+ <constant value="185:10-185:59"/>
+ <constant value="187:10-187:20"/>
+ <constant value="187:10-187:38"/>
+ <constant value="187:51-187:52"/>
+ <constant value="187:55-187:59"/>
+ <constant value="187:51-187:59"/>
+ <constant value="187:10-187:60"/>
+ <constant value="189:10-189:20"/>
+ <constant value="189:10-189:32"/>
+ <constant value="190:18-190:19"/>
+ <constant value="190:18-190:29"/>
+ <constant value="190:42-190:46"/>
+ <constant value="190:49-190:50"/>
+ <constant value="190:42-190:50"/>
+ <constant value="190:18-190:51"/>
+ <constant value="189:10-190:52"/>
+ <constant value="193:10-193:20"/>
+ <constant value="193:10-193:35"/>
+ <constant value="193:48-193:52"/>
+ <constant value="193:55-193:56"/>
+ <constant value="193:55-193:63"/>
+ <constant value="193:48-193:63"/>
+ <constant value="193:10-193:64"/>
+ <constant value="195:10-195:20"/>
+ <constant value="195:10-195:29"/>
+ <constant value="196:18-196:19"/>
+ <constant value="196:18-196:29"/>
+ <constant value="196:42-196:46"/>
+ <constant value="196:49-196:50"/>
+ <constant value="196:42-196:50"/>
+ <constant value="196:18-196:51"/>
+ <constant value="195:10-196:52"/>
+ <constant value="200:7-200:19"/>
+ <constant value="197:3-197:13"/>
+ <constant value="197:3-197:22"/>
+ <constant value="198:17-198:18"/>
+ <constant value="198:17-198:28"/>
+ <constant value="198:41-198:45"/>
+ <constant value="198:48-198:49"/>
+ <constant value="198:41-198:49"/>
+ <constant value="198:17-198:50"/>
+ <constant value="197:3-198:51"/>
+ <constant value="197:3-199:13"/>
+ <constant value="195:7-201:7"/>
+ <constant value="194:3-194:13"/>
+ <constant value="194:3-194:28"/>
+ <constant value="194:41-194:45"/>
+ <constant value="194:48-194:49"/>
+ <constant value="194:48-194:56"/>
+ <constant value="194:41-194:56"/>
+ <constant value="194:3-194:57"/>
+ <constant value="194:3-194:66"/>
+ <constant value="193:7-201:13"/>
+ <constant value="191:3-191:13"/>
+ <constant value="191:3-191:25"/>
+ <constant value="192:17-192:18"/>
+ <constant value="192:17-192:28"/>
+ <constant value="192:41-192:45"/>
+ <constant value="192:48-192:49"/>
+ <constant value="192:41-192:49"/>
+ <constant value="192:17-192:50"/>
+ <constant value="191:3-192:51"/>
+ <constant value="191:3-192:60"/>
+ <constant value="189:7-201:19"/>
+ <constant value="188:3-188:13"/>
+ <constant value="188:3-188:31"/>
+ <constant value="188:44-188:45"/>
+ <constant value="188:48-188:52"/>
+ <constant value="188:44-188:52"/>
+ <constant value="188:3-188:53"/>
+ <constant value="188:3-188:62"/>
+ <constant value="188:3-188:73"/>
+ <constant value="187:7-201:25"/>
+ <constant value="186:3-186:13"/>
+ <constant value="186:3-186:30"/>
+ <constant value="186:43-186:44"/>
+ <constant value="186:47-186:51"/>
+ <constant value="186:43-186:51"/>
+ <constant value="186:3-186:52"/>
+ <constant value="186:3-186:61"/>
+ <constant value="186:3-186:71"/>
+ <constant value="185:7-201:31"/>
+ <constant value="184:3-184:7"/>
+ <constant value="184:3-184:15"/>
+ <constant value="183:7-201:37"/>
+ <constant value="182:3-182:7"/>
+ <constant value="182:3-182:14"/>
+ <constant value="181:2-201:43"/>
+ <constant value="e"/>
+ <constant value="l"/>
+ <constant value="r"/>
+ <constant value="MATL!OclExpression;"/>
+ <constant value="ifExp1"/>
+ <constant value="ifExp2"/>
+ <constant value="166"/>
+ <constant value="ifExp3"/>
+ <constant value="163"/>
+ <constant value="attribute"/>
+ <constant value="160"/>
+ <constant value="operation"/>
+ <constant value="157"/>
+ <constant value="initializedVariable"/>
+ <constant value="154"/>
+ <constant value="parentOperation"/>
+ <constant value="loopExp"/>
+ <constant value="145"/>
+ <constant value="collection"/>
+ <constant value="142"/>
+ <constant value="appliedProperty"/>
+ <constant value="139"/>
+ <constant value="filter"/>
+ <constant value="121"/>
+ <constant value="value"/>
+ <constant value="103"/>
+ <constant value="89"/>
+ <constant value="102"/>
+ <constant value="body"/>
+ <constant value="100"/>
+ <constant value="120"/>
+ <constant value="118"/>
+ <constant value="138"/>
+ <constant value="136"/>
+ <constant value="141"/>
+ <constant value="144"/>
+ <constant value="147"/>
+ <constant value="153"/>
+ <constant value="156"/>
+ <constant value="159"/>
+ <constant value="162"/>
+ <constant value="171"/>
+ <constant value="237:9-237:13"/>
+ <constant value="237:9-237:20"/>
+ <constant value="237:9-237:37"/>
+ <constant value="237:5-237:37"/>
+ <constant value="238:14-238:18"/>
+ <constant value="238:14-238:25"/>
+ <constant value="238:14-238:42"/>
+ <constant value="238:10-238:42"/>
+ <constant value="239:14-239:18"/>
+ <constant value="239:14-239:25"/>
+ <constant value="239:14-239:42"/>
+ <constant value="239:10-239:42"/>
+ <constant value="240:14-240:18"/>
+ <constant value="240:14-240:30"/>
+ <constant value="240:14-240:47"/>
+ <constant value="240:10-240:47"/>
+ <constant value="241:14-241:18"/>
+ <constant value="241:14-241:30"/>
+ <constant value="241:14-241:47"/>
+ <constant value="241:10-241:47"/>
+ <constant value="242:14-242:18"/>
+ <constant value="242:14-242:38"/>
+ <constant value="242:14-242:55"/>
+ <constant value="242:10-242:55"/>
+ <constant value="244:14-244:18"/>
+ <constant value="244:14-244:34"/>
+ <constant value="244:14-244:51"/>
+ <constant value="244:10-244:51"/>
+ <constant value="245:14-245:18"/>
+ <constant value="245:14-245:26"/>
+ <constant value="245:14-245:43"/>
+ <constant value="245:10-245:43"/>
+ <constant value="246:14-246:18"/>
+ <constant value="246:14-246:25"/>
+ <constant value="246:14-246:42"/>
+ <constant value="246:10-246:42"/>
+ <constant value="247:14-247:18"/>
+ <constant value="247:14-247:29"/>
+ <constant value="247:14-247:46"/>
+ <constant value="247:10-247:46"/>
+ <constant value="248:14-248:18"/>
+ <constant value="248:14-248:34"/>
+ <constant value="248:14-248:51"/>
+ <constant value="248:10-248:51"/>
+ <constant value="249:10-249:20"/>
+ <constant value="249:10-249:34"/>
+ <constant value="249:47-249:48"/>
+ <constant value="249:47-249:55"/>
+ <constant value="249:58-249:62"/>
+ <constant value="249:47-249:62"/>
+ <constant value="249:10-249:63"/>
+ <constant value="251:10-251:20"/>
+ <constant value="251:10-251:32"/>
+ <constant value="251:45-251:46"/>
+ <constant value="251:45-251:52"/>
+ <constant value="251:55-251:59"/>
+ <constant value="251:45-251:59"/>
+ <constant value="251:10-251:60"/>
+ <constant value="254:10-254:20"/>
+ <constant value="254:10-254:29"/>
+ <constant value="254:10-254:46"/>
+ <constant value="254:6-254:46"/>
+ <constant value="263:4-263:16"/>
+ <constant value="256:7-256:17"/>
+ <constant value="256:7-256:26"/>
+ <constant value="256:7-256:31"/>
+ <constant value="256:34-256:38"/>
+ <constant value="256:7-256:38"/>
+ <constant value="260:5-260:17"/>
+ <constant value="258:5-258:15"/>
+ <constant value="258:5-258:24"/>
+ <constant value="256:4-261:9"/>
+ <constant value="254:3-264:8"/>
+ <constant value="252:8-252:18"/>
+ <constant value="252:8-252:30"/>
+ <constant value="252:43-252:44"/>
+ <constant value="252:43-252:50"/>
+ <constant value="252:53-252:57"/>
+ <constant value="252:43-252:57"/>
+ <constant value="252:8-252:58"/>
+ <constant value="252:8-252:67"/>
+ <constant value="251:7-265:7"/>
+ <constant value="250:8-250:18"/>
+ <constant value="250:8-250:32"/>
+ <constant value="250:45-250:46"/>
+ <constant value="250:45-250:53"/>
+ <constant value="250:56-250:60"/>
+ <constant value="250:45-250:60"/>
+ <constant value="250:8-250:61"/>
+ <constant value="250:8-250:70"/>
+ <constant value="249:7-265:13"/>
+ <constant value="248:57-248:61"/>
+ <constant value="248:57-248:77"/>
+ <constant value="248:7-265:19"/>
+ <constant value="247:52-247:56"/>
+ <constant value="247:52-247:67"/>
+ <constant value="247:7-265:25"/>
+ <constant value="246:48-246:52"/>
+ <constant value="246:48-246:59"/>
+ <constant value="246:7-265:31"/>
+ <constant value="245:49-245:53"/>
+ <constant value="245:49-245:61"/>
+ <constant value="245:7-265:37"/>
+ <constant value="244:57-244:61"/>
+ <constant value="244:57-244:77"/>
+ <constant value="244:7-265:43"/>
+ <constant value="243:8-243:12"/>
+ <constant value="243:8-243:32"/>
+ <constant value="242:7-266:7"/>
+ <constant value="241:53-241:57"/>
+ <constant value="241:53-241:69"/>
+ <constant value="241:7-266:13"/>
+ <constant value="240:53-240:57"/>
+ <constant value="240:53-240:69"/>
+ <constant value="240:7-266:19"/>
+ <constant value="239:48-239:52"/>
+ <constant value="239:48-239:59"/>
+ <constant value="239:7-266:25"/>
+ <constant value="238:48-238:52"/>
+ <constant value="238:48-238:59"/>
+ <constant value="238:7-266:31"/>
+ <constant value="237:43-237:47"/>
+ <constant value="237:43-237:54"/>
+ <constant value="237:2-266:37"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchFreeVariableIsSelfOrThisModule():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchModelNameIsUnique():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchRuleNameIsUnique():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchHelperSignatureIsUnique():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchBindingNameIsUniqueInPattern():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPatternNameIsUniqueInRule():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchVariableNameIsUniqueInRule():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchNoHelperWithCollectionAsContext():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchNoSelfOrThisModuleVariableDeclaration():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchNoSelfVariableInRule():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchNoResolveTempInSourcePattern():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchNoResolveTempInModuleAttribute():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchProhibitedMultiIteratorCollectionOperation():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchUnsupportedMultiIteratorCollectionOperation():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchParameterNameIsUniqueInOperation():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchVariableNameIsUniqueInLoop():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchResultNameIsUniqueInIterate():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchVariableNameIsUniqueInContainer():V"/>
+ <constant value="__matchFreeVariableIsSelfOrThisModule"/>
+ <constant value="IN"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.union(CJ):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="varName"/>
+ <constant value="J.&lt;&gt;(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.and(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="thisModule"/>
+ <constant value="49"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="FreeVariableIsSelfOrThisModule"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="s"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="t"/>
+ <constant value="Problem"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="491:4-491:5"/>
+ <constant value="491:4-491:24"/>
+ <constant value="491:4-491:41"/>
+ <constant value="492:4-492:5"/>
+ <constant value="492:4-492:13"/>
+ <constant value="492:17-492:23"/>
+ <constant value="492:4-492:23"/>
+ <constant value="491:4-492:23"/>
+ <constant value="492:28-492:29"/>
+ <constant value="492:28-492:37"/>
+ <constant value="492:41-492:53"/>
+ <constant value="492:28-492:53"/>
+ <constant value="491:4-492:53"/>
+ <constant value="495:7-495:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchModelNameIsUnique"/>
+ <constant value="OclModel"/>
+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="52"/>
+ <constant value="ModelNameIsUnique"/>
+ <constant value="514:4-514:14"/>
+ <constant value="514:4-514:24"/>
+ <constant value="514:37-514:38"/>
+ <constant value="514:37-514:43"/>
+ <constant value="514:46-514:47"/>
+ <constant value="514:46-514:52"/>
+ <constant value="514:37-514:52"/>
+ <constant value="514:57-514:58"/>
+ <constant value="514:62-514:63"/>
+ <constant value="514:57-514:63"/>
+ <constant value="514:37-514:63"/>
+ <constant value="514:4-514:64"/>
+ <constant value="517:7-517:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchRuleNameIsUnique"/>
+ <constant value="RuleNameIsUnique"/>
+ <constant value="530:4-530:14"/>
+ <constant value="530:4-530:23"/>
+ <constant value="530:36-530:37"/>
+ <constant value="530:36-530:42"/>
+ <constant value="530:45-530:46"/>
+ <constant value="530:45-530:51"/>
+ <constant value="530:36-530:51"/>
+ <constant value="530:56-530:57"/>
+ <constant value="530:61-530:62"/>
+ <constant value="530:56-530:62"/>
+ <constant value="530:36-530:62"/>
+ <constant value="530:4-530:63"/>
+ <constant value="533:7-533:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchHelperSignatureIsUnique"/>
+ <constant value="definition"/>
+ <constant value="feature"/>
+ <constant value="context_"/>
+ <constant value="44"/>
+ <constant value="88"/>
+ <constant value="67"/>
+ <constant value="77"/>
+ <constant value="112"/>
+ <constant value="HelperSignatureIsUnique"/>
+ <constant value="548:4-548:14"/>
+ <constant value="548:4-548:25"/>
+ <constant value="550:6-550:7"/>
+ <constant value="550:11-550:12"/>
+ <constant value="550:6-550:12"/>
+ <constant value="551:6-551:7"/>
+ <constant value="551:6-551:18"/>
+ <constant value="551:6-551:26"/>
+ <constant value="551:6-551:31"/>
+ <constant value="551:34-551:35"/>
+ <constant value="551:34-551:46"/>
+ <constant value="551:34-551:54"/>
+ <constant value="551:34-551:59"/>
+ <constant value="551:6-551:59"/>
+ <constant value="550:6-551:59"/>
+ <constant value="553:14-553:15"/>
+ <constant value="553:14-553:26"/>
+ <constant value="553:14-553:35"/>
+ <constant value="553:14-553:52"/>
+ <constant value="553:10-553:52"/>
+ <constant value="572:8-572:9"/>
+ <constant value="572:8-572:20"/>
+ <constant value="572:8-572:29"/>
+ <constant value="572:8-572:46"/>
+ <constant value="555:15-555:16"/>
+ <constant value="555:15-555:27"/>
+ <constant value="555:15-555:36"/>
+ <constant value="555:15-555:53"/>
+ <constant value="555:11-555:53"/>
+ <constant value="569:8-569:13"/>
+ <constant value="557:14-557:15"/>
+ <constant value="557:14-557:26"/>
+ <constant value="557:14-557:35"/>
+ <constant value="557:14-557:44"/>
+ <constant value="557:14-557:49"/>
+ <constant value="557:14-557:66"/>
+ <constant value="557:10-557:66"/>
+ <constant value="566:9-566:10"/>
+ <constant value="566:9-566:21"/>
+ <constant value="566:9-566:30"/>
+ <constant value="566:9-566:39"/>
+ <constant value="566:9-566:44"/>
+ <constant value="566:9-566:61"/>
+ <constant value="559:15-559:16"/>
+ <constant value="559:15-559:27"/>
+ <constant value="559:15-559:36"/>
+ <constant value="559:15-559:45"/>
+ <constant value="559:15-559:50"/>
+ <constant value="559:15-559:67"/>
+ <constant value="559:11-559:67"/>
+ <constant value="563:10-563:15"/>
+ <constant value="561:10-561:11"/>
+ <constant value="561:10-561:22"/>
+ <constant value="561:10-561:31"/>
+ <constant value="561:10-561:40"/>
+ <constant value="561:10-561:45"/>
+ <constant value="561:48-561:49"/>
+ <constant value="561:48-561:60"/>
+ <constant value="561:48-561:69"/>
+ <constant value="561:48-561:78"/>
+ <constant value="561:48-561:83"/>
+ <constant value="561:10-561:83"/>
+ <constant value="559:8-564:14"/>
+ <constant value="557:7-567:13"/>
+ <constant value="555:8-570:12"/>
+ <constant value="553:7-573:12"/>
+ <constant value="550:6-574:8"/>
+ <constant value="548:4-575:6"/>
+ <constant value="578:7-578:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchBindingNameIsUniqueInPattern"/>
+ <constant value="outPatternElement"/>
+ <constant value="bindings"/>
+ <constant value="propertyName"/>
+ <constant value="53"/>
+ <constant value="BindingNameIsUniqueInPattern"/>
+ <constant value="592:4-592:5"/>
+ <constant value="592:4-592:23"/>
+ <constant value="592:4-592:32"/>
+ <constant value="593:18-593:19"/>
+ <constant value="593:18-593:32"/>
+ <constant value="593:35-593:36"/>
+ <constant value="593:35-593:49"/>
+ <constant value="593:18-593:49"/>
+ <constant value="593:54-593:55"/>
+ <constant value="593:59-593:60"/>
+ <constant value="593:54-593:60"/>
+ <constant value="593:18-593:60"/>
+ <constant value="592:4-593:61"/>
+ <constant value="596:7-596:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPatternNameIsUniqueInRule"/>
+ <constant value="PatternNameIsUniqueInRule"/>
+ <constant value="611:4-611:5"/>
+ <constant value="611:4-611:12"/>
+ <constant value="611:4-611:26"/>
+ <constant value="612:18-612:19"/>
+ <constant value="612:18-612:27"/>
+ <constant value="612:30-612:31"/>
+ <constant value="612:30-612:39"/>
+ <constant value="612:18-612:39"/>
+ <constant value="612:44-612:45"/>
+ <constant value="612:49-612:50"/>
+ <constant value="612:44-612:50"/>
+ <constant value="612:18-612:50"/>
+ <constant value="611:4-612:51"/>
+ <constant value="615:7-615:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchVariableNameIsUniqueInRule"/>
+ <constant value="RuleVariableDeclaration"/>
+ <constant value="VariableNameIsUniqueInRule"/>
+ <constant value="632:4-632:5"/>
+ <constant value="632:4-632:12"/>
+ <constant value="632:4-632:26"/>
+ <constant value="633:18-633:19"/>
+ <constant value="633:18-633:27"/>
+ <constant value="633:30-633:31"/>
+ <constant value="633:30-633:39"/>
+ <constant value="633:18-633:39"/>
+ <constant value="633:44-633:45"/>
+ <constant value="633:49-633:50"/>
+ <constant value="633:44-633:50"/>
+ <constant value="633:18-633:50"/>
+ <constant value="632:4-633:51"/>
+ <constant value="636:7-636:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchNoHelperWithCollectionAsContext"/>
+ <constant value="34"/>
+ <constant value="35"/>
+ <constant value="56"/>
+ <constant value="NoHelperWithCollectionAsContext"/>
+ <constant value="653:7-653:8"/>
+ <constant value="653:7-653:19"/>
+ <constant value="653:7-653:28"/>
+ <constant value="653:7-653:45"/>
+ <constant value="657:5-657:15"/>
+ <constant value="657:5-657:31"/>
+ <constant value="658:19-658:20"/>
+ <constant value="658:19-658:31"/>
+ <constant value="658:19-658:40"/>
+ <constant value="658:19-658:49"/>
+ <constant value="658:52-658:53"/>
+ <constant value="658:19-658:53"/>
+ <constant value="657:5-658:54"/>
+ <constant value="655:5-655:10"/>
+ <constant value="653:4-659:9"/>
+ <constant value="662:7-662:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchNoSelfOrThisModuleVariableDeclaration"/>
+ <constant value="J.or(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="50"/>
+ <constant value="NoSelfOrThisModuleVariableDeclaration"/>
+ <constant value="682:8-682:9"/>
+ <constant value="682:8-682:28"/>
+ <constant value="682:8-682:45"/>
+ <constant value="682:4-682:45"/>
+ <constant value="683:5-683:6"/>
+ <constant value="683:5-683:14"/>
+ <constant value="683:17-683:23"/>
+ <constant value="683:5-683:23"/>
+ <constant value="683:27-683:28"/>
+ <constant value="683:27-683:36"/>
+ <constant value="683:39-683:51"/>
+ <constant value="683:27-683:51"/>
+ <constant value="683:5-683:51"/>
+ <constant value="682:4-683:52"/>
+ <constant value="686:7-686:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchNoSelfVariableInRule"/>
+ <constant value="VariableExp"/>
+ <constant value="referredVariable"/>
+ <constant value="40"/>
+ <constant value="J.getRootComposite():J"/>
+ <constant value="41"/>
+ <constant value="62"/>
+ <constant value="NoSelfVariableInRule"/>
+ <constant value="706:7-706:8"/>
+ <constant value="706:7-706:25"/>
+ <constant value="706:7-706:42"/>
+ <constant value="710:5-710:6"/>
+ <constant value="710:5-710:23"/>
+ <constant value="710:5-710:31"/>
+ <constant value="710:34-710:40"/>
+ <constant value="710:5-710:40"/>
+ <constant value="712:32-712:33"/>
+ <constant value="712:32-712:52"/>
+ <constant value="712:10-712:52"/>
+ <constant value="713:6-713:11"/>
+ <constant value="713:24-713:35"/>
+ <constant value="713:6-713:36"/>
+ <constant value="714:6-714:11"/>
+ <constant value="714:24-714:37"/>
+ <constant value="714:6-714:38"/>
+ <constant value="713:6-714:38"/>
+ <constant value="712:6-714:38"/>
+ <constant value="710:5-715:6"/>
+ <constant value="708:5-708:10"/>
+ <constant value="706:4-716:9"/>
+ <constant value="719:7-719:22"/>
+ <constant value="rComp"/>
+ <constant value="__matchNoResolveTempInSourcePattern"/>
+ <constant value="OperationCallExp"/>
+ <constant value="operationName"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="source"/>
+ <constant value="28"/>
+ <constant value="70"/>
+ <constant value="NoResolveTempInSourcePattern"/>
+ <constant value="734:4-734:5"/>
+ <constant value="734:4-734:19"/>
+ <constant value="734:22-734:35"/>
+ <constant value="734:4-734:35"/>
+ <constant value="736:8-736:9"/>
+ <constant value="736:8-736:16"/>
+ <constant value="736:29-736:44"/>
+ <constant value="736:8-736:45"/>
+ <constant value="745:6-745:11"/>
+ <constant value="738:9-738:10"/>
+ <constant value="738:9-738:17"/>
+ <constant value="738:9-738:34"/>
+ <constant value="738:9-738:51"/>
+ <constant value="742:7-742:8"/>
+ <constant value="742:7-742:15"/>
+ <constant value="742:7-742:32"/>
+ <constant value="742:7-742:40"/>
+ <constant value="742:43-742:55"/>
+ <constant value="742:7-742:55"/>
+ <constant value="740:7-740:12"/>
+ <constant value="738:6-743:11"/>
+ <constant value="736:5-746:10"/>
+ <constant value="734:4-747:5"/>
+ <constant value="748:4-748:5"/>
+ <constant value="748:4-748:24"/>
+ <constant value="748:37-748:50"/>
+ <constant value="748:4-748:51"/>
+ <constant value="734:4-748:51"/>
+ <constant value="751:7-751:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchNoResolveTempInModuleAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="Attribute"/>
+ <constant value="NoResolveTempInModuleAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="767:4-767:5"/>
+ <constant value="767:4-767:19"/>
+ <constant value="767:22-767:35"/>
+ <constant value="767:4-767:35"/>
+ <constant value="769:8-769:9"/>
+ <constant value="769:8-769:16"/>
+ <constant value="769:29-769:44"/>
+ <constant value="769:8-769:45"/>
+ <constant value="778:6-778:11"/>
+ <constant value="771:9-771:10"/>
+ <constant value="771:9-771:17"/>
+ <constant value="771:9-771:34"/>
+ <constant value="771:9-771:51"/>
+ <constant value="775:7-775:8"/>
+ <constant value="775:7-775:15"/>
+ <constant value="775:7-775:32"/>
+ <constant value="775:7-775:40"/>
+ <constant value="775:43-775:55"/>
+ <constant value="775:7-775:55"/>
+ <constant value="773:7-773:12"/>
+ <constant value="771:6-776:11"/>
+ <constant value="769:5-779:10"/>
+ <constant value="767:4-780:5"/>
+ <constant value="781:4-781:5"/>
+ <constant value="781:4-781:24"/>
+ <constant value="781:37-781:50"/>
+ <constant value="781:4-781:51"/>
+ <constant value="767:4-781:51"/>
+ <constant value="784:7-784:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchProhibitedMultiIteratorCollectionOperation"/>
+ <constant value="IteratorExp"/>
+ <constant value="J.size():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.&gt;(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="ProhibitedMultiIteratorCollectionOperation"/>
+ <constant value="800:4-800:14"/>
+ <constant value="800:4-800:33"/>
+ <constant value="800:46-800:47"/>
+ <constant value="800:46-800:52"/>
+ <constant value="800:55-800:56"/>
+ <constant value="800:46-800:56"/>
+ <constant value="800:4-800:57"/>
+ <constant value="801:4-801:5"/>
+ <constant value="801:4-801:15"/>
+ <constant value="801:4-801:23"/>
+ <constant value="801:26-801:27"/>
+ <constant value="801:4-801:27"/>
+ <constant value="800:4-801:27"/>
+ <constant value="804:7-804:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchUnsupportedMultiIteratorCollectionOperation"/>
+ <constant value="UnsupportedMultiIteratorCollectionOperation"/>
+ <constant value="820:4-820:14"/>
+ <constant value="820:4-820:32"/>
+ <constant value="820:45-820:46"/>
+ <constant value="820:45-820:51"/>
+ <constant value="820:54-820:55"/>
+ <constant value="820:45-820:55"/>
+ <constant value="820:4-820:56"/>
+ <constant value="821:4-821:5"/>
+ <constant value="821:4-821:15"/>
+ <constant value="821:4-821:23"/>
+ <constant value="821:26-821:27"/>
+ <constant value="821:4-821:27"/>
+ <constant value="820:4-821:27"/>
+ <constant value="824:7-824:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchParameterNameIsUniqueInOperation"/>
+ <constant value="Parameter"/>
+ <constant value="parameters"/>
+ <constant value="68"/>
+ <constant value="ParameterNameIsUniqueInOperation"/>
+ <constant value="839:5-839:6"/>
+ <constant value="839:5-839:16"/>
+ <constant value="839:5-839:27"/>
+ <constant value="840:18-840:19"/>
+ <constant value="840:18-840:27"/>
+ <constant value="840:30-840:31"/>
+ <constant value="840:30-840:39"/>
+ <constant value="840:18-840:39"/>
+ <constant value="840:44-840:45"/>
+ <constant value="840:49-840:50"/>
+ <constant value="840:44-840:50"/>
+ <constant value="840:18-840:50"/>
+ <constant value="839:5-840:51"/>
+ <constant value="841:4-841:5"/>
+ <constant value="841:4-841:24"/>
+ <constant value="841:4-841:41"/>
+ <constant value="842:4-842:5"/>
+ <constant value="842:4-842:13"/>
+ <constant value="842:17-842:23"/>
+ <constant value="842:4-842:23"/>
+ <constant value="841:4-842:23"/>
+ <constant value="842:28-842:29"/>
+ <constant value="842:28-842:37"/>
+ <constant value="842:41-842:53"/>
+ <constant value="842:28-842:53"/>
+ <constant value="841:4-842:53"/>
+ <constant value="840:57-843:5"/>
+ <constant value="839:4-843:5"/>
+ <constant value="846:7-846:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchVariableNameIsUniqueInLoop"/>
+ <constant value="Iterator"/>
+ <constant value="loopExpr"/>
+ <constant value="48"/>
+ <constant value="VariableNameIsUniqueInLoop"/>
+ <constant value="862:4-862:5"/>
+ <constant value="862:4-862:14"/>
+ <constant value="862:4-862:24"/>
+ <constant value="863:18-863:19"/>
+ <constant value="863:18-863:27"/>
+ <constant value="863:30-863:31"/>
+ <constant value="863:30-863:39"/>
+ <constant value="863:18-863:39"/>
+ <constant value="863:44-863:45"/>
+ <constant value="863:49-863:50"/>
+ <constant value="863:44-863:50"/>
+ <constant value="863:18-863:50"/>
+ <constant value="862:4-863:51"/>
+ <constant value="865:7-865:8"/>
+ <constant value="865:7-865:17"/>
+ <constant value="865:30-865:44"/>
+ <constant value="865:7-865:45"/>
+ <constant value="869:5-869:10"/>
+ <constant value="867:5-867:6"/>
+ <constant value="867:5-867:15"/>
+ <constant value="867:5-867:22"/>
+ <constant value="867:5-867:30"/>
+ <constant value="867:33-867:34"/>
+ <constant value="867:33-867:42"/>
+ <constant value="867:5-867:42"/>
+ <constant value="865:4-870:9"/>
+ <constant value="862:4-870:9"/>
+ <constant value="873:7-873:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchResultNameIsUniqueInIterate"/>
+ <constant value="37"/>
+ <constant value="38"/>
+ <constant value="59"/>
+ <constant value="ResultNameIsUniqueInIterate"/>
+ <constant value="889:7-889:8"/>
+ <constant value="889:7-889:16"/>
+ <constant value="889:7-889:33"/>
+ <constant value="893:5-893:6"/>
+ <constant value="893:5-893:14"/>
+ <constant value="893:5-893:24"/>
+ <constant value="894:19-894:20"/>
+ <constant value="894:19-894:28"/>
+ <constant value="894:31-894:32"/>
+ <constant value="894:31-894:40"/>
+ <constant value="894:19-894:40"/>
+ <constant value="894:45-894:46"/>
+ <constant value="894:50-894:51"/>
+ <constant value="894:45-894:51"/>
+ <constant value="894:19-894:51"/>
+ <constant value="893:5-894:52"/>
+ <constant value="891:5-891:10"/>
+ <constant value="889:4-895:9"/>
+ <constant value="898:7-898:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchVariableNameIsUniqueInContainer"/>
+ <constant value="J.getDeclarations():J"/>
+ <constant value="VariableNameIsUniqueInContainer"/>
+ <constant value="915:4-915:5"/>
+ <constant value="915:4-915:23"/>
+ <constant value="915:36-915:37"/>
+ <constant value="915:36-915:45"/>
+ <constant value="915:48-915:49"/>
+ <constant value="915:48-915:57"/>
+ <constant value="915:36-915:57"/>
+ <constant value="915:62-915:63"/>
+ <constant value="915:67-915:68"/>
+ <constant value="915:62-915:68"/>
+ <constant value="915:36-915:68"/>
+ <constant value="915:4-915:69"/>
+ <constant value="918:7-918:22"/>
+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="J"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):B"/>
+ <constant value="18"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinkBySourceElement(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="15"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetFromSource(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="30"/>
+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.including(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyFreeVariableIsSelfOrThisModule(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyModelNameIsUnique(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyRuleNameIsUnique(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyHelperSignatureIsUnique(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyBindingNameIsUniqueInPattern(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPatternNameIsUniqueInRule(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyVariableNameIsUniqueInRule(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyNoHelperWithCollectionAsContext(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyNoSelfOrThisModuleVariableDeclaration(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyNoSelfVariableInRule(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyNoResolveTempInSourcePattern(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyNoResolveTempInModuleAttribute(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyProhibitedMultiIteratorCollectionOperation(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyUnsupportedMultiIteratorCollectionOperation(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyParameterNameIsUniqueInOperation(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyVariableNameIsUniqueInLoop(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyResultNameIsUniqueInIterate(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyVariableNameIsUniqueInContainer(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="getDeclarations"/>
+ <constant value="64"/>
+ <constant value="LetExp"/>
+ <constant value="54"/>
+ <constant value="43"/>
+ <constant value="J.getUpD():J"/>
+ <constant value="63"/>
+ <constant value="69"/>
+ <constant value="285:5-285:9"/>
+ <constant value="285:22-285:40"/>
+ <constant value="285:5-285:41"/>
+ <constant value="289:33-289:37"/>
+ <constant value="289:33-289:56"/>
+ <constant value="289:7-289:56"/>
+ <constant value="290:6-290:15"/>
+ <constant value="290:28-290:38"/>
+ <constant value="290:6-290:39"/>
+ <constant value="297:7-297:16"/>
+ <constant value="297:29-297:44"/>
+ <constant value="297:7-297:45"/>
+ <constant value="304:8-304:17"/>
+ <constant value="304:30-304:44"/>
+ <constant value="304:8-304:45"/>
+ <constant value="312:7-312:11"/>
+ <constant value="311:6-313:7"/>
+ <constant value="311:6-313:18"/>
+ <constant value="307:7-307:11"/>
+ <constant value="308:7-308:16"/>
+ <constant value="308:7-308:25"/>
+ <constant value="306:6-309:7"/>
+ <constant value="306:6-309:18"/>
+ <constant value="304:5-314:10"/>
+ <constant value="300:6-300:10"/>
+ <constant value="301:6-301:15"/>
+ <constant value="301:6-301:24"/>
+ <constant value="299:5-302:6"/>
+ <constant value="299:5-302:17"/>
+ <constant value="297:4-315:9"/>
+ <constant value="293:5-293:9"/>
+ <constant value="294:5-294:14"/>
+ <constant value="294:5-294:23"/>
+ <constant value="292:4-295:5"/>
+ <constant value="292:4-295:16"/>
+ <constant value="290:3-316:8"/>
+ <constant value="289:3-316:8"/>
+ <constant value="287:12-287:16"/>
+ <constant value="287:3-287:17"/>
+ <constant value="285:2-317:7"/>
+ <constant value="container"/>
+ <constant value="getUpD"/>
+ <constant value="146"/>
+ <constant value="111"/>
+ <constant value="IfExp"/>
+ <constant value="92"/>
+ <constant value="60"/>
+ <constant value="91"/>
+ <constant value="84"/>
+ <constant value="99"/>
+ <constant value="110"/>
+ <constant value="variable"/>
+ <constant value="137"/>
+ <constant value="149"/>
+ <constant value="347:32-347:36"/>
+ <constant value="347:32-347:55"/>
+ <constant value="347:6-347:55"/>
+ <constant value="348:5-348:14"/>
+ <constant value="348:5-348:31"/>
+ <constant value="350:14-350:23"/>
+ <constant value="350:36-350:53"/>
+ <constant value="350:14-350:54"/>
+ <constant value="350:10-350:54"/>
+ <constant value="366:10-366:19"/>
+ <constant value="366:32-366:42"/>
+ <constant value="366:10-366:43"/>
+ <constant value="371:10-371:19"/>
+ <constant value="371:32-371:41"/>
+ <constant value="371:10-371:42"/>
+ <constant value="375:10-375:19"/>
+ <constant value="375:32-375:47"/>
+ <constant value="375:10-375:48"/>
+ <constant value="387:10-387:19"/>
+ <constant value="387:32-387:46"/>
+ <constant value="387:10-387:47"/>
+ <constant value="400:7-400:17"/>
+ <constant value="388:6-388:15"/>
+ <constant value="388:6-388:22"/>
+ <constant value="388:25-388:29"/>
+ <constant value="388:6-388:29"/>
+ <constant value="395:5-395:14"/>
+ <constant value="395:5-395:24"/>
+ <constant value="396:5-396:14"/>
+ <constant value="396:5-396:21"/>
+ <constant value="397:5-397:14"/>
+ <constant value="397:5-397:23"/>
+ <constant value="394:4-398:5"/>
+ <constant value="394:4-398:16"/>
+ <constant value="391:5-391:14"/>
+ <constant value="391:5-391:23"/>
+ <constant value="390:4-392:5"/>
+ <constant value="390:4-392:16"/>
+ <constant value="388:3-399:8"/>
+ <constant value="387:7-401:7"/>
+ <constant value="376:6-376:15"/>
+ <constant value="376:6-376:22"/>
+ <constant value="376:25-376:29"/>
+ <constant value="376:6-376:29"/>
+ <constant value="383:5-383:14"/>
+ <constant value="383:5-383:24"/>
+ <constant value="384:5-384:14"/>
+ <constant value="384:5-384:23"/>
+ <constant value="382:4-385:5"/>
+ <constant value="382:4-385:16"/>
+ <constant value="379:5-379:14"/>
+ <constant value="379:5-379:23"/>
+ <constant value="378:4-380:5"/>
+ <constant value="378:4-380:16"/>
+ <constant value="376:3-386:8"/>
+ <constant value="375:7-401:13"/>
+ <constant value="373:4-373:13"/>
+ <constant value="373:4-373:22"/>
+ <constant value="372:3-374:4"/>
+ <constant value="372:3-374:15"/>
+ <constant value="371:7-401:19"/>
+ <constant value="368:4-368:13"/>
+ <constant value="368:4-368:22"/>
+ <constant value="369:4-369:13"/>
+ <constant value="369:4-369:22"/>
+ <constant value="367:3-370:4"/>
+ <constant value="367:3-370:15"/>
+ <constant value="366:7-401:25"/>
+ <constant value="351:6-351:15"/>
+ <constant value="351:28-351:55"/>
+ <constant value="351:6-351:56"/>
+ <constant value="357:7-357:16"/>
+ <constant value="357:29-357:40"/>
+ <constant value="357:7-357:41"/>
+ <constant value="363:5-363:15"/>
+ <constant value="360:6-360:15"/>
+ <constant value="360:6-360:33"/>
+ <constant value="360:6-360:40"/>
+ <constant value="360:6-360:54"/>
+ <constant value="359:5-361:6"/>
+ <constant value="359:5-361:17"/>
+ <constant value="357:4-364:9"/>
+ <constant value="354:5-354:14"/>
+ <constant value="354:5-354:21"/>
+ <constant value="354:5-354:35"/>
+ <constant value="353:4-355:5"/>
+ <constant value="353:4-355:16"/>
+ <constant value="351:3-365:8"/>
+ <constant value="350:7-401:31"/>
+ <constant value="349:3-349:13"/>
+ <constant value="348:2-401:37"/>
+ <constant value="347:2-401:37"/>
+ <constant value="getRootComposite"/>
+ <constant value="14"/>
+ <constant value="16"/>
+ <constant value="21"/>
+ <constant value="463:32-463:36"/>
+ <constant value="463:32-463:55"/>
+ <constant value="463:6-463:55"/>
+ <constant value="465:5-465:14"/>
+ <constant value="465:5-465:31"/>
+ <constant value="469:6-469:15"/>
+ <constant value="469:28-469:45"/>
+ <constant value="469:6-469:46"/>
+ <constant value="473:4-473:13"/>
+ <constant value="471:4-471:13"/>
+ <constant value="471:4-471:32"/>
+ <constant value="469:3-474:8"/>
+ <constant value="467:3-467:15"/>
+ <constant value="465:2-475:7"/>
+ <constant value="463:2-475:7"/>
+ <constant value="__applyFreeVariableIsSelfOrThisModule"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="EnumLiteral"/>
+ <constant value="error"/>
+ <constant value="severity"/>
+ <constant value="variableExp"/>
+ <constant value="J.isEmpty():J"/>
+ <constant value="location"/>
+ <constant value="32"/>
+ <constant value="variable '"/>
+ <constant value="J.+(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="' undefined"/>
+ <constant value="description"/>
+ <constant value="496:16-496:22"/>
+ <constant value="496:4-496:22"/>
+ <constant value="498:8-498:9"/>
+ <constant value="498:8-498:21"/>
+ <constant value="498:8-498:32"/>
+ <constant value="502:6-502:7"/>
+ <constant value="502:6-502:19"/>
+ <constant value="502:6-502:28"/>
+ <constant value="502:6-502:37"/>
+ <constant value="500:6-500:7"/>
+ <constant value="500:6-500:16"/>
+ <constant value="498:5-503:10"/>
+ <constant value="497:4-503:10"/>
+ <constant value="504:19-504:32"/>
+ <constant value="504:35-504:36"/>
+ <constant value="504:35-504:44"/>
+ <constant value="504:19-504:44"/>
+ <constant value="504:47-504:61"/>
+ <constant value="504:19-504:61"/>
+ <constant value="504:4-504:61"/>
+ <constant value="link"/>
+ <constant value="__applyModelNameIsUnique"/>
+ <constant value="model '"/>
+ <constant value="' already defined"/>
+ <constant value="518:16-518:22"/>
+ <constant value="518:4-518:22"/>
+ <constant value="519:16-519:17"/>
+ <constant value="519:16-519:26"/>
+ <constant value="519:4-519:26"/>
+ <constant value="520:19-520:29"/>
+ <constant value="520:32-520:33"/>
+ <constant value="520:32-520:38"/>
+ <constant value="520:19-520:38"/>
+ <constant value="520:41-520:61"/>
+ <constant value="520:19-520:61"/>
+ <constant value="520:4-520:61"/>
+ <constant value="__applyRuleNameIsUnique"/>
+ <constant value="rule '"/>
+ <constant value="534:16-534:22"/>
+ <constant value="534:4-534:22"/>
+ <constant value="535:16-535:17"/>
+ <constant value="535:16-535:26"/>
+ <constant value="535:4-535:26"/>
+ <constant value="536:19-536:28"/>
+ <constant value="536:31-536:32"/>
+ <constant value="536:31-536:37"/>
+ <constant value="536:19-536:37"/>
+ <constant value="536:40-536:60"/>
+ <constant value="536:19-536:60"/>
+ <constant value="536:4-536:60"/>
+ <constant value="__applyHelperSignatureIsUnique"/>
+ <constant value="helper '"/>
+ <constant value="579:16-579:22"/>
+ <constant value="579:4-579:22"/>
+ <constant value="580:16-580:17"/>
+ <constant value="580:16-580:26"/>
+ <constant value="580:4-580:26"/>
+ <constant value="581:19-581:30"/>
+ <constant value="581:33-581:34"/>
+ <constant value="581:33-581:45"/>
+ <constant value="581:33-581:53"/>
+ <constant value="581:33-581:58"/>
+ <constant value="581:19-581:58"/>
+ <constant value="582:10-582:30"/>
+ <constant value="581:19-582:30"/>
+ <constant value="581:4-582:30"/>
+ <constant value="__applyBindingNameIsUniqueInPattern"/>
+ <constant value="binding '"/>
+ <constant value="' already defined in pattern"/>
+ <constant value="597:16-597:22"/>
+ <constant value="597:4-597:22"/>
+ <constant value="598:16-598:17"/>
+ <constant value="598:16-598:26"/>
+ <constant value="598:4-598:26"/>
+ <constant value="600:5-600:17"/>
+ <constant value="600:20-600:21"/>
+ <constant value="600:20-600:34"/>
+ <constant value="600:5-600:34"/>
+ <constant value="600:37-600:68"/>
+ <constant value="600:5-600:68"/>
+ <constant value="599:4-600:68"/>
+ <constant value="__applyPatternNameIsUniqueInRule"/>
+ <constant value="pattern or variable named '"/>
+ <constant value="' already defined in rule"/>
+ <constant value="616:16-616:22"/>
+ <constant value="616:4-616:22"/>
+ <constant value="617:16-617:17"/>
+ <constant value="617:16-617:26"/>
+ <constant value="617:4-617:26"/>
+ <constant value="619:5-619:35"/>
+ <constant value="620:7-620:8"/>
+ <constant value="620:7-620:16"/>
+ <constant value="619:5-620:16"/>
+ <constant value="620:19-620:47"/>
+ <constant value="619:5-620:47"/>
+ <constant value="618:4-620:47"/>
+ <constant value="__applyVariableNameIsUniqueInRule"/>
+ <constant value="637:16-637:22"/>
+ <constant value="637:4-637:22"/>
+ <constant value="638:16-638:17"/>
+ <constant value="638:16-638:26"/>
+ <constant value="638:4-638:26"/>
+ <constant value="640:5-640:35"/>
+ <constant value="640:38-640:39"/>
+ <constant value="640:38-640:47"/>
+ <constant value="640:5-640:47"/>
+ <constant value="641:7-641:35"/>
+ <constant value="640:5-641:35"/>
+ <constant value="639:4-641:35"/>
+ <constant value="__applyNoHelperWithCollectionAsContext"/>
+ <constant value="': current implementation does not "/>
+ <constant value="support helpers with collection context"/>
+ <constant value="663:16-663:22"/>
+ <constant value="663:4-663:22"/>
+ <constant value="664:16-664:17"/>
+ <constant value="664:16-664:26"/>
+ <constant value="664:4-664:26"/>
+ <constant value="666:5-666:16"/>
+ <constant value="666:19-666:20"/>
+ <constant value="666:19-666:31"/>
+ <constant value="666:19-666:39"/>
+ <constant value="666:19-666:44"/>
+ <constant value="666:5-666:44"/>
+ <constant value="667:8-667:46"/>
+ <constant value="666:5-667:46"/>
+ <constant value="668:8-668:49"/>
+ <constant value="666:5-668:49"/>
+ <constant value="665:4-668:49"/>
+ <constant value="__applyNoSelfOrThisModuleVariableDeclaration"/>
+ <constant value="' is not valid variable name"/>
+ <constant value="687:16-687:22"/>
+ <constant value="687:4-687:22"/>
+ <constant value="688:16-688:17"/>
+ <constant value="688:16-688:26"/>
+ <constant value="688:4-688:26"/>
+ <constant value="690:5-690:16"/>
+ <constant value="690:19-690:20"/>
+ <constant value="690:19-690:28"/>
+ <constant value="690:5-690:28"/>
+ <constant value="690:31-690:62"/>
+ <constant value="690:5-690:62"/>
+ <constant value="689:4-690:62"/>
+ <constant value="__applyNoSelfVariableInRule"/>
+ <constant value="': use of the 'self' variable prohibited in rules"/>
+ <constant value="720:16-720:22"/>
+ <constant value="720:4-720:22"/>
+ <constant value="721:16-721:17"/>
+ <constant value="721:16-721:26"/>
+ <constant value="721:4-721:26"/>
+ <constant value="723:5-723:14"/>
+ <constant value="723:17-723:18"/>
+ <constant value="723:17-723:35"/>
+ <constant value="723:17-723:43"/>
+ <constant value="723:5-723:43"/>
+ <constant value="724:7-724:61"/>
+ <constant value="723:5-724:61"/>
+ <constant value="722:4-724:61"/>
+ <constant value="__applyNoResolveTempInSourcePattern"/>
+ <constant value="': use of 'thisModule.resolveTemp()' function "/>
+ <constant value="is prohibited in source patterns"/>
+ <constant value="752:16-752:22"/>
+ <constant value="752:4-752:22"/>
+ <constant value="753:16-753:17"/>
+ <constant value="753:16-753:26"/>
+ <constant value="753:4-753:26"/>
+ <constant value="755:5-755:14"/>
+ <constant value="755:17-755:18"/>
+ <constant value="755:17-755:37"/>
+ <constant value="755:17-755:44"/>
+ <constant value="755:17-755:49"/>
+ <constant value="755:5-755:49"/>
+ <constant value="756:7-756:58"/>
+ <constant value="755:5-756:58"/>
+ <constant value="757:7-757:41"/>
+ <constant value="755:5-757:41"/>
+ <constant value="754:4-757:41"/>
+ <constant value="__applyNoResolveTempInModuleAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="attribute '"/>
+ <constant value="is prohibited in attributes"/>
+ <constant value="785:16-785:22"/>
+ <constant value="785:4-785:22"/>
+ <constant value="786:16-786:17"/>
+ <constant value="786:16-786:26"/>
+ <constant value="786:4-786:26"/>
+ <constant value="788:5-788:19"/>
+ <constant value="788:22-788:23"/>
+ <constant value="788:22-788:42"/>
+ <constant value="788:22-788:47"/>
+ <constant value="788:5-788:47"/>
+ <constant value="789:7-789:58"/>
+ <constant value="788:5-789:58"/>
+ <constant value="790:7-790:36"/>
+ <constant value="788:5-790:36"/>
+ <constant value="787:4-790:36"/>
+ <constant value="__applyProhibitedMultiIteratorCollectionOperation"/>
+ <constant value="iterator '"/>
+ <constant value="' may have at most one iterator variable"/>
+ <constant value="805:16-805:22"/>
+ <constant value="805:4-805:22"/>
+ <constant value="806:16-806:17"/>
+ <constant value="806:16-806:26"/>
+ <constant value="806:4-806:26"/>
+ <constant value="808:5-808:18"/>
+ <constant value="808:21-808:22"/>
+ <constant value="808:21-808:27"/>
+ <constant value="808:5-808:27"/>
+ <constant value="809:7-809:50"/>
+ <constant value="808:5-809:50"/>
+ <constant value="807:4-809:50"/>
+ <constant value="__applyUnsupportedMultiIteratorCollectionOperation"/>
+ <constant value="with current implementation, iterator '"/>
+ <constant value="825:16-825:22"/>
+ <constant value="825:4-825:22"/>
+ <constant value="826:16-826:17"/>
+ <constant value="826:16-826:26"/>
+ <constant value="826:4-826:26"/>
+ <constant value="828:5-828:47"/>
+ <constant value="828:50-828:51"/>
+ <constant value="828:50-828:56"/>
+ <constant value="828:5-828:56"/>
+ <constant value="829:7-829:50"/>
+ <constant value="828:5-829:50"/>
+ <constant value="827:4-829:50"/>
+ <constant value="__applyParameterNameIsUniqueInOperation"/>
+ <constant value="a parameter named '"/>
+ <constant value="' is already declared in this operation"/>
+ <constant value="847:16-847:22"/>
+ <constant value="847:4-847:22"/>
+ <constant value="848:16-848:17"/>
+ <constant value="848:16-848:26"/>
+ <constant value="848:4-848:26"/>
+ <constant value="850:5-850:27"/>
+ <constant value="850:30-850:31"/>
+ <constant value="850:30-850:39"/>
+ <constant value="850:5-850:39"/>
+ <constant value="851:7-851:49"/>
+ <constant value="850:5-851:49"/>
+ <constant value="849:4-851:49"/>
+ <constant value="__applyVariableNameIsUniqueInLoop"/>
+ <constant value="a variable named '"/>
+ <constant value="' is already declared in this loop"/>
+ <constant value="874:16-874:22"/>
+ <constant value="874:4-874:22"/>
+ <constant value="875:16-875:17"/>
+ <constant value="875:16-875:26"/>
+ <constant value="875:4-875:26"/>
+ <constant value="877:5-877:26"/>
+ <constant value="877:29-877:30"/>
+ <constant value="877:29-877:38"/>
+ <constant value="877:5-877:38"/>
+ <constant value="878:7-878:44"/>
+ <constant value="877:5-878:44"/>
+ <constant value="876:4-878:44"/>
+ <constant value="__applyResultNameIsUniqueInIterate"/>
+ <constant value="899:16-899:22"/>
+ <constant value="899:4-899:22"/>
+ <constant value="900:16-900:17"/>
+ <constant value="900:16-900:26"/>
+ <constant value="900:4-900:26"/>
+ <constant value="902:5-902:26"/>
+ <constant value="902:29-902:30"/>
+ <constant value="902:29-902:38"/>
+ <constant value="902:5-902:38"/>
+ <constant value="903:7-903:44"/>
+ <constant value="902:5-903:44"/>
+ <constant value="901:4-903:44"/>
+ <constant value="__applyVariableNameIsUniqueInContainer"/>
+ <constant value="warning"/>
+ <constant value="' is already declared in this container"/>
+ <constant value="919:16-919:24"/>
+ <constant value="919:4-919:24"/>
+ <constant value="920:16-920:17"/>
+ <constant value="920:16-920:26"/>
+ <constant value="920:4-920:26"/>
+ <constant value="922:5-922:26"/>
+ <constant value="922:29-922:30"/>
+ <constant value="922:29-922:38"/>
+ <constant value="922:5-922:38"/>
+ <constant value="923:7-923:49"/>
+ <constant value="922:5-923:49"/>
+ <constant value="921:4-923:49"/>
+ </cp>
+ <field name="1" type="2"/>
+ <field name="3" type="4"/>
+ <field name="5" type="6"/>
+ <field name="7" type="6"/>
+ <field name="8" type="9"/>
+ <field name="10" type="11"/>
+ <field name="12" type="13"/>
+ <field name="14" type="15"/>
+ <field name="16" type="17"/>
+ <field name="18" type="19"/>
+ <field name="20" type="21"/>
+ <field name="22" type="23"/>
+ <field name="24" type="25"/>
+ <field name="26" type="27"/>
+ <field name="28" type="29"/>
+ <field name="30" type="31"/>
+ <field name="32" type="33"/>
+ <field name="34" type="35"/>
+ <field name="34" type="35"/>
+ <operation name="36">
+ <context type="37"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="39"/>
+ <push arg="40"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="41"/>
+ <call arg="42"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="43"/>
+ <push arg="40"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="44"/>
+ <call arg="42"/>
+ <call arg="45"/>
+ <set arg="3"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="46"/>
+ <push arg="40"/>
+ <new/>
+ <set arg="1"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="47"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="48"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="49"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="50"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="51"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="52"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="53"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="54"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="55"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="56"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="57"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="58"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="59"/>
+ <push arg="60"/>
+ <push arg="61"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="62"/>
+ <call arg="63"/>
+ <push arg="64"/>
+ <push arg="61"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="32"/>
+ <push arg="65"/>
+ <call arg="63"/>
+ <push arg="66"/>
+ <push arg="61"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="67"/>
+ <call arg="63"/>
+ <push arg="68"/>
+ <push arg="61"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="67"/>
+ <call arg="63"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="69"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="70"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="71" begin="0" end="74"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="72">
+ <context type="37"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="73"/>
+ <push arg="40"/>
+ <new/>
+ <push arg="74"/>
+ <call arg="75"/>
+ <push arg="76"/>
+ <call arg="75"/>
+ <push arg="77"/>
+ <call arg="75"/>
+ <push arg="78"/>
+ <call arg="75"/>
+ <push arg="79"/>
+ <call arg="75"/>
+ <push arg="80"/>
+ <call arg="75"/>
+ <push arg="81"/>
+ <call arg="75"/>
+ <push arg="82"/>
+ <call arg="75"/>
+ <set arg="5"/>
+ </code>
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+ <lne id="85" begin="8" end="8"/>
+ <lne id="86" begin="10" end="10"/>
+ <lne id="87" begin="12" end="12"/>
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+ <lne id="89" begin="16" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="90" begin="18" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="91" begin="1" end="19"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="71" begin="0" end="20"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="92">
+ <context type="37"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="73"/>
+ <push arg="40"/>
+ <new/>
+ <push arg="93"/>
+ <call arg="75"/>
+ <push arg="94"/>
+ <call arg="75"/>
+ <set arg="7"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="95" begin="4" end="4"/>
+ <lne id="96" begin="6" end="6"/>
+ <lne id="97" begin="1" end="7"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="71" begin="0" end="8"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="98">
+ <context type="37"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="99"/>
+ <push arg="61"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <call arg="100"/>
+ <set arg="8"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="101" begin="1" end="3"/>
+ <lne id="102" begin="1" end="4"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="71" begin="0" end="5"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="103">
+ <context type="37"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="104"/>
+ <push arg="61"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <call arg="100"/>
+ <call arg="105"/>
+ <call arg="106"/>
+ <store arg="107"/>
+ <push arg="108"/>
+ <push arg="40"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="107"/>
+ <get arg="109"/>
+ <call arg="75"/>
+ <load arg="107"/>
+ <get arg="110"/>
+ <call arg="75"/>
+ <call arg="111"/>
+ <set arg="10"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="112" begin="1" end="3"/>
+ <lne id="113" begin="1" end="4"/>
+ <lne id="114" begin="1" end="5"/>
+ <lne id="115" begin="1" end="6"/>
+ <lne id="116" begin="1" end="6"/>
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+ <lne id="118" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="119" begin="14" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="120" begin="14" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="121" begin="8" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="122" begin="8" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="123" begin="1" end="17"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="1" name="124" begin="7" end="17"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="71" begin="0" end="18"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="125">
+ <context type="37"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="126"/>
+ <push arg="61"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <call arg="100"/>
+ <call arg="105"/>
+ <call arg="106"/>
+ <set arg="12"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="127" begin="1" end="3"/>
+ <lne id="128" begin="1" end="4"/>
+ <lne id="129" begin="1" end="5"/>
+ <lne id="130" begin="1" end="6"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="71" begin="0" end="7"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="131">
+ <context type="37"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="132"/>
+ <push arg="61"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <call arg="100"/>
+ <call arg="105"/>
+ <set arg="14"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="133" begin="1" end="3"/>
+ <lne id="134" begin="1" end="4"/>
+ <lne id="135" begin="1" end="5"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="71" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="136">
+ <context type="37"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="137"/>
+ <push arg="61"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <call arg="100"/>
+ <call arg="105"/>
+ <set arg="16"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="138" begin="1" end="3"/>
+ <lne id="139" begin="1" end="4"/>
+ <lne id="140" begin="1" end="5"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="71" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="141">
+ <context type="37"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="142"/>
+ <push arg="61"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <call arg="100"/>
+ <call arg="105"/>
+ <set arg="18"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="143" begin="1" end="3"/>
+ <lne id="144" begin="1" end="4"/>
+ <lne id="145" begin="1" end="5"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="71" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="146">
+ <context type="37"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="147"/>
+ <push arg="61"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <call arg="100"/>
+ <call arg="105"/>
+ <set arg="20"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
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+ <lne id="149" begin="1" end="4"/>
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+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="71" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="151">
+ <context type="37"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="60"/>
+ <push arg="61"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <call arg="100"/>
+ <call arg="105"/>
+ <set arg="22"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="152" begin="1" end="3"/>
+ <lne id="153" begin="1" end="4"/>
+ <lne id="154" begin="1" end="5"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="71" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="155">
+ <context type="37"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="156"/>
+ <push arg="61"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <call arg="100"/>
+ <call arg="105"/>
+ <set arg="24"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="157" begin="1" end="3"/>
+ <lne id="158" begin="1" end="4"/>
+ <lne id="159" begin="1" end="5"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="71" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="160">
+ <context type="37"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="161"/>
+ <push arg="61"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <call arg="100"/>
+ <call arg="105"/>
+ <set arg="26"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="162" begin="1" end="3"/>
+ <lne id="163" begin="1" end="4"/>
+ <lne id="164" begin="1" end="5"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="71" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="165">
+ <context type="37"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="166"/>
+ <push arg="61"/>
+ <findme/>
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+ <load arg="38"/>
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+ <load arg="38"/>
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+ <call arg="1225"/>
+ <push arg="1468"/>
+ <call arg="1225"/>
+ <call arg="1014"/>
+ <set arg="1227"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="1482" begin="11" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="1483" begin="9" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="1484" begin="21" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="1485" begin="21" end="22"/>
+ <lne id="1486" begin="19" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="1487" begin="27" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="1488" begin="28" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="1489" begin="28" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="1490" begin="27" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="1491" begin="31" end="31"/>
+ <lne id="1492" begin="27" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="1493" begin="25" end="34"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="538" begin="3" end="35"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="540" begin="7" end="35"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="71" begin="0" end="35"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="1248" begin="0" end="35"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="1494">
+ <context type="37"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="107" type="1213"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="107"/>
+ <push arg="538"/>
+ <call arg="1214"/>
+ <store arg="221"/>
+ <load arg="107"/>
+ <push arg="540"/>
+ <call arg="1215"/>
+ <store arg="1216"/>
+ <load arg="1216"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="1217"/>
+ <push arg="40"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="1495"/>
+ <set arg="560"/>
+ <call arg="1014"/>
+ <set arg="1219"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <load arg="221"/>
+ <get arg="1222"/>
+ <call arg="1014"/>
+ <set arg="1222"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="1467"/>
+ <load arg="221"/>
+ <get arg="530"/>
+ <call arg="1225"/>
+ <push arg="1496"/>
+ <call arg="1225"/>
+ <call arg="1014"/>
+ <set arg="1227"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="1497" begin="11" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="1498" begin="9" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="1499" begin="21" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="1500" begin="21" end="22"/>
+ <lne id="1501" begin="19" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="1502" begin="27" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="1503" begin="28" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="1504" begin="28" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="1505" begin="27" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="1506" begin="31" end="31"/>
+ <lne id="1507" begin="27" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="1508" begin="25" end="34"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="538" begin="3" end="35"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="540" begin="7" end="35"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="71" begin="0" end="35"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="1248" begin="0" end="35"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/ATL2Problem.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/ATL2Problem.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6eec079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/ATL2Problem.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,925 @@
+module ATL2Problem;
+create OUT : Problem from IN : ATL;
+-- HELPERS --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- This helper provides a set containing the name of the IteratorExp elements
+-- that accepts a single Iterator.
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Set(String)
+helper def: singleIteratorExps : Set(String) =
+ Set{
+ 'isUnique', 'any', 'one', 'collect', 'select',
+ 'reject', 'collectNested', 'sortedBy'
+ };
+-- This helper provides a set containing the name of the IteratorExp elements
+-- for which several Iterators may be declared according to the OCL spec.
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Set(String)
+helper def: multiIteratorExps : Set(String) = Set{'exists', 'forAll'};
+-- This helper computes the set of existing CollectionType elements within the
+-- input ATL Unit.
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Set(ATL!CollectionType)
+helper def: collectionTypes : Set(ATL!CollectionType) =
+ ATL!CollectionType.allInstances();
+-- This helper computes a sequence containing all the OclModel elements that
+-- are used in the input ATL Unit.
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Sequence(ATL!OclModel)
+helper def: allModels : Sequence(ATL!OclModel) =
+ let atlModule : ATL!Module =
+ ATL!Module.allInstances()->asSequence()->first()
+ in
+ Sequence{
+ atlModule.inModels,
+ atlModule.outModels
+ }->flatten();
+-- This helper computes the Query element that corresponds to the input ATL
+-- Unit. If the input ATL Unit corresponds to a Module (eg a transformation),
+-- the computed value is OclUndefined.
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: ATL!Query
+helper def: queryElt : ATL!Query =
+ ATL!Query.allInstances()->asSequence()->first();
+-- This helper computes a sequence containing all the Binding elements that
+-- are defined in the input ATL Unit.
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Sequence(ATL!Binding)
+helper def: allBindings : Sequence(ATL!Binding) =
+ ATL!Binding.allInstances()->asSequence();
+-- This helper computes a sequence containing all the Pattern elements that
+-- are defined in the input ATL Unit.
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Sequence(ATL!InPattern)
+helper def: allInPatterns : Sequence(ATL!InPattern) =
+ ATL!InPattern.allInstances()->asSequence();
+-- This helper computes a sequence containing all the InPatternElement elements
+-- that are defined in the input ATL Unit.
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Sequence(ATL!InPatternElement)
+helper def: allInPatternElts : Sequence(ATL!InPatternElement) =
+ ATL!InPatternElement.allInstances()->asSequence();
+-- This helper computes a sequence containing all the OutPatternElement
+-- elements that are defined in the input ATL Unit.
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Sequence(ATL!OutPatternElement)
+helper def: allOutPatternElts : Sequence(ATL!OutPatternElement) =
+ ATL!OutPatternElement.allInstances()->asSequence();
+-- This helper computes a sequence containing all the Rule elements that are
+-- defined in the input ATL Unit. If the input Unit is a query, the computed
+-- sequence is empty.
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Sequence(ATL!Rule)
+helper def: allRules : Sequence(ATL!Rule) =
+ ATL!Rule.allInstances()->asSequence();
+-- This helper computes a sequence containing all the Helper elements that are
+-- defined in the input ATL Unit.
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Sequence(ATL!Helper)
+helper def: allHelpers : Sequence(ATL!Helper) =
+ ATL!Helper.allInstances()->asSequence();
+-- This helper computes a sequence containing all the LoopExp elements that are
+-- defined in the input ATL Unit.
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Sequence(ATL!LoopExp)
+helper def: allLoopExps : Sequence(ATL!LoopExp) =
+ ATL!LoopExp.allInstances()->asSequence();
+-- This helper computes a sequence containing all the IterateExp elements that
+-- are defined in the input ATL Unit.
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Sequence(ATL!IterateExp)
+helper def: allIterateExps : Sequence(ATL!IterateExp) =
+ ATL!IterateExp.allInstances()->asSequence();
+-- This helper computes a sequence containing all the VariableDeclaration
+-- elements that are associated with the contextual Rule. These declarations
+-- can be of 3 different kinds:
+-- * the variables declared for the rule;
+-- * the OutPatternElements of the rule;
+-- * the InPatternElements of the rule if this last is a MatchedRule.
+-- RETURN: Sequence(ATL!VariableDeclaration)
+helper context ATL!Rule
+ def: namedElements : Sequence(ATL!VariableDeclaration) =
+ Sequence{
+ if self.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!MatchedRule)
+ then
+ self.inPattern.elements->asSequence()
+ else
+ Sequence{}
+ endif,
+ self.variables->asSequence(),
+ self.outPattern.elements->asSequence()
+ }->flatten();
+-- This helper computes the Rule element in which the contextual PatterElement
+-- is declared. This is achieved by returning the Rule referred by the "rule"
+-- reference of the Pattern that conatins the contexual PatternElement. This
+-- last one is accessed through the "outPattern" reference if the contextual
+-- PatternElement is an OutPatternElement, throught the "inPattern" if it is
+-- an InPatternElement.
+-- CONTEXT: ATL!PatternElement
+-- RETURN: ATL!Rule
+helper context ATL!PatternElement def: "rule" : ATL!Rule =
+ if self.oclIsKindOf(ATL!OutPatternElement)
+ then
+ self.outPattern."rule"
+ else
+ self.inPattern."rule"
+ endif;
+-- This helper returns the immediate composite (container) of the contextual
+-- VariableDeclaration.
+-- If the "letExp" reference of the contextual VariableDeclaration is not
+-- undefined, the helper returns the pointed LetExp.
+-- Otherwise, if the "letExp" reference of the contextual VD is not undefined,
+-- the helper returns the pointed IterateExp.
+-- Otherwise, if the contextual VD is an InPatternElement, the helper returns
+-- the InPattern in which it is contained.
+-- Otherwise, if the contextual VD is an OutPatternElement, the helper returns
+-- the OutPattern in which it is contained.
+-- Otherwise, if there exists a LoopExp element that contains the contextual VD
+-- as an iterator, the helper returns this LoopExp.
+-- Otherwise, if there exists an IterateExp element that contains the contextual
+-- VD as its result, the helper returns this IterateExp.
+-- Otherwise, if there exists a Rule element that contains the contextual VD
+-- as a rule variable iterator, the helper returns this Rule element.
+-- Otherwise, the helper returns OclUndefined as a default value.
+-- CONTEXT: ATL!VariableDeclaration
+-- RETURN: ATL!Element
+helper context ATL!VariableDeclaration def: immediateComposite : ATL!Element =
+ if not self.letExp.oclIsUndefined() then
+ self.letExp
+ else if not self.baseExp.oclIsUndefined() then
+ self.baseExp
+ else if thisModule.allInPatternElts->exists(e | e = self) then
+ thisModule.allInPatternElts->select(e | e = self)->first().inPattern
+ else if thisModule.allOutPatternElts->exists(e | e = self) then
+ thisModule.allOutPatternElts->select(e | e = self)->first().outPattern
+ else if thisModule.allLoopExps
+ ->exists(l | l.iterators->exists(e | self = e)) then
+ thisModule.allLoopExps
+ ->select(l | l.iterators->exists(e | self = e))->first()
+ else if thisModule.allIterateExps->exists(e | self = e.result) then
+ thisModule.allIterateExps->select(e | self = e.result)->first()
+ else if thisModule.allRules
+ ->exists(r | r.variables->exists(e | self = e)) then
+ thisModule.allRules
+ ->select(r | r.variables->exists(e | self = e))
+ ->first()
+ else OclUndefined
+ endif endif endif endif endif endif endif;
+-- This helper returns the immediate composite (container) of the contextual
+-- OclExpression.
+-- If the one of the "ifExp1", "ifExp2" and "ifExp3" references of the
+-- contextual OclExpression is not undefined, the helper returns the pointed
+-- IfExp.
+-- Otherwise, if its "attribute" is not undefined, the helper returns the
+-- pointed Attribute.
+-- Otherwise, if its "operation" is not undefined, the helper returns the
+-- pointed Operation.
+-- Otherwise, if its "initializedVariable" is not undefined, the helper returns
+-- the pointed VariableDeclaration.
+-- Otherwise, if its "parentOperation" is not undefined, the helper returns the
+-- pointed OperationCallExp.
+-- Otherwise, if its "loopExp" is not undefined, the helper returns the pointed
+-- LoopExp.
+-- Otherwise, if its "letExp" is not undefined, the helper returns the
+-- pointed LetExp.
+-- Otherwise, if its "collection" is not undefined, the helper returns the
+-- pointed CollectionExp.
+-- Otherwise, if its "appliedProperty" is not undefined, the helper returns the
+-- pointed PropertyCallExp.
+-- Otherwise, if its "operation" is not undefined, the helper returns the
+-- pointed Operation.
+-- Otherwise, if there exists an InPattern that has the contextual OclExp as
+-- filter, the helper returns this InPattern.
+-- Otherwise, if there exists a Binding that has the contextual OclExp as
+-- value, the helper returns this Binding.
+-- Otherwise, if there exists a Query that has the contextual OclExp as body,
+-- the helper returns this Query.
+-- Otherwise, the helper retuns OclUndefined as default value.
+-- CONTEXT: ATL!OclExpression
+-- RETURN: ATL!Element
+helper context ATL!OclExpression def: immediateComposite : ATL!Element =
+ if not self.ifExp1.oclIsUndefined() then self.ifExp1
+ else if not self.ifExp2.oclIsUndefined() then self.ifExp2
+ else if not self.ifExp3.oclIsUndefined() then self.ifExp3
+ else if not self."attribute".oclIsUndefined() then self."attribute"
+ else if not self."operation".oclIsUndefined() then self."operation"
+ else if not self.initializedVariable.oclIsUndefined()
+ then self.initializedVariable
+ else if not self.parentOperation.oclIsUndefined() then self.parentOperation
+ else if not self.loopExp.oclIsUndefined() then self.loopExp
+ else if not self.letExp.oclIsUndefined() then self.letExp
+ else if not self.collection.oclIsUndefined() then self.collection
+ else if not self.appliedProperty.oclIsUndefined() then self.appliedProperty
+ else if thisModule.allInPatterns->exists(e | e.filter = self)
+ then thisModule.allInPatterns->select(e | e.filter = self)->first()
+ else if thisModule.allBindings->exists(e | e.value = self)
+ then thisModule.allBindings->select(e | e.value = self)->first()
+ else
+ if not thisModule.queryElt.oclIsUndefined()
+ then
+ if thisModule.queryElt.body = self
+ then
+ thisModule.queryElt
+ else
+ OclUndefined
+ endif
+ else
+ OclUndefined
+ endif
+ endif endif endif endif endif endif endif
+ endif endif endif endif endif endif;
+-- This helper computes a sequence containing the VariableDeclarations that
+-- precede the contextual VariableDeclaration in its namespace.
+-- If the contextual VariableDeclaration is a PatternElement, the helper only
+-- returns this VD.
+-- Otherwise, it computes the container of the contextual VD. If the container
+-- is a LetExp, it returns a Sequence composed of the VD, and the results of
+-- the calls of the getUpD helper on the calculated container.
+-- If the container is an IteratorExp, the helper returns a Sequence composed
+-- of the VD and the results of the call of getUpD on the computed container.
+-- If the container is an IterateExp, the helper a Sequence containing the same
+-- elements that the one computed for an IteratorExp.
+-- Otherwise, the helper returns the only contextual VD as default value.
+-- CONTEXT: ATL!VariableDeclaration
+-- RETURN: Sequence(ATL!VariableDeclaration)
+helper context ATL!VariableDeclaration
+ def: getDeclarations() : Sequence(ATL!VariableDeclaration) =
+ if self.oclIsKindOf(ATL!PatternElement)
+ then
+ Sequence{self}
+ else
+ let container : ATL!Element = self.immediateComposite in
+ if container.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!LetExp)
+ then
+ Sequence{
+ self,
+ container.getUpD()
+ }->flatten()
+ else
+ if container.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!IteratorExp)
+ then
+ Sequence{
+ self,
+ container.getUpD()
+ }->flatten()
+ else
+ if container.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!IterateExp)
+ then
+ Sequence{
+ self,
+ container.getUpD()
+ }->flatten()
+ else
+ Sequence{
+ self
+ }->flatten()
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif;
+-- This helper computes a sequence containing the VariableDeclarations that are
+-- defined higher than the contextual OclExpression in its namespace tree.
+-- The helper first computes the container of the contextual OclExp. If this
+-- container is undefined, it retuns an empty sequence.
+-- Otherwise, if this container is not an OclExpression:
+-- * If the container is a RuleVariableDeclaration, the helper returns a
+-- sequence containing all the named elements of the rule that contains this
+-- InPattern.
+-- * If the container is a Binding, the helper returns a sequence containing
+-- all the named elements of the rule that contains this Binding.
+-- Otherwise, if the computed container is an OclExpression:
+-- * If the container is a LetExp, the helper returns a sequence composed of
+-- the LetExp variable and the result of its recursive call on the LetExp.
+-- * If the container is an IfExp, the helper returns a sequence composed of
+-- the result of its recursive call on the IfExp.
+-- * If the container is an IteratorExp, if the contextual OclExp is the
+-- source of the IteratorExp then the helper returns the result of its
+-- recursive call on the IteratorExp, else it returns this result with the
+-- "iterators" elements of the IteratorExp.
+-- * If the container is an IterateExp, the helper returns the same sequences
+-- that for an IteratorExp, with the additional "result" element in case the
+-- contextual OclExp is not the source of the IterateExp.
+-- Otherwise, the helper returns an empty sequence as default value.
+-- CONTEXT: ATL!OclExpression
+-- RETURN: Sequence(ATL!VariableDeclaration)
+helper context ATL!OclExpression
+ def: getUpD() : Sequence(ATL!VariableDeclaration) =
+ let container : ATL!Element = self.immediateComposite in
+ if container.oclIsUndefined() then
+ Sequence{}
+ else if not container.oclIsKindOf(ATL!OclExpression) then
+ if container.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!RuleVariableDeclaration)
+ then
+ Sequence{
+ container."rule".namedElements
+ }->flatten()
+ else
+ if container.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!Binding)
+ then
+ Sequence{
+ container.outPatternElement."rule".namedElements
+ }->flatten()
+ else
+ Sequence{}
+ endif
+ endif
+ else if container.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!LetExp) then
+ Sequence{
+ container.variable,
+ container.getUpD()
+ }->flatten()
+ else if container.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!IfExp) then
+ Sequence{
+ container.getUpD()
+ }->flatten()
+ else if container.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!IteratorExp) then
+ if container.source = self
+ then
+ Sequence{
+ container.getUpD()
+ }->flatten()
+ else
+ Sequence{
+ container.iterators,
+ container.getUpD()
+ }->flatten()
+ endif
+ else if container.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!IterateExp) then
+ if container.source = self
+ then
+ Sequence{
+ container.getUpD()
+ }->flatten()
+ else
+ Sequence{
+ container.iterators,
+ container.result,
+ container.getUpD()
+ }->flatten()
+ endif
+ else Sequence{}
+ endif endif endif endif endif endif;
+-- This helper computes a sequence containing the VariableDeclarations that are
+-- defined lower than the contextual OclExpression in its namespace tree.
+-- If the contextual OclExpression is a LetExp, the helper returns a sequence
+-- composed of the LetExp variable and the result of its recursive call on the
+-- "in_" reference of the LetExp.
+-- Otherwise, if the contextual OclExpression is a IfExp, the helper returns a
+-- sequence composed of the results of its recursive calls on the "condition",
+-- "thenExpression" and "elseExpression" references of the IfExp.
+-- Otherwise, if the contextual OclExpression is an IteratorExp, the helper
+-- returns a sequence composed of the IteratorExp iterators along with the
+-- results of its recursive calls on the "source" and the "body" references
+-- of the IteratorExp.
+-- Otherwise, if the contextual OclExpression is an IterateExp, the helper
+-- returns the sequence returned for an IteratorExp with its additional result
+-- element.
+-- Otherwise, the helper returns an empty sequence as default value.
+-- CONTEXT: ATL!OclExpression
+-- RETURN: Sequence(ATL!VariableDeclaration)
+--helper context ATL!OclExpression
+-- def: getDownD() : Sequence(ATL!VariableDeclaration) =
+-- if self.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!LetExp) then
+-- Sequence{
+-- self.variable,
+-- self.in_.getDownD()
+-- }->flatten()
+-- else if self.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!IfExp) then
+-- Sequence{
+-- self.condition.getDownD(),
+-- self.thenExpression.getDownD(),
+-- self.elseExpression.getDownD()
+-- }->flatten()
+-- else if self.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!IteratorExp) then
+-- Sequence{
+-- self.iterators,
+-- self.source.getDownD(),
+-- self.body.getDownD()
+-- }->flatten()
+-- else if self.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!IterateExp) then
+-- Sequence{
+-- self.iterators,
+-- self.result,
+-- self.source.getDownD(),
+-- self.body.getDownD()
+-- }->flatten()
+-- else Sequence{}
+-- endif endif endif endif;
+-- This helper returns the root composite (container) of the contextual
+-- OclExpression. For this purpose, the helper first computes the immediate
+-- composite of the contextual OclExpression.
+-- If this container is undefined, the helper returns OclUndefined.
+-- Otherwise, if it is a kind of OclExpression, the helper returns the value
+-- provided by its recursive call on the computed container.
+-- Finally, if this container is not an OclExpression, the root composite has
+-- been reached (Binding/InPattern/Operation/Query/Attribute) and is returned.
+-- CONTEXT: ATL!OclExpression
+-- RETURN: ATL!Element
+helper context ATL!OclExpression def: getRootComposite() : ATL!Element =
+ let container : ATL!Element = self.immediateComposite
+ in
+ if container.oclIsUndefined()
+ then
+ OclUndefined
+ else
+ if container.oclIsKindOf(ATL!OclExpression)
+ then
+ container.getRootComposite()
+ else
+ container
+ endif
+ endif;
+-- RULES ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Rule 'FreeVariableIsSelfOrThisModule'
+-- This rule generates an 'error' Problem for each VariableDeclaration that has
+-- no composite, and whose name is different from both 'self' and 'thisModule'.
+-- The VariableExps that have not been previously declared in an ATL file are
+-- associated with a new VariableDeclaration without any composite in the
+-- correspoding ATL model.
+rule FreeVariableIsSelfOrThisModule {
+ from
+ s : ATL!VariableDeclaration (
+ s.immediateComposite.oclIsUndefined() and
+ s.varName <> 'self' and s.varName <> 'thisModule'
+ )
+ to
+ t : Problem!Problem (
+ severity <- #error,
+ location <-
+ if s.variableExp->isEmpty()
+ then
+ s.location
+ else
+ s.variableExp->first().location
+ endif,
+ description <- 'variable \'' + s.varName + '\' undefined'
+ )
+-- Rule 'ModelNameIsUnique'
+-- This rule generates an 'error' Problem when there exists models that have
+-- the same name that the checked model.
+rule ModelNameIsUnique {
+ from
+ s : ATL!OclModel (
+ thisModule.allModels->exists(e | = and e <> s)
+ )
+ to
+ t : Problem!Problem (
+ severity <- #error,
+ location <- s.location,
+ description <- 'model \'' + + '\' already defined'
+ )
+-- Rule 'RuleNameIsUnique'
+-- This rule generates an 'error' Problem when there exists rules that have
+-- the same name that the checked rule.
+rule RuleNameIsUnique {
+ from
+ s : ATL!Rule (
+ thisModule.allRules->exists(e | = and e <> s)
+ )
+ to
+ t : Problem!Problem (
+ severity <- #error,
+ location <- s.location,
+ description <- 'rule \'' + + '\' already defined'
+ )
+-- Rule 'HelperSignatureIsUnique'
+-- This rule generates an 'error' Problem when there exists helpers that have
+-- the same signature that the checked helper.
+-- Note that in current implementation, the helper signature corresponds to the
+-- name and the context of the helper.
+rule HelperSignatureIsUnique {
+ from
+ s : ATL!Helper (
+ thisModule.allHelpers
+ ->exists(e |
+ e <> s and
+ = and
+ (
+ if not s.definition.context_.oclIsUndefined()
+ then
+ if not e.definition.context_.oclIsUndefined()
+ then
+ if not
+ then
+ if not
+ then
+ =
+ else
+ false
+ endif
+ else
+ endif
+ else
+ false
+ endif
+ else
+ e.definition.context_.oclIsUndefined()
+ endif
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ to
+ t : Problem!Problem (
+ severity <- #error,
+ location <- s.location,
+ description <- 'helper \'' +
+ + '\' already defined'
+ )
+-- Rule 'BindingNameIsUniqueInPattern'
+-- This rule generates an 'error' Problem when there exists, in a same pattern,
+-- bindings that have the same name that the checked binding.
+rule BindingNameIsUniqueInPattern {
+ from
+ s : ATL!Binding (
+ s.outPatternElement.bindings
+ ->exists(e | e.propertyName = s.propertyName and e <> s)
+ )
+ to
+ t : Problem!Problem (
+ severity <- #error,
+ location <- s.location,
+ description <-
+ 'binding \'' + s.propertyName + '\' already defined in pattern'
+ )
+-- Rule 'PatternNameIsUniqueInRule'
+-- This rule generates an 'error' Problem when there exists, in a same rule,
+-- some named elements (InPatternElement/OutPatternElement/
+-- RuleVariableDeclaration) that have the same name that the checked pattern.
+rule PatternNameIsUniqueInRule {
+ from
+ s : ATL!PatternElement (
+ s."rule".namedElements
+ ->exists(e | e.varName = s.varName and e <> s)
+ )
+ to
+ t : Problem!Problem (
+ severity <- #error,
+ location <- s.location,
+ description <-
+ 'pattern or variable named \''
+ + s.varName + '\' already defined in rule'
+ )
+-- Rule 'VariableNameIsUniqueInRule'
+-- This rule generates an 'error' Problem when there exists, in a same rule,
+-- some named elements (InPatternElement/OutPatternElement/
+-- RuleVariableDeclaration) that have the same name that the checked rule
+-- variable declaration.
+rule VariableNameIsUniqueInRule {
+ from
+ s : ATL!RuleVariableDeclaration (
+ s."rule".namedElements
+ ->exists(e | e.varName = s.varName and e <> s)
+ )
+ to
+ t : Problem!Problem (
+ severity <- #error,
+ location <- s.location,
+ description <-
+ 'pattern or variable named \'' + s.varName
+ + '\' already defined in rule'
+ )
+-- Rule 'NoHelperWithCollectionAsContext'
+-- This rule generates an 'error' Problem for each Helper defined with a
+-- collection type as context.
+-- Note that this problem is due to the limitations of the current
+-- implementation
+rule NoHelperWithCollectionAsContext {
+ from
+ s : ATL!Helper (
+ if s.definition.context_.oclIsUndefined()
+ then
+ false
+ else
+ thisModule.collectionTypes
+ ->exists(e | s.definition.context_.context_ = e)
+ endif
+ )
+ to
+ t : Problem!Problem (
+ severity <- #error,
+ location <- s.location,
+ description <-
+ 'helper \'' +
+ + '\': current implementation does not '
+ + 'support helpers with collection context'
+ )
+-- Rule 'NoSelfOrThisModuleVariableDeclaration'
+-- This rule generates an 'error' Problem for each declaration of a variable
+-- named 'self' or 'thisModule' in the ATL program.
+-- Considered variable declarations must have a non-undefined immediate
+-- composite since the input ATL model may already include a 'self' and a
+-- 'thisModule' VD without any immediate composite that correspond to the
+-- global declarations of the 'self' and 'thisModule' variables.
+rule NoSelfOrThisModuleVariableDeclaration {
+ from
+ s : ATL!VariableDeclaration (
+ not s.immediateComposite.oclIsUndefined() and
+ (s.varName = 'self' or s.varName = 'thisModule')
+ )
+ to
+ t : Problem!Problem (
+ severity <- #error,
+ location <- s.location,
+ description <-
+ 'helper \'' + s.varName + '\' is not valid variable name'
+ )
+-- Rule 'NoSelfVariableInRule'
+-- This rule generates an 'error' Problem for each 'self' variable expression
+-- that is contained by a rule element.
+rule NoSelfVariableInRule {
+ from
+ s : ATL!VariableExp (
+-- s.referredVariable.varName = 'self' and
+-- (
+-- let rComp : ATL!Element = s.getRootComposite() in
+-- rComp.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!Binding) or
+-- rComp.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!InPattern)
+-- )
+ if s.referredVariable.oclIsUndefined()
+ then
+ false
+ else
+ s.referredVariable.varName = 'self' and
+ (
+ let rComp : ATL!Element = s.getRootComposite() in
+ rComp.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!Binding) or
+ rComp.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!InPattern)
+ )
+ endif
+ )
+ to
+ t : Problem!Problem (
+ severity <- #error,
+ location <- s.location,
+ description <-
+ 'rule \'' + s.referredVariable.varName
+ + '\': use of the \'self\' variable prohibited in rules'
+ )
+-- Rule 'NoResolveTempInSourcePattern'
+-- This rule generates an 'error' Problem for each call of the
+-- 'thisModule.resolveTemp()' operation within a source pattern of a rule.
+rule NoResolveTempInSourcePattern {
+ from
+ s : ATL!OperationCallExp (
+ s.operationName = 'resolveTemp' and
+ (
+ if s.source.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!VariableExp)
+ then
+ if s.source.referredVariable.oclIsUndefined()
+ then
+ false
+ else
+ s.source.referredVariable.varName = 'thisModule'
+ endif
+ else
+ false
+ endif
+ ) and
+ s.getRootComposite().oclIsTypeOf(ATL!InPattern)
+ )
+ to
+ t : Problem!Problem (
+ severity <- #error,
+ location <- s.location,
+ description <-
+ 'rule \'' + s.getRootComposite()."rule".name
+ + '\': use of \'thisModule.resolveTemp()\' function '
+ + 'is prohibited in source patterns'
+ )
+-- Rule 'NoResolveTempInModuleAttribute'
+-- This rule generates an 'error' Problem for each call of the
+-- 'thisModule.resolveTemp()' operation within a model attribute.
+rule NoResolveTempInModuleAttribute {
+ from
+ s : ATL!OperationCallExp (
+ s.operationName = 'resolveTemp' and
+ (
+ if s.source.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!VariableExp)
+ then
+ if s.source.referredVariable.oclIsUndefined()
+ then
+ false
+ else
+ s.source.referredVariable.varName = 'thisModule'
+ endif
+ else
+ false
+ endif
+ ) and
+ s.getRootComposite().oclIsTypeOf(ATL!Attribute)
+ )
+ to
+ t : Problem!Problem (
+ severity <- #error,
+ location <- s.location,
+ description <-
+ 'attribute \'' + s.getRootComposite().name
+ + '\': use of \'thisModule.resolveTemp()\' function '
+ + 'is prohibited in attributes'
+ )
+-- Rule 'ProhibitedMultiIteratorCollectionOperation'
+-- This rule generates an 'error' Problem for each IteratorExp of the
+-- singleIteratorExps set that is associated with several Iterators.
+rule ProhibitedMultiIteratorCollectionOperation {
+ from
+ s : ATL!IteratorExp (
+ thisModule.singleIteratorExps->exists(e | = e) and
+ s.iterators->size() > 1
+ )
+ to
+ t : Problem!Problem (
+ severity <- #error,
+ location <- s.location,
+ description <-
+ 'iterator \'' +
+ + '\' may have at most one iterator variable'
+ )
+-- Rule 'UnsupportedMultiIteratorCollectionOperation'
+-- This rule generates an 'error' Problem for each IteratorExp of the
+-- multiIteratorExps set that is associated with several Iterators.
+-- Note that this problem is due to limitations of the current implementation.
+rule UnsupportedMultiIteratorCollectionOperation {
+ from
+ s : ATL!IteratorExp (
+ thisModule.multiIteratorExps->exists(e | = e) and
+ s.iterators->size() > 1
+ )
+ to
+ t : Problem!Problem (
+ severity <- #error,
+ location <- s.location,
+ description <-
+ 'with current implementation, iterator \'' +
+ + '\' may have at most one iterator variable'
+ )
+-- Rule 'ParameterNameIsUniqueInOperation'
+-- This rule generates an 'error' Problem for each parameter for which there
+-- exists another parameter of the same name in the operation declaration.
+rule ParameterNameIsUniqueInOperation {
+ from
+ s : ATL!Parameter (
+ (s.operation.parameters
+ ->exists(e | s.varName = e.varName and s <> e)) and not(
+ s.immediateComposite.oclIsUndefined() and
+ s.varName <> 'self' and s.varName <> 'thisModule'
+ )
+ )
+ to
+ t : Problem!Problem (
+ severity <- #error,
+ location <- s.location,
+ description <-
+ 'a parameter named \'' + s.varName
+ + '\' is already declared in this operation'
+ )
+-- Rule 'IteratorNameIsUniqueInLoop'
+-- This rule generates an 'error' Problem for each Iterator declaration for
+-- which there exists either another Iterator or a result variable declaration
+-- (for Iterate loop only) of the same name within the same loop definition.
+rule VariableNameIsUniqueInLoop {
+ from
+ s : ATL!Iterator (
+ s.loopExpr.iterators
+ ->exists(e | s.varName = e.varName and s <> e)
+ or
+ if s.loopExpr.oclIsTypeOf(ATL!IterateExp)
+ then
+ s.loopExpr.result.varName = s.varName
+ else
+ false
+ endif
+ )
+ to
+ t : Problem!Problem (
+ severity <- #error,
+ location <- s.location,
+ description <-
+ 'a variable named \'' + s.varName
+ + '\' is already declared in this loop'
+ )
+-- Rule 'ResultNameIsUniqueInIterate'
+-- This rule generates an 'error' Problem for each 'result' variable
+-- declaration of an IterateExp for which there exists an Iterator variable of
+-- the same name in the Iterate loop definition.
+rule ResultNameIsUniqueInIterate {
+ from
+ s : ATL!VariableDeclaration (
+ if s.baseExp.oclIsUndefined()
+ then
+ false
+ else
+ s.baseExp.iterators
+ ->exists(e | s.varName = e.varName and s <> e)
+ endif
+ )
+ to
+ t : Problem!Problem (
+ severity <- #error,
+ location <- s.location,
+ description <-
+ 'a variable named \'' + s.varName
+ + '\' is already declared in this loop'
+ )
+-- Rule 'VariableNameIsUniqueInContainer'
+-- This rule generates a 'warning' Problem for each declaration of a variable
+-- for which there exists another variable declaration of the same name in the
+-- same namespace (except multiple intances of an Iterator name in a same loop
+-- which handle 'error' Problems).
