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Diffstat (limited to 'jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt')
14 files changed, 0 insertions, 3847 deletions
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- * Copyright (c) 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
- * and is available at
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Oracle - initial API and implementation
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests.internal;
-import java.sql.Connection;
-import java.sql.DriverManager;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
- * These aren't tests. They are just an easy way to dump JDBC metadata to the
- * console.
- */
-public class JDBCTests extends TestCase {
- public JDBCTests(String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- public void testDerby() throws Exception {
- this.dumpMetaData(DERBY);
- }
- public void testMySQL() throws Exception {
- this.dumpMetaData(MYSQL);
- }
- public void testOracle() throws Exception {
- this.dumpMetaData(ORACLE);
- }
- public void testPostgreSQL() throws Exception {
- this.dumpMetaData(POSTGRESQL);
- }
- public void testSybase() throws Exception {
- this.dumpMetaData(SYBASE);
- }
- protected void dumpMetaData(ConnectionConfig config) throws Exception {
- System.out.println("***** PLATFORM: " + config.platformName + " *****");
- System.out.println();
- Class.forName(config.driverClassName);
- Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(this.buildURL(config), config.user, config.password);
- System.out.println("CATALOGS:");
- JDBCTools.dump(connection.getMetaData().getCatalogs());
- System.out.println();
- System.out.println("SCHEMATA:");
- JDBCTools.dump(connection.getMetaData().getSchemas());
- connection.close();
- System.out.println();
- }
- protected String buildURL(ConnectionConfig config) {
- return "jdbc:" + config.databaseURL;
- }
- protected static final ConnectionConfig DERBY =
- new ConnectionConfig(
- "Derby",
- "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver",
- "derby:C:/derby/data/test",
- null,
- null
- );
- protected static final ConnectionConfig MYSQL =
- new ConnectionConfig(
- "MySQL",
- "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
- "mysql://localhost:3306",
- "root",
- "oracle"
- );
- protected static final ConnectionConfig ORACLE =
- new ConnectionConfig(
- "Oracle",
- "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver",
- "oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl",
- "scott",
- "tiger"
- );
- protected static final ConnectionConfig POSTGRESQL =
- new ConnectionConfig(
- "PostgreSQL",
- "org.postgresql.Driver",
- "postgresql:postgres",
- "postgres",
- "oracle"
- );
- // the Sybase server must be configured explicitly to "localhost"
- // in the config file [SYBASE]/ini/sql.ini
- protected static final ConnectionConfig SYBASE =
- new ConnectionConfig(
- "Sybase",
- "com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver",
- "sybase:Tds:localhost:5000",
- "sa",
- "oracle"
- );
- protected static class ConnectionConfig {
- protected final String platformName;
- protected final String driverClassName;
- protected final String databaseURL;
- protected final String user;
- protected final String password;
- protected ConnectionConfig(
- String platformName,
- String driverClassName,
- String databaseURL,
- String user,
- String password
- ) {
- super();
- this.platformName = platformName;
- this.driverClassName = driverClassName;
- this.databaseURL = databaseURL;
- this.user = user;
- this.password = password;
- }
- }
diff --git a/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/ b/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/
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- * Copyright (c) 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
- * and is available at
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Oracle - initial API and implementation
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests.internal;
-import java.sql.Connection;
-import java.sql.ResultSet;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import java.sql.Statement;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.iterators.ResultSetIterator;
-public class JDBCTools {
- public static void dump(Connection connection, String sql) throws SQLException {
- dump(execute(connection, sql));
- }
- public static void dump(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
- PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));
- // synchronize the console so everything is contiguous
- synchronized (System.out) {
- dumpOn(resultSet, pw);
- }
- pw.flush();
- }
- public static void dumpOn(ResultSet resultSet, PrintWriter pw) throws SQLException {
- ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>> maps = convertToMaps(resultSet);
- for (Iterator<HashMap<String, Object>> mapStream = maps.iterator(); mapStream.hasNext(); ) {
- for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> entryStream =; entryStream.hasNext(); ) {
- Map.Entry<String, Object> entry =;
- pw.print(entry.getKey());
- pw.print(" = ");
- pw.print(entry.getValue());
- pw.println();
- }
- if (mapStream.hasNext()) {
- pw.println();
- }
- }
- pw.println("total rows: " + maps.size());
- }
- public static ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>> convertToMaps(Connection connection, String sql) throws SQLException {
- return convertToMaps(execute(connection, sql));
- }
- public static ResultSet execute(Connection connection, String sql) throws SQLException {
- Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
- statement.execute(sql);
- ResultSet resultSet = statement.getResultSet();
- statement.close();
- return resultSet;
- }
- public static ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>> convertToMaps(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
- ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>> rows = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>();
- for (Iterator<HashMap<String, Object>> stream = buildMapIterator(resultSet); stream.hasNext(); ) {
- rows.add(;
- }
- return rows;
- }
- public static Iterator<HashMap<String, Object>> buildMapIterator(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
- return new ResultSetIterator<HashMap<String, Object>>(resultSet, new MapResultSetIteratorAdapter(buildColumnNames(resultSet)));
- }
- public static String[] buildColumnNames(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
- String[] names = new String[resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount()];
- for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
- names[i] = resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnName(i + 1); // NB: ResultSet index/subscript is 1-based
- }
- return names;
- }
- public static class MapResultSetIteratorAdapter implements ResultSetIterator.Adapter<HashMap<String, Object>> {
- private final String[] columnNames;
- public MapResultSetIteratorAdapter(String[] columnNames) {
- super();
- this.columnNames = columnNames;
- }
- public HashMap<String, Object> buildNext(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
- HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(this.columnNames.length);
- for (int i = 0; i < this.columnNames.length; i++) {
- map.put(this.columnNames[i], rs.getObject(i + 1)); // NB: ResultSet index/subscript is 1-based
- }
- return map;
- }
- }
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- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
- * and is available at
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Oracle - initial API and implementation
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests.internal;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests.internal.platforms.AllPlatformTests;
- * JPT DB Tests
- */
-public class JptDbTests {
- public static Test suite() {
- TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(JptDbTests.class.getPackage().getName());
- suite.addTest( AllPlatformTests.suite());
- return suite;
- }
- private JptDbTests() {
- super();
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
- }
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- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
- * and is available at
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Oracle - initial API and implementation
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests.internal;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin;
-import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
- * JptDbTestsPlugin
- */
-public class JptDbTestsPlugin extends Plugin {
- // The shared instance
- private static JptDbTestsPlugin INSTANCE;
- public static final String BUNDLE_ID = "org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- /**
- * Returns the shared instance
- */
- public static JptDbTestsPlugin instance() {
- return INSTANCE;
- }
- /**
- * The constructor
- */
- public JptDbTestsPlugin() {
- super();
- INSTANCE = this;
- }
- /**
- * This method is called upon plug-in activation
- */
- @Override
- public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
- super.start(context);
- }
- /**
- * This method is called when the plug-in is stopped
- */
- @Override
- public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
- INSTANCE = null;
- super.stop(context);
- }
diff --git a/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/ b/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/
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@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
- * and is available at
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Oracle - initial API and implementation
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests.internal.platforms;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-public class AllPlatformTests {
- public static Test suite() {
- TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(AllPlatformTests.class.getPackage().getName());
- suite.addTestSuite(DerbyTests.class);
- suite.addTestSuite(MySQLTests.class);
- suite.addTestSuite(Oracle10gTests.class);
-// suite.addTestSuite(Oracle10gXETests.class);
-// suite.addTestSuite(Oracle9iTests.class);
- suite.addTestSuite(PostgreSQLTests.class);
-// suite.addTestSuite(SQLServerTests.class);
- suite.addTestSuite(SybaseTests.class);
- return suite;
- }
- private AllPlatformTests() {
- super();
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
- }
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- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2010 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
- * and is available at
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Oracle - initial API and implementation
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests.internal.platforms;
-import java.sql.Connection;
-import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
-import java.sql.ResultSet;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import java.sql.Statement;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Properties;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
-import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.ConnectionProfileException;
-import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.IConnectionProfile;
-import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.IManagedConnection;
-import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.ProfileManager;
-import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.drivers.IDriverMgmtConstants;
-import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.drivers.IPropertySet;
-import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.drivers.PropertySetImpl;
-import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.drivers.XMLFileManager;
-import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.drivers.jdbc.IJDBCDriverDefinitionConstants;
-import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.internal.ConnectivityPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.sqm.core.connection.ConnectionInfo;
-import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.sqm.core.rte.ICatalogObject;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Catalog;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Column;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.ConnectionListener;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.ConnectionProfile;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.ConnectionProfileFactory;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.ConnectionProfileListener;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Database;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.DatabaseIdentifierAdapter;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.ForeignKey;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.JptDbPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Schema;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.SchemaContainer;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Sequence;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Table;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.ForeignKey.ColumnPair;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests.internal.JptDbTestsPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.IndentingPrintWriter;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.ReflectionTools;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.StringTools;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.utility.internal.iterators.ResultSetIterator;
- * Base class for testing DTP wrappers on various databases.
- */
-public abstract class DTPPlatformTests extends TestCase {
- /**
- * The platform properties are loaded from a Java properties file in the
- * 'org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/config' directory. Each database platform has
- * its own properties file (e.g. '').
- */
- private Properties platformProperties;
- /**
- * This is the Dali connection profile wrapper.
- */
- protected ConnectionProfile connectionProfile;
- // ********** constants **********
- private static final String PLATFORM_CONFIG_DIRECTORY = "config";
- private static final String DB_USER_ID_PROPERTY = "userID";
- private static final String DB_USER_ID_DEFAULT = "user";
- private static final String DB_PASSWORD_PROPERTY = "password";
- private static final String DB_PASSWORD_DEFAULT = "";
- private static final String DB_DRIVER_JARS_PROPERTY = "jars";
- // required - no default
- private static final String DB_URL_PROPERTY = "url";
- // required - no default
- // ********** constructor **********
- protected DTPPlatformTests(String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- // ********** set-up/tear-down **********
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- this.platformProperties = this.loadPlatformProperties();
- this.buildDTPDriverDefinitionFile();
- this.buildDTPConnectionProfile();
- this.connectionProfile = this.getConnectionProfileFactory().buildConnectionProfile(this.getProfileName(), DatabaseIdentifierAdapter.Default.instance());
- }
- @Override
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile = null;
- this.platformProperties = null;
- super.tearDown();
- }
- // ***** platform properties file
- private Properties loadPlatformProperties() throws IOException {
- Properties p = new Properties();
- p.load(this.buildPlatformPropertiesFileURL().openStream());
- return p;
- }
- private URL buildPlatformPropertiesFileURL() {
- return Platform.getBundle(this.getTestPluginBundleID()).getEntry(this.getPlatformPropertiesFilePath());
- }
- private String getTestPluginBundleID() {
- return JptDbTestsPlugin.BUNDLE_ID;
- }
- private String getPlatformPropertiesFilePath() {
- return this.getPlatformPropertiesDirectoryName() + '/' + this.getPlatformPropertiesFileName();
- }
- private String getPlatformPropertiesDirectoryName() {
- }
- /**
- * Each database platform has a separate properties file in the 'config'
- * directory that must be customized by whomever is executing the tests.
- */
- protected abstract String getPlatformPropertiesFileName();
- // ***** driver definition file
- private void buildDTPDriverDefinitionFile() throws CoreException {
- XMLFileManager.setStorageLocation(this.getDTPDriverDefinitionLocation());
- XMLFileManager.setFileName(this.getDTPDriverFileName());
- IPropertySet[] sets = XMLFileManager.loadPropertySets();
- for (IPropertySet set : sets) {
- if (set.getID().equals(this.getDriverDefinitionID())) {
- return; // property sets live across tests
- }
- }
- XMLFileManager.saveNamedPropertySet(this.buildDTPDriverDefinitionPropertySets());
- // verify the file was created:
- File driverDefinitioneFile = this.getDTPDriverDefinitionLocation().append(this.getDTPDriverFileName()).toFile();
- assertTrue(driverDefinitioneFile.exists());
- }
- private IPath getDTPDriverDefinitionLocation() {
- return ConnectivityPlugin.getDefault().getStateLocation();
- }
- private String getDTPDriverFileName() {
- return IDriverMgmtConstants.DRIVER_FILE;
- }
- private IPropertySet[] buildDTPDriverDefinitionPropertySets() {
- IPropertySet[] propertySets = new IPropertySet[1];
- PropertySetImpl propertySet = new PropertySetImpl(this.getDriverName(), this.getDriverDefinitionID());
- propertySet.setProperties(this.getDriverDefinitionID(), this.buildDTPDriverDefinitionProperties());
- propertySets[0] = propertySet;
- return propertySets;
- }
- protected abstract String getDriverName();
- protected abstract String getDriverDefinitionID();
- private Properties buildDTPDriverDefinitionProperties() {
- Properties p = new Properties();
- p.setProperty(ConnectionProfile.DRIVER_DEFINITION_TYPE_PROP_ID, this.getDriverDefinitionType());
- p.setProperty(ConnectionProfile.DRIVER_JAR_LIST_PROP_ID, this.getJDBCDriverJarList());
- p.setProperty(IJDBCDriverDefinitionConstants.DATABASE_VENDOR_PROP_ID, this.getDatabaseVendor());
- p.setProperty(IJDBCDriverDefinitionConstants.DATABASE_VERSION_PROP_ID, this.getDatabaseVersion());
- p.setProperty(IJDBCDriverDefinitionConstants.DRIVER_CLASS_PROP_ID, this.getDriverClass());
- p.setProperty(IJDBCDriverDefinitionConstants.URL_PROP_ID, this.getJDBCURL());
- p.setProperty(IJDBCDriverDefinitionConstants.USERNAME_PROP_ID, this.getUserID());
- p.setProperty(IJDBCDriverDefinitionConstants.PASSWORD_PROP_ID, this.getPassword());
- return p;
- }
- protected abstract String getDriverDefinitionType();
- /**
- * The JAR list is workspace-specific and is set in the properties file.
