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authorAlexander Kurtakov2014-04-15 08:12:46 +0000
committerAlexander Kurtakov2014-04-15 09:05:54 +0000
commit0e0aedcff6d079d4d7e7b5cab09c152b9eb77787 (patch)
treec27c6f2bcef25bf87da35ead9fbab11ae15cec54 /rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby
parent09c28358fd2b12790ee9514fd20dd49e1065ce8e (diff)
rpm: Sonar warning fixes.
Change-Id: Iea6c3e579225da9e0582a3ff005ebc3c80ac0df2 Signed-off-by: Alexander Kurtakov <> Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Hudson CI
Diffstat (limited to 'rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby')
28 files changed, 3156 insertions, 3208 deletions
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
index 2f2f9ddc0a..ab1bc87864 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
@@ -33,77 +33,74 @@ import org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE;
* Abstract class holding the common part of generators.
- *
public abstract class AbstractGenerator {
- String projectName;
- String specfileName;
+ String projectName;
+ String specfileName;
- /**
- * Writes the given contents to a file with the given fileName in the
- * specified project.
- */
- public void writeContent() {
- String contents = generateSpecfile();
- InputStream contentInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(
- contents.getBytes());
- IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
- IResource resource = root.findMember(new Path(projectName));
- if (!resource.exists() || !(resource instanceof IContainer)) {
- IStatus status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, StubbyPlugin.PLUGIN_ID,
- IStatus.OK, "Project \"" + projectName + "\" does not exist.", null);
- StubbyLog.logError(new CoreException(status));
- }
- IContainer container = (IContainer) resource;
- IResource specsFolder = container.getProject().findMember("SPECS"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- IFile file = container.getFile(new Path(specfileName));
- if (specsFolder != null) {
- file = ((IFolder) specsFolder).getFile(new Path(specfileName));
- }
- final IFile openFile = file;
- try {
- InputStream stream = contentInputStream;
- if (file.exists()) {
- file.setContents(stream, true, true, null);
- } else {
- file.create(stream, true, null);
- }
- stream.close();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- } catch (CoreException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- }
- Display.getCurrent().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
- @Override
- public void run() {
- IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench()
- .getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
- try {
- IDE.openEditor(page, openFile, true);
- } catch (PartInitException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- }
- }
- });
- }
+ /**
+ * Writes the given contents to a file with the given fileName in the
+ * specified project.
+ */
+ public void writeContent() {
+ String contents = generateSpecfile();
+ InputStream contentInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(
+ contents.getBytes());
+ IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
+ IResource resource = root.findMember(new Path(projectName));
+ if (!resource.exists() || !(resource instanceof IContainer)) {
+ IStatus status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, StubbyPlugin.PLUGIN_ID,
+ IStatus.OK, "Project \"" + projectName + "\" does not exist.", null);
+ StubbyLog.logError(new CoreException(status));
+ }
+ IContainer container = (IContainer) resource;
+ IResource specsFolder = container.getProject().findMember("SPECS"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IFile file = container.getFile(new Path(specfileName));
+ if (specsFolder != null) {
+ file = ((IFolder) specsFolder).getFile(new Path(specfileName));
+ }
+ final IFile openFile = file;
+ try {
+ InputStream stream = contentInputStream;
+ if (file.exists()) {
+ file.setContents(stream, true, true, null);
+ } else {
+ file.create(stream, true, null);
+ }
+ stream.close();
+ } catch (IOException|CoreException e) {
+ StubbyLog.logError(e);
+ }
+ Display.getCurrent().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench()
+ .getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
+ try {
+ IDE.openEditor(page, openFile, true);
+ } catch (PartInitException e) {
+ StubbyLog.logError(e);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
- /**
- * The method that returns the string representation of the spec file.
- *
- * @return The specfile.
- */
- public abstract String generateSpecfile();
+ /**
+ * The method that returns the string representation of the spec file.
+ *
+ * @return The specfile.
+ */
+ public abstract String generateSpecfile();
- /**
- * Generate changelog
- *
- * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
- */
- protected static void generateChangelog(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%changelog\n");
- buffer.append("#FIXME\n");
- }
+ /**
+ * Generate changelog
+ *
+ * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
+ */
+ protected static void generateChangelog(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%changelog\n");
+ buffer.append("#FIXME\n");
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
index 387dff2234..8353cd44af 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
@@ -20,29 +20,25 @@ import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceVisitor;
* Visitor for filtering only feature.xml files.
- *
public class FeatureVisitor implements IResourceVisitor {
- private static final String FEATURE_XML = "feature.xml";
- private List<IFile> featureFiles = new ArrayList<>();
+ private static final String FEATURE_XML = "feature.xml";
+ private List<IFile> featureFiles = new ArrayList<>();
- /**
- * @see org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceVisitor#visit(org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource)
- */
- @Override
- public boolean visit(IResource resource) {
- if (resource instanceof IFile
- && resource.getName().equals(FEATURE_XML)) {
- featureFiles.add((IFile)resource);
- }
- return true;
- }
+ @Override
+ public boolean visit(IResource resource) {
+ if (resource instanceof IFile
+ && resource.getName().equals(FEATURE_XML)) {
+ featureFiles.add((IFile)resource);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
- /**
- * @return All the feature.xml files found.
- */
- public List<IFile> getFeatures() {
- return featureFiles;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
+ /**
+ * @return All the feature.xml files found.
+ */
+ public List<IFile> getFeatures() {
+ return featureFiles;
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
index e8e367bd70..05e6cb49ab 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
@@ -21,172 +21,172 @@ import org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.rpmstubby.model.EggModel;
public class StubbyEggGenerator extends AbstractGenerator {
- private EggModel model;
- /**
- * Creates the generator by parsing the file.
- *
- * @param eggFile
- * The file to generate specfile for.
- */
- public StubbyEggGenerator(IFile eggFile) {
- parse(eggFile);
- specfileName = model.getPackageName().toLowerCase() + ".spec";
- projectName = eggFile.getProject().getName();
- }
- /**
- * Creates the model which contains the information
- *
- * @param eggFile The file
- */
- private void parse(IFile eggFile) {
- model = new EggModel(eggFile);
- }
- /**
- * Generates a RPM specfile based on the parsed data from the file.
- *
- * @return The generated specfile.
- */
- @Override
- public String generateSpecfile() {
- StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
- generateSiteLibSiteArch(buffer);
- String packageName = model.getPackageName();
- buffer.append("Name: " + packageName.toLowerCase() + "\n");
- buffer.append("Version: " + model.getVersion() + "\n");
- buffer.append("Release: 1%{?dist}" + "\n");
- buffer.append("Summary: " + model.getSummary() + "\n\n");
- buffer.append("Group: Development/Libraries\n");
- buffer.append("License: " + model.getLicense() + "\n");
- buffer.append("URL: " + model.getURL() + "\n");
- buffer.append("Source0: #FIXME\n\n");
- buffer.append("BuildArch: noarch\n");
- generateRequires(buffer);
- buffer.append("\n%description\n" + model.getDescription() + "\n\n");
- generatePython3SubPackage(buffer);
- generatePrepSection(buffer);
- generateBuildSection(buffer);
- generateInstallSection(buffer);
- generateFilesSections(buffer);
- generateChangelog(buffer);
- return buffer.toString();
- }
- /**
- * Generate python_sitelib depending on fedora release and srcname of package
- *
- * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
- */
- private void generateSiteLibSiteArch(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%if 0%{?fedora} > 12\n");
- buffer.append("%global with_python3 1\n");
- buffer.append("%else\n");
- buffer.append("%{!?python_sitelib: %global python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c \"from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print (get_python_lib())\")}\n");
- buffer.append("%endif\n\n");
- buffer.append("%global srcname " + model.getSimplePackageName().toLowerCase() +"\n\n");
- }
- /**
- * Generate requires
- *
- * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
- */
- private void generateRequires(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("BuildRequires: python2-devel\n");
- buffer.append("%if 0%{?with_python3}\n");
- buffer.append("BuildRequires: python3-devel\n");
- buffer.append("%endif # if with_python3\n\n");
- List<String> requireList = model.getInstallRequiresList();
- for (String require : requireList) {
- buffer.append("Requires: " + require + "\n");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Generate the python 3 subpackage
- *
- * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
- */
- private void generatePython3SubPackage(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%if 0%{?with_python3}\n");
- buffer.append("%package -n python3-" + model.getPackageName().toLowerCase() + "\n\n");
- buffer.append("Summary: " + model.getSummary() + "\n");
- buffer.append("Group: Development/Libraries\n");
- buffer.append("\n%description -n python3-" + model.getPackageName().toLowerCase() + "\n" + model.getDescription() + "\n");
- buffer.append("%endif # with_python3\n\n");
- }
- /**
- * Generate prep
- *
- * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
- */
- private static void generatePrepSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("\n%prep\n");
- buffer.append("%setup -q -n %{srcname}-%{version} #You may need to update this according to your Source0\n\n");
- buffer.append("%if 0%{?with_python3}\n");
- buffer.append("rm -rf %{py3dir}\n");
- buffer.append("cp -a . %{py3dir}\n");
- buffer.append("%endif # with_python3\n\n\n");
- }
- /**
- * Generate build
- *
- * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
- */
- private static void generateBuildSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%build\n");
- buffer.append("%{__python} build\n\n");
- buffer.append("%if 0%{?with_python3}\n");
- buffer.append("pushd %{py3dir}\n");
- buffer.append("%{__python3} build\n");
- buffer.append("popd\n");
- buffer.append("%endif # with_python3\n\n\n");
- }
- /**
- * Generate install
- *
- * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
- */
- private static void generateInstallSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%install\n");
- buffer.append("%if 0%{?with_python3}\n");
- buffer.append("pushd %{py3dir}\n");
- buffer.append("%{__python3} install --skip-build --root %{buildroot}\n");
- buffer.append("popd\n");
- buffer.append("%endif # with_python3\n\n");
- buffer.append("%{__python} install --skip-build --root %{buildroot}\n\n\n");
- }
- /**
- * Generate files
- *
- * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
- */
- private void generateFilesSections(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%files\n");
- buffer.append("%{python_sitelib}/*\n\n");
- buffer.append("%if 0%{?with_python3}\n");
- buffer.append("%files -n python3-" + model.getPackageName().toLowerCase() +"\n");
- buffer.append("%{python3_sitelib}/*\n");
- buffer.append("%endif # with_python3\n\n\n");
- }
+ private EggModel model;
+ /**
+ * Creates the generator by parsing the file.
+ *
+ * @param eggFile
+ * The file to generate specfile for.
+ */
+ public StubbyEggGenerator(IFile eggFile) {
+ parse(eggFile);
+ specfileName = model.getPackageName().toLowerCase() + ".spec";
+ projectName = eggFile.getProject().getName();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the model which contains the information
+ *
+ * @param eggFile The file
+ */
+ private void parse(IFile eggFile) {
+ model = new EggModel(eggFile);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generates a RPM specfile based on the parsed data from the file.
+ *
+ * @return The generated specfile.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public String generateSpecfile() {
+ StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
+ generateSiteLibSiteArch(buffer);
+ String packageName = model.getPackageName();
+ buffer.append("Name: " + packageName.toLowerCase() + "\n");
+ buffer.append("Version: " + model.getVersion() + "\n");
+ buffer.append("Release: 1%{?dist}" + "\n");
+ buffer.append("Summary: " + model.getSummary() + "\n\n");
+ buffer.append("Group: Development/Libraries\n");
+ buffer.append("License: " + model.getLicense() + "\n");
+ buffer.append("URL: " + model.getURL() + "\n");
+ buffer.append("Source0: #FIXME\n\n");
+ buffer.append("BuildArch: noarch\n");
+ generateRequires(buffer);
+ buffer.append("\n%description\n" + model.getDescription() + "\n\n");
+ generatePython3SubPackage(buffer);
+ generatePrepSection(buffer);
+ generateBuildSection(buffer);
+ generateInstallSection(buffer);
+ generateFilesSections(buffer);
+ generateChangelog(buffer);
+ return buffer.toString();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate python_sitelib depending on fedora release and srcname of package
+ *
+ * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
+ */
+ private void generateSiteLibSiteArch(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%if 0%{?fedora} > 12\n");
+ buffer.append("%global with_python3 1\n");
+ buffer.append("%else\n");
+ buffer.append("%{!?python_sitelib: %global python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c \"from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print (get_python_lib())\")}\n");
+ buffer.append("%endif\n\n");
+ buffer.append("%global srcname " + model.getSimplePackageName().toLowerCase() +"\n\n");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate requires
+ *
+ * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
+ */
+ private void generateRequires(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("BuildRequires: python2-devel\n");
+ buffer.append("%if 0%{?with_python3}\n");
+ buffer.append("BuildRequires: python3-devel\n");
+ buffer.append("%endif # if with_python3\n\n");
+ List<String> requireList = model.getInstallRequiresList();
+ for (String require : requireList) {
+ buffer.append("Requires: " + require + "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate the python 3 subpackage
+ *
+ * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
+ */
+ private void generatePython3SubPackage(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%if 0%{?with_python3}\n");
+ buffer.append("%package -n python3-" + model.getPackageName().toLowerCase() + "\n\n");
+ buffer.append("Summary: " + model.getSummary() + "\n");
+ buffer.append("Group: Development/Libraries\n");
+ buffer.append("\n%description -n python3-" + model.getPackageName().toLowerCase() + "\n" + model.getDescription() + "\n");
+ buffer.append("%endif # with_python3\n\n");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate prep
+ *
+ * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
+ */
+ private static void generatePrepSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("\n%prep\n");
+ buffer.append("%setup -q -n %{srcname}-%{version} #You may need to update this according to your Source0\n\n");
+ buffer.append("%if 0%{?with_python3}\n");
+ buffer.append("rm -rf %{py3dir}\n");
+ buffer.append("cp -a . %{py3dir}\n");
+ buffer.append("%endif # with_python3\n\n\n");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate build
+ *
+ * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
+ */
+ private static void generateBuildSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%build\n");
+ buffer.append("%{__python} build\n\n");
+ buffer.append("%if 0%{?with_python3}\n");
+ buffer.append("pushd %{py3dir}\n");
+ buffer.append("%{__python3} build\n");
+ buffer.append("popd\n");
+ buffer.append("%endif # with_python3\n\n\n");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate install
+ *
+ * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
+ */
+ private static void generateInstallSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%install\n");
+ buffer.append("%if 0%{?with_python3}\n");
+ buffer.append("pushd %{py3dir}\n");
+ buffer.append("%{__python3} install --skip-build --root %{buildroot}\n");
+ buffer.append("popd\n");
+ buffer.append("%endif # with_python3\n\n");
+ buffer.append("%{__python} install --skip-build --root %{buildroot}\n\n\n");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate files
+ *
+ * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
+ */
+ private void generateFilesSections(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%files\n");
+ buffer.append("%{python_sitelib}/*\n\n");
+ buffer.append("%if 0%{?with_python3}\n");
+ buffer.append("%files -n python3-" + model.getPackageName().toLowerCase() +"\n");
+ buffer.append("%{python3_sitelib}/*\n");
+ buffer.append("%endif # with_python3\n\n\n");
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
index 967ead8516..ae484882c2 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
@@ -21,157 +21,157 @@ import org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.rpmstubby.model.GemModel;
public class StubbyGemGenerator extends AbstractGenerator {
- private GemModel model;
- private static final String FIX_ME = "#FIXME";
- /**
- * Creates the generator by parsing the gemspec file.
- *
- * @param gemFile
- * The gemspec file to generate specfile for.
- */
- public StubbyGemGenerator(IFile gemFile) {
- parse(gemFile);
- specfileName = model.getPackageName().toLowerCase() + ".spec";
- projectName = gemFile.getProject().getName();
- }
- /**
- * Creates the model which contains the information
- *
- * @param gemFile The gemspec file
- */
- private void parse(IFile gemFile) {
- model = new GemModel(gemFile);
- }
- /**
- * Generates a RPM specfile based on the parsed data from the gemspec file.
- *
- * @return The generated specfile.
- */
- @Override
- public String generateSpecfile() {
- StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
- generateDefines(buffer);
- String packageName = model.getPackageName();
- buffer.append("Name: " + packageName.toLowerCase() + "\n");
- buffer.append("Version: " + model.getVersion() + "\n");
- buffer.append("Release: 1%{?dist}" + "\n");
- buffer.append("Summary: " + model.getSummary() + "\n\n");
- buffer.append("Group: Development/Libraries\n");
- buffer.append("License: " + model.getLicense() + "\n");
- buffer.append("URL: " + model.getURL() + "\n");
- buffer.append("Source0: #FIXME\n\n");
- generateRequires(buffer);
- buffer.append("BuildArch: noarch\n");
- buffer.append("Provides: rubygem(%{gem_name}) = %{version}\n\n\n");
- buffer.append("%description\n" + model.getDescription() + "\n\n\n");
- generatePrepSection(buffer);
- generateBuildSection(buffer);
- generateInstallSection(buffer);
- generateFilesSections(buffer);
- generateChangelog(buffer);
- return buffer.toString();
- }
- private void generateDefines(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%global gem_name " + model.getSimplePackageName().toLowerCase() +"\n\n");
- }
- /**
- * Generate requires
- *
- * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
- */
- private void generateRequires(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("BuildRequires: rubygems-devel\n");
- List<String> requireList = model.getBuildRequiresList();
- for (String require : requireList) {
- buffer.append("BuildRequires: " + require + "\n");
- }
- buffer.append("Requires: ruby(release)\n");
- String rubyGemsVersion = model.getGemVersion();
- if (rubyGemsVersion.equals(FIX_ME)) {
- buffer.append("Requires: rubygems\n");
- } else {
- buffer.append("Requires: rubygems == " + rubyGemsVersion +"\n");
- }
- requireList = model.getInstallRequiresList();
- for (String require : requireList) {
- buffer.append("Requires: " + require + "\n");
- }
- buffer.append("\n");
- }
- /**
- * Generate prep
- *
- * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
- */
- private static void generatePrepSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%prep\n");
- buffer.append("gem unpack %{SOURCE0}\n");
- buffer.append("%setup -q -D -T -n %{gem_name}-%{version} #You may need to update this according to your Source0\n\n");
- buffer.append("gem spec %{SOURCE0} -l --ruby > %{gem_name}.gemspec\n\n\n");
- }
- /**
- * Generate build
- *
- * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
- */
- private static void generateBuildSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%build\n");
- buffer.append("gem build %{gem_name}.gemspec\n\n");
- buffer.append("%gem_install\n\n\n");
- }
- /**
- * Generate install
- *
- * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
- */
- private void generateInstallSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%install\n");
- buffer.append("mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}\n");
- buffer.append("cp -a ./%{gem_dir}/* %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/\n\n");
- buffer.append("mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir}\n");
- buffer.append("cp -a ./%{_bindir}/* %{buildroot}%{_bindir}\n\n");
- List<String> requirePaths = model.getRequirePaths();
- if (!requirePaths.isEmpty()) {
- buffer.append("mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gem_extdir_mri}/"+ requirePaths.get(0) +"\n");
- buffer.append("mv %{buildroot}%{gem_instdir}/"+requirePaths.get(0)+"/ %{buildroot}%{gem_extdir_mri}/"+ requirePaths.get(0)+"/\n\n");
- }
- buffer.append("\n");
- }
- /**
- * Generate files
- *
- * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
- */
- private static void generateFilesSections(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%files\n");
- buffer.append("%dir %{gem_instdir}\n");
- buffer.append("%{gem_libdir}\n");
- buffer.append("%{gem_spec}\n\n");
- buffer.append("%files doc\n");
- buffer.append("%doc %{gem_docdir}\n\n\n");
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
+ private GemModel model;
+ private static final String FIX_ME = "#FIXME";
+ /**
+ * Creates the generator by parsing the gemspec file.
+ *
+ * @param gemFile
+ * The gemspec file to generate specfile for.
+ */
+ public StubbyGemGenerator(IFile gemFile) {
+ parse(gemFile);
+ specfileName = model.getPackageName().toLowerCase() + ".spec";
+ projectName = gemFile.getProject().getName();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the model which contains the information
+ *
+ * @param gemFile The gemspec file
+ */
+ private void parse(IFile gemFile) {
+ model = new GemModel(gemFile);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generates a RPM specfile based on the parsed data from the gemspec file.
