Skip to main content
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr')
6 files changed, 5916 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d5372582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+* generated by Xtext
+package org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys.parser.antlr;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.IAntlrTokenFileProvider;
+public class ETPhysAntlrTokenFileProvider implements IAntlrTokenFileProvider {
+ public InputStream getAntlrTokenFile() {
+ ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
+ return classLoader.getResourceAsStream("org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.tokens");
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99fa08163
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+* generated by Xtext
+package org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys.parser.antlr;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream;
+public class ETPhysParser extends org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AbstractAntlrParser {
+ @Inject
+ private ETPhysGrammarAccess grammarAccess;
+ @Override
+ protected void setInitialHiddenTokens(XtextTokenStream tokenStream) {
+ tokenStream.setInitialHiddenTokens("RULE_WS", "RULE_ML_COMMENT", "RULE_SL_COMMENT");
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys.parser.antlr.internal.InternalETPhysParser createParser(XtextTokenStream stream) {
+ return new org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys.parser.antlr.internal.InternalETPhysParser(stream, getGrammarAccess());
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getDefaultRuleName() {
+ return "PhysicalModel";
+ }
+ public ETPhysGrammarAccess getGrammarAccess() {
+ return this.grammarAccess;
+ }
+ public void setGrammarAccess(ETPhysGrammarAccess grammarAccess) {
+ this.grammarAccess = grammarAccess;
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b122de2ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g
@@ -0,0 +1,1118 @@
+* generated by Xtext
+grammar InternalETPhys;
+options {
+ superClass=AbstractInternalAntlrParser;
+@lexer::header {
+package org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys.parser.antlr.internal;
+// Hack: Use our own Lexer superclass by means of import.
+// Currently there is no other way to specify the superclass for the lexer.
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.Lexer;
+@parser::header {
+package org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys.parser.antlr.internal;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.*;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.*;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.impl.*;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Enumerator;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AbstractInternalAntlrParser;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream.HiddenTokens;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AntlrDatatypeRuleToken;
+@parser::members {
+ private ETPhysGrammarAccess grammarAccess;
+ public InternalETPhysParser(TokenStream input, ETPhysGrammarAccess grammarAccess) {
+ this(input);
+ this.grammarAccess = grammarAccess;
+ registerRules(grammarAccess.getGrammar());
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getFirstRuleName() {
+ return "PhysicalModel";
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected ETPhysGrammarAccess getGrammarAccess() {
+ return grammarAccess;
+ }
+@rulecatch {
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRulePhysicalModel
+entryRulePhysicalModel returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelRule()); }
+ iv_rulePhysicalModel=rulePhysicalModel
+ { $current=$iv_rulePhysicalModel.current; }
+// Rule PhysicalModel
+rulePhysicalModel returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+( otherlv_0='PhysicalModel'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelAccess().getPhysicalModelKeyword_0());
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelAccess().getNameFQNParserRuleCall_1_0());
+ }
+ lv_name_1_0=ruleFQN {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "name",
+ lv_name_1_0,
+ "FQN");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+) otherlv_2='{'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_2());
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelAccess().getImportsImportParserRuleCall_3_0());
+ }
+ lv_imports_3_0=ruleImport {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ $current,
+ "imports",
+ lv_imports_3_0,
+ "Import");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelAccess().getSystemsPhysicalSystemParserRuleCall_4_0_0());
+ }
+ lv_systems_4_0=rulePhysicalSystem {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ $current,
+ "systems",
+ lv_systems_4_0,
+ "PhysicalSystem");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ |(
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelAccess().getNodeClassesNodeClassParserRuleCall_4_1_0());
+ }
+ lv_nodeClasses_5_0=ruleNodeClass {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ $current,
+ "nodeClasses",
+ lv_nodeClasses_5_0,
+ "NodeClass");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ |(
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelAccess().getRuntimeClassesRuntimeClassParserRuleCall_4_2_0());
+ }
+ lv_runtimeClasses_6_0=ruleRuntimeClass {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ $current,
+ "runtimeClasses",
+ lv_runtimeClasses_6_0,
+ "RuntimeClass");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+))* otherlv_7='}'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_5());
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRulePhysicalSystem
+entryRulePhysicalSystem returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalSystemRule()); }
+ iv_rulePhysicalSystem=rulePhysicalSystem
+ { $current=$iv_rulePhysicalSystem.current; }
+// Rule PhysicalSystem
+rulePhysicalSystem returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+( otherlv_0='PhysicalSystem'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getPhysicalSystemAccess().getPhysicalSystemKeyword_0());
+ }
+ lv_name_1_0=RULE_ID
+ {
+ newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getPhysicalSystemAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPhysicalSystemRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ $current,
+ "name",
+ lv_name_1_0,
+ "ID");
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalSystemAccess().getDocuDocumentationParserRuleCall_2_0());
+ }
+ lv_docu_2_0=ruleDocumentation {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPhysicalSystemRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "docu",
+ lv_docu_2_0,
+ "Documentation");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+)? otherlv_3='{'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getPhysicalSystemAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_3());
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalSystemAccess().getNodeRefsNodeRefParserRuleCall_4_0());
+ }
+ lv_nodeRefs_4_0=ruleNodeRef {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPhysicalSystemRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ $current,
+ "nodeRefs",
+ lv_nodeRefs_4_0,
+ "NodeRef");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+)* otherlv_5='}'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getPhysicalSystemAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_5());
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleNodeRef
+entryRuleNodeRef returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNodeRefRule()); }
+ iv_ruleNodeRef=ruleNodeRef
+ { $current=$iv_ruleNodeRef.current; }
+// Rule NodeRef
+ruleNodeRef returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+( otherlv_0='NodeRef'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getNodeRefAccess().getNodeRefKeyword_0());
+ }
+ lv_name_1_0=RULE_ID
+ {
+ newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getNodeRefAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getNodeRefRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ $current,
+ "name",
+ lv_name_1_0,
+ "ID");
+ }
+) otherlv_2=':'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getNodeRefAccess().getColonKeyword_2());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getNodeRefRule());
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNodeRefAccess().getTypeNodeClassCrossReference_3_0());
+ }
+ ruleFQN {
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNodeRefAccess().getDocuDocumentationParserRuleCall_4_0());
+ }
+ lv_docu_4_0=ruleDocumentation {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getNodeRefRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "docu",
+ lv_docu_4_0,
+ "Documentation");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleNodeClass
+entryRuleNodeClass returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNodeClassRule()); }
+ iv_ruleNodeClass=ruleNodeClass
+ { $current=$iv_ruleNodeClass.current; }
+// Rule NodeClass
+ruleNodeClass returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+( otherlv_0='NodeClass'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getNodeClassKeyword_0());
+ }
+ lv_name_1_0=RULE_ID
+ {
+ newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getNodeClassRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ $current,
+ "name",
+ lv_name_1_0,
+ "ID");
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getDocuDocumentationParserRuleCall_2_0());
+ }
+ lv_docu_2_0=ruleDocumentation {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getNodeClassRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "docu",
+ lv_docu_2_0,
+ "Documentation");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+)? otherlv_3='{'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_3());
+ }
+ otherlv_4='runtime'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getRuntimeKeyword_4());
+ }
+ otherlv_5='='
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_5());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getNodeClassRule());
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getRuntimeRuntimeClassCrossReference_6_0());
+ }
+ ruleFQN {
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+) otherlv_7='priomin'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getPriominKeyword_7());
+ }
+ otherlv_8='='
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_8, grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_8());
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getPriominPRIOParserRuleCall_9_0());
+ }
+ lv_priomin_9_0=rulePRIO {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getNodeClassRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "priomin",
+ lv_priomin_9_0,
+ "PRIO");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+) otherlv_10='priomax'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_10, grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getPriomaxKeyword_10());
+ }
+ otherlv_11='='
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_11, grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_11());
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getPriomaxPRIOParserRuleCall_12_0());
+ }
+ lv_priomax_12_0=rulePRIO {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getNodeClassRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "priomax",
+ lv_priomax_12_0,
+ "PRIO");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getThreadsPhysicalThreadParserRuleCall_13_0());
+ }
+ lv_threads_13_0=rulePhysicalThread {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getNodeClassRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ $current,
+ "threads",
+ lv_threads_13_0,
+ "PhysicalThread");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+)* otherlv_14='}'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_14, grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_14());
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRulePhysicalThread
+entryRulePhysicalThread returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadRule()); }
+ iv_rulePhysicalThread=rulePhysicalThread
+ { $current=$iv_rulePhysicalThread.current; }
+// Rule PhysicalThread
+rulePhysicalThread returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+ lv_default_0_0= 'DefaultThread'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(lv_default_0_0, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getDefaultDefaultThreadKeyword_0_0_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed($current, "default", true, "DefaultThread");
+ }
+ | otherlv_1='Thread'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getThreadKeyword_0_1());
+ }
+ lv_name_2_0=RULE_ID
+ {
+ newLeafNode(lv_name_2_0, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ $current,
+ "name",
+ lv_name_2_0,
+ "ID");
+ }
+) otherlv_3='{'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_2());
+ }
+ otherlv_4='execmode'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getExecmodeKeyword_3());
+ }
+ otherlv_5='='
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_4());
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getExecmodeExecModeEnumRuleCall_5_0());
+ }
+ lv_execmode_6_0=ruleExecMode {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "execmode",
+ lv_execmode_6_0,
+ "ExecMode");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+) otherlv_7='prio'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getPrioKeyword_6());
+ }
+ otherlv_8='='
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_8, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_7());
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getPrioPRIOParserRuleCall_8_0());
+ }
+ lv_prio_9_0=rulePRIO {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "prio",
+ lv_prio_9_0,
+ "PRIO");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+) otherlv_10='stacksize'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_10, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getStacksizeKeyword_9());
+ }
+ otherlv_11='='
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_11, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_10());
+ }
+ lv_stacksize_12_0=RULE_INT
+ {
+ newLeafNode(lv_stacksize_12_0, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getStacksizeINTTerminalRuleCall_11_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ $current,
+ "stacksize",
+ lv_stacksize_12_0,
+ "INT");
+ }
+) otherlv_13='msgblocksize'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_13, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getMsgblocksizeKeyword_12());
+ }
+ otherlv_14='='
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_14, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_13());
+ }
+ lv_msgblocksize_15_0=RULE_INT
+ {
+ newLeafNode(lv_msgblocksize_15_0, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getMsgblocksizeINTTerminalRuleCall_14_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ $current,
+ "msgblocksize",
+ lv_msgblocksize_15_0,
+ "INT");
+ }
+) otherlv_16='msgpoolsize'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_16, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getMsgpoolsizeKeyword_15());
+ }
+ otherlv_17='='
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_17, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_16());
+ }
+ lv_msgpoolsize_18_0=RULE_INT
+ {
+ newLeafNode(lv_msgpoolsize_18_0, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getMsgpoolsizeINTTerminalRuleCall_17_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ $current,
+ "msgpoolsize",
+ lv_msgpoolsize_18_0,
+ "INT");
+ }
+) otherlv_19='}'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_19, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_18());
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleRuntimeClass
+entryRuleRuntimeClass returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassRule()); }
+ iv_ruleRuntimeClass=ruleRuntimeClass
+ { $current=$iv_ruleRuntimeClass.current; }
+// Rule RuntimeClass
+ruleRuntimeClass returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+( otherlv_0='RuntimeClass'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassAccess().getRuntimeClassKeyword_0());
+ }
+ lv_name_1_0=RULE_ID
+ {
+ newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ $current,
+ "name",
+ lv_name_1_0,
+ "ID");
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassAccess().getDocuDocumentationParserRuleCall_2_0());
+ }
+ lv_docu_2_0=ruleDocumentation {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "docu",
+ lv_docu_2_0,
+ "Documentation");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+)? otherlv_3='{'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_3());
+ }
+ otherlv_4='model'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassAccess().getModelKeyword_4());
+ }
+ otherlv_5='='
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_5());
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassAccess().getThreadModelThreadModelEnumRuleCall_6_0());
+ }
+ lv_threadModel_6_0=ruleThreadModel {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "threadModel",
+ lv_threadModel_6_0,
+ "ThreadModel");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+) otherlv_7='}'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_7());
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleDocumentation
+entryRuleDocumentation returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDocumentationRule()); }
+ iv_ruleDocumentation=ruleDocumentation
+ { $current=$iv_ruleDocumentation.current; }
+// Rule Documentation
+ruleDocumentation returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+( otherlv_0='['
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getDocumentationAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_0());
+ }
+ lv_text_1_0=RULE_STRING
+ {
+ newLeafNode(lv_text_1_0, grammarAccess.getDocumentationAccess().getTextSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getDocumentationRule());
+ }
+ addWithLastConsumed(
+ $current,
+ "text",
+ lv_text_1_0,
+ "STRING");
+ }
+)+ otherlv_2=']'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getDocumentationAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_2());
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRulePRIO
+entryRulePRIO returns [String current=null]
+ @init {
+ HiddenTokens myHiddenTokenState = ((XtextTokenStream)input).setHiddenTokens();
+ }
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPRIORule()); }
+ iv_rulePRIO=rulePRIO
+ { $current=$iv_rulePRIO.current.getText(); }
+finally {
+ myHiddenTokenState.restore();
+// Rule PRIO
+rulePRIO returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ HiddenTokens myHiddenTokenState = ((XtextTokenStream)input).setHiddenTokens();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+ kw='+'
+ {
+ $current.merge(kw);
+ newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getPRIOAccess().getPlusSignKeyword_0_0());
+ }
+ |
+ kw='-'
+ {
+ $current.merge(kw);
+ newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getPRIOAccess().getHyphenMinusKeyword_0_1());
+ }
+)? this_INT_2=RULE_INT {
+ $current.merge(this_INT_2);
+ }
+ {
+ newLeafNode(this_INT_2, grammarAccess.getPRIOAccess().getINTTerminalRuleCall_1());
+ }
+ ;
+finally {
+ myHiddenTokenState.restore();
+// Entry rule entryRuleImport
+entryRuleImport returns [EObject current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getImportRule()); }
+ iv_ruleImport=ruleImport
+ { $current=$iv_ruleImport.current; }
+// Rule Import
+ruleImport returns [EObject current=null]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+( otherlv_0='import'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getImportAccess().getImportKeyword_0());
+ }
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getImportAccess().getImportedNamespaceImportedFQNParserRuleCall_1_0_0_0());
+ }
+ lv_importedNamespace_1_0=ruleImportedFQN {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getImportRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ $current,
+ "importedNamespace",
+ lv_importedNamespace_1_0,
+ "ImportedFQN");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+) otherlv_2='from'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getImportAccess().getFromKeyword_1_0_1());
+ }
+ | otherlv_3='model'
+ {
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getImportAccess().getModelKeyword_1_1());
+ }
+ lv_importURI_4_0=RULE_STRING
+ {
+ newLeafNode(lv_importURI_4_0, grammarAccess.getImportAccess().getImportURISTRINGTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
+ }
+ {
+ if ($current==null) {
+ $current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getImportRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ $current,
+ "importURI",
+ lv_importURI_4_0,
+ "STRING");
+ }
+// Entry rule entryRuleImportedFQN
+entryRuleImportedFQN returns [String current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getImportedFQNRule()); }
+ iv_ruleImportedFQN=ruleImportedFQN
+ { $current=$iv_ruleImportedFQN.current.getText(); }
+// Rule ImportedFQN
+ruleImportedFQN returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getImportedFQNAccess().getFQNParserRuleCall_0());
+ }
+ this_FQN_0=ruleFQN {
+ $current.merge(this_FQN_0);
+ }
+ {
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ kw='.*'
+ {
+ $current.merge(kw);
+ newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getImportedFQNAccess().getFullStopAsteriskKeyword_1());
+ }
+ ;
+// Entry rule entryRuleFQN
+entryRuleFQN returns [String current=null]
+ :
+ { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getFQNRule()); }
+ iv_ruleFQN=ruleFQN
+ { $current=$iv_ruleFQN.current.getText(); }
+// Rule FQN
+ruleFQN returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()]
+ @init { enterRule();
+ }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+( this_ID_0=RULE_ID {
+ $current.merge(this_ID_0);
+ }
+ {
+ newLeafNode(this_ID_0, grammarAccess.getFQNAccess().getIDTerminalRuleCall_0());
+ }
+ kw='.'
