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Diffstat (limited to 'bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http')
22 files changed, 0 insertions, 36474 deletions
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version 42 - _written "Rose 4.5.8054a" - charSet 0) - -(object Class_Category "http" - is_unit TRUE - is_loaded TRUE - quid "3ABFD9AD01F8" - exportControl "Public" - logical_models (list unit_reference_list - (object Class "HTTPBinding" - quid "3ABFE57C0136" - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3AE5FF1D0019" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibilityElement" - quidu "3AD5DBB602A9")) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "verb" - quid "3ABFE60D00DB" - type "String")) - language "Java") - (object Class "HTTPOperation" - quid "3ABFE6AE0050" - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3AE5FF4B037C" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibilityElement" - quidu "3AD5DBB602A9")) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "locationURI" - quid "3ABFE70D0147" - type "String")) - language "Java") - (object Class "HTTPUrlReplacement" - 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max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::HTTPAddress" @1 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (336, 432) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1 - location (135, 351) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 402 - justify 0 - label "HTTPAddress") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AC3BF2500F5" - width 420 - height 186 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE))) - (object ClassDiagram "Extensibility" - quid "3AE5FE3B037B" - title "Extensibility" - zoom 100 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibilityElement" @2 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (272, 128) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @2 - location (70, 53) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 404 - justify 0 - label "ExtensibilityElement") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5DBB602A9" - width 422 - height 174 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::HTTPAddress" @3 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (272, 480) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @3 - location (128, 428) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 288 - justify 0 - label "HTTPAddress") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AC3BF2500F5" - width 306 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::HTTPBinding" @4 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (480, 640) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @4 - location (344, 588) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 272 - justify 0 - label "HTTPBinding") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3ABFE57C0136" - width 290 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @5 - location (272, 305) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @2 - vertices (list Points - (272, 305) - (272, 215))) - (object InheritView "" @6 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AE5FEA901B7" - client @3 - supplier @2 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (272, 416) - terminal_attachment (272, 305) - drawSupplier @5) - (object InheritView "" @7 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AE5FF1D0019" - client @4 - supplier @2 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (475, 576) - terminal_attachment (475, 305) - drawSupplier @5) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::HTTPOperation" @8 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (672, 816) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @8 - location (518, 764) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 308 - justify 0 - label "HTTPOperation") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3ABFE6AE0050" - width 326 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @9 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AE5FF4B037C" - client @8 - supplier @2 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (656, 752) - terminal_attachment (656, 305) - drawSupplier @5) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::HTTPUrlReplacement" @10 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (816, 992) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @10 - location (605, 941) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 422 - justify 0 - label "HTTPUrlReplacement") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3ABFEA1A017C" - width 440 - height 126 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @11 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AE728B802C3" - client @10 - supplier @2 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (869, 929) - terminal_attachment (869, 305) - drawSupplier @5) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::HTTPUrlEncoded" @12 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1072, 1168) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @12 - location (900, 1117) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 344 - justify 0 - label "HTTPUrlEncoded") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3ABFEA6D0294" - width 362 - height 126 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @13 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AE728D50094" - client @12 - supplier @2 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1103, 1105) - terminal_attachment (1103, 305) - drawSupplier @5))) - (object ClassDiagram "Binding" - quid "3AE72A7000A9" - title "Binding" - zoom 100 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::HTTPBinding" @14 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (336, 272) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @14 - location (200, 220) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 272 - justify 0 - label "HTTPBinding") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3ABFE57C0136" - width 290 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::HTTPOperation" @15 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (720, 272) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @15 - location (519, 191) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 402 - justify 0 - label "HTTPOperation") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3ABFE6AE0050" - width 420 - height 186 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::HTTPUrlReplacement" @16 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (848, 592) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @16 - location (637, 541) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 422 - justify 0 - label "HTTPUrlReplacement") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3ABFEA1A017C" - width 440 - height 126 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::HTTPUrlEncoded" @17 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (384, 592) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @17 - location (212, 541) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 344 - justify 0 - label "HTTPUrlEncoded") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3ABFEA6D0294" - width 362 - height 126 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE))))) diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/model/http.ecore b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/model/http.ecore deleted file mode 100644 index 831039d66..000000000 --- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/model/http.ecore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?> -<ecore:EPackage xmi:version="2.0" - 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(object ClassAttribute "verb" - quid "3ABFE60D00DB" - type "String")) - language "Java") - (object Class "HTTPOperation" - quid "3ABFE6AE0050" - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3AE5FF4B037C" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibilityElement" - quidu "3AD5DBB602A9") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "4098444602CC" - supplier "Logical View::http::IHTTPOperation" - quidu "409843FF02BB")) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "locationURI" - quid "3ABFE70D0147" - type "String")) - language "Java") - (object Class "HTTPUrlReplacement" - quid "3ABFEA1A017C" - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3AE728B802C3" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibilityElement" - quidu "3AD5DBB602A9") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "409844D202C5" - supplier "Logical View::http::IHTTPUrlReplacement" - quidu "4098449600D8")) - language "Java") - 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autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::IHTTPAddress" @2 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (672, 288) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @2 - location (138, 229) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 1068 - justify 0 - label "IHTTPAddress") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @2 - location (138, 179) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 1068 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "4098408901A1" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @2 - location (138, 289) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 1065) - width 1086 - height 242 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @3 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "409840D800C4" - client @1 - supplier @2 - line_style 0))) - (object ClassDiagram "Extensibility" - quid "3AE5FE3B037B" - title "Extensibility" - zoom 100 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibilityElement" @4 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (272, 128) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @4 - location (70, 53) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 404 - justify 0 - label "ExtensibilityElement") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5DBB602A9" - width 422 - height 174 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::HTTPAddress" @5 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (272, 480) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @5 - location (128, 428) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 288 - justify 0 - label "HTTPAddress") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AC3BF2500F5" - width 306 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::HTTPBinding" @6 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (480, 640) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @6 - location (344, 588) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 272 - justify 0 - label "HTTPBinding") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3ABFE57C0136" - width 290 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @7 - location (272, 305) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @4 - vertices (list Points - (272, 305) - (272, 215))) - (object InheritView "" @8 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AE5FEA901B7" - client @5 - supplier @4 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (272, 416) - terminal_attachment (272, 305) - drawSupplier @7) - (object InheritView "" @9 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AE5FF1D0019" - client @6 - supplier @4 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (475, 576) - terminal_attachment (475, 305) - drawSupplier @7) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::HTTPOperation" @10 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (672, 816) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @10 - location (518, 764) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 308 - justify 0 - label "HTTPOperation") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3ABFE6AE0050" - width 326 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @11 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AE5FF4B037C" - client @10 - supplier @4 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (656, 752) - terminal_attachment (656, 305) - drawSupplier @7) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::HTTPUrlReplacement" @12 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (816, 992) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @12 - location (605, 941) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 422 - justify 0 - label "HTTPUrlReplacement") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3ABFEA1A017C" - width 440 - height 126 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @13 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AE728B802C3" - client @12 - supplier @4 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (869, 929) - terminal_attachment (869, 305) - drawSupplier @7) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::HTTPUrlEncoded" @14 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1072, 1168) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @14 - location (900, 1117) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 344 - justify 0 - label "HTTPUrlEncoded") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3ABFEA6D0294" - width 362 - height 126 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @15 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AE728D50094" - client @14 - supplier @4 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1103, 1105) - terminal_attachment (1103, 305) - drawSupplier @7))) - (object ClassDiagram "Binding" - quid "3AE72A7000A9" - title "Binding" - zoom 100 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::HTTPBinding" @16 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (576, 592) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @16 - location (440, 540) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 272 - justify 0 - label "HTTPBinding") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3ABFE57C0136" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @16 - location (440, 600) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 275) - width 290 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::HTTPOperation" @17 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1696, 608) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @17 - location (1495, 527) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 402 - justify 0 - label "HTTPOperation") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3ABFE6AE0050" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @17 - location (1495, 587) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 409) - width 420 - height 186 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::HTTPUrlReplacement" @18 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1616, 1808) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @18 - location (1405, 1757) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 422 - justify 0 - label "HTTPUrlReplacement") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3ABFEA1A017C" - width 440 - height 126 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::HTTPUrlEncoded" @19 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (608, 1520) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @19 - location (436, 1469) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 344 - justify 0 - label "HTTPUrlEncoded") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3ABFEA6D0294" - width 362 - height 126 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::IHTTPBinding" @20 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (576, 160) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @20 - location (50, 101) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 1052 - justify 0 - label "IHTTPBinding") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @20 - location (50, 51) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 1052 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "409843A702EB" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @20 - location (50, 161) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 1050) - width 1070 - height 242 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @21 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "409843F103C0" - client @16 - supplier @20 - line_style 0) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::IHTTPOperation" @22 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1696, 160) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @22 - location (1150, 101) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 1092 - justify 0 - label "IHTTPOperation") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @22 - location (1150, 51) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 1092 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "409843FF02BB" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @22 - location (1150, 161) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 1090) - width 1110 - height 242 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @23 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "4098444602CC" - client @17 - supplier @22 - line_style 0) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::IHTTPUrlEncoded" @24 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (608, 1104) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @24 - location (44, 1045) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 1128 - justify 0 - label "IHTTPUrlEncoded") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @24 - location (44, 995) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 1128 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "409844570063" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @24 - location (44, 1105) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 1125) - width 1146 - height 242 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @25 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "409844910009" - client @19 - supplier @24 - line_style 0) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::http::IHTTPUrlReplacement" @26 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1584, 1376) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @26 - location (981, 1317) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 1206 - justify 0 - label "IHTTPUrlReplacement") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @26 - location (981, 1267) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 1206 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "4098449600D8" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @26 - location (981, 1377) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 1203) - width 