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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core/rose/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3446 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core/rose/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core/rose/
deleted file mode 100644
index 061597fd0..000000000
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core/rose/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3446 +0,0 @@
-(object Petal
- version 47
- _written "Rose 8.0.0303.1400"
- charSet 0)
-(object Class_Category "taglib"
- is_unit TRUE
- is_loaded TRUE
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "basePackage"
- value (value Text "org.eclipse.jst.j2ee"))
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "nsURI"
- value (value Text "taglib.xmi"))
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "prefix"
- value (value Text "Taglib")))
- quid "39A6BA5F0070"
- exportControl "Public"
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Class "TagLib"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set)
- quid "39A6BA5F00E8"
- documentation
-|The taglib tag is the document root, it defines:
-|description a simple string describing the "use" of this taglib,
-| should be user discernable
-|display-name the display-name element contains a
-| short name that is intended to be displayed
-| by tools
-|icon optional icon that can be used by tools
-|tlib-version the version of the tag library implementation
-|short-name a simple default short name that could be
-| used by a JSP authoring tool to create
-| names with a mnemonic value; for example,
-| the it may be used as the prefered prefix
-| value in taglib directives
-|uri a uri uniquely identifying this taglib
-|validator optional TagLibraryValidator information
-|listener optional event listener specification
-|tag one or more tags in the tag library
-|tag-file one or more tag files in the tag library
-|function zero or more EL functions defined in this
-| tag library
-|taglib-extension zero or more extensions that provide extra
-| information about this taglib, for tool
-| consumption
- stereotype "component"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4023B12101F3"
- supplier "Logical View::common::CompatibilityDescriptionGroup"
- quidu "4023ADF20197"))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "tagLibVersion"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "XML_DTD"
- name "DefaultDeclType"
- value "#IMPLIED"))
- quid "39A6BA5F0160"
- documentation
-|Describes this version number of the tag library (dewey decimal).
-|@regexp [0-9]*{ "."[0-9] }0..3
- type "String"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "jspVersion"
- quid "39A6C5FA0221"
- documentation
-|Describes the JSP version (number) this tag library requires in order to function (dewey decimal). Default is 1.2
-|@regexp [0-9]*{ "."[0-9] }0..3
- type "String"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "shortName"
- quid "39A6C60001A7"
- documentation "The value of the short-name element is a name that could be used by a JSP authoring tool to create names with a mnemonic value; for example, it may be used as the prefered prefix value in taglib directives. Do not use white space, and do not start with digits or underscore."
- type "String"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "uri"
- quid "39A6C60600C9"
- documentation "The value of the uri element is a public URI that uniquely identifies the exact semantics of this taglibrary."
- type "String"
- exportControl "Public"))
- module "Component View::web-jsptaglibrary_1_1"
- quidu "39A6BA5F00C1"
- language "XML_DTD")
- (object Class "JSPTag"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set)
- quid "39A6BA5F0108"
- documentation
-|The tag element defines an action in this tag library. The tag element has one attribute, id.
-|The tag element may have several subelements defining:
-|name -- The unique action name
-|tag-class -- The tag handler class implementing javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
-|tei-class -- An optional subclass of javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagExtraInfo
-|body-content -- The body content type
-|display-name -- A short name that is intended to be displayed by tools
-|small-icon -- Optional small-icon that can be used by tools
-|large-icon -- Optional large-icon that can be used by tools
-|description -- Optional tag-specific information
-|variable -- Optional scripting variable information
-|attribute -- All attributes of this action
-|example -- Optional informal description of an example of a use of this action.
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "3E5A978E00CA"
- supplier "Logical View::common::DescriptionGroup"
- quidu "3E4D451F01FB"))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "bodyContent"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isUnsettable"
- value TRUE))
- quid "39A6C904016B"
- documentation
-|Provides a hint as to the content of the body of this tag. Primarily intended for use by page composition tools.There are currently three values specified:
-|tagdependent - The body of the tag is interpreted by the tag implementation itself, and is most likely in a different "langage", e.g embedded SQL statements.
-|JSP - The body of the tag contains nested JSP syntax
-|empty - The body must be emptyThe default (if not defined) is JSP#PCDATA ::= tagdependent | JSP | empty
- stereotype "0..1"
- type "BodyContentType"
- quidu "39ABE974027D"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "example"
- quid "398967990188"
- documentation "The example element provides an informal description of an example of the use of a tag."
