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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2013-09-06Externalize Strings.I20130906-2000Thomas Watson24-77/+156
2013-09-06Consolidate NLS messages.Thomas Watson11-100/+58
2013-09-06Move Msg messages class to org.eclipse.osgi.internal.messagesThomas Watson30-33/+31
2013-09-06Move Tokenizer to org.eclipse.osgi.internal.utilThomas Watson5-7/+7
2013-09-06Bug 416729 - BundleFileWrapperFactoryHook.wrapBundleFile needs Location paramThomas Watson2-9/+25
2013-09-05Bug 416654: Ensure system bundle context servicesInUse field provisionedI20130905-2000BJ Hargrave2-12/+15
2013-09-05Bug 416365 - Debugger opens Java file which is not on classpath instead of cl...Thomas Watson1-4/+3
2013-09-03Bug 416097 - Platform.getPlatformAdmin().getState(false) returns unresolved S...I20130904-2000I20130903-2000I20130903-1410Thomas Watson1-0/+11
2013-08-30Bug 416073 - Optimize Storage.listEntryPaths for wildcards and recursion.I20130903-0900I20130831-1500I20130830-2000Thomas Watson2-7/+7
2013-08-30Bug 416073 - Optimize Storage.listEntryPaths for wildcards and recursion.John Ross20-200/+232
2013-08-30Bug 416097 - Platform.getPlatformAdmin().getState(false) returns unresolved S...Thomas Watson6-357/+256
2013-08-30Bug 415941 - Set 'code.ignoredWarnings' for test bundles in order to useThomas Watson1-0/+1
2013-08-29Bug 412850 - Need eclipse.inf in osgi.tests to avoid signing inner jarsI20130829-2000Thomas Watson1-25/+4
2013-08-28Bug 416056 - Updating from I20130820-0800 to I20130827-0800 restarted many ti...I20130828-1800Thomas Watson1-7/+13
2013-08-28Bug 416056 - Updating from I20130820-0800 to I20130827-0800 restartedThomas Watson2-1/+71
2013-08-27Check to make sure there is a valid bundle file at update time.I20130828-1000Thomas Watson1-0/+2
2013-08-27Bug 415956 - Starting eclipse with the security manager enabled is slowThomas Watson2-5/+28
2013-08-27Bug 415951 - NPE in System.setSecurityManagerThomas Watson1-1/+1
2013-08-27Bug 412850 - Need eclipse.inf in osgi.tests to avoid signing inner jarsThomas Watson1-2/+0
2013-08-27Bug 412850 - Need eclipse.inf in osgi.tests to avoid signing inner jarsThomas Watson1-0/+26
2013-08-26Check to make sure the framework is active when performing start level operat...I20130827-0800Thomas Watson1-0/+7
2013-08-26Bug 415837 - Out of order locks for module state change lock can happen for u...Thomas Watson2-1/+14
2013-08-26Bug 415837 - Out of order locks for module state change lock can happen for u...Thomas Watson2-4/+36
2013-08-25Bug 415837 - Out of order locks for module state change lock can happen for u...Thomas Watson1-2/+4
2013-08-25Bug 415837 - Out of order locks for module state change lock can happen for u...Thomas Watson1-11/+21
2013-08-25Bug 415800 - Improve on error message for resolution when starting a bundleThomas Watson10-141/+186
2013-08-22Bug 415464 - 13 compile warnings in official buildThomas Watson1-8/+10
2013-08-22Check to make sure there is a valid bundle file at install timeThomas Watson2-3/+5
2013-08-22Bug 415668 - Installing bundles from multiple threads can lead to issuesThomas Watson1-12/+19
2013-08-21Bug 415464 - 13 compile warnings in official buildThomas Watson2-6/+5
2013-08-21Avoid runtime exception when zip file cannot be opened.Thomas Watson1-1/+3
2013-08-21Bug 415621 - Reinstate the osgi.compatibility.eagerStart.LazyActivation settingThomas Watson2-5/+10
2013-08-20Bug 415527 - Need to make sure gosh.args are set appropriatelyThomas Watson2-8/+12
2013-08-20Bug 415517 - Dynamic import fails with fragments that haveThomas Watson4-4/+49
2013-08-20Bug 415483 - System bundle headers must include extra system packagesThomas Watson1-0/+64
2013-08-20Bug 415447 - Unable to obtain system.bundle by Platform.getBundleThomas Watson2-1/+15
2013-08-14Bug 406946 - resolution of osgi.install.area fails in windowsI20130820-0800Thomas Watson1-1/+1
2013-08-12Bug 411718 - ConcurrentModificationException in org.eclipse.osgi.internal.res...I20130813-1330I20130813-1200I20130813-0800Thomas Watson1-5/+7
2013-08-12Bug 412228 - Framework.waitForStop doesn't reliably time outThomas Watson5-3/+70
2013-08-12Bug 413723 - testPeriodicPersistence is failing regularly on linuxJohn Ross1-17/+9
2013-08-09Bug 414153 - During framework init resolutions should be scoped to the system...Thomas Watson2-12/+32
2013-08-09Bug 413723 - testPeriodicPersistence is failing regularly on linuxJohn Ross1-5/+27
2013-08-09Bug 414252 - Git ignore "target/" directory created by Maven during a buildThanh Ha1-0/+3
2013-08-09Bug 414724 - osgi.locking configuration setting is ignored and java.nioThomas Watson3-8/+17
2013-07-31Bug 414070 - Add tests to verify shutdown sort orderI20130807-2000I20130807-0800I20130806-2000I20130806-0800I20130805-2000I20130805-0800I20130804-2300Thomas Watson10-17/+109
2013-07-30Bug 414065 - Shutdown raises many Framework ERRORsThomas Watson1-3/+9
2013-07-29Bug 413879 - Parallel resolving lets dynamic import conflict with itself I20130730-0800Thomas Watson1-14/+24
2013-07-29Bug 413879 - Parallel resolving lets dynamic import conflict with itself Thomas Watson1-0/+90
2013-07-29Binaries v20130729-1029Silenio Quarti24-24/+24
2013-07-29Bug 212617 - Launching Swing based IApplications on Mac still results in dead...Silenio Quarti2-32/+71

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