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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core/j2ee-validation/org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/model/internal/validation/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 523 deletions
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- * Copyright (c) 2001, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.model.internal.validation;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.EnterpriseBean;
-import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.Entity;
-import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.provisional.core.IMessage;
- * This class checks entity home classes for errors or potential errors.
- * If any problems are found, an error, warning, or info marker is added to the task list.
- *
- * Enterprise JavaBeans Specification ("Specification")
- * Version: 1.1
- * Status: Final Release
- * Release: 12/17/99
- * URL:
- * Section: 9.2.8
- */
-public abstract class AValidateEntityHome extends AValidateHome {
- private HashSet findByPKMethods = null;
- public AValidateEntityHome() {
- findByPKMethods = new HashSet();
- }
- @Override
- public void reset() {
- super.reset();
- findByPKMethods.clear();
- }
- protected void incrementFindByPrimaryKeyCount(IEJBValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz, Method method) {
- if (method == null) {
- return;
- }
- // Need to track number of findByPrimaryKey methods for the
- // validateMethodExists() checks. Do not check only the current
- // class, or a findByPrimaryKey which is inherited from a parent interface
- // will not be detected.
- if (method.getName().equals(IMethodAndFieldConstants.METHODNAME_FINDBYPRIMARYKEY)) {
- findByPKMethods.add(method);
- }
- }
- /**
- * This method returns true if the given method returns the remote interface,
- * and false otherwise.
- */
- public boolean isSingleObjectFinder(IEJBValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz, Method method) throws InvalidInputException {
- vc.terminateIfCancelled();
- if (method == null) {
- return false;
- }
- // The findByPrimaryKey method is always a single-object finder.
- JavaClass remoteIntf = bean.getRemoteInterface();
- ValidationRuleUtility.isValidTypeHierarchy(bean, remoteIntf);
- if (!ValidationRuleUtility.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType(), remoteIntf)) {
- return false;
- }
- // The method is a single-object finder.
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * This method checks that the entity home's methods comply with the EJB 1.1 specification.
- * Section: 9.2.8
- */
- @Override
- public void primValidate(IEJBValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz, Method hiMethod) throws InvalidInputException {
- // Can't invoke an abstract method
- // super.primValidate(hiMethod);
- vc.terminateIfCancelled();
- String name = hiMethod.getName();
- // Each method defined in the home interface must be one of the following:
- // - A create method.
- // - A finder method.
- if (name.equals(IMethodAndFieldConstants.METHODNAME_CREATE))
- validateCreateMethod(vc, bean, clazz, hiMethod);
- else if (name.startsWith(IMethodAndFieldConstants.PREFIX_FIND))
- validateFindMethod(vc, bean, clazz, hiMethod);
- else {
- IMessage message = MessageUtility.getUtility().getMessage(vc, IMessagePrefixEjb11Constants.CHKJ2005, IEJBValidationContext.ERROR, bean, clazz, hiMethod, this);
- vc.addMessage(message);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Checks to see if @ejbMethod is one of the required methods.
- */
- @Override
- protected void primValidateExistence(IEJBValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz, Method ejbMethod) throws InvalidInputException {
- // Can't invoke an abstract method
- //super.validateExistence(ejbMethod);
- if (IMethodAndFieldConstants.METHODNAME_FINDBYPRIMARYKEY.equals(ejbMethod.getName()))
- incrementFindByPrimaryKeyCount(vc, bean, clazz, ejbMethod);
- }
- /**
- * EJB 1.1 specification
- * Section: 9.2.8
- */
- @Override
- public void validateClass(IEJBValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz) throws InvalidInputException {
- super.validateClass(vc, bean, clazz);
- // The superclass checks that the home extends javax.ejb.EJBHome,
- // and that the interface inheritance complies with RMI-IIOP rules.
- }
- /**
- * Checks that the create method on the entity home follows the EJB 1.1. specification.
- * Section: 9.2.8
- */
- public void validateCreateMethod(IEJBValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz, Method method) throws InvalidInputException {
- vc.terminateIfCancelled();
- if (method == null) {
- return;
- }
- // Each create method must be named "create", and it must match one of the
- // ejbCreate methods defined in the enterprise Bean class. The matching
- // ejbCreate method must have the same number and types of its arguments.
- // (Note that the return type is different.)
- //
- // All the exceptions defined in the throws clause of the matching ejbCreate
- // and ejbPostCreate methods of the enterprise Bean class must be included in
- // the throws clause of the matching create method of the home interface
- // (i.e the set of exceptions defined for the create method must be a superset
- // of the union of exceptions defined for the ejbCreate and ejbPostCreate methods)
- validateCreateMethod_beanDep(vc, bean, clazz, method);
- vc.terminateIfCancelled();
- // The return type for a create method must be the entity bean's remote interface type.