+ {
+ $current.merge(kw);
+ newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getFQNAccess().getFullStopKeyword_1_0());
+ }
+ this_ID_2=RULE_ID {
+ $current.merge(this_ID_2);
+ }
+ {
+ newLeafNode(this_ID_2, grammarAccess.getFQNAccess().getIDTerminalRuleCall_1_1());
+ }
+ ;
+// Rule ExecMode
+ruleExecMode returns [Enumerator current=null]
+ @init { enterRule(); }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+(( enumLiteral_0='polled'
+ {
+ $current = grammarAccess.getExecModeAccess().getPOLLEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_0().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
+ newLeafNode(enumLiteral_0, grammarAccess.getExecModeAccess().getPOLLEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
+ }
+ |( enumLiteral_1='blocked'
+ {
+ $current = grammarAccess.getExecModeAccess().getBLOCKEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_1().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
+ newLeafNode(enumLiteral_1, grammarAccess.getExecModeAccess().getBLOCKEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
+ }
+ |( enumLiteral_2='mixed'
+ {
+ $current = grammarAccess.getExecModeAccess().getMIXEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_2().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
+ newLeafNode(enumLiteral_2, grammarAccess.getExecModeAccess().getMIXEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_2());
+ }
+// Rule ThreadModel
+ruleThreadModel returns [Enumerator current=null]
+ @init { enterRule(); }
+ @after { leaveRule(); }:
+(( enumLiteral_0='singleThreaded'
+ {
+ $current = grammarAccess.getThreadModelAccess().getSINGLE_THREADEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_0().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
+ newLeafNode(enumLiteral_0, grammarAccess.getThreadModelAccess().getSINGLE_THREADEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
+ }
+ |( enumLiteral_1='multiThreaded'
+ {
+ $current = grammarAccess.getThreadModelAccess().getMULTI_THREADEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_1().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
+ newLeafNode(enumLiteral_1, grammarAccess.getThreadModelAccess().getMULTI_THREADEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
+ }
+RULE_ID : '^'? ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')*;
+RULE_INT : ('0'..'9')+;
+RULE_STRING : ('"' ('\\' ('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'u'|'"'|'\''|'\\')|~(('\\'|'"')))* '"'|'\'' ('\\' ('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'u'|'"'|'\''|'\\')|~(('\\'|'\'')))* '\'');
+RULE_ML_COMMENT : '/*' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )*'*/';
+RULE_SL_COMMENT : '//' ~(('\n'|'\r'))* ('\r'? '\n')?;
+RULE_WS : (' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n')+;
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.tokens b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.tokens
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0456583ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.tokens
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ae8b998c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/
@@ -0,0 +1,1989 @@
+package org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys.parser.antlr.internal;
+// Hack: Use our own Lexer superclass by means of import.
+// Currently there is no other way to specify the superclass for the lexer.
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.Lexer;
+import org.antlr.runtime.*;
+import java.util.Stack;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+public class InternalETPhysLexer extends Lexer {
+ public static final int RULE_ID=4;
+ public static final int T__29=29;
+ public static final int T__28=28;
+ public static final int T__27=27;
+ public static final int T__26=26;
+ public static final int T__25=25;
+ public static final int T__24=24;
+ public static final int T__23=23;
+ public static final int T__22=22;
+ public static final int RULE_ANY_OTHER=10;
+ public static final int T__21=21;
+ public static final int T__20=20;
+ public static final int EOF=-1;
+ public static final int T__19=19;
+ public static final int T__16=16;
+ public static final int T__15=15;
+ public static final int T__18=18;
+ public static final int T__17=17;
+ public static final int T__12=12;
+ public static final int T__11=11;
+ public static final int T__14=14;
+ public static final int T__13=13;
+ public static final int RULE_INT=5;
+ public static final int T__42=42;
+ public static final int T__43=43;
+ public static final int T__40=40;
+ public static final int T__41=41;
+ public static final int RULE_SL_COMMENT=8;
+ public static final int RULE_ML_COMMENT=7;
+ public static final int T__30=30;
+ public static final int T__31=31;
+ public static final int T__32=32;
+ public static final int RULE_STRING=6;
+ public static final int T__33=33;
+ public static final int T__34=34;
+ public static final int T__35=35;
+ public static final int T__36=36;
+ public static final int T__37=37;
+ public static final int T__38=38;
+ public static final int T__39=39;
+ public static final int RULE_WS=9;
+ // delegates
+ // delegators
+ public InternalETPhysLexer() {;}
+ public InternalETPhysLexer(CharStream input) {
+ this(input, new RecognizerSharedState());
+ }
+ public InternalETPhysLexer(CharStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) {
+ super(input,state);
+ }
+ public String getGrammarFileName() { return "../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g"; }
+ // $ANTLR start "T__11"
+ public final void mT__11() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__11;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:11:7: ( 'PhysicalModel' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:11:9: 'PhysicalModel'
+ {
+ match("PhysicalModel");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__11"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__12"
+ public final void mT__12() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__12;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:12:7: ( '{' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:12:9: '{'
+ {
+ match('{');
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__12"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__13"
+ public final void mT__13() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__13;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:13:7: ( '}' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:13:9: '}'
+ {
+ match('}');
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__13"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__14"
+ public final void mT__14() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__14;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:14:7: ( 'PhysicalSystem' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:14:9: 'PhysicalSystem'
+ {
+ match("PhysicalSystem");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__14"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__15"
+ public final void mT__15() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__15;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:15:7: ( 'NodeRef' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:15:9: 'NodeRef'
+ {
+ match("NodeRef");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__15"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__16"
+ public final void mT__16() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__16;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:16:7: ( ':' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:16:9: ':'
+ {
+ match(':');
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__16"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__17"
+ public final void mT__17() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__17;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:17:7: ( 'NodeClass' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:17:9: 'NodeClass'
+ {
+ match("NodeClass");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__17"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__18"
+ public final void mT__18() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__18;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:18:7: ( 'runtime' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:18:9: 'runtime'
+ {
+ match("runtime");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__18"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__19"
+ public final void mT__19() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__19;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:19:7: ( '=' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:19:9: '='
+ {
+ match('=');
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__19"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__20"
+ public final void mT__20() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__20;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:20:7: ( 'priomin' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:20:9: 'priomin'
+ {
+ match("priomin");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__20"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__21"
+ public final void mT__21() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__21;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:21:7: ( 'priomax' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:21:9: 'priomax'
+ {
+ match("priomax");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__21"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__22"
+ public final void mT__22() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__22;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:22:7: ( 'DefaultThread' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:22:9: 'DefaultThread'
+ {
+ match("DefaultThread");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__22"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__23"
+ public final void mT__23() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__23;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:23:7: ( 'Thread' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:23:9: 'Thread'
+ {
+ match("Thread");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__23"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__24"
+ public final void mT__24() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__24;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:24:7: ( 'execmode' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:24:9: 'execmode'
+ {
+ match("execmode");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__24"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__25"
+ public final void mT__25() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__25;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:25:7: ( 'prio' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:25:9: 'prio'
+ {
+ match("prio");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__25"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__26"
+ public final void mT__26() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__26;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:26:7: ( 'stacksize' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:26:9: 'stacksize'
+ {
+ match("stacksize");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__26"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__27"
+ public final void mT__27() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__27;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:27:7: ( 'msgblocksize' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:27:9: 'msgblocksize'
+ {
+ match("msgblocksize");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__27"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__28"
+ public final void mT__28() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__28;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:28:7: ( 'msgpoolsize' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:28:9: 'msgpoolsize'
+ {
+ match("msgpoolsize");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__28"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__29"
+ public final void mT__29() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__29;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:29:7: ( 'RuntimeClass' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:29:9: 'RuntimeClass'
+ {
+ match("RuntimeClass");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__29"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__30"
+ public final void mT__30() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__30;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:30:7: ( 'model' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:30:9: 'model'
+ {
+ match("model");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__30"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__31"
+ public final void mT__31() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__31;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:31:7: ( '[' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:31:9: '['
+ {
+ match('[');
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__31"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__32"
+ public final void mT__32() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__32;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:32:7: ( ']' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:32:9: ']'
+ {
+ match(']');
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__32"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__33"
+ public final void mT__33() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__33;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:33:7: ( '+' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:33:9: '+'
+ {
+ match('+');
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__33"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__34"
+ public final void mT__34() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__34;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:34:7: ( '-' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:34:9: '-'
+ {
+ match('-');
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__34"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__35"
+ public final void mT__35() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__35;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:35:7: ( 'import' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:35:9: 'import'
+ {
+ match("import");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__35"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__36"
+ public final void mT__36() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__36;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:36:7: ( 'from' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:36:9: 'from'
+ {
+ match("from");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__36"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__37"
+ public final void mT__37() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__37;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:37:7: ( '.*' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:37:9: '.*'
+ {
+ match(".*");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__37"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__38"
+ public final void mT__38() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__38;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:38:7: ( '.' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:38:9: '.'
+ {
+ match('.');
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__38"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__39"
+ public final void mT__39() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__39;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:39:7: ( 'polled' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:39:9: 'polled'
+ {
+ match("polled");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__39"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__40"
+ public final void mT__40() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__40;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:40:7: ( 'blocked' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:40:9: 'blocked'
+ {
+ match("blocked");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__40"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__41"
+ public final void mT__41() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__41;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:41:7: ( 'mixed' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:41:9: 'mixed'
+ {
+ match("mixed");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__41"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__42"
+ public final void mT__42() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__42;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:42:7: ( 'singleThreaded' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:42:9: 'singleThreaded'
+ {
+ match("singleThreaded");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__42"
+ // $ANTLR start "T__43"
+ public final void mT__43() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = T__43;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:43:7: ( 'multiThreaded' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:43:9: 'multiThreaded'
+ {
+ match("multiThreaded");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "T__43"
+ // $ANTLR start "RULE_ID"
+ public final void mRULE_ID() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = RULE_ID;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1104:9: ( ( '^' )? ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' ) ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' | '0' .. '9' )* )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1104:11: ( '^' )? ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' ) ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' | '0' .. '9' )*
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1104:11: ( '^' )?
