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authorSimon McDuff2008-12-03 02:06:27 +0000
committerSimon McDuff2008-12-03 02:06:27 +0000
commite14ef7b9f45cd2e922919035cb5af401757267f3 (patch)
tree26bb6593e32ea6cc0410b2ca07e589d9537f4776 /plugins
parentbc14e2410dcf883a54106bacabca016fc9437fe3 (diff)
[247457] Implement a way to check the result of getResource()
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.tests/src/org/eclipse/emf/cdo/tests/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.tests/src/org/eclipse/emf/cdo/tests/
index cd65ba6ec9..5798303b09 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.tests/src/org/eclipse/emf/cdo/tests/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.tests/src/org/eclipse/emf/cdo/tests/
@@ -83,122 +83,6 @@ public class ResourceTest extends AbstractCDOTest
attachDetachResourceDepth1(3, false, 1);
- /**
- * Create resource with the following pattern /test1/test2/test3 for a depth 3. <br>
- * After it will remove the resource with the following rule:<br>
- * if calldelete is true <code>resource.delete(null)</code> <br>
- * if calldelete is false it will use the depthtoRemove to call <code>object.remove(resource)</code><br>
- * deptToRemove = /0/1/2/...<br>
- * It will remove it from parent folder (depthtoRemove - 1);
- */
- private void attachDetachResourceDepth1(int depth, boolean callDelete, int depthtoRemove) throws Exception
- {
- CDOSession session = openModel1Session();
- ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl();
- CDOTransaction transaction = session.openTransaction(resourceSet);
- CDOResource rootResource = transaction.getRootResource();
- assertSame(rootResource, rootResource.eResource());
- String path = "";
- List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
- for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
- {
- String name = "test" + String.valueOf(i + 1);
- names.add(name);
- path += "/" + name;
- }
- final URI uri = URI.createURI("cdo:" + path);
- CDOResource resource = (CDOResource)resourceSet.createResource(uri);
- assertEquals(names.get(names.size() - 1), resource.getName());
- transaction.commit();
- List<CDOResourceNode> nodesList = new ArrayList<CDOResourceNode>();
- CDOResource resourceByLookup = null;
- CDOResourceNode next = null;
- for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
- {
- if (i == 0)
- {
- next = (CDOResourceNode)rootResource.getContents().get(0);
- }
- else
- {
- next = ((CDOResourceFolder)next).getNodes().get(0);
- }
- nodesList.add(next);
- }
- resourceByLookup = (CDOResource)next;
- assertSame(resource, resourceByLookup);
- assertClean(resourceByLookup, transaction);
- assertEquals(true, resourceSet.getResources().contains(resourceByLookup));
- CDOObject cdoParent = null;
- CDOObject cdoRootResource = CDOUtil.getCDOObject(rootResource);
- for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
- {
- CDOResourceNode resourceNode = nodesList.get(i);
- CDOObject cdoResourceNode = CDOUtil.getCDOObject(resourceNode);
- if (i == 0)
- {
- assertEquals(cdoRootResource.cdoID(), cdoResourceNode.cdoRevision().getData().getResourceID());
- assertEquals(CDOID.NULL, cdoResourceNode.cdoRevision().getData().getContainerID());
- }
- else
- {
- assertEquals(CDOID.NULL, cdoResourceNode.cdoRevision().getData().getResourceID());
- assertEquals(cdoParent.cdoID(), cdoResourceNode.cdoRevision().getData().getContainerID());
- }
- cdoParent = cdoResourceNode;
- }
- if (callDelete)
- {
- resource.delete(null);
- depthtoRemove = depth;
- }
- else
- {
- CDOResourceNode node = nodesList.get(depthtoRemove);
- if (depthtoRemove == 0)
- {
- rootResource.getContents().remove(node);
- }
- else
- {
- CDOResourceFolder parentFolder = (CDOResourceFolder)nodesList.get(depthtoRemove - 1);
- assertEquals(parentFolder, node.getFolder());
- parentFolder.getNodes().remove(node);
- }
- }
- for (int i = depthtoRemove; i < depth; i++)
- {
- CDOResourceNode transientNode = nodesList.get(i);
- assertTransient(transientNode);
- if (transientNode instanceof CDOResource)
- {
- assertEquals(false, resourceSet.getResources().contains(transientNode));
- }
- assertEquals(null, transientNode.eResource());
- if (i == depthtoRemove)
- {
- assertEquals(null, transientNode.eContainer());
- }
- else
- {
- assertEquals(cdoParent, transientNode.eContainer());
- }
- cdoParent = transientNode;
- }
- transaction.commit();
- }
public void testRootResourceFromURI() throws Exception
URI rootResourceURI = null;
@@ -322,6 +206,28 @@ public class ResourceTest extends AbstractCDOTest
+ public void testLoadAbsentResource_FromResourceSet() throws Exception
+ {
+ CDOSession session = openModel1Session();
+ ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl();
+ CDOTransaction transaction = session.openTransaction(resourceSet);
+ final URI uri = URI.createURI("cdo:/test1");
+ CDOResource resource = (CDOResource)resourceSet.getResource(uri, false);
+ assertEquals(null, resource);
+ try
+ {
+ resourceSet.getResource(uri, true);
+ }
+ catch (Exception ignore)
+ {
+ }
+ transaction.close();
+ }
public void testRemoveResourceWithCloseView() throws Exception
@@ -530,79 +436,6 @@ public class ResourceTest extends AbstractCDOTest
changePath(3, 0);
- private void changePath(int depthFrom, int depthTo) throws Exception
- {
- String prefixA = "testA";
- String prefixB = "testB";
- String oldPath = createPath(prefixA, depthFrom, "test");
- String newPath = createPath(prefixB, depthTo, "test2");
- {
- CDOSession session = openModel1Session();
- CDOTransaction transaction = session.openTransaction();
- CDOResource resource = transaction.createResource(oldPath);
- Order order = getModel1Factory().createOrder();
- resource.getContents().add(order);
- String path = CDOURIUtil.extractResourcePath(resource.getURI());
- assertEquals(oldPath, path);
- assertEquals(depthFrom, CDOURIUtil.analyzePath(resource.getURI()).size() - 1);
- transaction.commit();
- CDOID idBeforeChangePath = CDOUtil.getCDOObject(resource).cdoID();
- CDOID idBeforeChangePathOrder = CDOUtil.getCDOObject(order).cdoID();
- msg("New path");
- resource.setPath(newPath);
- path = CDOURIUtil.extractResourcePath(resource.getURI());
- assertEquals(depthTo, CDOURIUtil.analyzePath(resource.getURI()).size() - 1);
- assertEquals(newPath, path);
- transaction.commit();
- CDOID idAfterChangePath = CDOUtil.getCDOObject(resource).cdoID();
- assertEquals(idBeforeChangePath, idAfterChangePath);
- CDOID idAfterChangePathOrder = CDOUtil.getCDOObject(order).cdoID();
- assertEquals(idBeforeChangePathOrder, idAfterChangePathOrder);
- Resource resourceRenamed = transaction.getResourceSet().getResource(
- CDOURIUtil.createResourceURI(session, newPath), false);
- assertEquals(resource, resourceRenamed);
- assertClean(resource, transaction);
- assertClean(order, transaction);
- session.close();
- }
- clearCache(getRepository().getRevisionManager());
- CDOSession session = openModel1Session();
- CDOTransaction transaction = session.openTransaction();
- try
- {
- transaction.getResourceSet().getResource(CDOURIUtil.createResourceURI(session, oldPath), true);
- fail("Doesn't exist");
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- }
- Resource resource = transaction.getResourceSet().getResource(CDOURIUtil.createResourceURI(session, newPath), true);
- assertNotNull(resource);
- }
- private String createPath(String namePrefix, int depth, String name)
- {
- String path = "";
- for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
- {
- String localName = namePrefix + String.valueOf(i + 1);
- path += "/" + localName;
- }
- path += "/" + name;
- return path;
- }
public void testChangeURI() throws Exception
@@ -780,6 +613,195 @@ public class ResourceTest extends AbstractCDOTest
+ /**
+ * Create resource with the following pattern /test1/test2/test3 for a depth 3. <br>
+ * After it will remove the resource with the following rule:<br>
+ * if calldelete is true <code>resource.delete(null)</code> <br>
+ * if calldelete is false it will use the depthtoRemove to call <code>object.remove(resource)</code><br>
+ * deptToRemove = /0/1/2/...<br>
+ * It will remove it from parent folder (depthtoRemove - 1);
+ */
+ private void attachDetachResourceDepth1(int depth, boolean callDelete, int depthtoRemove) throws Exception
+ {
+ CDOSession session = openModel1Session();
+ ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl();
+ CDOTransaction transaction = session.openTransaction(resourceSet);
+ CDOResource rootResource = transaction.getRootResource();
+ assertSame(rootResource, rootResource.eResource());
+ String path = "";
+ List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
+ {
+ String name = "test" + String.valueOf(i + 1);
+ names.add(name);
+ path += "/" + name;
+ }
+ final URI uri = URI.createURI("cdo:" + path);
+ CDOResource resource = (CDOResource)resourceSet.createResource(uri);
+ assertEquals(names.get(names.size() - 1), resource.getName());
+ transaction.commit();
+ List<CDOResourceNode> nodesList = new ArrayList<CDOResourceNode>();
+ CDOResource resourceByLookup = null;
+ CDOResourceNode next = null;
+ for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == 0)
+ {
+ next = (CDOResourceNode)rootResource.getContents().get(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ next = ((CDOResourceFolder)next).getNodes().get(0);