- validateCreateMethod_remoteDep(vc, bean, clazz, method);
- // The throws clause of a create method must include the javax.ejb.CreateException.
- if (!ValidationRuleUtility.throwsCreateException(bean, method)) {
- String[] msgParm = { ITypeConstants.CLASSNAME_JAVAX_EJB_CREATEEXCEPTION };
- IMessage message = MessageUtility.getUtility().getMessage(vc, IMessagePrefixEjb11Constants.CHKJ2414, IEJBValidationContext.ERROR, bean, clazz, method, msgParm, this);
- vc.addMessage(message);
- }
- // The methods defined in this interface must follow the rules for RMI-IIOP.
- // This means that their argument and return types must be of valid types for
- // RMI-IIOP, and that their throws clause must include the java.rmi.RemoteException.
- validateLegalRMIMethod(vc, bean, clazz, method);
- }
- /**
- * Checks that the create method on the entity home follows the EJB 1.1. specification.
- * Section: 9.2.8
- */
- @Override
- public void validateCreateMethod_beanDep(IEJBValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz, Method method) throws InvalidInputException {
- vc.terminateIfCancelled();
- if (method == null) {
- return;
- }
- // Each create method must be named "create", and it must match one of the
- // ejbCreate methods defined in the enterprise Bean class. The matching
- // ejbCreate method must have the same number and types of its arguments.
- // (Note that the return type is different.)
- super.validateCreateMethod_beanDep(vc, bean, clazz, method);
- //
- // All the exceptions defined in the throws clause of the matching ejbCreate
- // and ejbPostCreate methods of the enterprise Bean class must be included in
- // the throws clause of the matching create method of the home interface
- // (i.e the set of exceptions defined for the create method must be a superset
- // of the union of exceptions defined for the ejbCreate and ejbPostCreate methods)
- validateMatchingBeanPostCreateMethod(vc, bean, clazz, method);
- }
- /**
- * In addition to regular find rules, findByPrimaryKey needs to follow some other rules.
- * EJB 1.1 specification
- * Section: 9.2.8
- */
- public void validateFindByPrimaryKeyMethod_keyDep(IEJBValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz, Method method) throws InvalidInputException {
- vc.terminateIfCancelled();
- if (method == null) {
- return;
- }
- boolean hasValidFBPKMethod = false;
- Entity entityBean = (Entity) bean; // bean is checked for null in AValidateEJB.validate() method, so don't need to check for it here.
- JavaClass keyClass = entityBean.getPrimaryKey();
- ValidationRuleUtility.isValidTypeHierarchy(bean, keyClass);
- vc.terminateIfCancelled();
- // The method must declare the primary key class as the method argument.
- // This check also validates case (CMP unknown primary key class,
- // which must be declared as java.lang.Object.)
- JavaParameter[] parms = method.listParametersWithoutReturn();
- if (parms.length == 1) {
- JavaHelpers type = parms[0].getJavaType();
- if (ValidationRuleUtility.isAssignableFrom(type, keyClass)) {
- // check that it's a single-object finder
- if (isSingleObjectFinder(vc, bean, clazz, method)) {
- hasValidFBPKMethod = true;
- }
- }
- else {
- // check if it's java.lang.Object. If it is, this could be a case of
- if (ValidationRuleUtility.isSameType(type, ValidationRuleUtility.getType(ITypeConstants.CLASSNAME_JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, entityBean))) {
- hasValidFBPKMethod = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!hasValidFBPKMethod) {
- IMessage message = MessageUtility.getUtility().getMessage(vc, IMessagePrefixEjb11Constants.CHKJ2405, IEJBValidationContext.WARNING, bean, clazz, method, new String[] { keyClass.getQualifiedName()}, this);
- vc.addMessage(message);
- }
- }
- /**
- * In addition to regular find rules, findByPrimaryKey needs to follow some other rules.
- * EJB 1.1 specification
- * Section: 9.2.8
- */
- public void validateFindByPrimaryKeyMethod_remoteDep(IEJBValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz, Method method) throws InvalidInputException {
- vc.terminateIfCancelled();
- if (!isSingleObjectFinder(vc, bean, clazz, method)) {
- String remoteIntfName = bean.getRemoteInterface().getName(); // Can assume that remote interface isn't null, or isSingleObjectFinder would have thrown an InvalidInputException.