- type "String"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "name"
- quid "3E5A97D50127"
- type "String"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "dynamicAttributes"
- quid "3E5A9A11009D"
- type "boolean"
- exportControl "Public"))
- module "Component View::web-jsptaglibrary_1_1"
- quidu "39A6BA5F00C1"
- language "XML_DTD")
- (object Class "JSPTagAttribute"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set)
- quid "39A6BA5F0114"
- documentation "The attribute tag defines an attribute for the nesting tag"
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "name"
- quid "39A6C76E01F3"
- documentation "Defines the canonical name of a tag or attribute being defined (required)."
- type "String"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "required"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isUnsettable"
- value TRUE))
- quid "39A6C7720181"
- documentation "Defines if the nesting attribute is required or optional."
- type "boolean"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "rtExprValue"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isUnsettable"
- value TRUE))
- quid "39A6C7760209"
- documentation
-|Defines if the nesting attribute can have scriptlet expressions asa value, i.e the value of the attribute may be dynamically calculatedat request time, as opposed to a static value determined at translationtime. (optional)
-|Default = false
- stereotype "0..1"
- type "boolean"
- initv "false"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "fragment"
- quid "3E67B8AE0095"
- documentation "@since J2EE1.4"
- stereotype "0..1"
- type "boolean"
- exportControl "Public"))
- module "Component View::web-jsptaglibrary_1_1"
- quidu "39A6BA5F00C1"
- language "XML_DTD")
- (object Class "BodyContentType"
- quid "39ABE974027D"
- documentation
-|@since J2EE1.4, added TAGDEPENDENT,EMPTY,scriptless,SCRIPTLESS
-|Provides a hint as to the content of the body of this tag.
-|Primarily intended for use by page composition tools.
-|There are currently four values specified:
-|tagdependent The body of the tag is interpreted by the tag
-| implementation itself, and is most likely
-| in a different "langage", e.g embedded SQL
-| statements.
-|JSP The body of the tag contains nested JSP
-| syntax.
-|empty The body must be empty
-|scriptless The body accepts only template text, EL
-| Expressions, and JSP action elements. No
-| scripting elements are allowed.
- stereotype "enumeration"
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "tagdependent"
- quid "3ECD280702B0")
- (object ClassAttribute "JSP"
- quid "3ECD28150094")
- (object ClassAttribute "empty"
- quid "3ECD281A0005")
- (object ClassAttribute "scriptless"
- quid "3ECD282002C0")))
- (object Class "Validator"
- quid "398962CA014C"
- documentation
-|The validator element provides information on an optional validator that can be used to validate the conformance of a JSP page to using this tag library.
- )
- (object Class "JSPVariable"
- quid "398965A900B3"
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "nameGiven"
- quid "398967F80384"
- documentation
-|The name-given element provides the name for the scripting variable.
-|One of name-given or name-from-attribute is required.
- stereotype "0..1"
- type "String"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "nameFromAttribute"
- quid "398968440134"
- documentation "The name of an attribute whose (translation-time) value will give the name of the variable."
- stereotype "0..1"
- type "String"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "declare"
- quid "398968CA0295"
- documentation
-|The value of the declare element indicates whether the scripting variable is to be defined or not. See TagExtraInfo for details.
-|This element is optional and is the default is true.
- stereotype "0..1"
- type "boolean"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "scope"
- quid "3989692A03AC"
- stereotype "0..1"
- type "JSPScriptingVariableScope"
- quidu "398968FD025D"
- exportControl "Public")))
- (object Class "JSPScriptingVariableScope"
- quid "398968FD025D"
- documentation
- stereotype "enumeration"
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "NESTED"
- quid "398969100105"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "AT_BEGIN"
- quid "398969130164"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "AT_END"
- quid "3989691702D2"
- exportControl "Public")))
- (object Class "Function"
- quid "3E5A875400E5"
- documentation
-|@since J2EE1.4
-|The function element is used to provide information on each
-|function in the tag library that is to be exposed to the EL.
-|The function element may have several subelements defining:
-|description Optional tag-specific information
-|display-name A short name that is intended to be
-| displayed by tools
-|icon Optional icon element that can be used
-| by tools
-|name A unique name for this function
-|function-class Provides the name of the Java class that
-| implements the function
-|function-signature Provides the signature, as in the Java
-| Language Specification, of the Java
-| method that is to be used to implement
-| the function.
