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Diffstat (limited to 'docs/org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.doc.user/topics/tjvalmanual.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/docs/org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.doc.user/topics/tjvalmanual.html b/docs/org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.doc.user/topics/tjvalmanual.html
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-<meta name="DC.Title" content="Manually validating code" />
-<meta name="abstract" content="When you run a manual validation, all resources in the selected project are validated according to the validation settings." />
-<meta name="description" content="When you run a manual validation, all resources in the selected project are validated according to the validation settings." />
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-<title>Manually validating code</title>
-<body id="tjvalmanual"><a name="tjvalmanual"><!-- --></a>
-<h1 class="id_title">Manually validating code</h1>
-<div class="id_taskbody"><p class="id_shortdesc">When you run a manual validation, all
-resources in the selected project are validated according to the validation
-<div class="id_context"><p class="anchor_topictop" />
- <div class="p">The
-validators used depend on the global and project validation settings. When
-you validate a project manually, the global settings are used unless both
-of the following are true:<ul>
-<li>The <span class="uicontrol">Allow projects to override these preference settings</span> check
-box is selected on the global validation preferences page.</li>
-<li>The <span class="uicontrol">Override validation preferences</span> check box is
-selected on the project's validation preferences page.</li>
-<p>Whether the workbench uses the global or project validation preferences,
-only the validators selected to run on manual validation are used when you
-run a manual validation.</p>
-<p>To manually invoke an immediate code validation,
-complete the following steps:</p>
-<ol class="id_steps">
-<li class="stepexpand"><span>Select the project that you want to validate.</span></li>
-<li class="stepexpand"><span>Right-click the project and then click <span class="uicontrol">Validate</span>.</span>
- If this option is not available, validation is disabled or there are
-no validators enabled for the project. To enable validation at the global
-level, see <a href="tjval.html" title="The workbench includes validators that&#10;check certain files in your enterprise application module projects for errors.">Validating code in enterprise applications</a>. To enable validators for this
-project, see <a href="tjvalglobalpref.html" title="For a given project, you can override&#10;the global validation preferences.">Overriding global validation preferences</a>.</li>
-<div class="id_result">The workbench validates the project using
-the enabled validators. Any errors found by the validators are listed in the
-Problems view.</div>
-<div class="id_postreq"><p class="anchor_topicbottom" />
-<div><div class="reltasks"><strong>Related tasks</strong><br />
-<div><a href="../topics/tjvaldisable.html" title="You can disable one or more validators individually or disable validation entirely. Also, you can set validation settings for your entire workspace and for individual projects.">Disabling validation</a></div>
-<div><a href="../topics/tjvalglobalpref.html" title="For a given project, you can override the global validation preferences.">Overriding global validation preferences</a></div>
-<div><a href="../topics/tjvalselect.html" title="You can select specific validators to run during manual and build code validation. You can set each validator to run on manual validation, build validation, both, or neither.">Selecting code validators</a></div>
-<div class="relref"><strong>Related reference</strong><br />
-<div><a href="../topics/rtunevalidat.html" title="Whether or not a validator validates a particular resource depends on the filters that are in place for that validator.">Tuning validators</a></div>
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