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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.model/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/rewrite/describing/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1229 deletions
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.model/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/rewrite/describing/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.model/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/rewrite/describing/
deleted file mode 100644
index cd4f7b7..0000000
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.model/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/rewrite/describing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1229 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.rewrite.describing;
-import java.util.List;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.IJavaScriptUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.IPackageFragment;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.AST;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.ASTNode;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.ArrayAccess;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.Assignment;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.Block;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.BooleanLiteral;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.CatchClause;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.ConditionalExpression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.ExpressionStatement;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.FieldAccess;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.FunctionDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.FunctionInvocation;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.InfixExpression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.JavaScriptUnit;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.NumberLiteral;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.ParenthesizedExpression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.PostfixExpression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.PrefixExpression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.ReturnStatement;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.SimpleName;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.SingleVariableDeclaration;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.StringLiteral;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.ThisExpression;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.TryStatement;
-import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.rewrite.ASTRewrite;
-public class ASTRewritingExpressionsTest extends ASTRewritingTest {
- private static final Class THIS= ASTRewritingExpressionsTest.class;
- public ASTRewritingExpressionsTest(String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- public static Test allTests() {
- return new Suite(THIS);
- }
- public static Test setUpTest(Test someTest) {
- TestSuite suite= new Suite("one test");
- suite.addTest(someTest);
- return suite;
- }
- public static Test suite() {
- return allTests();
- }
- public void testArrayAccess() throws Exception {
- IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("", false, null);
- StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append("function foo(o) {\n");
- buf.append(" o[3 /* comment*/ - 1]= this.o[3 - 1];\n");
- buf.append("}\n");
- buf.append("");
- IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
- JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST(cu);
- ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
- AST ast= astRoot.getAST();
- assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
- FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(astRoot, "foo");
- Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
- List statements= block.statements();
- assertTrue("Number of statements not 1", statements.size() == 1);
- { // replace left hand side index, replace right hand side index by left side index
- ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(0);
- Assignment assignment= (Assignment) stmt.getExpression();
- ArrayAccess left= (ArrayAccess) assignment.getLeftHandSide();
- ArrayAccess right= (ArrayAccess) assignment.getRightHandSide();
- NumberLiteral name= ast.newNumberLiteral("1");
- rewrite.replace(left.getIndex(), name, null);
- ASTNode placeHolder= rewrite.createCopyTarget(left.getIndex());
- rewrite.replace(right.getIndex(), placeHolder, null);
- SimpleName newName= ast.newSimpleName("o");
- rewrite.replace(right.getArray(), newName, null);
- }
- String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
- buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append("function foo(o) {\n");
- buf.append(" o[1]= o[3 /* comment*/ - 1];\n");
- buf.append("}\n");
- assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
- }
- public void testAssignment() throws Exception {
- IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
- StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append("function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" var i, j;\n");
- buf.append(" i= 0;\n");
- buf.append(" i-= j= 3;\n");
- buf.append("}\n");
- IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
- JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST(cu);
- ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
- AST ast= astRoot.getAST();
- assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
- FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(astRoot, "foo");
- Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
- List statements= block.statements();