- IMessage message = MessageUtility.getUtility().getMessage(vc, IEJBValidatorMessageConstants.CHKJ2403, IEJBValidationContext.WARNING, bean, clazz, method, new String[] { remoteIntfName }, this);
- vc.addMessage(message);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Checks that the finder method on the entity home class follows the EJB 1.1 specification.
- * Section: 9.2.8
- */
- public void validateFindMethod(IEJBValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz, Method method) throws InvalidInputException {
- vc.terminateIfCancelled();
- if (method == null) {
- return;
- }
- // The return type for a find<METHOD> method must be the entity bean's remote
- // interface type (for a single-object finder), or a collection thereof (for a
- // multi-object finder).
- //
- // Whether or not the parameter is a type or an array of types, the following
- // call will return the base type. i.e., if it's an array of "MyClass",
- // the returnTypeName will be set to "MyClass", not an array type.
- validateFindMethod_remoteDep(vc, bean, clazz, method);
- // The throws clause of a finder method must include the javax.ejb.FinderException.
- if (!ValidationRuleUtility.throwsFinderException(bean, method)) {
- String[] msgParm = { ITypeConstants.CLASSNAME_JAVAX_EJB_FINDEREXCEPTION };
- IMessage message = MessageUtility.getUtility().getMessage(vc, IMessagePrefixEjb11Constants.CHKJ2414, IEJBValidationContext.ERROR, bean, clazz, method, msgParm, this);
- vc.addMessage(message);
- }
- // The home interface must always include the findByPrimaryKey method, which is
- // always a single-object finder. The method must declare the primary key class
- // as the method argument.
- boolean validateRMIParameters = true; // should the parameters be validated to see if they follow RMI-IIOP rules?
- boolean validateRMIRetType = true; // should the return type be validated to see if it follows RMI-IIOP rules?
- if (method.getName().equals(IMethodAndFieldConstants.METHODNAME_FINDBYPRIMARYKEY)) {
- // - The home interface must always include the findByPrimaryKey method, which is
- // always a single-object finder. The method must declare the primary key class
- // as the method argument.
- //
- // The findByPrimaryKey method is always a single-object finder.
- // The call to validateFindByPrimaryKeyMethod_remoteDep is done in
- // validateFindMethod_remoteDep(method);
- //validateFindByPrimaryKeyMethod_remoteDep(method);
- // The method must declare the primary key class as the method argument.
- validateFindByPrimaryKeyMethod_keyDep(vc, bean, clazz, method);
- if(ValidationRuleUtility.usesUnknownPrimaryKey(bean)) {
- validateRMIParameters = false;
- }
- }
- // The methods defined in this interface must follow the rules for RMI-IIOP.
- // This means that their argument and return types must be of valid types for
- // RMI-IIOP, and that their throws clause must include the java.rmi.RemoteException.
- // However, the return type of "Enumeration" or "Collection" is exempted from this
- // check, because the spec states, in, that Enumeration or Collection must be returned
- // for multi-object finders.
- JavaHelpers retType = method.getReturnType();
- validateRMIRetType = !((ValidationRuleUtility.isAssignableFrom(retType, ValidationRuleUtility.getType(ITypeConstants.CLASSNAME_JAVA_UTIL_ENUMERATION, bean))) ||
- (ValidationRuleUtility.isAssignableFrom(retType, ValidationRuleUtility.getType(ITypeConstants.CLASSNAME_JAVA_UTIL_COLLECTION, bean))));
- if(validateRMIParameters) {
- validateLegalRMIMethodArguments(vc, bean, clazz, method);
- }
- if(validateRMIRetType) {
- validateLegalRMIMethodReturnType(vc, bean, clazz, method);
- }
- validateLegalRMIMethodExceptions(vc, bean, clazz, method);
- }
- /**
- * Checks that the finder method on the entity home class follows the EJB 1.1 specification.
- * Section: 9.2.8
- */
- public void validateFindMethod_remoteDep(IEJBValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz, Method method) throws InvalidInputException {
- vc.terminateIfCancelled();
- if (method == null) {
- return;
- }
- // The return type for a find<METHOD> method must be the entity bean's remote
- // interface type (for a single-object finder), or a collection thereof (for a
- // multi-object finder).
- //
- // Whether or not the parameter is a type or an array of types, the following
- // call will return the base type. i.e., if it's an array of "MyClass",
- // the returnTypeName will be set to "MyClass", not an array type.
- JavaClass remoteIntf = bean.getRemoteInterface();
- ValidationRuleUtility.isValidTypeHierarchy(bean, remoteIntf);
- // Perform this check for all finders but the findByPrimaryKey method.