+ int alt1=2;
+ int LA1_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA1_0=='^') ) {
+ alt1=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt1) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1104:11: '^'
+ {
+ match('^');
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( (input.LA(1)>='A' && input.LA(1)<='Z')||input.LA(1)=='_'||(input.LA(1)>='a' && input.LA(1)<='z') ) {
+ input.consume();
+ }
+ else {
+ MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input);
+ recover(mse);
+ throw mse;}
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1104:40: ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' | '0' .. '9' )*
+ loop2:
+ do {
+ int alt2=2;
+ int LA2_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( ((LA2_0>='0' && LA2_0<='9')||(LA2_0>='A' && LA2_0<='Z')||LA2_0=='_'||(LA2_0>='a' && LA2_0<='z')) ) {
+ alt2=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt2) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:
+ {
+ if ( (input.LA(1)>='0' && input.LA(1)<='9')||(input.LA(1)>='A' && input.LA(1)<='Z')||input.LA(1)=='_'||(input.LA(1)>='a' && input.LA(1)<='z') ) {
+ input.consume();
+ }
+ else {
+ MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input);
+ recover(mse);
+ throw mse;}
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ break loop2;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "RULE_ID"
+ // $ANTLR start "RULE_INT"
+ public final void mRULE_INT() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = RULE_INT;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1106:10: ( ( '0' .. '9' )+ )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1106:12: ( '0' .. '9' )+
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1106:12: ( '0' .. '9' )+
+ int cnt3=0;
+ loop3:
+ do {
+ int alt3=2;
+ int LA3_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( ((LA3_0>='0' && LA3_0<='9')) ) {
+ alt3=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt3) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1106:13: '0' .. '9'
+ {
+ matchRange('0','9');
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ if ( cnt3 >= 1 ) break loop3;
+ EarlyExitException eee =
+ new EarlyExitException(3, input);
+ throw eee;
+ }
+ cnt3++;
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "RULE_INT"
+ // $ANTLR start "RULE_STRING"
+ public final void mRULE_STRING() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = RULE_STRING;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1108:13: ( ( '\"' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) ) )* '\"' | '\\'' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) ) )* '\\'' ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1108:15: ( '\"' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) ) )* '\"' | '\\'' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) ) )* '\\'' )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1108:15: ( '\"' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) ) )* '\"' | '\\'' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) ) )* '\\'' )
+ int alt6=2;
+ int LA6_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA6_0=='\"') ) {
+ alt6=1;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA6_0=='\'') ) {
+ alt6=2;
+ }
+ else {
+ NoViableAltException nvae =
+ new NoViableAltException("", 6, 0, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ switch (alt6) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1108:16: '\"' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) ) )* '\"'
+ {
+ match('\"');
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1108:20: ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) ) )*
+ loop4:
+ do {
+ int alt4=3;
+ int LA4_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA4_0=='\\') ) {
+ alt4=1;
+ }
+ else if ( ((LA4_0>='\u0000' && LA4_0<='!')||(LA4_0>='#' && LA4_0<='[')||(LA4_0>=']' && LA4_0<='\uFFFF')) ) {
+ alt4=2;
+ }
+ switch (alt4) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1108:21: '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' )
+ {
+ match('\\');
+ if ( input.LA(1)=='\"'||input.LA(1)=='\''||input.LA(1)=='\\'||input.LA(1)=='b'||input.LA(1)=='f'||input.LA(1)=='n'||input.LA(1)=='r'||(input.LA(1)>='t' && input.LA(1)<='u') ) {
+ input.consume();
+ }
+ else {
+ MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input);
+ recover(mse);
+ throw mse;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1108:66: ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )
+ {
+ if ( (input.LA(1)>='\u0000' && input.LA(1)<='!')||(input.LA(1)>='#' && input.LA(1)<='[')||(input.LA(1)>=']' && input.LA(1)<='\uFFFF') ) {
+ input.consume();
+ }
+ else {
+ MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input);
+ recover(mse);
+ throw mse;}
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ break loop4;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ match('\"');
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1108:86: '\\'' ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) ) )* '\\''
+ {
+ match('\'');
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1108:91: ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) ) )*
+ loop5:
+ do {
+ int alt5=3;
+ int LA5_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA5_0=='\\') ) {
+ alt5=1;
+ }
+ else if ( ((LA5_0>='\u0000' && LA5_0<='&')||(LA5_0>='(' && LA5_0<='[')||(LA5_0>=']' && LA5_0<='\uFFFF')) ) {
+ alt5=2;
+ }
+ switch (alt5) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1108:92: '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | 'u' | '\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' )
+ {
+ match('\\');
+ if ( input.LA(1)=='\"'||input.LA(1)=='\''||input.LA(1)=='\\'||input.LA(1)=='b'||input.LA(1)=='f'||input.LA(1)=='n'||input.LA(1)=='r'||(input.LA(1)>='t' && input.LA(1)<='u') ) {
+ input.consume();
+ }
+ else {
+ MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input);
+ recover(mse);
+ throw mse;}
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1108:137: ~ ( ( '\\\\' | '\\'' ) )
+ {
+ if ( (input.LA(1)>='\u0000' && input.LA(1)<='&')||(input.LA(1)>='(' && input.LA(1)<='[')||(input.LA(1)>=']' && input.LA(1)<='\uFFFF') ) {
+ input.consume();
+ }
+ else {
+ MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input);
+ recover(mse);
+ throw mse;}
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ break loop5;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ match('\'');
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ public final void mRULE_ML_COMMENT() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = RULE_ML_COMMENT;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1110:17: ( '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1110:19: '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/'
+ {
+ match("/*");
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1110:24: ( options {greedy=false; } : . )*
+ loop7:
+ do {
+ int alt7=2;
+ int LA7_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA7_0=='*') ) {
+ int LA7_1 = input.LA(2);
+ if ( (LA7_1=='/') ) {
+ alt7=2;
+ }
+ else if ( ((LA7_1>='\u0000' && LA7_1<='.')||(LA7_1>='0' && LA7_1<='\uFFFF')) ) {
+ alt7=1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( ((LA7_0>='\u0000' && LA7_0<=')')||(LA7_0>='+' && LA7_0<='\uFFFF')) ) {
+ alt7=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt7) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1110:52: .
+ {
+ matchAny();
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ break loop7;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ match("*/");
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ public final void mRULE_SL_COMMENT() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = RULE_SL_COMMENT;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1112:17: ( '//' (~ ( ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) ) )* ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' )? )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1112:19: '//' (~ ( ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) ) )* ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' )?
+ {
+ match("//");
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1112:24: (~ ( ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) ) )*
+ loop8:
+ do {
+ int alt8=2;
+ int LA8_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( ((LA8_0>='\u0000' && LA8_0<='\t')||(LA8_0>='\u000B' && LA8_0<='\f')||(LA8_0>='\u000E' && LA8_0<='\uFFFF')) ) {
+ alt8=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt8) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1112:24: ~ ( ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )
+ {
+ if ( (input.LA(1)>='\u0000' && input.LA(1)<='\t')||(input.LA(1)>='\u000B' && input.LA(1)<='\f')||(input.LA(1)>='\u000E' && input.LA(1)<='\uFFFF') ) {
+ input.consume();
+ }
+ else {
+ MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input);
+ recover(mse);
+ throw mse;}
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ break loop8;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1112:40: ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' )?
+ int alt10=2;
+ int LA10_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA10_0=='\n'||LA10_0=='\r') ) {
+ alt10=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt10) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1112:41: ( '\\r' )? '\\n'
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1112:41: ( '\\r' )?
+ int alt9=2;
+ int LA9_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA9_0=='\r') ) {
+ alt9=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt9) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1112:41: '\\r'
+ {
+ match('\r');
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ match('\n');
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR start "RULE_WS"
+ public final void mRULE_WS() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = RULE_WS;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1114:9: ( ( ' ' | '\\t' | '\\r' | '\\n' )+ )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1114:11: ( ' ' | '\\t' | '\\r' | '\\n' )+
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1114:11: ( ' ' | '\\t' | '\\r' | '\\n' )+
+ int cnt11=0;
+ loop11:
+ do {
+ int alt11=2;
+ int LA11_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( ((LA11_0>='\t' && LA11_0<='\n')||LA11_0=='\r'||LA11_0==' ') ) {
+ alt11=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt11) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:
+ {
+ if ( (input.LA(1)>='\t' && input.LA(1)<='\n')||input.LA(1)=='\r'||input.LA(1)==' ' ) {
+ input.consume();
+ }
+ else {
+ MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input);
+ recover(mse);
+ throw mse;}
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ if ( cnt11 >= 1 ) break loop11;
+ EarlyExitException eee =
+ new EarlyExitException(11, input);
+ throw eee;
+ }
+ cnt11++;
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "RULE_WS"
+ // $ANTLR start "RULE_ANY_OTHER"
+ public final void mRULE_ANY_OTHER() throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ int _type = RULE_ANY_OTHER;
+ int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1116:16: ( . )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1116:18: .
+ {
+ matchAny();
+ }
+ state.type = _type;
+ = _channel;
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ }
+ public void mTokens() throws RecognitionException {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:8: ( T__11 | T__12 | T__13 | T__14 | T__15 | T__16 | T__17 | T__18 | T__19 | T__20 | T__21 | T__22 | T__23 | T__24 | T__25 | T__26 | T__27 | T__28 | T__29 | T__30 | T__31 | T__32 | T__33 | T__34 | T__35 | T__36 | T__37 | T__38 | T__39 | T__40 | T__41 | T__42 | T__43 | RULE_ID | RULE_INT | RULE_STRING | RULE_ML_COMMENT | RULE_SL_COMMENT | RULE_WS | RULE_ANY_OTHER )
+ int alt12=40;
+ alt12 = dfa12.predict(input);
+ switch (alt12) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:10: T__11
+ {
+ mT__11();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:16: T__12
+ {
+ mT__12();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:22: T__13
+ {
+ mT__13();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:28: T__14
+ {
+ mT__14();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 5 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:34: T__15
+ {
+ mT__15();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 6 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:40: T__16
+ {
+ mT__16();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 7 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:46: T__17
+ {
+ mT__17();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 8 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:52: T__18
+ {
+ mT__18();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 9 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:58: T__19
+ {
+ mT__19();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 10 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:64: T__20
+ {
+ mT__20();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 11 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:70: T__21
+ {
+ mT__21();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 12 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:76: T__22
+ {
+ mT__22();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 13 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:82: T__23
+ {
+ mT__23();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 14 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:88: T__24
+ {
+ mT__24();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 15 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:94: T__25
+ {
+ mT__25();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 16 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:100: T__26
+ {
+ mT__26();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 17 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:106: T__27
+ {
+ mT__27();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 18 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:112: T__28
+ {
+ mT__28();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 19 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:118: T__29
+ {
+ mT__29();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 20 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:124: T__30
+ {
+ mT__30();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 21 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:130: T__31
+ {
+ mT__31();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 22 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:136: T__32
+ {
+ mT__32();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 23 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:142: T__33
+ {
+ mT__33();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 24 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:148: T__34
+ {
+ mT__34();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 25 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:154: T__35
+ {
+ mT__35();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 26 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:160: T__36
+ {
+ mT__36();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 27 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:166: T__37
+ {
+ mT__37();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 28 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:172: T__38
+ {
+ mT__38();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 29 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:178: T__39
+ {
+ mT__39();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 30 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:184: T__40
+ {
+ mT__40();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 31 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:190: T__41
+ {
+ mT__41();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 32 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:196: T__42
+ {
+ mT__42();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 33 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:202: T__43
+ {
+ mT__43();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 34 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:208: RULE_ID
+ {
+ mRULE_ID();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 35 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:216: RULE_INT
+ {
+ mRULE_INT();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 36 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:225: RULE_STRING
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ case 37 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:237: RULE_ML_COMMENT
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ case 38 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:253: RULE_SL_COMMENT
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ case 39 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:269: RULE_WS
+ {
+ mRULE_WS();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 40 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1:277: RULE_ANY_OTHER
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ protected DFA12 dfa12 = new DFA12(this);
+ static final String DFA12_eotS =
+ "\1\uffff\1\40\2\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\7\40\4\uffff\2"+
+ "\40\1\72\1\40\1\36\2\uffff\3\36\2\uffff\1\40\3\uffff\1\40\1\uffff"+
+ "\1\40\1\uffff\14\40\4\uffff\2\40\2\uffff\1\40\5\uffff\25\40\1\153"+
+ "\15\40\1\171\6\40\1\uffff\10\40\1\u0089\1\u008a\3\40\1\uffff\7\40"+
+ "\1\u0095\1\40\1\u0097\5\40\2\uffff\2\40\1\u009f\2\40\1\u00a2\1\40"+
+ "\1\u00a4\1\u00a5\1\u00a6\1\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\7\40\1\uffff\1\u00af"+
+ "\1\40\1\uffff\1\40\3\uffff\1\40\1\u00b4\6\40\1\uffff\2\40\1\u00bd"+
+ "\1\40\1\uffff\1\u00bf\7\40\1\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\12\40\1\u00d2\6"+
+ "\40\1\u00d9\1\uffff\1\40\1\u00db\1\u00dc\1\40\1\u00de\1\40\1\uffff"+
+ "\1\u00e0\2\uffff\1\u00e1\1\uffff\1\u00e2\3\uffff";
+ static final String DFA12_eofS =
+ "\u00e3\uffff";
+ static final String DFA12_minS =
+ "\1\0\1\150\2\uffff\1\157\1\uffff\1\165\1\uffff\1\157\1\145\1\150"+
+ "\1\170\2\151\1\165\4\uffff\1\155\1\162\1\52\1\154\1\101\2\uffff"+
+ "\2\0\1\52\2\uffff\1\171\3\uffff\1\144\1\uffff\1\156\1\uffff\1\151"+
+ "\1\154\1\146\1\162\1\145\1\141\1\156\1\147\1\144\1\170\1\154\1\156"+
+ "\4\uffff\1\160\1\157\2\uffff\1\157\5\uffff\1\163\1\145\1\164\1\157"+
+ "\1\154\1\141\1\145\2\143\1\147\1\142\2\145\2\164\1\157\1\155\1\143"+
+ "\1\151\1\103\1\151\1\60\1\145\1\165\1\141\1\155\1\153\2\154\1\157"+
+ "\1\154\1\144\2\151\1\162\1\60\1\153\1\143\1\145\1\154\1\155\1\141"+
+ "\1\uffff\1\144\1\154\1\144\1\157\1\163\1\145\2\157\2\60\1\124\1"+
+ "\155\1\164\1\uffff\1\145\1\141\1\146\1\141\1\145\1\156\1\170\1\60"+
+ "\1\164\1\60\1\144\1\151\1\124\1\143\1\154\2\uffff\1\150\1\145\1"+
+ "\60\1\144\1\154\1\60\1\163\3\60\1\uffff\1\124\1\uffff\1\145\1\172"+
+ "\1\150\1\153\1\163\1\162\1\103\1\uffff\1\60\1\115\1\uffff\1\163"+
+ "\3\uffff\1\150\1\60\1\145\1\162\1\163\1\151\1\145\1\154\1\uffff"+
+ "\1\157\1\171\1\60\1\162\1\uffff\1\60\1\145\1\151\1\172\2\141\1\144"+
+ "\1\163\1\uffff\1\145\1\uffff\1\141\1\172\1\145\1\144\1\163\1\145"+
+ "\1\164\1\141\1\144\1\145\1\60\1\145\1\163\1\154\1\145\1\144\1\145"+
+ "\1\60\1\uffff\1\144\2\60\1\155\1\60\1\144\1\uffff\1\60\2\uffff\1"+