- */
- private String getJDBCDriverJarList() {
- return this.getRequiredPlatformProperty(DB_DRIVER_JARS_PROPERTY);
- }
- protected abstract String getDatabaseVendor();
- protected abstract String getDatabaseVersion();
- protected abstract String getDriverClass();
- /**
- * The database URL is workspace-specific and is set in the properties file
- * for some databases.
- */
- private String getJDBCURL() {
- return this.platformProperties.getProperty(DB_URL_PROPERTY, this.getDefaultJDBCURL());
- }
- protected String getDefaultJDBCURL() {
- return "";
- }
- /**
- * The user ID is optional and can be set in the properties file.
- */
- protected String getUserID() {
- return this.platformProperties.getProperty(DB_USER_ID_PROPERTY, DB_USER_ID_DEFAULT);
- }
- /**
- * The password is optional and can be set in the properties file.
- */
- private String getPassword() {
- return this.platformProperties.getProperty(DB_PASSWORD_PROPERTY, DB_PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
- }
- // ***** DTP connection profile
- private void buildDTPConnectionProfile() throws ConnectionProfileException {
- if (this.getDTPProfileManager().getProfileByName(this.getProfileName()) != null) {
- return; // profiles live across tests
- }
- this.createProfile(this.getProfileName());
- assertNotNull(this.getDTPProfileManager().getProfileByName(this.getProfileName()));
- }
- protected void createProfile(String profileName) throws ConnectionProfileException {
- this.getDTPProfileManager().createProfile(
- profileName,
- this.getProfileDescription(),
- this.getProviderID(),
- this.buildDTPConnectionProfileProperties()
- );
- }
- protected abstract String getProfileName();
- protected abstract String getProfileDescription();
- protected String getProviderID() {
- return ConnectionProfile.CONNECTION_PROFILE_TYPE;
- }
- protected Properties buildDTPConnectionProfileProperties() {
- Properties p = new Properties();
- p.setProperty(IJDBCDriverDefinitionConstants.USERNAME_PROP_ID, this.getUserID());
- p.setProperty(IJDBCDriverDefinitionConstants.PASSWORD_PROP_ID, this.getPassword());
- p.setProperty(ConnectionProfile.DRIVER_DEFINITION_PROP_ID, this.getDriverDefinitionID());
- p.setProperty(IJDBCDriverDefinitionConstants.DRIVER_CLASS_PROP_ID, this.getDriverClass());
- p.setProperty(IJDBCDriverDefinitionConstants.URL_PROP_ID, this.getJDBCURL());
- p.setProperty(IJDBCDriverDefinitionConstants.DATABASE_VENDOR_PROP_ID, this.getDatabaseVendor());
- p.setProperty(IJDBCDriverDefinitionConstants.DATABASE_VERSION_PROP_ID, this.getDatabaseVersion());
- p.setProperty(ConnectionProfile.DATABASE_SAVE_PWD_PROP_ID, this.passwordIsSaved());
- return p;
- }
- private String passwordIsSaved() {
- return "true";
- }
- // ********** tests **********
- public void testConnectionProfileListener() throws ConnectionProfileException {
- TestConnectionProfileListener listener = new TestConnectionProfileListener();
- this.getConnectionProfileFactory().addConnectionProfileListener(listener);
- String cpName1 = this.getProfileName() + "1";
- this.createProfile(cpName1);
- IConnectionProfile dtpCP = this.getDTPProfileManager().getProfileByName(cpName1);
- assertNotNull(dtpCP);
- assertEquals(cpName1, listener.addedName);
- listener.clear();
- String cpName2 = this.getProfileName() + "2";
- this.getDTPProfileManager().modifyProfile(dtpCP, cpName2, null);
- assertEquals(cpName1, listener.renamedOldName);
- assertEquals(cpName2, listener.renamedNewName);
- listener.clear();
- ConnectionProfile cp = this.getConnectionProfileFactory().buildConnectionProfile(cpName2);
- assertNotNull(cp);
- this.getDTPProfileManager().deleteProfile(dtpCP);
- assertEquals(cpName2, listener.removedName);
- listener.clear();
- cp = this.getConnectionProfileFactory().buildConnectionProfile(cpName2);
- assertNull(cp);
- this.getConnectionProfileFactory().removeConnectionProfileListener(listener);
- }
- public void testName() {
- assertEquals(this.getProfileName(), this.connectionProfile.getName());
- }
- public void testConnection() throws Exception {
- assertTrue(this.connectionProfile.isInactive());
- assertTrue(this.connectionProfile.isDisconnected());
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- assertTrue(this.connectionProfile.isActive());
- assertTrue(this.connectionProfile.isConnected());
- this.verifyDatabaseVersionNumber();
- this.verifyDatabaseVendor();
- this.verifyDatabaseContent();
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- assertTrue(this.connectionProfile.isInactive());
- assertTrue(this.connectionProfile.isDisconnected());
- }
- private void verifyDatabaseVersionNumber() {
- Database database = this.connectionProfile.getDatabase();
- assertNotNull(database);
- String actual = database.getVersion();
- String expected = this.getDatabaseVersion();
- String errorMessage = "expected: " + expected + " - actual: " + actual;
- // partial match is good enough
- assertTrue(errorMessage, actual.indexOf(expected) != -1);
- }
- private void verifyDatabaseVendor() {
- Database database = this.connectionProfile.getDatabase();
- String actual = database.getVendorName();
- String expected = this.getDatabaseVendor();
- assertEquals(expected, actual);
- }
- private void verifyDatabaseContent() {
- Database database = this.connectionProfile.getDatabase();
- assertTrue(database.getSchemataSize() >= 0);
- Schema schema = database.getDefaultSchema();
- if (schema != null) {
- if (schema.getTablesSize() > 0) {
- Table table = schema.getTables().iterator().next();
- assertTrue(table.getColumnsSize() >= 0);
- assertTrue(table.getPrimaryKeyColumnsSize() >= 0);
- assertTrue(table.getForeignKeysSize() >= 0);
- }
- }
- }
- protected abstract boolean executeOfflineTests();
- public final void testOffline() {
- if ( ! this.executeOfflineTests()) {
- return;
- }
- if ( ! this.connectionProfile.supportsWorkOfflineMode()) {
- return;
- }
- this.prepareForOfflineWork();
- IStatus status = this.connectionProfile.workOffline();
- assertTrue(status.isOK());
- assertTrue(this.connectionProfile.isActive());
- assertTrue(this.connectionProfile.isWorkingOffline());
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- assertTrue(this.connectionProfile.isInactive());
- assertTrue(this.connectionProfile.isDisconnected());
- }
- protected void prepareForOfflineWork() {
- if ( ! this.connectionProfile.canWorkOffline()) {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- IStatus status = this.connectionProfile.saveWorkOfflineData();
- assertTrue(status.isOK());
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- assertTrue(this.connectionProfile.canWorkOffline());
- }
- }
- public void testConnectionListenerConnect() {
- assertTrue(this.connectionProfileHasNoListeners());
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- assertTrue(this.connectionProfileHasAnyListeners());
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- assertSame(this.connectionProfile, listener.openedProfile);
- listener.clear();
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- assertSame(this.connectionProfile, listener.okToCloseProfile);
- assertSame(this.connectionProfile, listener.aboutToCloseProfile);
- assertSame(this.connectionProfile, listener.closedProfile);
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- assertTrue(this.connectionProfileHasNoListeners());
- }
- public final void testConnectionListenerOffline() {
- if ( ! this.executeOfflineTests()) {
- return;
- }
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.prepareForOfflineWork();
- listener.clear();
- this.connectionProfile.workOffline();
- assertSame(this.connectionProfile, listener.openedProfile);
- listener.clear();
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- assertSame(this.connectionProfile, listener.okToCloseProfile);
- assertSame(this.connectionProfile, listener.aboutToCloseProfile);
- assertSame(this.connectionProfile, listener.closedProfile);
- listener.clear();
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- }
- public void testConnectionListenerDatabase() {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- assertSame(this.connectionProfile.getDatabase(), listener.changedDatabase);
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- public void testConnectionListenerCatalog() {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- if ( ! this.connectionProfile.getDatabase().supportsCatalogs()) {
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- return;
- }
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- // take the first catalog
- org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql.schema.Catalog dtpCatalog = this.getFirstDTPCatalog();
- Catalog catalog = this.getCatalogNamed(dtpCatalog.getName());
- ((ICatalogObject) dtpCatalog).refresh();
- assertSame(catalog, listener.changedCatalog);
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- public void testConnectionListenerSchema() {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- List<org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql.schema.Catalog> dtpCatalogs = this.getDTPCatalogs();
- org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql.schema.Catalog dtpCatalog = null;
- org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql.schema.Schema dtpSchema = null;
- Schema schema = null;
- if (this.connectionProfile.getDatabase().supportsCatalogs()) {
- dtpCatalog = dtpCatalogs.get(0);
- dtpSchema = (org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql.schema.Schema) dtpCatalog.getSchemas().get(0);
- schema = this.getCatalogNamed(dtpCatalog.getName()).getSchemaNamed(dtpSchema.getName());
- } else {
- if (dtpCatalogs.isEmpty()) {
- dtpSchema = (org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql.schema.Schema) this.getDTPDatabase().getSchemas().get(0);
- schema = this.connectionProfile.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed(dtpSchema.getName());
- } else {
- dtpCatalog = dtpCatalogs.get(0); // should be the "virtual" catalog
- assertEquals("", dtpCatalog.getName());
- dtpSchema = (org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql.schema.Schema) dtpCatalog.getSchemas().get(0);
- // the schemata are held directly by the database in this situation
- schema = this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed(dtpSchema.getName());
- }
- }
- assertTrue(schema.getTablesSize() >= 0); // force tables to be loaded
- ((ICatalogObject) dtpSchema).refresh();
- assertSame(schema, listener.changedSchema);
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- public void testSupportsCatalogs() {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- boolean supportsCatalogs = this.supportsCatalogs();
- assertEquals(supportsCatalogs, this.connectionProfile.getDatabase().supportsCatalogs());
- if (supportsCatalogs) {
- assertTrue(this.connectionProfile.getDatabase().getCatalogsSize() > 0);
- assertEquals(0, this.connectionProfile.getDatabase().getSchemataSize());
- } else {
- assertEquals(0, this.connectionProfile.getDatabase().getCatalogsSize());
- assertTrue(this.connectionProfile.getDatabase().getSchemataSize() > 0);
- }
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- protected abstract boolean supportsCatalogs();
-// public void testDEBUG() throws Exception {
-// this.connectionProfile.connect();
-// this.dumpJDBCCatalogs();
-// this.dumpJDBCSchemata();
-// this.dumpDatabaseContainers();
-// this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
-// }
- // ********** convenience methods **********
- protected ConnectionProfileFactory getConnectionProfileFactory() {
- return JptDbPlugin.getConnectionProfileFactory();
- }
- protected ConnectionProfile getConnectionProfile() {
- return this.connectionProfile;
- }
- protected Database getDatabase() {
- return this.connectionProfile.getDatabase();
- }
- protected Catalog getDefaultCatalog() {
- return this.getDatabase().getDefaultCatalog();
- }
- /**
- * only valid on databases that do not support catalogs
- */
- protected Schema getDefaultSchema() {
- return this.getDatabase().getDefaultSchema();
- }
- protected Catalog getCatalogNamed(String catalogName) {
- return this.connectionProfile.getDatabase().getCatalogNamed(catalogName);
- }
- protected String getRequiredPlatformProperty(String propertyKey) {
- String propertyValue = this.platformProperties.getProperty(propertyKey);
- if (StringTools.stringIsEmpty(propertyValue)) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("The database platform properties file '" + this.getPlatformPropertiesFilePath()
- + "' is missing a value for the property '" + propertyKey + "'.");
- }
- return propertyValue;
- }
- protected boolean connectionProfileHasAnyListeners() {
- return connectionProfileHasAnyListeners(this.connectionProfile);
- }
- protected static boolean connectionProfileHasAnyListeners(ConnectionProfile cp) {
- return ((Boolean) ReflectionTools.executeMethod(cp, "hasAnyListeners")).booleanValue();
- }
- protected boolean connectionProfileHasNoListeners() {
- return connectionProfileHasNoListeners(this.connectionProfile);
- }
- protected static boolean connectionProfileHasNoListeners(ConnectionProfile cp) {
- return ((Boolean) ReflectionTools.executeMethod(cp, "hasNoListeners")).booleanValue();
- }
- // ********** DTP model **********
- protected ProfileManager getDTPProfileManager() {
- return ProfileManager.getInstance();
- }
- protected IConnectionProfile getDTPConnectionProfile() {
- return getDTPConnectionProfile(this.connectionProfile);
- }
- protected static IConnectionProfile getDTPConnectionProfile(ConnectionProfile cp) {
- return (IConnectionProfile) ReflectionTools.getFieldValue(cp, "dtpConnectionProfile");
- }
- protected IManagedConnection getDTPManagedConnection() {
- return (IManagedConnection) ReflectionTools.getFieldValue(this.connectionProfile, "dtpManagedConnection");
- }
- protected org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql.schema.Database getDTPDatabase() {
- return getDTPDatabase(this.connectionProfile.getDatabase());
- }
- protected static org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql.schema.Database getDTPDatabase(Database database) {
- return (org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql.schema.Database) ReflectionTools.getFieldValue(database, "dtpDatabase");
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- protected List<org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql.schema.Catalog> getDTPCatalogs() {
- return this.getDTPDatabase().getCatalogs();
- }
- protected org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql.schema.Catalog getFirstDTPCatalog() {
- return this.getDTPCatalogs().get(0);
- }