+ *
+ * @return The generated specfile.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public String generateSpecfile() {
+ StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
+ generateDefines(buffer);
+ String packageName = model.getPackageName();
+ buffer.append("Name: " + packageName.toLowerCase() + "\n");
+ buffer.append("Version: " + model.getVersion() + "\n");
+ buffer.append("Release: 1%{?dist}" + "\n");
+ buffer.append("Summary: " + model.getSummary() + "\n\n");
+ buffer.append("Group: Development/Libraries\n");
+ buffer.append("License: " + model.getLicense() + "\n");
+ buffer.append("URL: " + model.getURL() + "\n");
+ buffer.append("Source0: #FIXME\n\n");
+ generateRequires(buffer);
+ buffer.append("BuildArch: noarch\n");
+ buffer.append("Provides: rubygem(%{gem_name}) = %{version}\n\n\n");
+ buffer.append("%description\n" + model.getDescription() + "\n\n\n");
+ generatePrepSection(buffer);
+ generateBuildSection(buffer);
+ generateInstallSection(buffer);
+ generateFilesSections(buffer);
+ generateChangelog(buffer);
+ return buffer.toString();
+ }
+ private void generateDefines(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%global gem_name " + model.getSimplePackageName().toLowerCase() +"\n\n");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate requires
+ *
+ * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
+ */
+ private void generateRequires(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("BuildRequires: rubygems-devel\n");
+ List<String> requireList = model.getBuildRequiresList();
+ for (String require : requireList) {
+ buffer.append("BuildRequires: " + require + "\n");
+ }
+ buffer.append("Requires: ruby(release)\n");
+ String rubyGemsVersion = model.getGemVersion();
+ if (rubyGemsVersion.equals(FIX_ME)) {
+ buffer.append("Requires: rubygems\n");
+ } else {
+ buffer.append("Requires: rubygems == " + rubyGemsVersion +"\n");
+ }
+ requireList = model.getInstallRequiresList();
+ for (String require : requireList) {
+ buffer.append("Requires: " + require + "\n");
+ }
+ buffer.append("\n");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate prep
+ *
+ * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
+ */
+ private static void generatePrepSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%prep\n");
+ buffer.append("gem unpack %{SOURCE0}\n");
+ buffer.append("%setup -q -D -T -n %{gem_name}-%{version} #You may need to update this according to your Source0\n\n");
+ buffer.append("gem spec %{SOURCE0} -l --ruby > %{gem_name}.gemspec\n\n\n");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate build
+ *
+ * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
+ */
+ private static void generateBuildSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%build\n");
+ buffer.append("gem build %{gem_name}.gemspec\n\n");
+ buffer.append("%gem_install\n\n\n");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate install
+ *
+ * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
+ */
+ private void generateInstallSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%install\n");
+ buffer.append("mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}\n");
+ buffer.append("cp -a ./%{gem_dir}/* %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/\n\n");
+ buffer.append("mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir}\n");
+ buffer.append("cp -a ./%{_bindir}/* %{buildroot}%{_bindir}\n\n");
+ List<String> requirePaths = model.getRequirePaths();
+ if (!requirePaths.isEmpty()) {
+ buffer.append("mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gem_extdir_mri}/"+ requirePaths.get(0) +"\n");
+ buffer.append("mv %{buildroot}%{gem_instdir}/"+requirePaths.get(0)+"/ %{buildroot}%{gem_extdir_mri}/"+ requirePaths.get(0)+"/\n\n");
+ }
+ buffer.append("\n");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate files
+ *
+ * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
+ */
+ private static void generateFilesSections(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%files\n");
+ buffer.append("%dir %{gem_instdir}\n");
+ buffer.append("%{gem_libdir}\n");
+ buffer.append("%{gem_spec}\n\n");
+ buffer.append("%files doc\n");
+ buffer.append("%doc %{gem_docdir}\n\n\n");
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
index e4cc9a99d1..3699677133 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
@@ -30,174 +30,167 @@ import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* Generates the RPM specfile and the fetch script based on the feature and user
* preferences.
- *
public class StubbyGenerator extends AbstractGenerator {
- private FeatureModel model;
- private IFile featureFile;
- private boolean pomExists;
- /**
- * Creates the specfile and fetch script generator for the given packages.
- *
- * @param featureFile
- * The feature.xml file to generate from.
- */
- public StubbyGenerator(IFile featureFile) {
- this.featureFile = featureFile;
- parse(featureFile);
- specfileName = model.getPackageName().toLowerCase() + ".spec";
- projectName = featureFile.getProject().getName();
- pomExists = new RPMStubbyUtils().findPom(featureFile.getParent().getLocation());
- }
- private void parse(IFile featureFile) {
- DocumentBuilderFactory docfactory = DocumentBuilderFactory
- .newInstance();
- IPath featureDir = featureFile.getLocation().removeLastSegments(1);
- String featurePropertiesFile = featureDir.toOSString()
- + "/";
- Properties featureProperties = new Properties();
- try {
- featureProperties.load(new FileInputStream(featurePropertiesFile));
- } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
- // Do nothing if the is not found
- } catch (IOException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- }
- DocumentBuilder docbuilder;
- try {
- docbuilder = docfactory.newDocumentBuilder();
- Document docroot = docbuilder.parse(featureFile.getContents());
- model = new FeatureModel(docroot, featureProperties);
- } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- } catch (SAXException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- } catch (CoreException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Generates a RPM specfile based on the parsed data from the pom file.
- *
- * @return The generated specfile.
- */
- @Override
- public String generateSpecfile() {
- StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
- buffer.append("%global install_loc %{_datadir}/eclipse/dropins/"
- + model.getSimplePackageName() + "\n\n");
- buffer.append("Name: " + model.getPackageName().toLowerCase()
- + "\n");
- buffer.append("Version: " + model.getVersion() + "\n");
- buffer.append("Release: 1%{?dist}" + "\n");
- buffer.append("Summary: " + model.getSummary() + "\n\n");
- buffer.append("Group: Development/Tools\n");
- buffer.append("License: " + model.getLicense() + "\n");
- buffer.append("URL: " + model.getURL() + "\n");
- buffer.append("Source0: #FIXME\n");
- buffer.append("BuildArch: noarch\n\n");
- generateRequires(buffer);
- buffer.append("%description\n" + model.getDescription() + "\n");
- generatePrepSection(buffer);
- generateBuildSection(buffer);
- generateInstallSection(buffer);
- generateFilesSections(buffer);
- generateChangelog(buffer);
- return buffer.toString();
- }
- private static void generateRequires(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("Requires: eclipse-platform >= 3.4.0\n");
- buffer.append("BuildRequires: maven-local\n");
- buffer.append("\n\n");
- }
- private void generateInstallSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%install\n");
- if (!pomExists) {
- generateTempPom(buffer);
- }
- buffer.append("mvn-rpmbuild ");
- if (!pomExists) {
- buffer.append("-f temp/pom.xml ");
- }
- buffer.append("org.fedoraproject:feclipse-maven-plugin:install \\" + "\n");
- buffer.append("\t" + "-DsourceRepo=#FIXME \\" + "\n");
- buffer.append("\t" + "-DtargetLocation=%{buildroot}%{install_loc}/eclipse" + "\n");
- buffer.append("\n\n");
- }
- private void generateFilesSections(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%files\n");
- buffer.append("%{install_loc}\n");
- String docsRoot = featureFile.getLocation().removeLastSegments(1)
- .lastSegment();
- String[] files = featureFile.getLocation().removeLastSegments(1)
- .toFile().list();
- for (String file : files) {
- if (file.matches("(epl-.*|license)\\.html")) {
- buffer.append("%doc " + docsRoot + "/" + file + "\n");
- }
- }
- buffer.append("\n\n");
- }
- private static void generatePrepSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("\n%prep\n");
- buffer.append("%setup -q #You may need to update this according to your Source0\n");
- buffer.append("\n\n");
- }
- private void generateBuildSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%build\n");
- if (!pomExists) {
- generateTempPom(buffer);
- }
- buffer.append("mvn-rpmbuild ");
- if (!pomExists) {
- buffer.append("-f temp/pom.xml ");
- }
- buffer.append("install\n");
- buffer.append("\n\n");
- }
- /**
- * Returns the last meaningful part of the feature id before the feature
- * substring.
- *
- * @param packageName
- * The feature id from which to extract the name.
- * @return The part of the feature id to be used for package name.
- */
- public String getPackageName(String packageName) {
- String[] packageItems = packageName.split("\\.");
- String name = packageItems[packageItems.length - 1];
- if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("feature")) {
- name = packageItems[packageItems.length - 2];
- }
- return "eclipse-" + name;
- }
- private static void generateTempPom(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("mkdir temp\n");
- buffer.append("pushd temp\n");
- buffer.append("cat > pom.xml << EOF\n");
- buffer.append("<project>\n");
- buffer.append(" <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>\n");
- buffer.append(" <name>Maven Default Project</name>\n");
- buffer.append(" <groupId>org.fedoraproject</groupId>\n");
- buffer.append(" <artifactId>dummy</artifactId>\n");
- buffer.append(" <version>1.0.0</version>\n");
- buffer.append("</project>\n");
- buffer.append("EOF\n");
- buffer.append("popd\n");
- }
+ private FeatureModel model;
+ private IFile featureFile;
+ private boolean pomExists;
+ /**
+ * Creates the specfile and fetch script generator for the given packages.
+ *
+ * @param featureFile
+ * The feature.xml file to generate from.
+ */
+ public StubbyGenerator(IFile featureFile) {
+ this.featureFile = featureFile;
+ parse(featureFile);
+ specfileName = model.getPackageName().toLowerCase() + ".spec";
+ projectName = featureFile.getProject().getName();
+ pomExists = new RPMStubbyUtils().findPom(featureFile.getParent().getLocation());
+ }
+ private void parse(IFile featureFile) {
+ DocumentBuilderFactory docfactory = DocumentBuilderFactory
+ .newInstance();
+ IPath featureDir = featureFile.getLocation().removeLastSegments(1);
+ String featurePropertiesFile = featureDir.toOSString()
+ + "/";
+ Properties featureProperties = new Properties();
+ try {
+ featureProperties.load(new FileInputStream(featurePropertiesFile));
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ // Do nothing if the is not found
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ StubbyLog.logError(e);
+ }
+ DocumentBuilder docbuilder;
+ try {
+ docbuilder = docfactory.newDocumentBuilder();
+ Document docroot = docbuilder.parse(featureFile.getContents());
+ model = new FeatureModel(docroot, featureProperties);
+ } catch (ParserConfigurationException|SAXException|IOException|CoreException e) {
+ StubbyLog.logError(e);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generates a RPM specfile based on the parsed data from the pom file.
+ *
+ * @return The generated specfile.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public String generateSpecfile() {
+ StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
+ buffer.append("%global install_loc %{_datadir}/eclipse/dropins/"
+ + model.getSimplePackageName() + "\n\n");
+ buffer.append("Name: " + model.getPackageName().toLowerCase()
+ + "\n");
+ buffer.append("Version: " + model.getVersion() + "\n");
+ buffer.append("Release: 1%{?dist}" + "\n");
+ buffer.append("Summary: " + model.getSummary() + "\n\n");
+ buffer.append("Group: Development/Tools\n");
+ buffer.append("License: " + model.getLicense() + "\n");
+ buffer.append("URL: " + model.getURL() + "\n");
+ buffer.append("Source0: #FIXME\n");
+ buffer.append("BuildArch: noarch\n\n");
+ generateRequires(buffer);
+ buffer.append("%description\n" + model.getDescription() + "\n");
+ generatePrepSection(buffer);
+ generateBuildSection(buffer);
+ generateInstallSection(buffer);
+ generateFilesSections(buffer);
+ generateChangelog(buffer);
+ return buffer.toString();
+ }
+ private static void generateRequires(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("Requires: eclipse-platform >= 3.4.0\n");
+ buffer.append("BuildRequires: maven-local\n");
+ buffer.append("\n\n");
+ }
+ private void generateInstallSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%install\n");
+ if (!pomExists) {
+ generateTempPom(buffer);
+ }
+ buffer.append("mvn-rpmbuild ");
+ if (!pomExists) {
+ buffer.append("-f temp/pom.xml ");
+ }
+ buffer.append("org.fedoraproject:feclipse-maven-plugin:install \\" + "\n");
+ buffer.append("\t" + "-DsourceRepo=#FIXME \\" + "\n");
+ buffer.append("\t" + "-DtargetLocation=%{buildroot}%{install_loc}/eclipse" + "\n");
+ buffer.append("\n\n");
+ }
+ private void generateFilesSections(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%files\n");
+ buffer.append("%{install_loc}\n");
+ String docsRoot = featureFile.getLocation().removeLastSegments(1)
+ .lastSegment();
+ String[] files = featureFile.getLocation().removeLastSegments(1)
+ .toFile().list();
+ for (String file : files) {
+ if (file.matches("(epl-.*|license)\\.html")) {
+ buffer.append("%doc " + docsRoot + "/" + file + "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ buffer.append("\n\n");
+ }
+ private static void generatePrepSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("\n%prep\n");
+ buffer.append("%setup -q #You may need to update this according to your Source0\n");
+ buffer.append("\n\n");
+ }
+ private void generateBuildSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%build\n");
+ if (!pomExists) {
+ generateTempPom(buffer);
+ }
+ buffer.append("mvn-rpmbuild ");
+ if (!pomExists) {
+ buffer.append("-f temp/pom.xml ");
+ }
+ buffer.append("install\n");
+ buffer.append("\n\n");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the last meaningful part of the feature id before the feature
+ * substring.
+ *
+ * @param packageName
+ * The feature id from which to extract the name.
+ * @return The part of the feature id to be used for package name.
+ */
+ public String getPackageName(String packageName) {
+ String[] packageItems = packageName.split("\\.");
+ String name = packageItems[packageItems.length - 1];
+ if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("feature")) {
+ name = packageItems[packageItems.length - 2];
+ }
+ return "eclipse-" + name;
+ }
+ private static void generateTempPom(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("mkdir temp\n");
+ buffer.append("pushd temp\n");
+ buffer.append("cat > pom.xml << EOF\n");
+ buffer.append("<project>\n");
+ buffer.append(" <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>\n");
+ buffer.append(" <name>Maven Default Project</name>\n");
+ buffer.append(" <groupId>org.fedoraproject</groupId>\n");
+ buffer.append(" <artifactId>dummy</artifactId>\n");
+ buffer.append(" <version>1.0.0</version>\n");
+ buffer.append("</project>\n");
+ buffer.append("EOF\n");
+ buffer.append("popd\n");
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
index 2731a8b4f2..2b20d9d306 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
@@ -20,19 +20,9 @@ import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
public final class StubbyLog {
- private StubbyLog() {
- //don't allow instantiation
- }
- /**
- * Log the specified information.
- *
- * @param message A human-readable message, localized to the
- * current locale.
- */
- public static void logInfo(String message) {
- log(IStatus.INFO, IStatus.OK, message, null);
- }
+ private StubbyLog() {
+ //don't allow instantiation
+ }
* Log the specified error.
@@ -40,19 +30,7 @@ public final class StubbyLog {
* @param exception A low-level exception.
public static void logError(Throwable exception) {
- logError("Unexpected Exception", exception);
- }
- /**
- * Log the specified error.
- *
- * @param message A human-readable message, localized to the
- * current locale.
- * @param exception A low-level exception, or <code>null</code>
- * if not applicable.
- */
- public static void logError(String message, Throwable exception) {
- log(IStatus.ERROR, IStatus.OK, message, exception);
+ log(IStatus.ERROR, IStatus.OK, "Unexpected Exception", exception);
@@ -70,9 +48,8 @@ public final class StubbyLog {
* @param exception A low-level exception, or <code>null</code>
* if not applicable.
- public static void log(int severity, int code, String message,
+ private static void log(int severity, int code, String message,
Throwable exception) {
log(createStatus(severity, code, message, exception));
@@ -92,9 +69,8 @@ public final class StubbyLog {
* if not applicable.
* @return the status object (not <code>null</code>).
- public static IStatus createStatus(int severity, int code,
+ private static IStatus createStatus(int severity, int code,
String message, Throwable exception) {
return new Status(severity, StubbyPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, code,
message, exception);
@@ -104,7 +80,7 @@ public final class StubbyLog {
* @param status The status to log.
- public static void log(IStatus status) {
- Platform.getLog(Platform.getBundle(StubbyPlugin.PLUGIN_ID)).log(status);
+ private static void log(IStatus status) {
+ Platform.getLog(Platform.getBundle(StubbyPlugin.PLUGIN_ID)).log(status);
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
index b40a9331cd..f5f9221795 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
@@ -17,117 +17,116 @@ import org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.rpmstubby.model.PerlModel;
* Generator for RPM specfile from perl Makefile.PL.
- *
public class StubbyMakefilePLGenerator extends AbstractGenerator {
- private PerlModel model;
+ private PerlModel model;
- /**
- * Creates the generator by parsing the Makefile.PL file.
- *
- * @param makefile
- * The Makefile.PL file to generate specfile for.
- */
- public StubbyMakefilePLGenerator(IFile makefile) {
- parse(makefile);
- specfileName = model.getPackageName().toLowerCase() + ".spec";
- projectName = makefile.getProject().getName();
- }
+ /**
+ * Creates the generator by parsing the Makefile.PL file.
+ *
+ * @param makefile
+ * The Makefile.PL file to generate specfile for.
+ */
+ public StubbyMakefilePLGenerator(IFile makefile) {
+ parse(makefile);
+ specfileName = model.getPackageName().toLowerCase() + ".spec";
+ projectName = makefile.getProject().getName();
+ }
- /**
- * Creates the model which contains the information
- *
- * @param makefile The Makefile.PL file
- */
- private void parse(IFile makefile) {
- model = new PerlModel(makefile);
- }
+ /**
+ * Creates the model which contains the information
+ *
+ * @param makefile The Makefile.PL file
+ */
+ private void parse(IFile makefile) {
+ model = new PerlModel(makefile);
+ }
- /**
- * Generates a RPM specfile based on the parsed data from the Makefile.PL file.
- *
- * @return The generated Makefile.PL.
- */
- @Override
- public String generateSpecfile() {
- StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
- String packageName = model.getPackageName();
- buffer.append("Name: " + packageName.toLowerCase() + "\n");
- buffer.append("Version: " + model.getVersion() + "\n");
- buffer.append("Release: 1%{?dist}" + "\n");
- buffer.append("Summary: " + model.getSummary() + "\n\n");
+ /**
+ * Generates a RPM specfile based on the parsed data from the Makefile.PL file.
+ *
+ * @return The generated Makefile.PL.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public String generateSpecfile() {
+ StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
+ String packageName = model.getPackageName();
+ buffer.append("Name: " + packageName.toLowerCase() + "\n");
+ buffer.append("Version: " + model.getVersion() + "\n");
+ buffer.append("Release: 1%{?dist}" + "\n");
+ buffer.append("Summary: " + model.getSummary() + "\n\n");
- buffer.append("Group: Development/Libraries\n");
- buffer.append("License: GPL+ or Artistic\n");
- buffer.append("URL: "+model.getURL() + "\n"); // e.g., Net-XMPP/ for Net::XMPP
- buffer.append("Source0: #FIXME\n\n");
- buffer.append("BuildArch: noarch\n");
- generateRequires(buffer);
- buffer.append("%{?perl_default_filter}\n\n\n");
- buffer.append("%description\n" + model.getDescription() + "\n\n\n");
- generatePrepSection(buffer);
- generateBuildSection(buffer);
- generateInstallSection(buffer);
- generateFilesSections(buffer);
- generateChangelog(buffer);
+ buffer.append("Group: Development/Libraries\n");
+ buffer.append("License: GPL+ or Artistic\n");
+ buffer.append("URL: "+model.getURL() + "\n"); // e.g., Net-XMPP/ for Net::XMPP
+ buffer.append("Source0: #FIXME\n\n");
+ buffer.append("BuildArch: noarch\n");
+ generateRequires(buffer);
+ buffer.append("%{?perl_default_filter}\n\n\n");
+ buffer.append("%description\n" + model.getDescription() + "\n\n\n");
+ generatePrepSection(buffer);
+ generateBuildSection(buffer);
+ generateInstallSection(buffer);
+ generateFilesSections(buffer);
+ generateChangelog(buffer);
- return buffer.toString();
- }
+ return buffer.toString();
+ }
- /**
- * Generate requires
- *
- * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
- */
- private void generateRequires(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("BuildRequires: perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)\n");
- List<String> requires = model.getInstallRequires() ;
- if (!requires.isEmpty()) {
- for (String str : requires) {
- buffer.append("BuildRequires: " + str + "\n");
- }
- }
- buffer.append("Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval \"`%{__perl} -V:version`\"; echo $version))\n\n");
- }
+ /**
+ * Generate requires
+ *
+ * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
+ */
+ private void generateRequires(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("BuildRequires: perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)\n");
+ List<String> requires = model.getInstallRequires() ;
+ if (!requires.isEmpty()) {
+ for (String str : requires) {
+ buffer.append("BuildRequires: " + str + "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ buffer.append("Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval \"`%{__perl} -V:version`\"; echo $version))\n\n");
+ }
- /**
- * Generate prep
- *
- * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
- */
- private static void generatePrepSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%prep\n");
- buffer.append("%setup -q #You may need to update this according to your Source0\n\n\n");
- }
+ /**
+ * Generate prep
+ *
+ * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
+ */
+ private static void generatePrepSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%prep\n");
+ buffer.append("%setup -q #You may need to update this according to your Source0\n\n\n");
+ }
- /**
- * Generate build
- *
- * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
- */
- private static void generateBuildSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%build\n");
- buffer.append("%{__perl} Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor\n\n\n");
- }
+ /**
+ * Generate build
+ *
+ * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
+ */
+ private static void generateBuildSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%build\n");
+ buffer.append("%{__perl} Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor\n\n\n");
+ }
- /**
- * Generate install
- *
- * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
- */
- private static void generateInstallSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%install\n");
- buffer.append("make pure_install PERL_INSTALL_ROOT=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT\n\n\n");
- }
+ /**
+ * Generate install
+ *
+ * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
+ */
+ private static void generateInstallSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%install\n");
+ buffer.append("make pure_install PERL_INSTALL_ROOT=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT\n\n\n");
+ }
- /**
- * Generate files
- *
- * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
- */
- private static void generateFilesSections(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%files\n");
- buffer.append("%{perl_vendorlib}/*\n\n\n");
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
+ /**
+ * Generate files
+ *
+ * @param buffer Buffer to write content to
+ */
+ private static void generateFilesSections(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%files\n");
+ buffer.append("%{perl_vendorlib}/*\n\n\n");
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
index 14766025ef..2bbe4106c0 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
@@ -10,13 +10,12 @@
package org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.rpmstubby;
* The Stubby constants.
public interface StubbyPlugin {
- /** The plug-in ID. */
- String PLUGIN_ID = "org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.rpmstubby";
+ /** The plug-in ID. */
+ String PLUGIN_ID = "org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.rpmstubby";
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
index 06dd0eb42c..3c2eb2729a 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/
@@ -25,110 +25,103 @@ import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* Generator for RPM specfile from maven pom.xml.