- // The findByPrimaryKey method must return the remote interface, because the method is
- // a single-object finder method; but other finders may return a Collection or Enumeration.
- if (!method.getName().equals(IMethodAndFieldConstants.METHODNAME_FINDBYPRIMARYKEY)) {
- JavaHelpers returnType = method.getReturnType();
- if (! (ValidationRuleUtility.isAssignableFromCollection(returnType, bean) ||
- ValidationRuleUtility.isAssignableFromEnumeration(returnType, bean) ||
- ValidationRuleUtility.isAssignableFrom(returnType, remoteIntf))) {
- String[] msgParm = { remoteIntf.getName()};
- IMessage message = MessageUtility.getUtility().getMessage(vc, IEJBValidatorMessageConstants.CHKJ2403, IEJBValidationContext.WARNING, bean, clazz, method, msgParm, this);
- vc.addMessage(message);
- }
- }
- // The home interface must always include the findByPrimaryKey method, which is
- // always a single-object finder. The method must declare the primary key class
- // as the method argument.
- if (method.getName().equals(IMethodAndFieldConstants.METHODNAME_FINDBYPRIMARYKEY)) {
- validateFindByPrimaryKeyMethod_remoteDep(vc, bean, clazz, method);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void validateMatchingBeanCreateMethod(IEJBValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz, Method method) throws InvalidInputException {
- vc.terminateIfCancelled();
- super.validateMatchingBeanCreateMethod(vc, bean, clazz, method);
- JavaClass beanClass = bean.getEjbClass();
- Method ejbCreateMethod = ValidationRuleUtility.getMethodExtended(beanClass, method, IMethodAndFieldConstants.METHODNAME_EJBCREATE);
- if (ejbCreateMethod == null) {
- // already reported in super
- return;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Checks that the finder method on the entity home class follows the EJB 1.1 specification.
- * Section: 9.2.8
- */
- public void validateMatchingBeanFindMethod(IEJBValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz, Method homeMethod) throws InvalidInputException {
- vc.terminateIfCancelled();
- if (homeMethod == null) {
- return;
- }
- // Each finder method must be named "find<METHOD>" (e.g. findLargeAccounts), and it
- // must match one of the ejbFind<METHOD> methods defined in the entity bean class
- // (e.g. ejbFindLargeAccounts). The matching ejbFind<METHOD> method must have the
- // same number and types of arguments. (Note that the return type may be different.)
- String findMethodName = IMethodAndFieldConstants.PREFIX_EJBF + (homeMethod.getName()).substring(1); // e.g. if the home method is named findX, then the bean method will be named ejbFindX
- JavaClass beanClass = bean.getEjbClass();
- ValidationRuleUtility.isValidTypeHierarchy(bean, beanClass);
- Method beanMethod = ValidationRuleUtility.getMethodExtended(beanClass, homeMethod, findMethodName);
- if (beanMethod == null) {
- IMessage message = MessageUtility.getUtility().getMessage(vc, IMessagePrefixEjb11Constants.CHKJ2030, IEJBValidationContext.ERROR, bean, clazz, homeMethod, new String[] { beanClass.getName()}, this);
- vc.addMessage(message);
- return;
- }
- // Check if return types match
- vc.terminateIfCancelled();
- JavaHelpers homeRetType = homeMethod.getReturnType();
- JavaHelpers beanRetType = beanMethod.getReturnType();
- if (!ValidationRuleUtility.isAssignableFrom(homeRetType, beanRetType)) {
- // emit the error only if it's a multi-finder. Single-finders are supposed to have different return types on the home & bean class.
- boolean homeRetTypeIsRemote = ValidationRuleUtility.isAssignableFrom(homeRetType, bean.getRemoteInterface());
- boolean beanRetTypeIsKey = ValidationRuleUtility.isAssignableFrom(beanRetType, ((Entity)bean).getPrimaryKey());
- if(!(homeRetTypeIsRemote && beanRetTypeIsKey)) {
- JavaHelpers retType = (beanRetTypeIsKey) ? bean.getRemoteInterface() : beanRetType; // if the bean class returns a key, the home must return the remote; if the bean class returns a Coll/Enum, the home must return the same
- IMessage message = MessageUtility.getUtility().getMessage(vc, IMessagePrefixEjb11Constants.CHKJ2415, IEJBValidationContext.ERROR, bean, clazz, homeMethod, new String[] { retType.getJavaName(), beanClass.getName()}, this);
- vc.addMessage(message);
- }
- }
- // All the exceptions defined in the throws clause of an ejbFind method of the
- // entity bean class must be included in the throws clause of the matching find
- // method of the home interface.