+ "\60\1\uffff\1\60\3\uffff";
+ static final String DFA12_maxS =
+ "\1\uffff\1\150\2\uffff\1\157\1\uffff\1\165\1\uffff\1\162\1\145"+
+ "\1\150\1\170\1\164\2\165\4\uffff\1\155\1\162\1\52\1\154\1\172\2"+
+ "\uffff\2\uffff\1\57\2\uffff\1\171\3\uffff\1\144\1\uffff\1\156\1"+
+ "\uffff\1\151\1\154\1\146\1\162\1\145\1\141\1\156\1\147\1\144\1\170"+
+ "\1\154\1\156\4\uffff\1\160\1\157\2\uffff\1\157\5\uffff\1\163\1\145"+
+ "\1\164\1\157\1\154\1\141\1\145\2\143\1\147\1\160\2\145\2\164\1\157"+
+ "\1\155\1\143\1\151\1\122\1\151\1\172\1\145\1\165\1\141\1\155\1\153"+
+ "\2\154\1\157\1\154\1\144\2\151\1\162\1\172\1\153\1\143\1\145\1\154"+
+ "\1\155\1\151\1\uffff\1\144\1\154\1\144\1\157\1\163\1\145\2\157\2"+
+ "\172\1\124\1\155\1\164\1\uffff\1\145\1\141\1\146\1\141\1\145\1\156"+
+ "\1\170\1\172\1\164\1\172\1\144\1\151\1\124\1\143\1\154\2\uffff\1"+
+ "\150\1\145\1\172\1\144\1\154\1\172\1\163\3\172\1\uffff\1\124\1\uffff"+
+ "\1\145\1\172\1\150\1\153\1\163\1\162\1\103\1\uffff\1\172\1\123\1"+
+ "\uffff\1\163\3\uffff\1\150\1\172\1\145\1\162\1\163\1\151\1\145\1"+
+ "\154\1\uffff\1\157\1\171\1\172\1\162\1\uffff\1\172\1\145\1\151\1"+
+ "\172\2\141\1\144\1\163\1\uffff\1\145\1\uffff\1\141\1\172\1\145\1"+
+ "\144\1\163\1\145\1\164\1\141\1\144\1\145\1\172\1\145\1\163\1\154"+
+ "\1\145\1\144\1\145\1\172\1\uffff\1\144\2\172\1\155\1\172\1\144\1"+
+ "\uffff\1\172\2\uffff\1\172\1\uffff\1\172\3\uffff";
+ static final String DFA12_acceptS =
+ "\2\uffff\1\2\1\3\1\uffff\1\6\1\uffff\1\11\7\uffff\1\25\1\26\1\27"+
+ "\1\30\5\uffff\1\42\1\43\3\uffff\1\47\1\50\1\uffff\1\42\1\2\1\3\1"+
+ "\uffff\1\6\1\uffff\1\11\14\uffff\1\25\1\26\1\27\1\30\2\uffff\1\33"+
+ "\1\34\1\uffff\1\43\1\44\1\45\1\46\1\47\52\uffff\1\17\15\uffff\1"+
+ "\32\17\uffff\1\24\1\37\12\uffff\1\35\1\uffff\1\15\7\uffff\1\31\2"+
+ "\uffff\1\5\1\uffff\1\10\1\12\1\13\10\uffff\1\36\4\uffff\1\16\10"+
+ "\uffff\1\7\1\uffff\1\20\22\uffff\1\22\6\uffff\1\21\1\uffff\1\23"+
+ "\1\1\1\uffff\1\14\1\uffff\1\41\1\4\1\40";
+ static final String DFA12_specialS =
+ "\1\1\31\uffff\1\2\1\0\u00c7\uffff}>";
+ static final String[] DFA12_transitionS = {
+ "\11\36\2\35\2\36\1\35\22\36\1\35\1\36\1\32\4\36\1\33\3\36\1"+
+ "\21\1\36\1\22\1\25\1\34\12\31\1\5\2\36\1\7\3\36\3\30\1\11\11"+
+ "\30\1\4\1\30\1\1\1\30\1\16\1\30\1\12\6\30\1\17\1\36\1\20\1\27"+
+ "\1\30\1\36\1\30\1\26\2\30\1\13\1\24\2\30\1\23\3\30\1\15\2\30"+
+ "\1\10\1\30\1\6\1\14\7\30\1\2\1\36\1\3\uff82\36",
+ "\1\37",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "\1\43",
+ "",
+ "\1\45",
+ "",
+ "\1\50\2\uffff\1\47",
+ "\1\51",
+ "\1\52",
+ "\1\53",
+ "\1\55\12\uffff\1\54",
+ "\1\60\5\uffff\1\57\3\uffff\1\56\1\uffff\1\61",
+ "\1\62",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "\1\67",
+ "\1\70",
+ "\1\71",
+ "\1\73",
+ "\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "\0\75",
+ "\0\75",
+ "\1\76\4\uffff\1\77",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "\1\101",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "\1\102",
+ "",
+ "\1\103",
+ "",
+ "\1\104",
+ "\1\105",
+ "\1\106",
+ "\1\107",
+ "\1\110",
+ "\1\111",
+ "\1\112",
+ "\1\113",
+ "\1\114",
+ "\1\115",
+ "\1\116",
+ "\1\117",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "\1\120",
+ "\1\121",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "\1\122",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "\1\123",
+ "\1\124",
+ "\1\125",
+ "\1\126",
+ "\1\127",
+ "\1\130",
+ "\1\131",
+ "\1\132",
+ "\1\133",
+ "\1\134",
+ "\1\135\15\uffff\1\136",
+ "\1\137",
+ "\1\140",
+ "\1\141",
+ "\1\142",
+ "\1\143",
+ "\1\144",
+ "\1\145",
+ "\1\146",
+ "\1\150\16\uffff\1\147",
+ "\1\151",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\14\40\1\152\15\40",
+ "\1\154",
+ "\1\155",
+ "\1\156",
+ "\1\157",
+ "\1\160",
+ "\1\161",
+ "\1\162",
+ "\1\163",
+ "\1\164",
+ "\1\165",
+ "\1\166",
+ "\1\167",
+ "\1\170",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "\1\172",
+ "\1\173",
+ "\1\174",
+ "\1\175",
+ "\1\176",
+ "\1\u0080\7\uffff\1\177",
+ "",
+ "\1\u0081",
+ "\1\u0082",
+ "\1\u0083",
+ "\1\u0084",
+ "\1\u0085",
+ "\1\u0086",
+ "\1\u0087",
+ "\1\u0088",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "\1\u008b",
+ "\1\u008c",
+ "\1\u008d",
+ "",
+ "\1\u008e",
+ "\1\u008f",
+ "\1\u0090",
+ "\1\u0091",
+ "\1\u0092",
+ "\1\u0093",
+ "\1\u0094",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "\1\u0096",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "\1\u0098",
+ "\1\u0099",
+ "\1\u009a",
+ "\1\u009b",
+ "\1\u009c",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "\1\u009d",
+ "\1\u009e",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "\1\u00a0",
+ "\1\u00a1",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "\1\u00a3",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "",
+ "\1\u00a7",
+ "",
+ "\1\u00a8",
+ "\1\u00a9",
+ "\1\u00aa",
+ "\1\u00ab",
+ "\1\u00ac",
+ "\1\u00ad",
+ "\1\u00ae",
+ "",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "\1\u00b0\5\uffff\1\u00b1",
+ "",
+ "\1\u00b2",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "\1\u00b3",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "\1\u00b5",
+ "\1\u00b6",
+ "\1\u00b7",
+ "\1\u00b8",
+ "\1\u00b9",
+ "\1\u00ba",
+ "",
+ "\1\u00bb",
+ "\1\u00bc",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "\1\u00be",
+ "",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "\1\u00c0",
+ "\1\u00c1",
+ "\1\u00c2",
+ "\1\u00c3",
+ "\1\u00c4",
+ "\1\u00c5",
+ "\1\u00c6",
+ "",
+ "\1\u00c7",
+ "",
+ "\1\u00c8",
+ "\1\u00c9",
+ "\1\u00ca",
+ "\1\u00cb",
+ "\1\u00cc",
+ "\1\u00cd",
+ "\1\u00ce",
+ "\1\u00cf",
+ "\1\u00d0",
+ "\1\u00d1",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "\1\u00d3",
+ "\1\u00d4",
+ "\1\u00d5",
+ "\1\u00d6",
+ "\1\u00d7",
+ "\1\u00d8",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "",
+ "\1\u00da",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "\1\u00dd",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "\1\u00df",
+ "",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "",
+ "\12\40\7\uffff\32\40\4\uffff\1\40\1\uffff\32\40",
+ "",
+ "",
+ ""
+ };
+ static final short[] DFA12_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA12_eotS);
+ static final short[] DFA12_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA12_eofS);
+ static final char[] DFA12_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA12_minS);
+ static final char[] DFA12_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA12_maxS);
+ static final short[] DFA12_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA12_acceptS);
+ static final short[] DFA12_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA12_specialS);
+ static final short[][] DFA12_transition;
+ static {
+ int numStates = DFA12_transitionS.length;
+ DFA12_transition = new short[numStates][];
+ for (int i=0; i<numStates; i++) {
+ DFA12_transition[i] = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA12_transitionS[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ class DFA12 extends DFA {
+ public DFA12(BaseRecognizer recognizer) {
+ this.recognizer = recognizer;
+ this.decisionNumber = 12;
+ this.eot = DFA12_eot;
+ this.eof = DFA12_eof;
+ this.min = DFA12_min;
+ this.max = DFA12_max;
+ this.accept = DFA12_accept;
+ this.special = DFA12_special;
+ this.transition = DFA12_transition;
+ }
+ public String getDescription() {
+ return "1:1: Tokens : ( T__11 | T__12 | T__13 | T__14 | T__15 | T__16 | T__17 | T__18 | T__19 | T__20 | T__21 | T__22 | T__23 | T__24 | T__25 | T__26 | T__27 | T__28 | T__29 | T__30 | T__31 | T__32 | T__33 | T__34 | T__35 | T__36 | T__37 | T__38 | T__39 | T__40 | T__41 | T__42 | T__43 | RULE_ID | RULE_INT | RULE_STRING | RULE_ML_COMMENT | RULE_SL_COMMENT | RULE_WS | RULE_ANY_OTHER );";
+ }
+ public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException {
+ IntStream input = _input;
+ int _s = s;
+ switch ( s ) {
+ case 0 :
+ int LA12_27 = input.LA(1);
+ s = -1;
+ if ( ((LA12_27>='\u0000' && LA12_27<='\uFFFF')) ) {s = 61;}
+ else s = 30;
+ if ( s>=0 ) return s;
+ break;
+ case 1 :
+ int LA12_0 = input.LA(1);
+ s = -1;
+ if ( (LA12_0=='P') ) {s = 1;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='{') ) {s = 2;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='}') ) {s = 3;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='N') ) {s = 4;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0==':') ) {s = 5;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='r') ) {s = 6;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='=') ) {s = 7;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='p') ) {s = 8;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='D') ) {s = 9;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='T') ) {s = 10;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='e') ) {s = 11;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='s') ) {s = 12;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='m') ) {s = 13;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='R') ) {s = 14;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='[') ) {s = 15;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0==']') ) {s = 16;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='+') ) {s = 17;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='-') ) {s = 18;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='i') ) {s = 19;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='f') ) {s = 20;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='.') ) {s = 21;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='b') ) {s = 22;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='^') ) {s = 23;}
+ else if ( ((LA12_0>='A' && LA12_0<='C')||(LA12_0>='E' && LA12_0<='M')||LA12_0=='O'||LA12_0=='Q'||LA12_0=='S'||(LA12_0>='U' && LA12_0<='Z')||LA12_0=='_'||LA12_0=='a'||(LA12_0>='c' && LA12_0<='d')||(LA12_0>='g' && LA12_0<='h')||(LA12_0>='j' && LA12_0<='l')||(LA12_0>='n' && LA12_0<='o')||LA12_0=='q'||(LA12_0>='t' && LA12_0<='z')) ) {s = 24;}
+ else if ( ((LA12_0>='0' && LA12_0<='9')) ) {s = 25;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='\"') ) {s = 26;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='\'') ) {s = 27;}
+ else if ( (LA12_0=='/') ) {s = 28;}
+ else if ( ((LA12_0>='\t' && LA12_0<='\n')||LA12_0=='\r'||LA12_0==' ') ) {s = 29;}
+ else if ( ((LA12_0>='\u0000' && LA12_0<='\b')||(LA12_0>='\u000B' && LA12_0<='\f')||(LA12_0>='\u000E' && LA12_0<='\u001F')||LA12_0=='!'||(LA12_0>='#' && LA12_0<='&')||(LA12_0>='(' && LA12_0<='*')||LA12_0==','||(LA12_0>=';' && LA12_0<='<')||(LA12_0>='>' && LA12_0<='@')||LA12_0=='\\'||LA12_0=='`'||LA12_0=='|'||(LA12_0>='~' && LA12_0<='\uFFFF')) ) {s = 30;}
+ if ( s>=0 ) return s;
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ int LA12_26 = input.LA(1);
+ s = -1;
+ if ( ((LA12_26>='\u0000' && LA12_26<='\uFFFF')) ) {s = 61;}
+ else s = 30;
+ if ( s>=0 ) return s;
+ break;
+ }
+ NoViableAltException nvae =
+ new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 12, _s, input);
+ error(nvae);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9998093bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/
@@ -0,0 +1,2682 @@
+package org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys.parser.antlr.internal;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.*;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.*;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.impl.*;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Enumerator;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AbstractInternalAntlrParser;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream.HiddenTokens;
+import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AntlrDatatypeRuleToken;
+import org.antlr.runtime.*;
+import java.util.Stack;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+public class InternalETPhysParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser {
+ public static final String[] tokenNames = new String[] {
+ "<invalid>", "<EOR>", "<DOWN>", "<UP>", "RULE_ID", "RULE_INT", "RULE_STRING", "RULE_ML_COMMENT", "RULE_SL_COMMENT", "RULE_WS", "RULE_ANY_OTHER", "'PhysicalModel'", "'{'", "'}'", "'PhysicalSystem'", "'NodeRef'", "':'", "'NodeClass'", "'runtime'", "'='", "'priomin'", "'priomax'", "'DefaultThread'", "'Thread'", "'execmode'", "'prio'", "'stacksize'", "'msgblocksize'", "'msgpoolsize'", "'RuntimeClass'", "'model'", "'['", "']'", "'+'", "'-'", "'import'", "'from'", "'.*'", "'.'", "'polled'", "'blocked'", "'mixed'", "'singleThreaded'", "'multiThreaded'"
+ };
+ public static final int RULE_ID=4;
+ public static final int T__29=29;
+ public static final int T__28=28;
+ public static final int T__27=27;
+ public static final int T__26=26;
+ public static final int T__25=25;
+ public static final int T__24=24;
+ public static final int T__23=23;
+ public static final int T__22=22;
+ public static final int T__21=21;
+ public static final int RULE_ANY_OTHER=10;
+ public static final int T__20=20;
+ public static final int EOF=-1;
+ public static final int T__19=19;
+ public static final int T__16=16;
+ public static final int T__15=15;
+ public static final int T__18=18;
+ public static final int T__17=17;
+ public static final int T__12=12;
+ public static final int T__11=11;
+ public static final int T__14=14;
+ public static final int T__13=13;
+ public static final int RULE_INT=5;
+ public static final int T__42=42;
+ public static final int T__43=43;
+ public static final int T__40=40;
+ public static final int T__41=41;
+ public static final int RULE_SL_COMMENT=8;
+ public static final int RULE_ML_COMMENT=7;
+ public static final int T__30=30;
+ public static final int T__31=31;
+ public static final int T__32=32;
+ public static final int RULE_STRING=6;
+ public static final int T__33=33;
+ public static final int T__34=34;
+ public static final int T__35=35;
+ public static final int T__36=36;
+ public static final int T__37=37;
+ public static final int T__38=38;
+ public static final int T__39=39;
+ public static final int RULE_WS=9;
+ // delegates
+ // delegators
+ public InternalETPhysParser(TokenStream input) {
+ this(input, new RecognizerSharedState());
+ }
+ public InternalETPhysParser(TokenStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) {
+ super(input, state);
+ }
+ public String[] getTokenNames() { return InternalETPhysParser.tokenNames; }
+ public String getGrammarFileName() { return "../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g"; }
+ private ETPhysGrammarAccess grammarAccess;
+ public InternalETPhysParser(TokenStream input, ETPhysGrammarAccess grammarAccess) {
+ this(input);
+ this.grammarAccess = grammarAccess;
+ registerRules(grammarAccess.getGrammar());
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected String getFirstRuleName() {
+ return "PhysicalModel";
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected ETPhysGrammarAccess getGrammarAccess() {
+ return grammarAccess;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRulePhysicalModel"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:68:1: entryRulePhysicalModel returns [EObject current=null] : iv_rulePhysicalModel= rulePhysicalModel EOF ;
+ public final EObject entryRulePhysicalModel() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ EObject iv_rulePhysicalModel = null;
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:69:2: (iv_rulePhysicalModel= rulePhysicalModel EOF )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:70:2: iv_rulePhysicalModel= rulePhysicalModel EOF
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePhysicalModel_in_entryRulePhysicalModel75);
+ iv_rulePhysicalModel=rulePhysicalModel();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current =iv_rulePhysicalModel;
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRulePhysicalModel85);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRulePhysicalModel"
+ // $ANTLR start "rulePhysicalModel"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:77:1: rulePhysicalModel returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'PhysicalModel' ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleFQN ) ) otherlv_2= '{' ( (lv_imports_3_0= ruleImport ) )* ( ( (lv_systems_4_0= rulePhysicalSystem ) ) | ( (lv_nodeClasses_5_0= ruleNodeClass ) ) | ( (lv_runtimeClasses_6_0= ruleRuntimeClass ) ) )* otherlv_7= '}' ) ;
+ public final EObject rulePhysicalModel() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ Token otherlv_0=null;
+ Token otherlv_2=null;
+ Token otherlv_7=null;
+ AntlrDatatypeRuleToken lv_name_1_0 = null;
+ EObject lv_imports_3_0 = null;
+ EObject lv_systems_4_0 = null;
+ EObject lv_nodeClasses_5_0 = null;
+ EObject lv_runtimeClasses_6_0 = null;
+ enterRule();
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:80:28: ( (otherlv_0= 'PhysicalModel' ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleFQN ) ) otherlv_2= '{' ( (lv_imports_3_0= ruleImport ) )* ( ( (lv_systems_4_0= rulePhysicalSystem ) ) | ( (lv_nodeClasses_5_0= ruleNodeClass ) ) | ( (lv_runtimeClasses_6_0= ruleRuntimeClass ) ) )* otherlv_7= '}' ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:81:1: (otherlv_0= 'PhysicalModel' ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleFQN ) ) otherlv_2= '{' ( (lv_imports_3_0= ruleImport ) )* ( ( (lv_systems_4_0= rulePhysicalSystem ) ) | ( (lv_nodeClasses_5_0= ruleNodeClass ) ) | ( (lv_runtimeClasses_6_0= ruleRuntimeClass ) ) )* otherlv_7= '}' )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:81:1: (otherlv_0= 'PhysicalModel' ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleFQN ) ) otherlv_2= '{' ( (lv_imports_3_0= ruleImport ) )* ( ( (lv_systems_4_0= rulePhysicalSystem ) ) | ( (lv_nodeClasses_5_0= ruleNodeClass ) ) | ( (lv_runtimeClasses_6_0= ruleRuntimeClass ) ) )* otherlv_7= '}' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:81:3: otherlv_0= 'PhysicalModel' ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleFQN ) ) otherlv_2= '{' ( (lv_imports_3_0= ruleImport ) )* ( ( (lv_systems_4_0= rulePhysicalSystem ) ) | ( (lv_nodeClasses_5_0= ruleNodeClass ) ) | ( (lv_runtimeClasses_6_0= ruleRuntimeClass ) ) )* otherlv_7= '}'
+ {
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,11,FOLLOW_11_in_rulePhysicalModel122);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelAccess().getPhysicalModelKeyword_0());
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:85:1: ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleFQN ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:86:1: (lv_name_1_0= ruleFQN )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:86:1: (lv_name_1_0= ruleFQN )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:87:3: lv_name_1_0= ruleFQN
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelAccess().getNameFQNParserRuleCall_1_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_rulePhysicalModel143);
+ lv_name_1_0=ruleFQN();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ current,
+ "name",
+ lv_name_1_0,
+ "FQN");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,12,FOLLOW_12_in_rulePhysicalModel155);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_2());
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:107:1: ( (lv_imports_3_0= ruleImport ) )*
+ loop1:
+ do {
+ int alt1=2;
+ int LA1_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA1_0==35) ) {