+rule VariableNameIsUniqueInContainer {
+ from
+ s : ATL!VariableDeclaration (
+ s.getDeclarations()->exists(e | s.varName = e.varName and s <> e)
+ )
+ to
+ t : Problem!Problem (
+ severity <- #warning,
+ location <- s.location,
+ description <-
+ 'a variable named \'' + s.varName
+ + '\' is already declared in this container'
+ )
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/ATL2Problem.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/ATL2Problem.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a182aadb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/ATL2Problem.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/ATL2Problem.atl"/>
+<stringAttribute key="ATL VM" value="Regular VM (with debugger)"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="AllowInterModelReferences" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Input">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="ATL"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="Mode Debug" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Model Handler">
+<mapEntry key="Problem" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="ATL" value="EMF"/>
+<mapAttribute key="ModelType">
+<mapEntry key="Problem" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="ATL" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Output">
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="Problem"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="Problem" value="/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/Problem.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/ATLInput.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/atl-problem.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="ATL" value="/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/ATL-0.2.ecore"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.emftest"/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/ATLInput.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/ATLInput.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de08635b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/ATLInput.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="ATL" xmlns:_1="OCL" xmlns:_2="Types" xmlns:_3="Expressions">
+ <Module location="1:1-75:2" name="test" isRefining="false">
+ <inModels location="2:27-2:35" metamodel="/24" name="IN"/>
+ <outModels location="2:8-2:21" metamodel="/23" name="OUT"/>
+ <elements xsi:type="Helper" location="9:1-9:63">
+ <commentsBefore>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------</commentsBefore>
+ <commentsBefore>-- HELPERS --------------------------------------------------------------------</commentsBefore>
+ <commentsBefore>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------</commentsBefore>
+ <definition location="9:8-9:62">
+ <feature xsi:type="_1:Operation" location="9:13-9:62" name="f">
+ <parameters location="9:15-9:26" varName="A">
+ <type xsi:type="_2:IntegerType" location="9:19-9:26"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <parameters location="9:28-9:37" varName="B">
+ <type xsi:type="_2:IntegerType" location="9:30-9:37"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <parameters location="9:39-9:47" varName="A">
+ <type xsi:type="_2:StringType" location="9:41-9:47"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <returnType xsi:type="_2:IntegerType" location="9:51-9:58"/>
+ <body xsi:type="_3:IntegerExp" location="9:61-9:62" integerSymbol="0"/>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="Helper" location="11:1-12:43">
+ <definition location="11:8-12:42">
+ <feature xsi:type="_1:Attribute" location="11:13-12:42" name="collectionTypes">
+ <initExpression xsi:type="_3:OperationCallExp" location="12:9-12:42" operationName="allInstances">
+ <source xsi:type="_2:OclModelElement" location="12:9-12:27" name="CollectionType" model="/24"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="_2:SetType" location="11:31-11:54">
+ <elementType xsi:type="_2:OclModelElement" location="11:35-11:53" name="CollectionType" model="/24"/>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="Helper" location="14:1-16:77">
+ <definition location="14:8-16:76">
+ <feature xsi:type="_1:Attribute" location="14:13-16:76" name="popo">
+ <initExpression xsi:type="_3:IterateExp" location="15:9-16:76">
+ <source xsi:type="_3:IteratorExp" location="15:9-15:56" name="select">
+ <source xsi:type="_3:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="15:9-15:35" name="collectionTypes">
+ <source xsi:type="_3:VariableExp" location="15:9-15:19" referredVariable="/25"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="_3:BooleanExp" location="15:51-15:55" booleanSymbol="true"/>
+ <iterators location="15:44-15:45" varName="m"/>
+ <iterators location="15:47-15:48" varName="m"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="_3:VariableExp" location="16:72-16:75" referredVariable="/0/@elements.2/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@result"/>
+ <iterators location="16:27-16:30" varName="res"/>
+ <result location="16:32-16:69" variableExp="/0/@elements.2/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@body" varName="res">
+ <type xsi:type="_2:SetType" location="16:38-16:61">
+ <elementType xsi:type="_2:OclModelElement" location="16:42-16:60" name="CollectionType" model="/24"/>
+ </type>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="_3:SetExp" location="16:64-16:69"/>
+ </result>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="_2:SetType" location="14:20-14:43">
+ <elementType xsi:type="_2:OclModelElement" location="14:24-14:42" name="CollectionType" model="/24"/>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="Helper" location="18:1-19:46">
+ <definition location="18:8-19:45">
+ <feature xsi:type="_1:Attribute" location="18:13-19:45" name="baba">
+ <initExpression xsi:type="_3:OperationCallExp" location="19:9-19:45" operationName="resolveTemp">
+ <source xsi:type="_3:VariableExp" location="19:9-19:19" referredVariable="/26"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="_3:VariableExp" location="19:32-19:36" referredVariable="/27"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="_3:StringExp" location="19:38-19:44" stringSymbol="test"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="_2:IntegerType" location="18:20-18:27"/>
+ </feature>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="Helper" location="21:1-24:15">
+ <definition location="21:8-24:14">
+ <feature xsi:type="_1:Attribute" location="21:33-24:14" name="collectionTypes">
+ <initExpression xsi:type="_3:LetExp" location="22:9-24:14">
+ <variable location="22:13-22:28" varName="x">
+ <type xsi:type="_2:IntegerType" location="22:17-22:24"/>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="_3:IntegerExp" location="22:27-22:28" integerSymbol="3"/>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="_3:LetExp" location="23:9-24:14">
+ <variable location="23:13-23:29" varName="x">
+ <type xsi:type="_2:StringType" location="23:17-23:23"/>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="_3:StringExp" location="23:26-23:29" stringSymbol="g"/>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="_3:SetExp" location="24:9-24:14"/>
+ </in_>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="_2:SetType" location="21:51-21:62">
+ <elementType xsi:type="_2:StringType" location="21:55-21:61"/>
+ </type>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="21:8-21:27">
+ <context_ xsi:type="_2:OclModelElement" location="21:16-21:27" name="Element" model="/24"/>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="Helper" location="26:1-30:17">
+ <commentsAfter>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------</commentsAfter>
+ <commentsAfter>-- RULES ----------------------------------------------------------------------</commentsAfter>
+ <commentsAfter>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------</commentsAfter>
+ <definition location="26:8-30:16">
+ <feature xsi:type="_1:Attribute" location="26:38-30:16" name="pouet">
+ <initExpression xsi:type="_3:LetExp" location="27:9-30:16">
+ <variable location="27:13-27:32" varName="self1">
+ <type xsi:type="_2:IntegerType" location="27:21-27:28"/>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="_3:IntegerExp" location="27:31-27:32" integerSymbol="3"/>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="_3:LetExp" location="28:9-30:16">
+ <variable location="28:13-28:41" varName="thisModule1">
+ <type xsi:type="_2:StringType" location="28:27-28:33"/>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="_3:StringExp" location="28:36-28:41" stringSymbol="bah"/>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="_3:LetExp" location="29:9-30:16">
+ <variable location="29:13-29:28" varName="b">
+ <type xsi:type="_2:IntegerType" location="29:17-29:24"/>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="_3:IntegerExp" location="29:27-29:28" integerSymbol="2"/>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="_3:StringExp" location="30:9-30:16" stringSymbol="pouet"/>
+ </in_>
+ </in_>
+ </initExpression>
+ <type xsi:type="_2:StringType" location="26:46-26:52"/>
+ </feature>
+ <context_ location="26:8-26:32">
+ <context_ xsi:type="_2:SetType" location="26:16-26:32">
+ <elementType xsi:type="_2:OclModelElement" location="26:20-26:31" name="Element" model="/24"/>
+ </context_>
+ </context_>
+ </definition>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="MatchedRule" location="38:1-62:2" name="R1" isAbstract="false">
+ <outPattern location="48:9-61:18">
+ <elements xsi:type="SimpleOutPatternElement" location="49:17-53:18" varName="t">
+ <type xsi:type="_2:OclModelElement" location="49:21-49:36" name="Problem" model="/23"/>
+ <bindings location="50:25-50:36" propertyName="a">
+ <value xsi:type="_3:EnumLiteralExp" location="50:30-50:36" name="error"/>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="51:25-51:40" propertyName="b">
+ <value xsi:type="_3:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="51:30-51:40" name="location">
+ <source xsi:type="_3:VariableExp" location="51:30-51:31" referredVariable="/0/@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ <bindings location="52:25-52:72" propertyName="c">
+ <value xsi:type="_3:OperatorCallExp" location="52:30-52:72" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="_3:OperatorCallExp" location="52:30-52:49" operationName="+">
+ <source xsi:type="_3:StringExp" location="52:30-52:40" stringSymbol="model '"/>
+ <arguments xsi:type="_3:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="52:43-52:49" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="_3:VariableExp" location="52:43-52:44" referredVariable="/0/@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="_3:StringExp" location="52:52-52:72" stringSymbol="' already defined"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="SimpleOutPatternElement" location="55:17-57:18" varName="u">
+ <type xsi:type="_2:OclModelElement" location="55:21-55:36" name="Problem" model="/23"/>
+ <bindings location="56:25-56:34" propertyName="a">
+ <value xsi:type="_3:VariableExp" location="56:30-56:34" referredVariable="/29"/>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ <elements xsi:type="SimpleOutPatternElement" location="59:17-61:18" varName="v">
+ <type xsi:type="_2:OclModelElement" location="59:21-59:36" name="Problem" model="/23"/>
+ <bindings location="60:25-60:60" propertyName="x">
+ <value xsi:type="_3:LetExp" location="60:30-60:60">
+ <variable location="60:34-60:49" varName="a">
+ <type xsi:type="_2:IntegerType" location="60:38-60:45"/>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="_3:IntegerExp" location="60:48-60:49" integerSymbol="3"/>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="_3:StringExp" location="60:53-60:60" stringSymbol="pouet"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
+ <variables location="45:25-45:41" varName="a">
+ <type xsi:type="_2:IntegerType" location="45:29-45:36"/>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="_3:IntegerExp" location="45:39-45:40" integerSymbol="0"/>
+ </variables>
+ <variables location="46:25-46:72" varName="b">
+ <type xsi:type="_2:StringType" location="46:29-46:35"/>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="_3:LetExp" location="46:38-46:71">
+ <variable location="46:42-46:61" varName="a">
+ <type xsi:type="_2:BooleanType" location="46:46-46:53"/>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="_3:BooleanExp" location="46:56-46:61" booleanSymbol="false"/>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="_3:StringExp" location="46:65-46:71" stringSymbol="kjfg"/>
+ </initExpression>
+ </variables>
+ <inPattern location="39:9-43:18">
+ <elements xsi:type="SimpleInPatternElement" location="40:17-40:33" variableExp="/0/@elements.6/@inPattern/@filter/@in_/@body/@source/@arguments.0/@source /0/@elements.6/@inPattern/@filter/@in_/@body/@arguments.0/@arguments.0 /0/@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.1/@value/@source /0/@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.0/@bindings.2/@value/@source/@arguments.0/@source" varName="s">
+ <type xsi:type="_2:OclModelElement" location="40:21-40:33" name="OclModel" model="/24"/>
+ </elements>
+ <filter xsi:type="_3:LetExp" location="41:25-42:85">
+ <variable location="41:29-41:44" varName="b">
+ <type xsi:type="_2:IntegerType" location="41:33-41:40"/>
+ <initExpression xsi:type="_3:IntegerExp" location="41:43-41:44" integerSymbol="0"/>
+ </variable>
+ <in_ xsi:type="_3:IteratorExp" location="42:25-42:85" name="exists">
+ <source xsi:type="_3:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="42:25-42:45" name="allModels">
+ <source xsi:type="_3:VariableExp" location="42:25-42:35" referredVariable="/28"/>
+ </source>
+ <body xsi:type="_3:OperatorCallExp" location="42:58-42:84" operationName="and">
+ <source xsi:type="_3:OperatorCallExp" location="42:58-42:73" operationName="=">
+ <source xsi:type="_3:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="42:58-42:64" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="_3:VariableExp" location="42:58-42:59" referredVariable="/0/@elements.6/@inPattern/@filter/@in_/@iterators.0"/>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="_3:NavigationOrAttributeCallExp" location="42:67-42:73" name="name">
+ <source xsi:type="_3:VariableExp" location="42:67-42:68" referredVariable="/0/@elements.6/@inPattern/@elements.0"/>
+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="_3:OperatorCallExp" location="42:78-42:84" operationName="&lt;>">
+ <source xsi:type="_3:VariableExp" location="42:78-42:79" referredVariable="/0/@elements.6/@inPattern/@filter/@in_/@iterators.0"/>
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+ </arguments>
+ </body>
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+ </in_>
+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
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+ </bindings>
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+ </value>
+ </bindings>
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+ </arguments>
+ </source>
+ <arguments xsi:type="_3:StringExp" location="73:62-73:82" stringSymbol="' already defined"/>
+ </value>
+ </bindings>
+ </elements>
+ </outPattern>
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+ <type xsi:type="_2:OclModelElement" location="66:21-66:33" name="OclModel" model="/24"/>
+ </elements>
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+ </filter>
+ </inPattern>
+ </elements>
+ </Module>
+ <_2:IntegerType location="9:19-9:26"/>
+ <_2:IntegerType location="9:30-9:37"/>
+ <_2:StringType location="9:41-9:47"/>
+ <_2:SetType location="16:38-16:61">
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+ </_2:SetType>
+ <_2:OclModelElement location="21:16-21:27" name="Element" model="/24"/>
+ <_2:IntegerType location="22:17-22:24"/>
+ <_2:StringType location="23:17-23:23"/>
+ <_2:SetType location="26:16-26:32">
+ <elementType xsi:type="_2:OclModelElement" location="26:20-26:31" name="Element" model="/24"/>
+ </_2:SetType>
+ <_2:IntegerType location="27:21-27:28"/>
+ <_2:StringType location="28:27-28:33"/>
+ <_2:IntegerType location="29:17-29:24"/>
+ <_2:OclModelElement location="40:21-40:33" name="OclModel" model="/24"/>
+ <_2:IntegerType location="41:33-41:40"/>
+ <_2:IntegerType location="45:29-45:36"/>
+ <_2:StringType location="46:29-46:35"/>
+ <_2:BooleanType location="46:46-46:53"/>
+ <_2:OclModelElement location="49:21-49:36" name="Problem" model="/23"/>
+ <_2:OclModelElement location="55:21-55:36" name="Problem" model="/23"/>
+ <_2:OclModelElement location="59:21-59:36" name="Problem" model="/23"/>
+ <_2:IntegerType location="60:38-60:45"/>
+ <_2:OclModelElement location="66:21-66:33" name="OclModel" model="/24"/>
+ <_2:OclModelElement location="70:21-70:36" name="Problem" model="/23"/>
+ <_1:OclModel elements="/17 /18 /19 /22" model="/0/@outModels.0" name="Problem"/>
+ <_1:OclModel elements="/0/@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@type/@elementType /0/@elements.1/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@source /0/@elements.2/@definition/@feature/@type/@elementType /4/@elementType /5 /8/@elementType /12 /21" model="/0/@inModels.0" name="ATL"/>
+ <_3:VariableDeclaration variableExp="/0/@elements.2/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@source/@source/@source" varName="thisModule"/>
+ <_3:VariableDeclaration variableExp="/0/@elements.3/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@source" varName="thisModule"/>
+ <_3:VariableDeclaration variableExp="/0/@elements.3/@definition/@feature/@initExpression/@arguments.0" varName="self"/>
+ <_3:VariableDeclaration variableExp="/0/@elements.6/@inPattern/@filter/@in_/@source/@source" varName="thisModule"/>
+ <_3:VariableDeclaration variableExp="/0/@elements.6/@outPattern/@elements.1/@bindings.0/@value" varName="self"/>
+ <_3:VariableDeclaration variableExp="/0/@elements.7/@inPattern/@filter/@source" varName="thisModule"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/Problem.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/Problem.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..591c1674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/Problem.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ecore="">
+ <ecore:EPackage name="PrimitiveTypes">
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+ </ecore:EPackage>
+ <ecore:EPackage name="Diagnostic">
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+ <eLiterals name="error"/>
+ <eLiterals name="warning"/>
+ <eLiterals name="critic"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Problem">
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/readme.txt b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea014780
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/ATL2Problem/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This test case is related to the use case available at :
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..303b7722
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns:ecore="">
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/Target"/>
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+ eType="#/0/Path" containment="true"/>
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+ eType="#/0/Property" containment="true"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/0/TaskDef" containment="true"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/0/Target" containment="true"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/0/Target"/>
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+ eType="#/0/Task" containment="true" eOpposite="#/0/Task/target"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/0/Excludes" containment="true"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/0/FiltersFile" containment="true"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/Target" eOpposite="#/0/Target/tasks"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/ClassPath" containment="true"/>
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+ eSuperTypes="#/0/PreDefinedTask"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/String"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/0/InExcludes" containment="true"/>
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+ eType="#/0/ClassPath" containment="true"/>
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+ eSuperTypes="#/0/PreDefinedTask"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="defaultexcludes" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="author" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="version" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="use" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="windowtitle" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="ArchiveTask" abstract="true" eSuperTypes="#/0/PreDefinedTask"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Jar" eSuperTypes="#/0/ArchiveTask">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="jarfile" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="basedir" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="compress" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="encoding" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="manifest" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="FileTask" abstract="true" eSuperTypes="#/0/PreDefinedTask"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Mkdir" eSuperTypes="#/0/FileTask">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="dir" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Copy" eSuperTypes="#/0/FileTask">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="file" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="presservelastmodified"
+ ordered="false" eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="tofile" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="todir" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="overwrite" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="filtering" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="flatten" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="includeEmptyDirs" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="fileset" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/FileSet" containment="true"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="filterset" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/FilterSet" containment="true"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="mapper" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/Mapper" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Delete" eSuperTypes="#/0/FileTask">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="file" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="dir" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="verbose" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="quiet" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="failonerror" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="includeEmptyDirs" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="includes" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="includesfile" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="excludes" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="excludesfile" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="defaultexcludes" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
+ <ecore:EPackage name="PrimitiveTypes">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="String"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven.asm b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..01597005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,4629 @@
+<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ?>
+<asm name="0">
+ <cp>
+ <constant value="Ant2Maven"/>
+ <constant value="links"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;"/>
+ <constant value="col"/>
+ <constant value="J;"/>
+ <constant value="main"/>
+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="0"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
+ <constant value="J.setName(S):V"/>
+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntProject2Maven():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntProject2MavenWithoutDescription():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntTarget2MavenMavenGoal():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntPropertyValue2MavenMavenAntPropertyValue():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntPropertyLocation2MavenMavenAntPropertyLocation():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntPropertyFile2MavenMavenAntPropertyFile():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntPropertyEnv2MavenMavenAntPropertyEnv():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntJava2MavenMavenJava():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntJavac2MavenMavenJavac():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntJavadoc2MavenMavenJavadoc():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntTstamp2MavenMavenTstamp():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntJar2MavenMavenJar():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntMkdir2MavenMavenMkdir():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntCopy2MavenMavenCopy():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntDelete2MavenMavenDelete():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntTaskDef2MavenMavenTaskDef():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntNewTask2MavenMavenNewTask():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntAttribut2MavenMavenAttribut():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntPath2MavenMavenPath():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntClassPath2MavenMavenClassPath():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntPathElement2MavenMavenPathElement():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntFileSet2MavenMavenFileSet():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntFilterSet2MavenMavenFilterSet():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntFilter2MavenMavenFilter():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntFiltersFile2MavenMavenFiltersFile():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntPatternset2MavenMavenPatternset():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntIncludes2MavenMavenIncludes():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntExcludes2MavenMavenExcludes():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntIncludesFile2MavenMavenIncludesFile():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAntExcludesFile2MavenMavenExcludesFile():V"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntProject2Maven"/>
+ <constant value="Project"/>
+ <constant value="Ant"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
+ <constant value="IN"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.union(CJ):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="description"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="25"/>
+ <constant value=""/>
+ <constant value="J.=(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.not():J"/>
+ <constant value="26"/>
+ <constant value="B.not():B"/>
+ <constant value="65"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="AntProject2Maven"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="a"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="mp"/>
+ <constant value="MavenProject"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="mpBuild"/>
+ <constant value="Build"/>
+ <constant value="mm"/>
+ <constant value="MavenMaven"/>
+ <constant value="itsXmlns"/>
+ <constant value="Xmlns"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="9:6-9:7"/>
+ <constant value="9:6-9:19"/>
+ <constant value="9:6-9:36"/>
+ <constant value="11:14-11:15"/>
+ <constant value="11:14-11:27"/>
+ <constant value="11:28-11:30"/>
+ <constant value="11:14-11:30"/>
+ <constant value="11:9-11:31"/>
+ <constant value="10:9-10:14"/>
+ <constant value="9:3-12:9"/>
+ <constant value="15:11-15:31"/>
+ <constant value="21:15-21:33"/>
+ <constant value="26:9-26:27"/>
+ <constant value="34:15-34:31"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntProject2MavenWithoutDescription"/>
+ <constant value="24"/>
+ <constant value="64"/>
+ <constant value="AntProject2MavenWithoutDescription"/>
+ <constant value="42:6-42:7"/>
+ <constant value="42:6-42:19"/>
+ <constant value="42:6-42:36"/>
+ <constant value="44:9-44:10"/>
+ <constant value="44:9-44:22"/>
+ <constant value="44:23-44:25"/>
+ <constant value="44:9-44:25"/>
+ <constant value="43:9-43:13"/>
+ <constant value="42:3-45:9"/>
+ <constant value="48:11-48:31"/>
+ <constant value="53:15-53:33"/>
+ <constant value="58:9-58:27"/>
+ <constant value="67:15-67:31"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntTarget2MavenMavenGoal"/>
+ <constant value="Target"/>
+ <constant value="59"/>
+ <constant value="AntTarget2MavenMavenGoal"/>
+ <constant value="itsDependencies"/>
+ <constant value="depends"/>
+ <constant value="J.asSequence():J"/>
+ <constant value="2"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addVariable(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="mg"/>
+ <constant value="Goal"/>
+ <constant value="dependencies"/>
+ <constant value="AttainGoal"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.including(J):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="91:44-91:45"/>
+ <constant value="91:44-91:53"/>
+ <constant value="91:44-91:67"/>
+ <constant value="93:10-93:25"/>
+ <constant value="97:61-97:76"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntPropertyValue2MavenMavenAntPropertyValue"/>
+ <constant value="PropertyValue"/>
+ <constant value="37"/>
+ <constant value="AntPropertyValue2MavenMavenAntPropertyValue"/>
+ <constant value="m"/>
+ <constant value="AntPropertyValue"/>
+ <constant value="111:9-111:36"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntPropertyLocation2MavenMavenAntPropertyLocation"/>
+ <constant value="PropertyLocation"/>
+ <constant value="AntPropertyLocation2MavenMavenAntPropertyLocation"/>
+ <constant value="AntPropertyLocation"/>
+ <constant value="119:9-119:39"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntPropertyFile2MavenMavenAntPropertyFile"/>
+ <constant value="PropertyFile"/>
+ <constant value="AntPropertyFile2MavenMavenAntPropertyFile"/>
+ <constant value="AntPropertyFile"/>
+ <constant value="128:9-128:35"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntPropertyEnv2MavenMavenAntPropertyEnv"/>
+ <constant value="PropertyEnv"/>
+ <constant value="AntPropertyEnv2MavenMavenAntPropertyEnv"/>
+ <constant value="AntPropertyEnv"/>
+ <constant value="134:9-134:34"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntJava2MavenMavenJava"/>
+ <constant value="Java"/>
+ <constant value="AntJava2MavenMavenJava"/>
+ <constant value="145:9-145:24"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntJavac2MavenMavenJavac"/>
+ <constant value="Javac"/>
+ <constant value="AntJavac2MavenMavenJavac"/>
+ <constant value="155:9-155:25"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntJavadoc2MavenMavenJavadoc"/>
+ <constant value="Javadoc"/>
+ <constant value="AntJavadoc2MavenMavenJavadoc"/>
+ <constant value="165:9-165:27"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntTstamp2MavenMavenTstamp"/>
+ <constant value="Tstamp"/>
+ <constant value="AntTstamp2MavenMavenTstamp"/>
+ <constant value="181:9-181:26"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntJar2MavenMavenJar"/>
+ <constant value="Jar"/>
+ <constant value="AntJar2MavenMavenJar"/>
+ <constant value="188:9-188:23"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntMkdir2MavenMavenMkdir"/>
+ <constant value="Mkdir"/>
+ <constant value="AntMkdir2MavenMavenMkdir"/>
+ <constant value="197:9-197:25"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntCopy2MavenMavenCopy"/>
+ <constant value="Copy"/>
+ <constant value="AntCopy2MavenMavenCopy"/>
+ <constant value="203:9-203:24"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntDelete2MavenMavenDelete"/>
+ <constant value="Delete"/>
+ <constant value="AntDelete2MavenMavenDelete"/>
+ <constant value="213:9-213:26"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntTaskDef2MavenMavenTaskDef"/>
+ <constant value="TaskDef"/>
+ <constant value="AntTaskDef2MavenMavenTaskDef"/>
+ <constant value="AntTaskDef"/>
+ <constant value="221:9-221:30"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntNewTask2MavenMavenNewTask"/>
+ <constant value="NewTask"/>
+ <constant value="AntNewTask2MavenMavenNewTask"/>
+ <constant value="229:9-229:27"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntAttribut2MavenMavenAttribut"/>
+ <constant value="Attribut"/>
+ <constant value="AntAttribut2MavenMavenAttribut"/>
+ <constant value="237:9-237:28"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntPath2MavenMavenPath"/>
+ <constant value="Path"/>
+ <constant value="AntPath2MavenMavenPath"/>
+ <constant value="247:10-247:25"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntClassPath2MavenMavenClassPath"/>
+ <constant value="ClassPath"/>
+ <constant value="AntClassPath2MavenMavenClassPath"/>
+ <constant value="258:10-258:30"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntPathElement2MavenMavenPathElement"/>
+ <constant value="PathElement"/>
+ <constant value="AntPathElement2MavenMavenPathElement"/>
+ <constant value="267:10-267:32"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntFileSet2MavenMavenFileSet"/>
+ <constant value="FileSet"/>
+ <constant value="AntFileSet2MavenMavenFileSet"/>
+ <constant value="275:9-275:27"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntFilterSet2MavenMavenFilterSet"/>
+ <constant value="FilterSet"/>
+ <constant value="AntFilterSet2MavenMavenFilterSet"/>
+ <constant value="286:9-286:29"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntFilter2MavenMavenFilter"/>
+ <constant value="Filter"/>
+ <constant value="AntFilter2MavenMavenFilter"/>
+ <constant value="296:9-296:26"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntFiltersFile2MavenMavenFiltersFile"/>
+ <constant value="FiltersFile"/>
+ <constant value="AntFiltersFile2MavenMavenFiltersFile"/>
+ <constant value="304:9-304:31"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntPatternset2MavenMavenPatternset"/>
+ <constant value="PatternSet"/>
+ <constant value="AntPatternset2MavenMavenPatternset"/>
+ <constant value="312:9-312:30"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntIncludes2MavenMavenIncludes"/>
+ <constant value="Includes"/>
+ <constant value="AntIncludes2MavenMavenIncludes"/>
+ <constant value="320:9-320:28"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntExcludes2MavenMavenExcludes"/>
+ <constant value="Excludes"/>
+ <constant value="AntExcludes2MavenMavenExcludes"/>
+ <constant value="329:9-329:28"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntIncludesFile2MavenMavenIncludesFile"/>
+ <constant value="IncludesFile"/>
+ <constant value="AntIncludesFile2MavenMavenIncludesFile"/>
+ <constant value="338:9-338:32"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAntExcludesFile2MavenMavenExcludesFile"/>
+ <constant value="ExcludesFile"/>
+ <constant value="AntExcludesFile2MavenMavenExcludesFile"/>
+ <constant value="347:9-347:32"/>
+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="J"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):B"/>
+ <constant value="18"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinkBySourceElement(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="15"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetFromSource(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="30"/>
+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.including(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="e"/>
+ <constant value="value"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntProject2Maven(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntProject2MavenWithoutDescription(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntTarget2MavenMavenGoal(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntPropertyValue2MavenMavenAntPropertyValue(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntPropertyLocation2MavenMavenAntPropertyLocation(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntPropertyFile2MavenMavenAntPropertyFile(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntPropertyEnv2MavenMavenAntPropertyEnv(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntJava2MavenMavenJava(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntJavac2MavenMavenJavac(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntJavadoc2MavenMavenJavadoc(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntTstamp2MavenMavenTstamp(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntJar2MavenMavenJar(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntMkdir2MavenMavenMkdir(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntCopy2MavenMavenCopy(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntDelete2MavenMavenDelete(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntTaskDef2MavenMavenTaskDef(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntNewTask2MavenMavenNewTask(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntAttribut2MavenMavenAttribut(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntPath2MavenMavenPath(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntClassPath2MavenMavenClassPath(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntPathElement2MavenMavenPathElement(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntFileSet2MavenMavenFileSet(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntFilterSet2MavenMavenFilterSet(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntFilter2MavenMavenFilter(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntFiltersFile2MavenMavenFiltersFile(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntPatternset2MavenMavenPatternset(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntIncludes2MavenMavenIncludes(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntExcludes2MavenMavenExcludes(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntIncludesFile2MavenMavenIncludesFile(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAntExcludesFile2MavenMavenExcludesFile(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="__applyAntProject2Maven"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="4"/>
+ <constant value="5"/>
+ <constant value="6"/>
+ <constant value="id"/>
+ <constant value="build"/>
+ <constant value="basedir"/>
+ <constant value="sourceDirectory"/>
+ <constant value="default"/>
+ <constant value="defaultGoal"/>
+ <constant value="xmlns"/>
+ <constant value="path"/>
+ <constant value="properties"/>
+ <constant value="taskdef"/>
+ <constant value="taskdefs"/>
+ <constant value="targets"/>
+ <constant value="goals"/>
+ <constant value="ant"/>
+ <constant value="jelly:ant"/>
+ <constant value="16:14-16:15"/>
+ <constant value="16:14-16:20"/>
+ <constant value="16:8-16:20"/>
+ <constant value="17:16-17:17"/>
+ <constant value="17:16-17:22"/>
+ <constant value="17:8-17:22"/>
+ <constant value="18:20-18:21"/>
+ <constant value="18:20-18:33"/>
+ <constant value="18:5-18:33"/>
+ <constant value="19:14-19:21"/>
+ <constant value="19:5-19:21"/>
+ <constant value="22:24-22:25"/>
+ <constant value="22:24-22:33"/>
+ <constant value="22:5-22:33"/>
+ <constant value="23:20-23:21"/>
+ <constant value="23:20-23:29"/>
+ <constant value="23:20-23:34"/>
+ <constant value="23:5-23:34"/>
+ <constant value="27:14-27:22"/>
+ <constant value="27:5-27:22"/>
+ <constant value="28:16-28:17"/>
+ <constant value="28:16-28:25"/>
+ <constant value="28:5-28:25"/>
+ <constant value="29:13-29:14"/>
+ <constant value="29:13-29:19"/>
+ <constant value="29:5-29:19"/>
+ <constant value="30:19-30:20"/>
+ <constant value="30:19-30:31"/>
+ <constant value="30:5-30:31"/>
+ <constant value="31:17-31:18"/>
+ <constant value="31:17-31:26"/>
+ <constant value="31:5-31:26"/>
+ <constant value="32:14-32:15"/>
+ <constant value="32:14-32:23"/>
+ <constant value="32:5-32:23"/>
+ <constant value="35:13-35:18"/>
+ <constant value="35:5-35:18"/>
+ <constant value="36:14-36:25"/>
+ <constant value="36:5-36:25"/>
+ <constant value="link"/>
+ <constant value="__applyAntProject2MavenWithoutDescription"/>
+ <constant value="49:14-49:15"/>
+ <constant value="49:14-49:20"/>
+ <constant value="49:8-49:20"/>
+ <constant value="50:16-50:17"/>
+ <constant value="50:16-50:22"/>
+ <constant value="50:8-50:22"/>
+ <constant value="51:14-51:21"/>
+ <constant value="51:5-51:21"/>
+ <constant value="54:24-54:25"/>
+ <constant value="54:24-54:33"/>
+ <constant value="54:5-54:33"/>
+ <constant value="55:20-55:21"/>
+ <constant value="55:20-55:29"/>
+ <constant value="55:20-55:34"/>
+ <constant value="55:5-55:34"/>
+ <constant value="59:14-59:22"/>
+ <constant value="59:5-59:22"/>
+ <constant value="60:16-60:17"/>
+ <constant value="60:16-60:25"/>
+ <constant value="60:5-60:25"/>
+ <constant value="61:13-61:14"/>
+ <constant value="61:13-61:19"/>
+ <constant value="61:5-61:19"/>
+ <constant value="62:19-62:20"/>
+ <constant value="62:19-62:31"/>
+ <constant value="62:5-62:31"/>
+ <constant value="63:17-63:18"/>
+ <constant value="63:17-63:26"/>
+ <constant value="63:5-63:26"/>
+ <constant value="64:14-64:15"/>
+ <constant value="64:14-64:23"/>
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+ <constant value="68:5-68:18"/>
+ <constant value="69:14-69:25"/>
+ <constant value="69:5-69:25"/>
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+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getVariable(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="tasks"/>
+ <constant value="contentsGoal"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.asSequence():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="7"/>
+ <constant value=""/>
+ <constant value="8"/>
+ <constant value="58"/>
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+ <constant value="I.+(I):I"/>
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+ <constant value="94:11-94:17"/>
+ <constant value="94:3-94:17"/>
+ <constant value="95:28-95:40"/>
+ <constant value="95:41-95:42"/>
+ <constant value="95:41-95:48"/>
+ <constant value="95:19-95:49"/>
+ <constant value="95:3-95:49"/>
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+ <constant value="112:11-112:17"/>
+ <constant value="112:3-112:17"/>
+ <constant value="113:12-113:13"/>
+ <constant value="113:12-113:19"/>
+ <constant value="113:3-113:19"/>
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+ <constant value="120:11-120:12"/>
+ <constant value="120:11-120:17"/>
+ <constant value="120:3-120:17"/>
+ <constant value="121:15-121:16"/>
+ <constant value="121:15-121:25"/>
+ <constant value="121:3-121:25"/>
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+ <constant value="129:11-129:12"/>
+ <constant value="129:11-129:17"/>
+ <constant value="129:3-129:17"/>
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+ <constant value="135:18-135:19"/>
+ <constant value="135:18-135:31"/>
+ <constant value="135:3-135:31"/>
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+ <constant value="jar"/>
+ <constant value="fork"/>
+ <constant value="classPath"/>
+ <constant value="146:16-146:17"/>
+ <constant value="146:16-146:27"/>
+ <constant value="146:3-146:27"/>
+ <constant value="147:10-147:11"/>
+ <constant value="147:10-147:15"/>
+ <constant value="147:3-147:15"/>
+ <constant value="148:11-148:12"/>
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+ <constant value="149:18-149:29"/>
+ <constant value="149:5-149:29"/>
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+ <constant value="srcdir"/>
+ <constant value="inExcludes"/>
+ <constant value="156:14-156:15"/>
+ <constant value="156:14-156:23"/>
+ <constant value="156:3-156:23"/>
+ <constant value="157:13-157:14"/>
+ <constant value="157:13-157:21"/>
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+ <constant value="168:21-168:35"/>
+ <constant value="168:5-168:35"/>
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+ <constant value="169:24-169:41"/>
+ <constant value="169:5-169:41"/>
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+ <constant value="171:5-171:25"/>
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+ <constant value="172:5-172:17"/>
+ <constant value="173:20-173:21"/>
+ <constant value="173:20-173:33"/>
+ <constant value="173:5-173:33"/>
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+ <constant value="189:14-189:15"/>
+ <constant value="189:14-189:23"/>
+ <constant value="189:3-189:23"/>
+ <constant value="190:14-190:15"/>
+ <constant value="190:14-190:23"/>
+ <constant value="190:3-190:23"/>
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+ <constant value="198:10-198:15"/>
+ <constant value="198:3-198:15"/>
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+ <constant value="204:12-204:19"/>
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+ <constant value="205:14-205:15"/>
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+ <constant value="206:16-206:17"/>
+ <constant value="206:16-206:27"/>
+ <constant value="206:3-206:27"/>
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+ <constant value="214:10-214:11"/>
+ <constant value="214:10-214:15"/>
+ <constant value="214:3-214:15"/>
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+ <constant value="222:11-222:12"/>
+ <constant value="222:11-222:17"/>
+ <constant value="222:3-222:17"/>
+ <constant value="223:16-223:17"/>
+ <constant value="223:16-223:27"/>
+ <constant value="223:3-223:27"/>
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+ <constant value="230:15-230:16"/>
+ <constant value="230:15-230:25"/>
+ <constant value="230:3-230:25"/>
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+ <constant value="248:9-248:10"/>
+ <constant value="248:9-248:13"/>
+ <constant value="248:3-248:13"/>
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+ <constant value="252:19-252:20"/>
+ <constant value="252:19-252:32"/>
+ <constant value="252:4-252:32"/>
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+ <constant value="261:20-261:21"/>
+ <constant value="261:20-261:29"/>
+ <constant value="261:9-261:29"/>
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+ <constant value="268:11-268:17"/>
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+ <constant value="276:10-276:15"/>
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+ <constant value="279:20-279:21"/>
+ <constant value="279:20-279:29"/>
+ <constant value="279:9-279:29"/>
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+ <constant value="287:17-287:29"/>
+ <constant value="287:3-287:29"/>
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+ <constant value="290:18-290:31"/>
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+ <constant value="321:3-321:17"/>
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+ </code>
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+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="646" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="647" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="648" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="70" begin="3" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="136" begin="7" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="359" begin="0" end="15"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="649">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="57" type="298"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="70"/>
+ <call arg="299"/>
+ <store arg="120"/>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="136"/>
+ <call arg="300"/>
+ <store arg="301"/>
+ <load arg="301"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="120"/>
+ <get arg="264"/>
+ <call arg="256"/>
+ <set arg="264"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="120"/>
+ <get arg="650"/>
+ <call arg="256"/>
+ <set arg="650"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="120"/>
+ <get arg="651"/>
+ <call arg="256"/>
+ <set arg="651"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="652" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="653" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="654" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="655" begin="17" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="656" begin="17" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="657" begin="15" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="658" begin="23" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="659" begin="23" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="660" begin="21" end="26"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="70" begin="3" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="136" begin="7" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="359" begin="0" end="27"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="661">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="57" type="298"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="70"/>
+ <call arg="299"/>
+ <store arg="120"/>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="136"/>
+ <call arg="300"/>
+ <store arg="301"/>
+ <load arg="301"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="120"/>
+ <get arg="264"/>
+ <call arg="256"/>
+ <set arg="264"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="120"/>
+ <get arg="650"/>
+ <call arg="256"/>
+ <set arg="650"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="120"/>
+ <get arg="651"/>
+ <call arg="256"/>
+ <set arg="651"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="662" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="663" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="664" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="665" begin="17" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="666" begin="17" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="667" begin="15" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="668" begin="23" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="669" begin="23" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="670" begin="21" end="26"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="70" begin="3" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="136" begin="7" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="359" begin="0" end="27"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="671">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="57" type="298"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="70"/>
+ <call arg="299"/>
+ <store arg="120"/>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="136"/>
+ <call arg="300"/>
+ <store arg="301"/>
+ <load arg="301"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="120"/>
+ <get arg="264"/>
+ <call arg="256"/>
+ <set arg="264"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="120"/>
+ <get arg="650"/>
+ <call arg="256"/>
+ <set arg="650"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="120"/>
+ <get arg="651"/>
+ <call arg="256"/>
+ <set arg="651"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="672" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="673" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="674" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="675" begin="17" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="676" begin="17" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="677" begin="15" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="678" begin="23" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="679" begin="23" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="680" begin="21" end="26"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="70" begin="3" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="136" begin="7" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="359" begin="0" end="27"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="681">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="57" type="298"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="70"/>
+ <call arg="299"/>
+ <store arg="120"/>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="136"/>
+ <call arg="300"/>
+ <store arg="301"/>
+ <load arg="301"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="120"/>
+ <get arg="264"/>
+ <call arg="256"/>
+ <set arg="264"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="120"/>
+ <get arg="650"/>
+ <call arg="256"/>
+ <set arg="650"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="120"/>
+ <get arg="651"/>
+ <call arg="256"/>
+ <set arg="651"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="682" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="683" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="684" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="685" begin="17" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="686" begin="17" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="687" begin="15" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="688" begin="23" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="689" begin="23" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="690" begin="21" end="26"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="70" begin="3" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="136" begin="7" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="359" begin="0" end="27"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94eeff93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+module Ant2Maven;
+create OUTMaven : MavenMaven ,OUTProject : MavenProject from IN : Ant;
+-- central element : Project
+-- two files to create : MavenMaven (representing maven.xml)
+-- and MavenProject (representing project.xml)
+rule AntProject2Maven{
+ from a : Ant!Project(
+ if a.description.oclIsUndefined()
+ then false
+ else not (a.description='')
+ endif
+ )
+ -- for MavenProject
+ to mp : MavenProject!Project(
+ id <-,
+ name <-,
+ description <- a.description,
+ build <- mpBuild
+ ),
+ mpBuild : MavenProject!Build(
+ sourceDirectory <- a.basedir,
+ defaultGoal <-
+ ),
+ -- for MavenMaven
+ mm : MavenMaven!Project(
+ xmlns <- itsXmlns,
+ default <- a.default,
+ path <- a.path,
+ properties <-,
+ taskdefs <- a.taskdef,
+ goals <- a.targets
+ ),
+ itsXmlns : MavenMaven!Xmlns(
+ name <- 'ant',
+ value <- 'jelly:ant'
+ )
+rule AntProject2MavenWithoutDescription{
+ from a : Ant!Project(
+ if a.description.oclIsUndefined()
+ then true
+ else a.description=''
+ endif
+ )
+ -- for MavenProject
+ to mp : MavenProject!Project(
+ id <-,
+ name <-,
+ build <- mpBuild
+ ),
+ mpBuild : MavenProject!Build(
+ sourceDirectory <- a.basedir,
+ defaultGoal <-
+ ),
+ -- for MavenMaven
+ mm : MavenMaven!Project(
+ xmlns <- itsXmlns,
+ default <- a.default,
+ path <- a.path,
+ properties <-,
+ taskdefs <- a.taskdef,
+ goals <- a.targets--,
+ -- prePostGoals <- a.targets -> select(e|not e.depends.oclIsUndefined() and e.depends->size()>0)
+ ),
+ itsXmlns : MavenMaven!Xmlns(
+ name <- 'ant',
+ value <- 'jelly:ant'
+ )
+-- rules only for Maven.xml (meta model : MavenMaven)
+ -- goals
+-- rule AntTarget2MavenMavenGoal2{
+-- from a : Ant!Target(
+-- a.depends.oclIsUndefined() or a.depends->size()=0
+-- )
+-- to mg : MavenMaven!Goal(
+-- name <-,
+-- contentsGoal <- a.tasks
+-- )
+-- }
+rule AntTarget2MavenMavenGoal{
+ from a : Ant!Target
+ using {
+ itsDependencies : Sequence(Ant!Target) = a.depends->asSequence();
+ }
+ to mg : MavenMaven!Goal(
+ name <-,
+ contentsGoal <- Sequence{dependencies,a.tasks}
+ ),
+ dependencies : distinct MavenMaven!AttainGoal foreach(g in itsDependencies) (
+ attainGoal <- g
+ )
+ }
+-- for the following rules : simple copy
+-- copy of Ant Properties
+rule AntPropertyValue2MavenMavenAntPropertyValue{
+ from a : Ant!PropertyValue
+ to m : MavenMaven!AntPropertyValue(
+ name <-,
+ value <- a.value
+ )
+rule AntPropertyLocation2MavenMavenAntPropertyLocation{
+ from a : Ant!PropertyLocation
+ to m : MavenMaven!AntPropertyLocation(
+ name <-,
+ location <- a.location
+ )
+rule AntPropertyFile2MavenMavenAntPropertyFile{
+ from a : Ant!PropertyFile
+ to m : MavenMaven!AntPropertyFile(
+ file <- a.file)
+rule AntPropertyEnv2MavenMavenAntPropertyEnv{
+ from a : Ant!PropertyEnv
+ to m : MavenMaven!AntPropertyEnv(
+ environment <- a.environment)
+-- copy of tasks
+-- java tasks
+rule AntJava2MavenMavenJava{
+ from a : Ant!Java
+ to m : MavenMaven!Java(
+ classname <- a.classname,
+ jar <- a.jar,
+ fork <- a.fork,
+ classPath <- a.classPath
+ )
+rule AntJavac2MavenMavenJavac{
+ from a : Ant!Javac
+ to m : MavenMaven!Javac(
+ destdir <- a.destdir,
+ srcdir <- a.srcdir,
+ classPath <- a.classPath,
+ inExcludes <- a.inExcludes
+ )
+rule AntJavadoc2MavenMavenJavadoc{
+ from a : Ant!Javadoc
+ to m : MavenMaven!Javadoc(
+ sourcepath <- a.sourcepath,
+ destdir <- a.destdir,
+ packagenames <- a.packagenames,
+ defaultexcludes <- a.defaultexcludes,
+ author <-,
+ version <- a.version,
+ use <- a.use,
+ windowtitle <- a.windowtitle
+ )
+rule AntTstamp2MavenMavenTstamp{
+ from a : Ant!Tstamp
+ to m : MavenMaven!Tstamp()
+rule AntJar2MavenMavenJar{
+ from a : Ant!Jar
+ to m : MavenMaven!Jar(
+ jarfile <- a.jarfile,
+ basedir <- a.basedir)
+rule AntMkdir2MavenMavenMkdir{
+ from a : Ant!Mkdir
+ to m : MavenMaven!Mkdir(
+ dir <- a.dir)
+rule AntCopy2MavenMavenCopy{
+ from a : Ant!Copy
+ to m : MavenMaven!Copy(
+ todir <- a.todir,
+ fileset <- a.fileset,
+ filterset <- a.filterset
+ )
+rule AntDelete2MavenMavenDelete{
+ from a : Ant!Delete
+ to m : MavenMaven!Delete(
+ dir <- a.dir)
+-- tasks defined by the user
+rule AntTaskDef2MavenMavenTaskDef{
+ from a : Ant!TaskDef
+ to m : MavenMaven!AntTaskDef(
+ name <-,
+ classname <- a.classname
+ )
+rule AntNewTask2MavenMavenNewTask{
+ from a : Ant!NewTask
+ to m : MavenMaven!NewTask(
+ taskName <- a.taskName,
+ attributes <- a.attributes
+ )
+rule AntAttribut2MavenMavenAttribut{
+ from a : Ant!Attribut
+ to m : MavenMaven!Attribut(
+ name <-,
+ value <- a.value
+ )
+-- copy for Path
+ rule AntPath2MavenMavenPath{
+ from a : Ant!Path
+ to mm : MavenMaven!Path(
+ id <-,
+ refid <- a.refid,
+ fileset <- a.fileset,
+ path <- a.path,
+ pathElement <- a.pathElement
+ )
+ rule AntClassPath2MavenMavenClassPath{
+ from a : Ant!ClassPath
+ to mm : MavenMaven!ClassPath(
+ refid <- a.refid,
+ pathElement <- a.pathElement,
+ fileset <- a.fileset
+ )
+ }
+rule AntPathElement2MavenMavenPathElement{
+ from a : Ant!PathElement
+ to mm : MavenMaven!PathElement(
+ path <- a.path,
+ location <- a.location
+ )
+rule AntFileSet2MavenMavenFileSet{
+ from a : Ant!FileSet
+ to m : MavenMaven!FileSet(
+ dir <- a.dir,
+ patternset <- a.patternset,
+ include <- a.include,
+ exclude <- a.exclude
+ )
+-- filters
+rule AntFilterSet2MavenMavenFilterSet{
+ from a : Ant!FilterSet
+ to m : MavenMaven!FilterSet(
+ starttoken <- a.starttoken,
+ endtoken <- a.endtoken,
+ filter <- a.filter,
+ filtersfile <- a.filtersfile
+ )
+rule AntFilter2MavenMavenFilter{
+ from a : Ant!Filter
+ to m : MavenMaven!Filter(
+ token <- a.token,
+ value <- a.value
+ )
+rule AntFiltersFile2MavenMavenFiltersFile{
+ from a : Ant!FiltersFile
+ to m : MavenMaven!FiltersFile(
+ file <- a.file
+ )
+-- pattern
+rule AntPatternset2MavenMavenPatternset{
+ from a : Ant!PatternSet
+ to m : MavenMaven!PatternSet(
+ inexcludes <- a.inexcludes
+ )
+ rule AntIncludes2MavenMavenIncludes{
+ from a : Ant!Includes
+ to m : MavenMaven!Includes(
+ name <-,
+ ifCondition <- a.ifCondition,
+ unless <- a.unless
+ )
+rule AntExcludes2MavenMavenExcludes{
+ from a : Ant!Excludes
+ to m : MavenMaven!Excludes(
+ name <-,
+ ifCondition <- a.ifCondition,
+ unless <- a.unless
+ )
+rule AntIncludesFile2MavenMavenIncludesFile{
+ from a : Ant!IncludesFile
+ to m : MavenMaven!IncludesFile(
+ name <-,
+ ifCondition <- a.ifCondition,
+ unless <- a.unless
+ )
+rule AntExcludesFile2MavenMavenExcludesFile{
+ from a : Ant!ExcludesFile
+ to m : MavenMaven!ExcludesFile(
+ name <-,
+ ifCondition <- a.ifCondition,
+ unless <- a.unless
+ )
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ec3f310
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven.atl"/>
+<stringAttribute key="ATL VM" value="Regular VM (with debugger)"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="AllowInterModelReferences" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Input">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="Ant"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="Mode Debug" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Model Handler">
+<mapEntry key="MavenMaven" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="Ant" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="MavenProject" value="EMF"/>
+<mapAttribute key="ModelType">
+<mapEntry key="MavenMaven" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUTProject" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUTMaven" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="Ant" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="MavenProject" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Output">
+<mapEntry key="OUTProject" value="MavenProject"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUTMaven" value="MavenMaven"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/buildAnt.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="MavenMaven" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/MavenMaven.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUTMaven" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/mavenFile.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUTProject" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/projectFile.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="Ant" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="MavenProject" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/MavenProject.ecore"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.emftest"/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/buildAnt.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/buildAnt.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df12ac11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant2Maven/buildAnt.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
+<Project xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="Ant" name="gs-example" basedir="." description="" default="//@targets.5">
+ <path id="classpath" refid="">
+ <fileset dir="${jwsdp.home}/common/lib">
+ <include name="*.jar" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ </fileset>
+ </path>
+ <properties xsi:type="PropertyValue" name="example" value="GSApp"/>
+ <properties xsi:type="PropertyValue" name="path" value="/${example}"/>
+ <properties xsi:type="PropertyValue" name="build" value="${jwsdp.home}/docs/tutorial/examples/${example}/build"/>
+ <properties xsi:type="PropertyValue" name="url" value="http://localhost:8080/manager"/>
+ <properties xsi:type="PropertyFile" file=""/>
+ <properties xsi:type="PropertyFile" file="${user.home}/"/>
+ <taskdef name="install" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.InstallTask"/>
+ <taskdef name="reload" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ReloadTask"/>
+ <taskdef name="remove" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.RemoveTask"/>
+ <targets name="init" description="" unless="" ifCondition="">
+ <tasks xsi:type="Tstamp"/>
+ </targets>
+ <targets name="prepare" description="Create build directories." unless="" ifCondition="" depends="//@targets.0">
+ <tasks xsi:type="Mkdir" dir="${build}"/>
+ <tasks xsi:type="Mkdir" dir="${build}/WEB-INF"/>
+ <tasks xsi:type="Mkdir" dir="${build}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
+ </targets>
+ <targets name="install" description="Install Web application" unless="" ifCondition="" depends="//@targets.5">
+ <tasks xsi:type="NewTask" taskName="//@taskdef.0">
+ <attributes name="url" value="${url}"/>
+ <attributes name="username" value="${username}"/>
+ <attributes name="password" value="${password}"/>
+ <attributes name="path" value="${path}"/>
+ <attributes name="war" value="file:${build}"/>
+ </tasks>
+ </targets>
+ <targets name="reload" description="Reload Web application" unless="" ifCondition="" depends="//@targets.5">
+ <tasks xsi:type="NewTask" taskName="//@taskdef.1">
+ <attributes name="url" value="${url}"/>
+ <attributes name="username" value="${username}"/>
+ <attributes name="password" value="${password}"/>
+ <attributes name="path" value="${path}"/>
+ </tasks>
+ </targets>
+ <targets name="remove" description="Remove Web application" unless="" ifCondition="">
+ <tasks xsi:type="NewTask" taskName="//@taskdef.2">
+ <attributes name="url" value="${url}"/>
+ <attributes name="username" value="${username}"/>
+ <attributes name="password" value="${password}"/>
+ <attributes name="path" value="${path}"/>
+ </tasks>
+ </targets>
+ <targets name="build" description="Compile app Java files and copy HTML and JSP pages" unless="" ifCondition="" depends="//@targets.1">
+ <tasks xsi:type="Javac" srcdir="src" destdir="${build}/WEB-INF/classes">
+ <inExcludes xsi:type="Includes" name="**/*.java" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ <classPath refid="classpath"/>
+ </tasks>
+ <tasks xsi:type="Copy" todir="${build}/WEB-INF">
+ <fileset dir="web/WEB-INF">
+ <include name="web.xml" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ </fileset>
+ </tasks>
+ <tasks xsi:type="Copy" todir="${build}">
+ <fileset dir="web">
+ <include name="*.html" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ <include name="*.jsp" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ <include name="*.gif" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ </fileset>
+ </tasks>
+ </targets>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/Maven2XML.asm b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/Maven2XML.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a49ed144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/Maven2XML.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,5699 @@
+<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ?>
+<asm name="0">
+ <cp>
+ <constant value="Maven2XML"/>
+ <constant value="links"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;"/>
+ <constant value="col"/>
+ <constant value="J;"/>
+ <constant value="main"/>
+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="0"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
+ <constant value="J.setName(S):V"/>
+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchMavenMavenProject2XMLMavenRoot():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchXmlns():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPropertyValue():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPropertyLocation():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPropertyFile():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPropertyEnv():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchGoal():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAttainGoal():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPreGoal():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPostGoal():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchJellySet():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchTaskDef():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchNewTask():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAttribut():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchTstamp():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchMkdir():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchJavac():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchCopy():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPath():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchClassPath():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchFileset():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPathElement():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPatternSet():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchInclude():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchExclude():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchMavenProjectProject2XMLProjectRoot():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchMavenProjectProject2XMLProjectRootWithoutDescription():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchMavenProjectDescription():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchMavenProjectBuild():V"/>
+ <constant value="__matchMavenMavenProject2XMLMavenRoot"/>
+ <constant value="Project"/>
+ <constant value="MavenMaven"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
+ <constant value="InMaven"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.union(CJ):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="InProject"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="B.not():B"/>
+ <constant value="48"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="MavenMavenProject2XMLMavenRoot"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="i"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="o"/>
+ <constant value="Root"/>
+ <constant value="XMLMaven"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="goalDefault"/>
+ <constant value="Attribute"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="27:9-27:22"/>
+ <constant value="33:16-33:34"/>
+ <constant value="__matchXmlns"/>
+ <constant value="Xmlns"/>
+ <constant value="42"/>
+ <constant value="43:7-43:25"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPropertyValue"/>
+ <constant value="AntPropertyValue"/>
+ <constant value="54"/>
+ <constant value="PropertyValue"/>
+ <constant value="Element"/>
+ <constant value="propertyName2"/>
+ <constant value="propertyValue"/>
+ <constant value="53:9-53:25"/>
+ <constant value="57:18-57:36"/>
+ <constant value="61:18-61:36"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPropertyLocation"/>
+ <constant value="AntPropertyLocation"/>
+ <constant value="PropertyLocation"/>
+ <constant value="propertyLocation"/>
+ <constant value="68:9-68:25"/>
+ <constant value="72:18-72:36"/>
+ <constant value="76:21-76:39"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPropertyFile"/>
+ <constant value="AntPropertyFile"/>
+ <constant value="PropertyFile"/>
+ <constant value="nameFile"/>
+ <constant value="84:9-84:25"/>
+ <constant value="88:13-88:31"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPropertyEnv"/>
+ <constant value="AntPropertyEnv"/>
+ <constant value="PropertyEnv"/>
+ <constant value="environmentName"/>
+ <constant value="96:9-96:25"/>
+ <constant value="100:20-100:38"/>
+ <constant value="__matchGoal"/>
+ <constant value="Goal"/>
+ <constant value="nameAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="110:9-110:25"/>
+ <constant value="114:18-114:36"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAttainGoal"/>
+ <constant value="AttainGoal"/>
+ <constant value="attainGoalAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="122:9-122:25"/>
+ <constant value="126:24-126:42"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPreGoal"/>
+ <constant value="PreGoal"/>
+ <constant value="135:9-135:25"/>
+ <constant value="139:18-139:36"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPostGoal"/>
+ <constant value="PostGoal"/>
+ <constant value="148:9-148:25"/>
+ <constant value="152:18-152:36"/>
+ <constant value="__matchJellySet"/>
+ <constant value="JellySet"/>
+ <constant value="varAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="valueAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="162:9-162:25"/>
+ <constant value="166:17-166:35"/>
+ <constant value="170:19-170:37"/>
+ <constant value="__matchTaskDef"/>
+ <constant value="AntTaskDef"/>
+ <constant value="TaskDef"/>
+ <constant value="nameName"/>
+ <constant value="nameClassName"/>
+ <constant value="184:9-184:25"/>
+ <constant value="188:13-188:31"/>
+ <constant value="192:18-192:36"/>
+ <constant value="__matchNewTask"/>
+ <constant value="NewTask"/>
+ <constant value="200:9-200:25"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAttribut"/>
+ <constant value="Attribut"/>
+ <constant value="208:9-208:27"/>
+ <constant value="__matchTstamp"/>
+ <constant value="Tstamp"/>
+ <constant value="219:9-219:25"/>
+ <constant value="__matchMkdir"/>
+ <constant value="Mkdir"/>
+ <constant value="dirAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="226:9-226:25"/>
+ <constant value="230:17-230:35"/>
+ <constant value="__matchJavac"/>
+ <constant value="Javac"/>
+ <constant value="sourceDirAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="destDirAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="238:9-238:25"/>
+ <constant value="242:23-242:41"/>
+ <constant value="246:21-246:39"/>
+ <constant value="__matchCopy"/>
+ <constant value="Copy"/>
+ <constant value="toDirAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="254:9-254:25"/>
+ <constant value="258:19-258:37"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPath"/>
+ <constant value="Path"/>
+ <constant value="idAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="270:9-270:25"/>
+ <constant value="274:16-274:34"/>
+ <constant value="__matchClassPath"/>
+ <constant value="ClassPath"/>
+ <constant value="refidAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="282:9-282:25"/>
+ <constant value="285:19-285:37"/>
+ <constant value="__matchFileset"/>
+ <constant value="FileSet"/>
+ <constant value="Fileset"/>
+ <constant value="293:9-293:25"/>
+ <constant value="297:17-297:35"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPathElement"/>
+ <constant value="PathElement"/>
+ <constant value="305:9-305:25"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPatternSet"/>
+ <constant value="PatternSet"/>
+ <constant value="312:9-312:25"/>
+ <constant value="__matchInclude"/>
+ <constant value="Includes"/>
+ <constant value="Include"/>
+ <constant value="320:9-320:25"/>
+ <constant value="324:18-324:36"/>
+ <constant value="__matchExclude"/>
+ <constant value="Excludes"/>
+ <constant value="Exclude"/>
+ <constant value="332:9-332:25"/>
+ <constant value="336:18-336:36"/>
+ <constant value="__matchMavenProjectProject2XMLProjectRoot"/>
+ <constant value="MavenProject"/>
+ <constant value="description"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="30"/>
+ <constant value=""/>
+ <constant value="J.=(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.not():J"/>
+ <constant value="31"/>
+ <constant value="76"/>
+ <constant value="MavenProjectProject2XMLProjectRoot"/>
+ <constant value="XMLProject"/>
+ <constant value="descriptionElement"/>
+ <constant value="descriptionText"/>
+ <constant value="Text"/>
+ <constant value="351:6-351:7"/>
+ <constant value="351:6-351:19"/>
+ <constant value="351:6-351:36"/>
+ <constant value="353:14-353:15"/>
+ <constant value="353:14-353:27"/>
+ <constant value="353:28-353:30"/>
+ <constant value="353:14-353:30"/>
+ <constant value="353:9-353:31"/>
+ <constant value="352:9-352:14"/>
+ <constant value="351:3-354:9"/>
+ <constant value="356:9-356:24"/>
+ <constant value="360:17-360:37"/>
+ <constant value="364:19-364:39"/>
+ <constant value="368:23-368:41"/>
+ <constant value="372:20-372:35"/>
+ <constant value="__matchMavenProjectProject2XMLProjectRootWithoutDescription"/>
+ <constant value="29"/>
+ <constant value="63"/>
+ <constant value="MavenProjectProject2XMLProjectRootWithoutDescription"/>
+ <constant value="379:6-379:7"/>
+ <constant value="379:6-379:19"/>
+ <constant value="379:6-379:36"/>
+ <constant value="381:9-381:10"/>
+ <constant value="381:9-381:22"/>
+ <constant value="381:23-381:25"/>
+ <constant value="381:9-381:25"/>
+ <constant value="380:9-380:13"/>
+ <constant value="379:3-382:9"/>
+ <constant value="384:9-384:24"/>
+ <constant value="388:17-388:37"/>
+ <constant value="392:19-392:39"/>
+ <constant value="__matchMavenProjectDescription"/>
+ <constant value="Description"/>
+ <constant value="MavenProjectDescription"/>
+ <constant value="textText"/>
+ <constant value="401:9-401:27"/>
+ <constant value="405:13-405:28"/>
+ <constant value="__matchMavenProjectBuild"/>
+ <constant value="Build"/>
+ <constant value="66"/>
+ <constant value="MavenProjectBuild"/>
+ <constant value="defaultGoalElement"/>
+ <constant value="defaultGoalText"/>
+ <constant value="sourceDirectoryElement"/>
+ <constant value="sourceDirectoryText"/>
+ <constant value="412:9-412:27"/>
+ <constant value="416:23-416:41"/>
+ <constant value="420:20-420:35"/>
+ <constant value="424:27-424:45"/>
+ <constant value="428:24-428:39"/>
+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="J"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):B"/>
+ <constant value="18"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinkBySourceElement(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="15"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetFromSource(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="2"/>
+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.including(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="e"/>
+ <constant value="value"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyMavenMavenProject2XMLMavenRoot(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyXmlns(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPropertyValue(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPropertyLocation(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPropertyFile(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPropertyEnv(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyGoal(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAttainGoal(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPreGoal(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPostGoal(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyJellySet(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyTaskDef(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyNewTask(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAttribut(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyTstamp(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyMkdir(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyJavac(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyCopy(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPath(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyClassPath(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyFileset(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPathElement(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPatternSet(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyInclude(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyExclude(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyMavenProjectProject2XMLProjectRoot(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyMavenProjectProject2XMLProjectRootWithoutDescription(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyMavenProjectDescription(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyMavenProjectBuild(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="getXmlnsAux"/>
+ <constant value="J.allInstances():J"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.including(J):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="J.first():J"/>
+ <constant value="11:2-11:18"/>
+ <constant value="11:2-11:33"/>
+ <constant value="12:12-12:13"/>
+ <constant value="12:12-12:19"/>
+ <constant value="12:20-12:24"/>
+ <constant value="12:12-12:24"/>
+ <constant value="11:2-12:25"/>
+ <constant value="11:2-12:34"/>
+ <constant value="11:2-12:39"/>
+ <constant value="getXmlns"/>
+ <constant value="J.getXmlnsAux(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.size():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.&gt;(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="11"/>
+ <constant value="14"/>
+ <constant value=":"/>
+ <constant value="J.+(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="16:30-16:40"/>
+ <constant value="16:53-16:57"/>
+ <constant value="16:30-16:58"/>
+ <constant value="16:6-16:58"/>
+ <constant value="17:5-17:18"/>
+ <constant value="17:5-17:25"/>
+ <constant value="17:26-17:27"/>
+ <constant value="17:5-17:27"/>
+ <constant value="19:8-19:10"/>
+ <constant value="18:8-18:21"/>
+ <constant value="18:22-18:25"/>
+ <constant value="18:8-18:25"/>
+ <constant value="17:2-20:8"/>
+ <constant value="16:2-20:8"/>
+ <constant value="completeValue"/>
+ <constant value="__applyMavenMavenProject2XMLMavenRoot"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="4"/>
+ <constant value="project"/>
+ <constant value="xmlns"/>
+ <constant value="path"/>
+ <constant value="properties"/>
+ <constant value="taskdefs"/>
+ <constant value="prePostGoals"/>
+ <constant value="goals"/>
+ <constant value="children"/>
+ <constant value="default"/>
+ <constant value="28:11-28:20"/>
+ <constant value="28:3-28:20"/>
+ <constant value="29:25-29:26"/>
+ <constant value="29:25-29:32"/>
+ <constant value="29:33-29:44"/>
+ <constant value="30:9-30:10"/>
+ <constant value="30:9-30:15"/>
+ <constant value="30:16-30:17"/>
+ <constant value="30:16-30:28"/>
+ <constant value="30:29-30:30"/>
+ <constant value="30:29-30:39"/>
+ <constant value="31:9-31:10"/>
+ <constant value="31:9-31:23"/>
+ <constant value="31:24-31:25"/>
+ <constant value="31:24-31:31"/>
+ <constant value="29:15-31:32"/>
+ <constant value="29:3-31:32"/>
+ <constant value="34:11-34:20"/>
+ <constant value="34:3-34:20"/>
+ <constant value="35:12-35:13"/>
+ <constant value="35:12-35:21"/>
+ <constant value="35:12-35:26"/>
+ <constant value="35:3-35:26"/>
+ <constant value="link"/>
+ <constant value="__applyXmlns"/>
+ <constant value="xmlns:"/>
+ <constant value="44:11-44:19"/>
+ <constant value="44:20-44:21"/>
+ <constant value="44:20-44:26"/>
+ <constant value="44:11-44:26"/>
+ <constant value="44:3-44:26"/>
+ <constant value="45:12-45:13"/>
+ <constant value="45:12-45:19"/>
+ <constant value="45:3-45:19"/>
+ <constant value="__applyPropertyValue"/>
+ <constant value="5"/>
+ <constant value="jelly:ant"/>
+ <constant value="J.getXmlns(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="property"/>
+ <constant value="54:11-54:21"/>
+ <constant value="54:31-54:42"/>
+ <constant value="54:11-54:43"/>
+ <constant value="54:44-54:54"/>
+ <constant value="54:11-54:54"/>
+ <constant value="54:3-54:54"/>
+ <constant value="55:24-55:37"/>
+ <constant value="55:38-55:51"/>
+ <constant value="55:15-55:52"/>
+ <constant value="55:3-55:52"/>
+ <constant value="58:11-58:17"/>
+ <constant value="58:3-58:17"/>
+ <constant value="59:12-59:13"/>
+ <constant value="59:12-59:18"/>
+ <constant value="59:3-59:18"/>
+ <constant value="62:11-62:18"/>
+ <constant value="62:3-62:18"/>
+ <constant value="63:12-63:13"/>
+ <constant value="63:12-63:19"/>
+ <constant value="63:3-63:19"/>
+ <constant value="__applyPropertyLocation"/>
+ <constant value="location"/>
+ <constant value="69:11-69:21"/>
+ <constant value="69:31-69:42"/>
+ <constant value="69:11-69:43"/>
+ <constant value="69:44-69:54"/>
+ <constant value="69:11-69:54"/>
+ <constant value="69:3-69:54"/>
+ <constant value="70:24-70:37"/>
+ <constant value="70:38-70:54"/>
+ <constant value="70:15-70:55"/>
+ <constant value="70:3-70:55"/>
+ <constant value="73:11-73:17"/>
+ <constant value="73:3-73:17"/>
+ <constant value="74:12-74:13"/>
+ <constant value="74:12-74:18"/>
+ <constant value="74:3-74:18"/>
+ <constant value="77:11-77:21"/>
+ <constant value="77:3-77:21"/>
+ <constant value="78:12-78:13"/>
+ <constant value="78:12-78:22"/>
+ <constant value="78:3-78:22"/>
+ <constant value="__applyPropertyFile"/>
+ <constant value="file"/>
+ <constant value="85:11-85:21"/>
+ <constant value="85:31-85:42"/>
+ <constant value="85:11-85:43"/>
+ <constant value="85:44-85:54"/>
+ <constant value="85:11-85:54"/>
+ <constant value="85:3-85:54"/>
+ <constant value="86:15-86:23"/>
+ <constant value="86:3-86:23"/>
+ <constant value="89:11-89:17"/>
+ <constant value="89:3-89:17"/>
+ <constant value="90:12-90:13"/>
+ <constant value="90:12-90:18"/>
+ <constant value="90:3-90:18"/>
+ <constant value="__applyPropertyEnv"/>
+ <constant value="environment"/>
+ <constant value="97:11-97:21"/>
+ <constant value="97:31-97:42"/>
+ <constant value="97:11-97:43"/>
+ <constant value="97:44-97:54"/>
+ <constant value="97:11-97:54"/>
+ <constant value="97:3-97:54"/>
+ <constant value="98:15-98:30"/>
+ <constant value="98:3-98:30"/>
+ <constant value="101:11-101:24"/>
+ <constant value="101:3-101:24"/>
+ <constant value="102:12-102:13"/>
+ <constant value="102:12-102:25"/>
+ <constant value="102:3-102:25"/>
+ <constant value="__applyGoal"/>
+ <constant value="goal"/>
+ <constant value="contentsGoal"/>
+ <constant value="111:11-111:17"/>
+ <constant value="111:3-111:17"/>
+ <constant value="112:24-112:37"/>
+ <constant value="112:38-112:39"/>
+ <constant value="112:38-112:52"/>
+ <constant value="112:15-112:53"/>
+ <constant value="112:3-112:53"/>
+ <constant value="115:11-115:17"/>
+ <constant value="115:3-115:17"/>
+ <constant value="116:12-116:13"/>
+ <constant value="116:12-116:18"/>
+ <constant value="116:3-116:18"/>
+ <constant value="__applyAttainGoal"/>
+ <constant value="attainGoal"/>
+ <constant value="123:11-123:23"/>
+ <constant value="123:3-123:23"/>
+ <constant value="124:15-124:34"/>
+ <constant value="124:3-124:34"/>
+ <constant value="127:11-127:17"/>
+ <constant value="127:3-127:17"/>
+ <constant value="128:12-128:13"/>
+ <constant value="128:12-128:24"/>
+ <constant value="128:12-128:29"/>
+ <constant value="128:3-128:29"/>
+ <constant value="__applyPreGoal"/>
+ <constant value="preGoal"/>
+ <constant value="centralGoal"/>
+ <constant value="136:11-136:20"/>
+ <constant value="136:3-136:20"/>
+ <constant value="137:24-137:37"/>
+ <constant value="137:38-137:39"/>
+ <constant value="137:38-137:52"/>
+ <constant value="137:15-137:53"/>
+ <constant value="137:3-137:53"/>
+ <constant value="140:11-140:17"/>
+ <constant value="140:3-140:17"/>
+ <constant value="141:12-141:13"/>
+ <constant value="141:12-141:25"/>
+ <constant value="141:12-141:30"/>
+ <constant value="141:3-141:30"/>
+ <constant value="__applyPostGoal"/>
+ <constant value="postGoal"/>
+ <constant value="149:11-149:21"/>
+ <constant value="149:3-149:21"/>
+ <constant value="150:24-150:37"/>
+ <constant value="150:38-150:39"/>
+ <constant value="150:38-150:52"/>
+ <constant value="150:15-150:53"/>
+ <constant value="150:3-150:53"/>
+ <constant value="153:11-153:17"/>
+ <constant value="153:3-153:17"/>
+ <constant value="154:12-154:13"/>
+ <constant value="154:12-154:25"/>
+ <constant value="154:12-154:30"/>
+ <constant value="154:3-154:30"/>
+ <constant value="__applyJellySet"/>
+ <constant value="jelly:core"/>
+ <constant value="set"/>
+ <constant value="var"/>
+ <constant value="163:11-163:21"/>
+ <constant value="163:31-163:43"/>
+ <constant value="163:11-163:44"/>
+ <constant value="163:45-163:50"/>
+ <constant value="163:11-163:50"/>
+ <constant value="163:3-163:50"/>
+ <constant value="164:24-164:36"/>
+ <constant value="164:37-164:51"/>
+ <constant value="164:15-164:52"/>
+ <constant value="164:3-164:52"/>
+ <constant value="167:11-167:16"/>
+ <constant value="167:3-167:16"/>
+ <constant value="168:12-168:13"/>
+ <constant value="168:12-168:17"/>
+ <constant value="168:3-168:17"/>
+ <constant value="171:11-171:18"/>
+ <constant value="171:3-171:18"/>
+ <constant value="172:12-172:13"/>
+ <constant value="172:12-172:19"/>
+ <constant value="172:3-172:19"/>
+ <constant value="__applyTaskDef"/>
+ <constant value="taskdef"/>
+ <constant value="classname"/>
+ <constant value="185:11-185:21"/>
+ <constant value="185:31-185:42"/>
+ <constant value="185:11-185:43"/>
+ <constant value="185:44-185:53"/>
+ <constant value="185:11-185:53"/>
+ <constant value="185:3-185:53"/>
+ <constant value="186:24-186:32"/>
+ <constant value="186:33-186:46"/>
+ <constant value="186:15-186:47"/>
+ <constant value="186:3-186:47"/>
+ <constant value="189:11-189:17"/>
+ <constant value="189:3-189:17"/>
+ <constant value="190:12-190:13"/>
+ <constant value="190:12-190:18"/>
+ <constant value="190:3-190:18"/>
+ <constant value="193:11-193:22"/>
+ <constant value="193:3-193:22"/>
+ <constant value="194:12-194:13"/>
+ <constant value="194:12-194:23"/>
+ <constant value="194:3-194:23"/>
+ <constant value="__applyNewTask"/>
+ <constant value="taskName"/>
+ <constant value="attributes"/>
+ <constant value="201:11-201:12"/>
+ <constant value="201:11-201:21"/>
+ <constant value="201:11-201:26"/>
+ <constant value="201:3-201:26"/>
+ <constant value="202:15-202:16"/>
+ <constant value="202:15-202:27"/>
+ <constant value="202:3-202:27"/>
+ <constant value="__applyAttribut"/>
+ <constant value="209:11-209:12"/>
+ <constant value="209:11-209:17"/>
+ <constant value="209:3-209:17"/>
+ <constant value="210:12-210:13"/>
+ <constant value="210:12-210:19"/>
+ <constant value="210:3-210:19"/>
+ <constant value="__applyTstamp"/>
+ <constant value="tstamp"/>
+ <constant value="220:11-220:21"/>
+ <constant value="220:31-220:42"/>
+ <constant value="220:11-220:43"/>
+ <constant value="220:44-220:52"/>
+ <constant value="220:11-220:52"/>
+ <constant value="220:3-220:52"/>
+ <constant value="__applyMkdir"/>
+ <constant value="mkdir"/>
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+ <load arg="57"/>
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+ <load arg="57"/>
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+ <load arg="57"/>
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+ </code>
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+ <lve slot="1" name="385" begin="0" end="92"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="808">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="57" type="348"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="63"/>
+ <call arg="349"/>
+ <store arg="270"/>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="65"/>
+ <call arg="350"/>
+ <store arg="351"/>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="168"/>
+ <call arg="350"/>
+ <store arg="352"/>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="109"/>
+ <call arg="350"/>
+ <store arg="397"/>
+ <load arg="351"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <push arg="353"/>
+ <call arg="271"/>
+ <set arg="279"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <push arg="52"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="352"/>
+ <call arg="313"/>
+ <load arg="397"/>
+ <call arg="313"/>
+ <load arg="270"/>
+ <get arg="781"/>
+ <call arg="313"/>
+ <call arg="271"/>
+ <set arg="360"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="352"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <push arg="674"/>
+ <call arg="271"/>
+ <set arg="279"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="270"/>
+ <get arg="674"/>
+ <call arg="271"/>
+ <set arg="275"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="397"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <push arg="279"/>
+ <call arg="271"/>
+ <set arg="279"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="270"/>
+ <get arg="279"/>
+ <call arg="271"/>
+ <set arg="275"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="809" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="810" begin="17" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="811" begin="27" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="812" begin="29" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="813" begin="31" end="31"/>
+ <lne id="814" begin="31" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="815" begin="24" end="33"/>
+ <lne id="816" begin="22" end="35"/>
+ <lne id="817" begin="40" end="40"/>
+ <lne id="818" begin="38" end="42"/>
+ <lne id="819" begin="45" end="45"/>
+ <lne id="820" begin="45" end="46"/>
+ <lne id="821" begin="43" end="48"/>
+ <lne id="822" begin="53" end="53"/>
+ <lne id="823" begin="51" end="55"/>
+ <lne id="824" begin="58" end="58"/>
+ <lne id="825" begin="58" end="59"/>
+ <lne id="826" begin="56" end="61"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="63" begin="3" end="62"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="65" begin="7" end="62"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="168" begin="11" end="62"/>
+ <lve slot="5" name="109" begin="15" end="62"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="62"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="385" begin="0" end="62"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="827">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="57" type="348"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="63"/>
+ <call arg="349"/>
+ <store arg="270"/>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="65"/>
+ <call arg="350"/>
+ <store arg="351"/>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="246"/>
+ <call arg="350"/>
+ <store arg="352"/>
+ <load arg="351"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <push arg="199"/>
+ <call arg="271"/>
+ <set arg="279"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="352"/>
+ <call arg="271"/>
+ <set arg="360"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="352"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="270"/>
+ <get arg="199"/>
+ <call arg="271"/>
+ <set arg="275"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="828" begin="15" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="829" begin="13" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="830" begin="20" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="831" begin="18" end="22"/>
+ <lne id="832" begin="27" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="833" begin="27" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="834" begin="25" end="30"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="63" begin="3" end="31"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="65" begin="7" end="31"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="246" begin="11" end="31"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="31"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="385" begin="0" end="31"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="835">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="57" type="348"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="63"/>
+ <call arg="349"/>
+ <store arg="270"/>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="65"/>
+ <call arg="350"/>
+ <store arg="351"/>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="253"/>
+ <call arg="350"/>
+ <store arg="352"/>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="254"/>
+ <call arg="350"/>
+ <store arg="397"/>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="255"/>
+ <call arg="350"/>
+ <store arg="779"/>
+ <load arg="57"/>
+ <push arg="256"/>
+ <call arg="350"/>
+ <store arg="780"/>
+ <load arg="351"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <push arg="781"/>
+ <call arg="271"/>
+ <set arg="279"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <push arg="52"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="352"/>
+ <call arg="313"/>
+ <load arg="779"/>
+ <call arg="313"/>
+ <call arg="271"/>
+ <set arg="360"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="352"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <push arg="836"/>
+ <call arg="271"/>
+ <set arg="279"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="397"/>
+ <call arg="271"/>
+ <set arg="360"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="397"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="270"/>
+ <get arg="836"/>
+ <call arg="271"/>
+ <set arg="279"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="270"/>
+ <get arg="836"/>
+ <call arg="271"/>
+ <set arg="275"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="779"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <push arg="837"/>
+ <call arg="271"/>
+ <set arg="279"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="780"/>
+ <call arg="271"/>
+ <set arg="360"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="780"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="270"/>
+ <get arg="837"/>
+ <call arg="271"/>
+ <set arg="279"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="270"/>
+ <get arg="837"/>
+ <call arg="271"/>
+ <set arg="275"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="838" begin="27" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="839" begin="25" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="840" begin="35" end="35"/>
+ <lne id="841" begin="37" end="37"/>
+ <lne id="842" begin="32" end="38"/>
+ <lne id="843" begin="30" end="40"/>
+ <lne id="844" begin="45" end="45"/>
+ <lne id="845" begin="43" end="47"/>
+ <lne id="846" begin="50" end="50"/>
+ <lne id="847" begin="48" end="52"/>
+ <lne id="848" begin="57" end="57"/>
+ <lne id="849" begin="57" end="58"/>
+ <lne id="850" begin="55" end="60"/>
+ <lne id="851" begin="63" end="63"/>
+ <lne id="852" begin="63" end="64"/>
+ <lne id="853" begin="61" end="66"/>
+ <lne id="854" begin="71" end="71"/>
+ <lne id="855" begin="69" end="73"/>
+ <lne id="856" begin="76" end="76"/>
+ <lne id="857" begin="74" end="78"/>
+ <lne id="858" begin="83" end="83"/>
+ <lne id="859" begin="83" end="84"/>
+ <lne id="860" begin="81" end="86"/>
+ <lne id="861" begin="89" end="89"/>
+ <lne id="862" begin="89" end="90"/>
+ <lne id="863" begin="87" end="92"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="63" begin="3" end="93"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="65" begin="7" end="93"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="253" begin="11" end="93"/>
+ <lve slot="5" name="254" begin="15" end="93"/>
+ <lve slot="6" name="255" begin="19" end="93"/>
+ <lve slot="7" name="256" begin="23" end="93"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="93"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="385" begin="0" end="93"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/Maven2XML.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/Maven2XML.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..065343fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/Maven2XML.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+module Maven2XML;
+create XML1 : XMLMaven , XML2 : XMLProject
+ from InMaven : MavenMaven, InProject : MavenProject;
+-- In this module, the two files are transformed in XML
+-- but there is no link in the transformation
+-- helper getXmlnsAux : returns the name of the Xmlns element having
+-- the same value that given in parameter
+helper def:getXmlnsAux(name: String): String =
+ MavenMaven!Xmlns.allInstances() ->
+ select(e|e.value=name)->first().name;
+-- helper getXmlns : returns the prefix corresponding to name
+helper def:getXmlns(name: String): String =
+ let completeValue: String = thisModule.getXmlnsAux(name)in
+ if completeValue.size()>0
+ then completeValue+':'
+ else ''
+ endif;
+-- rules for the file representing maven.xml
+-- central rule for maven.xml
+rule MavenMavenProject2XMLMavenRoot{
+ from i : MavenMaven!Project
+ to o : XMLMaven!Root(
+ name <- 'project',
+ children <- Sequence {i.xmlns,goalDefault,
+ i.path,,i.taskdefs,
+ i.prePostGoals,i.goals}
+ ),
+ goalDefault : XMLMaven!Attribute (
+ name <- 'default',
+ value <-
+ )
+rule Xmlns{
+ from i : MavenMaven!Xmlns
+ to o:XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'xmlns:',
+ value <- i.value
+ )
+-- Antproperty
+rule PropertyValue{
+ from i : MavenMaven!AntPropertyValue
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <- thisModule.getXmlns('jelly:ant')+'property',
+ children <- Sequence{propertyName2,propertyValue}
+ ),
+ propertyName2 : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'name',
+ value <-
+ ),
+ propertyValue : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'value',
+ value <- i.value
+ )
+rule PropertyLocation{
+ from i : MavenMaven!AntPropertyLocation
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <- thisModule.getXmlns('jelly:ant')+'property',
+ children <- Sequence{propertyName2,propertyLocation}
+ ),
+ propertyName2 : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'name',
+ value <-
+ ),
+ propertyLocation : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'location',
+ value <- i.location
+ )
+rule PropertyFile{
+ from i : MavenMaven!AntPropertyFile
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <- thisModule.getXmlns('jelly:ant')+'property',
+ children <- nameFile
+ ),
+ nameFile : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'file',
+ value <- i.file
+ )
+rule PropertyEnv{
+ from i : MavenMaven!AntPropertyEnv
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <- thisModule.getXmlns('jelly:ant')+'property',
+ children <- environmentName
+ ),
+ environmentName : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'environment',
+ value <- i.environment
+ )
+-- goal
+rule Goal{
+ from i : MavenMaven!Goal
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <- 'goal',
+ children <- Sequence{nameAttribute,i.contentsGoal}
+ ),
+ nameAttribute : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'name',
+ value <-
+ )
+rule AttainGoal{
+ from i : MavenMaven!AttainGoal
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element (
+ name <- 'attainGoal',
+ children <- attainGoalAttribute
+ ),
+ attainGoalAttribute : XMLMaven!Attribute (
+ name <- 'name',
+ value <-
+ )
+rule PreGoal{
+ from i : MavenMaven!PreGoal
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <- 'preGoal',
+ children <- Sequence{nameAttribute,i.contentsGoal}
+ ),
+ nameAttribute : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'name',
+ value <-
+ )
+rule PostGoal{
+ from i : MavenMaven!PostGoal
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <- 'postGoal',
+ children <- Sequence{nameAttribute,i.contentsGoal}
+ ),
+ nameAttribute : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'name',
+ value <-
+ )
+-- jelly commands
+rule JellySet{
+ from i:MavenMaven!JellySet
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <- thisModule.getXmlns('jelly:core')+'set',
+ children <- Sequence{varAttribute,valueAttribute}
+ ),
+ varAttribute : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'var',
+ value <- i.var
+ ),
+ valueAttribute : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'value',
+ value <- i.value
+ )
+-- tasks
+-- task defined by the user
+rule TaskDef{
+ from i : MavenMaven!AntTaskDef
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <- thisModule.getXmlns('jelly:ant')+'taskdef',
+ children <- Sequence{nameName,nameClassName}
+ ),
+ nameName : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'name',
+ value <-
+ ),
+ nameClassName : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'classname',
+ value <- i.classname
+ )
+rule NewTask{
+ from i : MavenMaven!NewTask
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <-,
+ children <- i.attributes
+ )
+rule Attribut{
+ from i : MavenMaven!Attribut
+ to o : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <-,
+ value <- i.value
+ )
+-- pre defined tasks
+rule Tstamp{
+ from i : MavenMaven!Tstamp
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <- thisModule.getXmlns('jelly:ant')+'tstamp'
+ )
+rule Mkdir{
+ from i : MavenMaven!Mkdir
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <- thisModule.getXmlns('jelly:ant')+'mkdir',
+ children <- dirAttribute
+ ),
+ dirAttribute : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- thisModule.getXmlns('jelly:ant')+'dir',
+ value <- i.dir
+ )
+rule Javac{
+ from i : MavenMaven!Javac
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <- thisModule.getXmlns('jelly:ant')+'javac',
+ children <- Sequence{sourceDirAttribute,destDirAttribute,i.inExcludes,i.classPath}
+ ),
+ sourceDirAttribute : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'srcdir',
+ value <- i.srcdir
+ ),
+ destDirAttribute : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'destdir',
+ value <- i.destdir
+ )
+rule Copy{
+ from i : MavenMaven!Copy
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <- thisModule.getXmlns('jelly:ant')+'copy',
+ children <- Sequence{toDirAttribute,i.fileset}
+ ),
+ toDirAttribute : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'todir',
+ value <- i.todir
+ )
+-- path,pattern and filter (like ANT2XML)
+rule Path{
+ from i : MavenMaven!Path
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <- thisModule.getXmlns('jelly:ant')+'path',
+ children <- Sequence{idAttribute,i.fileset}
+ ),
+ idAttribute : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'id',
+ value <-
+ )
+rule ClassPath{
+ from i : MavenMaven!ClassPath
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <- thisModule.getXmlns('jelly:ant')+'classpath',
+ children <- refidAttribute),
+ refidAttribute : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'refid',
+ value <- i.refid
+ )
+rule Fileset{
+ from i : MavenMaven!FileSet
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <- thisModule.getXmlns('jelly:ant')+'fileset',
+ children <- Sequence{dirAttribute,i.patternset,i.include,i.exclude}
+ ),
+ dirAttribute : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'dir',
+ value <- i.dir
+ )
+rule PathElement{
+ from i : MavenMaven!PathElement
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <- thisModule.getXmlns('jelly:ant')+'pathelement'
+ )
+rule PatternSet{
+ from i : MavenMaven!PatternSet
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <- thisModule.getXmlns('jelly:ant')+'patternset',
+ children <- i.inexcludes
+ )
+rule Include{
+ from i : MavenMaven!Includes
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <- thisModule.getXmlns('jelly:ant')+'include',
+ children <- nameAttribute
+ ),
+ nameAttribute : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'name',
+ value <-
+ )
+rule Exclude{
+ from i : MavenMaven!Excludes
+ to o : XMLMaven!Element(
+ name <- thisModule.getXmlns('jelly:ant')+'exclude',
+ children <- nameAttribute
+ ),
+ nameAttribute : XMLMaven!Attribute(
+ name <- 'name',
+ value <-
+ )
+-- rules for the file representing project.xml
+-- central rule for project.xml
+rule MavenProjectProject2XMLProjectRoot{
+ from i : MavenProject!Project(
+ if i.description.oclIsUndefined()
+ then false
+ else not (i.description='')
+ endif
+ )
+ to o : XMLProject!Root(
+ name <- 'project',
+ children <- Sequence{idAttribute,nameAttribute,descriptionElement,}
+ ),
+ idAttribute : XMLProject!Attribute(
+ name <- 'id',
+ value <-
+ ),
+ nameAttribute : XMLProject!Attribute(
+ name <- 'name',
+ value <-
+ ),
+ descriptionElement : XMLProject!Element(
+ name <- 'description',
+ children <- descriptionText
+ ),
+ descriptionText : XMLProject!Text(
+ value <- i.description
+ )
+rule MavenProjectProject2XMLProjectRootWithoutDescription{
+ from i : MavenProject!Project(
+ if i.description.oclIsUndefined()
+ then true
+ else i.description=''
+ endif
+ )
+ to o : XMLProject!Root(
+ name <- 'project',
+ children <- Sequence{idAttribute,nameAttribute,}
+ ),
+ idAttribute : XMLProject!Attribute(
+ name <- 'id',
+ value <-
+ ),
+ nameAttribute : XMLProject!Attribute(
+ name <- 'name',
+ value <-
+ )
+rule MavenProjectDescription{
+ from i : MavenProject!Description
+ to o : XMLProject!Element(
+ name <- 'description',
+ children <- textText
+ ),
+ textText : XMLProject!Text(
+ value <- i.description
+ )
+rule MavenProjectBuild{
+ from i : MavenProject!Build
+ to o : XMLProject!Element(
+ name <- 'build',
+ children <- Sequence{defaultGoalElement,sourceDirectoryElement}
+ ),
+ defaultGoalElement : XMLProject!Element(
+ name <- 'defaultGoal',
+ children <- defaultGoalText
+ ),
+ defaultGoalText : XMLProject!Text(
+ name <- i.defaultGoal,
+ value <- i.defaultGoal
+ ),
+ sourceDirectoryElement : XMLProject!Element(
+ name <- 'sourceDirectory',
+ children <- sourceDirectoryText
+ ),
+ sourceDirectoryText : XMLProject!Text(
+ name <- i.sourceDirectory,
+ value <- i.sourceDirectory
+ )
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/Maven2XML.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/Maven2XML.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f0e84ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/Maven2XML.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/Maven2XML.atl"/>
+<stringAttribute key="ATL VM" value="Regular VM (with debugger)"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="AllowInterModelReferences" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Input">
+<mapEntry key="InMaven" value="MavenMaven"/>
+<mapEntry key="InProject" value="MavenProject"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="Mode Debug" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Model Handler">
+<mapEntry key="XMLProject" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="MavenMaven" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="XMLMaven" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="MavenProject" value="EMF"/>
+<mapAttribute key="ModelType">
+<mapEntry key="XMLProject" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML2" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML1" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="MavenMaven" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="XMLMaven" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="InMaven" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="InProject" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="MavenProject" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Output">
+<mapEntry key="XML2" value="XMLProject"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML1" value="XMLMaven"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="XML2" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/projectFileXML.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="XMLProject" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XMLProject.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML1" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/mavenFileXML.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="MavenMaven" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/MavenMaven.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="InMaven" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/mavenFile.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="XMLMaven" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XMLMaven.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="InProject" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/projectFile.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="MavenProject" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/MavenProject.ecore"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.emftest"/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/mavenFile.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/mavenFile.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef88d335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/mavenFile.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
+<Project xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="MavenMaven" default="//@goals.5">
+ <xmlns name="ant" value="jelly:ant"/>
+ <path id="classpath" refid="">
+ <fileset dir="${jwsdp.home}/common/lib">
+ <include name="*.jar" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ </fileset>
+ </path>
+ <properties xsi:type="AntPropertyValue" name="example" value="GSApp"/>
+ <properties xsi:type="AntPropertyValue" name="path" value="/${example}"/>
+ <properties xsi:type="AntPropertyValue" name="build" value="${jwsdp.home}/docs/tutorial/examples/${example}/build"/>
+ <properties xsi:type="AntPropertyValue" name="url" value="http://localhost:8080/manager"/>
+ <properties xsi:type="AntPropertyFile" file=""/>
+ <properties xsi:type="AntPropertyFile" file="${user.home}/"/>
+ <taskdefs name="install" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.InstallTask"/>
+ <taskdefs name="reload" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ReloadTask"/>
+ <taskdefs name="remove" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.RemoveTask"/>
+ <goals name="init">
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="Tstamp"/>
+ </goals>
+ <goals name="prepare">
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="AttainGoal" attainGoal="//@goals.0"/>
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="Mkdir" dir="${build}"/>
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="Mkdir" dir="${build}/WEB-INF"/>
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="Mkdir" dir="${build}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
+ </goals>
+ <goals name="install">
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="AttainGoal" attainGoal="//@goals.5"/>
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="NewTask" taskName="//@taskdefs.0">
+ <attributes name="url" value="${url}"/>
+ <attributes name="username" value="${username}"/>
+ <attributes name="password" value="${password}"/>
+ <attributes name="path" value="${path}"/>
+ <attributes name="war" value="file:${build}"/>
+ </contentsGoal>
+ </goals>
+ <goals name="reload">
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="AttainGoal" attainGoal="//@goals.5"/>
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="NewTask" taskName="//@taskdefs.1">
+ <attributes name="url" value="${url}"/>
+ <attributes name="username" value="${username}"/>
+ <attributes name="password" value="${password}"/>
+ <attributes name="path" value="${path}"/>
+ </contentsGoal>
+ </goals>
+ <goals name="remove">
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="NewTask" taskName="//@taskdefs.2">
+ <attributes name="url" value="${url}"/>
+ <attributes name="username" value="${username}"/>
+ <attributes name="password" value="${password}"/>
+ <attributes name="path" value="${path}"/>
+ </contentsGoal>
+ </goals>
+ <goals name="build">
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="AttainGoal" attainGoal="//@goals.1"/>
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="Javac" srcdir="src" destdir="${build}/WEB-INF/classes">
+ <inExcludes xsi:type="Includes" name="**/*.java" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ <classPath refid="classpath"/>
+ </contentsGoal>
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="Copy" todir="${build}/WEB-INF">
+ <fileset dir="web/WEB-INF">
+ <include name="web.xml" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ </fileset>
+ </contentsGoal>
+ <contentsGoal xsi:type="Copy" todir="${build}">
+ <fileset dir="web">
+ <include name="*.html" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ <include name="*.jsp" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ <include name="*.gif" ifCondition="" unless=""/>
+ </fileset>
+ </contentsGoal>
+ </goals>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/projectFile.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/projectFile.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4dab5f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Maven2XML/projectFile.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
+<Project xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns="MavenProject" id="gs-example"
+ name="gs-example" description="">
+ <build defaultGoal="build" sourceDirectory="."/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/MavenMaven.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/MavenMaven.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3fe02c99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/MavenMaven.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns:ecore="">
+ <ecore:EPackage name="PrimitiveTypes">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="String"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
+ <ecore:EPackage name="MavenMaven">
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+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="xmlns" ordered="false"
+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/Xmlns" containment="true"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="default" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/Goal"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="path" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/Path" containment="true"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="properties" upperBound="-1"
+ eType="#/1/AntProperty" containment="true"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="taskdefs" ordered="false"
+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/AntTaskDef" containment="true"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="prePostGoals" ordered="false"
+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/PrePostGoal" containment="true"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="goals" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/Goal" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/ContentsGoal" containment="true"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/Goal"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/Goal" eOpposite="#/1/Goal/preGoal"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/Goal" eOpposite="#/1/Goal/postGoal"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/PreGoal" eOpposite="#/1/PreGoal/centralGoal"/>
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+ eType="#/1/PostGoal" eOpposite="#/1/PostGoal/centralGoal"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/InExcludes" containment="true"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/PatternSet" containment="true"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/Includes" containment="true"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/Excludes" containment="true"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/Filter" containment="true"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/FiltersFile" containment="true"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/Path" containment="true"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/PathElement" containment="true"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/FileSet" containment="true"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/PathElement" containment="true"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/FileSet" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/AntTaskDef"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/Attribut" containment="true"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/ClassPath" containment="true"/>
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+ eSuperTypes="#/1/PreDefinedTask"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/FormatTstamp" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/InExcludes" containment="true"/>
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+ eType="#/1/ClassPath" containment="true"/>
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+ eSuperTypes="#/1/PreDefinedTask"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Mkdir" eSuperTypes="#/1/FileTask">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="dir" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Copy" eSuperTypes="#/1/FileTask">
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="presservelastmodified"
+ ordered="false" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/FileSet" containment="true"/>
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+ eType="#/1/FilterSet" containment="true"/>
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+ eType="#/1/Mapper" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Delete" eSuperTypes="#/1/FileTask">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="file" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="dir" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="verbose" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="quiet" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="failonerror" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="includeEmptyDirs" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="includes" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="includesfile" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="defaultexcludes" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/MavenProject.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/MavenProject.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c5a8557
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/MavenProject.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns:ecore="">
+ <ecore:EPackage name="PrimitiveTypes">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="String"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
+ <ecore:EPackage name="MavenProject">
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+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="id" ordered="false" eType="#/0/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="groupId" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="build" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/Build" containment="true"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="dependencies" ordered="false"
+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/Project"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Build">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="defaultGoal" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="sourceDirectory" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Description">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="description" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XML.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XML.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e51b696c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XML.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns:ecore="">
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+ </ecore:EPackage>
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+ eType="#/0/Integer"/>
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+ eType="#/0/Integer"/>
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+ eType="#/0/Integer"/>
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+ eType="#/0/Integer"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/Element" eOpposite="#/1/Element/children"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ eType="#/1/Node" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/Node/parent"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </ecore:EPackage>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/XML2Ant.asm b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/XML2Ant.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3dc5d83f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/XML2Ant.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,6259 @@
+<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ?>
+<asm name="0">
+ <cp>
+ <constant value="XML2Ant"/>
+ <constant value="links"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;"/>
+ <constant value="col"/>
+ <constant value="J;"/>
+ <constant value="main"/>
+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="0"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
+ <constant value="J.setName(S):V"/>
+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchRoot2Project():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPropertyLocation():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPropertyValue():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPropertyFile():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPropertyEnv():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchTarget():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchTaskDef():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchNewTask():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAttribut():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchMkdir():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchTstamp():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchJava():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchJavac():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchJavadoc():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchCopy():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDelete():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchJar():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPath():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchFileSet():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPatternSet():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchClassPath():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPathElement():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchFilterSet():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchFilter():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchFiltersFile():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchIncludes():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchExcludes():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchIncludesFile():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchExcludesFile():V"/>
+ <constant value="__matchRoot2Project"/>
+ <constant value="Root"/>
+ <constant value="XML"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
+ <constant value="IN"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.union(CJ):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="B.not():B"/>
+ <constant value="37"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="Root2Project"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="i"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="o"/>
+ <constant value="Project"/>
+ <constant value="Ant"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="83:9-83:20"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPropertyLocation"/>
+ <constant value="Element"/>
+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="property"/>
+ <constant value="J.=(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="location"/>
+ <constant value="J.testAttribute(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.and(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="44"/>
+ <constant value="PropertyLocation"/>
+ <constant value="108:3-108:4"/>
+ <constant value="108:3-108:9"/>
+ <constant value="108:12-108:22"/>
+ <constant value="108:3-108:22"/>
+ <constant value="109:3-109:4"/>
+ <constant value="109:19-109:29"/>
+ <constant value="109:3-109:30"/>
+ <constant value="108:3-109:30"/>
+ <constant value="111:9-111:29"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPropertyValue"/>
+ <constant value="value"/>
+ <constant value="PropertyValue"/>
+ <constant value="119:3-119:4"/>
+ <constant value="119:3-119:9"/>
+ <constant value="119:12-119:22"/>
+ <constant value="119:3-119:22"/>
+ <constant value="120:3-120:4"/>
+ <constant value="120:19-120:26"/>
+ <constant value="120:3-120:27"/>
+ <constant value="119:3-120:27"/>
+ <constant value="122:9-122:26"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPropertyFile"/>
+ <constant value="file"/>
+ <constant value="PropertyFile"/>
+ <constant value="130:3-130:4"/>
+ <constant value="130:3-130:9"/>
+ <constant value="130:12-130:22"/>
+ <constant value="130:3-130:22"/>
+ <constant value="131:3-131:4"/>
+ <constant value="131:19-131:25"/>
+ <constant value="131:3-131:26"/>
+ <constant value="130:3-131:26"/>
+ <constant value="133:9-133:25"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPropertyEnv"/>
+ <constant value="environment"/>
+ <constant value="PropertyEnv"/>
+ <constant value="140:3-140:4"/>
+ <constant value="140:3-140:9"/>
+ <constant value="140:12-140:22"/>
+ <constant value="140:3-140:22"/>
+ <constant value="141:3-141:4"/>
+ <constant value="141:19-141:32"/>
+ <constant value="141:3-141:33"/>
+ <constant value="140:3-141:33"/>
+ <constant value="143:9-143:24"/>
+ <constant value="__matchTarget"/>
+ <constant value="target"/>
+ <constant value="40"/>
+ <constant value="Target"/>
+ <constant value="153:3-153:4"/>
+ <constant value="153:3-153:9"/>
+ <constant value="153:12-153:20"/>
+ <constant value="153:3-153:20"/>
+ <constant value="155:9-155:19"/>
+ <constant value="__matchTaskDef"/>
+ <constant value="taskdef"/>
+ <constant value="TaskDef"/>
+ <constant value="179:3-179:4"/>
+ <constant value="179:3-179:9"/>
+ <constant value="179:12-179:21"/>
+ <constant value="179:3-179:21"/>
+ <constant value="181:9-181:20"/>
+ <constant value="__matchNewTask"/>
+ <constant value="J.allInstances():J"/>
+ <constant value="2"/>
+ <constant value="J.getAttribute(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="39"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.including(J):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="J.isEmpty():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.not():J"/>
+ <constant value="63"/>
+ <constant value="NewTask"/>
+ <constant value="191:7-191:18"/>
+ <constant value="191:7-191:33"/>
+ <constant value="192:16-192:17"/>
+ <constant value="192:16-192:22"/>
+ <constant value="192:25-192:34"/>
+ <constant value="192:16-192:34"/>
+ <constant value="193:9-193:10"/>
+ <constant value="193:24-193:30"/>
+ <constant value="193:9-193:31"/>
+ <constant value="193:32-193:33"/>
+ <constant value="193:32-193:38"/>
+ <constant value="193:9-193:38"/>
+ <constant value="192:16-193:38"/>
+ <constant value="191:7-193:39"/>
+ <constant value="191:7-194:15"/>
+ <constant value="191:3-194:16"/>
+ <constant value="196:9-196:20"/>
+ <constant value="d"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAttribut"/>
+ <constant value="Attribute"/>
+ <constant value="parent"/>
+ <constant value="64"/>
+ <constant value="Attribut"/>
+ <constant value="211:7-211:18"/>
+ <constant value="211:7-211:33"/>
+ <constant value="212:16-212:17"/>
+ <constant value="212:16-212:22"/>
+ <constant value="212:25-212:34"/>
+ <constant value="212:16-212:34"/>
+ <constant value="213:9-213:10"/>
+ <constant value="213:24-213:30"/>
+ <constant value="213:9-213:31"/>
+ <constant value="213:32-213:33"/>
+ <constant value="213:32-213:40"/>
+ <constant value="213:32-213:45"/>
+ <constant value="213:9-213:45"/>
+ <constant value="212:16-213:45"/>
+ <constant value="211:7-213:46"/>
+ <constant value="211:7-214:15"/>
+ <constant value="211:3-214:16"/>
+ <constant value="216:9-216:21"/>
+ <constant value="__matchMkdir"/>
+ <constant value="mkdir"/>
+ <constant value="Mkdir"/>
+ <constant value="228:3-228:4"/>
+ <constant value="228:3-228:9"/>
+ <constant value="228:12-228:19"/>
+ <constant value="228:3-228:19"/>
+ <constant value="230:9-230:18"/>
+ <constant value="__matchTstamp"/>
+ <constant value="tstamp"/>
+ <constant value="Tstamp"/>
+ <constant value="237:3-237:4"/>
+ <constant value="237:3-237:9"/>
+ <constant value="237:12-237:20"/>
+ <constant value="237:3-237:20"/>
+ <constant value="239:9-239:19"/>
+ <constant value="__matchJava"/>
+ <constant value="java"/>
+ <constant value="Java"/>
+ <constant value="244:3-244:4"/>
+ <constant value="244:3-244:9"/>
+ <constant value="244:12-244:18"/>
+ <constant value="244:3-244:18"/>
+ <constant value="246:9-246:17"/>
+ <constant value="__matchJavac"/>
+ <constant value="javac"/>
+ <constant value="Javac"/>
+ <constant value="257:3-257:4"/>
+ <constant value="257:3-257:9"/>
+ <constant value="257:12-257:19"/>
+ <constant value="257:3-257:19"/>
+ <constant value="259:9-259:18"/>
+ <constant value="__matchJavadoc"/>
+ <constant value="javadoc"/>
+ <constant value="Javadoc"/>
+ <constant value="272:3-272:4"/>
+ <constant value="272:3-272:9"/>
+ <constant value="272:12-272:21"/>
+ <constant value="272:3-272:21"/>
+ <constant value="274:9-274:20"/>
+ <constant value="__matchCopy"/>
+ <constant value="copy"/>
+ <constant value="Copy"/>
+ <constant value="288:3-288:4"/>
+ <constant value="288:3-288:9"/>
+ <constant value="288:12-288:18"/>
+ <constant value="288:3-288:18"/>
+ <constant value="290:9-290:17"/>
+ <constant value="__matchDelete"/>
+ <constant value="delete"/>
+ <constant value="Delete"/>
+ <constant value="303:3-303:4"/>
+ <constant value="303:3-303:9"/>
+ <constant value="303:12-303:20"/>
+ <constant value="303:3-303:20"/>
+ <constant value="305:9-305:19"/>
+ <constant value="__matchJar"/>
+ <constant value="jar"/>
+ <constant value="Jar"/>
+ <constant value="312:3-312:4"/>
+ <constant value="312:3-312:9"/>
+ <constant value="312:12-312:17"/>
+ <constant value="312:3-312:17"/>
+ <constant value="314:9-314:16"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPath"/>
+ <constant value="path"/>
+ <constant value="Path"/>
+ <constant value="325:3-325:4"/>
+ <constant value="325:3-325:9"/>
+ <constant value="325:12-325:18"/>
+ <constant value="325:3-325:18"/>
+ <constant value="326:9-326:17"/>
+ <constant value="__matchFileSet"/>
+ <constant value="fileset"/>
+ <constant value="FileSet"/>
+ <constant value="336:3-336:4"/>
+ <constant value="336:3-336:9"/>
+ <constant value="336:12-336:21"/>
+ <constant value="336:3-336:21"/>
+ <constant value="338:9-338:20"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPatternSet"/>
+ <constant value="patternset"/>
+ <constant value="PatternSet"/>
+ <constant value="351:3-351:4"/>
+ <constant value="351:3-351:9"/>
+ <constant value="351:12-351:24"/>
+ <constant value="351:3-351:24"/>
+ <constant value="353:9-353:23"/>
+ <constant value="__matchClassPath"/>
+ <constant value="classpath"/>
+ <constant value="ClassPath"/>
+ <constant value="361:3-361:4"/>
+ <constant value="361:3-361:9"/>
+ <constant value="361:12-361:23"/>
+ <constant value="361:3-361:23"/>
+ <constant value="363:9-363:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPathElement"/>
+ <constant value="pathelement"/>
+ <constant value="PathElement"/>
+ <constant value="374:3-374:4"/>
+ <constant value="374:3-374:9"/>
+ <constant value="374:12-374:25"/>
+ <constant value="374:3-374:25"/>
+ <constant value="376:9-376:24"/>
+ <constant value="__matchFilterSet"/>
+ <constant value="filterset"/>
+ <constant value="FilterSet"/>
+ <constant value="386:3-386:4"/>
+ <constant value="386:3-386:9"/>
+ <constant value="386:12-386:23"/>
+ <constant value="386:3-386:23"/>
+ <constant value="388:9-388:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchFilter"/>
+ <constant value="filter"/>
+ <constant value="Filter"/>
+ <constant value="400:3-400:4"/>
+ <constant value="400:3-400:9"/>
+ <constant value="400:12-400:20"/>
+ <constant value="400:3-400:20"/>
+ <constant value="402:9-402:19"/>
+ <constant value="__matchFiltersFile"/>
+ <constant value="filtersfile"/>
+ <constant value="FiltersFile"/>
+ <constant value="410:3-410:4"/>
+ <constant value="410:3-410:9"/>
+ <constant value="410:12-410:25"/>
+ <constant value="410:3-410:25"/>
+ <constant value="412:9-412:24"/>
+ <constant value="__matchIncludes"/>
+ <constant value="include"/>
+ <constant value="Includes"/>
+ <constant value="419:3-419:4"/>
+ <constant value="419:3-419:9"/>
+ <constant value="419:12-419:21"/>
+ <constant value="419:3-419:21"/>
+ <constant value="421:9-421:21"/>
+ <constant value="__matchExcludes"/>
+ <constant value="exclude"/>
+ <constant value="Excludes"/>
+ <constant value="430:3-430:4"/>
+ <constant value="430:3-430:9"/>
+ <constant value="430:12-430:21"/>
+ <constant value="430:3-430:21"/>
+ <constant value="432:9-432:21"/>
+ <constant value="__matchIncludesFile"/>
+ <constant value="includesfile"/>
+ <constant value="IncludesFile"/>
+ <constant value="441:3-441:4"/>
+ <constant value="441:3-441:9"/>
+ <constant value="441:12-441:26"/>
+ <constant value="441:3-441:26"/>
+ <constant value="443:8-443:24"/>
+ <constant value="__matchExcludesFile"/>
+ <constant value="excludesfile"/>
+ <constant value="ExcludesFile"/>
+ <constant value="452:3-452:4"/>
+ <constant value="452:3-452:9"/>
+ <constant value="452:12-452:26"/>
+ <constant value="452:3-452:26"/>
+ <constant value="454:9-454:25"/>
+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="J"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):B"/>
+ <constant value="18"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinkBySourceElement(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="15"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetFromSource(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="30"/>
+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.including(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="e"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyRoot2Project(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPropertyLocation(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPropertyValue(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPropertyFile(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPropertyEnv(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyTarget(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyTaskDef(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyNewTask(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAttribut(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyMkdir(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyTstamp(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyJava(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyJavac(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyJavadoc(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyCopy(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDelete(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyJar(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPath(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyFileSet(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPatternSet(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyClassPath(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPathElement(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyFilterSet(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyFilter(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyFiltersFile(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyIncludes(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyExcludes(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyIncludesFile(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyExcludesFile(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="getList"/>
+ <constant value="J.size():J"/>
+ <constant value="14"/>
+ <constant value="J.getListAux(JJJJ):J"/>
+ <constant value="11:5-11:15"/>
+ <constant value="11:5-11:22"/>
+ <constant value="11:23-11:24"/>
+ <constant value="11:5-11:24"/>
+ <constant value="13:8-13:18"/>
+ <constant value="13:30-13:40"/>
+ <constant value="13:41-13:42"/>
+ <constant value="13:43-13:44"/>
+ <constant value="13:45-13:55"/>
+ <constant value="13:8-13:56"/>
+ <constant value="12:8-12:18"/>
+ <constant value="11:2-14:8"/>
+ <constant value="listString"/>
+ <constant value="getListAux"/>
+ <constant value="I"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="4"/>
+ <constant value="QS"/>
+ <constant value="J.&lt;(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.substring(JJ):J"/>
+ <constant value=","/>
+ <constant value="21"/>
+ <constant value="J.+(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="38"/>
+ <constant value="J.-(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.append(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="47"/>
+ <constant value="19:6-19:16"/>
+ <constant value="19:6-19:23"/>
+ <constant value="19:24-19:30"/>
+ <constant value="19:6-19:30"/>
+ <constant value="22:8-22:18"/>
+ <constant value="22:29-22:35"/>
+ <constant value="22:36-22:42"/>
+ <constant value="22:8-22:43"/>
+ <constant value="22:44-22:47"/>
+ <constant value="22:8-22:47"/>
+ <constant value="24:10-24:20"/>
+ <constant value="24:32-24:42"/>
+ <constant value="24:43-24:49"/>
+ <constant value="24:50-24:56"/>
+ <constant value="24:57-24:58"/>
+ <constant value="24:50-24:58"/>
+ <constant value="24:60-24:72"/>
+ <constant value="24:10-24:73"/>
+ <constant value="23:10-23:20"/>
+ <constant value="23:32-23:42"/>
+ <constant value="23:43-23:49"/>
+ <constant value="23:50-23:51"/>
+ <constant value="23:43-23:51"/>
+ <constant value="23:52-23:58"/>
+ <constant value="23:59-23:60"/>
+ <constant value="23:52-23:60"/>
+ <constant value="23:62-23:74"/>
+ <constant value="23:85-23:95"/>
+ <constant value="23:106-23:112"/>
+ <constant value="23:113-23:119"/>
+ <constant value="23:120-23:121"/>
+ <constant value="23:113-23:121"/>
+ <constant value="23:85-23:122"/>
+ <constant value="23:62-23:123"/>
+ <constant value="23:10-23:124"/>
+ <constant value="22:4-25:9"/>
+ <constant value="20:8-20:20"/>
+ <constant value="20:31-20:41"/>
+ <constant value="20:52-20:58"/>
+ <constant value="20:59-20:65"/>
+ <constant value="20:66-20:67"/>
+ <constant value="20:59-20:67"/>
+ <constant value="20:31-20:68"/>
+ <constant value="20:8-20:69"/>
+ <constant value="19:2-26:7"/>
+ <constant value="index1"/>
+ <constant value="index2"/>
+ <constant value="provSequence"/>
+ <constant value="getAttrVal"/>
+ <constant value="MXML!Element;"/>
+ <constant value="children"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.first():J"/>
+ <constant value="34:5-34:9"/>
+ <constant value="34:5-34:18"/>
+ <constant value="35:14-35:15"/>
+ <constant value="35:28-35:41"/>
+ <constant value="35:14-35:42"/>
+ <constant value="35:47-35:48"/>
+ <constant value="35:47-35:53"/>
+ <constant value="35:56-35:60"/>
+ <constant value="35:47-35:60"/>
+ <constant value="35:14-35:60"/>
+ <constant value="34:5-35:61"/>
+ <constant value="34:5-36:13"/>
+ <constant value="34:5-36:19"/>
+ <constant value="c"/>
+ <constant value="testAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="40:7-40:11"/>
+ <constant value="40:7-40:20"/>
+ <constant value="40:35-40:36"/>
+ <constant value="40:49-40:62"/>
+ <constant value="40:35-40:63"/>
+ <constant value="40:68-40:69"/>
+ <constant value="40:68-40:74"/>
+ <constant value="40:77-40:81"/>
+ <constant value="40:68-40:81"/>
+ <constant value="40:35-40:81"/>
+ <constant value="40:7-40:82"/>
+ <constant value="40:7-41:10"/>
+ <constant value="40:7-41:27"/>
+ <constant value="40:2-41:28"/>
+ <constant value="getAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="6"/>
+ <constant value=""/>
+ <constant value="9"/>
+ <constant value="J.getAttrVal(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="47:6-47:10"/>
+ <constant value="47:25-47:29"/>
+ <constant value="47:6-47:30"/>
+ <constant value="49:8-49:10"/>
+ <constant value="48:8-48:12"/>
+ <constant value="48:24-48:28"/>
+ <constant value="48:8-48:29"/>
+ <constant value="47:2-50:8"/>
+ <constant value="testElement"/>
+ <constant value="57:7-57:11"/>
+ <constant value="57:7-57:20"/>
+ <constant value="57:35-57:36"/>
+ <constant value="57:49-57:60"/>
+ <constant value="57:35-57:61"/>
+ <constant value="57:66-57:67"/>
+ <constant value="57:66-57:72"/>
+ <constant value="57:75-57:79"/>
+ <constant value="57:66-57:79"/>
+ <constant value="57:35-57:79"/>
+ <constant value="57:7-57:80"/>
+ <constant value="57:7-58:10"/>
+ <constant value="57:7-58:27"/>
+ <constant value="57:2-58:28"/>
+ <constant value="getText"/>
+ <constant value="J.testElement(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="Text"/>
+ <constant value="65:5-65:9"/>
+ <constant value="65:22-65:26"/>
+ <constant value="65:5-65:27"/>
+ <constant value="71:7-71:9"/>
+ <constant value="66:6-66:10"/>
+ <constant value="66:6-66:19"/>
+ <constant value="67:15-67:16"/>
+ <constant value="67:29-67:40"/>
+ <constant value="67:15-67:41"/>
+ <constant value="67:46-67:47"/>
+ <constant value="67:46-67:52"/>
+ <constant value="67:53-67:57"/>
+ <constant value="67:46-67:57"/>
+ <constant value="67:15-67:57"/>
+ <constant value="66:6-67:58"/>
+ <constant value="66:6-68:12"/>
+ <constant value="66:6-68:21"/>
+ <constant value="69:17-69:18"/>
+ <constant value="69:31-69:39"/>
+ <constant value="69:17-69:40"/>
+ <constant value="66:6-69:41"/>
+ <constant value="66:6-70:14"/>
+ <constant value="66:6-70:20"/>
+ <constant value="65:2-72:7"/>
+ <constant value="__applyRoot2Project"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="basedir"/>
+ <constant value="description"/>
+ <constant value="J.getText(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="default"/>
+ <constant value="57"/>
+ <constant value="84"/>
+ <constant value="111"/>
+ <constant value="properties"/>
+ <constant value="137"/>
+ <constant value="163"/>
+ <constant value="targets"/>
+ <constant value="84:11-84:12"/>
+ <constant value="84:26-84:32"/>
+ <constant value="84:11-84:33"/>
+ <constant value="84:3-84:33"/>
+ <constant value="85:14-85:15"/>
+ <constant value="85:29-85:38"/>
+ <constant value="85:14-85:39"/>
+ <constant value="85:3-85:39"/>
+ <constant value="86:18-86:19"/>
+ <constant value="86:28-86:41"/>
+ <constant value="86:18-86:42"/>
+ <constant value="86:3-86:42"/>
+ <constant value="87:15-87:26"/>
+ <constant value="87:15-87:41"/>
+ <constant value="88:16-88:17"/>
+ <constant value="88:16-88:22"/>
+ <constant value="88:25-88:33"/>
+ <constant value="88:16-88:33"/>
+ <constant value="89:9-89:10"/>
+ <constant value="89:24-89:30"/>
+ <constant value="89:9-89:31"/>
+ <constant value="89:32-89:33"/>
+ <constant value="89:47-89:56"/>
+ <constant value="89:32-89:57"/>
+ <constant value="89:9-89:57"/>
+ <constant value="88:16-89:57"/>
+ <constant value="87:15-89:58"/>
+ <constant value="87:15-90:13"/>
+ <constant value="87:3-90:13"/>
+ <constant value="91:11-91:12"/>
+ <constant value="91:11-91:21"/>
+ <constant value="92:15-92:16"/>
+ <constant value="92:29-92:40"/>
+ <constant value="92:15-92:41"/>
+ <constant value="92:46-92:47"/>
+ <constant value="92:46-92:52"/>
+ <constant value="92:55-92:61"/>
+ <constant value="92:46-92:61"/>
+ <constant value="92:15-92:61"/>
+ <constant value="91:11-92:62"/>
+ <constant value="91:11-93:15"/>
+ <constant value="91:3-93:15"/>
+ <constant value="94:17-94:18"/>
+ <constant value="94:17-94:27"/>
+ <constant value="95:15-95:16"/>
+ <constant value="95:29-95:40"/>
+ <constant value="95:15-95:41"/>
+ <constant value="95:46-95:47"/>
+ <constant value="95:46-95:52"/>
+ <constant value="95:55-95:65"/>
+ <constant value="95:46-95:65"/>
+ <constant value="95:15-95:65"/>
+ <constant value="94:17-95:66"/>
+ <constant value="94:3-95:66"/>
+ <constant value="96:14-96:15"/>
+ <constant value="96:14-96:24"/>
+ <constant value="97:15-97:16"/>
+ <constant value="97:29-97:40"/>
+ <constant value="97:15-97:41"/>
+ <constant value="97:46-97:47"/>
+ <constant value="97:46-97:52"/>
+ <constant value="97:55-97:64"/>
+ <constant value="97:46-97:64"/>
+ <constant value="97:15-97:64"/>
+ <constant value="96:14-97:65"/>
+ <constant value="96:3-97:65"/>
+ <constant value="98:14-98:15"/>
+ <constant value="98:14-98:24"/>
+ <constant value="99:15-99:16"/>
+ <constant value="99:29-99:40"/>
+ <constant value="99:15-99:41"/>
+ <constant value="99:46-99:47"/>
+ <constant value="99:46-99:52"/>
+ <constant value="99:55-99:63"/>
+ <constant value="99:46-99:63"/>
+ <constant value="99:15-99:63"/>
+ <constant value="98:14-99:64"/>
+ <constant value="98:3-99:64"/>
+ <constant value="link"/>
+ <constant value="__applyPropertyLocation"/>
+ <constant value="112:11-112:12"/>
+ <constant value="112:26-112:32"/>
+ <constant value="112:11-112:33"/>
+ <constant value="112:3-112:33"/>
+ <constant value="113:15-113:16"/>
+ <constant value="113:30-113:40"/>
+ <constant value="113:15-113:41"/>
+ <constant value="113:3-113:41"/>
+ <constant value="__applyPropertyValue"/>
+ <constant value="123:11-123:12"/>
+ <constant value="123:26-123:32"/>
+ <constant value="123:11-123:33"/>
+ <constant value="123:3-123:33"/>
+ <constant value="124:12-124:13"/>
+ <constant value="124:27-124:34"/>
+ <constant value="124:12-124:35"/>
+ <constant value="124:3-124:35"/>
+ <constant value="__applyPropertyFile"/>
+ <constant value="134:11-134:12"/>
+ <constant value="134:26-134:32"/>
+ <constant value="134:11-134:33"/>
+ <constant value="134:3-134:33"/>
+ <constant value="__applyPropertyEnv"/>
+ <constant value="144:18-144:19"/>
+ <constant value="144:33-144:46"/>
+ <constant value="144:18-144:47"/>
+ <constant value="144:3-144:47"/>
+ <constant value="__applyTarget"/>
+ <constant value="if"/>
+ <constant value="ifCondition"/>
+ <constant value="unless"/>
+ <constant value="depends"/>
+ <constant value="J.getList(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.includes(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="66"/>
+ <constant value="87"/>
+ <constant value="tasks"/>
+ <constant value="156:11-156:12"/>
+ <constant value="156:26-156:32"/>
+ <constant value="156:11-156:33"/>
+ <constant value="156:3-156:33"/>
+ <constant value="157:18-157:19"/>
+ <constant value="157:33-157:46"/>
+ <constant value="157:18-157:47"/>
+ <constant value="157:3-157:47"/>
+ <constant value="158:18-158:19"/>
+ <constant value="158:33-158:37"/>
+ <constant value="158:18-158:38"/>
+ <constant value="158:3-158:38"/>
+ <constant value="159:13-159:14"/>
+ <constant value="159:28-159:36"/>
+ <constant value="159:13-159:37"/>
+ <constant value="159:3-159:37"/>
+ <constant value="160:15-160:26"/>
+ <constant value="160:15-160:41"/>
+ <constant value="161:16-161:17"/>
+ <constant value="161:16-161:22"/>
+ <constant value="161:25-161:33"/>
+ <constant value="161:16-161:33"/>
+ <constant value="162:9-162:19"/>
+ <constant value="162:28-162:29"/>
+ <constant value="162:43-162:52"/>
+ <constant value="162:28-162:53"/>
+ <constant value="162:9-162:54"/>
+ <constant value="163:17-163:18"/>
+ <constant value="163:32-163:38"/>
+ <constant value="163:17-163:39"/>
+ <constant value="162:9-163:40"/>
+ <constant value="161:16-163:40"/>
+ <constant value="160:15-163:41"/>
+ <constant value="160:3-163:41"/>
+ <constant value="164:12-164:13"/>
+ <constant value="164:12-164:22"/>
+ <constant value="165:15-165:16"/>
+ <constant value="165:29-165:40"/>
+ <constant value="165:15-165:41"/>
+ <constant value="164:12-165:42"/>
+ <constant value="164:3-165:42"/>
+ <constant value="__applyTaskDef"/>
+ <constant value="classname"/>
+ <constant value="182:11-182:12"/>
+ <constant value="182:26-182:32"/>
+ <constant value="182:11-182:33"/>
+ <constant value="182:3-182:33"/>
+ <constant value="183:16-183:17"/>
+ <constant value="183:31-183:42"/>
+ <constant value="183:16-183:43"/>
+ <constant value="183:3-183:43"/>
+ <constant value="__applyNewTask"/>
+ <constant value="35"/>
+ <constant value="taskName"/>
+ <constant value="attributes"/>
+ <constant value="198:15-198:26"/>
+ <constant value="198:15-198:41"/>
+ <constant value="199:16-199:17"/>
+ <constant value="199:16-199:22"/>
+ <constant value="199:25-199:34"/>
+ <constant value="199:16-199:34"/>
+ <constant value="200:9-200:10"/>
+ <constant value="200:24-200:30"/>
+ <constant value="200:9-200:31"/>
+ <constant value="200:32-200:33"/>
+ <constant value="200:32-200:38"/>
+ <constant value="200:9-200:38"/>
+ <constant value="199:16-200:38"/>
+ <constant value="198:15-200:39"/>
+ <constant value="198:15-201:13"/>
+ <constant value="198:3-201:13"/>
+ <constant value="203:17-203:18"/>
+ <constant value="203:17-203:27"/>
+ <constant value="204:15-204:16"/>
+ <constant value="204:29-204:42"/>
+ <constant value="204:15-204:43"/>
+ <constant value="203:17-204:44"/>
+ <constant value="203:3-204:44"/>
+ <constant value="__applyAttribut"/>
+ <constant value="217:11-217:12"/>
+ <constant value="217:11-217:17"/>
+ <constant value="217:3-217:17"/>
+ <constant value="218:11-218:12"/>
+ <constant value="218:11-218:18"/>
+ <constant value="218:3-218:18"/>
+ <constant value="__applyMkdir"/>
+ <constant value="dir"/>
+ <constant value="231:10-231:11"/>
+ <constant value="231:25-231:30"/>
+ <constant value="231:10-231:31"/>
+ <constant value="231:3-231:31"/>
+ <constant value="__applyTstamp"/>
+ <constant value="__applyJava"/>
+ <constant value="fork"/>
+ <constant value="53"/>
+ <constant value="classPath"/>
+ <constant value="247:16-247:17"/>
+ <constant value="247:31-247:42"/>
+ <constant value="247:16-247:43"/>
+ <constant value="247:3-247:43"/>
+ <constant value="248:10-248:11"/>
+ <constant value="248:25-248:30"/>
+ <constant value="248:10-248:31"/>
+ <constant value="248:3-248:31"/>
+ <constant value="249:11-249:12"/>
+ <constant value="249:26-249:32"/>
+ <constant value="249:11-249:33"/>
+ <constant value="249:3-249:33"/>
+ <constant value="250:18-250:19"/>
+ <constant value="250:18-250:28"/>
+ <constant value="251:15-251:16"/>
+ <constant value="251:29-251:40"/>
+ <constant value="251:15-251:41"/>
+ <constant value="251:46-251:47"/>
+ <constant value="251:46-251:52"/>
+ <constant value="251:55-251:66"/>
+ <constant value="251:46-251:66"/>
+ <constant value="251:15-251:66"/>
+ <constant value="250:18-251:67"/>
+ <constant value="250:5-251:67"/>
+ <constant value="__applyJavac"/>
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+ <constant value="srcdir"/>
+ <constant value="46"/>
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+ <constant value="78"/>
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+ <constant value="260:14-260:15"/>
+ <constant value="260:29-260:38"/>
+ <constant value="260:14-260:39"/>
+ <constant value="260:3-260:39"/>
+ <constant value="261:13-261:14"/>
+ <constant value="261:28-261:36"/>
+ <constant value="261:13-261:37"/>
+ <constant value="261:3-261:37"/>
+ <constant value="262:18-262:19"/>
+ <constant value="262:18-262:28"/>
+ <constant value="263:15-263:16"/>
+ <constant value="263:29-263:40"/>
+ <constant value="263:15-263:41"/>
+ <constant value="263:46-263:47"/>
+ <constant value="263:46-263:52"/>
+ <constant value="263:55-263:66"/>
+ <constant value="263:46-263:66"/>
+ <constant value="263:15-263:66"/>
+ <constant value="262:18-263:67"/>
+ <constant value="262:18-264:12"/>
+ <constant value="262:5-264:12"/>
+ <constant value="265:17-265:18"/>
+ <constant value="265:17-265:27"/>
+ <constant value="266:15-266:16"/>
+ <constant value="266:29-266:40"/>
+ <constant value="266:15-266:41"/>
+ <constant value="266:47-266:48"/>
+ <constant value="266:47-266:53"/>
+ <constant value="266:56-266:65"/>
+ <constant value="266:47-266:65"/>
+ <constant value="266:69-266:70"/>
+ <constant value="266:69-266:75"/>
+ <constant value="266:78-266:87"/>
+ <constant value="266:69-266:87"/>
+ <constant value="266:47-266:87"/>
+ <constant value="266:15-266:88"/>
+ <constant value="265:17-266:89"/>
+ <constant value="265:3-266:89"/>
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+ <constant value="packagenames"/>
+ <constant value="defaultexcludes"/>
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+ <constant value="275:33-275:45"/>
+ <constant value="275:18-275:46"/>
+ <constant value="275:4-275:46"/>
+ <constant value="276:16-276:17"/>
+ <constant value="276:31-276:40"/>
+ <constant value="276:16-276:41"/>
+ <constant value="276:5-276:41"/>
+ <constant value="277:21-277:22"/>
+ <constant value="277:36-277:50"/>
+ <constant value="277:21-277:51"/>
+ <constant value="277:5-277:51"/>
+ <constant value="278:24-278:25"/>
+ <constant value="278:39-278:56"/>
+ <constant value="278:24-278:57"/>
+ <constant value="278:5-278:57"/>
+ <constant value="279:15-279:16"/>
+ <constant value="279:30-279:38"/>
+ <constant value="279:15-279:39"/>
+ <constant value="279:5-279:39"/>
+ <constant value="280:16-280:17"/>
+ <constant value="280:31-280:40"/>
+ <constant value="280:16-280:41"/>
+ <constant value="280:5-280:41"/>
+ <constant value="281:12-281:13"/>
+ <constant value="281:27-281:32"/>
+ <constant value="281:12-281:33"/>
+ <constant value="281:5-281:33"/>
+ <constant value="282:20-282:21"/>
+ <constant value="282:35-282:48"/>
+ <constant value="282:20-282:49"/>
+ <constant value="282:5-282:49"/>
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+ <constant value="todir"/>
+ <constant value="291:12-291:13"/>
+ <constant value="291:27-291:34"/>
+ <constant value="291:12-291:35"/>
+ <constant value="291:3-291:35"/>
+ <constant value="292:14-292:15"/>
+ <constant value="292:14-292:24"/>
+ <constant value="293:15-293:16"/>
+ <constant value="293:29-293:40"/>
+ <constant value="293:15-293:41"/>
+ <constant value="293:46-293:47"/>
+ <constant value="293:46-293:52"/>
+ <constant value="293:55-293:64"/>
+ <constant value="293:46-293:64"/>
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+ <constant value="292:14-293:65"/>
+ <constant value="292:14-294:12"/>
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+ <constant value="296:15-296:16"/>
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+ <constant value="296:15-296:41"/>
+ <constant value="296:46-296:47"/>
+ <constant value="296:46-296:52"/>
+ <constant value="296:55-296:66"/>
+ <constant value="296:46-296:66"/>
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+ <constant value="295:16-296:67"/>
+ <constant value="295:16-297:12"/>
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+ <constant value="306:25-306:30"/>
+ <constant value="306:10-306:31"/>
+ <constant value="306:3-306:31"/>
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+ <constant value="315:14-315:15"/>
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+ </parameters>
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+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="1168" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="1169" begin="12" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="1170" begin="11" end="13"/>
+ <lne id="1171" begin="9" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="1172" begin="18" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="1173" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="1174" begin="18" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="1175" begin="16" end="22"/>
+ <lne id="1176" begin="25" end="25"/>
+ <lne id="1177" begin="26" end="26"/>
+ <lne id="1178" begin="25" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="1179" begin="23" end="29"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="62" begin="3" end="30"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="64" begin="7" end="30"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="30"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="662" begin="0" end="30"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/XML2Ant.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/XML2Ant.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b8fdf3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/XML2Ant.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+module XML2Ant;
+create OUT : Ant from IN : XML;
+-- helper : to extract a list of String from a String
+-- extract a sequence of String from the String listString in the same order
+-- (two elements are separated by a comma)
+helper def:getList(listString : String):Sequence(String)=
+ if(listString.size()=0)
+ then Sequence{}
+ else thisModule.getListAux(listString,1,1,Sequence{})
+ endif;
+-- index1 : begin of the word
+-- index2 : compteur
+helper def:getListAux(listString : String,index1 : Integer,index2 : Integer,provSequence : Sequence(String)):Sequence(String)=
+ if (listString.size()<index2)
+ then provSequence -> append(listString.substring(index1,index2-1))
+ else
+ if (listString.substring(index2,index2)=',')
+ then thisModule.getListAux(listString,index2+1,index2+1, provSequence -> append(listString.substring(index1,index2-1)))
+ else thisModule.getListAux(listString,index1,index2+1, provSequence)
+ endif
+ endif;
+-- helper : to get an attribute
+-- returns the value of the attribute 'name' (without test of existence)
+helper context XML!Element def: getAttrVal(name : String) : String =
+ self.children->
+ select(c | c.oclIsKindOf(XML!Attribute) and = name)
+ ->first().value;
+-- returns true if the attribute 'name' is defined
+helper context XML!Element def: testAttribute(name : String) : Boolean =
+ not (self.children -> select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Attribute) and = name)->
+ first().oclIsUndefined());
+-- returns the value of the attribute given in parameter
+-- returns '' if this attribute does not exist
+helper context XML!Element def:getAttribute(name : String):String =
+ if (self.testAttribute(name))
+ then self.getAttrVal(name)
+ else ''
+ endif;
+-- others helpers
+-- returns true if the element 'name' is defined
+helper context XML!Element def: testElement(name : String) : Boolean =
+ not (self.children -> select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element) and = name)->
+ first().oclIsUndefined());
+-- returns the value of a text belonging to an element 'name'
+-- return '' if the element does not exist
+helper context XML!Element def: getText(name : String) : String =
+ if self.testElement(name) then
+ self.children->
+ select(c | c.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element) and ->
+ first().children ->
+ select(c | c.oclIsKindOf(XML!Text)) ->
+ first().value
+ else ''
+ endif;
+-- RULES --
+-- central rule
+rule Root2Project{
+ from i : XML!Root
+ to o : Ant!Project(
+ name <- i.getAttribute('name'),
+ basedir <- i.getAttribute('basedir'),
+ description <- i.getText('description'),
+ default <- XML!Element.allInstances() ->
+ select(d | = 'target'
+ and d.getAttribute('name')=i.getAttribute('default')) ->
+ first(),
+ path <- i.children ->
+ select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element) and = 'path')
+ -> first(),
+ properties <- i.children ->
+ select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element) and = 'property'),
+ taskdef <- i.children ->
+ select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element) and = 'taskdef'),
+ targets <- i.children ->
+ select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element) and = 'target')
+ )
+-- properties
+rule PropertyLocation{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'property' and
+ i.testAttribute('location')
+ )
+ to o : Ant!PropertyLocation(
+ name <- i.getAttribute('name'),
+ location <- i.getAttribute('location')
+ )
+rule PropertyValue{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'property' and
+ i.testAttribute('value')
+ )
+ to o : Ant!PropertyValue(
+ name <- i.getAttribute('name'),
+ value <- i.getAttribute('value')
+ )
+rule PropertyFile{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'property' and
+ i.testAttribute('file')
+ )
+ to o : Ant!PropertyFile(
+ file <- i.getAttribute('file')
+ )
+rule PropertyEnv{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'property' and
+ i.testAttribute('environment')
+ )
+ to o : Ant!PropertyEnv(
+ environment <- i.getAttribute('environment')
+ )
+-- target
+rule Target{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'target'
+ )
+ to o : Ant!Target(
+ name <- i.getAttribute('name'),
+ description <- i.getAttribute('description'),
+ ifCondition <- i.getAttribute('if'),
+ unless <- i.getAttribute('unless'),
+ depends <- XML!Element.allInstances() ->
+ select(d | = 'target'
+ and thisModule.getList(i.getAttribute('depends'))->
+ includes( d.getAttribute('name'))),
+ tasks <- i.children ->
+ select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element))
+ )
+-- tasks
+-- concerning the taks defined by the user
+-- definition of the task
+rule TaskDef{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'taskdef'
+ )
+ to o : Ant!TaskDef(
+ name <- i.getAttribute('name'),
+ classname <- i.getAttribute('classname')
+ )
+-- call of a task created by the user
+rule NewTask{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ -- this task must be defined
+ not(XML!Element.allInstances() ->
+ select(d | = 'taskdef'
+ and d.getAttribute('name') ->
+ isEmpty())
+ )
+ to o : Ant!NewTask(
+ -- reference to the definition of this task
+ taskName <- XML!Element.allInstances() ->
+ select(d | = 'taskdef'
+ and d.getAttribute('name') ->
+ first(),
+ -- its attributes
+ attributes <- i.children ->
+ select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Attribute))
+ )
+rule Attribut{
+ from i : XML!Attribute(
+ not(XML!Element.allInstances() ->
+ select(d | = 'taskdef'
+ and d.getAttribute('name') ->
+ isEmpty())
+ )
+ to o : Ant!Attribut(
+ name <-,
+ value<- i.value
+ )
+-- pre defined tasks
+rule Mkdir{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'mkdir'
+ )
+ to o : Ant!Mkdir(
+ dir <- i.getAttribute('dir')
+ )
+rule Tstamp{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'tstamp'
+ )
+ to o : Ant!Tstamp()
+rule Java{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'java'
+ )
+ to o : Ant!Java(
+ classname <- i.getAttribute('classname'),
+ jar <- i.getAttribute('jar'),
+ fork <- i.getAttribute('fork'),
+ classPath <- i.children ->
+ select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element) and = 'classpath')
+ )
+rule Javac{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'javac'
+ )
+ to o : Ant!Javac(
+ destdir <- i.getAttribute('destdir'),
+ srcdir <- i.getAttribute('srcdir'),
+ classPath <- i.children ->
+ select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element) and = 'classpath')->
+ first(),
+ inExcludes <- i.children ->
+ select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element) and ( = 'include' or = 'exclude'))
+ )
+rule Javadoc{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'javadoc'
+ )
+ to o : Ant!Javadoc(
+ sourcepath <- i.getAttribute('sourcepath'),
+ destdir <- i.getAttribute('destdir'),
+ packagenames <- i.getAttribute('packagenames'),
+ defaultexcludes <- i.getAttribute('defaultexcludes'),
+ author <- i.getAttribute('author'),
+ version <- i.getAttribute('version'),
+ use <- i.getAttribute('use'),
+ windowtitle <- i.getAttribute('windowtitle')
+ )
+rule Copy{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'copy'
+ )
+ to o : Ant!Copy(
+ todir <- i.getAttribute('todir'),
+ fileset <- i.children ->
+ select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element) and = 'fileset') ->
+ first(),
+ filterset <- i.children ->
+ select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element) and = 'filterset') ->
+ first()
+ )
+rule Delete{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'delete'
+ )
+ to o : Ant!Delete(
+ dir <- i.getAttribute('dir')
+ )
+rule Jar{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'jar'
+ )
+ to o : Ant!Jar(
+ jarfile <- i.getAttribute('jarfile'),
+ basedir <- i.getAttribute('basedir')
+ )
+-- path, file and pattern
+rule Path{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'path')
+ to o : Ant!Path(
+ id <- i.getAttribute('id'),
+ refid <- i.getAttribute('refid'),
+ fileset <- i.children ->
+ select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element) and = 'fileset')
+ )
+rule FileSet{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'fileset'
+ )
+ to o : Ant!FileSet(
+ dir <- i.getAttribute('dir'),
+ patternset <- i.children ->
+ select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element) and = 'patternset'),
+ include <- i.children ->
+ select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element) and = 'include'),
+ exclude <- i.children ->
+ select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element) and = 'exclude')
+ )
+rule PatternSet{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'patternset'
+ )
+ to o : Ant!PatternSet(
+ inexcludes <- i.children ->
+ select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element) and ( = 'exclude' or'include'))
+ )
+rule ClassPath{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'classpath'
+ )
+ to o : Ant!ClassPath(
+ refid <- i.getAttribute('refid'),
+ pathElement <- i.children ->
+ select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element) and = 'pathElement'),
+ fileset <- i.children ->
+ select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element) and = 'fileset')
+ )
+ }
+rule PathElement{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'pathelement'
+ )
+ to o : Ant!PathElement(
+ path <- i.getAttribute('path'),
+ location <- i.getAttribute('location')
+ )
+rule FilterSet{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'filterset'
+ )
+ to o : Ant!FilterSet(
+ starttoken <- i.getAttribute('starttoken'),
+ endtoken <- i.getAttribute('endtoken'),
+ filter <- i.children ->
+ select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element) and = 'filter'),
+ filtersfile <- i.children ->
+ select(d | d.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element) and = 'filtersfile')
+ )
+rule Filter{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'filter'
+ )
+ to o : Ant!Filter(
+ token <- i.getAttribute('token'),
+ value <- i.getAttribute('value')
+ )
+rule FiltersFile{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'filtersfile'
+ )
+ to o : Ant!FiltersFile(
+ file <- i.getAttribute('file')
+ )
+rule Includes{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'include'
+ )
+ to o : Ant!Includes(
+ name <- i.getAttribute('name'),
+ ifCondition <- i.getAttribute('if'),
+ unless <- i.getAttribute('unless')
+ )
+rule Excludes{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'exclude'
+ )
+ to o : Ant!Excludes(
+ name <- i.getAttribute('name'),
+ ifCondition <- i.getAttribute('if'),
+ unless <- i.getAttribute('unless')
+ )
+rule IncludesFile{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'includesfile'
+ )
+ to o: Ant!IncludesFile(
+ name <- i.getAttribute('name'),
+ ifCondition <- i.getAttribute('if'),
+ unless <- i.getAttribute('unless')
+ )
+rule ExcludesFile{
+ from i : XML!Element(
+ = 'excludesfile'
+ )
+ to o : Ant!ExcludesFile(
+ name <- i.getAttribute('name'),
+ ifCondition <- i.getAttribute('if'),
+ unless <- i.getAttribute('unless')
+ )
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/XML2Ant.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/XML2Ant.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79f1502c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/XML2Ant.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/XML2Ant.atl"/>
+<stringAttribute key="ATL VM" value="Regular VM (with debugger)"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="AllowInterModelReferences" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Input">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="XML"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="Mode Debug" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Model Handler">
+<mapEntry key="Ant" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML" value="EMF"/>
+<mapAttribute key="ModelType">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="Ant" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Output">
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="Ant"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/build.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/buildAnt.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="Ant" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/Ant.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML" value="/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XML.ecore"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.emftest"/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/build.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/build.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff9e0efc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XML2Ant/build.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
+<Root xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="XML" startLine="3" endLine="75" name="project">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="name" value="gs-example"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="default" value="build"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="basedir" value="."/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="3" name="#text" value=" "/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="3" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="4" name="#text" value=" "/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="4" endLine="6" name="target">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="name" value="init"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="4" name="#text" value=" "/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="4" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="5" name="#text" value=" "/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="5" endLine="5" name="tstamp"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="5" name="#text" value=" "/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="5" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="6" name="#text" value=" "/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="6" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="7" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="8" name="#text" value=" "/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="8" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="9" endLine="9" name="property">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="name" value="example"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="value" value="GSApp"/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="9" name="#text" value=" "/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="9" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="10" endLine="10" name="property">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="name" value="path"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="value" value="/${example}"/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="10" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="11" endLine="11" name="property">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="name" value="build"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="value" value="${jwsdp.home}/docs/tutorial/examples/${example}/build"/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="11" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="12" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="13" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="14" endLine="14" name="property">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="name" value="url"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="value" value="http://localhost:8080/manager"/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="14" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="15" endLine="15" name="property">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="file" value=""/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="15" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="16" endLine="16" name="property">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="file" value="${user.home}/"/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="16" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="17" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="18" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="19" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="20" endLine="24" name="path">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="id" value="classpath"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="20" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="21" name="#text" value=" "/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="21" endLine="23" name="fileset">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="dir" value="${jwsdp.home}/common/lib"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="21" name="#text" value=" "/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="21" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="22" name="#text" value=" "/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="22" endLine="22" name="include">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="name" value="*.jar"/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="22" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="23" name="#text" value=" "/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="23" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="24" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="25" endLine="25" name="taskdef">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="name" value="install"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="classname" value="org.apache.catalina.ant.InstallTask"/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="25" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="26" endLine="26" name="taskdef">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="name" value="reload"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="classname" value="org.apache.catalina.ant.ReloadTask"/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="26" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="27" endLine="27" name="taskdef">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="name" value="remove"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="classname" value="org.apache.catalina.ant.RemoveTask"/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="27" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="28" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="29" endLine="33" name="target">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="name" value="prepare"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="depends" value="init"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="description" value="Create build directories."/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="29" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="30" name="#text" value=" "/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="30" endLine="30" name="mkdir">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="dir" value="${build}"/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="30" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="31" name="#text" value=" "/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="31" endLine="31" name="mkdir">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="dir" value="${build}/WEB-INF"/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="31" name="#text" value=" "/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="31" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="32" name="#text" value=" "/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="32" endLine="32" name="mkdir">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="dir" value="${build}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="32" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="33" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="34" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="35" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="36" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="38" endLine="42" name="target">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="name" value="install"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="description" value="Install Web application"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="depends" value="build"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="38" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="39" name="#text" value=" "/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="41" endLine="41" name="install">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="url" value="${url}"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="username" value="${username}"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="password" value="${password}"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="path" value="${path}"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="war" value="file:${build}"/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="41" name="#text" value=" "/>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="41" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Text" startLine="42" name="#text" value="&#xA;"/>
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diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XMLMaven.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XMLMaven.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e51b696c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XMLMaven.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns:ecore="">
+ <ecore:EPackage name="PrimitiveTypes">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Boolean"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Integer"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="String"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
+ <ecore:EPackage name="XML">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Node" abstract="true">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="startLine" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="startColumn" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="endLine" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="endColumn" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/Integer"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/0/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="parent" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/Element" eOpposite="#/1/Element/children"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Attribute" eSuperTypes="#/1/Node"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Text" eSuperTypes="#/1/Node"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Element" eSuperTypes="#/1/Node">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="children" upperBound="-1"
+ eType="#/1/Node" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/Node/parent"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Root" eSuperTypes="#/1/Element"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XMLProject.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XMLProject.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e51b696c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/XMLProject.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns:ecore="">
+ <ecore:EPackage name="PrimitiveTypes">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Boolean"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Integer"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="String"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
+ <ecore:EPackage name="XML">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Node" abstract="true">
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+ eType="#/0/Integer"/>
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+ eType="#/0/Integer"/>
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+ eType="#/0/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="endColumn" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/Integer"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="value" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/Element" eOpposite="#/1/Element/children"/>
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+ eType="#/1/Node" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/Node/parent"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Root" eSuperTypes="#/1/Element"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/readme.txt b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..553485c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Ant2Maven/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This test case is related to the use case available at :
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/AssertionModification.asm b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/AssertionModification.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d68c46e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/AssertionModification.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,3799 @@
+<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ?>
+<asm name="0">
+ <cp>
+ <constant value="AssertionModification"/>
+ <constant value="links"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;"/>
+ <constant value="col"/>
+ <constant value="J;"/>
+ <constant value="searchInLib"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="main"/>
+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="0"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
+ <constant value="J.setName(S):V"/>
+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="Constraint"/>
+ <constant value="UML2"/>
+ <constant value="__initsearchInLib"/>
+ <constant value="J.registerHelperAttribute(SS):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="MUML2!Constraint;"/>
+ <constant value="owner"/>
+ <constant value="Class"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsTypeOf(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="29"/>
+ <constant value="Association"/>
+ <constant value="26"/>
+ <constant value="Operation"/>
+ <constant value="23"/>
+ <constant value="Erreur entry Type: either class or association or operation"/>
+ <constant value="25"/>
+ <constant value="J.OperationExistInLib():J"/>
+ <constant value="28"/>
+ <constant value="J.AssociationExistInLib():J"/>
+ <constant value="31"/>
+ <constant value="J.ClassExistInLib():J"/>
+ <constant value="33:5-33:9"/>
+ <constant value="33:5-33:15"/>
+ <constant value="33:28-33:38"/>
+ <constant value="33:5-33:39"/>
+ <constant value="35:10-35:14"/>
+ <constant value="35:10-35:20"/>
+ <constant value="35:33-35:49"/>
+ <constant value="35:10-35:50"/>
+ <constant value="37:11-37:15"/>
+ <constant value="37:11-37:21"/>
+ <constant value="37:34-37:48"/>
+ <constant value="37:11-37:49"/>
+ <constant value="39:9-39:70"/>
+ <constant value="38:9-38:13"/>
+ <constant value="38:9-38:35"/>
+ <constant value="37:8-40:9"/>
+ <constant value="36:8-36:12"/>
+ <constant value="36:8-36:36"/>
+ <constant value="35:7-41:8"/>
+ <constant value="34:7-34:11"/>
+ <constant value="34:7-34:29"/>
+ <constant value="33:2-42:7"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchModel():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDataType():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchLiteralNull():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchLiteralInteger():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchLiteralUnlimitedNatural():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchLiteralString():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAssociation():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchProperty():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchConstraint():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchClass():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchOperation():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchParameter():V"/>
+ <constant value="__matchModel"/>
+ <constant value="Model"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
+ <constant value="IN"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.union(CJ):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="Lib"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="B.not():B"/>
+ <constant value="42"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="inputM"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="outputM"/>
+ <constant value="UML2Target"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="132:13-132:29"/>
+ <constant value="__matchDataType"/>
+ <constant value="DataType"/>
+ <constant value="inputC"/>
+ <constant value="outputC"/>
+ <constant value="144:13-144:32"/>
+ <constant value="__matchLiteralNull"/>
+ <constant value="LiteralNull"/>
+ <constant value="inputLN"/>
+ <constant value="outputLN"/>
+ <constant value="155:14-155:36"/>
+ <constant value="__matchLiteralInteger"/>
+ <constant value="LiteralInteger"/>
+ <constant value="inputLI"/>
+ <constant value="outputLI"/>
+ <constant value="164:14-164:39"/>
+ <constant value="__matchLiteralUnlimitedNatural"/>
+ <constant value="LiteralUnlimitedNatural"/>
+ <constant value="inputLUN"/>
+ <constant value="outputLUN"/>
+ <constant value="175:15-175:49"/>
+ <constant value="__matchLiteralString"/>
+ <constant value="LiteralString"/>
+ <constant value="noRule"/>
+ <constant value="J.=(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="46"/>
+ <constant value="inputLS"/>
+ <constant value="outputLS"/>
+ <constant value="185:4-185:11"/>
+ <constant value="185:4-185:17"/>
+ <constant value="185:4-185:39"/>
+ <constant value="185:40-185:48"/>
+ <constant value="185:4-185:48"/>
+ <constant value="187:14-187:38"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAssociation"/>
+ <constant value="inputA"/>
+ <constant value="outputA"/>
+ <constant value="198:13-198:35"/>
+ <constant value="__matchProperty"/>
+ <constant value="Property"/>
+ <constant value="inputP"/>
+ <constant value="outputP"/>
+ <constant value="210:13-210:32"/>
+ <constant value="__matchConstraint"/>
+ <constant value="226:13-226:34"/>
+ <constant value="__matchClass"/>
+ <constant value="242:13-242:29"/>
+ <constant value="__matchOperation"/>
+ <constant value="inputO"/>
+ <constant value="outputO"/>
+ <constant value="258:13-258:33"/>
+ <constant value="__matchParameter"/>
+ <constant value="Parameter"/>
+ <constant value="272:13-272:33"/>
+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="J"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):B"/>
+ <constant value="18"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinkBySourceElement(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="15"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetFromSource(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="30"/>
+ <constant value="2"/>
+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.including(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="e"/>
+ <constant value="value"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyModel(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDataType(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyLiteralNull(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyLiteralInteger(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyLiteralUnlimitedNatural(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyLiteralString(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAssociation(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyProperty(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyConstraint(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyClass(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyOperation(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyParameter(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="getAttr"/>
+ <constant value="MXML!Element;"/>
+ <constant value="children"/>
+ <constant value="Attribute"/>
+ <constant value="XML"/>
+ <constant value="19"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.including(J):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="J.first():J"/>
+ <constant value="17:3-17:7"/>
+ <constant value="17:3-17:16"/>
+ <constant value="18:15-18:16"/>
+ <constant value="18:29-18:42"/>
+ <constant value="18:15-18:43"/>
+ <constant value="17:3-18:44"/>
+ <constant value="19:16-19:17"/>
+ <constant value="19:16-19:22"/>
+ <constant value="19:25-19:29"/>
+ <constant value="19:16-19:29"/>
+ <constant value="17:3-19:30"/>
+ <constant value="17:3-19:39"/>
+ <constant value="c"/>
+ <constant value="getAttrVal"/>
+ <constant value="J.getAttr(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="23:3-23:7"/>
+ <constant value="23:16-23:20"/>
+ <constant value="23:3-23:21"/>
+ <constant value="23:3-23:27"/>
+ <constant value="getChildren"/>
+ <constant value="&lt;DUMMY&gt;"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="28:3-28:7"/>
+ <constant value="28:3-28:16"/>
+ <constant value="29:14-29:15"/>
+ <constant value="29:28-29:32"/>
+ <constant value="29:14-29:33"/>
+ <constant value="28:3-29:34"/>
+ <constant value="29:45-29:46"/>
+ <constant value="29:45-29:51"/>
+ <constant value="29:54-29:58"/>
+ <constant value="29:45-29:58"/>
+ <constant value="28:3-29:59"/>
+ <constant value="type"/>
+ <constant value="ClassExistInLib"/>
+ <constant value="Element"/>
+ <constant value="J.allInstances():J"/>
+ <constant value="class"/>
+ <constant value="20"/>
+ <constant value="package"/>
+ <constant value="J.and(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="assertion"/>
+ <constant value="J.getChildren(JJ):J"/>
+ <constant value="B.or(B):B"/>
+ <constant value="63"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.first():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.&lt;&gt;(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="73"/>
+ <constant value="161"/>
+ <constant value="96"/>
+ <constant value="139"/>
+ <constant value="158"/>
+ <constant value="47:5-47:16"/>
+ <constant value="47:5-47:31"/>
+ <constant value="47:42-47:43"/>
+ <constant value="47:42-47:48"/>
+ <constant value="47:49-47:56"/>
+ <constant value="47:42-47:56"/>
+ <constant value="47:5-47:57"/>
+ <constant value="48:12-48:13"/>
+ <constant value="48:22-48:31"/>
+ <constant value="48:12-48:32"/>
+ <constant value="48:12-48:38"/>
+ <constant value="48:41-48:45"/>
+ <constant value="48:41-48:51"/>
+ <constant value="48:41-48:59"/>
+ <constant value="48:41-48:64"/>
+ <constant value="48:12-48:64"/>
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+ <constant value="115:38-115:54"/>
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+ <constant value="117:50-117:59"/>
+ <constant value="117:20-117:59"/>
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+ <constant value="113:10-118:57"/>
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+ <constant value="119:19-119:58"/>
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+ <constant value="90:13-90:33"/>
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+ <constant value="90:42-90:52"/>
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+ <constant value="90:42-90:71"/>
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+ <constant value="91:9-91:27"/>
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+ <constant value="91:9-91:57"/>
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+ <constant value="92:9-92:51"/>
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+ <constant value="93:17-93:38"/>
+ <constant value="93:17-93:44"/>
+ <constant value="93:47-93:51"/>
+ <constant value="93:47-93:56"/>
+ <constant value="93:17-93:56"/>
+ <constant value="92:9-93:57"/>
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+ <constant value="89:6-94:5"/>
+ <constant value="89:6-94:13"/>
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+ <constant value="89:6-94:29"/>
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+ <constant value="96:41-96:42"/>
+ <constant value="96:41-96:47"/>
+ <constant value="96:48-96:59"/>
+ <constant value="96:41-96:59"/>
+ <constant value="96:4-96:60"/>
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+ <constant value="97:42-97:46"/>
+ <constant value="97:42-97:52"/>
+ <constant value="97:42-97:58"/>
+ <constant value="97:42-97:66"/>
+ <constant value="97:42-97:71"/>
+ <constant value="97:13-97:71"/>
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+ <constant value="98:9-98:27"/>
+ <constant value="98:9-98:33"/>
+ <constant value="98:36-98:40"/>
+ <constant value="98:36-98:46"/>
+ <constant value="98:36-98:52"/>
+ <constant value="98:36-98:57"/>
+ <constant value="98:9-98:57"/>
+ <constant value="97:13-98:57"/>
+ <constant value="99:9-99:10"/>
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+ <constant value="99:9-99:51"/>
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+ <constant value="100:17-100:44"/>
+ <constant value="100:47-100:51"/>
+ <constant value="100:47-100:56"/>
+ <constant value="100:17-100:56"/>
+ <constant value="99:9-100:57"/>
+ <constant value="97:13-100:57"/>
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+ <constant value="96:4-101:13"/>
+ <constant value="101:26-101:37"/>
+ <constant value="101:39-101:53"/>
+ <constant value="96:4-101:54"/>
+ <constant value="102:17-102:22"/>
+ <constant value="102:31-102:37"/>
+ <constant value="102:17-102:38"/>
+ <constant value="102:17-102:44"/>
+ <constant value="102:47-102:51"/>
+ <constant value="102:47-102:56"/>
+ <constant value="102:17-102:56"/>
+ <constant value="96:4-102:57"/>
+ <constant value="96:4-102:65"/>
+ <constant value="102:74-102:81"/>
+ <constant value="96:4-102:82"/>
+ <constant value="96:4-102:88"/>
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+ <constant value="87:2-124:8"/>
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+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
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+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="packagedElement"/>
+ <constant value="133:12-133:18"/>
+ <constant value="133:12-133:23"/>
+ <constant value="133:4-133:23"/>
+ <constant value="134:23-134:29"/>
+ <constant value="134:23-134:45"/>
+ <constant value="134:4-134:45"/>
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+ <constant value="__applyDataType"/>
+ <constant value="145:11-145:17"/>
+ <constant value="145:11-145:22"/>
+ <constant value="145:3-145:22"/>
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+ <constant value="__applyLiteralInteger"/>
+ <constant value="165:13-165:20"/>
+ <constant value="165:13-165:26"/>
+ <constant value="165:4-165:26"/>
+ <constant value="__applyLiteralUnlimitedNatural"/>
+ <constant value="176:13-176:21"/>
+ <constant value="176:13-176:27"/>
+ <constant value="176:4-176:27"/>
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+ <constant value="188:13-188:26"/>
+ <constant value="188:4-188:26"/>
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+ <constant value="memberEnd"/>
+ <constant value="199:12-199:18"/>
+ <constant value="199:12-199:23"/>
+ <constant value="199:4-199:23"/>
+ <constant value="200:17-200:23"/>
+ <constant value="200:17-200:33"/>
+ <constant value="200:4-200:33"/>
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+ <constant value="owningAssociation"/>
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+ <constant value="lowerValue"/>
+ <constant value="defaultValue"/>
+ <constant value="211:25-211:31"/>
+ <constant value="211:25-211:49"/>
+ <constant value="211:4-211:49"/>
+ <constant value="212:12-212:18"/>
+ <constant value="212:12-212:23"/>
+ <constant value="212:4-212:23"/>
+ <constant value="213:12-213:18"/>
+ <constant value="213:12-213:23"/>
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+ <constant value="214:4-214:35"/>
+ <constant value="215:18-215:24"/>
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+ <constant value="216:19-216:38"/>
+ <constant value="216:4-216:38"/>
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+ <constant value="227:12-227:23"/>
+ <constant value="227:4-227:23"/>
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+ <constant value="230:14-230:34"/>
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+ <constant value="229:4-232:14"/>
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+ <constant value="243:12-243:23"/>
+ <constant value="243:4-243:23"/>
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+ <constant value="244:4-244:43"/>
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+ <constant value="245:4-245:48"/>
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+ <constant value="246:4-246:32"/>
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+ <constant value="247:4-247:44"/>
+ <constant value="248:22-248:28"/>
+ <constant value="248:22-248:43"/>
+ <constant value="248:4-248:43"/>
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+ <constant value="ownedParameter"/>
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+ <constant value="259:12-259:23"/>
+ <constant value="259:4-259:23"/>
+ <constant value="260:13-260:19"/>
+ <constant value="260:13-260:25"/>
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+ <constant value="273:12-273:23"/>
+ <constant value="273:4-273:23"/>
+ <constant value="275:12-275:18"/>
+ <constant value="275:12-275:23"/>
+ <constant value="275:4-275:23"/>
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+ <constant value="287:13-287:19"/>
+ <constant value="287:13-287:41"/>
+ <constant value="287:4-287:41"/>
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+ <load arg="9"/>
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+ <load arg="9"/>
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+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <call arg="69"/>
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+ <load arg="9"/>
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+ <load arg="9"/>
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+ </operation>
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+ <context type="8"/>
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+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="83"/>
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+ <load arg="83"/>
+ <push arg="90"/>
+ <call arg="686"/>
+ <store arg="210"/>
+ <load arg="210"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <get arg="166"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="166"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <get arg="687"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="687"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
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+ <code>
+ <load arg="83"/>
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+ <load arg="83"/>
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+ <load arg="9"/>
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+ <call arg="159"/>
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+ <pop/>
+ </code>
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+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="83"/>
+ <push arg="102"/>
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+ <store arg="158"/>
+ <load arg="83"/>
+ <push arg="103"/>
+ <call arg="686"/>
+ <store arg="210"/>
+ <load arg="210"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
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+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="83"/>
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+ <load arg="83"/>
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+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="83"/>
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+ <load arg="83"/>
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+ <parameter name="83" type="684"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="83"/>
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+ <call arg="685"/>
+ <store arg="158"/>
+ <load arg="83"/>
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+ <call arg="686"/>
+ <store arg="210"/>
+ <load arg="210"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <get arg="163"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="163"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
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+ <context type="8"/>
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+ <parameter name="83" type="684"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="83"/>
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+ <load arg="83"/>
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+ <call arg="686"/>
+ <store arg="210"/>
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+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="166"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
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+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="713"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
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+ <context type="8"/>
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+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="83"/>
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+ <call arg="685"/>
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+ <load arg="83"/>
+ <push arg="135"/>
+ <call arg="686"/>
+ <store arg="210"/>
+ <load arg="210"/>
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+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
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+ <call arg="159"/>
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+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <get arg="166"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="166"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <get arg="223"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="223"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <get arg="722"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="722"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <get arg="723"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="723"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
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+ <set arg="724"/>
+ <pop/>
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+ <operation name="743">
+ <context type="8"/>
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+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="83"/>
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+ <load arg="83"/>
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+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
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+ <call arg="118"/>
+ <if arg="31"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <call arg="744"/>
+ <goto arg="37"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <get arg="745"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="745"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
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+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
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+ <context type="8"/>
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+ <parameter name="83" type="684"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="83"/>
+ <push arg="97"/>
+ <call arg="685"/>
+ <store arg="158"/>
+ <load arg="83"/>
+ <push arg="98"/>
+ <call arg="686"/>
+ <store arg="210"/>
+ <load arg="210"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <get arg="166"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="166"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <get arg="761"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="761"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <get arg="762"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="762"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <get arg="763"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="763"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <get arg="764"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="764"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <get arg="765"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="765"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
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+ <lne id="782" begin="41" end="42"/>
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+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="784">
+ <context type="8"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="83" type="684"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="83"/>
+ <push arg="142"/>
+ <call arg="685"/>
+ <store arg="158"/>
+ <load arg="83"/>
+ <push arg="143"/>
+ <call arg="686"/>
+ <store arg="210"/>
+ <load arg="210"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <get arg="166"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="166"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <get arg="227"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="227"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <get arg="785"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="785"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <get arg="786"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="786"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
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+ <lve slot="1" name="694" begin="0" end="33"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="799">
+ <context type="8"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="83" type="684"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="83"/>
+ <push arg="134"/>
+ <call arg="685"/>
+ <store arg="158"/>
+ <load arg="83"/>
+ <push arg="135"/>
+ <call arg="686"/>
+ <store arg="210"/>
+ <load arg="210"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <get arg="166"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="166"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <get arg="223"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="223"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
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+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="806">
+ <context type="8"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="83" type="25"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="86"/>
+ <push arg="11"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="806"/>
+ <call arg="87"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="97"/>
+ <load arg="83"/>
+ <call arg="89"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="121"/>
+ <push arg="116"/>
+ <push arg="91"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <store arg="158"/>
+ <call arg="92"/>
+ <pushf/>
+ <call arg="807"/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="83"/>
+ <call arg="36"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <set arg="163"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="158"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="808" begin="12" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="809" begin="25" end="25"/>
+ <lne id="810" begin="25" end="26"/>
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+ <lne id="808" begin="22" end="29"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="121" begin="18" end="30"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="24" begin="0" end="30"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="97" begin="0" end="30"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/AssertionModification.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/AssertionModification.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd15a32a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/AssertionModification.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+-- @name AssertionModification
+-- @version 1.0
+-- @domains Catalogue of Model Transformations
+-- @authors SIMON Eric(simon.eric3<at>
+-- @date 2006/08/09
+-- @description This transformation strenghthens or weakens an assertion(respectively postcondition and precondition).