- /*
- // Don't check for the exceptions here - let the bean class do it. When the home
- // changes, a "dependent" validation of the bean's checks should be done automatically.
- // If it is checked in this method as well, there are duplicate messages on the task list.
- HashSet exceptions = getNotSubsetExceptions(homeMethod, beanMethod);
- if(exceptions.size() > 0) {
- Iterator iterator = exceptions.iterator();
- while(iterator.hasNext()) {
- JavaClass exc = (JavaClass);
- String[] msgParm = {exc.getQualifiedName()};
- addValidationMessage(IEJBValidationContext.ERROR, IMessagePrefixEjb11Constants.EJB_METHOD_THROW_NOTHI_EXCEP, msgParm, beanMethod, EJB_BEAN_GROUP);
- }
- }
- */
- }
- /**
- * Checks that the create method on the entity home has a matching ejbCreate and ejbPostCreate on the bean.
- * EJB 1.1 specification
- * Section: 9.2.8
- */
- public void validateMatchingBeanPostCreateMethod(IEJBValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz, Method homeMethod) throws InvalidInputException {
- vc.terminateIfCancelled();
- if (homeMethod == null) {
- return;
- }
- // Each create method must be named "create", and it must match one of the
- // ejbCreate methods defined in the enterprise Bean class. The matching
- // ejbCreate method must have the same number and types of its arguments.
- // (Note that the return type is different.)
- JavaClass beanClass = bean.getEjbClass();
- ValidationRuleUtility.isValidTypeHierarchy(bean, beanClass);
- Method beanMethod = ValidationRuleUtility.getMethodExtended(beanClass, homeMethod, IMethodAndFieldConstants.METHODNAME_EJBPOSTCREATE);
- if (beanMethod == null) {
- // Let the bean class report this message. Otherwise, when the bean class reports it, this message looks like a duplicate.
- /*
- IMessage message = MessageUtility.getUtility().getMessage(vc, IMessagePrefixEjb11Constants.CHKJ2031, IEJBValidationContext.WARNING, bean, clazz, homeMethod, new String[] { beanClass.getName()}, this);
- vc.addMessage(message);
- */
- return;
- }
- // All the exceptions defined in the throws clause of the matching ejbCreate
- // and ejbPostCreate methods of the enterprise Bean class must be included in
- // the throws clause of the matching create method of the home interface
- // (i.e the set of exceptions defined for the create method must be a superset
- // of the union of exceptions defined for the ejbCreate and ejbPostCreate methods)
- /*
- // Don't check for the exceptions here - let the bean class do it. When the home
- // changes, a "dependent" validation of the bean's checks should be done automatically.
- // If it is checked in this method as well, there are duplicate messages on the task list.
- HashSet exceptions = getNotSubsetExceptions(homeMethod, beanMethod);
- if(exceptions.size() > 0) {
- Iterator iterator = exceptions.iterator();
- while(iterator.hasNext()) {
- JavaClass exc = (JavaClass);
- String[] msgParm = {exc.getQualifiedName()};
- addValidationMessage(IEJBValidationContext.ERROR, IMessagePrefixEjb11Constants.EJB_METHOD_THROW_NOTHI_EXCEP, msgParm, beanMethod, EJB_BEAN_GROUP);
- }
- }
- */
- }
- /**
- * EJB 1.1 specification
- * Section: 9.2.8
- */
- @Override
- protected void validateMethodExists(IEJBValidationContext vc, EnterpriseBean bean, JavaClass clazz) throws InvalidInputException {
- // - The home interface must always include the findByPrimaryKey method, which is
- // always a single-object finder. The method must declare the primary key class
- // as the method argument.
- if (findByPKMethods.size() == 0) {
- // must have one findByPrimaryKey method
- IMessage message = MessageUtility.getUtility().getMessage(vc, IMessagePrefixEjb11Constants.CHKJ2011, IEJBValidationContext.ERROR, bean, clazz, new String[] { clazz.getQualifiedName()}, this);
- vc.addMessage(message);
- }
- /*
- // Not sure if this check is useful or not, because it is legal for a child home to declare a findByPrimaryKey,
- // and also for a parent home to declare a findByPrimaryKey.
- else if ( findByPKMethods.size() > 1 ) {
- // if the home interface has multiple findByPrimaryKey methods (implied by 9.2.8)
- Iterator iterator = findByPKMethods.iterator();
- while(iterator.hasNext()) {
- addValidationMessage(IEJBValidationContext.WARNING, IMessagePrefixEjb11Constants.EJB_HAS_MULTIPLE_PK_METHODS, (Method);
- }
- }
- */
- }

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