- assertTrue("Number of statements not 3", statements.size() == 3);
- { // change left side & right side
- ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(1);
- Assignment assignment= (Assignment) stmt.getExpression();
- SimpleName name= ast.newSimpleName("j");
- rewrite.replace(assignment.getLeftHandSide(), name, null);
- FunctionInvocation invocation= ast.newFunctionInvocation();
- invocation.setName(ast.newSimpleName("goo"));
- invocation.setExpression(ast.newSimpleName("other"));
- rewrite.replace(assignment.getRightHandSide(), invocation, null);
- }
- { // change operator and operator of inner
- ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(2);
- Assignment assignment= (Assignment) stmt.getExpression();
- rewrite.set(assignment, Assignment.OPERATOR_PROPERTY, Assignment.Operator.DIVIDE_ASSIGN, null);
- Assignment inner= (Assignment) assignment.getRightHandSide();
- rewrite.set(inner, Assignment.OPERATOR_PROPERTY, Assignment.Operator.RIGHT_SHIFT_UNSIGNED_ASSIGN, null);
- }
- String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
- buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append("function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" var i, j;\n");
- buf.append(" j=;\n");
- buf.append(" i/= j>>>= 3;\n");
- buf.append("}\n");
- assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
- }
- public void testCatchClause() throws Exception {
- IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
- StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append("function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" try {\n");
- buf.append(" } catch (e) {\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- buf.append("}\n");
- IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
- JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST(cu);
- ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
- AST ast= astRoot.getAST();
- assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
- FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(astRoot, "foo");
- Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
- List statements= block.statements();
- assertTrue("Number of statements not 3", statements.size() == 1);
- List catchClauses= ((TryStatement) statements.get(0)).catchClauses();
- assertTrue("Number of catchClauses not 1", catchClauses.size() == 1);
- { // change exception type
- CatchClause clause= (CatchClause) catchClauses.get(0);
- SingleVariableDeclaration exception= clause.getException();
- SingleVariableDeclaration newException= ast.newSingleVariableDeclaration();
- newException.setName(ast.newSimpleName("ex"));
- rewrite.replace(exception, newException, null);
- }
- { // change body
- CatchClause clause= (CatchClause) catchClauses.get(0);
- Block body= clause.getBody();
- Block newBody= ast.newBlock();
- ReturnStatement returnStatement= ast.newReturnStatement();
- newBody.statements().add(returnStatement);
- rewrite.replace(body, newBody, null);
- }
- String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
- buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append("function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" try {\n");
- buf.append(" } catch (ex) {\n");
- buf.append(" return;\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- buf.append("}\n");
- assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
- }
-// /** @deprecated using deprecated code */
-// public void testClassInstanceCreation() throws Exception {
-// IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
-// StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
-// buf.append("package test1;\n");
-// buf.append("public class E {\n");
-// buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
-// buf.append(" goo().new Inner();\n");
-// buf.append(" new Runnable(\"Hello\") {\n");
-// buf.append(" public void run() {\n");
-// buf.append(" }\n");
-// buf.append(" };\n");
-// buf.append(" }\n");
-// buf.append("}\n");
-// IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
-// JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST(cu);
-// ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
-// AST ast= astRoot.getAST();
-// assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
-// TypeDeclaration type= findTypeDeclaration(astRoot, "E");
-// FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(type, "foo");
-// Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
-// List statements= block.statements();
-// assertTrue("Number of statements not 2", statements.size() == 2);
-// { // remove expression, change type name, add argument, add anonym decl
-// ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(0);
-// ClassInstanceCreation creation= (ClassInstanceCreation) stmt.getExpression();
-// rewrite.remove(creation.getExpression(), null);
-// SimpleName newName= ast.newSimpleName("NewInner");
-// rewrite.replace(creation.getName(), newName, null);
-// StringLiteral stringLiteral1= ast.newStringLiteral();
-// stringLiteral1.setLiteralValue("Hello");
-// rewrite.getListRewrite(creation, ClassInstanceCreation.ARGUMENTS_PROPERTY).insertLast(stringLiteral1, null);
-// StringLiteral stringLiteral2= ast.newStringLiteral();
-// stringLiteral2.setLiteralValue("World");
-// rewrite.getListRewrite(creation, ClassInstanceCreation.ARGUMENTS_PROPERTY).insertLast(stringLiteral2, null);
-// assertTrue("Has anonym class decl", creation.getAnonymousClassDeclaration() == null);
-// AnonymousClassDeclaration anonymDecl= ast.newAnonymousClassDeclaration();
-// FunctionDeclaration anonymMethDecl= createNewMethod(ast, "newMethod", false);
-// anonymDecl.bodyDeclarations().add(anonymMethDecl);
-// rewrite.set(creation, ClassInstanceCreation.ANONYMOUS_CLASS_DECLARATION_PROPERTY, anonymDecl, null);
-// }