+-- @see
+-- @see section 1.6, page 5
+-- @see author of article : K. Lano
+module AssertionModification; -- Module Template
+create OUT : UML2Target from IN : UML2, Lib : XML;
+-- @comment this helper returns the first attribute named "name"
+helper context XML!Element def : getAttr(name : String) : XML!Attribute =
+ self.children->
+ select (c|c.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Attribute))->
+ select(c| = name)->first();
+-- @comment this helper returns the value of the first attribute named "name"
+helper context XML!Element def : getAttrVal(name : String) : String =
+ self.getAttr(name).value;
+-- @comment this helper returns the set of childs for a given type
+helper context XML!Element
+def : getChildren(type : OclAny, name : String) : Sequence(XML!Node) =
+ self.children->
+ select(e|e.oclIsKindOf(type))->select(e| = name);
+-- @comment this helper returns the new assertion contained by the library
+helper context UML2!Constraint def: searchInLib : String =
+ if self.owner.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!Class)
+ then self.ClassExistInLib()
+ else if self.owner.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!Association)
+ then self.AssociationExistInLib()
+ else if self.owner.oclIsTypeOf(UML2!Operation)
+ then self.OperationExistInLib()
+ else 'Erreur entry Type: either class or association or operation'
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ ;
+-- @comment this helper is called by the helper searchInLib for the constraint is on a class
+helper context UML2!Constraint def: ClassExistInLib() : String =
+ if XML!Element.allInstances()->select(c|'class')->
+ select(c|c.getAttr('package').value =
+ and c.getAttr('name').value =
+ and c.getChildren(XML!Element, 'assertion')->
+ exists(const|const.getAttr('name') =
+ ).first() <> OclUndefined
+ then
+ XML!Element.allInstances()->select(c|'class')->
+ select(c|c.getAttr('package').value =
+ and c.getAttr('name').value =
+ and c.getChildren(XML!Element, 'assertion')->
+ exists(const|const.getAttr('name') =
+ ).first().getChildren(XML!Element, 'assertion')->
+ select(const|const.getAttr('name') =
+ else 'noRule'
+ endif
+ ;
+-- @comment this helper is called by the helper searchInLib for the constraint is on an association
+helper context UML2!Constraint def: AssociationExistInLib() : String =
+ if XML!Element.allInstances()->select(c|'association')->
+ select(c|c.getAttr('package').value =
+ and c.getAttr('name').value =
+ and c.getChildren(XML!Element, 'assertion')->
+ exists(const|const.getAttr('name').value =
+ ).first() <> OclUndefined
+ then
+ XML!Element.allInstances()->select(c|'association')->
+ select(c|c.getAttr('package').value =
+ and c.getAttr('name').value =
+ and c.getChildren(XML!Element, 'assertion')->
+ exists(const|const.getAttr('name').value =
+ ).first().getChildren(XML!Element, 'assertion')->
+ select(const|const.getAttr('name').value ='value').value
+ else 'noRule'
+ endif
+ ;
+-- @comment this helper is called by the helper searchInLib for the constraint is on an operation
+helper context UML2!Constraint def: OperationExistInLib() : String =
+ if self.owner.precondition->includes(self)
+ then
+ if XML!Element.allInstances()->select(c|'operation')->
+ select(c|c.getAttr('package').value =
+ and c.getAttr('class').value =
+ and c.getChildren(XML!Element, 'precondition')->
+ exists(const|const.getAttr('name').value =
+ ).first() <> OclUndefined
+ then
+ XML!Element.allInstances()->select(c|'operation')->
+ select(c|c.getAttr('package').value =
+ and c.getAttr('class').value =
+ and c.getChildren(XML!Element, 'precondition')->
+ exists(const|const.getAttr('name').value =
+ ).first().getChildren(XML!Element, 'precondition')->
+ select(const|const.getAttr('name').value ='value').value
+ else 'noRule'
+ endif
+ else if self.owner.postcondition->includes(self)
+ then
+ if XML!Element.allInstances()->select(c|'operation')->
+ select(c|c.getAttr('package').value =
+ and c.getAttr('class').value =
+ and c.getChildren(XML!Element, 'postcondition')->
+ exists(const|const.getAttr('name').value =
+ ).first() <> OclUndefined
+ then XML!Element.allInstances()->select(c|'operation')->
+ select(c|c.getAttr('package').value =
+ and c.getAttr('class').value =
+ and c.getChildren(XML!Element, 'postcondition')->
+ exists(const|const.getAttr('name').value =
+ ).first().getChildren(XML!Element, 'postcondition')->
+ select(const|const.getAttr('name').value ='value').value
+ else 'noRule'
+ endif
+ else 'noRule'
+ endif
+ endif
+ ;
+-- @begin Model
+rule Model {
+ from
+ inputM : UML2!Model
+ to
+ outputM : UML2Target!Model (
+ name <-,
+ packagedElement <- inputM.packagedElement
+ )
+-- @end Model
+-- @begin DataType
+rule DataType {
+ from
+ inputC : UML2!DataType
+ to
+ outputC : UML2Target!DataType (
+ name <-
+ )
+-- @end DataType
+-- @begin LiteralNull
+rule LiteralNull {
+ from
+ inputLN : UML2!LiteralNull
+ to
+ outputLN : UML2Target!LiteralNull
+-- @end LiteralNull
+-- @begin LiteralInteger
+rule LiteralInteger {
+ from
+ inputLI : UML2!LiteralInteger
+ to
+ outputLI : UML2Target!LiteralInteger (
+ value <- inputLI.value
+ )
+-- @end LiteralInteger
+-- @begin LiteralUnlimitedNatural
+rule LiteralUnlimitedNatural {
+ from
+ inputLUN : UML2!LiteralUnlimitedNatural
+ to
+ outputLUN : UML2Target!LiteralUnlimitedNatural (
+ value <- inputLUN.value
+ )
+-- @end LiteralUnlimitedNatural
+-- @begin LiteralString
+rule LiteralString {
+ from
+ inputLS : UML2!LiteralString
+ (inputLS.owner.OperationExistInLib()='noRule')
+ to
+ outputLS : UML2Target!LiteralString (
+ value <- inputLS.value
+ )
+-- @end LiteralString
+-- @begin Association
+rule Association {
+ from
+ inputA : UML2!Association
+ to
+ outputA : UML2Target!Association (
+ name <-,
+ memberEnd <- inputA.memberEnd
+ )
+-- @end Association
+-- @begin Property
+rule Property {
+ from
+ inputP : UML2!Property
+ to
+ outputP : UML2Target!Property (
+ owningAssociation <- inputP.owningAssociation,
+ name <-,
+ type <- inputP.type,
+ upperValue <- inputP.upperValue,
+ lowerValue <- inputP.lowerValue,
+ defaultValue <-inputP.defaultValue
+ )
+-- @end Property
+-- @begin Constraint
+rule Constraint {
+ from
+ inputC : UML2!Constraint
+ to
+ outputC : UML2Target!Constraint (
+ name <-,
+ --namespace <- inputC.namespace,
+ specification <- if inputC.OperationExistInLib()='noRule'
+ then inputC.specification
+ else thisModule.newRule(inputC)
+ endif
+ )
+-- @end Constraint
+-- @begin Class
+rule Class {
+ from
+ inputC : UML2!Class
+ to
+ outputC : UML2Target!Class (
+ name <-,
+ ownedOperation <- inputC.ownedOperation,
+ nestedClassifier <- inputC.nestedClassifier,
+ isActive <- inputC.isActive,
+ ownedReception <- inputC.ownedReception,
+ ownedAttribute <- inputC.ownedAttribute
+ )
+-- @end Class
+-- @begin Operation
+rule Operation {
+ from
+ inputO : UML2!Operation
+ to
+ outputO : UML2Target!Operation (
+ name <-,
+ class <- inputO.class,
+ ownedRule <- inputO.ownedRule,
+ ownedParameter <- inputO.ownedParameter
+ )
+-- @end Operation
+-- @begin Parameter
+rule Parameter {
+ from
+ inputP : UML2!Parameter
+ to
+ outputP : UML2Target!Parameter (
+ name <-,
+ --operation <- inputP.operation,
+ type <- inputP.type
+ )
+-- @end Parameter
+-- @comment this lazy rule replace the oldest assertion by a new
+-- @begin newRule
+lazy rule newRule {
+ from
+ inputC : UML2!Constraint
+ to
+ outputLS : UML2Target!LiteralString (
+ value <- inputC.OperationExistInLib()
+ )
+-- @end newRule
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/AssertionModification.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/AssertionModification.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8dc1c658
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/AssertionModification.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/AssertionModification/AssertionModification.atl"/>
+<stringAttribute key="ATL VM" value="Regular VM (with debugger)"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="AllowInterModelReferences" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Input">
+<mapEntry key="Lib" value="XML"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="UML2"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="Mode Debug" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Model Handler">
+<mapEntry key="UML2" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="UML2Target" value="EMF"/>
+<mapAttribute key="ModelType">
+<mapEntry key="Lib" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="UML2" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="UML2Target" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Output">
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="UML2Target"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="Lib" value="/data/inputs/AssertionModification/lib-XML.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="/data/inputs/AssertionModification/example-UML2.uml"/>
+<mapEntry key="UML2" value="uri:"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="/data/inputs/AssertionModification/example-UML2Target.uml"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML" value="/data/inputs/AssertionModification/XML.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="UML2Target" value="uri:"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.emftest"/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/XML.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/XML.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..05c4416e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/XML.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ecore="">
+ <ecore:EPackage name="PrimitiveTypes">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Boolean"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Integer"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="String"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
+ <ecore:EPackage name="XML">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Node" abstract="true">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="startLine" ordered="false" eType="/0/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="startColumn" ordered="false" eType="/0/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="endLine" ordered="false" eType="/0/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="endColumn" ordered="false" eType="/0/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="name" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="value" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="parent" ordered="false" eType="/1/Element" eOpposite="/1/Element/children"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Attribute" eSuperTypes="/1/Node"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Text" eSuperTypes="/1/Node"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Element" eSuperTypes="/1/Node">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="children" upperBound="-1" eType="/1/Node" containment="true" eOpposite="/1/Node/parent"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Root" eSuperTypes="/1/Element"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/example-UML2.uml b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/example-UML2.uml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f406b89c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/example-UML2.uml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<uml:Model xmi:version="2.1" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:uml="" xmi:id="_F8p7wCOqEdud4Nrdwv5LcQ" name="example">
+ <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Class" xmi:id="_JQQagCOqEdud4Nrdwv5LcQ" name="A">
+ <nestedClassifier xmi:type="uml:DataType" xmi:id="_-GOVkCOqEdud4Nrdwv5LcQ" name="T"/>
+ <nestedClassifier xmi:type="uml:DataType" xmi:id="_mFyl8COrEdud4Nrdwv5LcQ" name="S"/>
+ <ownedOperation xmi:id="_m1mHsCOqEdud4Nrdwv5LcQ" name="op" precondition="_E0S6oCOsEdud4Nrdwv5LcQ" postcondition="_MzQVQCOsEdud4Nrdwv5LcQ">
+ <ownedRule xmi:id="_E0S6oCOsEdud4Nrdwv5LcQ" name="P2">
+ <specification xmi:type="uml:LiteralString" xmi:id="_PBa18COsEdud4Nrdwv5LcQ" value="pre ::= {P2 : x = -1}"/>
+ </ownedRule>
+ <ownedRule xmi:id="_MzQVQCOsEdud4Nrdwv5LcQ" name="Q2">
+ <specification xmi:type="uml:LiteralString" xmi:id="_Xac9cCOsEdud4Nrdwv5LcQ" value="post ::= {Q2 : S >6}"/>
+ </ownedRule>
+ <ownedParameter xmi:id="_o7JCcCOrEdud4Nrdwv5LcQ" name="x" type="_-GOVkCOqEdud4Nrdwv5LcQ"/>
+ </ownedOperation>
+ </packagedElement>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/lib-XML.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/lib-XML.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abf95273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/lib-XML.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<Root xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="XML" startLine="1" startColumn="7" endLine="1" endColumn="191" name="root">
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="1" startColumn="57" endLine="1" endColumn="184" name="operation">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="package" value="example"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="name" value="op"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="class" value="A"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="1" startColumn="117" endLine="1" endColumn="117" name="precondition">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="name" value="P2"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="value" value="pre ::= {P2 : x &lt; 0 }"/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" startLine="1" startColumn="172" endLine="1" endColumn="172" name="postcondition">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="name" value="Q2"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="value" value="post ::= {Q2 : S>5}"/>
+ </children>
+ </children>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/readme.txt b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8df5a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/AssertionModification/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This test case is related to the use case available at :
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/BibTeX2DocBook/BibTeX.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/BibTeX2DocBook/BibTeX.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68efa7ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/BibTeX2DocBook/BibTeX.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ecore="">
+ <ecore:EPackage name="PrimitiveTypes">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="String"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Integer"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
+ <ecore:EPackage name="BibTeX">
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+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="entries" ordered="false" upperBound="-1" eType="/1/BibTeXEntry" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="author" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="BibTeXEntry" abstract="true">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="id" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="AuthoredEntry" abstract="true" eSuperTypes="/1/BibTeXEntry">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="authors" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" upperBound="-1" eType="/1/Author" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="DatedEntry" abstract="true" eSuperTypes="/1/BibTeXEntry">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="year" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="TitledEntry" abstract="true" eSuperTypes="/1/BibTeXEntry">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="title" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="BookTitledEntry" abstract="true" eSuperTypes="/1/BibTeXEntry">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="booktitle" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Article" eSuperTypes="/1/AuthoredEntry /1/DatedEntry /1/TitledEntry">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="journal" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="TechReport" eSuperTypes="/1/AuthoredEntry /1/DatedEntry /1/TitledEntry"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Unpublished" eSuperTypes="/1/AuthoredEntry /1/TitledEntry">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="note" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Manual" eSuperTypes="/1/TitledEntry"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Proceedings" eSuperTypes="/1/DatedEntry /1/TitledEntry"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="InProceedings" eSuperTypes="/1/Proceedings /1/AuthoredEntry /1/BookTitledEntry"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Booklet" eSuperTypes="/1/DatedEntry"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Book" eSuperTypes="/1/AuthoredEntry /1/DatedEntry /1/TitledEntry">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="publisher" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="InCollection" eSuperTypes="/1/Book /1/BookTitledEntry"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="InBook" eSuperTypes="/1/Book">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="chapter" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/Integer"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Misc" eSuperTypes="/1/BibTeXEntry"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="ThesisEntry" abstract="true" eSuperTypes="/1/AuthoredEntry /1/DatedEntry /1/TitledEntry">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="school" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="PhDThesis" eSuperTypes="/1/ThesisEntry"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="MasterThesis" eSuperTypes="/1/ThesisEntry"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/BibTeX2DocBook/BibTeX2DocBook.asm b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/BibTeX2DocBook/BibTeX2DocBook.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..733591b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/BibTeX2DocBook/BibTeX2DocBook.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,2692 @@
+<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ?>
+<asm name="0">
+ <cp>
+ <constant value="BibTeX2DocBook"/>
+ <constant value="links"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;"/>
+ <constant value="col"/>
+ <constant value="J;"/>
+ <constant value="authorSet"/>
+ <constant value="QMBibTeX!Author;"/>
+ <constant value="titledEntrySet"/>
+ <constant value="QMBibTeX!TitledEntry;"/>
+ <constant value="articleSet"/>
+ <constant value="QMBibTeX!Article;"/>
+ <constant value="main"/>
+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="0"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
+ <constant value="J.setName(S):V"/>
+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initauthorSet():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__inittitledEntrySet():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initarticleSet():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="__initauthorSet"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="Author"/>
+ <constant value="BibTeX"/>
+ <constant value="J.allInstances():J"/>
+ <constant value="2"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="author"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.including(J):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="J.includes(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="32"/>
+ <constant value="J.including(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="33"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.isEmpty():B"/>
+ <constant value="62"/>
+ <constant value="I.&gt;(I):B"/>
+ <constant value="58"/>
+ <constant value="I.+(I):I"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.insertAt(IJ):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="64"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.append(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="13:124-13:135"/>
+ <constant value="13:92-13:135"/>
+ <constant value="13:51-13:64"/>
+ <constant value="13:51-13:79"/>
+ <constant value="14:8-14:11"/>
+ <constant value="14:25-14:26"/>
+ <constant value="14:25-14:33"/>
+ <constant value="14:8-14:34"/>
+ <constant value="14:45-14:46"/>
+ <constant value="14:45-14:53"/>
+ <constant value="14:8-14:54"/>
+ <constant value="17:6-17:9"/>
+ <constant value="17:21-17:22"/>
+ <constant value="17:6-17:23"/>
+ <constant value="15:6-15:9"/>
+ <constant value="14:5-18:10"/>
+ <constant value="13:51-19:5"/>
+ <constant value="19:20-19:21"/>
+ <constant value="19:20-19:28"/>
+ <constant value="13:51-19:29"/>
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+ <constant value="ret"/>
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+ <constant value="25:107-25:155"/>
+ <constant value="25:61-25:79"/>
+ <constant value="25:61-25:94"/>
+ <constant value="26:8-26:11"/>
+ <constant value="26:25-26:26"/>
+ <constant value="26:25-26:32"/>
+ <constant value="26:8-26:33"/>
+ <constant value="26:44-26:45"/>
+ <constant value="26:44-26:51"/>
+ <constant value="26:8-26:52"/>
+ <constant value="29:6-29:9"/>
+ <constant value="29:21-29:22"/>
+ <constant value="29:6-29:23"/>
+ <constant value="27:6-27:9"/>
+ <constant value="26:5-30:10"/>
+ <constant value="25:61-31:5"/>
+ <constant value="31:20-31:21"/>
+ <constant value="31:20-31:27"/>
+ <constant value="25:61-31:28"/>
+ <constant value="__initarticleSet"/>
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+ <constant value="37:128-37:139"/>
+ <constant value="37:95-37:139"/>
+ <constant value="37:53-37:67"/>
+ <constant value="37:53-37:82"/>
+ <constant value="38:8-38:11"/>
+ <constant value="38:25-38:26"/>
+ <constant value="38:25-38:34"/>
+ <constant value="38:8-38:35"/>
+ <constant value="38:46-38:47"/>
+ <constant value="38:46-38:55"/>
+ <constant value="38:8-38:56"/>
+ <constant value="41:6-41:9"/>
+ <constant value="41:21-41:22"/>
+ <constant value="41:6-41:23"/>
+ <constant value="39:6-39:9"/>
+ <constant value="38:5-42:10"/>
+ <constant value="37:53-43:5"/>
+ <constant value="43:20-43:21"/>
+ <constant value="43:20-43:29"/>
+ <constant value="37:53-43:30"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
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+ <constant value="A.__matchAuthor():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchUntitledEntry():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchTitledEntry_Title_NoArticle():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchTitledEntry_NoTitle_NoArticle():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchArticle_Title_Journal():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchArticle_NoTitle_Journal():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchArticle_Title_NoJournal():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchArticle_NoTitle_NoJournal():V"/>
+ <constant value="__matchMain"/>
+ <constant value="BibTeXFile"/>
+ <constant value="IN"/>
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+ <constant value="73"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="Main"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="bib"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="doc"/>
+ <constant value="DocBook"/>
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+ <constant value="boo"/>
+ <constant value="Book"/>
+ <constant value="art"/>
+ <constant value="se1"/>
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+ <constant value="se3"/>
+ <constant value="se4"/>
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+ <constant value="80:9-80:21"/>
+ <constant value="83:9-83:24"/>
+ <constant value="87:9-87:22"/>
+ <constant value="91:9-91:22"/>
+ <constant value="95:9-95:22"/>
+ <constant value="99:9-99:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAuthor"/>
+ <constant value="40"/>
+ <constant value="a"/>
+ <constant value="p1"/>
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+ <constant value="110:6-110:16"/>
+ <constant value="110:6-110:26"/>
+ <constant value="110:37-110:38"/>
+ <constant value="110:6-110:39"/>
+ <constant value="113:8-113:20"/>
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+ <constant value="BibTeXEntry"/>
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+ <constant value="123:8-123:9"/>
+ <constant value="123:22-123:40"/>
+ <constant value="123:8-123:41"/>
+ <constant value="123:4-123:41"/>
+ <constant value="126:7-126:19"/>
+ <constant value="__matchTitledEntry_Title_NoArticle"/>
+ <constant value="J.and(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="53"/>
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+ <constant value="entry_para"/>
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+ <constant value="141:4-141:14"/>
+ <constant value="141:4-141:29"/>
+ <constant value="141:40-141:41"/>
+ <constant value="141:4-141:42"/>
+ <constant value="142:8-142:9"/>
+ <constant value="142:22-142:36"/>
+ <constant value="142:8-142:37"/>
+ <constant value="142:4-142:37"/>
+ <constant value="141:4-142:37"/>
+ <constant value="145:16-145:28"/>
+ <constant value="148:16-148:28"/>
+ <constant value="__matchTitledEntry_NoTitle_NoArticle"/>
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+ <constant value="TitledEntry_NoTitle_NoArticle"/>
+ <constant value="162:8-162:18"/>
+ <constant value="162:8-162:33"/>
+ <constant value="162:44-162:45"/>
+ <constant value="162:8-162:46"/>
+ <constant value="162:4-162:46"/>
+ <constant value="163:8-163:9"/>
+ <constant value="163:22-163:36"/>
+ <constant value="163:8-163:37"/>
+ <constant value="163:4-163:37"/>
+ <constant value="162:4-163:37"/>
+ <constant value="166:16-166:28"/>
+ <constant value="__matchArticle_Title_Journal"/>
+ <constant value="57"/>
+ <constant value="Article_Title_Journal"/>
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+ <constant value="183:4-183:14"/>
+ <constant value="183:4-183:29"/>
+ <constant value="183:40-183:41"/>
+ <constant value="183:4-183:42"/>
+ <constant value="184:4-184:14"/>
+ <constant value="184:4-184:25"/>
+ <constant value="184:36-184:37"/>
+ <constant value="184:4-184:38"/>
+ <constant value="183:4-184:38"/>
+ <constant value="187:16-187:28"/>
+ <constant value="190:16-190:28"/>
+ <constant value="193:18-193:30"/>
+ <constant value="__matchArticle_NoTitle_Journal"/>
+ <constant value="52"/>
+ <constant value="Article_NoTitle_Journal"/>
+ <constant value="209:8-209:18"/>
+ <constant value="209:8-209:33"/>
+ <constant value="209:44-209:45"/>
+ <constant value="209:8-209:46"/>
+ <constant value="209:4-209:46"/>
+ <constant value="210:4-210:14"/>
+ <constant value="210:4-210:25"/>
+ <constant value="210:36-210:37"/>
+ <constant value="210:4-210:38"/>
+ <constant value="209:4-210:38"/>
+ <constant value="213:16-213:28"/>
+ <constant value="216:18-216:30"/>
+ <constant value="__matchArticle_Title_NoJournal"/>
+ <constant value="Article_Title_NoJournal"/>
+ <constant value="232:4-232:14"/>
+ <constant value="232:4-232:29"/>
+ <constant value="232:40-232:41"/>
+ <constant value="232:4-232:42"/>
+ <constant value="233:8-233:18"/>
+ <constant value="233:8-233:29"/>
+ <constant value="233:40-233:41"/>
+ <constant value="233:8-233:42"/>
+ <constant value="233:4-233:42"/>
+ <constant value="232:4-233:42"/>
+ <constant value="236:16-236:28"/>
+ <constant value="239:16-239:28"/>
+ <constant value="__matchArticle_NoTitle_NoJournal"/>
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+ <constant value="Article_NoTitle_NoJournal"/>
+ <constant value="254:8-254:18"/>
+ <constant value="254:8-254:33"/>
+ <constant value="254:44-254:45"/>
+ <constant value="254:8-254:46"/>
+ <constant value="254:4-254:46"/>
+ <constant value="255:8-255:18"/>
+ <constant value="255:8-255:29"/>
+ <constant value="255:40-255:41"/>
+ <constant value="255:8-255:42"/>
+ <constant value="255:4-255:42"/>
+ <constant value="254:4-255:42"/>
+ <constant value="258:16-258:28"/>
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+ <constant value="17"/>
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+ <constant value="A.__applyTitledEntry_NoTitle_NoArticle(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyArticle_Title_Journal(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyArticle_NoTitle_Journal(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyArticle_Title_NoJournal(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyArticle_NoTitle_NoJournal(NTransientLink;):V"/>
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+ <constant value="]"/>
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+ <constant value=""/>
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+ <constant value="74"/>
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+ <constant value="83"/>
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+ <constant value="96"/>
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+ <constant value="109"/>
+ <constant value="113"/>
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+ <constant value="122"/>
+ <constant value="126"/>
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+ <constant value="135"/>
+ <constant value="140"/>
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+ <constant value="50:8-50:15"/>
+ <constant value="50:2-50:15"/>
+ <constant value="50:18-50:21"/>
+ <constant value="50:2-50:21"/>
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+ <constant value="50:2-51:7"/>
+ <constant value="51:10-51:14"/>
+ <constant value="51:10-51:24"/>
+ <constant value="51:10-51:29"/>
+ <constant value="50:2-51:29"/>
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+ <constant value="52:25-52:43"/>
+ <constant value="52:8-52:44"/>
+ <constant value="52:72-52:74"/>
+ <constant value="52:50-52:53"/>
+ <constant value="52:56-52:60"/>
+ <constant value="52:56-52:66"/>
+ <constant value="52:50-52:66"/>
+ <constant value="52:5-52:80"/>
+ <constant value="50:2-52:81"/>
+ <constant value="53:8-53:12"/>
+ <constant value="53:25-53:45"/>
+ <constant value="53:8-53:46"/>
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+ <constant value="54:50-54:52"/>
+ <constant value="54:35-54:52"/>
+ <constant value="54:10-54:14"/>
+ <constant value="54:10-54:22"/>
+ <constant value="54:55-54:58"/>
+ <constant value="54:61-54:64"/>
+ <constant value="54:55-54:64"/>
+ <constant value="54:67-54:68"/>
+ <constant value="54:67-54:75"/>
+ <constant value="54:55-54:75"/>
+ <constant value="54:10-54:76"/>
+ <constant value="53:5-56:10"/>
+ <constant value="50:2-56:11"/>
+ <constant value="57:8-57:12"/>
+ <constant value="57:25-57:42"/>
+ <constant value="57:8-57:43"/>
+ <constant value="57:70-57:72"/>
+ <constant value="57:49-57:52"/>
+ <constant value="57:55-57:59"/>
+ <constant value="57:55-57:64"/>
+ <constant value="57:49-57:64"/>
+ <constant value="57:5-57:78"/>
+ <constant value="50:2-57:79"/>
+ <constant value="58:8-58:12"/>
+ <constant value="58:25-58:47"/>
+ <constant value="58:8-58:48"/>
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+ <constant value="58:54-58:57"/>
+ <constant value="58:60-58:64"/>
+ <constant value="58:60-58:74"/>
+ <constant value="58:54-58:74"/>
+ <constant value="58:5-58:88"/>
+ <constant value="50:2-58:89"/>
+ <constant value="59:8-59:12"/>
+ <constant value="59:25-59:43"/>
+ <constant value="59:8-59:44"/>
+ <constant value="59:74-59:76"/>
+ <constant value="59:50-59:53"/>
+ <constant value="59:57-59:61"/>
+ <constant value="59:57-59:68"/>
+ <constant value="59:50-59:68"/>
+ <constant value="59:5-59:82"/>
+ <constant value="50:2-59:83"/>
+ <constant value="60:8-60:12"/>
+ <constant value="60:25-60:39"/>
+ <constant value="60:8-60:40"/>
+ <constant value="60:70-60:72"/>
+ <constant value="60:46-60:49"/>
+ <constant value="60:52-60:56"/>
+ <constant value="60:52-60:64"/>
+ <constant value="60:46-60:64"/>
+ <constant value="60:5-60:78"/>
+ <constant value="50:2-60:79"/>
+ <constant value="61:8-61:12"/>
+ <constant value="61:25-61:43"/>
+ <constant value="61:8-61:44"/>
+ <constant value="61:71-61:73"/>
+ <constant value="61:50-61:53"/>
+ <constant value="61:56-61:60"/>
+ <constant value="61:56-61:65"/>
+ <constant value="61:50-61:65"/>
+ <constant value="61:5-61:79"/>
+ <constant value="50:2-61:80"/>
+ <constant value="62:8-62:12"/>
+ <constant value="62:25-62:36"/>
+ <constant value="62:8-62:37"/>
+ <constant value="62:69-62:71"/>
+ <constant value="62:43-62:46"/>
+ <constant value="62:49-62:53"/>
+ <constant value="62:49-62:63"/>
+ <constant value="62:43-62:63"/>
+ <constant value="62:5-62:77"/>
+ <constant value="50:2-62:78"/>
+ <constant value="63:8-63:12"/>
+ <constant value="63:25-63:38"/>
+ <constant value="63:8-63:39"/>
+ <constant value="63:80-63:82"/>
+ <constant value="63:45-63:48"/>
+ <constant value="63:51-63:55"/>
+ <constant value="63:51-63:63"/>
+ <constant value="63:51-63:74"/>
+ <constant value="63:45-63:74"/>
+ <constant value="63:5-63:88"/>
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+ <constant value="78:4-78:16"/>
+ <constant value="81:16-81:19"/>
+ <constant value="81:4-81:19"/>
+ <constant value="84:13-84:34"/>
+ <constant value="84:4-84:34"/>
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+ <constant value="85:42-85:45"/>
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+ <constant value="85:4-85:46"/>
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+ <constant value="88:4-88:30"/>
+ <constant value="89:13-89:31"/>
+ <constant value="89:13-89:46"/>
+ <constant value="89:61-89:62"/>
+ <constant value="89:61-89:65"/>
+ <constant value="89:13-89:66"/>
+ <constant value="89:4-89:66"/>
+ <constant value="92:13-92:27"/>
+ <constant value="92:4-92:27"/>
+ <constant value="93:13-93:23"/>
+ <constant value="93:13-93:33"/>
+ <constant value="93:4-93:33"/>
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+ <constant value="96:4-96:26"/>
+ <constant value="97:13-97:23"/>
+ <constant value="97:13-97:38"/>
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+ <constant value="97:75-97:76"/>
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+ <constant value="97:52-97:91"/>
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+ <constant value="100:4-100:28"/>
+ <constant value="101:13-101:23"/>
+ <constant value="101:13-101:34"/>
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+ <constant value="101:71-101:72"/>
+ <constant value="101:74-101:88"/>
+ <constant value="101:48-101:89"/>
+ <constant value="101:13-101:90"/>
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+ <constant value="114:15-114:16"/>
+ <constant value="114:15-114:23"/>
+ <constant value="114:4-114:23"/>
+ <constant value="__applyUntitledEntry"/>
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+ <constant value="127:15-127:16"/>
+ <constant value="127:15-127:33"/>
+ <constant value="127:4-127:33"/>
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+ <constant value="146:15-146:33"/>
+ <constant value="146:4-146:33"/>
+ <constant value="149:15-149:16"/>
+ <constant value="149:15-149:22"/>
+ <constant value="149:4-149:22"/>
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+ <constant value="167:15-167:16"/>
+ <constant value="167:15-167:33"/>
+ <constant value="167:4-167:33"/>
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+ <constant value="188:15-188:16"/>
+ <constant value="188:15-188:33"/>
+ <constant value="188:4-188:33"/>
+ <constant value="191:15-191:16"/>
+ <constant value="191:15-191:22"/>
+ <constant value="191:4-191:22"/>
+ <constant value="194:15-194:16"/>
+ <constant value="194:15-194:24"/>
+ <constant value="194:4-194:24"/>
+ <constant value="__applyArticle_NoTitle_Journal"/>
+ <constant value="214:15-214:16"/>
+ <constant value="214:15-214:33"/>
+ <constant value="214:4-214:33"/>
+ <constant value="217:15-217:16"/>
+ <constant value="217:15-217:24"/>
+ <constant value="217:4-217:24"/>
+ <constant value="__applyArticle_Title_NoJournal"/>
+ <constant value="237:15-237:16"/>
+ <constant value="237:15-237:33"/>
+ <constant value="237:4-237:33"/>
+ <constant value="240:15-240:16"/>
+ <constant value="240:15-240:22"/>
+ <constant value="240:4-240:22"/>
+ <constant value="__applyArticle_NoTitle_NoJournal"/>
+ <constant value="259:15-259:16"/>
+ <constant value="259:15-259:33"/>
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+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <call arg="23"/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <call arg="24"/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <call arg="25"/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
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+ <load arg="13"/>
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+ <load arg="13"/>
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+ <load arg="13"/>
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+ <load arg="458"/>
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+ <lne id="473" begin="35" end="35"/>
+ <lne id="474" begin="33" end="37"/>
+ <lne id="475" begin="42" end="42"/>
+ <lne id="476" begin="40" end="44"/>
+ <lne id="477" begin="49" end="49"/>
+ <lne id="478" begin="47" end="51"/>
+ <lne id="479" begin="57" end="57"/>
+ <lne id="480" begin="59" end="59"/>
+ <lne id="481" begin="61" end="61"/>
+ <lne id="482" begin="63" end="63"/>
+ <lne id="483" begin="54" end="64"/>
+ <lne id="484" begin="52" end="66"/>
+ <lne id="485" begin="71" end="71"/>
+ <lne id="486" begin="69" end="73"/>
+ <lne id="487" begin="79" end="81"/>
+ <lne id="488" begin="79" end="82"/>
+ <lne id="489" begin="95" end="95"/>
+ <lne id="490" begin="95" end="96"/>
+ <lne id="489" begin="99" end="99"/>
+ <lne id="490" begin="99" end="100"/>
+ <lne id="491" begin="76" end="111"/>
+ <lne id="492" begin="74" end="113"/>
+ <lne id="493" begin="118" end="118"/>
+ <lne id="494" begin="116" end="120"/>
+ <lne id="495" begin="123" end="123"/>
+ <lne id="496" begin="123" end="124"/>
+ <lne id="497" begin="121" end="126"/>
+ <lne id="498" begin="131" end="131"/>
+ <lne id="499" begin="129" end="133"/>
+ <lne id="500" begin="139" end="139"/>
+ <lne id="501" begin="139" end="140"/>
+ <lne id="502" begin="143" end="143"/>
+ <lne id="503" begin="144" end="144"/>
+ <lne id="504" begin="145" end="145"/>
+ <lne id="505" begin="143" end="146"/>
+ <lne id="506" begin="136" end="148"/>
+ <lne id="507" begin="134" end="150"/>
+ <lne id="508" begin="155" end="155"/>
+ <lne id="509" begin="153" end="157"/>
+ <lne id="510" begin="163" end="163"/>
+ <lne id="511" begin="163" end="164"/>
+ <lne id="512" begin="167" end="167"/>
+ <lne id="513" begin="168" end="168"/>
+ <lne id="514" begin="169" end="169"/>
+ <lne id="515" begin="167" end="170"/>
+ <lne id="516" begin="160" end="172"/>
+ <lne id="517" begin="158" end="174"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="10" name="70" begin="84" end="110"/>
+ <lve slot="10" name="70" begin="142" end="147"/>
+ <lve slot="10" name="70" begin="166" end="171"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="138" begin="3" end="175"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="140" begin="7" end="175"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="143" begin="11" end="175"/>
+ <lve slot="5" name="145" begin="15" end="175"/>
+ <lve slot="6" name="146" begin="19" end="175"/>
+ <lve slot="7" name="148" begin="23" end="175"/>
+ <lve slot="8" name="149" begin="27" end="175"/>
+ <lve slot="9" name="150" begin="31" end="175"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="27" begin="0" end="175"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="518" begin="0" end="175"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="519">
+ <context type="12"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="30" type="451"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="161"/>
+ <call arg="452"/>
+ <store arg="34"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="162"/>
+ <call arg="453"/>
+ <store arg="35"/>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="34"/>
+ <get arg="36"/>
+ <call arg="282"/>
+ <set arg="520"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="521" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="522" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="523" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="161" begin="3" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="162" begin="7" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="27" begin="0" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="518" begin="0" end="15"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="524">
+ <context type="12"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="30" type="451"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="70"/>
+ <call arg="452"/>
+ <store arg="34"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="175"/>
+ <call arg="453"/>
+ <store arg="35"/>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="525"/>
+ <call arg="282"/>
+ <set arg="520"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="526" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="527" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="528" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="70" begin="3" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="175" begin="7" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="27" begin="0" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="518" begin="0" end="15"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="529">
+ <context type="12"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="30" type="451"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="70"/>
+ <call arg="452"/>
+ <store arg="34"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="185"/>
+ <call arg="453"/>
+ <store arg="35"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="186"/>
+ <call arg="453"/>
+ <store arg="454"/>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="525"/>
+ <call arg="282"/>
+ <set arg="520"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="454"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="34"/>
+ <get arg="74"/>
+ <call arg="282"/>
+ <set arg="520"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="530" begin="15" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="531" begin="15" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="532" begin="13" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="533" begin="23" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="534" begin="23" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="535" begin="21" end="26"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="70" begin="3" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="185" begin="7" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="186" begin="11" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="27" begin="0" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="518" begin="0" end="27"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="536">
+ <context type="12"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="30" type="451"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="70"/>
+ <call arg="452"/>
+ <store arg="34"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="185"/>
+ <call arg="453"/>
+ <store arg="35"/>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="525"/>
+ <call arg="282"/>
+ <set arg="520"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="537" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="538" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="539" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="70" begin="3" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="185" begin="7" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="27" begin="0" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="518" begin="0" end="15"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="540">
+ <context type="12"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="30" type="451"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="70"/>
+ <call arg="452"/>
+ <store arg="34"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="185"/>
+ <call arg="453"/>
+ <store arg="35"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="186"/>
+ <call arg="453"/>
+ <store arg="454"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="215"/>
+ <call arg="453"/>
+ <store arg="455"/>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="525"/>
+ <call arg="282"/>
+ <set arg="520"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="454"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="34"/>
+ <get arg="74"/>
+ <call arg="282"/>
+ <set arg="520"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="455"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="34"/>
+ <get arg="97"/>
+ <call arg="282"/>
+ <set arg="520"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="541" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="542" begin="19" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="543" begin="17" end="22"/>
+ <lne id="544" begin="27" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="545" begin="27" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="546" begin="25" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="547" begin="35" end="35"/>
+ <lne id="548" begin="35" end="36"/>
+ <lne id="549" begin="33" end="38"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="70" begin="3" end="39"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="185" begin="7" end="39"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="186" begin="11" end="39"/>
+ <lve slot="5" name="215" begin="15" end="39"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="27" begin="0" end="39"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="518" begin="0" end="39"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="550">
+ <context type="12"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="30" type="451"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="70"/>
+ <call arg="452"/>
+ <store arg="34"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="185"/>
+ <call arg="453"/>
+ <store arg="35"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="215"/>
+ <call arg="453"/>
+ <store arg="454"/>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="525"/>
+ <call arg="282"/>
+ <set arg="520"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="454"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="34"/>
+ <get arg="97"/>
+ <call arg="282"/>
+ <set arg="520"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="551" begin="15" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="552" begin="15" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="553" begin="13" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="554" begin="23" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="555" begin="23" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="556" begin="21" end="26"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="70" begin="3" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="185" begin="7" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="215" begin="11" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="27" begin="0" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="518" begin="0" end="27"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="557">
+ <context type="12"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="30" type="451"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="70"/>
+ <call arg="452"/>
+ <store arg="34"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="185"/>
+ <call arg="453"/>
+ <store arg="35"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="186"/>
+ <call arg="453"/>
+ <store arg="454"/>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="525"/>
+ <call arg="282"/>
+ <set arg="520"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="454"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="34"/>
+ <get arg="74"/>
+ <call arg="282"/>
+ <set arg="520"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="558" begin="15" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="559" begin="15" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="560" begin="13" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="561" begin="23" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="562" begin="23" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="563" begin="21" end="26"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="70" begin="3" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="185" begin="7" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="186" begin="11" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="27" begin="0" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="518" begin="0" end="27"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="564">
+ <context type="12"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="30" type="451"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="70"/>
+ <call arg="452"/>
+ <store arg="34"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="185"/>
+ <call arg="453"/>
+ <store arg="35"/>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="525"/>
+ <call arg="282"/>
+ <set arg="520"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="565" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="566" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="567" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="70" begin="3" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="185" begin="7" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="27" begin="0" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="518" begin="0" end="15"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/BibTeX2DocBook/BibTeX2DocBook.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/BibTeX2DocBook/BibTeX2DocBook.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc5918b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/BibTeX2DocBook/BibTeX2DocBook.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+module BibTeX2DocBook;
+create OUT : DocBook from IN : BibTeX;
+-- HELPERS --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- This helper builds the set of distinct authors referenced in the input BibTeX
+-- model.
+-- Built set is sorted by author name.
+-- RETURN: Sequence(BibTeX!Author)
+helper def: authorSet : Sequence(BibTeX!Author) = BibTeX!Author.allInstances()->iterate(e; ret : Sequence(BibTeX!Author) = Sequence {} |
+ if ret->collect(e |>includes( then
+ ret
+ else
+ ret->including(e)
+ endif
+ )->sortedBy(e |;
+-- This helper builds the set of distinct titles referenced in the input BibTeX
+-- model.
+-- Built set is sorted by title.
+-- RETURN: Sequence(BibTeX!TitledEntry)
+helper def: titledEntrySet : Sequence(BibTeX!TitledEntry) = BibTeX!TitledEntry.allInstances()->iterate(e; ret : Sequence(BibTeX!TitledEntry) = Sequence {} |
+ if ret->collect(e | e.title)->includes(e.title) then
+ ret
+ else
+ ret->including(e)
+ endif
+ )->sortedBy(e | e.title);
+-- This helper builds the set of distinct journals referenced in the input BibTeX
+-- model.
+-- Built set is sorted by journal name.
+-- RETURN: Sequence(BibTeX!Article)
+helper def: articleSet : Sequence(BibTeX!Article) = BibTeX!Article.allInstances()->iterate(e; ret : Sequence(BibTeX!Article) = Sequence {} |
+ if ret->collect(e | e.journal)->includes(e.journal) then
+ ret
+ else
+ ret->including(e)
+ endif
+ )->sortedBy(e | e.journal);
+-- This helper builds a string containing all information on a given BibTeXEntry.
+-- Content of the generated string depends on the entry type.
+-- IN: BibTeX!BibTeXEntry
+-- RETURN: Sequence(BibTeX!Author)
+helper context BibTeX!BibTeXEntry def: buildEntryPara() : String =
+ '[' + + ']'
+ + ' ' + self.oclType().name
+ + (if self.oclIsKindOf(BibTeX!TitledEntry) then ' ' + self.title else '' endif)
+ + (if self.oclIsKindOf(BibTeX!AuthoredEntry)
+ then self.authors->iterate(e; str : String = '' | str + ' ' +
+ else ''
+ endif)
+ + (if self.oclIsKindOf(BibTeX!DatedEntry) then ' ' + self.year else '' endif)
+ + (if self.oclIsKindOf(BibTeX!BookTitledEntry) then ' ' + self.booktitle else '' endif)
+ + (if self.oclIsKindOf(BibTeX!ThesisEntry) then ' ' + else '' endif)
+ + (if self.oclIsKindOf(BibTeX!Article) then ' ' + self.journal else '' endif)
+ + (if self.oclIsKindOf(BibTeX!Unpublished) then ' ' + self.note else '' endif)
+ + (if self.oclIsKindOf(BibTeX!Book) then ' ' + self.publisher else '' endif)
+ + (if self.oclIsKindOf(BibTeX!InBook) then ' ' + self.chapter.toString() else '' endif)
+ ;
+-- RULES ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Rule 'Main'
+-- This rule generates the structure of the DocBook model from a BibTeXFile element
+rule Main {
+ from
+ bib : BibTeX!BibTeXFile
+ to
+ doc : DocBook!DocBook (
+ books <- boo
+ ),
+ boo : DocBook!Book (
+ articles <- art
+ ),
+ art : DocBook!Article (
+ title <- 'BibTeXML to DocBook',
+ sections_1 <- Sequence{se1, se2, se3, se4}
+ ),
+ se1 : DocBook!Sect1 (
+ title <- 'References List',
+ paras <- BibTeX!BibTeXEntry.allInstances()->sortedBy(e |
+ ),
+ se2 : DocBook!Sect1 (
+ title <- 'Authors list',
+ paras <- thisModule.authorSet
+ ),
+ se3 : DocBook!Sect1 (
+ title <- 'Titles List',
+ paras <- thisModule.titledEntrySet->collect(e | thisModule.resolveTemp(e, 'title_para'))
+ ),
+ se4 : DocBook!Sect1 (
+ title <- 'Journals List',
+ paras <- thisModule.articleSet->collect(e | thisModule.resolveTemp(e, 'journal_para'))
+ )
+-- Rule 'Author'
+-- This rule generates a section_2 paragraph for each distinct author.
+rule Author {
+ from
+ a : BibTeX!Author (
+ thisModule.authorSet->includes(a)
+ )
+ to
+ p1 : DocBook!Para (
+ content <-
+ )
+-- Rule 'UntitledEntry'
+-- This rule generates a section_1 paragraph for each untitled entry.
+rule UntitledEntry {
+ from
+ e : BibTeX!BibTeXEntry (
+ not e.oclIsKindOf(BibTeX!TitledEntry)
+ )
+ to
+ p : DocBook!Para (
+ content <- e.buildEntryPara()
+ )
+-- Rule 'TitledEntry_Title_NoArticle'
+-- [titledEntrySet contains a subset of TitledEntry, so that each title
+-- appears only once in the set]
+-- For each "no article" titled entry that belongs to titledEntrySet,
+-- this rule generates:
+-- * a section_1 paragraph;
+-- * a section_3 paragraph.
+rule TitledEntry_Title_NoArticle {
+ from
+ e : BibTeX!TitledEntry (
+ thisModule.titledEntrySet->includes(e) and
+ not e.oclIsKindOf(BibTeX!Article)
+ )
+ to
+ entry_para : DocBook!Para (
+ content <- e.buildEntryPara()
+ ),
+ title_para : DocBook!Para (
+ content <- e.title
+ )
+-- Rule 'TitledEntry_NoTitle_NoArticle'
+-- [titledEntrySet contains a subset of TitledEntry, so that each title
+-- appears only once in the set]
+-- For each "no article" titled entry that does not belong to titledEntrySet,
+-- this rule generates:
+-- * a section_1 paragraph;
+rule TitledEntry_NoTitle_NoArticle {
+ from
+ e : BibTeX!TitledEntry (
+ not thisModule.titledEntrySet->includes(e) and
+ not e.oclIsKindOf(BibTeX!Article)
+ )
+ to
+ entry_para : DocBook!Para (
+ content <- e.buildEntryPara()
+ )
+-- Rule 'Article_Title_Journal'
+-- [titledEntrySet contains a subset of TitledEntry, so that each title
+-- appears only once in the set]
+-- [articleSet contains a subset of Article, so that each journal
+-- appears only once in the set]
+-- For each article entry that belongs to articleSet, this rule generates:
+-- * a section_1 paragraph;
+-- * a section_3 paragraph;
+-- * a section_4 paragraph.
+rule Article_Title_Journal {
+ from
+ e : BibTeX!Article (
+ thisModule.titledEntrySet->includes(e) and
+ thisModule.articleSet->includes(e)
+ )
+ to
+ entry_para : DocBook!Para (
+ content <- e.buildEntryPara()
+ ),
+ title_para : DocBook!Para (
+ content <- e.title
+ ),
+ journal_para : DocBook!Para (
+ content <- e.journal
+ )
+-- Rule 'Article_NoTitle_Journal'
+-- [titledEntrySet contains a subset of TitledEntry, so that each title
+-- appears only once in the set]
+-- [articleSet contains a subset of Article, so that each journal
+-- appears only once in the set]
+-- For each article entry that belongs to articleSet, this rule generates:
+-- * a section_1 paragraph;
+-- * a section_4 paragraph.
+rule Article_NoTitle_Journal {
+ from
+ e : BibTeX!Article (
+ not thisModule.titledEntrySet->includes(e) and
+ thisModule.articleSet->includes(e)
+ )
+ to
+ entry_para : DocBook!Para (
+ content <- e.buildEntryPara()
+ ),
+ journal_para : DocBook!Para (
+ content <- e.journal
+ )
+-- Rule 'Article_Title_NoJournal'
+-- [titledEntrySet contains a subset of TitledEntry, so that each title
+-- appears only once in the set]
+-- [articleSet contains a subset of Article, so that each journal
+-- appears only once in the set]
+-- For each article entry that belongs to articleSet, this rule generates:
+-- * a section_1 paragraph;
+-- * a section_3 paragraph.
+rule Article_Title_NoJournal {
+ from
+ e : BibTeX!Article (
+ thisModule.titledEntrySet->includes(e) and
+ not thisModule.articleSet->includes(e)
+ )
+ to
+ entry_para : DocBook!Para (
+ content <- e.buildEntryPara()
+ ),
+ title_para : DocBook!Para (
+ content <- e.title
+ )
+-- Rule 'Article_NoTitle_NoJournal'
+-- [titledEntrySet contains a subset of TitledEntry, so that each title
+-- appears only once in the set]
+-- [articleSet contains a subset of Article, so that each journal
+-- appears only once in the set]
+-- For each article entry that belongs to articleSet, this rule generates:
+-- * a section_1 paragraph;
+rule Article_NoTitle_NoJournal {
+ from
+ e : BibTeX!Article (
+ not thisModule.titledEntrySet->includes(e) and
+ not thisModule.articleSet->includes(e)
+ )
+ to
+ entry_para : DocBook!Para (
+ content <- e.buildEntryPara()
+ )
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/BibTeX2DocBook/BibTeX2DocBook.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/BibTeX2DocBook/BibTeX2DocBook.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d6f0d96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/BibTeX2DocBook/BibTeX2DocBook.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
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+This test case is related to the use case available at :
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+ <authors author="Ellersick, R."/>
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+ <constant value="Collection"/>
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+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchBook2Publication():V"/>
+ <constant value="__matchBook2Publication"/>
+ <constant value="Book"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
+ <constant value="IN"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.union(CJ):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="J.getSumPages():J"/>
+ <constant value="2"/>
+ <constant value="J.&gt;(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="B.not():B"/>
+ <constant value="40"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="b"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="out"/>
+ <constant value="Publication"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="38:4-38:5"/>
+ <constant value="38:4-38:19"/>
+ <constant value="38:22-38:23"/>
+ <constant value="38:4-38:23"/>
+ <constant value="42:9-42:32"/>
+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="J"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):B"/>
+ <constant value="18"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinkBySourceElement(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="15"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetFromSource(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="30"/>
+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.including(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="e"/>
+ <constant value="value"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyBook2Publication(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="getAuthors"/>
+ <constant value="MBook!Book;"/>
+ <constant value=""/>
+ <constant value="chapters"/>
+ <constant value="author"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.including(J):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="J.asSet():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.=(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="25"/>
+ <constant value=" and "/>
+ <constant value="J.+(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="26"/>
+ <constant value="10:42-10:44"/>
+ <constant value="10:27-10:44"/>
+ <constant value="8:8-8:12"/>
+ <constant value="8:8-8:21"/>
+ <constant value="8:35-8:36"/>
+ <constant value="8:35-8:43"/>
+ <constant value="8:8-8:44"/>
+ <constant value="8:8-9:17"/>
+ <constant value="11:24-11:27"/>
+ <constant value="12:12-12:15"/>
+ <constant value="12:18-12:20"/>
+ <constant value="12:12-12:20"/>
+ <constant value="14:15-14:22"/>
+ <constant value="14:25-14:35"/>
+ <constant value="14:15-14:35"/>
+ <constant value="13:15-13:25"/>
+ <constant value="12:9-15:14"/>
+ <constant value="11:24-15:14"/>
+ <constant value="8:8-15:15"/>
+ <constant value="authorName"/>
+ <constant value="acc"/>
+ <constant value="getNbPages"/>
+ <constant value="nbPages"/>
+ <constant value="23:38-23:39"/>
+ <constant value="23:22-23:39"/>
+ <constant value="22:3-22:7"/>
+ <constant value="22:3-22:16"/>
+ <constant value="22:28-22:29"/>
+ <constant value="22:28-22:37"/>
+ <constant value="22:3-22:38"/>
+ <constant value="24:24-24:27"/>
+ <constant value="24:30-24:35"/>
+ <constant value="24:24-24:35"/>
+ <constant value="22:3-24:36"/>
+ <constant value="f"/>
+ <constant value="pages"/>
+ <constant value="getSumPages"/>
+ <constant value="J.sum():J"/>
+ <constant value="31:3-31:7"/>
+ <constant value="31:3-31:16"/>
+ <constant value="31:28-31:29"/>
+ <constant value="31:28-31:37"/>
+ <constant value="31:3-31:38"/>
+ <constant value="31:3-31:44"/>
+ <constant value="__applyBook2Publication"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="title"/>
+ <constant value="J.getAuthors():J"/>
+ <constant value="authors"/>
+ <constant value="43:22-43:23"/>
+ <constant value="43:22-43:29"/>
+ <constant value="43:13-43:29"/>
+ <constant value="44:15-44:16"/>
+ <constant value="44:15-44:29"/>
+ <constant value="44:4-44:29"/>
+ <constant value="45:15-45:16"/>
+ <constant value="45:15-45:30"/>
+ <constant value="45:4-45:30"/>
+ <constant value="link"/>
+ </cp>
+ <field name="1" type="2"/>
+ <field name="3" type="4"/>
+ <operation name="5">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <push arg="8"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="10"/>
+ <call arg="11"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="12"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="13"/>
+ <call arg="11"/>
+ <call arg="14"/>
+ <set arg="3"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <push arg="15"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <set arg="1"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="16"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="17"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="24"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="19">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="20"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="1"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="21">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="22"/>
+ <push arg="22"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="23"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <swap/>
+ <dup_x1/>
+ <push arg="24"/>
+ <call arg="25"/>
+ <call arg="26"/>
+ <swap/>
+ <pop/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="27"/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <call arg="28"/>
+ <pushi arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="30"/>
+ <call arg="31"/>
+ <if arg="32"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="33"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="0"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="35"/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <call arg="36"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="37"/>
+ <push arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="38"/>
+ <new/>
+ <call arg="39"/>
+ <call arg="40"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="41" begin="15" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="42" begin="15" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="43" begin="17" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="44" begin="15" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="45" begin="35" end="37"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="1" name="35" begin="14" end="39"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="40"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="46">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="27" type="47"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="3"/>
+ <call arg="48"/>
+ <if arg="49"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <call arg="50"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <call arg="51"/>
+ <if arg="52"/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <call arg="53"/>
+ <goto arg="54"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <goto arg="55"/>
+ <push arg="23"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="29"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="56"/>
+ <call arg="57"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="58"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="59" begin="23" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="29"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="60" begin="0" end="29"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="61">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="27" type="47"/>
+ <parameter name="29" type="62"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <call arg="50"/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="63"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="60" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="64" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="65">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="0"/>
+ <call arg="66"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="27"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <call arg="67"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="1" name="59" begin="5" end="8"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="9"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="68">
+ <context type="69"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="70"/>
+ <store arg="27"/>
+ <push arg="23"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="71"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="29"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <get arg="72"/>
+ <call arg="73"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="74"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="29"/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <push arg="70"/>
+ <call arg="75"/>
+ <if arg="76"/>
+ <push arg="77"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="78"/>
+ <goto arg="79"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="78"/>
+ <store arg="27"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="80" begin="0" end="0"/>
+ <lne id="81" begin="0" end="0"/>
+ <lne id="82" begin="5" end="5"/>
+ <lne id="83" begin="5" end="6"/>
+ <lne id="84" begin="9" end="9"/>
+ <lne id="85" begin="9" end="10"/>
+ <lne id="86" begin="2" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="87" begin="2" end="13"/>
+ <lne id="88" begin="16" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="89" begin="17" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="90" begin="18" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="91" begin="17" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="92" begin="21" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="93" begin="22" end="22"/>
+ <lne id="94" begin="21" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="95" begin="25" end="25"/>
+ <lne id="96" begin="17" end="25"/>
+ <lne id="97" begin="16" end="26"/>
+ <lne id="98" begin="0" end="29"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="59" begin="8" end="11"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="99" begin="15" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="100" begin="1" end="29"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="29"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="101">
+ <context type="69"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <pushi arg="7"/>
+ <store arg="27"/>
+ <push arg="23"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="71"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="29"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <get arg="102"/>
+ <call arg="73"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="29"/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="78"/>
+ <store arg="27"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="103" begin="0" end="0"/>
+ <lne id="104" begin="0" end="0"/>
+ <lne id="105" begin="5" end="5"/>
+ <lne id="106" begin="5" end="6"/>
+ <lne id="107" begin="9" end="9"/>
+ <lne id="108" begin="9" end="10"/>
+ <lne id="109" begin="2" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="110" begin="15" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="111" begin="16" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="112" begin="15" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="113" begin="0" end="20"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="114" begin="8" end="11"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="115" begin="14" end="18"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="100" begin="1" end="20"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="20"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="116">
+ <context type="69"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="23"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="71"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="27"/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <get arg="102"/>
+ <call arg="73"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="117"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="118" begin="3" end="3"/>
+ <lne id="119" begin="3" end="4"/>
+ <lne id="120" begin="7" end="7"/>
+ <lne id="121" begin="7" end="8"/>
+ <lne id="122" begin="0" end="10"/>
+ <lne id="123" begin="0" end="11"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="1" name="114" begin="6" end="9"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="11"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="124">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="27" type="125"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <push arg="35"/>
+ <call arg="126"/>
+ <store arg="29"/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <push arg="37"/>
+ <call arg="127"/>
+ <store arg="128"/>
+ <load arg="128"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <get arg="129"/>
+ <call arg="56"/>
+ <set arg="129"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="130"/>
+ <call arg="56"/>
+ <set arg="131"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="28"/>
+ <call arg="56"/>
+ <set arg="102"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="132" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="133" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="134" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="135" begin="17" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="136" begin="17" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="137" begin="15" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="138" begin="23" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="139" begin="23" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="140" begin="21" end="26"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="35" begin="3" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="37" begin="7" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="141" begin="0" end="27"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/Book2Publication/Book2Publication.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/Book2Publication/Book2Publication.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e40296f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/Book2Publication/Book2Publication.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+module Book2Publication;
+create OUT : Publication from IN : Book;
+-- getAuthors collects all Autors of a Book
+-- the asSet operation removes all duplicates
+helper context Book!Book def : getAuthors() : String =
+ self.chapters->collect(e |>
+ asSet()->
+ iterate(authorName; acc : String = '' |
+ acc +
+ if acc = ''
+ then authorName
+ else ' and ' + authorName
+ endif)
+-- getNbPages collects all nbPages of all chapters
+-- and calculates the sum
+helper context Book!Book def : getNbPages() : Integer =
+ self.chapters->collect(f|f.nbPages)->
+ iterate(pages; acc : Integer = 0 |
+ acc + pages)
+-- getSumPages does the same as getNbPages,
+-- but it uses the OCL sum operation
+helper context Book!Book def : getSumPages() : Integer =
+ self.chapters->collect(f|f.nbPages).sum()
+rule Book2Publication {
+ from
+ b : Book!Book (
+ b.getSumPages() > 2
+ -- only Books with more than 2 pages are publications
+ )
+ to
+ out : Publication!Publication (
+ title <- b.title,
+ authors <- b.getAuthors(),
+ nbPages <- b.getSumPages()
+ )
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/Book2Publication/Book2Publication.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/Book2Publication/Book2Publication.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27485fa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/Book2Publication/Book2Publication.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/Book2Publication/Book2Publication/Book2Publication.atl"/>
+<stringAttribute key="ATL VM" value="Regular VM (with debugger)"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="AllowInterModelReferences" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Input">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="Book"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="Mode Debug" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Model Handler">
+<mapEntry key="Book" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="Publication" value="EMF"/>
+<mapAttribute key="ModelType">
+<mapEntry key="Book" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="Publication" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Output">
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="Publication"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="Book" value="/data/inputs/Book2Publication/Book.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="/data/inputs/Book2Publication/Book2Publication/modelBook.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="/data/inputs/Book2Publication/Book2Publication/outputModelPublication.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="Publication" value="/data/inputs/Book2Publication/Publication.ecore"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.emftest"/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/Book2Publication/modelBook.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/Book2Publication/modelBook.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec39b2aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/Book2Publication/modelBook.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns="Book">
+ <Book title="article">
+ <chapters title="chapter 1" nbPages="13" author="Michel"/>
+ <chapters title="chapter 2" nbPages="1" author="David"/>
+ </Book>
+ <Book title="livre">
+ <chapters title="chapter 1" nbPages="13" author="toto"/>
+ <chapters title="chapter 2" nbPages="17" author="toto"/>
+ <chapters title="chapter 3" nbPages="20" author="titi"/>
+ </Book>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/Publication.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/Publication.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cc0e7a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/Publication.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ecore="">
+ <ecore:EPackage name="Publication">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Publication">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="title" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="authors" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="nbPages" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Integer"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
+ <ecore:EPackage name="PrimitiveTypes">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Integer"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="String"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Boolean"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/XML.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/XML.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e51b696c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/XML.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns:ecore="">
+ <ecore:EPackage name="PrimitiveTypes">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Boolean"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Integer"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="String"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
+ <ecore:EPackage name="XML">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Node" abstract="true">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="startLine" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="startColumn" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="endLine" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="endColumn" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="name" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="value" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="parent" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/Element" eOpposite="#/1/Element/children"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Attribute" eSuperTypes="#/1/Node"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Text" eSuperTypes="#/1/Node"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Element" eSuperTypes="#/1/Node">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="children" upperBound="-1"
+ eType="#/1/Node" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/Node/parent"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Root" eSuperTypes="#/1/Element"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/XML2Book/XML2Book.asm b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/XML2Book/XML2Book.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cdb02dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/XML2Book/XML2Book.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ?>
+<asm name="0">
+ <cp>
+ <constant value="XML2Book"/>
+ <constant value="links"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;"/>
+ <constant value="col"/>
+ <constant value="J;"/>
+ <constant value="main"/>
+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="0"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
+ <constant value="J.setName(S):V"/>
+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchBook():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchChapter():V"/>
+ <constant value="__matchBook"/>
+ <constant value="Element"/>
+ <constant value="XML"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
+ <constant value="IN"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.union(CJ):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="book"/>
+ <constant value="J.=(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="B.not():B"/>
+ <constant value="40"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="Book"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="e"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="b"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="10:4-10:5"/>
+ <constant value="10:4-10:10"/>
+ <constant value="10:13-10:19"/>
+ <constant value="10:4-10:19"/>
+ <constant value="13:7-13:16"/>
+ <constant value="__matchChapter"/>
+ <constant value="chapter"/>
+ <constant value="Chapter"/>
+ <constant value="c"/>
+ <constant value="22:4-22:5"/>
+ <constant value="22:4-22:10"/>
+ <constant value="22:13-22:22"/>
+ <constant value="22:4-22:22"/>
+ <constant value="25:7-25:19"/>
+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="J"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):B"/>
+ <constant value="18"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinkBySourceElement(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="15"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetFromSource(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="30"/>
+ <constant value="2"/>
+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.including(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="value"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyBook(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyChapter(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="getAttrVal"/>
+ <constant value="MXML!Element;"/>
+ <constant value="children"/>
+ <constant value="Attribute"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.and(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="21"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.including(J):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="J.first():J"/>
+ <constant value="5:2-5:6"/>
+ <constant value="5:2-5:15"/>
+ <constant value="5:28-5:29"/>
+ <constant value="5:42-5:55"/>
+ <constant value="5:28-5:56"/>
+ <constant value="5:61-5:62"/>
+ <constant value="5:61-5:67"/>
+ <constant value="5:70-5:74"/>
+ <constant value="5:61-5:74"/>
+ <constant value="5:28-5:74"/>
+ <constant value="5:2-5:75"/>
+ <constant value="5:2-5:84"/>
+ <constant value="5:2-5:90"/>
+ <constant value="__applyBook"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="title"/>
+ <constant value="J.getAttrVal(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="4"/>
+ <constant value="34"/>
+ <constant value="J.asSequence():J"/>
+ <constant value="chapters"/>
+ <constant value="14:13-14:14"/>
+ <constant value="14:26-14:33"/>
+ <constant value="14:13-14:34"/>
+ <constant value="14:4-14:34"/>
+ <constant value="15:16-15:17"/>
+ <constant value="15:16-15:26"/>
+ <constant value="15:39-15:40"/>
+ <constant value="15:53-15:64"/>
+ <constant value="15:39-15:65"/>
+ <constant value="15:16-15:66"/>
+ <constant value="15:16-15:80"/>
+ <constant value="15:4-15:80"/>
+ <constant value="link"/>
+ <constant value="__applyChapter"/>
+ <constant value="nbPages"/>
+ <constant value="J.toInteger():J"/>
+ <constant value="author"/>
+ <constant value="26:13-26:14"/>
+ <constant value="26:26-26:33"/>
+ <constant value="26:13-26:34"/>
+ <constant value="26:4-26:34"/>
+ <constant value="27:15-27:16"/>
+ <constant value="27:28-27:37"/>
+ <constant value="27:15-27:38"/>
+ <constant value="27:15-27:50"/>
+ <constant value="27:4-27:50"/>
+ <constant value="28:14-28:15"/>
+ <constant value="28:27-28:35"/>
+ <constant value="28:14-28:36"/>
+ <constant value="28:4-28:36"/>
+ </cp>
+ <field name="1" type="2"/>
+ <field name="3" type="4"/>
+ <operation name="5">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <push arg="8"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="10"/>
+ <call arg="11"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="12"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="13"/>
+ <call arg="11"/>
+ <call arg="14"/>
+ <set arg="3"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <push arg="15"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <set arg="1"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="16"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="17"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="24"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="19">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="20"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="21"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="3"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="22">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="23"/>
+ <push arg="24"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="25"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <swap/>
+ <dup_x1/>
+ <push arg="26"/>
+ <call arg="27"/>
+ <call arg="28"/>
+ <swap/>
+ <pop/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="29"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <get arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="31"/>
+ <call arg="32"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <if arg="34"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="35"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="36"/>
+ <call arg="37"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="38"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="39"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="40"/>
+ <push arg="36"/>
+ <push arg="36"/>
+ <new/>
+ <call arg="41"/>
+ <call arg="42"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="43" begin="15" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="44" begin="15" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="45" begin="17" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="46" begin="15" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="47" begin="35" end="37"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="1" name="38" begin="14" end="39"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="40"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="48">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="23"/>
+ <push arg="24"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="25"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <swap/>
+ <dup_x1/>
+ <push arg="26"/>
+ <call arg="27"/>
+ <call arg="28"/>
+ <swap/>
+ <pop/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="29"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <get arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="49"/>
+ <call arg="32"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <if arg="34"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="35"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="50"/>
+ <call arg="37"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="38"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="39"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="51"/>
+ <push arg="50"/>
+ <push arg="36"/>
+ <new/>
+ <call arg="41"/>
+ <call arg="42"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="52" begin="15" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="53" begin="15" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="54" begin="17" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="55" begin="15" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="56" begin="35" end="37"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="1" name="38" begin="14" end="39"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="40"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="57">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="29" type="58"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="3"/>
+ <call arg="59"/>
+ <if arg="60"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="61"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <call arg="62"/>
+ <if arg="63"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="64"/>
+ <goto arg="65"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <goto arg="66"/>
+ <push arg="25"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="67"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="67"/>
+ <call arg="68"/>
+ <call arg="69"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="70"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="38" begin="23" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="29"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="71" begin="0" end="29"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="72">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="29" type="58"/>
+ <parameter name="67" type="73"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="61"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <load arg="67"/>
+ <call arg="74"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="71" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="30" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="75">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="36"/>
+ <call arg="76"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="29"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="77"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="50"/>
+ <call arg="76"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="29"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="78"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="1" name="38" begin="5" end="8"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="38" begin="15" end="18"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="19"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="79">
+ <context type="80"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="29" type="73"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="25"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="81"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="67"/>
+ <load arg="67"/>
+ <push arg="82"/>
+ <push arg="24"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <call arg="83"/>
+ <load arg="67"/>
+ <get arg="30"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="32"/>
+ <call arg="84"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <if arg="85"/>
+ <load arg="67"/>
+ <call arg="86"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="87"/>
+ <get arg="71"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="88" begin="3" end="3"/>
+ <lne id="89" begin="3" end="4"/>
+ <lne id="90" begin="7" end="7"/>
+ <lne id="91" begin="8" end="10"/>
+ <lne id="92" begin="7" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="93" begin="12" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="94" begin="12" end="13"/>
+ <lne id="95" begin="14" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="96" begin="12" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="97" begin="7" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="98" begin="0" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="99" begin="0" end="22"/>
+ <lne id="100" begin="0" end="23"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="51" begin="6" end="20"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="23"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="30" begin="0" end="23"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="101">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="29" type="102"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <push arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="103"/>
+ <store arg="67"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <push arg="40"/>
+ <call arg="104"/>
+ <store arg="105"/>
+ <load arg="105"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="67"/>
+ <push arg="106"/>
+ <call arg="107"/>
+ <call arg="68"/>
+ <set arg="106"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <push arg="25"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="67"/>
+ <get arg="81"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="108"/>
+ <load arg="108"/>
+ <push arg="23"/>
+ <push arg="24"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <call arg="83"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <if arg="109"/>
+ <load arg="108"/>
+ <call arg="86"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="110"/>
+ <call arg="68"/>
+ <set arg="111"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="112" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="113" begin="12" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="114" begin="11" end="13"/>
+ <lne id="115" begin="9" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="116" begin="21" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="117" begin="21" end="22"/>
+ <lne id="118" begin="25" end="25"/>
+ <lne id="119" begin="26" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="120" begin="25" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="121" begin="18" end="34"/>
+ <lne id="122" begin="18" end="35"/>
+ <lne id="123" begin="16" end="37"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="4" name="51" begin="24" end="33"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="38" begin="3" end="38"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="40" begin="7" end="38"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="38"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="124" begin="0" end="38"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="125">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="29" type="102"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <push arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="103"/>
+ <store arg="67"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <push arg="51"/>
+ <call arg="104"/>
+ <store arg="105"/>
+ <load arg="105"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="67"/>
+ <push arg="106"/>
+ <call arg="107"/>
+ <call arg="68"/>
+ <set arg="106"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="67"/>
+ <push arg="126"/>
+ <call arg="107"/>
+ <call arg="127"/>
+ <call arg="68"/>
+ <set arg="126"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="67"/>
+ <push arg="128"/>
+ <call arg="107"/>
+ <call arg="68"/>
+ <set arg="128"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="129" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="130" begin="12" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="131" begin="11" end="13"/>
+ <lne id="132" begin="9" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="133" begin="18" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="134" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="135" begin="18" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="136" begin="18" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="137" begin="16" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="138" begin="26" end="26"/>
+ <lne id="139" begin="27" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="140" begin="26" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="141" begin="24" end="30"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="38" begin="3" end="31"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="51" begin="7" end="31"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="31"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="124" begin="0" end="31"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/XML2Book/XML2Book.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/XML2Book/XML2Book.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7daf2f59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/XML2Book/XML2Book.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+module XML2Book;
+create OUT : Book from IN : XML;
+helper context XML!Element def: getAttrVal(name : String) : String =
+ self.children->select(c | c.oclIsKindOf(XML!Attribute) and = name)->first().value;
+rule Book {
+ from
+ e : XML!Element (
+ = 'book'
+ )
+ to
+ b : Book!Book (
+ title <- e.getAttrVal('title'),
+ chapters <- e.children->select(c | c.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element))->asSequence()
+ )
+rule Chapter {
+ from
+ e : XML!Element (
+ = 'chapter'
+ )
+ to
+ c : Book!Chapter (
+ title <- e.getAttrVal('title'),
+ nbPages <- e.getAttrVal('nbPages').toInteger(),
+ author <- e.getAttrVal('author')
+ )
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/XML2Book/XML2Book.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/XML2Book/XML2Book.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b7bb9f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/XML2Book/XML2Book.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/Book2Publication/XML2Book/XML2Book.atl"/>
+<stringAttribute key="ATL VM" value="Regular VM (with debugger)"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="AllowInterModelReferences" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Input">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="XML"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="Mode Debug" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Model Handler">
+<mapEntry key="Book" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML" value="EMF"/>
+<mapAttribute key="ModelType">
+<mapEntry key="Book" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Output">
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="Book"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="Book" value="/data/inputs/Book2Publication/Book.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="/data/inputs/Book2Publication/XML2Book/inputModelXML.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="/data/inputs/Book2Publication/XML2Book/modelBook.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML" value="/data/inputs/Book2Publication/XML.ecore"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests"/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/XML2Book/inputModelXML.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/XML2Book/inputModelXML.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37272fd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/XML2Book/inputModelXML.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
+<Root xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="XML" name="books">
+ <children xsi:type="Element" name="book">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="title" value="livre"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" name="chapter">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="title" value="chapter 1"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="nbPages" value="13"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="author" value="toto"/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" name="chapter">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="title" value="chapter 2"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="nbPages" value="17"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="author" value="toto"/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" name="chapter">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="title" value="chapter 3"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="nbPages" value="20"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="author" value="titi"/>
+ </children>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" name="book">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="title" value="article"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" name="chapter">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="title" value="chapter 1"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="nbPages" value="13"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="author" value="Michel"/>
+ </children>
+ <children xsi:type="Element" name="chapter">
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="title" value="chapter 2"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="nbPages" value="1"/>
+ <children xsi:type="Attribute" name="author" value="David"/>
+ </children>
+ </children>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/readme.txt b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b274d4ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Book2Publication/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This test case is related to the use case available at :
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Class.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Class.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ffa3a2b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Class.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ecore="">
+ <ecore:EPackage name="PrimitiveTypes">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Boolean"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Integer"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="String"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
+ <ecore:EPackage name="Class">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="NamedElt" abstract="true">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="name" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Classifier" abstract="true" eSuperTypes="/1/NamedElt"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="DataType" eSuperTypes="/1/Classifier"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Class" eSuperTypes="/1/Classifier">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="super" ordered="false" upperBound="-1" eType="/1/Class"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="attr" upperBound="-1" eType="/1/Attribute" containment="true" eOpposite="/1/Attribute/owner"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="isAbstract" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/Boolean"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Attribute" eSuperTypes="/1/NamedElt">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="multiValued" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/Boolean"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="type" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Classifier"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="owner" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Class" eOpposite="/1/Class/attr"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/Class2Relational.asm b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/Class2Relational.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..754adc32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/Class2Relational.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,1420 @@
+<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ?>
+<asm name="0">
+ <cp>
+ <constant value="Class2Relational"/>
+ <constant value="links"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;"/>
+ <constant value="col"/>
+ <constant value="J;"/>
+ <constant value="objectIdType"/>
+ <constant value="MRelational!Type;"/>
+ <constant value="main"/>
+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="0"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
+ <constant value="J.setName(S):V"/>
+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initobjectIdType():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="__initobjectIdType"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
+ <constant value="DataType"/>
+ <constant value="Class"/>
+ <constant value="J.allInstances():J"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="Integer"/>
+ <constant value="J.=(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="B.not():B"/>
+ <constant value="18"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.including(J):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="J.first():J"/>
+ <constant value="12:2-12:16"/>
+ <constant value="12:2-12:31"/>
+ <constant value="12:44-12:45"/>
+ <constant value="12:44-12:50"/>
+ <constant value="12:53-12:62"/>
+ <constant value="12:44-12:62"/>
+ <constant value="12:2-12:63"/>
+ <constant value="12:2-12:72"/>
+ <constant value="e"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchClass2Table():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDataType2Type():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDataTypeAttribute2Column():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchMultiValuedDataTypeAttribute2Column():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchClassAttribute2Column():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchMultiValuedClassAttribute2Column():V"/>
+ <constant value="__matchClass2Table"/>
+ <constant value="IN"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.union(CJ):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="43"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="Class2Table"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="c"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="out"/>
+ <constant value="Table"/>
+ <constant value="Relational"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="key"/>
+ <constant value="Column"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="18:9-18:25"/>
+ <constant value="24:9-24:26"/>
+ <constant value="__matchDataType2Type"/>
+ <constant value="37"/>
+ <constant value="DataType2Type"/>
+ <constant value="dt"/>
+ <constant value="Type"/>
+ <constant value="34:9-34:24"/>
+ <constant value="__matchDataTypeAttribute2Column"/>
+ <constant value="Attribute"/>
+ <constant value="type"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="multiValued"/>
+ <constant value="J.not():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.and(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="46"/>
+ <constant value="DataTypeAttribute2Column"/>
+ <constant value="a"/>
+ <constant value="42:4-42:5"/>
+ <constant value="42:4-42:10"/>
+ <constant value="42:23-42:37"/>
+ <constant value="42:4-42:38"/>
+ <constant value="42:47-42:48"/>
+ <constant value="42:47-42:60"/>
+ <constant value="42:43-42:60"/>
+ <constant value="42:4-42:60"/>
+ <constant value="45:9-45:26"/>
+ <constant value="__matchMultiValuedDataTypeAttribute2Column"/>
+ <constant value="57"/>
+ <constant value="MultiValuedDataTypeAttribute2Column"/>
+ <constant value="id"/>
+ <constant value="value"/>
+ <constant value="57:4-57:5"/>
+ <constant value="57:4-57:10"/>
+ <constant value="57:23-57:37"/>
+ <constant value="57:4-57:38"/>
+ <constant value="57:43-57:44"/>
+ <constant value="57:43-57:56"/>
+ <constant value="57:4-57:56"/>
+ <constant value="60:9-60:25"/>
+ <constant value="64:8-64:25"/>
+ <constant value="68:11-68:28"/>
+ <constant value="__matchClassAttribute2Column"/>
+ <constant value="ClassAttribute2Column"/>
+ <constant value="foreignKey"/>
+ <constant value="77:4-77:5"/>
+ <constant value="77:4-77:10"/>
+ <constant value="77:23-77:34"/>
+ <constant value="77:4-77:35"/>
+ <constant value="77:44-77:45"/>
+ <constant value="77:44-77:57"/>
+ <constant value="77:40-77:57"/>
+ <constant value="77:4-77:57"/>
+ <constant value="80:16-80:33"/>
+ <constant value="__matchMultiValuedClassAttribute2Column"/>
+ <constant value="MultiValuedClassAttribute2Column"/>
+ <constant value="t"/>
+ <constant value="89:4-89:5"/>
+ <constant value="89:4-89:10"/>
+ <constant value="89:23-89:34"/>
+ <constant value="89:4-89:35"/>
+ <constant value="89:40-89:41"/>
+ <constant value="89:40-89:53"/>
+ <constant value="89:4-89:53"/>
+ <constant value="92:7-92:23"/>
+ <constant value="96:8-96:25"/>
+ <constant value="100:16-100:33"/>
+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="J"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):B"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinkBySourceElement(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="15"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetFromSource(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="30"/>
+ <constant value="2"/>
+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.including(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyClass2Table(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDataType2Type(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDataTypeAttribute2Column(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyMultiValuedDataTypeAttribute2Column(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyClassAttribute2Column(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyMultiValuedClassAttribute2Column(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="__applyClass2Table"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="4"/>
+ <constant value="attr"/>
+ <constant value="5"/>
+ <constant value="40"/>
+ <constant value="J.union(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="Set"/>
+ <constant value="objectId"/>
+ <constant value="19:12-19:13"/>
+ <constant value="19:12-19:18"/>
+ <constant value="19:4-19:18"/>
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+ <constant value="21:11-21:25"/>
+ <constant value="21:33-21:34"/>
+ <constant value="21:33-21:39"/>
+ <constant value="21:56-21:57"/>
+ <constant value="21:56-21:69"/>
+ <constant value="21:52-21:69"/>
+ <constant value="21:33-21:70"/>
+ <constant value="21:11-21:71"/>
+ <constant value="21:4-21:71"/>
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+ <constant value="22:11-22:20"/>
+ <constant value="22:4-22:20"/>
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+ <constant value="25:4-25:22"/>
+ <constant value="26:12-26:22"/>
+ <constant value="26:12-26:35"/>
+ <constant value="26:4-26:35"/>
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+ <constant value="__applyDataType2Type"/>
+ <constant value="35:12-35:14"/>
+ <constant value="35:12-35:19"/>
+ <constant value="35:4-35:19"/>
+ <constant value="__applyDataTypeAttribute2Column"/>
+ <constant value="46:12-46:13"/>
+ <constant value="46:12-46:18"/>
+ <constant value="46:4-46:18"/>
+ <constant value="47:12-47:13"/>
+ <constant value="47:12-47:18"/>
+ <constant value="47:4-47:18"/>
+ <constant value="__applyMultiValuedDataTypeAttribute2Column"/>
+ <constant value="owner"/>
+ <constant value="_"/>
+ <constant value="J.+(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="Id"/>
+ <constant value="61:12-61:13"/>
+ <constant value="61:12-61:19"/>
+ <constant value="61:12-61:24"/>
+ <constant value="61:27-61:30"/>
+ <constant value="61:12-61:30"/>
+ <constant value="61:33-61:34"/>
+ <constant value="61:33-61:39"/>
+ <constant value="61:12-61:39"/>
+ <constant value="61:4-61:39"/>
+ <constant value="62:21-62:23"/>
+ <constant value="62:25-62:30"/>
+ <constant value="62:11-62:31"/>
+ <constant value="62:4-62:31"/>
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+ <constant value="65:12-65:19"/>
+ <constant value="65:12-65:24"/>
+ <constant value="65:27-65:31"/>
+ <constant value="65:12-65:31"/>
+ <constant value="65:4-65:31"/>
+ <constant value="66:12-66:22"/>
+ <constant value="66:12-66:35"/>
+ <constant value="66:4-66:35"/>
+ <constant value="69:12-69:13"/>
+ <constant value="69:12-69:18"/>
+ <constant value="69:4-69:18"/>
+ <constant value="70:12-70:13"/>
+ <constant value="70:12-70:18"/>
+ <constant value="70:4-70:18"/>
+ <constant value="__applyClassAttribute2Column"/>
+ <constant value="81:12-81:13"/>
+ <constant value="81:12-81:18"/>
+ <constant value="81:21-81:25"/>
+ <constant value="81:12-81:25"/>
+ <constant value="81:4-81:25"/>
+ <constant value="82:12-82:22"/>
+ <constant value="82:12-82:35"/>
+ <constant value="82:4-82:35"/>
+ <constant value="__applyMultiValuedClassAttribute2Column"/>
+ <constant value="93:12-93:13"/>
+ <constant value="93:12-93:19"/>
+ <constant value="93:12-93:24"/>
+ <constant value="93:27-93:30"/>
+ <constant value="93:12-93:30"/>
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+ <constant value="93:12-93:39"/>
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+ <constant value="94:4-94:36"/>
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+ <constant value="97:12-97:19"/>
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+ <constant value="97:12-97:31"/>
+ <constant value="97:4-97:31"/>
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+ <constant value="98:12-98:35"/>
+ <constant value="98:4-98:35"/>
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+ <constant value="101:12-101:18"/>
+ <constant value="101:21-101:25"/>
+ <constant value="101:12-101:25"/>
+ <constant value="101:4-101:25"/>
+ <constant value="102:12-102:22"/>
+ <constant value="102:12-102:35"/>
+ <constant value="102:4-102:35"/>
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+ <push arg="11"/>
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+ <set arg="1"/>
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+ <load arg="9"/>
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+ <load arg="9"/>
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+ <push arg="11"/>
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+ <code>
+ <load arg="9"/>
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+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <call arg="46"/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <call arg="47"/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <call arg="48"/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <call arg="49"/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <call arg="50"/>
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+ </linenumbertable>
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+ </localvariabletable>
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+ <code>
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+ <push arg="25"/>
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+ <call arg="54"/>
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+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="246">
+ <context type="8"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="27" type="160"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <push arg="85"/>
+ <call arg="161"/>
+ <store arg="144"/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <push arg="124"/>
+ <call arg="162"/>
+ <store arg="163"/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <push arg="98"/>
+ <call arg="162"/>
+ <store arg="164"/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <push arg="112"/>
+ <call arg="162"/>
+ <store arg="166"/>
+ <load arg="163"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="144"/>
+ <get arg="205"/>
+ <get arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="206"/>
+ <call arg="207"/>
+ <load arg="144"/>
+ <get arg="28"/>
+ <call arg="207"/>
+ <call arg="145"/>
+ <set arg="28"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <push arg="23"/>
+ <push arg="11"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="164"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <load arg="166"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <call arg="145"/>
+ <set arg="3"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="164"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="144"/>
+ <get arg="205"/>
+ <get arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="208"/>
+ <call arg="207"/>
+ <call arg="145"/>
+ <set arg="28"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="5"/>
+ <call arg="145"/>
+ <set arg="78"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="166"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="144"/>
+ <get arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="208"/>
+ <call arg="207"/>
+ <call arg="145"/>
+ <set arg="28"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="5"/>
+ <call arg="145"/>
+ <set arg="78"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="247" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="248" begin="19" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="249" begin="19" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="250" begin="22" end="22"/>
+ <lne id="251" begin="19" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="252" begin="24" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="253" begin="24" end="25"/>
+ <lne id="254" begin="19" end="26"/>
+ <lne id="255" begin="17" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="256" begin="34" end="34"/>
+ <lne id="257" begin="36" end="36"/>
+ <lne id="258" begin="31" end="37"/>
+ <lne id="259" begin="29" end="39"/>
+ <lne id="260" begin="44" end="44"/>
+ <lne id="261" begin="44" end="45"/>
+ <lne id="262" begin="44" end="46"/>
+ <lne id="263" begin="47" end="47"/>
+ <lne id="264" begin="44" end="48"/>
+ <lne id="265" begin="42" end="50"/>
+ <lne id="266" begin="53" end="53"/>
+ <lne id="267" begin="53" end="54"/>
+ <lne id="268" begin="51" end="56"/>
+ <lne id="269" begin="61" end="61"/>
+ <lne id="270" begin="61" end="62"/>
+ <lne id="271" begin="63" end="63"/>
+ <lne id="272" begin="61" end="64"/>
+ <lne id="273" begin="59" end="66"/>
+ <lne id="274" begin="69" end="69"/>
+ <lne id="275" begin="69" end="70"/>
+ <lne id="276" begin="67" end="72"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="85" begin="3" end="73"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="124" begin="7" end="73"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="98" begin="11" end="73"/>
+ <lve slot="5" name="112" begin="15" end="73"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="21" begin="0" end="73"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="192" begin="0" end="73"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/Class2Relational.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/Class2Relational.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4966c827
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/Class2Relational.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+module Class2Relational;
+create OUT : Relational from IN : Class;
+-- inheritance not supported yet
+-- issue: choose an object-id Type (Integer, String?).
+-- We choose Integer here, assuming this type is defined in the source model.
+-- global variable
+-- context
+helper def: objectIdType : Relational!Type =
+ Class!DataType.allInstances()->select(e | = 'Integer')->first();
+rule Class2Table {
+ from
+ c : Class!Class
+ to
+ out : Relational!Table (
+ name <-,
+ -- Columns are generated from Attributes in another rule not explicitly called here !
+ col <- Sequence {key}->union(c.attr->select(e | not e.multiValued)),
+ key <- Set {key}
+ ),
+ key : Relational!Column (
+ name <- 'objectId',
+ type <- thisModule.objectIdType
+ )
+rule DataType2Type {
+ from
+ dt : Class!DataType
+ to
+ out : Relational!Type (
+ name <-
+ )
+rule DataTypeAttribute2Column {
+ from
+ a : Class!Attribute (
+ a.type.oclIsKindOf(Class!DataType) and not a.multiValued
+ )
+ to
+ out : Relational!Column (
+ name <-,
+ type <- a.type
+-- explicit use of implicit tracking links (first expected syntax, then present actual syntax)
+-- owner <- [Class2Type.key]a.owner
+-- owner <- thisModule.resolveTemp(a.owner, 'key')
+ )
+rule MultiValuedDataTypeAttribute2Column {
+ from
+ a : Class!Attribute (
+ a.type.oclIsKindOf(Class!DataType) and a.multiValued
+ )
+ to
+ out : Relational!Table (
+ name <- + '_' +,
+ col <- Sequence {id, value}
+ ),
+ id : Relational!Column (
+ name <- + 'Id',
+ type <- thisModule.objectIdType
+ ),
+ value : Relational!Column (
+ name <-,
+ type <- a.type
+ )
+rule ClassAttribute2Column {
+ from
+ a : Class!Attribute (
+ a.type.oclIsKindOf(Class!Class) and not a.multiValued
+ )
+ to
+ foreignKey : Relational!Column (
+ name <- + 'Id',
+ type <- thisModule.objectIdType
+ )
+rule MultiValuedClassAttribute2Column {
+ from
+ a : Class!Attribute (
+ a.type.oclIsKindOf(Class!Class) and a.multiValued
+ )
+ to
+ t : Relational!Table (
+ name <- + '_' +,
+ col <- Sequence {id, foreignKey}
+ ),
+ id : Relational!Column (
+ name <- + 'Id',
+ type <- thisModule.objectIdType
+ ),
+ foreignKey : Relational!Column (
+ name <- + 'Id',
+ type <- thisModule.objectIdType
+ )
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/Class2Relational.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/Class2Relational.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..466d63ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/Class2Relational.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/Class2Relational.atl"/>
+<stringAttribute key="ATL VM" value="Regular VM (with debugger)"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="AllowInterModelReferences" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Input">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="Class"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="Mode Debug" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Model Handler">
+<mapEntry key="Relational" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="Class" value="EMF"/>
+<mapAttribute key="ModelType">
+<mapEntry key="Relational" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="Class" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Output">
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="Relational"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/inClass.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="Relational" value="/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Relational.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="Class" value="/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Class.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/outRelational.ecore"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.emftest"/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/inClass.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/inClass.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3024c839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Class2Relational/inClass.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns="Class">
+ <Class name="Family" isAbstract="true">
+ <attr name="name" multiValued="false" type="#/2"/>
+ <attr name="members" multiValued="true" type="#/1"/>
+ </Class>
+ <Class name="Person">
+ <attr name="firstName" type="#/2"/>
+ <attr name="closestFriend" type="#/1"/>
+ <attr name="emailAddresses" multiValued="true" type="#/2"/>
+ </Class>
+ <DataType name="String"/>
+ <DataType name="Integer"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/Ecore2Class.asm b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/Ecore2Class.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3ccd12a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/Ecore2Class.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ?>
+<asm name="0">
+ <cp>
+ <constant value="Ecore2Class"/>
+ <constant value="links"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;"/>
+ <constant value="col"/>
+ <constant value="J;"/>
+ <constant value="main"/>
+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="0"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
+ <constant value="J.setName(S):V"/>
+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchClass():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAttribute():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDataType():V"/>
+ <constant value="__matchClass"/>
+ <constant value="EClass"/>
+ <constant value="MOF"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
+ <constant value="IN"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.union(CJ):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="B.not():B"/>
+ <constant value="37"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="Class"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ic"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="oc"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="8:8-8:19"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="EAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="Attribute"/>
+ <constant value="ia"/>
+ <constant value="oa"/>
+ <constant value="19:8-19:23"/>
+ <constant value="__matchDataType"/>
+ <constant value="EDataType"/>
+ <constant value="DataType"/>
+ <constant value="idt"/>
+ <constant value="odt"/>
+ <constant value="30:9-30:23"/>
+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="J"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):B"/>
+ <constant value="18"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinkBySourceElement(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="15"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetFromSource(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="30"/>
+ <constant value="2"/>
+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.including(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="e"/>
+ <constant value="value"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyClass(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAttribute(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDataType(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="__applyClass"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="eStructuralFeatures"/>
+ <constant value="attr"/>
+ <constant value="eSuperTypes"/>
+ <constant value="super"/>
+ <constant value="9:12-9:14"/>
+ <constant value="9:12-9:19"/>
+ <constant value="9:4-9:19"/>
+ <constant value="10:12-10:14"/>
+ <constant value="10:12-10:34"/>
+ <constant value="10:4-10:34"/>
+ <constant value="11:13-11:15"/>
+ <constant value="11:13-11:27"/>
+ <constant value="11:4-11:27"/>
+ <constant value="link"/>
+ <constant value="__applyAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="upperBound"/>
+ <constant value="J.&gt;(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.-(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.=(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.or(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="multiValued"/>
+ <constant value="eType"/>
+ <constant value="type"/>
+ <constant value="20:12-20:14"/>
+ <constant value="20:12-20:19"/>
+ <constant value="20:4-20:19"/>
+ <constant value="21:20-21:22"/>
+ <constant value="21:20-21:33"/>
+ <constant value="21:36-21:37"/>
+ <constant value="21:20-21:37"/>
+ <constant value="21:43-21:45"/>
+ <constant value="21:43-21:56"/>
+ <constant value="21:59-21:60"/>
+ <constant value="21:61-21:62"/>
+ <constant value="21:59-21:62"/>
+ <constant value="21:43-21:62"/>
+ <constant value="21:19-21:63"/>
+ <constant value="21:4-21:63"/>
+ <constant value="22:12-22:14"/>
+ <constant value="22:12-22:20"/>
+ <constant value="22:4-22:20"/>
+ <constant value="__applyDataType"/>
+ <constant value="31:12-31:15"/>
+ <constant value="31:12-31:20"/>
+ <constant value="31:4-31:20"/>
+ </cp>
+ <field name="1" type="2"/>
+ <field name="3" type="4"/>
+ <operation name="5">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <push arg="8"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="10"/>
+ <call arg="11"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="12"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="13"/>
+ <call arg="11"/>
+ <call arg="14"/>
+ <set arg="3"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <push arg="15"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <set arg="1"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="16"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="17"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="24"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="19">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="20"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="21"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="22"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="5"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="23">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="24"/>
+ <push arg="25"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="26"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <swap/>
+ <dup_x1/>
+ <push arg="27"/>
+ <call arg="28"/>
+ <call arg="29"/>
+ <swap/>
+ <pop/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="30"/>
+ <pusht/>
+ <call arg="31"/>
+ <if arg="32"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="33"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="35"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="36"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <call arg="37"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="34"/>
+ <new/>
+ <call arg="39"/>
+ <call arg="40"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="41" begin="32" end="34"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="1" name="36" begin="14" end="36"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="37"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="42">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="43"/>
+ <push arg="25"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="26"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <swap/>
+ <dup_x1/>
+ <push arg="27"/>
+ <call arg="28"/>
+ <call arg="29"/>
+ <swap/>
+ <pop/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="30"/>
+ <pusht/>
+ <call arg="31"/>
+ <if arg="32"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="33"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="44"/>
+ <call arg="35"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="45"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <call arg="37"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="46"/>
+ <push arg="44"/>
+ <push arg="34"/>
+ <new/>
+ <call arg="39"/>
+ <call arg="40"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="47" begin="32" end="34"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="1" name="45" begin="14" end="36"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="37"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="48">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="49"/>
+ <push arg="25"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="26"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <swap/>
+ <dup_x1/>
+ <push arg="27"/>
+ <call arg="28"/>
+ <call arg="29"/>
+ <swap/>
+ <pop/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="30"/>
+ <pusht/>
+ <call arg="31"/>
+ <if arg="32"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="33"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="50"/>
+ <call arg="35"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="51"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <call arg="37"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="52"/>
+ <push arg="50"/>
+ <push arg="34"/>
+ <new/>
+ <call arg="39"/>
+ <call arg="40"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="53" begin="32" end="34"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="1" name="51" begin="14" end="36"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="37"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="54">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="30" type="55"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="3"/>
+ <call arg="56"/>
+ <if arg="57"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <call arg="58"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <call arg="59"/>
+ <if arg="60"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <call arg="61"/>
+ <goto arg="62"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <goto arg="63"/>
+ <push arg="26"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="64"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="64"/>
+ <call arg="65"/>
+ <call arg="66"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="67"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="68" begin="23" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="29"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="69" begin="0" end="29"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="70">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="30" type="55"/>
+ <parameter name="64" type="71"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <call arg="58"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <load arg="64"/>
+ <call arg="72"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="69" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="73" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="74">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="75"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="30"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <call arg="76"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="44"/>
+ <call arg="75"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="30"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <call arg="77"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="50"/>
+ <call arg="75"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="30"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <call arg="78"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="1" name="68" begin="5" end="8"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="68" begin="15" end="18"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="68" begin="25" end="28"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="29"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="79">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="30" type="80"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="36"/>
+ <call arg="81"/>
+ <store arg="64"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="82"/>
+ <store arg="83"/>
+ <load arg="83"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="64"/>
+ <get arg="73"/>
+ <call arg="65"/>
+ <set arg="73"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="64"/>
+ <get arg="84"/>
+ <call arg="65"/>
+ <set arg="85"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="64"/>
+ <get arg="86"/>
+ <call arg="65"/>
+ <set arg="87"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="88" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="89" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="90" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="91" begin="17" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="92" begin="17" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="93" begin="15" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="94" begin="23" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="95" begin="23" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="96" begin="21" end="26"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="36" begin="3" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="38" begin="7" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="97" begin="0" end="27"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="98">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="30" type="80"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="45"/>
+ <call arg="81"/>
+ <store arg="64"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="46"/>
+ <call arg="82"/>
+ <store arg="83"/>
+ <load arg="83"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="64"/>
+ <get arg="73"/>
+ <call arg="65"/>
+ <set arg="73"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="64"/>
+ <get arg="99"/>
+ <pushi arg="30"/>
+ <call arg="100"/>
+ <load arg="64"/>
+ <get arg="99"/>
+ <pushi arg="7"/>
+ <pushi arg="30"/>
+ <call arg="101"/>
+ <call arg="102"/>
+ <call arg="103"/>
+ <call arg="65"/>
+ <set arg="104"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="64"/>
+ <get arg="105"/>
+ <call arg="65"/>
+ <set arg="106"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="107" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="108" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="109" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="110" begin="17" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="111" begin="17" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="112" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="113" begin="17" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="114" begin="21" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="115" begin="21" end="22"/>
+ <lne id="116" begin="23" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="117" begin="24" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="118" begin="23" end="25"/>
+ <lne id="119" begin="21" end="26"/>
+ <lne id="120" begin="17" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="121" begin="15" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="122" begin="32" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="123" begin="32" end="33"/>
+ <lne id="124" begin="30" end="35"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="45" begin="3" end="36"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="46" begin="7" end="36"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="36"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="97" begin="0" end="36"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="125">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="30" type="80"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="51"/>
+ <call arg="81"/>
+ <store arg="64"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="52"/>
+ <call arg="82"/>
+ <store arg="83"/>
+ <load arg="83"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="64"/>
+ <get arg="73"/>
+ <call arg="65"/>
+ <set arg="73"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="126" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="127" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="128" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="51" begin="3" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="52" begin="7" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="97" begin="0" end="15"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/Ecore2Class.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/Ecore2Class.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..658d5468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/Ecore2Class.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+module Ecore2Class;
+create OUT : Class from IN : MOF;
+rule Class {
+ from
+ ic : MOF!EClass
+ to
+ oc : Class!Class (
+ name <-,
+ attr <- ic.eStructuralFeatures,
+ super <- ic.eSuperTypes
+ )
+rule Attribute {
+ from
+ ia : MOF!EAttribute
+ to
+ oa : Class!Attribute (
+ name <-,
+ multiValued <- (ia.upperBound > 1) or (ia.upperBound = 0-1),
+ type <- ia.eType
+ )
+rule DataType {
+ from
+ idt : MOF!EDataType
+ to
+ odt : Class!DataType (
+ name <-
+ )
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/Ecore2Class.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/Ecore2Class.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e26e9049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/Ecore2Class.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/Ecore2Class.atl"/>
+<stringAttribute key="ATL VM" value="Regular VM (with debugger)"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="AllowInterModelReferences" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Input">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="MOF"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="Mode Debug" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Model Handler">
+<mapEntry key="Class" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="MOF" value="EMF"/>
+<mapAttribute key="ModelType">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="Class" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="MOF" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Output">
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="Class"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/sample.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="Class" value="/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Class.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/outSample.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="MOF" value="#EMF"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.emftest"/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/sample.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/sample.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..95e7f051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Ecore2Class/sample.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
+<ecore:EPackage xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ecore="" name="Sample">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="String"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Integer"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Family">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="name" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="//String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="members" ordered="false" upperBound="-1" eType="//Person"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Person">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="firstName" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="//String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="closestFriend" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="//Person"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="emailAddresses" ordered="false" upperBound="-1" eType="//String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Relational.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Relational.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17f7006c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/Relational.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ecore="">
+ <ecore:EPackage name="Relational">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Named" abstract="true">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="name" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Table" eSuperTypes="/0/Named">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="col" upperBound="-1" eType="/0/Column" containment="true" eOpposite="/0/Column/owner"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="key" ordered="false" upperBound="-1" eType="/0/Column" eOpposite="/0/Column/keyOf"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Column" eSuperTypes="/0/Named">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="owner" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/Table" eOpposite="/0/Table/col"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="keyOf" ordered="false" eType="/0/Table" eOpposite="/0/Table/key"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="type" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/Type"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Type" eSuperTypes="/0/Named"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
+ <ecore:EPackage name="PrimitiveTypes">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Boolean"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Integer"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="String"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/readme.txt b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..76548d3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Class2Relational/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This test case is related to the use case available at :
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ATL-0.2.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ATL-0.2.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2fbe8a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ATL-0.2.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ecore="">
+ <ecore:EPackage name="ATL">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="DerivedInPatternElement" eSuperTypes="/0/InPatternElement">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="value" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Expressions/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Query" eSuperTypes="/0/Unit">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="body" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Expressions/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="helpers" upperBound="-1" eType="/0/Helper" containment="true" eOpposite="/0/Helper/query"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Module" eSuperTypes="/0/Unit">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="isRefining" ordered="false" unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/3/Boolean"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="inModels" lowerBound="1" upperBound="-1" eType="/1/OclModel" containment="true"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="outModels" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" upperBound="-1" eType="/1/OclModel" containment="true"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="elements" upperBound="-1" eType="/0/ModuleElement" containment="true" eOpposite="/0/ModuleElement/module"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="ActionBlock" eSuperTypes="/2/Element">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="rule" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/Rule" eOpposite="/0/Rule/actionBlock"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="statements" upperBound="-1" eType="/0/Statement" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Statement" abstract="true" eSuperTypes="/2/Element"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="ExpressionStat" eSuperTypes="/0/Statement">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="expression" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Expressions/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="BindingStat" eSuperTypes="/0/Statement">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="source" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Expressions/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="propertyName" ordered="false" unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/3/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="value" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Expressions/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="IfStat" eSuperTypes="/0/Statement">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="condition" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Expressions/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="thenStatements" upperBound="-1" eType="/0/Statement" containment="true"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="elseStatements" upperBound="-1" eType="/0/Statement" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="ForStat" eSuperTypes="/0/Statement">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="iterator" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Expressions/Iterator" containment="true"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="collection" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Expressions/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="statements" upperBound="-1" eType="/0/Statement" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Unit" eSuperTypes="/2/Element">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="libraries" ordered="false" upperBound="-1" eType="/0/LibraryRef" containment="true" eOpposite="/0/LibraryRef/unit"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="name" ordered="false" unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/3/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Library" eSuperTypes="/0/Unit">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="helpers" upperBound="-1" eType="/0/Helper" containment="true" eOpposite="/0/Helper/library"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Rule" abstract="true" eSuperTypes="/0/ModuleElement">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="outPattern" ordered="false" eType="/0/OutPattern" containment="true" eOpposite="/0/OutPattern/rule"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="actionBlock" ordered="false" eType="/0/ActionBlock" containment="true" eOpposite="/0/ActionBlock/rule"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="variables" upperBound="-1" eType="/0/RuleVariableDeclaration" containment="true" eOpposite="/0/RuleVariableDeclaration/rule"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="name" ordered="false" unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/3/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="OutPatternElement" abstract="true" eSuperTypes="/0/PatternElement">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="outPattern" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/OutPattern" eOpposite="/0/OutPattern/elements"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="sourceElement" ordered="false" eType="/0/InPatternElement" eOpposite="/0/InPatternElement/mapsTo"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="bindings" upperBound="-1" eType="/0/Binding" containment="true" eOpposite="/0/Binding/outPatternElement"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="InPattern" eSuperTypes="/2/Element">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="elements" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" upperBound="-1" eType="/0/InPatternElement" containment="true" eOpposite="/0/InPatternElement/inPattern"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="rule" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/MatchedRule" eOpposite="/0/MatchedRule/inPattern"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="filter" ordered="false" eType="/1/Expressions/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="OutPattern" eSuperTypes="/2/Element">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="rule" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/Rule" eOpposite="/0/Rule/outPattern"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="elements" lowerBound="1" upperBound="-1" eType="/0/OutPatternElement" containment="true" eOpposite="/0/OutPatternElement/outPattern"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="ModuleElement" abstract="true" eSuperTypes="/2/Element">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="module" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/Module" eOpposite="/0/Module/elements"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Helper" eSuperTypes="/0/ModuleElement">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="query" ordered="false" eType="/0/Query" eOpposite="/0/Query/helpers"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="library" ordered="false" eType="/0/Library" eOpposite="/0/Library/helpers"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="definition" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/OclFeatureDefinition" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="SimpleInPatternElement" eSuperTypes="/0/InPatternElement"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="IterateInPatternElement" eSuperTypes="/0/InPatternElement">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="collection" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Expressions/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="InPatternElement" abstract="true" eSuperTypes="/0/PatternElement">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="mapsTo" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/OutPatternElement" eOpposite="/0/OutPatternElement/sourceElement"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="inPattern" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/InPattern" eOpposite="/0/InPattern/elements"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="PatternElement" abstract="true" eSuperTypes="/1/Expressions/VariableDeclaration"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="CalledRule" eSuperTypes="/0/Rule">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="parameters" ordered="false" upperBound="-1" eType="/1/Parameter" containment="true"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="isEntrypoint" ordered="false" unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/3/Boolean"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Binding" eSuperTypes="/2/Element">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="value" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Expressions/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="outPatternElement" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/OutPatternElement" eOpposite="/0/OutPatternElement/bindings"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="propertyName" ordered="false" unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/3/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="ForEachOutPatternElement" eSuperTypes="/0/OutPatternElement">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="collection" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Expressions/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="iterator" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Expressions/Iterator" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="RuleVariableDeclaration" eSuperTypes="/1/Expressions/VariableDeclaration">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="rule" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/Rule" eOpposite="/0/Rule/variables"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="LibraryRef" eSuperTypes="/2/Element">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="unit" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/Unit" eOpposite="/0/Unit/libraries"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="name" ordered="false" unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/3/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/DSL.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/DSL.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4f60ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/DSL.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Classifier" abstract="true" eSuperTypes="//LoadedElement">
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Class" eSuperTypes="//Classifier"/>
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Role" eSuperTypes="//NamedElement">
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Type" abstract="true" eSuperTypes="//Namespace"/>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/DSLModel.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/DSLModel.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4efa1096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/DSLModel.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<ecore:EPackage xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ecore="" name="DSLModel">
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Role" eSuperTypes="//NamedElement">
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/KM2.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/KM2.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4eecb7a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/KM2.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<ecore:EPackage xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ecore="" name="KM2">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="LocatedElement" abstract="true">
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Model" eSuperTypes="//LocatedElement">
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+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="contents" upperBound="-1" eType="//ModelElement" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="ModelElement" eSuperTypes="//NamedElement">
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Property" eSuperTypes="//NamedElement">
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="ModelElementVal" eSuperTypes="//Value">
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Integer"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="String"/>
+ </eSubpackages>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/KM3.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/KM3.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b04fcf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/KM3.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<ecore:EPackage xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ecore="" name="KM3">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="LocatedElement" abstract="true">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="location" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="//PrimitiveTypes/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="ModelElement" abstract="true" eSuperTypes="//LocatedElement">
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+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="package" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="//Package" eOpposite="//Package/contents"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Classifier" eSuperTypes="//ModelElement"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="DataType" eSuperTypes="//Classifier"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Enumeration" eSuperTypes="//Classifier">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="literals" upperBound="-1" eType="//EnumLiteral" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="EnumLiteral" eSuperTypes="//ModelElement"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Class" eSuperTypes="//Classifier">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="isAbstract" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="//PrimitiveTypes/Boolean"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="supertypes" ordered="false" upperBound="-1" eType="//Class"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="structuralFeatures" upperBound="-1" eType="//StructuralFeature" containment="true" eOpposite="//StructuralFeature/owner"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="StructuralFeature" eSuperTypes="//ModelElement">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="lower" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="//PrimitiveTypes/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="upper" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="//PrimitiveTypes/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="isOrdered" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="//PrimitiveTypes/Boolean"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="isUnique" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="//PrimitiveTypes/Boolean"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="owner" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="//Class" eOpposite="//Class/structuralFeatures"/>
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Attribute" eSuperTypes="//StructuralFeature"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Reference" eSuperTypes="//StructuralFeature">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="isContainer" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="//PrimitiveTypes/Boolean"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="opposite" ordered="false" eType="//Reference"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Package" eSuperTypes="//ModelElement">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="contents" upperBound="-1" eType="//ModelElement" containment="true" eOpposite="//ModelElement/package"/>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Integer"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="String"/>
+ </eSubpackages>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/DSL2KM3/DSL2KM3.asm b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/DSL2KM3/DSL2KM3.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b81aa4f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/DSL2KM3/DSL2KM3.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,2480 @@
+<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ?>
+<asm name="0">
+ <cp>
+ <constant value="DSL2KM3"/>
+ <constant value="links"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;"/>
+ <constant value="col"/>
+ <constant value="J;"/>
+ <constant value="main"/>
+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="0"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
+ <constant value="J.setName(S):V"/>
+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchMetamodel():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchClass():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchRelation2Class():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchSimpleReference():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchComplexReference():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAttribute():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchEnumeration():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchEnumLiteral():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDataType():V"/>
+ <constant value="__matchMetamodel"/>
+ <constant value="DomainModel"/>
+ <constant value="DSL"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
+ <constant value="IN"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.union(CJ):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="B.not():B"/>
+ <constant value="49"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="Metamodel"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="e"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="a"/>
+ <constant value="KM3"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="b"/>
+ <constant value="Package"/>
+ <constant value="c"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="56:7-56:20"/>
+ <constant value="59:7-59:18"/>
+ <constant value="77:7-77:18"/>
+ <constant value="__matchClass"/>
+ <constant value="Class"/>
+ <constant value="37"/>
+ <constant value="90:7-90:16"/>
+ <constant value="__matchRelation2Class"/>
+ <constant value="Relationship"/>
+ <constant value="J.needTurnOnClass():J"/>
+ <constant value="38"/>
+ <constant value="Relation2Class"/>
+ <constant value="107:4-107:5"/>
+ <constant value="107:4-107:23"/>
+ <constant value="110:6-110:15"/>
+ <constant value="__matchSimpleReference"/>
+ <constant value="Role"/>
+ <constant value="relation"/>
+ <constant value="J.not():J"/>
+ <constant value="40"/>
+ <constant value="SimpleReference"/>
+ <constant value="r"/>
+ <constant value="rf"/>
+ <constant value="Reference"/>
+ <constant value="127:8-127:9"/>
+ <constant value="127:8-127:18"/>
+ <constant value="127:8-127:36"/>
+ <constant value="127:4-127:36"/>
+ <constant value="130:8-130:21"/>
+ <constant value="__matchComplexReference"/>
+ <constant value="67"/>
+ <constant value="ComplexReference"/>
+ <constant value="oppositeRole"/>
+ <constant value="roles"/>
+ <constant value="2"/>
+ <constant value="J.&lt;&gt;(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.including(J):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="J.first():J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addVariable(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="rfInOwner"/>
+ <constant value="rfInRelationship"/>
+ <constant value="149:4-149:5"/>
+ <constant value="149:4-149:14"/>
+ <constant value="149:4-149:32"/>
+ <constant value="152:29-152:30"/>
+ <constant value="152:29-152:39"/>
+ <constant value="152:29-152:45"/>
+ <constant value="152:58-152:59"/>
+ <constant value="152:63-152:64"/>
+ <constant value="152:58-152:64"/>
+ <constant value="152:29-152:65"/>
+ <constant value="152:29-152:74"/>
+ <constant value="155:15-155:28"/>
+ <constant value="167:22-167:35"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="ValueProperty"/>
+ <constant value="Attribute"/>
+ <constant value="186:7-186:20"/>
+ <constant value="__matchEnumeration"/>
+ <constant value="Enumeration"/>
+ <constant value="202:7-202:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchEnumLiteral"/>
+ <constant value="EnumerationLiteral"/>
+ <constant value="EnumLiteral"/>
+ <constant value="l"/>
+ <constant value="215:7-215:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchDataType"/>
+ <constant value="SimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="DataType"/>
+ <constant value="t"/>
+ <constant value="226:5-226:17"/>
+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="J"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):B"/>
+ <constant value="18"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinkBySourceElement(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="15"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetFromSource(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="30"/>
+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.including(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="value"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyMetamodel(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyClass(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyRelation2Class(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applySimpleReference(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyComplexReference(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAttribute(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyEnumeration(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyEnumLiteral(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDataType(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="needTurnOnClass"/>
+ <constant value="MDSL!Relationship;"/>
+ <constant value="J.allInstances():J"/>
+ <constant value="type"/>
+ <constant value="J.=(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="source"/>
+ <constant value="J.or(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="properties"/>
+ <constant value="J.isEmpty():J"/>
+ <constant value="superType"/>
+ <constant value="subTypes"/>
+ <constant value="20:54-20:59"/>
+ <constant value="20:38-20:59"/>
+ <constant value="20:2-20:10"/>
+ <constant value="20:2-20:25"/>
+ <constant value="21:3-21:6"/>
+ <constant value="21:11-21:12"/>
+ <constant value="21:11-21:17"/>
+ <constant value="21:20-21:24"/>
+ <constant value="21:11-21:24"/>
+ <constant value="21:28-21:29"/>
+ <constant value="21:28-21:36"/>
+ <constant value="21:39-21:43"/>
+ <constant value="21:28-21:43"/>
+ <constant value="21:11-21:43"/>
+ <constant value="21:3-21:44"/>
+ <constant value="20:2-21:45"/>
+ <constant value="19:6-21:45"/>
+ <constant value="22:7-22:11"/>
+ <constant value="23:9-23:13"/>
+ <constant value="23:9-23:24"/>
+ <constant value="23:9-23:34"/>
+ <constant value="23:5-23:34"/>
+ <constant value="24:11-24:15"/>
+ <constant value="24:11-24:25"/>
+ <constant value="24:11-24:42"/>
+ <constant value="24:7-24:42"/>
+ <constant value="25:10-25:14"/>
+ <constant value="25:10-25:23"/>
+ <constant value="25:10-25:33"/>
+ <constant value="25:6-25:33"/>
+ <constant value="24:7-25:33"/>
+ <constant value="23:5-25:34"/>
+ <constant value="22:7-25:35"/>
+ <constant value="19:2-25:36"/>
+ <constant value="acc"/>
+ <constant value="cond"/>
+ <constant value="getRoles"/>
+ <constant value="MDSL!Class;"/>
+ <constant value="J.and(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="32"/>
+ <constant value="31:5-31:13"/>
+ <constant value="31:5-31:28"/>
+ <constant value="31:41-31:42"/>
+ <constant value="31:41-31:49"/>
+ <constant value="31:52-31:53"/>
+ <constant value="31:41-31:53"/>
+ <constant value="32:10-32:11"/>
+ <constant value="32:10-32:20"/>
+ <constant value="32:10-32:31"/>
+ <constant value="32:10-32:41"/>
+ <constant value="31:41-32:41"/>
+ <constant value="33:7-33:8"/>
+ <constant value="33:7-33:17"/>
+ <constant value="33:7-33:27"/>
+ <constant value="33:7-33:44"/>
+ <constant value="31:41-33:44"/>
+ <constant value="34:7-34:8"/>
+ <constant value="34:7-34:17"/>
+ <constant value="34:7-34:26"/>
+ <constant value="34:7-34:36"/>
+ <constant value="31:41-34:36"/>
+ <constant value="31:5-34:37"/>
+ <constant value="isEmbedding"/>
+ <constant value="MDSL!Role;"/>
+ <constant value="11"/>
+ <constant value="14"/>
+ <constant value="40:24-40:28"/>
+ <constant value="40:24-40:37"/>
+ <constant value="40:24-40:43"/>
+ <constant value="40:24-40:51"/>
+ <constant value="40:9-40:51"/>
+ <constant value="41:8-41:12"/>
+ <constant value="41:15-41:16"/>
+ <constant value="41:8-41:16"/>
+ <constant value="42:7-42:12"/>
+ <constant value="41:22-41:23"/>
+ <constant value="41:22-41:32"/>
+ <constant value="41:22-41:44"/>
+ <constant value="41:5-42:18"/>
+ <constant value="40:5-42:18"/>
+ <constant value="__applyMetamodel"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="4"/>
+ <constant value="5"/>
+ <constant value="contents"/>
+ <constant value="classifiers"/>
+ <constant value="6"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsTypeOf(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="61"/>
+ <constant value="63"/>
+ <constant value="68"/>
+ <constant value="types"/>
+ <constant value="86"/>
+ <constant value="PrimitiveTypes"/>
+ <constant value="115"/>
+ <constant value="57:25-57:26"/>
+ <constant value="57:28-57:29"/>
+ <constant value="57:16-57:30"/>
+ <constant value="57:4-57:30"/>
+ <constant value="60:12-60:13"/>
+ <constant value="60:12-60:18"/>
+ <constant value="60:4-60:18"/>
+ <constant value="63:6-63:7"/>
+ <constant value="63:6-63:19"/>
+ <constant value="65:8-65:9"/>
+ <constant value="65:22-65:31"/>
+ <constant value="65:8-65:32"/>
+ <constant value="66:11-66:12"/>
+ <constant value="66:25-66:41"/>
+ <constant value="66:11-66:42"/>
+ <constant value="70:9-70:14"/>
+ <constant value="68:9-68:10"/>
+ <constant value="68:9-68:28"/>
+ <constant value="66:8-71:13"/>
+ <constant value="65:8-71:13"/>
+ <constant value="63:6-72:8"/>
+ <constant value="73:6-73:7"/>
+ <constant value="73:6-73:13"/>
+ <constant value="74:20-74:21"/>
+ <constant value="74:34-74:49"/>
+ <constant value="74:20-74:50"/>
+ <constant value="73:6-74:51"/>
+ <constant value="62:5-75:6"/>
+ <constant value="61:4-75:6"/>
+ <constant value="78:12-78:28"/>
+ <constant value="78:4-78:28"/>
+ <constant value="79:16-79:17"/>
+ <constant value="79:16-79:23"/>
+ <constant value="79:36-79:37"/>
+ <constant value="79:50-79:64"/>
+ <constant value="79:36-79:65"/>
+ <constant value="79:16-79:66"/>
+ <constant value="79:4-79:66"/>
+ <constant value="link"/>
+ <constant value="__applyClass"/>
+ <constant value="isAbstract"/>
+ <constant value="Set"/>
+ <constant value="42"/>
+ <constant value="J.getRoles(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="structuralFeatures"/>
+ <constant value="66"/>
+ <constant value="supertypes"/>
+ <constant value="91:10-91:11"/>
+ <constant value="91:10-91:16"/>
+ <constant value="91:4-91:16"/>
+ <constant value="92:18-92:19"/>
+ <constant value="92:18-92:30"/>
+ <constant value="92:4-92:30"/>
+ <constant value="94:5-94:6"/>
+ <constant value="94:5-94:17"/>
+ <constant value="94:33-94:34"/>
+ <constant value="94:47-94:64"/>
+ <constant value="94:33-94:65"/>
+ <constant value="94:5-94:67"/>
+ <constant value="95:5-95:15"/>
+ <constant value="95:25-95:26"/>
+ <constant value="95:5-95:27"/>
+ <constant value="93:24-96:5"/>
+ <constant value="93:4-96:5"/>
+ <constant value="97:21-97:22"/>
+ <constant value="97:21-97:32"/>
+ <constant value="97:21-97:49"/>
+ <constant value="97:70-97:71"/>
+ <constant value="97:70-97:81"/>
+ <constant value="97:66-97:82"/>
+ <constant value="97:55-97:60"/>
+ <constant value="97:18-97:88"/>
+ <constant value="97:4-97:88"/>
+ <constant value="__applyRelation2Class"/>
+ <constant value="111:9-111:10"/>
+ <constant value="111:9-111:15"/>
+ <constant value="111:3-111:15"/>
+ <constant value="112:17-112:18"/>
+ <constant value="112:17-112:29"/>
+ <constant value="112:3-112:29"/>
+ <constant value="114:4-114:5"/>
+ <constant value="114:4-114:16"/>
+ <constant value="114:32-114:33"/>
+ <constant value="114:46-114:63"/>
+ <constant value="114:32-114:64"/>
+ <constant value="114:4-114:65"/>
+ <constant value="115:4-115:5"/>
+ <constant value="115:4-115:11"/>
+ <constant value="115:4-115:20"/>
+ <constant value="113:24-116:4"/>
+ <constant value="113:3-116:4"/>
+ <constant value="117:20-117:21"/>
+ <constant value="117:20-117:31"/>
+ <constant value="117:20-117:48"/>
+ <constant value="117:69-117:70"/>
+ <constant value="117:69-117:80"/>
+ <constant value="117:65-117:81"/>
+ <constant value="117:54-117:59"/>
+ <constant value="117:17-117:87"/>
+ <constant value="117:3-117:87"/>
+ <constant value="__applySimpleReference"/>
+ <constant value="min"/>
+ <constant value="lower"/>
+ <constant value="max"/>
+ <constant value="36"/>
+ <constant value="39"/>
+ <constant value="J.-(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="upper"/>
+ <constant value="isOrdered"/>
+ <constant value="owner"/>
+ <constant value="J.isEmbedding():J"/>
+ <constant value="isContainer"/>
+ <constant value="76"/>
+ <constant value="opposite"/>
+ <constant value="isUnique"/>
+ <constant value="131:12-131:13"/>
+ <constant value="131:12-131:18"/>
+ <constant value="131:4-131:18"/>
+ <constant value="132:12-132:13"/>
+ <constant value="132:12-132:18"/>
+ <constant value="132:4-132:18"/>
+ <constant value="133:13-133:14"/>
+ <constant value="133:13-133:18"/>
+ <constant value="133:4-133:18"/>
+ <constant value="134:16-134:17"/>
+ <constant value="134:16-134:21"/>
+ <constant value="134:22-134:23"/>
+ <constant value="134:16-134:23"/>
+ <constant value="134:38-134:39"/>
+ <constant value="134:29-134:30"/>
+ <constant value="134:31-134:32"/>
+ <constant value="134:29-134:32"/>
+ <constant value="134:13-134:45"/>
+ <constant value="134:4-134:45"/>
+ <constant value="135:17-135:18"/>
+ <constant value="135:17-135:28"/>
+ <constant value="135:4-135:28"/>
+ <constant value="136:13-136:14"/>
+ <constant value="136:13-136:21"/>
+ <constant value="136:4-136:21"/>
+ <constant value="137:19-137:20"/>
+ <constant value="137:19-137:34"/>
+ <constant value="137:4-137:34"/>
+ <constant value="138:16-138:17"/>
+ <constant value="138:16-138:26"/>
+ <constant value="138:16-138:32"/>
+ <constant value="138:45-138:46"/>
+ <constant value="138:50-138:51"/>
+ <constant value="138:45-138:51"/>
+ <constant value="138:16-138:52"/>
+ <constant value="138:16-138:61"/>
+ <constant value="138:4-138:61"/>
+ <constant value="139:16-139:21"/>
+ <constant value="139:4-139:21"/>
+ <constant value="__applyComplexReference"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getVariable(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="55"/>
+ <constant value="58"/>
+ <constant value="117"/>
+ <constant value="120"/>
+ <constant value="156:12-156:13"/>
+ <constant value="156:12-156:18"/>
+ <constant value="156:4-156:18"/>
+ <constant value="157:13-157:14"/>
+ <constant value="157:13-157:21"/>
+ <constant value="157:4-157:21"/>
+ <constant value="158:12-158:13"/>
+ <constant value="158:12-158:22"/>
+ <constant value="158:4-158:22"/>
+ <constant value="159:16-159:32"/>
+ <constant value="159:4-159:32"/>
+ <constant value="160:13-160:14"/>
+ <constant value="160:13-160:18"/>
+ <constant value="160:4-160:18"/>
+ <constant value="161:16-161:17"/>
+ <constant value="161:16-161:21"/>
+ <constant value="161:22-161:23"/>
+ <constant value="161:16-161:23"/>
+ <constant value="162:18-162:19"/>
+ <constant value="162:9-162:10"/>
+ <constant value="162:11-162:12"/>
+ <constant value="162:9-162:12"/>
+ <constant value="161:13-162:25"/>
+ <constant value="161:4-162:25"/>
+ <constant value="163:17-163:18"/>
+ <constant value="163:17-163:28"/>
+ <constant value="163:4-163:28"/>
+ <constant value="164:19-164:20"/>
+ <constant value="164:19-164:34"/>
+ <constant value="164:4-164:34"/>
+ <constant value="165:16-165:21"/>
+ <constant value="165:4-165:21"/>
+ <constant value="168:12-168:24"/>
+ <constant value="168:12-168:29"/>
+ <constant value="168:4-168:29"/>
+ <constant value="169:13-169:14"/>
+ <constant value="169:13-169:23"/>
+ <constant value="169:4-169:23"/>
+ <constant value="170:12-170:13"/>
+ <constant value="170:12-170:20"/>
+ <constant value="170:4-170:20"/>
+ <constant value="171:16-171:25"/>
+ <constant value="171:4-171:25"/>
+ <constant value="172:13-172:25"/>
+ <constant value="172:13-172:29"/>
+ <constant value="172:4-172:29"/>
+ <constant value="173:16-173:28"/>
+ <constant value="173:16-173:32"/>
+ <constant value="173:33-173:34"/>
+ <constant value="173:16-173:34"/>
+ <constant value="173:49-173:50"/>
+ <constant value="173:40-173:41"/>
+ <constant value="173:42-173:43"/>
+ <constant value="173:40-173:43"/>
+ <constant value="173:13-173:56"/>
+ <constant value="173:4-173:56"/>
+ <constant value="174:17-174:29"/>
+ <constant value="174:17-174:39"/>
+ <constant value="174:4-174:39"/>
+ <constant value="175:19-175:31"/>
+ <constant value="175:19-175:45"/>
+ <constant value="175:4-175:45"/>
+ <constant value="176:16-176:21"/>
+ <constant value="176:4-176:21"/>
+ <constant value="__applyAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="187:12-187:13"/>
+ <constant value="187:12-187:18"/>
+ <constant value="187:4-187:18"/>
+ <constant value="188:13-188:14"/>
+ <constant value="188:4-188:14"/>
+ <constant value="189:12-189:13"/>
+ <constant value="189:4-189:13"/>
+ <constant value="190:12-190:13"/>
+ <constant value="190:12-190:18"/>
+ <constant value="190:4-190:18"/>
+ <constant value="191:16-191:21"/>
+ <constant value="191:4-191:21"/>
+ <constant value="192:17-192:22"/>
+ <constant value="192:4-192:22"/>
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+ <constant value="33"/>
+ <constant value="203:13-203:14"/>
+ <constant value="203:13-203:19"/>
+ <constant value="203:5-203:19"/>
+ <constant value="204:17-204:18"/>
+ <constant value="204:17-204:27"/>
+ <constant value="204:42-204:43"/>
+ <constant value="204:56-204:78"/>
+ <constant value="204:42-204:79"/>
+ <constant value="204:17-204:80"/>
+ <constant value="204:5-204:80"/>
+ <constant value="__applyEnumLiteral"/>
+ <constant value="216:12-216:13"/>
+ <constant value="216:12-216:18"/>
+ <constant value="216:4-216:18"/>
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+ <constant value="226:24-226:30"/>
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+ <load arg="7"/>
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+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="21"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="22"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="23"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="24"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="25"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="26"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="27"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="28"/>
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+ </linenumbertable>
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+ <load arg="36"/>
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+ <load arg="7"/>
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+ <call arg="132"/>
+ <set arg="362"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="85"/>
+ <get arg="154"/>
+ <call arg="132"/>
+ <set arg="154"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <pushf/>
+ <call arg="132"/>
+ <set arg="374"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <pushf/>
+ <call arg="132"/>
+ <set arg="368"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="485" begin="11" end="11"/>
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+ </linenumbertable>
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+ <lve slot="1" name="298" begin="0" end="41"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="499">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="36" type="243"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="36"/>
+ <push arg="42"/>
+ <call arg="244"/>
+ <store arg="85"/>
+ <load arg="36"/>
+ <push arg="44"/>
+ <call arg="245"/>
+ <store arg="246"/>
+ <load arg="246"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="85"/>
+ <get arg="139"/>
+ <call arg="132"/>
+ <set arg="139"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <push arg="32"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="85"/>
+ <get arg="500"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="247"/>
+ <load arg="247"/>
+ <push arg="113"/>
+ <push arg="31"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <call arg="252"/>
+ <call arg="37"/>
+ <if arg="501"/>
+ <load arg="247"/>
+ <call arg="87"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="132"/>
+ <set arg="500"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="502" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="503" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="504" begin="9" end="14"/>
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+ <lne id="506" begin="20" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="507" begin="24" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="508" begin="25" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="509" begin="24" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="510" begin="17" end="33"/>
+ <lne id="511" begin="15" end="35"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="4" name="44" begin="23" end="32"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="42" begin="3" end="36"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="44" begin="7" end="36"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="36"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="298" begin="0" end="36"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="512">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="36" type="243"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="36"/>
+ <push arg="42"/>
+ <call arg="244"/>
+ <store arg="85"/>
+ <load arg="36"/>
+ <push arg="115"/>
+ <call arg="245"/>
+ <store arg="246"/>
+ <load arg="246"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="85"/>
+ <get arg="139"/>
+ <call arg="132"/>
+ <set arg="139"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="513" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="514" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="515" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="42" begin="3" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="115" begin="7" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="298" begin="0" end="15"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="516">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="36" type="243"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="36"/>
+ <push arg="120"/>
+ <call arg="244"/>
+ <store arg="85"/>
+ <load arg="36"/>
+ <push arg="42"/>
+ <call arg="245"/>
+ <store arg="246"/>
+ <load arg="246"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="85"/>
+ <get arg="139"/>
+ <call arg="132"/>
+ <set arg="139"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="517" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="518" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="519" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="120" begin="3" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="42" begin="7" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="15"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="298" begin="0" end="15"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/DSL2KM3/DSL2KM3.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/DSL2KM3/DSL2KM3.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8119ba75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/DSL2KM3/DSL2KM3.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+-- DSL to Ecore
+-- second transformation : DSL to KM3
+module DSL2KM3;
+create OUT : KM3 from IN : DSL;
+-- HELPERS --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- This helper checks if a relation needs to be turn on a class
+-- * if self is pointed by an other relationship
+-- * if self has supertypes
+-- * if self has subtypes
+-- * if self has properties
+-- CONTEXT: DSL!Relationship
+-- RETURN: Boolean
+helper context DSL!Relationship def: needTurnOnClass() : Boolean =
+ let cond : Boolean =
+ DSL!Role.allInstances()->iterate(e; acc : Boolean = false |
+ acc or (e.type = self or e.source = self))
+ in (cond or
+ (not
+ or (not self.superType.oclIsUndefined()
+ or not self.subTypes.isEmpty())));
+-- This helper get the roles pointing on a given class
+-- CONTEXT: DSL!Class
+-- RETURN: Sequence(DSL!Role)
+helper def: getRoles(c : DSL!Class) : Sequence(DSL!Role) =
+ DSL!Role.allInstances()->select(e | e.source = c
+ and
+ and e.relation.superType.oclIsUndefined()
+ and e.relation.subTypes.isEmpty());
+-- This helper get the containmentstyle of the roles
+-- RETURN: Boolean (true for embedding, false for reference)
+helper context DSL!Role def: isEmbedding() : Boolean =
+ let a : DSL!Role = self.relation.roles.first()
+ in if self = a then a.relation.isEmbedding
+ else false endif;
+-- RULES ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Rule 'Metamodel'.