- *
public class StubbyPomGenerator extends AbstractGenerator {
- private PomModel model;
- /**
- * Creates the generator by parsing the pom.xml file.
- *
- * @param pomFile
- * The pom.xml file to generate specfile for.
- */
- public StubbyPomGenerator(IFile pomFile) {
- parse(pomFile);
- specfileName = model.getPackageName().toLowerCase() + ".spec";
- projectName = pomFile.getProject().getName();
- }
- private void parse(IFile pomFile) {
- DocumentBuilderFactory docfactory = DocumentBuilderFactory
- .newInstance();
- DocumentBuilder docbuilder;
- try {
- docbuilder = docfactory.newDocumentBuilder();
- Document docroot = docbuilder.parse(pomFile.getContents());
- model = new PomModel(docroot);
- } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- } catch (SAXException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- } catch (CoreException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Generates a RPM specfile based on the parsed data from the pom file.
- *
- * @return The generated specfile.
- */
- @Override
- public String generateSpecfile() {
- StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
- String packageName = model.getPackageName();
- buffer.append("Name: " + packageName.toLowerCase() + "\n");
- buffer.append("Version: " + model.getVersion() + "\n");
- buffer.append("Release: 1%{?dist}" + "\n");
- buffer.append("Summary: " + model.getSummary() + "\n\n");
- buffer.append("Group: Development/Libraries\n");
- buffer.append("License: " + model.getLicense() + "\n");
- buffer.append("URL: " + model.getURL() + "\n");
- buffer.append("Source0: #FIXME\n");
- buffer.append("BuildArch: noarch\n\n");
- generateRequires(buffer);
- buffer.append("\n%description\n" + model.getDescription() + "\n\n");
- generateJavadocSubpackage(buffer);
- generatePrepSection(buffer);
- generateBuildSection(buffer);
- generateInstallSection(buffer);
- generateFilesSections(buffer);
- generateChangelog(buffer);
- return buffer.toString();
- }
- private void generateRequires(StringBuilder buffer) {
- for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : model.getDependencies()
- .entrySet()) {
- buffer.append("BuildRequires: mvn(" + entry.getKey() + ":"
- + entry.getValue() + ")\n");
- }
- buffer.append("BuildRequires: maven-local\n");
- }
- private static void generateJavadocSubpackage(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%package javadoc\n");
- buffer.append("Group: Documentation\n");
- buffer.append("Summary: Javadoc for %{name}\n\n");
- buffer.append("%description javadoc\n");
- buffer.append("API documentation for %{name}.\n\n");
- }
- private static void generateInstallSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%install\n");
- buffer.append("%mvn_install\n\n");
- }
- private static void generateFilesSections(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%files -f .mfiles\n");
- buffer.append("%dir %{_javadir}/%{name}\n\n");
- buffer.append("%files javadoc -f .mfiles-javadoc\n\n");
- }
- private static void generatePrepSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("\n%prep\n");
- buffer.append("%setup -q #You may need to update this according to your Source0\n\n");
- }
- private static void generateBuildSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
- buffer.append("%build\n");
- buffer.append("%mvn_build\n\n");
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
+ private PomModel model;
+ /**
+ * Creates the generator by parsing the pom.xml file.
+ *
+ * @param pomFile
+ * The pom.xml file to generate specfile for.
+ */
+ public StubbyPomGenerator(IFile pomFile) {
+ parse(pomFile);
+ specfileName = model.getPackageName().toLowerCase() + ".spec";
+ projectName = pomFile.getProject().getName();
+ }
+ private void parse(IFile pomFile) {
+ DocumentBuilderFactory docfactory = DocumentBuilderFactory
+ .newInstance();
+ DocumentBuilder docbuilder;
+ try {
+ docbuilder = docfactory.newDocumentBuilder();
+ Document docroot = docbuilder.parse(pomFile.getContents());
+ model = new PomModel(docroot);
+ } catch (ParserConfigurationException|SAXException|IOException|CoreException e) {
+ StubbyLog.logError(e);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generates a RPM specfile based on the parsed data from the pom file.
+ *
+ * @return The generated specfile.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public String generateSpecfile() {
+ StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
+ String packageName = model.getPackageName();
+ buffer.append("Name: " + packageName.toLowerCase() + "\n");
+ buffer.append("Version: " + model.getVersion() + "\n");
+ buffer.append("Release: 1%{?dist}" + "\n");
+ buffer.append("Summary: " + model.getSummary() + "\n\n");
+ buffer.append("Group: Development/Libraries\n");
+ buffer.append("License: " + model.getLicense() + "\n");
+ buffer.append("URL: " + model.getURL() + "\n");
+ buffer.append("Source0: #FIXME\n");
+ buffer.append("BuildArch: noarch\n\n");
+ generateRequires(buffer);
+ buffer.append("\n%description\n" + model.getDescription() + "\n\n");
+ generateJavadocSubpackage(buffer);
+ generatePrepSection(buffer);
+ generateBuildSection(buffer);
+ generateInstallSection(buffer);
+ generateFilesSections(buffer);
+ generateChangelog(buffer);
+ return buffer.toString();
+ }
+ private void generateRequires(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : model.getDependencies()
+ .entrySet()) {
+ buffer.append("BuildRequires: mvn(" + entry.getKey() + ":"
+ + entry.getValue() + ")\n");
+ }
+ buffer.append("BuildRequires: maven-local\n");
+ }
+ private static void generateJavadocSubpackage(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%package javadoc\n");
+ buffer.append("Group: Documentation\n");
+ buffer.append("Summary: Javadoc for %{name}\n\n");
+ buffer.append("%description javadoc\n");
+ buffer.append("API documentation for %{name}.\n\n");
+ }
+ private static void generateInstallSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%install\n");
+ buffer.append("%mvn_install\n\n");
+ }
+ private static void generateFilesSections(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%files -f .mfiles\n");
+ buffer.append("%dir %{_javadir}/%{name}\n\n");
+ buffer.append("%files javadoc -f .mfiles-javadoc\n\n");
+ }
+ private static void generatePrepSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("\n%prep\n");
+ buffer.append("%setup -q #You may need to update this according to your Source0\n\n");
+ }
+ private static void generateBuildSection(StringBuilder buffer) {
+ buffer.append("%build\n");
+ buffer.append("%mvn_build\n\n");
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/model/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/model/
index c38e713653..27a8bedfc2 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/model/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/model/
@@ -26,194 +26,194 @@ import org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.rpmstubby.parser.ValidLicenses;
public class EggModel {
- private static final String[] VALID_LICENSES = {
- ValidLicenses.GPL,
- ValidLicenses.ARTISTIC,
- ValidLicenses.MIT,
- ValidLicenses.APACHE,
- ValidLicenses.PUBLIC_DOMAIN,
- ValidLicenses.ZLIB,
- ValidLicenses.RICOH_SOURCE_CODE,
- ValidLicenses.VOVIDA_SOFTWARE,
- ValidLicenses.INTEL_OPEN_SOURCE,
- ValidLicenses.LGPL,
- ValidLicenses.BSD,
- ValidLicenses.QPL,
- ValidLicenses.IBM_PUBLIC,
- ValidLicenses.PHP,
- ValidLicenses.CVW,
- ValidLicenses.PYTHON,
- };
- private static final String LONG_DESCRIPTION = "long_description";
- private static final String CLASSIFIERS = "classifiers";
- private static final String INSTALL_REQUIRES = "install_requires";
- private static final String FIX_ME = "#FIXME";
- private PythonEggParser pyEggParser;
- /**
- * Python egg file
- *
- * @param file The Python file
- */
- public EggModel(IFile file) {
- try {
- pyEggParser = new PythonEggParser(file);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- } catch (CoreException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get the value from one of the setup options.
- * If the value is empty, it will return #FIXME
- * It will also return #FIX_ME if it looks like a function
- *
- * @param option The option from the setup(...) function to get value of
- * @return The value of the option
- */
- private String getValue(String option) {
- String str = pyEggParser.getValue(option);
- if (str.isEmpty() || pyEggParser.checkFunction(str)) {
- str = FIX_ME;
- }
- return str;
- }
- /**
- * Get the values from the classifiers option and
- * check to see if the keyword is in one of them
- *
- * @param keyword What to check for within the list of values in classifiers
- * @return The value within classifiers that contains the keyword
- */
- private String getClassifiersList(String keyword) {
- String rc = "";
- List<String> list = pyEggParser.getValueList(CLASSIFIERS);
- for (String str : list) {
- if (str.toLowerCase().contains(keyword)) {
- rc = str;
- }
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Get the values from the install_requires option
- *
- * @return The values within install_requires
- */
- public List<String> getInstallRequiresList() {
- return pyEggParser.getValueList(INSTALL_REQUIRES);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the package name.
- *
- * @return The package name.
- */
- public String getSimplePackageName() {
- return getValue(CommonMetaData.NAME);
- }
- /**
- * The simple package name with "python-" prepended to make better RPM package name.
- *
- * @return The package
- */
- public String getPackageName() {
- String simpleName = getSimplePackageName();
- if (simpleName.startsWith("python-")) {
- return simpleName;
- }
- return "python-"+simpleName;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the version
- *
- * @return The version
- */
- public String getVersion() {
- String version = getValue(CommonMetaData.VERSION);
- if (!hasDigits(version)) {
- version = "1 " + FIX_ME;
- }
- return version;
- }
- /**
- * Utitlity method to try and see if a string contains
- * digits within it
- *
- * @param str The string to check if it has digits
- * @return True if string contains digits
- */
- public boolean hasDigits(String str) {
- return str.matches(".*\\d.*");
- }
- /**
- * Returns the summary
- *
- * @return The package summary
- */
- public String getSummary() {
- return getValue(LONG_DESCRIPTION);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the license
- *
- * @return The license
- */
- public String getLicense() {
- String rawLicense = getClassifiersList(CommonMetaData.LICENSE).toLowerCase();
- String license = "";
- for (String valid : VALID_LICENSES) {
- if (rawLicense.contains(valid.toLowerCase())) {
- license += valid + ", ";
- }
- }
- if (!license.isEmpty()) {
- license = license.substring(0, license.length()-2);
- } else {
- license = FIX_ME;
- }
- return license;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the url
- *
- * @return The url
- */
- public String getURL() {
- return getValue(CommonMetaData.URL);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the description
- *
- * @return The description
- */
- public String getDescription() {
- return getValue(CommonMetaData.DESCRIPTION);
- }
+ private static final String[] VALID_LICENSES = {
+ ValidLicenses.GPL,
+ ValidLicenses.ARTISTIC,
+ ValidLicenses.MIT,
+ ValidLicenses.APACHE,
+ ValidLicenses.PUBLIC_DOMAIN,
+ ValidLicenses.ZLIB,
+ ValidLicenses.RICOH_SOURCE_CODE,
+ ValidLicenses.VOVIDA_SOFTWARE,
+ ValidLicenses.INTEL_OPEN_SOURCE,
+ ValidLicenses.LGPL,
+ ValidLicenses.BSD,
+ ValidLicenses.QPL,
+ ValidLicenses.IBM_PUBLIC,
+ ValidLicenses.PHP,
+ ValidLicenses.CVW,
+ ValidLicenses.PYTHON,
+ };
+ private static final String LONG_DESCRIPTION = "long_description";
+ private static final String CLASSIFIERS = "classifiers";
+ private static final String INSTALL_REQUIRES = "install_requires";
+ private static final String FIX_ME = "#FIXME";
+ private PythonEggParser pyEggParser;
+ /**
+ * Python egg file
+ *
+ * @param file The Python file
+ */
+ public EggModel(IFile file) {
+ try {
+ pyEggParser = new PythonEggParser(file);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ StubbyLog.logError(e);
+ } catch (CoreException e) {
+ StubbyLog.logError(e);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the value from one of the setup options.
+ * If the value is empty, it will return #FIXME
+ * It will also return #FIX_ME if it looks like a function
+ *
+ * @param option The option from the setup(...) function to get value of
+ * @return The value of the option
+ */
+ private String getValue(String option) {
+ String str = pyEggParser.getValue(option);
+ if (str.isEmpty() || pyEggParser.checkFunction(str)) {
+ str = FIX_ME;
+ }
+ return str;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the values from the classifiers option and
+ * check to see if the keyword is in one of them
+ *
+ * @param keyword What to check for within the list of values in classifiers
+ * @return The value within classifiers that contains the keyword
+ */
+ private String getClassifiersList(String keyword) {
+ String rc = "";
+ List<String> list = pyEggParser.getValueList(CLASSIFIERS);
+ for (String str : list) {
+ if (str.toLowerCase().contains(keyword)) {
+ rc = str;
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the values from the install_requires option
+ *
+ * @return The values within install_requires
+ */
+ public List<String> getInstallRequiresList() {
+ return pyEggParser.getValueList(INSTALL_REQUIRES);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the package name.
+ *
+ * @return The package name.
+ */
+ public String getSimplePackageName() {
+ return getValue(CommonMetaData.NAME);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The simple package name with "python-" prepended to make better RPM package name.
+ *
+ * @return The package
+ */
+ public String getPackageName() {
+ String simpleName = getSimplePackageName();
+ if (simpleName.startsWith("python-")) {
+ return simpleName;
+ }
+ return "python-"+simpleName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the version
+ *
+ * @return The version
+ */
+ public String getVersion() {
+ String version = getValue(CommonMetaData.VERSION);
+ if (!hasDigits(version)) {
+ version = "1 " + FIX_ME;
+ }
+ return version;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Utitlity method to try and see if a string contains
+ * digits within it
+ *
+ * @param str The string to check if it has digits
+ * @return True if string contains digits
+ */
+ public boolean hasDigits(String str) {
+ return str.matches(".*\\d.*");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the summary
+ *
+ * @return The package summary
+ */
+ public String getSummary() {
+ return getValue(LONG_DESCRIPTION);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the license
+ *
+ * @return The license
+ */
+ public String getLicense() {
+ String rawLicense = getClassifiersList(CommonMetaData.LICENSE).toLowerCase();
+ String license = "";
+ for (String valid : VALID_LICENSES) {
+ if (rawLicense.contains(valid.toLowerCase())) {
+ license += valid + ", ";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!license.isEmpty()) {
+ license = license.substring(0, license.length()-2);
+ } else {
+ license = FIX_ME;
+ }
+ return license;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the url
+ *
+ * @return The url
+ */
+ public String getURL() {
+ return getValue(CommonMetaData.URL);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the description
+ *
+ * @return The description
+ */
+ public String getDescription() {
+ return getValue(CommonMetaData.DESCRIPTION);
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/model/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/model/
index 50e80e259b..d864e794a2 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/model/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/model/
@@ -23,143 +23,143 @@ import org.w3c.dom.Document;
public class FeatureModel {
- private Document docroot;
- private XPath xpath;
- private Properties featureProperties;
- /**
- * Instantiates the model with the given XML document and preparing the
- * XPath evaluation environment.
- *
- * @param docroot
- * The document to query.
- * @param featureProperties The properties as loaded by
- */
- public FeatureModel(Document docroot, Properties featureProperties) {
- this.docroot = docroot;
- this.featureProperties = featureProperties;
- xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
- }
- private String xpathEval(String path) {
- String result = "";
- try {
- result = xpath.evaluate(path, docroot);
- } catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
- //ignore, empty string is fine on missing path
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Get value for a given key from the file, if the key
- * don't start with '%' we just return the given key.
- *
- * @param key
- * to find in
- * @return the value
- */
- private String resolveFeatureProperties(String key) {
- if (key != null && key.trim().startsWith("%")) {
- return featureProperties.getProperty(key.trim().replaceAll("%", ""));
- } else {
- return key;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the package name.
- * It is calculated by using the feature id last segment unless the last segment
- * is feature in which case the previous one is used.
- * @return The package name.
- */
- public String getSimplePackageName() {
- String packageName = xpathEval("/feature/@id");
- String[] packageItems = packageName.split("\\.");
- String name = packageItems[packageItems.length - 1];
- if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("feature")) {
- name = packageItems[packageItems.length - 2];
- }
- return name;
- }
- /**
- * The simple package name with "eclipse-" prepended to make better RPM package name.
- * @return The package
- */
- public String getPackageName() {
- return "eclipse-"+getSimplePackageName();
- }
- /**
- * Returns the feature id as retrieved with /feature/@id xpath.
- * @return The feature id.
- */
- public String getFeatureId() {
- return xpathEval("/feature/@id");
- }
- /**
- * Returns the version as retrieved by /feature/@version xpath with .qualifier removed if any.
- *
- * @return The version of the feature.
- */
- public String getVersion() {
- String version = xpathEval("/feature/@version");
- version = version.replaceAll(".qualifier", "");
- return version;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the summary as retrieved by /feature/@label xpath.
- *
- * @return The package summary.
- */
- public String getSummary() {
- return resolveFeatureProperties(xpathEval("/feature/@label"));
- }
- /**
- * Returns the license.
- * The algorithm is to look at /feature/license and/or /feature/license/@url and look for epl or cpl.
- * Otherwise #FIX ME comment is returned
- * @return The license of the feature.
- */
- public String getLicense() {
- String urlString = resolveFeatureProperties(xpathEval("/feature/license/@url"));
- String urlAnotation = resolveFeatureProperties(xpathEval("/feature/license"));
- String license = "#FIXME";
- if ((urlString != null && urlAnotation != null)) {
- if ((urlString.indexOf("epl") > -1 || urlAnotation
- .indexOf("epl") > -1)) {
- license = "EPL";
- } else if ((urlString.indexOf("cpl") > -1 || urlAnotation
- .indexOf("cpl") > -1)) {
- license = "CPL";
- }
- }
- return license;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the url as fetched from /feature/description/@url xpath if any.
- * @return The url.
- */
- public String getURL() {
- return xpathEval("/feature/description/@url");
- }
- /**
- * Returns the description as fetched by /feature/description and resolved from if needed.
- *
- * @return The description.
- */
- public String getDescription() {
- return resolveFeatureProperties(xpathEval("/feature/description"));
- }
+ private Document docroot;
+ private XPath xpath;
+ private Properties featureProperties;
+ /**
+ * Instantiates the model with the given XML document and preparing the
+ * XPath evaluation environment.
+ *
+ * @param docroot
+ * The document to query.
+ * @param featureProperties The properties as loaded by
+ */
+ public FeatureModel(Document docroot, Properties featureProperties) {
+ this.docroot = docroot;
+ this.featureProperties = featureProperties;
+ xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
+ }
+ private String xpathEval(String path) {
+ String result = "";
+ try {
+ result = xpath.evaluate(path, docroot);
+ } catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
+ //ignore, empty string is fine on missing path
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get value for a given key from the file, if the key
+ * don't start with '%' we just return the given key.
+ *
+ * @param key
+ * to find in
+ * @return the value
+ */
+ private String resolveFeatureProperties(String key) {
+ if (key != null && key.trim().startsWith("%")) {
+ return featureProperties.getProperty(key.trim().replaceAll("%", ""));
+ } else {
+ return key;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the package name.
+ * It is calculated by using the feature id last segment unless the last segment
+ * is feature in which case the previous one is used.
+ * @return The package name.
+ */
+ public String getSimplePackageName() {
+ String packageName = xpathEval("/feature/@id");
+ String[] packageItems = packageName.split("\\.");
+ String name = packageItems[packageItems.length - 1];
+ if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("feature")) {
+ name = packageItems[packageItems.length - 2];
+ }
+ return name;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The simple package name with "eclipse-" prepended to make better RPM package name.
+ * @return The package
+ */
+ public String getPackageName() {
+ return "eclipse-"+getSimplePackageName();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the feature id as retrieved with /feature/@id xpath.
+ * @return The feature id.
