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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core/commonArchive/org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/commonarchivecore/internal/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 445 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core/commonArchive/org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/commonarchivecore/internal/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core/commonArchive/org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/commonarchivecore/internal/
deleted file mode 100644
index b3a0046c4..000000000
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core/commonArchive/org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/commonarchivecore/internal/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2001, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EFactory;
-import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.exception.OpenFailureException;
-import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.helpers.ArchiveOptions;
-import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.strategy.LoadStrategy;
-import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.looseconfig.internal.LooseArchive;
- * @generated
- */
-public interface CommonarchiveFactory extends EFactory{
- /**
- * The singleton instance of the factory.
- * <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
- * @generated
- */
- CommonarchiveFactory eINSTANCE = new org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.impl.CommonarchiveFactoryImpl();
- /**
- * Tell the factory that an archive has been opened; the factory maintains a weak set of all the
- * open archives to determine if another archive can be closed.
- */
- public void archiveClosed(Archive aClosedArchive);
- /**
- * Tell the factory that an archive has been opened; the factory maintains a weak set of all the
- * open archives to determine if another archive can be closed.
- */
- public void archiveOpened(Archive anOpenArchive);
- /**
- * @deprecated Use {@link #getOpenArchivesDependingOn(Archive)}
- *
- * If any opened archive contains files that have the parameter as its loading container, return
- * false; otherwise return true. This method supports the following scenario: open jar A. create
- * jar B. Copy files from A to B. Attempt to close jar A before saving jar B. Then attempt to
- * save B, and the save fails because A is closed. This method allows client code to test for
- * dependent open archives before saving the source archive. If this method returns false, the
- * solution is to either close or save B before closing A.
- */
- public boolean canClose(Archive anArchive);
- /**
- * Close any open archives and delete the temp files associated with nested archives. Due to
- * limitations in the deleteOnExit() method of file, in 1.2.2 there is no way to ensure these
- * files get deleted. Client code should use good practice by calling {@link Archive#close}when
- * finished with an Archive instance, rather than just discard an instance with open file
- * handles and wait for it to be gc'd. Beyond that, program code compiled for 1.3 can (and
- * should) implement the following shutdown hook: <code>
- * Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
- public void run() {
- ((CommonarchivePackage)EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.getEPackage(CommonarchivePackage.eNS_URI)).getCommonarchiveFactory().closeOpenArchives();
- }
- });</code>
- */
- public void closeOpenArchives();
- public Archive copy(Archive anArchive);
- public ModuleFile copy(ModuleFile aModuleFile);
- /**
- * Creates a new archive for editing, and initializes it appropriately (adds an empty deployment
- * descriptor)
- */
- public ApplicationClientFile createApplicationClientFileInitialized(String uri);
- /**
- * Creates a new archive for editing, and initializes it appropriately
- */
- public Archive createArchiveInitialized(String uri);
- /**
- * Used internally; clients usually should not need this method
- */
- public LoadStrategy createChildLoadStrategy(String uri, LoadStrategy parent) throws,;
- /**
- * Creates a new archive for editing, and initializes it appropriately (adds an empty deployment
- * descriptor)
- */
- public EARFile createEARFileInitialized(String uri);
- /**
- * Creates a new archive for editing, and initializes it appropriately (adds an empty deployment
- * descriptor)
- */
- public EJBJarFile createEJBJarFileInitialized(String uri);
- /**
- * Create an initialized archive based on the given URI and options
- */
- public Archive createArchiveInitialized(ArchiveOptions options, java.lang.String uri);
- /**
- * Create an initialized EAR based on the given URI and options
- */
- public EARFile createEARFileInitialized(ArchiveOptions options, java.lang.String uri);
- /**
- * Create an initialized EJB based on the given URI and options
- */
- public EJBJarFile createEJBJarFileInitialized(ArchiveOptions options, java.lang.String uri);
- /**
- * Initialize archive based on the options
- */
- public void initializeNewApplicationClientFile(ApplicationClientFile anArchive, String uri, ArchiveOptions options);
- /**
- * Initialize archive based on the options
- */
- public void initializeNewArchive(Archive anArchive, String uri, ArchiveOptions options);
- /**
- * Initialize archive based on the options
- */
- public void initializeNewEARFile(EARFile anArchive, String uri, ArchiveOptions options);
- /**
- * Initialized archive based on the options
- */
- public void initializeNewEJBJarFile(EJBJarFile anArchive, String uri, ArchiveOptions options);
- /**
- * Initialized archive based on the options
- */