+-- This rule generates the Metamodel, which will content the following packages :
+-- * the package containing the model
+-- * the PrimitivesTypes package, which contents string, integer and boolean types
+rule Metamodel {
+ from
+ e : DSL!DomainModel
+ to
+ a : KM3!Metamodel(
+ contents <- Sequence{b, c}
+ ),
+ b : KM3!Package (
+ name <-,
+ contents <-
+ Sequence{
+ e.classifiers
+ ->select(a |
+ a.oclIsTypeOf(DSL!Class) or
+ if a.oclIsTypeOf(DSL!Relationship)
+ then
+ a.needTurnOnClass()
+ else
+ false
+ endif
+ ),
+ e.types
+ ->select(a | a.oclIsTypeOf(DSL!Enumeration))
+ }
+ ),
+ c : KM3!Package (
+ name <- 'PrimitiveTypes',
+ contents <- e.types->select(a | a.oclIsTypeOf(DSL!SimpleType))
+ )
+-- Rule 'Class'.
+-- This rule generates a KM3!Class corresponding to a DSL!Class
+-- and mark his name if it is the Root class
+rule Class {
+ from
+ e : DSL!Class
+ to
+ a : KM3!Class(
+ name<,
+ isAbstract <- e.isAbstract,
+ structuralFeatures<-Set{
+ -> select (c | c.oclIsTypeOf(DSL!ValueProperty) ),
+ thisModule.getRoles(e)
+ },
+ supertypes <- if e.superType.oclIsUndefined() then Set{} else Set{e.superType} endif
+ )
+-- Rule 'Relation2Class'.
+-- This rule generates a KM3!Class from a Relationship
+-- if it needs
+rule Relation2Class {
+ from
+ e : DSL!Relationship(
+ e.needTurnOnClass()
+ )
+ to
+ a : KM3!Class(
+ name<,
+ isAbstract <- e.isAbstract,
+ structuralFeatures<- Set{
+ -> select (c | c.oclIsTypeOf(DSL!ValueProperty)),
+ e.roles->first()
+ },
+ supertypes <- if e.superType.oclIsUndefined() then Set{} else Set{e.superType} endif
+ )
+-- Rule 'SimpleReference'.
+-- This rule generates a Reference in a KM3!Class by copying the features
+-- of the corresponding DSL!Role
+rule SimpleReference {
+ from
+ r : DSL!Role(
+ not r.relation.needTurnOnClass()
+ )
+ to
+ rf : KM3!Reference (
+ name <-,
+ type <- r.type,
+ lower <- r.min,
+ upper <- if r.max=0 then 0-1 else 1 endif,
+ isOrdered <- r.isOrdered,
+ owner <- r.source,
+ isContainer <- r.isEmbedding(),
+ opposite <- r.relation.roles->select(e | e <> r)->first(),
+ isUnique <- false
+ )
+-- Rule 'ComplexReference'.
+-- This rule generates two opposites references which will be the link
+-- between the new Relationship and his adjoining Classes
+rule ComplexReference {
+ from
+ r : DSL!Role (
+ r.relation.needTurnOnClass()
+ )
+ using {
+ oppositeRole : DSL!Role = r.relation.roles->select(e | e <> r)->first();
+ }
+ to
+ rfInOwner : KM3!Reference (
+ name <-,
+ owner <- r.source,
+ type <- r.relation,
+ opposite <- rfInRelationship,
+ lower <- r.min,
+ upper <- if r.max=0
+ then 0-1 else 1 endif,
+ isOrdered <- r.isOrdered,
+ isContainer <- r.isEmbedding(),
+ isUnique <- false
+ ),
+ rfInRelationship : KM3!Reference (
+ name <-,
+ owner <- r.relation,
+ type <- r.source,
+ opposite <- rfInOwner,
+ lower <- oppositeRole.min,
+ upper <- if oppositeRole.max=0 then 0-1 else 1 endif,
+ isOrdered <- oppositeRole.isOrdered,
+ isContainer <- oppositeRole.isEmbedding(),
+ isUnique <- false
+ )
+-- Rule 'Attribute'.
+-- This rule generates a KM3!Attribut, corresponding to a DSL!ValueProperty
+rule Attribute {
+ from
+ e : DSL!ValueProperty
+ to
+ a : KM3!Attribute(
+ name <-,
+ upper <- 1,
+ lower <-1,
+ type <- e.type,
+ isUnique <- false,
+ isOrdered <- false
+ )
+-- Rule 'Enumeration'.
+-- This rule generates the KM3!Enumeration corresponding to a DSL!Enumeration
+rule Enumeration {
+ from
+ e : DSL!Enumeration
+ to
+ a : KM3!Enumeration(
+ name <-,
+ literals <- e.literals -> select(a | a.oclIsTypeOf(DSL!EnumerationLiteral))
+ )
+-- Rule 'EnumLiteral'.
+-- This rule generates the KM3!EnumLiteral corresponding to a
+-- DSL!EnumerationLiteral
+rule EnumLiteral {
+ from
+ e : DSL!EnumerationLiteral
+ to
+ l : KM3!EnumLiteral (
+ name <-
+ )
+-- Rule 'Datatype'.
+-- This rule generates the KM3!Datatype corresponding to a DSL!SimpleType
+rule DataType {
+ from
+ t : DSL!SimpleType
+ to
+ e: KM3!DataType(name<
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/DSL2KM3/DSL2KM3.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/DSL2KM3/DSL2KM3.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69c4b3b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/DSL2KM3/DSL2KM3.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/DSL2KM3/DSL2KM3.atl"/>
+<stringAttribute key="ATL VM" value="Regular VM (with debugger)"/>
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+<mapAttribute key="Input">
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+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
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+<mapEntry key="DSL" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
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+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="KM3"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/DSL2KM3/SimpleExampleMM-DSL.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="KM3" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/KM3.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="DSL" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/DSL.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/DSL2KM3/SimpleExampleMM-KM3.ecore"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value=""/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/DSL2KM3/SimpleExampleMM-DSL.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/DSL2KM3/SimpleExampleMM-DSL.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a38f8fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/DSL2KM3/SimpleExampleMM-DSL.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
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+ </classifiers>
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+ </classifiers>
+ <classifiers xsi:type="Relationship" name="BReferencesC" identity="b15bde10-1034-46be-aa69-de99c2b260a0" namespace="Example.SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true">
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+ <types xsi:type="SimpleType" name="Double"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/XML2DSL/SimpleExampleMM-XML.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/XML2DSL/SimpleExampleMM-XML.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8548ab55
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@@ -0,0 +1,978 @@
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+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="str"/>
+ <constant value="SimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="int"/>
+ <constant value="bool"/>
+ <constant value="double"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="197:8-197:9"/>
+ <constant value="197:8-197:14"/>
+ <constant value="197:17-197:24"/>
+ <constant value="197:8-197:24"/>
+ <constant value="201:11-201:16"/>
+ <constant value="198:14-198:15"/>
+ <constant value="198:14-198:22"/>
+ <constant value="198:14-198:27"/>
+ <constant value="198:30-198:35"/>
+ <constant value="198:14-198:35"/>
+ <constant value="200:12-200:17"/>
+ <constant value="199:12-199:13"/>
+ <constant value="199:25-199:31"/>
+ <constant value="199:12-199:32"/>
+ <constant value="199:36-199:42"/>
+ <constant value="199:12-199:42"/>
+ <constant value="198:11-200:23"/>
+ <constant value="197:5-202:10"/>
+ <constant value="205:7-205:22"/>
+ <constant value="216:9-216:23"/>
+ <constant value="219:9-219:23"/>
+ <constant value="222:10-222:24"/>
+ <constant value="225:12-225:26"/>
+ <constant value="__matchClass"/>
+ <constant value="40"/>
+ <constant value="Class"/>
+ <constant value="c"/>
+ <constant value="236:4-236:5"/>
+ <constant value="236:4-236:10"/>
+ <constant value="236:13-236:22"/>
+ <constant value="236:4-236:22"/>
+ <constant value="239:7-239:16"/>
+ <constant value="__matchRelationship"/>
+ <constant value="Relationship"/>
+ <constant value="r"/>
+ <constant value="263:4-263:5"/>
+ <constant value="263:4-263:10"/>
+ <constant value="263:13-263:27"/>
+ <constant value="263:4-263:27"/>
+ <constant value="266:7-266:23"/>
+ <constant value="__matchRole"/>
+ <constant value="role"/>
+ <constant value="27"/>
+ <constant value="roles"/>
+ <constant value="48"/>
+ <constant value="Role"/>
+ <constant value="286:7-286:8"/>
+ <constant value="286:7-286:13"/>
+ <constant value="286:16-286:22"/>
+ <constant value="286:7-286:22"/>
+ <constant value="288:10-288:15"/>
+ <constant value="287:10-287:11"/>
+ <constant value="287:10-287:18"/>
+ <constant value="287:10-287:23"/>
+ <constant value="287:26-287:33"/>
+ <constant value="287:10-287:33"/>
+ <constant value="286:4-289:9"/>
+ <constant value="292:7-292:15"/>
+ <constant value="__matchValueProperty"/>
+ <constant value="property"/>
+ <constant value="valueProperties"/>
+ <constant value="ValueProperty"/>
+ <constant value="p"/>
+ <constant value="314:8-314:9"/>
+ <constant value="314:8-314:14"/>
+ <constant value="314:17-314:27"/>
+ <constant value="314:8-314:27"/>
+ <constant value="316:10-316:15"/>
+ <constant value="315:10-315:11"/>
+ <constant value="315:10-315:18"/>
+ <constant value="315:10-315:23"/>
+ <constant value="315:26-315:43"/>
+ <constant value="315:10-315:43"/>
+ <constant value="314:4-317:9"/>
+ <constant value="320:7-320:24"/>
+ <constant value="__matchEnumeration"/>
+ <constant value="enumerations"/>
+ <constant value="Enumeration"/>
+ <constant value="335:7-335:8"/>
+ <constant value="335:7-335:13"/>
+ <constant value="335:16-335:29"/>
+ <constant value="335:7-335:29"/>
+ <constant value="337:10-337:15"/>
+ <constant value="336:10-336:11"/>
+ <constant value="336:10-336:18"/>
+ <constant value="336:10-336:23"/>
+ <constant value="336:26-336:40"/>
+ <constant value="336:10-336:40"/>
+ <constant value="335:4-338:9"/>
+ <constant value="341:7-341:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchEnumerationLiteral"/>
+ <constant value="enumerationLiteral"/>
+ <constant value="literals"/>
+ <constant value="EnumerationLiteral"/>
+ <constant value="354:7-354:8"/>
+ <constant value="354:7-354:13"/>
+ <constant value="354:16-354:36"/>
+ <constant value="354:7-354:36"/>
+ <constant value="356:10-356:15"/>
+ <constant value="355:10-355:11"/>
+ <constant value="355:10-355:18"/>
+ <constant value="355:10-355:23"/>
+ <constant value="355:26-355:36"/>
+ <constant value="355:10-355:36"/>
+ <constant value="354:4-357:9"/>
+ <constant value="360:7-360:29"/>
+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="J"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):B"/>
+ <constant value="18"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinkBySourceElement(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="15"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetFromSource(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.including(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="value"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDomainModel(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyClass(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyRelationship(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyRole(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyValueProperty(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyEnumeration(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyEnumerationLiteral(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="getAttrBool"/>
+ <constant value="MXML!Element;"/>
+ <constant value="children"/>
+ <constant value="Attribute"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsTypeOf(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="21"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.including(J):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="J.first():J"/>
+ <constant value="true"/>
+ <constant value="31"/>
+ <constant value="16:5-16:9"/>
+ <constant value="16:5-16:18"/>
+ <constant value="16:31-16:32"/>
+ <constant value="16:45-16:58"/>
+ <constant value="16:31-16:59"/>
+ <constant value="16:64-16:65"/>
+ <constant value="16:64-16:70"/>
+ <constant value="16:73-16:77"/>
+ <constant value="16:64-16:77"/>
+ <constant value="16:31-16:77"/>
+ <constant value="16:5-16:78"/>
+ <constant value="16:5-16:87"/>
+ <constant value="16:5-16:93"/>
+ <constant value="15:6-16:93"/>
+ <constant value="17:8-17:9"/>
+ <constant value="17:11-17:17"/>
+ <constant value="17:8-17:17"/>
+ <constant value="17:33-17:38"/>
+ <constant value="17:23-17:27"/>
+ <constant value="17:5-17:44"/>
+ <constant value="15:2-17:44"/>
+ <constant value="a"/>
+ <constant value="getAttrVal"/>
+ <constant value="23:5-23:9"/>
+ <constant value="23:5-23:18"/>
+ <constant value="23:31-23:32"/>
+ <constant value="23:45-23:58"/>
+ <constant value="23:31-23:59"/>
+ <constant value="23:64-23:65"/>
+ <constant value="23:64-23:70"/>
+ <constant value="23:73-23:77"/>
+ <constant value="23:64-23:77"/>
+ <constant value="23:31-23:77"/>
+ <constant value="23:5-23:78"/>
+ <constant value="23:5-23:87"/>
+ <constant value="23:5-23:93"/>
+ <constant value="get"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="J.flatten():J"/>
+ <constant value="51"/>
+ <constant value="30:5-30:9"/>
+ <constant value="30:5-30:18"/>
+ <constant value="30:33-30:34"/>
+ <constant value="30:47-30:58"/>
+ <constant value="30:33-30:59"/>
+ <constant value="30:64-30:65"/>
+ <constant value="30:64-30:70"/>
+ <constant value="30:73-30:78"/>
+ <constant value="30:64-30:78"/>
+ <constant value="30:33-30:78"/>
+ <constant value="30:5-30:79"/>
+ <constant value="30:93-30:94"/>
+ <constant value="30:93-30:103"/>
+ <constant value="30:5-30:104"/>
+ <constant value="30:5-30:115"/>
+ <constant value="31:15-31:16"/>
+ <constant value="31:29-31:42"/>
+ <constant value="31:15-31:43"/>
+ <constant value="31:48-31:49"/>
+ <constant value="31:48-31:54"/>
+ <constant value="31:57-31:61"/>
+ <constant value="31:48-31:61"/>
+ <constant value="31:15-31:61"/>
+ <constant value="30:5-31:63"/>
+ <constant value="30:5-31:72"/>
+ <constant value="30:5-31:78"/>
+ <constant value="b"/>
+ <constant value="child"/>
+ <constant value="getType"/>
+ <constant value="propertyInfo"/>
+ <constant value="xsi:type"/>
+ <constant value="J.size():J"/>
+ <constant value="12"/>
+ <constant value="J.-(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.substring(JJ):J"/>
+ <constant value="37:22-37:26"/>
+ <constant value="37:22-37:35"/>
+ <constant value="37:48-37:49"/>
+ <constant value="37:62-37:73"/>
+ <constant value="37:48-37:74"/>
+ <constant value="38:7-38:8"/>
+ <constant value="38:7-38:13"/>
+ <constant value="38:16-38:30"/>
+ <constant value="38:7-38:30"/>
+ <constant value="37:48-38:30"/>
+ <constant value="37:22-38:31"/>
+ <constant value="37:22-38:40"/>
+ <constant value="38:52-38:62"/>
+ <constant value="37:22-38:63"/>
+ <constant value="37:6-38:63"/>
+ <constant value="39:5-39:9"/>
+ <constant value="39:20-39:21"/>
+ <constant value="39:22-39:26"/>
+ <constant value="39:22-39:33"/>
+ <constant value="39:34-39:36"/>
+ <constant value="39:22-39:36"/>
+ <constant value="39:5-39:37"/>
+ <constant value="37:2-39:37"/>
+ <constant value="type"/>
+ <constant value="getEnumId"/>
+ <constant value="J.getText(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="45:3-45:7"/>
+ <constant value="45:3-45:16"/>
+ <constant value="45:29-45:30"/>
+ <constant value="45:43-45:54"/>
+ <constant value="45:29-45:55"/>
+ <constant value="45:60-45:61"/>
+ <constant value="45:60-45:66"/>
+ <constant value="45:69-45:83"/>
+ <constant value="45:60-45:83"/>
+ <constant value="45:29-45:83"/>
+ <constant value="45:3-45:84"/>
+ <constant value="45:3-46:11"/>
+ <constant value="46:20-46:33"/>
+ <constant value="45:3-46:34"/>
+ <constant value="getText"/>
+ <constant value="16"/>
+ <constant value="J.isEmpty():J"/>
+ <constant value="85"/>
+ <constant value="83"/>
+ <constant value="4"/>
+ <constant value="Text"/>
+ <constant value="68"/>
+ <constant value="#text"/>
+ <constant value="79"/>
+ <constant value="84"/>
+ <constant value=""/>
+ <constant value="86"/>
+ <constant value="54:2-54:6"/>
+ <constant value="54:2-54:15"/>
+ <constant value="54:29-54:30"/>
+ <constant value="54:43-54:54"/>
+ <constant value="54:29-54:55"/>
+ <constant value="54:2-54:57"/>
+ <constant value="53:6-54:57"/>
+ <constant value="56:5-56:6"/>
+ <constant value="56:5-56:16"/>
+ <constant value="58:6-58:7"/>
+ <constant value="58:19-58:20"/>
+ <constant value="58:19-58:25"/>
+ <constant value="58:26-58:30"/>
+ <constant value="58:19-58:30"/>
+ <constant value="58:6-58:31"/>
+ <constant value="57:7-58:31"/>
+ <constant value="60:6-60:7"/>
+ <constant value="60:6-60:17"/>
+ <constant value="61:4-61:5"/>
+ <constant value="61:20-61:21"/>
+ <constant value="61:20-61:30"/>
+ <constant value="61:4-61:32"/>
+ <constant value="61:4-61:43"/>
+ <constant value="62:17-62:18"/>
+ <constant value="62:31-62:39"/>
+ <constant value="62:17-62:40"/>
+ <constant value="61:4-62:42"/>
+ <constant value="63:19-63:20"/>
+ <constant value="63:19-63:25"/>
+ <constant value="63:28-63:35"/>
+ <constant value="63:19-63:35"/>
+ <constant value="61:4-63:37"/>
+ <constant value="61:4-63:46"/>
+ <constant value="61:4-63:52"/>
+ <constant value="60:23-60:25"/>
+ <constant value="60:3-64:8"/>
+ <constant value="57:3-64:8"/>
+ <constant value="56:22-56:24"/>
+ <constant value="56:2-65:7"/>
+ <constant value="53:2-65:7"/>
+ <constant value="m"/>
+ <constant value="f"/>
+ <constant value="g"/>
+ <constant value="getSeq"/>
+ <constant value="71:2-71:6"/>
+ <constant value="71:2-71:15"/>
+ <constant value="71:30-71:31"/>
+ <constant value="71:44-71:55"/>
+ <constant value="71:30-71:56"/>
+ <constant value="71:61-71:62"/>
+ <constant value="71:61-71:67"/>
+ <constant value="71:70-71:75"/>
+ <constant value="71:61-71:75"/>
+ <constant value="71:30-71:75"/>
+ <constant value="71:2-71:77"/>
+ <constant value="72:17-72:18"/>
+ <constant value="72:17-72:27"/>
+ <constant value="71:2-72:29"/>
+ <constant value="71:2-72:40"/>
+ <constant value="72:53-72:54"/>
+ <constant value="72:67-72:78"/>
+ <constant value="72:53-72:79"/>
+ <constant value="72:84-72:85"/>
+ <constant value="72:84-72:90"/>
+ <constant value="72:93-72:97"/>
+ <constant value="72:84-72:97"/>
+ <constant value="72:53-72:97"/>
+ <constant value="71:2-72:99"/>
+ <constant value="names"/>
+ <constant value="hasChildren"/>
+ <constant value="37"/>
+ <constant value="79:2-79:6"/>
+ <constant value="79:2-79:15"/>
+ <constant value="79:29-79:30"/>
+ <constant value="79:43-79:54"/>
+ <constant value="79:29-79:55"/>
+ <constant value="79:60-79:61"/>
+ <constant value="79:60-79:66"/>
+ <constant value="79:69-79:73"/>
+ <constant value="79:60-79:73"/>
+ <constant value="79:29-79:73"/>
+ <constant value="79:2-79:75"/>
+ <constant value="79:2-79:84"/>
+ <constant value="78:6-79:84"/>
+ <constant value="80:9-80:10"/>
+ <constant value="80:23-80:34"/>
+ <constant value="80:9-80:35"/>
+ <constant value="80:40-80:41"/>
+ <constant value="80:40-80:46"/>
+ <constant value="80:49-80:53"/>
+ <constant value="80:40-80:53"/>
+ <constant value="80:9-80:53"/>
+ <constant value="81:18-81:23"/>
+ <constant value="81:8-81:12"/>
+ <constant value="80:5-82:7"/>
+ <constant value="78:2-82:7"/>
+ <constant value="hasAttr"/>
+ <constant value="J.not():J"/>
+ <constant value="34"/>
+ <constant value="90:2-90:6"/>
+ <constant value="90:2-90:15"/>
+ <constant value="90:29-90:30"/>
+ <constant value="90:43-90:56"/>
+ <constant value="90:29-90:57"/>
+ <constant value="90:62-90:63"/>
+ <constant value="90:62-90:68"/>
+ <constant value="90:71-90:75"/>
+ <constant value="90:62-90:75"/>
+ <constant value="90:29-90:75"/>
+ <constant value="90:2-90:77"/>
+ <constant value="90:2-90:86"/>
+ <constant value="89:6-90:86"/>
+ <constant value="91:12-91:13"/>
+ <constant value="91:12-91:30"/>
+ <constant value="91:8-91:30"/>
+ <constant value="92:29-92:34"/>
+ <constant value="92:9-92:10"/>
+ <constant value="92:9-92:15"/>
+ <constant value="92:18-92:22"/>
+ <constant value="92:9-92:22"/>
+ <constant value="91:5-93:7"/>
+ <constant value="89:2-93:7"/>
+ <constant value="isAbstract"/>
+ <constant value="mdfmetadata"/>
+ <constant value="J.hasChildren(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="6"/>
+ <constant value="23"/>
+ <constant value="classmodifier"/>
+ <constant value="39"/>
+ <constant value="abstract"/>
+ <constant value="41"/>
+ <constant value="101:6-101:10"/>
+ <constant value="101:23-101:36"/>
+ <constant value="101:6-101:37"/>
+ <constant value="104:8-104:12"/>
+ <constant value="103:3-103:7"/>
+ <constant value="103:3-103:16"/>
+ <constant value="103:27-103:28"/>
+ <constant value="103:27-103:33"/>
+ <constant value="103:36-103:49"/>
+ <constant value="103:27-103:49"/>
+ <constant value="103:3-103:50"/>
+ <constant value="103:3-103:59"/>
+ <constant value="101:3-105:8"/>
+ <constant value="100:6-105:8"/>
+ <constant value="107:5-107:6"/>
+ <constant value="107:9-107:13"/>
+ <constant value="107:5-107:13"/>
+ <constant value="110:7-110:8"/>
+ <constant value="110:17-110:32"/>
+ <constant value="110:7-110:33"/>
+ <constant value="112:10-112:15"/>
+ <constant value="111:10-111:11"/>
+ <constant value="111:23-111:38"/>
+ <constant value="111:10-111:39"/>
+ <constant value="111:42-111:52"/>
+ <constant value="111:10-111:52"/>
+ <constant value="110:4-113:9"/>
+ <constant value="108:8-108:13"/>
+ <constant value="107:2-114:7"/>
+ <constant value="100:2-114:7"/>
+ <constant value="n"/>
+ <constant value="getContainment"/>
+ <constant value="J.getSeq(JJ):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.last():J"/>
+ <constant value="67"/>
+ <constant value="treeExpression"/>
+ <constant value="containmentstyle"/>
+ <constant value="fromsource"/>
+ <constant value="reference"/>
+ <constant value="71"/>
+ <constant value="133:19-133:23"/>
+ <constant value="133:31-133:38"/>
+ <constant value="133:39-133:45"/>
+ <constant value="133:19-133:46"/>
+ <constant value="133:19-133:54"/>
+ <constant value="133:66-133:70"/>
+ <constant value="133:19-133:71"/>
+ <constant value="133:6-133:71"/>
+ <constant value="134:19-134:23"/>
+ <constant value="134:31-134:38"/>
+ <constant value="134:39-134:45"/>
+ <constant value="134:19-134:46"/>
+ <constant value="134:19-134:53"/>
+ <constant value="134:65-134:69"/>
+ <constant value="134:19-134:70"/>
+ <constant value="134:6-134:70"/>
+ <constant value="136:2-136:13"/>
+ <constant value="136:2-136:28"/>
+ <constant value="138:5-138:6"/>
+ <constant value="138:5-138:11"/>
+ <constant value="138:12-138:18"/>
+ <constant value="138:5-138:18"/>
+ <constant value="145:7-145:12"/>
+ <constant value="139:10-139:11"/>
+ <constant value="139:10-139:18"/>
+ <constant value="139:10-139:23"/>
+ <constant value="139:24-139:40"/>
+ <constant value="139:10-139:40"/>
+ <constant value="144:8-144:13"/>
+ <constant value="140:9-140:10"/>
+ <constant value="140:9-140:17"/>
+ <constant value="140:26-140:32"/>
+ <constant value="140:9-140:33"/>
+ <constant value="140:34-140:37"/>
+ <constant value="140:9-140:37"/>
+ <constant value="141:4-141:5"/>
+ <constant value="141:4-141:12"/>
+ <constant value="141:21-141:27"/>
+ <constant value="141:4-141:28"/>
+ <constant value="141:29-141:32"/>
+ <constant value="141:4-141:32"/>
+ <constant value="140:9-141:32"/>
+ <constant value="142:8-142:9"/>
+ <constant value="142:8-142:16"/>
+ <constant value="142:28-142:46"/>
+ <constant value="142:8-142:47"/>
+ <constant value="142:49-142:61"/>
+ <constant value="142:8-142:61"/>
+ <constant value="140:8-142:61"/>
+ <constant value="143:8-143:9"/>
+ <constant value="143:8-143:16"/>
+ <constant value="143:28-143:46"/>
+ <constant value="143:8-143:47"/>
+ <constant value="143:49-143:60"/>
+ <constant value="143:8-143:60"/>
+ <constant value="140:8-143:60"/>
+ <constant value="139:7-144:19"/>
+ <constant value="138:2-145:18"/>
+ <constant value="136:2-145:19"/>
+ <constant value="136:2-146:11"/>
+ <constant value="136:2-146:28"/>
+ <constant value="135:6-146:28"/>
+ <constant value="147:9-147:25"/>
+ <constant value="147:5-147:25"/>
+ <constant value="135:2-147:25"/>
+ <constant value="134:2-147:25"/>
+ <constant value="133:2-147:25"/>
+ <constant value="t"/>
+ <constant value="id2"/>
+ <constant value="id1"/>
+ <constant value="getSubTypes"/>
+ <constant value="superType"/>
+ <constant value="26"/>
+ <constant value="J.including(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="154:70-154:81"/>
+ <constant value="154:40-154:81"/>
+ <constant value="154:1-154:12"/>
+ <constant value="154:1-154:27"/>
+ <constant value="155:14-155:15"/>
+ <constant value="155:14-155:20"/>
+ <constant value="155:21-155:30"/>
+ <constant value="155:14-155:30"/>
+ <constant value="155:34-155:35"/>
+ <constant value="155:34-155:40"/>
+ <constant value="155:41-155:55"/>
+ <constant value="155:34-155:55"/>
+ <constant value="155:14-155:55"/>
+ <constant value="155:61-155:62"/>
+ <constant value="155:71-155:82"/>
+ <constant value="155:61-155:83"/>
+ <constant value="155:13-155:83"/>
+ <constant value="159:21-159:24"/>
+ <constant value="156:7-156:8"/>
+ <constant value="156:17-156:28"/>
+ <constant value="156:7-156:29"/>
+ <constant value="156:30-156:32"/>
+ <constant value="156:7-156:32"/>
+ <constant value="158:17-158:20"/>
+ <constant value="157:11-157:14"/>
+ <constant value="157:26-157:27"/>
+ <constant value="157:11-157:28"/>
+ <constant value="156:4-159:15"/>
+ <constant value="155:9-160:8"/>
+ <constant value="154:1-160:10"/>
+ <constant value="findType"/>
+ <constant value="29"/>
+ <constant value="24"/>
+ <constant value="33"/>
+ <constant value="String"/>
+ <constant value="Integer"/>
+ <constant value="Long"/>
+ <constant value="62"/>
+ <constant value="Double"/>
+ <constant value="57"/>
+ <constant value="J.resolveTemp(JJ):J"/>
+ <constant value="61"/>
+ <constant value="66"/>
+ <constant value="167:3-167:14"/>
+ <constant value="167:3-167:29"/>
+ <constant value="167:47-167:48"/>
+ <constant value="167:47-167:53"/>
+ <constant value="167:56-167:63"/>
+ <constant value="167:47-167:63"/>
+ <constant value="171:11-171:16"/>
+ <constant value="168:14-168:15"/>
+ <constant value="168:14-168:22"/>
+ <constant value="168:14-168:27"/>
+ <constant value="168:30-168:35"/>
+ <constant value="168:14-168:35"/>
+ <constant value="170:12-170:17"/>
+ <constant value="169:12-169:13"/>
+ <constant value="169:25-169:31"/>
+ <constant value="169:12-169:32"/>
+ <constant value="169:36-169:42"/>
+ <constant value="169:12-169:42"/>
+ <constant value="168:11-170:23"/>
+ <constant value="167:44-172:10"/>
+ <constant value="167:3-172:12"/>
+ <constant value="167:3-172:22"/>
+ <constant value="166:6-172:22"/>
+ <constant value="174:5-174:6"/>
+ <constant value="174:7-174:15"/>
+ <constant value="174:5-174:15"/>
+ <constant value="177:6-177:7"/>
+ <constant value="177:8-177:17"/>
+ <constant value="177:6-177:17"/>
+ <constant value="177:21-177:22"/>
+ <constant value="177:23-177:29"/>
+ <constant value="177:21-177:29"/>
+ <constant value="177:6-177:29"/>
+ <constant value="180:7-180:8"/>
+ <constant value="180:9-180:17"/>
+ <constant value="180:7-180:17"/>
+ <constant value="182:9-182:19"/>
+ <constant value="182:32-182:33"/>
+ <constant value="182:34-182:40"/>
+ <constant value="182:9-182:41"/>
+ <constant value="181:9-181:19"/>
+ <constant value="181:32-181:33"/>
+ <constant value="181:34-181:42"/>
+ <constant value="181:9-181:43"/>
+ <constant value="180:4-183:9"/>
+ <constant value="178:8-178:18"/>
+ <constant value="178:31-178:32"/>
+ <constant value="178:33-178:38"/>
+ <constant value="178:8-178:39"/>
+ <constant value="177:3-184:8"/>
+ <constant value="175:7-175:17"/>
+ <constant value="175:30-175:31"/>
+ <constant value="175:32-175:37"/>
+ <constant value="175:7-175:38"/>
+ <constant value="174:2-185:7"/>
+ <constant value="166:2-185:7"/>
+ <constant value="s"/>
+ <constant value="__applyDomainModel"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="5"/>
+ <constant value="7"/>
+ <constant value="identity"/>
+ <constant value="namespace"/>
+ <constant value="isLoaded"/>
+ <constant value="J.getAttrBool(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="concepts"/>
+ <constant value="relationships"/>
+ <constant value="classifiers"/>
+ <constant value="types"/>
+ <constant value="Boolean"/>
+ <constant value="206:12-206:13"/>
+ <constant value="206:25-206:31"/>
+ <constant value="206:12-206:32"/>
+ <constant value="206:4-206:32"/>
+ <constant value="207:16-207:17"/>
+ <constant value="207:29-207:39"/>
+ <constant value="207:16-207:40"/>
+ <constant value="207:4-207:40"/>
+ <constant value="208:17-208:18"/>
+ <constant value="208:30-208:41"/>
+ <constant value="208:17-208:42"/>
+ <constant value="208:4-208:42"/>
+ <constant value="209:16-209:17"/>
+ <constant value="209:30-209:40"/>
+ <constant value="209:16-209:41"/>
+ <constant value="209:4-209:41"/>
+ <constant value="211:6-211:7"/>
+ <constant value="211:15-211:25"/>
+ <constant value="211:26-211:35"/>
+ <constant value="211:6-211:36"/>
+ <constant value="212:6-212:7"/>
+ <constant value="212:15-212:30"/>
+ <constant value="212:31-212:45"/>
+ <constant value="212:6-212:46"/>
+ <constant value="210:19-213:7"/>
+ <constant value="210:4-213:7"/>
+ <constant value="214:22-214:23"/>
+ <constant value="214:31-214:45"/>
+ <constant value="214:46-214:59"/>
+ <constant value="214:22-214:60"/>
+ <constant value="214:61-214:64"/>
+ <constant value="214:65-214:68"/>
+ <constant value="214:69-214:73"/>
+ <constant value="214:74-214:80"/>
+ <constant value="214:13-214:81"/>
+ <constant value="214:4-214:81"/>
+ <constant value="217:10-217:18"/>
+ <constant value="217:4-217:18"/>
+ <constant value="220:10-220:19"/>
+ <constant value="220:4-220:19"/>
+ <constant value="223:10-223:19"/>
+ <constant value="223:4-223:19"/>
+ <constant value="226:10-226:18"/>
+ <constant value="226:4-226:18"/>
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+ <constant value="__applyClass"/>
+ <constant value="J.isAbstract():J"/>
+ <constant value="properties"/>
+ <constant value="domainModel"/>
+ <constant value="J.get(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.getSubTypes(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="subTypes"/>
+ <constant value="240:12-240:13"/>
+ <constant value="240:25-240:31"/>
+ <constant value="240:12-240:32"/>
+ <constant value="240:4-240:32"/>
+ <constant value="241:16-241:17"/>
+ <constant value="241:29-241:39"/>
+ <constant value="241:16-241:40"/>
+ <constant value="241:4-241:40"/>
+ <constant value="242:17-242:18"/>
+ <constant value="242:30-242:41"/>
+ <constant value="242:17-242:42"/>
+ <constant value="242:4-242:42"/>
+ <constant value="243:16-243:17"/>
+ <constant value="243:30-243:40"/>
+ <constant value="243:16-243:41"/>
+ <constant value="243:4-243:41"/>
+ <constant value="244:18-244:19"/>
+ <constant value="244:18-244:32"/>
+ <constant value="244:4-244:32"/>
+ <constant value="246:27-246:28"/>
+ <constant value="246:36-246:53"/>
+ <constant value="246:54-246:64"/>
+ <constant value="246:27-246:65"/>
+ <constant value="246:18-246:66"/>
+ <constant value="246:4-246:66"/>
+ <constant value="247:19-247:20"/>
+ <constant value="247:19-247:27"/>
+ <constant value="247:19-247:34"/>
+ <constant value="247:4-247:34"/>
+ <constant value="248:17-248:27"/>
+ <constant value="248:17-248:43"/>
+ <constant value="248:48-248:49"/>
+ <constant value="248:58-248:69"/>
+ <constant value="248:48-248:70"/>
+ <constant value="248:17-248:71"/>
+ <constant value="248:4-248:71"/>
+ <constant value="249:14-249:24"/>
+ <constant value="249:37-249:38"/>
+ <constant value="249:50-249:54"/>
+ <constant value="249:37-249:55"/>
+ <constant value="249:14-249:56"/>
+ <constant value="249:4-249:56"/>
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+ <constant value="J.getContainment():J"/>
+ <constant value="isEmbedding"/>
+ <constant value="267:12-267:13"/>
+ <constant value="267:25-267:31"/>
+ <constant value="267:12-267:32"/>
+ <constant value="267:4-267:32"/>
+ <constant value="268:16-268:17"/>
+ <constant value="268:29-268:39"/>
+ <constant value="268:16-268:40"/>
+ <constant value="268:4-268:40"/>
+ <constant value="269:17-269:18"/>
+ <constant value="269:30-269:41"/>
+ <constant value="269:17-269:42"/>
+ <constant value="269:4-269:42"/>
+ <constant value="270:16-270:17"/>
+ <constant value="270:30-270:40"/>
+ <constant value="270:16-270:41"/>
+ <constant value="270:4-270:41"/>
+ <constant value="271:18-271:19"/>
+ <constant value="271:18-271:32"/>
+ <constant value="271:4-271:32"/>
+ <constant value="272:13-272:14"/>
+ <constant value="272:22-272:29"/>
+ <constant value="272:30-272:36"/>
+ <constant value="272:13-272:37"/>
+ <constant value="272:4-272:37"/>
+ <constant value="273:19-273:20"/>
+ <constant value="273:19-273:27"/>
+ <constant value="273:19-273:34"/>
+ <constant value="273:4-273:34"/>
+ <constant value="274:19-274:20"/>
+ <constant value="274:19-274:37"/>
+ <constant value="274:4-274:37"/>
+ <constant value="275:18-275:19"/>
+ <constant value="275:27-275:44"/>
+ <constant value="275:45-275:55"/>
+ <constant value="275:18-275:56"/>
+ <constant value="275:4-275:56"/>
+ <constant value="276:17-276:27"/>
+ <constant value="276:17-276:43"/>
+ <constant value="276:48-276:49"/>
+ <constant value="276:58-276:69"/>
+ <constant value="276:48-276:70"/>
+ <constant value="276:17-276:71"/>
+ <constant value="276:4-276:71"/>
+ <constant value="277:14-277:24"/>
+ <constant value="277:37-277:38"/>
+ <constant value="277:50-277:54"/>
+ <constant value="277:37-277:55"/>
+ <constant value="277:14-277:56"/>
+ <constant value="277:4-277:56"/>
+ <constant value="__applyRole"/>
+ <constant value="source"/>
+ <constant value="relation"/>
+ <constant value="min"/>
+ <constant value="J.toInteger():J"/>
+ <constant value="max"/>
+ <constant value="accepts"/>
+ <constant value="isUnbounded"/>
+ <constant value="103"/>
+ <constant value="isordered"/>
+ <constant value="isOrdered"/>
+ <constant value="132"/>
+ <constant value="isnavigablefrom"/>
+ <constant value="isNavigableFrom"/>
+ <constant value="293:12-293:13"/>
+ <constant value="293:25-293:31"/>
+ <constant value="293:12-293:32"/>
+ <constant value="293:4-293:32"/>
+ <constant value="294:16-294:17"/>
+ <constant value="294:29-294:39"/>
+ <constant value="294:16-294:40"/>
+ <constant value="294:4-294:40"/>
+ <constant value="295:14-295:24"/>
+ <constant value="295:14-295:40"/>
+ <constant value="295:45-295:46"/>
+ <constant value="295:55-295:63"/>
+ <constant value="295:45-295:64"/>
+ <constant value="295:14-295:65"/>
+ <constant value="295:4-295:65"/>
+ <constant value="296:12-296:22"/>
+ <constant value="296:12-296:38"/>
+ <constant value="296:43-296:44"/>
+ <constant value="296:53-296:59"/>
+ <constant value="296:43-296:60"/>
+ <constant value="296:12-296:61"/>
+ <constant value="296:4-296:61"/>
+ <constant value="297:16-297:17"/>
+ <constant value="297:16-297:24"/>
+ <constant value="297:16-297:31"/>
+ <constant value="297:4-297:31"/>
+ <constant value="298:9-298:10"/>
+ <constant value="298:22-298:27"/>
+ <constant value="298:9-298:28"/>
+ <constant value="298:9-298:40"/>
+ <constant value="298:4-298:40"/>
+ <constant value="299:9-299:10"/>
+ <constant value="299:22-299:27"/>
+ <constant value="299:9-299:28"/>
+ <constant value="299:9-299:40"/>
+ <constant value="299:4-299:40"/>
+ <constant value="300:15-300:16"/>
+ <constant value="300:28-300:37"/>
+ <constant value="300:15-300:38"/>
+ <constant value="300:4-300:38"/>
+ <constant value="301:19-301:20"/>
+ <constant value="301:33-301:46"/>
+ <constant value="301:19-301:47"/>
+ <constant value="301:4-301:47"/>
+ <constant value="302:17-302:18"/>
+ <constant value="302:17-302:27"/>
+ <constant value="302:40-302:41"/>
+ <constant value="302:54-302:65"/>
+ <constant value="302:40-302:66"/>
+ <constant value="302:71-302:72"/>
+ <constant value="302:71-302:77"/>
+ <constant value="302:78-302:91"/>
+ <constant value="302:71-302:91"/>
+ <constant value="302:40-302:91"/>
+ <constant value="302:17-302:92"/>
+ <constant value="302:17-303:16"/>
+ <constant value="303:29-303:40"/>
+ <constant value="302:17-303:41"/>
+ <constant value="302:4-303:41"/>
+ <constant value="304:23-304:24"/>
+ <constant value="304:23-304:33"/>
+ <constant value="304:46-304:47"/>
+ <constant value="304:60-304:71"/>
+ <constant value="304:46-304:72"/>
+ <constant value="304:77-304:78"/>
+ <constant value="304:77-304:83"/>
+ <constant value="304:84-304:97"/>
+ <constant value="304:77-304:97"/>
+ <constant value="304:46-304:97"/>
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+ <constant value="304:23-305:47"/>
+ <constant value="304:4-305:47"/>
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+ <constant value="321:12-321:13"/>
+ <constant value="321:25-321:31"/>
+ <constant value="321:12-321:32"/>
+ <constant value="321:4-321:32"/>
+ <constant value="322:16-322:17"/>
+ <constant value="322:29-322:39"/>
+ <constant value="322:16-322:40"/>
+ <constant value="322:4-322:40"/>
+ <constant value="323:15-323:16"/>
+ <constant value="323:15-323:26"/>
+ <constant value="323:28-323:41"/>
+ <constant value="323:15-323:41"/>
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+ <constant value="325:12-325:38"/>
+ <constant value="325:43-325:44"/>
+ <constant value="325:43-325:56"/>
+ <constant value="325:12-325:57"/>
+ <constant value="324:12-324:22"/>
+ <constant value="324:32-324:33"/>
+ <constant value="324:32-324:43"/>
+ <constant value="324:12-324:44"/>
+ <constant value="323:12-326:11"/>
+ <constant value="323:4-326:11"/>
+ <constant value="__applyEnumeration"/>
+ <constant value="342:12-342:13"/>
+ <constant value="342:25-342:31"/>
+ <constant value="342:12-342:32"/>
+ <constant value="342:4-342:32"/>
+ <constant value="343:16-343:17"/>
+ <constant value="343:29-343:39"/>
+ <constant value="343:16-343:40"/>
+ <constant value="343:4-343:40"/>
+ <constant value="344:17-344:18"/>
+ <constant value="344:30-344:41"/>
+ <constant value="344:17-344:42"/>
+ <constant value="344:4-344:42"/>
+ <constant value="345:16-345:17"/>
+ <constant value="345:25-345:35"/>
+ <constant value="345:36-345:56"/>
+ <constant value="345:16-345:57"/>
+ <constant value="345:4-345:57"/>
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+ <constant value="361:12-361:13"/>
+ <constant value="361:25-361:31"/>
+ <constant value="361:12-361:32"/>
+ <constant value="361:4-361:32"/>
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+ <constant value="362:16-362:40"/>
+ <constant value="362:4-362:40"/>
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+ <constant value="363:26-363:33"/>
+ <constant value="363:13-363:34"/>
+ <constant value="363:13-363:46"/>
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+ <set arg="154"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <get arg="91"/>
+ <get arg="91"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="788"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <call arg="835"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="836"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="171"/>
+ <push arg="170"/>
+ <call arg="543"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="787"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="5"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="622"/>
+ <call arg="352"/>
+ <call arg="789"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="622"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="35"/>
+ <call arg="40"/>
+ <call arg="790"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="791"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="837" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="838" begin="12" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="839" begin="11" end="13"/>
+ <lne id="840" begin="9" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="841" begin="18" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="842" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="843" begin="18" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="844" begin="16" end="22"/>
+ <lne id="845" begin="25" end="25"/>
+ <lne id="846" begin="26" end="26"/>
+ <lne id="847" begin="25" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="848" begin="23" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="849" begin="32" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="850" begin="33" end="33"/>
+ <lne id="851" begin="32" end="34"/>
+ <lne id="852" begin="30" end="36"/>
+ <lne id="853" begin="39" end="39"/>
+ <lne id="854" begin="39" end="40"/>
+ <lne id="855" begin="37" end="42"/>
+ <lne id="856" begin="45" end="45"/>
+ <lne id="857" begin="46" end="46"/>
+ <lne id="858" begin="47" end="47"/>
+ <lne id="859" begin="45" end="48"/>
+ <lne id="860" begin="43" end="50"/>
+ <lne id="861" begin="53" end="53"/>
+ <lne id="862" begin="53" end="54"/>
+ <lne id="863" begin="53" end="55"/>
+ <lne id="864" begin="51" end="57"/>
+ <lne id="865" begin="60" end="60"/>
+ <lne id="866" begin="60" end="61"/>
+ <lne id="867" begin="58" end="63"/>
+ <lne id="868" begin="66" end="66"/>
+ <lne id="869" begin="67" end="67"/>
+ <lne id="870" begin="68" end="68"/>
+ <lne id="871" begin="66" end="69"/>
+ <lne id="872" begin="64" end="71"/>
+ <lne id="873" begin="74" end="74"/>
+ <lne id="874" begin="74" end="75"/>
+ <lne id="875" begin="76" end="76"/>
+ <lne id="876" begin="77" end="77"/>
+ <lne id="877" begin="76" end="78"/>
+ <lne id="878" begin="74" end="79"/>
+ <lne id="879" begin="72" end="81"/>
+ <lne id="880" begin="84" end="84"/>
+ <lne id="881" begin="85" end="85"/>
+ <lne id="882" begin="86" end="86"/>
+ <lne id="883" begin="85" end="87"/>
+ <lne id="884" begin="84" end="88"/>
+ <lne id="885" begin="82" end="90"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="73" begin="3" end="91"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="145" begin="7" end="91"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="21" begin="0" end="91"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="784" begin="0" end="91"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="886">
+ <context type="8"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="24" type="726"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="24"/>
+ <push arg="73"/>
+ <call arg="727"/>
+ <store arg="28"/>
+ <load arg="24"/>
+ <push arg="145"/>
+ <call arg="728"/>
+ <store arg="289"/>
+ <load arg="289"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="40"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="29"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="731"/>
+ <call arg="40"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="731"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="5"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="887"/>
+ <call arg="352"/>
+ <call arg="789"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="887"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="5"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="350"/>
+ <call arg="352"/>
+ <call arg="789"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="350"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <get arg="91"/>
+ <get arg="91"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="888"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="889"/>
+ <call arg="40"/>
+ <call arg="890"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="889"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="891"/>
+ <call arg="40"/>
+ <call arg="890"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="891"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="892"/>
+ <call arg="40"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="892"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="893"/>
+ <call arg="734"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="893"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <push arg="84"/>
+ <push arg="11"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <get arg="244"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="372"/>
+ <load arg="372"/>
+ <push arg="25"/>
+ <push arg="26"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <call arg="246"/>
+ <load arg="372"/>
+ <get arg="29"/>
+ <push arg="503"/>
+ <call arg="31"/>
+ <call arg="37"/>
+ <call arg="96"/>
+ <if arg="894"/>
+ <load arg="372"/>
+ <call arg="248"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="249"/>
+ <push arg="895"/>
+ <call arg="734"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="896"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <push arg="84"/>
+ <push arg="11"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <get arg="244"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="372"/>
+ <load arg="372"/>
+ <push arg="25"/>
+ <push arg="26"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <call arg="246"/>
+ <load arg="372"/>
+ <get arg="29"/>
+ <push arg="503"/>
+ <call arg="31"/>
+ <call arg="37"/>
+ <call arg="96"/>
+ <if arg="897"/>
+ <load arg="372"/>
+ <call arg="248"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="249"/>
+ <push arg="898"/>
+ <call arg="734"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="899"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="900" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="901" begin="12" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="902" begin="11" end="13"/>
+ <lne id="903" begin="9" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="904" begin="18" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="905" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="906" begin="18" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="907" begin="16" end="22"/>
+ <lne id="908" begin="25" end="25"/>
+ <lne id="909" begin="25" end="26"/>
+ <lne id="910" begin="27" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="911" begin="28" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="912" begin="27" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="913" begin="25" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="914" begin="23" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="915" begin="35" end="35"/>
+ <lne id="916" begin="35" end="36"/>
+ <lne id="917" begin="37" end="37"/>
+ <lne id="918" begin="38" end="38"/>
+ <lne id="919" begin="37" end="39"/>
+ <lne id="920" begin="35" end="40"/>
+ <lne id="921" begin="33" end="42"/>
+ <lne id="922" begin="45" end="45"/>
+ <lne id="923" begin="45" end="46"/>
+ <lne id="924" begin="45" end="47"/>
+ <lne id="925" begin="43" end="49"/>
+ <lne id="926" begin="52" end="52"/>
+ <lne id="927" begin="53" end="53"/>
+ <lne id="928" begin="52" end="54"/>
+ <lne id="929" begin="52" end="55"/>
+ <lne id="930" begin="50" end="57"/>
+ <lne id="931" begin="60" end="60"/>
+ <lne id="932" begin="61" end="61"/>
+ <lne id="933" begin="60" end="62"/>
+ <lne id="934" begin="60" end="63"/>
+ <lne id="935" begin="58" end="65"/>
+ <lne id="936" begin="68" end="68"/>
+ <lne id="937" begin="69" end="69"/>
+ <lne id="938" begin="68" end="70"/>
+ <lne id="939" begin="66" end="72"/>
+ <lne id="940" begin="75" end="75"/>
+ <lne id="941" begin="76" end="76"/>
+ <lne id="942" begin="75" end="77"/>
+ <lne id="943" begin="73" end="79"/>
+ <lne id="944" begin="85" end="85"/>
+ <lne id="945" begin="85" end="86"/>
+ <lne id="946" begin="89" end="89"/>
+ <lne id="947" begin="90" end="92"/>
+ <lne id="948" begin="89" end="93"/>
+ <lne id="949" begin="94" end="94"/>
+ <lne id="950" begin="94" end="95"/>
+ <lne id="951" begin="96" end="96"/>
+ <lne id="952" begin="94" end="97"/>
+ <lne id="953" begin="89" end="98"/>
+ <lne id="954" begin="82" end="103"/>
+ <lne id="955" begin="82" end="104"/>
+ <lne id="956" begin="105" end="105"/>
+ <lne id="957" begin="82" end="106"/>
+ <lne id="958" begin="80" end="108"/>
+ <lne id="959" begin="114" end="114"/>
+ <lne id="960" begin="114" end="115"/>
+ <lne id="961" begin="118" end="118"/>
+ <lne id="962" begin="119" end="121"/>
+ <lne id="963" begin="118" end="122"/>
+ <lne id="964" begin="123" end="123"/>
+ <lne id="965" begin="123" end="124"/>
+ <lne id="966" begin="125" end="125"/>
+ <lne id="967" begin="123" end="126"/>
+ <lne id="968" begin="118" end="127"/>
+ <lne id="969" begin="111" end="132"/>
+ <lne id="970" begin="111" end="133"/>
+ <lne id="971" begin="134" end="134"/>
+ <lne id="972" begin="111" end="135"/>
+ <lne id="973" begin="109" end="137"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="4" name="273" begin="88" end="102"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="273" begin="117" end="131"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="73" begin="3" end="138"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="145" begin="7" end="138"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="21" begin="0" end="138"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="784" begin="0" end="138"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="974">
+ <context type="8"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="24" type="726"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="24"/>
+ <push arg="73"/>
+ <call arg="727"/>
+ <store arg="28"/>
+ <load arg="24"/>
+ <push arg="173"/>
+ <call arg="728"/>
+ <store arg="289"/>
+ <load arg="289"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="40"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="29"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="731"/>
+ <call arg="40"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="731"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <call arg="975"/>
+ <push arg="188"/>
+ <call arg="95"/>
+ <if arg="976"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="5"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <call arg="977"/>
+ <call arg="789"/>
+ <goto arg="135"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <call arg="975"/>
+ <call arg="978"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="350"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="979" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="980" begin="12" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="981" begin="11" end="13"/>
+ <lne id="982" begin="9" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="983" begin="18" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="984" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="985" begin="18" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="986" begin="16" end="22"/>
+ <lne id="987" begin="25" end="25"/>
+ <lne id="988" begin="25" end="26"/>
+ <lne id="989" begin="27" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="990" begin="25" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="991" begin="30" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="992" begin="30" end="31"/>
+ <lne id="993" begin="32" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="994" begin="32" end="33"/>
+ <lne id="995" begin="30" end="34"/>
+ <lne id="996" begin="36" end="36"/>
+ <lne id="997" begin="37" end="37"/>
+ <lne id="998" begin="37" end="38"/>
+ <lne id="999" begin="36" end="39"/>
+ <lne id="1000" begin="25" end="39"/>
+ <lne id="1001" begin="23" end="41"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="73" begin="3" end="42"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="173" begin="7" end="42"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="21" begin="0" end="42"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="784" begin="0" end="42"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="1002">
+ <context type="8"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="24" type="726"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="24"/>
+ <push arg="73"/>
+ <call arg="727"/>
+ <store arg="28"/>
+ <load arg="24"/>
+ <push arg="145"/>
+ <call arg="728"/>
+ <store arg="289"/>
+ <load arg="289"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="40"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="29"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="731"/>
+ <call arg="40"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="731"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="732"/>
+ <call arg="40"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="732"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="203"/>
+ <push arg="202"/>
+ <call arg="543"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="203"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="1003" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="1004" begin="12" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="1005" begin="11" end="13"/>
+ <lne id="1006" begin="9" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="1007" begin="18" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="1008" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="1009" begin="18" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="1010" begin="16" end="22"/>
+ <lne id="1011" begin="25" end="25"/>
+ <lne id="1012" begin="26" end="26"/>
+ <lne id="1013" begin="25" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="1014" begin="23" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="1015" begin="32" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="1016" begin="33" end="33"/>
+ <lne id="1017" begin="34" end="34"/>
+ <lne id="1018" begin="32" end="35"/>
+ <lne id="1019" begin="30" end="37"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="73" begin="3" end="38"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="145" begin="7" end="38"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="21" begin="0" end="38"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="784" begin="0" end="38"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="1020">
+ <context type="8"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="24" type="726"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="24"/>
+ <push arg="73"/>
+ <call arg="727"/>
+ <store arg="28"/>
+ <load arg="24"/>
+ <push arg="145"/>
+ <call arg="728"/>
+ <store arg="289"/>
+ <load arg="289"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="40"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="29"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="731"/>
+ <call arg="40"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="731"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="229"/>
+ <call arg="40"/>
+ <call arg="890"/>
+ <call arg="226"/>
+ <set arg="229"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="1021" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="1022" begin="12" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="1023" begin="11" end="13"/>
+ <lne id="1024" begin="9" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="1025" begin="18" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="1026" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="1027" begin="18" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="1028" begin="16" end="22"/>
+ <lne id="1029" begin="25" end="25"/>
+ <lne id="1030" begin="26" end="26"/>
+ <lne id="1031" begin="25" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="1032" begin="25" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="1033" begin="23" end="30"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="73" begin="3" end="31"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="145" begin="7" end="31"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="21" begin="0" end="31"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="784" begin="0" end="31"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/XML2DSL/XML2DSL.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/XML2DSL/XML2DSL.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe08a4a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/XML2DSL/XML2DSL.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+-- DSL to Ecore
+-- first transformation : XML to DSL
+module XML2DSL;
+create OUT : DSL from IN : XML;
+-- HELPERS --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- This helper gets the Attribute who has value name = name and return it to a Boolean
+-- CONTEXT: XML!Element
+-- RETURN: Boolean
+helper context XML!Element def: getAttrBool(name : String) : Boolean =
+ let a : String =
+ self.children->select(c | c.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Attribute) and = name)->first().value
+ in if a ='true' then true else false endif;
+-- This helper gets the Attribute who has value name = name
+-- CONTEXT: XML!Element
+-- RETURN: String
+helper context XML!Element def: getAttrVal(name : String) : String =
+ self.children->select(c | c.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Attribute) and = name)->first().value;
+-- This helper gets the value of the attribute who has value name=name
+-- from a child of self
+-- CONTEXT: XML!Element
+-- RETURN: String
+helper context XML!Element def: get(child : String,name : String) : String =
+ self.children -> select(c | c.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Element) and = child)->collect(d | d.children)->flatten()
+ ->select(b | b.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Attribute) and = name )->first().value;
+-- This helper gets the Type of a property.
+-- CONTEXT: XML!Element
+-- RETURN: String
+helper context XML!Element def: getType() : String =
+ let type : String = self.children->select(c | c.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Element)
+ and = 'propertyInfo')->first().getAttrVal('xsi:type')
+ in type.substring(1,type.size()-12);
+-- This helper stores an integer value used to assign an ID to each generated.
+-- CONTEXT: XML!Element
+-- RETURN: String
+helper context XML!Element def: getEnumId() : String =
+ self.children->select(c | c.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Element) and = 'propertyInfo')
+ ->first().getText('enumeration');
+-- This helper gets Text from an XML!Element who has a child with a name value = name
+-- and with a child XML!Text.
+-- CONTEXT: XML!Element
+-- RETURN: String
+helper context XML!Element def: getText(name : String) : String =
+ let e :Sequence(XML!Element) =
+ self.children-> select(m | m.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Element) )
+ in
+ if e.isEmpty() then '' else
+ let r:Sequence(XML!Element) =
+ e->select (f|
+ in
+ if r.isEmpty() then '' else
+ r-> collect(d | d.children )->flatten()
+ ->select(f | f.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Text) )
+ ->select ( g | = '#text' )->first().value
+ endif
+ endif;
+-- This helper return a Sequence of XML!Element from a child name of a child names of self
+-- CONTEXT: XML!Element
+-- RETURN: Sequence(XML!Element)
+helper context XML!Element def: getSeq(names : String,name : String) : Sequence(XML!Element) =
+ self.children -> select(m | m.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Element) and = names )
+ -> collect(d | d.children )->flatten()->select(m | m.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Element) and = name );
+-- This helper say if an XML!Element has a child with value name = name
+-- CONTEXT: XML!Element
+-- RETURN: Boolean
+helper context XML!Element def: hasChildren(name : String) : Boolean =
+ let a : XML!Element =
+ self.children-> select(m | m.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Element) and = name )->first()
+ in if (a.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Element) and = name)
+ then true else false
+ endif;
+-- This helper stores an integer value used to assign an ID to each generated
+-- CONTEXT: XML!Element
+-- RETURN: Boolean
+--teste si l'element possede un certain XMLattribut
+helper context XML!Element def: hasAttr(name : String) : Boolean =
+ let a : XML!Attribute =
+ self.children-> select(m | m.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Attribute) and = name )->first()
+ in if not a.oclIsUndefined()
+ then ( = name) else false
+ endif;
+-- This helper indicates if a Classifier is Abstract or not by searching in
+-- the child mdfmetada of self
+-- CONTEXT: XML!Element
+-- RETURN: Boolean
+helper context XML!Element def: isAbstract() : Boolean =
+ let a : XML!Element =
+ if self.hasChildren('mdfmetadata')
+ then
+ self.children->select(n| = 'mdfmetadata')->first()
+ else self
+ endif
+ in
+ if a = self
+ then false
+ else
+ if a.hasAttr('classmodifier')
+ then a.getAttrVal('classmodifier') = 'abstract'
+ else false
+ endif
+ endif;
+-- This helper produce a Map of XML!Element corresponding to concept,relationship,enumeration
+-- by identity to help majing references
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Map(String, XML!Element)
+helper def: dslElementsById : Map(String, XML!Element) =
+ XML!Element.allInstances()->iterate(e; acc : Map(String,XML!Element) = Map {} |
+ if (('concept' or'relationship' or ='enumeration') and e.hasAttr('id')) then
+ acc->including( e.getAttrVal('id'), e)
+ else
+ acc
+ endif
+ );
+-- This helper produce a Map of roles, containmentstyle
+-- for all the roles of the selected Relationship, we look for it in the map
+-- return true for embedding, false for reference
+helper context XML!Element def: getContainment() : Boolean =
+ let id1: String =self.getSeq('roles','role').first().getAttrVal('id') in
+ let id2: String =self.getSeq('roles','role').last().getAttrVal('id') in
+ let containmentstyle : Boolean =
+ XML!Element.allInstances()->
+ select(t|
+ if'role'
+ then if'treeExpression'
+ then (t.parent.getText('role')=id1 or
+ t.parent.getText('role')=id2)
+ and t.parent.getAttrVal('containmentstyle')<>'fromsource'
+ and t.parent.getAttrVal('containmentstyle')<>'reference'
+ else false endif
+ else false endif)
+ ->first().oclIsUndefined()
+ in not containmentstyle;
+-- This helper return a Sequence of XML!Element who are subType of the XML!Element
+-- who has is id = id
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Sequence(XML!Element)
+helper def: getSubTypes(id:String): Sequence(XML!Element)=
+XML!Element.allInstances()->iterate(e; acc : Sequence(XML!Element) = Sequence {} |
+ if (('concept' or'relationship') and e.hasAttr('superType')) then
+ if e.getText('superType')=id
+ then acc->including(e)
+ else acc
+ endif else acc
+ endif );
+-- This helper return the DSL!SimpleType that match String
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: DSL!SimpleType
+helper def: findType(s:String) : DSL!SimpleType =
+ let a : XML!Element =
+ XML!Element.allInstances() -> select(e | if = 'model'
+ then if = 'dmd'
+ then e.getAttrVal('name') <> 'Core'
+ else false endif
+ else false
+ endif )-> first()
+ in
+ if s='String'
+ then thisModule.resolveTemp(a,'str')
+ else
+ if s='Integer' or s='Long'
+ then thisModule.resolveTemp(a,'int')
+ else
+ if s='Double'
+ then thisModule.resolveTemp(a,'double')
+ else thisModule.resolveTemp(a,'bool')
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif;
+-- RULES ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Rule 'DomainModel'.
+-- This rule generates the DomainModel, which will content all the relevants
+-- informations of the model
+rule DomainModel {
+ from
+ e : XML!Element (
+ if = 'model'
+ then if = 'dmd'
+ then e.getAttrVal('name') <> 'Core'
+ else false endif
+ else false
+ endif
+ )
+ to
+ d : DSL!DomainModel (
+ name <- e.getAttrVal('name'),
+ identity <- e.getAttrVal('identity'),
+ namespace <- e.getAttrVal('namespace'),
+ isLoaded <- e.getAttrBool('isLoaded'),
+ classifiers <- Sequence{
+ e.getSeq('concepts','concept'),
+ e.getSeq('relationships','relationship')
+ },
+ types <- Sequence{e.getSeq('enumerations','enumeration'),str,int,bool,double}
+ ),
+ str : DSL!SimpleType (
+ name<-'String'
+ ),
+ int : DSL!SimpleType (
+ name<-'Integer'
+ ),
+ bool : DSL!SimpleType (
+ name<-'Boolean'
+ ),
+ double : DSL!SimpleType (
+ name<-'Double'
+ )
+-- Rule 'Class'.
+-- This rule generates a DSL!Class and link it to his supertypes,
+-- subtypes and properties
+rule Class {
+ from
+ e : XML!Element (
+ = 'concept'
+ )
+ to
+ c : DSL!Class (
+ name <- e.getAttrVal('name'),
+ identity <- e.getAttrVal('identity'),
+ namespace <- e.getAttrVal('namespace'),
+ isLoaded <- e.getAttrBool('isLoaded'),
+ isAbstract <- e.isAbstract(),
+-- properties <- Sequence{e.getSeq('valueProperties','property').append(nm)},
+ properties <- Sequence{e.getSeq('valueProperties','property')},
+ domainModel <- e.parent.parent,
+ superType <- thisModule.dslElementsById.get(e.getText('superType')),
+ subTypes<-thisModule.getSubTypes(e.getAttrVal('id'))
+ )--,
+-- nm : DSL!ValueProperty (
+-- name<-'Name',
+-- type<-thisModule.findType('String')
+-- )
+-- Rule 'Relationship'.
+-- This rule generates a DSL!Relationship and link it to his supertypes,
+-- subtypes, roles and properties
+rule Relationship {
+ from
+ e : XML!Element (
+ = 'relationship'
+ )
+ to
+ r : DSL!Relationship (
+ name <- e.getAttrVal('name'),
+ identity <- e.getAttrVal('identity'),
+ namespace <- e.getAttrVal('namespace'),
+ isLoaded <- e.getAttrBool('isLoaded'),
+ isAbstract <- e.isAbstract(),
+ roles <- e.getSeq('roles','role'),
+ domainModel <- e.parent.parent,
+ isEmbedding <- e.getContainment(),
+ properties <- e.getSeq('valueProperties','property'),
+ superType <- thisModule.dslElementsById.get(e.getText('superType')),
+ subTypes<-thisModule.getSubTypes(e.getAttrVal('id'))
+ )
+-- Rule 'Role'.
+-- This rule generates a DSL!Role and link it to his ends
+rule Role {
+ from
+ e : XML!Element (
+ if = 'role'
+ then = 'roles'
+ else false
+ endif
+ )
+ to
+ r : DSL!Role (
+ name <- e.getAttrVal('name'),
+ identity <- e.getAttrVal('identity'),
+ source <- thisModule.dslElementsById.get(e.getText('source')),
+ type <- thisModule.dslElementsById.get(e.getText('type')),
+ relation <- e.parent.parent,
+ min<-e.getAttrVal('min').toInteger(),
+ max<-e.getAttrVal('max').toInteger(),
+ accepts <- e.getAttrVal('accepts'),
+ isUnbounded <- e.getAttrBool('isUnbounded'),
+ isOrdered <- e.children->select(a | a.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Element) and'mdfmetadata')
+ ->first().getAttrBool('isordered'),
+ isNavigableFrom <- e.children->select(a | a.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Element) and'mdfmetadata')
+ ->first().getAttrBool('isnavigablefrom')
+ )
+-- Rule 'ValueProperty'.
+-- This rule generates a property of a classifier
+rule ValueProperty {
+ from
+ e : XML!Element (
+ if ( = 'property')
+ then = 'valueProperties'
+ else false
+ endif
+ )
+ to
+ p : DSL!ValueProperty (
+ name <- e.getAttrVal('name'),
+ identity <- e.getAttrVal('identity'),
+ type <- if e.getType()<>'Enumeration'
+ then thisModule.findType(e.getType())
+ else thisModule.dslElementsById.get(e.getEnumId())
+ endif
+ )
+-- Rule 'Enumeration'.
+-- This rule generates an Enumeration
+rule Enumeration {
+ from
+ e : XML!Element (
+ if = 'enumeration'
+ then = 'enumerations'
+ else false
+ endif
+ )
+ to
+ r : DSL!Enumeration (
+ name <- e.getAttrVal('name'),
+ identity <- e.getAttrVal('identity'),
+ namespace <- e.getAttrVal('namespace'),
+ literals <- e.getSeq('literals','enumerationLiteral')
+ )
+-- Rule 'EnumerationLiteral'.
+-- This rule generates an single element of an Enumeration
+rule EnumerationLiteral {
+ from
+ e : XML!Element (
+ if = 'enumerationLiteral'
+ then = 'literals'
+ else false
+ endif
+ )
+ to
+ r : DSL!EnumerationLiteral (
+ name <- e.getAttrVal('name'),
+ identity <- e.getAttrVal('identity'),
+ value <- e.getAttrVal('value').toInteger()
+ )
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/XML2DSL/XML2DSL.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/XML2DSL/XML2DSL.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25b695aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/XML2DSL/XML2DSL.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/XML2DSL/XML2DSL.atl"/>
+<stringAttribute key="ATL VM" value="Regular VM (with debugger)"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="AllowInterModelReferences" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Input">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="XML"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="Mode Debug" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Model Handler">
+<mapEntry key="DSL" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML" value="EMF"/>
+<mapAttribute key="ModelType">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="DSL" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Output">
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="DSL"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/XML2DSL/SimpleExampleMM-XML.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="DSL" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/DSL.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/DSL2EMF/XML2DSL/SimpleExampleMM-DSL.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/XML.ecore"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.vm.tests"/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/DSL2XML/DSL2XML.asm b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/DSL2XML/DSL2XML.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c963e02e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/DSL2XML/DSL2XML.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,21212 @@
+<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ?>
+<asm name="0">
+ <cp>
+ <constant value="DSL2XML"/>
+ <constant value="links"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;"/>
+ <constant value="col"/>
+ <constant value="J;"/>
+ <constant value="curId"/>
+ <constant value="I"/>
+ <constant value="getRoots"/>
+ <constant value="QMDSL!Class;"/>
+ <constant value="Acc"/>
+ <constant value="QMKM3!Class;"/>
+ <constant value="main"/>
+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="0"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
+ <constant value="J.setName(S):V"/>
+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initcurId():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initgetRoots():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initAcc():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="__initcurId"/>
+ <constant value="27:31-27:32"/>
+ <constant value="__initgetRoots"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
+ <constant value="Class"/>
+ <constant value="DSL"/>
+ <constant value="J.allInstances():J"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="superType"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.isType():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.not():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.and(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="B.not():B"/>
+ <constant value="21"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.including(J):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="J.isEmpty():J"/>
+ <constant value="81"/>
+ <constant value="2"/>
+ <constant value="43"/>
+ <constant value="79"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="65"/>
+ <constant value="77"/>
+ <constant value="J.first():J"/>
+ <constant value="78"/>
+ <constant value="80"/>
+ <constant value="82"/>
+ <constant value="78:2-78:11"/>
+ <constant value="78:2-78:26"/>
+ <constant value="78:37-78:38"/>
+ <constant value="78:37-78:48"/>
+ <constant value="78:37-78:65"/>
+ <constant value="78:74-78:75"/>
+ <constant value="78:74-78:84"/>
+ <constant value="78:70-78:84"/>
+ <constant value="78:37-78:84"/>
+ <constant value="78:2-78:85"/>
+ <constant value="77:6-78:85"/>
+ <constant value="80:9-80:11"/>
+ <constant value="80:9-80:21"/>
+ <constant value="80:5-80:21"/>
+ <constant value="82:3-82:12"/>
+ <constant value="82:3-82:27"/>
+ <constant value="82:38-82:39"/>
+ <constant value="82:38-82:49"/>
+ <constant value="82:38-82:66"/>
+ <constant value="82:3-82:67"/>
+ <constant value="81:12-82:67"/>
+ <constant value="84:10-84:12"/>
+ <constant value="84:10-84:22"/>
+ <constant value="84:6-84:22"/>
+ <constant value="86:4-86:13"/>
+ <constant value="86:4-86:28"/>
+ <constant value="86:43-86:44"/>
+ <constant value="86:43-86:53"/>
+ <constant value="86:39-86:53"/>
+ <constant value="86:4-86:54"/>
+ <constant value="85:13-86:54"/>
+ <constant value="88:11-88:13"/>
+ <constant value="88:11-88:23"/>
+ <constant value="88:7-88:23"/>
+ <constant value="89:10-89:19"/>
+ <constant value="89:10-89:34"/>
+ <constant value="89:10-89:43"/>
+ <constant value="88:29-88:31"/>
+ <constant value="88:4-90:9"/>
+ <constant value="85:9-90:9"/>
+ <constant value="84:28-84:30"/>
+ <constant value="84:3-91:8"/>
+ <constant value="81:8-91:8"/>
+ <constant value="80:27-80:29"/>
+ <constant value="80:2-92:7"/>
+ <constant value="77:2-92:7"/>
+ <constant value="e"/>
+ <constant value="r3"/>
+ <constant value="r2"/>
+ <constant value="r1"/>
+ <constant value="__initAcc"/>
+ <constant value="97:41-97:51"/>
+ <constant value="97:41-97:60"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDMD():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchConcept():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchConceptRoot():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchConceptRootisAbstract():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchConceptHasSuper():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchConceptisAbstract():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchConceptHasSuperAndisAbstract():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchRelationship():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchRelationshipHasSuper():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchRole():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchSimpleProperty():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchEnumerationProperty():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchEnumeration():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchEnumerationLiteral():V"/>
+ <constant value="__matchDMD"/>
+ <constant value="DomainModel"/>
+ <constant value="IN"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.union(CJ):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="499"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="DMD"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="d"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="r"/>
+ <constant value="Root"/>
+ <constant value="XML"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="xsi"/>
+ <constant value="Attribute"/>
+ <constant value="xsd"/>
+ <constant value="xmlns"/>
+ <constant value="model"/>
+ <constant value="Element"/>
+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="identity"/>
+ <constant value="id"/>
+ <constant value="namespace"/>
+ <constant value="isLoaded"/>
+ <constant value="mdfmetadata"/>
+ <constant value="xsitype"/>
+ <constant value="accessmodifier"/>
+ <constant value="category"/>
+ <constant value="description"/>
+ <constant value="doccomment"/>
+ <constant value="localize"/>
+ <constant value="majorversion"/>
+ <constant value="minorversion"/>
+ <constant value="alwaysgeneratecollection"/>
+ <constant value="copyright"/>
+ <constant value="stringtable"/>
+ <constant value="resxfile"/>
+ <constant value="ressfile"/>
+ <constant value="use"/>
+ <constant value="copyclosure"/>
+ <constant value="cpname"/>
+ <constant value="cpdoc"/>
+ <constant value="removeclosure"/>
+ <constant value="rmname"/>
+ <constant value="rmdoc"/>
+ <constant value="extended"/>
+ <constant value="extmod"/>
+ <constant value="extmodText"/>
+ <constant value="Text"/>
+ <constant value="enumerations"/>
+ <constant value="relationships"/>
+ <constant value="concepts"/>
+ <constant value="trees"/>
+ <constant value="treeNavIntr"/>
+ <constant value="treeNavIntrna"/>
+ <constant value="treeNavIntrId"/>
+ <constant value="treeNavIntrIdentity"/>
+ <constant value="exp"/>
+ <constant value="IntrRoot"/>
+ <constant value="treeNavDiagram"/>
+ <constant value="treeNavDiagType"/>
+ <constant value="treeNavDiagna"/>
+ <constant value="treeNavDiagId"/>
+ <constant value="treeNavDiagIdentity"/>
+ <constant value="Diagexp"/>
+ <constant value="DiagRoots"/>
+ <constant value="DiagSource"/>
+ <constant value="DiagSourceText"/>
+ <constant value="treeNavSeria"/>
+ <constant value="treeNavSeriaType"/>
+ <constant value="treeNavSeriana"/>
+ <constant value="treeNavSeriaId"/>
+ <constant value="treeNavSeriaIdentity"/>
+ <constant value="Seriaexp"/>
+ <constant value="SeriaRoots"/>
+ <constant value="SeriaRoot"/>
+ <constant value="SeriaRootname"/>
+ <constant value="SeriaRootidentity"/>
+ <constant value="SeriaRootid"/>
+ <constant value="SeriaRootSource"/>
+ <constant value="SeriaRootReferenceType"/>
+ <constant value="SeriaRootReferenceTypeText"/>
+ <constant value="SeriaSource"/>
+ <constant value="SeriaSourceText"/>
+ <constant value="treeNavDel"/>
+ <constant value="treeNavDelType"/>
+ <constant value="treeNavDelna"/>
+ <constant value="treeNavDelId"/>
+ <constant value="treeNavDelIdentity"/>
+ <constant value="Delexp"/>
+ <constant value="DelRoots"/>
+ <constant value="DelSource"/>
+ <constant value="DelSourceText"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="139:8-139:16"/>
+ <constant value="145:12-145:25"/>
+ <constant value="146:9-146:22"/>
+ <constant value="147:11-147:24"/>
+ <constant value="152:11-152:22"/>
+ <constant value="163:10-163:23"/>
+ <constant value="164:13-164:26"/>
+ <constant value="165:7-165:20"/>
+ <constant value="166:14-166:27"/>
+ <constant value="167:13-167:26"/>
+ <constant value="172:16-172:27"/>
+ <constant value="182:11-182:24"/>
+ <constant value="183:18-183:31"/>
+ <constant value="184:14-184:27"/>
+ <constant value="185:17-185:30"/>
+ <constant value="186:16-186:29"/>
+ <constant value="187:12-187:25"/>
+ <constant value="188:16-188:29"/>
+ <constant value="189:16-189:29"/>
+ <constant value="190:28-190:41"/>
+ <constant value="191:15-191:26"/>
+ <constant value="193:17-193:28"/>
+ <constant value="194:15-194:28"/>
+ <constant value="195:15-195:28"/>
+ <constant value="196:10-196:23"/>
+ <constant value="198:17-198:28"/>
+ <constant value="200:13-200:26"/>
+ <constant value="201:12-201:25"/>
+ <constant value="203:19-203:30"/>
+ <constant value="204:13-204:26"/>
+ <constant value="205:12-205:25"/>
+ <constant value="210:13-210:24"/>
+ <constant value="211:12-211:23"/>
+ <constant value="212:16-212:24"/>
+ <constant value="217:18-217:29"/>
+ <constant value="226:19-226:30"/>
+ <constant value="235:14-235:25"/>
+ <constant value="244:11-244:22"/>
+ <constant value="256:17-256:28"/>
+ <constant value="264:19-264:32"/>
+ <constant value="265:19-265:32"/>
+ <constant value="266:25-266:38"/>
+ <constant value="267:9-267:20"/>
+ <constant value="268:14-268:25"/>
+ <constant value="273:20-273:31"/>
+ <constant value="282:21-282:34"/>
+ <constant value="283:19-283:32"/>
+ <constant value="284:19-284:32"/>
+ <constant value="285:25-285:38"/>
+ <constant value="286:13-286:24"/>
+ <constant value="287:15-287:26"/>
+ <constant value="288:16-288:27"/>
+ <constant value="289:20-289:28"/>
+ <constant value="297:18-297:29"/>
+ <constant value="306:22-306:35"/>
+ <constant value="307:20-307:33"/>
+ <constant value="308:20-308:33"/>
+ <constant value="309:26-309:39"/>
+ <constant value="310:14-310:25"/>
+ <constant value="311:16-311:27"/>
+ <constant value="313:15-313:26"/>
+ <constant value="321:19-321:32"/>
+ <constant value="325:23-325:36"/>
+ <constant value="326:17-326:30"/>
+ <constant value="327:21-327:32"/>
+ <constant value="328:28-328:39"/>
+ <constant value="329:32-329:40"/>
+ <constant value="333:17-333:28"/>
+ <constant value="334:21-334:29"/>
+ <constant value="342:16-342:27"/>
+ <constant value="351:20-351:33"/>
+ <constant value="352:18-352:31"/>
+ <constant value="353:18-353:31"/>
+ <constant value="354:24-354:37"/>
+ <constant value="355:12-355:23"/>
+ <constant value="356:14-356:25"/>
+ <constant value="357:15-357:26"/>
+ <constant value="358:19-358:27"/>
+ <constant value="__matchConcept"/>
+ <constant value="isAbstract"/>
+ <constant value="J.includes(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="133"/>
+ <constant value="Concept"/>
+ <constant value="c"/>
+ <constant value="valueProperties"/>
+ <constant value="370:16-370:17"/>
+ <constant value="370:16-370:27"/>
+ <constant value="370:16-370:44"/>
+ <constant value="370:54-370:55"/>
+ <constant value="370:54-370:66"/>
+ <constant value="370:50-370:66"/>
+ <constant value="370:16-370:66"/>
+ <constant value="371:13-371:23"/>
+ <constant value="371:13-371:32"/>
+ <constant value="371:43-371:44"/>
+ <constant value="371:13-371:45"/>
+ <constant value="371:8-371:46"/>
+ <constant value="370:16-371:46"/>
+ <constant value="376:5-376:16"/>
+ <constant value="385:8-385:21"/>
+ <constant value="386:13-386:26"/>
+ <constant value="387:7-387:20"/>
+ <constant value="388:14-388:27"/>
+ <constant value="390:13-390:26"/>
+ <constant value="391:15-391:28"/>
+ <constant value="396:16-396:27"/>
+ <constant value="404:11-404:24"/>
+ <constant value="405:18-405:31"/>
+ <constant value="406:14-406:27"/>
+ <constant value="407:17-407:30"/>
+ <constant value="408:16-408:29"/>
+ <constant value="409:14-409:27"/>
+ <constant value="414:20-414:31"/>
+ <constant value="__matchConceptRoot"/>
+ <constant value="174"/>
+ <constant value="ConceptRoot"/>
+ <constant value="DiagRoot"/>
+ <constant value="DiagRootname"/>
+ <constant value="DiagRootidentity"/>
+ <constant value="DiagRootid"/>
+ <constant value="DiagRootSource"/>
+ <constant value="DiagRootReferenceType"/>
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+ <constant value="428:16-428:27"/>
+ <constant value="428:16-428:44"/>
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+ <constant value="428:54-428:66"/>
+ <constant value="428:50-428:66"/>
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+ <constant value="429:11-429:30"/>
+ <constant value="429:41-429:42"/>
+ <constant value="429:11-429:43"/>
+ <constant value="428:16-429:44"/>
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+ <constant value="519:16-519:27"/>
+ <constant value="519:16-519:44"/>
+ <constant value="519:49-519:50"/>
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+ <constant value="557:17-557:30"/>
+ <constant value="558:16-558:29"/>
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+ <constant value="723:16-723:44"/>
+ <constant value="723:49-723:50"/>
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+ <constant value="785:20-785:31"/>
+ <constant value="785:20-785:48"/>
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+ <constant value="1024:8-1024:19"/>
+ <constant value="1024:8-1024:36"/>
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+ <constant value="1060:12-1060:25"/>
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+ <constant value="1062:14-1062:27"/>
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+ <constant value="1095:12-1095:25"/>
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+ <constant value="1145:19-1145:32"/>
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+ <constant value="1352:30-1352:36"/>
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+ <constant value="1352:30-1352:64"/>
+ <constant value="1352:26-1352:64"/>
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+ <constant value="1383:14-1383:27"/>
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+ <constant value="1397:17-1397:28"/>
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+ <constant value="15"/>
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+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="30"/>
+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.including(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDMD(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyConcept(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyConceptRoot(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyConceptRootisAbstract(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyConceptHasSuper(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyConceptisAbstract(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyConceptHasSuperAndisAbstract(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyRelationship(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyRelationshipHasSuper(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyRole(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applySimpleProperty(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyEnumerationProperty(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyEnumeration(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyEnumerationLiteral(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="bool2string"/>
+ <constant value="B"/>
+ <constant value="4"/>
+ <constant value="false"/>
+ <constant value="5"/>
+ <constant value="true"/>
+ <constant value="15:5-15:9"/>
+ <constant value="15:27-15:34"/>
+ <constant value="15:15-15:21"/>
+ <constant value="15:2-15:40"/>
+ <constant value="getContainment"/>
+ <constant value="MDSL!Relationship;"/>
+ <constant value="isEmbedding"/>
+ <constant value="reference"/>
+ <constant value="6"/>
+ <constant value="embedding"/>
+ <constant value="21:5-21:9"/>
+ <constant value="21:5-21:21"/>
+ <constant value="21:44-21:55"/>
+ <constant value="21:27-21:38"/>
+ <constant value="21:2-21:61"/>
+ <constant value="makeIdentity"/>
+ <constant value="J.+(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.refSetValue(JJ):J"/>
+ <constant value="00000000-0000-0000-0000-"/>
+ <constant value="9"/>
+ <constant value="J.&lt;=(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="37"/>
+ <constant value="99"/>
+ <constant value="32"/>
+ <constant value="999"/>
+ <constant value="27"/>
+ <constant value="00000000"/>
+ <constant value="J.toString():J"/>
+ <constant value="31"/>
+ <constant value="000000000"/>
+ <constant value="36"/>
+ <constant value="0000000000"/>
+ <constant value="41"/>
+ <constant value="00000000000"/>
+ <constant value="36:20-36:30"/>
+ <constant value="36:43-36:50"/>
+ <constant value="36:52-36:62"/>
+ <constant value="36:52-36:68"/>
+ <constant value="36:71-36:72"/>
+ <constant value="36:52-36:72"/>
+ <constant value="36:20-36:73"/>
+ <constant value="36:20-36:79"/>
+ <constant value="36:6-36:79"/>
+ <constant value="37:4-37:30"/>
+ <constant value="38:5-38:6"/>
+ <constant value="38:8-38:9"/>
+ <constant value="38:5-38:9"/>
+ <constant value="39:10-39:11"/>
+ <constant value="39:13-39:15"/>
+ <constant value="39:10-39:15"/>
+ <constant value="40:11-40:12"/>
+ <constant value="40:14-40:17"/>
+ <constant value="40:11-40:17"/>
+ <constant value="41:9-41:19"/>
+ <constant value="41:20-41:21"/>
+ <constant value="41:20-41:32"/>
+ <constant value="41:9-41:32"/>
+ <constant value="40:23-40:34"/>
+ <constant value="40:35-40:36"/>
+ <constant value="40:35-40:47"/>
+ <constant value="40:23-40:47"/>
+ <constant value="40:8-42:7"/>
+ <constant value="39:21-39:33"/>
+ <constant value="39:34-39:35"/>
+ <constant value="39:34-39:46"/>
+ <constant value="39:21-39:46"/>
+ <constant value="39:7-42:13"/>
+ <constant value="38:15-38:28"/>
+ <constant value="38:29-38:30"/>
+ <constant value="38:29-38:41"/>
+ <constant value="38:15-38:41"/>
+ <constant value="38:2-42:19"/>
+ <constant value="37:4-42:19"/>
+ <constant value="36:2-42:19"/>
+ <constant value="i"/>
+ <constant value="makeId"/>
+ <constant value="MDSL!NamedElement;"/>
+ <constant value="8"/>
+ <constant value="J.substring(JJ):J"/>
+ <constant value="z"/>
+ <constant value="10"/>
+ <constant value="13"/>
+ <constant value="20"/>
+ <constant value="23"/>
+ <constant value="25"/>
+ <constant value="J.size():J"/>
+ <constant value="48:20-48:24"/>
+ <constant value="48:20-48:33"/>
+ <constant value="48:6-48:33"/>
+ <constant value="49:3-49:6"/>
+ <constant value="49:7-49:9"/>
+ <constant value="49:20-49:21"/>
+ <constant value="49:22-49:23"/>
+ <constant value="49:7-49:24"/>
+ <constant value="49:3-49:24"/>
+ <constant value="49:25-49:28"/>
+ <constant value="49:3-49:28"/>
+ <constant value="49:29-49:31"/>
+ <constant value="49:42-49:44"/>
+ <constant value="49:45-49:47"/>
+ <constant value="49:29-49:48"/>
+ <constant value="49:3-49:48"/>
+ <constant value="50:4-50:7"/>
+ <constant value="49:3-50:7"/>
+ <constant value="50:8-50:10"/>
+ <constant value="50:21-50:23"/>
+ <constant value="50:24-50:26"/>
+ <constant value="50:8-50:27"/>
+ <constant value="49:3-50:27"/>
+ <constant value="50:28-50:31"/>
+ <constant value="49:3-50:31"/>
+ <constant value="50:32-50:34"/>
+ <constant value="50:45-50:47"/>
+ <constant value="50:48-50:50"/>
+ <constant value="50:32-50:51"/>
+ <constant value="49:3-50:51"/>
+ <constant value="51:4-51:7"/>
+ <constant value="49:3-51:7"/>
+ <constant value="51:8-51:10"/>
+ <constant value="51:21-51:23"/>
+ <constant value="51:24-51:26"/>
+ <constant value="51:24-51:33"/>
+ <constant value="51:8-51:34"/>
+ <constant value="49:3-51:34"/>
+ <constant value="48:2-51:34"/>
+ <constant value="makeId2"/>
+ <constant value="i00000000z0000z0000z0000z"/>
+ <constant value="J.&lt;(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="57:20-57:30"/>
+ <constant value="57:43-57:50"/>
+ <constant value="57:52-57:62"/>
+ <constant value="57:52-57:68"/>
+ <constant value="57:71-57:72"/>
+ <constant value="57:52-57:72"/>
+ <constant value="57:20-57:73"/>
+ <constant value="57:20-57:79"/>
+ <constant value="57:6-57:79"/>
+ <constant value="58:5-58:32"/>
+ <constant value="59:5-59:6"/>
+ <constant value="59:7-59:8"/>
+ <constant value="59:5-59:8"/>
+ <constant value="60:10-60:11"/>
+ <constant value="60:12-60:14"/>
+ <constant value="60:10-60:14"/>
+ <constant value="61:11-61:12"/>
+ <constant value="61:13-61:16"/>
+ <constant value="61:11-61:16"/>
+ <constant value="62:9-62:19"/>
+ <constant value="62:20-62:21"/>
+ <constant value="62:20-62:32"/>
+ <constant value="62:9-62:32"/>
+ <constant value="61:22-61:33"/>
+ <constant value="61:34-61:35"/>
+ <constant value="61:34-61:46"/>
+ <constant value="61:22-61:46"/>
+ <constant value="61:8-63:7"/>
+ <constant value="60:20-60:32"/>
+ <constant value="60:33-60:34"/>
+ <constant value="60:33-60:45"/>
+ <constant value="60:20-60:45"/>
+ <constant value="60:7-63:13"/>
+ <constant value="59:14-59:27"/>
+ <constant value="59:28-59:29"/>
+ <constant value="59:28-59:40"/>
+ <constant value="59:14-59:40"/>
+ <constant value="59:2-63:19"/>
+ <constant value="58:5-63:19"/>
+ <constant value="57:2-63:19"/>
+ <constant value="isType"/>
+ <constant value="MDSL!Class;"/>
+ <constant value="J.=(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.or(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="70:28-70:33"/>
+ <constant value="70:12-70:33"/>
+ <constant value="69:1-69:17"/>
+ <constant value="69:1-69:32"/>
+ <constant value="71:3-71:6"/>
+ <constant value="71:11-71:12"/>
+ <constant value="71:11-71:18"/>
+ <constant value="71:11-71:26"/>
+ <constant value="71:11-71:31"/>
+ <constant value="71:34-71:38"/>
+ <constant value="71:11-71:38"/>
+ <constant value="71:3-71:39"/>
+ <constant value="69:1-71:40"/>
+ <constant value="acc"/>
+ <constant value="definitionlevel"/>
+ <constant value="J.append(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="definition"/>
+ <constant value="105:5-105:15"/>
+ <constant value="105:5-105:19"/>
+ <constant value="105:30-105:34"/>
+ <constant value="105:5-105:35"/>
+ <constant value="108:24-108:34"/>
+ <constant value="108:47-108:52"/>
+ <constant value="108:53-108:63"/>
+ <constant value="108:53-108:67"/>
+ <constant value="108:75-108:79"/>
+ <constant value="108:53-108:80"/>
+ <constant value="108:24-108:81"/>
+ <constant value="108:24-108:85"/>
+ <constant value="108:24-108:93"/>
+ <constant value="108:8-108:93"/>
+ <constant value="109:7-109:19"/>
+ <constant value="108:4-109:19"/>
+ <constant value="106:8-106:13"/>
+ <constant value="105:2-110:7"/>
+ <constant value="__applyDMD"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="7"/>
+ <constant value="11"/>
+ <constant value="12"/>
+ <constant value="14"/>
+ <constant value="16"/>
+ <constant value="19"/>
+ <constant value="22"/>
+ <constant value="24"/>
+ <constant value="26"/>
+ <constant value="28"/>
+ <constant value="29"/>
+ <constant value="33"/>
+ <constant value="34"/>
+ <constant value="35"/>
+ <constant value="38"/>
+ <constant value="39"/>
+ <constant value="40"/>
+ <constant value="42"/>
+ <constant value="44"/>
+ <constant value="45"/>
+ <constant value="46"/>
+ <constant value="47"/>
+ <constant value="48"/>
+ <constant value="49"/>
+ <constant value="50"/>
+ <constant value="51"/>
+ <constant value="52"/>
+ <constant value="53"/>
+ <constant value="54"/>
+ <constant value="56"/>
+ <constant value="57"/>
+ <constant value="58"/>
+ <constant value="59"/>
+ <constant value="60"/>
+ <constant value="61"/>
+ <constant value="62"/>
+ <constant value="63"/>
+ <constant value="64"/>
+ <constant value="66"/>
+ <constant value="68"/>
+ <constant value="69"/>
+ <constant value="70"/>
+ <constant value="71"/>
+ <constant value="72"/>
+ <constant value="73"/>
+ <constant value="74"/>
+ <constant value="75"/>
+ <constant value="76"/>
+ <constant value="dmd"/>
+ <constant value=""/>
+ <constant value="children"/>
+ <constant value="xmlns:xsi"/>
+ <constant value=""/>
+ <constant value="xmlns:xsd"/>
+ <constant value=""/>
+ <constant value="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:dmd"/>
+ <constant value="J.makeId():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.bool2string():J"/>
+ <constant value="xsi:type"/>
+ <constant value="modelmdfmetadata"/>
+ <constant value="public"/>
+ <constant value=".Resource.resx"/>
+ <constant value="resourcesfile"/>
+ <constant value="."/>
+ <constant value=".Resource"/>
+ <constant value="usefullyqualifiedname"/>
+ <constant value="CopyClosure"/>
+ <constant value="Copy closure visitor filter"/>
+ <constant value="RemoveClosure"/>
+ <constant value="Remove closure visitor filter"/>
+ <constant value="#text"/>
+ <constant value="i2b131234z7959z458dz834fz2dc0769ce683"/>
+ <constant value="types"/>
+ <constant value="898"/>
+ <constant value="classifiers"/>
+ <constant value="931"/>
+ <constant value="964"/>
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+ <constant value="intrinsic"/>
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+ <constant value="J.makeIdentity():J"/>
+ <constant value="expressions"/>
+ <constant value="roots"/>
+ <constant value="ShadowTreeNavigator"/>
+ <constant value="completeDiagram"/>
+ <constant value="J.resolveTemp(JJ):J"/>
+ <constant value="serialization"/>
+ <constant value="root"/>
+ <constant value="referencetype"/>
+ <constant value="delete"/>
+ <constant value="140:11-140:16"/>
+ <constant value="140:5-140:16"/>
+ <constant value="141:13-141:15"/>
+ <constant value="141:4-141:15"/>
+ <constant value="142:23-142:26"/>
+ <constant value="142:27-142:30"/>
+ <constant value="142:31-142:36"/>
+ <constant value="142:37-142:42"/>
+ <constant value="142:14-142:43"/>
+ <constant value="142:4-142:43"/>
+ <constant value="145:33-145:44"/>
+ <constant value="145:27-145:44"/>
+ <constant value="145:52-145:95"/>
+ <constant value="145:45-145:95"/>
+ <constant value="146:30-146:41"/>
+ <constant value="146:24-146:41"/>
+ <constant value="146:49-146:83"/>
+ <constant value="146:42-146:83"/>
+ <constant value="147:32-147:39"/>
+ <constant value="147:26-147:39"/>
+ <constant value="147:47-147:78"/>
+ <constant value="147:40-147:78"/>
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+ <constant value="153:5-153:18"/>
+ <constant value="154:13-154:15"/>
+ <constant value="154:4-154:15"/>
+ <constant value="156:6-156:10"/>
+ <constant value="156:11-156:19"/>
+ <constant value="156:20-156:22"/>
+ <constant value="156:23-156:32"/>
+ <constant value="156:33-156:41"/>
+ <constant value="157:6-157:17"/>
+ <constant value="158:5-158:13"/>
+ <constant value="159:5-159:17"/>
+ <constant value="160:5-160:18"/>
+ <constant value="160:19-160:24"/>
+ <constant value="160:25-160:33"/>
+ <constant value="155:14-161:6"/>
+ <constant value="155:4-161:6"/>
+ <constant value="163:31-163:37"/>
+ <constant value="163:25-163:37"/>
+ <constant value="163:45-163:46"/>
+ <constant value="163:45-163:51"/>
+ <constant value="163:38-163:51"/>
+ <constant value="164:34-164:44"/>
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+ <constant value="164:52-164:53"/>
+ <constant value="164:52-164:62"/>
+ <constant value="164:45-164:62"/>
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+ <constant value="165:40-165:50"/>
+ <constant value="165:33-165:50"/>
+ <constant value="166:35-166:46"/>
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+ <constant value="166:54-166:55"/>
+ <constant value="166:54-166:65"/>
+ <constant value="166:47-166:65"/>
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+ <constant value="167:52-167:53"/>
+ <constant value="167:52-167:62"/>
+ <constant value="167:52-167:76"/>
+ <constant value="167:45-167:76"/>
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+ <constant value="173:4-173:23"/>
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+ <constant value="174:4-174:15"/>
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+ <constant value="176:28-176:36"/>
+ <constant value="177:5-177:16"/>
+ <constant value="177:17-177:27"/>
+ <constant value="177:28-177:36"/>
+ <constant value="178:5-178:17"/>
+ <constant value="178:18-178:30"/>
+ <constant value="178:31-178:55"/>
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+ <constant value="187:51-187:58"/>
+ <constant value="187:44-187:58"/>
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+ <constant value="188:52-188:62"/>
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+ <constant value="194:58-194:64"/>
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+ <constant value="194:58-194:81"/>
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+ <push arg="140"/>
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+ <push arg="140"/>
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+ <push arg="140"/>
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+ <push arg="140"/>
+ <push arg="137"/>
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+ <push arg="137"/>
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+ <load arg="35"/>
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+ <load arg="35"/>
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+ <load arg="35"/>
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+ <load arg="35"/>
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+ <load arg="35"/>
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+ <load arg="35"/>
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+ <lve slot="32" name="777" begin="123" end="666"/>
+ <lve slot="33" name="778" begin="127" end="666"/>
+ <lve slot="34" name="779" begin="131" end="666"/>
+ <lve slot="35" name="780" begin="135" end="666"/>
+ <lve slot="36" name="781" begin="139" end="666"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="27" begin="0" end="666"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="1712" begin="0" end="666"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="4003">
+ <context type="12"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="35" type="1127"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <push arg="102"/>
+ <call arg="1128"/>
+ <store arg="46"/>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <push arg="762"/>
+ <call arg="1129"/>
+ <store arg="49"/>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <push arg="145"/>
+ <call arg="1129"/>
+ <store arg="915"/>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <push arg="146"/>
+ <call arg="1129"/>
+ <store arg="917"/>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <push arg="148"/>
+ <call arg="1129"/>
+ <store arg="927"/>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <push arg="147"/>
+ <call arg="1129"/>
+ <store arg="1130"/>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <push arg="867"/>
+ <call arg="1129"/>
+ <store arg="996"/>
+ <load arg="49"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <push arg="823"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="145"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <push arg="1179"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="877"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <push arg="31"/>
+ <push arg="15"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="915"/>
+ <call arg="43"/>
+ <load arg="917"/>
+ <call arg="43"/>
+ <load arg="927"/>
+ <call arg="43"/>
+ <load arg="1130"/>
+ <call arg="43"/>
+ <load arg="996"/>
+ <call arg="43"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="1180"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="915"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <push arg="145"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="145"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="46"/>
+ <get arg="145"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="877"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="917"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <push arg="146"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="145"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="46"/>
+ <get arg="146"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="877"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="927"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <push arg="148"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="145"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="46"/>
+ <get arg="148"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="877"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="1130"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <push arg="147"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="145"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="46"/>
+ <call arg="1186"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="877"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="996"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <push arg="867"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="145"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <push arg="1179"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="877"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="46"/>
+ <get arg="867"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="1180"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="4004" begin="31" end="31"/>
+ <lne id="4005" begin="29" end="33"/>
+ <lne id="4006" begin="36" end="36"/>
+ <lne id="4007" begin="34" end="38"/>
+ <lne id="4008" begin="44" end="44"/>
+ <lne id="4009" begin="46" end="46"/>
+ <lne id="4010" begin="48" end="48"/>
+ <lne id="4011" begin="50" end="50"/>
+ <lne id="4012" begin="52" end="52"/>
+ <lne id="4013" begin="41" end="53"/>
+ <lne id="4014" begin="39" end="55"/>
+ <lne id="4015" begin="60" end="60"/>
+ <lne id="4016" begin="58" end="62"/>
+ <lne id="4017" begin="65" end="65"/>
+ <lne id="4018" begin="65" end="66"/>
+ <lne id="4019" begin="63" end="68"/>
+ <lne id="4020" begin="73" end="73"/>
+ <lne id="4021" begin="71" end="75"/>
+ <lne id="4022" begin="78" end="78"/>
+ <lne id="4023" begin="78" end="79"/>
+ <lne id="4024" begin="76" end="81"/>
+ <lne id="4025" begin="86" end="86"/>
+ <lne id="4026" begin="84" end="88"/>
+ <lne id="4027" begin="91" end="91"/>
+ <lne id="4028" begin="91" end="92"/>
+ <lne id="4029" begin="89" end="94"/>
+ <lne id="4030" begin="99" end="99"/>
+ <lne id="4031" begin="97" end="101"/>
+ <lne id="4032" begin="104" end="104"/>
+ <lne id="4033" begin="104" end="105"/>
+ <lne id="4034" begin="102" end="107"/>
+ <lne id="4035" begin="112" end="112"/>
+ <lne id="4036" begin="110" end="114"/>
+ <lne id="4037" begin="117" end="117"/>
+ <lne id="4038" begin="115" end="119"/>
+ <lne id="4039" begin="122" end="122"/>
+ <lne id="4040" begin="122" end="123"/>
+ <lne id="4041" begin="120" end="125"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="102" begin="3" end="126"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="762" begin="7" end="126"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="145" begin="11" end="126"/>
+ <lve slot="5" name="146" begin="15" end="126"/>
+ <lve slot="6" name="148" begin="19" end="126"/>
+ <lve slot="7" name="147" begin="23" end="126"/>
+ <lve slot="8" name="867" begin="27" end="126"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="27" begin="0" end="126"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="1712" begin="0" end="126"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="4042">
+ <context type="12"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="35" type="1127"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <push arg="102"/>
+ <call arg="1128"/>
+ <store arg="46"/>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <push arg="762"/>
+ <call arg="1129"/>
+ <store arg="49"/>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <push arg="145"/>
+ <call arg="1129"/>
+ <store arg="915"/>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <push arg="146"/>
+ <call arg="1129"/>
+ <store arg="917"/>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <push arg="877"/>
+ <call arg="1129"/>
+ <store arg="927"/>
+ <load arg="49"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <push arg="4043"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="145"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <push arg="1179"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="877"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <push arg="31"/>
+ <push arg="15"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="915"/>
+ <call arg="43"/>
+ <load arg="917"/>
+ <call arg="43"/>
+ <load arg="927"/>
+ <call arg="43"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="1180"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="915"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <push arg="145"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="145"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="46"/>
+ <get arg="145"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="877"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="917"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <push arg="146"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="145"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="46"/>
+ <get arg="146"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="877"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="927"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <push arg="877"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="145"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="13"/>
+ <load arg="46"/>
+ <get arg="877"/>
+ <call arg="946"/>
+ <call arg="891"/>
+ <set arg="877"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="4044" begin="23" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="4045" begin="21" end="25"/>
+ <lne id="4046" begin="28" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="4047" begin="26" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="4048" begin="36" end="36"/>
+ <lne id="4049" begin="38" end="38"/>
+ <lne id="4050" begin="40" end="40"/>
+ <lne id="4051" begin="33" end="41"/>
+ <lne id="4052" begin="31" end="43"/>
+ <lne id="4053" begin="48" end="48"/>
+ <lne id="4054" begin="46" end="50"/>
+ <lne id="4055" begin="53" end="53"/>
+ <lne id="4056" begin="53" end="54"/>
+ <lne id="4057" begin="51" end="56"/>
+ <lne id="4058" begin="61" end="61"/>
+ <lne id="4059" begin="59" end="63"/>
+ <lne id="4060" begin="66" end="66"/>
+ <lne id="4061" begin="66" end="67"/>
+ <lne id="4062" begin="64" end="69"/>
+ <lne id="4063" begin="74" end="74"/>
+ <lne id="4064" begin="72" end="76"/>
+ <lne id="4065" begin="79" end="79"/>
+ <lne id="4066" begin="79" end="80"/>
+ <lne id="4067" begin="79" end="81"/>
+ <lne id="4068" begin="77" end="83"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="102" begin="3" end="84"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="762" begin="7" end="84"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="145" begin="11" end="84"/>
+ <lve slot="5" name="146" begin="15" end="84"/>
+ <lve slot="6" name="877" begin="19" end="84"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="27" begin="0" end="84"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="1712" begin="0" end="84"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/DSL2XML/DSL2XML.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/DSL2XML/DSL2XML.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38efb0a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/DSL2XML/DSL2XML.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,1464 @@
+-- Ecore to DSL
+-- second transformation : DSL to XML
+module DSL2XML;
+create OUT : XML from IN : DSL;
+-- HELPERS --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- This helper converts boolean to string
+-- CONTEXT: Boolean
+-- RETURN: String
+helper context Boolean def: bool2string() : String =
+ if self then 'true' else 'false' endif;
+-- This helper get the containmentstyle of a Relationship
+-- CONTEXT: DSL!Relationship
+-- RETURN: String
+helper context DSL!Relationship def : getContainment() : String =
+ if self.isEmbedding then 'embedding' else 'reference' endif;
+-- This helper stores an integer value used to assign an ID to each generated
+-- Task.
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Integer
+helper def: curId : Integer = 0;
+-- This helper computes the value to be assigned to the ID field of a
+-- generated Task.
+-- It increments the value stored by the "curId" helper and returns its
+-- new value as a String.
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: String
+helper def: makeIdentity() : String =
+ let i : Integer = thisModule.refSetValue('curId', thisModule.curId + 1).curId
+in '00000000-0000-0000-0000-'+
+ if i<=9 then '00000000000'+i.toString()
+ else if i<=99 then '0000000000'+i.toString()
+ else if i<=999 then '000000000'+i.toString()
+ else '00000000'+i.toString()
+ endif endif endif;
+-- This helper converts identity in id
+-- CONTEXT: DSL!NamedElement
+-- RETURN: String
+helper context DSL!NamedElement def : makeId() : String =
+ let id : String = self.identity in
+ 'i'+id.substring(1,8)+'z'+id.substring(10,13)
+ +'z'+id.substring(15,18)+'z'+id.substring(20,23)
+ +'z'+id.substring(25,id.size());
+-- This helper generates an new id
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: String
+helper def : makeId2() : String =
+ let i : Integer = thisModule.refSetValue('curId', thisModule.curId + 1).curId
+ in 'i00000000z0000z0000z0000z'+
+ if i<9 then '00000000000'+i.toString()
+ else if i<99 then '0000000000'+i.toString()
+ else if i<999 then '000000000'+i.toString()
+ else '00000000'+i.toString()
+ endif endif endif;
+-- This helper searchs if a Class is pointed by another
+-- CONTEXT: DSL!Class
+-- RETURN: Boolean
+helper context DSL!Class def : isType(): Boolean =
+iterate(r; acc : Boolean = false |
+ acc or (r.roles.first().type = self));
+-- This helper searchs the Class which need to be marked as "root" in CompleteDiagram
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Sequence(DSL!Class)
+helper def : getRoots : Sequence(DSL!Class)=
+ let r1 : Sequence(DSL!Class) =
+ DSL!Class.allInstances()->select(e|e.superType.oclIsUndefined() and not e.isType())
+ in
+ if not r1.isEmpty() then r1
+ else let r2 : Sequence(DSL!Class) =
+ DSL!Class.allInstances()->select(e|e.superType.oclIsUndefined())
+ in
+ if not r2.isEmpty() then r2
+ else let r3 : Sequence(DSL!Class) =
+ DSL!Class.allInstances()->select(e|not e.isType())
+ in
+ if not r3.isEmpty() then r3
+ else DSL!Class.allInstances()->first()
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif;
+-- This helper stores a list of treated classes
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Sequence(KM3!Class)
+helper def: Acc : Sequence(KM3!Class) = thisModule.getRoots;
+-- This helper computes the definitionlevel of a treeExpression
+-- if the class has ever been treated, its definitionlevel is "use"
+-- elsewhere we put it into Acc, and the definitionlevel is "definition"
+-- CONTEXT: context DSL!Class
+-- RETURN: String
+helper context DSL!Class def : definitionlevel():String =
+ if thisModule.Acc->includes(self)
+ then 'use'
+ else
+ let c : DSL!Class = thisModule.refSetValue('Acc',thisModule.Acc.append(self)).Acc.first()
+ in 'definition'
+ endif;
+-- RULES ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Rule 'DMD'.
+-- This rule generates the .dsldm file structure :
+-- DMD
+-- - Model
+-- - MdfMetaData
+-- - Extended
+-- - Enumerations
+-- - Relationships
+-- - Concepts
+-- - Trees
+-- - treeNavigator Intrinsic
+-- - treeNavigator CompleteDiagram
+-- - treeNavigator Serialization
+-- - treeNavigator Delete
+rule DMD
+ from
+ d : DSL!DomainModel
+ to
+ --------------
+ -- Root DMD --
+ --------------
+ r : XML!Root(
+ name<-'dmd',--+thisModule.getRoots.toString(),
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{xsi,xsd,xmlns,model}
+ ),
+ xsi : XML!Attribute (name<-'xmlns:xsi',value<-''),
+ xsd : XML!Attribute (name<-'xmlns:xsd',value<-''),
+ xmlns : XML!Attribute (name<-'xmlns',value<-'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:dmd'),
+ -----------
+ -- Model --
+ -----------
+ model : XML!Element (
+ name<-'model',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ name,identity,id,namespace,isLoaded,
+ mdfmetadata,
+ extended,
+ enumerations,
+ relationships,trees,concepts
+ }
+ ),
+ name : XML!Attribute (name<-'name',value<,
+ identity: XML!Attribute (name<-'identity',value<-d.identity),
+ id: XML!Attribute (name<-'id',value<-d.makeId()),
+ namespace: XML!Attribute (name<-'namespace',value<-d.namespace),
+ isLoaded: XML!Attribute (name<-'isLoaded',value<-d.isLoaded.bool2string()),
+ -----------------
+ -- MdfMetaData --
+ -----------------
+ mdfmetadata: XML!Element (
+ name<-'mdfmetadata',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ xsitype,accessmodifier,category,
+ description,doccomment,localize,
+ majorversion,minorversion,alwaysgeneratecollection,
+ copyright,stringtable,copyclosure,removeclosure
+ }
+ ),
+ xsitype:XML!Attribute (name<-'xsi:type',value<-'modelmdfmetadata'),
+ accessmodifier:XML!Attribute (name<-'accessmodifier',value<-'public'),
+ category : XML!Attribute(name <- 'category',value <- ''),
+ description : XML!Attribute(name <- 'description',value <- ''),
+ doccomment : XML!Attribute(name <- 'doccomment',value <- ''),
+ localize:XML!Attribute (name<-'localize',value<-'false'),
+ majorversion:XML!Attribute (name<-'majorversion',value<-'1'),
+ minorversion:XML!Attribute (name<-'minorversion',value<-'0'),
+ alwaysgeneratecollection:XML!Attribute (name<-'alwaysgeneratecollection',value<-'false'),
+ copyright : XML!Element(name <- 'copyright',value <- ''),
+ stringtable : XML!Element(name <- 'stringtable',value <- '',children <- Sequence{resxfile,ressfile,use}),
+ resxfile : XML!Attribute (name <- 'resxfile',value <-'.Resource.resx'),
+ ressfile : XML!Attribute (name <- 'resourcesfile',value <- d.namespace+'.''.Resource'),
+ use : XML!Attribute (name <- 'usefullyqualifiedname',value <- 'false'),
+ copyclosure : XML!Element(
+ name <- 'copyclosure',value <- '',children <- Sequence{cpname,cpdoc}),
+ cpname : XML!Attribute (name <- 'name',value <-'CopyClosure'),
+ cpdoc : XML!Attribute (name <- 'doccomment',value <- 'Copy closure visitor filter'),
+ removeclosure : XML!Element(name <- 'removeclosure',value <- '',children <- Sequence{rmname,rmdoc}),
+ rmname : XML!Attribute (name <- 'name',value <-'RemoveClosure'),
+ rmdoc : XML!Attribute (name <- 'doccomment',value <- 'Remove closure visitor filter'),
+ --------------
+ -- Extended --
+ --------------
+ extended: XML!Element (name<-'extended',value <- '',children <- extmod),
+ extmod : XML!Element (name <- 'model',value <- '',children <- extmodText),
+ extmodText : XML!Text (name <- '#text',value <- 'i2b131234z7959z458dz834fz2dc0769ce683'),
+ ------------------
+ -- Enumerations --
+ ------------------
+ enumerations : XML!Element (
+ name<-'enumerations',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-d.types->select(c|c.oclIsTypeOf(DSL!Enumeration))
+ ),
+ -------------------
+ -- Relationships --
+ -------------------
+ relationships : XML!Element (
+ name<-'relationships',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-d.classifiers->select(c|c.oclIsTypeOf(DSL!Relationship))
+ ),
+ --------------
+ -- Concepts --
+ --------------
+ concepts : XML!Element (
+ name<-'concepts',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-d.classifiers->select(c|c.oclIsTypeOf(DSL!Class))
+ ),
+ -----------
+ -- Trees --
+ -----------
+ trees : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'trees',
+ value <- '',
+ children <- Sequence{
+ treeNavIntr,treeNavDiagram,
+ treeNavSeria,treeNavDel
+ }
+ ),
+ -----------------------------
+ -- treeNavigator Intrinsic --
+ -----------------------------
+ treeNavIntr : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'treenavigator',
+ value <- '',
+ children <- Sequence{
+ treeNavIntrna,treeNavIntrIdentity,
+ treeNavIntrId,exp,IntrRoot
+ }
+ ),
+ treeNavIntrna : XML!Attribute (name <- 'name',value <- 'intrinsic'),
+ treeNavIntrId : XML!Attribute (name <- 'id',value <- thisModule.makeId2()),
+ treeNavIntrIdentity : XML!Attribute (name <- 'identity',value <- thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ exp : XML!Element (name <- 'expressions',value <- ''),
+ IntrRoot : XML!Element(name <- 'roots',value <- ''),
+ -----------------------------------
+ -- treeNavigator CompleteDiagram --
+ -----------------------------------
+ treeNavDiagram : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'treenavigator',
+ value <- '',
+ children <- Sequence{
+ treeNavDiagType,treeNavDiagna,
+ treeNavDiagIdentity,treeNavDiagId,
+ Diagexp,DiagRoots,DiagSource
+ }
+ ),
+ treeNavDiagType : XML!Attribute (name <- 'xsi:type',value <- 'ShadowTreeNavigator'),
+ treeNavDiagna : XML!Attribute (name <- 'name',value <- 'completeDiagram'),
+ treeNavDiagId : XML!Attribute (name <- 'id',value <- thisModule.makeId2()),
+ treeNavDiagIdentity : XML!Attribute (name <- 'identity',value <- thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ Diagexp : XML!Element (name <- 'expressions',value <- ''),
+ DiagRoots : XML!Element (name <- 'roots',value <- ''),
+ DiagSource : XML!Element (name <- 'source',value <- '',children <- DiagSourceText),
+ DiagSourceText : XML!Text (
+ name <- '#text',
+ value <- thisModule.resolveTemp(d,'treeNavIntrId').value
+ ),
+ ---------------------------------
+ -- treeNavigator Serialization --
+ ---------------------------------
+ treeNavSeria : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'treenavigator',
+ value <- '',
+ children <- Sequence{
+ treeNavSeriaType,treeNavSeriana,
+ treeNavSeriaIdentity,treeNavSeriaId,
+ Seriaexp,SeriaRoots,SeriaSource
+ }
+ ),
+ treeNavSeriaType : XML!Attribute (name <- 'xsi:type',value <- 'ShadowTreeNavigator'),
+ treeNavSeriana : XML!Attribute (name <- 'name',value <- 'serialization'),
+ treeNavSeriaId : XML!Attribute (name <- 'id',value <- thisModule.makeId2()),
+ treeNavSeriaIdentity : XML!Attribute (name <- 'identity',value <- thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ Seriaexp : XML!Element (name <- 'expressions',value <- ''),
+ SeriaRoots : XML!Element (name <- 'roots',value <- '',children <- SeriaRoot),
+ SeriaRoot : XML!Element(
+ name <- 'root',
+ value <- '',
+ children <- Sequence {
+ SeriaRootname,SeriaRootidentity,SeriaRootid,
+ SeriaRootSource,SeriaRootReferenceType
+ }
+ ),
+ SeriaRootname : XML!Attribute (
+ name <- 'name',
+ value <- thisModule.getRoots->first().name
+ ),
+ SeriaRootidentity : XML!Attribute (name <- 'identity',value <- thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ SeriaRootid : XML!Attribute (name <- 'id',value <- thisModule.makeId2()),
+ SeriaRootSource : XML!Element (name <- 'source',value <- ''),
+ SeriaRootReferenceType : XML!Element (name <- 'referencetype',value <- '',children <- SeriaRootReferenceTypeText),
+ SeriaRootReferenceTypeText : XML!Text (
+ name <- '#text',
+ value <- thisModule.getRoots->first().makeId()
+ ),
+ SeriaSource : XML!Element (name <- 'source',value <- '',children <- SeriaSourceText),
+ SeriaSourceText : XML!Text (
+ name <- '#text',
+ value <- thisModule.resolveTemp(d,'treeNavIntrId').value
+ ),
+ --------------------------
+ -- treeNavigator Delete --
+ --------------------------
+ treeNavDel : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'treenavigator',
+ value <- '',
+ children <- Sequence {
+ treeNavDelType,treeNavDelna,
+ treeNavDelIdentity,treeNavDelId,
+ Delexp,DelRoots,DelSource
+ }
+ ),
+ treeNavDelType : XML!Attribute (name <- 'xsi:type',value <- 'ShadowTreeNavigator'),
+ treeNavDelna : XML!Attribute (name <- 'name',value <- 'delete'),
+ treeNavDelId : XML!Attribute (name <- 'id',value <- thisModule.makeId2()),
+ treeNavDelIdentity : XML!Attribute (name <- 'identity',value <- thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ Delexp : XML!Element (name <- 'expressions',value <- ''),
+ DelRoots : XML!Element (name <- 'roots',value <- ''),
+ DelSource : XML!Element (name <- 'source',value <- '',children <- DelSourceText),
+ DelSourceText : XML!Text (
+ name <- '#text',
+ value <- thisModule.resolveTemp(d,'treeNavIntrId').value
+ )
+-- Rule 'Concept'.
