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-<meta name="DC.Title" content="J2EE architecture" />
-<meta name="abstract" content="The Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) provides a standard for developing multitier, enterprise applications." />
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-<title>J2EE architecture</title>
-<body id="cjarch"><a name="cjarch"><!-- --></a>
-<h1 class="id_title">J2EE architecture</h1>
-<div class="id_conbody"><p class="id_shortdesc">The Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
-provides a standard for developing multitier, enterprise applications.</p>
-<p class="anchor_topictop" />
-<p>The economy and technology of today have intensified the need for faster,
-more efficient, and larger-scale information management solutions. The J2EE
-specification satisfies these challenges by providing a programming model
-that improves development productivity, standardizes the platform for hosting
-enterprise applications, and ensures portability of developed applications
-with an extensive test suite.</p>
-<p>J2EE architecture supports component-based development of multi-tier enterprise
-applications. A J2EE application system typically includes the following tiers:</p>
-<dt class="dlterm">Client tier</dt>
-<dd>In the client tier, Web components, such as Servlets and JavaServer Pages
-(JSPs), or standalone Java applications provide a dynamic interface
-to the middle tier.</dd>
-<dt class="dlterm">Middle tier</dt>
-<dd>In the server tier, or middle tier, enterprise beans and Web Services
-encapsulate reusable, distributable business logic for the application. These
-server-tier components are contained on a J2EE Application Server, which provides
-the platform for these components to perform actions and store data.</dd>
-<dt class="dlterm">Enterprise data tier</dt>
-<dd>In the data tier, the enterprise's data is stored and persisted, typically
-in a relational database.</dd>
-<p>J2EE applications are comprised of components, containers, and services.
-Components are application-level components. Web components, such as Servlets
-and JSPs, provide dynamic responses to requests from a Web page. EJB components
-contain server-side business logic for enterprise applications. Web and EJB
-component containers host services that support Web and EJB modules.</p>
-<p>For more information on J2EE architecture and its implicit technologies,
-download and read the <a href="" target="_blank" title="">J2EE 1.4 Specification</a>.</p>
-<p class="anchor_topicbottom" />
-<div><div class="relconcepts"><strong>Related concepts</strong><br />
-<div><a href="../topics/cjearproj.html" title="An enterprise application project ties together the resources that are required to deploy a J2EE enterprise application.">Enterprise application projects</a></div>
-<div><a href="../topics/cjappcliproj.html" title="Application client projects contain programs that run on networked client systems so the project can benefit from a server's tools.">Application client projects</a></div>
-<div class="reltasks"><strong>Related tasks</strong><br />
-<div><a href="../topics/tjear.html" title="Using the wizard to create an enterprise application project allows you to package many web applications and modules in a project and deploy these modules as a J2EE enterprise application.">Creating an enterprise application project</a></div>
-<div><a href="../topics/tjimpear.html" title="Enterprise application projects are deployed into EAR files. You can import an enterprise application project by importing it from a deployed EAR file.">Importing an enterprise application EAR file</a></div>
-<div><a href="../topics/tjexpear.html" title="Enterprise applications are deployed in the form of an EAR file. Use the Export wizard to export an enterprise application project into an EAR file for deployment.">Exporting an enterprise application into an EAR file</a></div>
-<div><a href="../topics/tjappproj.html" title="You can use a wizard to create a new application client project and add it to a new or existing enterprise application project.">Creating an application client project</a></div>
-<div><a href="../topics/tjexpapp.html" title="You can export an application client project as a JAR file.">Exporting an application client project</a></div>
-<div><a href="../topics/tjimpapp.html" title="Application client projects are deployed as JAR files. You can import an application client project that has been deployed into a JAR file by using the Import wizard.">Importing an application client JAR file</a></div>
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