-|example Optional informal description of an
-| example of a use of this function
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "3E5A876A0340"
- supplier "Logical View::common::DescriptionGroup"
- quidu "3E4D451F01FB"))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "name"
- quid "3E5A87870066"
- type "String"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "signature"
- quid "3E5A898B039E"
- documentation
-|Provides the signature, as in the Java Language
-| Specification, of the static Java method that is
-| to be used to implement the function.
-| Example:
-| java.lang.String nickName( java.lang.String, int )
- type "String"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "example"
- quid "3E5A8AAE0306"
- documentation
-|The example element contains an informal description
-| of an example of the use of this function.
- stereotype "0..1"
- type "String"
- exportControl "Public")))
- (object Class "TagFile"
- quid "3E5A96DE029E"
- documentation
-|@since J2EE1.4
-|Defines an action in this tag library that is implemented
-|as a .tag file.
-|The tag-file element has two required subelements:
-|name The unique action name
-|path Where to find the .tag file implementing this
-| action, relative to the root of the web application or
-| the root of the JAR file for a tag library packaged in
-| a JAR. This must begin with /WEB-INF/tags if the .tag
-| file resides in the WAR, or /META-INF/tags if the .tag
-| file resides in a JAR.
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "3ECD2DE4011E"
- supplier "Logical View::common::DescriptionGroup"
- quidu "3E4D451F01FB"))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "name"
- quid "3E5A96F803C8"
- type "String"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "path"
- quid "3E5A970E00E4"
- type "String"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "example"
- quid "3ECD2DFF022B"
- stereotype "0..1"
- type "String"
- exportControl "Public")))
- (object Class "TldExtension"
- quid "3ECD2A8D016F"
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "namespace"
- quid "3ECD2CD202C9"
- type "String"
- exportControl "Public")))
- (object Class "ExtensibleType"
- quid "3ECD2C2A00F1"
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "value"
- quid "3ECD2C3801E1"
- type "String"
- exportControl "Public"))
- abstract TRUE)
- (object Association "tag"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set)
- quid "39A6BA5F0156"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$0"
- quid "39A6BA5F0157"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::TagLib"
- quidu "39A6BA5F00E8"
- is_aggregate TRUE)
- (object Role "tags"
- quid "39A6BA5F0158"
- label "tags"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::JSPTag"
- quidu "39A6BA5F0108"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n")
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE)))
- (object Association "attribute"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set)
- quid "39A6BA5F01BA"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$1"
- quid "39A6BA5F01BB"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::JSPTag"
- quidu "39A6BA5F0108"
- Containment "By Value"
- is_aggregate TRUE)
- (object Role "attributes"
- quid "39A6BA5F01BC"
- label "attributes"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::JSPTagAttribute"
- quidu "39A6BA5F0114"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$2"
- quid "398962E3003A"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "validator"
- quid "398962E3033D"
- documentation
-|The validator element provides information on an optional validator that can be used to validate the conformance of a JSP page to using this tag library.
- label "validator"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::Validator"
- quidu "398962CA014C"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$3"
- quid "398962E30347"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::TagLib"
- quidu "39A6BA5F00E8"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$4"
- quid "3989632E01A0"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "validatorClass"
- quid "3989632E039F"
- documentation
-|defines the TagLibraryValidator class that can be
-|used to validate the conformance of a JSP page to using this tag library.
- label "validatorClass"
- supplier "Logical View::java::JavaClass"
- quidu "36549FCC00FA"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- Containment "By Reference"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$5"
- quid "3989632E03D1"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::Validator"
- quidu "398962CA014C"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$6"
- quid "398963F40082"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "initParams"
- quid "398963F4032B"
- label "initParams"
- supplier "Logical View::webapplication::InitParam"
- quidu "38C08E9D0325"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$7"
- quid "398963F4032C"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::Validator"
- quidu "398962CA014C"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$8"
- quid "398964E80322"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "listeners"
- quid "398964E90279"
- label "listeners"
- supplier "Logical View::common::Listener"
- quidu "39BFB26001BD"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$9"
- quid "398964E90283"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::TagLib"
- quidu "39A6BA5F00E8"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$10"
- quid "398965BE00F9"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "variables"
- quid "398965BF00E7"
- documentation
-|The variable element provides information on the scripting variables defined by this tag.
-|It is a (translation time) error for an action that has one or more variable subelements to have a TagExtraInfo class that returns a non-null object.
-|The subelements of variable are of the form:
-|name-given -- The variable name as a constant
-|name-from-attribute -- The name of an attribute whose (translation time) value will give the name of the variable. One of name-given or namefrom-attribute is required.