- protected org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql.schema.Catalog getDTPCatalogNamed(String name) {
- return getDTPCatalog(this.getDatabase().getCatalogNamed(name));
- }
- protected static org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql.schema.Catalog getDTPCatalog(Catalog catalog) {
- return (org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql.schema.Catalog) ReflectionTools.getFieldValue(catalog, "dtpCatalog");
- }
- protected org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql.schema.Schema getDTPSchemaNamed(String name) {
- return getDTPSchema(this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed(name));
- }
- protected static org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql.schema.Schema getDTPSchema(Schema schema) {
- return (org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql.schema.Schema) ReflectionTools.getFieldValue(schema, "dtpSchema");
- }
- // ********** execute SQL **********
- /**
- * ignore any errors (useful for dropping database objects that might
- * not be there)
- */
- protected void executeUpdateIgnoreErrors(String sql) {
- try {
- this.executeUpdate(sql);
- } catch (Exception ex) {
-// System.err.println("SQL: " + sql);
-// ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- protected void executeUpdate(String sql) throws SQLException {
- Statement jdbcStatement = this.createJDBCStatement();
- try {
- jdbcStatement.executeUpdate(sql);
- } finally {
- jdbcStatement.close();
- }
- }
- protected void dump(String sql) throws SQLException {
- this.dump(sql, 20);
- }
- protected void dump(String sql, int columnWidth) throws SQLException {
- IndentingPrintWriter pw = new IndentingPrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));
- // synchronize the console so everything is contiguous
- synchronized (System.out) {
- this.dumpOn(sql, pw, columnWidth);
- }
- pw.flush();
- }
- protected void dumpOn(String sql, IndentingPrintWriter pw, int columnWidth) throws SQLException {
- pw.println(sql);
- for (ArrayList<Object> row : this.execute(sql)) {
- for (Object columnValue : row) {
- StringTools.padOrTruncateOn(String.valueOf(columnValue), columnWidth, pw);
- pw.print(' ');
- }
- pw.println();
- }
- }
- protected ArrayList<ArrayList<Object>> execute(String sql) throws SQLException {
- Statement jdbcStatement = this.createJDBCStatement();
- jdbcStatement.execute(sql);
- ArrayList<ArrayList<Object>> rows = this.buildRows(jdbcStatement.getResultSet());
- jdbcStatement.close();
- return rows;
- }
- protected ArrayList<ArrayList<Object>> buildRows(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
- ArrayList<ArrayList<Object>> rows = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Object>>();
- for (Iterator<ArrayList<Object>> stream = this.buildArrayIterator(resultSet); stream.hasNext(); ) {
- rows.add(;
- }
- return rows;
- }
- protected Iterator<ArrayList<Object>> buildArrayIterator(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
- return new ResultSetIterator<ArrayList<Object>>(resultSet, new ListResultSetIteratorAdapter(resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount()));
- }
- public static class ListResultSetIteratorAdapter implements ResultSetIterator.Adapter<ArrayList<Object>> {
- private final int columnCount;
- public ListResultSetIteratorAdapter(int columnCount) {
- super();
- this.columnCount = columnCount;
- }
- public ArrayList<Object> buildNext(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
- ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(this.columnCount);
- for (int i = 1; i <= this.columnCount; i++) { // NB: ResultSet index/subscript is 1-based
- list.add(rs.getObject(i));
- }
- return list;
- }
- }
- protected Statement createJDBCStatement() throws SQLException {
- return this.getJDBCConnection().createStatement();
- }
- protected Connection getJDBCConnection() {
- return ((ConnectionInfo) this.getDTPManagedConnection().getConnection().getRawConnection()).getSharedConnection();
- }
- protected DatabaseMetaData getDatabaseMetaData() throws SQLException {
- return this.getJDBCConnection().getMetaData();
- }
- // ********** dump DTP metadata **********
- /**
- * dump all the database metadata to the console
- */
- protected void dumpDatabase() {
- this.dumpDatabase(true);
- }
- /**
- * dump the database catalogs and schemata to the console
- */
- protected void dumpDatabaseContainers() {
- this.dumpDatabase(false);
- }
- protected void dumpDatabase(boolean deep) {
- IndentingPrintWriter pw = new IndentingPrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));
- // synchronize the console so everything is contiguous
- synchronized (System.out) {
- this.dumpDatabaseOn(pw, deep);
- }
- pw.flush();
- }
- protected void dumpDatabaseOn(IndentingPrintWriter pw, boolean deep) {
- Database database = this.connectionProfile.getDatabase();
- pw.print("database: ");
- pw.println(database.getName());
- if (database.supportsCatalogs()) {
- for (Catalog catalog : database.getCatalogs()) {
- this.dumpCatalogOn(catalog, pw, deep);
- }
- } else {
- this.dumpSchemaContainerOn(database, pw, deep);
- }
- }
- protected void dumpCatalogOn(Catalog catalog, IndentingPrintWriter pw, boolean deep) {
- pw.print("catalog: ");
- pw.println(catalog.getName());
- pw.indent();
- this.dumpSchemaContainerOn(catalog, pw, deep);
- pw.undent();
- }
- protected void dumpSchemaContainerOn(SchemaContainer schemaContainer, IndentingPrintWriter pw, boolean deep) {
- for (Schema schema : schemaContainer.getSchemata()) {
- this.dumpSchemaOn(schema, pw, deep);
- }
- }
- protected void dumpSchema(Schema schema) {
- this.dumpSchema(schema, true);
- }
- protected void dumpSchema(Schema schema, boolean deep) {
- IndentingPrintWriter pw = new IndentingPrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));
- // synchronize the console so everything is contiguous
- synchronized (System.out) {
- this.dumpSchemaOn(schema, pw, deep);
- }
- pw.flush();
- }
- protected void dumpSchemaOn(Schema schema, IndentingPrintWriter pw, boolean deep) {
- pw.print("schema: ");
- pw.println(schema.getName());
- if (deep) {
- pw.indent();
- for (Table table : schema.getTables()) {
- this.dumpTableOn(table, pw);
- }
- for (Sequence sequence : schema.getSequences()) {
- this.dumpSequenceOn(sequence, pw);
- }
- pw.undent();
- }
- }
- protected void dumpTableOn(Table table, IndentingPrintWriter pw) {
- pw.print("table: ");
- pw.println(table.getName());
- pw.indent();
- for (Column column : table.getColumns()) {
- this.dumpColumnOn(column, pw);
- }
- for (ForeignKey foreignKey : table.getForeignKeys()) {
- this.dumpForeignKeyOn(foreignKey, pw);
- }
- pw.undent();
- }
- protected void dumpColumnOn(Column column, IndentingPrintWriter pw) {
- pw.print("column: ");
- pw.print(column.getName());
- pw.print(" : ");
- pw.print(column.getDataTypeName());
- if (column.isPartOfPrimaryKey()) {
- pw.print(" [primary key]");
- }
- pw.println();
- }
- protected void dumpForeignKeyOn(ForeignKey foreignKey, IndentingPrintWriter pw) {
- pw.print("foreign key: ");
- pw.print(foreignKey.getName());
- pw.print("=>");
- pw.print(foreignKey.getReferencedTable().getName());
- pw.print(" (");
- for (Iterator<ColumnPair> stream = foreignKey.getColumnPairs().iterator(); stream.hasNext(); ) {
- ColumnPair cp =;
- pw.print(cp.getBaseColumn().getName());
- pw.print("=>");
- pw.print(cp.getReferencedColumn().getName());
- if (stream.hasNext()) {
- pw.print(", ");
- }
- }
- pw.print(')');
- pw.println();
- }
- protected void dumpSequenceOn(Sequence sequence, IndentingPrintWriter pw) {
- pw.print("sequence: ");
- pw.println(sequence.getName());
- }
- // ********** dump JDBC metadata **********
- protected void dumpJDBCCatalogs() throws SQLException {
- IndentingPrintWriter pw = new IndentingPrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));
- // synchronize the console so everything is contiguous
- synchronized (System.out) {
- this.dumpJDBCCatalogsOn(pw);
- }
- pw.flush();
- }
- protected void dumpJDBCCatalogsOn(IndentingPrintWriter pw) throws SQLException {
- pw.println("JDBC catalogs: ");
- pw.indent();
- ArrayList<ArrayList<Object>> rows = this.buildRows(this.getDatabaseMetaData().getCatalogs());
- for (Iterator<ArrayList<Object>> stream = rows.iterator(); stream.hasNext(); ) {
- pw.println(;
- }
- pw.undent();
- }
- protected void dumpJDBCSchemata() throws SQLException {
- IndentingPrintWriter pw = new IndentingPrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));
- // synchronize the console so everything is contiguous
- synchronized (System.out) {
- this.dumpJDBCSchemataOn(pw);
- }
- pw.flush();
- }
- protected void dumpJDBCSchemataOn(IndentingPrintWriter pw) throws SQLException {
- pw.println("JDBC schemata: ");
- pw.indent();
- ArrayList<ArrayList<Object>> rows = this.buildRows(this.getDatabaseMetaData().getSchemas());
- for (ArrayList<Object> row : rows) {
- if (row.size() == 2) { // catalogs were added in jdk 1.4
- Object catalog = row.get(1);
- pw.print(catalog);
- pw.print('.');
- }
- Object schema = row.get(0);
- pw.println(schema);
- }
- pw.undent();
- }
- // ********** connection profile listener **********
- protected static class TestConnectionProfileListener implements ConnectionProfileListener {
- public String addedName;
- public String removedName;
- public String renamedOldName;
- public String renamedNewName;
- public void connectionProfileAdded(String name) {
- this.addedName = name;
- }
- public void connectionProfileRemoved(String name) {
- this.removedName = name;
- }
- public void connectionProfileRenamed(String oldName, String newName) {
- this.renamedOldName = oldName;
- this.renamedNewName = newName;
- }
- public void clear() {
- this.addedName = null;
- this.removedName = null;
- this.renamedOldName = null;
- this.renamedNewName = null;
- }
- }
- // ********** connection listener **********
- protected static class TestConnectionListener implements ConnectionListener {
- public ConnectionProfile openedProfile;
- public ConnectionProfile modifiedProfile;
- public ConnectionProfile okToCloseProfile;
- public ConnectionProfile aboutToCloseProfile;
- public ConnectionProfile closedProfile;
- public Database changedDatabase;
- public Catalog changedCatalog;
- public Schema changedSchema;
- public Sequence changedSequence;
- public Table changedTable;
- public Column changedColumn;
- public ForeignKey changedForeignKey;
- public void opened(ConnectionProfile profile) {
- this.openedProfile = profile;
- }
- public void modified(ConnectionProfile profile) {
- this.modifiedProfile = profile;
- }
- public boolean okToClose(ConnectionProfile profile) {
- this.okToCloseProfile = profile;
- return true;
- }
- public void aboutToClose(ConnectionProfile profile) {
- this.aboutToCloseProfile = profile;
- }
- public void closed(ConnectionProfile profile) {
- this.closedProfile = profile;
- }
- public void databaseChanged(ConnectionProfile profile, Database database) {
- this.changedDatabase = database;
- }
- public void catalogChanged(ConnectionProfile profile, Catalog catalog) {
- this.changedCatalog = catalog;
- }
- public void schemaChanged(ConnectionProfile profile, Schema schema) {
- this.changedSchema = schema;
- }
- public void sequenceChanged(ConnectionProfile profile, Sequence sequence) {
- this.changedSequence = sequence;
- }
- public void tableChanged(ConnectionProfile profile, Table table) {
- this.changedTable = table;
- }
- public void columnChanged(ConnectionProfile profile, Column column) {
- this.changedColumn = column;
- }
- public void foreignKeyChanged(ConnectionProfile profile, ForeignKey foreignKey) {
- this.changedForeignKey = foreignKey;
- }
- public void clear() {
- this.openedProfile = null;
- this.modifiedProfile = null;
- this.okToCloseProfile = null;
- this.aboutToCloseProfile = null;
- this.closedProfile = null;
- this.changedDatabase = null;
- this.changedCatalog = null;
- this.changedSchema = null;
- this.changedSequence = null;
- this.changedTable = null;
- this.changedColumn = null;
- this.changedForeignKey = null;
- }
- }
diff --git a/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/ b/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ec1ba4f6d..0000000000
--- a/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,482 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2006, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
- * and is available at
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Oracle - initial API and implementation
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests.internal.platforms;
-import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.sqm.core.rte.ICatalogObject;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Column;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.ForeignKey;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Schema;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Table;
-public class DerbyTests extends DTPPlatformTests {
- public DerbyTests(String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- }
- @Override
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- super.tearDown();
- }
- @Override
- protected String getPlatformPropertiesFileName() {
- return "";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverName() {
- return "Derby Embedded JDBC Driver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverDefinitionID() {
- return "DriverDefn.Derby Embedded JDBC Driver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverDefinitionType() {
- return "org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.db.derby101.genericDriverTemplate";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDatabaseVendor() {
- return "Derby";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDatabaseVersion() {
- return "10.1";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverClass() {
- return "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProfileName() {
- return "Derby_10.1_Embedded";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProfileDescription() {
- return "Derby 10.1 Embedded JDBC Profile [Test]";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProviderID() {
- return "org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.db.derby.embedded.connectionProfile";
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean supportsCatalogs() {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean executeOfflineTests() {
- return true;
- }
- public void testSchema() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.dropSchema("TEST1");