+ alt1=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt1) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:108:1: (lv_imports_3_0= ruleImport )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:108:1: (lv_imports_3_0= ruleImport )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:109:3: lv_imports_3_0= ruleImport
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelAccess().getImportsImportParserRuleCall_3_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleImport_in_rulePhysicalModel176);
+ lv_imports_3_0=ruleImport();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ current,
+ "imports",
+ lv_imports_3_0,
+ "Import");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ break loop1;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:125:3: ( ( (lv_systems_4_0= rulePhysicalSystem ) ) | ( (lv_nodeClasses_5_0= ruleNodeClass ) ) | ( (lv_runtimeClasses_6_0= ruleRuntimeClass ) ) )*
+ loop2:
+ do {
+ int alt2=4;
+ switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
+ case 14:
+ {
+ alt2=1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ {
+ alt2=2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 29:
+ {
+ alt2=3;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (alt2) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:125:4: ( (lv_systems_4_0= rulePhysicalSystem ) )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:125:4: ( (lv_systems_4_0= rulePhysicalSystem ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:126:1: (lv_systems_4_0= rulePhysicalSystem )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:126:1: (lv_systems_4_0= rulePhysicalSystem )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:127:3: lv_systems_4_0= rulePhysicalSystem
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelAccess().getSystemsPhysicalSystemParserRuleCall_4_0_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePhysicalSystem_in_rulePhysicalModel199);
+ lv_systems_4_0=rulePhysicalSystem();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ current,
+ "systems",
+ lv_systems_4_0,
+ "PhysicalSystem");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:144:6: ( (lv_nodeClasses_5_0= ruleNodeClass ) )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:144:6: ( (lv_nodeClasses_5_0= ruleNodeClass ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:145:1: (lv_nodeClasses_5_0= ruleNodeClass )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:145:1: (lv_nodeClasses_5_0= ruleNodeClass )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:146:3: lv_nodeClasses_5_0= ruleNodeClass
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelAccess().getNodeClassesNodeClassParserRuleCall_4_1_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNodeClass_in_rulePhysicalModel226);
+ lv_nodeClasses_5_0=ruleNodeClass();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ current,
+ "nodeClasses",
+ lv_nodeClasses_5_0,
+ "NodeClass");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:163:6: ( (lv_runtimeClasses_6_0= ruleRuntimeClass ) )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:163:6: ( (lv_runtimeClasses_6_0= ruleRuntimeClass ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:164:1: (lv_runtimeClasses_6_0= ruleRuntimeClass )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:164:1: (lv_runtimeClasses_6_0= ruleRuntimeClass )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:165:3: lv_runtimeClasses_6_0= ruleRuntimeClass
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelAccess().getRuntimeClassesRuntimeClassParserRuleCall_4_2_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRuntimeClass_in_rulePhysicalModel253);
+ lv_runtimeClasses_6_0=ruleRuntimeClass();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ current,
+ "runtimeClasses",
+ lv_runtimeClasses_6_0,
+ "RuntimeClass");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ break loop2;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,13,FOLLOW_13_in_rulePhysicalModel267);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getPhysicalModelAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_5());
+ }
+ }
+ leaveRule();
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rulePhysicalModel"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRulePhysicalSystem"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:193:1: entryRulePhysicalSystem returns [EObject current=null] : iv_rulePhysicalSystem= rulePhysicalSystem EOF ;
+ public final EObject entryRulePhysicalSystem() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ EObject iv_rulePhysicalSystem = null;
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:194:2: (iv_rulePhysicalSystem= rulePhysicalSystem EOF )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:195:2: iv_rulePhysicalSystem= rulePhysicalSystem EOF
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalSystemRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePhysicalSystem_in_entryRulePhysicalSystem303);
+ iv_rulePhysicalSystem=rulePhysicalSystem();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current =iv_rulePhysicalSystem;
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRulePhysicalSystem313);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRulePhysicalSystem"
+ // $ANTLR start "rulePhysicalSystem"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:202:1: rulePhysicalSystem returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'PhysicalSystem' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_nodeRefs_4_0= ruleNodeRef ) )* otherlv_5= '}' ) ;
+ public final EObject rulePhysicalSystem() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ Token otherlv_0=null;
+ Token lv_name_1_0=null;
+ Token otherlv_3=null;
+ Token otherlv_5=null;
+ EObject lv_docu_2_0 = null;
+ EObject lv_nodeRefs_4_0 = null;
+ enterRule();
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:205:28: ( (otherlv_0= 'PhysicalSystem' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_nodeRefs_4_0= ruleNodeRef ) )* otherlv_5= '}' ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:206:1: (otherlv_0= 'PhysicalSystem' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_nodeRefs_4_0= ruleNodeRef ) )* otherlv_5= '}' )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:206:1: (otherlv_0= 'PhysicalSystem' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_nodeRefs_4_0= ruleNodeRef ) )* otherlv_5= '}' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:206:3: otherlv_0= 'PhysicalSystem' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_nodeRefs_4_0= ruleNodeRef ) )* otherlv_5= '}'
+ {
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_14_in_rulePhysicalSystem350);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getPhysicalSystemAccess().getPhysicalSystemKeyword_0());
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:210:1: ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:211:1: (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:211:1: (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:212:3: lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
+ {
+ lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_rulePhysicalSystem367);
+ newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getPhysicalSystemAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPhysicalSystemRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ current,
+ "name",
+ lv_name_1_0,
+ "ID");
+ }
+ }
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:228:2: ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt3=2;
+ int LA3_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA3_0==31) ) {
+ alt3=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt3) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:229:1: (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:229:1: (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:230:3: lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalSystemAccess().getDocuDocumentationParserRuleCall_2_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_rulePhysicalSystem393);
+ lv_docu_2_0=ruleDocumentation();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPhysicalSystemRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ current,
+ "docu",
+ lv_docu_2_0,
+ "Documentation");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,12,FOLLOW_12_in_rulePhysicalSystem406);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getPhysicalSystemAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_3());
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:250:1: ( (lv_nodeRefs_4_0= ruleNodeRef ) )*
+ loop4:
+ do {
+ int alt4=2;
+ int LA4_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA4_0==15) ) {
+ alt4=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt4) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:251:1: (lv_nodeRefs_4_0= ruleNodeRef )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:251:1: (lv_nodeRefs_4_0= ruleNodeRef )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:252:3: lv_nodeRefs_4_0= ruleNodeRef
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalSystemAccess().getNodeRefsNodeRefParserRuleCall_4_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNodeRef_in_rulePhysicalSystem427);
+ lv_nodeRefs_4_0=ruleNodeRef();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPhysicalSystemRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ current,
+ "nodeRefs",
+ lv_nodeRefs_4_0,
+ "NodeRef");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ break loop4;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ otherlv_5=(Token)match(input,13,FOLLOW_13_in_rulePhysicalSystem440);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getPhysicalSystemAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_5());
+ }
+ }
+ leaveRule();
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rulePhysicalSystem"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleNodeRef"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:280:1: entryRuleNodeRef returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleNodeRef= ruleNodeRef EOF ;
+ public final EObject entryRuleNodeRef() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ EObject iv_ruleNodeRef = null;
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:281:2: (iv_ruleNodeRef= ruleNodeRef EOF )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:282:2: iv_ruleNodeRef= ruleNodeRef EOF
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNodeRefRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNodeRef_in_entryRuleNodeRef476);
+ iv_ruleNodeRef=ruleNodeRef();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current =iv_ruleNodeRef;
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNodeRef486);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleNodeRef"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleNodeRef"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:289:1: ruleNodeRef returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'NodeRef' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? ) ;
+ public final EObject ruleNodeRef() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ Token otherlv_0=null;
+ Token lv_name_1_0=null;
+ Token otherlv_2=null;
+ EObject lv_docu_4_0 = null;
+ enterRule();
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:292:28: ( (otherlv_0= 'NodeRef' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:293:1: (otherlv_0= 'NodeRef' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:293:1: (otherlv_0= 'NodeRef' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:293:3: otherlv_0= 'NodeRef' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_2= ':' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) ( (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ {
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_15_in_ruleNodeRef523);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getNodeRefAccess().getNodeRefKeyword_0());
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:297:1: ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:298:1: (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:298:1: (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:299:3: lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
+ {
+ lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleNodeRef540);
+ newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getNodeRefAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getNodeRefRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ current,
+ "name",
+ lv_name_1_0,
+ "ID");
+ }
+ }
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16_in_ruleNodeRef557);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getNodeRefAccess().getColonKeyword_2());
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:319:1: ( ( ruleFQN ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:320:1: ( ruleFQN )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:320:1: ( ruleFQN )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:321:3: ruleFQN
+ {
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getNodeRefRule());
+ }
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNodeRefAccess().getTypeNodeClassCrossReference_3_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleNodeRef580);
+ ruleFQN();
+ state._fsp--;
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:334:2: ( (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt5=2;
+ int LA5_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA5_0==31) ) {
+ alt5=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt5) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:335:1: (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:335:1: (lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:336:3: lv_docu_4_0= ruleDocumentation
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNodeRefAccess().getDocuDocumentationParserRuleCall_4_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleNodeRef601);
+ lv_docu_4_0=ruleDocumentation();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getNodeRefRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ current,
+ "docu",
+ lv_docu_4_0,
+ "Documentation");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ leaveRule();
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleNodeRef"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleNodeClass"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:360:1: entryRuleNodeClass returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleNodeClass= ruleNodeClass EOF ;
+ public final EObject entryRuleNodeClass() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ EObject iv_ruleNodeClass = null;
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:361:2: (iv_ruleNodeClass= ruleNodeClass EOF )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:362:2: iv_ruleNodeClass= ruleNodeClass EOF
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNodeClassRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleNodeClass_in_entryRuleNodeClass638);
+ iv_ruleNodeClass=ruleNodeClass();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current =iv_ruleNodeClass;
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNodeClass648);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleNodeClass"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleNodeClass"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:369:1: ruleNodeClass returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'NodeClass' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'runtime' otherlv_5= '=' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) otherlv_7= 'priomin' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_priomin_9_0= rulePRIO ) ) otherlv_10= 'priomax' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_priomax_12_0= rulePRIO ) ) ( (lv_threads_13_0= rulePhysicalThread ) )* otherlv_14= '}' ) ;
+ public final EObject ruleNodeClass() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ Token otherlv_0=null;
+ Token lv_name_1_0=null;
+ Token otherlv_3=null;
+ Token otherlv_4=null;
+ Token otherlv_5=null;
+ Token otherlv_7=null;
+ Token otherlv_8=null;
+ Token otherlv_10=null;
+ Token otherlv_11=null;
+ Token otherlv_14=null;
+ EObject lv_docu_2_0 = null;
+ AntlrDatatypeRuleToken lv_priomin_9_0 = null;
+ AntlrDatatypeRuleToken lv_priomax_12_0 = null;
+ EObject lv_threads_13_0 = null;
+ enterRule();
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:372:28: ( (otherlv_0= 'NodeClass' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'runtime' otherlv_5= '=' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) otherlv_7= 'priomin' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_priomin_9_0= rulePRIO ) ) otherlv_10= 'priomax' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_priomax_12_0= rulePRIO ) ) ( (lv_threads_13_0= rulePhysicalThread ) )* otherlv_14= '}' ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:373:1: (otherlv_0= 'NodeClass' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'runtime' otherlv_5= '=' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) otherlv_7= 'priomin' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_priomin_9_0= rulePRIO ) ) otherlv_10= 'priomax' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_priomax_12_0= rulePRIO ) ) ( (lv_threads_13_0= rulePhysicalThread ) )* otherlv_14= '}' )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:373:1: (otherlv_0= 'NodeClass' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'runtime' otherlv_5= '=' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) otherlv_7= 'priomin' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_priomin_9_0= rulePRIO ) ) otherlv_10= 'priomax' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_priomax_12_0= rulePRIO ) ) ( (lv_threads_13_0= rulePhysicalThread ) )* otherlv_14= '}' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:373:3: otherlv_0= 'NodeClass' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'runtime' otherlv_5= '=' ( ( ruleFQN ) ) otherlv_7= 'priomin' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_priomin_9_0= rulePRIO ) ) otherlv_10= 'priomax' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_priomax_12_0= rulePRIO ) ) ( (lv_threads_13_0= rulePhysicalThread ) )* otherlv_14= '}'
+ {
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,17,FOLLOW_17_in_ruleNodeClass685);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getNodeClassKeyword_0());
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:377:1: ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:378:1: (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:378:1: (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:379:3: lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
+ {
+ lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleNodeClass702);
+ newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getNodeClassRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ current,
+ "name",
+ lv_name_1_0,
+ "ID");
+ }
+ }
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:395:2: ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt6=2;
+ int LA6_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA6_0==31) ) {
+ alt6=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt6) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:396:1: (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:396:1: (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:397:3: lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getDocuDocumentationParserRuleCall_2_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleNodeClass728);