+-- This rule generates the Concepts which are :
+-- * not subtypes of any class
+-- * not abstract
+rule Concept{
+ from
+ e:DSL!Class (e.superType.oclIsUndefined() and not e.isAbstract
+ and not (thisModule.getRoots->includes(e)))
+ to
+ -------------
+ -- Concept --
+ -------------
+ c:XML!Element(
+ name<-'concept',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ name,identity,namespace,id,
+ isLoaded,isAbstract,
+ mdfmetadata,valueProperties
+ }
+ ),
+ name:XML!Attribute(name<-'name',value<,
+ identity: XML!Attribute (name<-'identity',value<-e.identity),
+ id: XML!Attribute (name<-'id',value<-e.makeId()),
+ namespace: XML!Attribute (name<-'namespace',value<-e.namespace),
+ isLoaded: XML!Attribute (name<-'isLoaded',value<-e.isLoaded.bool2string()),
+ isAbstract: XML!Attribute (name<-'isAbstract',value<-'false'),
+ -----------------
+ -- MdfMetaData --
+ -----------------
+ mdfmetadata: XML!Element (
+ name<-'mdfmetadata',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ xsitype,accessmodifier,category,description,doccomment,
+ localize
+ }
+ ),
+ xsitype:XML!Attribute (name<-'xsi:type',value<-'conceptorshapemdfmetadata'),
+ accessmodifier:XML!Attribute (name<-'accessmodifier',value<-'public'),
+ category : XML!Attribute(name <- 'category',value <- ''),
+ description : XML!Attribute(name <- 'description',value <- ''),
+ doccomment : XML!Attribute(name <- 'doccomment',value <- ''),
+ localize : XML!Attribute (name<-'localize',value<-'false'),
+ ----------------
+ -- Properties --
+ ----------------
+ valueProperties: XML!Element (
+ name<-'valueProperties',
+ value <- '',
+ children<>asSet()
+ )
+-- Rule 'ConceptRoot'.
+-- This rule generates the Concepts which are:
+-- * included into the roots list
+-- * not subtypes of any class
+-- * not abstract
+rule ConceptRoot{
+ from
+ e:DSL!Class (e.superType.oclIsUndefined() and not e.isAbstract
+ and (thisModule.getRoots->includes(e)))
+ to
+ -------------
+ -- Concept --
+ -------------
+ c:XML!Element(
+ name<-'concept',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ name,identity,namespace,id,
+ isLoaded,isAbstract,
+ mdfmetadata,valueProperties
+ }
+ ),
+ name:XML!Attribute(name<-'name',value<,
+ identity: XML!Attribute (name<-'identity',value<-e.identity),
+ id: XML!Attribute (name<-'id',value<-e.makeId()),
+ namespace: XML!Attribute (name<-'namespace',value<-e.namespace),
+ isLoaded: XML!Attribute (name<-'isLoaded',value<-e.isLoaded.bool2string()),
+ isAbstract: XML!Attribute (name<-'isAbstract',value<-'false'),
+ -----------------
+ -- MdfMetaData --
+ -----------------
+ mdfmetadata: XML!Element (
+ name<-'mdfmetadata',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ xsitype,accessmodifier,category,description,doccomment,
+ localize
+ }
+ ),
+ xsitype:XML!Attribute (name<-'xsi:type',value<-'conceptorshapemdfmetadata'),
+ accessmodifier:XML!Attribute (name<-'accessmodifier',value<-'public'),
+ category : XML!Attribute(name <- 'category',value <- ''),
+ description : XML!Attribute(name <- 'description',value <- ''),
+ doccomment : XML!Attribute(name <- 'doccomment',value <- ''),
+ localize : XML!Attribute (name<-'localize',value<-'false'),
+ ----------------
+ -- Properties --
+ ----------------
+ valueProperties: XML!Element (
+ name<-'valueProperties',
+ value <- '',
+ children<>asSet()
+ ),
+ DiagRoot : XML!Element(
+ name <- 'root',
+ value <- '',
+ parent<-thisModule.resolveTemp(e.domainModel,'DiagRoots'),
+ children <- Sequence {
+ DiagRootname,DiagRootidentity,DiagRootid,
+ DiagRootSource,DiagRootReferenceType
+ }
+ ),
+ DiagRootname : XML!Attribute (
+ name <- 'name',
+ parent<- DiagRoot,
+ value <-,
+ DiagRootidentity : XML!Attribute (
+ name <- 'identity',
+ parent<- DiagRoot,
+ value <- thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ DiagRootid : XML!Attribute (
+ name <- 'id',
+ parent<- DiagRoot,
+ value <- thisModule.makeId2()),
+ DiagRootSource : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'source',
+ parent<- DiagRoot,
+ value <- ''),
+ DiagRootReferenceType : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'referencetype',
+ parent<- DiagRoot,value <- '',
+ children <- DiagRootReferenceTypeText),
+ DiagRootReferenceTypeText : XML!Text (
+ name <- '#text',
+ value <- e.makeId()
+ )
+-- Rule 'ConceptRootisAbstract'.
+-- This rule generates the Concepts which are :
+-- * included into the roots list
+-- * not subtypes of any classes
+-- * abstract
+rule ConceptRootisAbstract{
+ from
+ e:DSL!Class (e.superType.oclIsUndefined() and e.isAbstract
+ and (thisModule.getRoots->includes(e)))
+ to
+ -------------
+ -- Concept --
+ -------------
+ c:XML!Element(
+ name<-'concept',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ name,identity,namespace,id,
+ isLoaded,isAbstract,
+ mdfmetadata,valueProperties
+ }
+ ),
+ name:XML!Attribute(name<-'name',value<,
+ identity: XML!Attribute (name<-'identity',value<-e.identity),
+ id: XML!Attribute (name<-'id',value<-e.makeId()),
+ namespace: XML!Attribute (name<-'namespace',value<-e.namespace),
+ isLoaded: XML!Attribute (name<-'isLoaded',value<-e.isLoaded.bool2string()),
+ isAbstract: XML!Attribute (name<-'isAbstract',value<-'false'
+ ),
+ -----------------
+ -- MdfMetaData --
+ -----------------
+ mdfmetadata: XML!Element (
+ name<-'mdfmetadata',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ xsitype,accessmodifier,category,description,doccomment,
+ localize,
+ classmodifier
+ }
+ ),
+ xsitype:XML!Attribute (name<-'xsi:type',value<-'conceptorshapemdfmetadata'),
+ accessmodifier:XML!Attribute (name<-'accessmodifier',value<-'public'),
+ category : XML!Attribute(name <- 'category',value <- ''),
+ description : XML!Attribute(name <- 'description',value <- ''),
+ doccomment : XML!Attribute(name <- 'doccomment',value <- ''),
+ localize : XML!Attribute (name<-'localize',value<-'false'),
+ classmodifier : XML!Attribute (
+ name<-'classmodifier',
+ value<-if e.isAbstract then 'abstract' else 'none' endif),
+ ----------------
+ -- Properties --
+ ----------------
+ valueProperties: XML!Element (
+ name<-'valueProperties',
+ value <- '',
+ children<>asSet()
+ ),
+ DiagRoot : XML!Element(
+ name <- 'root',
+ value <- '',
+ parent<-thisModule.resolveTemp(e.domainModel,'DiagRoots'),
+ children <- Sequence {
+ DiagRootname,DiagRootidentity,DiagRootid,
+ DiagRootSource,DiagRootReferenceType
+ }
+ ),
+ DiagRootname : XML!Attribute (
+ name <- 'name',
+ parent<- DiagRoot,
+ value <-,
+ DiagRootidentity : XML!Attribute (
+ name <- 'identity',
+ parent<- DiagRoot,
+ value <- thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ DiagRootid : XML!Attribute (
+ name <- 'id',
+ parent<- DiagRoot,
+ value <- thisModule.makeId2()),
+ DiagRootSource : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'source',
+ parent<- DiagRoot,
+ value <- ''),
+ DiagRootReferenceType : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'referencetype',
+ parent<- DiagRoot,value <- '',
+ children <- DiagRootReferenceTypeText),
+ DiagRootReferenceTypeText : XML!Text (
+ name <- '#text',
+ value <- e.makeId()
+ )
+-- Rule 'Concept'.
+-- This rule generates the Concepts which are :
+-- * subtypes of some classes
+-- * not abstract
+rule ConceptHasSuper{
+ from
+ e:DSL!Class (not e.superType.oclIsUndefined() and not e.isAbstract
+ and not (thisModule.getRoots->includes(e)))
+ to
+ -------------
+ -- Concept --
+ -------------
+ c:XML!Element(
+ name<-'concept',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ name,identity,namespace,id,
+ isLoaded,isAbstract,mdfmetadata,
+ superType,valueProperties
+ }
+ ),
+ name:XML!Attribute(name<-'name',value<,
+ identity: XML!Attribute (name<-'identity',value<-e.identity),
+ namespace: XML!Attribute (name<-'namespace',value<-e.namespace),
+ id: XML!Attribute (name<-'id',value<-e.makeId()),
+ isLoaded: XML!Attribute (name<-'isLoaded',value<-e.isLoaded.bool2string()),
+ isAbstract: XML!Attribute (name<-'isAbstract',value<-'false'),
+ -----------------
+ -- MdfMetaData --
+ -----------------
+ mdfmetadata: XML!Element (
+ name<-'mdfmetadata',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ xsitype,accessmodifier,category,description,doccomment,
+ localize
+ }
+ ),
+ xsitype:XML!Attribute (name<-'xsi:type',value<-'conceptorshapemdfmetadata'),
+ accessmodifier:XML!Attribute (name<-'accessmodifier',value<-'public'),
+ category : XML!Attribute(name <- 'category',value <- ''),
+ description : XML!Attribute(name <- 'description',value <- ''),
+ doccomment : XML!Attribute(name <- 'doccomment',value <- ''),
+ localize:XML!Attribute (name<-'localize',value<-'false'),
+ superType : XML!Element (name <- 'superType',children <- superTypeText),
+ superTypeText : XML!Text (name <- '#text',value <- e.superType.makeId()),
+ ----------------
+ -- Properties --
+ ----------------
+ valueProperties: XML!Element (
+ name<-'valueProperties',
+ value <- '',
+ children<>asSet()
+ ),
+ ---------------------------
+ -- inheritanceExpression --
+ ---------------------------
+ treeHerite : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'treeExpression',
+ value <- '',
+ parent <- thisModule.resolveTemp(e.domainModel,'exp'),
+ children <- Sequence{
+ treeHXsiType,treeHName,treeHIdentity,
+ treeHId,treeHDef,source,superELT,sub
+ }
+ ),
+ treeHXsiType : XML!Attribute (name <- 'xsi:type',value <- 'InheritanceExpression'),
+ treeHName : XML!Attribute(name <- 'name',value <-'-',
+ treeHIdentity : XML!Attribute(name <- 'identity',value <- thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ treeHId : XML!Attribute(name <- 'id',value <- thisModule.makeId2()),
+ treeHDef : XML!Attribute(name <- 'definitionlevel',value <- 'none'),
+ source : XML!Element (name <- 'source',value <- ''),
+ superELT : XML!Element (name <- 'superType',value <- '',children <- superText),
+ superText : XML!Text(name<-'#text',value <- e.superType.makeId()),
+ sub : XML!Element (name <- 'subType',value <- '',children <- subText),
+ subText : XML!Text (name<-'#text',value<-e.makeId()),
+ ----------------------------------
+ -- Inheritance Complete Diagram --
+ ----------------------------------
+ DiagtreeExp : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'treeExpression',
+ value <- '',
+ parent <- thisModule.resolveTemp(e.domainModel,'Diagexp'),
+ children <- Sequence{
+ treeHCDXsiType,treeHCDName,treeHCDIdentity,
+ treeHCDid,treeHCDDef,sourceHCD,superCD,subCD
+ }
+ ),
+ treeHCDXsiType : XML!Attribute (name <- 'xsi:type',value <- 'InheritanceExpression'),
+ treeHCDName : XML!Attribute(name <- 'name',value <-'-',
+ treeHCDIdentity : XML!Attribute(name <- 'identity',value <- thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ treeHCDid : XML!Attribute(name <- 'id',value <- thisModule.makeId2()),
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ treeHCDDef : XML!Attribute(name <- 'definitionlevel',value <- e.definitionlevel()),
+ sourceHCD : XML!Element (name <- 'source',value <- '',children <- sourceHCDText),
+ sourceHCDText : XML!Text (name<-'#text',value <-thisModule.resolveTemp(e,'treeHId').value),
+ superCD : XML!Element (name <- 'superType',value <- '',children <- superTextCD),
+ superTextCD : XML!Text(name<-'#text',value <- e.superType.makeId()),
+ subCD : XML!Element (name <- 'subType',value <- '',children <- subTextCD),
+ subTextCD : XML!Text (name<-'#text',value<-e.makeId())
+-- Rule 'Concept'.
+-- This rule generates the Concepts which are :
+-- * not subtypes of any classes
+-- * abstract
+rule ConceptisAbstract{
+ from
+ e:DSL!Class (e.superType.oclIsUndefined() and e.isAbstract
+ and not (thisModule.getRoots->includes(e)))
+ to
+ -------------
+ -- Concept --
+ -------------
+ c:XML!Element(
+ name<-'concept',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ name,identity,namespace,id,
+ isLoaded,isAbstract,
+ mdfmetadata,valueProperties
+ }
+ ),
+ name:XML!Attribute(name<-'name',value<,
+ identity: XML!Attribute (name<-'identity',value<-e.identity),
+ id: XML!Attribute (name<-'id',value<-e.makeId()),
+ namespace: XML!Attribute (name<-'namespace',value<-e.namespace),
+ isLoaded: XML!Attribute (name<-'isLoaded',value<-e.isLoaded.bool2string()),
+ isAbstract: XML!Attribute (name<-'isAbstract',value<-'false'
+ ),
+ -----------------
+ -- MdfMetaData --
+ -----------------
+ mdfmetadata: XML!Element (
+ name<-'mdfmetadata',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ xsitype,accessmodifier,category,description,doccomment,
+ localize,
+ classmodifier
+ }
+ ),
+ xsitype:XML!Attribute (name<-'xsi:type',value<-'conceptorshapemdfmetadata'),
+ accessmodifier:XML!Attribute (name<-'accessmodifier',value<-'public'),
+ category : XML!Attribute(name <- 'category',value <- ''),
+ description : XML!Attribute(name <- 'description',value <- ''),
+ doccomment : XML!Attribute(name <- 'doccomment',value <- ''),
+ localize : XML!Attribute (name<-'localize',value<-'false'),
+ classmodifier : XML!Attribute (
+ name<-'classmodifier',
+ value<-if e.isAbstract then 'abstract' else 'none' endif),
+ ----------------
+ -- Properties --
+ ----------------
+ valueProperties: XML!Element (
+ name<-'valueProperties',
+ value <- '',
+ children<>asSet()
+ )
+-- Rule 'Concept'.
+-- This rule generates the Concepts which are :
+-- * subtypes of some classes
+-- * abstract
+rule ConceptHasSuperAndisAbstract{
+ from
+ e:DSL!Class (not e.superType.oclIsUndefined() and e.isAbstract
+ and not (thisModule.getRoots->includes(e)))
+ to
+ -------------
+ -- Concept --
+ -------------
+ c:XML!Element(
+ name<-'concept',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ name,identity,namespace,id,
+ isLoaded,isAbstract,mdfmetadata,
+ superType,valueProperties
+ }
+ ),
+ name:XML!Attribute(name<-'name',value<,
+ identity: XML!Attribute (name<-'identity',value<-e.identity),
+ namespace: XML!Attribute (name<-'namespace',value<-e.namespace),
+ id: XML!Attribute (name<-'id',value<-e.makeId()),
+ isLoaded: XML!Attribute (name<-'isLoaded',value<-e.isLoaded.bool2string()),
+ isAbstract: XML!Attribute (name<-'isAbstract',value<-'false'),
+ -----------------
+ -- MdfMetaData --
+ -----------------
+ mdfmetadata: XML!Element (
+ name<-'mdfmetadata',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ xsitype,accessmodifier,category,description,doccomment,
+ localize,
+ classmodifier
+ }
+ ),
+ xsitype:XML!Attribute (name<-'xsi:type',value<-'conceptorshapemdfmetadata'),
+ accessmodifier:XML!Attribute (name<-'accessmodifier',value<-'public'),
+ category : XML!Attribute(name <- 'category',value <- ''),
+ description : XML!Attribute(name <- 'description',value <- ''),
+ doccomment : XML!Attribute(name <- 'doccomment',value <- ''),
+ localize:XML!Attribute (name<-'localize',value<-'false'),
+ classmodifier : XML!Attribute (
+ name<-'classmodifier',
+ value<-if e.isAbstract then 'abstract' else 'none' endif),
+ superType : XML!Element (name <- 'superType',children <- superTypeText),
+ superTypeText : XML!Text (name <- '#text',value <- e.superType.makeId()),
+ ----------------
+ -- Properties --
+ ----------------
+ valueProperties: XML!Element (
+ name<-'valueProperties',
+ value <- '',
+ children<>asSet()
+ ),
+ ---------------------------
+ -- inheritanceExpression --
+ ---------------------------
+ treeHerite : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'treeExpression',
+ value <- '',
+ parent <- thisModule.resolveTemp(e.domainModel,'exp'),
+ children <- Sequence{
+ treeHXsiType,treeHName,treeHIdentity,
+ treeHId,treeHDef,source,superELT,sub
+ }
+ ),
+ treeHXsiType : XML!Attribute (name <- 'xsi:type',value <- 'InheritanceExpression'),
+ treeHName : XML!Attribute(name <- 'name',value <-'-',
+ treeHIdentity : XML!Attribute(name <- 'identity',value <- thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ treeHId : XML!Attribute(name <- 'id',value <- thisModule.makeId2()),
+ treeHDef : XML!Attribute(name <- 'definitionlevel',value <- 'none'),
+ source : XML!Element (name <- 'source',value <- ''),
+ superELT : XML!Element (name <- 'superType',value <- '',children <- superText),
+ superText : XML!Text(name<-'#text',value <- e.superType.makeId()),
+ sub : XML!Element (name <- 'subType',value <- '',children <- subText),
+ subText : XML!Text (name<-'#text',value<-e.makeId()),
+ ----------------------------------
+ -- Inheritance Complete Diagram --
+ ----------------------------------
+ DiagtreeExp : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'treeExpression',
+ value <- '',
+ parent <- thisModule.resolveTemp(e.domainModel,'Diagexp'),
+ children <- Sequence{
+ treeHCDXsiType,treeHCDName,treeHCDIdentity,
+ treeHCDid,treeHCDDef,sourceHCD,superCD,subCD
+ }
+ ),
+ treeHCDXsiType : XML!Attribute (name <- 'xsi:type',value <- 'InheritanceExpression'),
+ treeHCDName : XML!Attribute(name <- 'name',value <-'-',
+ treeHCDIdentity : XML!Attribute(name <- 'identity',value <- thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ treeHCDid : XML!Attribute(name <- 'id',value <- thisModule.makeId2()),
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ treeHCDDef : XML!Attribute(name <- 'definitionlevel',value <-e.definitionlevel() ),
+ sourceHCD : XML!Element (name <- 'source',value <- '',children <- sourceHCDText),
+ sourceHCDText : XML!Text (name<-'#text',value <-thisModule.resolveTemp(e,'treeHId').value),
+ superCD : XML!Element (name <- 'superType',value <- '',children <- superTextCD),
+ superTextCD : XML!Text(name<-'#text',value <- e.superType.makeId()),
+ subCD : XML!Element (name <- 'subType',value <- '',children <- subTextCD),
+ subTextCD : XML!Text (name<-'#text',value<-e.makeId())
+-- Rule 'Relationship'.
+-- This rule generates the Relationships which are not subtypes of any classes
+rule Relationship{
+ from
+ e:DSL!Relationship(
+ e.superType.oclIsUndefined()
+ )
+ to
+ ------------------
+ -- Relationship --
+ ------------------
+ r : XML!Element(
+ name<-'relationship',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ name,identity,namespace,id,
+ isLoaded,isAbstract,mdfmetadata,
+ roles,valueProperties
+ }
+ ),
+ name:XML!Attribute(name<-'name',value<,
+ identity: XML!Attribute (name<-'identity',value<-e.identity),
+ id: XML!Attribute (name<-'id',value<-e.makeId()),
+ namespace: XML!Attribute (name<-'namespace',value<-e.namespace),
+ isLoaded: XML!Attribute (name<-'isLoaded',value<-e.isLoaded.bool2string()),
+ isAbstract: XML!Attribute (name<-'isAbstract',value<-'false'),
+ -----------------
+ -- MdfMetaData --
+ -----------------
+ mdfmetadata: XML!Element (
+ name<-'mdfmetadata',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ xsitype,accessmodifier,category,
+ description,doccomment,localize
+ }
+ ),
+ xsitype:XML!Attribute (name<-'xsi:type',value<-'mdfclassmetadata'),
+ accessmodifier:XML!Attribute (name<-'accessmodifier',value<-'public'),
+ localize:XML!Attribute (name<-'localize',value<-'false'),
+ category:XML!Attribute (name<-'category',value <- ''),
+ description:XML!Attribute (name<-'description',value <- ''),
+ doccomment:XML!Attribute (name<-'doccomment',value <- ''),
+ -----------
+ -- Roles --
+ -----------
+ roles:XML!Element(
+ name<-'roles',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-e.roles->asSequence()
+ ),
+ ----------------
+ -- Properties --
+ ----------------
+ valueProperties: XML!Element (
+ name<-'valueProperties',
+ value <- '',
+ children<>asSequence()
+ ),
+ --------------------
+ -- RoleExpression --
+ --------------------
+ treeExp : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'treeExpression',
+ value <- '',
+ parent <- thisModule.resolveTemp(e.domainModel,'exp'),
+ children <- Sequence{
+ reXsiType,reName,reIdentity,
+ reId,reDef,reContainment,source,role
+ }
+ ),
+ reXsiType : XML!Attribute(name <- 'xsi:type',value <- 'RoleExpression'),
+ reName : XML!Attribute(name <- 'name',value <- 'RoleExpression',
+ reIdentity : XML!Attribute(name <- 'identity',value <- thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ reId : XML!Attribute(name <- 'id',value <- thisModule.makeId2()),
+ reDef : XML!Attribute(name <- 'definitionlevel',value <- 'none'),
+ reContainment : XML!Attribute(
+ name <- 'containmentstyle',
+ value <- e.getContainment()
+ ),
+ source : XML!Element (name <- 'source',value <- ''),
+ role : XML!Element (name <- 'role',value <- '',children <- roleText),
+ roleText : XML!Text(
+ name<-'#text',
+ value <- e.roles->first().makeId()
+ ),
+ ---------------------------------------
+ -- Role Expression : completeDiagram --
+ ---------------------------------------
+ DiagtreeExp : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'treeExpression',
+ value <- '',
+ parent <- thisModule.resolveTemp(e.domainModel,'Diagexp'),
+ children <- Sequence{
+ reCDXsiType,reCDName,DiagreIdentity,
+ DiagreId,DiagreDef,DiagreContainment,Diagsource,Diagrole
+ }
+ ),
+ reCDXsiType : XML!Attribute(name <- 'xsi:type',value <- 'RoleExpression'),
+ reCDName : XML!Attribute(name <- 'name',value <- 'RoleExpression',
+ DiagreIdentity : XML!Attribute(name <- 'identity',value <- thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ DiagreId : XML!Attribute(name <- 'id',value <- thisModule.makeId2()),
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ DiagreDef : XML!Attribute(name <- 'definitionlevel',value <- e.roles->first().type.definitionlevel()),
+ DiagreContainment : XML!Attribute(name <- 'containmentstyle',value <- 'fromsource'),
+ Diagsource : XML!Element (name <- 'source',value <- '',children <- sourceText),
+ sourceText : XML!Text(
+ name<-'#text',
+ value <- thisModule.resolveTemp(e,'reId').value
+ ),
+ Diagrole : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'role',
+ value <- '',
+ children <- DiagroleText
+ ),
+ DiagroleText : XML!Text(
+ name<-'#text',
+ value <- e.roles->first().makeId()
+ )
+-- Rule 'Relationship'.
+-- This rule generates the Relationships which are subtypes of some classes
+rule RelationshipHasSuper {
+ from
+ e:DSL!Relationship(
+ not e.superType.oclIsUndefined()
+ )
+ to
+ ------------------
+ -- Relationship --
+ ------------------
+ r : XML!Element(
+ name<-'relationship',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ name,identity,namespace,id,
+ isLoaded,isAbstract,mdfmetadata,
+ roles,valueProperties
+ }
+ ),
+ name:XML!Attribute(name<-'name',value<,
+ identity: XML!Attribute (name<-'identity',value<-e.identity),
+ id: XML!Attribute (name<-'id',value<-e.makeId()),
+ namespace: XML!Attribute (name<-'namespace',value<-e.namespace),
+ isLoaded: XML!Attribute (name<-'isLoaded',value<-e.isLoaded.bool2string()),
+ isAbstract: XML!Attribute (name<-'isAbstract',value<-'false'),
+ -----------------
+ -- MdfMetaData --
+ -----------------
+ mdfmetadata: XML!Element (
+ name<-'mdfmetadata',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ xsitype,accessmodifier,category,
+ description,doccomment,localize
+ }
+ ),
+ xsitype:XML!Attribute (name<-'xsi:type',value<-'mdfclassmetadata'),
+ accessmodifier:XML!Attribute (name<-'accessmodifier',value<-'public'),
+ localize:XML!Attribute (name<-'localize',value<-'false'),
+ category:XML!Attribute (name<-'category',value <- ''),
+ description:XML!Attribute (name<-'description',value <- ''),
+ doccomment:XML!Attribute (name<-'doccomment',value <- ''),
+ -----------
+ -- Roles --
+ -----------
+ roles:XML!Element(
+ name<-'roles',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-e.roles->asSequence()
+ ),
+ ----------------
+ -- Properties --
+ ----------------
+ valueProperties: XML!Element (
+ name<-'valueProperties',
+ value <- '',
+ children<>asSequence()
+ ),
+ --------------------
+ -- RoleExpression --
+ --------------------
+ treeExp : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'treeExpression',
+ value <- '',
+ parent <- thisModule.resolveTemp(e.domainModel,'exp'),
+ children <- Sequence{
+ reXsiType,reName,reIdentity,
+ reId,reDef,reContainment,source,role
+ }
+ ),
+ reXsiType : XML!Attribute(name <- 'xsi:type',value <- 'RoleExpression'),
+ reName : XML!Attribute(name <- 'name',value <- 'RoleExpression',
+ reIdentity : XML!Attribute(name <- 'identity',value <- thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ reId : XML!Attribute(name <- 'id',value <- thisModule.makeId2()),
+ reDef : XML!Attribute(name <- 'definitionlevel',value <- 'none'),
+ reContainment : XML!Attribute(
+ name <- 'containmentstyle',
+ value <- e.getContainment()
+ ),
+ source : XML!Element (name <- 'source',value <- ''),
+ role : XML!Element (name <- 'role',value <- '',children <- roleText),
+ roleText : XML!Text(name<-'#text',value <- e.roles->first().makeId()),
+ ---------------------------------------
+ -- Role Expression : completeDiagram --
+ ---------------------------------------
+ DiagtreeExp : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'treeExpression',
+ value <- '',
+ parent <- thisModule.resolveTemp(e.domainModel,'Diagexp'),
+ children <- Sequence{
+ reCDXsiType,reCDName,DiagreIdentity,
+ DiagreId,DiagreDef,DiagreContainment,Diagsource,Diagrole
+ }
+ ),
+ reCDXsiType : XML!Attribute(name <- 'xsi:type',value <- 'RoleExpression'),
+ reCDName : XML!Attribute(name <- 'name',value <- 'RoleExpression',
+ DiagreIdentity : XML!Attribute(name <- 'identity',value <- thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ DiagreId : XML!Attribute(name <- 'id',value <- thisModule.makeId2()),
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ DiagreDef : XML!Attribute(name <- 'definitionlevel',value <- e.roles.first().type.definitionlevel()),
+ DiagreContainment : XML!Attribute(name <- 'containmentstyle',value <- 'fromsource'),
+ Diagsource : XML!Element (name <- 'source',value <- '',children <- sourceText),
+ sourceText : XML!Text(name<-'#text',value <- thisModule.resolveTemp(e,'reId').value),
+ Diagrole : XML!Element (name <- 'role',value <- '',children <- DiagroleText),
+ DiagroleText : XML!Text(name<-'#text',value <- e.roles->first().makeId()),
+ ---------------------------
+ -- inheritanceExpression --
+ ---------------------------
+ treeHerite : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'treeExpression',
+ value <- '',
+ parent <- thisModule.resolveTemp(e.domainModel,'exp'),
+ children <- Sequence{
+ treeHXsiType,treeHName,treeHIdentity,
+ treeHId,treeHDef,treeHsource,superELT,sub
+ }
+ ),
+ treeHXsiType : XML!Attribute (name <- 'xsi:type',value <- 'InheritanceExpression'),
+ treeHName : XML!Attribute(name <- 'name',value <-'-',
+ treeHIdentity : XML!Attribute(name <- 'identity',value <- thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ treeHId : XML!Attribute(name <- 'id',value <- thisModule.makeId2()),
+ treeHDef : XML!Attribute(name <- 'definitionlevel',value <- 'none'),
+ treeHsource : XML!Element (name <- 'source',value <- ''),
+ superELT : XML!Element (name <- 'superType',value <- '',children <- superText),
+ superText : XML!Text(name<-'#text',value <- e.superType.makeId()),
+ sub : XML!Element (name <- 'subType',value <- '',children <- subText),
+ subText : XML!Text (name<-'#text',value<-e.makeId()),
+ ----------------------------------
+ -- Inheritance Complete Diagram --
+ ----------------------------------
+ DiagtreeExp : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'treeExpression',
+ value <- '',
+ parent <- thisModule.resolveTemp(e.domainModel,'Diagexp'),
+ children <- Sequence{
+ treeHXsiType,treeHName,treeHCDIdentity,
+ treeHCDid,treeHCDDef,sourceHCD,superCD,subCD
+ }
+ ),
+ treeHCDIdentity : XML!Attribute(name <- 'identity', value <- thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ treeHCDid : XML!Attribute(name <- 'id',value <- thisModule.makeId2()),
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ treeHCDDef : XML!Attribute(name <- 'definitionlevel',value <- e.definitionlevel()),
+ sourceHCD : XML!Element (name <- 'source',value <- '',children <- sourceHCDText),
+ sourceHCDText : XML!Text (name<-'#text',value <- thisModule.resolveTemp(e,'treeHId').value),
+ superCD : XML!Element (name <- 'superType',value <- '',children <- superTextCD),
+ superTextCD : XML!Text(name<-'#text',value <- e.superType.makeId()),
+ subCD : XML!Element (name <- 'subType',value <- '',children <- subTextCD),
+ subTextCD : XML!Text (name<-'#text',value<-e.makeId())
+-- Rule 'Role'.
+-- This rule generates the Roles of a Relationship
+rule Role{
+ from
+ e : DSL!Role
+ to
+ ----------
+ -- Role --
+ ----------
+ r : XML!Element(
+ name<-'role',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ name,identity,id,min,max,
+ isUnbounded,accepts,mdfmetadata,
+ source,type,genProp
+ }
+ ),
+ name:XML!Attribute(name<-'name',value<,
+ identity: XML!Attribute (name<-'identity',value<-e.identity),
+ id: XML!Attribute (name<-'id',value<-e.makeId()),
+ min: XML!Attribute (name<-'min',value<-e.min.toString()),
+ max: XML!Attribute (name<-'max',value<-e.max.toString()),
+ isUnbounded : XML!Attribute(name <- 'isUnbounded',value <- e.isUnbounded.bool2string()),
+ accepts: XML!Attribute (name<-'accepts',value<-e.accepts),
+ -----------------
+ -- MdfMetaData --
+ -----------------
+ mdfmetadata: XML!Element (
+ name<-'mdfmetadata',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ xsitype,accessmodifier,category,
+ description,doccomment,localize,
+ isordered,isnavigable
+ }
+ ),
+ xsitype:XML!Attribute (name<-'xsi:type',value<-'rolemdfmetadata'),
+ accessmodifier:XML!Attribute (name<-'accessmodifier',value<-'public'),
+ category:XML!Attribute (name <- 'category',value <- ''),
+ description:XML!Attribute (name <- 'description',value <- ''),
+ doccomment:XML!Attribute (name <- 'doccomment',value <- ''),
+ localize:XML!Attribute (name<-'localize',value<-'false'),
+ isordered:XML!Attribute (name<-'isordered',value<-e.isOrdered.bool2string()),
+ isnavigable : XML!Attribute (name <- 'isnavigablefrom',value <- e.isNavigableFrom.bool2string()),
+ ------------
+ -- Source --
+ ------------
+ source : XML!Element(name<-'source',value <- '',children<-ts),
+ ts : XML!Text(name<-'#text',value<-e.source.makeId()),
+ ----------
+ -- Type --
+ ----------
+ type : XML!Element(name<-'type',value <- '',children<-tt),
+ tt : XML!Text(name<-'#text',value<-e.type.makeId()),
+ -----------------------
+ -- GeneratedProperty --
+ -----------------------
+ genProp : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'generatedProperty',
+ value <- '',
+ children <- Sequence{genName,genIdentity,genRefType}
+ ),
+ genName : XML!Attribute(name <- 'name',value <-,
+ genIdentity : XML!Attribute(name <- 'identity',value <- thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ genRefType : XML!Element(name <- 'referenceType',value <- '',children <- refText),
+ refText : XML!Text (name <- '#text',value <- e.type.makeId())
+-- Rule 'SimpleProperty'.
+-- This rule generates the Properties of simples types
+rule SimpleProperty {
+ from
+ e : DSL!ValueProperty (e.type.oclIsTypeOf(DSL!SimpleType))
+ to
+ --------------
+ -- Property --
+ --------------
+ v : XML!Element(
+ name<-'property',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{name,identity,id,mdfmetadata,propertyInfo}
+ ),
+ name : XML!Attribute(name<-'name',value<,
+ identity : XML!Attribute(name<-'identity',value<-e.identity),
+ id : XML!Attribute(name<-'id',value<-e.makeId()),
+ -----------------
+ -- MdfMetaData --
+ -----------------
+ mdfmetadata: XML!Element (
+ name<-'mdfmetadata',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ xsitype,accessmodifier,category,
+ description,doccomment,localize,
+ xpathexpression,reversexpathexpression,
+ realattributename,proxyattributename,
+ customstorage,allownulls,readwritestate,tag
+ }
+ ),
+ xsitype:XML!Attribute (name<-'xsi:type',value<-'propertymdfmetadata'
+ ),
+ accessmodifier:XML!Attribute (name<-'accessmodifier',value<-'public'),
+ category:XML!Attribute (name<-'category',value <- ''),
+ description:XML!Attribute (name<-'description',value <- ''),
+ doccomment:XML!Attribute (name<-'doccomment',value <- ''),
+ localize:XML!Attribute (name<-'localize',value<-'false'),
+ xpathexpression:XML!Attribute (name<-'xpathexpression',value <- ''),
+ reversexpathexpression:XML!Attribute (name<-'reversexpathexpression',value <- ''),
+ realattributename:XML!Attribute (name<-'realattributename',value <- ''),
+ proxyattributename:XML!Attribute (name<-'proxyattributename',value <- ''),
+ customstorage:XML!Attribute (name<-'customstorage',value<-'false'),
+ allownulls:XML!Attribute (name<-'allownulls',value<-'false'),
+ readwritestate:XML!Attribute (name<-'readwritestate',value<-'readwrite'),
+ tag:XML!Attribute (name<-'tag',value <- ''),
+ ------------------
+ -- PropertyInfo --
+ ------------------
+ propertyInfo: XML!Element (
+ name<-'propertyInfo',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{xsitypePI,namePI,identityPI,default,max,min}
+ ),
+ xsitypePI:XML!Attribute (name<-'xsi:type',value<-'PropertyInfo'),
+ namePI : XML!Attribute(name<-'name',value <- ''),
+ identityPI : XML!Attribute(name<-'identity',value<-thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ default : XML!Attribute(
+ name<-'default',
+ value <- if'String' then ''
+ else '0' endif
+ ),
+ max : XML!Attribute(
+ name<-'max',
+ value <- if<>'Double'
+ then '2147483647'
+ else '1.79769313486232E+307'
+ endif),
+ min : XML!Attribute(name<-'min',
+ value <- if<>'Double'
+ then '-2147483647'
+ else '0'
+ endif),
+ -----------------------------
+ -- ValuePropertyExpression --
+ -----------------------------
+ ValuetreeExp : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'treeExpression',
+ value <- '',
+ children <- Sequence{
+ reXsiType,reName,ValuereIdentity,
+ ValuereId,Valuesource,property
+ },
+ parent <- thisModule.resolveTemp(e.owner.domainModel,'Diagexp')
+ ),
+ reXsiType : XML!Attribute(name <- 'xsi:type',value <- 'ValuePropertyExpression'),
+ reName : XML!Attribute(name <- 'name',value <-,
+ ValuereIdentity : XML!Attribute(name <- 'identity',value <- thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ ValuereId : XML!Attribute(name <- 'id',value <- thisModule.makeId2()),
+ Valuesource : XML!Element (name <- 'source',value <- ''),
+ property : XML!Element (name <- 'property',value <- '',children <- propertyText),
+ propertyText : XML!Text(name<-'#text',value <- e.makeId())
+-- Rule 'EnumerationProperty'.
+-- This rule generates the Properties which type is an Enumeration
+rule EnumerationProperty {
+ from
+ e : DSL!ValueProperty (not e.type.oclIsTypeOf(DSL!SimpleType))
+ to
+ --------------
+ -- Property --
+ --------------
+ v : XML!Element(
+ name<-'property',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{name,identity,id,mdfmetadata,propertyInfo}
+ ),
+ name : XML!Attribute(name<-'name',value<,
+ identity : XML!Attribute(name<-'identity',value<-e.identity),
+ id : XML!Attribute(name<-'id',value<-e.makeId()),
+ -----------------
+ -- MdfMetaData --
+ -----------------
+ mdfmetadata: XML!Element (
+ name<-'mdfmetadata',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{
+ xsitype,accessmodifier,category,
+ description,doccomment,localize,
+ xpathexpression,reversexpathexpression,
+ realattributename,proxyattributename,
+ customstorage,allownulls,readwritestate,tag
+ }
+ ),
+ xsitype:XML!Attribute (name<-'xsi:type',value<-'propertymdfmetadata'),
+ accessmodifier:XML!Attribute (name<-'accessmodifier',value<-'public'),
+ category:XML!Attribute (name<-'category',value <- ''),
+ description:XML!Attribute (name<-'description',value <- ''),
+ doccomment:XML!Attribute (name<-'doccomment',value <- ''),
+ localize:XML!Attribute (name<-'localize',value<-'false'),
+ xpathexpression:XML!Attribute (name<-'xpathexpression',value <- ''),
+ reversexpathexpression:XML!Attribute (name<-'reversexpathexpression',value <- ''),
+ realattributename:XML!Attribute (name<-'realattributename',value <- ''),
+ proxyattributename:XML!Attribute (name<-'proxyattributename',value <- ''),
+ customstorage:XML!Attribute (name<-'customstorage',value<-'false'),
+ allownulls:XML!Attribute (name<-'allownulls',value<-'false'),
+ readwritestate:XML!Attribute (name<-'readwritestate',value<-'readwrite'),
+ tag:XML!Attribute (name<-'tag',value <- ''),
+ ------------------
+ -- PropertyInfo --
+ ------------------
+ propertyInfo: XML!Element (
+ name<-'propertyInfo',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{xsitypePI,namePI,identityPI,default,enumeration}
+ ),
+ xsitypePI:XML!Attribute (name<-'xsi:type',value<-'EnumerationPropertyInfo'),
+ namePI : XML!Attribute(name<-'name',value <-,
+ identityPI : XML!Attribute(name<-'identity',value<-thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ default : XML!Attribute(name<-'default',value <'.'),
+ enumeration : XML!Element(name<-'enumeration',children<-enumerationText),
+ enumerationText : XML!Text(name<-'#text',value <- e.type.makeId()),
+ -----------------------------
+ -- ValuePropertyExpression --
+ -----------------------------
+ ValuetreeExp : XML!Element (
+ name <- 'treeExpression',
+ value <- '',
+ children <- Sequence{
+ reXsiType,reName,ValuereIdentity,
+ ValuereId,Valuesource,property
+ },
+ parent <- thisModule.resolveTemp(e.owner.domainModel,'Diagexp')
+ ),
+ reXsiType : XML!Attribute(name <- 'xsi:type',value <- 'ValuePropertyExpression'),
+ reName : XML!Attribute(name <- 'name',value <-,
+ ValuereIdentity : XML!Attribute(name <- 'identity',value <- thisModule.makeIdentity()),
+ ValuereId : XML!Attribute(name <- 'id',value <- thisModule.makeId2()),
+ Valuesource : XML!Element (name <- 'source',value <- ''),
+ property : XML!Element (name <- 'property',value <- '',children <- propertyText),
+ propertyText : XML!Text(name<-'#text',value <- e.makeId())
+-- Rule 'Enumeration'.
+-- This rule generates an Enumeration
+rule Enumeration {
+ from
+ e : DSL!Enumeration
+ to
+ v : XML!Element(
+ name<-'enumeration',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{name,identity,namespace,id,literals}
+ ),
+ name : XML!Attribute(name<-'name',value<,
+ identity : XML!Attribute(name<-'identity',value<-e.identity),
+ namespace : XML!Attribute(name<-'namespace',value<-e.namespace),
+ id : XML!Attribute(name<-'id',value<-e.makeId()),
+ literals: XML!Element(name<-'literals',value <- '',children<-e.literals)
+-- Rule 'EnumerationLiteral'.
+-- This rule generates an single element of an Enumeration
+rule EnumerationLiteral {
+ from
+ e : DSL!EnumerationLiteral
+ to
+ v : XML!Element(
+ name<-'enumerationLiteral',
+ value <- '',
+ children<-Sequence{name,identity,value}
+ ),
+ name : XML!Attribute(name<-'name',value<,
+ identity : XML!Attribute(name<-'identity',value<-e.identity),
+ value: XML!Attribute (name<-'value',value<-e.value.toString())
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/DSL2XML/DSL2XML.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/DSL2XML/DSL2XML.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27a0986d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/DSL2XML/DSL2XML.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/DSL2XML/DSL2XML.atl"/>
+<stringAttribute key="ATL VM" value="Regular VM (with debugger)"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="AllowInterModelReferences" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Input">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="DSL"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="Mode Debug" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Model Handler">
+<mapEntry key="DSL" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML" value="EMF"/>
+<mapAttribute key="ModelType">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="DSL" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Output">
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="XML"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/DSL2XML/SimpleExampleMM-DSL-2.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="DSL" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/DSL.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/DSL2XML/SimpleExampleMM-XML-2.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/XML.ecore"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.vm.tests"/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/DSL2XML/SimpleExampleMM-DSL-2.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/DSL2XML/SimpleExampleMM-DSL-2.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10ef5e7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/DSL2XML/SimpleExampleMM-DSL-2.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<DomainModel xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns="DSL" name="SimpleExample"
+ identity="10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001" namespace="SimpleExample.DomainModel"
+ isLoaded="true">
+ <classifiers xsi:type="Class" name="ConceptA" identity="10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002"
+ namespace="SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true"/>
+ <classifiers xsi:type="Class" name="ConceptB" identity="10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003"
+ namespace="SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true"/>
+ <classifiers xsi:type="Class" name="ConceptC" identity="10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004"
+ namespace="SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true"/>
+ <classifiers xsi:type="Class" name="BReferencesC" identity="10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005"
+ namespace="SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true">
+ <properties name="Property" identity="10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000018" type="//@types.0"/>
+ </classifiers>
+ <classifiers xsi:type="Relationship" name="ConceptAhasConceptB" identity="10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000006"
+ namespace="SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true" isEmbedding="true">
+ <roles name="Bs" identity="10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000007" min="0" max="0"
+ isUnbounded="true" accepts="all" isOrdered="true" source="//@classifiers.0"
+ type="//@classifiers.1"/>
+ <roles name="ConceptA" identity="10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000008" min="1"
+ max="1" accepts="all" source="//@classifiers.1" type="//@classifiers.0"/>
+ </classifiers>
+ <classifiers xsi:type="Relationship" name="ConceptAhasConceptC" identity="10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000009"
+ namespace="SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true" isEmbedding="true">
+ <roles name="Cs" identity="10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000010" min="0" max="0"
+ isUnbounded="true" accepts="all" isOrdered="true" source="//@classifiers.0"
+ type="//@classifiers.2"/>
+ <roles name="ConceptA" identity="10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000011" min="1"
+ max="1" accepts="all" source="//@classifiers.2" type="//@classifiers.0"/>
+ </classifiers>
+ <classifiers xsi:type="Relationship" name="ConceptBtoBReferencesC" identity="10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000012"
+ namespace="SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true">
+ <roles name="ReferencedC" identity="10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000013" min="0"
+ max="1" accepts="all" source="//@classifiers.1" type="//@classifiers.3"/>
+ <roles name="ReferringBs" identity="10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000014" min="0"
+ max="0" isUnbounded="true" accepts="all" source="//@classifiers.3" type="//@classifiers.1"/>
+ </classifiers>
+ <classifiers xsi:type="Relationship" name="ConceptCtoBReferencesC" identity="10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000015"
+ namespace="SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true">
+ <roles name="ReferringBs" identity="10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000016" min="0"
+ max="0" isUnbounded="true" accepts="all" isOrdered="true" source="//@classifiers.2"
+ type="//@classifiers.3"/>
+ <roles name="ReferencedC" identity="10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000017" min="0"
+ max="1" accepts="all" source="//@classifiers.3" type="//@classifiers.2"/>
+ </classifiers>
+ <types xsi:type="SimpleType" name="String"/>
+ <types xsi:type="SimpleType" name="Integer"/>
+ <types xsi:type="SimpleType" name="Boolean"/>
+ <types xsi:type="SimpleType" name="Double"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/KM32DSL/KM32DSL.asm b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/KM32DSL/KM32DSL.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14de6be4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/KM32DSL/KM32DSL.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,3600 @@
+<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ?>
+<asm name="0">
+ <cp>
+ <constant value="KM32DSL"/>
+ <constant value="links"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;"/>
+ <constant value="col"/>
+ <constant value="J;"/>
+ <constant value="curId"/>
+ <constant value="I"/>
+ <constant value="diff1"/>
+ <constant value="diff2"/>
+ <constant value="Namespace"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="list"/>
+ <constant value="QMKM3!Reference;"/>
+ <constant value="main"/>
+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="0"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
+ <constant value="J.setName(S):V"/>
+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initcurId():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initdiff1():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initdiff2():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initNamespace():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initlist():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="__initcurId"/>
+ <constant value="13:31-13:32"/>
+ <constant value="__initdiff1"/>
+ <constant value="14:31-14:32"/>
+ <constant value="__initdiff2"/>
+ <constant value="22:31-22:32"/>
+ <constant value="__initNamespace"/>
+ <constant value=".DomainModel"/>
+ <constant value="33:34-33:48"/>
+ <constant value="__initlist"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="J.getRefs():J"/>
+ <constant value="2"/>
+ <constant value="opposite"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="43"/>
+ <constant value="J.includes(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.or(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="41"/>
+ <constant value="J.isEmbedding():J"/>
+ <constant value="29"/>
+ <constant value="J.append(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="40"/>
+ <constant value="isContainer"/>
+ <constant value="37"/>
+ <constant value="42"/>
+ <constant value="46"/>
+ <constant value="63:60-63:70"/>
+ <constant value="63:28-63:70"/>
+ <constant value="63:1-63:5"/>
+ <constant value="63:1-63:15"/>
+ <constant value="64:5-64:6"/>
+ <constant value="64:5-64:15"/>
+ <constant value="64:5-64:32"/>
+ <constant value="67:7-67:10"/>
+ <constant value="67:21-67:22"/>
+ <constant value="67:21-67:31"/>
+ <constant value="67:7-67:32"/>
+ <constant value="67:36-67:39"/>
+ <constant value="67:50-67:51"/>
+ <constant value="67:36-67:52"/>
+ <constant value="67:7-67:52"/>
+ <constant value="70:9-70:10"/>
+ <constant value="70:9-70:24"/>
+ <constant value="81:4-81:7"/>
+ <constant value="81:15-81:16"/>
+ <constant value="81:4-81:17"/>
+ <constant value="73:7-73:8"/>
+ <constant value="73:7-73:20"/>
+ <constant value="77:9-77:12"/>
+ <constant value="77:20-77:21"/>
+ <constant value="77:20-77:30"/>
+ <constant value="77:9-77:31"/>
+ <constant value="75:9-75:12"/>
+ <constant value="75:20-75:21"/>
+ <constant value="75:9-75:22"/>
+ <constant value="73:4-78:9"/>
+ <constant value="70:6-82:8"/>
+ <constant value="68:7-68:10"/>
+ <constant value="67:4-83:7"/>
+ <constant value="65:8-65:11"/>
+ <constant value="65:19-65:20"/>
+ <constant value="65:8-65:21"/>
+ <constant value="64:2-84:8"/>
+ <constant value="63:1-85:2"/>
+ <constant value="e"/>
+ <constant value="seq"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDomainModel():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchClass():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchRelationship():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchRelationshipFromSingle():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchValueProperty():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchEnumeration():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchEnumerationLiteral():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchSimpleType():V"/>
+ <constant value="__matchDomainModel"/>
+ <constant value="Package"/>
+ <constant value="KM3"/>
+ <constant value="IN"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.union(CJ):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="PrimitiveTypes"/>
+ <constant value="J.&lt;&gt;(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="B.not():B"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="DomainModel"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="d"/>
+ <constant value="DSL"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="168:4-168:5"/>
+ <constant value="168:4-168:10"/>
+ <constant value="168:14-168:30"/>
+ <constant value="168:4-168:30"/>
+ <constant value="171:7-171:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchClass"/>
+ <constant value="Class"/>
+ <constant value="c"/>
+ <constant value="193:7-193:16"/>
+ <constant value="__matchRelationship"/>
+ <constant value="Reference"/>
+ <constant value="J.not():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.and(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="57"/>
+ <constant value="Relationship"/>
+ <constant value="r"/>
+ <constant value="s"/>
+ <constant value="Role"/>
+ <constant value="t"/>
+ <constant value="210:3-210:13"/>
+ <constant value="210:3-210:18"/>
+ <constant value="210:29-210:30"/>
+ <constant value="210:3-210:31"/>
+ <constant value="210:40-210:41"/>
+ <constant value="210:40-210:50"/>
+ <constant value="210:40-210:67"/>
+ <constant value="210:36-210:67"/>
+ <constant value="210:3-210:67"/>
+ <constant value="213:6-213:22"/>
+ <constant value="235:7-235:15"/>
+ <constant value="249:7-249:15"/>
+ <constant value="__matchRelationshipFromSingle"/>
+ <constant value="56"/>
+ <constant value="RelationshipFromSingle"/>
+ <constant value="271:3-271:13"/>
+ <constant value="271:3-271:18"/>
+ <constant value="271:29-271:30"/>
+ <constant value="271:3-271:31"/>
+ <constant value="271:36-271:37"/>
+ <constant value="271:36-271:46"/>
+ <constant value="271:36-271:63"/>
+ <constant value="271:3-271:63"/>
+ <constant value="274:6-274:22"/>
+ <constant value="296:7-296:15"/>
+ <constant value="310:7-310:15"/>
+ <constant value="__matchValueProperty"/>
+ <constant value="Attribute"/>
+ <constant value="ValueProperty"/>
+ <constant value="p"/>
+ <constant value="333:7-333:24"/>
+ <constant value="__matchEnumeration"/>
+ <constant value="Enumeration"/>
+ <constant value="346:7-346:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchEnumerationLiteral"/>
+ <constant value="EnumLiteral"/>
+ <constant value="EnumerationLiteral"/>
+ <constant value="360:6-360:28"/>
+ <constant value="__matchSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="DataType"/>
+ <constant value="SimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="373:6-373:20"/>
+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="J"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):B"/>
+ <constant value="18"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinkBySourceElement(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="15"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetFromSource(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="30"/>
+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.including(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="value"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDomainModel(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyClass(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyRelationship(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyRelationshipFromSingle(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyValueProperty(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyEnumeration(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyEnumerationLiteral(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applySimpleType(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="incDiff1"/>
+ <constant value="J.+(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.refSetValue(JJ):J"/>
+ <constant value="20:1-20:11"/>
+ <constant value="20:24-20:31"/>
+ <constant value="20:33-20:43"/>
+ <constant value="20:33-20:49"/>
+ <constant value="20:50-20:51"/>
+ <constant value="20:33-20:51"/>
+ <constant value="20:1-20:52"/>
+ <constant value="20:1-20:58"/>
+ <constant value="incDiff2"/>
+ <constant value="28:1-28:11"/>
+ <constant value="28:24-28:31"/>
+ <constant value="28:33-28:43"/>
+ <constant value="28:33-28:49"/>
+ <constant value="28:50-28:51"/>
+ <constant value="28:33-28:51"/>
+ <constant value="28:1-28:52"/>
+ <constant value="28:1-28:58"/>
+ <constant value="setNamespace"/>
+ <constant value="MKM3!Package;"/>
+ <constant value="39:2-39:12"/>
+ <constant value="39:25-39:36"/>
+ <constant value="39:38-39:42"/>
+ <constant value="39:38-39:47"/>
+ <constant value="39:48-39:58"/>
+ <constant value="39:48-39:68"/>
+ <constant value="39:38-39:68"/>
+ <constant value="39:2-39:69"/>
+ <constant value="39:2-39:79"/>
+ <constant value="makeIdentity"/>
+ <constant value="10000000-0000-0000-0000-"/>
+ <constant value="9"/>
+ <constant value="J.&lt;=(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="99"/>
+ <constant value="32"/>
+ <constant value="999"/>
+ <constant value="27"/>
+ <constant value="00000000"/>
+ <constant value="J.toString():J"/>
+ <constant value="31"/>
+ <constant value="000000000"/>
+ <constant value="36"/>
+ <constant value="0000000000"/>
+ <constant value="00000000000"/>
+ <constant value="48:20-48:30"/>
+ <constant value="48:43-48:50"/>
+ <constant value="48:52-48:62"/>
+ <constant value="48:52-48:68"/>
+ <constant value="48:71-48:72"/>
+ <constant value="48:52-48:72"/>
+ <constant value="48:20-48:73"/>
+ <constant value="48:20-48:79"/>
+ <constant value="48:6-48:79"/>
+ <constant value="49:4-49:30"/>
+ <constant value="50:4-50:5"/>
+ <constant value="50:7-50:8"/>
+ <constant value="50:4-50:8"/>
+ <constant value="51:10-51:11"/>
+ <constant value="51:13-51:15"/>
+ <constant value="51:10-51:15"/>
+ <constant value="52:11-52:12"/>
+ <constant value="52:14-52:17"/>
+ <constant value="52:11-52:17"/>
+ <constant value="53:9-53:19"/>
+ <constant value="53:20-53:21"/>
+ <constant value="53:20-53:32"/>
+ <constant value="53:9-53:32"/>
+ <constant value="52:23-52:34"/>
+ <constant value="52:35-52:36"/>
+ <constant value="52:35-52:47"/>
+ <constant value="52:23-52:47"/>
+ <constant value="52:8-54:9"/>
+ <constant value="51:21-51:33"/>
+ <constant value="51:34-51:35"/>
+ <constant value="51:34-51:46"/>
+ <constant value="51:21-51:46"/>
+ <constant value="51:7-55:8"/>
+ <constant value="50:14-50:27"/>
+ <constant value="50:28-50:29"/>
+ <constant value="50:28-50:40"/>
+ <constant value="50:14-50:40"/>
+ <constant value="50:1-56:7"/>
+ <constant value="49:4-56:7"/>
+ <constant value="48:2-56:7"/>
+ <constant value="i"/>
+ <constant value="getRefs"/>
+ <constant value="J.getClasses():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.union(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="92:48-92:59"/>
+ <constant value="92:16-92:59"/>
+ <constant value="91:2-91:6"/>
+ <constant value="91:2-91:19"/>
+ <constant value="93:4-93:7"/>
+ <constant value="93:15-93:16"/>
+ <constant value="93:15-93:26"/>
+ <constant value="93:4-93:27"/>
+ <constant value="91:2-94:4"/>
+ <constant value="acc"/>
+ <constant value="MKM3!Class;"/>
+ <constant value="structuralFeatures"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsTypeOf(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="16"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.including(J):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="J.asSequence():J"/>
+ <constant value="100:2-100:6"/>
+ <constant value="100:2-100:25"/>
+ <constant value="101:16-101:17"/>
+ <constant value="101:30-101:43"/>
+ <constant value="101:16-101:44"/>
+ <constant value="100:2-101:45"/>
+ <constant value="100:2-102:17"/>
+ <constant value="getClasses"/>
+ <constant value="J.allInstances():J"/>
+ <constant value="20"/>
+ <constant value="J.first():J"/>
+ <constant value="contents"/>
+ <constant value="35"/>
+ <constant value="108:2-108:13"/>
+ <constant value="108:2-108:28"/>
+ <constant value="109:16-109:17"/>
+ <constant value="109:16-109:22"/>
+ <constant value="109:24-109:40"/>
+ <constant value="109:16-109:40"/>
+ <constant value="108:2-109:41"/>
+ <constant value="108:2-110:17"/>
+ <constant value="108:2-111:12"/>
+ <constant value="108:2-111:21"/>
+ <constant value="112:17-112:18"/>
+ <constant value="112:31-112:40"/>
+ <constant value="112:17-112:41"/>
+ <constant value="108:2-112:42"/>
+ <constant value="108:2-113:18"/>
+ <constant value="getEnumerations"/>
+ <constant value="119:3-119:7"/>
+ <constant value="119:3-119:16"/>
+ <constant value="119:27-119:28"/>
+ <constant value="119:41-119:56"/>
+ <constant value="119:27-119:57"/>
+ <constant value="119:3-119:58"/>
+ <constant value="119:3-119:72"/>
+ <constant value="getTypes"/>
+ <constant value="125:3-125:15"/>
+ <constant value="125:3-125:30"/>
+ <constant value="125:3-125:44"/>
+ <constant value="isUnbounded"/>
+ <constant value="MKM3!Reference;"/>
+ <constant value="lower"/>
+ <constant value="J.=(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="upper"/>
+ <constant value="J.-(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="131:1-131:5"/>
+ <constant value="131:1-131:11"/>
+ <constant value="131:12-131:13"/>
+ <constant value="131:1-131:13"/>
+ <constant value="131:18-131:22"/>
+ <constant value="131:18-131:28"/>
+ <constant value="131:30-131:31"/>
+ <constant value="131:32-131:33"/>
+ <constant value="131:30-131:33"/>
+ <constant value="131:18-131:34"/>
+ <constant value="131:1-131:34"/>
+ <constant value="isEmbedding"/>
+ <constant value="12"/>
+ <constant value="137:1-137:5"/>
+ <constant value="137:1-137:17"/>
+ <constant value="138:8-138:12"/>
+ <constant value="138:8-138:21"/>
+ <constant value="138:8-138:38"/>
+ <constant value="138:4-138:38"/>
+ <constant value="139:6-139:11"/>
+ <constant value="138:44-138:48"/>
+ <constant value="138:44-138:57"/>
+ <constant value="138:44-138:69"/>
+ <constant value="138:1-139:17"/>
+ <constant value="137:1-139:17"/>
+ <constant value="notExists"/>
+ <constant value="owner"/>
+ <constant value="type"/>
+ <constant value="147:28-147:32"/>
+ <constant value="147:12-147:32"/>
+ <constant value="146:1-146:11"/>
+ <constant value="146:1-146:16"/>
+ <constant value="147:34-147:37"/>
+ <constant value="148:6-148:10"/>
+ <constant value="148:6-148:16"/>
+ <constant value="148:17-148:18"/>
+ <constant value="148:17-148:24"/>
+ <constant value="148:6-148:24"/>
+ <constant value="148:29-148:33"/>
+ <constant value="148:29-148:38"/>
+ <constant value="148:39-148:40"/>
+ <constant value="148:39-148:45"/>
+ <constant value="148:29-148:45"/>
+ <constant value="148:6-148:45"/>
+ <constant value="148:50-148:54"/>
+ <constant value="148:56-148:57"/>
+ <constant value="148:50-148:57"/>
+ <constant value="148:6-148:57"/>
+ <constant value="148:1-148:58"/>
+ <constant value="147:34-148:58"/>
+ <constant value="146:1-148:59"/>
+ <constant value="everUsed"/>
+ <constant value="156:28-156:33"/>
+ <constant value="156:12-156:33"/>
+ <constant value="155:1-155:14"/>
+ <constant value="155:1-155:29"/>
+ <constant value="156:35-156:38"/>
+ <constant value="157:2-157:6"/>
+ <constant value="157:2-157:11"/>
+ <constant value="157:12-157:13"/>
+ <constant value="157:12-157:18"/>
+ <constant value="157:2-157:18"/>
+ <constant value="157:23-157:27"/>
+ <constant value="157:23-157:32"/>
+ <constant value="157:33-157:34"/>
+ <constant value="157:33-157:39"/>
+ <constant value="157:23-157:39"/>
+ <constant value="157:2-157:39"/>
+ <constant value="157:44-157:48"/>
+ <constant value="157:50-157:51"/>
+ <constant value="157:44-157:51"/>
+ <constant value="157:2-157:51"/>
+ <constant value="156:35-157:52"/>
+ <constant value="155:1-157:53"/>
+ <constant value="__applyDomainModel"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="J.makeIdentity():J"/>
+ <constant value="identity"/>
+ <constant value="J.setNamespace():J"/>
+ <constant value="namespace"/>
+ <constant value="isLoaded"/>
+ <constant value="4"/>
+ <constant value="55"/>
+ <constant value="classifiers"/>
+ <constant value="J.getEnumerations():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.getTypes():J"/>
+ <constant value="types"/>
+ <constant value="172:14-172:24"/>
+ <constant value="172:14-172:39"/>
+ <constant value="172:4-172:39"/>
+ <constant value="173:17-173:18"/>
+ <constant value="173:17-173:33"/>
+ <constant value="173:4-173:33"/>
+ <constant value="174:12-174:13"/>
+ <constant value="174:12-174:18"/>
+ <constant value="174:4-174:18"/>
+ <constant value="175:16-175:20"/>
+ <constant value="175:4-175:20"/>
+ <constant value="178:6-178:16"/>
+ <constant value="178:6-178:29"/>
+ <constant value="179:6-179:16"/>
+ <constant value="179:6-179:26"/>
+ <constant value="180:20-180:30"/>
+ <constant value="180:20-180:35"/>
+ <constant value="180:46-180:47"/>
+ <constant value="180:20-180:48"/>
+ <constant value="179:6-180:49"/>
+ <constant value="177:5-181:6"/>
+ <constant value="176:4-181:6"/>
+ <constant value="182:21-182:22"/>
+ <constant value="182:21-182:40"/>
+ <constant value="182:41-182:42"/>
+ <constant value="182:41-182:53"/>
+ <constant value="182:12-182:54"/>
+ <constant value="182:4-182:54"/>
+ <constant value="link"/>
+ <constant value="__applyClass"/>
+ <constant value="supertypes"/>
+ <constant value="38"/>
+ <constant value="superType"/>
+ <constant value="isAbstract"/>
+ <constant value="78"/>
+ <constant value="properties"/>
+ <constant value="194:17-194:27"/>
+ <constant value="194:17-194:37"/>
+ <constant value="194:4-194:37"/>
+ <constant value="195:16-195:20"/>
+ <constant value="195:4-195:20"/>
+ <constant value="196:17-196:18"/>
+ <constant value="196:17-196:29"/>
+ <constant value="196:40-196:41"/>
+ <constant value="196:54-196:63"/>
+ <constant value="196:40-196:64"/>
+ <constant value="196:17-196:65"/>
+ <constant value="196:17-196:74"/>
+ <constant value="196:4-196:74"/>
+ <constant value="197:14-197:24"/>
+ <constant value="197:14-197:39"/>
+ <constant value="197:4-197:39"/>
+ <constant value="198:12-198:13"/>
+ <constant value="198:12-198:18"/>
+ <constant value="198:4-198:18"/>
+ <constant value="199:16-199:17"/>
+ <constant value="199:16-199:28"/>
+ <constant value="199:4-199:28"/>
+ <constant value="200:19-200:20"/>
+ <constant value="200:19-200:39"/>
+ <constant value="200:50-200:51"/>
+ <constant value="200:64-200:77"/>
+ <constant value="200:50-200:78"/>
+ <constant value="200:19-200:79"/>
+ <constant value="200:7-200:79"/>
+ <constant value="a"/>
+ <constant value="__applyRelationship"/>
+ <constant value="5"/>
+ <constant value="24"/>
+ <constant value="to"/>
+ <constant value="25"/>
+ <constant value="has"/>
+ <constant value="6"/>
+ <constant value="7"/>
+ <constant value="J.notExists():J"/>
+ <constant value="47"/>
+ <constant value="-"/>
+ <constant value="J.incDiff1():J"/>
+ <constant value="48"/>
+ <constant value="roles"/>
+ <constant value="all"/>
+ <constant value="accepts"/>
+ <constant value="relation"/>
+ <constant value="source"/>
+ <constant value="min"/>
+ <constant value="143"/>
+ <constant value="144"/>
+ <constant value="max"/>
+ <constant value="isOrdered"/>
+ <constant value="J.isUnbounded():J"/>
+ <constant value="isNavigableFrom"/>
+ <constant value="223"/>
+ <constant value="224"/>
+ <constant value="216:9-216:10"/>
+ <constant value="216:9-216:24"/>
+ <constant value="217:22-217:26"/>
+ <constant value="217:11-217:16"/>
+ <constant value="216:6-217:32"/>
+ <constant value="215:8-217:32"/>
+ <constant value="220:5-220:6"/>
+ <constant value="220:5-220:12"/>
+ <constant value="220:5-220:17"/>
+ <constant value="220:18-220:22"/>
+ <constant value="220:5-220:22"/>
+ <constant value="220:23-220:24"/>
+ <constant value="220:23-220:29"/>
+ <constant value="220:23-220:34"/>
+ <constant value="220:5-220:34"/>
+ <constant value="219:8-220:34"/>
+ <constant value="222:8-222:9"/>
+ <constant value="222:8-222:21"/>
+ <constant value="223:10-223:11"/>
+ <constant value="223:12-223:15"/>
+ <constant value="223:10-223:15"/>
+ <constant value="223:16-223:26"/>
+ <constant value="223:16-223:37"/>
+ <constant value="223:16-223:48"/>
+ <constant value="223:10-223:48"/>
+ <constant value="222:27-222:28"/>
+ <constant value="222:5-224:11"/>
+ <constant value="219:4-224:11"/>
+ <constant value="215:4-224:11"/>
+ <constant value="214:4-224:11"/>
+ <constant value="226:14-226:24"/>
+ <constant value="226:14-226:39"/>
+ <constant value="226:4-226:39"/>
+ <constant value="227:17-227:27"/>
+ <constant value="227:17-227:37"/>
+ <constant value="227:4-227:37"/>
+ <constant value="228:22-228:23"/>
+ <constant value="228:24-228:25"/>
+ <constant value="228:13-228:26"/>
+ <constant value="228:4-228:26"/>
+ <constant value="229:20-229:21"/>
+ <constant value="229:20-229:35"/>
+ <constant value="229:7-229:35"/>
+ <constant value="231:16-231:21"/>
+ <constant value="231:4-231:21"/>
+ <constant value="232:16-232:20"/>
+ <constant value="232:4-232:20"/>
+ <constant value="236:14-236:24"/>
+ <constant value="236:14-236:39"/>
+ <constant value="236:4-236:39"/>
+ <constant value="237:13-237:18"/>
+ <constant value="237:4-237:18"/>
+ <constant value="238:10-238:11"/>
+ <constant value="238:10-238:16"/>
+ <constant value="238:4-238:16"/>
+ <constant value="239:15-239:16"/>
+ <constant value="239:4-239:16"/>
+ <constant value="240:12-240:13"/>
+ <constant value="240:12-240:19"/>
+ <constant value="240:4-240:19"/>
+ <constant value="241:10-241:11"/>
+ <constant value="241:10-241:16"/>
+ <constant value="241:4-241:16"/>
+ <constant value="242:9-242:10"/>
+ <constant value="242:9-242:16"/>
+ <constant value="242:4-242:16"/>
+ <constant value="243:12-243:13"/>
+ <constant value="243:12-243:19"/>
+ <constant value="243:21-243:22"/>
+ <constant value="243:23-243:24"/>
+ <constant value="243:21-243:24"/>
+ <constant value="243:12-243:25"/>
+ <constant value="243:38-243:39"/>
+ <constant value="243:38-243:45"/>
+ <constant value="243:31-243:32"/>
+ <constant value="243:9-243:51"/>
+ <constant value="243:4-243:51"/>
+ <constant value="244:15-244:16"/>
+ <constant value="244:15-244:26"/>
+ <constant value="244:4-244:26"/>
+ <constant value="245:19-245:20"/>
+ <constant value="245:19-245:34"/>
+ <constant value="245:4-245:34"/>
+ <constant value="246:23-246:28"/>
+ <constant value="246:4-246:28"/>
+ <constant value="250:14-250:24"/>
+ <constant value="250:14-250:39"/>
+ <constant value="250:4-250:39"/>
+ <constant value="251:13-251:18"/>
+ <constant value="251:4-251:18"/>
+ <constant value="252:10-252:11"/>
+ <constant value="252:10-252:20"/>
+ <constant value="252:10-252:25"/>
+ <constant value="252:4-252:25"/>
+ <constant value="253:15-253:16"/>
+ <constant value="253:4-253:16"/>
+ <constant value="254:12-254:13"/>
+ <constant value="254:12-254:22"/>
+ <constant value="254:12-254:28"/>
+ <constant value="254:4-254:28"/>
+ <constant value="255:10-255:11"/>
+ <constant value="255:10-255:20"/>
+ <constant value="255:10-255:25"/>
+ <constant value="255:4-255:25"/>
+ <constant value="256:9-256:10"/>
+ <constant value="256:9-256:19"/>
+ <constant value="256:9-256:25"/>
+ <constant value="256:4-256:25"/>
+ <constant value="257:12-257:13"/>
+ <constant value="257:12-257:22"/>
+ <constant value="257:12-257:28"/>
+ <constant value="257:30-257:31"/>
+ <constant value="257:32-257:33"/>
+ <constant value="257:30-257:33"/>
+ <constant value="257:12-257:34"/>
+ <constant value="257:47-257:48"/>
+ <constant value="257:47-257:57"/>
+ <constant value="257:47-257:63"/>
+ <constant value="257:40-257:41"/>
+ <constant value="257:9-257:69"/>
+ <constant value="257:4-257:69"/>
+ <constant value="258:15-258:16"/>
+ <constant value="258:15-258:25"/>
+ <constant value="258:15-258:35"/>
+ <constant value="258:4-258:35"/>
+ <constant value="259:18-259:19"/>
+ <constant value="259:18-259:28"/>
+ <constant value="259:18-259:42"/>
+ <constant value="259:4-259:42"/>
+ <constant value="260:24-260:29"/>
+ <constant value="260:4-260:29"/>
+ <constant value="n"/>
+ <constant value="__applyRelationshipFromSingle"/>
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+ <constant value="281:5-281:34"/>
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+ <constant value="284:16-284:48"/>
+ <constant value="284:10-284:48"/>
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+ <constant value="275:4-285:11"/>
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+ <constant value="312:4-312:18"/>
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+ <constant value="350:37-350:67"/>
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+ <constant value="362:3-362:40"/>
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+ <constant value="363:3-363:11"/>
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+ <constant value="373:31-373:37"/>
+ <constant value="373:40-373:46"/>
+ <constant value="373:31-373:46"/>
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+ <constant value="373:66-373:72"/>
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+ <goto arg="59"/>
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+ </code>
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+ </code>
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+ <load arg="43"/>
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+ <load arg="43"/>
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+ <getasm/>
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+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <getasm/>
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+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <getasm/>
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+ <call arg="214"/>
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+ <call arg="214"/>
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+ <call arg="214"/>
+ </code>
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+ </parameters>
+ <code>
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+ <code>
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+ <code>
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+ <code>
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+ </code>
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+ <code>
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+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="98" begin="3" end="22"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="145" begin="7" end="22"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="31" begin="0" end="22"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="483" begin="0" end="22"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/KM32DSL/KM32DSL.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/KM32DSL/KM32DSL.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..78eaeffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/KM32DSL/KM32DSL.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+-- Ecore to DSL
+-- first transformation : KM3 to DSL
+module KM32DSL;
+create OUT : DSL from IN : KM3;
+-- HELPERS --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Those helper store integer values used to assign ID or to difference similar names
+-- RETURN: Integer
+helper def: curId : Integer = 0;
+helper def: diff1 : Integer = 0;
+-- This helper increments diff1 value
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Integer
+helper def: incDiff1() : Integer =
+thisModule.refSetValue('diff1', thisModule.diff1+1).diff1;
+helper def: diff2 : Integer = 0;
+-- This helper increments diff1 value
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Integer
+helper def: incDiff2() : Integer =
+thisModule.refSetValue('diff2', thisModule.diff2+1).diff2;
+-- This helper stores the namespace
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: String
+helper def: Namespace : String = '.DomainModel';
+-- This helper sets the namespace
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: String
+helper context KM3!Package def: setNamespace() : String =
+ thisModule.refSetValue('Namespace',;
+-- This helper computes the value to be assigned to the ID field of a
+-- generated Task.
+-- It increments the value stored by the "curId" helper and returns its
+-- new value as a String.
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: String
+helper def: makeIdentity() : String =
+ let i : Integer = thisModule.refSetValue('curId', thisModule.curId + 1).curId
+in '10000000-0000-0000-0000-'+
+if i<=9 then '00000000000'+i.toString()
+ else if i<=99 then '0000000000'+i.toString()
+ else if i<=999 then '000000000'+i.toString()
+ else '00000000'+i.toString()
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif;
+-- This helper get a list of references which need to be turned
+-- into relationship
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Sequence(KM3!Reference)
+helper def: list:Sequence(KM3!Reference) =
+self.getRefs()->iterate(e; seq : Sequence(KM3!Reference) = Sequence{} |
+ if e.opposite.oclIsUndefined()
+ then seq.append(e)
+ else
+ if seq->includes(e.opposite) or seq->includes(e)
+ then seq
+ else
+ if e.isEmbedding()
+ then
+ if e.isContainer
+ -- e is the first role
+ then seq.append(e)
+ -- e.opposite is the first role
+ else seq.append(e.opposite)
+ endif
+ else
+ seq.append(e)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+-- This helper get the list of all references
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Sequence(KM3!Reference)
+helper def: getRefs() : Sequence(KM3!Reference) =
+ self.getClasses()
+ ->iterate(e; acc : Sequence(KM3!Reference) = Sequence {} |
+ acc->union(e.getRefs())
+ );
+-- This helper get the list of the references owned by a class
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Sequence(KM3!Reference)
+helper context KM3!Class def: getRefs() : Sequence(KM3!Reference) =
+ self.structuralFeatures
+ ->select(e | e.oclIsTypeOf(KM3!Reference))
+ ->asSequence();
+-- This helper get the list of all classes
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Sequence(KM3!Class)
+helper def: getClasses() : Sequence(KM3!Class) =
+ KM3!Package.allInstances()
+ ->select(p |<>'PrimitiveTypes')
+ ->asSequence()
+ ->first().contents
+ ->select(e | e.oclIsTypeOf(KM3!Class))
+ ->asSequence();
+-- This helper get the list of all enumerations
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Sequence(KM3!Enumeration)
+helper context KM3!Package def: getEnumerations() : Sequence(KM3!Enumeration) =
+ self.contents->select(e|e.oclIsTypeOf(KM3!Enumeration))->asSequence();
+-- This helper get the list of all Datatypes
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Sequence(KM3!DataType)
+helper context KM3!Package def: getTypes() : Sequence(KM3!DataType) =
+ KM3!DataType.allInstances()->asSequence();
+-- This helper checks the Unbounded constraint
+-- CONTEXT: KM3!Reference
+-- RETURN: Boolean
+helper context KM3!Reference def: isUnbounded() : Boolean =
+self.lower=0 and self.upper=(0-1);
+-- This helper get the type of the relation of the input role
+-- CONTEXT: KM3!Reference
+-- RETURN: Boolean
+helper context KM3!Reference def: isEmbedding() : Boolean =
+self.isContainer or
+if not self.opposite.oclIsUndefined() then self.opposite.isContainer
+else false endif;
+-- This helper checks if the Relationship name we are going to create
+-- is ever used
+-- CONTEXT: KM3!Reference
+-- RETURN: Boolean
+helper context KM3!Reference def: notExists() : Boolean =
+iterate(e; acc : Boolean = true |acc and
+not (self.owner=e.owner and self.type=e.type and self<>e));
+-- This helper checks if the Relationship name we are going to create
+-- is ever used
+-- CONTEXT: KM3!Reference
+-- RETURN: Boolean
+helper context KM3!Reference def: everUsed() : Boolean =
+iterate(e; acc : Boolean = false |acc or
+( and self.type=e.type and self<>e));
+-- RULES ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Rule 'DomainModel'.
+-- This rule generates the DomainModel
+rule DomainModel {
+ from
+ e : KM3!Package (
+ <> 'PrimitiveTypes'
+ )
+ to
+ d : DSL!DomainModel (
+ identity<-thisModule.makeIdentity(),
+ namespace <- e.setNamespace(),
+ name <-,
+ isLoaded <- true,
+ classifiers <-
+ Sequence{
+ thisModule.getClasses(),
+ thisModule.getRefs()
+ ->select(e | thisModule.list->includes(e))
+ },
+ types <-Sequence{e.getEnumerations(),e.getTypes()}
+ )
+-- Rule 'Class'.
+-- This rule generates a DSL!Class and link it to his supertypes,
+-- and properties, and generates an identity
+rule Class {
+ from
+ e : KM3!Class
+ to
+ c : DSL!Class (
+ namespace <- thisModule.Namespace,
+ isLoaded <- true,
+ superType <- e.supertypes->select(a|a.oclIsTypeOf(KM3!Class))->first(),
+ identity<-thisModule.makeIdentity(),
+ name <-,
+ isAbstract<-e.isAbstract,
+ properties<-e.structuralFeatures->select(a|a.oclIsTypeOf(KM3!Attribute))
+ )
+-- Rule 'Relationship'.
+-- This rule generates a DSL!Relationship and his roles,
+-- getting them in the list previously created
+rule Relationship {
+ from
+ e : KM3!Reference (
+ thisModule.list->includes(e) and not e.opposite.oclIsUndefined()
+ )
+ to
+ r: DSL!Relationship (
+ name<-
+ let link : String =
+ if e.isEmbedding()
+ then 'has' else 'to' endif
+ in
+ let n : String =
+ in
+ if e.notExists() then n
+ else n+'-'+thisModule.incDiff1().toString()
+ endif
+ ,
+ identity<-thisModule.makeIdentity(),
+ namespace <- thisModule.Namespace,
+ roles <- Sequence{s,t},
+ isEmbedding<-e.isEmbedding(),
+ --default values
+ isAbstract<-false,
+ isLoaded <- true
+ ),
+ s : DSL!Role (
+ identity<-thisModule.makeIdentity(),
+ accepts<-'all' ,
+ name<,
+ relation<- r,
+ source<-e.owner,
+ type<-e.type,
+ min<-e.lower,
+ max<-if e.upper=(0-1) then 0 else e.upper endif,
+ isOrdered<-e.isOrdered,
+ isUnbounded <- e.isUnbounded(),
+ isNavigableFrom <- false
+ ),
+ t : DSL!Role (
+ identity<-thisModule.makeIdentity(),
+ accepts<-'all' ,
+ name<,
+ relation<- r,
+ source<-e.opposite.owner,
+ type<-e.opposite.type,
+ min<-e.opposite.lower,
+ max<-if e.opposite.upper=(0-1) then 0 else e.opposite.upper endif,
+ isOrdered<-e.opposite.isOrdered,
+ isUnbounded <-e.opposite.isUnbounded(),
+ isNavigableFrom <- false
+ )
+-- Rule 'RelationshipFromSingle'.
+-- This rule generates a DSL!Relationship and his roles,
+-- if the reference of the list has no opposite
+rule RelationshipFromSingle {
+ from
+ e : KM3!Reference
+ (
+ thisModule.list->includes(e) and e.opposite.oclIsUndefined()
+ )
+ to
+ r: DSL!Relationship (
+ name<-
+ let link : String =
+ if e.isEmbedding()
+ then 'has' else 'to' endif
+ in
+ let n : String =
+ in
+ if e.notExists() then n
+ else n+'-'+thisModule.incDiff1().toString()
+ endif
+ ,
+ identity<-thisModule.makeIdentity(),
+ namespace <- thisModule.Namespace,
+ roles <- Sequence{s,t},
+ isEmbedding<-e.isEmbedding(),
+ --default values
+ isAbstract<-false,
+ isLoaded <- true
+ ),
+ s : DSL!Role (
+ identity<-thisModule.makeIdentity(),
+ accepts<-'all' ,
+ name<,
+ relation<- r,
+ source<-e.owner,
+ type<-e.type,
+ min<-e.lower,
+ max<-if e.upper=(0-1) then 0 else e.upper endif,
+ isOrdered<-e.isOrdered,
+ isUnbounded <- e.isUnbounded(),
+ isNavigableFrom <- false
+ ),
+ t : DSL!Role (
+ identity<-thisModule.makeIdentity(),
+ accepts<-'all' ,
+ name<-if e.everUsed() then
+ else endif +'Opposite',
+ relation<- r,
+ source<-e.type,
+ type<-e.owner,
+ min<-1,
+ max<-1,
+ isOrdered<-false,
+ isUnbounded <-false,
+ isNavigableFrom <- false
+ )
+-- Rule 'ValueProperty'.
+-- This rule generates a property
+rule ValueProperty {
+ from
+ e : KM3!Attribute
+ to
+ p : DSL!ValueProperty (
+ identity<-thisModule.makeIdentity(),
+ name <-,
+ type<- e.type
+ )
+-- Rule 'Enumeration'.
+-- This rule generates an Enumeration
+rule Enumeration {
+ from
+ e : KM3!Enumeration
+ to
+ r : DSL!Enumeration (
+ name <-,
+ namespace <- thisModule.Namespace,
+ identity <- thisModule.makeIdentity(),
+ literals <- e.literals->select(a|a.oclIsTypeOf(KM3!EnumLiteral))
+ )
+-- Rule 'EnumerationLiteral'.
+-- This rule generates an single element of an Enumeration
+rule EnumerationLiteral {
+ from
+ e : KM3!EnumLiteral
+ to
+ r : DSL!EnumerationLiteral(
+ name<,
+ identity <- thisModule.makeIdentity(),
+ value<-0
+ )
+-- Rule 'SimpleType'.
+-- This rule generates the DSL!SimpleType corresponding to a KM3!Datatype
+rule SimpleType {
+ from
+ e : KM3!DataType
+ to
+ t : DSL!SimpleType (name<-if = 'Real' then 'Double' else endif )
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/KM32DSL/KM32DSL.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/KM32DSL/KM32DSL.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4504ffaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/KM32DSL/KM32DSL.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/KM32DSL/KM32DSL.atl"/>
+<stringAttribute key="ATL VM" value="Regular VM (with debugger)"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="AllowInterModelReferences" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Input">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="KM3"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="Mode Debug" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Model Handler">
+<mapEntry key="KM3" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="DSL" value="EMF"/>
+<mapAttribute key="ModelType">
+<mapEntry key="KM3" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="DSL" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Output">
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="DSL"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/KM32DSL/SimpleExampleMM-KM3-2.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="KM3" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/KM3.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="DSL" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/DSL.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/KM32DSL/SimpleExampleMM-DSL-2.ecore"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.vm.tests"/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/KM32DSL/SimpleExampleMM-KM3-2.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/KM32DSL/SimpleExampleMM-KM3-2.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b90f44f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/MetamodelBridge/EMF2DSL/KM32DSL/SimpleExampleMM-KM3-2.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<Metamodel xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="KM3" location="1:1-34:2">
+ <contents location="1:1-23:2" name="SimpleExample">
+ <contents xsi:type="Class" location="3:9-6:10" name="ConceptA" isAbstract="false">
+ <structuralFeatures xsi:type="Reference" location="4:17-4:82" name="Bs" lower="0" upper="-1" isOrdered="true" type="//@contents.0/@contents.1" isContainer="true" opposite="//@contents.0/@contents.1/@structuralFeatures.0"/>
+ <structuralFeatures xsi:type="Reference" location="5:17-5:82" name="Cs" lower="0" upper="-1" isOrdered="true" type="//@contents.0/@contents.2" isContainer="true" opposite="//@contents.0/@contents.2/@structuralFeatures.0"/>
+ </contents>
+ <contents xsi:type="Class" location="8:9-11:10" name="ConceptB" isAbstract="false">
+ <structuralFeatures xsi:type="Reference" location="9:17-9:61" name="ConceptA" lower="1" upper="1" isOrdered="false" type="//@contents.0/@contents.0" isContainer="false" opposite="//@contents.0/@contents.0/@structuralFeatures.0"/>
+ <structuralFeatures xsi:type="Reference" location="10:17-10:82" name="ReferencedC" lower="0" upper="1" isOrdered="false" type="//@contents.0/@contents.3" isContainer="false" opposite="//@contents.0/@contents.3/@structuralFeatures.1"/>
+ </contents>
+ <contents xsi:type="Class" location="13:9-16:10" name="ConceptC" isAbstract="false">
+ <structuralFeatures xsi:type="Reference" location="14:17-14:61" name="ConceptA" lower="1" upper="1" isOrdered="false" type="//@contents.0/@contents.0" isContainer="false" opposite="//@contents.0/@contents.0/@structuralFeatures.1"/>
+ <structuralFeatures xsi:type="Reference" location="15:17-15:88" name="ReferringBs" lower="0" upper="-1" isOrdered="true" type="//@contents.0/@contents.3" isContainer="false" opposite="//@contents.0/@contents.3/@structuralFeatures.2"/>
+ </contents>
+ <contents xsi:type="Class" location="18:9-22:10" name="BReferencesC" isAbstract="false">
+ <structuralFeatures xsi:type="Attribute" location="19:17-19:45" name="Property" lower="1" upper="1" isOrdered="false" isUnique="false" type="//@contents.1/@contents.0"/>
+ <structuralFeatures xsi:type="Reference" location="20:17-20:76" name="ReferringBs" lower="0" upper="-1" isOrdered="false" type="//@contents.0/@contents.1" isContainer="false" opposite="//@contents.0/@contents.1/@structuralFeatures.1"/>
+ <structuralFeatures xsi:type="Reference" location="21:17-21:78" name="ReferencedC" lower="0" upper="1" isOrdered="false" type="//@contents.0/@contents.2" isContainer="false" opposite="//@contents.0/@contents.2/@structuralFeatures.1"/>
+ </contents>
+ </contents>
+ <contents location="25:1-34:2" name="PrimitiveTypes">
+ <contents xsi:type="DataType" location="27:9-27:25" name="String"/>
+ <contents xsi:type="DataType" location="29:9-29:26" name="Integer"/>
+ <contents xsi:type="DataType" location="31:9-31:26" name="Boolean"/>
+ <contents xsi:type="DataType" location="33:9-33:25" name="Double"/>
+ </contents>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/DSLModel2KM2.asm b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/DSLModel2KM2.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f14d9412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/DSLModel2KM2.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,2933 @@
+<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ?>
+<asm name="0">
+ <cp>
+ <constant value="DSLModel2KM2"/>
+ <constant value="links"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;"/>
+ <constant value="col"/>
+ <constant value="J;"/>
+ <constant value="main"/>
+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="0"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
+ <constant value="J.setName(S):V"/>
+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchModel():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchModelElement():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchModelElementLink():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPropertySetFromEmbeddingLink():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPropertyFromEmbeddingLink():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPropertySetFromDSLModelRole():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPropertyFromDSLModelRole():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchStringProperty():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchIntegerProperty():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchBooleanProperty():V"/>
+ <constant value="__matchModel"/>
+ <constant value="Model"/>
+ <constant value="DSLModel"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
+ <constant value="IN1"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.union(CJ):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="IN2"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="B.not():B"/>
+ <constant value="42"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="dslm"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="km"/>
+ <constant value="KM2"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="92:8-92:17"/>
+ <constant value="__matchModelElement"/>
+ <constant value="ModelElement"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsTypeOf(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="46"/>
+ <constant value="me"/>
+ <constant value="kme"/>
+ <constant value="108:4-108:6"/>
+ <constant value="108:19-108:40"/>
+ <constant value="108:4-108:41"/>
+ <constant value="111:9-111:25"/>
+ <constant value="__matchModelElementLink"/>
+ <constant value="ModelElementLink"/>
+ <constant value="properties"/>
+ <constant value="J.isEmpty():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.not():J"/>
+ <constant value="45"/>
+ <constant value="mel"/>
+ <constant value="126:8-126:11"/>
+ <constant value="126:8-126:22"/>
+ <constant value="126:8-126:32"/>
+ <constant value="126:4-126:32"/>
+ <constant value="129:9-129:25"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPropertySetFromEmbeddingLink"/>
+ <constant value="EmbeddingLink"/>
+ <constant value="J.getRole():J"/>
+ <constant value="max"/>
+ <constant value="J.=(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.&gt;(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.or(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="73"/>
+ <constant value="PropertySetFromEmbeddingLink"/>
+ <constant value="p"/>
+ <constant value="kp"/>
+ <constant value="Property"/>
+ <constant value="s"/>
+ <constant value="SetVal"/>
+ <constant value="e"/>
+ <constant value="elements"/>
+ <constant value="ModelElementVal"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.including(J):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="143:4-143:5"/>
+ <constant value="143:4-143:15"/>
+ <constant value="143:4-143:19"/>
+ <constant value="143:22-143:23"/>
+ <constant value="143:4-143:23"/>
+ <constant value="143:27-143:28"/>
+ <constant value="143:27-143:38"/>
+ <constant value="143:27-143:42"/>
+ <constant value="143:45-143:46"/>
+ <constant value="143:27-143:46"/>
+ <constant value="143:4-143:46"/>
+ <constant value="146:8-146:20"/>
+ <constant value="150:7-150:17"/>
+ <constant value="153:50-153:51"/>
+ <constant value="153:50-153:60"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPropertyFromEmbeddingLink"/>
+ <constant value="52"/>
+ <constant value="PropertyFromEmbeddingLink"/>
+ <constant value="161:4-161:5"/>
+ <constant value="161:4-161:15"/>
+ <constant value="161:4-161:19"/>
+ <constant value="161:22-161:23"/>
+ <constant value="161:4-161:23"/>
+ <constant value="164:8-164:20"/>
+ <constant value="168:7-168:26"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPropertySetFromDSLModelRole"/>
+ <constant value="Role"/>
+ <constant value="J.propertyRoles():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.includes(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="27"/>
+ <constant value="29"/>
+ <constant value="J.isMultiple():J"/>
+ <constant value="94"/>
+ <constant value="PropertySetFromDSLModelRole"/>
+ <constant value="r"/>
+ <constant value="allroles"/>
+ <constant value="owner"/>
+ <constant value="J.getLastRole():J"/>
+ <constant value="2"/>
+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="63"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addVariable(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="rol"/>
+ <constant value="ModelElementRefVal"/>
+ <constant value="176:7-176:17"/>
+ <constant value="176:7-176:33"/>
+ <constant value="176:43-176:44"/>
+ <constant value="176:7-176:45"/>
+ <constant value="178:10-178:15"/>
+ <constant value="177:10-177:11"/>
+ <constant value="177:10-177:24"/>
+ <constant value="176:4-179:9"/>
+ <constant value="182:41-182:42"/>
+ <constant value="182:41-182:48"/>
+ <constant value="182:41-182:54"/>
+ <constant value="182:41-182:68"/>
+ <constant value="182:81-182:82"/>
+ <constant value="182:81-182:87"/>
+ <constant value="182:90-182:91"/>
+ <constant value="182:90-182:96"/>
+ <constant value="182:81-182:96"/>
+ <constant value="182:41-182:97"/>
+ <constant value="185:7-185:19"/>
+ <constant value="189:7-189:17"/>
+ <constant value="192:59-192:67"/>
+ <constant value="c"/>
+ <constant value="__matchPropertyFromDSLModelRole"/>
+ <constant value="30"/>
+ <constant value="82"/>
+ <constant value="PropertyFromDSLModelRole"/>
+ <constant value="role"/>
+ <constant value="64"/>
+ <constant value="J.first():J"/>
+ <constant value="200:7-200:17"/>
+ <constant value="200:7-200:33"/>
+ <constant value="200:43-200:44"/>
+ <constant value="200:7-200:45"/>
+ <constant value="202:10-202:15"/>
+ <constant value="201:14-201:15"/>
+ <constant value="201:14-201:28"/>
+ <constant value="201:10-201:28"/>
+ <constant value="200:4-203:9"/>
+ <constant value="206:27-206:28"/>
+ <constant value="206:27-206:34"/>
+ <constant value="206:27-206:40"/>
+ <constant value="206:27-206:54"/>
+ <constant value="206:67-206:68"/>
+ <constant value="206:67-206:73"/>
+ <constant value="206:76-206:77"/>
+ <constant value="206:76-206:82"/>
+ <constant value="206:67-206:82"/>
+ <constant value="206:27-206:83"/>
+ <constant value="206:27-206:91"/>
+ <constant value="209:7-209:19"/>
+ <constant value="213:9-213:31"/>
+ <constant value="__matchStringProperty"/>
+ <constant value="value"/>
+ <constant value="StringValue"/>
+ <constant value="53"/>
+ <constant value="StringProperty"/>
+ <constant value="v"/>
+ <constant value="StringVal"/>
+ <constant value="223:4-223:5"/>
+ <constant value="223:4-223:11"/>
+ <constant value="223:24-223:44"/>
+ <constant value="223:4-223:45"/>
+ <constant value="226:7-226:19"/>
+ <constant value="230:7-230:20"/>
+ <constant value="__matchIntegerProperty"/>
+ <constant value="IntegerValue"/>
+ <constant value="IntegerProperty"/>
+ <constant value="IntegerVal"/>
+ <constant value="238:4-238:5"/>
+ <constant value="238:4-238:11"/>
+ <constant value="238:24-238:45"/>
+ <constant value="238:4-238:46"/>
+ <constant value="241:7-241:19"/>
+ <constant value="245:7-245:21"/>
+ <constant value="__matchBooleanProperty"/>
+ <constant value="BooleanValue"/>
+ <constant value="BooleanProperty"/>
+ <constant value="BooleanVal"/>
+ <constant value="253:4-253:5"/>
+ <constant value="253:4-253:11"/>
+ <constant value="253:24-253:45"/>
+ <constant value="253:4-253:46"/>
+ <constant value="256:7-256:19"/>
+ <constant value="260:7-260:21"/>
+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="J"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):B"/>
+ <constant value="18"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinkBySourceElement(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="15"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetFromSource(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.including(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyModel(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyModelElement(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyModelElementLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPropertySetFromEmbeddingLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPropertyFromEmbeddingLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPropertySetFromDSLModelRole(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPropertyFromDSLModelRole(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyStringProperty(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyIntegerProperty(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyBooleanProperty(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="isMultiple"/>
+ <constant value="MDSLModel!Role;"/>
+ <constant value="DSL"/>
+ <constant value="J.allInstances():J"/>
+ <constant value="relation"/>
+ <constant value="type"/>
+ <constant value="J.and(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="26"/>
+ <constant value="36"/>
+ <constant value="37"/>
+ <constant value="13:21-13:29"/>
+ <constant value="13:21-13:44"/>
+ <constant value="14:18-14:19"/>
+ <constant value="14:18-14:28"/>
+ <constant value="14:18-14:33"/>
+ <constant value="14:36-14:40"/>
+ <constant value="14:36-14:46"/>
+ <constant value="14:36-14:51"/>
+ <constant value="14:18-14:51"/>
+ <constant value="15:8-15:9"/>
+ <constant value="15:8-15:14"/>
+ <constant value="15:17-15:21"/>
+ <constant value="15:17-15:26"/>
+ <constant value="15:8-15:26"/>
+ <constant value="14:18-15:26"/>
+ <constant value="13:21-15:28"/>
+ <constant value="13:21-15:37"/>
+ <constant value="13:6-15:37"/>
+ <constant value="16:10-16:11"/>
+ <constant value="16:10-16:15"/>
+ <constant value="16:18-16:19"/>
+ <constant value="16:10-16:19"/>
+ <constant value="16:38-16:42"/>
+ <constant value="16:27-16:32"/>
+ <constant value="16:5-16:48"/>
+ <constant value="13:2-16:48"/>
+ <constant value="a"/>
+ <constant value="hasSameName"/>
+ <constant value="QMDSLModel!Role;"/>
+ <constant value="23"/>
+ <constant value="24"/>
+ <constant value="24:3-24:6"/>
+ <constant value="24:20-24:21"/>
+ <constant value="24:20-24:26"/>
+ <constant value="24:29-24:33"/>
+ <constant value="24:29-24:38"/>
+ <constant value="24:20-24:38"/>
+ <constant value="24:3-24:39"/>
+ <constant value="24:3-24:48"/>
+ <constant value="23:6-24:48"/>
+ <constant value="25:8-25:9"/>
+ <constant value="25:8-25:26"/>
+ <constant value="25:43-25:47"/>
+ <constant value="25:32-25:37"/>
+ <constant value="25:5-25:53"/>
+ <constant value="23:2-25:53"/>
+ <constant value="seq"/>
+ <constant value="getReferences"/>
+ <constant value="MDSLModel!ModelElement;"/>
+ <constant value="J.hasSameName(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="16"/>
+ <constant value="J.including(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="32:64-32:74"/>
+ <constant value="32:32-32:74"/>
+ <constant value="32:2-32:6"/>
+ <constant value="32:2-32:20"/>
+ <constant value="33:6-33:7"/>
+ <constant value="33:20-33:23"/>
+ <constant value="33:6-33:24"/>
+ <constant value="35:9-35:12"/>
+ <constant value="35:24-35:25"/>
+ <constant value="35:9-35:26"/>
+ <constant value="34:9-34:12"/>
+ <constant value="33:3-36:8"/>
+ <constant value="32:2-36:10"/>
+ <constant value="acc"/>
+ <constant value="propertyRoles"/>
+ <constant value="J.getReferences():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.size():J"/>
+ <constant value="22"/>
+ <constant value="J.flatten():J"/>
+ <constant value="44:30-44:40"/>
+ <constant value="44:2-44:40"/>
+ <constant value="43:2-43:23"/>
+ <constant value="43:2-43:38"/>
+ <constant value="45:7-45:8"/>
+ <constant value="45:7-45:24"/>
+ <constant value="45:7-45:31"/>
+ <constant value="45:34-45:35"/>
+ <constant value="45:7-45:35"/>
+ <constant value="47:8-47:11"/>
+ <constant value="46:8-46:11"/>
+ <constant value="46:25-46:26"/>
+ <constant value="46:25-46:42"/>
+ <constant value="46:8-46:43"/>
+ <constant value="45:2-48:7"/>
+ <constant value="43:2-48:9"/>
+ <constant value="42:6-48:9"/>
+ <constant value="48:12-48:13"/>
+ <constant value="48:12-48:24"/>
+ <constant value="42:2-48:24"/>
+ <constant value="getLastRole"/>
+ <constant value="referencelinks"/>
+ <constant value="roles"/>
+ <constant value="J.last():J"/>
+ <constant value="55:63-55:73"/>
+ <constant value="55:33-55:73"/>
+ <constant value="55:2-55:6"/>
+ <constant value="55:2-55:21"/>
+ <constant value="56:3-56:6"/>
+ <constant value="56:20-56:21"/>
+ <constant value="56:20-56:27"/>
+ <constant value="56:20-56:35"/>
+ <constant value="56:3-56:36"/>
+ <constant value="55:2-56:37"/>
+ <constant value="isParentLink"/>
+ <constant value="MDSL!Role;"/>
+ <constant value="21"/>
+ <constant value="parentLink"/>
+ <constant value="33"/>
+ <constant value="J.asSequence():J"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="50"/>
+ <constant value="74"/>
+ <constant value="source"/>
+ <constant value="60"/>
+ <constant value="69"/>
+ <constant value="62:44-62:65"/>
+ <constant value="62:44-62:80"/>
+ <constant value="63:14-63:15"/>
+ <constant value="63:28-63:49"/>
+ <constant value="63:14-63:50"/>
+ <constant value="62:44-63:51"/>
+ <constant value="63:64-63:65"/>
+ <constant value="63:64-63:76"/>
+ <constant value="63:64-63:83"/>
+ <constant value="63:84-63:85"/>
+ <constant value="63:64-63:85"/>
+ <constant value="62:44-63:87"/>
+ <constant value="62:44-64:16"/>
+ <constant value="62:6-64:16"/>
+ <constant value="65:36-65:41"/>
+ <constant value="65:20-65:41"/>
+ <constant value="65:5-65:6"/>
+ <constant value="66:6-66:7"/>
+ <constant value="66:6-66:18"/>
+ <constant value="66:21-66:25"/>
+ <constant value="66:21-66:34"/>
+ <constant value="66:21-66:39"/>
+ <constant value="66:6-66:39"/>
+ <constant value="72:16-72:19"/>
+ <constant value="67:12-67:13"/>
+ <constant value="67:12-67:19"/>
+ <constant value="67:12-67:24"/>
+ <constant value="67:27-67:31"/>
+ <constant value="67:27-67:38"/>
+ <constant value="67:27-67:43"/>
+ <constant value="67:12-67:43"/>
+ <constant value="71:19-71:22"/>
+ <constant value="68:14-68:15"/>
+ <constant value="68:14-68:20"/>
+ <constant value="68:23-68:27"/>
+ <constant value="68:23-68:32"/>
+ <constant value="68:23-68:37"/>
+ <constant value="68:14-68:37"/>
+ <constant value="70:13-70:16"/>
+ <constant value="69:13-69:16"/>
+ <constant value="69:19-69:22"/>
+ <constant value="69:13-69:22"/>
+ <constant value="69:27-69:31"/>
+ <constant value="69:13-69:31"/>
+ <constant value="68:11-71:12"/>
+ <constant value="67:9-72:10"/>
+ <constant value="66:3-73:8"/>
+ <constant value="65:5-73:10"/>
+ <constant value="62:2-73:10"/>
+ <constant value="getRole"/>
+ <constant value="MDSLModel!EmbeddingLink;"/>
+ <constant value="Relationship"/>
+ <constant value="39"/>
+ <constant value="80:3-80:19"/>
+ <constant value="80:3-80:34"/>
+ <constant value="81:17-81:18"/>
+ <constant value="81:17-81:23"/>
+ <constant value="81:26-81:30"/>
+ <constant value="81:26-81:35"/>
+ <constant value="81:17-81:35"/>
+ <constant value="80:3-81:37"/>
+ <constant value="80:3-81:46"/>
+ <constant value="79:6-81:46"/>
+ <constant value="82:5-82:6"/>
+ <constant value="82:5-82:12"/>
+ <constant value="82:26-82:27"/>
+ <constant value="82:26-82:34"/>
+ <constant value="82:26-82:39"/>
+ <constant value="82:42-82:46"/>
+ <constant value="82:42-82:52"/>
+ <constant value="82:42-82:57"/>
+ <constant value="82:26-82:57"/>
+ <constant value="82:5-82:59"/>
+ <constant value="82:5-82:68"/>
+ <constant value="79:2-82:68"/>
+ <constant value="__applyModel"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="domainModel"/>
+ <constant value="metamodel"/>
+ <constant value="contents"/>
+ <constant value="4"/>
+ <constant value="59"/>
+ <constant value="93:17-93:21"/>
+ <constant value="93:17-93:33"/>
+ <constant value="93:4-93:33"/>
+ <constant value="96:6-96:10"/>
+ <constant value="96:6-96:19"/>
+ <constant value="96:32-96:33"/>
+ <constant value="96:46-96:67"/>
+ <constant value="96:32-96:68"/>
+ <constant value="96:6-96:70"/>
+ <constant value="97:6-97:10"/>
+ <constant value="97:6-97:19"/>
+ <constant value="98:20-98:21"/>
+ <constant value="98:34-98:59"/>
+ <constant value="98:20-98:60"/>
+ <constant value="99:12-99:13"/>
+ <constant value="99:12-99:24"/>
+ <constant value="99:12-99:34"/>
+ <constant value="99:8-99:34"/>
+ <constant value="98:20-99:34"/>
+ <constant value="97:6-100:8"/>
+ <constant value="95:5-101:6"/>
+ <constant value="94:4-101:6"/>
+ <constant value="link"/>
+ <constant value="__applyModelElement"/>
+ <constant value="id"/>
+ <constant value="embeddinglinks"/>
+ <constant value="112:12-112:14"/>
+ <constant value="112:12-112:19"/>
+ <constant value="112:4-112:19"/>
+ <constant value="113:10-113:12"/>
+ <constant value="113:10-113:15"/>
+ <constant value="113:4-113:15"/>
+ <constant value="115:5-115:7"/>
+ <constant value="115:5-115:18"/>
+ <constant value="115:5-115:32"/>
+ <constant value="116:5-116:7"/>
+ <constant value="116:5-116:22"/>
+ <constant value="116:5-116:36"/>
+ <constant value="117:5-117:7"/>
+ <constant value="117:5-117:23"/>
+ <constant value="114:18-118:5"/>
+ <constant value="114:4-118:5"/>
+ <constant value="__applyModelElementLink"/>
+ <constant value="130:12-130:15"/>
+ <constant value="130:12-130:20"/>
+ <constant value="130:4-130:20"/>
+ <constant value="131:10-131:13"/>
+ <constant value="131:10-131:16"/>
+ <constant value="131:4-131:16"/>
+ <constant value="134:6-134:9"/>
+ <constant value="134:6-134:20"/>
+ <constant value="134:6-134:34"/>
+ <constant value="133:5-136:6"/>
+ <constant value="132:4-136:6"/>
+ <constant value="__applyPropertySetFromEmbeddingLink"/>
+ <constant value="5"/>
+ <constant value="6"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.asSequence():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="7"/>
+ <constant value=""/>
+ <constant value="8"/>
+ <constant value="element"/>
+ <constant value="I.+(I):I"/>
+ <constant value="147:12-147:13"/>
+ <constant value="147:12-147:23"/>
+ <constant value="147:12-147:28"/>
+ <constant value="147:4-147:28"/>
+ <constant value="148:13-148:14"/>
+ <constant value="148:4-148:14"/>
+ <constant value="151:16-151:17"/>
+ <constant value="151:4-151:17"/>
+ <constant value="154:16-154:17"/>
+ <constant value="m"/>
+ <constant value="counter"/>
+ <constant value="collection"/>
+ <constant value="__applyPropertyFromEmbeddingLink"/>
+ <constant value="165:12-165:13"/>
+ <constant value="165:12-165:23"/>
+ <constant value="165:12-165:28"/>
+ <constant value="165:4-165:28"/>
+ <constant value="166:13-166:14"/>
+ <constant value="166:4-166:14"/>
+ <constant value="169:16-169:17"/>
+ <constant value="169:16-169:26"/>
+ <constant value="169:5-169:26"/>
+ <constant value="__applyPropertySetFromDSLModelRole"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getVariable(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="9"/>
+ <constant value="186:12-186:13"/>
+ <constant value="186:12-186:18"/>
+ <constant value="186:4-186:18"/>
+ <constant value="187:13-187:14"/>
+ <constant value="187:4-187:14"/>
+ <constant value="190:16-190:19"/>
+ <constant value="190:4-190:19"/>
+ <constant value="193:16-193:20"/>
+ <constant value="193:16-193:28"/>
+ <constant value="__applyPropertyFromDSLModelRole"/>
+ <constant value="210:12-210:13"/>
+ <constant value="210:12-210:18"/>
+ <constant value="210:4-210:18"/>
+ <constant value="211:13-211:16"/>
+ <constant value="211:4-211:16"/>
+ <constant value="214:15-214:19"/>
+ <constant value="214:15-214:27"/>
+ <constant value="214:4-214:27"/>
+ <constant value="__applyStringProperty"/>
+ <constant value="227:12-227:13"/>
+ <constant value="227:12-227:18"/>
+ <constant value="227:4-227:18"/>
+ <constant value="228:13-228:14"/>
+ <constant value="228:4-228:14"/>
+ <constant value="231:13-231:14"/>
+ <constant value="231:13-231:20"/>
+ <constant value="231:13-231:26"/>
+ <constant value="231:4-231:26"/>
+ <constant value="__applyIntegerProperty"/>
+ <constant value="242:12-242:13"/>
+ <constant value="242:12-242:18"/>
+ <constant value="242:4-242:18"/>
+ <constant value="243:13-243:14"/>
+ <constant value="243:4-243:14"/>
+ <constant value="246:13-246:14"/>
+ <constant value="246:13-246:20"/>
+ <constant value="246:13-246:26"/>
+ <constant value="246:4-246:26"/>
+ <constant value="__applyBooleanProperty"/>
+ <constant value="257:12-257:13"/>
+ <constant value="257:12-257:18"/>
+ <constant value="257:4-257:18"/>
+ <constant value="258:13-258:14"/>
+ <constant value="258:4-258:14"/>
+ <constant value="261:13-261:14"/>
+ <constant value="261:13-261:20"/>
+ <constant value="261:13-261:26"/>
+ <constant value="261:4-261:26"/>
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+ <call arg="14"/>
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+ <push arg="15"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
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+ <set arg="1"/>
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+ <call arg="16"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="17"/>
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+ </linenumbertable>
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+ <load arg="7"/>
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+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="21"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="22"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="23"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="24"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="25"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="26"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="27"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="28"/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="29"/>
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+ <lne id="496" begin="23" end="36"/>
+ <lne id="497" begin="21" end="38"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="54" begin="3" end="39"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="55" begin="7" end="39"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="39"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="478" begin="0" end="39"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="498">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="38" type="448"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="66"/>
+ <call arg="449"/>
+ <store arg="128"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="55"/>
+ <call arg="450"/>
+ <store arg="366"/>
+ <load arg="366"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="128"/>
+ <get arg="250"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="129"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="128"/>
+ <get arg="480"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="480"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <push arg="33"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="128"/>
+ <get arg="62"/>
+ <call arg="365"/>
+ <call arg="89"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="62"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="499" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="500" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="501" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="502" begin="17" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="503" begin="17" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="504" begin="15" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="505" begin="26" end="26"/>
+ <lne id="506" begin="26" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="507" begin="26" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="508" begin="23" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="509" begin="21" end="31"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="66" begin="3" end="32"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="55" begin="7" end="32"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="32"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="478" begin="0" end="32"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="510">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="38" type="448"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="81"/>
+ <call arg="449"/>
+ <store arg="128"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="82"/>
+ <call arg="450"/>
+ <store arg="366"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="84"/>
+ <call arg="450"/>
+ <store arg="454"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="86"/>
+ <call arg="450"/>
+ <store arg="511"/>
+ <load arg="366"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="128"/>
+ <call arg="74"/>
+ <get arg="129"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="129"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="454"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="186"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="454"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="511"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="453"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <pushi arg="38"/>
+ <store arg="512"/>
+ <load arg="128"/>
+ <get arg="87"/>
+ <call arg="513"/>
+ <store arg="514"/>
+ <load arg="511"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <load arg="514"/>
+ <load arg="512"/>
+ <call arg="515"/>
+ <store arg="516"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="516"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="3"/>
+ <call arg="220"/>
+ <call arg="39"/>
+ <if arg="370"/>
+ <load arg="512"/>
+ <call arg="515"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="517"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="512"/>
+ <pushi arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="518"/>
+ <store arg="512"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="519" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="520" begin="19" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="521" begin="19" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="522" begin="17" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="523" begin="26" end="26"/>
+ <lne id="524" begin="24" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="525" begin="33" end="33"/>
+ <lne id="526" begin="31" end="35"/>
+ <lne id="103" begin="39" end="39"/>
+ <lne id="104" begin="39" end="40"/>
+ <lne id="527" begin="51" end="51"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="8" name="528" begin="48" end="61"/>
+ <lve slot="6" name="529" begin="38" end="67"/>
+ <lve slot="7" name="530" begin="42" end="67"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="81" begin="3" end="67"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="82" begin="7" end="67"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="84" begin="11" end="67"/>
+ <lve slot="5" name="86" begin="15" end="67"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="67"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="478" begin="0" end="67"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="531">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="38" type="448"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="81"/>
+ <call arg="449"/>
+ <store arg="128"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="82"/>
+ <call arg="450"/>
+ <store arg="366"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="86"/>
+ <call arg="450"/>
+ <store arg="454"/>
+ <load arg="366"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="128"/>
+ <call arg="74"/>
+ <get arg="129"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="129"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="454"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="186"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="454"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="128"/>
+ <get arg="87"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="517"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="532" begin="15" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="533" begin="15" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="534" begin="15" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="535" begin="13" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="536" begin="22" end="22"/>
+ <lne id="537" begin="20" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="538" begin="29" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="539" begin="29" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="540" begin="27" end="32"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="81" begin="3" end="33"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="82" begin="7" end="33"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="86" begin="11" end="33"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="33"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="478" begin="0" end="33"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="541">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="38" type="448"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="124"/>
+ <call arg="449"/>
+ <store arg="128"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="125"/>
+ <call arg="542"/>
+ <store arg="366"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="81"/>
+ <call arg="450"/>
+ <store arg="454"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="84"/>
+ <call arg="450"/>
+ <store arg="511"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="132"/>
+ <call arg="450"/>
+ <store arg="512"/>
+ <load arg="454"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="128"/>
+ <get arg="129"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="129"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="511"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="186"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="511"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="512"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="453"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <pushi arg="38"/>
+ <store arg="514"/>
+ <load arg="366"/>
+ <call arg="513"/>
+ <store arg="516"/>
+ <load arg="512"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <load arg="516"/>
+ <load arg="514"/>
+ <call arg="515"/>
+ <store arg="543"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="543"/>
+ <get arg="517"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <get arg="3"/>
+ <call arg="220"/>
+ <call arg="39"/>
+ <if arg="130"/>
+ <load arg="514"/>
+ <call arg="515"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="517"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="514"/>
+ <pushi arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="518"/>
+ <store arg="514"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="544" begin="23" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="545" begin="23" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="546" begin="21" end="26"/>
+ <lne id="547" begin="29" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="548" begin="27" end="31"/>
+ <lne id="549" begin="36" end="36"/>
+ <lne id="550" begin="34" end="38"/>
+ <lne id="154" begin="42" end="42"/>
+ <lne id="551" begin="53" end="53"/>
+ <lne id="552" begin="53" end="54"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="9" name="160" begin="50" end="64"/>
+ <lve slot="7" name="529" begin="41" end="70"/>
+ <lve slot="8" name="530" begin="44" end="70"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="124" begin="3" end="70"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="125" begin="7" end="70"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="81" begin="11" end="70"/>
+ <lve slot="5" name="84" begin="15" end="70"/>
+ <lve slot="6" name="132" begin="19" end="70"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="70"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="478" begin="0" end="70"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="553">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="38" type="448"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="124"/>
+ <call arg="449"/>
+ <store arg="128"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="160"/>
+ <call arg="542"/>
+ <store arg="366"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="81"/>
+ <call arg="450"/>
+ <store arg="454"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="132"/>
+ <call arg="450"/>
+ <store arg="511"/>
+ <load arg="454"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="128"/>
+ <get arg="129"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="129"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="511"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="186"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="511"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="366"/>
+ <get arg="517"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="517"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="554" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="555" begin="19" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="556" begin="17" end="22"/>
+ <lne id="557" begin="25" end="25"/>
+ <lne id="558" begin="23" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="559" begin="32" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="560" begin="32" end="33"/>
+ <lne id="561" begin="30" end="35"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="124" begin="3" end="36"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="160" begin="7" end="36"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="81" begin="11" end="36"/>
+ <lve slot="5" name="132" begin="15" end="36"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="36"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="478" begin="0" end="36"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="562">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="38" type="448"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="190"/>
+ <call arg="449"/>
+ <store arg="128"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="81"/>
+ <call arg="450"/>
+ <store arg="366"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="84"/>
+ <call arg="450"/>
+ <store arg="454"/>
+ <load arg="366"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="128"/>
+ <get arg="129"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="129"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="454"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="186"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="454"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="128"/>
+ <get arg="186"/>
+ <get arg="186"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="186"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="563" begin="15" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="564" begin="15" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="565" begin="13" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="566" begin="21" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="567" begin="19" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="568" begin="28" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="569" begin="28" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="570" begin="28" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="571" begin="26" end="32"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="190" begin="3" end="33"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="81" begin="7" end="33"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="84" begin="11" end="33"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="33"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="478" begin="0" end="33"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="572">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="38" type="448"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="190"/>
+ <call arg="449"/>
+ <store arg="128"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="81"/>
+ <call arg="450"/>
+ <store arg="366"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="84"/>
+ <call arg="450"/>
+ <store arg="454"/>
+ <load arg="366"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="128"/>
+ <get arg="129"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="129"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="454"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="186"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="454"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="128"/>
+ <get arg="186"/>
+ <get arg="186"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="186"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="573" begin="15" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="574" begin="15" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="575" begin="13" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="576" begin="21" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="577" begin="19" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="578" begin="28" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="579" begin="28" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="580" begin="28" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="581" begin="26" end="32"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="190" begin="3" end="33"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="81" begin="7" end="33"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="84" begin="11" end="33"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="33"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="478" begin="0" end="33"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="582">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="38" type="448"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="190"/>
+ <call arg="449"/>
+ <store arg="128"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="81"/>
+ <call arg="450"/>
+ <store arg="366"/>
+ <load arg="38"/>
+ <push arg="84"/>
+ <call arg="450"/>
+ <store arg="454"/>
+ <load arg="366"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="128"/>
+ <get arg="129"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="129"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="454"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="186"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="454"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="7"/>
+ <load arg="128"/>
+ <get arg="186"/>
+ <get arg="186"/>
+ <call arg="227"/>
+ <set arg="186"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="583" begin="15" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="584" begin="15" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="585" begin="13" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="586" begin="21" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="587" begin="19" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="588" begin="28" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="589" begin="28" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="590" begin="28" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="591" begin="26" end="32"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="190" begin="3" end="33"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="81" begin="7" end="33"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="84" begin="11" end="33"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="18" begin="0" end="33"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="478" begin="0" end="33"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/DSLModel2KM2.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/DSLModel2KM2.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e9b2437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/DSLModel2KM2.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+module DSLModel2KM2;
+create OUT : KM2 from IN1 : DSLModel, IN2 : DSL;
+-- HELPERS --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- This helper returns a boolean which indicates if the relationship corresponding to the role
+-- has a max cardinality > 1
+-- CONTEXT : DSLModel!Role
+-- RETURN : Boolean
+helper context DSLModel!Role def: isMultiple() : Boolean =
+ let a : DSL!Role = DSL!Role.allInstances()
+ ->select ( e | = self.owner.type
+ and = )->first()
+ in if ( a.max = 1 ) then false else true endif;
+-- This helper takes a Sequence in parameter and test if a sequence element with the same name
+-- as the context is already in the sequence. It is used by the helper getReferences()
+-- CONTEXT : DSLModel!Role
+-- RETURN : Boolean
+helper context DSLModel!Role def: hasSameName(seq : Sequence(DSLModel!Role)) : Boolean =
+ let a : DSLModel!Role =
+ seq->select( e | =>first()
+ in if a.oclIsUndefined() then false else true endif;
+-- This helper returns a sequence of DSLModel!Role without doublons which corresponds to the references
+-- from the context
+-- CONTEXT : DSLModel!ModelElement
+-- RETURN : Sequence(DSLModel!Role)
+helper context DSLModel!ModelElement def : getReferences() : Sequence(DSLModel!Role) =
+ self.getLastRole()->iterate(e;acc : Sequence(DSLModel!Role) = Sequence{} |
+ if e.hasSameName(acc)
+ then acc
+ else acc->including(e)
+ endif );
+-- This helper makes a Sequence of DSLModel!Role which are used to create properties
+-- CONTEXT : ThisModule
+-- RETURN : Sequence(DSLModel!Role)
+helper def: propertyRoles() : Sequence(DSLModel!Role) =
+ let a : Sequence(DSLModel!Role) =
+ DSLModel!ModelElement.allInstances()->iterate(e ;
+ acc:Sequence(DSLModel!Role)=Sequence{} |
+ if ( e.getReferences().size() > 0)
+ then acc -> including(e.getReferences())
+ else acc
+ endif )in a->flatten();
+-- This helper creates a Sequence of DSLModel!Role. It collects all last roles from element links
+-- A last role from an ElementLink corresponds to a reference for the context
+-- CONTEXT : DSLModel!ModelElement
+-- RETURN : Sequence(DSLModel!Role)
+helper context DSLModel!ModelElement def: getLastRole() : Sequence(DSLModel!Role) =
+ self.referencelinks->iterate(e;acc:Sequence(DSLModel!Role) = Sequence{} |
+ acc -> including(e.roles->last()));
+-- This helper test if a DSL Relationship is a ModelElement's ParentLink
+-- CONTEXT : DSL!Relationship
+-- RETURN : Boolean
+helper context DSL!Role def : isParentLink() : Boolean =
+ let s : Sequence(DSLModel!ModelElement) = DSLModel!ModelElement.allInstances()->
+ select( a | a.oclIsTypeOf(DSLModel!ModelElement))->select(e | e.parentLink.size()>0 )
+ ->asSequence()
+ in s -> iterate(e;acc : Boolean = false |
+ if e.parentLink =
+ then if e.owner.type =
+ then if e.type =
+ then acc = acc and true
+ else acc
+ endif else acc
+ endif else acc
+ endif );
+-- This helper returns the role corresponding to the embedding link
+-- CONTEXT : DSLModel!EmbeddingLink
+-- RETURN : DSL!Role
+helper context DSLModel!EmbeddingLink def:getRole() : DSL!Role =
+ let a : DSL!Relationship =
+ DSL!Relationship.allInstances()
+ ->select( e | = )->first()
+ in a.roles->select( e | = self.owner.type )->first();
+-- RULES ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+rule Model {
+ from
+ dslm : DSLModel!Model
+ to
+ km : KM2!Model (
+ metamodel <- dslm.domainModel,
+ contents <-
+ Sequence{
+ dslm.contents->select(e | e.oclIsTypeOf(DSLModel!ModelElement) ),
+ dslm.contents
+ ->select(e | e.oclIsTypeOf(DSLModel!ModelElementLink) and
+ not
+ )
+ }
+ )
+rule ModelElement {
+ from
+ me : DSLModel!ModelElement (
+ me.oclIsTypeOf(DSLModel!ModelElement)
+ )
+ to
+ kme : KM2!ModelElement (
+ name <- me.type,
+ id <-,
+ properties <- Sequence {
+>asSequence(), -- Attributes
+ me.embeddinglinks->asSequence(), -- Compositions
+ me.getReferences() -- References
+ }
+ )
+-- This ModelElement corresponds to the KM3!Class created from a DSL!Relationship
+rule ModelElementLink {
+ from
+ mel : DSLModel!ModelElementLink (
+ not
+ )
+ to
+ kme : KM2!ModelElement (
+ name <- mel.type,
+ id <-,
+ properties <-
+ Sequence {
+-- mel.links.debug('roles')
+ }
+ )
+rule PropertySetFromEmbeddingLink {
+ from
+ p : DSLModel!EmbeddingLink (
+ p.getRole().max = 0 or p.getRole().max > 1
+ )
+ to
+ kp : KM2!Property (
+ name <- p.getRole().name,
+ value <- s
+ ),
+ s : KM2!SetVal (
+ contents <- e
+ ),
+ e : distinct KM2!ModelElementVal foreach( m in p.elements ) (
+ element <- m
+ )
+rule PropertyFromEmbeddingLink {
+ from
+ p : DSLModel!EmbeddingLink (
+ p.getRole().max = 1
+ )
+ to
+ kp : KM2!Property (
+ name <- p.getRole().name,
+ value <- e
+ ),
+ e : KM2!ModelElementVal (
+ element <- p.elements
+ )
+rule PropertySetFromDSLModelRole {
+ from
+ r : DSLModel!Role (
+ if thisModule.propertyRoles().includes(r)
+ then r.isMultiple()
+ else false
+ endif
+ )
+ using {
+ allroles : Sequence(DSLModel!Role) = r.owner.owner.getLastRole()->select(c | =;
+ }
+ to
+ p : KM2!Property (
+ name <-,
+ value <- s
+ ),
+ s : KM2!SetVal (
+ contents <- rol
+ ),
+ rol : distinct KM2!ModelElementRefVal foreach ( role in allroles ) (
+ element <- role.element
+ )
+rule PropertyFromDSLModelRole {
+ from
+ r : DSLModel!Role (
+ if thisModule.propertyRoles().includes(r)
+ then not r.isMultiple()
+ else false
+ endif
+ )
+ using {
+ role : DSLModel!Role = r.owner.owner.getLastRole()->select(c | =;
+ }
+ to
+ p : KM2!Property (
+ name <-,
+ value <- rol
+ ),
+ rol : KM2!ModelElementRefVal (
+ element <- role.element
+ )
+-- Rules to create Simple Properties ( Integer, Double, String, Boolean )
+rule StringProperty {
+ from
+ v : DSLModel!Property (
+ v.value.oclIsTypeOf(DSLModel!StringValue)
+ )
+ to
+ p : KM2!Property (
+ name <-,
+ value <- s
+ ),
+ s : KM2!StringVal (
+ value <- v.value.value
+ )
+rule IntegerProperty {
+ from
+ v : DSLModel!Property (
+ v.value.oclIsTypeOf(DSLModel!IntegerValue)
+ )
+ to
+ p : KM2!Property (
+ name <-,
+ value <- s
+ ),
+ s : KM2!IntegerVal (
+ value <- v.value.value
+ )
+rule BooleanProperty {
+ from
+ v : DSLModel!Property (
+ v.value.oclIsTypeOf(DSLModel!BooleanValue)
+ )
+ to
+ p : KM2!Property (
+ name <-,
+ value <- s
+ ),
+ s : KM2!BooleanVal (
+ value <- v.value.value
+ )
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/DSLModel2KM2.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/DSLModel2KM2.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23daa0f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/DSLModel2KM2.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/DSLModel2KM2.atl"/>
+<stringAttribute key="ATL VM" value="Regular VM (with debugger)"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="AllowInterModelReferences" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Input">
+<mapEntry key="IN2" value="DSL"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN1" value="DSLModel"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="Mode Debug" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Model Handler">
+<mapEntry key="KM2" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="DSLModel" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="DSL" value="EMF"/>
+<mapAttribute key="ModelType">
+<mapEntry key="IN2" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN1" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="KM2" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="DSLModel" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="DSL" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Output">
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="KM2"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="IN2" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/SimpleExampleMM-DSL.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN1" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/SimpleExampleM-DSLModel.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="KM2" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/KM2.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="DSLModel" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/DSLModel.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="DSL" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/DSL.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/SimpleExampleM-KM2.ecore"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.vm.tests"/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/SimpleExampleM-DSLModel.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/SimpleExampleM-DSLModel.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ea280f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/SimpleExampleM-DSLModel.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<Model xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns="DSLModel" domainModel="SimpleExample">
+ <contents type="ConceptA" id="d86d3730-d7a0-481b-bdc2-dab72146d013">
+ <embeddinglinks name="AHasBs">
+ <elements type="ConceptB" id="30477d0b-eb6d-4f53-b4cd-ed58abf5dafb">
+ <referencelinks type="BReferencesC" id="fbc8511b-c72b-4554-8888-23ca67b58e33"
+ modelElement="//@contents.1">
+ <roles name="ReferringBs" element="//@contents.0/@embeddinglinks.0/@elements.0"/>
+ <roles name="ReferencedC" element="//@contents.0/@embeddinglinks.1/@elements.0"/>
+ </referencelinks>
+ </elements>
+ <elements type="ConceptB" id="5b91bf49-4f2e-44fb-acdf-76c393b91f3e">
+ <referencelinks type="BReferencesC" id="c36ad301-9625-45ab-bba7-93cbec173cd6"
+ modelElement="//@contents.2">
+ <roles name="ReferringBs" element="//@contents.0/@embeddinglinks.0/@elements.1"/>
+ <roles name="ReferencedC" element="//@contents.0/@embeddinglinks.1/@elements.0"/>
+ </referencelinks>
+ </elements>
+ </embeddinglinks>
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+ <elements type="ConceptC" id="1b07f1f7-fbc7-42e8-a827-f28a6d4e172c">
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+ modelElement="//@contents.1">
+ <roles name="ReferencedC" element="//@contents.0/@embeddinglinks.1/@elements.0"/>
+ <roles name="ReferringBs" element="//@contents.0/@embeddinglinks.0/@elements.0"/>
+ </referencelinks>
+ <referencelinks type="BReferencesC" id="c36ad301-9625-45ab-bba7-93cbec173cd6"
+ modelElement="//@contents.2">
+ <roles name="ReferencedC" element="//@contents.0/@embeddinglinks.1/@elements.0"/>
+ <roles name="ReferringBs" element="//@contents.0/@embeddinglinks.0/@elements.1"/>
+ </referencelinks>
+ </elements>
+ </embeddinglinks>
+ </contents>
+ <contents xsi:type="ModelElementLink" type="BReferencesC" id="fbc8511b-c72b-4554-8888-23ca67b58e33"
+ links="//@contents.0/@embeddinglinks.0/@elements.0/@referencelinks.0 //@contents.0/@embeddinglinks.1/@elements.0/@referencelinks.0">
+ <properties name="Property">
+ <value xsi:type="StringValue" value=""/>
+ </properties>
+ </contents>
+ <contents xsi:type="ModelElementLink" type="BReferencesC" id="c36ad301-9625-45ab-bba7-93cbec173cd6"
+ links="//@contents.0/@embeddinglinks.0/@elements.1/@referencelinks.0 //@contents.0/@embeddinglinks.1/@elements.0/@referencelinks.1">
+ <properties name="Property">
+ <value xsi:type="StringValue" value=""/>
+ </properties>
+ </contents>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/SimpleExampleMM-DSL.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/SimpleExampleMM-DSL.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc81146a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/DSLModel2KM2/SimpleExampleMM-DSL.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<DomainModel xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns="DSL" name="SimpleExample"
+ identity="14141e04-a097-496d-b2ab-d343fac336fa" namespace="Example.SimpleExample.DomainModel"
+ isLoaded="true">
+ <classifiers xsi:type="Class" name="ConceptA" identity="970b23f8-232f-4b27-a560-ee5289ba87aa"
+ namespace="Example.SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true"/>
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+ namespace="Example.SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true"/>
+ <classifiers xsi:type="Class" name="ConceptC" identity="0fe218f6-ea4f-4547-a390-e5e069524ae9"
+ namespace="Example.SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true"/>
+ <classifiers xsi:type="Relationship" name="AHasBs" identity="d8f2f19e-0412-4223-b256-8b8fc893c8f1"
+ namespace="Example.SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true" isEmbedding="true">
+ <roles name="Bs" identity="ebf7e8de-cb84-4252-8cff-7d10dc227b69" min="0" max="0"
+ isUnbounded="true" accepts="all" isOrdered="true" source="//@classifiers.0"
+ type="//@classifiers.1"/>
+ <roles name="ConceptA" identity="5d44ccd3-6872-4643-b57e-9105dde5e1e9" min="1"
+ max="1" accepts="none" isOrdered="true" source="//@classifiers.1" type="//@classifiers.0"/>
+ </classifiers>
+ <classifiers xsi:type="Relationship" name="AHasCs" identity="f9434de9-8d47-43a9-9fab-980bfb1e7ac1"
+ namespace="Example.SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true" isEmbedding="true">
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+ isUnbounded="true" accepts="all" isOrdered="true" source="//@classifiers.0"
+ type="//@classifiers.2"/>
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+ max="1" accepts="none" isOrdered="true" source="//@classifiers.2" type="//@classifiers.0"/>
+ </classifiers>
+ <classifiers xsi:type="Relationship" name="BReferencesC" identity="b15bde10-1034-46be-aa69-de99c2b260a0"
+ namespace="Example.SimpleExample.DomainModel" isLoaded="true">
+ <properties name="Property" identity="0a5a593f-f166-4da2-b85b-69549c8b24fb" type="//@types.0"/>
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+ max="1" accepts="none" isOrdered="true" source="//@classifiers.1" type="//@classifiers.2"/>
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+ max="0" isUnbounded="true" accepts="none" isOrdered="true" source="//@classifiers.2"
+ type="//@classifiers.1"/>
+ </classifiers>
+ <types xsi:type="SimpleType" name="String"/>
+ <types xsi:type="SimpleType" name="Integer"/>
+ <types xsi:type="SimpleType" name="Boolean"/>
+ <types xsi:type="SimpleType" name="Double"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/KM32ATL_KM22MM.asm b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/KM32ATL_KM22MM.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b2cbecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/KM32ATL_KM22MM.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,2555 @@
+<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ?>
+<asm name="0">
+ <cp>
+ <constant value="KM32ATL_KM22MM"/>
+ <constant value="links"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;"/>
+ <constant value="col"/>
+ <constant value="J;"/>
+ <constant value="metamodel"/>
+ <constant value="MKM3!Metamodel;"/>
+ <constant value="km3PackageName"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="usedReferences"/>
+ <constant value="QMKM3!Reference;"/>
+ <constant value="main"/>
+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="0"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
+ <constant value="J.setName(S):V"/>
+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initmetamodel():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initkm3PackageName():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initusedReferences():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="__initmetamodel"/>
+ <constant value="Metamodel"/>
+ <constant value="KM3"/>
+ <constant value="J.allInstances():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.asSequence():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.first():J"/>
+ <constant value="11:41-11:54"/>
+ <constant value="11:41-11:69"/>
+ <constant value="11:41-11:83"/>
+ <constant value="11:41-11:92"/>
+ <constant value="__initkm3PackageName"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
+ <constant value="Package"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="PrimitiveTypes"/>
+ <constant value="J.&lt;&gt;(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="B.not():B"/>
+ <constant value="18"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.including(J):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="17:2-17:13"/>
+ <constant value="17:2-17:28"/>
+ <constant value="17:42-17:43"/>
+ <constant value="17:42-17:48"/>
+ <constant value="17:52-17:68"/>
+ <constant value="17:42-17:68"/>
+ <constant value="17:2-17:70"/>
+ <constant value="17:2-17:79"/>
+ <constant value="17:2-17:84"/>
+ <constant value="e"/>
+ <constant value="__initusedReferences"/>
+ <constant value="Reference"/>
+ <constant value="2"/>
+ <constant value="opposite"/>
+ <constant value="J.includes(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="53"/>
+ <constant value="isOrdered"/>
+ <constant value="isContainer"/>
+ <constant value="J.and(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="51"/>
+ <constant value="upper"/>
+ <constant value="J.-(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.=(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.&gt;(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.or(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="47"/>
+ <constant value="43"/>
+ <constant value="46"/>
+ <constant value="J.including(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="50"/>
+ <constant value="52"/>
+ <constant value="54"/>
+ <constant value="31:74-31:84"/>
+ <constant value="31:42-31:84"/>
+ <constant value="31:2-31:15"/>
+ <constant value="31:2-31:30"/>
+ <constant value="32:6-32:9"/>
+ <constant value="32:20-32:21"/>
+ <constant value="32:20-32:30"/>
+ <constant value="32:6-32:31"/>
+ <constant value="34:12-34:13"/>
+ <constant value="34:12-34:23"/>
+ <constant value="34:28-34:29"/>
+ <constant value="34:28-34:38"/>
+ <constant value="34:28-34:50"/>
+ <constant value="34:12-34:50"/>
+ <constant value="36:14-36:15"/>
+ <constant value="36:14-36:25"/>
+ <constant value="36:31-36:32"/>
+ <constant value="36:31-36:38"/>
+ <constant value="36:41-36:42"/>
+ <constant value="36:43-36:44"/>
+ <constant value="36:41-36:44"/>
+ <constant value="36:31-36:44"/>
+ <constant value="36:48-36:49"/>
+ <constant value="36:48-36:55"/>
+ <constant value="36:58-36:59"/>
+ <constant value="36:48-36:59"/>
+ <constant value="36:31-36:59"/>
+ <constant value="36:14-36:60"/>
+ <constant value="38:16-38:17"/>
+ <constant value="38:16-38:29"/>
+ <constant value="40:15-40:18"/>
+ <constant value="39:15-39:18"/>
+ <constant value="39:30-39:31"/>
+ <constant value="39:15-39:32"/>
+ <constant value="38:13-41:14"/>
+ <constant value="37:13-37:16"/>
+ <constant value="37:28-37:29"/>
+ <constant value="37:13-37:30"/>
+ <constant value="36:11-42:12"/>
+ <constant value="35:11-35:14"/>
+ <constant value="34:9-43:10"/>
+ <constant value="33:9-33:12"/>
+ <constant value="32:3-44:8"/>
+ <constant value="31:2-44:10"/>
+ <constant value="acc"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchMetamodel():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchClass():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAttribute():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchReferenceMultiple():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchReference():V"/>
+ <constant value="__matchMetamodel"/>
+ <constant value="IN"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.union(CJ):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="67"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="m"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="t"/>
+ <constant value="Module"/>
+ <constant value="ATL"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="sm"/>
+ <constant value="OclModel"/>
+ <constant value="tm"/>
+ <constant value="mm1"/>
+ <constant value="mm2"/>
+ <constant value="lib"/>
+ <constant value="LibraryRef"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="68:7-68:17"/>
+ <constant value="81:8-81:20"/>
+ <constant value="85:8-85:20"/>
+ <constant value="89:9-89:21"/>
+ <constant value="92:9-92:21"/>
+ <constant value="95:9-95:23"/>
+ <constant value="__matchClass"/>
+ <constant value="Class"/>
+ <constant value="package"/>
+ <constant value="150"/>
+ <constant value="c"/>
+ <constant value="allSfs"/>
+ <constant value="J.allStructuralFeatures():J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addVariable(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="allRefs"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsTypeOf(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="58"/>
+ <constant value="allAttr"/>
+ <constant value="4"/>
+ <constant value="Attribute"/>
+ <constant value="79"/>
+ <constant value="atl"/>
+ <constant value="MatchedRule"/>
+ <constant value="inPat"/>
+ <constant value="InPattern"/>
+ <constant value="oc"/>
+ <constant value="OperatorCallExp"/>
+ <constant value="noac"/>
+ <constant value="NavigationOrAttributeCallExp"/>
+ <constant value="fv"/>
+ <constant value="VariableExp"/>
+ <constant value="s"/>
+ <constant value="StringExp"/>
+ <constant value="elementin"/>
+ <constant value="SimpleInPatternElement"/>
+ <constant value="intype"/>
+ <constant value="OclModelElement"/>
+ <constant value="outPat"/>
+ <constant value="OutPattern"/>
+ <constant value="elementout"/>
+ <constant value="SimpleOutPatternElement"/>
+ <constant value="outtype"/>
+ <constant value="104:4-104:5"/>
+ <constant value="104:4-104:13"/>
+ <constant value="104:4-104:18"/>
+ <constant value="104:22-104:38"/>
+ <constant value="104:4-104:38"/>
+ <constant value="107:41-107:42"/>
+ <constant value="107:41-107:66"/>
+ <constant value="108:35-108:41"/>
+ <constant value="108:54-108:55"/>
+ <constant value="108:68-108:81"/>
+ <constant value="108:54-108:82"/>
+ <constant value="108:35-108:84"/>
+ <constant value="109:35-109:41"/>
+ <constant value="109:54-109:55"/>
+ <constant value="109:68-109:81"/>
+ <constant value="109:54-109:82"/>
+ <constant value="109:35-109:84"/>
+ <constant value="112:9-112:24"/>
+ <constant value="120:11-120:24"/>
+ <constant value="125:8-125:27"/>
+ <constant value="130:10-130:42"/>
+ <constant value="134:8-134:23"/>
+ <constant value="138:7-138:20"/>
+ <constant value="142:15-142:41"/>
+ <constant value="147:12-147:31"/>
+ <constant value="153:12-153:26"/>
+ <constant value="156:16-156:43"/>
+ <constant value="165:13-165:32"/>
+ <constant value="__matchAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="55"/>
+ <constant value="a"/>
+ <constant value="b"/>
+ <constant value="Binding"/>
+ <constant value="OperationCallExp"/>
+ <constant value="175:7-175:18"/>
+ <constant value="179:8-179:28"/>
+ <constant value="184:8-184:23"/>
+ <constant value="188:7-188:20"/>
+ <constant value="__matchReferenceMultiple"/>
+ <constant value="65"/>
+ <constant value="ReferenceMultiple"/>
+ <constant value="r"/>
+ <constant value="196:4-196:14"/>
+ <constant value="196:4-196:29"/>
+ <constant value="196:40-196:41"/>
+ <constant value="196:4-196:42"/>
+ <constant value="196:47-196:48"/>
+ <constant value="196:47-196:54"/>
+ <constant value="196:57-196:58"/>
+ <constant value="196:59-196:60"/>
+ <constant value="196:57-196:60"/>
+ <constant value="196:47-196:60"/>
+ <constant value="196:4-196:60"/>
+ <constant value="199:7-199:18"/>
+ <constant value="203:8-203:28"/>
+ <constant value="208:8-208:23"/>
+ <constant value="212:7-212:20"/>
+ <constant value="__matchReference"/>
+ <constant value="J.not():J"/>
+ <constant value="66"/>
+ <constant value="220:4-220:14"/>
+ <constant value="220:4-220:29"/>
+ <constant value="220:40-220:41"/>
+ <constant value="220:4-220:42"/>
+ <constant value="220:52-220:53"/>
+ <constant value="220:52-220:59"/>
+ <constant value="220:62-220:63"/>
+ <constant value="220:64-220:65"/>
+ <constant value="220:62-220:65"/>
+ <constant value="220:52-220:65"/>
+ <constant value="220:47-220:66"/>
+ <constant value="220:4-220:66"/>
+ <constant value="223:7-223:18"/>
+ <constant value="227:8-227:28"/>
+ <constant value="232:8-232:23"/>
+ <constant value="236:7-236:20"/>
+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="J"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):B"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinkBySourceElement(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="15"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetFromSource(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="30"/>
+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.including(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="value"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyMetamodel(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyClass(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAttribute(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyReferenceMultiple(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyReference(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="allStructuralFeatures"/>
+ <constant value="MKM3!Class;"/>
+ <constant value="structuralFeatures"/>
+ <constant value="supertypes"/>
+ <constant value="J.union(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="25:3-25:7"/>
+ <constant value="25:3-25:26"/>
+ <constant value="24:30-25:26"/>
+ <constant value="24:2-24:6"/>
+ <constant value="24:2-24:17"/>
+ <constant value="25:29-25:32"/>
+ <constant value="25:40-25:41"/>
+ <constant value="25:40-25:65"/>
+ <constant value="25:29-25:66"/>
+ <constant value="24:2-25:68"/>
+ <constant value="getOperationName"/>
+ <constant value="MKM3!Attribute;"/>
+ <constant value="type"/>
+ <constant value="String"/>
+ <constant value="24"/>
+ <constant value="Integer"/>
+ <constant value="22"/>
+ <constant value="Boolean"/>
+ <constant value="20"/>
+ <constant value=""/>
+ <constant value="21"/>
+ <constant value="getBooleanProperty"/>
+ <constant value="23"/>
+ <constant value="getIntegerProperty"/>
+ <constant value="25"/>
+ <constant value="getStringProperty"/>
+ <constant value="50:5-50:9"/>
+ <constant value="50:5-50:14"/>
+ <constant value="50:5-50:19"/>
+ <constant value="50:22-50:30"/>
+ <constant value="50:5-50:30"/>
+ <constant value="52:11-52:15"/>
+ <constant value="52:11-52:20"/>
+ <constant value="52:11-52:25"/>
+ <constant value="52:28-52:37"/>
+ <constant value="52:11-52:37"/>
+ <constant value="54:13-54:17"/>
+ <constant value="54:13-54:22"/>
+ <constant value="54:13-54:27"/>
+ <constant value="54:30-54:39"/>
+ <constant value="54:13-54:39"/>
+ <constant value="56:12-56:14"/>
+ <constant value="55:12-55:32"/>
+ <constant value="54:10-57:12"/>
+ <constant value="53:10-53:30"/>
+ <constant value="52:8-58:10"/>
+ <constant value="51:8-51:27"/>
+ <constant value="50:2-59:7"/>
+ <constant value="__applyMetamodel"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="5"/>
+ <constant value="6"/>
+ <constant value="7"/>
+ <constant value="8"/>
+ <constant value="KM22"/>
+ <constant value="J.+(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="outModels"/>
+ <constant value="inModels"/>
+ <constant value="9"/>
+ <constant value="70"/>
+ <constant value="elements"/>
+ <constant value="libraries"/>
+ <constant value="isRefining"/>
+ <constant value="OUT"/>
+ <constant value="KM2"/>
+ <constant value="KM2Tools"/>
+ <constant value="unit"/>
+ <constant value="69:12-69:18"/>
+ <constant value="69:21-69:31"/>
+ <constant value="69:21-69:46"/>
+ <constant value="69:12-69:46"/>
+ <constant value="69:4-69:46"/>
+ <constant value="70:17-70:19"/>
+ <constant value="70:4-70:19"/>
+ <constant value="71:16-71:18"/>
+ <constant value="71:4-71:18"/>
+ <constant value="74:6-74:15"/>
+ <constant value="74:6-74:30"/>
+ <constant value="75:20-75:21"/>
+ <constant value="75:20-75:29"/>
+ <constant value="75:20-75:34"/>
+ <constant value="75:38-75:54"/>
+ <constant value="75:20-75:54"/>
+ <constant value="74:6-75:55"/>
+ <constant value="74:6-76:21"/>
+ <constant value="73:5-77:6"/>
+ <constant value="72:4-77:6"/>
+ <constant value="78:26-78:29"/>
+ <constant value="78:17-78:30"/>
+ <constant value="78:4-78:30"/>
+ <constant value="79:18-79:23"/>
+ <constant value="79:4-79:23"/>
+ <constant value="82:12-82:16"/>
+ <constant value="82:4-82:16"/>
+ <constant value="83:17-83:20"/>
+ <constant value="83:4-83:20"/>
+ <constant value="86:12-86:17"/>
+ <constant value="86:4-86:17"/>
+ <constant value="87:17-87:20"/>
+ <constant value="87:4-87:20"/>
+ <constant value="90:12-90:17"/>
+ <constant value="90:4-90:17"/>
+ <constant value="93:12-93:22"/>
+ <constant value="93:12-93:37"/>
+ <constant value="93:4-93:37"/>
+ <constant value="96:12-96:22"/>
+ <constant value="96:4-96:22"/>
+ <constant value="97:12-97:13"/>
+ <constant value="97:4-97:13"/>
+ <constant value="link"/>
+ <constant value="__applyClass"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getVariable(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="10"/>
+ <constant value="11"/>
+ <constant value="12"/>
+ <constant value="13"/>
+ <constant value="14"/>
+ <constant value="16"/>
+ <constant value="inPattern"/>
+ <constant value="outPattern"/>
+ <constant value="isAbstract"/>
+ <constant value="filter"/>
+ <constant value="="/>
+ <constant value="operationName"/>
+ <constant value="source"/>
+ <constant value="arguments"/>
+ <constant value="me"/>
+ <constant value="referredVariable"/>
+ <constant value="stringSymbol"/>
+ <constant value="me0"/>
+ <constant value="id"/>
+ <constant value="varName"/>
+ <constant value="ModelElement"/>
+ <constant value="J.resolveTemp(JJ):J"/>
+ <constant value="model"/>
+ <constant value="223"/>
+ <constant value="bindings"/>
+ <constant value="113:12-113:13"/>
+ <constant value="113:12-113:18"/>
+ <constant value="113:4-113:18"/>
+ <constant value="114:17-114:22"/>
+ <constant value="114:4-114:22"/>
+ <constant value="115:18-115:24"/>
+ <constant value="115:4-115:24"/>
+ <constant value="116:18-116:23"/>
+ <constant value="116:4-116:23"/>
+ <constant value="117:18-117:23"/>
+ <constant value="117:4-117:23"/>
+ <constant value="121:16-121:25"/>
+ <constant value="121:4-121:25"/>
+ <constant value="122:14-122:16"/>
+ <constant value="122:4-122:16"/>
+ <constant value="126:21-126:24"/>
+ <constant value="126:4-126:24"/>
+ <constant value="127:14-127:18"/>
+ <constant value="127:4-127:18"/>
+ <constant value="128:26-128:27"/>
+ <constant value="128:17-128:28"/>
+ <constant value="128:4-128:28"/>
+ <constant value="131:12-131:18"/>
+ <constant value="131:4-131:18"/>
+ <constant value="132:13-132:15"/>
+ <constant value="132:4-132:15"/>
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+ <constant value="135:4-135:16"/>
+ <constant value="136:24-136:33"/>
+ <constant value="136:4-136:33"/>
+ <constant value="139:20-139:21"/>
+ <constant value="139:20-139:26"/>
+ <constant value="139:4-139:26"/>
+ <constant value="143:10-143:15"/>
+ <constant value="143:4-143:15"/>
+ <constant value="144:15-144:19"/>
+ <constant value="144:4-144:19"/>
+ <constant value="145:12-145:18"/>
+ <constant value="145:4-145:18"/>
+ <constant value="148:12-148:26"/>
+ <constant value="148:4-148:26"/>
+ <constant value="149:13-149:23"/>
+ <constant value="149:36-149:46"/>
+ <constant value="149:36-149:56"/>
+ <constant value="149:57-149:62"/>
+ <constant value="149:13-149:63"/>
+ <constant value="149:4-149:63"/>
+ <constant value="154:16-154:26"/>
+ <constant value="154:4-154:26"/>
+ <constant value="157:15-157:18"/>
+ <constant value="157:4-157:18"/>
+ <constant value="158:12-158:19"/>
+ <constant value="158:4-158:19"/>
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+ <constant value="161:26-161:36"/>
+ <constant value="161:26-161:51"/>
+ <constant value="161:62-161:63"/>
+ <constant value="161:26-161:64"/>
+ <constant value="161:6-161:65"/>
+ <constant value="162:6-162:13"/>
+ <constant value="160:5-163:6"/>
+ <constant value="159:4-163:6"/>
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+ <constant value="166:12-166:18"/>
+ <constant value="166:4-166:18"/>
+ <constant value="167:13-167:23"/>
+ <constant value="167:36-167:46"/>
+ <constant value="167:36-167:56"/>
+ <constant value="167:57-167:62"/>
+ <constant value="167:13-167:63"/>
+ <constant value="167:4-167:63"/>
+ <constant value="__applyAttribute"/>
+ <constant value="propertyName"/>
+ <constant value="J.getOperationName():J"/>
+ <constant value="owner"/>
+ <constant value="176:20-176:21"/>
+ <constant value="176:20-176:26"/>
+ <constant value="176:4-176:26"/>
+ <constant value="177:13-177:15"/>
+ <constant value="177:4-177:15"/>
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+ <constant value="180:21-180:41"/>
+ <constant value="180:4-180:41"/>
+ <constant value="181:14-181:16"/>
+ <constant value="181:4-181:16"/>
+ <constant value="182:27-182:28"/>
+ <constant value="182:17-182:29"/>
+ <constant value="182:4-182:29"/>
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+ <constant value="185:4-185:16"/>
+ <constant value="186:24-186:34"/>
+ <constant value="186:47-186:48"/>
+ <constant value="186:47-186:54"/>
+ <constant value="186:55-186:66"/>
+ <constant value="186:24-186:67"/>
+ <constant value="186:4-186:67"/>
+ <constant value="189:20-189:21"/>
+ <constant value="189:20-189:26"/>
+ <constant value="189:4-189:26"/>
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+ <constant value="42"/>
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+ <constant value="200:20-200:21"/>
+ <constant value="200:20-200:26"/>
+ <constant value="200:4-200:26"/>
+ <constant value="201:13-201:15"/>
+ <constant value="201:4-201:15"/>
+ <constant value="204:24-204:25"/>
+ <constant value="204:24-204:37"/>
+ <constant value="204:57-204:68"/>
+ <constant value="204:43-204:51"/>
+ <constant value="204:21-204:74"/>
+ <constant value="204:4-204:74"/>
+ <constant value="205:14-205:16"/>
+ <constant value="205:4-205:16"/>
+ <constant value="206:27-206:28"/>
+ <constant value="206:17-206:29"/>
+ <constant value="206:4-206:29"/>
+ <constant value="209:12-209:16"/>
+ <constant value="209:4-209:16"/>
+ <constant value="210:24-210:34"/>
+ <constant value="210:47-210:48"/>
+ <constant value="210:47-210:54"/>
+ <constant value="210:55-210:66"/>
+ <constant value="210:24-210:67"/>
+ <constant value="210:4-210:67"/>
+ <constant value="213:20-213:21"/>
+ <constant value="213:20-213:26"/>
+ <constant value="213:4-213:26"/>
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+ <constant value="224:20-224:21"/>
+ <constant value="224:20-224:26"/>
+ <constant value="224:4-224:26"/>
+ <constant value="225:13-225:15"/>
+ <constant value="225:4-225:15"/>
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+ <constant value="228:4-228:26"/>
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+ <constant value="229:4-229:16"/>
+ <constant value="230:27-230:28"/>
+ <constant value="230:17-230:29"/>
+ <constant value="230:4-230:29"/>
+ <constant value="233:12-233:16"/>
+ <constant value="233:4-233:16"/>