+ */
+ public String getFeatureId() {
+ return xpathEval("/feature/@id");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the version as retrieved by /feature/@version xpath with .qualifier removed if any.
+ *
+ * @return The version of the feature.
+ */
+ public String getVersion() {
+ String version = xpathEval("/feature/@version");
+ version = version.replaceAll(".qualifier", "");
+ return version;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the summary as retrieved by /feature/@label xpath.
+ *
+ * @return The package summary.
+ */
+ public String getSummary() {
+ return resolveFeatureProperties(xpathEval("/feature/@label"));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the license.
+ * The algorithm is to look at /feature/license and/or /feature/license/@url and look for epl or cpl.
+ * Otherwise #FIX ME comment is returned
+ * @return The license of the feature.
+ */
+ public String getLicense() {
+ String urlString = resolveFeatureProperties(xpathEval("/feature/license/@url"));
+ String urlAnotation = resolveFeatureProperties(xpathEval("/feature/license"));
+ String license = "#FIXME";
+ if ((urlString != null && urlAnotation != null)) {
+ if ((urlString.indexOf("epl") > -1 || urlAnotation
+ .indexOf("epl") > -1)) {
+ license = "EPL";
+ } else if ((urlString.indexOf("cpl") > -1 || urlAnotation
+ .indexOf("cpl") > -1)) {
+ license = "CPL";
+ }
+ }
+ return license;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the url as fetched from /feature/description/@url xpath if any.
+ * @return The url.
+ */
+ public String getURL() {
+ return xpathEval("/feature/description/@url");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the description as fetched by /feature/description and resolved from if needed.
+ *
+ * @return The description.
+ */
+ public String getDescription() {
+ return resolveFeatureProperties(xpathEval("/feature/description"));
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/model/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/model/
index 719f998016..6878bb5c38 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/model/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/model/
@@ -26,243 +26,243 @@ import org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.rpmstubby.parser.RubyGemParser;
public class GemModel {
- private static final String FIX_ME = "#FIXME";
- private static final String SUMMARY = "summary";
- private static final String RUBYGEMS_VERSION = "rubygems_version";
- private static final String REQUIRE_PATHS = "require_paths";
- private static final String DEPENDENCY = "add_dependency";
- private static final String DEVELOPMENT_DEPENDENCY = "add_development_dependency";
- private static final String RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY = "add_runtime_dependency";
- private static final String HOMEPAGE = "homepage";
- /**
- * Options in the gemspec file that are supposed to only have 1 value
- *
- */
- private static final String[] SINGLE_VALUES = { CommonMetaData.DESCRIPTION,
- CommonMetaData.NAME, CommonMetaData.VERSION,
- private RubyGemParser rubyGemParser;
- /**
- * Ruby gemspec file
- *
- * @param file
- * The Ruby gemspec file
- */
- public GemModel(IFile file) {
- try {
- rubyGemParser = new RubyGemParser(file);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- } catch (CoreException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get the value from one of the gemspec attributes. If the value is empty, it
- * will return #FIXME
- *
- * @param attr
- * The gemspec attribute to get value of
- * @return The value of the option
- */
- private String getValue(String attr) {
- List<String> list = rubyGemParser.getValueList(attr);
- String rc = "";
- boolean single = false;
- for (String str : SINGLE_VALUES) {
- if (str.equals(attr)) {
- single = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!list.isEmpty() && single) {
- rc = list.get(0);
- } else {
- rc = FIX_ME;
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Get the install requires in the gemspec file
- *
- * @param key
- * Either the dependencies or the development dependencies option
- * @return A list of the values taken from the gemspec
- */
- public List<String> getDependencies(String key) {
- List<String> rc = new ArrayList<>();
- List<String> temp = rubyGemParser.getValueList(key);
- if (!temp.isEmpty()) {
- for (String tmp : temp) {
- rc.add(tmp
- .replaceFirst("(?:%q|%Q)(?:([\\W])([^\\W]+)[\\W])",
- "$2").replaceAll("(\"|'|\\[|\\])", "")
- .replaceAll(",", ""));
- }
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Get the values from the add_dependency option
- *
- * @return The values within add_dependency
- */
- public List<String> getInstallRequiresList() {
- List<String> rc = getDependencies(DEPENDENCY);
- rc.addAll(getDependencies(RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY));
- return getDependencies(DEPENDENCY);
- }
- /**
- * Get the values from the add_development_dependency option
- *
- * @return The values within add_development_dependency
- */
- public List<String> getBuildRequiresList() {
- return getDependencies(DEVELOPMENT_DEPENDENCY);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the package name.
- *
- * @return The package name.
- */
- public String getSimplePackageName() {
- return getValue(CommonMetaData.NAME);
- }
- /**
- * The simple package name with "rubygem-" prepended to make better RPM
- * package name.
- *
- * @return The package
- */
- public String getPackageName() {
- String simpleName = getSimplePackageName();
- if (simpleName.startsWith("rubygem-")) {
- return simpleName;
- }
- return "rubygem-"+simpleName;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the version
- *
- * @return The version
- */
- public String getVersion() {
- String version = getValue(CommonMetaData.VERSION);
- if (!hasDigits(version)) {
- version = "1 " + FIX_ME;
- }
- return version;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the RubyGems version
- *
- * @return The RubyGems version
- */
- public String getGemVersion() {
- String version = getValue(RUBYGEMS_VERSION);
- if (!hasDigits(version)) {
- version = FIX_ME;
- }
- return version;
- }
- /**
- * Utility method to try and see if a string contains digits within it
- *
- * @param str
- * The string to check if it has digits
- * @return True if string contains digits
- */
- public boolean hasDigits(String str) {
- return str.matches(".*\\d.*");
- }
- /**
- * Returns the summary
- *
- * @return The package summary
- */
- public String getSummary() {
- return getValue(SUMMARY);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the license
- *
- * @return The license
- */
- public String getLicense() {
- String license = getValue("license");
- List<String> list = rubyGemParser.getValueList("licenses");
- if (license.equals(FIX_ME) && !list.isEmpty()) {
- license = "";
- for (String str : list) {
- license = license.concat(str + ", ");
- license = license.replaceAll("(\"|')", "");
- }
- license = license.substring(0, license.length() - 2);
- }
- return license;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the url
- *
- * @return The url
- */
- public String getURL() {
- return getValue(HOMEPAGE);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the description
- *
- * @return The description
- */
- public String getDescription() {
- return getValue(CommonMetaData.DESCRIPTION);
- }
- /**
- * Return the require paths
- *
- * @return The require paths
- */
- public List<String> getRequirePaths() {
- List<String> rc = new ArrayList<>();
- List<String> temp = rubyGemParser.getValueList(REQUIRE_PATHS);
- if (!temp.isEmpty()) {
- for (String tmp : temp) {
- rc.add(tmp
- .replaceFirst("(?:%q|%Q)(?:([\\W])([^\\W]+)[\\W])",
- "$2").replaceAll("(\"|'|\\[|\\])", "")
- .replaceAll(",", ""));
- }
- }
- return rc;
- }
+ private static final String FIX_ME = "#FIXME";
+ private static final String SUMMARY = "summary";
+ private static final String RUBYGEMS_VERSION = "rubygems_version";
+ private static final String REQUIRE_PATHS = "require_paths";
+ private static final String DEPENDENCY = "add_dependency";
+ private static final String DEVELOPMENT_DEPENDENCY = "add_development_dependency";
+ private static final String RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY = "add_runtime_dependency";
+ private static final String HOMEPAGE = "homepage";
+ /**
+ * Options in the gemspec file that are supposed to only have 1 value
+ *
+ */
+ private static final String[] SINGLE_VALUES = { CommonMetaData.DESCRIPTION,
+ CommonMetaData.NAME, CommonMetaData.VERSION,
+ private RubyGemParser rubyGemParser;
+ /**
+ * Ruby gemspec file
+ *
+ * @param file
+ * The Ruby gemspec file
+ */
+ public GemModel(IFile file) {
+ try {
+ rubyGemParser = new RubyGemParser(file);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ StubbyLog.logError(e);
+ } catch (CoreException e) {
+ StubbyLog.logError(e);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the value from one of the gemspec attributes. If the value is empty, it
+ * will return #FIXME
+ *
+ * @param attr
+ * The gemspec attribute to get value of
+ * @return The value of the option
+ */
+ private String getValue(String attr) {
+ List<String> list = rubyGemParser.getValueList(attr);
+ String rc = "";
+ boolean single = false;
+ for (String str : SINGLE_VALUES) {
+ if (str.equals(attr)) {
+ single = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!list.isEmpty() && single) {
+ rc = list.get(0);
+ } else {
+ rc = FIX_ME;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the install requires in the gemspec file
+ *
+ * @param key
+ * Either the dependencies or the development dependencies option
+ * @return A list of the values taken from the gemspec
+ */
+ public List<String> getDependencies(String key) {
+ List<String> rc = new ArrayList<>();
+ List<String> temp = rubyGemParser.getValueList(key);
+ if (!temp.isEmpty()) {
+ for (String tmp : temp) {
+ rc.add(tmp
+ .replaceFirst("(?:%q|%Q)(?:([\\W])([^\\W]+)[\\W])",
+ "$2").replaceAll("(\"|'|\\[|\\])", "")
+ .replaceAll(",", ""));
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the values from the add_dependency option
+ *
+ * @return The values within add_dependency
+ */
+ public List<String> getInstallRequiresList() {
+ List<String> rc = getDependencies(DEPENDENCY);
+ rc.addAll(getDependencies(RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY));
+ return getDependencies(DEPENDENCY);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the values from the add_development_dependency option
+ *
+ * @return The values within add_development_dependency
+ */
+ public List<String> getBuildRequiresList() {
+ return getDependencies(DEVELOPMENT_DEPENDENCY);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the package name.
+ *
+ * @return The package name.
+ */
+ public String getSimplePackageName() {
+ return getValue(CommonMetaData.NAME);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The simple package name with "rubygem-" prepended to make better RPM
+ * package name.
+ *
+ * @return The package
+ */
+ public String getPackageName() {
+ String simpleName = getSimplePackageName();
+ if (simpleName.startsWith("rubygem-")) {
+ return simpleName;
+ }
+ return "rubygem-"+simpleName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the version
+ *
+ * @return The version
+ */
+ public String getVersion() {
+ String version = getValue(CommonMetaData.VERSION);
+ if (!hasDigits(version)) {
+ version = "1 " + FIX_ME;
+ }
+ return version;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the RubyGems version
+ *
+ * @return The RubyGems version
+ */
+ public String getGemVersion() {
+ String version = getValue(RUBYGEMS_VERSION);
+ if (!hasDigits(version)) {
+ version = FIX_ME;
+ }
+ return version;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Utility method to try and see if a string contains digits within it
+ *
+ * @param str
+ * The string to check if it has digits
+ * @return True if string contains digits
+ */
+ public boolean hasDigits(String str) {
+ return str.matches(".*\\d.*");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the summary
+ *
+ * @return The package summary
+ */
+ public String getSummary() {
+ return getValue(SUMMARY);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the license
+ *
+ * @return The license
+ */
+ public String getLicense() {
+ String license = getValue("license");
+ List<String> list = rubyGemParser.getValueList("licenses");
+ if (license.equals(FIX_ME) && !list.isEmpty()) {
+ license = "";
+ for (String str : list) {
+ license = license.concat(str + ", ");
+ license = license.replaceAll("(\"|')", "");
+ }
+ license = license.substring(0, license.length() - 2);
+ }
+ return license;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the url
+ *
+ * @return The url
+ */
+ public String getURL() {
+ return getValue(HOMEPAGE);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the description
+ *
+ * @return The description
+ */
+ public String getDescription() {
+ return getValue(CommonMetaData.DESCRIPTION);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the require paths
+ *
+ * @return The require paths
+ */
+ public List<String> getRequirePaths() {
+ List<String> rc = new ArrayList<>();
+ List<String> temp = rubyGemParser.getValueList(REQUIRE_PATHS);
+ if (!temp.isEmpty()) {
+ for (String tmp : temp) {
+ rc.add(tmp
+ .replaceFirst("(?:%q|%Q)(?:([\\W])([^\\W]+)[\\W])",
+ "$2").replaceAll("(\"|'|\\[|\\])", "")
+ .replaceAll(",", ""));
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/model/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/model/
index 7bbe800b92..a4d0d7a64e 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/model/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/model/
@@ -26,157 +26,157 @@ import org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.rpmstubby.parser.PerlMakefileParser;
public class PerlModel {
- private static final String FIX_ME = "#FIXME";
- private static final String LICENSE_REQ = "GPL+ or Artistic";
- private static final String CPAN_URL = "";
- private static final String ABSTRACT = "abstract";
- private static final String REQUIRES = "prereq_pm";
- private PerlMakefileParser perlMakefileParser;
- /**
- * Perl makefile
- *
- * @param file
- * The Perl makefile
- */
- public PerlModel(IFile file) {
- try {
- perlMakefileParser = new PerlMakefileParser(file);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- } catch (CoreException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get the value from one of the makefile attributes. If the value is empty, it
- * will return #FIXME
- *
- * @param key
- * The makefile attribute to get value of
- * @return The value of the option
- */
- private String getValue(String key) {
- String rc = perlMakefileParser.getValue(key);
- if (rc.isEmpty()) {
- rc = FIX_ME;
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Get the install requires in the makefile
- *
- * @return A list of the values taken from the makefile
- */
- public List<String> getInstallRequires() {
- List<String> rc = new ArrayList<>();
- List<String> temp = perlMakefileParser.getValueList(REQUIRES);
- String ver = "";
- if (!temp.isEmpty()) {
- for (String str : temp) {
- ver = str.substring(str.indexOf("=>")+2, str.length());
- str = str.substring(0, str.indexOf("=>"));
- str = str.replaceAll("(\\S+)", "perl($1)");
- if (!ver.isEmpty() && hasDigits(ver)) {
- str = str.concat(">= " + ver);
- }
- rc.add(str);
- ver = "";
- }
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the package name.
- *
- * @return The package name.
- */
- public String getSimplePackageName() {
- String rc = "";
- rc = getValue(CommonMetaData.NAME);
- if (!rc.equals(FIX_ME)) {
- rc = rc.replaceAll("::", "-");
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * The simple package name with "perl-" prepended to make better RPM
- * package name.
- *
- * @return The package
- */
- public String getPackageName() {
- String simpleName = getSimplePackageName();
- if (simpleName.startsWith("perl-")) {
- return simpleName;
- }
- return "perl-"+simpleName;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the version
- *
- * @return The version
- */
- public String getVersion() {
- String version = getValue(CommonMetaData.VERSION);
- if (!hasDigits(version)) {
- version = "1 " + FIX_ME;
- }
- return version;
- }
- /**
- * Utility method to try and see if a string contains digits within it
- *
- * @param str
- * The string to check if it has digits
- * @return True if string contains digits
- */
- public boolean hasDigits(String str) {
- return str.matches(".*\\d.*");
- }
- /**
- * Returns the summary
- *
- * @return The package summary
- */
- public String getSummary() {
- return getValue(ABSTRACT);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the license
- *
- * @return The license
- */
- public String getLicense() {
- return LICENSE_REQ;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the url
- *
- * @return The url
- */
- public String getURL() {
- return CPAN_URL+getSimplePackageName();
- }
- /**
- * Returns the description
- *
- * @return The description
- */
- public String getDescription() {
- return getValue(ABSTRACT);
- }
+ private static final String FIX_ME = "#FIXME";
+ private static final String LICENSE_REQ = "GPL+ or Artistic";
+ private static final String CPAN_URL = "";
+ private static final String ABSTRACT = "abstract";
+ private static final String REQUIRES = "prereq_pm";
+ private PerlMakefileParser perlMakefileParser;
+ /**
+ * Perl makefile
+ *
+ * @param file
+ * The Perl makefile
+ */
+ public PerlModel(IFile file) {
+ try {
+ perlMakefileParser = new PerlMakefileParser(file);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ StubbyLog.logError(e);
+ } catch (CoreException e) {
+ StubbyLog.logError(e);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the value from one of the makefile attributes. If the value is empty, it
+ * will return #FIXME
+ *
+ * @param key
+ * The makefile attribute to get value of
+ * @return The value of the option
+ */
+ private String getValue(String key) {
+ String rc = perlMakefileParser.getValue(key);
+ if (rc.isEmpty()) {
+ rc = FIX_ME;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the install requires in the makefile
+ *
+ * @return A list of the values taken from the makefile
+ */
+ public List<String> getInstallRequires() {
+ List<String> rc = new ArrayList<>();
+ List<String> temp = perlMakefileParser.getValueList(REQUIRES);
+ String ver = "";
+ if (!temp.isEmpty()) {
+ for (String str : temp) {
+ ver = str.substring(str.indexOf("=>")+2, str.length());
+ str = str.substring(0, str.indexOf("=>"));
+ str = str.replaceAll("(\\S+)", "perl($1)");
+ if (!ver.isEmpty() && hasDigits(ver)) {
+ str = str.concat(">= " + ver);
+ }
+ rc.add(str);
+ ver = "";
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the package name.
+ *
+ * @return The package name.
+ */
+ public String getSimplePackageName() {
+ String rc = "";
+ rc = getValue(CommonMetaData.NAME);
+ if (!rc.equals(FIX_ME)) {
+ rc = rc.replaceAll("::", "-");
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The simple package name with "perl-" prepended to make better RPM
+ * package name.
+ *
+ * @return The package
+ */
+ public String getPackageName() {
+ String simpleName = getSimplePackageName();
+ if (simpleName.startsWith("perl-")) {
+ return simpleName;
+ }
+ return "perl-"+simpleName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the version
+ *
+ * @return The version
+ */
+ public String getVersion() {
+ String version = getValue(CommonMetaData.VERSION);
+ if (!hasDigits(version)) {
+ version = "1 " + FIX_ME;
+ }
+ return version;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Utility method to try and see if a string contains digits within it
+ *
+ * @param str
+ * The string to check if it has digits
+ * @return True if string contains digits
+ */
+ public boolean hasDigits(String str) {
+ return str.matches(".*\\d.*");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the summary
+ *
+ * @return The package summary
+ */
+ public String getSummary() {
+ return getValue(ABSTRACT);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the license
+ *
+ * @return The license
+ */
+ public String getLicense() {
+ return LICENSE_REQ;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the url
+ *
+ * @return The url
+ */
+ public String getURL() {
+ return CPAN_URL+getSimplePackageName();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the description
+ *
+ * @return The description
+ */
+ public String getDescription() {
+ return getValue(ABSTRACT);
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/model/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/model/
index 9b46bc6272..c248d518e8 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/model/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/model/
@@ -28,121 +28,121 @@ import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
public class PomModel {
- private Document docroot;
- private XPath xpath;
+ private Document docroot;
+ private XPath xpath;
- /**
- * Instantiates the model with the given XML document and preparing the
- * XPath evaluation environment.
- *
- * @param docroot
- * The document to query.
- */
- public PomModel(Document docroot) {
- this.docroot = docroot;
- xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
- }
+ /**
+ * Instantiates the model with the given XML document and preparing the
+ * XPath evaluation environment.
+ *
+ * @param docroot
+ * The document to query.
+ */
+ public PomModel(Document docroot) {
+ this.docroot = docroot;
+ xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
+ }
- /**
- * Returns the proposed package name.
- *
- * @return The proposed package name.
- */
- public String getPackageName() {
- return xpathEval("/project/artifactId");
- }
+ /**
+ * Returns the proposed package name.
+ *
+ * @return The proposed package name.
+ */
+ public String getPackageName() {
+ return xpathEval("/project/artifactId");
+ }
- /**
- * Returns the summary (xpath:/project/name). Maven project name is verbose
- * and it corresponds to the RPM specfile Summary tag.
- *
- * @return The summary.
- */
- public String getSummary() {
- return xpathEval("/project/name");
- }
+ /**
+ * Returns the summary (xpath:/project/name). Maven project name is verbose
+ * and it corresponds to the RPM specfile Summary tag.
+ *
+ * @return The summary.
+ */
+ public String getSummary() {
+ return xpathEval("/project/name");
+ }
- /**
- * Returns the project version (xpath:/project/version) or the parent version if
- * version is not present.
- *
- * @return The version.
- */
- public String getVersion() {
- String version = xpathEval("/project/version");
- if (version.equals("")) {
- version = xpathEval("/project/parent/version");
- }
- return version;
- }
+ /**
+ * Returns the project version (xpath:/project/version) or the parent version if
+ * version is not present.
+ *
+ * @return The version.
+ */
+ public String getVersion() {
+ String version = xpathEval("/project/version");
+ if (version.equals("")) {
+ version = xpathEval("/project/parent/version");
+ }
+ return version;
+ }
- /**
- * Returns the license (xpath:/project/licenses/license/name).
- *
- * @return The license name.
- */
- public String getLicense() {
- return xpathEval("/project/licenses/license/name");
- }
+ /**
+ * Returns the license (xpath:/project/licenses/license/name).
+ *
+ * @return The license name.
