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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/org.eclipse.jem.ui/beaninfoui/org/eclipse/jem/internal/beaninfo/ui/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.jem.ui/beaninfoui/org/eclipse/jem/internal/beaninfo/ui/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.jem.ui/beaninfoui/org/eclipse/jem/internal/beaninfo/ui/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a7675972..000000000
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.jem.ui/beaninfoui/org/eclipse/jem/internal/beaninfo/ui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# Contributors:
-# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
-# $Source: /cvsroot/webtools/jeetools.move/webtools.javaee.git/plugins/org.eclipse.jem.ui/beaninfoui/org/eclipse/jem/internal/beaninfo/ui/Attic/,v $
-# $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2005/06/21 19:59:49 $
-SearchPathDialog_ChoosePackages = &Choose Packages
-SearchPathDialog_Remove = &Remove
-SearchPathDialog_Desc_Label = &Modify search path of packages within this BeanInfo classes JAR/folder
-SearchPathDialog_ModifySearchPaths = Modify Search Paths - {0}
-SearchPathDialog_NotEditable_INFO_ = IWAV0075I Plugin type BeanInfo classes locations are not editable
-SearchPathDialog_PackagePresent_INFO_ = IWAV0076I Package already in the search path
-SearchPathDialog_InputDialog_Title = Package
-SearchPathDialog_InputDialog_Message = &Enter a package:
-BeanInfoPathsBlock_ExportAll = E&xport all
-BeanInfoPathsBlock_UnexportAll = U&nexport all
-BeanInfoPathsBlock_Page_Tab_Packages = &Packages
-BeanInfoPathsBlock_Page_Tab_Classes = &BeanInfo classes
-BeanInfosWorkbookPage_AddFolders = &Add Folders
-BeanInfosWorkbookPage_AddJARs = Add &JARs
-BeanInfosWorkbookPage_AddExternalJAR = Add E&xternal JARs
-BeanInfosWorkbookPage_AddVariable = Add &Variable
-BeanInfosWorkbookPage_AddProjects = Add Projec&ts
-BeanInfosWorkbookPage_ModifyPaths = &Modify Paths
-BeanInfosWorkbookPage_Remove = &Remove
-BeanInfosWorkbookPage_List_Text = &Choose locations of BeanInfo classes (BeanInfo classes locations not in current project)
-BeanInfosWorkbookPage_SelectionDialog_Classes_Title = BeanInfo Class Folders Selection
-BeanInfosWorkbookPage_SelectionDialog_JARs_Title = JAR Selection
-BeanInfosWorkbookPage_SelectionDialog_JARs_Message = &Choose JARs to be added as BeanInfo classes JARs
-BeanInfosWorkbookPage_SelectionDialog_ExtJARs_Text = JAR Selection
-BeanInfosWorkbookPage_SelectionDialog_Projects_Title = BeanInfo Projects Selection
-BeanInfosWorkbookPage_SelectionDialog_Classes_Prompt = &Choose folders to be added as BeanInfo classes folders.
-BeanInfosWorkbookPage_SelectionDialog_Projects_Prompt = &Choose projects to be added as BeanInfo projects.
-PackagesWorkbook_ChoosePackages = &Choose packages
-PackagesWorkbook_ChooseDefinedPaths = Choose &defined paths
-PackagesWorkbook_Remove = &Remove
-PackagesWorkbook_LabelText = Choose BeanInfo &packages from the class path
-PackagesWorkbook_SelectionDialog_DefinedPaths_Title = Choose Defined Paths
-PackagesWorkbook_SelectionDialog_DefinedPaths_Message = Choose the pre-defined paths to add to the search path
-LabelProvider_Library_Folder = {0} (class folder)
-LabelProvider_Library__PathLastSegment_PathRelative_ = {0} - {1}
-LabelProvider_Library__PathLastSegment_PathExceptLast_ = {0} - {1}
-LabelProvider_Variable__name_PathOSString_ = {0} - {1}
-LabelProvider__packageName_Path_ = {0}: {1}
-VariableSelectionBlock_variable_label = &Variable Name:
-VariableSelectionBlock_variable_button = &Browse...
-VariableSelectionBlock_extension_label = Path E&xtension:
-VariableSelectionBlock_extension_button = Bro&wse...
-VariableSelectionBlock_fullpath_label = Resolved Path:
-VariableSelectionBlock_error_entername_ERROR_ = IWAV0077E Variable name must be entered.
-VariableSelectionBlock_error_namenotexists_ERROR_ = IWAV0078E Variable does not exist.
-VariableSelectionBlock_error_pathexists_ERROR_ = IWAV0079E Class path entry already exists.
-VariableSelectionBlock_error_invalidextension_ERROR_ = IWAV0080E Extension is not a valid path.
-VariableSelectionBlock_warning_pathnotexists_WARN_ = IWAV0081W Resolved path is not an existing JAR file.
-VariableSelectionBlock_ExtJarDialog_title = JAR Selection
-# Properties for the plugin
-# This shows up as the title of a message dialog
-Beaninfo_UI__errortitle = Error
-Beaninfo_UI__error = Error while setting BeanInfo configuration.
-BeaninfoPropertiesPage_INFO__nojavaproject = IWAV0019I BeanInfo is only applicable to Java projects.
-BeaninfoPropertiesPage_INFO__closedproject = IWAV0020I BeanInfo is not available for a closed project.
-# This is a checkbox on a preference page. The label is to indicate whether introspection is enabled to run or not.
-BeaninfoPathsBlock_UI__enablebeaninfo = &Enable BeanInfo Introspection on this Project
-# This is a header line for a page of preferences.
-BeaninfoPathsBlock_UI__searchpath_label = Build BeanInfo &search path order and exported entries:\n(Exported entries are contributed to dependent projects)
-BeaninfoPathsBlock_UI__searchpath_up_button = &Up
-BeaninfoPathsBlock_UI__searchpath_down_button = &Down
-BeaninfoPathsBlock_UI__searchpath_remove_button = &Remove
-BeaninfoPathsBlock_UI__serachpath_tab_order = &Order and Export
-BeaninfoPathsBlock_UI__warning_EntryMissing = Project class path entries, or BeanInfo class files are missing.
-# {0} will be the package name, e.g. java.lang
-BeaninfoPathsBlock_WARN__searchpath_missing_path_format = IWAV0021W {0} - Package path not found.
-# This is a message on a progress dialog.
-BeaninfoPathsBlock_UI__searchpath_operationdescription = Setting BeanInfo search paths...
-BeaninfoPathsBlock_UI__addsearchpath_title = Select Packages
-BeaninfoPathsBlock_UI__addsearchpath_description = &Select packages to add to search path:
-BeaninfoPathsBlock_UI__warning_EntryMissing = Project class path entries, or BeanInfo class files are missing.
-BeaninfoPathsBlock_UI__searchpath_add_button = Add Package...

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