- this.dropSchema("TEST2");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA TEST1");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Schema schema1 = this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed("TEST1");
- assertNotNull(schema1);
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA TEST2");
- Schema schema2 = this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed("TEST2");
- assertNull(schema2); // should be null until refresh
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- assertSame(this.getDatabase(), listener.changedDatabase);
- schema2 = this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed("TEST2");
- assertNotNull(schema2);
- assertNotSame(schema1, this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed("TEST1")); // we should have a new schema after the refresh
- this.dropSchema("TEST2");
- this.dropSchema("TEST1");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- public void testSchemaLookup() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.dropSchema("LOOKUP_TEST");
- this.dropSchema("\"lookup_TEST\"");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA LOOKUP_TEST");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- assertNotNull(this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed("LOOKUP_TEST"));
- assertNotNull(this.getDatabase().getSchemaForIdentifier("LOOKUP_TEST"));
- assertNull(this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed("lookup_test"));
- assertNotNull(this.getDatabase().getSchemaForIdentifier("lookup_test"));
- assertNull(this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed("lookup_TEST"));
- assertNotNull(this.getDatabase().getSchemaForIdentifier("lookup_TEST"));
- assertNotNull(this.getDatabase().getSchemaForIdentifier("\"LOOKUP_TEST\""));
- assertNull(this.getDatabase().getSchemaForIdentifier("\"lookup_TEST\""));
- this.dropSchema("LOOKUP_TEST");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA \"lookup_TEST\"");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- assertNull(this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed("LOOKUP_TEST"));
- assertNull(this.getDatabase().getSchemaForIdentifier("LOOKUP_TEST"));
- assertNull(this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed("lookup_test"));
- assertNull(this.getDatabase().getSchemaForIdentifier("lookup_test"));
- assertNotNull(this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed("lookup_TEST"));
- assertNull(this.getDatabase().getSchemaForIdentifier("lookup_TEST"));
- assertNull(this.getDatabase().getSchemaForIdentifier("\"LOOKUP_TEST\""));
- assertNotNull(this.getDatabase().getSchemaForIdentifier("\"lookup_TEST\""));
- this.dropSchema("\"lookup_TEST\"");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- public void testSchemaIdentifier() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.dropSchema("LOOKUP_TEST");
- this.dropSchema("\"lookup_TEST\"");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA lookup_test"); // this gets folded to uppercase
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA \"lookup_TEST\"");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Schema schema = this.getDatabase().getSchemaForIdentifier("LOOKUP_TEST");
- assertEquals("LOOKUP_TEST", schema.getIdentifier());
- assertEquals("LOOKUP_TEST", schema.getIdentifier("LookupTest"));
- assertNull(schema.getIdentifier("Lookup_Test"));
- schema = this.getDatabase().getSchemaForIdentifier("lookup_test");
- assertEquals("LOOKUP_TEST", schema.getIdentifier());
- schema = this.getDatabase().getSchemaForIdentifier("\"lookup_TEST\"");
- assertEquals("\"lookup_TEST\"", schema.getIdentifier());
- assertEquals("\"lookup_TEST\"", schema.getIdentifier("lookup_TEST"));
- this.dropSchema("\"lookup_TEST\"");
- this.dropSchema("LOOKUP_TEST");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- public void testTable() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "FOO_BAZ");
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "BAZ");
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "FOO");
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "BAR");
- this.dropSchema("TABLE_TEST");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA TABLE_TEST");
- this.executeUpdate("SET SCHEMA = TABLE_TEST");
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildBarDDL());
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildFooDDL());
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildBazDDL());
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildFooBazDDL());
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Schema schema = this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed("TABLE_TEST");
- // FOO
- Table fooTable = schema.getTableNamed("FOO");
- assertEquals(4, fooTable.getColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(1, fooTable.getPrimaryKeyColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(1, fooTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- Column pkColumn = fooTable.getPrimaryKeyColumn();
- assertEquals("ID", pkColumn.getName());
- Column idColumn = fooTable.getColumnNamed("ID");
- assertSame(pkColumn, idColumn);
- assertEquals("INTEGER", idColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertSame(fooTable, idColumn.getTable());
- assertTrue(idColumn.isPartOfPrimaryKey());
- assertFalse(idColumn.isPartOfForeignKey());
- assertEquals("int", idColumn.getJavaTypeDeclaration());
- Column nameColumn = fooTable.getColumnNamed("NAME");
- assertEquals("VARCHAR", nameColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertEquals("java.lang.String", nameColumn.getJavaTypeDeclaration());
- assertEquals(20, nameColumn.getLength());
- assertFalse(nameColumn.isPartOfPrimaryKey());
- assertFalse(nameColumn.isNumeric());
- assertTrue(nameColumn.isNullable());
- Column barColumn = fooTable.getColumnNamed("BAR_ID");
- assertEquals("INTEGER", barColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertTrue(barColumn.isPartOfForeignKey());
- assertFalse(barColumn.isPartOfPrimaryKey());
- Column salaryColumn = fooTable.getColumnNamed("SALARY");
- assertEquals("DECIMAL", salaryColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertTrue(salaryColumn.isNullable());
- assertTrue(salaryColumn.isNumeric());
- assertEquals(11, salaryColumn.getPrecision());
- assertEquals(2, salaryColumn.getScale());
- assertEquals(-1, salaryColumn.getLength());
- ForeignKey barFK = fooTable.getForeignKeys().iterator().next(); // there should only be 1 foreign key
- assertEquals(1, barFK.getColumnPairsSize());
- assertEquals("BAR", barFK.getAttributeName());
- assertNull(barFK.getJoinColumnAnnotationIdentifier("bar"));
- assertEquals("BAR_ID", barFK.getJoinColumnAnnotationIdentifier("primaryBar"));
- assertSame(fooTable, barFK.getBaseTable());
- assertFalse(fooTable.isPossibleJoinTable());
- assertSame(schema, fooTable.getSchema());
- // BAR
- Table barTable = schema.getTableNamed("BAR");
- assertEquals(3, barTable.getColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(1, barTable.getPrimaryKeyColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(0, barTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- assertEquals("ID", barTable.getPrimaryKeyColumn().getName());
- assertFalse(barTable.isPossibleJoinTable());
- Column id2Column = barTable.getColumnNamed("ID2");
- assertEquals("INTEGER", id2Column.getDataTypeName());
-// assertTrue(id2Column.isPartOfUniqueConstraint()); // doesn't work(?)
- assertFalse(id2Column.isNullable());
- assertTrue(id2Column.isNumeric());
- assertEquals(0, id2Column.getPrecision()); // not sure what to expect here...
- assertEquals(0, id2Column.getScale()); // not sure what to expect here either...
- assertEquals("BLOB", barTable.getColumnNamed("CHUNK").getDataTypeName());
- assertEquals("byte[]", barTable.getColumnNamed("CHUNK").getJavaTypeDeclaration());
- assertTrue(barTable.getColumnNamed("CHUNK").isLOB());
- assertSame(barTable, barFK.getReferencedTable());
- // BAZ
- Table bazTable = schema.getTableNamed("BAZ");
- Column nicknameColumn = bazTable.getColumnNamed("NICKNAME");
- assertEquals(20, nicknameColumn.getLength());
-// assertTrue(nicknameColumn.isPartOfUniqueConstraint()); // doesn't work(?)
- // FOO_BAZ
- Table foo_bazTable = schema.getTableNamed("FOO_BAZ");
- assertEquals(2, foo_bazTable.getColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(0, foo_bazTable.getPrimaryKeyColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(2, foo_bazTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- assertTrue(foo_bazTable.isPossibleJoinTable());
- assertTrue(foo_bazTable.joinTableNameIsDefault());
- assertTrue(foo_bazTable.getColumnNamed("FOO_ID").isPartOfForeignKey());
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "FOO_BAZ");
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "BAZ");
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "FOO");
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "BAR");
- this.dropSchema("TABLE_TEST");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- private static final String CR = System.getProperty("line.separator"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- private String buildBarDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("CREATE TABLE BAR (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" ID INT PRIMARY KEY,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" ID2 INT UNIQUE NOT NULL,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" CHUNK BLOB(100K)").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private String buildFooDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("CREATE TABLE FOO (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" ID INT PRIMARY KEY,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" NAME VARCHAR(20),").append(CR);
- sb.append(" SALARY DECIMAL(11, 2),").append(CR);
- sb.append(" BAR_ID INT REFERENCES BAR(ID)").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private String buildBazDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("CREATE TABLE BAZ (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" ID INT PRIMARY KEY,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" NICKNAME VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL UNIQUE").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private String buildFooBazDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("CREATE TABLE FOO_BAZ (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" FOO_ID INT REFERENCES FOO(ID),").append(CR);
- sb.append(" BAZ_ID INT REFERENCES BAZ(ID)").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- public void testColumnLookup() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.dropTable("COLUMN_TEST", "test");
- this.dropSchema("COLUMN_TEST");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA COLUMN_TEST");
- this.executeUpdate("SET SCHEMA = COLUMN_TEST");
- // lowercase
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER, name VARCHAR(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Table table = this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed("COLUMN_TEST").getTableForIdentifier("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("id"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("name"));
- this.dropTable("COLUMN_TEST", "test");
- // uppercase
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test (ID INTEGER, NAME VARCHAR(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- table = this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed("COLUMN_TEST").getTableForIdentifier("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("ID"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("NAME"));
- this.dropTable("COLUMN_TEST", "test");
- // mixed case
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test (Id INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- table = this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed("COLUMN_TEST").getTableForIdentifier("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("Id"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("Name"));
- this.dropTable("COLUMN_TEST", "test");
- // delimited
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test (\"Id\" INTEGER, \"Name\" VARCHAR(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- table = this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed("COLUMN_TEST").getTableForIdentifier("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("\"Id\""));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("\"Name\""));
- this.dropTable("COLUMN_TEST", "test");
- this.dropSchema("COLUMN_TEST");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- public void testCrossSchemaReference() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.dropTable("XREF_TEST2", "EMP");
- this.dropSchema("XREF_TEST2");
- this.dropTable("XREF_TEST1", "ORG");
- this.dropSchema("XREF_TEST1");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA XREF_TEST1");
- this.executeUpdate("SET SCHEMA = XREF_TEST1");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA XREF_TEST2");
- this.executeUpdate("SET SCHEMA = XREF_TEST2");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Schema schema1 = this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed("XREF_TEST1");
- assertNotNull(schema1);
- Table orgTable = schema1.getTableNamed("ORG");
- assertNotNull(orgTable);
- Schema schema2 = this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed("XREF_TEST2");
- assertNotNull(schema2);
- Table empTable = schema2.getTableNamed("EMP");
- assertNotNull(empTable);
- assertEquals(1, empTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- ForeignKey fk = empTable.getForeignKeys().iterator().next();
- Table refTable = fk.getReferencedTable();
- assertNotNull(refTable);
- assertEquals("ORG", refTable.getName());
- assertEquals(1, fk.getColumnPairsSize());
- ForeignKey.ColumnPair cp = fk.getColumnPairs().iterator().next();
- Column baseColumn = cp.getBaseColumn();
- assertEquals("ORG_ID", baseColumn.getName());
- Column refColumn = cp.getReferencedColumn();
- assertEquals("ID", refColumn.getName());
- this.dropTable("XREF_TEST2", "EMP");
- this.dropSchema("XREF_TEST2");
- this.dropTable("XREF_TEST1", "ORG");
- this.dropSchema("XREF_TEST1");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- private void dropTable(String schemaName, String tableName) throws Exception {
- Schema schema= this.getDatabase().getSchemaForIdentifier(schemaName);
- if (schema != null) {
- if (schema.getTableForIdentifier(tableName) != null) {
- this.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE " + schemaName + '.' + tableName);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * NB: A Derby schema must be empty before it can be dropped.