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+ <constant value="234:47-234:54"/>
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+ <constant value="234:24-234:67"/>
+ <constant value="234:4-234:67"/>
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+ <load arg="13"/>
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+ <call arg="25"/>
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+ <load arg="60"/>
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+ <goto arg="79"/>
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+ <push arg="142"/>
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+ <lne id="576" begin="34" end="38"/>
+ <lne id="577" begin="41" end="41"/>
+ <lne id="578" begin="39" end="43"/>
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+ <lne id="586" begin="63" end="64"/>
+ <lne id="587" begin="65" end="65"/>
+ <lne id="588" begin="62" end="66"/>
+ <lne id="589" begin="60" end="68"/>
+ <lne id="590" begin="73" end="73"/>
+ <lne id="591" begin="73" end="74"/>
+ <lne id="592" begin="71" end="76"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="236" begin="3" end="77"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="226" begin="7" end="77"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="178" begin="11" end="77"/>
+ <lve slot="5" name="182" begin="15" end="77"/>
+ <lve slot="6" name="184" begin="19" end="77"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="27" begin="0" end="77"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="409" begin="0" end="77"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/KM32ATL_KM22MM.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/KM32ATL_KM22MM.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9491747
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/KM32ATL_KM22MM.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+module KM32ATL_KM22MM;
+create OUT : ATL from IN : KM3;
+-- HELPERS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- This helper contains KM3!Metamodel
+-- CONTEXT: ThisModule
+-- RETURN: KM3!Metamodel
+helper def: metamodel : KM3!Metamodel = KM3!Metamodel.allInstances()->asSequence()->first();
+-- This helper contains the name of the KM3!Package that is not PrimitiveTypes package
+-- CONTEXT: ThisModule
+-- RETURN: String
+helper def: km3PackageName : String =
+ KM3!Package.allInstances()->select( e | <> 'PrimitiveTypes' )->first().name;
+-- This helper returns a Set that contains all structural features of a KM3!Class
+-- including those in its supertypes
+-- CONTEXT: KM3!Class
+-- RETURN: Set(KM3!StructuralFeature)
+helper context KM3!Class def: allStructuralFeatures() : Set(KM3!StructuralFeature) =
+ self.supertypes->iterate(e; acc : Set(KM3!StructuralFeature) =
+ self.structuralFeatures | acc->union(e.allStructuralFeatures()) );
+-- This helper returns a Sequence of KM3!Reference without their opposite
+-- CONTEXT: ThisModule
+-- RETURN: Sequence(KM3!Reference)
+helper def: usedReferences : Sequence(KM3!Reference) =
+ KM3!Reference.allInstances()->iterate(e;acc : Sequence(KM3!Reference) = Sequence{} |
+ if acc->includes(e.opposite)
+ then acc
+ else if e.isOrdered and e.opposite.isContainer
+ then acc
+ else if e.isOrdered and (e.upper = 0-1 or e.upper > 1)
+ then acc->including(e)
+ else if e.isContainer
+ then acc->including(e)
+ else acc
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif );
+-- This helper returns the name of the corresponding helper in KM2Tools library
+-- CONTEXT: KM3!Attribute
+-- RETURN: String
+helper context KM3!Attribute def: getOperationName() : String =
+ if = 'String'
+ then 'getStringProperty'
+ else if = 'Integer'
+ then 'getIntegerProperty'
+ else if = 'Boolean'
+ then 'getBooleanProperty'
+ else ''
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif;
+-- RULES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+rule Metamodel {
+ from
+ m : KM3!Metamodel
+ to
+ t : ATL!Module (
+ name <- 'KM22' + thisModule.km3PackageName,
+ outModels <- tm,
+ inModels <- sm,
+ elements <-
+ Sequence{
+ KM3!Class.allInstances()
+ ->select(e | <> 'PrimitiveTypes')
+ ->asSequence()
+ },
+ libraries <- Sequence{lib},
+ isRefining <- false
+ ),
+ sm : ATL!OclModel (
+ name <- 'IN',
+ metamodel <- mm1
+ ),
+ tm : ATL!OclModel (
+ name <- 'OUT',
+ metamodel <- mm2
+ ),
+ mm1 : ATL!OclModel (
+ name <- 'KM2'
+ ),
+ mm2 : ATL!OclModel (
+ name <- thisModule.km3PackageName
+ ),
+ lib : ATL!LibraryRef (
+ name <- 'KM2Tools',
+ unit <- t
+ )
+rule Class {
+ from
+ c : KM3!Class (
+ <> 'PrimitiveTypes'
+ )
+ using {
+ allSfs : Set(KM3!StructuralFeature) = c.allStructuralFeatures();
+ allRefs : Set(KM3!Reference) = allSfs->select(e | e.oclIsTypeOf(KM3!Reference) );
+ allAttr : Set(KM3!Attribute) = allSfs->select(e | e.oclIsTypeOf(KM3!Attribute) );
+ }
+ to
+ atl : ATL!MatchedRule (
+ name <-,
+ inPattern <- inPat,
+ outPattern <- outPat,
+ isRefining <- false,
+ isAbstract <- false
+ ),
+ -- InPattern
+ inPat : ATL!InPattern (
+ elements <- elementin,
+ filter <- oc
+ ),
+ -- Filter
+ oc : ATL!OperatorCallExp (
+ operationName <- '=',
+ source <- noac,
+ arguments <- Sequence{s}
+ ),
+ noac : ATL!NavigationOrAttributeCallExp (
+ name <- 'name',
+ source <-fv
+ ),
+ fv : ATL!VariableExp (
+ name <- 'me',
+ referredVariable <- elementin
+ ),
+ s : ATL!StringExp (
+ stringSymbol <-
+ ),
+ elementin : ATL!SimpleInPatternElement(
+ id <- 'me0',
+ varName <- 'me',
+ type <- intype
+ ),
+ intype : ATL!OclModelElement (
+ name <- 'ModelElement',
+ model <- thisModule.resolveTemp(thisModule.metamodel,'mm1')
+ ),
+ -- OutPattern
+ outPat : ATL!OutPattern (
+ elements <- elementout
+ ),
+ elementout : ATL!SimpleOutPatternElement (
+ varName <- 'c',
+ type <- outtype,
+ bindings <-
+ Sequence{
+ allRefs->select(e | thisModule.usedReferences->includes(e)),
+ allAttr
+ }
+ ),
+ outtype : ATL!OclModelElement (
+ name <-,
+ model <- thisModule.resolveTemp(thisModule.metamodel,'mm2')
+ )
+rule Attribute {
+ from
+ a : KM3!Attribute
+ to
+ b : ATL!Binding (
+ propertyName <-,
+ value <- oc
+ ),
+ oc : ATL!OperationCallExp (
+ operationName <- a.getOperationName(),
+ source <- fv,
+ arguments <- Sequence {s}
+ ),
+ fv : ATL!VariableExp (
+ name <- 'me',
+ referredVariable <- thisModule.resolveTemp(a.owner,'elementin')
+ ),
+ s : ATL!StringExp (
+ stringSymbol <-
+ )
+rule ReferenceMultiple {
+ from
+ r : KM3!Reference (
+ thisModule.usedReferences->includes(r) and r.upper = 0-1
+ )
+ to
+ b : ATL!Binding (
+ propertyName <-,
+ value <- oc
+ ),
+ oc : ATL!OperationCallExp (
+ operationName <- if r.isContainer then 'getSet' else 'getRefSet' endif,
+ source <- fv,
+ arguments <- Sequence {s}
+ ),
+ fv : ATL!VariableExp (
+ name <- 'me',
+ referredVariable <- thisModule.resolveTemp(r.owner,'elementin')
+ ),
+ s : ATL!StringExp (
+ stringSymbol <-
+ )
+rule Reference {
+ from
+ r : KM3!Reference (
+ thisModule.usedReferences->includes(r) and not (r.upper = 0-1)
+ )
+ to
+ b : ATL!Binding (
+ propertyName <-,
+ value <- oc
+ ),
+ oc : ATL!OperationCallExp (
+ operationName <- 'get',
+ source <- fv,
+ arguments <- Sequence {s}
+ ),
+ fv : ATL!VariableExp (
+ name <- 'me',
+ referredVariable <- thisModule.resolveTemp(r.owner,'elementin')
+ ),
+ s : ATL!StringExp (
+ stringSymbol <-
+ )
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/KM32ATL_KM22MM.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/KM32ATL_KM22MM.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4814e62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/KM32ATL_KM22MM.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
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+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/KM32ATL_KM22MM.atl"/>
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+<mapEntry key="IN" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/SimpleExampleMM-KM3-2.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="KM3" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/KM3.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/ATL-KM22SimpleExample.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="ATL" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ATL-0.2.ecore"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.vm.tests"/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/SimpleExampleMM-KM3-2.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/SimpleExampleMM-KM3-2.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b90f44f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/KM32ATL_KM22MM/SimpleExampleMM-KM3-2.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/XML2DSLModel/SimpleExampleM-XML.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/XML2DSLModel/SimpleExampleM-XML.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c49a6ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/XML2DSLModel/SimpleExampleM-XML.ecore
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+ <constant value="main"/>
+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="0"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
+ <constant value="J.setName(S):V"/>
+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initModelElementsById():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__initElementLinksById():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="__initModelElementsById"/>
+ <constant value="Map"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="Element"/>
+ <constant value="XML"/>
+ <constant value="J.allInstances():J"/>
+ <constant value="2"/>
+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="om:ModelElement"/>
+ <constant value="J.=(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="Id"/>
+ <constant value="J.hasAttr(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.and(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="22"/>
+ <constant value="28"/>
+ <constant value="J.getAttrVal(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.including(JJ):J"/>
+ <constant value="53:76-53:82"/>
+ <constant value="53:44-53:82"/>
+ <constant value="53:5-53:16"/>
+ <constant value="53:5-53:31"/>
+ <constant value="54:14-54:15"/>
+ <constant value="54:14-54:20"/>
+ <constant value="54:21-54:38"/>
+ <constant value="54:14-54:38"/>
+ <constant value="54:44-54:45"/>
+ <constant value="54:54-54:58"/>
+ <constant value="54:44-54:59"/>
+ <constant value="54:13-54:59"/>
+ <constant value="57:14-57:17"/>
+ <constant value="55:14-55:17"/>
+ <constant value="55:30-55:31"/>
+ <constant value="55:43-55:47"/>
+ <constant value="55:30-55:48"/>
+ <constant value="55:50-55:51"/>
+ <constant value="55:14-55:52"/>
+ <constant value="54:9-58:14"/>
+ <constant value="53:5-59:6"/>
+ <constant value="e"/>
+ <constant value="acc"/>
+ <constant value="__initElementLinksById"/>
+ <constant value="om:ElementLink"/>
+ <constant value="66:76-66:82"/>
+ <constant value="66:44-66:82"/>
+ <constant value="66:5-66:16"/>
+ <constant value="66:5-66:31"/>
+ <constant value="67:14-67:15"/>
+ <constant value="67:14-67:20"/>
+ <constant value="67:21-67:37"/>
+ <constant value="67:14-67:37"/>
+ <constant value="67:43-67:44"/>
+ <constant value="67:53-67:57"/>
+ <constant value="67:43-67:58"/>
+ <constant value="67:13-67:58"/>
+ <constant value="70:14-70:17"/>
+ <constant value="68:14-68:17"/>
+ <constant value="68:30-68:31"/>
+ <constant value="68:43-68:47"/>
+ <constant value="68:30-68:48"/>
+ <constant value="68:50-68:51"/>
+ <constant value="68:14-68:52"/>
+ <constant value="67:9-71:14"/>
+ <constant value="66:5-72:6"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchModel():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchModelElement():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchReferenceLink():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchModelElementLink():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchRole():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchStringProperty():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchBooleanProperty():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchIntegerProperty():V"/>
+ <constant value="__matchModel"/>
+ <constant value="Root"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
+ <constant value="IN1"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.union(CJ):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="IN2"/>
+ <constant value="B.not():B"/>
+ <constant value="42"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="Model"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="mm"/>
+ <constant value="DSLModel"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="180:8-180:22"/>
+ <constant value="__matchModelElement"/>
+ <constant value="27"/>
+ <constant value="44"/>
+ <constant value="J.elementToAvoid():J"/>
+ <constant value="43"/>
+ <constant value="J.isChildrenOf(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="41"/>
+ <constant value="J.isElementLink():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.not():J"/>
+ <constant value="95"/>
+ <constant value="ModelElement"/>
+ <constant value="allEmbeddingLinks"/>
+ <constant value="J.getParentLinks():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.asSet():J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addVariable(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="allchilds"/>
+ <constant value="J.SequenceOfSequence(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="me"/>
+ <constant value="p"/>
+ <constant value="EmbeddingLink"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.including(J):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="201:7-201:8"/>
+ <constant value="201:7-201:13"/>
+ <constant value="201:14-201:31"/>
+ <constant value="201:7-201:31"/>
+ <constant value="209:10-209:15"/>
+ <constant value="202:13-202:14"/>
+ <constant value="202:17-202:27"/>
+ <constant value="202:17-202:44"/>
+ <constant value="202:13-202:44"/>
+ <constant value="204:15-204:16"/>
+ <constant value="204:30-204:40"/>
+ <constant value="204:30-204:57"/>
+ <constant value="204:15-204:58"/>
+ <constant value="206:18-206:19"/>
+ <constant value="206:18-206:35"/>
+ <constant value="206:14-206:35"/>
+ <constant value="205:14-205:19"/>
+ <constant value="204:12-207:13"/>
+ <constant value="203:11-203:16"/>
+ <constant value="202:10-208:11"/>
+ <constant value="201:4-210:9"/>
+ <constant value="214:6-214:7"/>
+ <constant value="214:6-214:24"/>
+ <constant value="214:6-214:33"/>
+ <constant value="216:6-216:7"/>
+ <constant value="216:27-216:44"/>
+ <constant value="216:6-216:45"/>
+ <constant value="219:7-219:28"/>
+ <constant value="255:54-255:71"/>
+ <constant value="__matchReferenceLink"/>
+ <constant value="39"/>
+ <constant value="38"/>
+ <constant value="Type"/>
+ <constant value="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.SubjectHasPresentation"/>
+ <constant value="J.&lt;&gt;(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="60"/>
+ <constant value="ReferenceLink"/>
+ <constant value="el"/>
+ <constant value="264:8-264:9"/>
+ <constant value="264:8-264:14"/>
+ <constant value="264:15-264:31"/>
+ <constant value="264:8-264:31"/>
+ <constant value="269:10-269:15"/>
+ <constant value="265:14-265:15"/>
+ <constant value="265:29-265:39"/>
+ <constant value="265:29-265:56"/>
+ <constant value="265:14-265:57"/>
+ <constant value="267:11-267:12"/>
+ <constant value="267:24-267:30"/>
+ <constant value="267:11-267:31"/>
+ <constant value="267:35-267:91"/>
+ <constant value="267:11-267:91"/>
+ <constant value="266:11-266:16"/>
+ <constant value="265:11-268:10"/>
+ <constant value="264:5-270:9"/>
+ <constant value="273:8-273:30"/>
+ <constant value="__matchModelElementLink"/>
+ <constant value="40"/>
+ <constant value="64"/>
+ <constant value="ModelElementLink"/>
+ <constant value="284:7-284:8"/>
+ <constant value="284:7-284:13"/>
+ <constant value="284:14-284:31"/>
+ <constant value="284:7-284:31"/>
+ <constant value="292:10-292:15"/>
+ <constant value="285:13-285:14"/>
+ <constant value="285:17-285:27"/>
+ <constant value="285:17-285:44"/>
+ <constant value="285:13-285:44"/>
+ <constant value="287:15-287:16"/>
+ <constant value="287:30-287:40"/>
+ <constant value="287:30-287:57"/>
+ <constant value="287:15-287:58"/>
+ <constant value="289:14-289:15"/>
+ <constant value="289:14-289:31"/>
+ <constant value="288:14-288:19"/>
+ <constant value="287:12-290:13"/>
+ <constant value="286:11-286:16"/>
+ <constant value="285:10-291:11"/>
+ <constant value="284:4-293:9"/>
+ <constant value="296:8-296:33"/>
+ <constant value="__matchRole"/>
+ <constant value="om:Role"/>
+ <constant value="parent"/>
+ <constant value="36"/>
+ <constant value="65"/>
+ <constant value="Role"/>
+ <constant value="r"/>
+ <constant value="307:7-307:8"/>
+ <constant value="307:7-307:13"/>
+ <constant value="307:16-307:25"/>
+ <constant value="307:7-307:25"/>
+ <constant value="315:10-315:15"/>
+ <constant value="308:13-308:14"/>
+ <constant value="308:13-308:21"/>
+ <constant value="308:33-308:39"/>
+ <constant value="308:13-308:40"/>
+ <constant value="308:44-308:100"/>
+ <constant value="308:13-308:100"/>
+ <constant value="313:12-313:17"/>
+ <constant value="309:15-309:16"/>
+ <constant value="309:30-309:40"/>
+ <constant value="309:30-309:57"/>
+ <constant value="309:15-309:58"/>
+ <constant value="311:14-311:18"/>
+ <constant value="310:14-310:19"/>
+ <constant value="309:12-312:13"/>
+ <constant value="308:10-314:11"/>
+ <constant value="307:4-316:9"/>
+ <constant value="319:7-319:20"/>
+ <constant value="__matchStringProperty"/>
+ <constant value="om:Property"/>
+ <constant value="35"/>
+ <constant value="J.isString():J"/>
+ <constant value="71"/>
+ <constant value="StringProperty"/>
+ <constant value="Property"/>
+ <constant value="v"/>
+ <constant value="StringValue"/>
+ <constant value="329:6-329:7"/>
+ <constant value="329:6-329:12"/>
+ <constant value="329:13-329:26"/>
+ <constant value="329:6-329:26"/>
+ <constant value="337:9-337:14"/>
+ <constant value="330:13-330:14"/>
+ <constant value="330:13-330:21"/>
+ <constant value="330:13-330:26"/>
+ <constant value="330:27-330:44"/>
+ <constant value="330:13-330:44"/>
+ <constant value="335:11-335:16"/>
+ <constant value="331:14-331:15"/>
+ <constant value="331:29-331:39"/>
+ <constant value="331:29-331:56"/>
+ <constant value="331:14-331:57"/>
+ <constant value="333:13-333:14"/>
+ <constant value="333:13-333:25"/>
+ <constant value="332:13-332:18"/>
+ <constant value="331:11-334:12"/>
+ <constant value="330:10-336:10"/>
+ <constant value="329:3-338:8"/>
+ <constant value="341:6-341:23"/>
+ <constant value="345:6-345:26"/>
+ <constant value="__matchBooleanProperty"/>
+ <constant value="J.isBoolean():J"/>
+ <constant value="BooleanProperty"/>
+ <constant value="BooleanValue"/>
+ <constant value="353:6-353:7"/>
+ <constant value="353:6-353:12"/>
+ <constant value="353:13-353:26"/>
+ <constant value="353:6-353:26"/>
+ <constant value="361:9-361:14"/>
+ <constant value="354:13-354:14"/>
+ <constant value="354:13-354:21"/>
+ <constant value="354:13-354:26"/>
+ <constant value="354:27-354:44"/>
+ <constant value="354:13-354:44"/>
+ <constant value="359:11-359:16"/>
+ <constant value="355:14-355:15"/>
+ <constant value="355:29-355:39"/>
+ <constant value="355:29-355:56"/>
+ <constant value="355:14-355:57"/>
+ <constant value="357:13-357:14"/>
+ <constant value="357:13-357:26"/>
+ <constant value="356:13-356:18"/>
+ <constant value="355:11-358:12"/>
+ <constant value="354:10-360:10"/>
+ <constant value="353:3-362:8"/>
+ <constant value="365:6-365:23"/>
+ <constant value="369:6-369:27"/>
+ <constant value="__matchIntegerProperty"/>
+ <constant value="J.isInteger():J"/>
+ <constant value="IntegerProperty"/>
+ <constant value="IntegerValue"/>
+ <constant value="377:6-377:7"/>
+ <constant value="377:6-377:12"/>
+ <constant value="377:13-377:26"/>
+ <constant value="377:6-377:26"/>
+ <constant value="385:9-385:14"/>
+ <constant value="378:13-378:14"/>
+ <constant value="378:13-378:21"/>
+ <constant value="378:13-378:26"/>
+ <constant value="378:27-378:44"/>
+ <constant value="378:13-378:44"/>
+ <constant value="383:11-383:16"/>
+ <constant value="379:14-379:15"/>
+ <constant value="379:29-379:39"/>
+ <constant value="379:29-379:56"/>
+ <constant value="379:14-379:57"/>
+ <constant value="381:13-381:14"/>
+ <constant value="381:13-381:26"/>
+ <constant value="380:13-380:18"/>
+ <constant value="379:11-382:12"/>
+ <constant value="378:10-384:10"/>
+ <constant value="377:3-386:8"/>
+ <constant value="389:6-389:23"/>
+ <constant value="393:6-393:27"/>
+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="J"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):B"/>
+ <constant value="18"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinkBySourceElement(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="15"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetFromSource(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="30"/>
+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.including(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="value"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyModel(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyModelElement(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyReferenceLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyModelElementLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyRole(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyStringProperty(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyBooleanProperty(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyIntegerProperty(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="getDomainModelName"/>
+ <constant value="DomainModel"/>
+ <constant value="DSL"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsTypeOf(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.first():J"/>
+ <constant value="12:2-12:17"/>
+ <constant value="12:2-12:32"/>
+ <constant value="12:46-12:47"/>
+ <constant value="12:60-12:75"/>
+ <constant value="12:46-12:76"/>
+ <constant value="12:2-12:77"/>
+ <constant value="12:2-12:86"/>
+ <constant value="12:2-12:91"/>
+ <constant value="getNamespace"/>
+ <constant value="namespace"/>
+ <constant value="."/>
+ <constant value="J.+(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="17:41-17:56"/>
+ <constant value="17:41-17:71"/>
+ <constant value="17:85-17:86"/>
+ <constant value="17:99-17:114"/>
+ <constant value="17:85-17:115"/>
+ <constant value="17:41-17:116"/>
+ <constant value="17:41-17:125"/>
+ <constant value="17:41-17:135"/>
+ <constant value="17:136-17:139"/>
+ <constant value="17:41-17:139"/>
+ <constant value="subNamespace"/>
+ <constant value="J.getNamespace():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.size():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.substring(JJ):J"/>
+ <constant value="22:53-22:57"/>
+ <constant value="22:68-22:78"/>
+ <constant value="22:68-22:93"/>
+ <constant value="22:68-22:100"/>
+ <constant value="22:101-22:102"/>
+ <constant value="22:68-22:102"/>
+ <constant value="22:103-22:107"/>
+ <constant value="22:103-22:114"/>
+ <constant value="22:53-22:115"/>
+ <constant value="type"/>
+ <constant value="getAttrBool"/>
+ <constant value="MXML!Element;"/>
+ <constant value="children"/>
+ <constant value="Attribute"/>
+ <constant value="21"/>
+ <constant value="true"/>
+ <constant value="31"/>
+ <constant value="32"/>
+ <constant value="29:5-29:9"/>
+ <constant value="29:5-29:18"/>
+ <constant value="29:31-29:32"/>
+ <constant value="29:45-29:58"/>
+ <constant value="29:31-29:59"/>
+ <constant value="29:64-29:65"/>
+ <constant value="29:64-29:70"/>
+ <constant value="29:73-29:77"/>
+ <constant value="29:64-29:77"/>
+ <constant value="29:31-29:77"/>
+ <constant value="29:5-29:78"/>
+ <constant value="29:5-29:87"/>
+ <constant value="29:5-29:93"/>
+ <constant value="28:6-29:93"/>
+ <constant value="30:8-30:9"/>
+ <constant value="30:11-30:17"/>
+ <constant value="30:8-30:17"/>
+ <constant value="30:33-30:38"/>
+ <constant value="30:23-30:27"/>
+ <constant value="30:5-30:44"/>
+ <constant value="28:2-30:44"/>
+ <constant value="c"/>
+ <constant value="a"/>
+ <constant value="getAttrVal"/>
+ <constant value="36:2-36:6"/>
+ <constant value="36:2-36:15"/>
+ <constant value="36:28-36:29"/>
+ <constant value="36:42-36:55"/>
+ <constant value="36:28-36:56"/>
+ <constant value="36:61-36:62"/>
+ <constant value="36:61-36:67"/>
+ <constant value="36:70-36:74"/>
+ <constant value="36:61-36:74"/>
+ <constant value="36:28-36:74"/>
+ <constant value="36:2-36:75"/>
+ <constant value="36:2-36:84"/>
+ <constant value="36:2-36:90"/>
+ <constant value="hasAttr"/>
+ <constant value="43:2-43:6"/>
+ <constant value="43:2-43:15"/>
+ <constant value="43:29-43:30"/>
+ <constant value="43:43-43:56"/>
+ <constant value="43:29-43:57"/>
+ <constant value="43:62-43:63"/>
+ <constant value="43:62-43:68"/>
+ <constant value="43:71-43:75"/>
+ <constant value="43:62-43:75"/>
+ <constant value="43:29-43:75"/>
+ <constant value="43:2-43:77"/>
+ <constant value="43:2-43:86"/>
+ <constant value="42:6-43:86"/>
+ <constant value="44:9-44:10"/>
+ <constant value="44:23-44:36"/>
+ <constant value="44:9-44:37"/>
+ <constant value="45:30-45:35"/>
+ <constant value="45:10-45:11"/>
+ <constant value="45:10-45:16"/>
+ <constant value="45:19-45:23"/>
+ <constant value="45:10-45:23"/>
+ <constant value="44:5-46:7"/>
+ <constant value="42:2-46:7"/>
+ <constant value="m"/>
+ <constant value="isElementDiagram"/>
+ <constant value="6"/>
+ <constant value="J.-(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="Diagram"/>
+ <constant value="19"/>
+ <constant value="20"/>
+ <constant value="78:19-78:23"/>
+ <constant value="78:35-78:41"/>
+ <constant value="78:19-78:42"/>
+ <constant value="78:6-78:42"/>
+ <constant value="79:19-79:20"/>
+ <constant value="79:31-79:32"/>
+ <constant value="79:31-79:39"/>
+ <constant value="79:41-79:42"/>
+ <constant value="79:31-79:42"/>
+ <constant value="79:43-79:44"/>
+ <constant value="79:43-79:51"/>
+ <constant value="79:19-79:52"/>
+ <constant value="79:6-79:52"/>
+ <constant value="80:7-80:8"/>
+ <constant value="80:11-80:20"/>
+ <constant value="80:7-80:20"/>
+ <constant value="80:38-80:43"/>
+ <constant value="80:28-80:32"/>
+ <constant value="80:2-80:49"/>
+ <constant value="79:2-80:49"/>
+ <constant value="78:2-80:49"/>
+ <constant value="b"/>
+ <constant value="elementToAvoid"/>
+ <constant value="26"/>
+ <constant value="J.isElementDiagram():J"/>
+ <constant value="87:3-87:14"/>
+ <constant value="87:3-87:29"/>
+ <constant value="87:42-87:43"/>
+ <constant value="87:56-87:67"/>
+ <constant value="87:42-87:68"/>
+ <constant value="87:73-87:74"/>
+ <constant value="87:73-87:79"/>
+ <constant value="87:82-87:99"/>
+ <constant value="87:73-87:99"/>
+ <constant value="87:42-87:99"/>
+ <constant value="87:3-87:101"/>
+ <constant value="88:15-88:16"/>
+ <constant value="88:15-88:35"/>
+ <constant value="87:3-88:37"/>
+ <constant value="87:3-88:46"/>
+ <constant value="d"/>
+ <constant value="isChildrenOf"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="9"/>
+ <constant value="95:6-95:10"/>
+ <constant value="95:6-95:17"/>
+ <constant value="95:30-95:41"/>
+ <constant value="95:6-95:42"/>
+ <constant value="100:9-100:14"/>
+ <constant value="96:12-96:16"/>
+ <constant value="96:12-96:23"/>
+ <constant value="96:26-96:27"/>
+ <constant value="96:12-96:27"/>
+ <constant value="98:11-98:15"/>
+ <constant value="98:11-98:22"/>
+ <constant value="98:36-98:37"/>
+ <constant value="98:11-98:38"/>
+ <constant value="97:11-97:15"/>
+ <constant value="96:9-99:10"/>
+ <constant value="95:3-101:8"/>
+ <constant value="94:6-101:8"/>
+ <constant value="102:5-102:6"/>
+ <constant value="94:2-102:6"/>
+ <constant value="isElementLink"/>
+ <constant value="34"/>
+ <constant value="J.asSequence():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.isEmpty():J"/>
+ <constant value="109:4-109:15"/>
+ <constant value="109:4-109:30"/>
+ <constant value="109:43-109:44"/>
+ <constant value="109:43-109:49"/>
+ <constant value="109:52-109:68"/>
+ <constant value="109:43-109:68"/>
+ <constant value="109:4-109:70"/>
+ <constant value="110:18-110:19"/>
+ <constant value="110:31-110:35"/>
+ <constant value="110:18-110:36"/>
+ <constant value="110:37-110:41"/>
+ <constant value="110:53-110:57"/>
+ <constant value="110:37-110:58"/>
+ <constant value="110:18-110:58"/>
+ <constant value="109:4-110:59"/>
+ <constant value="109:4-110:73"/>
+ <constant value="108:6-110:73"/>
+ <constant value="111:9-111:10"/>
+ <constant value="111:9-111:20"/>
+ <constant value="111:5-111:20"/>
+ <constant value="108:2-111:20"/>
+ <constant value="getElementLinks"/>
+ <constant value="53"/>
+ <constant value="56"/>
+ <constant value="J.including(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="119:45-119:55"/>
+ <constant value="119:16-119:55"/>
+ <constant value="117:2-117:13"/>
+ <constant value="117:2-117:28"/>
+ <constant value="117:41-117:42"/>
+ <constant value="117:55-117:66"/>
+ <constant value="117:41-117:67"/>
+ <constant value="117:72-117:73"/>
+ <constant value="117:72-117:78"/>
+ <constant value="117:81-117:97"/>
+ <constant value="117:72-117:97"/>
+ <constant value="117:41-117:97"/>
+ <constant value="117:2-117:98"/>
+ <constant value="118:16-118:17"/>
+ <constant value="118:29-118:35"/>
+ <constant value="118:16-118:36"/>
+ <constant value="118:40-118:96"/>
+ <constant value="118:16-118:96"/>
+ <constant value="117:2-118:98"/>
+ <constant value="120:6-120:7"/>
+ <constant value="120:19-120:23"/>
+ <constant value="120:6-120:24"/>
+ <constant value="120:27-120:29"/>
+ <constant value="120:6-120:29"/>
+ <constant value="122:9-122:12"/>
+ <constant value="121:9-121:12"/>
+ <constant value="121:24-121:25"/>
+ <constant value="121:9-121:26"/>
+ <constant value="120:3-123:8"/>
+ <constant value="117:2-124:3"/>
+ <constant value="n"/>
+ <constant value="id"/>
+ <constant value="isString"/>
+ <constant value="Classifier"/>
+ <constant value="J.subNamespace(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="properties"/>
+ <constant value="J.flatten():J"/>
+ <constant value="Name"/>
+ <constant value="48"/>
+ <constant value="String"/>
+ <constant value="61"/>
+ <constant value="131:3-131:17"/>
+ <constant value="131:3-131:32"/>
+ <constant value="131:46-131:47"/>
+ <constant value="131:46-131:52"/>
+ <constant value="131:55-131:65"/>
+ <constant value="131:79-131:83"/>
+ <constant value="131:79-131:90"/>
+ <constant value="131:102-131:108"/>
+ <constant value="131:79-131:109"/>
+ <constant value="131:55-131:110"/>
+ <constant value="131:46-131:110"/>
+ <constant value="131:3-131:111"/>
+ <constant value="132:18-132:19"/>
+ <constant value="132:18-132:30"/>
+ <constant value="131:3-132:31"/>
+ <constant value="131:3-132:42"/>
+ <constant value="132:56-132:57"/>
+ <constant value="132:56-132:62"/>
+ <constant value="132:65-132:69"/>
+ <constant value="132:81-132:87"/>
+ <constant value="132:65-132:88"/>
+ <constant value="132:56-132:88"/>
+ <constant value="131:3-132:89"/>
+ <constant value="131:3-132:98"/>
+ <constant value="130:6-132:98"/>
+ <constant value="133:8-133:9"/>
+ <constant value="133:8-133:26"/>
+ <constant value="133:43-133:44"/>
+ <constant value="133:43-133:49"/>
+ <constant value="133:43-133:54"/>
+ <constant value="133:57-133:65"/>
+ <constant value="133:43-133:65"/>
+ <constant value="133:32-133:37"/>
+ <constant value="133:5-133:71"/>
+ <constant value="130:2-133:71"/>
+ <constant value="isBoolean"/>
+ <constant value="Boolean"/>
+ <constant value="137:3-137:17"/>
+ <constant value="137:3-137:32"/>
+ <constant value="137:46-137:47"/>
+ <constant value="137:46-137:52"/>
+ <constant value="137:55-137:65"/>
+ <constant value="137:79-137:83"/>
+ <constant value="137:79-137:90"/>
+ <constant value="137:102-137:108"/>
+ <constant value="137:79-137:109"/>
+ <constant value="137:55-137:110"/>
+ <constant value="137:46-137:110"/>
+ <constant value="137:3-137:111"/>
+ <constant value="138:18-138:19"/>
+ <constant value="138:18-138:30"/>
+ <constant value="137:3-138:31"/>
+ <constant value="137:3-138:42"/>
+ <constant value="138:56-138:57"/>
+ <constant value="138:56-138:62"/>
+ <constant value="138:65-138:69"/>
+ <constant value="138:81-138:87"/>
+ <constant value="138:65-138:88"/>
+ <constant value="138:56-138:88"/>
+ <constant value="137:3-138:89"/>
+ <constant value="137:3-138:98"/>
+ <constant value="136:6-138:98"/>
+ <constant value="139:8-139:9"/>
+ <constant value="139:8-139:26"/>
+ <constant value="139:43-139:44"/>
+ <constant value="139:43-139:49"/>
+ <constant value="139:43-139:54"/>
+ <constant value="139:57-139:66"/>
+ <constant value="139:43-139:66"/>
+ <constant value="139:32-139:37"/>
+ <constant value="139:5-139:72"/>
+ <constant value="136:2-139:72"/>
+ <constant value="isInteger"/>
+ <constant value="Integer"/>
+ <constant value="143:3-143:17"/>
+ <constant value="143:3-143:32"/>
+ <constant value="143:46-143:47"/>
+ <constant value="143:46-143:52"/>
+ <constant value="143:55-143:65"/>
+ <constant value="143:79-143:83"/>
+ <constant value="143:79-143:90"/>
+ <constant value="143:102-143:108"/>
+ <constant value="143:79-143:109"/>
+ <constant value="143:55-143:110"/>
+ <constant value="143:46-143:110"/>
+ <constant value="143:3-143:111"/>
+ <constant value="144:18-144:19"/>
+ <constant value="144:18-144:30"/>
+ <constant value="143:3-144:31"/>
+ <constant value="143:3-144:42"/>
+ <constant value="144:56-144:57"/>
+ <constant value="144:56-144:62"/>
+ <constant value="144:65-144:69"/>
+ <constant value="144:81-144:87"/>
+ <constant value="144:65-144:88"/>
+ <constant value="144:56-144:88"/>
+ <constant value="143:3-144:89"/>
+ <constant value="143:3-144:98"/>
+ <constant value="142:6-144:98"/>
+ <constant value="145:8-145:9"/>
+ <constant value="145:8-145:26"/>
+ <constant value="145:43-145:44"/>
+ <constant value="145:43-145:49"/>
+ <constant value="145:43-145:54"/>
+ <constant value="145:57-145:66"/>
+ <constant value="145:43-145:66"/>
+ <constant value="145:32-145:37"/>
+ <constant value="145:5-145:72"/>
+ <constant value="142:2-145:72"/>
+ <constant value="getParentLinks"/>
+ <constant value="23"/>
+ <constant value="ParentLink"/>
+ <constant value="153:39-153:49"/>
+ <constant value="153:14-153:49"/>
+ <constant value="152:2-152:6"/>
+ <constant value="152:2-152:15"/>
+ <constant value="152:28-152:29"/>
+ <constant value="152:42-152:53"/>
+ <constant value="152:28-152:54"/>
+ <constant value="152:2-152:56"/>
+ <constant value="152:70-152:71"/>
+ <constant value="152:70-152:76"/>
+ <constant value="152:79-152:96"/>
+ <constant value="152:70-152:96"/>
+ <constant value="152:2-152:97"/>
+ <constant value="154:2-154:5"/>
+ <constant value="154:19-154:29"/>
+ <constant value="154:43-154:44"/>
+ <constant value="154:56-154:68"/>
+ <constant value="154:43-154:69"/>
+ <constant value="154:19-154:70"/>
+ <constant value="154:2-154:71"/>
+ <constant value="152:2-154:73"/>
+ <constant value="SequenceFromParentLink"/>
+ <constant value="24"/>
+ <constant value="161:2-161:6"/>
+ <constant value="161:2-161:15"/>
+ <constant value="161:29-161:30"/>
+ <constant value="161:43-161:54"/>
+ <constant value="161:29-161:55"/>
+ <constant value="161:60-161:61"/>
+ <constant value="161:60-161:66"/>
+ <constant value="161:69-161:86"/>
+ <constant value="161:60-161:86"/>
+ <constant value="161:29-161:86"/>
+ <constant value="161:2-161:88"/>
+ <constant value="162:16-162:26"/>
+ <constant value="162:40-162:41"/>
+ <constant value="162:53-162:65"/>
+ <constant value="162:40-162:66"/>
+ <constant value="162:16-162:67"/>
+ <constant value="162:70-162:72"/>
+ <constant value="162:16-162:72"/>
+ <constant value="161:2-162:73"/>
+ <constant value="161:2-162:87"/>
+ <constant value="pl"/>
+ <constant value="SequenceOfSequence"/>
+ <constant value="ES"/>
+ <constant value="J.SequenceFromParentLink(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="169:59-169:69"/>
+ <constant value="169:19-169:69"/>
+ <constant value="169:2-169:7"/>
+ <constant value="170:3-170:6"/>
+ <constant value="170:21-170:25"/>
+ <constant value="170:49-170:50"/>
+ <constant value="170:21-170:51"/>
+ <constant value="170:3-170:53"/>
+ <constant value="169:2-170:55"/>
+ <constant value="allpl"/>
+ <constant value="__applyModel"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.getDomainModelName():J"/>
+ <constant value="domainModel"/>
+ <constant value="4"/>
+ <constant value="47"/>
+ <constant value="contents"/>
+ <constant value="181:19-181:29"/>
+ <constant value="181:19-181:50"/>
+ <constant value="181:4-181:50"/>
+ <constant value="183:5-183:6"/>
+ <constant value="183:5-183:15"/>
+ <constant value="184:19-184:20"/>
+ <constant value="184:33-184:44"/>
+ <constant value="184:19-184:45"/>
+ <constant value="186:10-186:11"/>
+ <constant value="186:10-186:16"/>
+ <constant value="186:17-186:34"/>
+ <constant value="186:10-186:34"/>
+ <constant value="191:12-191:17"/>
+ <constant value="187:15-187:16"/>
+ <constant value="187:19-187:29"/>
+ <constant value="187:19-187:46"/>
+ <constant value="187:15-187:46"/>
+ <constant value="189:17-189:18"/>
+ <constant value="189:32-189:42"/>
+ <constant value="189:32-189:59"/>
+ <constant value="189:17-189:60"/>
+ <constant value="189:13-189:60"/>
+ <constant value="188:13-188:18"/>
+ <constant value="187:12-190:13"/>
+ <constant value="186:7-192:12"/>
+ <constant value="184:19-193:8"/>
+ <constant value="183:5-194:7"/>
+ <constant value="183:5-194:21"/>
+ <constant value="182:4-194:21"/>
+ <constant value="link"/>
+ <constant value="__applyModelElement"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getVariable(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="5"/>
+ <constant value="7"/>
+ <constant value="58"/>
+ <constant value="81"/>
+ <constant value="66"/>
+ <constant value="80"/>
+ <constant value="J.or(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="86"/>
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+ <constant value="119"/>
+ <constant value="131"/>
+ <constant value="130"/>
+ <constant value="136"/>
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+ <constant value="CJ.asSequence():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="8"/>
+ <constant value=""/>
+ <constant value="162"/>
+ <constant value="175"/>
+ <constant value="elements"/>
+ <constant value="I.+(I):I"/>
+ <constant value="220:11-220:21"/>
+ <constant value="220:35-220:36"/>
+ <constant value="220:48-220:54"/>
+ <constant value="220:35-220:55"/>
+ <constant value="220:11-220:56"/>
+ <constant value="220:3-220:56"/>
+ <constant value="221:9-221:10"/>
+ <constant value="221:22-221:26"/>
+ <constant value="221:9-221:27"/>
+ <constant value="221:3-221:27"/>
+ <constant value="223:4-223:5"/>
+ <constant value="223:4-223:14"/>
+ <constant value="224:18-224:19"/>
+ <constant value="224:32-224:43"/>
+ <constant value="224:18-224:44"/>
+ <constant value="227:9-227:10"/>
+ <constant value="227:9-227:15"/>
+ <constant value="227:16-227:29"/>
+ <constant value="227:9-227:29"/>
+ <constant value="235:11-235:16"/>
+ <constant value="228:14-228:15"/>
+ <constant value="228:14-228:22"/>
+ <constant value="228:14-228:27"/>
+ <constant value="228:28-228:45"/>
+ <constant value="228:14-228:45"/>
+ <constant value="233:12-233:17"/>
+ <constant value="229:15-229:16"/>
+ <constant value="229:30-229:40"/>
+ <constant value="229:30-229:57"/>
+ <constant value="229:15-229:58"/>
+ <constant value="231:14-231:15"/>
+ <constant value="231:14-231:26"/>
+ <constant value="231:30-231:31"/>
+ <constant value="231:30-231:43"/>
+ <constant value="231:14-231:43"/>
+ <constant value="231:47-231:48"/>
+ <constant value="231:47-231:60"/>
+ <constant value="231:14-231:60"/>
+ <constant value="230:13-230:18"/>
+ <constant value="229:12-232:13"/>
+ <constant value="228:11-234:12"/>
+ <constant value="227:6-236:11"/>
+ <constant value="224:18-237:7"/>
+ <constant value="223:4-238:6"/>
+ <constant value="222:3-238:6"/>
+ <constant value="239:30-239:31"/>
+ <constant value="239:21-239:32"/>
+ <constant value="239:3-239:32"/>
+ <constant value="241:4-241:5"/>
+ <constant value="241:4-241:14"/>
+ <constant value="242:18-242:19"/>
+ <constant value="242:32-242:43"/>
+ <constant value="242:18-242:44"/>
+ <constant value="245:9-245:10"/>
+ <constant value="245:9-245:15"/>
+ <constant value="245:16-245:32"/>
+ <constant value="245:9-245:32"/>
+ <constant value="250:11-250:16"/>
+ <constant value="246:16-246:17"/>
+ <constant value="246:31-246:41"/>
+ <constant value="246:31-246:58"/>
+ <constant value="246:16-246:59"/>
+ <constant value="248:12-248:13"/>
+ <constant value="248:25-248:31"/>
+ <constant value="248:12-248:32"/>
+ <constant value="248:36-248:92"/>
+ <constant value="248:12-248:92"/>
+ <constant value="247:12-247:17"/>
+ <constant value="246:13-249:12"/>
+ <constant value="245:6-251:11"/>
+ <constant value="242:18-252:7"/>
+ <constant value="241:4-253:6"/>
+ <constant value="240:3-253:6"/>
+ <constant value="256:11-256:13"/>
+ <constant value="257:15-257:24"/>
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+ <constant value="274:12-274:22"/>
+ <constant value="274:36-274:37"/>
+ <constant value="274:49-274:55"/>
+ <constant value="274:36-274:56"/>
+ <constant value="274:12-274:57"/>
+ <constant value="274:4-274:57"/>
+ <constant value="275:10-275:11"/>
+ <constant value="275:23-275:27"/>
+ <constant value="275:10-275:28"/>
+ <constant value="275:4-275:28"/>
+ <constant value="276:13-276:14"/>
+ <constant value="276:13-276:23"/>
+ <constant value="276:36-276:37"/>
+ <constant value="276:50-276:61"/>
+ <constant value="276:36-276:62"/>
+ <constant value="276:67-276:68"/>
+ <constant value="276:67-276:73"/>
+ <constant value="276:76-276:85"/>
+ <constant value="276:67-276:85"/>
+ <constant value="276:36-276:85"/>
+ <constant value="276:13-276:86"/>
+ <constant value="276:13-276:100"/>
+ <constant value="276:4-276:100"/>
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+ <constant value="277:20-277:48"/>
+ <constant value="277:53-277:54"/>
+ <constant value="277:66-277:70"/>
+ <constant value="277:53-277:71"/>
+ <constant value="277:20-277:72"/>
+ <constant value="277:4-277:72"/>
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+ <constant value="297:12-297:22"/>
+ <constant value="297:36-297:37"/>
+ <constant value="297:49-297:55"/>
+ <constant value="297:36-297:56"/>
+ <constant value="297:12-297:57"/>
+ <constant value="297:4-297:57"/>
+ <constant value="298:10-298:11"/>
+ <constant value="298:23-298:27"/>
+ <constant value="298:10-298:28"/>
+ <constant value="298:4-298:28"/>
+ <constant value="299:18-299:19"/>
+ <constant value="299:18-299:28"/>
+ <constant value="299:41-299:42"/>
+ <constant value="299:55-299:66"/>
+ <constant value="299:41-299:67"/>
+ <constant value="299:72-299:73"/>
+ <constant value="299:72-299:78"/>
+ <constant value="299:79-299:92"/>
+ <constant value="299:72-299:92"/>
+ <constant value="299:41-299:92"/>
+ <constant value="299:18-299:93"/>
+ <constant value="299:4-299:93"/>
+ <constant value="300:13-300:23"/>
+ <constant value="300:40-300:41"/>
+ <constant value="300:53-300:57"/>
+ <constant value="300:40-300:58"/>
+ <constant value="300:13-300:59"/>
+ <constant value="300:4-300:59"/>
+ <constant value="__applyRole"/>
+ <constant value="owner"/>
+ <constant value="element"/>
+ <constant value="320:12-320:13"/>
+ <constant value="320:25-320:31"/>
+ <constant value="320:12-320:32"/>
+ <constant value="320:4-320:32"/>
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+ <constant value="321:13-321:21"/>
+ <constant value="321:4-321:21"/>
+ <constant value="322:15-322:25"/>
+ <constant value="322:15-322:43"/>
+ <constant value="322:48-322:49"/>
+ <constant value="322:61-322:65"/>
+ <constant value="322:48-322:66"/>
+ <constant value="322:15-322:67"/>
+ <constant value="322:4-322:67"/>
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+ <constant value="342:22-342:28"/>
+ <constant value="342:9-342:29"/>
+ <constant value="342:3-342:29"/>
+ <constant value="343:12-343:13"/>
+ <constant value="343:3-343:13"/>
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+ <constant value="346:25-346:32"/>
+ <constant value="346:12-346:33"/>
+ <constant value="346:3-346:33"/>
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+ <constant value="366:22-366:28"/>
+ <constant value="366:9-366:29"/>
+ <constant value="366:3-366:29"/>
+ <constant value="367:12-367:13"/>
+ <constant value="367:3-367:13"/>
+ <constant value="370:12-370:13"/>
+ <constant value="370:26-370:33"/>
+ <constant value="370:12-370:34"/>
+ <constant value="370:3-370:34"/>
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+ <constant value="J.toInteger():J"/>
+ <constant value="390:9-390:10"/>
+ <constant value="390:22-390:28"/>
+ <constant value="390:9-390:29"/>
+ <constant value="390:3-390:29"/>
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+ <constant value="391:3-391:13"/>
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+ <constant value="394:25-394:32"/>
+ <constant value="394:12-394:33"/>
+ <constant value="394:12-394:45"/>
+ <constant value="394:3-394:45"/>
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+ <load arg="10"/>
+ <call arg="20"/>
+ <load arg="10"/>
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+ <load arg="10"/>
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+ <load arg="10"/>
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+ <load arg="10"/>
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+ <load arg="10"/>
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+ <lne id="990" begin="18" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="991" begin="16" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="992" begin="24" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="993" begin="24" end="25"/>
+ <lne id="994" begin="26" end="26"/>
+ <lne id="995" begin="27" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="996" begin="26" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="997" begin="24" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="998" begin="22" end="31"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="62" begin="3" end="32"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="223" begin="7" end="32"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="23" begin="0" end="32"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="816" begin="0" end="32"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="999">
+ <context type="9"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="26" type="779"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="26"/>
+ <push arg="62"/>
+ <call arg="780"/>
+ <store arg="30"/>
+ <load arg="26"/>
+ <push arg="133"/>
+ <call arg="781"/>
+ <store arg="131"/>
+ <load arg="26"/>
+ <push arg="253"/>
+ <call arg="781"/>
+ <store arg="784"/>
+ <load arg="131"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="10"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="605"/>
+ <call arg="39"/>
+ <call arg="342"/>
+ <set arg="31"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="10"/>
+ <load arg="784"/>
+ <call arg="342"/>
+ <set arg="345"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="784"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="10"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="1000"/>
+ <call arg="39"/>
+ <call arg="342"/>
+ <set arg="345"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="1001" begin="15" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="1002" begin="16" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="1003" begin="15" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="1004" begin="13" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="1005" begin="22" end="22"/>
+ <lne id="1006" begin="20" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="1007" begin="29" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="1008" begin="30" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="1009" begin="29" end="31"/>
+ <lne id="1010" begin="27" end="33"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="62" begin="3" end="34"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="133" begin="7" end="34"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="253" begin="11" end="34"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="23" begin="0" end="34"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="816" begin="0" end="34"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="1011">
+ <context type="9"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="26" type="779"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="26"/>
+ <push arg="62"/>
+ <call arg="780"/>
+ <store arg="30"/>
+ <load arg="26"/>
+ <push arg="133"/>
+ <call arg="781"/>
+ <store arg="131"/>
+ <load arg="26"/>
+ <push arg="253"/>
+ <call arg="781"/>
+ <store arg="784"/>
+ <load arg="131"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="10"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="605"/>
+ <call arg="39"/>
+ <call arg="342"/>
+ <set arg="31"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="10"/>
+ <load arg="784"/>
+ <call arg="342"/>
+ <set arg="345"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="784"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="10"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="1000"/>
+ <call arg="1012"/>
+ <call arg="342"/>
+ <set arg="345"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="1013" begin="15" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="1014" begin="16" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="1015" begin="15" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="1016" begin="13" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="1017" begin="22" end="22"/>
+ <lne id="1018" begin="20" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="1019" begin="29" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="1020" begin="30" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="1021" begin="29" end="31"/>
+ <lne id="1022" begin="27" end="33"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="62" begin="3" end="34"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="133" begin="7" end="34"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="253" begin="11" end="34"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="23" begin="0" end="34"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="816" begin="0" end="34"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="1023">
+ <context type="9"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="26" type="779"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="26"/>
+ <push arg="62"/>
+ <call arg="780"/>
+ <store arg="30"/>
+ <load arg="26"/>
+ <push arg="133"/>
+ <call arg="781"/>
+ <store arg="131"/>
+ <load arg="26"/>
+ <push arg="253"/>
+ <call arg="781"/>
+ <store arg="784"/>
+ <load arg="131"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="10"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="605"/>
+ <call arg="39"/>
+ <call arg="342"/>
+ <set arg="31"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="10"/>
+ <load arg="784"/>
+ <call arg="342"/>
+ <set arg="345"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="784"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="10"/>
+ <load arg="30"/>
+ <push arg="1000"/>
+ <call arg="39"/>
+ <call arg="1024"/>
+ <call arg="342"/>
+ <set arg="345"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="1025" begin="15" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="1026" begin="16" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="1027" begin="15" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="1028" begin="13" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="1029" begin="22" end="22"/>
+ <lne id="1030" begin="20" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="1031" begin="29" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="1032" begin="30" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="1033" begin="29" end="31"/>
+ <lne id="1034" begin="29" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="1035" begin="27" end="34"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="62" begin="3" end="35"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="133" begin="7" end="35"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="253" begin="11" end="35"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="23" begin="0" end="35"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="816" begin="0" end="35"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/XML2DSLModel/XML2DSLModel.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/XML2DSLModel/XML2DSLModel.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f175f474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/XML2DSLModel/XML2DSLModel.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+module XML2DSLModel; -- Module Template
+create OUT : DSLModel from IN1 : XML, IN2 : DSL;
+-- HELPERS --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- This helper recovers the Domainmodel name
+-- CONTEXT : thisModule
+-- RETURN : String
+helper def : getDomainModelName() : String =
+ DSL!DomainModel.allInstances()->select( e | e.oclIsTypeOf(DSL!DomainModel))->first().name;
+-- This helper recover the namespace of the Domainmodel
+-- CONTEXT : thisModule
+-- RETURN : String
+helper def : getNamespace() : String = DSL!DomainModel.allInstances()->select( e | e.oclIsTypeOf(DSL!DomainModel))->first().namespace+'.';
+-- This helper subtitute the namespace to elements type
+-- CONTEXT : thisModule
+-- RETURN : String
+helper def : subNamespace(type : String) : String = type.substring(thisModule.getNamespace().size()+1,type.size());
+-- This helper gets the Attribute who has value name = name and return it to a Boolean
+-- CONTEXT: XML!Element
+-- RETURN: Boolean
+helper context XML!Element def: getAttrBool(name : String) : Boolean =
+ let a : String =
+ self.children->select(c | c.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Attribute) and = name)->first().value
+ in if a ='true' then true else false endif;
+-- This helper gets the Attribute who has value name = name
+-- CONTEXT: XML!Element
+-- RETURN: String
+helper context XML!Element def: getAttrVal(name : String) : String =
+ self.children->select(c | c.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Attribute) and = name)->first().value;
+-- This helper tests if the XML!Element has an attribute with the name in parameter
+-- CONTEXT: XML!Element
+-- RETURN: Boolean
+helper context XML!Element def: hasAttr(name : String) : Boolean =
+ let a : XML!Attribute =
+ self.children-> select(m | m.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Attribute) and = name )->first()
+ in if (a.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Attribute) )
+ then ( = name) else false
+ endif;
+-- This helper produce a Map of XML!Element corresponding to om:ModelElement
+-- by identity to help making references
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Map(String, XML!Element)
+helper def: ModelElementsById : Map(String, XML!Element) =
+ XML!Element.allInstances()->iterate(e; acc : Map(String,XML!Element) = Map {} |
+ if (('om:ModelElement') and e.hasAttr('Id')) then
+ acc->including( e.getAttrVal('Id'), e)
+ else
+ acc
+ endif
+ );
+-- This helper produce a Map of XML!Element corresponding to om:ElementLink
+-- by identity to help making references
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: Map(String, XML!Element)
+helper def: ElementLinksById : Map(String, XML!Element) =
+ XML!Element.allInstances()->iterate(e; acc : Map(String,XML!Element) = Map {} |
+ if (('om:ElementLink') and e.hasAttr('Id')) then
+ acc->including( e.getAttrVal('Id'), e)
+ else
+ acc
+ endif
+ );
+-- This helper recognize the XML!Element with a Type Attribute who terminate by Diagram
+-- CONTEXT: XML!Element
+-- RETURN: Boolean
+helper context XML!Element def: isElementDiagram() : Boolean =
+ let a : String = self.getAttrVal('Type') in
+ let b : String = a.substring(a.size()- 6,a.size()) in
+ if ( b = 'Diagram' ) then true else false endif;
+-- This helper return the XML!Element named om:ModelElemnt which is the Element whith a type
+-- that terminate by Diagram
+-- CONTEXT: thisModule
+-- RETURN: XML!Element
+helper def : elementToAvoid() : XML!Element =
+ XML!Element.allInstances()->select(e | e.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Element) and = 'om:ModelElement' )->
+ select( d | d.isElementDiagram() )->first();
+-- This helper recognize the XML!Element who are children of e
+-- CONTEXT: XML!Element
+-- RETURN: Boolean
+helper context XML!Element def: isChildrenOf(e : XML!Element) : Boolean =
+ let a : Boolean =
+ if self.parent.oclIsKindOf(XML!Element)
+ then if self.parent = e
+ then true
+ else self.parent.isChildrenOf(e)
+ endif
+ else false
+ endif
+ in a;
+-- This Module test if an XML!Element has the same Id has an ElementLink
+-- CONTEXT : XML!Element
+-- RETURN : Boolean
+helper context XML!Element def : isElementLink() : Boolean =
+ let a : Sequence(XML!Element) =
+ XML!Element.allInstances()->select(e | = 'om:ElementLink' )
+ ->select( b | b.getAttrVal('Id')=self.getAttrVal('Id'))->asSequence()
+ in not a.isEmpty();
+-- This helper collects in a Sequence all ElementLinks that have the same Id as the parameter
+-- CONTEXT : thisModule
+-- RETURN : Sequence(XML!Element)
+helper def: getElementLinks(id : String) : Sequence(XML!Element) =
+ XML!Element.allInstances()->select(m | m.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Element) and = 'om:ElementLink')
+ ->select( n | n.getAttrVal('Type') <> 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.SubjectHasPresentation' )
+ ->iterate(e ; acc:Sequence(XML!Element) = Sequence{} |
+ if e.getAttrVal('Id') = id
+ then acc->including(e)
+ else acc
+ endif
+ );
+-- Those rules test the type of a property by matching it with the metamodel
+-- CONTEXT : XML!Element
+-- RETURN : Boolean
+helper context XML!Element def : isString() : Boolean =
+ let a : DSL!ValueProperty =
+ DSL!Classifier.allInstances()->select( e | = thisModule.subNamespace(self.parent.getAttrVal('Type')))
+ ->collect( d |>flatten()->select( p | = self.getAttrVal('Name'))->first()
+ in if a.oclIsUndefined() then false else = 'String' endif;
+helper context XML!Element def : isBoolean() : Boolean =
+ let a : DSL!ValueProperty =
+ DSL!Classifier.allInstances()->select( e | = thisModule.subNamespace(self.parent.getAttrVal('Type')))
+ ->collect( d |>flatten()->select( p | = self.getAttrVal('Name'))->first()
+ in if a.oclIsUndefined() then false else = 'Boolean' endif;
+helper context XML!Element def : isInteger() : Boolean =
+ let a : DSL!ValueProperty =
+ DSL!Classifier.allInstances()->select( e | = thisModule.subNamespace(self.parent.getAttrVal('Type')))
+ ->collect( d |>flatten()->select( p | = self.getAttrVal('Name'))->first()
+ in if a.oclIsUndefined() then false else = 'Integer' endif;
+-- This helper returns a Sequence that containing all the value from attribute ParentLink
+-- from the context children
+-- CONTEXT : XML!Element
+-- RETURN : Sequence(String)
+helper context XML!Element def: getParentLinks() : Sequence(String) =
+ self.children->select(m | m.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Element) )->select( n | = 'om:ModelElement')
+ ->iterate(e;acc : Sequence(String) = Sequence{} |
+ acc -> including(thisModule.subNamespace(e.getAttrVal('ParentLink'))) );
+-- This helper takes a String in parameter that corresponds to the value of an attribute ParentLink and returns
+-- a Sequence of XML!Element that have this value
+-- CONTEXT : XML!Element
+-- RETURN : Sequence(XML!Element)
+helper context XML!Element def: SequenceFromParentLink(pl : String) : Sequence(XML!Element) =
+ self.children->select( e | e.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Element) and = 'om:ModelElement' )
+ ->select( a | thisModule.subNamespace(a.getAttrVal('ParentLink')) = pl)->asSequence();
+-- This helper creates a Sequence of Sequence of XML!Element by placing in a Sequence the XML!Element that have
+-- the same attribute ParentLink
+-- CONTEXT : XML!Element
+-- RETURN : Sequence(Sequence(XML!Element))
+helper context XML!Element def: SequenceOfSequence( allpl : Set(String) ) : Sequence(Sequence(XML!Element)) =
+ allpl->iterate(e;acc : Sequence(Sequence(XML!Element)) = Sequence{} |
+ acc -> including( self.SequenceFromParentLink(e) ) );
+-- RULES ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+rule Model {
+ from
+ e : XML!Root
+ to
+ mm : DSLModel!Model(
+ domainModel <- thisModule.getDomainModelName(),
+ contents <-
+ e.children
+ ->select(a | a.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Element) and
+ (
+ if'om:ModelElement'
+ then if a = thisModule.elementToAvoid()
+ then false
+ else not a.isChildrenOf(thisModule.elementToAvoid())
+ endif
+ else false
+ endif
+ )
+ )->asSequence()
+ )
+rule ModelElement {
+ from
+ e : XML!Element (
+ if'om:ModelElement'
+ then if e = thisModule.elementToAvoid()
+ then false
+ else if e.isChildrenOf(thisModule.elementToAvoid())
+ then false
+ else not e.isElementLink()
+ endif
+ endif
+ else false
+ endif
+ )
+ using {
+ allEmbeddingLinks : Set(String) =
+ e.getParentLinks()->asSet();
+ allchilds : Sequence (Sequence(XML!Element)) =
+ e.SequenceOfSequence(allEmbeddingLinks);
+ }
+ to
+ me : DSLModel!ModelElement (
+ type <- thisModule.subNamespace(e.getAttrVal('Type')),
+ id <- e.getAttrVal('Id'),
+ properties <-
+ e.children
+ ->select(c | c.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Element) and
+ (
+ if'om:Property'
+ then if'om:ModelElement'
+ then if c.isChildrenOf(thisModule.elementToAvoid())
+ then false
+ else (c.isString() or c.isBoolean() or c.isInteger())
+ endif
+ else false
+ endif
+ else false
+ endif
+ )
+ ),
+ embeddinglinks <- Sequence{p},
+ referencelinks <-
+ e.children
+ ->select(l | l.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Element) and
+-- = 'om:ElementLink'
+ (
+ if'om:ElementLink'
+ then if l.isChildrenOf(thisModule.elementToAvoid())
+ then false
+ else l.getAttrVal('Type') <> 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.SubjectHasPresentation'
+ endif
+ else false
+ endif
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ p : distinct DSLModel!EmbeddingLink foreach ( pl in allEmbeddingLinks ) (
+ name <- pl,
+ elements <- allchilds
+ )
+rule ReferenceLink {
+ from
+ e:XML!Element (
+ if'om:ElementLink'
+ then if e.isChildrenOf(thisModule.elementToAvoid())
+ then false
+ else e.getAttrVal('Type') <> 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.SubjectHasPresentation'
+ endif
+ else false
+ endif
+ )
+ to
+ el : DSLModel!ReferenceLink (
+ type <- thisModule.subNamespace(e.getAttrVal('Type')),
+ id <- e.getAttrVal('Id'),
+ roles <- e.children->select(m | m.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Element) and = 'om:Role')->asSequence(),
+ modelElement <- thisModule.ModelElementsById.get(e.getAttrVal('Id'))
+ )
+rule ModelElementLink {
+ from
+ e : XML!Element (
+ if'om:ModelElement'
+ then if e = thisModule.elementToAvoid()
+ then false
+ else if e.isChildrenOf(thisModule.elementToAvoid())
+ then false
+ else e.isElementLink()
+ endif
+ endif
+ else false
+ endif
+ )
+ to
+ el : DSLModel!ModelElementLink (
+ type <- thisModule.subNamespace(e.getAttrVal('Type')),
+ id <- e.getAttrVal('Id'),
+ properties <- e.children->select(c | c.oclIsTypeOf(XML!Element) and'om:Property'),
+ links <- thisModule.getElementLinks(e.getAttrVal('Id'))
+ )
+rule Role {
+ from
+ e : XML!Element (
+ if = 'om:Role'
+ then if e.parent.getAttrVal('Type') <> 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.SubjectHasPresentation'
+ then if e.isChildrenOf(thisModule.elementToAvoid())
+ then false
+ else true
+ endif
+ else false
+ endif
+ else false
+ endif
+ )
+ to
+ r : DSLModel!Role (
+ name <- e.getAttrVal('Name'),
+ owner <- e.parent,
+ element <- thisModule.ModelElementsById.get(e.getAttrVal('Id'))
+ )
+rule StringProperty {
+ from
+ e:XML!Element (
+ if'om:Property'
+ then if'om:ModelElement'
+ then if e.isChildrenOf(thisModule.elementToAvoid())
+ then false
+ else e.isString()
+ endif
+ else false
+ endif
+ else false
+ endif
+ )
+ to
+ p : DSLModel!Property(
+ name<-e.getAttrVal('Name'),
+ value <- v
+ ),
+ v : DSLModel!StringValue (
+ value <- e.getAttrVal('Value')
+ )
+rule BooleanProperty {
+ from
+ e:XML!Element (
+ if'om:Property'
+ then if'om:ModelElement'
+ then if e.isChildrenOf(thisModule.elementToAvoid())
+ then false
+ else e.isBoolean()
+ endif
+ else false
+ endif
+ else false
+ endif
+ )
+ to
+ p : DSLModel!Property(
+ name<-e.getAttrVal('Name'),
+ value <- v
+ ),
+ v : DSLModel!BooleanValue (
+ value <- e.getAttrBool('Value')
+ )
+rule IntegerProperty {
+ from
+ e:XML!Element (
+ if'om:Property'
+ then if'om:ModelElement'
+ then if e.isChildrenOf(thisModule.elementToAvoid())
+ then false
+ else e.isInteger()
+ endif
+ else false
+ endif
+ else false
+ endif
+ )
+ to
+ p : DSLModel!Property(
+ name<-e.getAttrVal('Name'),
+ value <- v
+ ),
+ v : DSLModel!IntegerValue (
+ value <- e.getAttrVal('Value').toInteger()
+ )
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/XML2DSLModel/XML2DSLModel.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/XML2DSLModel/XML2DSLModel.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d1d691d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/XML2DSLModel/XML2DSLModel.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/XML2DSLModel/XML2DSLModel.atl"/>
+<stringAttribute key="ATL VM" value="Regular VM (with debugger)"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="AllowInterModelReferences" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Input">
+<mapEntry key="IN2" value="DSL"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN1" value="XML"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="Mode Debug" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Model Handler">
+<mapEntry key="DSLModel" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="DSL" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML" value="EMF"/>
+<mapAttribute key="ModelType">
+<mapEntry key="IN2" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN1" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="DSLModel" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="DSL" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Output">
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="DSLModel"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="IN2" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/XML2DSLModel/SimpleExampleMM-DSL.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN1" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/XML2DSLModel/SimpleExampleM-XML.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="DSLModel" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/DSLModel.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="DSL" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/DSL.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/ModelBridge/XML2DSLModel/SimpleExampleM-DSLModel.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="XML" value="/data/inputs/DSLBridge/XML.ecore"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.vm.tests"/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/XML.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/XML.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e51b696c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/XML.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns:ecore="">
+ <ecore:EPackage name="PrimitiveTypes">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Boolean"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Integer"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="String"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
+ <ecore:EPackage name="XML">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Node" abstract="true">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="startLine" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="startColumn" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="endLine" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="endColumn" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="name" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="value" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/0/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="parent" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/Element" eOpposite="#/1/Element/children"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Attribute" eSuperTypes="#/1/Node"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Text" eSuperTypes="#/1/Node"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Element" eSuperTypes="#/1/Node">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="children" upperBound="-1"
+ eType="#/1/Node" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/Node/parent"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Root" eSuperTypes="#/1/Element"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/readme.txt b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4105d199
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/DSLBridge/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This test case is related to the use case available at :
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/Families.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/Families.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e82c5dc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/Families.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ecore="">
+ <ecore:EPackage name="Families">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Family">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="lastName" ordered="false" unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="father" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/Member" containment="true" eOpposite="/0/Member/familyFather"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="mother" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/Member" containment="true" eOpposite="/0/Member/familyMother"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="sons" ordered="false" upperBound="-1" eType="/0/Member" containment="true" eOpposite="/0/Member/familySon"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="daughters" ordered="false" upperBound="-1" eType="/0/Member" containment="true" eOpposite="/0/Member/familyDaughter"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Member">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="firstName" ordered="false" unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="familyFather" ordered="false" eType="/0/Family" eOpposite="/0/Family/father"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="familyMother" ordered="false" eType="/0/Family" eOpposite="/0/Family/mother"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="familySon" ordered="false" eType="/0/Family" eOpposite="/0/Family/sons"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="familyDaughter" ordered="false" eType="/0/Family" eOpposite="/0/Family/daughters"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
+ <ecore:EPackage name="PrimitiveTypes">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="String"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/Families2Persons.asm b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/Families2Persons.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..efaef16c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/Families2Persons.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ?>
+<asm name="0">
+ <cp>
+ <constant value="Families2Persons"/>
+ <constant value="links"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;"/>
+ <constant value="col"/>
+ <constant value="J;"/>
+ <constant value="familyName"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="main"/>
+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="0"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
+ <constant value="J.setName(S):V"/>
+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="Member"/>
+ <constant value="Families"/>
+ <constant value="__initfamilyName"/>
+ <constant value="J.registerHelperAttribute(SS):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="MFamilies!Member;"/>
+ <constant value="familyFather"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.not():J"/>
+ <constant value="27"/>
+ <constant value="familyMother"/>
+ <constant value="23"/>
+ <constant value="familySon"/>
+ <constant value="19"/>
+ <constant value="familyDaughter"/>
+ <constant value="lastName"/>
+ <constant value="22"/>
+ <constant value="26"/>
+ <constant value="30"/>
+ <constant value="5:9-5:13"/>
+ <constant value="5:9-5:26"/>
+ <constant value="5:9-5:43"/>
+ <constant value="5:5-5:43"/>
+ <constant value="8:10-8:14"/>
+ <constant value="8:10-8:27"/>
+ <constant value="8:10-8:44"/>
+ <constant value="8:6-8:44"/>
+ <constant value="11:11-11:15"/>
+ <constant value="11:11-11:25"/>
+ <constant value="11:11-11:42"/>
+ <constant value="11:7-11:42"/>
+ <constant value="14:5-14:9"/>
+ <constant value="14:5-14:24"/>
+ <constant value="14:5-14:33"/>
+ <constant value="12:5-12:9"/>
+ <constant value="12:5-12:19"/>
+ <constant value="12:5-12:28"/>
+ <constant value="11:4-15:9"/>
+ <constant value="9:4-9:8"/>
+ <constant value="9:4-9:21"/>
+ <constant value="9:4-9:30"/>
+ <constant value="8:3-16:8"/>
+ <constant value="6:3-6:7"/>
+ <constant value="6:3-6:20"/>
+ <constant value="6:3-6:29"/>
+ <constant value="5:2-17:7"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchMember2Male():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchMember2Female():V"/>
+ <constant value="__matchMember2Male"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
+ <constant value="IN"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.union(CJ):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="J.isFemale():J"/>
+ <constant value="B.not():B"/>
+ <constant value="39"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="Member2Male"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="s"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="t"/>
+ <constant value="Male"/>
+ <constant value="Persons"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="32:28-32:29"/>
+ <constant value="32:28-32:40"/>
+ <constant value="32:24-32:40"/>
+ <constant value="34:7-34:19"/>
+ <constant value="__matchMember2Female"/>
+ <constant value="38"/>
+ <constant value="Member2Female"/>
+ <constant value="Female"/>
+ <constant value="41:24-41:25"/>
+ <constant value="41:24-41:36"/>
+ <constant value="43:7-43:21"/>
+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="J"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):B"/>
+ <constant value="18"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinkBySourceElement(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="15"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetFromSource(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="2"/>
+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.including(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="e"/>
+ <constant value="value"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyMember2Male(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyMember2Female(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="isFemale"/>
+ <constant value="14"/>
+ <constant value="12"/>
+ <constant value="13"/>
+ <constant value="20:9-20:13"/>
+ <constant value="20:9-20:26"/>
+ <constant value="20:9-20:43"/>
+ <constant value="20:5-20:43"/>
+ <constant value="23:10-23:14"/>
+ <constant value="23:10-23:29"/>
+ <constant value="23:10-23:46"/>
+ <constant value="23:6-23:46"/>
+ <constant value="26:4-26:9"/>
+ <constant value="24:4-24:8"/>
+ <constant value="23:3-27:8"/>
+ <constant value="21:3-21:7"/>
+ <constant value="20:2-28:7"/>
+ <constant value="__applyMember2Male"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="firstName"/>
+ <constant value=" "/>
+ <constant value="J.+(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="fullName"/>
+ <constant value="35:16-35:17"/>
+ <constant value="35:16-35:27"/>
+ <constant value="35:30-35:33"/>
+ <constant value="35:16-35:33"/>
+ <constant value="35:36-35:37"/>
+ <constant value="35:36-35:48"/>
+ <constant value="35:16-35:48"/>
+ <constant value="35:4-35:48"/>
+ <constant value="link"/>
+ <constant value="__applyMember2Female"/>
+ <constant value="44:16-44:17"/>
+ <constant value="44:16-44:27"/>
+ <constant value="44:30-44:33"/>
+ <constant value="44:16-44:33"/>
+ <constant value="44:36-44:37"/>
+ <constant value="44:36-44:48"/>
+ <constant value="44:16-44:48"/>
+ <constant value="44:4-44:48"/>
+ </cp>
+ <field name="1" type="2"/>
+ <field name="3" type="4"/>
+ <field name="5" type="6"/>
+ <operation name="7">
+ <context type="8"/>
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+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <push arg="10"/>
+ <push arg="11"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="12"/>
+ <call arg="13"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="14"/>
+ <push arg="11"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="15"/>
+ <call arg="13"/>
+ <call arg="16"/>
+ <set arg="3"/>
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+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <push arg="11"/>
+ <new/>
+ <set arg="1"/>
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+ <push arg="19"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="5"/>
+ <push arg="20"/>
+ <call arg="21"/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <call arg="22"/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <call arg="23"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="24" begin="0" end="30"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="20">
+ <context type="25"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <get arg="26"/>
+ <call arg="27"/>
+ <call arg="28"/>
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+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <get arg="30"/>
+ <call arg="27"/>
+ <call arg="28"/>
+ <if arg="31"/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <get arg="32"/>
+ <call arg="27"/>
+ <call arg="28"/>
+ <if arg="33"/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <get arg="34"/>
+ <get arg="35"/>
+ <goto arg="36"/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <get arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="35"/>
+ <goto arg="37"/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <get arg="30"/>
+ <get arg="35"/>
+ <goto arg="38"/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <get arg="26"/>
+ <get arg="35"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="39" begin="0" end="0"/>
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+ <lne id="49" begin="10" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="50" begin="10" end="13"/>
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+ <lne id="52" begin="15" end="16"/>
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+ <lne id="55" begin="19" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="56" begin="19" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="57" begin="10" end="21"/>
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+ <lne id="59" begin="23" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="60" begin="23" end="25"/>
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+ <lne id="63" begin="27" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="64" begin="27" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="65" begin="0" end="29"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
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+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="66">
+ <context type="8"/>
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+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <call arg="67"/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <call arg="68"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
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+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="69">
+ <context type="8"/>
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+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="18"/>
+ <push arg="19"/>
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+ <push arg="70"/>
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+ <new/>
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+ <dup_x1/>
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+ <call arg="73"/>
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+ <push arg="11"/>
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+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="81"/>
+ <load arg="74"/>
+ <call arg="82"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="83"/>
+ <push arg="84"/>
+ <push arg="85"/>
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+ <call arg="87"/>
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+ </code>
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+ <lne id="89" begin="15" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="90" begin="15" end="17"/>
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+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="92">
+ <context type="8"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="18"/>
+ <push arg="19"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="70"/>
+ <push arg="11"/>
+ <new/>
+ <swap/>
+ <dup_x1/>
+ <push arg="71"/>
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+ <call arg="73"/>
+ <swap/>
+ <pop/>
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+ <push arg="11"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="94"/>
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+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="81"/>
+ <load arg="74"/>
+ <call arg="82"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="83"/>
+ <push arg="95"/>
+ <push arg="85"/>
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+ <call arg="87"/>
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+ </code>
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+ <lne id="97" begin="15" end="16"/>
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+ <operation name="99">
+ <context type="8"/>
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+ <parameter name="74" type="100"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="74"/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
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+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <load arg="74"/>
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+ <load arg="74"/>
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+ <load arg="74"/>
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+ <push arg="11"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="74"/>
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+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="107"/>
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+ <call arg="109"/>
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+ <call arg="110"/>
+ </code>
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+ <code>
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+ <load arg="74"/>
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+ <load arg="74"/>
+ <load arg="107"/>
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+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="74"/>
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+ <load arg="74"/>
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+ <load arg="74"/>
+ <push arg="83"/>
+ <call arg="140"/>
+ <store arg="141"/>
+ <load arg="141"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="9"/>
+ <load arg="107"/>
+ <get arg="142"/>
+ <push arg="143"/>
+ <call arg="144"/>
+ <load arg="107"/>
+ <get arg="5"/>
+ <call arg="144"/>
+ <call arg="108"/>
+ <set arg="145"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="156" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="157" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="158" begin="13" end="13"/>
+ <lne id="159" begin="11" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="160" begin="15" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="161" begin="15" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="162" begin="11" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="163" begin="9" end="19"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="81" begin="3" end="20"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="83" begin="7" end="20"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="24" begin="0" end="20"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="154" begin="0" end="20"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/Families2Persons.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/Families2Persons.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e1d4ff4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/Families2Persons.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+module Families2Persons;
+create OUT : Persons from IN : Families;
+helper context Families!Member def: familyName : String =
+ if not self.familyFather.oclIsUndefined() then
+ self.familyFather.lastName
+ else
+ if not self.familyMother.oclIsUndefined() then
+ self.familyMother.lastName
+ else
+ if not self.familySon.oclIsUndefined() then
+ self.familySon.lastName
+ else
+ self.familyDaughter.lastName
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif;
+helper context Families!Member def: isFemale() : Boolean =
+ if not self.familyMother.oclIsUndefined() then
+ true
+ else
+ if not self.familyDaughter.oclIsUndefined() then
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ endif
+ endif;
+rule Member2Male {
+ from
+ s : Families!Member (not s.isFemale())
+ to
+ t : Persons!Male (
+ fullName <- s.firstName + ' ' + s.familyName
+ )
+rule Member2Female {
+ from
+ s : Families!Member (s.isFemale())
+ to
+ t : Persons!Female (
+ fullName <- s.firstName + ' ' + s.familyName
+ )
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/Families2Persons.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/Families2Persons.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a58c18f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/Families2Persons.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/Families2Persons/Families2Persons.atl"/>
+<stringAttribute key="ATL VM" value="Regular VM (with debugger)"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="AllowInterModelReferences" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="ContinueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Input">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="Families"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="Mode Debug" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Model Handler">
+<mapEntry key="Families" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="Persons" value="EMF"/>
+<mapAttribute key="ModelType">
+<mapEntry key="Families" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="Persons" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Output">
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="Persons"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="Families" value="/data/inputs/Families2Persons/Families.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="/data/inputs/Families2Persons/sample-Families.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="/data/inputs/Families2Persons/sample-Persons.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="Persons" value="/data/inputs/Families2Persons/Persons.ecore"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.vm.tests"/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/Persons.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/Persons.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abd38b3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/Persons.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns:ecore="">
+ <ecore:EPackage name="Persons" nsURI="Persons">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Person" abstract="true">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="fullName" ordered="false"
+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Male" eSuperTypes="/0/Person"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Female" eSuperTypes="/0/Person"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
+ <ecore:EPackage name="PrimitiveTypes" nsURI="PrimitiveTypes">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="String" instanceClassName="java.lang.String"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/readme.txt b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c18cf4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This test case is related to the use case available at :
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/sample-Families.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/sample-Families.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73a7f0db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/Families2Persons/sample-Families.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns="Families">
+ <Family lastName="March">
+ <father firstName="Jim"/>
+ <mother firstName="Cindy"/>
+ <sons firstName="Brandon"/>
+ <daughters firstName="Brenda"/>
+ </Family>
+ <Family lastName="Sailor">
+ <father firstName="Peter"/>
+ <mother firstName="Jackie"/>
+ <sons firstName="David"/>
+ <sons firstName="Dylan"/>
+ <daughters firstName="Kelly"/>
+ </Family>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/FlattenTest/FlattenTest.asm b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/FlattenTest/FlattenTest.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63e0d02e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/FlattenTest/FlattenTest.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,832 @@
+<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ?>
+<asm name="0">
+ <cp>
+ <constant value="FlattenTest"/>
+ <constant value="links"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;"/>
+ <constant value="col"/>
+ <constant value="J;"/>
+ <constant value="testSequence"/>
+ <constant value="QI"/>
+ <constant value="testBag"/>
+ <constant value="GI"/>
+ <constant value="testSet"/>
+ <constant value="EI"/>
+ <constant value="testOrderedSet"/>
+ <constant value="OI"/>
+ <constant value="main"/>
+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="0"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
+ <constant value="J.setName(S):V"/>
+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__inittestSequence():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__inittestBag():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__inittestSet():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__inittestOrderedSet():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="__inittestSequence"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.including(J):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="2"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="5:11-5:12"/>
+ <constant value="5:22-5:23"/>
+ <constant value="5:33-5:34"/>
+ <constant value="5:44-5:45"/>
+ <constant value="5:55-5:56"/>
+ <constant value="5:66-5:67"/>
+ <constant value="5:57-5:68"/>
+ <constant value="5:46-5:69"/>
+ <constant value="5:35-5:70"/>
+ <constant value="5:24-5:71"/>
+ <constant value="5:13-5:72"/>
+ <constant value="5:2-5:73"/>
+ <constant value="__inittestBag"/>
+ <constant value="Bag"/>
+ <constant value="4"/>
+ <constant value="5"/>
+ <constant value="6"/>
+ <constant value="7"/>
+ <constant value="8"/>
+ <constant value="9"/>
+ <constant value="8:6-8:7"/>
+ <constant value="8:12-8:13"/>
+ <constant value="8:18-8:19"/>
+ <constant value="8:24-8:25"/>
+ <constant value="8:30-8:31"/>
+ <constant value="8:36-8:37"/>
+ <constant value="8:42-8:43"/>
+ <constant value="8:48-8:49"/>
+ <constant value="8:54-8:55"/>
+ <constant value="8:50-8:56"/>
+ <constant value="8:44-8:57"/>
+ <constant value="8:38-8:58"/>
+ <constant value="8:32-8:59"/>
+ <constant value="8:26-8:60"/>
+ <constant value="8:20-8:61"/>
+ <constant value="8:14-8:62"/>
+ <constant value="8:8-8:63"/>
+ <constant value="8:2-8:64"/>
+ <constant value="__inittestSet"/>
+ <constant value="Set"/>
+ <constant value="11:6-11:7"/>
+ <constant value="11:12-11:13"/>
+ <constant value="11:18-11:19"/>
+ <constant value="11:24-11:25"/>
+ <constant value="11:30-11:31"/>
+ <constant value="11:36-11:37"/>
+ <constant value="11:32-11:38"/>
+ <constant value="11:26-11:39"/>
+ <constant value="11:20-11:40"/>
+ <constant value="11:14-11:41"/>
+ <constant value="11:8-11:42"/>
+ <constant value="11:2-11:43"/>
+ <constant value="__inittestOrderedSet"/>
+ <constant value="OrderedSet"/>
+ <constant value="14:13-14:14"/>
+ <constant value="14:26-14:27"/>
+ <constant value="14:39-14:40"/>
+ <constant value="14:52-14:53"/>
+ <constant value="14:65-14:66"/>
+ <constant value="14:78-14:79"/>
+ <constant value="14:67-14:80"/>
+ <constant value="14:54-14:81"/>
+ <constant value="14:41-14:82"/>
+ <constant value="14:28-14:83"/>
+ <constant value="14:15-14:84"/>
+ <constant value="14:2-14:85"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchClass():V"/>
+ <constant value="__matchClass"/>
+ <constant value="Model"/>
+ <constant value="UML"/>
+ <constant value="IN"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.union(CJ):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="B.not():B"/>
+ <constant value="61"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="Class"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="trigger"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="container"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="testSequenceClass"/>
+ <constant value="testBagClass"/>
+ <constant value="testSetClass"/>
+ <constant value="testOrderedSetClass"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="21:15-21:24"/>
+ <constant value="30:23-30:32"/>
+ <constant value="33:18-33:27"/>
+ <constant value="36:18-36:27"/>
+ <constant value="39:25-39:34"/>
+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="J"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):B"/>
+ <constant value="18"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinkBySourceElement(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="15"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetFromSource(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="30"/>
+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.including(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="e"/>
+ <constant value="value"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyClass(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="__applyClass"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="tests results"/>
+ <constant value="packagedElement"/>
+ <constant value="J.flatten():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.toString():J"/>
+ <constant value="22:12-22:27"/>
+ <constant value="22:4-22:27"/>
+ <constant value="24:5-24:22"/>
+ <constant value="25:5-25:17"/>
+ <constant value="26:5-26:17"/>
+ <constant value="27:5-27:24"/>
+ <constant value="23:23-28:5"/>
+ <constant value="23:4-28:5"/>
+ <constant value="31:12-31:22"/>
+ <constant value="31:12-31:35"/>
+ <constant value="31:12-31:48"/>
+ <constant value="31:12-31:62"/>
+ <constant value="31:4-31:62"/>
+ <constant value="34:12-34:22"/>
+ <constant value="34:12-34:30"/>
+ <constant value="34:12-34:43"/>
+ <constant value="34:12-34:57"/>
+ <constant value="34:4-34:57"/>
+ <constant value="37:12-37:22"/>
+ <constant value="37:12-37:30"/>
+ <constant value="37:12-37:43"/>
+ <constant value="37:12-37:57"/>
+ <constant value="37:4-37:57"/>
+ <constant value="40:12-40:22"/>
+ <constant value="40:12-40:37"/>
+ <constant value="40:12-40:50"/>
+ <constant value="40:12-40:64"/>
+ <constant value="40:4-40:64"/>
+ <constant value="link"/>
+ </cp>
+ <field name="1" type="2"/>
+ <field name="3" type="4"/>
+ <field name="5" type="6"/>
+ <field name="7" type="8"/>
+ <field name="9" type="10"/>
+ <field name="11" type="12"/>
+ <operation name="13">
+ <context type="14"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <push arg="16"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="18"/>
+ <call arg="19"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="20"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="21"/>
+ <call arg="19"/>
+ <call arg="22"/>
+ <set arg="3"/>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <push arg="23"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <set arg="1"/>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <call arg="24"/>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <call arg="25"/>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <call arg="26"/>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <call arg="27"/>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <call arg="28"/>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <call arg="29"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="30" begin="0" end="32"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="31">
+ <context type="14"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <push arg="32"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="33"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="32"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="33"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="32"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="35"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="32"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="35"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="32"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="36"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="32"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="36"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <set arg="5"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="37" begin="4" end="4"/>
+ <lne id="38" begin="9" end="9"/>
+ <lne id="39" begin="14" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="40" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="41" begin="24" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="42" begin="29" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="43" begin="26" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="44" begin="21" end="31"/>
+ <lne id="45" begin="16" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="46" begin="11" end="33"/>
+ <lne id="47" begin="6" end="34"/>
+ <lne id="48" begin="1" end="35"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="30" begin="0" end="36"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="49">
+ <context type="14"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <push arg="50"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="33"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="50"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="35"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="50"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="36"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="50"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="51"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="50"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="52"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="50"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="53"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="50"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="54"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="50"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="55"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="50"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="56"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <set arg="7"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="57" begin="4" end="4"/>
+ <lne id="58" begin="9" end="9"/>
+ <lne id="59" begin="14" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="60" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="61" begin="24" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="62" begin="29" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="63" begin="34" end="34"/>
+ <lne id="64" begin="39" end="39"/>
+ <lne id="65" begin="44" end="44"/>
+ <lne id="66" begin="41" end="45"/>
+ <lne id="67" begin="36" end="46"/>
+ <lne id="68" begin="31" end="47"/>
+ <lne id="69" begin="26" end="48"/>
+ <lne id="70" begin="21" end="49"/>
+ <lne id="71" begin="16" end="50"/>
+ <lne id="72" begin="11" end="51"/>
+ <lne id="73" begin="6" end="52"/>
+ <lne id="74" begin="1" end="53"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="30" begin="0" end="54"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="75">
+ <context type="14"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <push arg="76"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="33"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="76"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="33"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="76"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="35"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="76"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="35"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="76"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="36"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="76"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="36"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <set arg="9"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="77" begin="4" end="4"/>
+ <lne id="78" begin="9" end="9"/>
+ <lne id="79" begin="14" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="80" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="81" begin="24" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="82" begin="29" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="83" begin="26" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="84" begin="21" end="31"/>
+ <lne id="85" begin="16" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="86" begin="11" end="33"/>
+ <lne id="87" begin="6" end="34"/>
+ <lne id="88" begin="1" end="35"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="30" begin="0" end="36"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="89">
+ <context type="14"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <push arg="90"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="33"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="90"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="33"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="90"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="35"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="90"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="35"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="90"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="36"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <push arg="90"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <pushi arg="36"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <set arg="11"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="91" begin="4" end="4"/>
+ <lne id="92" begin="9" end="9"/>
+ <lne id="93" begin="14" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="94" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="95" begin="24" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="96" begin="29" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="97" begin="26" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="98" begin="21" end="31"/>
+ <lne id="99" begin="16" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="100" begin="11" end="33"/>
+ <lne id="101" begin="6" end="34"/>
+ <lne id="102" begin="1" end="35"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="30" begin="0" end="36"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="103">
+ <context type="14"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <call arg="104"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="30" begin="0" end="1"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="105">
+ <context type="14"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="106"/>
+ <push arg="107"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="32"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <swap/>
+ <dup_x1/>
+ <push arg="108"/>
+ <call arg="109"/>
+ <call arg="110"/>
+ <swap/>
+ <pop/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="33"/>
+ <pusht/>
+ <call arg="111"/>
+ <if arg="112"/>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="113"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="114"/>
+ <call arg="115"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="116"/>
+ <load arg="33"/>
+ <call arg="117"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="118"/>
+ <push arg="106"/>
+ <push arg="107"/>
+ <new/>
+ <call arg="119"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="120"/>
+ <push arg="114"/>
+ <push arg="107"/>
+ <new/>
+ <call arg="119"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="121"/>
+ <push arg="114"/>
+ <push arg="107"/>
+ <new/>
+ <call arg="119"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="122"/>
+ <push arg="114"/>
+ <push arg="107"/>
+ <new/>
+ <call arg="119"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="123"/>
+ <push arg="114"/>
+ <push arg="107"/>
+ <new/>
+ <call arg="119"/>
+ <call arg="124"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="125" begin="32" end="34"/>
+ <lne id="126" begin="38" end="40"/>
+ <lne id="127" begin="44" end="46"/>
+ <lne id="128" begin="50" end="52"/>
+ <lne id="129" begin="56" end="58"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="1" name="116" begin="14" end="60"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="30" begin="0" end="61"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="130">
+ <context type="14"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="33" type="131"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="33"/>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <get arg="3"/>
+ <call arg="132"/>
+ <if arg="133"/>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <load arg="33"/>
+ <call arg="134"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <call arg="135"/>
+ <if arg="136"/>
+ <load arg="33"/>
+ <call arg="137"/>
+ <goto arg="138"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="33"/>
+ <goto arg="139"/>
+ <push arg="32"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="33"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="35"/>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <call arg="140"/>
+ <call arg="141"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="142"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="143" begin="23" end="27"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="30" begin="0" end="29"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="144" begin="0" end="29"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="145">
+ <context type="14"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="33" type="131"/>
+ <parameter name="35" type="146"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <load arg="33"/>
+ <call arg="134"/>
+ <load arg="33"/>
+ <load arg="35"/>
+ <call arg="147"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="30" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="144" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="148" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="149">
+ <context type="14"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="114"/>
+ <call arg="150"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="33"/>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <load arg="33"/>
+ <call arg="151"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="1" name="143" begin="5" end="8"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="30" begin="0" end="9"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="152">
+ <context type="14"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="33" type="153"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="33"/>
+ <push arg="116"/>
+ <call arg="154"/>
+ <store arg="35"/>
+ <load arg="33"/>
+ <push arg="118"/>
+ <call arg="155"/>
+ <store arg="36"/>
+ <load arg="33"/>
+ <push arg="120"/>
+ <call arg="155"/>
+ <store arg="51"/>
+ <load arg="33"/>
+ <push arg="121"/>
+ <call arg="155"/>
+ <store arg="52"/>
+ <load arg="33"/>
+ <push arg="122"/>
+ <call arg="155"/>
+ <store arg="53"/>
+ <load arg="33"/>
+ <push arg="123"/>
+ <call arg="155"/>
+ <store arg="54"/>
+ <load arg="36"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <push arg="156"/>
+ <call arg="140"/>
+ <set arg="148"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <push arg="32"/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="51"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <load arg="52"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <load arg="53"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <load arg="54"/>
+ <call arg="34"/>
+ <call arg="140"/>
+ <set arg="157"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="51"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="5"/>
+ <call arg="158"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <call arg="140"/>
+ <set arg="148"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="52"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="7"/>
+ <call arg="158"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <call arg="140"/>
+ <set arg="148"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="53"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="9"/>
+ <call arg="158"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <call arg="140"/>
+ <set arg="148"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="54"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <load arg="15"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="11"/>
+ <call arg="158"/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <call arg="140"/>
+ <set arg="148"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="160" begin="27" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="161" begin="25" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="162" begin="35" end="35"/>
+ <lne id="163" begin="37" end="37"/>
+ <lne id="164" begin="39" end="39"/>
+ <lne id="165" begin="41" end="41"/>
+ <lne id="166" begin="32" end="42"/>
+ <lne id="167" begin="30" end="44"/>
+ <lne id="168" begin="49" end="49"/>
+ <lne id="169" begin="49" end="50"/>
+ <lne id="170" begin="49" end="51"/>
+ <lne id="171" begin="49" end="52"/>
+ <lne id="172" begin="47" end="54"/>
+ <lne id="173" begin="59" end="59"/>
+ <lne id="174" begin="59" end="60"/>
+ <lne id="175" begin="59" end="61"/>
+ <lne id="176" begin="59" end="62"/>
+ <lne id="177" begin="57" end="64"/>
+ <lne id="178" begin="69" end="69"/>
+ <lne id="179" begin="69" end="70"/>
+ <lne id="180" begin="69" end="71"/>
+ <lne id="181" begin="69" end="72"/>
+ <lne id="182" begin="67" end="74"/>
+ <lne id="183" begin="79" end="79"/>
+ <lne id="184" begin="79" end="80"/>
+ <lne id="185" begin="79" end="81"/>
+ <lne id="186" begin="79" end="82"/>
+ <lne id="187" begin="77" end="84"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="116" begin="3" end="85"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="118" begin="7" end="85"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="120" begin="11" end="85"/>
+ <lve slot="5" name="121" begin="15" end="85"/>
+ <lve slot="6" name="122" begin="19" end="85"/>
+ <lve slot="7" name="123" begin="23" end="85"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="30" begin="0" end="85"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="188" begin="0" end="85"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/FlattenTest/FlattenTest.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/FlattenTest/FlattenTest.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc1be971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/FlattenTest/FlattenTest.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+module FlattenTest;
+create OUT : UML from IN : UML;
+helper def : testSequence : Sequence(Integer) =
+ Sequence{1,Sequence{1,Sequence{2,Sequence{2,Sequence{3,Sequence{3}}}}}};
+helper def : testBag : Bag(Integer) =
+ Bag{1,Bag{2,Bag{3,Bag{4,Bag{5,Bag{6,Bag{7,Bag{8,Bag{9}}}}}}}}};
+helper def : testSet : Set(Integer) =
+ Set{1,Set{1,Set{2,Set{2,Set{3,Set{3}}}}}};
+helper def : testOrderedSet : OrderedSet(Integer) =
+ OrderedSet{1,OrderedSet{1,OrderedSet{2,OrderedSet{2,OrderedSet{3,OrderedSet{3}}}}}};
+rule Class {
+ from
+ trigger : UML!Model
+ to
+ container : UML!Model (
+ name <- 'tests results',
+ packagedElement <- Sequence{
+ testSequenceClass,
+ testBagClass,
+ testSetClass,
+ testOrderedSetClass
+ }
+ ),
+ testSequenceClass : UML!Class (
+ name <- thisModule.testSequence -> flatten() -> toString()
+ ),
+ testBagClass : UML!Class (
+ name <- thisModule.testBag -> flatten() -> toString()
+ ),
+ testSetClass : UML!Class (
+ name <- thisModule.testSet -> flatten() -> toString()
+ ),
+ testOrderedSetClass : UML!Class (
+ name <- thisModule.testOrderedSet -> flatten() -> toString()
+ )
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/FlattenTest/FlattenTest.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/FlattenTest/FlattenTest.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86725c25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/FlattenTest/FlattenTest.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/FlattenTest/FlattenTest.atl"/>
+<stringAttribute key="ATL VM" value="Regular VM (with debugger)"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="AllowInterModelReferences" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Input">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="UML"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="Mode Debug" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Model Handler">
+<mapEntry key="UML" value="EMF"/>
+<mapAttribute key="ModelType">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="UML" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Output">
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="UML"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="/data/inputs/FlattenTest/TestEntry.uml"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="/data/inputs/FlattenTest/Results.uml"/>
+<mapEntry key="UML" value="uri:"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="Collections"/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/FlattenTest/TestEntry.uml b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/FlattenTest/TestEntry.uml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b6b3013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/FlattenTest/TestEntry.uml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<uml:Model xmi:version="2.1" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:uml="" xmi:id="a" name="TestCollections"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/MSOfficeExcel_SpreadsheetMLSimplified.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/MSOfficeExcel_SpreadsheetMLSimplified.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0622e2c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/MSOfficeExcel_SpreadsheetMLSimplified.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ecore="">
+ <ecore:EPackage name="SpreadsheetMLSimplified">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="DateTimeType">
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+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="day" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="hour" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="minute" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Integer"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="second" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Integer"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="ValueType" abstract="true">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="vt_data" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/Data" eOpposite="/0/Data/value"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="StringValue" eSuperTypes="/0/ValueType">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="value" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="NumberValue" eSuperTypes="/0/ValueType">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="value" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Double"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="DateTimeTypeValue" eSuperTypes="/0/ValueType">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="value" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/DateTimeType" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="value" ordered="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/1/Boolean"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="ErrorValue" eSuperTypes="/0/ValueType"/>
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+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="wb_worksheets" upperBound="-1" eType="/0/Worksheet" containment="true" eOpposite="/0/Worksheet/ws_workbook"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </ecore:EPackage>
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+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Integer"/>
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+ </ecore:EPackage>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Metrics.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Metrics.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7cfcf029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Metrics.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ecore="">
+ <ecore:EPackage name="PrimitiveTypes">
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+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Double"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
+ <ecore:EPackage name="Metrics">
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+ </eClassifiers>
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+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="StringMetricValue" eSuperTypes="/1/MetricValue">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="value" ordered="false" unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="BooleanMetricValue" eSuperTypes="/1/MetricValue">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="value" ordered="false" unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/Boolean"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="IntegerMetricValue" eSuperTypes="/1/MetricValue">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="value" ordered="false" unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/Integer"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="DoubleMetricValue" eSuperTypes="/1/MetricValue">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="value" ordered="false" unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="/0/Double"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace.asm b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a851c4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,1154 @@
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+ <cp>
+ <constant value="SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace"/>
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+ <constant value="main"/>
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+ <constant value="#native"/>
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+ <constant value="SpreadsheetMLSimplified"/>
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+ <constant value="__initisALevelDescriptionBeginning"/>
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+ <constant value="__initgetIndexOfLastRowBeforeNextLevel"/>
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+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
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+ <constant value="56:3-60:4"/>
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+ <constant value="l"/>
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+ <constant value="111"/>
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+ <constant value="82:23-82:33"/>
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+ <constant value="82:38-82:68"/>
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+ <constant value="89:24-89:89"/>
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+ <constant value="90:35-90:65"/>
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+ <lne id="122" begin="26" end="26"/>
+ <lne id="123" begin="26" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="124" begin="26" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="125" begin="29" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="126" begin="29" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="127" begin="29" end="31"/>
+ <lne id="128" begin="29" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="129" begin="26" end="33"/>
+ <lne id="130" begin="23" end="34"/>
+ <lne id="131" begin="36" end="36"/>
+ <lne id="132" begin="36" end="37"/>
+ <lne id="133" begin="36" end="38"/>
+ <lne id="134" begin="39" end="39"/>
+ <lne id="135" begin="40" end="40"/>
+ <lne id="136" begin="41" end="41"/>
+ <lne id="137" begin="40" end="42"/>
+ <lne id="138" begin="43" end="43"/>
+ <lne id="139" begin="40" end="44"/>
+ <lne id="140" begin="39" end="45"/>
+ <lne id="141" begin="36" end="46"/>
+ <lne id="142" begin="47" end="47"/>
+ <lne id="143" begin="36" end="48"/>
+ <lne id="144" begin="16" end="48"/>
+ <lne id="145" begin="0" end="48"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="1" name="146" begin="7" end="13"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="147" begin="15" end="48"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="29" begin="0" end="48"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="148">
+ <context type="7"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="149"/>
+ <push arg="16"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="150"/>
+ <call arg="151"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="22"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="152"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="53"/>
+ <call arg="153"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="154"/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <call arg="155"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="156"/>
+ <push arg="157"/>
+ <push arg="157"/>
+ <new/>
+ <call arg="158"/>
+ <pusht/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="160" begin="21" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="161" begin="19" end="24"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="1" name="154" begin="6" end="26"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="29" begin="0" end="27"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="162">
+ <context type="7"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="22" type="163"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <push arg="154"/>
+ <call arg="164"/>
+ <store arg="40"/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <push arg="156"/>
+ <call arg="165"/>
+ <store arg="166"/>
+ <load arg="166"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="40"/>
+ <get arg="49"/>
+ <call arg="41"/>
+ <set arg="49"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <push arg="39"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <push arg="39"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="40"/>
+ <get arg="167"/>
+ <get arg="96"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="168"/>
+ <load arg="168"/>
+ <get arg="17"/>
+ <call arg="97"/>
+ <if arg="169"/>
+ <load arg="168"/>
+ <call arg="99"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="168"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="168"/>
+ <call arg="170"/>
+ <call arg="99"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="41"/>
+ <set arg="171"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="172" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="173" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="174" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="175" begin="23" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="176" begin="23" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="177" begin="23" end="25"/>
+ <lne id="178" begin="28" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="179" begin="28" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="180" begin="20" end="34"/>
+ <lne id="181" begin="37" end="37"/>
+ <lne id="182" begin="38" end="38"/>
+ <lne id="183" begin="37" end="39"/>
+ <lne id="184" begin="17" end="41"/>
+ <lne id="185" begin="15" end="43"/>
+ <lne id="161" begin="8" end="44"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="4" name="146" begin="27" end="33"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="146" begin="36" end="40"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="156" begin="7" end="44"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="154" begin="3" end="44"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="29" begin="0" end="44"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="186" begin="0" end="44"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="187">
+ <context type="7"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="22" type="56"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="152"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="187"/>
+ <call arg="153"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="188"/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <call arg="155"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="189"/>
+ <push arg="190"/>
+ <push arg="157"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <store arg="40"/>
+ <call arg="158"/>
+ <pushf/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <load arg="40"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <push arg="39"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <get arg="95"/>
+ <get arg="96"/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <get arg="95"/>
+ <get arg="96"/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <call arg="100"/>
+ <pushi arg="22"/>
+ <call arg="105"/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <get arg="20"/>
+ <call arg="191"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="166"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="166"/>
+ <call arg="192"/>
+ <call arg="99"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="41"/>
+ <set arg="193"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <push arg="39"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <get arg="95"/>
+ <get arg="96"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="166"/>
+ <load arg="166"/>
+ <get arg="17"/>
+ <call arg="97"/>
+ <if arg="194"/>
+ <load arg="166"/>
+ <call arg="99"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <call arg="100"/>
+ <pushi arg="22"/>
+ <call arg="105"/>
+ <set arg="5"/>
+ <load arg="40"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="195" begin="28" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="196" begin="28" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="197" begin="28" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="198" begin="31" end="31"/>
+ <lne id="199" begin="31" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="200" begin="31" end="33"/>
+ <lne id="201" begin="34" end="34"/>
+ <lne id="202" begin="31" end="35"/>
+ <lne id="203" begin="36" end="36"/>
+ <lne id="204" begin="31" end="37"/>
+ <lne id="205" begin="38" end="38"/>
+ <lne id="206" begin="38" end="39"/>
+ <lne id="207" begin="28" end="40"/>
+ <lne id="208" begin="43" end="43"/>
+ <lne id="209" begin="44" end="44"/>
+ <lne id="210" begin="43" end="45"/>
+ <lne id="211" begin="25" end="47"/>
+ <lne id="212" begin="23" end="49"/>
+ <lne id="213" begin="22" end="50"/>
+ <lne id="214" begin="51" end="51"/>
+ <lne id="215" begin="55" end="55"/>
+ <lne id="216" begin="55" end="56"/>
+ <lne id="217" begin="55" end="57"/>
+ <lne id="218" begin="60" end="60"/>
+ <lne id="219" begin="60" end="61"/>
+ <lne id="220" begin="52" end="66"/>
+ <lne id="221" begin="67" end="67"/>
+ <lne id="222" begin="52" end="68"/>
+ <lne id="223" begin="69" end="69"/>
+ <lne id="224" begin="52" end="70"/>
+ <lne id="225" begin="51" end="71"/>
+ <lne id="226" begin="51" end="71"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="3" name="227" begin="42" end="46"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="146" begin="59" end="65"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="189" begin="18" end="72"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="29" begin="0" end="72"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="188" begin="0" end="72"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="228">
+ <context type="7"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="22" type="56"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="152"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="228"/>
+ <call arg="153"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="188"/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <call arg="155"/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <get arg="58"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="5"/>
+ <pushi arg="22"/>
+ <call arg="105"/>
+ <call arg="59"/>
+ <get arg="60"/>
+ <get arg="45"/>
+ <get arg="45"/>
+ <store arg="40"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="229"/>
+ <push arg="230"/>
+ <push arg="157"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <store arg="166"/>
+ <call arg="158"/>
+ <pushf/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <load arg="166"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <push arg="39"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <get arg="58"/>
+ <pushi arg="22"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="5"/>
+ <call arg="191"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="168"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="168"/>
+ <call arg="231"/>
+ <call arg="99"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="41"/>
+ <set arg="232"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="40"/>
+ <call arg="41"/>
+ <set arg="233"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <get arg="58"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="5"/>
+ <pushi arg="40"/>
+ <call arg="105"/>
+ <call arg="59"/>
+ <get arg="60"/>
+ <get arg="45"/>
+ <get arg="45"/>
+ <call arg="234"/>
+ <call arg="41"/>
+ <set arg="235"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <get arg="58"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="5"/>
+ <pushi arg="166"/>
+ <call arg="105"/>
+ <call arg="59"/>
+ <get arg="60"/>
+ <get arg="45"/>
+ <get arg="45"/>
+ <call arg="234"/>
+ <call arg="41"/>
+ <set arg="236"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="40"/>
+ <push arg="237"/>
+ <call arg="102"/>
+ <if arg="238"/>
+ <push arg="39"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <call arg="239"/>
+ <goto arg="240"/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <get arg="58"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="5"/>
+ <pushi arg="168"/>
+ <call arg="105"/>
+ <call arg="59"/>
+ <get arg="60"/>
+ <get arg="45"/>
+ <get arg="45"/>
+ <call arg="234"/>
+ <call arg="41"/>
+ <set arg="241"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="166"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="242" begin="12" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="243" begin="12" end="13"/>
+ <lne id="244" begin="14" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="245" begin="14" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="246" begin="16" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="247" begin="14" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="248" begin="12" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="249" begin="12" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="250" begin="12" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="251" begin="12" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="252" begin="39" end="39"/>
+ <lne id="253" begin="39" end="40"/>
+ <lne id="254" begin="41" end="41"/>
+ <lne id="255" begin="42" end="42"/>
+ <lne id="256" begin="42" end="43"/>
+ <lne id="257" begin="39" end="44"/>
+ <lne id="258" begin="47" end="47"/>
+ <lne id="259" begin="48" end="48"/>
+ <lne id="260" begin="47" end="49"/>
+ <lne id="261" begin="36" end="51"/>
+ <lne id="262" begin="34" end="53"/>
+ <lne id="263" begin="56" end="56"/>
+ <lne id="264" begin="54" end="58"/>
+ <lne id="265" begin="61" end="61"/>
+ <lne id="266" begin="61" end="62"/>
+ <lne id="267" begin="63" end="63"/>
+ <lne id="268" begin="63" end="64"/>
+ <lne id="269" begin="65" end="65"/>
+ <lne id="270" begin="63" end="66"/>
+ <lne id="271" begin="61" end="67"/>
+ <lne id="272" begin="61" end="68"/>
+ <lne id="273" begin="61" end="69"/>
+ <lne id="274" begin="61" end="70"/>
+ <lne id="275" begin="61" end="71"/>
+ <lne id="276" begin="59" end="73"/>
+ <lne id="277" begin="76" end="76"/>
+ <lne id="278" begin="76" end="77"/>
+ <lne id="279" begin="78" end="78"/>
+ <lne id="280" begin="78" end="79"/>
+ <lne id="281" begin="80" end="80"/>
+ <lne id="282" begin="78" end="81"/>
+ <lne id="283" begin="76" end="82"/>
+ <lne id="284" begin="76" end="83"/>
+ <lne id="285" begin="76" end="84"/>
+ <lne id="286" begin="76" end="85"/>
+ <lne id="287" begin="76" end="86"/>
+ <lne id="288" begin="74" end="88"/>
+ <lne id="289" begin="91" end="91"/>
+ <lne id="290" begin="92" end="92"/>
+ <lne id="291" begin="91" end="93"/>
+ <lne id="292" begin="95" end="98"/>
+ <lne id="293" begin="100" end="100"/>
+ <lne id="294" begin="100" end="101"/>
+ <lne id="295" begin="102" end="102"/>
+ <lne id="296" begin="102" end="103"/>
+ <lne id="297" begin="104" end="104"/>
+ <lne id="298" begin="102" end="105"/>
+ <lne id="299" begin="100" end="106"/>
+ <lne id="300" begin="100" end="107"/>
+ <lne id="301" begin="100" end="108"/>
+ <lne id="302" begin="100" end="109"/>
+ <lne id="303" begin="100" end="110"/>
+ <lne id="304" begin="91" end="110"/>
+ <lne id="305" begin="89" end="112"/>
+ <lne id="306" begin="33" end="113"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="4" name="307" begin="46" end="50"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="229" begin="29" end="114"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="308" begin="22" end="114"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="29" begin="0" end="114"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="188" begin="0" end="114"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="309">
+ <context type="7"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="22" type="310"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="152"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="309"/>
+ <call arg="153"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="311"/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <call arg="155"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="312"/>
+ <push arg="66"/>
+ <push arg="157"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <store arg="40"/>
+ <call arg="158"/>
+ <pushf/>
+ <call arg="159"/>
+ <load arg="40"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <get arg="60"/>
+ <get arg="45"/>
+ <get arg="45"/>
+ <call arg="234"/>
+ <call arg="41"/>
+ <set arg="45"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="40"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="313" begin="25" end="25"/>
+ <lne id="314" begin="25" end="26"/>
+ <lne id="315" begin="25" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="316" begin="25" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="317" begin="25" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="318" begin="23" end="31"/>
+ <lne id="319" begin="22" end="32"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="2" name="312" begin="18" end="33"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="29" begin="0" end="33"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="311" begin="0" end="33"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9809b88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+--@atlcompiler atl2006
+--@author Hugo Bruneliere (Hugo.Bruneliere <at>
+module SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace; -- Module Template
+create OUT : Trace from IN : SpreadsheetMLSimplified;
+-- HELPERS --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- This helper indicates if a given row is the beginning of a trace level description
+-- CONTEXT: SpreadsheetMLSimplified!Row
+-- RETURN: Boolean
+helper context SpreadsheetMLSimplified!Row def: isALevelDescriptionBeginning : Boolean =
+ let data : SpreadsheetMLSimplified!Data = self.r_cells->at(1).c_data in
+ if not data.oclIsUndefined()then
+ if data.value.oclIsTypeOf(SpreadsheetMLSimplified!StringValue) then
+ if data.value.value = 'Index' then
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ endif
+ else
+ false
+ endif
+ else
+ false
+ endif;
+-- This helper returns the index of the last row before the next level
+-- CONTEXT: SpreadsheetMLSimplified!Row
+-- RETURN: Integer
+helper context SpreadsheetMLSimplified!Row def: getIndexOfLastRowBeforeNextLevel : Integer =
+ let rows : Sequence(SpreadsheetMLSimplified!Row) =
+ self.r_table.t_rows->select(row | row.isALevelDescriptionBeginning) in
+ if rows->indexOf(self) <> rows->size() then
+ self.r_table.t_rows->indexOf(rows->at(rows->indexOf(self)+1))-1
+ else
+ self.r_table.t_rows->indexOf(self.r_table.t_rows->at(self.r_table.t_rows->size()))
+ endif;
+-- This global variable indicates the index of the current level
+helper def: currentLevelIndex : Integer = 1;
+-- RULES ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+rule Worksheet2Trace {
+ from
+ ew : SpreadsheetMLSimplified!Worksheet
+ to
+ t : Trace!Trace (
+ name <-,
+ levels <- ew.ws_table.t_rows->select(row | row.isALevelDescriptionBeginning)
+ ->collect(row | thisModule.CreateLevel(row))
+ )
+lazy rule CreateLevel {
+ from
+ er : SpreadsheetMLSimplified!Row
+ to
+ l : Trace!Level (
+ calls <- er.r_table.t_rows
+ ->subSequence(er.r_table.t_rows->indexOf(er)+1,er.getIndexOfLastRowBeforeNextLevel)
+ ->collect(r | thisModule.CreateCall(r))
+ )
+ do {
+ thisModule.currentLevelIndex <- er.r_table.t_rows->select(row | row.isALevelDescriptionBeginning)
+ ->indexOf(er)+1;
+ }
+lazy rule CreateCall {
+ from
+ er : SpreadsheetMLSimplified!Row
+ using {
+ nodeName : String = er.r_cells->at(thisModule.currentLevelIndex+1).c_data.value.value;
+ }
+ to
+ c : Trace!Call (
+ indexes <- er.r_cells->subSequence(1,thisModule.currentLevelIndex)
+ ->collect(cell | thisModule.CreateIndex(cell)),
+ methodName <- nodeName,
+ DBAccessesNumber <- er.r_cells->at(thisModule.currentLevelIndex+2).c_data.value.value.round(),
+ DBRowsNumber <- er.r_cells->at(thisModule.currentLevelIndex+3).c_data.value.value.round(),
+ CPUTime <- if nodeName <> 'Total DB-Ops' then
+ er.r_cells->at(thisModule.currentLevelIndex+4).c_data.value.value.round()
+ else
+ OclUndefined
+ endif
+ )
+lazy rule CreateIndex {
+ from
+ ec : SpreadsheetMLSimplified!Cell
+ to
+ i : Trace!Index (
+ value <- ec.c_data.value.value.round()
+ )
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4999495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace.atl"/>
+<stringAttribute key="ATL VM" value="Regular VM (with debugger)"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="AllowInterModelReferences" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Input">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="SpreadsheetMLSimplified"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="Mode Debug" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Model Handler">
+<mapEntry key="Trace" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="SpreadsheetMLSimplified" value="EMF"/>
+<mapAttribute key="ModelType">
+<mapEntry key="Trace" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="SpreadsheetMLSimplified" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Output">
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="Trace"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="Trace" value="/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Trace.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace/TraceSamples-Excel.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/SpreadsheetMLSimplified2Trace/TraceSamples-Trace.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="SpreadsheetMLSimplified" value="/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/MSOfficeExcel_SpreadsheetMLSimplified.ecore"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.emftest"/>
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--- /dev/null
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diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Trace.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Trace.ecore
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+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
+ <constant value="J.setName(S):V"/>
+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="30:46-30:56"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):B"/>
+ <constant value="18"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinkBySourceElement(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="15"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetFromSource(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="30"/>
+ <constant value="2"/>
+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.including(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="e"/>
+ <constant value="value"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchMetricsBuilding():V"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="MetricsBuilding"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyMetricsBuilding(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="getMethodsList"/>
+ <constant value="MTrace!Level;"/>
+ <constant value="0"/>
+ <constant value="calls"/>
+ <constant value="methodName"/>
+ <constant value="Total DB-Ops"/>
+ <constant value="J.&lt;&gt;(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.excludes(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.and(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="20"/>
+ <constant value="24"/>
+ <constant value="J.append(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="16:54-16:64"/>
+ <constant value="16:2-16:6"/>
+ <constant value="16:2-16:12"/>
+ <constant value="17:6-17:10"/>
+ <constant value="17:6-17:21"/>
+ <constant value="17:25-17:39"/>
+ <constant value="17:6-17:39"/>
+ <constant value="17:44-17:48"/>
+ <constant value="17:59-17:63"/>
+ <constant value="17:59-17:74"/>
+ <constant value="17:44-17:75"/>
+ <constant value="17:6-17:75"/>
+ <constant value="20:4-20:8"/>
+ <constant value="18:4-18:8"/>
+ <constant value="18:17-18:21"/>
+ <constant value="18:17-18:32"/>
+ <constant value="18:4-18:33"/>
+ <constant value="17:3-21:8"/>
+ <constant value="16:2-22:3"/>
+ <constant value="call"/>
+ <constant value="list"/>
+ <constant value="MTrace!Trace;"/>
+ <constant value="levels"/>
+ <constant value="J.getMethodsList():J"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.including(J):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="J.flatten():J"/>
+ <constant value="J.asSet():J"/>
+ <constant value="28:2-28:6"/>
+ <constant value="28:2-28:13"/>
+ <constant value="28:27-28:28"/>
+ <constant value="28:27-28:45"/>
+ <constant value="28:2-28:46"/>
+ <constant value="28:2-28:57"/>
+ <constant value="28:2-28:66"/>
+ <constant value="l"/>
+ <constant value="__matchMetricsBuilding"/>
+ <constant value="Trace"/>
+ <constant value="IN"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="t"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="totalNbOfMethodCall"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addVariable(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="totalNbOfDBAccesses"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="totalNbOfDBRows"/>
+ <constant value="4"/>
+ <constant value="totalCPUTime"/>
+ <constant value="5"/>
+ <constant value="mDBAccesses"/>
+ <constant value="Metric"/>
+ <constant value="Metrics"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="mDBRows"/>
+ <constant value="mCPU"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink2(NTransientLink;B):V"/>
+ <constant value="41:35-41:36"/>
+ <constant value="42:35-42:36"/>
+ <constant value="43:31-43:32"/>
+ <constant value="44:28-44:29"/>
+ <constant value="47:17-47:31"/>
+ <constant value="47:3-49:4"/>
+ <constant value="50:13-50:27"/>
+ <constant value="50:3-52:4"/>
+ <constant value="53:10-53:24"/>
+ <constant value="53:3-55:4"/>
+ <constant value="__applyMetricsBuilding"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getVariable(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="6"/>
+ <constant value="7"/>
+ <constant value="8"/>
+ <constant value="9"/>
+ <constant value="Average number of DB accesses by method"/>
+ <constant value="Average number of DB rows handled by method"/>
+ <constant value="Average CPU time used by method"/>
+ <constant value="10"/>
+ <constant value="11"/>
+ <constant value="12"/>
+ <constant value="J.=(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="75"/>
+ <constant value="94"/>
+ <constant value="J.+(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="DBAccessesNumber"/>
+ <constant value="DBRowsNumber"/>
+ <constant value="CPUTime"/>
+ <constant value="values"/>
+ <constant value="J.CreateAverageNbOfDbAccessesMetricValue(JJJ):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.union(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.CreateAverageNbOfDbRowsMetricValue(JJJ):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.CreateAverageCPUTimeMetricValue(JJJ):J"/>
+ <constant value="48:12-48:53"/>
+ <constant value="48:4-48:53"/>
+ <constant value="51:12-51:57"/>
+ <constant value="51:4-51:57"/>
+ <constant value="54:12-54:45"/>
+ <constant value="54:4-54:45"/>
+ <constant value="57:3-57:13"/>
+ <constant value="57:29-57:30"/>
+ <constant value="57:29-57:47"/>
+ <constant value="57:3-57:48"/>
+ <constant value="58:21-58:31"/>
+ <constant value="58:21-58:43"/>
+ <constant value="60:17-60:18"/>
+ <constant value="60:17-60:25"/>
+ <constant value="61:17-61:22"/>
+ <constant value="61:17-61:28"/>
+ <constant value="62:9-62:13"/>
+ <constant value="62:9-62:24"/>
+ <constant value="62:27-62:37"/>
+ <constant value="62:9-62:37"/>
+ <constant value="63:30-63:49"/>
+ <constant value="63:52-63:53"/>
+ <constant value="63:30-63:53"/>
+ <constant value="63:7-63:54"/>
+ <constant value="64:30-64:49"/>
+ <constant value="64:52-64:56"/>
+ <constant value="64:52-64:73"/>
+ <constant value="64:30-64:73"/>
+ <constant value="64:7-64:74"/>
+ <constant value="65:26-65:41"/>
+ <constant value="65:44-65:48"/>
+ <constant value="65:44-65:61"/>
+ <constant value="65:26-65:61"/>
+ <constant value="65:7-65:62"/>
+ <constant value="66:23-66:35"/>
+ <constant value="66:38-66:42"/>
+ <constant value="66:38-66:50"/>
+ <constant value="66:23-66:50"/>
+ <constant value="66:7-66:51"/>
+ <constant value="62:6-67:7"/>
+ <constant value="61:5-68:6"/>
+ <constant value="60:4-69:5"/>
+ <constant value="70:4-70:15"/>
+ <constant value="70:26-70:37"/>
+ <constant value="70:26-70:44"/>
+ <constant value="71:15-71:25"/>
+ <constant value="71:65-71:75"/>
+ <constant value="72:18-72:37"/>
+ <constant value="72:39-72:58"/>
+ <constant value="71:15-72:59"/>
+ <constant value="70:52-73:16"/>
+ <constant value="70:26-73:17"/>
+ <constant value="70:4-73:18"/>
+ <constant value="74:4-74:11"/>
+ <constant value="74:22-74:29"/>
+ <constant value="74:22-74:36"/>
+ <constant value="75:15-75:25"/>
+ <constant value="75:61-75:71"/>
+ <constant value="76:18-76:33"/>
+ <constant value="76:35-76:54"/>
+ <constant value="75:15-76:55"/>
+ <constant value="74:44-77:16"/>
+ <constant value="74:22-77:17"/>
+ <constant value="74:4-77:18"/>
+ <constant value="78:4-78:8"/>
+ <constant value="78:19-78:23"/>
+ <constant value="78:19-78:30"/>
+ <constant value="79:15-79:25"/>
+ <constant value="79:58-79:68"/>
+ <constant value="80:18-80:30"/>
+ <constant value="80:32-80:51"/>
+ <constant value="79:15-80:52"/>
+ <constant value="78:38-81:16"/>
+ <constant value="78:19-81:17"/>
+ <constant value="78:4-81:18"/>
+ <constant value="82:27-82:28"/>
+ <constant value="82:4-82:29"/>
+ <constant value="83:27-83:28"/>
+ <constant value="83:4-83:29"/>
+ <constant value="84:23-84:24"/>
+ <constant value="84:4-84:25"/>
+ <constant value="85:20-85:21"/>
+ <constant value="85:4-85:22"/>
+ <constant value="58:3-86:4"/>
+ <constant value="56:2-87:3"/>
+ <constant value="level"/>
+ <constant value="link"/>
+ <constant value="CreateAverageNbOfDbAccessesMetricValue"/>
+ <constant value="IntegerMetricValue"/>
+ <constant value="tag"/>
+ <constant value="J./(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.round():J"/>
+ <constant value="94:11-94:21"/>
+ <constant value="94:4-94:21"/>
+ <constant value="95:14-95:33"/>
+ <constant value="95:36-95:56"/>
+ <constant value="95:14-95:56"/>
+ <constant value="95:13-95:65"/>
+ <constant value="95:4-95:65"/>
+ <constant value="98:3-98:5"/>
+ <constant value="98:3-98:6"/>
+ <constant value="97:2-99:3"/>
+ <constant value="mv"/>
+ <constant value="totalNbOfDbAccesses"/>
+ <constant value="totalNbOfMethodCalls"/>
+ <constant value="CreateAverageNbOfDbRowsMetricValue"/>
+ <constant value="106:11-106:21"/>
+ <constant value="106:4-106:21"/>
+ <constant value="107:14-107:29"/>
+ <constant value="107:32-107:52"/>
+ <constant value="107:14-107:52"/>
+ <constant value="107:13-107:61"/>
+ <constant value="107:4-107:61"/>
+ <constant value="110:3-110:5"/>
+ <constant value="110:3-110:6"/>
+ <constant value="109:2-111:3"/>
+ <constant value="totalNbOfDbRows"/>
+ <constant value="CreateAverageCPUTimeMetricValue"/>
+ <constant value="118:11-118:21"/>
+ <constant value="118:4-118:21"/>
+ <constant value="119:14-119:26"/>
+ <constant value="119:29-119:49"/>
+ <constant value="119:14-119:49"/>
+ <constant value="119:13-119:58"/>
+ <constant value="119:4-119:58"/>
+ <constant value="122:3-122:5"/>
+ <constant value="122:3-122:6"/>
+ <constant value="121:2-123:3"/>
+ </cp>
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+ <field name="3" type="4"/>
+ <field name="5" type="4"/>
+ <operation name="6">
+ <context type="7"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <getasm/>
+ <push arg="8"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="10"/>
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+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="12"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="13"/>
+ <call arg="11"/>
+ <call arg="14"/>
+ <set arg="3"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <push arg="15"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <set arg="5"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <push arg="16"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <set arg="1"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <call arg="17"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <call arg="18"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="19" begin="17" end="19"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="20" begin="0" end="29"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="21">
+ <context type="7"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="22" type="4"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="3"/>
+ <call arg="23"/>
+ <if arg="24"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <call arg="25"/>
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+ <call arg="26"/>
+ <if arg="27"/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <call arg="28"/>
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+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <goto arg="30"/>
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+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="31"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="31"/>
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+ <call arg="33"/>
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+ <call arg="34"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
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+ <parameter name="22" type="4"/>
+ <parameter name="31" type="38"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <call arg="25"/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <load arg="31"/>
+ <call arg="39"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="0" name="20" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="36" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="40" begin="0" end="6"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="41">
+ <context type="7"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <getasm/>
+ <call arg="42"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ </linenumbertable>
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+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
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+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <getasm/>
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+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
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+ </code>
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+ </linenumbertable>
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+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="15"/>
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+ <store arg="22"/>
+ <load arg="49"/>
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+ <store arg="31"/>
+ <load arg="31"/>
+ <get arg="51"/>
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+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <load arg="31"/>
+ <get arg="51"/>
+ <call arg="54"/>
+ <call arg="55"/>
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+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <goto arg="57"/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <load arg="31"/>
+ <get arg="51"/>
+ <call arg="58"/>
+ <store arg="22"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ </code>
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+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="15"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="49"/>
+ <get arg="81"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="22"/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
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+ <call arg="83"/>
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+ <call arg="84"/>
+ <call arg="85"/>
+ </code>
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+ <lne id="87" begin="3" end="4"/>
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+ <lne id="91" begin="0" end="11"/>
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+ </parameters>
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+ <store arg="22"/>
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+ <push arg="9"/>
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+ <call arg="101"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="102"/>
+ <pushi arg="49"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <store arg="31"/>
+ <call arg="103"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="104"/>
+ <pushi arg="49"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <store arg="105"/>
+ <call arg="103"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="106"/>
+ <pushi arg="49"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <store arg="107"/>
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+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="108"/>
+ <pushi arg="49"/>
+ <dup/>
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+ <push arg="111"/>
+ <push arg="112"/>
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+ <push arg="111"/>
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+ <push arg="111"/>
+ <push arg="112"/>
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+ <load arg="22"/>
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+ <load arg="22"/>
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+ <load arg="22"/>
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+ <load arg="22"/>
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+ <store arg="132"/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
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+ <store arg="133"/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
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+ <store arg="134"/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <push arg="108"/>
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+ <store arg="135"/>
+ <load arg="105"/>
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+ <set arg="40"/>
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+ <load arg="107"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <push arg="137"/>
+ <call arg="32"/>
+ <set arg="40"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="109"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <push arg="138"/>
+ <call arg="32"/>
+ <set arg="40"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="31"/>
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+ <getasm/>
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+ <store arg="140"/>
+ <load arg="140"/>
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+ <store arg="141"/>
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+ <get arg="51"/>
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+ <load arg="141"/>
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+ <load arg="141"/>
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+ <load arg="105"/>
+ <load arg="105"/>
+ <get arg="149"/>
+ <push arg="15"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="139"/>
+ <load arg="133"/>
+ <load arg="132"/>
+ <call arg="150"/>
+ <call arg="83"/>
+ <call arg="151"/>
+ <set arg="149"/>
+ <load arg="107"/>
+ <load arg="107"/>
+ <get arg="149"/>
+ <push arg="15"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="139"/>
+ <load arg="134"/>
+ <load arg="132"/>
+ <call arg="152"/>
+ <call arg="83"/>
+ <call arg="151"/>
+ <set arg="149"/>
+ <load arg="109"/>
+ <load arg="109"/>
+ <get arg="149"/>
+ <push arg="15"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="139"/>
+ <load arg="135"/>
+ <load arg="132"/>
+ <call arg="153"/>
+ <call arg="83"/>
+ <call arg="151"/>
+ <set arg="149"/>
+ <pushi arg="49"/>
+ <store arg="132"/>
+ <pushi arg="49"/>
+ <store arg="133"/>
+ <pushi arg="49"/>
+ <store arg="134"/>
+ <pushi arg="49"/>
+ <store arg="135"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="154" begin="35" end="35"/>
+ <lne id="155" begin="33" end="37"/>
+ <lne id="122" begin="32" end="38"/>
+ <lne id="156" begin="42" end="42"/>
+ <lne id="157" begin="40" end="44"/>
+ <lne id="124" begin="39" end="45"/>
+ <lne id="158" begin="49" end="49"/>
+ <lne id="159" begin="47" end="51"/>
+ <lne id="126" begin="46" end="52"/>
+ <lne id="160" begin="53" end="53"/>
+ <lne id="161" begin="54" end="54"/>
+ <lne id="162" begin="54" end="55"/>
+ <lne id="163" begin="53" end="56"/>
+ <lne id="164" begin="57" end="57"/>
+ <lne id="165" begin="57" end="58"/>
+ <lne id="166" begin="61" end="61"/>
+ <lne id="167" begin="61" end="62"/>
+ <lne id="168" begin="65" end="65"/>
+ <lne id="169" begin="65" end="66"/>
+ <lne id="170" begin="69" end="69"/>
+ <lne id="171" begin="69" end="70"/>
+ <lne id="172" begin="71" end="71"/>
+ <lne id="173" begin="69" end="72"/>
+ <lne id="174" begin="75" end="75"/>
+ <lne id="175" begin="76" end="76"/>
+ <lne id="176" begin="75" end="77"/>
+ <lne id="177" begin="75" end="78"/>
+ <lne id="178" begin="79" end="79"/>
+ <lne id="179" begin="80" end="80"/>
+ <lne id="180" begin="80" end="81"/>
+ <lne id="181" begin="79" end="82"/>
+ <lne id="182" begin="79" end="83"/>
+ <lne id="183" begin="84" end="84"/>
+ <lne id="184" begin="85" end="85"/>
+ <lne id="185" begin="85" end="86"/>
+ <lne id="186" begin="84" end="87"/>
+ <lne id="187" begin="84" end="88"/>