-// { // add expression, remove argument, remove anonym decl
-// ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(1);
-// ClassInstanceCreation creation= (ClassInstanceCreation) stmt.getExpression();
-// assertTrue("Has expression", creation.getExpression() == null);
-// SimpleName newExpression= ast.newSimpleName("x");
-// rewrite.set(creation, ClassInstanceCreation.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY, newExpression, null);
-// List arguments= creation.arguments();
-// assertTrue("Must have 1 argument", arguments.size() == 1);
-// rewrite.remove((ASTNode) arguments.get(0), null);
-// rewrite.remove(creation.getAnonymousClassDeclaration(), null);
-// }
-// String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
-// buf= new StringBuffer();
-// buf.append("package test1;\n");
-// buf.append("public class E {\n");
-// buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
-// buf.append(" new NewInner(\"Hello\", \"World\") {\n");
-// buf.append(" private void newMethod(String str) {\n");
-// buf.append(" }\n");
-// buf.append(" };\n");
-// buf.append(" Runnable();\n");
-// buf.append(" }\n");
-// buf.append("}\n");
-// assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
-// }
-// public void testClassInstanceCreation2() throws Exception {
-// IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
-// StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
-// buf.append("package test1;\n");
-// buf.append("public class E<A> {\n");
-// buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
-// buf.append(" new Inner();\n");
-// buf.append(" new <A>Inner();\n");
-// buf.append(" new<A>Inner();\n");
-// buf.append(" new <A, A>Inner();\n");
-// buf.append(" }\n");
-// buf.append("}\n");
-// IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
-// JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST3(cu);
-// ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
-// AST ast= astRoot.getAST();
-// assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
-// TypeDeclaration type= findTypeDeclaration(astRoot, "E");
-// FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(type, "foo");
-// Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
-// List statements= block.statements();
-// assertTrue("Number of statements not 3", statements.size() == 4);
-// { // add type argument
-// ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(0);
-// ClassInstanceCreation creation= (ClassInstanceCreation) stmt.getExpression();
-// Type newTypeArg= ast.newSimpleType(ast.newSimpleName("A"));
-// ListRewrite listRewrite= rewrite.getListRewrite(creation, ClassInstanceCreation.TYPE_ARGUMENTS_PROPERTY);
-// listRewrite.insertFirst(newTypeArg, null);
-// }
-// { // remove type argument
-// ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(1);
-// ClassInstanceCreation creation= (ClassInstanceCreation) stmt.getExpression();
-// List typeArgs= creation.typeArguments();
-// rewrite.remove((ASTNode) typeArgs.get(0), null);
-// }
-// { // remove type argument
-// ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(2);
-// ClassInstanceCreation creation= (ClassInstanceCreation) stmt.getExpression();
-// List typeArgs= creation.typeArguments();
-// rewrite.remove((ASTNode) typeArgs.get(0), null);
-// }
-// { // add type argument to existing
-// ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(3);
-// ClassInstanceCreation creation= (ClassInstanceCreation) stmt.getExpression();
-// Type newTypeArg= ast.newSimpleType(ast.newSimpleName("String"));
-// ListRewrite listRewrite= rewrite.getListRewrite(creation, ClassInstanceCreation.TYPE_ARGUMENTS_PROPERTY);
-// listRewrite.insertLast(newTypeArg, null);
-// }
-// String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
-// buf= new StringBuffer();
-// buf.append("package test1;\n");
-// buf.append("public class E<A> {\n");
-// buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
-// buf.append(" new <A> Inner();\n");
-// buf.append(" new Inner();\n");
-// buf.append(" new Inner();\n");
-// buf.append(" new <A, A, String>Inner();\n");
-// buf.append(" }\n");
-// buf.append("}\n");
-// assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
-// }
- /** @deprecated using deprecated code */
- public void testConditionalExpression() throws Exception {
- IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
- StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" i= (k == 0) ? 1 : 2;\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
- JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST(cu);
- ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
- AST ast= astRoot.getAST();
- assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
-// TypeDeclaration type= findTypeDeclaration(astRoot, "E");
- FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(astRoot, "foo");
- Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
- List statements= block.statements();
- assertTrue("Number of statements not 1", statements.size() == 1);
- { // change compare expression, then expression & else expression
- ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(0);
- Assignment assignment= (Assignment) stmt.getExpression();
- ConditionalExpression condExpression= (ConditionalExpression) assignment.getRightHandSide();
- BooleanLiteral literal= ast.newBooleanLiteral(true);
- rewrite.replace(condExpression.getExpression(), literal, null);
- SimpleName newThenExpre= ast.newSimpleName("x");
- rewrite.replace(condExpression.getThenExpression(), newThenExpre, null);
- InfixExpression infixExpression= ast.newInfixExpression();
- infixExpression.setLeftOperand(ast.newNumberLiteral("1"));
- infixExpression.setRightOperand(ast.newNumberLiteral("2"));
- infixExpression.setOperator(InfixExpression.Operator.PLUS);