+ */
+ public String getLicense() {
+ return xpathEval("/project/licenses/license/name");
+ }
- /**
- * Returns the URL (xpath:/project/url) or (xpath:/project/organization/url).
- *
- * @return The project url.
- */
- public String getURL() {
- String url = xpathEval("/project/url");
- if (url.equals("")) {
- url = xpathEval("/project/organization/url");
- }
- return url;
- }
+ /**
+ * Returns the URL (xpath:/project/url) or (xpath:/project/organization/url).
+ *
+ * @return The project url.
+ */
+ public String getURL() {
+ String url = xpathEval("/project/url");
+ if (url.equals("")) {
+ url = xpathEval("/project/organization/url");
+ }
+ return url;
+ }
- /**
- * Returns the project description (xpath:/project/description).
- *
- * @return The project description.
- */
- public String getDescription() {
- return xpathEval("/project/description");
- }
+ /**
+ * Returns the project description (xpath:/project/description).
+ *
+ * @return The project description.
+ */
+ public String getDescription() {
+ return xpathEval("/project/description");
+ }
- /**
- * Returns the dependencies.
- * @return All the dependencies.
- */
- public Map<String, String> getDependencies() {
- Map<String, String> dependencies = new HashMap<>();
- NodeList nodes = xpathEvalNodes("/project/dependencies/dependency");
- for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
- Node node = nodes.item(i);
- try {
- dependencies.put(xpath.evaluate("groupId", node), xpath.evaluate("artifactId", node));
- } catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
- // just no deps generated
- }
- }
- return dependencies;
- }
+ /**
+ * Returns the dependencies.
+ * @return All the dependencies.
+ */
+ public Map<String, String> getDependencies() {
+ Map<String, String> dependencies = new HashMap<>();
+ NodeList nodes = xpathEvalNodes("/project/dependencies/dependency");
+ for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
+ Node node = nodes.item(i);
+ try {
+ dependencies.put(xpath.evaluate("groupId", node), xpath.evaluate("artifactId", node));
+ } catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
+ // just no deps generated
+ }
+ }
+ return dependencies;
+ }
- private String xpathEval(String path) {
- String result = "";
- try {
- result = xpath.evaluate(path, docroot);
- } catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
- // ignore, nothing that can be read
- }
- return result;
- }
+ private String xpathEval(String path) {
+ String result = "";
+ try {
+ result = xpath.evaluate(path, docroot);
+ } catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
+ // ignore, nothing that can be read
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
- private NodeList xpathEvalNodes(String path) {
- NodeList result = null;
- try {
- result = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate(path, docroot,
- XPathConstants.NODESET);
- } catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
- // ignore, nothing that can be read
- }
- return result;
- }
+ private NodeList xpathEvalNodes(String path) {
+ NodeList result = null;
+ try {
+ result = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate(path, docroot,
+ XPathConstants.NODESET);
+ } catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
+ // ignore, nothing that can be read
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/parser/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/parser/
index ba24dc2999..e616f35f6b 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/parser/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/parser/
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ package org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.rpmstubby.parser;
public interface CommonMetaData {
- String NAME = "name";
- String DESCRIPTION = "description";
- String VERSION = "version";
- String LICENSE = "license";
- String URL = "url";
+ String NAME = "name";
+ String DESCRIPTION = "description";
+ String VERSION = "version";
+ String LICENSE = "license";
+ String URL = "url";
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/parser/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/parser/
index f2269a88f5..c2e028554e 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/parser/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/parser/
@@ -32,626 +32,626 @@ import org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.rpmstubby.StubbyLog;
public class PerlMakefileParser {
- /*
- * Perl Regular Expressions
- *
- */
- private static final String WHITE_SPACE = "(?:\\s+)";
- private static final String COMMENT = "#.+"; // # comment
- private static final String LINE_WITH_COMMENT = "(?:(.*)#.+)"; // line # comment
- private static final String VARIABLE_PARAMS = "(?:my|local|our)";
- private static final String WORD = "(\\b\\w+\\b)"; // variable
- private static final String NON_WHITE_SPACE = "(\\S+)";
- private static final String VARIABLE = "(?:" + VARIABLE_PARAMS
- + WHITE_SPACE + ")?(?:\\$|@|%)" + WORD + WHITE_SPACE + "?"; // %variable | my $variable | our @variable
- private static final String ASSOCIATIVE_KEY = WHITE_SPACE + "?"
- private static final String EXCLUDE_SPECIALS = "(?![=~|\\-\\*\\+\\/])";
- private static final String NON_CONDITIONAL = "(?!(?:\\s*if|elsif|unless))";
- private static final String ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR = "=";
- private static final String ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATOR = "=>";
- private static final String SIMPLE_ASSIGNMENT = NON_CONDITIONAL
- + EXCLUDE_SPECIALS + "(?:(.+))"; // %var = value || [1] = [2]
- + ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATOR + "(?:(.+))"; // 'key' => 'value' || [1] => [2]
- private static final String FUNCTION = "\\s*" + WORD
- + "*\\s*?\\((.*)\\)\\s*"; // foo(bar) | foo(foo(bar)) | foo() || [1]([2])
- private static final String BEGIN_END = "(?:[^#]*<<END)"; // [CS] test<<END | <<END
- private static final String END_END = "^END$"; // [CS]
- private static final String BEGIN_BC = "^=(?!cut)[a-z]\\S+(\\s)?\\S+"; // [CS] =test | =test test
- private static final String END_BC = "^=cut$"; // [CS]
- private static final String MAKEFILE_FUNCTION_NAME = "WriteMakefile";
- private static final String MAKEFILE_FUNCTION = "^.*"
- /*
- * A few common opening characters and their closing counterparts
- *
- */
- private static final Map<Character, Character> SURROUNDING_CHARACTER;
- static {
- Map<Character, Character> aMap = new HashMap<>();
- aMap.put('[', ']');
- aMap.put('{', '}');
- aMap.put('(', ')');
- aMap.put(']', '[');
- aMap.put('}', '{');
- aMap.put(')', '(');
- SURROUNDING_CHARACTER = Collections.unmodifiableMap(aMap);
- }
- private static final char SQUARE_BRACKET = '[';
- private static final char CURLY_BRACKET = '{';
- private static final char ROUND_BRACKET = '(';
- private static final int IN_BRACKETS = 0x00000001;
- private static final int MAKE_FUNCTION = 0x00000002;
- private IFile file;
- private Map<String, String> mVariableDefinitions;
- private Map<String, String> mMakefileDefinitions;
- /**
- * Initialize.
- *
- * @param file
- * The perl Makefile.
- * @throws CoreException
- * Throws CoreException.
- * @throws IOException
- * Throws IOException.
- */
- public PerlMakefileParser(IFile file) throws IOException, CoreException {
- mVariableDefinitions = new HashMap<>();
- mMakefileDefinitions = new HashMap<>();
- if (file.getContents().available() <= 0) {
- return;
- }
- this.file = file;
- parse();
- }
- /**
- * Parse the perl Makefile.
- *
- */
- public void parse() {
- String content = "";
- String line = "";
- try (Scanner variableScanner = new Scanner(file.getContents())) {
- grabSimpleDefinitions(cleanUpContent(variableScanner));
- cleanupVariables(mVariableDefinitions);
- resolveVariables(mVariableDefinitions);
- /*
- * Going through the makefile function's attributes
- */
- if (!mVariableDefinitions.containsKey(MAKEFILE_FUNCTION_NAME)) {
- return;
- }
- try (Scanner makefileScanner = new Scanner(
- mVariableDefinitions.get(MAKEFILE_FUNCTION_NAME))) {
- makefileScanner.useDelimiter("(?<=,)");
- ArrayList<String> makefileList = new ArrayList<>();
- while (makefileScanner.hasNext()) {
- line =;
- if (matchesAssociativeAssignment(line)) {
- makefileList.add(line);
- } else if (!makefileList.isEmpty()) {
- makefileList.set(makefileList.size() - 1, makefileList
- .get(makefileList.size() - 1).concat(line));
- }
- }
- for (String str : makefileList) {
- content = content.concat(str + '\n');
- }
- grabAssociativeDefinitions(content);
- cleanupVariables(mMakefileDefinitions);
- resolveVariables(mMakefileDefinitions);
- }
- variableScanner.close();
- } catch (CoreException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get the value of the variable.
- *
- * @param key The variable to get the value of.
- * @return The value of the variable.
- */
- public String getValue(String key) {
- String rc = "";
- if (mMakefileDefinitions.containsKey(key)) {
- rc = mMakefileDefinitions.get(key);
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Get the list of values from the variable.
- *
- * @param key The variable to get the value of.
- * @return The list of values from the variable.
- */
- public List<String> getValueList(String key) {
- List<String> rc = new ArrayList<>();
- String var = "";
- String[] tmp = {};
- if (mMakefileDefinitions.containsKey(key)) {
- var = mMakefileDefinitions.get(key);
- tmp = var.split(",");
- for (String str : tmp) {
- str = cleanUpString(str);
- rc.add(str);
- }
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Grab the simple key->value pairs from some content.
- *
- * @param content
- * The content to grab the key->value pairs from.
- */
- private void grabSimpleDefinitions(String content) {
- try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(content)) {
- Stack<Character> brackets = new Stack<>();
- String key = "";
- String value = "";
- String tempVar = "";
- String line = "";
- String[] tmp;
- int flags = 0;
- while (scanner.hasNext()) {
- line = scanner.nextLine();
- if (matchesSimpleAssignment(line)) {
- tmp = line.split("=");
- key = removeVariableSigils(tmp[0]).toLowerCase()
- .replaceAll("\\W", "");
- value = tmp[1];
- if (containsOpener(value)) {
- flags |= IN_BRACKETS;
- } else {
- mVariableDefinitions.put(key, value);
- }
- } else if (containsMakefileFunction(line)) {
- flags |= MAKE_FUNCTION;
- flags |= IN_BRACKETS;
- }
- if ((flags & IN_BRACKETS) == IN_BRACKETS) {
- checkBrackets(brackets, line);
- tempVar = tempVar.concat(line.trim());
- if (brackets.isEmpty()) {
- if ((flags & MAKE_FUNCTION) == MAKE_FUNCTION) {
- mVariableDefinitions
- .putAll(extractFunction(tempVar));
- } else {
- tmp = tempVar.split("=[^>]");
- key = removeVariableSigils(tmp[0]).toLowerCase()
- .replaceAll("\\W", "");
- value = tmp[1];
- mVariableDefinitions.put(key, value);
- }
- tempVar = "";
- flags &= 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Grab the associative key=>value pairs from some content.
- *
- * @param content
- * The content to grab the key=>value pairs from.
- */
- private void grabAssociativeDefinitions(String content) {
- try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(content)) {
- Stack<Character> brackets = new Stack<>();
- String key = "";
- String value = "";
- String tempVar = "";
- String line = "";
- String[] tmp;
- int flags = 0;
- while (scanner.hasNext()) {
- line = scanner.nextLine();
- if (matchesAssociativeAssignment(line)
- && (flags & IN_BRACKETS) != IN_BRACKETS) {
- tmp = line.split("=>");
- key = removeVariableSigils(tmp[0].toLowerCase().replaceAll(
- "\\W", ""));
- value = tmp[1];
- if (containsOpener(value)) {
- flags |= IN_BRACKETS;
- } else {
- mMakefileDefinitions.put(key, value);
- }
- }
- if ((flags & IN_BRACKETS) == IN_BRACKETS) {
- checkBrackets(brackets, line);
- tempVar = tempVar.concat(line.trim());
- if (brackets.isEmpty()) {
- key = removeVariableSigils(tempVar
- .substring(0, tempVar.indexOf("=>"))
- .toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\W", ""));
- value = tempVar.substring(tempVar.indexOf("=>") + 2,
- tempVar.length());
- mMakefileDefinitions.put(key, value);
- tempVar = "";
- flags &= 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Check if the line is within a set of brackets. Update the stack tracking
- * bracket completeness.
- *
- * @param brackets
- * The stack tracking the bracket completeness.
- * @param line
- * The line to parse for brackets.
- */
- public static void checkBrackets(Stack<Character> brackets, String line) {
- for (char c : line.toCharArray()) {
- brackets.push(c);
- if (brackets.peek() == SURROUNDING_CHARACTER.get(c)
- && !brackets.isEmpty()) {
- brackets.pop();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Go through the map of key->value pairings and check and see if a key has
- * another key as a value. If so, resolve that.
- *
- * @param variables
- * The key->value pairings.
- */
- private void resolveVariables(Map<String, String> variables) {
- String tempVal = "";
- for (Entry<String,String> entry : variables.entrySet()) {
- tempVal = entry.getValue();
- if (mVariableDefinitions.containsKey(tempVal)) {
- variables.put(entry.getKey(), mVariableDefinitions.get(tempVal));
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Extract the function name and the contents of the function and return it
- * as a key->value pairing.
- *
- * @param line
- * The line to extract the function from.
- * @return The key->value pairing of function and parameter(s).
- */
- public static Map<String, String> extractFunction(String line) {
- Map<String, String> rc = new HashMap<>();
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(FUNCTION, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
- if (variableMatcher.find()) {
- rc.put(,;
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Extract the key->value pairing from an associative assignment.
- *
- * @param line
- * The line to extract the function from.
- * @return The key->value pairing of function and parameter(s).
- */
- public static Map<String, String> extractKeyValueAssociation(String line) {
- Map<String, String> rc = new HashMap<>();
- String[] keyValue = {};
- String key = "";
- String value = "";
- if (matchesAssociativeAssignment(line)) {
- keyValue = line.split("=>");
- key = cleanUpString(keyValue[0].toLowerCase());
- value = cleanUpString(keyValue[1]);
- rc.put(key, value);
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Utility to go through the map of variables to clean up their values.
- *
- * @param variables
- * The map of variables to go through.
- */
- private static void cleanupVariables(Map<String, String> variables) {
- String val = "";
- for (Entry<String,String> entry : variables.entrySet()) {
- val = cleanUpString(removeVariableSigils(entry.getValue()))
- .trim();
- if (val.startsWith("(") || val.startsWith("[")
- || val.startsWith("{")) {
- val = val.substring(1, val.length());
- }
- if (val.endsWith(")") || val.endsWith("]") || val.endsWith("}")) {
- val = val.substring(0, val.length() - 1);
- }
- val = cleanUpString(val);
- variables.put(entry.getKey(), val);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Utility to clean up the line of some unwanted characters.
- *
- * @param line
- * The line to clean up.
- * @return The cleaned up version of the line.
- */
- private static String cleanUpString(String line) {
- String rc = "";
- line = line.trim().replaceAll("('|\")", "");
- if (line.endsWith(";")) {
- line = line.substring(0, line.length() - 1);
- }
- if (line.endsWith(",")) {
- line = line.substring(0, line.length() - 1);
- }
- rc = line;
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Remove the variable sigils.
- *
- * @param variable
- * The variable to remove sigils from.
- * @return A word only variable with no sigils.
- */
- public static String removeVariableSigils(String variable) {
- return variable
- .replaceAll(
- "(\\bmy\\b|\\bour\\b|\\blocal\\b|(\\\\)?\\$|(\\\\)?@|(\\\\)?%)",
- "");
- }
- /**
- * Clean up the contents of the file and remove all the comments, END
- * blocks, and block comments.
- *
- * @param scanner
- * The scanner of the file to be read.
- * @return The cleaned up content.
- */
- private static String cleanUpContent(Scanner scanner) {
- String rc = "";
- String line = "";
- boolean flagEND = true;
- boolean flagBC = true;
- while (scanner.hasNext()) {
- line = scanner.nextLine();
- // ignore lines between ENDS
- if (containsBeginEND(line)) {
- flagEND = false;
- } else if (matchesEndEND(line)) {
- line = scanner.nextLine();
- flagEND = true; // true
- }
- // ignore lines between =someword and =cut
- if (matchesBeginBC(line)) {
- flagBC = false;
- } else if (matchesEndBC(line)) {
- line = scanner.nextLine();
- flagBC = true;
- }
- // remove the comments
- if (matchesLineWithComment(line)) {
- line = line.replaceAll(COMMENT, "");
- }
- // if not empty line or within comment/END block
- if (flagEND && flagBC && !line.trim().equals("")) {
- rc = rc.concat(line + '\n');
- }
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Check if a line contains a function.
- *
- * @param line
- * The line to check.
- * @return True if the line contains a function.
- */
- public static boolean containsFunction(String line) {
- boolean rc = false;
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(FUNCTION, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
- if (variableMatcher.find()) {
- rc = true;
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Check to see if the line contains the WriteMakefile function.
- *
- * @param line
- * The line to check.
- * @return True if the line contains the WriteMakefile function.
- */
- public static boolean containsMakefileFunction(String line) {
- boolean rc = false;
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(MAKEFILE_FUNCTION,
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
- if (variableMatcher.find()) {
- rc = true;
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Check to see if the line contains an opening bracket.
- *
- * @param line
- * The line to check.
- * @return True if the line contains an opening bracket.
- */
- public static boolean containsOpener(String line) {
- boolean rc = false;
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\(|\\[|\\{)",
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
- if (variableMatcher.find()) {
- rc = true;
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Check if a line contains <<END. It is case-sensitive.
- *
- * @param line
- * The line to check.
- * @return True if the line contains <<END.
- */
- public static boolean containsBeginEND(String line) {
- boolean rc = false;
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(BEGIN_END);
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
- if (variableMatcher.find()) {
- rc = true;
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Check if a line is a simple assignment of a variable.
- *
- * @param line
- * The line to check.
- * @return True if the line is a simple assignment of a variable.
- */
- public static boolean matchesSimpleAssignment(String line) {
- boolean rc = false;
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(SIMPLE_ASSIGNMENT,
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
- if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
- rc = true;
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Check if a line is a simple assignment of a variable.
- *
- * @param line
- * The line to check.
- * @return True if the line is a simple assignment of a variable.
- */
- public static boolean matchesAssociativeAssignment(String line) {
- boolean rc = false;
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(ASSOCIATIVE_ASSIGNMENT,
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
- if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
- rc = true;
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Check if a line matches the END. It is case-sensitive.
- *
- * @param line
- * The line to check.
- * @return True if the line matches END.
- */
- public static boolean matchesEndEND(String line) {
- boolean rc = false;
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(END_END);
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
- if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
- rc = true;
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Check if a line matches the beginning of a block comment. It is
- * case-sensitive.
- *
- * @param line
- * The line to check.
- * @return True if the line matches the beginning of a block comment.
- */
- public static boolean matchesBeginBC(String line) {
- boolean rc = false;
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(BEGIN_BC);
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
- if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
- rc = true;
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Check if a line matches the end of a block comment (=cut). It is
- * case-sensitive.
- *
- * @param line
- * The line to check.
- * @return True if the line matches =cut.
- */
- public static boolean matchesEndBC(String line) {
- boolean rc = false;
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(END_BC);
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
- if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
- rc = true;
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Check if a line matches that of a line with a comment.
- *
- * @param line
- * The line to check.
- * @return True if the line matches that of a line with a comment.
- */
- public static boolean matchesLineWithComment(String line) {
- boolean rc = false;
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(LINE_WITH_COMMENT,
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
- if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
- rc = true;
- }
- return rc;
- }
+ /*
+ * Perl Regular Expressions
+ *
+ */
+ private static final String WHITE_SPACE = "(?:\\s+)";
+ private static final String COMMENT = "#.+"; // # comment
+ private static final String LINE_WITH_COMMENT = "(?:(.*)#.+)"; // line # comment
+ private static final String VARIABLE_PARAMS = "(?:my|local|our)";
+ private static final String WORD = "(\\b\\w+\\b)"; // variable
+ private static final String NON_WHITE_SPACE = "(\\S+)";
+ private static final String VARIABLE = "(?:" + VARIABLE_PARAMS
+ + WHITE_SPACE + ")?(?:\\$|@|%)" + WORD + WHITE_SPACE + "?"; // %variable | my $variable | our @variable
+ private static final String ASSOCIATIVE_KEY = WHITE_SPACE + "?"