+ }
+ nodesList.add(next);
+ }
+ resourceByLookup = (CDOResource)next;
+ assertSame(resource, resourceByLookup);
+ assertClean(resourceByLookup, transaction);
+ assertEquals(true, resourceSet.getResources().contains(resourceByLookup));
+ CDOObject cdoParent = null;
+ CDOObject cdoRootResource = CDOUtil.getCDOObject(rootResource);
+ for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
+ {
+ CDOResourceNode resourceNode = nodesList.get(i);
+ CDOObject cdoResourceNode = CDOUtil.getCDOObject(resourceNode);
+ if (i == 0)
+ {
+ assertEquals(cdoRootResource.cdoID(), cdoResourceNode.cdoRevision().getData().getResourceID());
+ assertEquals(CDOID.NULL, cdoResourceNode.cdoRevision().getData().getContainerID());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assertEquals(CDOID.NULL, cdoResourceNode.cdoRevision().getData().getResourceID());
+ assertEquals(cdoParent.cdoID(), cdoResourceNode.cdoRevision().getData().getContainerID());
+ }
+ cdoParent = cdoResourceNode;
+ }
+ if (callDelete)
+ {
+ resource.delete(null);
+ depthtoRemove = depth;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CDOResourceNode node = nodesList.get(depthtoRemove);
+ if (depthtoRemove == 0)
+ {
+ rootResource.getContents().remove(node);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CDOResourceFolder parentFolder = (CDOResourceFolder)nodesList.get(depthtoRemove - 1);
+ assertEquals(parentFolder, node.getFolder());
+ parentFolder.getNodes().remove(node);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = depthtoRemove; i < depth; i++)
+ {
+ CDOResourceNode transientNode = nodesList.get(i);
+ assertTransient(transientNode);
+ if (transientNode instanceof CDOResource)
+ {
+ assertEquals(false, resourceSet.getResources().contains(transientNode));
+ }
+ assertEquals(null, transientNode.eResource());
+ if (i == depthtoRemove)
+ {
+ assertEquals(null, transientNode.eContainer());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assertEquals(cdoParent, transientNode.eContainer());
+ }
+ cdoParent = transientNode;
+ }
+ transaction.commit();
+ }
+ private void changePath(int depthFrom, int depthTo) throws Exception
+ {
+ String prefixA = "testA";
+ String prefixB = "testB";
+ String oldPath = createPath(prefixA, depthFrom, "test");
+ String newPath = createPath(prefixB, depthTo, "test2");
+ {
+ CDOSession session = openModel1Session();
+ CDOTransaction transaction = session.openTransaction();
+ CDOResource resource = transaction.createResource(oldPath);
+ Order order = getModel1Factory().createOrder();
+ resource.getContents().add(order);
+ String path = CDOURIUtil.extractResourcePath(resource.getURI());
+ assertEquals(oldPath, path);
+ assertEquals(depthFrom, CDOURIUtil.analyzePath(resource.getURI()).size() - 1);
+ transaction.commit();
+ CDOID idBeforeChangePath = CDOUtil.getCDOObject(resource).cdoID();
+ CDOID idBeforeChangePathOrder = CDOUtil.getCDOObject(order).cdoID();
+ msg("New path");
+ resource.setPath(newPath);
+ path = CDOURIUtil.extractResourcePath(resource.getURI());
+ assertEquals(depthTo, CDOURIUtil.analyzePath(resource.getURI()).size() - 1);
+ assertEquals(newPath, path);
+ transaction.commit();
+ CDOID idAfterChangePath = CDOUtil.getCDOObject(resource).cdoID();
+ assertEquals(idBeforeChangePath, idAfterChangePath);
+ CDOID idAfterChangePathOrder = CDOUtil.getCDOObject(order).cdoID();
+ assertEquals(idBeforeChangePathOrder, idAfterChangePathOrder);
+ Resource resourceRenamed = transaction.getResourceSet().getResource(
+ CDOURIUtil.createResourceURI(session, newPath), false);
+ assertEquals(resource, resourceRenamed);
+ assertClean(resource, transaction);
+ assertClean(order, transaction);
+ session.close();
+ }
+ clearCache(getRepository().getRevisionManager());
+ CDOSession session = openModel1Session();
+ CDOTransaction transaction = session.openTransaction();
+ try
+ {
+ transaction.getResourceSet().getResource(CDOURIUtil.createResourceURI(session, oldPath), true);
+ fail("Doesn't exist");
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ }
+ Resource resource = transaction.getResourceSet().getResource(CDOURIUtil.createResourceURI(session, newPath), true);
+ assertNotNull(resource);
+ }
+ private String createPath(String namePrefix, int depth, String name)
+ {
+ String path = "";
+ for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
+ {
+ String localName = namePrefix + String.valueOf(i + 1);
+ path += "/" + localName;
+ }
+ path += "/" + name;
+ return path;
+ }
private CDOResource createResource(CDOTransaction transaction, String path)
Product1 p = getModel1Factory().createProduct1();

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