- rewrite.replace(condExpression.getElseExpression(), infixExpression, null);
- }
- String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
- buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" i= true ? x : 1 + 2;\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
- }
- /** @deprecated using deprecated code */
- public void testFieldAccess() throws Exception {
- IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
- StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" foo().i= goo().i;\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
- JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST(cu);
- ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
- AST ast= astRoot.getAST();
- assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
-// TypeDeclaration type= findTypeDeclaration(astRoot, "E");
- FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(astRoot, "foo");
- Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
- List statements= block.statements();
- assertTrue("Number of statements not 1", statements.size() == 1);
- { // replace field expression, replace field name
- ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(0);
- Assignment assignment= (Assignment) stmt.getExpression();
- FieldAccess leftFieldAccess= (FieldAccess) assignment.getLeftHandSide();
- FieldAccess rightFieldAccess= (FieldAccess) assignment.getRightHandSide();
- FunctionInvocation invocation= ast.newFunctionInvocation();
- invocation.setName(ast.newSimpleName("xoo"));
- rewrite.replace(leftFieldAccess.getExpression(), invocation, null);
- SimpleName newName= ast.newSimpleName("x");
- rewrite.replace(leftFieldAccess.getName(), newName, null);
- SimpleName rightHand= ast.newSimpleName("b");
- rewrite.replace(rightFieldAccess.getExpression(), rightHand, null);
- }
- String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
- buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" xoo().x= b.i;\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
- }
- /** @deprecated using deprecated code */
- public void testInfixExpression() throws Exception {
- IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
- StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" i= 1 + 2;\n");
- buf.append(" j= 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5;\n");
- buf.append(" k= 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5;\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
- JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST(cu);
- ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
- AST ast= astRoot.getAST();
- assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
-// TypeDeclaration type= findTypeDeclaration(astRoot, "E");
- FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(astRoot, "foo");
- Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
- List statements= block.statements();
- assertTrue("Number of statements not 3", statements.size() == 3);
- { // change left side & right side & operand
- ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(0);
- Assignment assignment= (Assignment) stmt.getExpression();
- InfixExpression expr= (InfixExpression) assignment.getRightHandSide();
- SimpleName leftOp= ast.newSimpleName("k");
- rewrite.replace(expr.getLeftOperand(), leftOp, null);
- SimpleName rightOp= ast.newSimpleName("j");
- rewrite.replace(expr.getRightOperand(), rightOp, null);
- // change operand
- rewrite.set(expr, InfixExpression.OPERATOR_PROPERTY, InfixExpression.Operator.MINUS, null);
- }
- { // remove an ext. operand, add one and replace one
- ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(1);
- Assignment assignment= (Assignment) stmt.getExpression();
- InfixExpression expr= (InfixExpression) assignment.getRightHandSide();
- List extendedOperands= expr.extendedOperands();
- assertTrue("Number of extendedOperands not 3", extendedOperands.size() == 3);
- rewrite.remove((ASTNode) extendedOperands.get(0), null);
- SimpleName newOp1= ast.newSimpleName("k");
- rewrite.replace((ASTNode) extendedOperands.get(1), newOp1, null);
- SimpleName newOp2= ast.newSimpleName("n");
- rewrite.getListRewrite(expr, InfixExpression.EXTENDED_OPERANDS_PROPERTY).insertLast(newOp2, null);
- }
- { // change operand
- ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(2);
- Assignment assignment= (Assignment) stmt.getExpression();
- InfixExpression expr= (InfixExpression) assignment.getRightHandSide();
- rewrite.set(expr, InfixExpression.OPERATOR_PROPERTY, InfixExpression.Operator.TIMES, null);
- }
- String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
- buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" i= k - j;\n");
- buf.append(" j= 1 + 2 + k + 5 + n;\n");
- buf.append(" k= 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5;\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
- }
-// /** @deprecated using deprecated code */
-// public void testInstanceofExpression() throws Exception {
-// IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
-// StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
-// buf.append("package test1;\n");
-// buf.append("public class E {\n");
-// buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
-// buf.append(" goo(k instanceof Vector);\n");
-// buf.append(" goo(k()instanceof Vector);\n");
-// buf.append(" }\n");
-// buf.append("}\n");
-// IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
-// JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST(cu);
-// ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
-// AST ast= astRoot.getAST();
-// assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
-// TypeDeclaration type= findTypeDeclaration(astRoot, "E");
-// FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(type, "foo");
-// Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
-// List statements= block.statements();
-// assertTrue("Number of statements not 2", statements.size() == 2);
-// { // change left side & right side
-// ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(0);
-// FunctionInvocation invocation= (FunctionInvocation) stmt.getExpression();
-// List arguments= invocation.arguments();
-// InstanceofExpression expr= (InstanceofExpression) arguments.get(0);
-// SimpleName name= ast.newSimpleName("x");
-// rewrite.replace(expr.getLeftOperand(), name, null);
-// Type newCastType= ast.newSimpleType(ast.newSimpleName("List"));
-// rewrite.replace(expr.getRightOperand(), newCastType, null);
-// }
-// { // change left side
-// ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(1);
-// FunctionInvocation invocation= (FunctionInvocation) stmt.getExpression();
-// List arguments= invocation.arguments();
-// InstanceofExpression expr= (InstanceofExpression) arguments.get(0);
-// SimpleName name= ast.newSimpleName("x");
-// rewrite.replace(expr.getLeftOperand(), name, null);
-// }
-// String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
-// buf= new StringBuffer();
-// buf.append("package test1;\n");
-// buf.append("public class E {\n");
-// buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
-// buf.append(" goo(x instanceof List);\n");
-// buf.append(" goo(x instanceof Vector);\n");
-// buf.append(" }\n");
-// buf.append("}\n");
-// assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
-// }
- /** @deprecated using deprecated code */
- public void testMethodInvocation() throws Exception {
- IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
- StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" foo(1, 2).goo();\n");
- buf.append(" foo(1, 2).goo();\n");
- buf.append(" foo(1, 2).goo();\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
- JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST(cu);
- ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
- AST ast= astRoot.getAST();
- assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
-// TypeDeclaration type= findTypeDeclaration(astRoot, "E");
- FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(astRoot, "foo");
- Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
- List statements= block.statements();
- assertTrue("Number of statements not 3", statements.size() == 3);
- { // remove expression, add param, change name
- ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(0);
- FunctionInvocation invocation= (FunctionInvocation) stmt.getExpression();
- rewrite.remove(invocation.getExpression(), null);
- SimpleName name= ast.newSimpleName("x");
- rewrite.replace(invocation.getName(), name, null);
- ASTNode arg= ast.newNumberLiteral("1");
- rewrite.getListRewrite(invocation, FunctionInvocation.ARGUMENTS_PROPERTY).insertLast(arg, null);
- }
- { // insert expression, delete params
- ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(1);
- FunctionInvocation invocation= (FunctionInvocation) stmt.getExpression();
- FunctionInvocation leftInvocation= (FunctionInvocation) invocation.getExpression();
- SimpleName newExpression= ast.newSimpleName("x");
- rewrite.set(leftInvocation, FunctionInvocation.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY, newExpression, null);
- List args= leftInvocation.arguments();
- rewrite.remove((ASTNode) args.get(0), null);
- rewrite.remove((ASTNode) args.get(1), null);
- }
- { // remove expression, add it as parameter
- ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(2);
- FunctionInvocation invocation= (FunctionInvocation) stmt.getExpression();
- ASTNode placeHolder= rewrite.createCopyTarget(invocation.getExpression());
- rewrite.set(invocation, FunctionInvocation.EXPRESSION_PROPERTY, null, null);
- rewrite.getListRewrite(invocation, FunctionInvocation.ARGUMENTS_PROPERTY).insertLast(placeHolder, null);
- }
- String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
- buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" x(1);\n");
- buf.append(";\n");
- buf.append(" goo(foo(1, 2));\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
- }
- /** @deprecated using deprecated code */
- public void testMethodParamsRenameReorder() throws Exception {
- if (true)
- return;
- IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
- StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function m( y, a) {\n");
- buf.append(" m(y, a);\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
- JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST(cu);
- ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
- AST ast= astRoot.getAST();
- assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
-// TypeDeclaration type= findTypeDeclaration(astRoot, "E");
- FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(astRoot, "m");
- Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
- List statements= block.statements();
- assertTrue("Number of statements not 1", statements.size() == 1);
- {
- //params
- List params= methodDecl.parameters();
- SingleVariableDeclaration firstParam= (SingleVariableDeclaration) params.get(0);
- SingleVariableDeclaration secondParam= (SingleVariableDeclaration) params.get(1);
- //args
- ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(0);
- FunctionInvocation invocation= (FunctionInvocation) stmt.getExpression();
- List arguments= invocation.arguments();
- SimpleName first= (SimpleName) arguments.get(0);
- SimpleName second= (SimpleName) arguments.get(1);
- //rename args
- SimpleName newFirstArg= methodDecl.getAST().newSimpleName("yyy");
- SimpleName newSecondArg= methodDecl.getAST().newSimpleName("bb");
- rewrite.replace(first, newFirstArg, null);
- rewrite.replace(second, newSecondArg, null);