-|variable-class -- Name of the class of the variable. java.lang.String is default.
-|declare -- Whether the variable is declared or not. True is the default.
-|scope -- The scope of the scripting variable defined. NESTED is default.
- label "variables"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::JSPVariable"
- quidu "398965A900B3"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$11"
- quid "398965BF00E8"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::JSPTag"
- quidu "39A6BA5F0108"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$12"
- quid "398966A3031F"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "tagClass"
- quid "398966A4028A"
- documentation
-|The tag-class element indicates the subclass of javax.serlvet.jsp.tagext.Tag that implements the request time semantics for this tag. This element is required.
-|@regexp fully qualified Java class name
- label "tagClass"
- supplier "Logical View::java::JavaClass"
- quidu "36549FCC00FA"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- Containment "By Reference"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$13"
- quid "398966A402C7"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::JSPTag"
- quidu "39A6BA5F0108"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$14"
- quid "398966C20175"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "teiClass"
- quid "398966C3005E"
- documentation
-|The tei-class element indicates the subclass of javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagExtraInfo for this tag. The class is instantiated at translation time. This element is optional.
-|@regexp fully qualified Java class name
- label "teiClass"
- supplier "Logical View::java::JavaClass"
- quidu "36549FCC00FA"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- Containment "By Reference"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$15"
- quid "398966C3009A"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::JSPTag"
- quidu "39A6BA5F0108"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$16"
- quid "3989688A0366"
- documentation
-|The name of the class for the scripting variable.
-|This element is optional; the default is java.lang.String.
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "variableClass"
- quid "3989688D002B"
- label "variableClass"
- supplier "Logical View::java::JavaClass"
- quidu "36549FCC00FA"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- Containment "By Reference"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$17"
- quid "3989688D0067"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::JSPVariable"
- quidu "398965A900B3"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$18"
- quid "398969910273"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "type"
- quid "3989699200EE"
- documentation
-|The value of the type element describes the Java type of the attributes value.
-|For static values (those determined at translation time) the type is always java.lang.String.
- label "type"
- supplier "Logical View::java::JavaClass"
- quidu "36549FCC00FA"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- Containment "By Reference"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$19"
- quid "39896992013E"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::JSPTagAttribute"
- quidu "39A6BA5F0114"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$20"
- quid "3E5A87CE03C6"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "functionClass"
- quid "3E5A87CF034F"
- documentation
-|Provides the fully-qualified class name of the Java
-| class containing the static method that implements
-| the function.
- label "functionClass"
- supplier "Logical View::java::JavaClass"
- quidu "36549FCC00FA"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- Containment "By Reference"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$21"
- quid "3E5A87CF036D"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::Function"
- quidu "3E5A875400E5"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$22"
- quid "3E5A9881000C"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "descriptions"
- quid "3E5A9881025A"
- documentation "@since J2EE1.4"
- label "descriptions"
- supplier "Logical View::common::Description"
- quidu "3E4A98D602E0"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$23"
- quid "3E5A98810282"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::JSPTagAttribute"
- quidu "39A6BA5F0114"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$24"
- quid "3E67B391027D"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "functions"
- quid "3E67B3920329"
- documentation "@since J2EE1.4"
- label "functions"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::Function"
- quidu "3E5A875400E5"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$25"
- quid "3E67B392032B"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::TagLib"
- quidu "39A6BA5F00E8"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$26"
- quid "3E67B9FE034B"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "descriptions"
- quid "3E67B9FF0392"
- documentation "@since J2EE1.4"
- label "descriptions"
- supplier "Logical View::common::Description"
- quidu "3E4A98D602E0"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$27"
- quid "3E67B9FF03B0"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::Validator"
- quidu "398962CA014C"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$28"
- quid "3E67BAA402B3"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "descriptions"
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- supplier "Logical View::common::Description"
- quidu "3E4A98D602E0"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- Containment "By Value"
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- quid "3E67BAA502B5"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::JSPVariable"
- quidu "398965A900B3"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..*")
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- supplier "Logical View::taglib::TldExtension"
- quidu "3ECD2A8D016F"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quidu "3ECD2A8D016F"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..*")
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "3ECD2D580178"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::Function"
- quidu "3E5A875400E5"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quidu "3ECD2A8D016F"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..*")
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "3ECD2E59007C"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::TagFile"
- quidu "3E5A96DE029E"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quidu "3ECD2A8D016F"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..*")
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "3ECD2EE503DB"
- supplier "Logical View::taglib::TagLib"
- quidu "39A6BA5F00E8"
- is_aggregate TRUE))))
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- location (2589, 366)
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- size 10
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- Parent_View @1
- location (2374, 232)
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- Parent_View @1
- location (2374, 182)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (3254, 2227)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @2
- location (2983, 2124)
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- Parent_View @2
- location (2983, 2074)
- fill_color 13434879
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- nlines 1
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (284, 572)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- italics TRUE
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @3
- location (106, 493)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (914, 1967)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- italics FALSE
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @4
- location (670, 1788)
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1295, 2418)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @5
- location (1126, 2289)