- public void initializeNewModuleFile(ModuleFile anArchive, String uri, ArchiveOptions options);
- /**
- * Initialized archive based on the options
- */
- public void initializeNewRARFile(RARFile anArchive, String uri, ArchiveOptions options);
- /**
- * Initialized archive based on the options
- */
- public void initializeNewWARFile(WARFile anArchive, String uri, ArchiveOptions options);
- /**
- * Returns a NullLoadStrategyImpl; used for new archives
- */
- LoadStrategy createEmptyLoadStrategy();
- /**
- * Helper method to dynamically build a load strategy from the file system. Determines whether
- * the uri points to a jar file or directory and returns the appropriate strategy
- */
- public LoadStrategy createLoadStrategy(String uri) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException;
- /**
- * @see
- */
- public RARFile createRARFileInitialized(java.lang.String uri);
- /**
- * Creates a new archive for editing, and initializes it appropriately (adds an empty deployment
- * descriptor)
- */
- public WARFile createWARFileInitialized(String uri);
- /**
- * Helper method to introspect an archive and get it's class path entries before fully opening
- * the archive; needed because we may need extra classpath info to be able to open the 1.0 file
- * and deserialize its deployment descriptor
- *
- * @return a tokenized array of class path components
- */
- public String[] getManifestClassPathValues(String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * Return a list of all root level (non-nested) opened archives containing files that have the
- * parameter as its loading container; the set will be empty if no such opened archive exists.
- * This method supports the following scenario: open jar A. create jar B. Copy files from A to
- * B. Attempt to close jar A before saving jar B. Then attempt to save B, and the save fails
- * because A is closed. This method allows client code to test for dependent open archives
- * before saving the source archive. If the return value is not empty, the solution is to either
- * close or save B before closing A.
- */
- public Set getOpenArchivesDependingOn(Archive anArchive);
- /**
- * open the archive, setting up the appropriate strategies, using the loadStrategy passed in;
- * URI still necessary so the archive has a name, but it will not be used for io.
- */
- public ApplicationClientFile openApplicationClientFile(ArchiveOptions options, String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * open the archive, setting up the appropriate strategies, using the loadStrategy passed in;
- * URI still necessary so the archive has a name, but it will not be used for io.
- */
- public ApplicationClientFile openApplicationClientFile(LoadStrategy aLoadStrategy, String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- public ApplicationClientFile openApplicationClientFile(String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * open the archive, setting up the appropriate strategies, using the loadStrategy passed in;
- * URI still necessary so the archive has a name, but it will not be used for io.
- */
- public Archive openArchive(ArchiveOptions options, String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * open the archive, setting up the appropriate strategies, using the loadStrategy passed in;
- * URI still necessary so the archive has a name, but it will not be used for io.
- */
- public Archive openArchive(LoadStrategy aLoadStrategy, String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * open the archive by the passed uri
- *
- * @return the appropriate kind of archive
- */
- public Archive openArchive(String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * open the archive by the passed uri, and use the extraClassPath for java reflection, in
- * addition to the manifest class-path; mostly used for ejb 1.0 jar files to be converted
- *
- * @return the appropriate kind of archive
- */
- public Archive openArchive(String uri, String extraClassPath) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * open the archive, setting up the appropriate strategies, using the loadStrategy passed in;
- * URI still necessary so the archive has a name, but it will not be used for io.
- */
- public EARFile openEARFile(ArchiveOptions options, String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * open the archive, setting up the appropriate strategies, using the loadStrategy passed in;
- * URI still necessary so the archive has a name, but it will not be used for io.
- */
- public EARFile openEARFile(LoadStrategy aLoadStrategy, String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- public EARFile openEARFile(String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * open the archive, setting up the appropriate strategies, using the loadStrategy passed in;
- * URI still necessary so the archive has a name, but it will not be used for io.
- */
- public EJBJarFile openEJB11JarFile(ArchiveOptions options, String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * @see
- */
- public EJBJarFile openEJB11JarFile(LoadStrategy aLoadStrategy, String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * @see
- */
- public EJBJarFile openEJB11JarFile(String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * open the archive, setting up the appropriate strategies, using the loadStrategy passed in;
- * URI still necessary so the archive has a name, but it will not be used for io.
- */
- public EJBJarFile openEJBJarFile(ArchiveOptions options, String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * open the archive, setting up the appropriate strategies, using the loadStrategy passed in;
- * URI still necessary so the archive has a name, but it will not be used for io.