- //rename params
- SimpleName newFirstName= methodDecl.getAST().newSimpleName("yyy");
- SimpleName newSecondName= methodDecl.getAST().newSimpleName("bb");
- rewrite.replace(firstParam.getName(), newFirstName, null);
- rewrite.replace(secondParam.getName(), newSecondName, null);
- //reoder params
- ASTNode paramplaceholder1= rewrite.createCopyTarget(firstParam);
- ASTNode paramplaceholder2= rewrite.createCopyTarget(secondParam);
- rewrite.replace(firstParam, paramplaceholder2, null);
- rewrite.replace(secondParam, paramplaceholder1, null);
- //reorder args
- ASTNode placeholder1= rewrite.createCopyTarget(first);
- ASTNode placeholder2= rewrite.createCopyTarget(second);
- rewrite.replace(first, placeholder2, null);
- rewrite.replace(second, placeholder1, null);
- }
- String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
- buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function m(bb, yyy) {\n");
- buf.append(" m(bb, yyy);\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
- }
- /** @deprecated using deprecated code */
- public void testMethodInvocation1() throws Exception {
- IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
- StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" foo(foo(1, 2), 3);\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
- JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST(cu);
- ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
- assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
-// TypeDeclaration type= findTypeDeclaration(astRoot, "E");
- FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(astRoot, "foo");
- Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
- List statements= block.statements();
- assertTrue("Number of statements not 1", statements.size() == 1);
- { // remove expression, add param, change name
- ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(0);
- FunctionInvocation invocation= (FunctionInvocation) stmt.getExpression();
- List arguments= invocation.arguments();
- FunctionInvocation first= (FunctionInvocation) arguments.get(0);
- ASTNode second= (ASTNode) arguments.get(1);
- ASTNode placeholder1= rewrite.createCopyTarget(first);
- ASTNode placeholder2= rewrite.createCopyTarget(second);
- rewrite.replace(first, placeholder2, null);
- rewrite.replace(second, placeholder1, null);
- List innerArguments= first.arguments();
- ASTNode innerFirst= (ASTNode) innerArguments.get(0);
- ASTNode innerSecond= (ASTNode) innerArguments.get(1);
- ASTNode innerPlaceholder1= rewrite.createCopyTarget(innerFirst);
- ASTNode innerPlaceholder2= rewrite.createCopyTarget(innerSecond);
- rewrite.replace(innerFirst, innerPlaceholder2, null);
- rewrite.replace(innerSecond, innerPlaceholder1, null);
- }
- String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
- buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" foo(3, foo(2, 1));\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
- }
-// public void testMethodInvocation2() throws Exception {
-// IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
-// StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
-// buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
-// buf.append(";\n");
-// buf.append(" this.<String>foo(3);\n");
-// buf.append(" }\n");
-// IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
-// JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST3(cu);
-// AST ast= astRoot.getAST();
-// ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(ast);
-// assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
-// TypeDeclaration type= findTypeDeclaration(astRoot, "E");
-// FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(type, "foo");
-// Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
-// List statements= block.statements();
-// assertTrue("Number of statements not 2", statements.size() == 2);
-// { // add type arguments
-// ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(0);
-// FunctionInvocation invocation= (FunctionInvocation) stmt.getExpression();
-// SimpleType newType= ast.newSimpleType(ast.newSimpleName("String"));
-// ListRewrite listRewriter= rewrite.getListRewrite(invocation, FunctionInvocation.TYPE_ARGUMENTS_PROPERTY);
-// listRewriter.insertFirst(newType, null);
-// }
-// { // remove type arguments
-// ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(1);
-// FunctionInvocation invocation= (FunctionInvocation) stmt.getExpression();
-// rewrite.remove((ASTNode) invocation.typeArguments().get(0), null);
-// }
-// String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
-// buf= new StringBuffer();
-// buf.append("package test1;\n");
-// buf.append("public class E {\n");
-// buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
-// buf.append(" this.<String>foo(3);\n");
-// buf.append(";\n");
-// buf.append(" }\n");
-// buf.append("}\n");
-// assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
-// }
- /** @deprecated using deprecated code */
- public void testParenthesizedExpression() throws Exception {
- //System.out.println(getClass().getName()+"::" + getName() +" disabled (bug 23362)");
- IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
- StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" i= (1 + 2) * 3;\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
- JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST(cu);
- ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
- AST ast= astRoot.getAST();
- assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
-// TypeDeclaration type= findTypeDeclaration(astRoot, "E");
- FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(astRoot, "foo");
- Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
- List statements= block.statements();
- assertTrue("Number of statements not 1", statements.size() == 1);