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1381, 1453)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- italics FALSE
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @6
- location (1268, 1371)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2024, 1723)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @7
- location (1579, 1567)
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- annotation 8
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- location (1297, 1949)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- Parent_View @8
- location (-727, 226)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
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- label (object SegLabel @10
- Parent_View @9
- location (1430, 2151)
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- size 10
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- color 0
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- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 260
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- label "+descriptions"
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- client @8
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- line_style 3
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- terminal_attachment (1297, 2277)
- label (object SegLabel @11
- Parent_View @9
- location (1248, 2154)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
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- anchor 2
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- nlines 1
- max_width 15
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- label "0..n"
- pctDist 0.625000
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- orientation 1))
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- Parent_View @8
- location (-727, 226)
- stereotype TRUE
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- client @8
- supplier @7
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- (1297, 1949)
- (1297, 1889)
- (1570, 1889))
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (1297, 1949)
- terminal_attachment (1570, 1889))))
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- location (1403, 1745)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- bold FALSE
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- Parent_View @13
- location (-197, 241)
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- size 10
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- size 10
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- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "+type"
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- location (1457, 1567)
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- size 10
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
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- anchor 2
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- Parent_View @13
- location (-197, 241)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- bold FALSE
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @7
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- (1403, 1745)
- (1403, 1805)
- (1570, 1805))
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- Parent_View @17
- location (1508, 0)
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- size 10
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- italics FALSE
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- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
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- max_width 15
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- label "0..1"
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- orientation 0))))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (3093, 1712)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @19
- location (2578, 1531)
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- location (2387, 2351)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- bold FALSE
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- Parent_View @20
- location (-593, 639)
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- size 10
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- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
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- label (object SegLabel @22
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- location (1715, 2306)
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- size 10
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- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 260
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- label "+descriptions"
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
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- anchor 2
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- label "0..n"
- pctDist 0.900000
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- Parent_View @20
- location (-593, 639)
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- (2387, 2351)
- (2856, 2351)
- (2856, 1905))
- line_style 3
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- terminal_attachment (2856, 1905))))
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- location (1859, 2002)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- bold FALSE
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- Parent_View @25
- location (-413, 530)
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- size 10
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- Parent_View @26
- location (1192, 1616)
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- size 10
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- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 279
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- label "+variableClass"
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- (1859, 2002)
- (1328, 2002)
- (1328, 1547))
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- label (object SegLabel @28
- Parent_View @26
- location (1287, 1660)
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- size 10
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- anchor 2
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- pctDist 0.885809
- height 42
- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @25
- location (-413, 530)
- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @19
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- (1859, 2002)
- (2749, 2002)
- (2749, 1905))
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- terminal_attachment (2749, 1905))))
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (887, 2544)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @30
- location (706, 2463)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1946, 240)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @31
- location (1634, 109)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- (1625, 162)
- (417, 162)
- (417, 481))
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- terminal_attachment (417, 481))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1312, 1073)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- strike FALSE
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @33
- location (1180, 974)
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- quidu "39BFB26001BD"
- width 282
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- location (1425, 1271)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @34
- location (1041, -169)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
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- strike FALSE
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- label (object SegLabel @36
- Parent_View @35
- location (1384, 1202)
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- size 10
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- hidden TRUE
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 450
- justify 0
- label ""
- pctDist 0.800000
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- stereotype TRUE
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- (1425, 1271)