+ <lne id="188" begin="89" end="89"/>
+ <lne id="189" begin="90" end="90"/>
+ <lne id="190" begin="90" end="91"/>
+ <lne id="191" begin="89" end="92"/>
+ <lne id="192" begin="89" end="93"/>
+ <lne id="193" begin="69" end="93"/>
+ <lne id="194" begin="65" end="94"/>
+ <lne id="195" begin="61" end="95"/>
+ <lne id="196" begin="96" end="96"/>
+ <lne id="197" begin="97" end="97"/>
+ <lne id="198" begin="97" end="98"/>
+ <lne id="199" begin="102" end="102"/>
+ <lne id="200" begin="103" end="103"/>
+ <lne id="201" begin="104" end="104"/>
+ <lne id="202" begin="105" end="105"/>
+ <lne id="203" begin="102" end="106"/>
+ <lne id="204" begin="99" end="107"/>
+ <lne id="205" begin="97" end="108"/>
+ <lne id="206" begin="96" end="109"/>
+ <lne id="207" begin="110" end="110"/>
+ <lne id="208" begin="111" end="111"/>
+ <lne id="209" begin="111" end="112"/>
+ <lne id="210" begin="116" end="116"/>
+ <lne id="211" begin="117" end="117"/>
+ <lne id="212" begin="118" end="118"/>
+ <lne id="213" begin="119" end="119"/>
+ <lne id="214" begin="116" end="120"/>
+ <lne id="215" begin="113" end="121"/>
+ <lne id="216" begin="111" end="122"/>
+ <lne id="217" begin="110" end="123"/>
+ <lne id="218" begin="124" end="124"/>
+ <lne id="219" begin="125" end="125"/>
+ <lne id="220" begin="125" end="126"/>
+ <lne id="221" begin="130" end="130"/>
+ <lne id="222" begin="131" end="131"/>
+ <lne id="223" begin="132" end="132"/>
+ <lne id="224" begin="133" end="133"/>
+ <lne id="225" begin="130" end="134"/>
+ <lne id="226" begin="127" end="135"/>
+ <lne id="227" begin="125" end="136"/>
+ <lne id="228" begin="124" end="137"/>
+ <lne id="229" begin="138" end="138"/>
+ <lne id="230" begin="138" end="139"/>
+ <lne id="231" begin="140" end="140"/>
+ <lne id="232" begin="140" end="141"/>
+ <lne id="233" begin="142" end="142"/>
+ <lne id="234" begin="142" end="143"/>
+ <lne id="235" begin="144" end="144"/>
+ <lne id="236" begin="144" end="145"/>
+ <lne id="237" begin="57" end="146"/>
+ <lne id="238" begin="53" end="146"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="12" name="78" begin="68" end="93"/>
+ <lve slot="11" name="239" begin="64" end="94"/>
+ <lve slot="10" name="51" begin="60" end="145"/>
+ <lve slot="6" name="102" begin="19" end="146"/>
+ <lve slot="7" name="104" begin="23" end="146"/>
+ <lve slot="8" name="106" begin="27" end="146"/>
+ <lve slot="9" name="108" begin="31" end="146"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="110" begin="7" end="146"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="114" begin="11" end="146"/>
+ <lve slot="5" name="115" begin="15" end="146"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="100" begin="3" end="146"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="20" begin="0" end="146"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="240" begin="0" end="146"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="241">
+ <context type="7"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="22" type="4"/>
+ <parameter name="31" type="4"/>
+ <parameter name="105" type="4"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="242"/>
+ <push arg="112"/>
+ <new/>
+ <store arg="107"/>
+ <load arg="107"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <call arg="32"/>
+ <set arg="243"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="31"/>
+ <load arg="105"/>
+ <call arg="244"/>
+ <call arg="245"/>
+ <call arg="32"/>
+ <set arg="36"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="107"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="246" begin="7" end="7"/>
+ <lne id="247" begin="5" end="9"/>
+ <lne id="248" begin="12" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="249" begin="13" end="13"/>
+ <lne id="250" begin="12" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="251" begin="12" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="252" begin="10" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="253" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="254" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="255" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="4" name="256" begin="3" end="19"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="20" begin="0" end="19"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="51" begin="0" end="19"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="257" begin="0" end="19"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="258" begin="0" end="19"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="259">
+ <context type="7"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="22" type="4"/>
+ <parameter name="31" type="4"/>
+ <parameter name="105" type="4"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="242"/>
+ <push arg="112"/>
+ <new/>
+ <store arg="107"/>
+ <load arg="107"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <call arg="32"/>
+ <set arg="243"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="31"/>
+ <load arg="105"/>
+ <call arg="244"/>
+ <call arg="245"/>
+ <call arg="32"/>
+ <set arg="36"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="107"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="260" begin="7" end="7"/>
+ <lne id="261" begin="5" end="9"/>
+ <lne id="262" begin="12" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="263" begin="13" end="13"/>
+ <lne id="264" begin="12" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="265" begin="12" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="266" begin="10" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="267" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="268" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="269" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="4" name="256" begin="3" end="19"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="20" begin="0" end="19"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="51" begin="0" end="19"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="270" begin="0" end="19"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="258" begin="0" end="19"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="271">
+ <context type="7"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="22" type="4"/>
+ <parameter name="31" type="4"/>
+ <parameter name="105" type="4"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="242"/>
+ <push arg="112"/>
+ <new/>
+ <store arg="107"/>
+ <load arg="107"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="22"/>
+ <call arg="32"/>
+ <set arg="243"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="31"/>
+ <load arg="105"/>
+ <call arg="244"/>
+ <call arg="245"/>
+ <call arg="32"/>
+ <set arg="36"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <load arg="107"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="272" begin="7" end="7"/>
+ <lne id="273" begin="5" end="9"/>
+ <lne id="274" begin="12" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="275" begin="13" end="13"/>
+ <lne id="276" begin="12" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="277" begin="12" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="278" begin="10" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="279" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="280" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="281" begin="19" end="19"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="4" name="256" begin="3" end="19"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="20" begin="0" end="19"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="51" begin="0" end="19"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="108" begin="0" end="19"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="258" begin="0" end="19"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Trace2PerformanceMetrics/Trace2PerformanceMetrics.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Trace2PerformanceMetrics/Trace2PerformanceMetrics.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..475efa74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Trace2PerformanceMetrics/Trace2PerformanceMetrics.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+--@atlcompiler atl2006
+--@author Hugo Bruneliere (Hugo.Bruneliere <at>
+module Trace2PerformanceMetrics;
+create OUT : Metrics from IN : Trace;
+-- HELPERS --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- This helper returns the list of the methods called at a given level
+-- CONTEXT: Trace!Level
+-- RETURN: Sequence(String)
+helper context Trace!Level def: getMethodsList() : Sequence(String) =
+ self.calls->iterate(call; list : Sequence(String) = Sequence{} |
+ if call.methodName <> 'Total DB-Ops' and list->excludes(call.methodName) then
+ list->append(call.methodName)
+ else
+ list
+ endif
+ );
+-- This helper returns the overall list of the methods called
+-- CONTEXT: Trace!Trace
+-- RETURN: Sequence(String)
+helper context Trace!Trace def: getMethodsList() : Sequence(String) =
+ self.levels->collect(l | l.getMethodsList())->flatten()->asSet();
+helper def: methodsList : Sequence(String) = Sequence{};
+-- RULES ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+rule MetricsBuilding {
+ from
+ t : Trace!Trace
+ using {
+ totalNbOfMethodCall : Integer = 0;
+ totalNbOfDBAccesses : Integer = 0;
+ totalNbOfDBRows : Integer = 0;
+ totalCPUTime : Integer = 0;
+ }
+ to
+ mDBAccesses : Metrics!Metric (
+ name <- 'Average number of DB accesses by method'
+ ),
+ mDBRows : Metrics!Metric (
+ name <- 'Average number of DB rows handled by method'
+ ),
+ mCPU : Metrics!Metric (
+ name <- 'Average CPU time used by method'
+ )
+ do {
+ thisModule.methodsList <- t.getMethodsList();
+ for(methodName in thisModule.methodsList) {
+ for(level in t.levels) {
+ for(call in level.calls) {
+ if(call.methodName = methodName) {
+ totalNbOfMethodCall <- totalNbOfMethodCall + 1;
+ totalNbOfDBAccesses <- totalNbOfDBAccesses + call.DBAccessesNumber;
+ totalNbOfDBRows <- totalNbOfDBRows + call.DBRowsNumber;
+ totalCPUTime <- totalCPUTime + call.CPUTime;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mDBAccesses.values <- mDBAccesses.values->union(Sequence{
+ thisModule.CreateAverageNbOfDbAccessesMetricValue(methodName,
+ totalNbOfDBAccesses, totalNbOfMethodCall)
+ });
+ mDBRows.values <- mDBRows.values->union(Sequence{
+ thisModule.CreateAverageNbOfDbRowsMetricValue(methodName,
+ totalNbOfDBRows, totalNbOfMethodCall)
+ });
+ mCPU.values <- mCPU.values->union(Sequence{
+ thisModule.CreateAverageCPUTimeMetricValue(methodName,
+ totalCPUTime, totalNbOfMethodCall)
+ });
+ totalNbOfMethodCall <- 0;
+ totalNbOfDBAccesses <- 0;
+ totalNbOfDBRows <- 0;
+ totalCPUTime <- 0;
+ }
+ }
+rule CreateAverageNbOfDbAccessesMetricValue(methodName : String,
+ totalNbOfDbAccesses : Integer, totalNbOfMethodCalls : Integer) {
+ to
+ mv : Metrics!IntegerMetricValue (
+ tag <- methodName,
+ value <- (totalNbOfDbAccesses / totalNbOfMethodCalls).round()
+ )
+ do {
+ mv;
+ }
+rule CreateAverageNbOfDbRowsMetricValue(methodName : String,
+ totalNbOfDbRows : Integer, totalNbOfMethodCalls : Integer) {
+ to
+ mv : Metrics!IntegerMetricValue (
+ tag <- methodName,
+ value <- (totalNbOfDbRows / totalNbOfMethodCalls).round()
+ )
+ do {
+ mv;
+ }
+rule CreateAverageCPUTimeMetricValue(methodName : String,
+ totalCPUTime : Integer, totalNbOfMethodCalls : Integer) {
+ to
+ mv : Metrics!IntegerMetricValue (
+ tag <- methodName,
+ value <- (totalCPUTime / totalNbOfMethodCalls).round()
+ )
+ do {
+ mv;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Trace2PerformanceMetrics/Trace2PerformanceMetrics.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Trace2PerformanceMetrics/Trace2PerformanceMetrics.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..226994d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Trace2PerformanceMetrics/Trace2PerformanceMetrics.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Trace2PerformanceMetrics/Trace2PerformanceMetrics.atl"/>
+<stringAttribute key="ATL VM" value="Regular VM (with debugger)"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="AllowInterModelReferences" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Input">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="Trace"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="Mode Debug" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Model Handler">
+<mapEntry key="Trace" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="Metrics" value="EMF"/>
+<mapAttribute key="ModelType">
+<mapEntry key="Trace" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="Metrics" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Output">
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="Metrics"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="Trace" value="/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Trace.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Trace2PerformanceMetrics/TraceSamples-Trace.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="Metrics" value="/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Metrics.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Trace2PerformanceMetrics/TraceSamples-Metrics.ecore"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.emftest"/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Trace2PerformanceMetrics/TraceSamples-Trace.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Trace2PerformanceMetrics/TraceSamples-Trace.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d8f3614e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Trace2PerformanceMetrics/TraceSamples-Trace.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<Trace xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns="Trace" name="Order_PerformanceTrace">
+ <levels>
+ <calls methodName="Create New Order" DBAccessesNumber="0" DBRowsNumber="0" CPUTime="8725">
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Select Order" DBAccessesNumber="2" DBRowsNumber="2645" CPUTime="10122">
+ <indexes value="2"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Create New Order" DBAccessesNumber="0" DBRowsNumber="0" CPUTime="7463">
+ <indexes value="3"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Select Order" DBAccessesNumber="3" DBRowsNumber="4225" CPUTime="12473">
+ <indexes value="4"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Select Order" DBAccessesNumber="2" DBRowsNumber="2386" CPUTime="10242">
+ <indexes value="5"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Select Order" DBAccessesNumber="4" DBRowsNumber="5786" CPUTime="12703">
+ <indexes value="6"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Create New Order" DBAccessesNumber="0" DBRowsNumber="0" CPUTime="8364">
+ <indexes value="7"/>
+ </calls>
+ </levels>
+ <levels>
+ <calls methodName="Validate" DBAccessesNumber="1" DBRowsNumber="1114" CPUTime="9789">
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Update Order" DBAccessesNumber="0" DBRowsNumber="0" CPUTime="12322">
+ <indexes value="2"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Cancel" DBAccessesNumber="0" DBRowsNumber="0" CPUTime="486">
+ <indexes value="3"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Delete Order" DBAccessesNumber="0" DBRowsNumber="0" CPUTime="4838">
+ <indexes value="4"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Delete Order" DBAccessesNumber="0" DBRowsNumber="0" CPUTime="5017">
+ <indexes value="5"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Update Order" DBAccessesNumber="0" DBRowsNumber="0" CPUTime="11634">
+ <indexes value="6"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Validate" DBAccessesNumber="1" DBRowsNumber="1115" CPUTime="9662">
+ <indexes value="7"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ </levels>
+ <levels>
+ <calls methodName="Validate" DBAccessesNumber="1" DBRowsNumber="1115" CPUTime="9964">
+ <indexes value="2"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Cancel" DBAccessesNumber="0" DBRowsNumber="0" CPUTime="451">
+ <indexes value="4"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Validate" DBAccessesNumber="1" DBRowsNumber="1115" CPUTime="9423">
+ <indexes value="5"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ <calls methodName="Validate" DBAccessesNumber="1" DBRowsNumber="1114" CPUTime="9756">
+ <indexes value="6"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ <indexes value="1"/>
+ </calls>
+ </levels>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/Order.uml b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/Order.uml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e5fd400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/Order.uml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<uml:Model xmi:version="2.1" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:uml="" xmi:id="idModel" name="OrderModel">
+ <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Package" xmi:id="idPackage" name="OrderPackage">
+ <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Activity" xmi:id="idActivity" name="OrderActivity">
+ <ownedComment xmi:id="_IbgecDnpEdyfTrsS1W5oZA">
+ <body>Sample Activity Diagram: Order Management&#xD;
+ </ownedComment>
+ <node xmi:type="uml:InitialNode" xmi:id="_6FW_oDnlEdyfTrsS1W5oZA" name="InitialNode1" outgoing="_wvGlcDnmEdyfTrsS1W5oZA"/>
+ <node xmi:type="uml:ActivityFinalNode" xmi:id="_7xr-kDnlEdyfTrsS1W5oZA" name="ActivityFinalNode1" incoming="_EFZEsDnnEdyfTrsS1W5oZA _E6vYUDnnEdyfTrsS1W5oZA"/>
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/Performance.profile.uml
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
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+ </eStructuralFeatures>
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+ </eStructuralFeatures>
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+ <eType xmi:type="ecore:EDataType" href=""/>
+ </eStructuralFeatures>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ </contents>
+ </eAnnotations>
+ <elementImport xmi:id="_8WlDMNkgEdufA5mqkDxD4g">
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+ <importedElement xmi:type="uml:PrimitiveType" href="pathmap://UML_LIBRARIES/EcorePrimitiveTypes.library.uml#EInt"/>
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+ </ownedAttribute>
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+ </ownedAttribute>
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+ </ownedAttribute>
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+ <type xmi:type="uml:Class" href="pathmap://UML_METAMODELS/UML.metamodel.uml#Node"/>
+ </ownedAttribute>
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+ <type xmi:type="uml:PrimitiveType" href="pathmap://UML_LIBRARIES/UMLPrimitiveTypes.library.uml#Integer"/>
+ </ownedAttribute>
+ </packagedElement>
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+ </packagedElement>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/TraceSamples-Metrics.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/TraceSamples-Metrics.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..812a9b30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/TraceSamples-Metrics.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns="Metrics">
+ <Metric name="Average number of DB accesses by method">
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Select Order" value="3"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Delete Order" value="0"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Update Order" value="0"/>
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+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Validate" value="1"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Create New Order" value="0"/>
+ </Metric>
+ <Metric name="Average number of DB rows handled by method">
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Select Order" value="3761"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Delete Order" value="0"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Update Order" value="0"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Cancel" value="0"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Validate" value="1115"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Create New Order" value="0"/>
+ </Metric>
+ <Metric name="Average CPU time used by method">
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Select Order" value="11385"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Delete Order" value="4928"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Update Order" value="11978"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Cancel" value="469"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Validate" value="9719"/>
+ <values xsi:type="IntegerMetricValue" tag="Create New Order" value="8184"/>
+ </Metric>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/UML2Copy.asm b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/UML2Copy.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..97db2c02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/UML2Copy.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,58396 @@
+<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ?>
+<asm name="0">
+ <cp>
+ <constant value="UML2Copy"/>
+ <constant value="links"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;"/>
+ <constant value="col"/>
+ <constant value="J"/>
+ <constant value="inElements"/>
+ <constant value="main"/>
+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
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+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
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+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="ecore::EObject"/>
+ <constant value="UML2"/>
+ <constant value="IN"/>
+ <constant value="J.allInstancesFrom(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="8:56-8:77"/>
+ <constant value="8:96-8:100"/>
+ <constant value="8:56-8:101"/>
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+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
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+ <constant value="18"/>
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+ <constant value="17"/>
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+ <constant value="value"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
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+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDurationInterval():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDeployment():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchSlot():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDataStoreNode():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchReadIsClassifiedObjectAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchSubstitution():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchModel():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAddStructuralFeatureValueAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchQualifierValue():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchIntervalConstraint():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchTimeObservation():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchInteractionUse():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchValueSpecificationAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchClassifierTemplateParameter():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchReadLinkObjectEndQualifierAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchLiteralInteger():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchForkNode():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPort():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchCallBehaviorAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchReadLinkObjectEndAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchStructuredActivityNode():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchParameter():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchInterfaceRealization():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchConsiderIgnoreFragment():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchUnmarshallAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchStateInvariant():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchOutputPin():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchCombinedFragment():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchFinalState():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchJoinNode():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDecisionNode():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchOpaqueBehavior():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDataType():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchClearAssociationAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchLinkEndDestructionData():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAddVariableValueAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchOperation():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchLiteralString():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchConditionalNode():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchRedefinableTemplateSignature():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchClass():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAcceptEventAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchInstanceSpecification():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchMessage():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchClearVariableAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchActor():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchActivityFinalNode():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchTrigger():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchFlowFinalNode():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPackageImport():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchProperty():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchExtensionEnd():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPrimitiveType():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchEAnnotation():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchProtocolTransition():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchNode():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchInformationFlow():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchProtocolStateMachine():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchBehaviorExecutionSpecification():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchInclude():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchCallEvent():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAssociationClass():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchElementImport():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchCallOperationAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchMergeNode():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchActionExecutionSpecification():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchManifestation():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPin():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchCentralBufferNode():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchEStringToStringMapEntry():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDestructionEvent():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPackage():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchProtocolConformance():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchSignal():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchRaiseExceptionAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchTimeExpression():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchConnectableElementTemplateParameter():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchLoopNode():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchTemplateParameter():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchRemoveVariableValueAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchUsage():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchImage():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchSendSignalEvent():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchLinkEndData():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchLiteralUnlimitedNatural():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchExpansionNode():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchTemplateSignature():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchInputPin():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchVariable():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDestroyLinkAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDuration():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchComment():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchContinuation():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchComponent():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchGeneralOrdering():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchOpaqueExpression():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchBroadcastSignalAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchExtensionPoint():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchCollaborationUse():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchReplyAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchChangeEvent():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchActivityPartition():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchExecutionOccurrenceSpecification():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchOccurrenceSpecification():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchRealization():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchSendObjectAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchCollaboration():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchTransition():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchControlFlow():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchTimeConstraint():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDurationConstraint():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchTestIdentityAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchReduceAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchConnectionPointReference():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchGeneralizationSet():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchTemplateParameterSubstitution():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchStateMachine():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchTimeInterval():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchLifeline():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchSendSignalAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchSignalEvent():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchEnumerationLiteral():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchLiteralNull():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchInformationItem():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAcceptCallAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchCommunicationPath():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchStringExpression():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchInterruptibleActivityRegion():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchInterface():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchParameterSet():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchActionInputPin():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAssociation():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchConstraint():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchReadVariableAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchMessageOccurrenceSpecification():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchExpansionRegion():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchCreateLinkObjectAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchActivity():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchInterval():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchUseCase():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchClause():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchReceiveOperationEvent():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchConnector():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAnyReceiveEvent():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPartDecomposition():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchRegion():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchOpaqueAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPseudostate():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPackageMerge():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchLiteralBoolean():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchSequenceNode():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDeploymentSpecification():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchInteractionOperand():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchExtension():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchSendOperationEvent():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchReceiveSignalEvent():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchInteraction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchObjectFlow():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchReclassifyObjectAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchTemplateBinding():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchValuePin():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchRemoveStructuralFeatureValueAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchStartClassifierBehaviorAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchClearStructuralFeatureAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDurationObservation():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchCreationEvent():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchState():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchReception():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchConnectorEnd():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchInteractionConstraint():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchReadStructuralFeatureAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchExceptionHandler():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchReadExtentAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchGate():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchExecutionEvent():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchProfileApplication():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchArtifact():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchGeneralization():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDevice():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchInitialNode():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchExecutionEnvironment():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchTimeEvent():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchOperationTemplateParameter():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchCreateObjectAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchFunctionBehavior():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchCreateLinkAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchLinkEndCreationData():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchReadSelfAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchExpression():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDependency():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchAbstraction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchInstanceValue():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchDestroyObjectAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchReadLinkAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchExtend():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchActivityParameterNode():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchComponentRealization():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchEnumeration():V"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="DurationInterval"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDurationInterval(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Deployment"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDeployment(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Slot"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applySlot(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="DataStoreNode"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDataStoreNode(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ReadIsClassifiedObjectAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyReadIsClassifiedObjectAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Substitution"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applySubstitution(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Model"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyModel(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="AddStructuralFeatureValueAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAddStructuralFeatureValueAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="QualifierValue"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyQualifierValue(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="IntervalConstraint"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyIntervalConstraint(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="TimeObservation"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyTimeObservation(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="InteractionUse"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyInteractionUse(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ValueSpecificationAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyValueSpecificationAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ClassifierTemplateParameter"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyClassifierTemplateParameter(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ReadLinkObjectEndQualifierAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyReadLinkObjectEndQualifierAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="LiteralInteger"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyLiteralInteger(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ForkNode"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyForkNode(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Port"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPort(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="CallBehaviorAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyCallBehaviorAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ReadLinkObjectEndAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyReadLinkObjectEndAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="StructuredActivityNode"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyStructuredActivityNode(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Parameter"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyParameter(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="InterfaceRealization"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyInterfaceRealization(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ConsiderIgnoreFragment"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyConsiderIgnoreFragment(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="UnmarshallAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyUnmarshallAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="StateInvariant"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyStateInvariant(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="OutputPin"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyOutputPin(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="CombinedFragment"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyCombinedFragment(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="FinalState"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyFinalState(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="JoinNode"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyJoinNode(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="DecisionNode"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDecisionNode(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="OpaqueBehavior"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyOpaqueBehavior(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="DataType"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDataType(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ClearAssociationAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyClearAssociationAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="LinkEndDestructionData"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyLinkEndDestructionData(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="AddVariableValueAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAddVariableValueAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Operation"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyOperation(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="LiteralString"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyLiteralString(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ConditionalNode"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyConditionalNode(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="RedefinableTemplateSignature"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyRedefinableTemplateSignature(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Class"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyClass(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="AcceptEventAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAcceptEventAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="InstanceSpecification"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyInstanceSpecification(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Message"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyMessage(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ClearVariableAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyClearVariableAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Actor"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyActor(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ActivityFinalNode"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyActivityFinalNode(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Trigger"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyTrigger(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="FlowFinalNode"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyFlowFinalNode(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="PackageImport"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPackageImport(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Property"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyProperty(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ExtensionEnd"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyExtensionEnd(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="PrimitiveType"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPrimitiveType(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="EAnnotation"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyEAnnotation(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ProtocolTransition"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyProtocolTransition(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Node"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyNode(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="InformationFlow"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyInformationFlow(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ProtocolStateMachine"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyProtocolStateMachine(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="BehaviorExecutionSpecification"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyBehaviorExecutionSpecification(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Include"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyInclude(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="CallEvent"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyCallEvent(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="AssociationClass"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAssociationClass(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ElementImport"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyElementImport(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="CallOperationAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyCallOperationAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="MergeNode"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyMergeNode(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ActionExecutionSpecification"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyActionExecutionSpecification(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Manifestation"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyManifestation(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Pin"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPin(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="CentralBufferNode"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyCentralBufferNode(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="EStringToStringMapEntry"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyEStringToStringMapEntry(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="DestructionEvent"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDestructionEvent(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Package"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPackage(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ProtocolConformance"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyProtocolConformance(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Signal"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applySignal(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="RaiseExceptionAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyRaiseExceptionAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="TimeExpression"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyTimeExpression(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ConnectableElementTemplateParameter"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyConnectableElementTemplateParameter(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="LoopNode"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyLoopNode(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="TemplateParameter"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyTemplateParameter(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="RemoveVariableValueAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyRemoveVariableValueAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Usage"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyUsage(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Image"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyImage(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="SendSignalEvent"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applySendSignalEvent(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="LinkEndData"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyLinkEndData(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="LiteralUnlimitedNatural"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyLiteralUnlimitedNatural(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ExpansionNode"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyExpansionNode(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="TemplateSignature"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyTemplateSignature(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="InputPin"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyInputPin(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Variable"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyVariable(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="DestroyLinkAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDestroyLinkAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Duration"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDuration(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Comment"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyComment(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Continuation"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyContinuation(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Component"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyComponent(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="GeneralOrdering"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyGeneralOrdering(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="OpaqueExpression"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyOpaqueExpression(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="BroadcastSignalAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyBroadcastSignalAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ExtensionPoint"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyExtensionPoint(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="CollaborationUse"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyCollaborationUse(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ReplyAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyReplyAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ChangeEvent"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyChangeEvent(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ActivityPartition"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyActivityPartition(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ExecutionOccurrenceSpecification"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyExecutionOccurrenceSpecification(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="OccurrenceSpecification"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyOccurrenceSpecification(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Realization"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyRealization(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="SendObjectAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applySendObjectAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Collaboration"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyCollaboration(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Transition"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyTransition(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ControlFlow"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyControlFlow(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="TimeConstraint"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyTimeConstraint(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="DurationConstraint"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDurationConstraint(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="TestIdentityAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyTestIdentityAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ReduceAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyReduceAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ConnectionPointReference"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyConnectionPointReference(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="GeneralizationSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyGeneralizationSet(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="TemplateParameterSubstitution"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyTemplateParameterSubstitution(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="StateMachine"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyStateMachine(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="TimeInterval"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyTimeInterval(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Lifeline"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyLifeline(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="SendSignalAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applySendSignalAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="SignalEvent"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applySignalEvent(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="EnumerationLiteral"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyEnumerationLiteral(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="LiteralNull"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyLiteralNull(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="InformationItem"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyInformationItem(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="AcceptCallAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAcceptCallAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="CommunicationPath"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyCommunicationPath(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="StringExpression"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyStringExpression(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="InterruptibleActivityRegion"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyInterruptibleActivityRegion(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Interface"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyInterface(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ParameterSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyParameterSet(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ActionInputPin"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyActionInputPin(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Association"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAssociation(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Constraint"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyConstraint(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ReadVariableAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyReadVariableAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="MessageOccurrenceSpecification"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyMessageOccurrenceSpecification(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ExpansionRegion"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyExpansionRegion(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="CreateLinkObjectAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyCreateLinkObjectAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Activity"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyActivity(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Interval"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyInterval(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="UseCase"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyUseCase(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Clause"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyClause(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ReceiveOperationEvent"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyReceiveOperationEvent(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Connector"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyConnector(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="AnyReceiveEvent"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAnyReceiveEvent(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="PartDecomposition"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPartDecomposition(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Region"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyRegion(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="OpaqueAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyOpaqueAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Pseudostate"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPseudostate(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="PackageMerge"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPackageMerge(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="LiteralBoolean"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyLiteralBoolean(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="SequenceNode"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applySequenceNode(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="DeploymentSpecification"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDeploymentSpecification(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="InteractionOperand"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyInteractionOperand(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Extension"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyExtension(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="SendOperationEvent"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applySendOperationEvent(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ReceiveSignalEvent"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyReceiveSignalEvent(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Interaction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyInteraction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ObjectFlow"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyObjectFlow(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ReclassifyObjectAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyReclassifyObjectAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="TemplateBinding"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyTemplateBinding(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ValuePin"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyValuePin(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="RemoveStructuralFeatureValueAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyRemoveStructuralFeatureValueAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="StartClassifierBehaviorAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyStartClassifierBehaviorAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ClearStructuralFeatureAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyClearStructuralFeatureAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="DurationObservation"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDurationObservation(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="CreationEvent"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyCreationEvent(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="State"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyState(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Reception"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyReception(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ConnectorEnd"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyConnectorEnd(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="InteractionConstraint"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyInteractionConstraint(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ReadStructuralFeatureAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyReadStructuralFeatureAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ExceptionHandler"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyExceptionHandler(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ReadExtentAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyReadExtentAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Gate"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyGate(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ExecutionEvent"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyExecutionEvent(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ProfileApplication"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyProfileApplication(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Artifact"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyArtifact(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Generalization"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyGeneralization(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Device"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDevice(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="InitialNode"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyInitialNode(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ExecutionEnvironment"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyExecutionEnvironment(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="TimeEvent"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyTimeEvent(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="OperationTemplateParameter"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyOperationTemplateParameter(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="CreateObjectAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyCreateObjectAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="FunctionBehavior"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyFunctionBehavior(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="CreateLinkAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyCreateLinkAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="LinkEndCreationData"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyLinkEndCreationData(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ReadSelfAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyReadSelfAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Expression"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyExpression(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Dependency"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDependency(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Abstraction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyAbstraction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="InstanceValue"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyInstanceValue(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="DestroyObjectAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyDestroyObjectAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ReadLinkAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyReadLinkAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Extend"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyExtend(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ActivityParameterNode"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyActivityParameterNode(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="ComponentRealization"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyComponentRealization(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Enumeration"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyEnumeration(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="__matchDurationInterval"/>
+ <constant value="uml::DurationInterval"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="J.includes(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="B.not():B"/>
+ <constant value="33"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="s"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="t"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink2(NTransientLink;B):V"/>
+ <constant value="16:44-16:54"/>
+ <constant value="16:44-16:65"/>
+ <constant value="16:76-16:77"/>
+ <constant value="16:44-16:78"/>
+ <constant value="17:12-17:40"/>
+ <constant value="17:8-27:22"/>
+ <constant value="__applyDurationInterval"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="visibility"/>
+ <constant value="eAnnotations"/>
+ <constant value="ownedComment"/>
+ <constant value="clientDependency"/>
+ <constant value="nameExpression"/>
+ <constant value="templateParameter"/>
+ <constant value="type"/>
+ <constant value="min"/>
+ <constant value="max"/>
+ <constant value="18:17-18:18"/>
+ <constant value="18:17-18:23"/>
+ <constant value="18:9-18:23"/>
+ <constant value="19:23-19:24"/>
+ <constant value="19:23-19:35"/>
+ <constant value="19:9-19:35"/>
+ <constant value="20:25-20:26"/>
+ <constant value="20:25-20:39"/>
+ <constant value="20:9-20:39"/>
+ <constant value="21:25-21:26"/>
+ <constant value="21:25-21:39"/>
+ <constant value="21:9-21:39"/>
+ <constant value="22:29-22:30"/>
+ <constant value="22:29-22:47"/>
+ <constant value="22:9-22:47"/>
+ <constant value="23:27-23:28"/>
+ <constant value="23:27-23:43"/>
+ <constant value="23:9-23:43"/>
+ <constant value="24:30-24:31"/>
+ <constant value="24:30-24:49"/>
+ <constant value="24:9-24:49"/>
+ <constant value="25:17-25:18"/>
+ <constant value="25:17-25:23"/>
+ <constant value="25:9-25:23"/>
+ <constant value="26:16-26:17"/>
+ <constant value="26:16-26:21"/>
+ <constant value="26:9-26:21"/>
+ <constant value="27:16-27:17"/>
+ <constant value="27:16-27:21"/>
+ <constant value="27:9-27:21"/>
+ <constant value="link"/>
+ <constant value="__matchDeployment"/>
+ <constant value="uml::Deployment"/>
+ <constant value="31:38-31:48"/>
+ <constant value="31:38-31:59"/>
+ <constant value="31:70-31:71"/>
+ <constant value="31:38-31:72"/>
+ <constant value="32:12-32:34"/>
+ <constant value="32:8-43:42"/>
+ <constant value="__applyDeployment"/>
+ <constant value="supplier"/>
+ <constant value="client"/>
+ <constant value="deployedArtifact"/>
+ <constant value="configuration"/>
+ <constant value="33:17-33:18"/>
+ <constant value="33:17-33:23"/>
+ <constant value="33:9-33:23"/>
+ <constant value="34:23-34:24"/>
+ <constant value="34:23-34:35"/>
+ <constant value="34:9-34:35"/>
+ <constant value="35:25-35:26"/>
+ <constant value="35:25-35:39"/>
+ <constant value="35:9-35:39"/>
+ <constant value="36:25-36:26"/>
+ <constant value="36:25-36:39"/>
+ <constant value="36:9-36:39"/>
+ <constant value="37:29-37:30"/>
+ <constant value="37:29-37:47"/>
+ <constant value="37:9-37:47"/>
+ <constant value="38:27-38:28"/>
+ <constant value="38:27-38:43"/>
+ <constant value="38:9-38:43"/>
+ <constant value="39:30-39:31"/>
+ <constant value="39:30-39:49"/>
+ <constant value="39:9-39:49"/>
+ <constant value="40:21-40:22"/>
+ <constant value="40:21-40:31"/>
+ <constant value="40:9-40:31"/>
+ <constant value="41:19-41:20"/>
+ <constant value="41:19-41:27"/>
+ <constant value="41:9-41:27"/>
+ <constant value="42:29-42:30"/>
+ <constant value="42:29-42:47"/>
+ <constant value="42:9-42:47"/>
+ <constant value="43:26-43:27"/>
+ <constant value="43:26-43:41"/>
+ <constant value="43:9-43:41"/>
+ <constant value="__matchSlot"/>
+ <constant value="uml::Slot"/>
+ <constant value="47:32-47:42"/>
+ <constant value="47:32-47:53"/>
+ <constant value="47:64-47:65"/>
+ <constant value="47:32-47:66"/>
+ <constant value="48:12-48:28"/>
+ <constant value="48:8-52:26"/>
+ <constant value="__applySlot"/>
+ <constant value="definingFeature"/>
+ <constant value="49:25-49:26"/>
+ <constant value="49:25-49:39"/>
+ <constant value="49:9-49:39"/>
+ <constant value="50:25-50:26"/>
+ <constant value="50:25-50:39"/>
+ <constant value="50:9-50:39"/>
+ <constant value="51:28-51:29"/>
+ <constant value="51:28-51:45"/>
+ <constant value="51:9-51:45"/>
+ <constant value="52:18-52:19"/>
+ <constant value="52:18-52:25"/>
+ <constant value="52:9-52:25"/>
+ <constant value="__matchDataStoreNode"/>
+ <constant value="uml::DataStoreNode"/>
+ <constant value="56:41-56:51"/>
+ <constant value="56:41-56:62"/>
+ <constant value="56:73-56:74"/>
+ <constant value="56:41-56:75"/>
+ <constant value="57:12-57:37"/>
+ <constant value="57:8-75:34"/>
+ <constant value="__applyDataStoreNode"/>
+ <constant value="isLeaf"/>
+ <constant value="ordering"/>
+ <constant value="isControlType"/>
+ <constant value="outgoing"/>
+ <constant value="incoming"/>
+ <constant value="inPartition"/>
+ <constant value="inInterruptibleRegion"/>
+ <constant value="redefinedNode"/>
+ <constant value="upperBound"/>
+ <constant value="inState"/>
+ <constant value="selection"/>
+ <constant value="58:17-58:18"/>
+ <constant value="58:17-58:23"/>
+ <constant value="58:9-58:23"/>
+ <constant value="59:23-59:24"/>
+ <constant value="59:23-59:35"/>
+ <constant value="59:9-59:35"/>
+ <constant value="60:19-60:20"/>
+ <constant value="60:19-60:27"/>
+ <constant value="60:9-60:27"/>
+ <constant value="61:21-61:22"/>
+ <constant value="61:21-61:31"/>
+ <constant value="61:9-61:31"/>
+ <constant value="62:26-62:27"/>
+ <constant value="62:26-62:41"/>
+ <constant value="62:9-62:41"/>
+ <constant value="63:25-63:26"/>
+ <constant value="63:25-63:39"/>
+ <constant value="63:9-63:39"/>
+ <constant value="64:25-64:26"/>
+ <constant value="64:25-64:39"/>
+ <constant value="64:9-64:39"/>
+ <constant value="65:29-65:30"/>
+ <constant value="65:29-65:47"/>
+ <constant value="65:9-65:47"/>
+ <constant value="66:27-66:28"/>
+ <constant value="66:27-66:43"/>
+ <constant value="66:9-66:43"/>
+ <constant value="67:21-67:22"/>
+ <constant value="67:21-67:31"/>
+ <constant value="67:9-67:31"/>
+ <constant value="68:21-68:22"/>
+ <constant value="68:21-68:31"/>
+ <constant value="68:9-68:31"/>
+ <constant value="69:24-69:25"/>
+ <constant value="69:24-69:37"/>
+ <constant value="69:9-69:37"/>
+ <constant value="70:34-70:35"/>
+ <constant value="70:34-70:57"/>
+ <constant value="70:9-70:57"/>
+ <constant value="71:26-71:27"/>
+ <constant value="71:26-71:41"/>
+ <constant value="71:9-71:41"/>
+ <constant value="72:17-72:18"/>
+ <constant value="72:17-72:23"/>
+ <constant value="72:9-72:23"/>
+ <constant value="73:23-73:24"/>
+ <constant value="73:23-73:35"/>
+ <constant value="73:9-73:35"/>
+ <constant value="74:20-74:21"/>
+ <constant value="74:20-74:29"/>
+ <constant value="74:9-74:29"/>
+ <constant value="75:22-75:23"/>
+ <constant value="75:22-75:33"/>
+ <constant value="75:9-75:33"/>
+ <constant value="__matchReadIsClassifiedObjectAction"/>
+ <constant value="uml::ReadIsClassifiedObjectAction"/>
+ <constant value="79:56-79:66"/>
+ <constant value="79:56-79:77"/>
+ <constant value="79:88-79:89"/>
+ <constant value="79:56-79:90"/>
+ <constant value="80:12-80:52"/>
+ <constant value="80:8-99:28"/>
+ <constant value="__applyReadIsClassifiedObjectAction"/>
+ <constant value="isDirect"/>
+ <constant value="handler"/>
+ <constant value="localPrecondition"/>
+ <constant value="localPostcondition"/>
+ <constant value="classifier"/>
+ <constant value="result"/>
+ <constant value="object"/>
+ <constant value="81:17-81:18"/>
+ <constant value="81:17-81:23"/>
+ <constant value="81:9-81:23"/>
+ <constant value="82:23-82:24"/>
+ <constant value="82:23-82:35"/>
+ <constant value="82:9-82:35"/>
+ <constant value="83:19-83:20"/>
+ <constant value="83:19-83:27"/>
+ <constant value="83:9-83:27"/>
+ <constant value="84:21-84:22"/>
+ <constant value="84:21-84:31"/>
+ <constant value="84:9-84:31"/>
+ <constant value="85:25-85:26"/>
+ <constant value="85:25-85:39"/>
+ <constant value="85:9-85:39"/>
+ <constant value="86:25-86:26"/>
+ <constant value="86:25-86:39"/>
+ <constant value="86:9-86:39"/>
+ <constant value="87:29-87:30"/>
+ <constant value="87:29-87:47"/>
+ <constant value="87:9-87:47"/>
+ <constant value="88:27-88:28"/>
+ <constant value="88:27-88:43"/>
+ <constant value="88:9-88:43"/>
+ <constant value="89:21-89:22"/>
+ <constant value="89:21-89:31"/>
+ <constant value="89:9-89:31"/>
+ <constant value="90:21-90:22"/>
+ <constant value="90:21-90:31"/>
+ <constant value="90:9-90:31"/>
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+ <constant value="91:24-91:37"/>
+ <constant value="91:9-91:37"/>
+ <constant value="92:34-92:35"/>
+ <constant value="92:34-92:57"/>
+ <constant value="92:9-92:57"/>
+ <constant value="93:26-93:27"/>
+ <constant value="93:26-93:41"/>
+ <constant value="93:9-93:41"/>
+ <constant value="94:20-94:21"/>
+ <constant value="94:20-94:29"/>
+ <constant value="94:9-94:29"/>
+ <constant value="95:30-95:31"/>
+ <constant value="95:30-95:49"/>
+ <constant value="95:9-95:49"/>
+ <constant value="96:31-96:32"/>
+ <constant value="96:31-96:51"/>
+ <constant value="96:9-96:51"/>
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+ <constant value="97:23-97:35"/>
+ <constant value="97:9-97:35"/>
+ <constant value="98:19-98:20"/>
+ <constant value="98:19-98:27"/>
+ <constant value="98:9-98:27"/>
+ <constant value="99:19-99:20"/>
+ <constant value="99:19-99:27"/>
+ <constant value="99:9-99:27"/>
+ <constant value="__matchSubstitution"/>
+ <constant value="uml::Substitution"/>
+ <constant value="103:40-103:50"/>
+ <constant value="103:40-103:61"/>
+ <constant value="103:72-103:73"/>
+ <constant value="103:40-103:74"/>
+ <constant value="104:12-104:36"/>
+ <constant value="104:8-115:32"/>
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+ <constant value="105:17-105:18"/>
+ <constant value="105:17-105:23"/>
+ <constant value="105:9-105:23"/>
+ <constant value="106:23-106:24"/>
+ <constant value="106:23-106:35"/>
+ <constant value="106:9-106:35"/>
+ <constant value="107:25-107:26"/>
+ <constant value="107:25-107:39"/>
+ <constant value="107:9-107:39"/>
+ <constant value="108:25-108:26"/>
+ <constant value="108:25-108:39"/>
+ <constant value="108:9-108:39"/>
+ <constant value="109:29-109:30"/>
+ <constant value="109:29-109:47"/>
+ <constant value="109:9-109:47"/>
+ <constant value="110:27-110:28"/>
+ <constant value="110:27-110:43"/>
+ <constant value="110:9-110:43"/>
+ <constant value="111:30-111:31"/>
+ <constant value="111:30-111:49"/>
+ <constant value="111:9-111:49"/>
+ <constant value="112:21-112:22"/>
+ <constant value="112:21-112:31"/>
+ <constant value="112:9-112:31"/>
+ <constant value="113:19-113:20"/>
+ <constant value="113:19-113:27"/>
+ <constant value="113:9-113:27"/>
+ <constant value="114:20-114:21"/>
+ <constant value="114:20-114:29"/>
+ <constant value="114:9-114:29"/>
+ <constant value="115:21-115:22"/>
+ <constant value="115:21-115:31"/>
+ <constant value="115:9-115:31"/>
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+ <constant value="uml::Model"/>
+ <constant value="119:33-119:43"/>
+ <constant value="119:33-119:54"/>
+ <constant value="119:65-119:66"/>
+ <constant value="119:33-119:67"/>
+ <constant value="120:12-120:29"/>
+ <constant value="120:8-136:52"/>
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+ <constant value="packageImport"/>
+ <constant value="ownedRule"/>
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+ <constant value="ownedTemplateSignature"/>
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+ <constant value="packagedElement"/>
+ <constant value="profileApplication"/>
+ <constant value="121:17-121:18"/>
+ <constant value="121:17-121:23"/>
+ <constant value="121:9-121:23"/>
+ <constant value="122:23-122:24"/>
+ <constant value="122:23-122:35"/>
+ <constant value="122:9-122:35"/>
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+ <constant value="123:9-123:33"/>
+ <constant value="124:25-124:26"/>
+ <constant value="124:25-124:39"/>
+ <constant value="124:9-124:39"/>
+ <constant value="125:25-125:26"/>
+ <constant value="125:25-125:39"/>
+ <constant value="125:9-125:39"/>
+ <constant value="126:29-126:30"/>
+ <constant value="126:29-126:47"/>
+ <constant value="126:9-126:47"/>
+ <constant value="127:27-127:28"/>
+ <constant value="127:27-127:43"/>
+ <constant value="127:9-127:43"/>
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+ <constant value="128:26-128:41"/>
+ <constant value="128:9-128:41"/>
+ <constant value="129:26-129:27"/>
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+ <constant value="130:9-130:33"/>
+ <constant value="131:30-131:31"/>
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+ <constant value="131:9-131:49"/>
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+ <constant value="132:28-132:45"/>
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+ <constant value="134:25-134:39"/>
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+ <constant value="135:28-135:45"/>
+ <constant value="135:9-135:45"/>
+ <constant value="136:31-136:32"/>
+ <constant value="136:31-136:51"/>
+ <constant value="136:9-136:51"/>
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+ <constant value="uml::AddStructuralFeatureValueAction"/>
+ <constant value="140:59-140:69"/>
+ <constant value="140:59-140:80"/>
+ <constant value="140:91-140:92"/>
+ <constant value="140:59-140:93"/>
+ <constant value="141:12-141:55"/>
+ <constant value="141:8-161:32"/>
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+ <constant value="142:17-142:18"/>
+ <constant value="142:17-142:23"/>
+ <constant value="142:9-142:23"/>
+ <constant value="143:23-143:24"/>
+ <constant value="143:23-143:35"/>
+ <constant value="143:9-143:35"/>
+ <constant value="144:19-144:20"/>
+ <constant value="144:19-144:27"/>
+ <constant value="144:9-144:27"/>
+ <constant value="145:25-145:26"/>
+ <constant value="145:25-145:39"/>
+ <constant value="145:9-145:39"/>
+ <constant value="146:25-146:26"/>
+ <constant value="146:25-146:39"/>
+ <constant value="146:9-146:39"/>
+ <constant value="147:25-147:26"/>
+ <constant value="147:25-147:39"/>
+ <constant value="147:9-147:39"/>
+ <constant value="148:29-148:30"/>
+ <constant value="148:29-148:47"/>
+ <constant value="148:9-148:47"/>
+ <constant value="149:27-149:28"/>
+ <constant value="149:27-149:43"/>
+ <constant value="149:9-149:43"/>
+ <constant value="150:21-150:22"/>
+ <constant value="150:21-150:31"/>
+ <constant value="150:9-150:31"/>
+ <constant value="151:21-151:22"/>
+ <constant value="151:21-151:31"/>
+ <constant value="151:9-151:31"/>
+ <constant value="152:24-152:25"/>
+ <constant value="152:24-152:37"/>
+ <constant value="152:9-152:37"/>
+ <constant value="153:34-153:35"/>
+ <constant value="153:34-153:57"/>
+ <constant value="153:9-153:57"/>
+ <constant value="154:26-154:27"/>
+ <constant value="154:26-154:41"/>
+ <constant value="154:9-154:41"/>
+ <constant value="155:20-155:21"/>
+ <constant value="155:20-155:29"/>
+ <constant value="155:9-155:29"/>
+ <constant value="156:30-156:31"/>
+ <constant value="156:30-156:49"/>
+ <constant value="156:9-156:49"/>
+ <constant value="157:31-157:32"/>
+ <constant value="157:31-157:51"/>
+ <constant value="157:9-157:51"/>
+ <constant value="158:30-158:31"/>
+ <constant value="158:30-158:49"/>
+ <constant value="158:9-158:49"/>
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+ <constant value="159:9-159:27"/>
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+ <constant value="160:9-160:25"/>
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+ <constant value="161:21-161:31"/>
+ <constant value="161:9-161:31"/>
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+ <constant value="uml::QualifierValue"/>
+ <constant value="165:42-165:52"/>
+ <constant value="165:42-165:63"/>
+ <constant value="165:74-165:75"/>
+ <constant value="165:42-165:76"/>
+ <constant value="166:12-166:38"/>
+ <constant value="166:8-170:26"/>
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+ <constant value="167:25-167:39"/>
+ <constant value="167:9-167:39"/>
+ <constant value="168:25-168:26"/>
+ <constant value="168:25-168:39"/>
+ <constant value="168:9-168:39"/>
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+ <constant value="170:18-170:25"/>
+ <constant value="170:9-170:25"/>
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+ <constant value="19"/>
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+ <constant value="41"/>
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+ <constant value="175:6-175:27"/>
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+ <constant value="175:6-175:40"/>
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+ <constant value="176:4-176:50"/>
+ <constant value="175:3-177:19"/>
+ <constant value="178:12-178:42"/>
+ <constant value="178:8-187:42"/>
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+ <constant value="179:17-179:18"/>
+ <constant value="179:17-179:23"/>
+ <constant value="179:9-179:23"/>
+ <constant value="180:23-180:24"/>
+ <constant value="180:23-180:35"/>
+ <constant value="180:9-180:35"/>
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+ <constant value="181:25-181:39"/>
+ <constant value="181:9-181:39"/>
+ <constant value="182:25-182:26"/>
+ <constant value="182:25-182:39"/>
+ <constant value="182:9-182:39"/>
+ <constant value="183:29-183:30"/>
+ <constant value="183:29-183:47"/>
+ <constant value="183:9-183:47"/>
+ <constant value="184:27-184:28"/>
+ <constant value="184:27-184:43"/>
+ <constant value="184:9-184:43"/>
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+ <constant value="185:9-185:49"/>
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+ <constant value="187:26-187:41"/>
+ <constant value="187:9-187:41"/>
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+ <constant value="uml::TimeObservation"/>
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+ <constant value="191:43-191:64"/>
+ <constant value="191:75-191:76"/>
+ <constant value="191:43-191:77"/>
+ <constant value="192:12-192:39"/>
+ <constant value="192:8-201:26"/>
+ <constant value="__applyTimeObservation"/>
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+ <constant value="193:17-193:18"/>
+ <constant value="193:17-193:23"/>
+ <constant value="193:9-193:23"/>
+ <constant value="194:23-194:24"/>
+ <constant value="194:23-194:35"/>
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+ <constant value="206:6-206:27"/>
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+ <constant value="206:6-206:40"/>
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+ <constant value="210:17-210:23"/>
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+ <constant value="212:9-212:39"/>
+ <constant value="213:25-213:26"/>
+ <constant value="213:25-213:39"/>
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+ <constant value="224:52-224:73"/>
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+ <constant value="224:52-224:86"/>
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+ <constant value="246:55-246:76"/>
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+ <constant value="246:55-246:89"/>
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+ <constant value="260:60-260:81"/>
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+ <constant value="260:60-260:94"/>
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+ <constant value="283:42-283:63"/>
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+ <constant value="283:42-283:76"/>
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+ <constant value="297:36-297:57"/>
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+ <constant value="297:36-297:70"/>
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+ <constant value="399:6-399:27"/>
+ <constant value="399:38-399:39"/>
+ <constant value="399:6-399:40"/>
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+ <constant value="403:17-403:23"/>
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+ <constant value="424:17-424:23"/>
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+ <constant value="428:37-428:58"/>
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+ <constant value="428:37-428:71"/>
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+ <constant value="448:25-448:39"/>
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+ <constant value="452:48-452:69"/>
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+ <constant value="452:48-452:82"/>
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+ <constant value="468:50-468:71"/>
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+ <constant value="468:50-468:84"/>
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+ <constant value="485:44-485:65"/>
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+ <constant value="485:44-485:78"/>
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+ <constant value="508:42-508:63"/>
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+ <constant value="508:42-508:76"/>
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+ <constant value="518:22-518:33"/>
+ <constant value="518:9-518:33"/>
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+ <constant value="522:37-522:58"/>
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+ <constant value="522:37-522:71"/>
+ <constant value="523:12-523:33"/>
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+ <constant value="524:17-524:23"/>
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+ <constant value="532:9-532:39"/>
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+ <constant value="551:6-551:27"/>
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+ <constant value="596:36-596:57"/>
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+ <constant value="596:36-596:70"/>
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+ <constant value="615:40-615:61"/>
+ <constant value="615:72-615:73"/>
+ <constant value="615:40-615:74"/>
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+ <constant value="638:17-638:23"/>
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+ <constant value="683:6-683:27"/>
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+ <constant value="714:50-714:84"/>
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+ <constant value="772:37-772:71"/>
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+ <constant value="1177:46-1177:67"/>
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+ <constant value="1177:46-1177:80"/>
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+ <constant value="1179:17-1179:23"/>
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+ <constant value="1327:35-1327:56"/>
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+ <constant value="1327:35-1327:69"/>
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+ <constant value="1339:37-1339:58"/>
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+ <constant value="1339:37-1339:71"/>
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+ <constant value="1393:41-1393:62"/>
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+ <constant value="1393:41-1393:75"/>
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+ <constant value="1403:47-1403:81"/>
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+ <constant value="1499:9-1499:41"/>
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+ <constant value="1500:9-1500:23"/>
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+ <constant value="1502:9-1502:29"/>
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+ <constant value="1504:9-1504:35"/>
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+ <constant value="1505:23-1505:35"/>
+ <constant value="1505:9-1505:35"/>
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+ <constant value="1510:6-1510:27"/>
+ <constant value="1510:38-1510:39"/>
+ <constant value="1510:6-1510:40"/>
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+ <constant value="1511:4-1511:49"/>
+ <constant value="1510:3-1512:19"/>
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+ <constant value="1513:8-1531:34"/>
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+ <constant value="1514:17-1514:23"/>
+ <constant value="1514:9-1514:23"/>
+ <constant value="1515:23-1515:24"/>
+ <constant value="1515:23-1515:35"/>
+ <constant value="1515:9-1515:35"/>
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+ <constant value="1516:9-1516:27"/>
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+ <constant value="1517:21-1517:31"/>
+ <constant value="1517:9-1517:31"/>
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+ <constant value="1518:26-1518:41"/>
+ <constant value="1518:9-1518:41"/>
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+ <constant value="1519:9-1519:39"/>
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+ <constant value="1520:25-1520:39"/>
+ <constant value="1520:9-1520:39"/>
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+ <constant value="1521:9-1521:47"/>
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+ <constant value="1522:9-1522:43"/>
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+ <constant value="1523:9-1523:31"/>
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+ <constant value="1524:21-1524:31"/>
+ <constant value="1524:9-1524:31"/>
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+ <constant value="1525:24-1525:37"/>
+ <constant value="1525:9-1525:37"/>
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+ <constant value="1526:34-1526:57"/>
+ <constant value="1526:9-1526:57"/>
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+ <constant value="1527:9-1527:41"/>
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+ <constant value="1528:9-1528:23"/>
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+ <constant value="1535:53-1535:74"/>
+ <constant value="1535:85-1535:86"/>
+ <constant value="1535:53-1535:87"/>
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+ <constant value="1538:18-1538:25"/>
+ <constant value="1538:9-1538:25"/>
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+ <constant value="1542:44-1542:65"/>
+ <constant value="1542:76-1542:77"/>
+ <constant value="1542:44-1542:78"/>
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+ <constant value="1543:8-1550:50"/>
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+ <constant value="1544:17-1544:23"/>
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+ <constant value="1545:23-1545:24"/>
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+ <constant value="1547:25-1547:39"/>
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+ <constant value="1550:30-1550:49"/>
+ <constant value="1550:9-1550:49"/>
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+ <constant value="1555:6-1555:27"/>
+ <constant value="1555:38-1555:39"/>
+ <constant value="1555:6-1555:40"/>
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+ <constant value="1556:4-1556:39"/>
+ <constant value="1555:3-1557:19"/>
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+ <constant value="1558:8-1573:52"/>
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+ <constant value="1559:17-1559:23"/>
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+ <constant value="1562:25-1562:39"/>
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+ <constant value="1565:9-1565:41"/>
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+ <constant value="1572:9-1572:45"/>
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+ <constant value="1573:31-1573:51"/>
+ <constant value="1573:9-1573:51"/>
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+ <constant value="1577:47-1577:68"/>
+ <constant value="1577:79-1577:80"/>
+ <constant value="1577:47-1577:81"/>
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+ <constant value="1578:8-1581:44"/>
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+ <constant value="1579:25-1579:39"/>
+ <constant value="1579:9-1579:39"/>
+ <constant value="1580:25-1580:26"/>
+ <constant value="1580:25-1580:39"/>
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+ <constant value="1581:27-1581:43"/>
+ <constant value="1581:9-1581:43"/>
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+ <constant value="1585:34-1585:55"/>
+ <constant value="1585:66-1585:67"/>
+ <constant value="1585:34-1585:68"/>
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+ <constant value="1591:9-1591:39"/>
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+ <constant value="1592:25-1592:39"/>
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+ <constant value="1613:48-1613:69"/>
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+ <constant value="1613:48-1613:82"/>
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+ <constant value="1634:42-1634:76"/>
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+ <constant value="1710:53-1710:74"/>
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+ <constant value="1710:53-1710:87"/>
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+ <constant value="1734:33-1734:54"/>
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+ <constant value="1734:33-1734:67"/>
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+ <constant value="1884:45-1884:66"/>
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+ <constant value="1884:45-1884:79"/>
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+ <constant value="1906:36-1906:57"/>
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+ <constant value="1906:36-1906:70"/>
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+ <constant value="1921:35-1921:56"/>
+ <constant value="1921:67-1921:68"/>
+ <constant value="1921:35-1921:69"/>
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+ <constant value="1930:40-1930:61"/>
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+ <constant value="1930:40-1930:74"/>
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+ <constant value="1944:37-1944:58"/>
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+ <constant value="1944:37-1944:71"/>
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+ <constant value="1946:17-1946:23"/>
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+ <constant value="1977:9-1977:43"/>
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+ <constant value="1984:43-1984:64"/>
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+ <constant value="1984:43-1984:77"/>
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+ <constant value="1988:9-1988:39"/>
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+ <constant value="1997:44-1997:65"/>
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+ <constant value="1997:44-1997:78"/>
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+ <constant value="2003:9-2003:39"/>
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+ <constant value="2013:49-2013:70"/>
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+ <constant value="2013:49-2013:83"/>
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+ <constant value="2016:23-2016:35"/>
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+ <constant value="2017:19-2017:27"/>
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+ <constant value="2019:9-2019:39"/>
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+ <constant value="2063:17-2063:23"/>
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+ <constant value="2084:39-2084:60"/>
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+ <constant value="2084:39-2084:73"/>
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+ <constant value="2097:45-2097:66"/>
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+ <constant value="2097:45-2097:79"/>
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+ <constant value="2099:17-2099:23"/>
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+ <constant value="2114:60-2114:81"/>
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+ <constant value="2116:17-2116:23"/>
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+ <constant value="2251:39-2251:73"/>
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+ <constant value="2439:40-2439:74"/>
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+ <constant value="2454:36-2454:57"/>
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+ <constant value="3505:27-3505:43"/>
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+ <constant value="3510:19-3510:27"/>
+ <constant value="3510:9-3510:27"/>
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+ <constant value="3514:37-3514:47"/>
+ <constant value="3514:37-3514:58"/>
+ <constant value="3514:69-3514:70"/>
+ <constant value="3514:37-3514:71"/>
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+ <constant value="3515:8-3533:28"/>
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+ <constant value="3516:17-3516:23"/>
+ <constant value="3516:9-3516:23"/>
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+ <constant value="3523:25-3523:39"/>
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+ <constant value="3533:19-3533:27"/>
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+ <constant value="3537:40-3537:61"/>
+ <constant value="3537:72-3537:73"/>
+ <constant value="3537:40-3537:74"/>
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+ <constant value="3538:8-3546:24"/>
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+ <constant value="3539:22-3539:33"/>
+ <constant value="3539:9-3539:33"/>
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+ <constant value="3550:49-3550:70"/>
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+ <constant value="3550:49-3550:83"/>
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+ <constant value="3562:19-3562:27"/>
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+ <constant value="3566:55-3566:76"/>
+ <constant value="3566:87-3566:88"/>
+ <constant value="3566:55-3566:89"/>
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+ <constant value="3589:44-3589:65"/>
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+ <constant value="3589:44-3589:78"/>
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+ <constant value="3599:44-3599:65"/>
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+ <constant value="3599:44-3599:78"/>
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+ <constant value="3689:42-3689:63"/>
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+ <getasm/>
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+ <getasm/>
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+ <load arg="37"/>
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+ </parameters>
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+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="785"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="785"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="786"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="786"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="787"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="787"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="669"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="669"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="670"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="670"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="671"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="671"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="672"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="672"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="788"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="788"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="789"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="789"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="790"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="790"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="791"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="791"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="792"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="792"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="674"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="674"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="793"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="793"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="794"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="794"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="795"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="795"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="3060"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="3060"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
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+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="11918"/>
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+ <push arg="17"/>
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+ <call arg="648"/>
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+ <dup/>
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+ <load arg="27"/>
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+ <dup/>
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+ <push arg="11918"/>
+ <push arg="16"/>
+ <new/>
+ <call arg="655"/>
+ <pusht/>
+ <call arg="656"/>
+ <enditerate/>
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+ <parameter name="27" type="664"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="27"/>
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+ <call arg="665"/>
+ <store arg="37"/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
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+ <call arg="666"/>
+ <store arg="667"/>
+ <load arg="667"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="46"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
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+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
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+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="668"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="669"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="669"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="670"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="670"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="671"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="671"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="672"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="672"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="673"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="673"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="717"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="717"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="718"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="718"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="932"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="932"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="11926"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="11926"/>
+ <pop/>
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+ </operation>
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+ <context type="7"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="11961"/>
+ <push arg="16"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="17"/>
+ <call arg="646"/>
+ <iterate/>
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+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="5"/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
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+ <call arg="648"/>
+ <if arg="649"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
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+ <push arg="9"/>
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+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="642"/>
+ <call arg="651"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="652"/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <call arg="653"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="654"/>
+ <push arg="11961"/>
+ <push arg="16"/>
+ <new/>
+ <call arg="655"/>
+ <pusht/>
+ <call arg="656"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
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+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
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+ <lve slot="0" name="25" begin="0" end="33"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="11968">
+ <context type="7"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="27" type="664"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <push arg="652"/>
+ <call arg="665"/>
+ <store arg="37"/>
+ <load arg="27"/>
+ <push arg="654"/>
+ <call arg="666"/>
+ <store arg="667"/>
+ <load arg="667"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="46"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="46"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="668"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="668"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="785"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="785"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="2441"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="2441"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="669"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="669"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="670"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="670"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="671"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="671"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="672"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="672"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="977"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="977"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="978"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="978"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="979"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="979"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="673"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="673"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="980"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="980"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="981"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="981"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="2446"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="2446"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="2447"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="2447"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="2448"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="2448"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="2449"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="2449"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="2450"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="2450"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="2451"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="2451"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="2452"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="2452"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="2453"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="2453"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="2454"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="2454"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="2461"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="2461"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="37"/>
+ <get arg="11969"/>
+ <call arg="38"/>
+ <set arg="11969"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="11970" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="11971" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="11972" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="11973" begin="17" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="11974" begin="17" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="11975" begin="15" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="11976" begin="23" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="11977" begin="23" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="11978" begin="21" end="26"/>
+ <lne id="11979" begin="29" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="11980" begin="29" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="11981" begin="27" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="11982" begin="35" end="35"/>
+ <lne id="11983" begin="35" end="36"/>
+ <lne id="11984" begin="33" end="38"/>
+ <lne id="11985" begin="41" end="41"/>
+ <lne id="11986" begin="41" end="42"/>
+ <lne id="11987" begin="39" end="44"/>
+ <lne id="11988" begin="47" end="47"/>
+ <lne id="11989" begin="47" end="48"/>
+ <lne id="11990" begin="45" end="50"/>
+ <lne id="11991" begin="53" end="53"/>
+ <lne id="11992" begin="53" end="54"/>
+ <lne id="11993" begin="51" end="56"/>
+ <lne id="11994" begin="59" end="59"/>
+ <lne id="11995" begin="59" end="60"/>
+ <lne id="11996" begin="57" end="62"/>
+ <lne id="11997" begin="65" end="65"/>
+ <lne id="11998" begin="65" end="66"/>
+ <lne id="11999" begin="63" end="68"/>
+ <lne id="12000" begin="71" end="71"/>
+ <lne id="12001" begin="71" end="72"/>
+ <lne id="12002" begin="69" end="74"/>
+ <lne id="12003" begin="77" end="77"/>
+ <lne id="12004" begin="77" end="78"/>
+ <lne id="12005" begin="75" end="80"/>
+ <lne id="12006" begin="83" end="83"/>
+ <lne id="12007" begin="83" end="84"/>
+ <lne id="12008" begin="81" end="86"/>
+ <lne id="12009" begin="89" end="89"/>
+ <lne id="12010" begin="89" end="90"/>
+ <lne id="12011" begin="87" end="92"/>
+ <lne id="12012" begin="95" end="95"/>
+ <lne id="12013" begin="95" end="96"/>
+ <lne id="12014" begin="93" end="98"/>
+ <lne id="12015" begin="101" end="101"/>
+ <lne id="12016" begin="101" end="102"/>
+ <lne id="12017" begin="99" end="104"/>
+ <lne id="12018" begin="107" end="107"/>
+ <lne id="12019" begin="107" end="108"/>
+ <lne id="12020" begin="105" end="110"/>
+ <lne id="12021" begin="113" end="113"/>
+ <lne id="12022" begin="113" end="114"/>
+ <lne id="12023" begin="111" end="116"/>
+ <lne id="12024" begin="119" end="119"/>
+ <lne id="12025" begin="119" end="120"/>
+ <lne id="12026" begin="117" end="122"/>
+ <lne id="12027" begin="125" end="125"/>
+ <lne id="12028" begin="125" end="126"/>
+ <lne id="12029" begin="123" end="128"/>
+ <lne id="12030" begin="131" end="131"/>
+ <lne id="12031" begin="131" end="132"/>
+ <lne id="12032" begin="129" end="134"/>
+ <lne id="12033" begin="137" end="137"/>
+ <lne id="12034" begin="137" end="138"/>
+ <lne id="12035" begin="135" end="140"/>
+ <lne id="12036" begin="143" end="143"/>
+ <lne id="12037" begin="143" end="144"/>
+ <lne id="12038" begin="141" end="146"/>
+ <lne id="12039" begin="149" end="149"/>
+ <lne id="12040" begin="149" end="150"/>
+ <lne id="12041" begin="147" end="152"/>
+ <lne id="12042" begin="155" end="155"/>
+ <lne id="12043" begin="155" end="156"/>
+ <lne id="12044" begin="153" end="158"/>
+ <lne id="11967" begin="8" end="159"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="3" name="654" begin="7" end="159"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="652" begin="3" end="159"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="25" begin="0" end="159"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="707" begin="0" end="159"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/UML2Copy.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/UML2Copy.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de890c6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/UML2Copy.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,4143 @@
+-- @atlcompiler atl2006
+-- $Id: UML2Copy.atl,v 1.1 2007/11/30 13:39:33 wpiers Exp $
+-- Copies UML2 models
+module UML2Copy;
+create OUT : UML2 from IN : UML2;
+helper def : inElements : Set(UML2!"ecore::EObject") = UML2!"ecore::EObject"->allInstancesFrom('IN');
+-- ======================================================================
+-- UML2 copying rules begin
+-- ======================================================================
+-- Generated by: EModelCopyGenerator.atl 5428 2006-09-01 19:23:26Z dwagelaa
+rule DurationInterval {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::DurationInterval" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::DurationInterval" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ type <- s.type,
+ min <- s.min,
+ max <- s.max)
+rule Deployment {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Deployment" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Deployment" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ supplier <- s.supplier,
+ client <- s.client,
+ deployedArtifact <- s.deployedArtifact,
+ configuration <- s.configuration)
+rule Slot {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Slot" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Slot" mapsTo s (
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ definingFeature <- s.definingFeature,
+ value <- s.value)
+rule DataStoreNode {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::DataStoreNode" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::DataStoreNode" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ ordering <- s.ordering,
+ isControlType <- s.isControlType,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ type <- s.type,
+ upperBound <- s.upperBound,
+ inState <- s.inState,
+ selection <- s.selection)
+rule ReadIsClassifiedObjectAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ReadIsClassifiedObjectAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ReadIsClassifiedObjectAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isDirect <- s.isDirect,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ classifier <- s.classifier,
+ result <- s.result,
+ object <- s.object)
+rule Substitution {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Substitution" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Substitution" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ supplier <- s.supplier,
+ client <- s.client,
+ mapping <- s.mapping,
+ contract <- s.contract)
+rule Model {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Model" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Model" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ viewpoint <- s.viewpoint,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ packageMerge <- s.packageMerge,
+ packagedElement <- s.packagedElement,
+ profileApplication <- s.profileApplication)
+rule AddStructuralFeatureValueAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::AddStructuralFeatureValueAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::AddStructuralFeatureValueAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isReplaceAll <- s.isReplaceAll,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ structuralFeature <- s.structuralFeature,
+ object <- s.object,
+ value <- s.value,
+ insertAt <- s.insertAt)
+rule QualifierValue {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::QualifierValue" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::QualifierValue" mapsTo s (
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ qualifier <- s.qualifier,
+ value <- s.value)
+rule IntervalConstraint {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::IntervalConstraint" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::IntervalConstraint")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::IntervalConstraint" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ constrainedElement <- s.constrainedElement,
+ specification <- s.specification)
+rule TimeObservation {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::TimeObservation" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::TimeObservation" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ firstEvent <- s.firstEvent,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ event <- s.event)
+rule InteractionUse {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::InteractionUse" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::InteractionUse")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::InteractionUse" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ covered <- s.covered,
+ generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering,
+ refersTo <- s.refersTo,
+ actualGate <- s.actualGate,
+ argument <- s.argument)
+rule ValueSpecificationAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ValueSpecificationAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ValueSpecificationAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ value <- s.value,
+ result <- s.result)
+rule ClassifierTemplateParameter {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ClassifierTemplateParameter" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ClassifierTemplateParameter" mapsTo s (
+ allowSubstitutable <- s.allowSubstitutable,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ parameteredElement <- s.parameteredElement,
+ ownedParameteredElement <- s.ownedParameteredElement,
+ default <- s.default,
+ ownedDefault <- s.ownedDefault,
+ defaultClassifier <- s.defaultClassifier,
+ constrainingClassifier <- s.constrainingClassifier)
+rule ReadLinkObjectEndQualifierAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ReadLinkObjectEndQualifierAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ReadLinkObjectEndQualifierAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ object <- s.object,
+ result <- s.result,
+ qualifier <- s.qualifier)
+rule LiteralInteger {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::LiteralInteger" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::LiteralInteger" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ value <- s.value,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ type <- s.type)
+rule ForkNode {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ForkNode" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ForkNode" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode)
+rule Port {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Port" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Port" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isStatic <- s.isStatic,
+ isOrdered <- s.isOrdered,
+ isUnique <- s.isUnique,
+ isReadOnly <- s.isReadOnly,
+ isDerived <- s.isDerived,
+ isDerivedUnion <- s.isDerivedUnion,
+ aggregation <- s.aggregation,
+ isBehavior <- s.isBehavior,
+ isService <- s.isService,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ type <- s.type,
+ upperValue <- s.upperValue,
+ lowerValue <- s.lowerValue,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ end <- s.end,
+ deployment <- s.deployment,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ redefinedProperty <- s.redefinedProperty,
+ defaultValue <- s.defaultValue,
+ subsettedProperty <- s.subsettedProperty,
+ association <- s.association,
+ qualifier <- s.qualifier,
+ redefinedPort <- s.redefinedPort,
+ protocol <- s.protocol)
+rule CallBehaviorAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::CallBehaviorAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::CallBehaviorAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isSynchronous <- s.isSynchronous,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ argument <- s.argument,
+ onPort <- s.onPort,
+ result <- s.result,
+ behavior <- s.behavior)
+rule ReadLinkObjectEndAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ReadLinkObjectEndAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ReadLinkObjectEndAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ object <- s.object,
+ end <- s.end,
+ result <- s.result)
+rule StructuredActivityNode {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::StructuredActivityNode" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::StructuredActivityNode")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::StructuredActivityNode" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ mustIsolate <- s.mustIsolate,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ variable <- s.variable,
+ edge <- s.edge,
+ node <- s.node)
+rule Parameter {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Parameter" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Parameter" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isOrdered <- s.isOrdered,
+ isUnique <- s.isUnique,
+ direction <- s.direction,
+ isException <- s.isException,
+ isStream <- s.isStream,
+ effect <- s.effect,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ type <- s.type,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ end <- s.end,
+ upperValue <- s.upperValue,
+ lowerValue <- s.lowerValue,
+ parameterSet <- s.parameterSet,
+ defaultValue <- s.defaultValue)
+rule InterfaceRealization {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::InterfaceRealization" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::InterfaceRealization" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ supplier <- s.supplier,
+ client <- s.client,
+ mapping <- s.mapping,
+ contract <- s.contract)
+rule ConsiderIgnoreFragment {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ConsiderIgnoreFragment" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ConsiderIgnoreFragment" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ interactionOperator <- s.interactionOperator,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ covered <- s.covered,
+ generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering,
+ operand <- s.operand,
+ cfragmentGate <- s.cfragmentGate,
+ message <- s.message)
+rule UnmarshallAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::UnmarshallAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::UnmarshallAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ result <- s.result,
+ unmarshallType <- s.unmarshallType,
+ object <- s.object)
+rule StateInvariant {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::StateInvariant" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::StateInvariant" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ covered <- s.covered,
+ generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering,
+ invariant <- s.invariant)
+rule OutputPin {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::OutputPin" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::OutputPin" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ ordering <- s.ordering,
+ isControlType <- s.isControlType,
+ isOrdered <- s.isOrdered,
+ isUnique <- s.isUnique,
+ isControl <- s.isControl,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ type <- s.type,
+ upperBound <- s.upperBound,
+ inState <- s.inState,
+ selection <- s.selection,
+ upperValue <- s.upperValue,
+ lowerValue <- s.lowerValue)
+rule CombinedFragment {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::CombinedFragment" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::CombinedFragment")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::CombinedFragment" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ interactionOperator <- s.interactionOperator,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ covered <- s.covered,
+ generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering,
+ operand <- s.operand,
+ cfragmentGate <- s.cfragmentGate)
+rule FinalState {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::FinalState" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::FinalState" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ submachine <- s.submachine,
+ connection <- s.connection,
+ connectionPoint <- s.connectionPoint,
+ redefinedState <- s.redefinedState,
+ stateInvariant <- s.stateInvariant,
+ entry <- s.entry,
+ exit <- s.exit,
+ doActivity <- s.doActivity,
+ deferrableTrigger <- s.deferrableTrigger,
+ region <- s.region)
+rule JoinNode {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::JoinNode" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::JoinNode" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isCombineDuplicate <- s.isCombineDuplicate,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ joinSpec <- s.joinSpec)
+rule DecisionNode {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::DecisionNode" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::DecisionNode" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ decisionInput <- s.decisionInput)
+rule OpaqueBehavior {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::OpaqueBehavior" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::OpaqueBehavior")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::OpaqueBehavior" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ isActive <- s.isActive,
+ isReentrant <- s.isReentrant,
+ body <- s.body,
+ language <- s.language,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute,
+ ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector,
+ ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior,
+ classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior,
+ interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization,
+ ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger,
+ nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier,
+ ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation,
+ ownedReception <- s.ownedReception,
+ redefinedBehavior <- s.redefinedBehavior,
+ ownedParameter <- s.ownedParameter,
+ precondition <- s.precondition,
+ postcondition <- s.postcondition,
+ ownedParameterSet <- s.ownedParameterSet,
+ specification <- s.specification)
+rule DataType {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::DataType" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::DataType")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::DataType" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute,
+ ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation)
+rule ClearAssociationAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ClearAssociationAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ClearAssociationAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ object <- s.object,
+ association <- s.association)
+rule LinkEndDestructionData {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::LinkEndDestructionData" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::LinkEndDestructionData" mapsTo s (
+ isDestroyDuplicates <- s.isDestroyDuplicates,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ value <- s.value,
+ end <- s.end,
+ qualifier <- s.qualifier,
+ destroyAt <- s.destroyAt)
+rule AddVariableValueAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::AddVariableValueAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::AddVariableValueAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isReplaceAll <- s.isReplaceAll,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ variable <- s.variable,
+ value <- s.value,
+ insertAt <- s.insertAt)
+rule Operation {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Operation" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Operation" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isStatic <- s.isStatic,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ concurrency <- s.concurrency,
+ isQuery <- s.isQuery,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ ownedParameter <- s.ownedParameter,
+ method <- s.method,
+ raisedException <- s.raisedException,
+ ownedParameterSet <- s.ownedParameterSet,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ precondition <- s.precondition,
+ postcondition <- s.postcondition,
+ redefinedOperation <- s.redefinedOperation,
+ bodyCondition <- s.bodyCondition)
+rule LiteralString {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::LiteralString" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::LiteralString" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ value <- s.value,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ type <- s.type)
+rule ConditionalNode {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ConditionalNode" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ConditionalNode" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ mustIsolate <- s.mustIsolate,
+ isDeterminate <- s.isDeterminate,
+ isAssured <- s.isAssured,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ variable <- s.variable,
+ edge <- s.edge,
+ node <- s.node,
+ clause <- s.clause,
+ result <- s.result)
+rule RedefinableTemplateSignature {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::RedefinableTemplateSignature" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::RedefinableTemplateSignature" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ parameter <- s.parameter,
+ ownedParameter <- s.ownedParameter,
+ extendedSignature <- s.extendedSignature)
+rule Class {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Class" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Class")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Class" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ isActive <- s.isActive,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute,
+ ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector,
+ ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior,
+ classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior,
+ interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization,
+ ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger,
+ nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier,
+ ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation,
+ ownedReception <- s.ownedReception)
+rule AcceptEventAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::AcceptEventAction" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::AcceptEventAction")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::AcceptEventAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isUnmarshall <- s.isUnmarshall,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ result <- s.result,
+ trigger <- s.trigger)
+rule InstanceSpecification {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::InstanceSpecification" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::InstanceSpecification")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::InstanceSpecification" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ deployment <- s.deployment,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ classifier <- s.classifier,
+ slot <- s.slot,
+ specification <- s.specification)
+rule Message {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Message" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Message" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ messageSort <- s.messageSort,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ receiveEvent <- s.receiveEvent,
+ sendEvent <- s.sendEvent,
+ connector <- s.connector,
+ argument <- s.argument)
+rule ClearVariableAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ClearVariableAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ClearVariableAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ variable <- s.variable)
+rule Actor {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Actor" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Actor" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior,
+ classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior,
+ interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization,
+ ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger)
+rule ActivityFinalNode {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ActivityFinalNode" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ActivityFinalNode" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode)
+rule Trigger {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Trigger" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Trigger" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ event <- s.event,
+ port <- s.port)
+rule FlowFinalNode {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::FlowFinalNode" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::FlowFinalNode" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode)
+rule PackageImport {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::PackageImport" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::PackageImport" mapsTo s (
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ importedPackage <- s.importedPackage)
+rule Property {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Property" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Property")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Property" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isStatic <- s.isStatic,
+ isOrdered <- s.isOrdered,
+ isUnique <- s.isUnique,
+ isReadOnly <- s.isReadOnly,
+ isDerived <- s.isDerived,
+ isDerivedUnion <- s.isDerivedUnion,
+ aggregation <- s.aggregation,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ type <- s.type,
+ upperValue <- s.upperValue,
+ lowerValue <- s.lowerValue,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ end <- s.end,
+ deployment <- s.deployment,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ redefinedProperty <- s.redefinedProperty,
+ defaultValue <- s.defaultValue,
+ subsettedProperty <- s.subsettedProperty,
+ association <- s.association,
+ qualifier <- s.qualifier)
+rule ExtensionEnd {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ExtensionEnd" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ExtensionEnd" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isStatic <- s.isStatic,
+ isOrdered <- s.isOrdered,
+ isUnique <- s.isUnique,
+ isReadOnly <- s.isReadOnly,
+ isDerived <- s.isDerived,
+ isDerivedUnion <- s.isDerivedUnion,
+ aggregation <- s.aggregation,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ type <- s.type,
+ upperValue <- s.upperValue,
+ lowerValue <- s.lowerValue,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ end <- s.end,
+ deployment <- s.deployment,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ redefinedProperty <- s.redefinedProperty,
+ defaultValue <- s.defaultValue,
+ subsettedProperty <- s.subsettedProperty,
+ association <- s.association,
+ qualifier <- s.qualifier)
+rule PrimitiveType {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::PrimitiveType" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::PrimitiveType" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute,
+ ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation)
+rule EAnnotation {
+ from s : UML2!"ecore::EAnnotation" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"ecore::EAnnotation" mapsTo s (
+ source <- s.source,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ details <- s.details,
+ contents <- s.contents,
+ references <- s.references)
+rule ProtocolTransition {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ProtocolTransition" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ProtocolTransition" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ kind <- s.kind,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ target <-,
+ redefinedTransition <- s.redefinedTransition,
+ guard <- s.guard,
+ effect <- s.effect,
+ trigger <- s.trigger,
+ source <- s.source,
+ postCondition <- s.postCondition,
+ preCondition <- s.preCondition)
+rule Node {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Node" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Node")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Node" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ isActive <- s.isActive,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute,
+ ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector,
+ ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior,
+ classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior,
+ interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization,
+ ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger,
+ nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier,
+ ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation,
+ ownedReception <- s.ownedReception,
+ deployment <- s.deployment,
+ nestedNode <- s.nestedNode)
+rule InformationFlow {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::InformationFlow" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::InformationFlow" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ realization <- s.realization,
+ conveyed <- s.conveyed,
+ informationSource <- s.informationSource,
+ informationTarget <- s.informationTarget,
+ realizingActivityEdge <- s.realizingActivityEdge,
+ realizingConnector <- s.realizingConnector,
+ realizingMessage <- s.realizingMessage)
+rule ProtocolStateMachine {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ProtocolStateMachine" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ProtocolStateMachine" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ isActive <- s.isActive,
+ isReentrant <- s.isReentrant,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute,
+ ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector,
+ ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior,
+ classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior,
+ interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization,
+ ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger,
+ nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier,
+ ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation,
+ ownedReception <- s.ownedReception,
+ redefinedBehavior <- s.redefinedBehavior,
+ ownedParameter <- s.ownedParameter,
+ precondition <- s.precondition,
+ postcondition <- s.postcondition,
+ ownedParameterSet <- s.ownedParameterSet,
+ specification <- s.specification,
+ region <- s.region,
+ submachineState <- s.submachineState,
+ connectionPoint <- s.connectionPoint,
+ extendedStateMachine <- s.extendedStateMachine,
+ conformance <- s.conformance)
+rule BehaviorExecutionSpecification {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::BehaviorExecutionSpecification" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::BehaviorExecutionSpecification" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ covered <- s.covered,
+ generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering,
+ start <- s.start,
+ finish <- s.finish,
+ behavior <- s.behavior)
+rule Include {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Include" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Include" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ addition <- s.addition)
+rule CallEvent {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::CallEvent" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::CallEvent" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ operation <- s.operation)
+rule AssociationClass {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::AssociationClass" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::AssociationClass" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ isActive <- s.isActive,
+ isDerived <- s.isDerived,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute,
+ ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector,
+ ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior,
+ classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior,
+ interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization,
+ ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger,
+ nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier,
+ ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation,
+ ownedReception <- s.ownedReception,
+ ownedEnd <- s.ownedEnd,
+ memberEnd <- s.memberEnd,
+ navigableOwnedEnd <- s.navigableOwnedEnd)
+rule ElementImport {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ElementImport" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ElementImport" mapsTo s (
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ alias <- s.alias,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ importedElement <- s.importedElement)
+rule CallOperationAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::CallOperationAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::CallOperationAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isSynchronous <- s.isSynchronous,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ argument <- s.argument,
+ onPort <- s.onPort,
+ result <- s.result,
+ operation <- s.operation,
+ target <-
+rule MergeNode {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::MergeNode" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::MergeNode" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode)
+rule ActionExecutionSpecification {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ActionExecutionSpecification" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ActionExecutionSpecification" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ covered <- s.covered,
+ generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering,
+ start <- s.start,
+ finish <- s.finish,
+ action <- s.action)
+rule Manifestation {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Manifestation" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Manifestation" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ supplier <- s.supplier,
+ client <- s.client,
+ mapping <- s.mapping,
+ utilizedElement <- s.utilizedElement)
+rule Pin {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Pin" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Pin")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Pin" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ ordering <- s.ordering,
+ isControlType <- s.isControlType,
+ isOrdered <- s.isOrdered,
+ isUnique <- s.isUnique,
+ isControl <- s.isControl,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ type <- s.type,
+ upperBound <- s.upperBound,
+ inState <- s.inState,
+ selection <- s.selection,
+ upperValue <- s.upperValue,
+ lowerValue <- s.lowerValue)
+rule CentralBufferNode {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::CentralBufferNode" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::CentralBufferNode")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::CentralBufferNode" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ ordering <- s.ordering,
+ isControlType <- s.isControlType,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ type <- s.type,
+ upperBound <- s.upperBound,
+ inState <- s.inState,
+ selection <- s.selection)
+rule EStringToStringMapEntry {
+ from s : UML2!"ecore::EStringToStringMapEntry" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"ecore::EStringToStringMapEntry" mapsTo s (
+ key <- s.key,
+ value <- s.value)
+rule DestructionEvent {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::DestructionEvent" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::DestructionEvent" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter)
+rule Package {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Package" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Package")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Package" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ packageMerge <- s.packageMerge,
+ packagedElement <- s.packagedElement,
+ profileApplication <- s.profileApplication)
+rule ProtocolConformance {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ProtocolConformance" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ProtocolConformance" mapsTo s (
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ generalMachine <- s.generalMachine)
+rule Signal {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Signal" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Signal" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute)
+rule RaiseExceptionAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::RaiseExceptionAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::RaiseExceptionAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ exception <- s.exception)
+rule TimeExpression {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::TimeExpression" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::TimeExpression" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ type <- s.type,
+ expr <- s.expr,
+ observation <- s.observation)
+rule ConnectableElementTemplateParameter {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ConnectableElementTemplateParameter" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ConnectableElementTemplateParameter" mapsTo s (
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ parameteredElement <- s.parameteredElement,
+ ownedParameteredElement <- s.ownedParameteredElement,
+ default <- s.default,
+ ownedDefault <- s.ownedDefault)
+rule LoopNode {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::LoopNode" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::LoopNode" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ mustIsolate <- s.mustIsolate,
+ isTestedFirst <- s.isTestedFirst,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ variable <- s.variable,
+ edge <- s.edge,
+ node <- s.node,
+ bodyPart <- s.bodyPart,
+ setupPart <- s.setupPart,
+ decider <- s.decider,
+ test <- s.test,
+ result <- s.result,
+ loopVariable <- s.loopVariable,
+ bodyOutput <- s.bodyOutput,
+ loopVariableInput <- s.loopVariableInput)
+rule TemplateParameter {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::TemplateParameter" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::TemplateParameter")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::TemplateParameter" mapsTo s (
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ parameteredElement <- s.parameteredElement,
+ ownedParameteredElement <- s.ownedParameteredElement,
+ default <- s.default,
+ ownedDefault <- s.ownedDefault)
+rule RemoveVariableValueAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::RemoveVariableValueAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::RemoveVariableValueAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isRemoveDuplicates <- s.isRemoveDuplicates,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ variable <- s.variable,
+ value <- s.value,
+ removeAt <- s.removeAt)
+rule Usage {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Usage" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Usage" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ supplier <- s.supplier,
+ client <- s.client)
+rule Image {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Image" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Image" mapsTo s (
+ content <- s.content,
+ location <- s.location,
+ format <- s.format,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment)
+rule SendSignalEvent {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::SendSignalEvent" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::SendSignalEvent" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ signal <- s.signal)
+rule LinkEndData {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::LinkEndData" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::LinkEndData")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::LinkEndData" mapsTo s (
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ value <- s.value,
+ end <- s.end,
+ qualifier <- s.qualifier)
+rule LiteralUnlimitedNatural {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::LiteralUnlimitedNatural" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::LiteralUnlimitedNatural" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ value <- s.value,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ type <- s.type)
+rule ExpansionNode {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ExpansionNode" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ExpansionNode" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ ordering <- s.ordering,
+ isControlType <- s.isControlType,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ type <- s.type,
+ upperBound <- s.upperBound,
+ inState <- s.inState,
+ selection <- s.selection,
+ regionAsOutput <- s.regionAsOutput,
+ regionAsInput <- s.regionAsInput)
+rule TemplateSignature {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::TemplateSignature" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::TemplateSignature")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::TemplateSignature" mapsTo s (
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ parameter <- s.parameter,
+ ownedParameter <- s.ownedParameter)
+rule InputPin {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::InputPin" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::InputPin")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::InputPin" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ ordering <- s.ordering,
+ isControlType <- s.isControlType,
+ isOrdered <- s.isOrdered,
+ isUnique <- s.isUnique,
+ isControl <- s.isControl,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ type <- s.type,
+ upperBound <- s.upperBound,
+ inState <- s.inState,
+ selection <- s.selection,
+ upperValue <- s.upperValue,
+ lowerValue <- s.lowerValue)
+rule Variable {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Variable" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Variable" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isOrdered <- s.isOrdered,
+ isUnique <- s.isUnique,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ type <- s.type,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ end <- s.end,
+ upperValue <- s.upperValue,
+ lowerValue <- s.lowerValue)
+rule DestroyLinkAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::DestroyLinkAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::DestroyLinkAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ endData <- s.endData,
+ inputValue <- s.inputValue)
+rule Duration {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Duration" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Duration" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ type <- s.type,
+ expr <- s.expr,
+ observation <- s.observation)
+rule Comment {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Comment" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Comment" mapsTo s (
+ body <- s.body,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ annotatedElement <- s.annotatedElement)
+rule Continuation {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Continuation" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Continuation" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ setting <- s.setting,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ covered <- s.covered,
+ generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering)
+rule Component {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Component" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Component" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ isActive <- s.isActive,
+ isIndirectlyInstantiated <- s.isIndirectlyInstantiated,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute,
+ ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector,
+ ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior,
+ classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior,
+ interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization,
+ ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger,
+ nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier,
+ ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation,
+ ownedReception <- s.ownedReception,
+ packagedElement <- s.packagedElement,
+ realization <- s.realization)
+rule GeneralOrdering {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::GeneralOrdering" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::GeneralOrdering" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ before <- s.before,
+ after <- s.after)
+rule OpaqueExpression {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::OpaqueExpression" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::OpaqueExpression" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ body <- s.body,
+ language <- s.language,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ type <- s.type,
+ behavior <- s.behavior)
+rule BroadcastSignalAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::BroadcastSignalAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::BroadcastSignalAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ argument <- s.argument,
+ onPort <- s.onPort,
+ signal <- s.signal)
+rule ExtensionPoint {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ExtensionPoint" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ExtensionPoint" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression)
+rule CollaborationUse {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::CollaborationUse" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::CollaborationUse" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ type <- s.type,
+ roleBinding <- s.roleBinding)
+rule ReplyAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ReplyAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ReplyAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ replyToCall <- s.replyToCall,
+ returnInformation <- s.returnInformation,
+ replyValue <- s.replyValue)
+rule ChangeEvent {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ChangeEvent" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ChangeEvent" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ changeExpression <- s.changeExpression)
+rule ActivityPartition {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ActivityPartition" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ActivityPartition" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isDimension <- s.isDimension,
+ isExternal <- s.isExternal,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ node <- s.node,
+ subpartition <- s.subpartition,
+ represents <- s.represents,
+ edge <- s.edge)
+rule ExecutionOccurrenceSpecification {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ExecutionOccurrenceSpecification" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ExecutionOccurrenceSpecification" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ covered <- s.covered,
+ generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering,
+ toBefore <- s.toBefore,
+ event <- s.event,
+ toAfter <- s.toAfter,
+ execution <- s.execution)
+rule OccurrenceSpecification {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::OccurrenceSpecification" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::OccurrenceSpecification")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::OccurrenceSpecification" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ covered <- s.covered,
+ generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering,
+ toBefore <- s.toBefore,
+ event <- s.event,
+ toAfter <- s.toAfter)
+rule Realization {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Realization" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Realization")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Realization" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ supplier <- s.supplier,
+ client <- s.client,
+ mapping <- s.mapping)
+rule SendObjectAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::SendObjectAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::SendObjectAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ argument <- s.argument,
+ onPort <- s.onPort,
+ target <-,
+ request <- s.request)
+rule Collaboration {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Collaboration" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Collaboration" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior,
+ classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior,
+ interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization,
+ ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger,
+ ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute,
+ ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector,
+ collaborationRole <- s.collaborationRole)
+rule Transition {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Transition" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Transition")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Transition" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ kind <- s.kind,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ target <-,
+ redefinedTransition <- s.redefinedTransition,
+ guard <- s.guard,
+ effect <- s.effect,
+ trigger <- s.trigger,
+ source <- s.source)
+rule ControlFlow {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ControlFlow" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ControlFlow" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ source <- s.source,
+ target <-,
+ redefinedEdge <- s.redefinedEdge,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ guard <- s.guard,
+ weight <- s.weight,
+ interrupts <- s.interrupts)
+rule TimeConstraint {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::TimeConstraint" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::TimeConstraint" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ firstEvent <- s.firstEvent,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ constrainedElement <- s.constrainedElement,
+ specification <- s.specification)
+rule DurationConstraint {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::DurationConstraint" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::DurationConstraint" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ firstEvent <- s.firstEvent,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ constrainedElement <- s.constrainedElement,
+ specification <- s.specification)
+rule TestIdentityAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::TestIdentityAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::TestIdentityAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ first <- s.first,
+ second <- s.second,
+ result <- s.result)
+rule ReduceAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ReduceAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ReduceAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isOrdered <- s.isOrdered,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ reducer <- s.reducer,
+ result <- s.result,
+ collection <- s.collection)
+rule ConnectionPointReference {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ConnectionPointReference" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ConnectionPointReference" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ entry <- s.entry,
+ exit <- s.exit)
+rule GeneralizationSet {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::GeneralizationSet" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::GeneralizationSet" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isCovering <- s.isCovering,
+ isDisjoint <- s.isDisjoint,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ powertype <- s.powertype,
+ generalization <- s.generalization)
+rule TemplateParameterSubstitution {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::TemplateParameterSubstitution" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::TemplateParameterSubstitution" mapsTo s (
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ formal <- s.formal,
+ actual <- s.actual,
+ ownedActual <- s.ownedActual)
+rule StateMachine {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::StateMachine" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::StateMachine")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::StateMachine" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ isActive <- s.isActive,
+ isReentrant <- s.isReentrant,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute,
+ ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector,
+ ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior,
+ classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior,
+ interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization,
+ ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger,
+ nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier,
+ ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation,
+ ownedReception <- s.ownedReception,
+ redefinedBehavior <- s.redefinedBehavior,
+ ownedParameter <- s.ownedParameter,
+ precondition <- s.precondition,
+ postcondition <- s.postcondition,
+ ownedParameterSet <- s.ownedParameterSet,
+ specification <- s.specification,
+ region <- s.region,
+ submachineState <- s.submachineState,
+ connectionPoint <- s.connectionPoint,
+ extendedStateMachine <- s.extendedStateMachine)
+rule TimeInterval {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::TimeInterval" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::TimeInterval" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ type <- s.type,
+ min <- s.min,
+ max <- s.max)
+rule Lifeline {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Lifeline" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Lifeline" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ represents <- s.represents,
+ selector <- s.selector,
+ decomposedAs <- s.decomposedAs,
+ coveredBy <- s.coveredBy)
