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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2011-06-30Implement Serializable interface in PersonIdent class.Kevin Sawicki1-1/+4
2010-08-31Remove deprecated PersonIdent constructorChris Aniszczyk1-24/+0
2010-08-26Fix parsing of multiple authors in PersonIdent.Marc Strapetz1-26/+9
2010-08-21Correct PersonIdent hashCode() and equals() to ignore millisecondsShawn O. Pearce1-2/+5
2010-06-24Use CoreConfig, UserConfig and TransferConfig directlyShawn O. Pearce1-1/+1
2010-05-19Externalize strings from JGitSasa Zivkov1-4/+6
2010-03-12s/StringBuffer/StringBuilder as appropriate where no concurrency is neededKarthik K1-4/+4
2010-01-12Fix PersonIdent to always use SystemReaderShawn O. Pearce1-1/+4
2009-10-31Remove trailing whitespace at end of lineAlex Blewitt1-11/+11
2009-09-29Initial JGit contribution to eclipse.orgGit Development Community1-0/+339

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