- (1441, 1271)
- (1441, 1184))
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- terminal_attachment (1441, 1184))
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- Parent_View @34
- location (1041, -169)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
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- label (object SegLabel @38
- Parent_View @37
- location (1513, 1325)
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- size 10
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- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 262
- justify 0
- label "+listenerClass"
- pctDist 0.608696
- height 88
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @34
- supplier @6
- line_style 3
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- terminal_attachment (1425, 1359)
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- Parent_View @37
- location (1463, 1301)
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- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.335404
- height 38
- orientation 0))))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (321, 1415)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @40
- location (9, 1284)
- fill_color 13434879
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- quidu "3E5A875400E5"
- width 642
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- annotation 8
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @40
- supplier @3
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (281, 1272)
- terminal_attachment (281, 663))
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- location (950, 1484)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- color 0
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- Parent_View @42
- location (628, 75)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @44
- Parent_View @43
- location (1197, 1443)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 279
- justify 0
- label "+functionClass"
- pctDist 0.800000
- height 42
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- client @42
- supplier @6
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (950, 1484)
- terminal_attachment (1259, 1484)
- label (object SegLabel @45
- Parent_View @43
- location (1228, 1538)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
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- Parent_View @42
- location (628, 75)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "3E5A87CF036D"
- client @42
- supplier @40
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (950, 1484)
- terminal_attachment (642, 1484))))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (848, 1259)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @47
- location (734, 1208)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "Validator")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 32768
- fill_color 13434833
- quidu "398962CA014C"
- width 246
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (953, 1548)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- color 0
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- Parent_View @48
- location (409, 492)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @50
- Parent_View @49
- location (816, 1741)
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- size 10
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- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 228
- justify 0
- label "+initParams"
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- origin_attachment (953, 1548)
- terminal_attachment (953, 1775)
- label (object SegLabel @51
- Parent_View @49
- location (1007, 1752)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..n"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @48
- location (409, 492)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "398963F4032C"
- client @48
- supplier @47
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (953, 1548)
- terminal_attachment (953, 1322))))
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- location (1215, 1222)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- color 0
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- Parent_View @53
- location (671, 166)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @55
- Parent_View @54
- location (1233, 1309)
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- size 10
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- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 291
- justify 0
- label "+validatorClass"
- pctDist 0.078067
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @53
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- (1215, 1222)
- (1322, 1222)
- (1322, 1359))
- line_style 3
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- terminal_attachment (1322, 1359)
- label (object SegLabel @56
- Parent_View @54
- location (1291, 1283)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..1"
- pctDist 0.692568
- height 32
- orientation 1))
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- Parent_View @53
- location (671, 166)
- stereotype TRUE
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- client @53
- supplier @47
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (1215, 1222)
- terminal_attachment (971, 1222))))
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- location (1112, 1694)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- color 0
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- Parent_View @58
- location (264, 435)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
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- label (object SegLabel @60
- Parent_View @59
- location (1029, 2230)
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- size 10
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- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 260
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- label "+descriptions"
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- client @58
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- (1112, 1694)
- (1172, 1694)
- (1172, 2277))
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- terminal_attachment (1172, 2277)
- label (object SegLabel @61
- Parent_View @59
- location (1226, 2212)
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- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..n"
- pctDist 0.900000
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- Parent_View @58
- location (264, 435)
- stereotype TRUE
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- client @58
- supplier @47
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- (1112, 1694)
- (894, 1694)
- (894, 1322))
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (1112, 1694)
- terminal_attachment (894, 1322))))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1998, 1021)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @63
- location (1516, 865)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "JSPTag")
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- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "39A6BA5F0108"
- width 982
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- annotation 8
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- location (1762, 1398)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
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- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @64
- location (178, 598)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @66
- Parent_View @65
- location (1689, 1433)
- font (object Font
- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 190
- justify 0
- label "+tagClass"
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- client @64
- supplier @6
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (1762, 1398)
- terminal_attachment (1503, 1398)
- label (object SegLabel @67
- Parent_View @65
- location (1563, 1433)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.771930
- height 35
- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @64
- location (178, 598)
- stereotype TRUE