1224 - height 242 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @27 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "409844D202C5" - client @18 - supplier @26 - line_style 0))))) - (object Class_Category "wsdl" - quid "3ADFB8E5021E" - documentation -|The WSDL model contains classes for the Web Services Description Language (WSDL). -| -|WSDL describes network services as sets of endpoints operating on messages. The operations and messages are described abstractly, and then bound to a concrete network protocol and message format to define an endpoint. -| -|WSDL describes the formats of the messages exchanged by the services, and supports the XML Schemas specification as its canonical type system. This package uses an XML Schema Infoset model package (see the XSD package) to describe the abstract message formats. -| -|The model contains the following diagrams, named after the corresponding chapters in the WSDL 1.1 specification (http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/NOTE-wsdl-20010315) -|- 2.1 Definition, shows the WSDL definition element and the WSDL document structure -|- 2.1.1 Naming and Linking, shows the namespace and import mechanism -|- 2.1.3 Extensibility, shows the WSDL extensibility mechanism -|- 2.2 Types, shows the use of XML Schema types in WSDL -|- 2.3 Messages, 2.4 PortTypes, 2.5 Bindings and 2.7 Services, show the major WSDL elements and their relations. -| -|The WSDL classes extend the javax.wsdl interfaces defined by JSR 110. Classes with interface and datatype stereotypes are used to represent these non-MOF interfaces. - - exportControl "Public" - logical_models (list unit_reference_list - (object Class "WSDLElement" - quid "3AD5C6A302DD" - documentation "This class represents a WSDL language element." - operations (list Operations - (object Operation "getEnclosingDefinition" - quid "3CD1529600C8" - result "Definition" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "setEnclosingDefinition" - quid "3CD152B80347" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "definition" - type "Definition")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0)) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "documentationElement" - quid "3CCE443602A3" - type "DOMElement") - (object ClassAttribute "element" - quid "3F97DBD30207" - type "DOMElement")) - language "Java" - abstract TRUE) - (object Class "PortType" - quid "3AD5C7F001A5" - documentation "This class represents a WSDL portType element of the WSDL specification version 1.1 and an Interface component of the WSDL specification version 1.2. A port type or Interface is a named set of abstract operations and the abstract messages involved." - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3AD5C9B70150" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::WSDLElement" - quidu "3AD5C6A302DD") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3F6F1FD8019F" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::IPortType" - quidu "3B84A5BE0331")) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "qName" - quid "3AEB488E0023" - type "QName") - (object ClassAttribute "undefined" - quid "3BDDF1E301E5" - type "boolean") - (object ClassAttribute "proxy" - quid "3D18CDEB0316" - type "boolean") - (object ClassAttribute "resourceURI" - quid "3D18D4FD01BA" - type "String")) - language "Java") - (object Class "Operation" - quid "3AD5C80D03CE" - documentation "This class represents a WSDL operation element. A WSDL operation is an abstract description of an action supported by a service." - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3AE9DE98003C" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::WSDLElement" - quidu "3AD5C6A302DD") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3F6F1FE20171" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::IOperation" - quidu "3B84A77600D1")) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "style" - quid "3AEB472601AC" - type "OperationType") - (object ClassAttribute "name" - quid "3BDD9643004C" - type "String") - (object ClassAttribute "undefined" - quid "3BDDF235003E" - type "boolean") - (object ClassAttribute "proxy" - quid "3D18CE2201AD" - type "boolean") - (object ClassAttribute "resourceURI" - quid "3D18D520011B" - type "String")) - language "Java") - (object Class "Message" - quid "3AD5C9590078" - documentation "This class represents a WSDL message element. A WSDL message is an abstract, typed definition of the data being communicated." - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3AD5D05501C4" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::WSDLElement" - quidu "3AD5C6A302DD") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3B84A8D102BA" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::IMessage" - quidu "3B84A8AF004F")) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "qName" - quid "3AEB487C01FE" - type "QName") - (object ClassAttribute "undefined" - quid "3BDDF1D20226" - type "boolean") - (object ClassAttribute "proxy" - quid "3D18CE4B02B0" - type "boolean") - (object ClassAttribute "resourceURI" - quid "3D18D54200F1" - type "String")) - language "Java") - (object Class "Part" - quid "3AD5CE1C032E" - documentation "This class represents a WSDL part element. Parts describe the logical abstract content of a message. Each part is associated with a type from some type system. " - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3B84A96D02F1" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::IPart" - quidu "3B84A93F01BE") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3B897E230237" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::WSDLElement" - quidu "3AD5C6A302DD")) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "name" - quid "3BCE70B703C8" - type "String") - (object ClassAttribute "elementName" - quid "3B84B08703DB" - type "QName") - (object ClassAttribute "typeName" - quid "3BCE70C303C5" - type "QName")) - language "Java") - (object Class "Binding" - quid "3AD5D2860261" - documentation "This class represents a WSDL binding element. A binding defines message format and protocol details for operations and messages defined by a particular portType. There may be any number of bindings for a given portType." - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3AD5FA0F02F0" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibleElement" - quidu "3AD5FCFA033A") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3B8595410129" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::IBinding" - quidu "3B84ABC60219")) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "qName" - quid "3AEB4899014B" - type "QName") - (object ClassAttribute "undefined" - quid "3BDDF1F401A3" - type "boolean") - (object ClassAttribute "proxy" - quid "3D18CE6D0151" - type "boolean") - (object ClassAttribute "resourceURI" - quid "3D18D4DF035C" - type "String")) - language "Java") - (object Class "BindingOperation" - quid "3AD5D3CB0145" - documentation "This class represents a WSDL operation element within a binding. An operation element within a binding specifies binding information for the operation with the same name within the binding's portType. " - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3AD6009202F7" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibleElement" - quidu "3AD5FCFA033A") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3B84ADE401DC" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::IBindingOperation" - quidu "3B84ADC00072")) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "name" - quid "3B89C4CB0199" - type "String")) - language "Java") - (object Class "Service" - quid "3AD5D8F002F8" - documentation "This class represents a WSDL service element. A service groups a set of related ports together." - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3AD5FA20025E" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibleElement" - quidu "3AD5FCFA033A") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3B85954E01B4" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::IService" - quidu "3B84AB490287")) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "qName" - quid "3AEB48A40151" - type "QName") - (object ClassAttribute "undefined" - quid "3BDDF20D0203" - type "boolean") - (object ClassAttribute "proxy" - quid "3D18D4810220" - type "boolean") - (object ClassAttribute "resourceURI" - quid "3D18D4C501E2" - type "String")) - language "Java") - (object Class "Port" - quid "3AD5D9170286" - documentation "This class represents a WSDL port element. A port defines an individual endpoint by specifying a single address for a binding" - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3AD600CB00AA" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibleElement" - quidu "3AD5FCFA033A") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3B85954502C9" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::IPort" - quidu "3B84AB800326")) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "name" - quid "3AD5D9A00391" - type "String")) - language "Java") - (object Class "ExtensibilityElement" - quid "3AD5DBB602A9" - documentation "This class represents a WSDL extensibility element. WSDL allows extensibility elements representing a specific technology under various elements defined by