+ lv_docu_2_0=ruleDocumentation();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getNodeClassRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ current,
+ "docu",
+ lv_docu_2_0,
+ "Documentation");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,12,FOLLOW_12_in_ruleNodeClass741);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_3());
+ otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,18,FOLLOW_18_in_ruleNodeClass753);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getRuntimeKeyword_4());
+ otherlv_5=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_ruleNodeClass765);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_5());
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:425:1: ( ( ruleFQN ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:426:1: ( ruleFQN )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:426:1: ( ruleFQN )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:427:3: ruleFQN
+ {
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getNodeClassRule());
+ }
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getRuntimeRuntimeClassCrossReference_6_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleNodeClass788);
+ ruleFQN();
+ state._fsp--;
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,20,FOLLOW_20_in_ruleNodeClass800);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getPriominKeyword_7());
+ otherlv_8=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_ruleNodeClass812);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_8, grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_8());
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:448:1: ( (lv_priomin_9_0= rulePRIO ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:449:1: (lv_priomin_9_0= rulePRIO )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:449:1: (lv_priomin_9_0= rulePRIO )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:450:3: lv_priomin_9_0= rulePRIO
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getPriominPRIOParserRuleCall_9_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePRIO_in_ruleNodeClass833);
+ lv_priomin_9_0=rulePRIO();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getNodeClassRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ current,
+ "priomin",
+ lv_priomin_9_0,
+ "PRIO");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ otherlv_10=(Token)match(input,21,FOLLOW_21_in_ruleNodeClass845);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_10, grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getPriomaxKeyword_10());
+ otherlv_11=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_ruleNodeClass857);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_11, grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_11());
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:474:1: ( (lv_priomax_12_0= rulePRIO ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:475:1: (lv_priomax_12_0= rulePRIO )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:475:1: (lv_priomax_12_0= rulePRIO )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:476:3: lv_priomax_12_0= rulePRIO
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getPriomaxPRIOParserRuleCall_12_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePRIO_in_ruleNodeClass878);
+ lv_priomax_12_0=rulePRIO();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getNodeClassRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ current,
+ "priomax",
+ lv_priomax_12_0,
+ "PRIO");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:492:2: ( (lv_threads_13_0= rulePhysicalThread ) )*
+ loop7:
+ do {
+ int alt7=2;
+ int LA7_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( ((LA7_0>=22 && LA7_0<=23)) ) {
+ alt7=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt7) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:493:1: (lv_threads_13_0= rulePhysicalThread )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:493:1: (lv_threads_13_0= rulePhysicalThread )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:494:3: lv_threads_13_0= rulePhysicalThread
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getThreadsPhysicalThreadParserRuleCall_13_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePhysicalThread_in_ruleNodeClass899);
+ lv_threads_13_0=rulePhysicalThread();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getNodeClassRule());
+ }
+ add(
+ current,
+ "threads",
+ lv_threads_13_0,
+ "PhysicalThread");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ break loop7;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ otherlv_14=(Token)match(input,13,FOLLOW_13_in_ruleNodeClass912);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_14, grammarAccess.getNodeClassAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_14());
+ }
+ }
+ leaveRule();
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleNodeClass"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRulePhysicalThread"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:522:1: entryRulePhysicalThread returns [EObject current=null] : iv_rulePhysicalThread= rulePhysicalThread EOF ;
+ public final EObject entryRulePhysicalThread() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ EObject iv_rulePhysicalThread = null;
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:523:2: (iv_rulePhysicalThread= rulePhysicalThread EOF )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:524:2: iv_rulePhysicalThread= rulePhysicalThread EOF
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePhysicalThread_in_entryRulePhysicalThread948);
+ iv_rulePhysicalThread=rulePhysicalThread();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current =iv_rulePhysicalThread;
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRulePhysicalThread958);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRulePhysicalThread"
+ // $ANTLR start "rulePhysicalThread"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:531:1: rulePhysicalThread returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( ( (lv_default_0_0= 'DefaultThread' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'Thread' ) ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'execmode' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_execmode_6_0= ruleExecMode ) ) otherlv_7= 'prio' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_prio_9_0= rulePRIO ) ) otherlv_10= 'stacksize' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_stacksize_12_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_13= 'msgblocksize' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_msgblocksize_15_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_16= 'msgpoolsize' otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_msgpoolsize_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= '}' ) ;
+ public final EObject rulePhysicalThread() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ Token lv_default_0_0=null;
+ Token otherlv_1=null;
+ Token lv_name_2_0=null;
+ Token otherlv_3=null;
+ Token otherlv_4=null;
+ Token otherlv_5=null;
+ Token otherlv_7=null;
+ Token otherlv_8=null;
+ Token otherlv_10=null;
+ Token otherlv_11=null;
+ Token lv_stacksize_12_0=null;
+ Token otherlv_13=null;
+ Token otherlv_14=null;
+ Token lv_msgblocksize_15_0=null;
+ Token otherlv_16=null;
+ Token otherlv_17=null;
+ Token lv_msgpoolsize_18_0=null;
+ Token otherlv_19=null;
+ Enumerator lv_execmode_6_0 = null;
+ AntlrDatatypeRuleToken lv_prio_9_0 = null;
+ enterRule();
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:534:28: ( ( ( ( (lv_default_0_0= 'DefaultThread' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'Thread' ) ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'execmode' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_execmode_6_0= ruleExecMode ) ) otherlv_7= 'prio' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_prio_9_0= rulePRIO ) ) otherlv_10= 'stacksize' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_stacksize_12_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_13= 'msgblocksize' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_msgblocksize_15_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_16= 'msgpoolsize' otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_msgpoolsize_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= '}' ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:535:1: ( ( ( (lv_default_0_0= 'DefaultThread' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'Thread' ) ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'execmode' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_execmode_6_0= ruleExecMode ) ) otherlv_7= 'prio' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_prio_9_0= rulePRIO ) ) otherlv_10= 'stacksize' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_stacksize_12_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_13= 'msgblocksize' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_msgblocksize_15_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_16= 'msgpoolsize' otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_msgpoolsize_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= '}' )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:535:1: ( ( ( (lv_default_0_0= 'DefaultThread' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'Thread' ) ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'execmode' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_execmode_6_0= ruleExecMode ) ) otherlv_7= 'prio' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_prio_9_0= rulePRIO ) ) otherlv_10= 'stacksize' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_stacksize_12_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_13= 'msgblocksize' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_msgblocksize_15_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_16= 'msgpoolsize' otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_msgpoolsize_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= '}' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:535:2: ( ( (lv_default_0_0= 'DefaultThread' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'Thread' ) ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) ) otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'execmode' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_execmode_6_0= ruleExecMode ) ) otherlv_7= 'prio' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_prio_9_0= rulePRIO ) ) otherlv_10= 'stacksize' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_stacksize_12_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_13= 'msgblocksize' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_msgblocksize_15_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_16= 'msgpoolsize' otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_msgpoolsize_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) otherlv_19= '}'
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:535:2: ( ( (lv_default_0_0= 'DefaultThread' ) ) | otherlv_1= 'Thread' )
+ int alt8=2;
+ int LA8_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA8_0==22) ) {
+ alt8=1;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA8_0==23) ) {
+ alt8=2;
+ }
+ else {
+ NoViableAltException nvae =
+ new NoViableAltException("", 8, 0, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ switch (alt8) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:535:3: ( (lv_default_0_0= 'DefaultThread' ) )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:535:3: ( (lv_default_0_0= 'DefaultThread' ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:536:1: (lv_default_0_0= 'DefaultThread' )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:536:1: (lv_default_0_0= 'DefaultThread' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:537:3: lv_default_0_0= 'DefaultThread'
+ {
+ lv_default_0_0=(Token)match(input,22,FOLLOW_22_in_rulePhysicalThread1002);
+ newLeafNode(lv_default_0_0, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getDefaultDefaultThreadKeyword_0_0_0());
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(current, "default", true, "DefaultThread");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:551:7: otherlv_1= 'Thread'
+ {
+ otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,23,FOLLOW_23_in_rulePhysicalThread1033);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getThreadKeyword_0_1());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:555:2: ( (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:556:1: (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:556:1: (lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:557:3: lv_name_2_0= RULE_ID
+ {
+ lv_name_2_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_rulePhysicalThread1051);
+ newLeafNode(lv_name_2_0, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ current,
+ "name",
+ lv_name_2_0,
+ "ID");
+ }
+ }
+ otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,12,FOLLOW_12_in_rulePhysicalThread1068);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_2());
+ otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,24,FOLLOW_24_in_rulePhysicalThread1080);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getExecmodeKeyword_3());
+ otherlv_5=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_rulePhysicalThread1092);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_4());
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:585:1: ( (lv_execmode_6_0= ruleExecMode ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:586:1: (lv_execmode_6_0= ruleExecMode )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:586:1: (lv_execmode_6_0= ruleExecMode )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:587:3: lv_execmode_6_0= ruleExecMode
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getExecmodeExecModeEnumRuleCall_5_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleExecMode_in_rulePhysicalThread1113);
+ lv_execmode_6_0=ruleExecMode();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ current,
+ "execmode",
+ lv_execmode_6_0,
+ "ExecMode");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,25,FOLLOW_25_in_rulePhysicalThread1125);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getPrioKeyword_6());
+ otherlv_8=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_rulePhysicalThread1137);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_8, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_7());
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:611:1: ( (lv_prio_9_0= rulePRIO ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:612:1: (lv_prio_9_0= rulePRIO )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:612:1: (lv_prio_9_0= rulePRIO )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:613:3: lv_prio_9_0= rulePRIO
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getPrioPRIOParserRuleCall_8_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePRIO_in_rulePhysicalThread1158);
+ lv_prio_9_0=rulePRIO();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ current,
+ "prio",
+ lv_prio_9_0,
+ "PRIO");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ otherlv_10=(Token)match(input,26,FOLLOW_26_in_rulePhysicalThread1170);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_10, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getStacksizeKeyword_9());
+ otherlv_11=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_rulePhysicalThread1182);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_11, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_10());
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:637:1: ( (lv_stacksize_12_0= RULE_INT ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:638:1: (lv_stacksize_12_0= RULE_INT )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:638:1: (lv_stacksize_12_0= RULE_INT )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:639:3: lv_stacksize_12_0= RULE_INT
+ {
+ lv_stacksize_12_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_rulePhysicalThread1199);
+ newLeafNode(lv_stacksize_12_0, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getStacksizeINTTerminalRuleCall_11_0());
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ current,
+ "stacksize",
+ lv_stacksize_12_0,
+ "INT");
+ }
+ }
+ otherlv_13=(Token)match(input,27,FOLLOW_27_in_rulePhysicalThread1216);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_13, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getMsgblocksizeKeyword_12());
+ otherlv_14=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_rulePhysicalThread1228);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_14, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_13());
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:663:1: ( (lv_msgblocksize_15_0= RULE_INT ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:664:1: (lv_msgblocksize_15_0= RULE_INT )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:664:1: (lv_msgblocksize_15_0= RULE_INT )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:665:3: lv_msgblocksize_15_0= RULE_INT
+ {
+ lv_msgblocksize_15_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_rulePhysicalThread1245);
+ newLeafNode(lv_msgblocksize_15_0, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getMsgblocksizeINTTerminalRuleCall_14_0());
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ current,
+ "msgblocksize",
+ lv_msgblocksize_15_0,
+ "INT");
+ }
+ }
+ otherlv_16=(Token)match(input,28,FOLLOW_28_in_rulePhysicalThread1262);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_16, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getMsgpoolsizeKeyword_15());
+ otherlv_17=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_rulePhysicalThread1274);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_17, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_16());
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:689:1: ( (lv_msgpoolsize_18_0= RULE_INT ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:690:1: (lv_msgpoolsize_18_0= RULE_INT )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:690:1: (lv_msgpoolsize_18_0= RULE_INT )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:691:3: lv_msgpoolsize_18_0= RULE_INT
+ {
+ lv_msgpoolsize_18_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_rulePhysicalThread1291);
+ newLeafNode(lv_msgpoolsize_18_0, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getMsgpoolsizeINTTerminalRuleCall_17_0());
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ current,
+ "msgpoolsize",
+ lv_msgpoolsize_18_0,
+ "INT");
+ }
+ }
+ otherlv_19=(Token)match(input,13,FOLLOW_13_in_rulePhysicalThread1308);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_19, grammarAccess.getPhysicalThreadAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_18());
+ }
+ }
+ leaveRule();
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rulePhysicalThread"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleRuntimeClass"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:719:1: entryRuleRuntimeClass returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleRuntimeClass= ruleRuntimeClass EOF ;
+ public final EObject entryRuleRuntimeClass() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ EObject iv_ruleRuntimeClass = null;
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:720:2: (iv_ruleRuntimeClass= ruleRuntimeClass EOF )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:721:2: iv_ruleRuntimeClass= ruleRuntimeClass EOF