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- client @64
- supplier @63
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- (1762, 1398)
- (1822, 1398)
- (1822, 1189))
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (1762, 1398)
- terminal_attachment (1822, 1189))))
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- location (1858, 1481)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
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- Parent_View @69
- location (274, 681)
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- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @71
- Parent_View @70
- location (1649, 1535)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 178
- justify 0
- label "+teiClass"
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- terminal_attachment (1503, 1481)
- label (object SegLabel @72
- Parent_View @70
- location (1539, 1535)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @69
- location (274, 681)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "398966C3009A"
- client @69
- supplier @63
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- (1858, 1481)
- (1922, 1481)
- (1922, 1189))
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (1858, 1481)
- terminal_attachment (1922, 1189))))
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- client @63
- supplier @3
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- (1562, 853)
- (1562, 109)
- (287, 109)
- (287, 481))
- line_style 3
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- terminal_attachment (287, 481))
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- location (2031, 1371)
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- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
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- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @75
- location (815, 363)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @77
- Parent_View @76
- location (2151, 1514)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 193
- justify 0
- label "+attributes"
- pctDist 0.780488
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @75
- supplier @7
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (2031, 1371)
- terminal_attachment (2031, 1555)
- label (object SegLabel @78
- Parent_View @76
- location (1978, 1537)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..n"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
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- Parent_View @75
- location (815, 363)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @80
- Parent_View @79
- location (2073, 1226)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- hidden TRUE
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 450
- justify 0
- label ""
- pctDist 0.800000
- height 42
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @75
- supplier @63
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (2031, 1371)
- terminal_attachment (2031, 1188))))
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- location (2946, 1104)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
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- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @81
- location (1362, 304)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @83
- Parent_View @82
- location (3128, 1449)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 181
- justify 0
- label "+variables"
- pctDist 0.854671
- height 122
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "398965BF00E7"
- client @81
- supplier @19
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- (2946, 1104)
- (3006, 1104)
- (3006, 1519))
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (2946, 1104)
- terminal_attachment (3006, 1519)
- label (object SegLabel @84
- Parent_View @82
- location (3076, 1389)
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- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..n"
- pctDist 0.726644
- height 70
- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @81
- location (1362, 304)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "398965BF00E8"
- client @81
- supplier @63
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (2946, 1104)
- terminal_attachment (2489, 1104))))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (271, 2221)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @86
- location (32, 2140)
- fill_color 13434879
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- max_width 478
- justify 0
- label "TldExtension")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "3ECD2A8D016F"
- width 496
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (580, 2382)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
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- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @87
- location (309, 161)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @89
- Parent_View @88
- location (905, 2405)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
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- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 378
- justify 0
- label "+extensionElements"
- pctDist 2.034346
- height 131
- orientation 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3ECD2C9701CA"
- client @87
- supplier @30
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- Parent_View @88
- location (641, 2470)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1..*"
- pctDist 0.639913
- height 50
- orientation 1))
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- Parent_View @87
- location (309, 161)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3ECD2C9701CC"
- client @87
- supplier @86
- line_style 0)))
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- location (293, 1842)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @92
- location (-19, 427)
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- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @94
- Parent_View @93
- location (194, 2021)
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- size 10
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- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 371
- justify 0
- label "+functionExtensions"
- pctDist 0.643493
- height 89
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3ECD2D58016D"
- client @92
- supplier @86
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- label (object SegLabel @95
- Parent_View @93
- location (214, 2077)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.834111
- height 66
- orientation 1))
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- Parent_View @92
- location (-19, 427)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3ECD2D580178"
- client @92
- supplier @40
- line_style 0)))
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- location (684, 832)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @97
- location (-1262, 592)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @99
- Parent_View @98
- location (484, 2226)
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- size 10
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- italics FALSE
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- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 286
- justify 0
- label "+tagExtensions"
- pctDist 1.022972
- height 1
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- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "3ECD2E590072"
- client @97
- supplier @86
- vertices (list Points
- (684, 832)
- (684, 2225)
- (519, 2225))
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (684, 832)
- terminal_attachment (519, 2225)
- label (object SegLabel @100
- Parent_View @98
- location (608, 2200)
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- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.942839
- height 26
- orientation 1))
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- Parent_View @97
- location (-1262, 592)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3ECD2E59007C"
- client @97
- supplier @31
- vertices (list Points
- (684, 832)
- (684, 216)
- (1625, 216))