+rule SendSignalAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::SendSignalAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::SendSignalAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ argument <- s.argument,
+ onPort <- s.onPort,
+ target <-,
+ signal <- s.signal)
+rule SignalEvent {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::SignalEvent" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::SignalEvent" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ signal <- s.signal)
+rule EnumerationLiteral {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::EnumerationLiteral" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::EnumerationLiteral" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ deployment <- s.deployment,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ classifier <- s.classifier,
+ slot <- s.slot,
+ specification <- s.specification)
+rule LiteralNull {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::LiteralNull" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::LiteralNull" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ type <- s.type)
+rule InformationItem {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::InformationItem" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::InformationItem" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ represented <- s.represented)
+rule AcceptCallAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::AcceptCallAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::AcceptCallAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isUnmarshall <- s.isUnmarshall,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ result <- s.result,
+ trigger <- s.trigger,
+ returnInformation <- s.returnInformation)
+rule CommunicationPath {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::CommunicationPath" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::CommunicationPath" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ isDerived <- s.isDerived,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedEnd <- s.ownedEnd,
+ memberEnd <- s.memberEnd,
+ navigableOwnedEnd <- s.navigableOwnedEnd)
+rule StringExpression {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::StringExpression" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::StringExpression" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ symbol <- s.symbol,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ type <- s.type,
+ operand <- s.operand,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ subExpression <- s.subExpression)
+rule InterruptibleActivityRegion {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::InterruptibleActivityRegion" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::InterruptibleActivityRegion" mapsTo s (
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ node <- s.node,
+ interruptingEdge <- s.interruptingEdge)
+rule Interface {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Interface" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Interface" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute,
+ ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation,
+ nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier,
+ redefinedInterface <- s.redefinedInterface,
+ ownedReception <- s.ownedReception,
+ protocol <- s.protocol)
+rule ParameterSet {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ParameterSet" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ParameterSet" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ parameter <- s.parameter,
+ condition <- s.condition)
+rule ActionInputPin {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ActionInputPin" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ActionInputPin" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ ordering <- s.ordering,
+ isControlType <- s.isControlType,
+ isOrdered <- s.isOrdered,
+ isUnique <- s.isUnique,
+ isControl <- s.isControl,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ type <- s.type,
+ upperBound <- s.upperBound,
+ inState <- s.inState,
+ selection <- s.selection,
+ upperValue <- s.upperValue,
+ lowerValue <- s.lowerValue,
+ fromAction <- s.fromAction)
+rule Association {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Association" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Association")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Association" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ isDerived <- s.isDerived,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedEnd <- s.ownedEnd,
+ memberEnd <- s.memberEnd,
+ navigableOwnedEnd <- s.navigableOwnedEnd)
+rule Constraint {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Constraint" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Constraint")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Constraint" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ constrainedElement <- s.constrainedElement,
+ specification <- s.specification)
+rule ReadVariableAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ReadVariableAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ReadVariableAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ variable <- s.variable,
+ result <- s.result)
+rule MessageOccurrenceSpecification {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::MessageOccurrenceSpecification" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::MessageOccurrenceSpecification" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ covered <- s.covered,
+ generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering,
+ toBefore <- s.toBefore,
+ event <- s.event,
+ toAfter <- s.toAfter,
+ message <- s.message)
+rule ExpansionRegion {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ExpansionRegion" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ExpansionRegion" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ mustIsolate <- s.mustIsolate,
+ mode <- s.mode,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ variable <- s.variable,
+ edge <- s.edge,
+ node <- s.node,
+ inputElement <- s.inputElement,
+ outputElement <- s.outputElement)
+rule CreateLinkObjectAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::CreateLinkObjectAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::CreateLinkObjectAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ endData <- s.endData,
+ inputValue <- s.inputValue,
+ result <- s.result)
+rule Activity {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Activity" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Activity" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ isActive <- s.isActive,
+ isReentrant <- s.isReentrant,
+ isReadOnly <- s.isReadOnly,
+ isSingleExecution <- s.isSingleExecution,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute,
+ ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector,
+ ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior,
+ classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior,
+ interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization,
+ ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger,
+ nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier,
+ ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation,
+ ownedReception <- s.ownedReception,
+ redefinedBehavior <- s.redefinedBehavior,
+ ownedParameter <- s.ownedParameter,
+ precondition <- s.precondition,
+ postcondition <- s.postcondition,
+ ownedParameterSet <- s.ownedParameterSet,
+ specification <- s.specification,
+ variable <- s.variable,
+ node <- s.node,
+ edge <- s.edge,
+ partition <- s.partition,
+ group <-
+rule Interval {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Interval" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Interval")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Interval" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ type <- s.type,
+ min <- s.min,
+ max <- s.max)
+rule UseCase {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::UseCase" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::UseCase" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior,
+ classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior,
+ interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization,
+ ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger,
+ include <- s.include,
+ extend <- s.extend,
+ extensionPoint <- s.extensionPoint,
+ subject <- s.subject)
+rule Clause {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Clause" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Clause" mapsTo s (
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ test <- s.test,
+ body <- s.body,
+ predecessorClause <- s.predecessorClause,
+ successorClause <- s.successorClause,
+ decider <- s.decider,
+ bodyOutput <- s.bodyOutput)
+rule ReceiveOperationEvent {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ReceiveOperationEvent" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ReceiveOperationEvent" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ operation <- s.operation)
+rule Connector {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Connector" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Connector" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isStatic <- s.isStatic,
+ kind <- s.kind,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ type <- s.type,
+ redefinedConnector <- s.redefinedConnector,
+ end <- s.end,
+ contract <- s.contract)
+rule AnyReceiveEvent {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::AnyReceiveEvent" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::AnyReceiveEvent" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter)
+rule PartDecomposition {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::PartDecomposition" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::PartDecomposition" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ covered <- s.covered,
+ generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering,
+ refersTo <- s.refersTo,
+ actualGate <- s.actualGate,
+ argument <- s.argument)
+rule Region {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Region" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Region" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ subvertex <- s.subvertex,
+ transition <- s.transition,
+ extendedRegion <- s.extendedRegion)
+rule OpaqueAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::OpaqueAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::OpaqueAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ body <- s.body,
+ language <- s.language,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ inputValue <- s.inputValue,
+ outputValue <- s.outputValue)
+rule Pseudostate {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Pseudostate" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Pseudostate" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ kind <- s.kind,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming)
+rule PackageMerge {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::PackageMerge" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::PackageMerge" mapsTo s (
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ mergedPackage <- s.mergedPackage)
+rule LiteralBoolean {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::LiteralBoolean" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::LiteralBoolean" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ value <- s.value,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ type <- s.type)
+rule SequenceNode {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::SequenceNode" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::SequenceNode" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ mustIsolate <- s.mustIsolate,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ variable <- s.variable,
+ edge <- s.edge,
+ node <- s.node,
+ executableNode <- s.executableNode)
+rule DeploymentSpecification {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::DeploymentSpecification" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::DeploymentSpecification" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ fileName <- s.fileName,
+ deploymentLocation <- s.deploymentLocation,
+ executionLocation <- s.executionLocation,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ nestedArtifact <- s.nestedArtifact,
+ manifestation <- s.manifestation,
+ ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation,
+ ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute)
+rule InteractionOperand {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::InteractionOperand" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::InteractionOperand" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ covered <- s.covered,
+ generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering,
+ guard <- s.guard,
+ fragment <- s.fragment)
+rule Extension {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Extension" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Extension" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ isDerived <- s.isDerived,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedEnd <- s.ownedEnd,
+ memberEnd <- s.memberEnd,
+ navigableOwnedEnd <- s.navigableOwnedEnd)
+rule SendOperationEvent {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::SendOperationEvent" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::SendOperationEvent" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ operation <- s.operation)
+rule ReceiveSignalEvent {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ReceiveSignalEvent" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ReceiveSignalEvent" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ signal <- s.signal)
+rule Interaction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Interaction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Interaction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ isActive <- s.isActive,
+ isReentrant <- s.isReentrant,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute,
+ ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector,
+ ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior,
+ classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior,
+ interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization,
+ ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger,
+ nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier,
+ ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation,
+ ownedReception <- s.ownedReception,
+ redefinedBehavior <- s.redefinedBehavior,
+ ownedParameter <- s.ownedParameter,
+ precondition <- s.precondition,
+ postcondition <- s.postcondition,
+ ownedParameterSet <- s.ownedParameterSet,
+ specification <- s.specification,
+ covered <- s.covered,
+ generalOrdering <- s.generalOrdering,
+ lifeline <- s.lifeline,
+ fragment <- s.fragment,
+ action <- s.action,
+ formalGate <- s.formalGate,
+ message <- s.message)
+rule ObjectFlow {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ObjectFlow" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ObjectFlow" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isMulticast <- s.isMulticast,
+ isMultireceive <- s.isMultireceive,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ source <- s.source,
+ target <-,
+ redefinedEdge <- s.redefinedEdge,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ guard <- s.guard,
+ weight <- s.weight,
+ interrupts <- s.interrupts,
+ transformation <- s.transformation,
+ selection <- s.selection)
+rule ReclassifyObjectAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ReclassifyObjectAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ReclassifyObjectAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isReplaceAll <- s.isReplaceAll,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ oldClassifier <- s.oldClassifier,
+ newClassifier <- s.newClassifier,
+ object <- s.object)
+rule TemplateBinding {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::TemplateBinding" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::TemplateBinding" mapsTo s (
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ signature <- s.signature,
+ parameterSubstitution <- s.parameterSubstitution)
+rule ValuePin {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ValuePin" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ValuePin" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ ordering <- s.ordering,
+ isControlType <- s.isControlType,
+ isOrdered <- s.isOrdered,
+ isUnique <- s.isUnique,
+ isControl <- s.isControl,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ type <- s.type,
+ upperBound <- s.upperBound,
+ inState <- s.inState,
+ selection <- s.selection,
+ upperValue <- s.upperValue,
+ lowerValue <- s.lowerValue,
+ value <- s.value)
+rule RemoveStructuralFeatureValueAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::RemoveStructuralFeatureValueAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::RemoveStructuralFeatureValueAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isRemoveDuplicates <- s.isRemoveDuplicates,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ structuralFeature <- s.structuralFeature,
+ object <- s.object,
+ value <- s.value,
+ removeAt <- s.removeAt)
+rule StartClassifierBehaviorAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::StartClassifierBehaviorAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::StartClassifierBehaviorAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ object <- s.object)
+rule ClearStructuralFeatureAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ClearStructuralFeatureAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ClearStructuralFeatureAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ structuralFeature <- s.structuralFeature,
+ object <- s.object)
+rule DurationObservation {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::DurationObservation" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::DurationObservation" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ firstEvent <- s.firstEvent,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ event <- s.event)
+rule CreationEvent {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::CreationEvent" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::CreationEvent" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter)
+rule State {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::State" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::State")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::State" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ submachine <- s.submachine,
+ connection <- s.connection,
+ connectionPoint <- s.connectionPoint,
+ redefinedState <- s.redefinedState,
+ stateInvariant <- s.stateInvariant,
+ entry <- s.entry,
+ exit <- s.exit,
+ doActivity <- s.doActivity,
+ deferrableTrigger <- s.deferrableTrigger,
+ region <- s.region)
+rule Reception {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Reception" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Reception" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isStatic <- s.isStatic,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ concurrency <- s.concurrency,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ ownedParameter <- s.ownedParameter,
+ method <- s.method,
+ raisedException <- s.raisedException,
+ ownedParameterSet <- s.ownedParameterSet,
+ signal <- s.signal)
+rule ConnectorEnd {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ConnectorEnd" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ConnectorEnd" mapsTo s (
+ isOrdered <- s.isOrdered,
+ isUnique <- s.isUnique,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ upperValue <- s.upperValue,
+ lowerValue <- s.lowerValue,
+ partWithPort <- s.partWithPort,
+ role <- s.role)
+rule InteractionConstraint {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::InteractionConstraint" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::InteractionConstraint" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ constrainedElement <- s.constrainedElement,
+ specification <- s.specification,
+ minint <- s.minint,
+ maxint <- s.maxint)
+rule ReadStructuralFeatureAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ReadStructuralFeatureAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ReadStructuralFeatureAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ structuralFeature <- s.structuralFeature,
+ object <- s.object,
+ result <- s.result)
+rule ExceptionHandler {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ExceptionHandler" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ExceptionHandler" mapsTo s (
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ handlerBody <- s.handlerBody,
+ exceptionInput <- s.exceptionInput,
+ exceptionType <- s.exceptionType)
+rule ReadExtentAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ReadExtentAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ReadExtentAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ result <- s.result,
+ classifier <- s.classifier)
+rule Gate {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Gate" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Gate" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ message <- s.message)
+rule ExecutionEvent {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ExecutionEvent" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ExecutionEvent" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter)
+rule ProfileApplication {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ProfileApplication" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ProfileApplication" mapsTo s (
+ isStrict <- s.isStrict,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ appliedProfile <- s.appliedProfile)
+rule Artifact {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Artifact" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Artifact")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Artifact" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ fileName <- s.fileName,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ nestedArtifact <- s.nestedArtifact,
+ manifestation <- s.manifestation,
+ ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation,
+ ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute)
+rule Generalization {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Generalization" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Generalization" mapsTo s (
+ isSubstitutable <- s.isSubstitutable,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ general <- s.general,
+ generalizationSet <- s.generalizationSet)
+rule Device {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Device" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Device" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ isActive <- s.isActive,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute,
+ ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector,
+ ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior,
+ classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior,
+ interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization,
+ ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger,
+ nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier,
+ ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation,
+ ownedReception <- s.ownedReception,
+ deployment <- s.deployment,
+ nestedNode <- s.nestedNode)
+rule InitialNode {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::InitialNode" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::InitialNode" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode)
+rule ExecutionEnvironment {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ExecutionEnvironment" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ExecutionEnvironment" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ isActive <- s.isActive,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute,
+ ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector,
+ ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior,
+ classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior,
+ interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization,
+ ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger,
+ nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier,
+ ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation,
+ ownedReception <- s.ownedReception,
+ deployment <- s.deployment,
+ nestedNode <- s.nestedNode)
+rule TimeEvent {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::TimeEvent" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::TimeEvent" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isRelative <- s.isRelative,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ when <- s.when)
+rule OperationTemplateParameter {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::OperationTemplateParameter" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::OperationTemplateParameter" mapsTo s (
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ parameteredElement <- s.parameteredElement,
+ ownedParameteredElement <- s.ownedParameteredElement,
+ default <- s.default,
+ ownedDefault <- s.ownedDefault)
+rule CreateObjectAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::CreateObjectAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::CreateObjectAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ classifier <- s.classifier,
+ result <- s.result)
+rule FunctionBehavior {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::FunctionBehavior" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::FunctionBehavior" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ isActive <- s.isActive,
+ isReentrant <- s.isReentrant,
+ body <- s.body,
+ language <- s.language,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute,
+ ownedConnector <- s.ownedConnector,
+ ownedBehavior <- s.ownedBehavior,
+ classifierBehavior <- s.classifierBehavior,
+ interfaceRealization <- s.interfaceRealization,
+ ownedTrigger <- s.ownedTrigger,
+ nestedClassifier <- s.nestedClassifier,
+ ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation,
+ ownedReception <- s.ownedReception,
+ redefinedBehavior <- s.redefinedBehavior,
+ ownedParameter <- s.ownedParameter,
+ precondition <- s.precondition,
+ postcondition <- s.postcondition,
+ ownedParameterSet <- s.ownedParameterSet,
+ specification <- s.specification)
+rule CreateLinkAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::CreateLinkAction" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::CreateLinkAction")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::CreateLinkAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ endData <- s.endData,
+ inputValue <- s.inputValue)
+rule LinkEndCreationData {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::LinkEndCreationData" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::LinkEndCreationData" mapsTo s (
+ isReplaceAll <- s.isReplaceAll,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ value <- s.value,
+ end <- s.end,
+ qualifier <- s.qualifier,
+ insertAt <- s.insertAt)
+rule ReadSelfAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ReadSelfAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ReadSelfAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ result <- s.result)
+rule Expression {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Expression" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Expression")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Expression" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ symbol <- s.symbol,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ type <- s.type,
+ operand <- s.operand)
+rule Dependency {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Dependency" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Dependency")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Dependency" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ supplier <- s.supplier,
+ client <- s.client)
+rule Abstraction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Abstraction" (
+ if thisModule.inElements->includes(s) then
+ s->oclIsTypeOf(UML2!"uml::Abstraction")
+ else false endif)
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Abstraction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ supplier <- s.supplier,
+ client <- s.client,
+ mapping <- s.mapping)
+rule InstanceValue {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::InstanceValue" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::InstanceValue" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ type <- s.type,
+ instance <- s.instance)
+rule DestroyObjectAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::DestroyObjectAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::DestroyObjectAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isDestroyLinks <- s.isDestroyLinks,
+ isDestroyOwnedObjects <- s.isDestroyOwnedObjects,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ target <-
+rule ReadLinkAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ReadLinkAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ReadLinkAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ endData <- s.endData,
+ inputValue <- s.inputValue,
+ result <- s.result)
+rule Extend {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Extend" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Extend" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ extendedCase <- s.extendedCase,
+ condition <- s.condition,
+ extensionLocation <- s.extensionLocation)
+rule ActivityParameterNode {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ActivityParameterNode" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ActivityParameterNode" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ ordering <- s.ordering,
+ isControlType <- s.isControlType,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ type <- s.type,
+ upperBound <- s.upperBound,
+ inState <- s.inState,
+ selection <- s.selection,
+ parameter <- s.parameter)
+rule ComponentRealization {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::ComponentRealization" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::ComponentRealization" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ supplier <- s.supplier,
+ client <- s.client,
+ mapping <- s.mapping,
+ realizingClassifier <- s.realizingClassifier)
+rule Enumeration {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Enumeration" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Enumeration" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isAbstract <- s.isAbstract,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ generalization <- s.generalization,
+ powertypeExtent <- s.powertypeExtent,
+ redefinedClassifier <- s.redefinedClassifier,
+ substitution <- s.substitution,
+ representation <- s.representation,
+ collaborationUse <- s.collaborationUse,
+ ownedUseCase <- s.ownedUseCase,
+ useCase <- s.useCase,
+ ownedAttribute <- s.ownedAttribute,
+ ownedOperation <- s.ownedOperation,
+ ownedLiteral <- s.ownedLiteral)
+-- ======================================================================
+-- UML2 copying rules end
+-- ======================================================================
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart.asm b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6dc16ebe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,1496 @@
+<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ?>
+<asm name="0">
+ <cp>
+ <constant value="UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart"/>
+ <constant value="links"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;"/>
+ <constant value="col"/>
+ <constant value="J"/>
+ <constant value="servicePerformanceStereotype"/>
+ <constant value="main"/>
+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
+ <constant value="J.setName(S):V"/>
+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.first():J"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="28:62-28:74"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):B"/>
+ <constant value="18"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinkBySourceElement(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="15"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetFromSource(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="30"/>
+ <constant value="2"/>
+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.including(J):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="e"/>
+ <constant value="value"/>
+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchModel():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchCallOperationAction():V"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="Model"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyModel(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="CallOperationAction"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyCallOperationAction(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="isStereotypeNeeded"/>
+ <constant value="MetricValue"/>
+ <constant value="Metrics"/>
+ <constant value="J.allInstances():J"/>
+ <constant value="tag"/>
+ <constant value="J.=(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="B.not():B"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.including(J):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="J.notEmpty():J"/>
+ <constant value="14:2-14:21"/>
+ <constant value="14:2-14:36"/>
+ <constant value="14:49-14:50"/>
+ <constant value="14:49-14:54"/>
+ <constant value="14:55-14:68"/>
+ <constant value="14:49-14:68"/>
+ <constant value="14:2-14:69"/>
+ <constant value="14:2-14:81"/>
+ <constant value="v"/>
+ <constant value="operationName"/>
+ <constant value="getNbDBAccess"/>
+ <constant value="Metric"/>
+ <constant value="Average number of DB accesses by method"/>
+ <constant value="20"/>
+ <constant value="J.first():J"/>
+ <constant value="values"/>
+ <constant value="33"/>
+ <constant value="17:2-17:16"/>
+ <constant value="17:2-17:31"/>
+ <constant value="17:44-17:45"/>
+ <constant value="17:44-17:50"/>
+ <constant value="17:51-17:92"/>
+ <constant value="17:44-17:92"/>
+ <constant value="17:2-17:93"/>
+ <constant value="17:2-18:18"/>
+ <constant value="17:2-18:25"/>
+ <constant value="18:38-18:39"/>
+ <constant value="18:38-18:43"/>
+ <constant value="18:44-18:57"/>
+ <constant value="18:38-18:57"/>
+ <constant value="17:2-18:58"/>
+ <constant value="17:2-18:67"/>
+ <constant value="17:2-18:73"/>
+ <constant value="m"/>
+ <constant value="getNbDBRows"/>
+ <constant value="Average number of DB rows handled by method"/>
+ <constant value="21:2-21:16"/>
+ <constant value="21:2-21:31"/>
+ <constant value="21:44-21:45"/>
+ <constant value="21:44-21:50"/>
+ <constant value="21:51-21:96"/>
+ <constant value="21:44-21:96"/>
+ <constant value="21:2-21:97"/>
+ <constant value="21:2-22:18"/>
+ <constant value="21:2-22:25"/>
+ <constant value="22:38-22:39"/>
+ <constant value="22:38-22:43"/>
+ <constant value="22:44-22:57"/>
+ <constant value="22:38-22:57"/>
+ <constant value="21:2-22:58"/>
+ <constant value="21:2-22:67"/>
+ <constant value="21:2-22:73"/>
+ <constant value="getCPUTime"/>
+ <constant value="Average CPU time used by method"/>
+ <constant value="25:2-25:16"/>
+ <constant value="25:2-25:31"/>
+ <constant value="25:44-25:45"/>
+ <constant value="25:44-25:50"/>
+ <constant value="25:51-25:84"/>
+ <constant value="25:44-25:84"/>
+ <constant value="25:2-25:85"/>
+ <constant value="25:2-26:18"/>
+ <constant value="25:2-26:25"/>
+ <constant value="26:38-26:39"/>
+ <constant value="26:38-26:43"/>
+ <constant value="26:44-26:57"/>
+ <constant value="26:38-26:57"/>
+ <constant value="25:2-26:58"/>
+ <constant value="25:2-26:67"/>
+ <constant value="25:2-26:73"/>
+ <constant value="__matchModel"/>
+ <constant value="uml::Model"/>
+ <constant value="UML2"/>
+ <constant value="IN"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="PRO"/>
+ <constant value="CJ.union(CJ):CJ"/>
+ <constant value="inElements"/>
+ <constant value="J.includes(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="39"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="s"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="t"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink2(NTransientLink;B):V"/>
+ <constant value="36:33-36:43"/>
+ <constant value="36:33-36:54"/>
+ <constant value="36:65-36:66"/>
+ <constant value="36:33-36:67"/>
+ <constant value="37:12-37:29"/>
+ <constant value="37:8-53:52"/>
+ <constant value="__applyModel"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="visibility"/>
+ <constant value="viewpoint"/>
+ <constant value="eAnnotations"/>
+ <constant value="ownedComment"/>
+ <constant value="clientDependency"/>
+ <constant value="nameExpression"/>
+ <constant value="elementImport"/>
+ <constant value="packageImport"/>
+ <constant value="ownedRule"/>
+ <constant value="templateParameter"/>
+ <constant value="templateBinding"/>
+ <constant value="ownedTemplateSignature"/>
+ <constant value="packageMerge"/>
+ <constant value="packagedElement"/>
+ <constant value="profileApplication"/>
+ <constant value="Profile"/>
+ <constant value="J.allInstancesFrom(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="4"/>
+ <constant value="Performance"/>
+ <constant value="125"/>
+ <constant value="J.applyProfile(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="150"/>
+ <constant value="ownedStereotype"/>
+ <constant value="ServicePerformance"/>
+ <constant value="163"/>
+ <constant value="38:17-38:18"/>
+ <constant value="38:17-38:23"/>
+ <constant value="38:9-38:23"/>
+ <constant value="39:23-39:24"/>
+ <constant value="39:23-39:35"/>
+ <constant value="39:9-39:35"/>
+ <constant value="40:22-40:23"/>
+ <constant value="40:22-40:33"/>
+ <constant value="40:9-40:33"/>
+ <constant value="41:25-41:26"/>
+ <constant value="41:25-41:39"/>
+ <constant value="41:9-41:39"/>
+ <constant value="42:25-42:26"/>
+ <constant value="42:25-42:39"/>
+ <constant value="42:9-42:39"/>
+ <constant value="43:29-43:30"/>
+ <constant value="43:29-43:47"/>
+ <constant value="43:9-43:47"/>
+ <constant value="44:27-44:28"/>
+ <constant value="44:27-44:43"/>
+ <constant value="44:9-44:43"/>
+ <constant value="45:26-45:27"/>
+ <constant value="45:26-45:41"/>
+ <constant value="45:9-45:41"/>
+ <constant value="46:26-46:27"/>
+ <constant value="46:26-46:41"/>
+ <constant value="46:9-46:41"/>
+ <constant value="47:22-47:23"/>
+ <constant value="47:22-47:33"/>
+ <constant value="47:9-47:33"/>
+ <constant value="48:30-48:31"/>
+ <constant value="48:30-48:49"/>
+ <constant value="48:9-48:49"/>
+ <constant value="49:28-49:29"/>
+ <constant value="49:28-49:45"/>
+ <constant value="49:9-49:45"/>
+ <constant value="50:35-50:36"/>
+ <constant value="50:35-50:59"/>
+ <constant value="50:9-50:59"/>
+ <constant value="51:25-51:26"/>
+ <constant value="51:25-51:39"/>
+ <constant value="51:9-51:39"/>
+ <constant value="52:28-52:29"/>
+ <constant value="52:28-52:45"/>
+ <constant value="52:9-52:45"/>
+ <constant value="53:31-53:32"/>
+ <constant value="53:31-53:51"/>
+ <constant value="53:9-53:51"/>
+ <constant value="55:3-55:4"/>
+ <constant value="55:18-55:30"/>
+ <constant value="55:48-55:53"/>
+ <constant value="55:18-55:54"/>
+ <constant value="55:67-55:68"/>
+ <constant value="55:67-55:73"/>
+ <constant value="55:76-55:89"/>
+ <constant value="55:67-55:89"/>
+ <constant value="55:18-55:90"/>
+ <constant value="55:18-55:99"/>
+ <constant value="55:3-55:100"/>
+ <constant value="55:3-55:101"/>
+ <constant value="56:3-56:13"/>
+ <constant value="57:4-57:16"/>
+ <constant value="57:34-57:39"/>
+ <constant value="57:4-57:40"/>
+ <constant value="57:53-57:54"/>
+ <constant value="57:53-57:59"/>
+ <constant value="57:60-57:73"/>
+ <constant value="57:53-57:73"/>
+ <constant value="57:4-57:74"/>
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+ <constant value="57:4-58:29"/>
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+ <constant value="58:42-58:48"/>
+ <constant value="58:49-58:69"/>
+ <constant value="58:42-58:69"/>
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+ <constant value="57:4-58:79"/>
+ <constant value="56:3-58:80"/>
+ <constant value="54:5-59:3"/>
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+ <constant value="uml::CallOperationAction"/>
+ <constant value="64:47-64:57"/>
+ <constant value="64:47-64:68"/>
+ <constant value="64:79-64:80"/>
+ <constant value="64:47-64:81"/>
+ <constant value="65:12-65:43"/>
+ <constant value="65:8-86:28"/>
+ <constant value="__applyCallOperationAction"/>
+ <constant value="isLeaf"/>
+ <constant value="isSynchronous"/>
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+ <constant value="incoming"/>
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+ <constant value="localPostcondition"/>
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+ <constant value="173"/>
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+ <constant value="J.getNbDBAccess(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="J.setValue(JJJ):J"/>
+ <constant value="DBRows"/>
+ <constant value="J.getNbDBRows(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="CPUTime"/>
+ <constant value="J.getCPUTime(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="66:17-66:18"/>
+ <constant value="66:17-66:23"/>
+ <constant value="66:9-66:23"/>
+ <constant value="67:23-67:24"/>
+ <constant value="67:23-67:35"/>
+ <constant value="67:9-67:35"/>
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+ <constant value="68:19-68:27"/>
+ <constant value="68:9-68:27"/>
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+ <constant value="69:9-69:41"/>
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+ <constant value="70:25-70:39"/>
+ <constant value="70:9-70:39"/>
+ <constant value="71:25-71:26"/>
+ <constant value="71:25-71:39"/>
+ <constant value="71:9-71:39"/>
+ <constant value="72:29-72:30"/>
+ <constant value="72:29-72:47"/>
+ <constant value="72:9-72:47"/>
+ <constant value="73:27-73:28"/>
+ <constant value="73:27-73:43"/>
+ <constant value="73:9-73:43"/>
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+ <constant value="74:21-74:31"/>
+ <constant value="74:9-74:31"/>
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+ <constant value="75:21-75:31"/>
+ <constant value="75:9-75:31"/>
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+ <constant value="76:24-76:37"/>
+ <constant value="76:9-76:37"/>
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+ <constant value="77:34-77:57"/>
+ <constant value="77:9-77:57"/>
+ <constant value="78:26-78:27"/>
+ <constant value="78:26-78:41"/>
+ <constant value="78:9-78:41"/>
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+ <constant value="79:9-79:29"/>
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+ <constant value="80:9-80:49"/>
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+ <constant value="81:31-81:51"/>
+ <constant value="81:9-81:51"/>
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+ <constant value="83:9-83:27"/>
+ <constant value="84:19-84:20"/>
+ <constant value="84:19-84:27"/>
+ <constant value="84:9-84:27"/>
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+ <constant value="85:22-85:33"/>
+ <constant value="85:9-85:33"/>
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+ <constant value="86:19-86:27"/>
+ <constant value="86:9-86:27"/>
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+ <constant value="88:37-88:43"/>
+ <constant value="88:7-88:44"/>
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+ <constant value="89:22-89:61"/>
+ <constant value="89:4-89:62"/>
+ <constant value="89:4-89:63"/>
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+ <constant value="90:91-90:92"/>
+ <constant value="90:91-90:97"/>
+ <constant value="90:66-90:98"/>
+ <constant value="90:4-90:99"/>
+ <constant value="90:4-90:100"/>
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+ <constant value="91:15-91:54"/>
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+ <constant value="91:64-91:74"/>
+ <constant value="91:87-91:88"/>
+ <constant value="91:87-91:93"/>
+ <constant value="91:64-91:94"/>
+ <constant value="91:4-91:95"/>
+ <constant value="91:4-91:96"/>
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+ <constant value="92:15-92:54"/>
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+ <constant value="92:87-92:88"/>
+ <constant value="92:87-92:93"/>
+ <constant value="92:65-92:94"/>
+ <constant value="92:4-92:95"/>
+ <constant value="92:4-92:96"/>
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+ <get arg="41"/>
+ <push arg="176"/>
+ <call arg="56"/>
+ <call arg="57"/>
+ <if arg="177"/>
+ <load arg="175"/>
+ <call arg="58"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="74"/>
+ <call arg="178"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <push arg="15"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <push arg="15"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <push arg="173"/>
+ <push arg="132"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="135"/>
+ <call arg="174"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="175"/>
+ <load arg="175"/>
+ <get arg="41"/>
+ <push arg="176"/>
+ <call arg="56"/>
+ <call arg="57"/>
+ <if arg="179"/>
+ <load arg="175"/>
+ <call arg="58"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="74"/>
+ <get arg="180"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="175"/>
+ <load arg="175"/>
+ <get arg="41"/>
+ <push arg="181"/>
+ <call arg="56"/>
+ <call arg="57"/>
+ <if arg="182"/>
+ <load arg="175"/>
+ <call arg="58"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="74"/>
+ <set arg="5"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="183" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="184" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="185" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="186" begin="17" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="187" begin="17" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="188" begin="15" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="189" begin="23" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="190" begin="23" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="191" begin="21" end="26"/>
+ <lne id="192" begin="29" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="193" begin="29" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="194" begin="27" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="195" begin="35" end="35"/>
+ <lne id="196" begin="35" end="36"/>
+ <lne id="197" begin="33" end="38"/>
+ <lne id="198" begin="41" end="41"/>
+ <lne id="199" begin="41" end="42"/>
+ <lne id="200" begin="39" end="44"/>
+ <lne id="201" begin="47" end="47"/>
+ <lne id="202" begin="47" end="48"/>
+ <lne id="203" begin="45" end="50"/>
+ <lne id="204" begin="53" end="53"/>
+ <lne id="205" begin="53" end="54"/>
+ <lne id="206" begin="51" end="56"/>
+ <lne id="207" begin="59" end="59"/>
+ <lne id="208" begin="59" end="60"/>
+ <lne id="209" begin="57" end="62"/>
+ <lne id="210" begin="65" end="65"/>
+ <lne id="211" begin="65" end="66"/>
+ <lne id="212" begin="63" end="68"/>
+ <lne id="213" begin="71" end="71"/>
+ <lne id="214" begin="71" end="72"/>
+ <lne id="215" begin="69" end="74"/>
+ <lne id="216" begin="77" end="77"/>
+ <lne id="217" begin="77" end="78"/>
+ <lne id="218" begin="75" end="80"/>
+ <lne id="219" begin="83" end="83"/>
+ <lne id="220" begin="83" end="84"/>
+ <lne id="221" begin="81" end="86"/>
+ <lne id="222" begin="89" end="89"/>
+ <lne id="223" begin="89" end="90"/>
+ <lne id="224" begin="87" end="92"/>
+ <lne id="225" begin="95" end="95"/>
+ <lne id="226" begin="95" end="96"/>
+ <lne id="227" begin="93" end="98"/>
+ <lne id="228" begin="101" end="101"/>
+ <lne id="229" begin="101" end="102"/>
+ <lne id="230" begin="99" end="104"/>
+ <lne id="152" begin="8" end="105"/>
+ <lne id="231" begin="106" end="106"/>
+ <lne id="232" begin="110" end="112"/>
+ <lne id="233" begin="113" end="113"/>
+ <lne id="234" begin="110" end="114"/>
+ <lne id="235" begin="117" end="117"/>
+ <lne id="236" begin="117" end="118"/>
+ <lne id="237" begin="119" end="119"/>
+ <lne id="238" begin="117" end="120"/>
+ <lne id="239" begin="107" end="125"/>
+ <lne id="240" begin="107" end="126"/>
+ <lne id="241" begin="106" end="127"/>
+ <lne id="242" begin="106" end="127"/>
+ <lne id="243" begin="128" end="128"/>
+ <lne id="244" begin="135" end="137"/>
+ <lne id="245" begin="138" end="138"/>
+ <lne id="246" begin="135" end="139"/>
+ <lne id="247" begin="142" end="142"/>
+ <lne id="248" begin="142" end="143"/>
+ <lne id="249" begin="144" end="144"/>
+ <lne id="250" begin="142" end="145"/>
+ <lne id="251" begin="132" end="150"/>
+ <lne id="252" begin="132" end="151"/>
+ <lne id="253" begin="132" end="152"/>
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+ <lne id="255" begin="155" end="156"/>
+ <lne id="256" begin="157" end="157"/>
+ <lne id="257" begin="155" end="158"/>
+ <lne id="258" begin="129" end="163"/>
+ <lne id="259" begin="129" end="164"/>
+ <lne id="260" begin="128" end="165"/>
+ <lne id="261" begin="106" end="165"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="4" name="262" begin="116" end="124"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="262" begin="141" end="149"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="142" begin="154" end="162"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="144" begin="7" end="165"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="142" begin="3" end="165"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="21" begin="0" end="165"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="263" begin="0" end="165"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="264">
+ <context type="7"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="265"/>
+ <push arg="132"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="133"/>
+ <call arg="134"/>
+ <push arg="265"/>
+ <push arg="132"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="135"/>
+ <call arg="134"/>
+ <call arg="136"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="23"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="137"/>
+ <load arg="23"/>
+ <call arg="138"/>
+ <call arg="57"/>
+ <if arg="139"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="140"/>
+ <push arg="9"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="49"/>
+ <call arg="141"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="142"/>
+ <load arg="23"/>
+ <call arg="143"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="144"/>
+ <push arg="265"/>
+ <push arg="132"/>
+ <new/>
+ <call arg="145"/>
+ <pusht/>
+ <call arg="146"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="266" begin="13" end="13"/>
+ <lne id="267" begin="13" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="268" begin="15" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="269" begin="13" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="270" begin="33" end="35"/>
+ <lne id="271" begin="31" end="36"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="1" name="142" begin="12" end="38"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="21" begin="0" end="39"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="272">
+ <context type="7"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="23" type="154"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="23"/>
+ <push arg="142"/>
+ <call arg="155"/>
+ <store arg="32"/>
+ <load arg="23"/>
+ <push arg="144"/>
+ <call arg="156"/>
+ <store arg="157"/>
+ <load arg="157"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="41"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="41"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="158"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="158"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="273"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="273"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="274"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="274"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="160"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="160"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="161"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="161"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="162"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="162"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="163"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="163"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="275"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="275"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="276"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="276"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="277"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="277"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="278"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="278"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="279"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="279"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="280"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="280"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="281"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="281"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="282"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="282"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="283"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="283"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="284"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="284"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="285"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="285"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="286"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="286"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="287"/>
+ <call arg="33"/>
+ <set arg="287"/>
+ <pop/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="41"/>
+ <call arg="288"/>
+ <if arg="289"/>
+ <goto arg="290"/>
+ <load arg="157"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="5"/>
+ <call arg="291"/>
+ <load arg="157"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="5"/>
+ <push arg="292"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="41"/>
+ <call arg="293"/>
+ <call arg="294"/>
+ <load arg="157"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="5"/>
+ <push arg="295"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="41"/>
+ <call arg="296"/>
+ <call arg="294"/>
+ <load arg="157"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="5"/>
+ <push arg="297"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="32"/>
+ <get arg="41"/>
+ <call arg="298"/>
+ <call arg="294"/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="299" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="300" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="301" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="302" begin="17" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="303" begin="17" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="304" begin="15" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="305" begin="23" end="23"/>
+ <lne id="306" begin="23" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="307" begin="21" end="26"/>
+ <lne id="308" begin="29" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="309" begin="29" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="310" begin="27" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="311" begin="35" end="35"/>
+ <lne id="312" begin="35" end="36"/>
+ <lne id="313" begin="33" end="38"/>
+ <lne id="314" begin="41" end="41"/>
+ <lne id="315" begin="41" end="42"/>
+ <lne id="316" begin="39" end="44"/>
+ <lne id="317" begin="47" end="47"/>
+ <lne id="318" begin="47" end="48"/>
+ <lne id="319" begin="45" end="50"/>
+ <lne id="320" begin="53" end="53"/>
+ <lne id="321" begin="53" end="54"/>
+ <lne id="322" begin="51" end="56"/>
+ <lne id="323" begin="59" end="59"/>
+ <lne id="324" begin="59" end="60"/>
+ <lne id="325" begin="57" end="62"/>
+ <lne id="326" begin="65" end="65"/>
+ <lne id="327" begin="65" end="66"/>
+ <lne id="328" begin="63" end="68"/>
+ <lne id="329" begin="71" end="71"/>
+ <lne id="330" begin="71" end="72"/>
+ <lne id="331" begin="69" end="74"/>
+ <lne id="332" begin="77" end="77"/>
+ <lne id="333" begin="77" end="78"/>
+ <lne id="334" begin="75" end="80"/>
+ <lne id="335" begin="83" end="83"/>
+ <lne id="336" begin="83" end="84"/>
+ <lne id="337" begin="81" end="86"/>
+ <lne id="338" begin="89" end="89"/>
+ <lne id="339" begin="89" end="90"/>
+ <lne id="340" begin="87" end="92"/>
+ <lne id="341" begin="95" end="95"/>
+ <lne id="342" begin="95" end="96"/>
+ <lne id="343" begin="93" end="98"/>
+ <lne id="344" begin="101" end="101"/>
+ <lne id="345" begin="101" end="102"/>
+ <lne id="346" begin="99" end="104"/>
+ <lne id="347" begin="107" end="107"/>
+ <lne id="348" begin="107" end="108"/>
+ <lne id="349" begin="105" end="110"/>
+ <lne id="350" begin="113" end="113"/>
+ <lne id="351" begin="113" end="114"/>
+ <lne id="352" begin="111" end="116"/>
+ <lne id="353" begin="119" end="119"/>
+ <lne id="354" begin="119" end="120"/>
+ <lne id="355" begin="117" end="122"/>
+ <lne id="356" begin="125" end="125"/>
+ <lne id="357" begin="125" end="126"/>
+ <lne id="358" begin="123" end="128"/>
+ <lne id="359" begin="131" end="131"/>
+ <lne id="360" begin="131" end="132"/>
+ <lne id="361" begin="129" end="134"/>
+ <lne id="271" begin="8" end="135"/>
+ <lne id="362" begin="136" end="136"/>
+ <lne id="363" begin="137" end="137"/>
+ <lne id="364" begin="137" end="138"/>
+ <lne id="365" begin="136" end="139"/>
+ <lne id="366" begin="142" end="142"/>
+ <lne id="367" begin="143" end="143"/>
+ <lne id="368" begin="143" end="144"/>
+ <lne id="369" begin="142" end="145"/>
+ <lne id="370" begin="142" end="145"/>
+ <lne id="371" begin="146" end="146"/>
+ <lne id="372" begin="147" end="147"/>
+ <lne id="373" begin="147" end="148"/>
+ <lne id="374" begin="149" end="149"/>
+ <lne id="375" begin="150" end="150"/>
+ <lne id="376" begin="151" end="151"/>
+ <lne id="377" begin="151" end="152"/>
+ <lne id="378" begin="150" end="153"/>
+ <lne id="379" begin="146" end="154"/>
+ <lne id="380" begin="146" end="154"/>
+ <lne id="381" begin="155" end="155"/>
+ <lne id="382" begin="156" end="156"/>
+ <lne id="383" begin="156" end="157"/>
+ <lne id="384" begin="158" end="158"/>
+ <lne id="385" begin="159" end="159"/>
+ <lne id="386" begin="160" end="160"/>
+ <lne id="387" begin="160" end="161"/>
+ <lne id="388" begin="159" end="162"/>
+ <lne id="389" begin="155" end="163"/>
+ <lne id="390" begin="155" end="163"/>
+ <lne id="391" begin="164" end="164"/>
+ <lne id="392" begin="165" end="165"/>
+ <lne id="393" begin="165" end="166"/>
+ <lne id="394" begin="167" end="167"/>
+ <lne id="395" begin="168" end="168"/>
+ <lne id="396" begin="169" end="169"/>
+ <lne id="397" begin="169" end="170"/>
+ <lne id="398" begin="168" end="171"/>
+ <lne id="399" begin="164" end="172"/>
+ <lne id="400" begin="164" end="172"/>
+ <lne id="401" begin="136" end="172"/>
+ <lne id="402" begin="136" end="172"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="3" name="144" begin="7" end="172"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="142" begin="3" end="172"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="21" begin="0" end="172"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="263" begin="0" end="172"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84cf3e4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+-- @atlcompiler atl2006
+-- @author Hugo Bruneliere (Hugo.Bruneliere <at>
+module UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart;
+create OUT : UML2 from IN : UML2, PRO : UML2, ME : Metrics;
+-- HELPERS --------------------------------------------------------------------
+helper def: isStereotypeNeeded(operationName : String) : Boolean =
+ Metrics!MetricValue.allInstances()->select(v | v.tag=operationName)->notEmpty();
+helper def: getNbDBAccess(operationName : String) : Integer =
+ Metrics!Metric.allInstances()->select(m |'Average number of DB accesses by method')
+ ->first().values->select(v | v.tag=operationName)->first().value;
+helper def: getNbDBRows(operationName : String) : Integer =
+ Metrics!Metric.allInstances()->select(m |'Average number of DB rows handled by method')
+ ->first().values->select(v | v.tag=operationName)->first().value;
+helper def: getCPUTime(operationName : String) : Real =
+ Metrics!Metric.allInstances()->select(m |'Average CPU time used by method')
+ ->first().values->select(v | v.tag=operationName)->first().value;
+helper def: servicePerformanceStereotype : UML2!Stereotype = OclUndefined;
+-- RULES ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+rule Model {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::Model" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::Model" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ viewpoint <- s.viewpoint,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ elementImport <- s.elementImport,
+ packageImport <- s.packageImport,
+ ownedRule <- s.ownedRule,
+ templateParameter <- s.templateParameter,
+ templateBinding <- s.templateBinding,
+ ownedTemplateSignature <- s.ownedTemplateSignature,
+ packageMerge <- s.packageMerge,
+ packagedElement <- s.packagedElement,
+ profileApplication <- s.profileApplication)
+ do {
+ t.applyProfile(UML2!Profile.allInstancesFrom('PRO')->select(p | = 'Performance')->first());
+ thisModule.servicePerformanceStereotype <-
+ UML2!Profile.allInstancesFrom('PRO')->select(p |'Performance')
+ ->first().ownedStereotype->select(s |'ServicePerformance')->first();
+ }
+rule CallOperationAction {
+ from s : UML2!"uml::CallOperationAction" (thisModule.inElements->includes(s))
+ to t : UML2!"uml::CallOperationAction" mapsTo s (
+ name <-,
+ visibility <- s.visibility,
+ isLeaf <- s.isLeaf,
+ isSynchronous <- s.isSynchronous,
+ eAnnotations <- s.eAnnotations,
+ ownedComment <- s.ownedComment,
+ clientDependency <- s.clientDependency,
+ nameExpression <- s.nameExpression,
+ outgoing <- s.outgoing,
+ incoming <- s.incoming,
+ inPartition <- s.inPartition,
+ inInterruptibleRegion <- s.inInterruptibleRegion,
+ redefinedNode <- s.redefinedNode,
+ handler <- s.handler,
+ localPrecondition <- s.localPrecondition,
+ localPostcondition <- s.localPostcondition,
+ argument <- s.argument,
+ onPort <- s.onPort,
+ result <- s.result,
+ operation <- s.operation,
+ target <-
+ do {
+ if( thisModule.isStereotypeNeeded( ) {
+ t.applyStereotype(thisModule.servicePerformanceStereotype);
+ t.setValue(thisModule.servicePerformanceStereotype,'DBAccess',thisModule.getNbDBAccess(;
+ t.setValue(thisModule.servicePerformanceStereotype,'DBRows',thisModule.getNbDBRows(;
+ t.setValue(thisModule.servicePerformanceStereotype,'CPUTime',thisModule.getCPUTime(;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80ee89c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/UML2Copy.atl"/>
+<stringAttribute key="ATL VM" value="Regular VM (with debugger)"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="AllowInterModelReferences" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Input">
+<mapEntry key="ME" value="Metrics"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="UML2"/>
+<mapEntry key="PRO" value="UML2"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="Mode Debug" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Model Handler">
+<mapEntry key="Metrics" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="UML2" value="UML2"/>
+<mapAttribute key="ModelType">
+<mapEntry key="ME" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="Metrics" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="UML2" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="PRO" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Output">
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="UML2"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="ME" value="/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/TraceSamples-Metrics.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/Order.uml"/>
+<mapEntry key="Metrics" value="/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/Metrics.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="UML2" value="uri:"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/PerformanceAnnotatedStateChart-UML.uml"/>
+<mapEntry key="PRO" value="/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/Performance.profile.uml"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.emftest"/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose">
+<listEntry value="/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart/UMLStateChart2PerformanceAnnotatedUMLStateChart.asm"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/readme.txt b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..995e6438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/SpreadSheetML2PerformanceUMLStateChart/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This test case is related to the use case available at :
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/UML2Relational/UML2Relational.asm b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/UML2Relational/UML2Relational.asm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..323b4701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/UML2Relational/UML2Relational.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,1226 @@
+<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' ?>
+<asm name="0">
+ <cp>
+ <constant value="Class2Relational"/>
+ <constant value="links"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;"/>
+ <constant value="col"/>
+ <constant value="J"/>
+ <constant value="main"/>
+ <constant value="A"/>
+ <constant value="OclParametrizedType"/>
+ <constant value="#native"/>
+ <constant value="Collection"/>
+ <constant value="J.setName(S):V"/>
+ <constant value="OclSimpleType"/>
+ <constant value="OclAny"/>
+ <constant value="J.setElementType(J):V"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLinkSet"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matcher__():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__exec__():V"/>
+ <constant value="self"/>
+ <constant value="__resolve__"/>
+ <constant value="1"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsKindOf(J):B"/>
+ <constant value="18"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinkBySourceElement(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsUndefined():J"/>
+ <constant value="15"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetFromSource(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="17"/>
+ <constant value="30"/>
+ <constant value="Sequence"/>
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+ <constant value="A.__resolve__(J):J"/>
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+ <constant value="QJ.flatten():QJ"/>
+ <constant value="e"/>
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+ <constant value="resolveTemp"/>
+ <constant value="S"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getNamedTargetFromSource(JS):J"/>
+ <constant value="name"/>
+ <constant value="__matcher__"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchModel2Database():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchPackage2Schema():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchClass2Table():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchProperty2Column():V"/>
+ <constant value="A.__matchProperty2ForeignKey():V"/>
+ <constant value="__exec__"/>
+ <constant value="Model2Database"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.getLinksByRule(S):QNTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyModel2Database(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Package2Schema"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyPackage2Schema(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Class2Table"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyClass2Table(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Property2Column"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyProperty2Column(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="Property2ForeignKey"/>
+ <constant value="A.__applyProperty2ForeignKey(NTransientLink;):V"/>
+ <constant value="hasStereotype"/>
+ <constant value="MUML!uml::Element;"/>
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+ <constant value="14:2-14:30"/>
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+ <constant value="14:47-14:54"/>
+ <constant value="14:2-14:55"/>
+ <constant value="14:68-14:78"/>
+ <constant value="14:2-14:79"/>
+ <constant value="st"/>
+ <constant value="stereotype"/>
+ <constant value="computeType"/>
+ <constant value="MUML!uml::Type;"/>
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+ <constant value="J.=(J):J"/>
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+ <constant value="NUMERIC"/>
+ <constant value="23"/>
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+ <constant value="17:5-17:25"/>
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+ <constant value="18:18-18:27"/>
+ <constant value="18:6-18:27"/>
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+ <constant value="18:33-18:41"/>
+ <constant value="18:3-19:18"/>
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+ <constant value="17:2-20:7"/>
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+ <constant value="uml::Model"/>
+ <constant value="UML"/>
+ <constant value="IN"/>
+ <constant value="MMOF!Classifier;.allInstancesFrom(S):QJ"/>
+ <constant value="Database"/>
+ <constant value="J.hasStereotype(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="B.not():B"/>
+ <constant value="32"/>
+ <constant value="TransientLink"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.setRule(MATL!Rule;):V"/>
+ <constant value="m"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addSourceElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="out"/>
+ <constant value="Relational"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.addTargetElement(SJ):V"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLinkSet;.addLink2(NTransientLink;B):V"/>
+ <constant value="29:5-29:6"/>
+ <constant value="29:21-29:31"/>
+ <constant value="29:5-29:32"/>
+ <constant value="32:9-32:28"/>
+ <constant value="32:3-35:4"/>
+ <constant value="__applyModel2Database"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getSourceElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="NTransientLink;.getTargetElement(S):J"/>
+ <constant value="3"/>
+ <constant value="packagedElement"/>
+ <constant value="4"/>
+ <constant value="uml::Package"/>
+ <constant value="J.oclIsTypeOf(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="Schema"/>
+ <constant value="J.and(J):J"/>
+ <constant value="37"/>
+ <constant value="ownedSchemas"/>
+ <constant value="33:12-33:13"/>
+ <constant value="33:12-33:18"/>
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+ <constant value="34:20-34:21"/>
+ <constant value="34:20-34:37"/>
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+ <constant value="34:52-34:85"/>
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+ <constant value="34:106-34:114"/>
+ <constant value="34:90-34:115"/>
+ <constant value="34:52-34:115"/>
+ <constant value="34:20-34:116"/>
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+ <constant value="__matchPackage2Schema"/>
+ <constant value="p"/>
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+ <constant value="41:21-41:29"/>
+ <constant value="41:5-41:30"/>
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+ <constant value="44:3-47:4"/>
+ <constant value="__applyPackage2Schema"/>
+ <constant value="uml::Class"/>
+ <constant value="Table"/>
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+ <constant value="45:12-45:13"/>
+ <constant value="45:12-45:18"/>
+ <constant value="45:4-45:18"/>
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+ <constant value="46:20-46:37"/>
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+ <constant value="46:52-46:83"/>
+ <constant value="46:88-46:89"/>
+ <constant value="46:104-46:111"/>
+ <constant value="46:88-46:112"/>
+ <constant value="46:52-46:112"/>
+ <constant value="46:20-46:113"/>
+ <constant value="46:4-46:113"/>
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+ <constant value="c"/>
+ <constant value="53:5-53:6"/>
+ <constant value="53:21-53:28"/>
+ <constant value="53:5-53:29"/>
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+ <constant value="56:3-64:4"/>
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+ <constant value="uml::PrimitiveType"/>
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+ <constant value="38"/>
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+ <constant value="J.not():J"/>
+ <constant value="65"/>
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+ <constant value="57:12-57:13"/>
+ <constant value="57:12-57:18"/>
+ <constant value="57:4-57:18"/>
+ <constant value="58:20-58:21"/>
+ <constant value="58:20-58:31"/>
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+ <constant value="59:8-59:33"/>
+ <constant value="60:8-60:9"/>
+ <constant value="60:8-60:14"/>
+ <constant value="60:27-60:51"/>
+ <constant value="60:8-60:52"/>
+ <constant value="59:8-60:52"/>
+ <constant value="58:20-60:53"/>
+ <constant value="58:4-60:53"/>
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+ <constant value="61:24-61:35"/>
+ <constant value="62:8-62:9"/>
+ <constant value="62:24-62:32"/>
+ <constant value="62:8-62:33"/>
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+ <constant value="63:12-63:18"/>
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+ <constant value="63:12-63:56"/>
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+ <constant value="62:8-63:56"/>
+ <constant value="61:24-63:57"/>
+ <constant value="61:4-63:57"/>
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+ <constant value="uml::Property"/>
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+ <constant value="70:5-70:30"/>
+ <constant value="71:5-71:6"/>
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+ <constant value="71:5-71:49"/>
+ <constant value="70:5-71:49"/>
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+ <constant value="75:12-75:18"/>
+ <constant value="75:4-75:18"/>
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+ <constant value="76:12-76:18"/>
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+ <constant value="77:16-77:26"/>
+ <constant value="77:4-77:26"/>
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+ <constant value="78:31-78:56"/>
+ <constant value="78:31-78:64"/>
+ <constant value="78:65-78:79"/>
+ <constant value="78:20-78:80"/>
+ <constant value="78:4-78:80"/>
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+ <constant value="85:21-85:29"/>
+ <constant value="85:5-85:30"/>
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+ <constant value="86:9-86:15"/>
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+ <constant value="86:9-86:53"/>
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+ <constant value="85:5-86:53"/>
+ <constant value="89:9-89:30"/>
+ <constant value="89:3-92:4"/>
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+ <constant value="sourceTable"/>
+ <constant value="90:12-90:13"/>
+ <constant value="90:12-90:18"/>
+ <constant value="90:4-90:18"/>
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+ <getasm/>
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+ <getasm/>
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+ <getasm/>
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+ <call arg="125"/>
+ <load arg="123"/>
+ <push arg="126"/>
+ <call arg="101"/>
+ <call arg="127"/>
+ <call arg="102"/>
+ <if arg="128"/>
+ <load arg="123"/>
+ <call arg="61"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="30"/>
+ <set arg="129"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="130" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="131" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="132" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="133" begin="20" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="134" begin="20" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="135" begin="24" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="136" begin="25" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="137" begin="24" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="138" begin="29" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="139" begin="30" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="140" begin="29" end="31"/>
+ <lne id="141" begin="24" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="142" begin="17" end="37"/>
+ <lne id="143" begin="15" end="39"/>
+ <lne id="116" begin="8" end="40"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="4" name="33" begin="23" end="36"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="108" begin="7" end="40"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="106" begin="3" end="40"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="17" begin="0" end="40"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="144" begin="0" end="40"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="145">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="124"/>
+ <push arg="97"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="98"/>
+ <call arg="99"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="19"/>
+ <load arg="19"/>
+ <push arg="126"/>
+ <call arg="101"/>
+ <call arg="102"/>
+ <if arg="103"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="104"/>
+ <push arg="8"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="49"/>
+ <call arg="105"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="146"/>
+ <load arg="19"/>
+ <call arg="107"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="108"/>
+ <push arg="126"/>
+ <push arg="109"/>
+ <new/>
+ <call arg="110"/>
+ <pusht/>
+ <call arg="111"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="147" begin="7" end="7"/>
+ <lne id="148" begin="8" end="8"/>
+ <lne id="149" begin="7" end="9"/>
+ <lne id="150" begin="26" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="151" begin="24" end="29"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="1" name="146" begin="6" end="31"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="17" begin="0" end="32"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="152">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="19" type="118"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="19"/>
+ <push arg="146"/>
+ <call arg="119"/>
+ <store arg="29"/>
+ <load arg="19"/>
+ <push arg="108"/>
+ <call arg="120"/>
+ <store arg="121"/>
+ <load arg="121"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <get arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="30"/>
+ <set arg="38"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <push arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="8"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <get arg="122"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="123"/>
+ <load arg="123"/>
+ <push arg="153"/>
+ <push arg="97"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <call arg="125"/>
+ <load arg="123"/>
+ <push arg="154"/>
+ <call arg="101"/>
+ <call arg="127"/>
+ <call arg="102"/>
+ <if arg="128"/>
+ <load arg="123"/>
+ <call arg="61"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="30"/>
+ <set arg="155"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="156" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="157" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="158" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="159" begin="20" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="160" begin="20" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="161" begin="24" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="162" begin="25" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="163" begin="24" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="164" begin="29" end="29"/>
+ <lne id="165" begin="30" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="166" begin="29" end="31"/>
+ <lne id="167" begin="24" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="168" begin="17" end="37"/>
+ <lne id="169" begin="15" end="39"/>
+ <lne id="151" begin="8" end="40"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="4" name="33" begin="23" end="36"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="108" begin="7" end="40"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="146" begin="3" end="40"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="17" begin="0" end="40"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="144" begin="0" end="40"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="170">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="153"/>
+ <push arg="97"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="98"/>
+ <call arg="99"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="19"/>
+ <load arg="19"/>
+ <push arg="154"/>
+ <call arg="101"/>
+ <call arg="102"/>
+ <if arg="103"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="104"/>
+ <push arg="8"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="51"/>
+ <call arg="105"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="171"/>
+ <load arg="19"/>
+ <call arg="107"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="108"/>
+ <push arg="154"/>
+ <push arg="109"/>
+ <new/>
+ <call arg="110"/>
+ <pusht/>
+ <call arg="111"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="172" begin="7" end="7"/>
+ <lne id="173" begin="8" end="8"/>
+ <lne id="174" begin="7" end="9"/>
+ <lne id="175" begin="26" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="176" begin="24" end="29"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="1" name="171" begin="6" end="31"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="17" begin="0" end="32"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="177">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="19" type="118"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="19"/>
+ <push arg="171"/>
+ <call arg="119"/>
+ <store arg="29"/>
+ <load arg="19"/>
+ <push arg="108"/>
+ <call arg="120"/>
+ <store arg="121"/>
+ <load arg="121"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <get arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="30"/>
+ <set arg="38"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <push arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="8"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <get arg="178"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="123"/>
+ <load arg="123"/>
+ <push arg="179"/>
+ <call arg="101"/>
+ <load arg="123"/>
+ <get arg="180"/>
+ <push arg="181"/>
+ <push arg="97"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <call arg="182"/>
+ <call arg="127"/>
+ <call arg="102"/>
+ <if arg="183"/>
+ <load arg="123"/>
+ <call arg="61"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="30"/>
+ <set arg="184"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <push arg="28"/>
+ <push arg="8"/>
+ <new/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <get arg="178"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="123"/>
+ <load arg="123"/>
+ <push arg="179"/>
+ <call arg="101"/>
+ <load arg="123"/>
+ <get arg="180"/>
+ <push arg="181"/>
+ <push arg="97"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <call arg="182"/>
+ <call arg="185"/>
+ <call arg="127"/>
+ <call arg="102"/>
+ <if arg="186"/>
+ <load arg="123"/>
+ <call arg="61"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ <call arg="30"/>
+ <set arg="187"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="188" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="189" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="190" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="191" begin="20" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="192" begin="20" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="193" begin="24" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="194" begin="25" end="25"/>
+ <lne id="195" begin="24" end="26"/>
+ <lne id="196" begin="27" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="197" begin="27" end="28"/>
+ <lne id="198" begin="29" end="31"/>
+ <lne id="199" begin="27" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="200" begin="24" end="33"/>
+ <lne id="201" begin="17" end="38"/>
+ <lne id="202" begin="15" end="40"/>
+ <lne id="203" begin="46" end="46"/>
+ <lne id="204" begin="46" end="47"/>
+ <lne id="205" begin="50" end="50"/>
+ <lne id="206" begin="51" end="51"/>
+ <lne id="207" begin="50" end="52"/>
+ <lne id="208" begin="53" end="53"/>
+ <lne id="209" begin="53" end="54"/>
+ <lne id="210" begin="55" end="57"/>
+ <lne id="211" begin="53" end="58"/>
+ <lne id="212" begin="53" end="59"/>
+ <lne id="213" begin="50" end="60"/>
+ <lne id="214" begin="43" end="65"/>
+ <lne id="215" begin="41" end="67"/>
+ <lne id="176" begin="8" end="68"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="4" name="146" begin="23" end="37"/>
+ <lve slot="4" name="146" begin="49" end="64"/>
+ <lve slot="3" name="108" begin="7" end="68"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="171" begin="3" end="68"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="17" begin="0" end="68"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="144" begin="0" end="68"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="216">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="217"/>
+ <push arg="97"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="98"/>
+ <call arg="99"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="19"/>
+ <load arg="19"/>
+ <push arg="179"/>
+ <call arg="101"/>
+ <load arg="19"/>
+ <get arg="180"/>
+ <push arg="181"/>
+ <push arg="97"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <call arg="182"/>
+ <call arg="127"/>
+ <call arg="102"/>
+ <if arg="218"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="104"/>
+ <push arg="8"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="53"/>
+ <call arg="105"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="146"/>
+ <load arg="19"/>
+ <call arg="107"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="108"/>
+ <push arg="179"/>
+ <push arg="109"/>
+ <new/>
+ <call arg="110"/>
+ <pusht/>
+ <call arg="111"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="219" begin="7" end="7"/>
+ <lne id="220" begin="8" end="8"/>
+ <lne id="221" begin="7" end="9"/>
+ <lne id="222" begin="10" end="10"/>
+ <lne id="223" begin="10" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="224" begin="12" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="225" begin="10" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="226" begin="7" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="227" begin="33" end="35"/>
+ <lne id="228" begin="31" end="36"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="1" name="146" begin="6" end="38"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="17" begin="0" end="39"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="229">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="19" type="118"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="19"/>
+ <push arg="146"/>
+ <call arg="119"/>
+ <store arg="29"/>
+ <load arg="19"/>
+ <push arg="108"/>
+ <call arg="120"/>
+ <store arg="121"/>
+ <load arg="121"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <get arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="30"/>
+ <set arg="38"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <get arg="180"/>
+ <call arg="230"/>
+ <call arg="30"/>
+ <set arg="180"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <get arg="231"/>
+ <call arg="30"/>
+ <set arg="231"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <call arg="60"/>
+ <call arg="232"/>
+ <push arg="233"/>
+ <call arg="234"/>
+ <call arg="30"/>
+ <set arg="233"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="235" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="236" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="237" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="238" begin="17" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="239" begin="17" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="240" begin="17" end="19"/>
+ <lne id="241" begin="15" end="21"/>
+ <lne id="242" begin="24" end="24"/>
+ <lne id="243" begin="24" end="25"/>
+ <lne id="244" begin="22" end="27"/>
+ <lne id="245" begin="30" end="30"/>
+ <lne id="246" begin="31" end="31"/>
+ <lne id="247" begin="31" end="32"/>
+ <lne id="248" begin="31" end="33"/>
+ <lne id="249" begin="34" end="34"/>
+ <lne id="250" begin="30" end="35"/>
+ <lne id="251" begin="28" end="37"/>
+ <lne id="228" begin="8" end="38"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="3" name="108" begin="7" end="38"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="146" begin="3" end="38"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="17" begin="0" end="38"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="144" begin="0" end="38"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="252">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <push arg="217"/>
+ <push arg="97"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <push arg="98"/>
+ <call arg="99"/>
+ <iterate/>
+ <store arg="19"/>
+ <load arg="19"/>
+ <push arg="179"/>
+ <call arg="101"/>
+ <load arg="19"/>
+ <get arg="180"/>
+ <push arg="181"/>
+ <push arg="97"/>
+ <findme/>
+ <call arg="182"/>
+ <call arg="185"/>
+ <call arg="127"/>
+ <call arg="102"/>
+ <if arg="253"/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <get arg="1"/>
+ <push arg="104"/>
+ <push arg="8"/>
+ <new/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="55"/>
+ <call arg="105"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="146"/>
+ <load arg="19"/>
+ <call arg="107"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <push arg="108"/>
+ <push arg="254"/>
+ <push arg="109"/>
+ <new/>
+ <call arg="110"/>
+ <pusht/>
+ <call arg="111"/>
+ <enditerate/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="255" begin="7" end="7"/>
+ <lne id="256" begin="8" end="8"/>
+ <lne id="257" begin="7" end="9"/>
+ <lne id="258" begin="10" end="10"/>
+ <lne id="259" begin="10" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="260" begin="12" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="261" begin="10" end="15"/>
+ <lne id="262" begin="10" end="16"/>
+ <lne id="263" begin="7" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="264" begin="34" end="36"/>
+ <lne id="265" begin="32" end="37"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="1" name="146" begin="6" end="39"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="17" begin="0" end="40"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="266">
+ <context type="6"/>
+ <parameters>
+ <parameter name="19" type="118"/>
+ </parameters>
+ <code>
+ <load arg="19"/>
+ <push arg="146"/>
+ <call arg="119"/>
+ <store arg="29"/>
+ <load arg="19"/>
+ <push arg="108"/>
+ <call arg="120"/>
+ <store arg="121"/>
+ <load arg="121"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <get arg="38"/>
+ <call arg="30"/>
+ <set arg="38"/>
+ <dup/>
+ <getasm/>
+ <load arg="29"/>
+ <get arg="180"/>
+ <call arg="30"/>
+ <set arg="267"/>
+ <pop/>
+ </code>
+ <linenumbertable>
+ <lne id="268" begin="11" end="11"/>
+ <lne id="269" begin="11" end="12"/>
+ <lne id="270" begin="9" end="14"/>
+ <lne id="271" begin="17" end="17"/>
+ <lne id="272" begin="17" end="18"/>
+ <lne id="273" begin="15" end="20"/>
+ <lne id="265" begin="8" end="21"/>
+ </linenumbertable>
+ <localvariabletable>
+ <lve slot="3" name="108" begin="7" end="21"/>
+ <lve slot="2" name="146" begin="3" end="21"/>
+ <lve slot="0" name="17" begin="0" end="21"/>
+ <lve slot="1" name="144" begin="0" end="21"/>
+ </localvariabletable>
+ </operation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/UML2Relational/UML2Relational.atl b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/UML2Relational/UML2Relational.atl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fa4e86c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/UML2Relational/UML2Relational.atl
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+-- @atlcompiler atl2006
+-- @mmPath Relational=/UML2Relational/metamodels/relational.ecore
+-- @nsURI UML=
+module Class2Relational;
+create OUT : Relational from IN : UML;
+-- HELPERS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+helper context UML!"uml::Element" def: hasStereotype(stereotype : String) : Boolean =
+ self.getAppliedStereotypes() -> collect(st | -> includes(stereotype);
+helper context UML!"uml::Type" def: computeType() : Relational!Type =
+ if = 'String' then #VARCHAR else
+ if = 'Integer' then #NUMERIC else
+ #NUMERIC endif
+ endif;
+-- RULES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+rule Model2Database {
+ from
+ m : UML!"uml::Model" (
+ m.hasStereotype('Database')
+ )
+ to
+ out : Relational!Database (
+ name <-,
+ ownedSchemas <- m.packagedElement -> select(e | e.oclIsTypeOf(UML!"uml::Package") and e.hasStereotype('Schema'))
+ )
+rule Package2Schema {
+ from
+ p : UML!"uml::Package" (
+ p.hasStereotype('Schema')
+ )
+ to
+ out : Relational!Schema (
+ name <-,
+ ownedTables <- p.packagedElement -> select(e | e.oclIsTypeOf(UML!"uml::Class") and e.hasStereotype('Table'))
+ )
+rule Class2Table {
+ from
+ c : UML!"uml::Class" (
+ c.hasStereotype('Table')
+ )
+ to
+ out : Relational!Table (
+ name <-,
+ ownedColumns <- c.attribute -> select(p |
+ p.hasStereotype('Column') and
+ p.type.oclIsKindOf(UML!"uml::PrimitiveType")),
+ ownedForeignKeys <- c.attribute -> select(p |
+ p.hasStereotype('Column') and
+ not p.type.oclIsKindOf(UML!"uml::PrimitiveType"))
+ )
+rule Property2Column {
+ from
+ p : UML!"uml::Property" (
+ p.hasStereotype('Column') and
+ p.type.oclIsKindOf(UML!"uml::PrimitiveType")
+ )
+ to
+ out : Relational!Column (
+ name <-,
+ type <- p.type.computeType(),
+ isUnique <- p.isUnique,
+ isPrimaryKey <- p.getValue(p.getAppliedStereotypes().first(),'isPrimaryKey')
+ )
+rule Property2ForeignKey {
+ from
+ p : UML!"uml::Property" (
+ p.hasStereotype('Column') and
+ not p.type.oclIsKindOf(UML!"uml::PrimitiveType")
+ )
+ to
+ out : Relational!ForeignKey (
+ name <-,
+ sourceTable <- p.type
+ )
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/UML2Relational/UML2Relational.launch b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/UML2Relational/UML2Relational.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d3474fe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/UML2Relational/UML2Relational.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<launchConfiguration type="org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.atlTransformation">
+<stringAttribute key="ATL File Name" value="/data/inputs/UML2Relational/UML2Relational.atl"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="AllowInterModelReferences" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Input">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="UML"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Libs"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="Mode Debug" value="false"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Model Handler">
+<mapEntry key="UML" value="EMF"/>
+<mapEntry key="Relational" value="EMF"/>
+<mapAttribute key="ModelType">
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="MODELINPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="Relational" value="METAMODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="MODELOUTPUT"/>
+<mapEntry key="UML" value="METAMODELINPUT"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Output">
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="Relational"/>
+<mapAttribute key="Path">
+<mapEntry key="Relational" value="/data/inputs/UML2Relational/relational.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="IN" value="/data/inputs/UML2Relational/sample-Relational.uml"/>
+<mapEntry key="OUT" value="/data/inputs/UML2Relational/sample-Relational.ecore"/>
+<mapEntry key="UML" value="uri:"/>
+<stringAttribute key="Project Name" value="UML2Relational"/>
+<listAttribute key="Superimpose"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="continueAfterError" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="disableAttributeHelperCache" value="false"/>
+<listAttribute key="org.eclipse.debug.ui.favoriteGroups">
+<listEntry value=""/>
+<booleanAttribute key="printExecutionTime" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="profile" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="showSummary" value="false"/>
+<booleanAttribute key="step" value="false"/>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/UML2Relational/relational.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/UML2Relational/relational.ecore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b68a5fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/UML2Relational/relational.ecore
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<ecore:EPackage xmi:version="2.0"
+ xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xmlns:ecore="" name="relational"
+ nsURI="" nsPrefix="relational">
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#//Schema" containment="true" eOpposite="#//Schema/owner"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#//Table" containment="true" eOpposite="#//Table/owner"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#//Database" eOpposite="#//Database/ownedSchemas"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#//Column" containment="true" eOpposite="#//Column/owner"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#//ForeignKey" containment="true" eOpposite="#//ForeignKey/foreignTable"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#//Schema" eOpposite="#//Schema/ownedTables"/>
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+ eType="#//Table" eOpposite="#//Table/ownedForeignKeys"/>
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+ eType="#//Table"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#//Table" eOpposite="#//Table/ownedColumns"/>
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diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/UML2Relational/sample-Relational.uml b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/inputs/UML2Relational/sample-Relational.uml
new file mode 100644
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diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/data/
new file mode 100644
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+# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Obeo.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# Contributors:
+# Obeo - VM tester
+# Avoids problematic tests :
+# ==========================
+# UML Profile
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/models/ATL-0.2.ecore b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/models/ATL-0.2.ecore
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+ unique="false" eType="#/2/String"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/0/LibraryRef" containment="true" eOpposite="#/0/LibraryRef/unit"/>
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+ eType="#/0/Helper" containment="true" eOpposite="#/0/Helper/library"/>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/Boolean"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/OclModel" containment="true"/>
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+ eType="#/0/ModuleElement" containment="true" eOpposite="#/0/ModuleElement/module"/>
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+ eType="#/0/OutPattern" containment="true" eOpposite="#/0/OutPattern/rule"/>
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+ eType="#/0/ActionBlock" containment="true" eOpposite="#/0/ActionBlock/rule"/>
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+ eType="#/0/RuleVariableDeclaration" containment="true" eOpposite="#/0/RuleVariableDeclaration/rule"/>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ eType="#/0/InPattern" containment="true" eOpposite="#/0/InPattern/rule"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/0/MatchedRule" eOpposite="#/0/MatchedRule/superRule"/>
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+ eType="#/0/MatchedRule" eOpposite="#/0/MatchedRule/children"/>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/Boolean"/>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/Boolean"/>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/Boolean"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/Boolean"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/Parameter" containment="true"/>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/Boolean"/>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/Boolean"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" upperBound="-1" eType="#/0/InPatternElement" containment="true"
+ eOpposite="#/0/InPatternElement/inPattern"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/MatchedRule" eOpposite="#/0/MatchedRule/inPattern"/>
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+ eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/Rule" eOpposite="#/0/Rule/outPattern"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/0/OutPatternElement" containment="true" eOpposite="#/0/OutPatternElement/outPattern"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ eSuperTypes="#/0/PatternElement">
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/OutPatternElement" eOpposite="#/0/OutPatternElement/sourceElement"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/InPattern" eOpposite="#/0/InPattern/elements"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/OclModel"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ eSuperTypes="#/0/PatternElement">
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/OutPattern" eOpposite="#/0/OutPattern/elements"/>
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+ eType="#/0/InPatternElement" eOpposite="#/0/InPatternElement/mapsTo"/>
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+ eType="#/0/Binding" containment="true" eOpposite="#/0/Binding/outPatternElement"/>
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+ eType="#/1/OclModel"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/Iterator" containment="true"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/OutPatternElement" eOpposite="#/0/OutPatternElement/bindings"/>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/Rule" eOpposite="#/0/Rule/variables"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/Unit" eOpposite="#/0/Unit/libraries"/>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/0/Rule" eOpposite="#/0/Rule/actionBlock"/>
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+ eType="#/0/Statement" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
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+ eType="#/0/Statement" containment="true"/>
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+ eType="#/0/Statement" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/Iterator" containment="true"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
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+ eType="#/0/Statement" containment="true"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
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+ eType="#/1/OclType" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclType/oclExpression"/>
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+ eType="#/1/IfExp" eOpposite="#/1/IfExp/elseExpression"/>
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+ eType="#/1/PropertyCallExp" eOpposite="#/1/PropertyCallExp/source"/>
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+ eType="#/1/CollectionExp" eOpposite="#/1/CollectionExp/elements"/>
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+ eType="#/1/LetExp" eOpposite="#/1/LetExp/in_"/>
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+ eType="#/1/LoopExp" eOpposite="#/1/LoopExp/body"/>
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+ eType="#/1/OperationCallExp" eOpposite="#/1/OperationCallExp/arguments"/>
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+ ordered="false" eType="#/1/VariableDeclaration" eOpposite="#/1/VariableDeclaration/initExpression"/>
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+ eType="#/1/IfExp" eOpposite="#/1/IfExp/thenExpression"/>
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+ eType="#/1/Operation" eOpposite="#/1/Operation/body"/>
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+ eType="#/1/IfExp" eOpposite="#/1/IfExp/condition"/>
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+ eType="#/1/Attribute" eOpposite="#/1/Attribute/initExpression"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/VariableDeclaration" eOpposite="#/1/VariableDeclaration/variableExp"/>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/String"/>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/Boolean"/>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/Double"/>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/Integer"/>
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+ eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclExpression/collection"/>
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+ eType="#/1/TuplePart" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/TuplePart/tuple"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/TupleExp" eOpposite="#/1/TupleExp/tuplePart"/>
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+ eType="#/1/MapElement" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/MapElement/map"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/MapExp" eOpposite="#/1/MapExp/elements"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true"/>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclExpression/appliedProperty"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclExpression/parentOperation"/>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclExpression/loopExp"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/Iterator" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/Iterator/loopExpr"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/VariableDeclaration" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/VariableDeclaration/baseExp"/>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/String"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/VariableDeclaration" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/VariableDeclaration/letExp"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclExpression/letExp"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclExpression/ifExp2"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclExpression/ifExp1"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclExpression/ifExp3"/>
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+ eType="#/2/String"/>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/OclType" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclType/variableDeclaration"/>
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+ eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclExpression/initializedVariable"/>
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+ eType="#/1/LetExp" eOpposite="#/1/LetExp/variable"/>
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+ eType="#/1/IterateExp" eOpposite="#/1/IterateExp/result"/>
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+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/VariableExp" eOpposite="#/1/VariableExp/referredVariable"/>
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+ eType="#/1/LoopExp" eOpposite="#/1/LoopExp/iterators"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/Operation" eOpposite="#/1/Operation/parameters"/>
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+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclType" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclType/collectionTypes"/>
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+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/String"/>
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+ eType="#/1/OclContextDefinition" eOpposite="#/1/OclContextDefinition/context_"/>
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+ eType="#/1/OclExpression" eOpposite="#/1/OclExpression/type"/>
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+ eType="#/1/Operation" eOpposite="#/1/Operation/returnType"/>
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+ eType="#/1/MapType" eOpposite="#/1/MapType/valueType"/>
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+ eType="#/1/Attribute" eOpposite="#/1/Attribute/type"/>
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+ eType="#/1/MapType" eOpposite="#/1/MapType/keyType"/>
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+ eType="#/1/CollectionType" eOpposite="#/1/CollectionType/elementType"/>
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+ eType="#/1/TupleTypeAttribute" eOpposite="#/1/TupleTypeAttribute/type"/>
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+ ordered="false" eType="#/1/VariableDeclaration" eOpposite="#/1/VariableDeclaration/type"/>
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+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="SequenceType" eSuperTypes="#/1/CollectionType"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="SetType" eSuperTypes="#/1/CollectionType"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="OclAnyType" eSuperTypes="#/1/OclType"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="TupleType" eSuperTypes="#/1/OclType">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="attributes" upperBound="-1"
+ eType="#/1/TupleTypeAttribute" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/TupleTypeAttribute/tupleType"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="TupleTypeAttribute" eSuperTypes="#/0/LocatedElement">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="type" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclType" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclType/tupleTypeAttribute"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="tupleType" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/TupleType" eOpposite="#/1/TupleType/attributes"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="name" ordered="false"
+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/String"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="OclModelElement" eSuperTypes="#/1/OclType">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="model" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclModel" eOpposite="#/1/OclModel/elements"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="MapType" eSuperTypes="#/1/OclType">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="valueType" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclType" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclType/mapType2"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="keyType" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclType" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclType/mapType"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="OclFeatureDefinition" eSuperTypes="#/0/LocatedElement">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="feature" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclFeature" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclFeature/definition"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="context_" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/OclContextDefinition" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclContextDefinition/definition"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="OclContextDefinition" eSuperTypes="#/0/LocatedElement">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="definition" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclFeatureDefinition" eOpposite="#/1/OclFeatureDefinition/context_"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="context_" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclType" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclType/definitions"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="OclFeature" abstract="true" eSuperTypes="#/0/LocatedElement">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="definition" ordered="false"
+ eType="#/1/OclFeatureDefinition" eOpposite="#/1/OclFeatureDefinition/feature"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Attribute" eSuperTypes="#/1/OclFeature">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="name" ordered="false"
+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="initExpression" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclExpression/owningAttribute"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="type" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclType" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclType/attribute"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Operation" eSuperTypes="#/1/OclFeature">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="name" ordered="false"
+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="parameters" upperBound="-1"
+ eType="#/1/Parameter" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/Parameter/operation"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="returnType" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclType" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclType/operation"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="body" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclExpression" containment="true" eOpposite="#/1/OclExpression/owningOperation"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="OclModel" eSuperTypes="#/0/LocatedElement">
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="name" ordered="false"
+ unique="false" lowerBound="1" eType="#/2/String"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="metamodel" ordered="false"
+ lowerBound="1" eType="#/1/OclModel" eOpposite="#/1/OclModel/model"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="elements" ordered="false"
+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/OclModelElement" eOpposite="#/1/OclModelElement/model"/>
+ <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="model" ordered="false"
+ upperBound="-1" eType="#/1/OclModel" eOpposite="#/1/OclModel/metamodel"/>
+ </eClassifiers>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
+ <ecore:EPackage name="PrimitiveTypes" nsURI=""
+ nsPrefix="ptypes">
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Boolean"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Double"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="Integer"/>
+ <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EDataType" name="String"/>
+ </ecore:EPackage>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/plugin.xml b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/plugin.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40a35562
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/plugin.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?eclipse version="3.2"?>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/schema/testedParser.exsd b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/schema/testedParser.exsd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45fe89e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/schema/testedParser.exsd
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<!-- Schema file written by PDE -->
+<schema targetNamespace="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests">
+ <appInfo>
+ <meta.schema plugin="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests" id="testedParser" name="testedParser"/>
+ </appInfo>
+ <documentation>
+ The tested Parser
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <element name="extension">
+ <complexType>
+ <sequence>
+ <element ref="testedParser"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="point" type="string" use="required">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id" type="string">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name" type="string">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <appInfo>
+ <meta.attribute translatable="true"/>
+ </appInfo>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ </complexType>
+ </element>
+ <element name="testedParser">
+ <complexType>
+ <attribute name="name" type="string">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="Parser" type="string" use="required">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <appInfo>
+ <meta.attribute kind="java" basedOn="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.launcher.ParsingLauncher:"/>
+ </appInfo>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="TestCase" type="string" use="required">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <appInfo>
+ <meta.attribute kind="java" basedOn="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.unit.TestNonRegressionParsing:"/>
+ </appInfo>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ </complexType>
+ </element>
+ <annotation>
+ <appInfo>
+ <meta.section type="since"/>
+ </appInfo>
+ <documentation>
+ [Enter the first release in which this extension point appears.]
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <annotation>
+ <appInfo>
+ <meta.section type="examples"/>
+ </appInfo>
+ <documentation>
+ [Enter extension point usage example here.]
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <annotation>
+ <appInfo>
+ <meta.section type="apiInfo"/>
+ </appInfo>
+ <documentation>
+ [Enter API information here.]
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <annotation>
+ <appInfo>
+ <meta.section type="implementation"/>
+ </appInfo>
+ <documentation>
+ [Enter information about supplied implementation of this extension point.]
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <annotation>
+ <appInfo>
+ <meta.section type="copyright"/>
+ </appInfo>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/schema/testedVM.exsd b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/schema/testedVM.exsd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42e53c9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/schema/testedVM.exsd
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<!-- Schema file written by PDE -->
+<schema targetNamespace="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests">
+ <appInfo>
+ <meta.schema plugin="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests" id="testedVM" name="testedVM"/>
+ </appInfo>
+ <documentation>
+ The tested VM.
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <element name="extension">
+ <complexType>
+ <sequence>
+ <element ref="testedVM"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="point" type="string" use="required">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="id" type="string">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="name" type="string">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <appInfo>
+ <meta.attribute translatable="true"/>
+ </appInfo>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ </complexType>
+ </element>
+ <element name="testedVM">
+ <complexType>
+ <attribute name="name" type="string">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="Launcher" type="string" use="required">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <appInfo>
+ <meta.attribute kind="java" basedOn="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.launcher.TransfoLauncher:"/>
+ </appInfo>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="TestCase" type="string" use="required">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ <appInfo>
+ <meta.attribute kind="java" basedOn="org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.TestNonRegressionTransfo:"/>
+ </appInfo>
+ </annotation>
+ </attribute>
+ </complexType>
+ </element>
+ <annotation>
+ <appInfo>
+ <meta.section type="since"/>
+ </appInfo>
+ <documentation>
+ [Enter the first release in which this extension point appears.]
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <annotation>
+ <appInfo>
+ <meta.section type="examples"/>
+ </appInfo>
+ <documentation>
+ [Enter extension point usage example here.]
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <annotation>
+ <appInfo>
+ <meta.section type="apiInfo"/>
+ </appInfo>
+ <documentation>
+ [Enter API information here.]
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <annotation>
+ <appInfo>
+ <meta.section type="implementation"/>
+ </appInfo>
+ <documentation>
+ [Enter information about supplied implementation of this extension point.]
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <annotation>
+ <appInfo>
+ <meta.section type="copyright"/>
+ </appInfo>
+ <documentation>
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e0130f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 Obeo.
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Obeo - ATL tester
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl;
+ * The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle.
+ *
+ * @author William Piers <a href=""></a>
+ */
+public class AtlTestPlugin extends Plugin {
+ /** The plug-in ID. */
+ public static final String PLUGIN_ID = "org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ /** The shared instance */
+ private static AtlTestPlugin plugin;
+ /** the main resourceSet */
+ private final static ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl();
+ /**
+ * Default constructor for the plugin.
+ */
+ public AtlTestPlugin() {
+ super();
+ plugin = this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the shared instance.
+ *
+ * @return the shared instance
+ */
+ public static AtlTestPlugin getDefault() {
+ return plugin;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the main ResourceSet.
+ *
+ * @return the main ResourceSet
+ */
+ public static ResourceSet getResourceSet() {
+ return resourceSet;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/suite/ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/suite/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a5980fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/suite/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 Obeo.
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Obeo - initial API and implementation
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.suite;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import junit.framework.Test;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import junit.framework.TestSuite;
+import junit.textui.TestRunner;
+import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.unit.TestNonRegressionParser;
+import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.unit.atlvm.TestNonRegressionEMFVM;
+import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.unit.atlvm.TestNonRegressionVM;
+ * Launches all the JUnit tests for ATL.
+ *
+ * @author William Piers <a href=""></a>
+ */
+public class AllTests extends TestCase implements IApplication {
+ /**
+ * Launches the test with the given arguments.
+ *
+ * @param args
+ * Arguments of the testCase.
+ */
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the {@link junit.framework.TestSuite TestSuite} for all the test.
+ *
+ * @return The testsuite containing all the tests
+ */
+ public static Test suite() {
+ final TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("ATL test suite");
+ suite.addTestSuite(TestNonRegressionParser.class);
+ suite.addTestSuite(TestNonRegressionVM.class);
+ suite.addTestSuite(TestNonRegressionEMFVM.class);
+ return suite;
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ *
+ * @see
+ */
+ public Object start(IApplicationContext context) throws Exception {
+ return Arrays.asList(new String[] {"Please see raw test suite output for details."}); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ *
+ * @see
+ */
+ public void stop() {
+ // implements No action.
+ }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/unit/ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/unit/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b57bffc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/unit/
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 Obeo.
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Obeo - ATL tester
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.unit;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Calendar;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import java.util.Set;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.util.FileUtils;
+ * Launches all non-regression tests.
+ *
+ * @author William Piers <a href=""></a>
+ */
+public abstract class TestNonRegression extends TestCase {
+ protected void setUp() throws Exception {
+ super.setUp();
+ String name = this.getClass().getName();
+ System.out.println(this.getClass().getName());
+ for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) {
+ System.out.print("=");
+ }
+ System.out.println();
+ }
+ /** The path for usecases */
+ private static final String DATA_PATH = "/data";
+ private String propertiesPath = null;//= DATA_PATH+"/";
+ /**
+ * Compare the expected models (in the expected directories) with the result
+ * of the transformation.
+ *
+ * @throws IOException Thrown if an I/O operation has failed or been interrupted.
+ * @throws InterruptedException If one of the threads is interrupted.
+ */
+ public void testNonRegression() throws Exception {
+ File inputDir = new File(FileUtils.getTestCommonDirectory() + DATA_PATH + "/inputs");
+ final File[] directories = listDirectories(inputDir);
+ final Date start = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
+ if (directories != null) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < directories.length; i++) {
+ compareSnapshots(directories[i], true);
+ }
+ }
+ final Date end = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
+ System.out.println("non-regression evaluated in " //$NON-NLS-1$
+ + (end.getTime() - start.getTime()) / 1000 + "s"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ System.out.println();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compares the snapshot of a given folder with its expected folder snapshot.
+ *
+ * @param directory
+ * Input directory containing the models.
+ * @throws Exception
+ * Thrown if an operation has failed or been interrupted.
+ */
+ private void compareSnapshots(File directory, boolean useEmfCompare) throws IOException {
+ String[] tests_to_jump = getTestsToJump();
+ if (tests_to_jump != null) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < tests_to_jump.length; i++) {
+ String test_to_jump = tests_to_jump[i];
+ if (test_to_jump.equals(directory.getName())) {
+ //System.out.println("(Avoiding "+directory.getName()+")");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (listDirectories(directory).length != 0) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < listDirectories(directory).length; i++) {
+ compareSnapshots(listDirectories(directory)[i], useEmfCompare);
+ }
+ } else {
+ singleTest(directory);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Lists all subdirectories contained within a given folder, with the exception
+ * of directories starting with a "." or directories named "CVS".
+ *
+ * @param aDirectory
+ * Directory from which we need to list subfolders.
+ * @return
+ * Array composed by all <code>aDirectory</code> subfolders.
+ */
+ private static File[] listDirectories(File aDirectory) {
+ File[] directories = null;
+ if (aDirectory.exists() && aDirectory.isDirectory()) {
+ directories = aDirectory.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
+ public boolean accept(File file) {
+ return file.isDirectory()
+ && !file.getName().startsWith(".") //$NON-NLS-1$
+ && !file.getName().equals("CVS"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ Arrays.sort(directories);
+ return directories;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse a properties file to get the list of the tests to avoid.
+ *
+ * @return the list of the tests which need to be avoided
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ private String[] getTestsToJump() throws IOException {
+ String[] res = null;
+ Properties props = new Properties();
+ if (propertiesPath == null) return null;
+ File propertiesFile = new File(FileUtils.getTestCommonDirectory() + propertiesPath);
+ FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(propertiesFile);
+ props.load(fis);
+ Set tests_to_jump = props.keySet();
+ int i =0;
+ res = new String[tests_to_jump.size()];
+ for (Iterator iterator = tests_to_jump.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ String test = (String);
+ res[i] = test.trim();
+ i++;
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Process specific instructions on a given use case
+ *
+ * @param directory the use case container
+ */
+ protected abstract void singleTest(File directory) ;
+ protected void setPropertiesPath(String propertiesPath) {
+ this.propertiesPath = propertiesPath;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/unit/ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/unit/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33980272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/unit/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 Obeo.
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Obeo - ATL tester
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.unit;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
+import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.AtlParser;
+import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.util.FileUtils;
+import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.util.ModelUtils;
+ * Launches parsing on each atl file, compare results.
+ *
+ * @author William Piers <a href=""></a>
+ */
+public class TestNonRegressionParser extends TestNonRegression {
+ /* (non-Javadoc)
+ * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
+ */
+ protected void setUp() throws Exception {
+ super.setUp();
+ }
+ /* (non-Javadoc)
+ * @see org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.unit.TestNonRegression#singleTest(
+ */
+ protected void singleTest(File directory) {
+ System.out.print("Parsing "+directory.getName()+"...");
+ final File expectedDir = new File(directory.getPath().replace(File.separator + "inputs", //$NON-NLS-1$
+ File.separator + "expected")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+ final String transfoPath = directory+ File.separator + directory.getName() + ".atl";
+ final String outputPath = directory+ File.separator + directory.getName() + ".atl.ecore";
+ final String expectedPath = expectedDir+ File.separator + directory.getName() + ".atl.ecore";
+ if (!new File(transfoPath).exists()) fail("atl file not found");
+ try {
+ EObject result = AtlParser.getDefault().parse(new FileInputStream(transfoPath));
+, "file:/"+transfoPath+".ecore");
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ fail("parsing failed");
+ }
+ try {
+ FileUtils.compareFiles(new File(outputPath), new File(expectedPath), true);
+ /* NOTE :
+ * ======
+ * To integrate a new test, you can generate the <TEST_NAME>.atl.ecore
+ * by firstly use the following line :
+ * FileUtils.compareFiles(new File(outputPath), new File(expectedPath), false);
+ *
+ * Test will fail but you will be able to move the <TEST_NAME>.atl.ecore file
+ * into the corresponding "expected" directory.
+ */
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ fail("unable to compare results");
+ }
+ System.out.println("done.");
+ }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/unit/ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/unit/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5b1bd86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/unit/
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 Obeo.
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Obeo - ATL tester
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.unit;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.AtlTestPlugin;
+import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.util.FileUtils;
+import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.util.ModelUtils;
+import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.util.TransfoLauncher;
+ * Test if the results models are still the same as expected.
+ *
+ * @author William Piers <a href=""></a>
+ */
+public abstract class TestNonRegressionTransfo extends TestNonRegression {
+ private String vmName = null;
+ private TransfoLauncher launcher = new TransfoLauncher();
+ /* (non-Javadoc)
+ * @see org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.unit.TestNonRegression#singleTest(
+ */
+ protected void singleTest(File directory) {
+ if (vmName == null) {
+ fail("VM name must be specified.");
+ }
+ System.out.print("Launching "+directory.getName()+"...");
+ final File expectedDir = new File(directory.getPath().replace(File.separator + "inputs", //$NON-NLS-1$
+ File.separator + "expected")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+ String[] expectedPaths = expectedDir.list();
+ final String buildURI = directory+ File.separator + directory.getName() + ".launch";
+ if (!new File(buildURI).exists()) fail("launch config not found");
+ if (launcher == null) fail("launcher not found");
+ try {
+ launcher.parseConfiguration(buildURI);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ fail("incorrect configuration");
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ */
+ double executionTime = 0;
+ try {
+ executionTime =;
+ //executionTime ="EMF-specific VM");
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ fail("transformation failed");
+ }
+ System.out.println(executionTime+"s.");
+ /*
+ *
+ */
+ Map output = launcher.getOutput();
+ //metamodels registration for emf comparison
+ for (Iterator iter = output.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ String metaid = (String);
+ String metapath = (String) launcher.getPath().get(metaid);
+ try {
+ ModelUtils.registerMetamodel(FileUtils.fileNameToURI(metapath), AtlTestPlugin.getResourceSet());
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ fail("unable to register output metamodels");
+ }
+ }
+ for (Iterator iter = output.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ String outputid = (String);
+ String outputPath = (String) launcher.getPath().get(outputid);
+ String expectedPath = null;
+ for (int j = 0; j < expectedPaths.length; j++) {
+ if (outputPath.endsWith(expectedPaths[j])) {
+ expectedPath = expectedDir+"\\"+expectedPaths[j];
+ }
+ }
+ if (expectedPath == null) fail("expected path for "+outputPath+" not found");
+ try {
+ outputPath = FileUtils.getTestCommonDirectory()+outputPath;
+ ModelUtils.compareModels(new File(outputPath), new File(expectedPath), true, true);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ fail("unable to compare results");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected void setVmName(String vmName) {
+ this.vmName = vmName;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/unit/atlvm/ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/unit/atlvm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd64fb24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/unit/atlvm/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 Obeo.
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Obeo - ATL tester
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.unit.atlvm;
+import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.unit.TestNonRegressionTransfo;
+ * Specifies TestNonRegressionTransfo for the emfvm.
+ *
+ * @author William Piers <a href=""></a>
+ */
+public class TestNonRegressionEMFVM extends TestNonRegressionTransfo {
+ /* (non-Javadoc)
+ * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
+ */
+ protected void setUp() throws Exception {
+ super.setUp();
+ setVmName("EMF-specific VM");
+ setPropertiesPath("/data/");
+ }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/unit/atlvm/ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/unit/atlvm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cea8a84d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/unit/atlvm/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 Obeo.
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Obeo - ATL tester
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.unit.atlvm;
+import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.unit.TestNonRegressionTransfo;
+ * Specifies TestNonRegressionTransfo for the vm.
+ *
+ * @author William Piers <a href=""></a>
+ */
+public class TestNonRegressionVM extends TestNonRegressionTransfo {
+ /* (non-Javadoc)
+ * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
+ */
+ protected void setUp() throws Exception {
+ super.setUp();
+ setVmName("Regular VM (with debugger)");
+ setPropertiesPath("/data/");
+ }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/util/ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/util/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9027122
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+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 Obeo.
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Obeo - ATL tester
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.util;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.FileLocator;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
+import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.AtlTestPlugin;
+ * Provide utilities to get file paths, or compare files.
+ *
+ * @author William Piers <a href=""></a>
+ */
+public class FileUtils {
+ private static final String CLASS_FILE = "org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/util/FileUtils.class";
+ public static String getTestCommonDirectory() {
+ try
+ {
+ return new File(FileLocator.toFileURL(AtlTestPlugin.getDefault().getBundle().getEntry("/")).getFile()).toString();
+ }
+ catch (Throwable t)
+ {
+ // Ignore
+ }
+ URL url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(CLASS_FILE);
+ if (url != null)
+ {
+ URI uri = URI.createURI(url.toString());
+ if (uri.isArchive())
+ {
+ // Returns the inner URI
+ String authority = uri.authority();
+ // Removing the !
+ authority = authority.substring(0, authority.length()-1);
+ uri = URI.createURI(authority);
+ }
+ if (uri.isFile())
+ {
+ File parentDir = new File(uri.toFileString()).getParentFile();
+ while (parentDir != null && parentDir.isDirectory())
+ {
+ String name = parentDir.getName();
+ if (name.equals(AtlTestPlugin.PLUGIN_ID) || name.startsWith(AtlTestPlugin.PLUGIN_ID + "_"))
+ {
+ return parentDir.getAbsolutePath();
+ }
+ parentDir = parentDir.getParentFile();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ throw new RuntimeException("Unable to compute the " + AtlTestPlugin.PLUGIN_ID + " directory");
+ }
+ /**
+ * With the path of a file, the URI of the file is returned
+ * @param filePath
+ * @return the URL corresponding to the file
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException
+ */
+ public static URI fileNameToURI(String filePath) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
+ if (filePath.startsWith("uri:")) {
+ filePath = filePath.substring(4);
+ return URI.createURI(filePath, false);
+ } else {
+ filePath=getTestCommonDirectory()+filePath;
+ return URI.createFileURI(filePath);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * With the path of a file, the URL of the file is returned
+ * @param filePath
+ * @return the URL corresponding to the file
+ * @throws MalformedURLException
+ */
+ public static URL fileNameToURL(String filePath) throws IOException, MalformedURLException {
+ filePath="file:"+getTestCommonDirectory()+filePath;
+ if (filePath.endsWith(".atl")) {
+ filePath = filePath.substring(0,filePath.length() - 4)+".asm";
+ }
+ return new URL(filePath);
+ }
+ /**
+ * With the path of a file, the input stream of the file is returned
+ * @param filePath
+ * @return the input stream corresponding to the file
+ * @throws FileNotFoundException
+ */
+ public static InputStream fileNameToInputStream(String filePath) throws FileNotFoundException, CoreException {
+ filePath="file:"+getTestCommonDirectory()+filePath;
+ File f = new File(filePath.substring(4));
+ return new FileInputStream(f);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compare bytes of two files.
+ *
+ * @param left
+ * @param right
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ public static void compareFiles(File left, File right, boolean delete) throws Exception {
+ if (left.length() != right.length())
+ throw new Exception("test failed : there are differences");
+ FileInputStream lin = new FileInputStream(left);
+ FileInputStream rin = new FileInputStream(right);
+ try
+ {
+ byte[] lbuffer = new byte[4096];
+ byte[] rbuffer = new byte[lbuffer.length];
+ for (int lcount = 0; (lcount = > 0;)
+ {
+ int bytesRead = 0;
+ for (int rcount = 0; (rcount =, bytesRead, lcount - bytesRead)) > 0;)
+ {
+ bytesRead += rcount;
+ }
+ for (int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < lcount; byteIndex++)
+ {
+ if (lbuffer[byteIndex] != rbuffer[byteIndex])
+ throw new Exception("test failed : there are differences");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ lin.close();
+ rin.close();
+ }
+ if (delete) {
+ left.delete();
+ }
+ }
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index 00000000..a7ed029a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 Obeo.
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Obeo - ATL tester
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.util;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.XMLResource;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.EcoreResourceFactoryImpl;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMIResourceFactoryImpl;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMIResourceImpl;
+import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.AtlTestPlugin;
+ * Utility class for models.
+ *
+ * @author William Piers <a href=""></a>
+ */
+public final class ModelUtils {
+ /** Constant for the file encoding system property. */
+ private static final String ENCODING_PROPERTY = "file.encoding"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ /**
+ * Utility classes don't need to (and shouldn't) be instantiated.
+ */
+ private ModelUtils() {
+ // prevents instantiation
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loads a model from a {@link File} in a given {@link ResourceSet}.
+ *
+ * @param file
+ * {@link File} containing the model to be loaded.
+ * @param resourceSet
+ * The {@link ResourceSet} to load the model in.
+ * @return The model loaded from the file.
+ * @throws IOException
+ * If the given file does not exist.
+ */
+ public static EObject load(File file, ResourceSet resourceSet) throws IOException {
+ return load(URI.createFileURI(file.getPath()), resourceSet);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loads a model from an {@link org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI URI} in a given {@link ResourceSet}.
+ *
+ * @param modelURI
+ * {@link org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI URI} where the model is stored.
+ * @param resourceSet
+ * The {@link ResourceSet} to load the model in.
+ * @return The model loaded from the URI.
+ * @throws IOException
+ * If the given file does not exist.
+ */
+ public static EObject load(URI modelURI, ResourceSet resourceSet) throws IOException {
+ EObject result = null;
+ String fileExtension = modelURI.fileExtension();
+ if (fileExtension == null || fileExtension.length() == 0) {
+ fileExtension = Resource.Factory.Registry.DEFAULT_EXTENSION;
+ }
+ final Resource.Factory.Registry reg = Resource.Factory.Registry.INSTANCE;
+ final Object resourceFactory = reg.getExtensionToFactoryMap().get(fileExtension);
+ if (resourceFactory != null) {
+ resourceSet.getResourceFactoryRegistry().getExtensionToFactoryMap().put(fileExtension,
+ resourceFactory);
+ } else {
+ resourceSet.getResourceFactoryRegistry().getExtensionToFactoryMap().put(fileExtension,
+ new XMIResourceFactoryImpl());
+ }
+ final Resource modelResource = resourceSet.createResource(modelURI);
+ final Map options = new ConcurrentHashMap();
+ options.put(XMLResource.OPTION_ENCODING, System.getProperty(ENCODING_PROPERTY));
+ modelResource.load(options);
+ if (modelResource.getContents().size() > 0)
+ result = (EObject)modelResource.getContents().get(0);
+ return result;
+ }
+ private static Set getElementsByType(Resource extent,String type) {
+ Set ret = new HashSet();
+ for(Iterator i = extent.getAllContents(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ EObject eo = (EObject);
+ if (eo.eClass().getName().equals(type))
+ ret.add(eo);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Metamodel register : allows to open/compare specific models
+ * @param metamodelURI
+ * @param resourceSet
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ public static void registerMetamodel(URI metamodelURI, ResourceSet resourceSet) throws IOException {
+ if (EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.getEPackage(metamodelURI.toString()) != null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Resource.Factory myEcoreFactory = new EcoreResourceFactoryImpl();
+ Resource mmExtent = myEcoreFactory.createResource(metamodelURI);
+ try {
+ mmExtent.load(new FileInputStream(metamodelURI.path()),Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ for(Iterator it = getElementsByType(mmExtent,"EPackage").iterator() ; it.hasNext() ; ) {
+ EPackage p = (EPackage);
+ String nsURI = p.getNsURI();
+ if(nsURI == null) {
+ nsURI = p.getName();
+ p.setNsURI(nsURI);
+ }
+ EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.put(nsURI, p);
+ }
+ for(Iterator it = getElementsByType(mmExtent,"EDataType").iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
+ EObject eo = (EObject);
+ EStructuralFeature sf;
+ sf = eo.eClass().getEStructuralFeature("name");
+ String tname = (String)eo.eGet(sf);
+ String icn = null;
+ if(tname.equals("Boolean"))
+ icn = "java.lang.Boolean";
+ else if(tname.equals("Double"))
+ icn = "java.lang.Double";
+ else if(tname.equals("Float"))
+ icn = "java.lang.Float";
+ else if(tname.equals("Integer"))
+ icn = "java.lang.Integer";
+ else if(tname.equals("String"))
+ icn = "java.lang.String";
+ if(icn != null) {
+ sf = eo.eClass().getEStructuralFeature("instanceClassName");
+ eo.eSet(sf, icn);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Saves a model as a file to the given path.
+ *
+ * @param root
+ * Root of the objects to be serialized in a file.
+ * @param path
+ * File where the objects have to be saved.
+ * @throws IOException
+ * Thrown if an I/O operation has failed or been interrupted during the saving process.
+ */
+ public static void save(EObject root, String path) throws IOException {
+ final URI modelURI = URI.createURI(path);
+ final ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl();
+ resourceSet.getResourceFactoryRegistry().getExtensionToFactoryMap().put(
+ Resource.Factory.Registry.DEFAULT_EXTENSION, new XMIResourceFactoryImpl());
+ final Resource newModelResource = resourceSet.createResource(modelURI);
+ newModelResource.getContents().add(root);
+ final Map options = new ConcurrentHashMap();
+ options.put(XMLResource.OPTION_ENCODING, System.getProperty(ENCODING_PROPERTY));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Serializes the given EObjet as a String.
+ *
+ * @param root
+ * Root of the objects to be serialized.
+ * @return The given EObjet serialized as a String.
+ * @throws IOException
+ * Thrown if an I/O operation has failed or been interrupted during the saving process.
+ */
+ public static String serialize(EObject root) throws IOException {
+ if (root == null)
+ throw new NullPointerException("ModelUtils.NullSaveRoot"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ final XMIResourceImpl newResource = new XMIResourceImpl();
+ final StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
+ newResource.getContents().add(root);
+, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
+ return writer.toString();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compare two ecore files as models.
+ *
+ * @param leftUri
+ * @param rightUri
+ * @throws IOException
+ * @throws InterruptedException
+ */
+ public static void compareModels(File leftUri, File rightUri, boolean ignoreIds, boolean delete) throws Exception {
+ EObject leftModel = ModelUtils.load(leftUri, AtlTestPlugin.getResourceSet());
+ EObject rightModel = ModelUtils.load(rightUri,AtlTestPlugin.getResourceSet());
+ Map options = new HashMap();
+ if (ignoreIds) {
+ options.put(MatchOptions.OPTION_IGNORE_XMI_ID, Boolean.TRUE);
+ }
+ final MatchModel inputMatch = MatchService.doMatch(leftModel, rightModel, new NullProgressMonitor(), options);
+ final DiffModel inputDiff = new DiffMaker().doDiff(inputMatch);
+ if (((DiffGroup) inputDiff.getOwnedElements().get(0)).getSubchanges() != 0){
+ ModelInputSnapshot snapshot = DiffFactory.eINSTANCE.createModelInputSnapshot();
+ snapshot.setDiff(inputDiff);
+ snapshot.setMatch(inputMatch);
+, "file:/"+leftUri.toString()+".emfdiff");
+ throw new Exception("test failed : there are differences.");
+ }
+ if (delete) {
+ leftUri.delete();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/util/ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/util/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00a71a6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests/src/org/eclipse/m2m/atl/tests/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 Obeo.
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Obeo - ATL tester
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.eclipse.m2m.atl.tests.util;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
+import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
+import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
+import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.adt.launching.AtlVM;
+import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.drivers.emf4atl.ASMEMFModel;
+import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.AtlEMFModelHandler;
+import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.AtlModelHandler;
+import org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.vm.nativelib.ASMModel;
+import org.w3c.dom.Document;
+import org.w3c.dom.Element;
+import org.w3c.dom.Node;
+import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
+import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
+ * Parse persisted launch configurations and run the ATL VM.
+ *
+ * @author William Piers <a href=""></a>
+ */
+public class TransfoLauncher {
+ //transformation parameters
+ protected URL asmUrl;
+ protected Map libsFromConfig;
+ protected List superimpose;
+ protected Map input;
+ protected Map output;
+ protected Map modelHandler;
+ protected Map path;
+ /**
+ * Parse the .launch files to set transformation parameters.
+ *
+ * @param uri the .launch file uri
+ * @param testPath the base directory path
+ * @throws SAXException
+ * @throws IOException
+ * @throws ParserConfigurationException
+ */
+ public void parseConfiguration(String uri) throws Exception {
+ //static variables initialization
+ libsFromConfig = new HashMap();
+ superimpose = new ArrayList();
+ input = new HashMap();
+ output = new HashMap();
+ modelHandler = new HashMap();
+ path = new HashMap();
+ //parsing configuration
+ DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
+ DocumentBuilder docBuilder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
+ Document document = docBuilder.parse(uri);
+ Element root = (Element) document.getFirstChild();
+ NodeList nodeList = root.getChildNodes();
+ for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) {
+ Node node = nodeList.item(i);
+ if (node instanceof Element) {
+ Element element = (Element) node;
+ String key = element.getAttribute("key");
+ if (key.equals("ATL File Name")) {
+ String asmFilePath = element.getAttribute("value");
+ asmUrl = FileUtils.fileNameToURL(asmFilePath);
+ } else if (key.equals("Superimpose")) {
+ NodeList entriesList = element.getChildNodes();
+ for (int j = 0; j < entriesList.getLength(); j++) {
+ Node nodeEntry = entriesList.item(j);
+ if (nodeEntry instanceof Element) {
+ Element entry = (Element) nodeEntry;
+ URL moduleUrl = FileUtils.fileNameToURL(entry.getAttribute("value"));
+ superimpose.add(moduleUrl);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (key.equals("Libs")) {
+ NodeList nodes = element.getChildNodes();
+ for (int j = 0; j < nodes.getLength(); j++) {
+ Node nodeEntry = nodes.item(j);
+ if (nodeEntry instanceof Element) {
+ Element entry = (Element) nodeEntry;
+ libsFromConfig.put(entry.getAttribute("key"),FileUtils.fileNameToURL(entry.getAttribute("value")));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (key.equals("Path")) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < element.getChildNodes().getLength(); j++) {
+ Node nodeEntry = element.getChildNodes().item(j);
+ if (nodeEntry instanceof Element) {
+ Element entry = (Element) nodeEntry;
+ path.put(entry.getAttribute("key"),entry.getAttribute("value"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (key.equals("Input")) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < element.getChildNodes().getLength(); j++) {
+ Node nodeEntry = element.getChildNodes().item(j);
+ if (nodeEntry instanceof Element) {
+ Element entry = (Element) nodeEntry;
+ input.put(entry.getAttribute("key"),entry.getAttribute("value"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (key.equals("Output")) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < element.getChildNodes().getLength(); j++) {
+ Node nodeEntry = element.getChildNodes().item(j);
+ if (nodeEntry instanceof Element) {
+ Element entry = (Element) nodeEntry;
+ output.put(entry.getAttribute("key"),entry.getAttribute("value"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (key.equals("Model Handler")) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < element.getChildNodes().getLength(); j++) {
+ Node nodeEntry = element.getChildNodes().item(j);
+ if (nodeEntry instanceof Element) {
+ Element entry = (Element) nodeEntry;
+ modelHandler.put(entry.getAttribute("key"),entry.getAttribute("value"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public Map getOutput() {
+ return output;
+ }
+ public Map getPath() {
+ return path;
+ }
+ public double run(String atlVMName) throws Exception {
+ boolean checkSameModel = false;
+ //model handler
+ Map atlModelHandler = new HashMap();
+ for (Iterator i = modelHandler.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
+ String currentModelHandler = (String)modelHandler.get(;
+ if (!atlModelHandler.containsKey(currentModelHandler) && !currentModelHandler.equals(""))
+ atlModelHandler.put(currentModelHandler, AtlModelHandler.getDefault(currentModelHandler));
+ }
+ Collection toDispose = new HashSet();
+ Map inModel = getSourceModels(input, path, modelHandler, atlModelHandler, checkSameModel, toDispose);
+ Map outModel = getTargetModels(output, path, modelHandler, atlModelHandler, inModel, checkSameModel, toDispose);
+ Map models = new HashMap();
+ for(Iterator i = inModel.keySet().iterator() ; i.hasNext() ; ) {
+ String mName = (String);
+ models.put(mName, inModel.get(mName));
+ }
+ for(Iterator i = outModel.keySet().iterator() ; i.hasNext() ; ) {
+ String mName = (String);
+ models.put(mName, outModel.get(mName));
+ }
+ AtlVM atlVM = AtlVM.getVM(atlVMName);
+ long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ atlVM.launch(asmUrl, libsFromConfig, models, Collections.EMPTY_MAP, superimpose, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
+ long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ // save output models
+ for(Iterator i = output.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext() ; ) {
+ String mName = (String);
+ ASMModel currentOutModel = (ASMModel) outModel.get(mName);
+ String newPath = FileUtils.fileNameToURI((String) path.get(mName)).toString();
+ AtlModelHandler.getHandler(currentOutModel).saveModel(currentOutModel, newPath);
+ }
+ for(Iterator i = toDispose.iterator() ; i.hasNext() ; ) {
+ ASMModel model = (ASMModel);
+ AtlModelHandler.getHandler(model).disposeOfModel(model);
+ }
+ return (endTime - startTime) / 1000.;
+ }
+ private Map getSourceModels(Map arg, Map path, Map modelHandler, Map atlModelHandler, boolean checkSameModel, Collection toDispose) throws CoreException {
+ Map toReturn = new HashMap();
+ try {
+ for(Iterator i = arg.keySet().iterator() ; i.hasNext() ; ) {
+ String mName = (String);
+ String mmName = (String)arg.get(mName);
+ AtlModelHandler amh = (AtlModelHandler)atlModelHandler.get(modelHandler.get(mmName));
+ ASMModel mofmm = amh.getMof();
+ toReturn.put("%" + modelHandler.get(mmName), mofmm);
+ mofmm.setIsTarget(false);
+ ASMModel inputModel;
+ if (((String)path.get(mmName)).startsWith("#")) {
+ toReturn.put(mmName, mofmm);
+ inputModel = (ASMModel)toReturn.get(mName);
+ if(inputModel == null)
+ inputModel = loadModel(amh, mName, mofmm, (String)path.get(mName), toDispose);
+ }
+ else {
+ ASMModel inputMetaModel = (ASMModel)toReturn.get(mmName);
+ if(inputMetaModel == null) {
+ inputMetaModel = loadModel(amh, mmName, mofmm, (String)path.get(mmName), toDispose);
+ toReturn.put(mmName, inputMetaModel);
+ }
+ inputMetaModel.setIsTarget(false);
+ inputModel = loadModel(amh, mName, inputMetaModel, (String)path.get(mName), toDispose);
+ }
+ inputModel.setIsTarget(false);
+ if (inputModel instanceof ASMEMFModel)
+ ((ASMEMFModel)inputModel).setCheckSameModel(checkSameModel);
+ toReturn.put(mName, inputModel);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return toReturn;
+ }
+ private Map getTargetModels(Map arg, Map path, Map modelHandler, Map atlModelHandler, Map input, boolean checkSameModel, Collection toDispose) throws CoreException {
+ Map toReturn = new HashMap();
+ try {
+ for(Iterator i = arg.keySet().iterator() ; i.hasNext() ; ) {
+ String mName = (String);
+ String mmName = (String)arg.get(mName);
+ AtlModelHandler amh = (AtlModelHandler)atlModelHandler.get(modelHandler.get(mmName));
+ ASMModel mofmm = amh.getMof();
+ mofmm.setIsTarget(false);
+ ASMModel outputModel;
+ if (((String)path.get(mmName)).startsWith("#")) {
+ if (input.get(mmName) == null)
+ toReturn.put(mmName, mofmm);
+ outputModel = (ASMModel)toReturn.get(mName);
+ if(outputModel == null)
+ outputModel = newModel(amh, mName, mofmm, (String)path.get(mName), toDispose);
+ }
+ else {
+ ASMModel outputMetaModel = (ASMModel)input.get(mmName);
+ if (outputMetaModel == null)
+ outputMetaModel = (ASMModel)toReturn.get(mmName);
+ if(outputMetaModel == null) {
+ outputMetaModel = loadModel(amh, mmName, mofmm, (String)path.get(mmName), toDispose);
+ toReturn.put(mmName, outputMetaModel);
+ }
+ outputMetaModel.setIsTarget(false);
+ outputModel = newModel(amh, mName, outputMetaModel, (String)path.get(mName), toDispose);
+ }
+ outputModel.setIsTarget(true);
+ if (outputModel instanceof ASMEMFModel)
+ ((ASMEMFModel)outputModel).setCheckSameModel(checkSameModel);
+ toReturn.put(mName, outputModel);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return toReturn;
+ }
+ private ASMModel loadModel(AtlModelHandler amh, String mName, ASMModel metamodel, String path, Collection toDispose) throws IOException, CoreException, FileNotFoundException {
+ ASMModel ret = null;
+ if(amh instanceof AtlEMFModelHandler) {
+ if(path.startsWith("uri:")) {
+ ret = ((AtlEMFModelHandler)amh).loadModel(mName, metamodel, path);
+ // this model should not be disposed of because we did not load it
+ } else {
+ ret = ((AtlEMFModelHandler)amh).loadModel(mName, metamodel, FileUtils.fileNameToURI(path));
+ toDispose.add(ret);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private ASMModel newModel(AtlModelHandler amh, String mName, ASMModel metamodel, String path, Collection toDispose) throws IOException {
+ ASMModel ret = amh.newModel(mName, FileUtils.fileNameToURI(path).toString(), metamodel);
+ toDispose.add(ret);
+ return ret;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file

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