- */
- public EJBJarFile openEJBJarFile(LoadStrategy aLoadStrategy, String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * open the archive, setting up the appropriate strategies, using the loadStrategy passed in;
- * URI still necessary so the archive has a name, but it will not be used for io.
- */
- public EJBJarFile openEJBJarFile(LoadStrategy aLoadStrategy, String uri, String extraClassPath) throws OpenFailureException;
- public EJBJarFile openEJBJarFile(String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- public EJBJarFile openEJBJarFile(String uri, String extraClassPath) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * Used internally for openning an Archive in an Archive
- */
- public Archive openNestedArchive(String uri, Archive parent) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * Used internally for openning an Archive in an Archive
- */
- public Archive openNestedArchive(LooseArchive loose, Archive parent) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * open the archive, setting up the appropriate strategies, using the loadStrategy passed in;
- * URI still necessary so the archive has a name, but it will not be used for io.
- */
- public RARFile openRARFile(ArchiveOptions options, java.lang.String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * @see
- */
- public RARFile openRARFile(LoadStrategy aLoadStrategy, String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * @see
- */
- public RARFile openRARFile(String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- public ReadOnlyDirectory openReadOnlyDirectory(String uri) throws;
- /**
- * open the archive, setting up the appropriate strategies, using the loadStrategy passed in;
- * URI still necessary so the archive has a name, but it will not be used for io.
- */
- public WARFile openWARFile(ArchiveOptions options, String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * open the archive, setting up the appropriate strategies, using the loadStrategy passed in;
- * URI still necessary so the archive has a name, but it will not be used for io.
- */
- public WARFile openWARFile(LoadStrategy aLoadStrategy, String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- public WARFile openWARFile(String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * Open the archive by the passed parameter, without attempting to determine what kind of
- * archive it is
- *
- * @return an instance of Archive, but not a subclass
- */
- Archive primOpenArchive(String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- Archive primOpenArchive(LoadStrategy aLoadStrategy, String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- Archive primOpenArchive(ArchiveOptions options, String uri) throws OpenFailureException;
- /**
- * @generated This field/method will be replaced during code generation
- * @return WARFile value
- */
- WARFile createWARFile();
- /**
- * @generated This field/method will be replaced during code generation
- * @return EJBJarFile value
- */
- EJBJarFile createEJBJarFile();
- /**
- * @generated This field/method will be replaced during code generation
- * @return ApplicationClientFile value
- */
- ApplicationClientFile createApplicationClientFile();
- /**
- * @generated This field/method will be replaced during code generation
- * @return EARFile value
- */
- EARFile createEARFile();
- /**
- * @generated This field/method will be replaced during code generation
- * @return RARFile value
- */
- RARFile createRARFile();
- /**
- * @generated This field/method will be replaced during code generation
- * @return Archive value
- */
- Archive createArchive();
- /**
- * @generated This field/method will be replaced during code generation
- * @return File value
- */
- File createFile();
- /**
- * @generated This field/method will be replaced during code generation
- * @return ReadOnlyDirectory value
- */
- ReadOnlyDirectory createReadOnlyDirectory();
- /**
- * @generated This field/method will be replaced during code generation.
- */
- CommonarchivePackage getCommonarchivePackage();
- /**
- * @generated This field/method will be replaced during code generation
- * @return EJBModuleRef value
- */
- EJBModuleRef createEJBModuleRef();
- /**
- * Convienince method for wrapping a standalone EJB JAR file
- */
- EJBModuleRef createEJBModuleRef(EJBJarFile ejbJarFile);
- /**
- * @generated This field/method will be replaced during code generation
- * @return WebModuleRef value
- */
- WebModuleRef createWebModuleRef();
- /**
- * Convienince method for wrapping a standalone WAR file
- */
- WebModuleRef createWebModuleRef(WARFile warFile);
- /**
- * @generated This field/method will be replaced during code generation
- * @return ClientModuleRef value
- */
- ClientModuleRef createClientModuleRef();
- /**
- * Convienince method for wrapping a standalone Application Client JAR file
- */
- ClientModuleRef createClientModuleRef(ApplicationClientFile clientFile);
- /**
- * @generated This field/method will be replaced during code generation
- * @return ConnectorModuleRef value
- */
- ConnectorModuleRef createConnectorModuleRef();
- /**
- * Convienince method for wrapping a standalone RAR file
- */
- ConnectorModuleRef createConnectorModuleRef(RARFile rarFile);

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