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (684, 832)
- terminal_attachment (1625, 216))))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1228, 534)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @102
- location (967, 300)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 522
- justify 0
- label "TagLib")
- stereotype (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @102
- location (967, 250)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 10
- nlines 1
- max_width 522
- justify 0
- label "<<component>>")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @102
- location (967, 361)
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- size 10
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- bold FALSE
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- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- icon_style "Icon"
- fill_color 16777215
- anchor 2
- nlines 5
- max_width 0)
- width 540
- height 592
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (1231, 895)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
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- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @103
- location (527, 543)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @105
- Parent_View @104
- location (1350, 902)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 186
- justify 0
- label "+listeners"
- pctDist 0.103448
- height 119
- orientation 0)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "398964E90279"
- client @103
- supplier @33
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (1231, 895)
- terminal_attachment (1231, 961)
- label (object SegLabel @106
- Parent_View @104
- location (1287, 941)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..n"
- pctDist 0.712121
- height 56
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$9" @107
- Parent_View @103
- location (527, 543)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @108
- Parent_View @107
- location (1190, 842)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- hidden TRUE
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 200
- justify 0
- label ""
- pctDist 0.800000
- height 42
- orientation 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "398964E90283"
- client @103
- supplier @102
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (1231, 895)
- terminal_attachment (1231, 829))))
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$24" @109
- location (503, 755)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3E67B391027D"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "functions" @110
- Parent_View @109
- location (-725, 255)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @111
- Parent_View @110
- location (410, 1157)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 190
- justify 0
- label "+functions"
- pctDist 0.802444
- height 34
- orientation 1)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3E67B3920329"
- client @109
- supplier @40
- vertices (list Points
- (503, 755)
- (443, 755)
- (443, 1272))
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (503, 755)
- terminal_attachment (443, 1272)
- label (object SegLabel @112
- Parent_View @110
- location (497, 1214)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..n"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$25" @113
- Parent_View @109
- location (-725, 255)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3E67B392032B"
- client @109
- supplier @102
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (503, 755)
- terminal_attachment (958, 755))))
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$2" @114
- location (869, 953)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 32768
- quidu "398962E3003A"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "validator" @115
- Parent_View @114
- location (165, 601)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @116
- Parent_View @115
- location (751, 1126)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 183
- justify 0
- label "+validator"
- pctDist 0.716763
- height 119
- orientation 1)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "398962E3033D"
- client @114
- supplier @47
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (869, 953)
- terminal_attachment (869, 1196)
- label (object SegLabel @117
- Parent_View @115
- location (953, 1147)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..1"
- pctDist 0.803468
- height 84
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$3" @118
- Parent_View @114
- location (165, 601)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "398962E30347"
- client @114
- supplier @102
- vertices (list Points
- (869, 953)
- (869, 799)
- (958, 799))
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (869, 953)
- terminal_attachment (958, 799))))
- (object AssociationViewNew "tag" @119
- location (1910, 518)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @120
- Parent_View @119
- location (1910, 459)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics TRUE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 600
- justify 0
- label "tag"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 60
- orientation 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "39A6BA5F0156"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "tags" @121
- Parent_View @119
- location (1638, -234)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @122
- Parent_View @121
- location (2059, 811)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 108
- justify 0
- label "+tags"
- pctDist 0.898190
- height 72
- orientation 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "39A6BA5F0158"
- client @119
- supplier @63
- vertices (list Points
- (1910, 518)
- (1987, 518)
- (1987, 853))
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (1910, 518)
- terminal_attachment (1987, 853)
- label (object SegLabel @123
- Parent_View @121
- location (1933, 815)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1..n"
- pctDist 0.907240
- height 55
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$0" @124
- Parent_View @119
- location (1638, -234)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @125
- Parent_View @124
- location (1581, 477)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- hidden TRUE
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 450
- justify 0
- label ""
- pctDist 0.800000
- height 42
- orientation 1)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "39A6BA5F0157"
- client @119
- supplier @102
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (1910, 518)
- terminal_attachment (1498, 518))))
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$36" @126
- location (665, 1456)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3ECD2EE3003F"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "taglibExtensions" @127
- Parent_View @126
- location (-563, 922)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- label (object SegLabel @128
- Parent_View @127
- location (581, 2057)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 325
- justify 0
- label "+taglibExtensions"
- pctDist 0.922742
- height 163
- orientation 1)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3ECD2EE503D1"
- client @126
- supplier @86
- vertices (list Points
- (665, 1456)
- (665, 1781)
- (418, 1781)
- (418, 2128))
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (665, 1456)
- terminal_attachment (418, 2128)
- label (object SegLabel @129
- Parent_View @127
- location (380, 2069)
- font (object Font
- size 10
- face "Arial"
- bold FALSE
- italics FALSE
- underline FALSE
- strike FALSE
- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.935800
- height 38
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$37" @130
- Parent_View @126
- location (-563, 922)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3ECD2EE503DB"
- client @126
- supplier @102
- vertices (list Points
- (665, 1456)
- (665, 831)
- (958, 831))
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (665, 1456)
- terminal_attachment (958, 831))))))))

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