- */
- private void dropSchema(String name) throws Exception {
- if (this.getDatabase().getSchemaForIdentifier(name) != null) {
- this.executeUpdate("DROP SCHEMA " + name + " RESTRICT");
- }
- }
diff --git a/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/ b/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/
deleted file mode 100644
index 28c944eeee..0000000000
--- a/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
- * and is available at
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Oracle - initial API and implementation
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests.internal.platforms;
-import java.util.Properties;
-import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.drivers.jdbc.IJDBCDriverDefinitionConstants;
-import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.sqm.core.rte.ICatalogObject;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Column;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.ForeignKey;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Schema;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Table;
- * MySQL
- *
- * Notes:
- * - We can only get database objects from the database associated with our
- * connection profile.
- * - We can reference objects across multiple databases, so they are sorta like
- * schemas....
- * - Foreign keys must be defined as table-level constraints; they cannot be
- * defined as part of the column clause.
- * - Case-sensitivity and -folding is whacked on MySQL....
- */
-public class MySQLTests extends DTPPlatformTests {
- public MySQLTests( String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- @Override
- protected String getPlatformPropertiesFileName() {
- return "";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverName() {
- return "MySQL JDBC Driver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverDefinitionID() {
- return "DriverDefn.MySQL JDBC Driver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverDefinitionType() {
- return "org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.mysql.4_1.driverTemplate";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDatabaseVendor() {
- return "MySql";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDatabaseVersion() {
- return "4.1";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverClass() {
- return "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDefaultJDBCURL() {
- return "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProfileName() {
- return "MySQL_4.1";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProfileDescription() {
- return "MySQL 4.1 JDBC Profile [Test]";
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean supportsCatalogs() {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- protected Properties buildDTPConnectionProfileProperties() {
- Properties p = super.buildDTPConnectionProfileProperties();
- p.setProperty(IJDBCDriverDefinitionConstants.DATABASE_NAME_PROP_ID, this.getDatabaseName());
- return p;
- }
- private String getDatabaseName() {
- return "dalitest";
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean executeOfflineTests() {
- return true; // seems to work...
- }
- public void testDatabase() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- // DTP: MySQL has a single schema with the same name as the database
- Schema schema = this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed(this.getDatabaseName());
- assertNotNull(schema);
- assertSame(this.getDefaultSchema(), schema);
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- public void testTable() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.dropDatabase(this.getDatabaseName());
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE DATABASE " + this.getDatabaseName());
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog(this.getDatabaseName());
- this.dropTable(this.getDatabaseName(), "foo_baz");
- this.dropTable(this.getDatabaseName(), "baz");
- this.dropTable(this.getDatabaseName(), "foo");
- this.dropTable(this.getDatabaseName(), "bar");
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildBarDDL());
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildFooDDL());
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildBazDDL());
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildFooBazDDL());
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Schema schema = this.getDefaultSchema();
- // foo
- Table fooTable = schema.getTableNamed("foo");
- assertEquals(3, fooTable.getColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(1, fooTable.getPrimaryKeyColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(1, fooTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- Column pkColumn = fooTable.getPrimaryKeyColumn();
- assertEquals("id", pkColumn.getName());
- Column idColumn = fooTable.getColumnNamed("id");
- assertSame(pkColumn, idColumn);
- assertEquals("INT", idColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertSame(fooTable, idColumn.getTable());
- assertTrue(idColumn.isPartOfPrimaryKey());
- assertFalse(idColumn.isPartOfForeignKey());
- assertEquals("int", idColumn.getJavaTypeDeclaration());
- Column nameColumn = fooTable.getColumnNamed("name");
- assertEquals("VARCHAR", nameColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertEquals("java.lang.String", nameColumn.getJavaTypeDeclaration());
- assertFalse(nameColumn.isPartOfPrimaryKey());
- Column barColumn = fooTable.getColumnNamed("bar_id");
- assertEquals("INT", barColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertTrue(barColumn.isPartOfForeignKey());
- assertFalse(barColumn.isPartOfPrimaryKey());
- ForeignKey barFK = fooTable.getForeignKeys().iterator().next(); // there should only be 1 foreign key
- assertEquals(1, barFK.getColumnPairsSize());
- assertEquals("bar", barFK.getAttributeName());
- assertNull(barFK.getJoinColumnAnnotationIdentifier("bar"));
- assertEquals("bar_id", barFK.getJoinColumnAnnotationIdentifier("primaryBar"));
- assertSame(fooTable, barFK.getBaseTable());
- assertFalse(fooTable.isPossibleJoinTable());
- assertSame(schema, fooTable.getSchema());
- // BAR
- Table barTable = schema.getTableNamed("bar");
- assertEquals(2, barTable.getColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(1, barTable.getPrimaryKeyColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(0, barTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- assertEquals("id", barTable.getPrimaryKeyColumn().getName());
- assertFalse(barTable.isPossibleJoinTable());
- assertEquals("BLOB", barTable.getColumnNamed("chunk").getDataTypeName());
- assertEquals("byte[]", barTable.getColumnNamed("chunk").getJavaTypeDeclaration());
- assertTrue(barTable.getColumnNamed("chunk").isLOB());
- assertSame(barTable, barFK.getReferencedTable());
- // FOO_BAZ
- Table foo_bazTable = schema.getTableNamed("foo_baz");
- assertEquals(2, foo_bazTable.getColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(0, foo_bazTable.getPrimaryKeyColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(2, foo_bazTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- assertTrue(foo_bazTable.isPossibleJoinTable());
- assertTrue(foo_bazTable.joinTableNameIsDefault());
- assertTrue(foo_bazTable.getColumnNamed("foo_id").isPartOfForeignKey());
- this.dropTable(this.getDatabaseName(), "foo_baz");
- this.dropTable(this.getDatabaseName(), "baz");
- this.dropTable(this.getDatabaseName(), "foo");
- this.dropTable(this.getDatabaseName(), "bar");
- this.dropDatabase(this.getDatabaseName());
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- private static final String CR = System.getProperty("line.separator"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- private String buildBarDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("CREATE TABLE bar (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" chunk BLOB").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private String buildFooDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("CREATE TABLE foo (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" name VARCHAR(20),").append(CR);
- sb.append(" bar_id INTEGER,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" FOREIGN KEY (bar_id) REFERENCES bar(id)").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private String buildBazDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("CREATE TABLE baz (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" name VARCHAR(20)").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private String buildFooBazDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("CREATE TABLE foo_baz (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" foo_id INT,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" baz_id INT,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" FOREIGN KEY (foo_id) REFERENCES foo(id),").append(CR);
- sb.append(" FOREIGN KEY (baz_id) REFERENCES baz(id)").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- /**
- * On Windows, table names get folded to lowercase by default;
- * even if the name is delimited (apparently).
- */
- public void testTableLookup() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.dropDatabase(this.getDatabaseName());
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE DATABASE " + this.getDatabaseName());
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog(this.getDatabaseName());
- this.dropTable(this.getDatabaseName(), "test1");
- this.dropTable(this.getDatabaseName(), "TEST2");
- this.dropTable(this.getDatabaseName(), "`TEST3`");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test1 (id INTEGER, name VARCHAR(20))");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE TEST2 (id INTEGER, name VARCHAR(20))");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE `TEST3` (id INTEGER, name VARCHAR(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Schema schema = this.getDefaultSchema();
- Table test1Table = schema.getTableForIdentifier("test1");
- assertNotNull(test1Table);
- // this probably only works on Windows
- Table test2Table = schema.getTableForIdentifier("test2");
- assertNotNull(test2Table);
- // this probably only works on Windows
- Table test3Table = schema.getTableForIdentifier("`test3`");
- assertNotNull(test3Table);
- this.dropTable(this.getDatabaseName(), "test1");
- this.dropTable(this.getDatabaseName(), "TEST2");
- this.dropTable(this.getDatabaseName(), "`TEST3`");
- this.dropDatabase(this.getDatabaseName());
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- public void testColumnLookup() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.dropDatabase(this.getDatabaseName());
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE DATABASE " + this.getDatabaseName());
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog(this.getDatabaseName());
- this.dropTable(this.getDatabaseName(), "test");
- // lowercase
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER, name VARCHAR(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Table table = this.getDefaultSchema().getTableNamed("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnNamed("id"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnNamed("name"));
- this.dropTable(this.getDatabaseName(), "test");
- // uppercase
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test (ID INTEGER, NAME VARCHAR(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- table = this.getDefaultSchema().getTableNamed("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnNamed("ID"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnNamed("NAME"));
- this.dropTable(this.getDatabaseName(), "test");
- // mixed case
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test (Id INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- table = this.getDefaultSchema().getTableNamed("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnNamed("Id"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnNamed("Name"));
- this.dropTable(this.getDatabaseName(), "test");
- // delimited
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test (`Id` INTEGER, `Name` VARCHAR(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- table = this.getDefaultSchema().getTableNamed("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("`Id`"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("`Name`"));
- this.dropTable(this.getDatabaseName(), "test");
- this.dropDatabase(this.getDatabaseName());
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- /**
- * We can only get a single "schema" per connection via DTP,
- * so cross-schema references are not visible.