+ private static final String EXCLUDE_SPECIALS = "(?![=~|\\-\\*\\+\\/])";
+ private static final String NON_CONDITIONAL = "(?!(?:\\s*if|elsif|unless))";
+ private static final String ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR = "=";
+ private static final String ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATOR = "=>";
+ private static final String SIMPLE_ASSIGNMENT = NON_CONDITIONAL
+ + EXCLUDE_SPECIALS + "(?:(.+))"; // %var = value || [1] = [2]
+ + ASSOCIATIVE_OPERATOR + "(?:(.+))"; // 'key' => 'value' || [1] => [2]
+ private static final String FUNCTION = "\\s*" + WORD
+ + "*\\s*?\\((.*)\\)\\s*"; // foo(bar) | foo(foo(bar)) | foo() || [1]([2])
+ private static final String BEGIN_END = "(?:[^#]*<<END)"; // [CS] test<<END | <<END
+ private static final String END_END = "^END$"; // [CS]
+ private static final String BEGIN_BC = "^=(?!cut)[a-z]\\S+(\\s)?\\S+"; // [CS] =test | =test test
+ private static final String END_BC = "^=cut$"; // [CS]
+ private static final String MAKEFILE_FUNCTION_NAME = "WriteMakefile";
+ private static final String MAKEFILE_FUNCTION = "^.*"
+ /*
+ * A few common opening characters and their closing counterparts
+ *
+ */
+ private static final Map<Character, Character> SURROUNDING_CHARACTER;
+ static {
+ Map<Character, Character> aMap = new HashMap<>();
+ aMap.put('[', ']');
+ aMap.put('{', '}');
+ aMap.put('(', ')');
+ aMap.put(']', '[');
+ aMap.put('}', '{');
+ aMap.put(')', '(');
+ SURROUNDING_CHARACTER = Collections.unmodifiableMap(aMap);
+ }
+ private static final char SQUARE_BRACKET = '[';
+ private static final char CURLY_BRACKET = '{';
+ private static final char ROUND_BRACKET = '(';
+ private static final int IN_BRACKETS = 0x00000001;
+ private static final int MAKE_FUNCTION = 0x00000002;
+ private IFile file;
+ private Map<String, String> mVariableDefinitions;
+ private Map<String, String> mMakefileDefinitions;
+ /**
+ * Initialize.
+ *
+ * @param file
+ * The perl Makefile.
+ * @throws CoreException
+ * Throws CoreException.
+ * @throws IOException
+ * Throws IOException.
+ */
+ public PerlMakefileParser(IFile file) throws IOException, CoreException {
+ mVariableDefinitions = new HashMap<>();
+ mMakefileDefinitions = new HashMap<>();
+ if (file.getContents().available() <= 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.file = file;
+ parse();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse the perl Makefile.
+ *
+ */
+ public void parse() {
+ String content = "";
+ String line = "";
+ try (Scanner variableScanner = new Scanner(file.getContents())) {
+ grabSimpleDefinitions(cleanUpContent(variableScanner));
+ cleanupVariables(mVariableDefinitions);
+ resolveVariables(mVariableDefinitions);
+ /*
+ * Going through the makefile function's attributes
+ */
+ if (!mVariableDefinitions.containsKey(MAKEFILE_FUNCTION_NAME)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ try (Scanner makefileScanner = new Scanner(
+ mVariableDefinitions.get(MAKEFILE_FUNCTION_NAME))) {
+ makefileScanner.useDelimiter("(?<=,)");
+ ArrayList<String> makefileList = new ArrayList<>();
+ while (makefileScanner.hasNext()) {
+ line =;
+ if (matchesAssociativeAssignment(line)) {
+ makefileList.add(line);
+ } else if (!makefileList.isEmpty()) {
+ makefileList.set(makefileList.size() - 1, makefileList
+ .get(makefileList.size() - 1).concat(line));
+ }
+ }
+ for (String str : makefileList) {
+ content = content.concat(str + '\n');
+ }
+ grabAssociativeDefinitions(content);
+ cleanupVariables(mMakefileDefinitions);
+ resolveVariables(mMakefileDefinitions);
+ }
+ variableScanner.close();
+ } catch (CoreException e) {
+ StubbyLog.logError(e);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the value of the variable.
+ *
+ * @param key The variable to get the value of.
+ * @return The value of the variable.
+ */
+ public String getValue(String key) {
+ String rc = "";
+ if (mMakefileDefinitions.containsKey(key)) {
+ rc = mMakefileDefinitions.get(key);
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the list of values from the variable.
+ *
+ * @param key The variable to get the value of.
+ * @return The list of values from the variable.
+ */
+ public List<String> getValueList(String key) {
+ List<String> rc = new ArrayList<>();
+ String var = "";
+ String[] tmp = {};
+ if (mMakefileDefinitions.containsKey(key)) {
+ var = mMakefileDefinitions.get(key);
+ tmp = var.split(",");
+ for (String str : tmp) {
+ str = cleanUpString(str);
+ rc.add(str);
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Grab the simple key->value pairs from some content.
+ *
+ * @param content
+ * The content to grab the key->value pairs from.
+ */
+ private void grabSimpleDefinitions(String content) {
+ try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(content)) {
+ Stack<Character> brackets = new Stack<>();
+ String key = "";
+ String value = "";
+ String tempVar = "";
+ String line = "";
+ String[] tmp;
+ int flags = 0;
+ while (scanner.hasNext()) {
+ line = scanner.nextLine();
+ if (matchesSimpleAssignment(line)) {
+ tmp = line.split("=");
+ key = removeVariableSigils(tmp[0]).toLowerCase()
+ .replaceAll("\\W", "");
+ value = tmp[1];
+ if (containsOpener(value)) {
+ flags |= IN_BRACKETS;
+ } else {
+ mVariableDefinitions.put(key, value);
+ }
+ } else if (containsMakefileFunction(line)) {
+ flags |= MAKE_FUNCTION;
+ flags |= IN_BRACKETS;
+ }
+ if ((flags & IN_BRACKETS) == IN_BRACKETS) {
+ checkBrackets(brackets, line);
+ tempVar = tempVar.concat(line.trim());
+ if (brackets.isEmpty()) {
+ if ((flags & MAKE_FUNCTION) == MAKE_FUNCTION) {
+ mVariableDefinitions
+ .putAll(extractFunction(tempVar));
+ } else {
+ tmp = tempVar.split("=[^>]");
+ key = removeVariableSigils(tmp[0]).toLowerCase()
+ .replaceAll("\\W", "");
+ value = tmp[1];
+ mVariableDefinitions.put(key, value);
+ }
+ tempVar = "";
+ flags &= 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Grab the associative key=>value pairs from some content.
+ *
+ * @param content
+ * The content to grab the key=>value pairs from.
+ */
+ private void grabAssociativeDefinitions(String content) {
+ try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(content)) {
+ Stack<Character> brackets = new Stack<>();
+ String key = "";
+ String value = "";
+ String tempVar = "";
+ String line = "";
+ String[] tmp;
+ int flags = 0;
+ while (scanner.hasNext()) {
+ line = scanner.nextLine();
+ if (matchesAssociativeAssignment(line)
+ && (flags & IN_BRACKETS) != IN_BRACKETS) {
+ tmp = line.split("=>");
+ key = removeVariableSigils(tmp[0].toLowerCase().replaceAll(
+ "\\W", ""));
+ value = tmp[1];
+ if (containsOpener(value)) {
+ flags |= IN_BRACKETS;
+ } else {
+ mMakefileDefinitions.put(key, value);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((flags & IN_BRACKETS) == IN_BRACKETS) {
+ checkBrackets(brackets, line);
+ tempVar = tempVar.concat(line.trim());
+ if (brackets.isEmpty()) {
+ key = removeVariableSigils(tempVar
+ .substring(0, tempVar.indexOf("=>"))
+ .toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\W", ""));
+ value = tempVar.substring(tempVar.indexOf("=>") + 2,
+ tempVar.length());
+ mMakefileDefinitions.put(key, value);
+ tempVar = "";
+ flags &= 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if the line is within a set of brackets. Update the stack tracking
+ * bracket completeness.
+ *
+ * @param brackets
+ * The stack tracking the bracket completeness.
+ * @param line
+ * The line to parse for brackets.
+ */
+ public static void checkBrackets(Stack<Character> brackets, String line) {
+ for (char c : line.toCharArray()) {
+ brackets.push(c);
+ if (brackets.peek() == SURROUNDING_CHARACTER.get(c)
+ && !brackets.isEmpty()) {
+ brackets.pop();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Go through the map of key->value pairings and check and see if a key has
+ * another key as a value. If so, resolve that.
+ *
+ * @param variables
+ * The key->value pairings.
+ */
+ private void resolveVariables(Map<String, String> variables) {
+ String tempVal = "";
+ for (Entry<String,String> entry : variables.entrySet()) {
+ tempVal = entry.getValue();
+ if (mVariableDefinitions.containsKey(tempVal)) {
+ variables.put(entry.getKey(), mVariableDefinitions.get(tempVal));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extract the function name and the contents of the function and return it
+ * as a key->value pairing.
+ *
+ * @param line
+ * The line to extract the function from.
+ * @return The key->value pairing of function and parameter(s).
+ */
+ public static Map<String, String> extractFunction(String line) {
+ Map<String, String> rc = new HashMap<>();
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(FUNCTION, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
+ if (variableMatcher.find()) {
+ rc.put(,;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extract the key->value pairing from an associative assignment.
+ *
+ * @param line
+ * The line to extract the function from.
+ * @return The key->value pairing of function and parameter(s).
+ */
+ public static Map<String, String> extractKeyValueAssociation(String line) {
+ Map<String, String> rc = new HashMap<>();
+ String[] keyValue = {};
+ String key = "";
+ String value = "";
+ if (matchesAssociativeAssignment(line)) {
+ keyValue = line.split("=>");
+ key = cleanUpString(keyValue[0].toLowerCase());
+ value = cleanUpString(keyValue[1]);
+ rc.put(key, value);
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Utility to go through the map of variables to clean up their values.
+ *
+ * @param variables
+ * The map of variables to go through.
+ */
+ private static void cleanupVariables(Map<String, String> variables) {
+ String val = "";
+ for (Entry<String,String> entry : variables.entrySet()) {
+ val = cleanUpString(removeVariableSigils(entry.getValue()))
+ .trim();
+ if (val.startsWith("(") || val.startsWith("[")
+ || val.startsWith("{")) {
+ val = val.substring(1, val.length());
+ }
+ if (val.endsWith(")") || val.endsWith("]") || val.endsWith("}")) {
+ val = val.substring(0, val.length() - 1);
+ }
+ val = cleanUpString(val);
+ variables.put(entry.getKey(), val);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Utility to clean up the line of some unwanted characters.
+ *
+ * @param line
+ * The line to clean up.
+ * @return The cleaned up version of the line.
+ */
+ private static String cleanUpString(String line) {
+ String rc = "";
+ line = line.trim().replaceAll("('|\")", "");
+ if (line.endsWith(";")) {
+ line = line.substring(0, line.length() - 1);
+ }
+ if (line.endsWith(",")) {
+ line = line.substring(0, line.length() - 1);
+ }
+ rc = line;
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove the variable sigils.
+ *
+ * @param variable
+ * The variable to remove sigils from.
+ * @return A word only variable with no sigils.
+ */
+ public static String removeVariableSigils(String variable) {
+ return variable
+ .replaceAll(
+ "(\\bmy\\b|\\bour\\b|\\blocal\\b|(\\\\)?\\$|(\\\\)?@|(\\\\)?%)",
+ "");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clean up the contents of the file and remove all the comments, END
+ * blocks, and block comments.
+ *
+ * @param scanner
+ * The scanner of the file to be read.
+ * @return The cleaned up content.
+ */
+ private static String cleanUpContent(Scanner scanner) {
+ String rc = "";
+ String line = "";
+ boolean flagEND = true;
+ boolean flagBC = true;
+ while (scanner.hasNext()) {
+ line = scanner.nextLine();
+ // ignore lines between ENDS
+ if (containsBeginEND(line)) {
+ flagEND = false;
+ } else if (matchesEndEND(line)) {
+ line = scanner.nextLine();
+ flagEND = true; // true
+ }
+ // ignore lines between =someword and =cut
+ if (matchesBeginBC(line)) {
+ flagBC = false;
+ } else if (matchesEndBC(line)) {
+ line = scanner.nextLine();
+ flagBC = true;
+ }
+ // remove the comments
+ if (matchesLineWithComment(line)) {
+ line = line.replaceAll(COMMENT, "");
+ }
+ // if not empty line or within comment/END block
+ if (flagEND && flagBC && !line.trim().equals("")) {
+ rc = rc.concat(line + '\n');
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if a line contains a function.
+ *
+ * @param line
+ * The line to check.
+ * @return True if the line contains a function.
+ */
+ public static boolean containsFunction(String line) {
+ boolean rc = false;
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(FUNCTION, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
+ if (variableMatcher.find()) {
+ rc = true;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check to see if the line contains the WriteMakefile function.
+ *
+ * @param line
+ * The line to check.
+ * @return True if the line contains the WriteMakefile function.
+ */
+ public static boolean containsMakefileFunction(String line) {
+ boolean rc = false;
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(MAKEFILE_FUNCTION,
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
+ if (variableMatcher.find()) {
+ rc = true;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check to see if the line contains an opening bracket.
+ *
+ * @param line
+ * The line to check.
+ * @return True if the line contains an opening bracket.
+ */
+ public static boolean containsOpener(String line) {
+ boolean rc = false;
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\(|\\[|\\{)",
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
+ if (variableMatcher.find()) {
+ rc = true;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if a line contains <<END. It is case-sensitive.
+ *
+ * @param line
+ * The line to check.
+ * @return True if the line contains <<END.
+ */
+ public static boolean containsBeginEND(String line) {
+ boolean rc = false;
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(BEGIN_END);
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
+ if (variableMatcher.find()) {
+ rc = true;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if a line is a simple assignment of a variable.
+ *
+ * @param line
+ * The line to check.
+ * @return True if the line is a simple assignment of a variable.
+ */
+ public static boolean matchesSimpleAssignment(String line) {
+ boolean rc = false;
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(SIMPLE_ASSIGNMENT,
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
+ if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
+ rc = true;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if a line is a simple assignment of a variable.
+ *
+ * @param line
+ * The line to check.
+ * @return True if the line is a simple assignment of a variable.
+ */
+ public static boolean matchesAssociativeAssignment(String line) {
+ boolean rc = false;
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(ASSOCIATIVE_ASSIGNMENT,
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
+ if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
+ rc = true;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if a line matches the END. It is case-sensitive.
+ *
+ * @param line
+ * The line to check.
+ * @return True if the line matches END.
+ */
+ public static boolean matchesEndEND(String line) {
+ boolean rc = false;
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(END_END);
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
+ if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
+ rc = true;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if a line matches the beginning of a block comment. It is
+ * case-sensitive.
+ *
+ * @param line
+ * The line to check.
+ * @return True if the line matches the beginning of a block comment.
+ */
+ public static boolean matchesBeginBC(String line) {
+ boolean rc = false;
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(BEGIN_BC);
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
+ if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
+ rc = true;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if a line matches the end of a block comment (=cut). It is
+ * case-sensitive.
+ *
+ * @param line
+ * The line to check.
+ * @return True if the line matches =cut.
+ */
+ public static boolean matchesEndBC(String line) {
+ boolean rc = false;
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(END_BC);
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
+ if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
+ rc = true;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if a line matches that of a line with a comment.
+ *
+ * @param line
+ * The line to check.
+ * @return True if the line matches that of a line with a comment.
+ */
+ public static boolean matchesLineWithComment(String line) {
+ boolean rc = false;
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(LINE_WITH_COMMENT,
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
+ if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
+ rc = true;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/parser/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/parser/
index 77e9364269..2134a81272 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/parser/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/parser/
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
package org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.rpmstubby.parser;
import java.util.ArrayList;
@@ -31,353 +30,351 @@ import org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.rpmstubby.StubbyLog;
public class PythonEggParser {
- private Map<String, String> variables;
- private Map<String, String> setupOptions;
- private IFile file;
- /**
- * Initialize and then parse the file
- *
- * @param file The Python file
- * @throws CoreException Throws CoreException
- * @throws IOException Throws IOException
- */
- public PythonEggParser(IFile file) throws IOException, CoreException {
- setupOptions = new HashMap<>();
- variables = new HashMap<>();
- // end if file is empty or cannot get its contents
- if (file.getContents().available() <= 0) {
- return;
- }
- this.file = file;
- parse();
- }
- /**
- * Parse the contents of the Python file and grab
- * variables and meta-data from the setup(...) function
- *
- */
- public void parse() {
- String line = "";
- String setupLine = "";
- List<String> vars = new ArrayList<>();
- List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
- int offset = 0;
- try {
- RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file.getRawLocation().makeAbsolute().toFile(), "r");
- // end if cannot find setup(
- long bytesToSkip = findStartSetup(raf);
- if (bytesToSkip == -1) {
- return;
- }
- // end if the end of setup cannot be found
- long stop = findEndSetup(raf, bytesToSkip);
- if (stop == -1) {
- return;
- }
- while ((line = raf.readLine()) != null) {
- if (!line.trim().startsWith("#")) {
- if (isLineSimpleDefinition(line)) {
- vars.add(line);
- } else if (!vars.isEmpty() && vars.get(vars.size()-1).trim().endsWith("\\") && isLineContinuation(line)){
- offset = vars.get(vars.size()-1).lastIndexOf('\\');
- vars.set(vars.size() -1, vars.get(vars.size() - 1).substring(0, offset));
- vars.set(vars.size() - 1, vars.get(vars.size() - 1)
- .concat(line.trim()));
- }
- }
- }
- while ((line = raf.readLine()) != null && raf.getFilePointer() <= stop) {
- line = line.trim();
- if (!line.startsWith("#")) {
- if (setupLine.equals("")) {
- setupLine = line.trim();
- } else {
- setupLine = setupLine.concat(line.trim());
- }
- }
- }
- list = prepareSetupOptions(setupLine);
- for (String str : vars) {
- variables.putAll(parseLine(str));
- }
- for (String str : list) {
- setupOptions.putAll(parseLine(str));
- }
- resolveVariables(variables, setupOptions);
- raf.close();
- } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Check to see if the string passed in is a function
- *
- * @param str The string to check
- * @return True if the string matches the function regex
- */
- public boolean checkFunction(String str) {
- boolean rc = false;
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\s*\\w*\\s*?\\(.*\\)\\s*");
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(str);
- if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
- rc = true;
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Get the value of the variable
- *
- * @param key The variable to get the value of
- * @return The value of the variable
- */
- public String getValue(String key) {
- String rc = "";
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\s*\\((.+)\\)\\s*");
- Matcher variableMatcher = null;
- if (setupOptions.containsKey(key)) {
- rc = setupOptions.get(key).replaceAll("('|\")", "").trim();
- variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(rc);
- if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
- rc =;
- }
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Get the list of strings for a key.
- * Use with classifiers, platforms, install_requires, etc.
- *
- * @param key The variable to get the value of
- * @return The value of the variable
- */
- public List<String> getValueList(String key) {
- List<String> rc = new ArrayList<>();
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^\\[(.*)\\]");
- String[] temp = {};
- if (setupOptions.containsKey(key)) {
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(setupOptions.get(key).trim());
- if (variableMatcher.find()) {
- temp ="('|\")", "").split(",");
- for (String str : temp) {
- if (!str.isEmpty() && !str.trim().startsWith("#")) {
- rc.add(str.trim());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Prepare the setup options by returning each comma delimited option
- *
- * @param setupLine The single string containing all the setup options
- * @return A list of setup options
- */
- private static List<String> prepareSetupOptions(String setupLine) {
- List<String> rc = new ArrayList<>();
- String[] tempList = {};
- // match the setup(...) pattern
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\bsetup\\b(\\s+)?\\((.*)\\)");
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(setupLine);
- if (variableMatcher.find()) {
- setupLine =;
- }
- tempList = setupLine.split("(?=,)");
- for (String str : tempList) {
- if (isOptionLineKeyValuePair(str) && !str.trim().startsWith("#")) {
- if (str.startsWith(",")) {
- str = str.substring(1, str.length()).trim();
- }
- rc.add(str);
- } else if (!str.trim().startsWith("#") && !rc.isEmpty()) {
- rc.set(rc.size() - 1, rc.get(rc.size() - 1).concat(str.trim()));
- }
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Resolves the setup option variables if they are referencing a
- * define from outside the setup() function.
- *
- * @param variables The variables outside the setup() function
- * @param options The options to be resolved within the setup() function
- */
- private static void resolveVariables(Map<String, String> variables, Map<String, String> options) {
- for (Entry<String, String> entry : options.entrySet()) {
- if (variables.containsKey(entry.getValue())) {
- options.put(entry.getKey(), variables.get(entry.getValue()));
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Check to see if the line in setup option is a new key->value pair
- *
- * @param line Line to check
- * @return True if the line contains a key->value
- */
- private static boolean isOptionLineKeyValuePair(String line) {
- boolean rc = false;
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\w+)(\\s+)?=[^=].*");
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line.toLowerCase());
- if (variableMatcher.find()) {
- rc = true;
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Check to see if the line is a simple variable declaration (var=value)
- *
- * @param line Line to check
- * @return True if it is a simple variable declaration
- */
- private static boolean isLineSimpleDefinition(String line) {
- boolean rc = false;
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^(\\w+)(\\s+)?=(\\s+)?");
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line.toLowerCase());
- if (variableMatcher.find()) {
- rc = true;
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Check to see if the line is a continuation from the previous.
- * It is a continuation from the previous if it starts
- * with a ' or "
- *
- * @param line Line to check
- * @return True if the line is a continuation
- */
- private static boolean isLineContinuation(String line) {
- boolean rc = false;
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*[\'\"](/s+)?$");
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line.toLowerCase());
- if (variableMatcher.find()) {
- rc = true;
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Parse the line and split it into a key->value pair
- *
- * @param line The line to be parsed
- * @return The map containing the key->value pair
- */
- private static Map<String, String> parseLine(String line) {
- Map<String, String> rc = new HashMap<>();
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\s+)?(\\w+)(\\s+)?=(\\s+)?(.*)");
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
- if (variableMatcher.find()) {
- String value =;
- if (value.charAt(value.length()-1) == ',') {
- value = value.substring(0, value.length()-1);
- }
- rc.put(, value);
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Find the offset of when setup(...) starts
- *
- * @param reader The file reader
- * @return The position of the start of setup(...
