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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-08-27Bug 535802 - EPL-2.0 for plug-ins in equinox.framework for osgi bundlesY20180829-2200S4_9_0_RC2S4_9_0_RC1R4_9I20180906-0745I20180905-2000I20180905-0800I20180904-2000I20180904-0800I20180903-2000I20180903-1305I20180903-1125I20180903-0945I20180903-0800I20180902-2000I20180902-0800I20180901-1500I20180901-0800I20180831-2000I20180831-0815I20180830-1030I20180829-2000I20180829-0800I20180828-2000I20180828-0800I20180827-2000R4_9_maintenanceLars Vogel6-18/+36
2017-06-16Bug 487688 - [osgi R7] Implement FrameworkWiringDTOThomas Watson1-0/+11
2016-09-29Bug 502425 - Refactor code for Java 7Thomas Watson4-21/+21
2016-03-09Bug 489312 - Prefer usage of Integer.valueof instead of new() for org.eclipse...Lars Vogel1-2/+2
2015-02-04Bug 458979: Fix lock set handling by using a use countI20150217-0800I20150210-0800BJ Hargrave1-29/+50
2015-01-29Bug 458778 - Need to protect against interrupt flag on threads doingI20150203-1300I20150129-1830Thomas Watson1-9/+16
2014-11-07Bug 449779 - Deadlock within the OSGi frameworkThomas Watson1-0/+76
2014-08-19Bug 442091 - LockSet should ReentrantLock.isHeldByCurrentThread() instead of ...Thomas Watson1-12/+6
2014-02-26Bug 429032 - Error message for timeout on lazy activation is missing thread i...Thomas Watson1-0/+24
2013-10-09Bug 418929 - dynamic package resolution misses are not cachedThomas Watson1-1/+15
2013-09-06Externalize Strings.I20130906-2000Thomas Watson1-3/+3
2013-07-09Bug 412053 - remove ModuleDatabase.getRevisions(String name, Version version)Thomas Watson2-10/+70
2013-06-27fix copyrightsThomas Watson2-2/+2
2013-05-24Allow ModuleDatabase.findCapabilities to take RequirementThomas Watson1-7/+7
2013-03-06Move pattern constant closer to the code that uses it and use Filter instead ...Thomas Watson1-4/+5
2012-08-15Fix hole in LockSet that allowed the ReentrantLocks to be removed by GC even ...Thomas Watson1-48/+41
2012-08-08Move native selection-filter check out of ModuleDatabase and use configuratio...Thomas Watson1-22/+0
2012-08-07Implement selection-filter for native codeThomas Watson1-20/+40
2012-08-03check for mandatory attars needs to be more flexible because of version ranges.Thomas Watson1-4/+17
2012-08-01stop building old resolver impl, move felix resolver implThomas Watson1-0/+514
2012-07-31Move core classes to proper packages.Thomas Watson1-1/+2
2012-06-07Move the container impl to org.eclipse.osgiThomas Watson3-0/+429

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