- */
- public void testCrossSchemaReference() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.dropDatabase("xref_test2");
- this.dropDatabase("xref_test1");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE DATABASE xref_test1");
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("xref_test1");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE org (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(20))");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE DATABASE xref_test2");
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("xref_test2");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE emp (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(20), " +
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("xref_test2");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Schema schema2 = this.getDefaultSchema();
- assertNotNull(schema2);
- Table empTable = schema2.getTableNamed("emp");
- assertNotNull(empTable);
- // no foreign keys
- assertEquals(0, empTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- this.dropDatabase("xref_test2");
- this.dropDatabase("xref_test1");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- private void dropTable(String dbName, String tableName) throws Exception {
- this.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + dbName + '.' + tableName);
- }
- private void dropDatabase(String name) throws Exception {
- this.executeUpdate("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " + name);
- }
diff --git a/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/ b/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/
deleted file mode 100644
index c70e3437e5..0000000000
--- a/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
- * and is available at
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Oracle - initial API and implementation
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests.internal.platforms;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.sqm.core.rte.ICatalogObject;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Column;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.ForeignKey;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Schema;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Table;
-public class Oracle10gTests extends DTPPlatformTests {
- public Oracle10gTests( String name) {
- super( name);
- }
- @Override
- protected String getPlatformPropertiesFileName() {
- return "";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverName() {
- return "Oracle 10g Thin Driver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverDefinitionID() {
- return "DriverDefn.Oracle Thin Driver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverDefinitionType() {
- return "";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDatabaseVendor() {
- return "Oracle";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDatabaseVersion() {
- return "10";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverClass() {
- return "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProfileName() {
- return "Oracle10g_10.1.0.4";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProfileDescription() {
- return "Oracle10g ( JDBC Profile [Test]";
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean supportsCatalogs() {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean executeOfflineTests() {
- // working offline is pretty ugly
- return false;
- }
- public void testDatabase() throws Exception {
- if (this.connectionProfile.getUserName().toUpperCase().equals("SYS")) {
- System.out.println("skipped test: " + this.getClass() + '.' + this.getName());
- return; // SYS does not have a schema
- }
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- // Oracle should have a schema with the same name as the user
- Schema schema = this.getDatabase().getSchemaForIdentifier(this.getUserID());
- assertNotNull(schema);
- assertSame(this.getDefaultSchema(), schema);
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- public void testTable() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.dropTable("foo_baz");
- this.dropTable("baz");
- this.dropTable("foo");
- this.dropTable("bar");
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildBarDDL());
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildFooDDL());
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildBazDDL());
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildFooBazDDL());
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Schema schema = this.getDefaultSchema();
- // foo
- Table fooTable = schema.getTableForIdentifier("foo");
- assertEquals(3, fooTable.getColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(1, fooTable.getPrimaryKeyColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(1, fooTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- Column pkColumn = fooTable.getPrimaryKeyColumn();
- assertEquals("ID", pkColumn.getName());
- Column idColumn = fooTable.getColumnForIdentifier("id");
- assertSame(pkColumn, idColumn);
- assertEquals("NUMBER", idColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertSame(fooTable, idColumn.getTable());
- assertTrue(idColumn.isPartOfPrimaryKey());
- assertFalse(idColumn.isPartOfForeignKey());
- assertEquals("java.math.BigDecimal", idColumn.getJavaTypeDeclaration());
- Column nameColumn = fooTable.getColumnForIdentifier("name");
- assertEquals("VARCHAR2", nameColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertEquals("java.lang.String", nameColumn.getJavaTypeDeclaration());
- assertFalse(nameColumn.isPartOfPrimaryKey());
- Column barColumn = fooTable.getColumnForIdentifier("bar_id");
- assertEquals("NUMBER", barColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertTrue(barColumn.isPartOfForeignKey());
- assertFalse(barColumn.isPartOfPrimaryKey());
- ForeignKey barFK = fooTable.getForeignKeys().iterator().next(); // there should only be 1 foreign key
- assertEquals(1, barFK.getColumnPairsSize());
- assertEquals("BAR", barFK.getAttributeName());
- assertNull(barFK.getJoinColumnAnnotationIdentifier("bar"));
- assertEquals("BAR_ID", barFK.getJoinColumnAnnotationIdentifier("primaryBar"));
- assertSame(fooTable, barFK.getBaseTable());
- assertFalse(fooTable.isPossibleJoinTable());
- assertSame(schema, fooTable.getSchema());
- // BAR
- Table barTable = schema.getTableForIdentifier("bar");
- assertEquals(2, barTable.getColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(1, barTable.getPrimaryKeyColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(0, barTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- assertEquals("ID", barTable.getPrimaryKeyColumn().getName());
- assertFalse(barTable.isPossibleJoinTable());
- assertEquals("BLOB", barTable.getColumnForIdentifier("chunk").getDataTypeName());
- assertEquals("byte[]", barTable.getColumnForIdentifier("chunk").getJavaTypeDeclaration());
- assertTrue(barTable.getColumnForIdentifier("chunk").isLOB());
- assertSame(barTable, barFK.getReferencedTable());
- // FOO_BAZ
- Table foo_bazTable = schema.getTableForIdentifier("foo_baz");
- assertEquals(2, foo_bazTable.getColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(0, foo_bazTable.getPrimaryKeyColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(2, foo_bazTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- assertTrue(foo_bazTable.isPossibleJoinTable());
- assertTrue(foo_bazTable.joinTableNameIsDefault());
- assertTrue(foo_bazTable.getColumnForIdentifier("foo_id").isPartOfForeignKey());
- this.dropTable("foo_baz");
- this.dropTable("baz");
- this.dropTable("foo");
- this.dropTable("bar");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- private static final String CR = System.getProperty("line.separator"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- private String buildBarDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("CREATE TABLE bar (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" id NUMBER(10) PRIMARY KEY,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" chunk BLOB").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private String buildFooDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("CREATE TABLE foo (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" id NUMBER(10) PRIMARY KEY,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" name VARCHAR2(20),").append(CR);
- sb.append(" bar_id REFERENCES bar(id)").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private String buildBazDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("CREATE TABLE baz (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" id NUMBER(10) PRIMARY KEY,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" name VARCHAR2(20)").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private String buildFooBazDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("CREATE TABLE foo_baz (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" foo_id NUMBER(10) REFERENCES foo(id),").append(CR);
- sb.append(" baz_id NUMBER(10) REFERENCES baz(id)").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- public void testTableLookup() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.dropTable("test1");
- this.dropTable("TEST2");
- this.dropTable("\"test3\"");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test1 (id NUMBER(10), name VARCHAR2(20))");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE TEST2 (id NUMBER(10), name VARCHAR2(20))");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE \"test3\" (id NUMBER(10), name VARCHAR2(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Schema schema = this.getDefaultSchema();
- Table test1Table = schema.getTableForIdentifier("test1");
- assertNotNull(test1Table);
- test1Table = schema.getTableForIdentifier("TEST1");
- assertNotNull(test1Table);
- Table test2Table = schema.getTableForIdentifier("test2");
- assertNotNull(test2Table);
- test2Table = schema.getTableForIdentifier("TEST2");
- assertNotNull(test2Table);
- Table test3Table = schema.getTableForIdentifier("\"test3\"");
- assertNotNull(test3Table);
- test3Table = schema.getTableForIdentifier("test3");
- assertNull(test3Table);
- this.dropTable("test1");
- this.dropTable("TEST2");
- this.dropTable("\"test3\"");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- public void testColumnLookup() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.dropTable("test");
- // lowercase
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test (id NUMBER(10), name VARCHAR2(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Table table = this.getDefaultSchema().getTableForIdentifier("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("id"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("name"));
- this.dropTable("test");
- // uppercase
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test (ID NUMBER(10), NAME VARCHAR2(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- table = this.getDefaultSchema().getTableForIdentifier("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("ID"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("NAME"));
- this.dropTable("test");
- // mixed case
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test (Id NUMBER(10), Name VARCHAR2(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- table = this.getDefaultSchema().getTableForIdentifier("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("Id"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("Name"));
- this.dropTable("test");
- // delimited
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test (\"Id\" NUMBER(10), \"Name\" VARCHAR2(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- table = this.getDefaultSchema().getTableForIdentifier("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("\"Id\""));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("\"Name\""));
- this.dropTable("test");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- public void testCrossSchemaReference() throws Exception {
- if ( ! this.connectionProfile.getUserName().toUpperCase().equals("SYS")) {
- System.out.println("skipped test: " + this.getClass() + '.' + this.getName());
- return; // SYS does not have a schema
- }
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.executeUpdateIgnoreErrors("DROP USER XREF_TEST2 CASCADE");
- this.executeUpdateIgnoreErrors("DROP USER XREF_TEST1 CASCADE");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE USER XREF_TEST1 IDENTIFIED BY foo");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE USER XREF_TEST2 IDENTIFIED BY foo");
- this.executeUpdate("GRANT ALL ON XREF_TEST1.ORG TO XREF_TEST2");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Schema schema1 = this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed("XREF_TEST1");
- assertNotNull(schema1);
- Table orgTable = schema1.getTableNamed("ORG");
- assertNotNull(orgTable);
- Schema schema2 = this.getDatabase().getSchemaNamed("XREF_TEST2");
- assertNotNull(schema2);
- Table empTable = schema2.getTableNamed("EMP");
- assertNotNull(empTable);
- assertEquals(1, empTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- ForeignKey fk = empTable.getForeignKeys().iterator().next();
- Table refTable = fk.getReferencedTable();
- assertNotNull(refTable);
- assertEquals("ORG", refTable.getName());
- assertEquals(1, fk.getColumnPairsSize());
- ForeignKey.ColumnPair cp = fk.getColumnPairs().iterator().next();
- Column baseColumn = cp.getBaseColumn();
- assertEquals("ORG_ID", baseColumn.getName());
- Column refColumn = cp.getReferencedColumn();
- assertEquals("ID", refColumn.getName());
- this.executeUpdate("DROP USER XREF_TEST2 CASCADE");
- this.executeUpdate("DROP USER XREF_TEST1 CASCADE");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- private void dropTable(String tableName) throws Exception {
- this.executeUpdateIgnoreErrors("DROP TABLE " + tableName + " CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");
- }
-// need Oracle enablement plug-in
-// public void testSequence() throws Exception {
-// this.connectionProfile.connect();
-// TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
-// this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
-// this.dropSequence("FOO_SEQ");
-// this.executeUpdate("CREATE SEQUENCE FOO_SEQ");
-// ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
-// Sequence sequence = this.getDatabase().getDefaultSchema().getSequenceForIdentifier("FOO");
-// assertNotNull(sequence);
-// assertEquals("FOO_SEQ", sequence.getName());
-// this.dropSequence("FOO_SEQ");
-// this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
-// this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
-// }
-// private void dropSequence(String sequenceName) throws Exception {
-// this.executeUpdateIgnoreErrors("DROP SEQUENCE " + sequenceName);
-// }
- protected void dumpUserObjects() throws SQLException {
- this.dump("select * from user_objects");
- }
diff --git a/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/ b/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f309f8520..0000000000
--- a/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
- * and is available at
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Oracle - initial API and implementation
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests.internal.platforms;
- * Oracle 10g Thin Driver Test
- */
-public class Oracle10gXETests extends DTPPlatformTests {
- public Oracle10gXETests( String name) {
- super( name);
- }
- @Override
- protected String getPlatformPropertiesFileName() {
- return "";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverName() {
- return "Oracle 10g Thin Driver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverDefinitionID() {
- return "DriverDefn.Oracle Thin Driver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverDefinitionType() {
- return "";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDatabaseVendor() {
- return "Oracle";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDatabaseVersion() {
- return "10";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverClass() {
- return "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProfileName() {
- return "Oracle10g_XE";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProfileDescription() {
- return "Oracle10g XE Release 2 (10.2) JDBC Profile [Test]";
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean supportsCatalogs() {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean executeOfflineTests() {
- // working offline is pretty ugly
- return false;
- }
diff --git a/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/ b/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d1c474849..0000000000
--- a/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
- * and is available at
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Oracle - initial API and implementation
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests.internal.platforms;
- * Oracle 9i Thin Driver Test
- */
-public class Oracle9iTests extends DTPPlatformTests {
- public Oracle9iTests( String name) {
- super( name);
- }
- @Override
- protected String getPlatformPropertiesFileName() {
- return "";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverName() {
- return "Oracle 9i Thin Driver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverDefinitionID() {
- return "DriverDefn.Oracle Thin Driver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverDefinitionType() {
- return "";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDatabaseVendor() {
- return "Oracle";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDatabaseVersion() {
- return "9";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverClass() {
- return "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProfileName() {
- return "Oracle9i";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProfileDescription() {
- return "Oracle9i JDBC Profile [Test]";
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean supportsCatalogs() {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean executeOfflineTests() {
- // working offline is pretty ugly
- return false;
- }
diff --git a/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/ b/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b54bbf4fb..0000000000
--- a/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,486 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
- * and is available at
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Oracle - initial API and implementation
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests.internal.platforms;
-import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.sqm.core.rte.ICatalogObject;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Column;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.ForeignKey;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Schema;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Table;
-public class PostgreSQLTests extends DTPPlatformTests {
- public PostgreSQLTests( String name) {
- super( name);
- }
- @Override
- protected String getPlatformPropertiesFileName() {
- return "";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverName() {
- return "PostgreSQL JDBC Driver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverDefinitionID() {
- return "DriverDefn.PostgreSQL JDBC Driver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverDefinitionType() {
- return "org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.postgresql.postgresqlDriverTemplate";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDatabaseVendor() {
- return "postgres";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDatabaseVersion() {
- return "8.x";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverClass() {
- return "org.postgresql.Driver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDefaultJDBCURL() {
- // using this URL will result in the DTP database containing a single
- // catalog named "" - which, unfortunately, resembles the pseudo-catalog
- // generated by DTP for databases that do not return any catalogs via
- // JDBC metadata calls...