- * @throws IOException
- */
- private static long findStartSetup(RandomAccessFile reader) throws IOException {
- long rc = -1;
- long previous = 0;
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^\\bsetup\\b(\\s+)?(\\()?");
- Matcher variableMatcher = null;
- String line = "";
- while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null && rc == -1) {
- variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line.toLowerCase());
- if (variableMatcher.find()) {
- // get the previous line's file pointer location
- rc = previous;
- }
- previous = reader.getFilePointer();
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Find the offset of when setup(...) ends based on the
- * position AFTER the closing bracket of setup()
- *
- * @param reader The file reader
- * @param startPosition The position of the start of setup(...
- * @return The position of the end of setup ...)
- * @throws IOException
- */
- private static long findEndSetup(RandomAccessFile reader, long startPosition) throws IOException {
- int bracketCounter = 0;
- boolean flag = false;
- boolean stop = false;
- String line = "";
- while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null && stop == false) {
- for (char x : line.toCharArray()) {
- if (x == '(') {
- bracketCounter++;
- } else if (x == ')') {
- bracketCounter--;
- }
- if (flag && bracketCounter == 0) {
- stop = true;
- }
- // prevent ending prematurely
- if (bracketCounter != 0) {
- flag = true;
- }
- }
- }
- return reader.getFilePointer();
- }
+ private Map<String, String> variables;
+ private Map<String, String> setupOptions;
+ private IFile file;
+ /**
+ * Initialize and then parse the file
+ *
+ * @param file The Python file
+ * @throws CoreException Throws CoreException
+ * @throws IOException Throws IOException
+ */
+ public PythonEggParser(IFile file) throws IOException, CoreException {
+ setupOptions = new HashMap<>();
+ variables = new HashMap<>();
+ // end if file is empty or cannot get its contents
+ if (file.getContents().available() <= 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.file = file;
+ parse();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse the contents of the Python file and grab
+ * variables and meta-data from the setup(...) function
+ *
+ */
+ public void parse() {
+ String line = "";
+ String setupLine = "";
+ List<String> vars = new ArrayList<>();
+ List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
+ int offset = 0;
+ try {
+ RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file.getRawLocation().makeAbsolute().toFile(), "r");
+ // end if cannot find setup(
+ long bytesToSkip = findStartSetup(raf);
+ if (bytesToSkip == -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // end if the end of setup cannot be found
+ long stop = findEndSetup(raf, bytesToSkip);
+ if (stop == -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ while ((line = raf.readLine()) != null) {
+ if (!line.trim().startsWith("#")) {
+ if (isLineSimpleDefinition(line)) {
+ vars.add(line);
+ } else if (!vars.isEmpty() && vars.get(vars.size()-1).trim().endsWith("\\") && isLineContinuation(line)){
+ offset = vars.get(vars.size()-1).lastIndexOf('\\');
+ vars.set(vars.size() -1, vars.get(vars.size() - 1).substring(0, offset));
+ vars.set(vars.size() - 1, vars.get(vars.size() - 1)
+ .concat(line.trim()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while ((line = raf.readLine()) != null && raf.getFilePointer() <= stop) {
+ line = line.trim();
+ if (!line.startsWith("#")) {
+ if (setupLine.equals("")) {
+ setupLine = line.trim();
+ } else {
+ setupLine = setupLine.concat(line.trim());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ list = prepareSetupOptions(setupLine);
+ for (String str : vars) {
+ variables.putAll(parseLine(str));
+ }
+ for (String str : list) {
+ setupOptions.putAll(parseLine(str));
+ }
+ resolveVariables(variables, setupOptions);
+ raf.close();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ StubbyLog.logError(e);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check to see if the string passed in is a function
+ *
+ * @param str The string to check
+ * @return True if the string matches the function regex
+ */
+ public boolean checkFunction(String str) {
+ boolean rc = false;
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\s*\\w*\\s*?\\(.*\\)\\s*");
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(str);
+ if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
+ rc = true;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the value of the variable
+ *
+ * @param key The variable to get the value of
+ * @return The value of the variable
+ */
+ public String getValue(String key) {
+ String rc = "";
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\s*\\((.+)\\)\\s*");
+ Matcher variableMatcher = null;
+ if (setupOptions.containsKey(key)) {
+ rc = setupOptions.get(key).replaceAll("('|\")", "").trim();
+ variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(rc);
+ if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
+ rc =;
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the list of strings for a key.
+ * Use with classifiers, platforms, install_requires, etc.
+ *
+ * @param key The variable to get the value of
+ * @return The value of the variable
+ */
+ public List<String> getValueList(String key) {
+ List<String> rc = new ArrayList<>();
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^\\[(.*)\\]");
+ String[] temp = {};
+ if (setupOptions.containsKey(key)) {
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(setupOptions.get(key).trim());
+ if (variableMatcher.find()) {
+ temp ="('|\")", "").split(",");
+ for (String str : temp) {
+ if (!str.isEmpty() && !str.trim().startsWith("#")) {
+ rc.add(str.trim());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prepare the setup options by returning each comma delimited option
+ *
+ * @param setupLine The single string containing all the setup options
+ * @return A list of setup options
+ */
+ private static List<String> prepareSetupOptions(String setupLine) {
+ List<String> rc = new ArrayList<>();
+ String[] tempList = {};
+ // match the setup(...) pattern
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\bsetup\\b(\\s+)?\\((.*)\\)");
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(setupLine);
+ if (variableMatcher.find()) {
+ setupLine =;
+ }
+ tempList = setupLine.split("(?=,)");
+ for (String str : tempList) {
+ if (isOptionLineKeyValuePair(str) && !str.trim().startsWith("#")) {
+ if (str.startsWith(",")) {
+ str = str.substring(1, str.length()).trim();
+ }
+ rc.add(str);
+ } else if (!str.trim().startsWith("#") && !rc.isEmpty()) {
+ rc.set(rc.size() - 1, rc.get(rc.size() - 1).concat(str.trim()));
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Resolves the setup option variables if they are referencing a
+ * define from outside the setup() function.
+ *
+ * @param variables The variables outside the setup() function
+ * @param options The options to be resolved within the setup() function
+ */
+ private static void resolveVariables(Map<String, String> variables, Map<String, String> options) {
+ for (Entry<String, String> entry : options.entrySet()) {
+ if (variables.containsKey(entry.getValue())) {
+ options.put(entry.getKey(), variables.get(entry.getValue()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check to see if the line in setup option is a new key->value pair
+ *
+ * @param line Line to check
+ * @return True if the line contains a key->value
+ */
+ private static boolean isOptionLineKeyValuePair(String line) {
+ boolean rc = false;
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\w+)(\\s+)?=[^=].*");
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line.toLowerCase());
+ if (variableMatcher.find()) {
+ rc = true;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check to see if the line is a simple variable declaration (var=value)
+ *
+ * @param line Line to check
+ * @return True if it is a simple variable declaration
+ */
+ private static boolean isLineSimpleDefinition(String line) {
+ boolean rc = false;
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^(\\w+)(\\s+)?=(\\s+)?");
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line.toLowerCase());
+ if (variableMatcher.find()) {
+ rc = true;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check to see if the line is a continuation from the previous.
+ * It is a continuation from the previous if it starts
+ * with a ' or "
+ *
+ * @param line Line to check
+ * @return True if the line is a continuation
+ */
+ private static boolean isLineContinuation(String line) {
+ boolean rc = false;
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*[\'\"](/s+)?$");
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line.toLowerCase());
+ if (variableMatcher.find()) {
+ rc = true;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse the line and split it into a key->value pair
+ *
+ * @param line The line to be parsed
+ * @return The map containing the key->value pair
+ */
+ private static Map<String, String> parseLine(String line) {
+ Map<String, String> rc = new HashMap<>();
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\s+)?(\\w+)(\\s+)?=(\\s+)?(.*)");
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
+ if (variableMatcher.find()) {
+ String value =;
+ if (value.charAt(value.length()-1) == ',') {
+ value = value.substring(0, value.length()-1);
+ }
+ rc.put(, value);
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Find the offset of when setup(...) starts
+ *
+ * @param reader The file reader
+ * @return The position of the start of setup(...
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ private static long findStartSetup(RandomAccessFile reader) throws IOException {
+ long rc = -1;
+ long previous = 0;
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^\\bsetup\\b(\\s+)?(\\()?");
+ Matcher variableMatcher = null;
+ String line = "";
+ while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null && rc == -1) {
+ variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line.toLowerCase());
+ if (variableMatcher.find()) {
+ // get the previous line's file pointer location
+ rc = previous;
+ }
+ previous = reader.getFilePointer();
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Find the offset of when setup(...) ends based on the
+ * position AFTER the closing bracket of setup()
+ *
+ * @param reader The file reader
+ * @param startPosition The position of the start of setup(...
+ * @return The position of the end of setup ...)
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ private static long findEndSetup(RandomAccessFile reader, long startPosition) throws IOException {
+ int bracketCounter = 0;
+ boolean flag = false;
+ boolean stop = false;
+ String line = "";
+ while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null && stop == false) {
+ for (char x : line.toCharArray()) {
+ if (x == '(') {
+ bracketCounter++;
+ } else if (x == ')') {
+ bracketCounter--;
+ }
+ if (flag && bracketCounter == 0) {
+ stop = true;
+ }
+ // prevent ending prematurely
+ if (bracketCounter != 0) {
+ flag = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return reader.getFilePointer();
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/parser/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/parser/
index 12aff68845..c94f1a9428 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/parser/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/parser/
@@ -24,425 +24,423 @@ import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.rpmstubby.StubbyLog;
- * Class to parse a Ruby gemspec to grab specfile properties
- *
+ * Class to parse a Ruby gemspec to grab specfile properties.
public class RubyGemParser {
- private IFile file;
- private String gemVariable;
- private Map<String, List<String>> mSetupDefinitions;
- private Map<String, ArrayList<String>> mSetupDependencies;
- private static final String SETUP_START = "^gem[:\\.]{1,2}specification[:\\.]{1,2}new(\\s+)?do(\\s+)?\\|(\\s+)?(\\w+)(\\s+)?\\|";
- private static final String STRING = "(?:\\\"([^\\\"]+)\\\"|'([^']+)'|(?:%q|%Q)(?:([^\\w])([^/3].+)[^\\w]))"; // (%q|%Q) "value" | 'value' | {value}
- private static final String LIST = "(?!%q|%Q)(?:%w|%W)?(?:([\\W])(.+)[\\W])"; // (%w|%W) [value, value2] | {"value", "value2"}
- private static final String STRING_LIST = "(?:\\\"([^\\\"]+)\\\"|'([^']+)')(?:[, ])??"; // "test", "test2" | 'test' 'test2'
- private static final String GENERIC_LIST = "(?:\\S+)(?:\\s+)??"; // test, test2 | test test2
- private static final String REPLACE_ME = "(%REPLACE_ME)";
- private String simpleDefineRx = "(\\s+)?(?!#)(?:\\b(%REPLACE_ME)\\b\\.(\\w+))(\\s+)?=(?!=)(\\s+)?(.*)"; // gem.variable = ...
- private String genericDefineRx = "(\\s+)?(?!#)(?:\\b(%REPLACE_ME)\\b\\.(\\w+))(\\s+)?(.*)"; // gem.variable...
- private String simpleFunctionRx = "(\\s+)?(?!#)(?:\\b(%REPLACE_ME)\\b\\.(\\w+))(\\s+)?(?:\\((.*)\\))(.*)?"; // gem.variable(...)
- /**
- * Initialize
- *
- * @param file
- * The gemspec file
- * @throws IOException Could not read from file
- * @throws CoreException File is not valid
- */
- public RubyGemParser(IFile file) throws IOException, CoreException {
- mSetupDefinitions = new HashMap<>();
- mSetupDependencies = new HashMap<>();
- if (file.getContents().available() <= 0) {
- return;
- }
- this.file = file;
- gemVariable = "";
- parse();
- }
- /**
- * Parse the Ruby gemspec file
- *
- */
- public void parse() {
- List<String> rawSetupDefinitions = new ArrayList<>();
- List<String> lSetupDefinitions = new ArrayList<>();
- String line = "";
- long startPos;
- long endPos;
- try (RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file.getRawLocation()
- .makeAbsolute().toFile(), "r")) {
- startPos = findStart(raf);
- endPos = findEnd(raf, startPos);
- while ((line = raf.readLine()) != null
- && raf.getFilePointer() < endPos) {
- rawSetupDefinitions.add(line);
- }
- lSetupDefinitions = prepareOptions(rawSetupDefinitions);
- for (String str : lSetupDefinitions) {
- parseLine(str);
- }
- } catch (IOException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get the values taken from parsing the file as a list object
- *
- * @param key
- * The gemspec option to get the values for
- * @return The values of the gemspec option
- */
- public List<String> getValueList(String key) {
- List<String> rc = new ArrayList<>();
- if (mSetupDependencies.containsKey(key)) {
- if (!mSetupDependencies.get(key).isEmpty()) {
- for (String element : mSetupDependencies.get(key)) {
- rc.add(element);
- }
- }
- } else if (mSetupDefinitions.containsKey(key)) {
- if (!mSetupDefinitions.get(key).isEmpty()) {
- for (String element : mSetupDefinitions.get(key)) {
- rc.add(element);
- }
- }
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Parses a line to figure out what type of line it is
- *
- * @param str
- * The line to parse
- */
- private void parseLine(String str) {
- if (str.matches(simpleDefineRx)) {
- parseSimpleDefine(str);
- } else if (str.matches(simpleFunctionRx)) {
- parseSimpleFunction(str);
- } else if (str.matches(genericDefineRx)) {
- parseGenericOption(str);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Parses a string to figure its value
- *
- * @param str
- * The string parse
- * @return A list of objects that was found
- */
- private static List<String> parseValue(String str) {
- List<String> rc = new ArrayList<>();
- String temp = str.trim();
- Pattern pattern = null;
- Matcher variableMatcher = null;
- if (temp.matches(STRING)) {
- pattern = Pattern.compile(STRING,
- variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(temp);
- // "" matches group 1
- if (temp.startsWith("\"") && variableMatcher.matches()) {
- rc.add(;
- } // '' matches group 2
- else if (temp.startsWith("'") && variableMatcher.matches()) {
- rc.add(;
- } // %q|%Q match
- else if ((temp.startsWith("%q") || temp.startsWith("%Q"))
- && variableMatcher.matches()) {
- rc.add(;
- }
- } else if (temp.matches(LIST)) {
- pattern = Pattern.compile(LIST,
- variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(temp);
- if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
- rc.addAll(parseList(;
- }
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Parse the long string into a list
- *
- * @param str
- * The string to parse into a list
- * @return A list containing the found values
- */
- private static List<String> parseList(String str) {
- List<String> rc = new ArrayList<>();
- String temp = str.trim();
- Pattern pattern = isPatternFoundList(str);
- if (pattern == null) {
- return rc;
- }
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(temp);
- if (variableMatcher != null) {
- while (variableMatcher.find()) {
- rc.add(;
- }
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Check if the string is a list of string values e.g. ["test", "test2"] OR
- * ['test' 'test2']
- *
- * @param str
- * The string containing the list
- * @return The pattern of the string
- */
- private static Pattern isPatternFoundList(String str) {
- Pattern rc = Pattern.compile("");
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(STRING_LIST,
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(str);
- if (variableMatcher.find()) {
- rc = pattern;
- } else {
- rc = isGenericFoundList(str);
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Check if the string is a list of generic values (non-strings) e.g. [test,
- * test2] OR [test test2]
- *
- * @param str
- * The string containing the list
- * @return The pattern of the string
- */
- private static Pattern isGenericFoundList(String str) {
- Pattern rc = Pattern.compile("");
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(GENERIC_LIST,
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(str);
- if (variableMatcher.find()) {
- rc = pattern;
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Parse and grab the value of a simple define. The value taken is anything
- * after "gem.variable = ..."
- *
- * @param str
- * The simple define to parse
- */
- private void parseSimpleDefine(String str) {
- String temp = str.trim();
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(simpleDefineRx,
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(temp);
- if (variableMatcher.find()) {
- String optionName =;
- List<String> value = parseValue(variableMatcher
- .group(5));
- if (!value.isEmpty()) {
- mSetupDefinitions.put(optionName, value);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Parse and grab the value of a simple function. The value taken is
- * anything in "gem.variable(...)"
- *
- * @param str
- * The function to parse
- */
- private void parseSimpleFunction(String str) {
- String temp = str.trim();
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(simpleFunctionRx,
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(temp);
- if (variableMatcher.find()) {
- String functionName =;
- ArrayList<String> dependencies = new ArrayList<>();
- dependencies.add(;
- if (!mSetupDependencies.containsKey(functionName)) {
- mSetupDependencies.put(functionName, dependencies);
- } else {
- if (!mSetupDependencies.get(functionName).containsAll(
- dependencies)) {
- mSetupDependencies.get(functionName).addAll(dependencies);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Parse and grab the value of a generic option. The value taken is anything
- * after "gem.variable..."
- *
- * @param str
- * The option to parse
- */
- private void parseGenericOption(String str) {
- String temp = str.trim();
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(genericDefineRx,
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(temp);
- if (variableMatcher.find()) {
- String functionName =;
- ArrayList<String> dependencies = new ArrayList<>();
- dependencies.add(;
- if (!mSetupDependencies.containsKey(functionName)) {
- mSetupDependencies.put(functionName, dependencies);
- } else {
- if (!mSetupDependencies.get(functionName).containsAll(
- dependencies)) {
- mSetupDependencies.get(functionName).addAll(dependencies);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Prepare the options within the specification by taking multiple lines and
- * concatenating them to the option it belongs to
- *
- * @param list
- * The list of options in their raw form
- * @return A refined list of options with a single line for each option
- */
- private List<String> prepareOptions(List<String> list) {
- List<String> rc = new ArrayList<>();
- String temp = "";
- for (String str : list) {
- temp = str.trim();
- if (isLineValidOption(temp)) {
- rc.add(str);
- } else if (!temp.startsWith("#") && !rc.isEmpty()) {
- rc.set(rc.size() - 1, rc.get(rc.size() - 1).concat(str));
- }
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Check to see if the line being read is a valid option within the
- * specification
- *
- * @param line
- * The line to check
- * @return True if the option within the specification is valid
- */
- private boolean isLineValidOption(String line) {
- boolean rc = false;
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(genericDefineRx,
- Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
- if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
- rc = true;
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Find the offset of when the specification starts and also store the
- * gemVariable used in the specification
- *
- * @param reader
- * The file reader
- * @return The position of the start of the specification
- * @throws IOException
- */
- private long findStart(RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException {
- long rc = -1;
- Pattern pattern = Pattern
- .compile(
- Matcher variableMatcher = null;
- String line = "";
- while ((line = raf.readLine()) != null && rc == -1) {
- variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line.trim());
- if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
- setGemVariable(;
- rc = raf.getFilePointer();
- }
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Find the offset of when specification ends based on the position before
- * the end statement
- *
- * @param reader
- * The file reader
- * @param startPosition
- * The position of the start of the specification
- * @return The position of the end of the specification
- * @throws IOException
- */
- private static long findEnd(RandomAccessFile raf, long startPos)
- throws IOException {
- long rc = -1;
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^end", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
- Matcher variableMatcher = null;
- String line = "";
- while ((line = raf.readLine()) != null && rc == -1) {
- variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line.trim());
- if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
- rc = raf.getFilePointer();
- }
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the gemVariable taken from do |gemVariable|
- *
- * @param str
- * The variable to set the gemVariable as
- */
- private void setGemVariable(String str) {
- if (gemVariable.isEmpty()) {
- gemVariable = str.trim();
- simpleDefineRx = simpleDefineRx.replace(REPLACE_ME, gemVariable);
- simpleFunctionRx = simpleFunctionRx.replace(REPLACE_ME, gemVariable);
- genericDefineRx = genericDefineRx.replace(REPLACE_ME, gemVariable);
- }
- }
+ private IFile file;
+ private String gemVariable;
+ private Map<String, List<String>> mSetupDefinitions;
+ private Map<String, ArrayList<String>> mSetupDependencies;
+ private static final String SETUP_START = "^gem[:\\.]{1,2}specification[:\\.]{1,2}new(\\s+)?do(\\s+)?\\|(\\s+)?(\\w+)(\\s+)?\\|";
+ private static final String STRING = "(?:\\\"([^\\\"]+)\\\"|'([^']+)'|(?:%q|%Q)(?:([^\\w])([^/3].+)[^\\w]))"; // (%q|%Q) "value" | 'value' | {value}
+ private static final String LIST = "(?!%q|%Q)(?:%w|%W)?(?:([\\W])(.+)[\\W])"; // (%w|%W) [value, value2] | {"value", "value2"}
+ private static final String STRING_LIST = "(?:\\\"([^\\\"]+)\\\"|'([^']+)')(?:[, ])??"; // "test", "test2" | 'test' 'test2'
+ private static final String GENERIC_LIST = "(?:\\S+)(?:\\s+)??"; // test, test2 | test test2
+ private static final String REPLACE_ME = "(%REPLACE_ME)";
+ private String simpleDefineRx = "(\\s+)?(?!#)(?:\\b(%REPLACE_ME)\\b\\.(\\w+))(\\s+)?=(?!=)(\\s+)?(.*)"; // gem.variable = ...