- { // replace expression
- ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(0);
- Assignment assignment= (Assignment) stmt.getExpression();
- InfixExpression multiplication= (InfixExpression) assignment.getRightHandSide();
- ParenthesizedExpression parenthesizedExpression= (ParenthesizedExpression) multiplication.getLeftOperand();
- SimpleName name= ast.newSimpleName("x");
- rewrite.replace(parenthesizedExpression.getExpression(), name, null);
- }
- String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
- buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" i= (x) * 3;\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
- }
- /** @deprecated using deprecated code */
- public void testPrefixExpression() throws Exception {
- IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
- StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" i= --x;\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
- JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST(cu);
- ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
- AST ast= astRoot.getAST();
- assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
-// TypeDeclaration type= findTypeDeclaration(astRoot, "E");
- FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(astRoot, "foo");
- Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
- List statements= block.statements();
- assertTrue("Number of statements not 1", statements.size() == 1);
- { // modify operand and operation
- ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(0);
- Assignment assignment= (Assignment) stmt.getExpression();
- PrefixExpression preExpression= (PrefixExpression) assignment.getRightHandSide();
- NumberLiteral newOperation= ast.newNumberLiteral("10");
- rewrite.replace(preExpression.getOperand(), newOperation, null);
- rewrite.set(preExpression, PrefixExpression.OPERATOR_PROPERTY, PrefixExpression.Operator.COMPLEMENT, null);
- }
- String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
- buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" i= ~10;\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
- }
- /** @deprecated using deprecated code */
- public void testPostfixExpression() throws Exception {
- IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
- StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" i= x--;\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
- JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST(cu);
- ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
- AST ast= astRoot.getAST();
- assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
-// TypeDeclaration type= findTypeDeclaration(astRoot, "E");
- FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(astRoot, "foo");
- Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
- List statements= block.statements();
- assertTrue("Number of statements not 1", statements.size() == 1);
- { // modify operand and operation
- ExpressionStatement stmt= (ExpressionStatement) statements.get(0);
- Assignment assignment= (Assignment) stmt.getExpression();
- PostfixExpression postExpression= (PostfixExpression) assignment.getRightHandSide();
- NumberLiteral newOperation= ast.newNumberLiteral("10");
- rewrite.replace(postExpression.getOperand(), newOperation, null);
- rewrite.set(postExpression, PostfixExpression.OPERATOR_PROPERTY, PostfixExpression.Operator.INCREMENT, null);
- }
- String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
- buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" i= 10++;\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
- }
- /** @deprecated using deprecated code */
- //TODO fix
- public void XtestThisExpression() throws Exception {
- IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
- StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append("function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" return this;\n");
- buf.append(" return Outer.this;\n");
- buf.append("}\n");
- IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
- JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST(cu);
- ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
- AST ast= astRoot.getAST();
- assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
- FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(astRoot, "foo");
- Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
- List statements= block.statements();
- assertTrue("Number of statements not 2", statements.size() == 2);
- { // add qualifier
- ReturnStatement returnStatement= (ReturnStatement) statements.get(0);
- ThisExpression thisExpression= (ThisExpression) returnStatement.getExpression();
- SimpleName newExpression= ast.newSimpleName("X");
- rewrite.set(thisExpression, ThisExpression.QUALIFIER_PROPERTY, newExpression, null);
- }
- { // remove qualifier
- ReturnStatement returnStatement= (ReturnStatement) statements.get(1);
- ThisExpression thisExpression= (ThisExpression) returnStatement.getExpression();
- rewrite.remove(thisExpression.getQualifier(), null);
- }
- String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
- buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" return X.this;\n");
- buf.append(" return this;\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
- }
- /** @deprecated using deprecated code */
- public void testSimpleName() throws Exception {
- IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
- StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo(hello) {\n");
- buf.append(" return hello;\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
- JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST(cu);
- ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
- assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