- return "jdbc:postgresql";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProfileName() {
- return "PostgreSQL";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProfileDescription() {
- return "PostgreSQL 8.2 JDBC Profile [Test]";
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean supportsCatalogs() {
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean executeOfflineTests() {
- // DTP does not support PostgreSQL off-line - see 226704/241558
- return false;
- }
- public void testSchema() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.dropSchema("TEST1");
- this.dropSchema("TEST2");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA TEST1");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Schema schema1 = this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("TEST1");
- assertNotNull(schema1);
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA TEST2");
- Schema schema2 = this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("TEST2");
- assertNull(schema2); // should be null until refresh
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- assertSame(this.getDatabase(), listener.changedDatabase);
- schema2 = this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("TEST2");
- assertNotNull(schema2);
- assertNotSame(schema1, this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("TEST1")); // we should have a new schema after the refresh
- this.dropSchema("TEST2");
- this.dropSchema("TEST1");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- public void testSchemaLookup() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.dropSchema("LOOKUP_TEST");
- this.dropSchema("\"lookup_TEST\"");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA LOOKUP_TEST");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- assertNull(this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaNamed("LOOKUP_TEST"));
- assertNotNull(this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("LOOKUP_TEST"));
- assertNotNull(this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaNamed("lookup_test"));
- assertNotNull(this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("lookup_test"));
- assertNull(this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaNamed("lookup_TEST"));
- assertNotNull(this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("lookup_TEST"));
- assertNotNull(this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("\"lookup_test\""));
- assertNull(this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("\"lookup_TEST\""));
- assertNull(this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("\"LOOKUP_TEST\""));
- this.dropSchema("LOOKUP_TEST");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA \"lookup_TEST\"");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- assertNull(this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaNamed("LOOKUP_TEST"));
- assertNull(this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("LOOKUP_TEST"));
- assertNull(this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaNamed("lookup_test"));
- assertNull(this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("lookup_test"));
- assertNotNull(this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaNamed("lookup_TEST"));
- assertNull(this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("lookup_TEST"));
- assertNull(this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("\"LOOKUP_TEST\""));
- assertNotNull(this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("\"lookup_TEST\""));
- this.dropSchema("\"lookup_TEST\"");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- public void testSchemaIdentifier() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.dropSchema("LOOKUP_TEST");
- this.dropSchema("\"lookup_TEST\"");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA lookup_test"); // this gets folded to lowercase
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA \"lookup_TEST\"");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Schema schema = this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("LOOKUP_TEST");
- assertEquals("lookup_test", schema.getIdentifier());
- assertEquals("lookup_test", schema.getIdentifier("LookupTest"));
- assertNull(schema.getIdentifier("Lookup_Test"));
- schema = this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaNamed("lookup_test");
- assertEquals("lookup_test", schema.getIdentifier());
- schema = this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("\"lookup_TEST\"");
- assertEquals("\"lookup_TEST\"", schema.getIdentifier());
- assertEquals("\"lookup_TEST\"", schema.getIdentifier("lookup_TEST"));
- this.dropSchema("\"lookup_TEST\"");
- this.dropSchema("LOOKUP_TEST");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- public void testTable() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "FOO_BAZ");
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "BAZ");
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "FOO");
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "BAR");
- this.dropSchema("TABLE_TEST");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA TABLE_TEST");
- this.executeUpdate("SET search_path TO TABLE_TEST");
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildBarDDL());
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildFooDDL());
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildBazDDL());
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildFooBazDDL());
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Schema schema = this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("TABLE_TEST");
- // FOO
- Table fooTable = schema.getTableForIdentifier("FOO");
- assertEquals(3, fooTable.getColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(1, fooTable.getPrimaryKeyColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(1, fooTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- Column pkColumn = fooTable.getPrimaryKeyColumn();
- assertEquals("id", pkColumn.getName());
- Column idColumn = fooTable.getColumnForIdentifier("ID");
- assertSame(pkColumn, idColumn);
- assertEquals("INT4", idColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertSame(fooTable, idColumn.getTable());
- assertTrue(idColumn.isPartOfPrimaryKey());
- assertFalse(idColumn.isPartOfForeignKey());
- assertEquals("java.lang.Integer", idColumn.getJavaTypeDeclaration());
- Column nameColumn = fooTable.getColumnForIdentifier("NAME");
- assertEquals("VARCHAR", nameColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertEquals("java.lang.String", nameColumn.getJavaTypeDeclaration());
- assertFalse(nameColumn.isPartOfPrimaryKey());
- Column barColumn = fooTable.getColumnForIdentifier("BAR_ID");
- assertEquals("INT4", barColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertTrue(barColumn.isPartOfForeignKey());
- assertFalse(barColumn.isPartOfPrimaryKey());
- ForeignKey barFK = fooTable.getForeignKeys().iterator().next(); // there should only be 1 foreign key
- assertEquals(1, barFK.getColumnPairsSize());
- assertEquals("bar", barFK.getAttributeName());
- assertNull(barFK.getJoinColumnAnnotationIdentifier("bar"));
- assertEquals("bar_id", barFK.getJoinColumnAnnotationIdentifier("primaryBar"));
- assertSame(fooTable, barFK.getBaseTable());
- assertFalse(fooTable.isPossibleJoinTable());
- assertSame(schema, fooTable.getSchema());
- // BAR
- Table barTable = schema.getTableForIdentifier("BAR");
- assertEquals(2, barTable.getColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(1, barTable.getPrimaryKeyColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(0, barTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- assertEquals("id", barTable.getPrimaryKeyColumn().getName());
- assertFalse(barTable.isPossibleJoinTable());
- assertEquals("BYTEA", barTable.getColumnForIdentifier("CHUNK").getDataTypeName());
- assertEquals("byte[]", barTable.getColumnForIdentifier("CHUNK").getJavaTypeDeclaration());
- // assertTrue(barTable.getColumnForIdentifier("CHUNK").dataTypeIsLOB());
- assertSame(barTable, barFK.getReferencedTable());
- // FOO_BAZ
- Table foo_bazTable = schema.getTableForIdentifier("FOO_BAZ");
- assertEquals(2, foo_bazTable.getColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(0, foo_bazTable.getPrimaryKeyColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(2, foo_bazTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- assertTrue(foo_bazTable.isPossibleJoinTable());
- assertTrue(foo_bazTable.joinTableNameIsDefault());
- assertTrue(foo_bazTable.getColumnForIdentifier("FOO_ID").isPartOfForeignKey());
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "FOO_BAZ");
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "BAZ");
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "FOO");
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "BAR");
- this.dropSchema("TABLE_TEST");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- private static final String CR = System.getProperty("line.separator"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- private String buildBarDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("CREATE TABLE BAR (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" ID integer PRIMARY KEY,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" CHUNK bytea").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private String buildFooDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("CREATE TABLE FOO (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" ID integer PRIMARY KEY,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" NAME varchar(20),").append(CR);
- sb.append(" BAR_ID integer REFERENCES BAR(ID)").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private String buildBazDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("CREATE TABLE BAZ (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" ID integer PRIMARY KEY,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" NAME varchar(20)").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private String buildFooBazDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("CREATE TABLE FOO_BAZ (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" FOO_ID int REFERENCES FOO(ID),").append(CR);
- sb.append(" BAZ_ID int REFERENCES BAZ(ID)").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- public void testColumnLookup() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "test");
- this.dropSchema("TABLE_TEST");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA TABLE_TEST");
- this.executeUpdate("SET search_path TO TABLE_TEST");
- // lowercase
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test (id int, name varchar(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Table table = this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("TABLE_TEST").getTableForIdentifier("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("id"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("name"));
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "test");
- // uppercase
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test (ID int, NAME varchar(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- table = this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("TABLE_TEST").getTableForIdentifier("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("ID"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("NAME"));
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "test");
- // mixed case
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test (Id int, Name varchar(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- table = this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("TABLE_TEST").getTableForIdentifier("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("Id"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("Name"));
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "test");
- // delimited
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test (\"Id\" int, \"Name\" varchar(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- table = this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier("TABLE_TEST").getTableForIdentifier("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("\"Id\""));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("\"Name\""));
- this.dropTable("TABLE_TEST", "test");
- this.dropSchema("TABLE_TEST");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- public void testCrossSchemaReference() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.dropTable("XREF_TEST2", "EMP");
- this.dropSchema("XREF_TEST2");
- this.dropTable("XREF_TEST1", "ORG");
- this.dropSchema("XREF_TEST1");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA XREF_TEST1");
- this.executeUpdate("SET search_path TO XREF_TEST1");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE ORG (ID integer PRIMARY KEY, NAME varchar(20))");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA XREF_TEST2");
- this.executeUpdate("SET search_path TO XREF_TEST2");
- this.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE EMP (ID integer PRIMARY KEY, NAME varchar(20), " +
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Schema schema1 = this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaNamed("xref_test1");
- assertNotNull(schema1);
- Table orgTable = schema1.getTableNamed("org");
- assertNotNull(orgTable);
- Schema schema2 = this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaNamed("xref_test2");
- assertNotNull(schema2);
- Table empTable = schema2.getTableNamed("emp");
- assertNotNull(empTable);
- assertEquals(1, empTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- ForeignKey fk = empTable.getForeignKeys().iterator().next();
- Table refTable = fk.getReferencedTable();
- assertNotNull(refTable);
- assertEquals("org", refTable.getName());
- assertEquals(1, fk.getColumnPairsSize());
- ForeignKey.ColumnPair cp = fk.getColumnPairs().iterator().next();
- Column baseColumn = cp.getBaseColumn();
- assertEquals("org_id", baseColumn.getName());
- Column refColumn = cp.getReferencedColumn();
- assertEquals("id", refColumn.getName());
- this.dropTable("XREF_TEST2", "EMP");
- this.dropSchema("XREF_TEST2");
- this.dropTable("XREF_TEST1", "ORG");
- this.dropSchema("XREF_TEST1");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- private void dropTable(String schemaName, String tableName) throws Exception {
- Schema schema= this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier(schemaName);
- if (schema != null) {
- if (schema.getTableForIdentifier(tableName) != null) {
- this.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE " + schemaName + '.' + tableName);
- }
- }
- }
- private void dropSchema(String name) throws Exception {
- if (this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaForIdentifier(name) != null) {
- this.executeUpdate("DROP SCHEMA " + name + " CASCADE");
- }
- }
-// see 241578/241557
-// public void testSequence() throws Exception {
-// this.connectionProfile.connect();
-// TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
-// this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
-// this.dropSequence("SEQUENCE_TEST", "FOO");
-// this.dropSchema("SEQUENCE_TEST");
-// this.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA SEQUENCE_TEST");
-// this.executeUpdate("SET search_path TO SEQUENCE_TEST");
-// this.executeUpdate(this.buildBarDDL());
-// this.executeUpdate("CREATE SEQUENCE FOO START 1");
-//// List<Object[]> list = this.execute("SELECT nextval('foo')");
-//// System.out.println(list);
-// ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
-// Schema schema = this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaNamed("SEQUENCE_TEST");
-// Sequence sequence = schema.getSequenceNamed("FOO");
-// assertNotNull(sequence);
-// assertEquals("foo_seq", sequence.getName());
-// this.dropSequence("SEQUENCE_TEST", "FOO");
-// this.dropSchema("SEQUENCE_TEST");
-// this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
-// this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
-// }
-// private void dropSequence(String schemaName, String sequenceName) throws Exception {
-// Schema schema= this.getDefaultCatalog().getSchemaNamed(schemaName);
-// if (schema != null) {
-// if (schema.getSequenceNamed(sequenceName) != null) {
-// this.executeUpdate("DROP SEQUENCE " + schemaName + '.' + sequenceName);
-// }
-// }
-// }
diff --git a/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/ b/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/
deleted file mode 100644
index cedde5d7c4..0000000000
--- a/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
- * and is available at
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Oracle - initial API and implementation
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests.internal.platforms;
- * SQL Server 2005 Driver Test
- */
-public class SQLServerTests extends DTPPlatformTests {
- public SQLServerTests( String name) {
- super( name);
- }
- @Override
- protected String getPlatformPropertiesFileName() {
- return "";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverName() {
- return "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverDefinitionID() {
- return "DriverDefn.Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverDefinitionType() {
- return "org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.msft.sqlserver.2005.driverTemplate";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDatabaseVendor() {
- return "SQLServer";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDatabaseVersion() {
- return "2005";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverClass() {
- return "";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProfileName() {
- return "SQLServer_2005";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProfileDescription() {
- return "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Profile [Test]";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProviderID() {
- return "org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.db.generic.connectionProfile";
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean supportsCatalogs() {
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean executeOfflineTests() {
- return true; // haven't actually tried this yet...