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleRuntimeClass_in_entryRuleRuntimeClass1344);
+ iv_ruleRuntimeClass=ruleRuntimeClass();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current =iv_ruleRuntimeClass;
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRuntimeClass1354);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleRuntimeClass"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleRuntimeClass"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:728:1: ruleRuntimeClass returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'RuntimeClass' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'model' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_threadModel_6_0= ruleThreadModel ) ) otherlv_7= '}' ) ;
+ public final EObject ruleRuntimeClass() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ Token otherlv_0=null;
+ Token lv_name_1_0=null;
+ Token otherlv_3=null;
+ Token otherlv_4=null;
+ Token otherlv_5=null;
+ Token otherlv_7=null;
+ EObject lv_docu_2_0 = null;
+ Enumerator lv_threadModel_6_0 = null;
+ enterRule();
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:731:28: ( (otherlv_0= 'RuntimeClass' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'model' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_threadModel_6_0= ruleThreadModel ) ) otherlv_7= '}' ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:732:1: (otherlv_0= 'RuntimeClass' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'model' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_threadModel_6_0= ruleThreadModel ) ) otherlv_7= '}' )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:732:1: (otherlv_0= 'RuntimeClass' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'model' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_threadModel_6_0= ruleThreadModel ) ) otherlv_7= '}' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:732:3: otherlv_0= 'RuntimeClass' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )? otherlv_3= '{' otherlv_4= 'model' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_threadModel_6_0= ruleThreadModel ) ) otherlv_7= '}'
+ {
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,29,FOLLOW_29_in_ruleRuntimeClass1391);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassAccess().getRuntimeClassKeyword_0());
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:736:1: ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:737:1: (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:737:1: (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:738:3: lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID
+ {
+ lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleRuntimeClass1408);
+ newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ current,
+ "name",
+ lv_name_1_0,
+ "ID");
+ }
+ }
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:754:2: ( (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation ) )?
+ int alt9=2;
+ int LA9_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA9_0==31) ) {
+ alt9=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt9) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:755:1: (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:755:1: (lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:756:3: lv_docu_2_0= ruleDocumentation
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassAccess().getDocuDocumentationParserRuleCall_2_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleRuntimeClass1434);
+ lv_docu_2_0=ruleDocumentation();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ current,
+ "docu",
+ lv_docu_2_0,
+ "Documentation");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,12,FOLLOW_12_in_ruleRuntimeClass1447);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_3());
+ otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_ruleRuntimeClass1459);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassAccess().getModelKeyword_4());
+ otherlv_5=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_19_in_ruleRuntimeClass1471);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_5());
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:784:1: ( (lv_threadModel_6_0= ruleThreadModel ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:785:1: (lv_threadModel_6_0= ruleThreadModel )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:785:1: (lv_threadModel_6_0= ruleThreadModel )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:786:3: lv_threadModel_6_0= ruleThreadModel
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassAccess().getThreadModelThreadModelEnumRuleCall_6_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleThreadModel_in_ruleRuntimeClass1492);
+ lv_threadModel_6_0=ruleThreadModel();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ current,
+ "threadModel",
+ lv_threadModel_6_0,
+ "ThreadModel");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,13,FOLLOW_13_in_ruleRuntimeClass1504);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getRuntimeClassAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_7());
+ }
+ }
+ leaveRule();
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleRuntimeClass"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleDocumentation"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:814:1: entryRuleDocumentation returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleDocumentation= ruleDocumentation EOF ;
+ public final EObject entryRuleDocumentation() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ EObject iv_ruleDocumentation = null;
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:815:2: (iv_ruleDocumentation= ruleDocumentation EOF )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:816:2: iv_ruleDocumentation= ruleDocumentation EOF
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getDocumentationRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_entryRuleDocumentation1540);
+ iv_ruleDocumentation=ruleDocumentation();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current =iv_ruleDocumentation;
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDocumentation1550);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleDocumentation"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleDocumentation"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:823:1: ruleDocumentation returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= '[' ( (lv_text_1_0= RULE_STRING ) )+ otherlv_2= ']' ) ;
+ public final EObject ruleDocumentation() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ Token otherlv_0=null;
+ Token lv_text_1_0=null;
+ Token otherlv_2=null;
+ enterRule();
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:826:28: ( (otherlv_0= '[' ( (lv_text_1_0= RULE_STRING ) )+ otherlv_2= ']' ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:827:1: (otherlv_0= '[' ( (lv_text_1_0= RULE_STRING ) )+ otherlv_2= ']' )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:827:1: (otherlv_0= '[' ( (lv_text_1_0= RULE_STRING ) )+ otherlv_2= ']' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:827:3: otherlv_0= '[' ( (lv_text_1_0= RULE_STRING ) )+ otherlv_2= ']'
+ {
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,31,FOLLOW_31_in_ruleDocumentation1587);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getDocumentationAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_0());
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:831:1: ( (lv_text_1_0= RULE_STRING ) )+
+ int cnt10=0;
+ loop10:
+ do {
+ int alt10=2;
+ int LA10_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA10_0==RULE_STRING) ) {
+ alt10=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt10) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:832:1: (lv_text_1_0= RULE_STRING )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:832:1: (lv_text_1_0= RULE_STRING )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:833:3: lv_text_1_0= RULE_STRING
+ {
+ lv_text_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_STRING,FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleDocumentation1604);
+ newLeafNode(lv_text_1_0, grammarAccess.getDocumentationAccess().getTextSTRINGTerminalRuleCall_1_0());
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getDocumentationRule());
+ }
+ addWithLastConsumed(
+ current,
+ "text",
+ lv_text_1_0,
+ "STRING");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ if ( cnt10 >= 1 ) break loop10;
+ EarlyExitException eee =
+ new EarlyExitException(10, input);
+ throw eee;
+ }
+ cnt10++;
+ } while (true);
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,32,FOLLOW_32_in_ruleDocumentation1622);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getDocumentationAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_2());
+ }
+ }
+ leaveRule();
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleDocumentation"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRulePRIO"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:861:1: entryRulePRIO returns [String current=null] : iv_rulePRIO= rulePRIO EOF ;
+ public final String entryRulePRIO() throws RecognitionException {
+ String current = null;
+ AntlrDatatypeRuleToken iv_rulePRIO = null;
+ HiddenTokens myHiddenTokenState = ((XtextTokenStream)input).setHiddenTokens();
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:865:2: (iv_rulePRIO= rulePRIO EOF )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:866:2: iv_rulePRIO= rulePRIO EOF
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPRIORule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_rulePRIO_in_entryRulePRIO1665);
+ iv_rulePRIO=rulePRIO();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current =iv_rulePRIO.getText();
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRulePRIO1676);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ myHiddenTokenState.restore();
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRulePRIO"
+ // $ANTLR start "rulePRIO"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:876:1: rulePRIO returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT ) ;
+ public final AntlrDatatypeRuleToken rulePRIO() throws RecognitionException {
+ AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current = new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken();
+ Token kw=null;
+ Token this_INT_2=null;
+ enterRule();
+ HiddenTokens myHiddenTokenState = ((XtextTokenStream)input).setHiddenTokens();
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:880:28: ( ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:881:1: ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:881:1: ( (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:881:2: (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )? this_INT_2= RULE_INT
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:881:2: (kw= '+' | kw= '-' )?
+ int alt11=3;
+ int LA11_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA11_0==33) ) {
+ alt11=1;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA11_0==34) ) {
+ alt11=2;
+ }
+ switch (alt11) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:882:2: kw= '+'
+ {
+ kw=(Token)match(input,33,FOLLOW_33_in_rulePRIO1719);
+ current.merge(kw);
+ newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getPRIOAccess().getPlusSignKeyword_0_0());
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:889:2: kw= '-'
+ {
+ kw=(Token)match(input,34,FOLLOW_34_in_rulePRIO1738);
+ current.merge(kw);
+ newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getPRIOAccess().getHyphenMinusKeyword_0_1());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ this_INT_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_rulePRIO1755);
+ current.merge(this_INT_2);
+ newLeafNode(this_INT_2, grammarAccess.getPRIOAccess().getINTTerminalRuleCall_1());
+ }
+ }
+ leaveRule();
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ myHiddenTokenState.restore();
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "rulePRIO"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleImport"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:912:1: entryRuleImport returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleImport= ruleImport EOF ;
+ public final EObject entryRuleImport() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ EObject iv_ruleImport = null;
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:913:2: (iv_ruleImport= ruleImport EOF )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:914:2: iv_ruleImport= ruleImport EOF
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getImportRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleImport_in_entryRuleImport1804);
+ iv_ruleImport=ruleImport();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current =iv_ruleImport;
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleImport1814);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleImport"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleImport"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:921:1: ruleImport returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'import' ( ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' ) | otherlv_3= 'model' ) ( (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING ) ) ) ;
+ public final EObject ruleImport() throws RecognitionException {
+ EObject current = null;
+ Token otherlv_0=null;
+ Token otherlv_2=null;
+ Token otherlv_3=null;
+ Token lv_importURI_4_0=null;
+ AntlrDatatypeRuleToken lv_importedNamespace_1_0 = null;
+ enterRule();
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:924:28: ( (otherlv_0= 'import' ( ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' ) | otherlv_3= 'model' ) ( (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING ) ) ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:925:1: (otherlv_0= 'import' ( ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' ) | otherlv_3= 'model' ) ( (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:925:1: (otherlv_0= 'import' ( ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' ) | otherlv_3= 'model' ) ( (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING ) ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:925:3: otherlv_0= 'import' ( ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' ) | otherlv_3= 'model' ) ( (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING ) )
+ {
+ otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,35,FOLLOW_35_in_ruleImport1851);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getImportAccess().getImportKeyword_0());
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:929:1: ( ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' ) | otherlv_3= 'model' )
+ int alt12=2;
+ int LA12_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA12_0==RULE_ID) ) {
+ alt12=1;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA12_0==30) ) {
+ alt12=2;
+ }
+ else {
+ NoViableAltException nvae =
+ new NoViableAltException("", 12, 0, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ switch (alt12) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:929:2: ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:929:2: ( ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:929:3: ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) ) otherlv_2= 'from'
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:929:3: ( (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:930:1: (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:930:1: (lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:931:3: lv_importedNamespace_1_0= ruleImportedFQN
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getImportAccess().getImportedNamespaceImportedFQNParserRuleCall_1_0_0_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleImportedFQN_in_ruleImport1874);
+ lv_importedNamespace_1_0=ruleImportedFQN();
+ state._fsp--;
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getImportRule());
+ }
+ set(
+ current,
+ "importedNamespace",
+ lv_importedNamespace_1_0,
+ "ImportedFQN");
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ }
+ }
+ otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,36,FOLLOW_36_in_ruleImport1886);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getImportAccess().getFromKeyword_1_0_1());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:952:7: otherlv_3= 'model'
+ {
+ otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,30,FOLLOW_30_in_ruleImport1905);
+ newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getImportAccess().getModelKeyword_1_1());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:956:2: ( (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:957:1: (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:957:1: (lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:958:3: lv_importURI_4_0= RULE_STRING
+ {
+ lv_importURI_4_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_STRING,FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleImport1923);
+ newLeafNode(lv_importURI_4_0, grammarAccess.getImportAccess().getImportURISTRINGTerminalRuleCall_2_0());
+ if (current==null) {
+ current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getImportRule());
+ }
+ setWithLastConsumed(
+ current,
+ "importURI",
+ lv_importURI_4_0,
+ "STRING");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ leaveRule();
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleImport"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleImportedFQN"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:982:1: entryRuleImportedFQN returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleImportedFQN= ruleImportedFQN EOF ;
+ public final String entryRuleImportedFQN() throws RecognitionException {
+ String current = null;
+ AntlrDatatypeRuleToken iv_ruleImportedFQN = null;
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:983:2: (iv_ruleImportedFQN= ruleImportedFQN EOF )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:984:2: iv_ruleImportedFQN= ruleImportedFQN EOF
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getImportedFQNRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleImportedFQN_in_entryRuleImportedFQN1965);
+ iv_ruleImportedFQN=ruleImportedFQN();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current =iv_ruleImportedFQN.getText();
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleImportedFQN1976);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleImportedFQN"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleImportedFQN"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:991:1: ruleImportedFQN returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : (this_FQN_0= ruleFQN (kw= '.*' )? ) ;
+ public final AntlrDatatypeRuleToken ruleImportedFQN() throws RecognitionException {
+ AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current = new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken();
+ Token kw=null;
+ AntlrDatatypeRuleToken this_FQN_0 = null;
+ enterRule();
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:994:28: ( (this_FQN_0= ruleFQN (kw= '.*' )? ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:995:1: (this_FQN_0= ruleFQN (kw= '.*' )? )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:995:1: (this_FQN_0= ruleFQN (kw= '.*' )? )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:996:5: this_FQN_0= ruleFQN (kw= '.*' )?