+ private String genericDefineRx = "(\\s+)?(?!#)(?:\\b(%REPLACE_ME)\\b\\.(\\w+))(\\s+)?(.*)"; // gem.variable...
+ private String simpleFunctionRx = "(\\s+)?(?!#)(?:\\b(%REPLACE_ME)\\b\\.(\\w+))(\\s+)?(?:\\((.*)\\))(.*)?"; // gem.variable(...)
+ /**
+ * Initialize
+ *
+ * @param file
+ * The gemspec file
+ * @throws IOException Could not read from file
+ * @throws CoreException File is not valid
+ */
+ public RubyGemParser(IFile file) throws IOException, CoreException {
+ mSetupDefinitions = new HashMap<>();
+ mSetupDependencies = new HashMap<>();
+ if (file.getContents().available() <= 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.file = file;
+ gemVariable = "";
+ parse();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse the Ruby gemspec file
+ */
+ public void parse() {
+ List<String> rawSetupDefinitions = new ArrayList<>();
+ List<String> lSetupDefinitions = new ArrayList<>();
+ String line = "";
+ long startPos;
+ long endPos;
+ try (RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file.getRawLocation()
+ .makeAbsolute().toFile(), "r")) {
+ startPos = findStart(raf);
+ endPos = findEnd(raf, startPos);
+ while ((line = raf.readLine()) != null
+ && raf.getFilePointer() < endPos) {
+ rawSetupDefinitions.add(line);
+ }
+ lSetupDefinitions = prepareOptions(rawSetupDefinitions);
+ for (String str : lSetupDefinitions) {
+ parseLine(str);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ StubbyLog.logError(e);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the values taken from parsing the file as a list object
+ *
+ * @param key
+ * The gemspec option to get the values for
+ * @return The values of the gemspec option
+ */
+ public List<String> getValueList(String key) {
+ List<String> rc = new ArrayList<>();
+ if (mSetupDependencies.containsKey(key)) {
+ if (!mSetupDependencies.get(key).isEmpty()) {
+ for (String element : mSetupDependencies.get(key)) {
+ rc.add(element);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (mSetupDefinitions.containsKey(key)) {
+ if (!mSetupDefinitions.get(key).isEmpty()) {
+ for (String element : mSetupDefinitions.get(key)) {
+ rc.add(element);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parses a line to figure out what type of line it is
+ *
+ * @param str
+ * The line to parse
+ */
+ private void parseLine(String str) {
+ if (str.matches(simpleDefineRx)) {
+ parseSimpleDefine(str);
+ } else if (str.matches(simpleFunctionRx)) {
+ parseSimpleFunction(str);
+ } else if (str.matches(genericDefineRx)) {
+ parseGenericOption(str);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parses a string to figure its value
+ *
+ * @param str
+ * The string parse
+ * @return A list of objects that was found
+ */
+ private static List<String> parseValue(String str) {
+ List<String> rc = new ArrayList<>();
+ String temp = str.trim();
+ Pattern pattern = null;
+ Matcher variableMatcher = null;
+ if (temp.matches(STRING)) {
+ pattern = Pattern.compile(STRING,
+ variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(temp);
+ // "" matches group 1
+ if (temp.startsWith("\"") && variableMatcher.matches()) {
+ rc.add(;
+ } // '' matches group 2
+ else if (temp.startsWith("'") && variableMatcher.matches()) {
+ rc.add(;
+ } // %q|%Q match
+ else if ((temp.startsWith("%q") || temp.startsWith("%Q"))
+ && variableMatcher.matches()) {
+ rc.add(;
+ }
+ } else if (temp.matches(LIST)) {
+ pattern = Pattern.compile(LIST,
+ variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(temp);
+ if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
+ rc.addAll(parseList(;
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse the long string into a list
+ *
+ * @param str
+ * The string to parse into a list
+ * @return A list containing the found values
+ */
+ private static List<String> parseList(String str) {
+ List<String> rc = new ArrayList<>();
+ String temp = str.trim();
+ Pattern pattern = isPatternFoundList(str);
+ if (pattern == null) {
+ return rc;
+ }
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(temp);
+ if (variableMatcher != null) {
+ while (variableMatcher.find()) {
+ rc.add(;
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if the string is a list of string values e.g. ["test", "test2"] OR
+ * ['test' 'test2']
+ *
+ * @param str
+ * The string containing the list
+ * @return The pattern of the string
+ */
+ private static Pattern isPatternFoundList(String str) {
+ Pattern rc = Pattern.compile("");
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(STRING_LIST,
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(str);
+ if (variableMatcher.find()) {
+ rc = pattern;
+ } else {
+ rc = isGenericFoundList(str);
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if the string is a list of generic values (non-strings) e.g. [test,
+ * test2] OR [test test2]
+ *
+ * @param str
+ * The string containing the list
+ * @return The pattern of the string
+ */
+ private static Pattern isGenericFoundList(String str) {
+ Pattern rc = Pattern.compile("");
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(GENERIC_LIST,
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(str);
+ if (variableMatcher.find()) {
+ rc = pattern;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse and grab the value of a simple define. The value taken is anything
+ * after "gem.variable = ..."
+ *
+ * @param str
+ * The simple define to parse
+ */
+ private void parseSimpleDefine(String str) {
+ String temp = str.trim();
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(simpleDefineRx,
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(temp);
+ if (variableMatcher.find()) {
+ String optionName =;
+ List<String> value = parseValue(variableMatcher
+ .group(5));
+ if (!value.isEmpty()) {
+ mSetupDefinitions.put(optionName, value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse and grab the value of a simple function. The value taken is
+ * anything in "gem.variable(...)"
+ *
+ * @param str
+ * The function to parse
+ */
+ private void parseSimpleFunction(String str) {
+ String temp = str.trim();
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(simpleFunctionRx,
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(temp);
+ if (variableMatcher.find()) {
+ String functionName =;
+ ArrayList<String> dependencies = new ArrayList<>();
+ dependencies.add(;
+ if (!mSetupDependencies.containsKey(functionName)) {
+ mSetupDependencies.put(functionName, dependencies);
+ } else {
+ if (!mSetupDependencies.get(functionName).containsAll(
+ dependencies)) {
+ mSetupDependencies.get(functionName).addAll(dependencies);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse and grab the value of a generic option. The value taken is anything
+ * after "gem.variable..."
+ *
+ * @param str
+ * The option to parse
+ */
+ private void parseGenericOption(String str) {
+ String temp = str.trim();
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(genericDefineRx,
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(temp);
+ if (variableMatcher.find()) {
+ String functionName =;
+ ArrayList<String> dependencies = new ArrayList<>();
+ dependencies.add(;
+ if (!mSetupDependencies.containsKey(functionName)) {
+ mSetupDependencies.put(functionName, dependencies);
+ } else {
+ if (!mSetupDependencies.get(functionName).containsAll(
+ dependencies)) {
+ mSetupDependencies.get(functionName).addAll(dependencies);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prepare the options within the specification by taking multiple lines and
+ * concatenating them to the option it belongs to
+ *
+ * @param list
+ * The list of options in their raw form
+ * @return A refined list of options with a single line for each option
+ */
+ private List<String> prepareOptions(List<String> list) {
+ List<String> rc = new ArrayList<>();
+ String temp = "";
+ for (String str : list) {
+ temp = str.trim();
+ if (isLineValidOption(temp)) {
+ rc.add(str);
+ } else if (!temp.startsWith("#") && !rc.isEmpty()) {
+ rc.set(rc.size() - 1, rc.get(rc.size() - 1).concat(str));
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check to see if the line being read is a valid option within the
+ * specification
+ *
+ * @param line
+ * The line to check
+ * @return True if the option within the specification is valid
+ */
+ private boolean isLineValidOption(String line) {
+ boolean rc = false;
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(genericDefineRx,
+ Matcher variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line);
+ if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
+ rc = true;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Find the offset of when the specification starts and also store the
+ * gemVariable used in the specification
+ *
+ * @param reader
+ * The file reader
+ * @return The position of the start of the specification
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ private long findStart(RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException {
+ long rc = -1;
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern
+ .compile(
+ Matcher variableMatcher = null;
+ String line = "";
+ while ((line = raf.readLine()) != null && rc == -1) {
+ variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line.trim());
+ if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
+ setGemVariable(;
+ rc = raf.getFilePointer();
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Find the offset of when specification ends based on the position before
+ * the end statement
+ *
+ * @param reader
+ * The file reader
+ * @param startPosition
+ * The position of the start of the specification
+ * @return The position of the end of the specification
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ private static long findEnd(RandomAccessFile raf, long startPos)
+ throws IOException {
+ long rc = -1;
+ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^end", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
+ Matcher variableMatcher = null;
+ String line = "";
+ while ((line = raf.readLine()) != null && rc == -1) {
+ variableMatcher = pattern.matcher(line.trim());
+ if (variableMatcher.matches()) {
+ rc = raf.getFilePointer();
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the gemVariable taken from do |gemVariable|
+ *
+ * @param str
+ * The variable to set the gemVariable as
+ */
+ private void setGemVariable(String str) {
+ if (gemVariable.isEmpty()) {
+ gemVariable = str.trim();
+ simpleDefineRx = simpleDefineRx.replace(REPLACE_ME, gemVariable);
+ simpleFunctionRx = simpleFunctionRx.replace(REPLACE_ME, gemVariable);
+ genericDefineRx = genericDefineRx.replace(REPLACE_ME, gemVariable);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/parser/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/parser/
index f5ce306476..39d12e8038 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/parser/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/parser/
@@ -16,24 +16,24 @@ package org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.rpmstubby.parser;
public interface ValidLicenses {
- String GPL = "GPL";
- String ARTISTIC = "Artistic";
- String MIT = "MIT";
- String MPL = "MPL";
- String APACHE = "Apache";
- String PUBLIC_DOMAIN = "Public";
- String ZLIB = "zlib";
- String RICOH_SOURCE_CODE = "Ricoh";
- String VOVIDA_SOFTWARE = "Vovida";
- String INTEL_OPEN_SOURCE = "Intel";
- String LGPL = "LGPL";
- String BSD = "BSD";
- String QPL = "QPL";
- String IBM_PUBLIC = "IBM";
- String PHP = "PHP";
- String CVW = "CVW";
- String PYTHON = "Python";
- String JABBER_OPEN_SOURCE = "Jabber";
+ String GPL = "GPL";
+ String ARTISTIC = "Artistic";
+ String MIT = "MIT";
+ String MPL = "MPL";
+ String APACHE = "Apache";
+ String PUBLIC_DOMAIN = "Public";
+ String ZLIB = "zlib";
+ String RICOH_SOURCE_CODE = "Ricoh";
+ String VOVIDA_SOFTWARE = "Vovida";
+ String INTEL_OPEN_SOURCE = "Intel";
+ String LGPL = "LGPL";
+ String BSD = "BSD";
+ String QPL = "QPL";
+ String IBM_PUBLIC = "IBM";
+ String PHP = "PHP";
+ String CVW = "CVW";
+ String PYTHON = "Python";
+ String JABBER_OPEN_SOURCE = "Jabber";
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/
index a3fc90119e..02b2285d18 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ import org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby.InputType;
public class StubifyEggHandler extends StubifyHandler {
- @Override
- protected InputType getInputType() {
- return InputType.PYTHON_EGG;
- }
+ @Override
+ protected InputType getInputType() {
+ return InputType.PYTHON_EGG;
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/
index 562438cd32..81a2237347 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ import org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby.InputType;
public class StubifyFeatureHandler extends StubifyHandler {
- @Override
- protected InputType getInputType() {
- return InputType.ECLIPSE_FEATURE;
- }
+ @Override
+ protected InputType getInputType() {
+ return InputType.ECLIPSE_FEATURE;
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/
index 543d4d9702..66df8e0aa1 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ import org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby.InputType;
public class StubifyGemHandler extends StubifyHandler {
- @Override
- protected InputType getInputType() {
- return InputType.RUBY_GEM;
- }
+ @Override
+ protected InputType getInputType() {
+ return InputType.RUBY_GEM;
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/
index 63ad7b58c8..b33699e8e1 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/
@@ -27,28 +27,28 @@ import org.eclipse.ui.handlers.HandlerUtil;
public abstract class StubifyHandler extends AbstractHandler {
- protected abstract InputType getInputType();
+ protected abstract InputType getInputType();
- @Override
- public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) {
+ @Override
+ public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) {
- IFile featureFile = null;
- ISelection selection = HandlerUtil.getCurrentSelection(event);
- if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) {
- for (Object element : ((IStructuredSelection) selection).toList()) {
- if (element instanceof IFile) {
- featureFile = (IFile) element;
- } else if (element instanceof IAdaptable) {
- featureFile = (IFile) ((IAdaptable) element)
- .getAdapter(IFile.class);
- }
- if (featureFile != null) {
- Generator generator = new Generator(getInputType());
- generator.generate(featureFile);
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
+ IFile featureFile = null;
+ ISelection selection = HandlerUtil.getCurrentSelection(event);
+ if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) {
+ for (Object element : ((IStructuredSelection) selection).toList()) {
+ if (element instanceof IFile) {
+ featureFile = (IFile) element;
+ } else if (element instanceof IAdaptable) {
+ featureFile = (IFile) ((IAdaptable) element)
+ .getAdapter(IFile.class);
+ }
+ if (featureFile != null) {
+ Generator generator = new Generator(getInputType());
+ generator.generate(featureFile);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/
index 34f61c224c..fa519a495c 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ import org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby.InputType;
public class StubifyMakefilePLHandler extends StubifyHandler {
- @Override
- protected InputType getInputType() {
- return InputType.PERL_MAKEFILE;
- }
+ @Override
+ protected InputType getInputType() {
+ return InputType.PERL_MAKEFILE;
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/
index f31bcf97b0..efc3485fa6 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/internal/rpmstubby/popup/actions/
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ import org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby.InputType;
public class StubifyPomHandler extends StubifyHandler {
- @Override
- protected InputType getInputType() {
- return InputType.MAVEN_POM;
- }
+ @Override
+ protected InputType getInputType() {
+ return InputType.MAVEN_POM;
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/rpmstubby/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/rpmstubby/
index 9237be6329..f498bb0f0b 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/rpmstubby/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/rpmstubby/
@@ -21,48 +21,48 @@ import org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.rpmstubby.StubbyPomGenerator;
* Utility API for stubifying spec files for different input types.
- *
+ *
public class Generator {
- private InputType type;
+ private InputType type;
- /**
- * Creates the generator for the given input type.
- *
- * @param type
- * The input type for this generator.
- */
- public Generator(InputType type) {
- this.type = type;
- }
+ /**
+ * Creates the generator for the given input type.
+ *
+ * @param type
+ * The input type for this generator.
+ */
+ public Generator(InputType type) {
+ this.type = type;
+ }
- /**
- * Generate the spec file for the given input file.
- *
- * @param file
- * The input file.
- */
- public void generate(IFile file) {
- switch (type) {
- new StubbyGenerator(file).writeContent();
- break;
- case MAVEN_POM:
- new StubbyPomGenerator(file).writeContent();
- break;
- case PYTHON_EGG:
- new StubbyEggGenerator(file).writeContent();
- break;
- case RUBY_GEM:
- new StubbyGemGenerator(file).writeContent();
- break;
- new StubbyMakefilePLGenerator(file).writeContent();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
+ /**
+ * Generate the spec file for the given input file.
+ *
+ * @param file
+ * The input file.
+ */
+ public void generate(IFile file) {
+ switch (type) {
+ new StubbyGenerator(file).writeContent();
+ break;
+ case MAVEN_POM:
+ new StubbyPomGenerator(file).writeContent();
+ break;
+ case PYTHON_EGG:
+ new StubbyEggGenerator(file).writeContent();
+ break;
+ case RUBY_GEM:
+ new StubbyGemGenerator(file).writeContent();
+ break;
+ new StubbyMakefilePLGenerator(file).writeContent();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/rpmstubby/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/rpmstubby/
index fffca4aca1..32cc0e656e 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/rpmstubby/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/rpmstubby/
@@ -14,34 +14,34 @@ package org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby;
* Supported input types and file name patterns for the corresponding files.
- *
+ *
public enum InputType {
- /** Eclipse feature.xml file. */
- ECLIPSE_FEATURE("feature.xml"),
- /** Maven pom.xml file. */
- MAVEN_POM("pom.xml"),
- /** Python Egg file */
- /** Ruby *.gemspec file */
- RUBY_GEM("*.gemspec"),
- /** Perl Makefile.PL file */
- PERL_MAKEFILE("Makefile.PL");
+ /** Eclipse feature.xml file. */
+ ECLIPSE_FEATURE("feature.xml"),
+ /** Maven pom.xml file. */
+ MAVEN_POM("pom.xml"),
+ /** Python Egg file */
+ /** Ruby *.gemspec file */
+ RUBY_GEM("*.gemspec"),
+ /** Perl Makefile.PL file */
+ PERL_MAKEFILE("Makefile.PL");
- private String fileNamePattern;
+ private String fileNamePattern;
- private InputType(String fileName) {
- this.fileNamePattern = fileName;
- }
+ private InputType(String fileName) {
+ this.fileNamePattern = fileName;
+ }
- /**
- * Returns the file name pattern for the input type.
- *
- * @return The pattern for the file name e.g. feature.xml or pom.xml.
- */
- public String getFileNamePattern() {
- return fileNamePattern;
- }
+ /**
+ * Returns the file name pattern for the input type.
+ *
+ * @return The pattern for the file name e.g. feature.xml or pom.xml.
+ */
+ public String getFileNamePattern() {
+ return fileNamePattern;
+ }
diff --git a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/rpmstubby/ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/rpmstubby/
index 70abf96cc7..01cdd4c832 100644
--- a/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/rpmstubby/
+++ b/rpm/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpmstubby/src/org/eclipse/linuxtools/rpmstubby/
@@ -34,55 +34,55 @@ import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
public class RPMStubbyUtils {
- private DocumentBuilder builder;
- private XPath xPath;
- private static final String PARENT_NODE = "/project/parent";
+ private DocumentBuilder builder;
+ private XPath xPath;
+ private static final String PARENT_NODE = "/project/parent";
- /**
- * Constructor.
- *
- */
- public RPMStubbyUtils() {
- DocumentBuilderFactory builderFactory =
- DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
- builder = null;
- try {
- builder = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
- } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- }
- xPath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
- }
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ *
+ */
+ public RPMStubbyUtils() {
+ DocumentBuilderFactory builderFactory =
+ DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
+ builder = null;
+ try {
+ builder = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
+ } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
+ StubbyLog.logError(e);
+ }
+ xPath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
+ }
- /**
- * Find the parent pom.xml of a file by recursively checking
- * the current directory for the parent pom.xml and moving up
- * the directory structure if there is none.
- *
- * @param folderPath The container of the file to check.
- * @return The path of the parent pom. Null otherwise.
- */
- public boolean findPom(IPath folderPath) {
- IPath filePath = folderPath.append(new Path("pom.xml"));
- File file = filePath.toFile();
- boolean rc = false;
- if (file.exists()) {
- try {
- Document xmlDocument = builder.parse(new FileInputStream(file));
- String parent = xPath.compile(PARENT_NODE).evaluate(xmlDocument);
- if (!parent.equals("")) {
- rc = findPom(folderPath.removeLastSegments(1));
- } else {
- rc = true;
- }
- } catch (SAXException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- } catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
- StubbyLog.logError(e);
- }
- }
- return rc;
- }
+ /**
+ * Find the parent pom.xml of a file by recursively checking
+ * the current directory for the parent pom.xml and moving up
+ * the directory structure if there is none.
+ *
+ * @param folderPath The container of the file to check.
+ * @return The path of the parent pom. Null otherwise.
+ */
+ public boolean findPom(IPath folderPath) {
+ IPath filePath = folderPath.append(new Path("pom.xml"));
+ File file = filePath.toFile();
+ boolean rc = false;
+ if (file.exists()) {
+ try {
+ Document xmlDocument = builder.parse(new FileInputStream(file));
+ String parent = xPath.compile(PARENT_NODE).evaluate(xmlDocument);
+ if (!parent.equals("")) {
+ rc = findPom(folderPath.removeLastSegments(1));
+ } else {
+ rc = true;
+ }
+ } catch (SAXException e) {
+ StubbyLog.logError(e);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ StubbyLog.logError(e);
+ } catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
+ StubbyLog.logError(e);
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }

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