- }
diff --git a/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/ b/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/
deleted file mode 100644
index 41cea99c95..0000000000
--- a/jpa/tests/org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests/src/org/eclipse/jpt/db/tests/internal/platforms/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,443 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0, which accompanies this distribution
- * and is available at
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Oracle - initial API and implementation
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.jpt.db.tests.internal.platforms;
-import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.sqm.core.rte.ICatalogObject;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Catalog;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Column;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.ForeignKey;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Schema;
-import org.eclipse.jpt.db.Table;
-public class SybaseTests extends DTPPlatformTests {
- public SybaseTests( String name) {
- super( name);
- }
- @Override
- protected String getPlatformPropertiesFileName() {
- return "";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverName() {
- return "Sybase JDBC Driver for Sybase ASE 15.x";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverDefinitionID() {
- return "DriverDefn.Sybase JDBC Driver for Sybase ASE 15.x";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverDefinitionType() {
- return "org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.db.sybase.ase.genericDriverTemplate_15";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDatabaseVendor() {
- return "Sybase_ASE";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDatabaseVersion() {
- return "15.x";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getDriverClass() {
- return "com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProfileName() {
- return "Sybase_15";
- }
- @Override
- protected String getProfileDescription() {
- return "Sybase ASE 15 jConnect JDBC Profile [Test]";
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean supportsCatalogs() {
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean executeOfflineTests() {
- // working offline is pretty ugly
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Sybase "databases" become DTP "catalogs"
- */
- public void testCatalog() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("master");
- this.executeUpdateIgnoreErrors("drop database test1");
- this.executeUpdateIgnoreErrors("drop database test2");
- this.executeUpdate("create database test1");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Catalog catalog1 = this.getDatabase().getCatalogNamed("test1");
- assertNotNull(catalog1);
- Schema schema1 = catalog1.getSchemaNamed("dbo");
- assertNotNull(schema1);
- assertSame(schema1, catalog1.getDefaultSchema());
- this.executeUpdate("create database test2");
- Catalog catalog2 = this.getDatabase().getCatalogNamed("test2");
- assertNull(catalog2); // should be null until refresh
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- assertSame(this.getDatabase(), listener.changedDatabase);
- catalog2 = this.getDatabase().getCatalogNamed("test2");
- assertNotNull(catalog2);
- Schema schema2 = catalog2.getDefaultSchema();
- assertNotNull(schema2);
- assertNotSame(catalog1, this.getDatabase().getCatalogNamed("test1")); // we should have a new catalog after the refresh
- assertNotSame(schema1, this.getDatabase().getCatalogNamed("test1").getDefaultSchema()); // we should have a new schema after the refresh
- this.executeUpdate("drop database test2");
- this.executeUpdate("drop database test1");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- public void testTable() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("master");
- this.executeUpdateIgnoreErrors("drop database table_test");
- this.executeUpdate("create database table_test");
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("table_test");
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildBarDDL());
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildFooDDL());
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildBazDDL());
- this.executeUpdate(this.buildFooBazDDL());
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Schema schema = this.getDatabase().getCatalogNamed("table_test").getDefaultSchema();
- // foo
- Table fooTable = schema.getTableNamed("foo");
- assertEquals(3, fooTable.getColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(1, fooTable.getPrimaryKeyColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(1, fooTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- Column pkColumn = fooTable.getPrimaryKeyColumn();
- assertEquals("id", pkColumn.getName());
- Column idColumn = fooTable.getColumnNamed("id");
- assertSame(fooTable, idColumn.getTable());
- assertSame(pkColumn, idColumn);
- assertTrue(idColumn.isPartOfPrimaryKey());
- assertFalse(idColumn.isPartOfForeignKey());
- assertTrue(idColumn.isPartOfUniqueConstraint());
- assertFalse(idColumn.isNullable());
- assertEquals("INT", idColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertTrue(idColumn.isNumeric());
- assertEquals(0, idColumn.getPrecision());
- assertEquals(0, idColumn.getScale());
- assertEquals(-1, idColumn.getLength());
- assertFalse(idColumn.isLOB());
- assertEquals("int", idColumn.getJavaTypeDeclaration());
- Column nameColumn = fooTable.getColumnNamed("name");
- assertFalse(nameColumn.isPartOfPrimaryKey());
- assertFalse(nameColumn.isPartOfForeignKey());
- assertTrue(nameColumn.isPartOfUniqueConstraint());
- assertFalse(nameColumn.isNullable()); // implied "NOT NULL" ?
- assertEquals("VARCHAR", nameColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertFalse(nameColumn.isNumeric());
- assertEquals(-1, nameColumn.getPrecision());
- assertEquals(-1, nameColumn.getScale());
- assertEquals(20, nameColumn.getLength());
- assertFalse(nameColumn.isLOB());
- assertEquals("java.lang.String", nameColumn.getJavaTypeDeclaration());
- Column barColumn = fooTable.getColumnNamed("bar_id");
- assertEquals("INT", barColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertTrue(barColumn.isPartOfForeignKey());
- assertFalse(barColumn.isPartOfPrimaryKey());
- ForeignKey barFK = fooTable.getForeignKeys().iterator().next(); // there should only be 1 foreign key
- assertEquals(1, barFK.getColumnPairsSize());
- assertEquals("bar", barFK.getAttributeName());
- assertNull(barFK.getJoinColumnAnnotationIdentifier("bar"));
- assertEquals("bar_id", barFK.getJoinColumnAnnotationIdentifier("primaryBar"));
- assertSame(fooTable, barFK.getBaseTable());
- assertFalse(fooTable.isPossibleJoinTable());
- assertSame(schema, fooTable.getSchema());
- // BAR
- Table barTable = schema.getTableNamed("bar");
- assertEquals(2, barTable.getColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(1, barTable.getPrimaryKeyColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(0, barTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- assertEquals("id", barTable.getPrimaryKeyColumn().getName());
- assertFalse(barTable.isPossibleJoinTable());
- Column chunkColumn = barTable.getColumnNamed("chunk");
- assertEquals("IMAGE", chunkColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertFalse(chunkColumn.isNumeric());
- assertTrue(chunkColumn.isLOB());
- assertEquals("byte[]", chunkColumn.getJavaTypeDeclaration());
- assertSame(barTable, barFK.getReferencedTable());
- // BAZ
- Table bazTable = schema.getTableNamed("baz");
- assertEquals(4, bazTable.getColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(1, bazTable.getPrimaryKeyColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(0, bazTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- Column nicknameColumn = bazTable.getColumnNamed("nickname");
- assertTrue(nicknameColumn.isNullable());
- Column songColumn = bazTable.getColumnNamed("song");
- assertFalse(songColumn.isNullable());
- Column salaryColumn = bazTable.getColumnNamed("salary");
- assertFalse(salaryColumn.isPartOfUniqueConstraint());
- assertEquals("DECIMAL", salaryColumn.getDataTypeName());
- assertTrue(salaryColumn.isNumeric());
- assertEquals(10, salaryColumn.getPrecision());
- assertEquals(2, salaryColumn.getScale());
- assertEquals(-1, salaryColumn.getLength());
- assertFalse(salaryColumn.isLOB());
- // FOO_BAZ
- Table foo_bazTable = schema.getTableNamed("foo_baz");
- assertEquals(2, foo_bazTable.getColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(0, foo_bazTable.getPrimaryKeyColumnsSize());
- assertEquals(2, foo_bazTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- assertTrue(foo_bazTable.isPossibleJoinTable());
- assertTrue(foo_bazTable.joinTableNameIsDefault());
- assertTrue(foo_bazTable.getColumnNamed("foo_id").isPartOfForeignKey());
- this.executeUpdate("drop table foo_baz");
- this.executeUpdate("drop table baz");
- this.executeUpdate("drop table foo");
- this.executeUpdate("drop table bar");
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("master");
- this.executeUpdate("drop database table_test");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- private static final String CR = System.getProperty("line.separator"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- private String buildBarDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("create table bar (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" id integer primary key,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" chunk image").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private String buildFooDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("create table foo (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" id integer primary key,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" name varchar(20) unique,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" bar_id integer references bar(id)").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private String buildBazDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("create table baz (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" id integer primary key,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" nickname varchar(20) null,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" song varchar(20) not null,").append(CR);
- sb.append(" salary decimal(10, 2)").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private String buildFooBazDDL() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
- sb.append("create table foo_baz (").append(CR);
- sb.append(" foo_id integer references foo(id),").append(CR);
- sb.append(" baz_id integer references baz(id)").append(CR);
- sb.append(")").append(CR);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- public void testTableLookup() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("master");
- this.executeUpdateIgnoreErrors("drop database table_lookup_test");
- this.executeUpdate("create database table_lookup_test");
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("table_lookup_test");
- this.executeUpdate("create table test1 (id integer, name varchar(20))");
- this.executeUpdate("create table TEST2 (id integer, name varchar(20))");
- this.executeUpdate("create table [Test3] (id integer, name varchar(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Schema schema = this.getDatabase().getCatalogNamed("table_lookup_test").getDefaultSchema();
- assertNotNull(schema.getTableNamed("test1"));
- assertNotNull(schema.getTableForIdentifier("test1"));
- assertNotNull(schema.getTableNamed("TEST2"));
- assertNotNull(schema.getTableForIdentifier("TEST2"));
- assertNotNull(schema.getTableForIdentifier("[Test3]"));
- this.executeUpdate("drop table [Test3]");
- this.executeUpdate("drop table TEST2");
- this.executeUpdate("drop table test1");
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("master");
- this.executeUpdate("drop database table_lookup_test");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- public void testColumnLookup() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("master");
- this.executeUpdateIgnoreErrors("drop database column_lookup_test");
- this.executeUpdate("create database column_lookup_test");
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("column_lookup_test");
- // lowercase
- this.executeUpdate("create table test (id integer, name varchar(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Table table = this.getDatabase().getCatalogNamed("column_lookup_test").getDefaultSchema().getTableNamed("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnNamed("id"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnNamed("name"));
- this.executeUpdate("drop table test");
- // uppercase
- this.executeUpdate("create table test (ID integer, NAME varchar(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- table = this.getDatabase().getCatalogNamed("column_lookup_test").getDefaultSchema().getTableNamed("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("ID"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("NAME"));
- this.executeUpdate("drop table test");
- // mixed case
- this.executeUpdate("create table test (Id integer, Name varchar(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- table = this.getDatabase().getCatalogNamed("column_lookup_test").getDefaultSchema().getTableNamed("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("Id"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("Name"));
- this.executeUpdate("drop table test");
- // delimited
- this.executeUpdate("create table test ([Id] integer, [Name] varchar(20))");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- table = this.getDatabase().getCatalogNamed("column_lookup_test").getDefaultSchema().getTableNamed("test");
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("[Id]"));
- assertNotNull(table.getColumnForIdentifier("[Name]"));
- this.executeUpdate("drop table test");
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("master");
- this.executeUpdate("drop database column_lookup_test");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }
- public void testCrossSchemaReference() throws Exception {
- this.connectionProfile.connect();
- TestConnectionListener listener = new TestConnectionListener();
- this.connectionProfile.addConnectionListener(listener);
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("master");
- this.executeUpdateIgnoreErrors("drop database xref_test2");
- this.executeUpdateIgnoreErrors("drop database xref_test1");
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("master");
- this.executeUpdate("create database xref_test1");
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("xref_test1");
- this.executeUpdate("create table org (id integer primary key, name varchar(20))");
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("master");
- this.executeUpdate("create database xref_test2");
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("xref_test2");
- this.executeUpdate("create table emp (id integer primary key, name varchar(20), " +
- "org_id integer references");
- ((ICatalogObject) this.getDTPDatabase()).refresh();
- Catalog catalog1 = this.getDatabase().getCatalogNamed("xref_test1");
- assertNotNull(catalog1);
- Schema schema1 = catalog1.getSchemaNamed("dbo");
- assertNotNull(schema1);
- Table orgTable = schema1.getTableNamed("org");
- assertNotNull(orgTable);
- Catalog catalog2 = this.getDatabase().getCatalogNamed("xref_test2");
- assertNotNull(catalog2);
- Schema schema2 = catalog2.getSchemaNamed("dbo");
- assertNotNull(schema2);
- Table empTable = schema2.getTableNamed("emp");
- assertNotNull(empTable);
- assertEquals(1, empTable.getForeignKeysSize());
- ForeignKey fk = empTable.getForeignKeys().iterator().next();
- Table refTable = fk.getReferencedTable();
- assertNotNull(refTable);
- assertEquals("org", refTable.getName());
- assertEquals(1, fk.getColumnPairsSize());
- ForeignKey.ColumnPair cp = fk.getColumnPairs().iterator().next();
- Column baseColumn = cp.getBaseColumn();
- assertEquals("org_id", baseColumn.getName());
- Column refColumn = cp.getReferencedColumn();
- assertEquals("id", refColumn.getName());
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("xref_test2");
- this.executeUpdate("drop table emp");
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("xref_test1");
- this.executeUpdate("drop table org");
- this.getJDBCConnection().setCatalog("master");
- this.executeUpdate("drop database xref_test2");
- this.executeUpdate("drop database xref_test1");
- this.connectionProfile.removeConnectionListener(listener);
- this.connectionProfile.disconnect();
- }

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