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getImportedFQNAccess().getFQNParserRuleCall_0());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleImportedFQN2023);
+ this_FQN_0=ruleFQN();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current.merge(this_FQN_0);
+ afterParserOrEnumRuleCall();
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1006:1: (kw= '.*' )?
+ int alt13=2;
+ int LA13_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA13_0==37) ) {
+ alt13=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt13) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1007:2: kw= '.*'
+ {
+ kw=(Token)match(input,37,FOLLOW_37_in_ruleImportedFQN2042);
+ current.merge(kw);
+ newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getImportedFQNAccess().getFullStopAsteriskKeyword_1());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ leaveRule();
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleImportedFQN"
+ // $ANTLR start "entryRuleFQN"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1020:1: entryRuleFQN returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleFQN= ruleFQN EOF ;
+ public final String entryRuleFQN() throws RecognitionException {
+ String current = null;
+ AntlrDatatypeRuleToken iv_ruleFQN = null;
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1021:2: (iv_ruleFQN= ruleFQN EOF )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1022:2: iv_ruleFQN= ruleFQN EOF
+ {
+ newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getFQNRule());
+ pushFollow(FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_entryRuleFQN2085);
+ iv_ruleFQN=ruleFQN();
+ state._fsp--;
+ current =iv_ruleFQN.getText();
+ match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleFQN2096);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "entryRuleFQN"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleFQN"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1029:1: ruleFQN returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : (this_ID_0= RULE_ID (kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID )* ) ;
+ public final AntlrDatatypeRuleToken ruleFQN() throws RecognitionException {
+ AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current = new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken();
+ Token this_ID_0=null;
+ Token kw=null;
+ Token this_ID_2=null;
+ enterRule();
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1032:28: ( (this_ID_0= RULE_ID (kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID )* ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1033:1: (this_ID_0= RULE_ID (kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID )* )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1033:1: (this_ID_0= RULE_ID (kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID )* )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1033:6: this_ID_0= RULE_ID (kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID )*
+ {
+ this_ID_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleFQN2136);
+ current.merge(this_ID_0);
+ newLeafNode(this_ID_0, grammarAccess.getFQNAccess().getIDTerminalRuleCall_0());
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1040:1: (kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID )*
+ loop14:
+ do {
+ int alt14=2;
+ int LA14_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA14_0==38) ) {
+ alt14=1;
+ }
+ switch (alt14) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1041:2: kw= '.' this_ID_2= RULE_ID
+ {
+ kw=(Token)match(input,38,FOLLOW_38_in_ruleFQN2155);
+ current.merge(kw);
+ newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getFQNAccess().getFullStopKeyword_1_0());
+ this_ID_2=(Token)match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleFQN2170);
+ current.merge(this_ID_2);
+ newLeafNode(this_ID_2, grammarAccess.getFQNAccess().getIDTerminalRuleCall_1_1());
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ break loop14;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ }
+ leaveRule();
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleFQN"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleExecMode"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1061:1: ruleExecMode returns [Enumerator current=null] : ( (enumLiteral_0= 'polled' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'blocked' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'mixed' ) ) ;
+ public final Enumerator ruleExecMode() throws RecognitionException {
+ Enumerator current = null;
+ Token enumLiteral_0=null;
+ Token enumLiteral_1=null;
+ Token enumLiteral_2=null;
+ enterRule();
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1063:28: ( ( (enumLiteral_0= 'polled' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'blocked' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'mixed' ) ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1064:1: ( (enumLiteral_0= 'polled' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'blocked' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'mixed' ) )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1064:1: ( (enumLiteral_0= 'polled' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'blocked' ) | (enumLiteral_2= 'mixed' ) )
+ int alt15=3;
+ switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
+ case 39:
+ {
+ alt15=1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 40:
+ {
+ alt15=2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 41:
+ {
+ alt15=3;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ NoViableAltException nvae =
+ new NoViableAltException("", 15, 0, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ switch (alt15) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1064:2: (enumLiteral_0= 'polled' )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1064:2: (enumLiteral_0= 'polled' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1064:4: enumLiteral_0= 'polled'
+ {
+ enumLiteral_0=(Token)match(input,39,FOLLOW_39_in_ruleExecMode2231);
+ current = grammarAccess.getExecModeAccess().getPOLLEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_0().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
+ newLeafNode(enumLiteral_0, grammarAccess.getExecModeAccess().getPOLLEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1070:6: (enumLiteral_1= 'blocked' )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1070:6: (enumLiteral_1= 'blocked' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1070:8: enumLiteral_1= 'blocked'
+ {
+ enumLiteral_1=(Token)match(input,40,FOLLOW_40_in_ruleExecMode2248);
+ current = grammarAccess.getExecModeAccess().getBLOCKEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_1().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
+ newLeafNode(enumLiteral_1, grammarAccess.getExecModeAccess().getBLOCKEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1076:6: (enumLiteral_2= 'mixed' )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1076:6: (enumLiteral_2= 'mixed' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1076:8: enumLiteral_2= 'mixed'
+ {
+ enumLiteral_2=(Token)match(input,41,FOLLOW_41_in_ruleExecMode2265);
+ current = grammarAccess.getExecModeAccess().getMIXEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_2().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
+ newLeafNode(enumLiteral_2, grammarAccess.getExecModeAccess().getMIXEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_2());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ leaveRule();
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleExecMode"
+ // $ANTLR start "ruleThreadModel"
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1086:1: ruleThreadModel returns [Enumerator current=null] : ( (enumLiteral_0= 'singleThreaded' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'multiThreaded' ) ) ;
+ public final Enumerator ruleThreadModel() throws RecognitionException {
+ Enumerator current = null;
+ Token enumLiteral_0=null;
+ Token enumLiteral_1=null;
+ enterRule();
+ try {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1088:28: ( ( (enumLiteral_0= 'singleThreaded' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'multiThreaded' ) ) )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1089:1: ( (enumLiteral_0= 'singleThreaded' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'multiThreaded' ) )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1089:1: ( (enumLiteral_0= 'singleThreaded' ) | (enumLiteral_1= 'multiThreaded' ) )
+ int alt16=2;
+ int LA16_0 = input.LA(1);
+ if ( (LA16_0==42) ) {
+ alt16=1;
+ }
+ else if ( (LA16_0==43) ) {
+ alt16=2;
+ }
+ else {
+ NoViableAltException nvae =
+ new NoViableAltException("", 16, 0, input);
+ throw nvae;
+ }
+ switch (alt16) {
+ case 1 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1089:2: (enumLiteral_0= 'singleThreaded' )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1089:2: (enumLiteral_0= 'singleThreaded' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1089:4: enumLiteral_0= 'singleThreaded'
+ {
+ enumLiteral_0=(Token)match(input,42,FOLLOW_42_in_ruleThreadModel2310);
+ current = grammarAccess.getThreadModelAccess().getSINGLE_THREADEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_0().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
+ newLeafNode(enumLiteral_0, grammarAccess.getThreadModelAccess().getSINGLE_THREADEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_0());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1095:6: (enumLiteral_1= 'multiThreaded' )
+ {
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1095:6: (enumLiteral_1= 'multiThreaded' )
+ // ../org.eclipse.etrice.core.etphys/src-gen/org/eclipse/etrice/core/etphys/parser/antlr/internal/InternalETPhys.g:1095:8: enumLiteral_1= 'multiThreaded'
+ {
+ enumLiteral_1=(Token)match(input,43,FOLLOW_43_in_ruleThreadModel2327);
+ current = grammarAccess.getThreadModelAccess().getMULTI_THREADEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_1().getEnumLiteral().getInstance();
+ newLeafNode(enumLiteral_1, grammarAccess.getThreadModelAccess().getMULTI_THREADEDEnumLiteralDeclaration_1());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ leaveRule();
+ }
+ catch (RecognitionException re) {
+ recover(input,re);
+ appendSkippedTokens();
+ }
+ finally {
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ // $ANTLR end "ruleThreadModel"
+ // Delegated rules
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePhysicalModel_in_entryRulePhysicalModel75 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRulePhysicalModel85 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_11_in_rulePhysicalModel122 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_rulePhysicalModel143 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000001000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_12_in_rulePhysicalModel155 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000820026000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleImport_in_rulePhysicalModel176 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000820026000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePhysicalSystem_in_rulePhysicalModel199 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000020026000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNodeClass_in_rulePhysicalModel226 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000020026000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRuntimeClass_in_rulePhysicalModel253 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000020026000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_13_in_rulePhysicalModel267 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePhysicalSystem_in_entryRulePhysicalSystem303 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRulePhysicalSystem313 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14_in_rulePhysicalSystem350 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_rulePhysicalSystem367 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080001000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_rulePhysicalSystem393 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000001000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_12_in_rulePhysicalSystem406 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000000000000A000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNodeRef_in_rulePhysicalSystem427 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000000000000A000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_13_in_rulePhysicalSystem440 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNodeRef_in_entryRuleNodeRef476 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNodeRef486 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15_in_ruleNodeRef523 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleNodeRef540 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16_in_ruleNodeRef557 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleNodeRef580 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleNodeRef601 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleNodeClass_in_entryRuleNodeClass638 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleNodeClass648 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_17_in_ruleNodeClass685 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleNodeClass702 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080001000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleNodeClass728 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000001000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_12_in_ruleNodeClass741 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000040000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_18_in_ruleNodeClass753 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleNodeClass765 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleNodeClass788 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000100000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_20_in_ruleNodeClass800 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleNodeClass812 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000600000020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePRIO_in_ruleNodeClass833 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000200000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_21_in_ruleNodeClass845 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleNodeClass857 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000600000020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePRIO_in_ruleNodeClass878 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000C02000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePhysicalThread_in_ruleNodeClass899 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000C02000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_13_in_ruleNodeClass912 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePhysicalThread_in_entryRulePhysicalThread948 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRulePhysicalThread958 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_22_in_rulePhysicalThread1002 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_23_in_rulePhysicalThread1033 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_rulePhysicalThread1051 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000001000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_12_in_rulePhysicalThread1068 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000001000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_24_in_rulePhysicalThread1080 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_rulePhysicalThread1092 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000038000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleExecMode_in_rulePhysicalThread1113 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_25_in_rulePhysicalThread1125 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_rulePhysicalThread1137 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000600000020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePRIO_in_rulePhysicalThread1158 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000004000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_26_in_rulePhysicalThread1170 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_rulePhysicalThread1182 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_rulePhysicalThread1199 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000008000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_27_in_rulePhysicalThread1216 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_rulePhysicalThread1228 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_rulePhysicalThread1245 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000010000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28_in_rulePhysicalThread1262 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_rulePhysicalThread1274 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_rulePhysicalThread1291 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_13_in_rulePhysicalThread1308 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleRuntimeClass_in_entryRuleRuntimeClass1344 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleRuntimeClass1354 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_29_in_ruleRuntimeClass1391 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleRuntimeClass1408 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080001000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_ruleRuntimeClass1434 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000001000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_12_in_ruleRuntimeClass1447 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000040000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_ruleRuntimeClass1459 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19_in_ruleRuntimeClass1471 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000C0000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleThreadModel_in_ruleRuntimeClass1492 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_13_in_ruleRuntimeClass1504 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleDocumentation_in_entryRuleDocumentation1540 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleDocumentation1550 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31_in_ruleDocumentation1587 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleDocumentation1604 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000100000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_32_in_ruleDocumentation1622 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_rulePRIO_in_entryRulePRIO1665 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRulePRIO1676 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_33_in_rulePRIO1719 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34_in_rulePRIO1738 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_INT_in_rulePRIO1755 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleImport_in_entryRuleImport1804 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleImport1814 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_35_in_ruleImport1851 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000040000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleImportedFQN_in_ruleImport1874 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000001000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_36_in_ruleImport1886 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30_in_ruleImport1905 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000040L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_STRING_in_ruleImport1923 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleImportedFQN_in_entryRuleImportedFQN1965 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleImportedFQN1976 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_ruleImportedFQN2023 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000002000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_37_in_ruleImportedFQN2042 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ruleFQN_in_entryRuleFQN2085 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EOF_in_entryRuleFQN2096 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleFQN2136 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000004000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_38_in_ruleFQN2155 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RULE_ID_in_ruleFQN2170 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000004000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_39_in_ruleExecMode2231 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_40_in_ruleExecMode2248 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_41_in_ruleExecMode2265 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_42_in_ruleThreadModel2310 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+ public static final BitSet FOLLOW_43_in_ruleThreadModel2327 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
+} \ No newline at end of file

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