-// TypeDeclaration type= findTypeDeclaration(astRoot, "E");
- FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(astRoot, "foo");
- Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
- List statements= block.statements();
- assertTrue("Number of statements not 1", statements.size() == 1);
- { // replace identifier
- ReturnStatement returnStatement= (ReturnStatement) statements.get(0);
- SimpleName simpleName= (SimpleName) returnStatement.getExpression();
- rewrite.set(simpleName, SimpleName.IDENTIFIER_PROPERTY, "changed", null);
- }
- String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
- buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo(hello) {\n");
- buf.append(" return changed;\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
- }
- /** @deprecated using deprecated code */
- public void testNumberLiteral() throws Exception {
- IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
- StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" return 1;\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
- JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST(cu);
- ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
- assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
-// TypeDeclaration type= findTypeDeclaration(astRoot, "E");
- FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(astRoot, "foo");
- Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
- List statements= block.statements();
- assertTrue("Number of statements not 1", statements.size() == 1);
- { // replace number
- ReturnStatement returnStatement= (ReturnStatement) statements.get(0);
- NumberLiteral literal= (NumberLiteral) returnStatement.getExpression();
- rewrite.set(literal, NumberLiteral.TOKEN_PROPERTY, "11", null);
- }
- String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
- buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" return 11;\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
- }
- /** @deprecated using deprecated code */
- public void testBooleanLiteral() throws Exception {
- IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
- StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" return true;\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
- JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST(cu);
- ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
- assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
-// TypeDeclaration type= findTypeDeclaration(astRoot, "E");
- FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(astRoot, "foo");
- Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
- List statements= block.statements();
- assertTrue("Number of statements not 1", statements.size() == 1);
- { // replace number
- ReturnStatement returnStatement= (ReturnStatement) statements.get(0);
- BooleanLiteral literal= (BooleanLiteral) returnStatement.getExpression();
- rewrite.set(literal, BooleanLiteral.BOOLEAN_VALUE_PROPERTY, Boolean.FALSE, null);
- }
- String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
- buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" return false;\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
- }
- /** @deprecated using deprecated code */
- public void testStringLiteral() throws Exception {
- IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
- StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" return \"Hello\";\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
- JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST(cu);
- ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
- assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
-// TypeDeclaration type= findTypeDeclaration(astRoot, "E");
- FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(astRoot, "foo");
- Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
- List statements= block.statements();
- assertTrue("Number of statements not 1", statements.size() == 1);
- { // replace number
- ReturnStatement returnStatement= (ReturnStatement) statements.get(0);
- StringLiteral literal= (StringLiteral) returnStatement.getExpression();
- rewrite.set(literal, StringLiteral.ESCAPED_VALUE_PROPERTY, "\"Eclipse\"", null);
- }
- String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
- buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" return \"Eclipse\";\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
- }
- /** @deprecated using deprecated code */
- public void testCharacterLiteral() throws Exception {
- IPackageFragment pack1= this.sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
- StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" return 'x';\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- IJavaScriptUnit cu= pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.js", buf.toString(), false, null);
- JavaScriptUnit astRoot= createAST(cu);
- ASTRewrite rewrite= ASTRewrite.create(astRoot.getAST());
- assertTrue("Parse errors", (astRoot.getFlags() & ASTNode.MALFORMED) == 0);
-// TypeDeclaration type= findTypeDeclaration(astRoot, "E");
- FunctionDeclaration methodDecl= findMethodDeclaration(astRoot, "foo");
- Block block= methodDecl.getBody();
- List statements= block.statements();
- assertTrue("Number of statements not 1", statements.size() == 1);
- { // replace number
- ReturnStatement returnStatement= (ReturnStatement) statements.get(0);
- StringLiteral literal= (StringLiteral) returnStatement.getExpression();
- rewrite.set(literal, StringLiteral.ESCAPED_VALUE_PROPERTY, "'y'", null);
- }
- String preview= evaluateRewrite(cu, rewrite);
- buf= new StringBuffer();
- buf.append(" function foo() {\n");
- buf.append(" return 'y';\n");
- buf.append(" }\n");
- assertEqualString(preview, buf.toString());
- }

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