WSDL." - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3B84B14903D0" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::IExtensibilityElement" - quidu "3B84B12402AB") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3BDDF53502C3" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::WSDLElement" - quidu "3AD5C6A302DD")) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "required" - quid "3AF9543C0073" - type "boolean") - (object ClassAttribute "elementType" - attributes (list Attribute_Set - (object Attribute - tool "Ecore" - name "isTransient" - value TRUE)) - quid "3B85B21A0271" - type "QName")) - language "Java") - (object Class "Definition" - quid "3AD5E43F008E" - documentation "This class represents a WSDL definitions element. The WSDL definitions element is the root element of a WSDL document." - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3AD5FDB803D4" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibleElement" - quidu "3AD5FCFA033A") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3B84B1F80382" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::IDefinition" - quidu "3B84B1D90142")) - operations (list Operations - (object Operation "getDocument" - quid "3CD14FC2012B" - result "DOMDocument" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "setDocument" - quid "3CD150DE01E7" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "document" - type "DOMDocument")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0)) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "targetNamespace" - quid "3AD5E474004E" - type "String") - (object ClassAttribute "location" - quid "40352B7C0396" - type "String") - (object ClassAttribute "qName" - quid "3AEB485702F5" - type "QName") - (object ClassAttribute "encoding" - quid "3CADD00D000D" - type "String")) - language "Java") - (object Class "Import" - quid "3AD5E4F903DE" - documentation "This class represents WSDL import element. WSDL allows associating a namespace with a document location using an import element." - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3AD5EE58037A" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::WSDLElement" - quidu "3AD5C6A302DD") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3F6F200D0340" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::IImport" - quidu "3B84B2020119")) - operations (list Operations - (object Operation "getSchema" - quid "3C8672C10379" - result "XSDSchema" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "setSchema" - quid "3C8672C10397" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "schema" - type "XSDSchema")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0)) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "namespaceURI" - quid "3AD5E50A0036" - type "String") - (object ClassAttribute "locationURI" - quid "3AD5E5140211" - type "String")) - language "Java") - (object Class "ExtensibleElement" - quid "3AD5FCFA033A" - documentation " WSDL allows elements representing a specific technology (referred to here as extensibility elements) under various elements defined by WSDL. This class represents a WSDL point of extensibility." - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3AD5FE3C03D4" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::WSDLElement" - quidu "3AD5C6A302DD")) - operations (list Operations - (object Operation "getExtensibilityElements" - quid "3B85C12C03CD" - result "IList" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "addExtensibilityElement" - quid "3B85C1470295" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "extElement" - type "IExtensibilityElement")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0)) - language "Java" - abstract TRUE) - (object Class "Input" - quid "3AE0789F0059" - documentation "This class represents a WSDL input element. An input element specifies the abstract message format for the input of the operation." - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3B85C504025F" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::WSDLElement" - quidu "3AD5C6A302DD") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3F67722802E7" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::MessageReference" - quidu "3F6771DB02DC") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3F6F1FEE031D" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::IInput" - quidu "3B84A7EE0015")) - language "Java") - (object Class "Output" - quid "3AE078B60232" - documentation "This class represents a WSDL output element. An output element specifies the abstract message format for the output of the operation." - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3B85C50C035B" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::WSDLElement" - quidu "3AD5C6A302DD") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3F67723500DD" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::MessageReference" - quidu "3F6771DB02DC") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3F6F1FF801CD" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::IOutput" - quidu "3B84A829027D")) - language "Java") - (object Class "Fault" - quid "3AE078BE0108" - documentation "This class represents a WSDL fault element. Fault elements specify the abstract message format for any error messages that may be output as the result of the operation " - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3AE1C82002F2" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::WSDLElement" - quidu "3AD5C6A302DD") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3F67723D0319" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::MessageReference" - quidu "3F6771DB02DC") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3F6F2002002D" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::IFault" - quidu "3B84A861031D")) - language "Java") - (object Class "BindingInput" - quid "3AE08A8202D4" - documentation "This class represents a WSDL input element within a operation within a binding. An input element within an operation within a binding specifies binding information for the input of the operation. " - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3B84AE1B0113" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::IBindingInput" - quidu "3B84ADEB0100") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3B85B59B0072" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibleElement" - quidu "3AD5FCFA033A")) - operations (list Operations - (object Operation "getInput" - quid "3C8653A40203" - result "IInput" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "setInput" - quid "3C8653B503A2" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "input" - type "IInput")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0)) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "name" - quid "3B85C1EA020E" - type "String")) - language "Java") - (object Class "BindingOutput" - quid "3AE08A8F028C" - documentation "This class represents a WSDL output element within a operation within a binding. An output element within an operation within a binding specifies binding information for the output of the operation. " - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3B84AE4302AB" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::IBindingOutput" - quidu "3B84AE210111") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3B85B5A4027E" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibleElement" - quidu "3AD5FCFA033A")) - operations (list Operations - (object Operation "getOutput" - quid "3C8653D900F1" - result "IOutput" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "setOutput" - quid "3C8653F10326" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "output" - type "IOutput")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0)) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "name" - quid "3B85C20200BE" - type "String")) - language "Java") - (object Class "BindingFault" - quid "3AE08A9E03A6" - documentation "This class represents a WSDL fault element within a operation within a binding. A fault element within an operation within a binding specifies binding information for the fault with the same name. " - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3AE0938602C9" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibleElement" - quidu "3AD5FCFA033A") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3B84AE710333" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::IBindingFault" - quidu "3B84AE4F00BD")) - operations (list Operations - (object Operation "getFault" - quid "3C865413037F" - result "IFault" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "setFault" - quid "3C8654210109" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "fault" - type "IFault")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0)) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "name" - quid "3B85BF9E014A" - type "String")) - language "Java") - (object Class "QName" - quid "3AE8ED220140" - documentation "This class represents the javax.wsdl.QName class. A QName is a fully qualified name." - stereotype "datatype" - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.xml.namespace.QName" - quid "3B849DA9003D" - stereotype "javaclass")) - language "Java") - (object Class "Namespace" - quid "3AEA3CD30030" - documentation "This class represents a namespace and the corresponding namespace prefix used in a WSDL document." - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "URI" - quid "3AEA3D2901B1" - type "String") - (object ClassAttribute "prefix" - quid "3AEA3D320236" - type "String")) - language "Java") - (object Class "OperationType" - quid "3AEB4782024F" - documentation -|ONE_WAY=1 -|REQUEST_RESPONSE=2 -|SOLICIT_RESPONSE=3 -|NOTIFICATION=4 - - stereotype "datatype" - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.OperationType" - quid "3B85C35303E3" - stereotype "javaclass")) - language "Java") - (object Class "IPortType" - quid "3B84A5BE0331" - documentation "This class represents the javax.wsdl.PortType non-MOF interface." - stereotype "Interface" - operations (list Operations - (object Operation "addOperation" - quid "3B896AC101CA" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "operation" - type "IOperation")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getOperation" - quid "3B896BAF01A4" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "name" - type "String") - (object Parameter "inputName" - type "String") - (object Parameter "outputName" - type "String")) - result "IOperation" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getOperations" - quid "3B896BF7031A" - result "IList" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0)) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.PortType" - quid "3B84A632000D" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "IOperation" - quid "3B84A77600D1" - documentation "This class represents the javax.wsdl.Operation non-MOF interface." - stereotype "Interface" - operations (list Operations - (object Operation "addFault" - quid "3B896C420065" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "fault" - type "IFault")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getFault" - quid "3B896C59028F" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "name" - type "String")) - result "IFault" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getFaults" - quid "3B896C7102B1" - result "IMap" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getParameterOrdering" - quid "3B896C8101B0" - result "IList" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "setParameterOrdering" - quid "3B896C99031D" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "parameterOrder" - type "IList")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getInput" - quid "3C8654E5018D" - result "IInput" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "setInput" - quid "3C8662C40107" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "input" - type "IInput")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getOutput" - quid "3C8662E40094" - result "IOutput" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "setOutput" - quid "3C8662F001D2" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "output" - type "IOutput")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0)) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.Operation" - quid "3B84A799012B" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "IInput" - quid "3B84A7EE0015" - documentation "This class represents the javax.wsdl.Input non-MOF interface." - stereotype "Interface" - operations (list Operations - (object Operation "getMessage" - quid "3C86633100EF" - result "IMessage" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "setMessage" - quid "3C8663470277" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "message" - type "IMessage")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0)) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.Input" - quid "3B84A8000039" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "IOutput" - quid "3B84A829027D" - documentation "This class represents the javax.wsdl.Output non-MOF interface." - stereotype "Interface" - operations (list Operations - (object Operation "getMessage" - quid "3C86643A035D" - result "IMessage" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "setMessage" - quid "3C86644501C8" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "message" - type "IMessage")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0)) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.Output" - quid "3B84A83901D5" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "IFault" - quid "3B84A861031D" - documentation "This class represents the javax.wsdl.Fault non-MOF interface." - stereotype "Interface" - operations (list Operations - (object Operation "getMessage" - quid "3C86646A00BD" - result "IMessage" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "setMessage" - quid "3C8664750131" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "message" - type "IMessage")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0)) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.Fault" - quid "3B84A8710208" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "IMessage" - quid "3B84A8AF004F" - documentation "This class represents the javax.wsdl.Message non-MOF interface" - stereotype "Interface" - operations (list Operations - (object Operation "addPart" - quid "3B8972240273" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "part" - type "IPart")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getPart" - quid "3B89723D0233" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "name" - type "String")) - result "IPart" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getParts" - quid "3B897254025E" - result "IMap" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getOrderedParts" - quid "3B897261020D" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "partOrder" - type "IList")) - result "IList" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0)) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.Message" - quid "3B84A8BC0260" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "IPart" - quid "3B84A93F01BE" - documentation "This class represents the javax.wsdl.Part non-MOF interface" - stereotype "Interface" - operations (list Operations - (object Operation "setExtensionAttribute" - quid "3C4688450052" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "name" - type "QName") - (object Parameter "value" - type "QName")) - exceptions "WSDLException" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getExtensionAttributeNames" - quid "3C468A0101C3" - result "IIterator" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getExtensionAttribute" - quid "3C468A2D02D5" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "name" - type "QName")) - result "QName" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0)) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.Part" - quid "3B84A9500231" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "IService" - quid "3B84AB490287" - documentation "This class represents the javax.wsdl.Service non-MOF interface." - stereotype "Interface" - operations (list Operations - (object Operation "addPort" - quid "3B895D5601D1" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "port" - type "IPort")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getPorts" - quid "3B895DA20036" - result "IMap" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getPort" - quid "3B895DB001BC" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "name" - type "String")) - result "IPort" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0)) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.Service" - quid "3B84AB5B003E" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "IPort" - quid "3B84AB800326" - documentation "This class represents the javax.wsdl.Port non-MOF interface." - stereotype "Interface" - operations (list Operations - (object Operation "getBinding" - quid "3C8651F302B5" - result "IBinding" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "setBinding" - quid "3C86526302F2" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "binding" - type "IBinding")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0)) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.Port" - quid "3B84AB8C0016" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "IBinding" - quid "3B84ABC60219" - documentation "This class represents the javax.wsdl.Binding non-MOF interface." - stereotype "Interface" - operations (list Operations - (object Operation "addBindingOperation" - quid "3B895F160153" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "bindingOperation" - type "IBindingOperation")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getBindingOperation" - quid "3B895F500066" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "name" - type "String") - (object Parameter "inputName" - type "String") - (object Parameter "outputName" - type "String")) - result "IBindingOperation" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getBindingOperations" - quid "3B895FA401C5" - result "IList" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getPortType" - quid "3C8652A90284" - result "IPortType" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "setPortType" - quid "3C8652BE01A8" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "portType" - type "IPortType")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0)) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.Binding" - quid "3B84ABCF0302" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "IBindingOperation" - quid "3B84ADC00072" - documentation "This class represents the javax.wsdl.BindingOperation non-MOF interface." - stereotype "Interface" - operations (list Operations - (object Operation "addBindingFault" - quid "3B8960BC0041" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "bindingFault" - type "IBindingFault")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getBindingFault" - quid "3B8960D9009D" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "name" - type "String")) - result "IBindingFault" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getBindingFaults" - quid "3B8960FC0061" - result "IMap" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getOperation" - quid "3C86532D0017" - result "IOperation" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "setOperation" - quid "3C86533F037B" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "operation" - type "IOperation")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getBindingInput" - quid "3C86550900DA" - result "IBindingInput" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "setBindingInput" - quid "3C86551D007F" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "bindingInput" - type "IBindingInput")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getBindingOutput" - quid "3C8655340349" - result "IBindingOutput" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "setBindingOutput" - quid "3C86554702A6" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "bindingOutput" - type "IBindingOutput")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0)) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.BindingOperation" - quid "3B84ADCB021C" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "IBindingInput" - quid "3B84ADEB0100" - documentation "This class represents the javax.wsdl.BindingInput non-MOF interface." - stereotype "Interface" - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.BindingInput" - quid "3B84ADFE000D" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "IBindingOutput" - quid "3B84AE210111" - documentation "This class represents the javax.wsdl.BindingOutput non-MOF interface." - stereotype "Interface" - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.BindingOutput" - quid "3B84AE2D0050" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "IBindingFault" - quid "3B84AE4F00BD" - documentation "This class represents the javax.wsdl.BindingFault non-MOF interface." - stereotype "Interface" - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.BindingFault" - quid "3B84AE5F002A" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "DOMElement" - quid "3B84AF3203DB" - documentation "This class represents the org.w3c.dom.Element non-MOF interface." - stereotype "datatype" - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "org.w3c.dom.Element" - quid "3B84AF560292" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "IExtensibilityElement" - quid "3B84B12402AB" - documentation "This class represents the javax.wsdl.ExtensibilityElement non-MOF interface." - stereotype "Interface" - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensibilityElement" - quid "3B84B13503D1" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "IDefinition" - quid "3B84B1D90142" - documentation "This class represents the javax.wsdl.Definition non-MOF interface." - stereotype "Interface" - operations (list Operations - (object Operation "addBinding" - quid "3B8988F1039D" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "binding" - type "IBinding")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "addImport" - quid "3B8989490259" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "importDef" - type "IImport")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "addMessage" - quid "3B89896E005E" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "message" - type "IMessage")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "addNamespace" - quid "3B898984004B" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "prefix" - type "String") - (object Parameter "namespaceURI" - type "String")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "addPortType" - quid "3B8989C50045" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "portType" - type "IPortType")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "addService" - quid "3B8989E401EE" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "service" - type "IService")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "createBindingFault" - quid "3B898A17038C" - result "IBindingFault" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "createBindingInput" - quid "3B898A320286" - result "IBindingInput" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "createBindingOutput" - quid "3B898A46013B" - result "IBindingOutput" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "createBindingOperation" - quid "3B898A5C00B0" - result "IBindingOperation" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "createBinding" - quid "3B8989FE037C" - result "IBinding" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "createFault" - quid "3B898A7502E7" - result "IFault" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "createImport" - quid "3B898A83014C" - result "IImport" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "createInput" - quid "3B898A9D033E" - result "IInput" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "createMessage" - quid "3B898AAF0254" - result "IMessage" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "createOperation" - quid "3B898AC203C4" - result "IOperation" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "createOutput" - quid "3B898AE800ED" - result "IOutput" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "createPart" - quid "3B898AF8026D" - result "IPart" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "createPort" - quid "3B898B0801DA" - result "IPort" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "createPortType" - quid "3B898B15039B" - result "IPortType" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "createService" - quid "3B898B32013A" - result "IService" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getBinding" - quid "3B898B420075" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "name" - type "QName")) - result "IBinding" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getBindings" - quid "3B898B920341" - result "IMap" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getImports" - quid "3B898BCD0060" - result "IMap" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getImports" - quid "3B898BE70144" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "namespaceURI" - type "String")) - result "IList" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getMessage" - quid "3B898C170107" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "name" - type "QName")) - result "IMessage" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getMessages" - quid "3B898C3E001D" - result "IMap" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getNamespace" - quid "3B898C62014B" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "prefix" - type "String")) - result "String" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getNamespaces" - quid "3B898C740115" - result "IMap" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getPortType" - quid "3B898CBE0071" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "name" - type "QName")) - result "IPortType" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getPortTypes" - quid "3B898CDA01C6" - result "IMap" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getPrefix" - quid "3B898CFD0017" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "namespaceURI" - type "String")) - result "String" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getService" - quid "3B898D2300A8" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "name" - type "QName")) - result "IService" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getServices" - quid "3B898D3B03CE" - result "IMap" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getExtensionRegistry" - quid "3B89D5B8012B" - result "IExtensionRegistry" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "setExtensionRegistry" - quid "3B89D5D703BB" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "extensionRegistry" - type "IExtensionRegistry")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getDocumentBaseURI" - quid "3B89D5FE0208" - result "String" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "setDocumentBaseURI" - quid "3B89D6180328" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "documentBase" - type "String")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "createTypes" - quid "3CADD0560080" - result "ITypes" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "removeService" - quid "3CADD07E004C" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "name" - type "QName")) - result "IService" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "removeBinding" - quid "3CADD0BA0355" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "name" - type "QName")) - result "IBinding" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "removePortType" - quid "3CADD0D8029A" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "name" - type "QName")) - result "IPortType" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "removeMessage" - quid "3CADD0FA0307" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "name" - type "QName")) - result "IMessage" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getTypes" - quid "3C86706F031B" - result "ITypes" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "setTypes" - quid "3C86709500EE" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "types" - type "ITypes")) - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0)) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.Definition" - quid "3B84B1E702A1" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "IImport" - quid "3B84B2020119" - documentation "This class represents the javax.wsdl.Import non-MOF interface." - stereotype "Interface" - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.Import" - quid "3B84B20C02EA" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "IList" - quid "3B85C0A203C5" - documentation "This class represents the non-MOF java.util.List interface." - stereotype "Interface" - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "java.util.List" - quid "3B85C0AF0297" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "IMap" - quid "3B896B0300D4" - documentation "This class represents the non-MOF java.util.Map interface." - stereotype "Interface" - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "java.util.Map" - quid "3B896B1102B5" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "IURL" - quid "3B89D5630274" - documentation "This class represents the non-MOF java.net.URL interface." - stereotype "Interface" - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "java.net.URL" - quid "3B89D56E03E2" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "IExtensionRegistry" - quid "3B89D59302A5" - documentation "This class represents the non-MOF javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensionRegistry interface." - stereotype "Interface" - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensionRegistry" - quid "3B89D59F02E8" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "Types" - quid "3B8BE9A603A8" - documentation "This class represents a WSDL types element. The types element encloses data type definitions that are relevant for the exchanged messages." - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3B8BEB010311" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibleElement" - quidu "3AD5FCFA033A") - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3CADCD3B0380" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ITypes" - quidu "3CADCBB20050")) - operations (list Operations - (object Operation "getSchemas" - quid "3CADCF3803E6" - result "IList" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0) - (object Operation "getSchemas" - quid "3CADCF7E0301" - parameters (list Parameters - (object Parameter "namespaceURI" - type "String")) - result "IList" - concurrency "Sequential" - opExportControl "Public" - uid 0))) - (object Class "IIterator" - quid "3C4687DA0167" - documentation "This class represents the non-MOF java.util.Iterator interface." - stereotype "Interface" - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "java.util.Iterator" - quid "3C46880800B9" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "WSDLException" - quid "3C4689650313" - documentation "This class represents the javax.wsdl.Exception class." - stereotype "datatype" - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.WSDLException" - quid "3C4689740315" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "ITypes" - quid "3CADCBB20050" - documentation "This class represents the javax.wsdl.Types non-MOF interface" - stereotype "Interface" - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "javax.wsdl.Types" - quid "3CADCBF10173" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "UnknownExtensibilityElement" - quid "3CB24AC002AE" - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3CB24AEC01CB" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibilityElement" - quidu "3AD5DBB602A9"))) - (object Class "XSDSchemaExtensibilityElement" - quid "3CC360D7039C" - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3CC3627F00B7" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibilityElement" - quidu "3AD5DBB602A9"))) - (object Class "DOMDocument" - quid "3CD1502C023B" - documentation "This class represents the org.w3c.dom.Document non-MOF interface." - stereotype "datatype" - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "org.w3c.dom.Document" - quid "3CD150600182" - stereotype "javaclass"))) - (object Class "MessageReference" - quid "3F6771DB02DC" - superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list - (object Inheritance_Relationship - quid "3F762A6A0308" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::WSDLElement" - quidu "3AD5C6A302DD")) - class_attributes (list class_attribute_list - (object ClassAttribute "name" - quid "3F6780A001AB" - type "String" - exportControl "Protected")) - language "Java" - abstract TRUE) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$0" - quid "3AD5C824018C" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "portType" - quid "3AD5C82701C3" - label "portType" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::PortType" - quidu "3AD5C7F001A5" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - Containment "By Value" - is_aggregate TRUE) - (object Role "eOperations" - quid "3AD5C82701CD" - label "eOperations" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Operation" - quidu "3AD5C80D03CE" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") - Constraints "ordered" - Containment "By Value" - is_navigable TRUE))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$1" - quid "3AD5CEBE00E2" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "$UNNAMED$2" - quid "3AD5CEBF0057" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Message" - quidu "3AD5C9590078" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_aggregate TRUE) - (object Role "eParts" - quid "3AD5CEBF0061" - label "eParts" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Part" - quidu "3AD5CE1C032E" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") - Constraints "ordered" - Containment "By Value" - is_navigable TRUE))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$3" - quid "3AD5D352010F" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "ePortType" - quid "3AD5D3540176" - label "ePortType" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::PortType" - quidu "3AD5C7F001A5" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "$UNNAMED$4" - quid "3AD5D3540180" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Binding" - quidu "3AD5D2860261"))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$5" - quid "3AD5D3E10179" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "$UNNAMED$6" - quid "3AD5D3E20225" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Binding" - quidu "3AD5D2860261" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_aggregate TRUE) - (object Role "eBindingOperations" - quid "3AD5D3E20239" - label "eBindingOperations" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::BindingOperation" - quidu "3AD5D3CB0145" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") - Constraints "ordered" - Containment "By Value" - is_navigable TRUE))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$7" - quid "3AD5D425038A" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "eOperation" - quid "3AD5D42602F5" - label "eOperation" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Operation" - quidu "3AD5C80D03CE" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "$UNNAMED$8" - quid "3AD5D42602FF" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::BindingOperation" - quidu "3AD5D3CB0145"))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$9" - quid "3AD5D9400393" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "ePorts" - quid "3AD5D941031C" - label "ePorts" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Port" - quidu "3AD5D9170286" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") - Constraints "ordered" - Containment "By Value" - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "$UNNAMED$10" - quid "3AD5D941031D" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Service" - quidu "3AD5D8F002F8" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_aggregate TRUE))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$11" - quid "3AD5D9B8011F" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "eBinding" - quid "3AD5D9B9024D" - label "eBinding" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Binding" - quidu "3AD5D2860261" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "$UNNAMED$12" - quid "3AD5D9B90261" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Port" - quidu "3AD5D9170286"))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$13" - quid "3AD5E60301E2" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "$UNNAMED$14" - quid "3AD5E60400B7" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Definition" - quidu "3AD5E43F008E" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_aggregate TRUE) - (object Role "eMessages" - quid "3AD5E60400C1" - label "eMessages" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Message" - quidu "3AD5C9590078" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") - Constraints "ordered" - Containment "By Value" - is_navigable TRUE))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$15" - quid "3AD5E6710104" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "$UNNAMED$16" - quid "3AD5E672034A" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Definition" - quidu "3AD5E43F008E" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_aggregate TRUE) - (object Role "ePortTypes" - quid "3AD5E6720354" - label "ePortTypes" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::PortType" - quidu "3AD5C7F001A5" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") - Constraints "ordered" - Containment "By Value" - is_navigable TRUE))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$17" - quid "3AD5E6770095" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "$UNNAMED$18" - quid "3AD5E6780371" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Definition" - quidu "3AD5E43F008E" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_aggregate TRUE) - (object Role "eBindings" - quid "3AD5E678037B" - label "eBindings" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Binding" - quidu "3AD5D2860261" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") - Constraints "ordered" - Containment "By Value" - is_navigable TRUE))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$19" - quid "3AD5E67B0311" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "$UNNAMED$20" - quid "3AD5E67D007F" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Definition" - quidu "3AD5E43F008E" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_aggregate TRUE) - (object Role "eServices" - quid "3AD5E67D0089" - label "eServices" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Service" - quidu "3AD5D8F002F8" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") - Constraints "ordered" - Containment "By Value" - is_navigable TRUE))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$21" - quid "3AD5FD130079" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "eExtensibilityElements" - quid "3AD5FD14019D" - label "eExtensibilityElements" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibilityElement" - quidu "3AD5DBB602A9" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") - Constraints "ordered" - Containment "By Value" - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "$UNNAMED$22" - quid "3AD5FD14019E" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibleElement" - quidu "3AD5FCFA033A" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_aggregate TRUE))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$23" - quid "3ADF2E6401F5" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "eBindingInput" - quid "3ADF2E650251" - label "eBindingInput" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::BindingInput" - quidu "3AE08A8202D4" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") - 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Containment "By Value" - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "$UNNAMED$28" - quid "3ADF2F95019A" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Operation" - quidu "3AD5C80D03CE" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_aggregate TRUE))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$29" - quid "3ADF2FB802F9" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "eOutput" - quid "3ADF2FB9020A" - label "eOutput" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Output" - quidu "3AE078B60232" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") - Containment "By Value" - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "$UNNAMED$30" - quid "3ADF2FB9020B" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Operation" - quidu "3AD5C80D03CE" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_aggregate TRUE))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$31" - quid "3ADF331601A4" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "eFaults" - quid "3ADF33180387" - label "eFaults" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Fault" - quidu "3AE078BE0108" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") - Constraints "ordered" - Containment "By Value" - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "$UNNAMED$32" - quid "3ADF33180388" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Operation" - quidu "3AD5C80D03CE" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_aggregate TRUE))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$33" - quid "3ADF340003E5" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "eBindingFaults" - quid "3ADF340103AA" - label "eBindingFaults" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::BindingFault" - quidu "3AE08A9E03A6" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") - Constraints "ordered" - Containment "By Value" - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "$UNNAMED$34" - quid "3ADF340103AB" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::BindingOperation" - quidu "3AD5D3CB0145" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_aggregate TRUE))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$35" - quid "3AE091F402F3" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "eFault" - quid "3AE091F801FE" - label "eFault" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Fault" - quidu "3AE078BE0108" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "$UNNAMED$36" - quid "3AE091F801FF" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::BindingFault" - quidu "3AE08A9E03A6"))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$37" - quid "3AEA3D55002D" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "$UNNAMED$38" - quid "3AEA3D560328" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Definition" - quidu "3AD5E43F008E" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_aggregate TRUE) - (object Role "eNamespaces" - quid "3AEA3D560332" - label "eNamespaces" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Namespace" - quidu "3AEA3CD30030" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") - Constraints "ordered" - Containment "By Value" - is_navigable TRUE))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$39" - quid "3AEA3E3A002D" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "eDefinition" - quid "3AEA3E3C01E8" - label "eDefinition" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Definition" - quidu "3AD5E43F008E" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "$UNNAMED$40" - quid "3AEA3E3C01F2" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Import" - quidu "3AD5E4F903DE"))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$41" - quid "3AEA412F0035" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "eParameterOrdering" - quid "3AEA41310255" - label "eParameterOrdering" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Part" - quidu "3AD5CE1C032E" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") - Constraints "ordered" - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "$UNNAMED$42" - quid "3AEA4131025F" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Operation" - quidu "3AD5C80D03CE"))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$43" - quid "3B84AD2400BD" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "eInput" - quid "3B84AD250083" - label "eInput" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Input" - quidu "3AE0789F0059" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "$UNNAMED$44" - quid "3B84AD250084" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::BindingInput" - quidu "3AE08A8202D4"))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$45" - quid "3B84AD7900F2" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "eOutput" - quid "3B84AD7A014D" - label "eOutput" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Output" - quidu "3AE078B60232" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "$UNNAMED$46" - quid "3B84AD7A014E" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::BindingOutput" - quidu "3AE08A8F028C"))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$47" - quid "3B8B1BE900C4" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "typeDefinition" - quid "3B8B1BE90327" - label "typeDefinition" - supplier "Logical View::xsd::XSDTypeDefinition" - quidu "3B66ECD302A9" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "$UNNAMED$48" - quid "3B8B1BE90331" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Part" - quidu "3AD5CE1C032E"))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$49" - quid "3B8B1C1203B2" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "elementDeclaration" - quid "3B8B1C14001C" - label "elementDeclaration" - supplier "Logical View::xsd::XSDElementDeclaration" - quidu "3B66ED580214" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "$UNNAMED$50" - quid "3B8B1C140026" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Part" - quidu "3AD5CE1C032E"))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$51" - quid "3B8B1DCC02E5" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "eSchema" - quid "3B8B1DCE0270" - label "eSchema" - supplier "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchema" - quidu "374B182500BB" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "$UNNAMED$52" - quid "3B8B1DCE027A" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Import" - quidu "3AD5E4F903DE"))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$53" - quid "3B8BEA27029F" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "$UNNAMED$54" - quid "3B8BEA290356" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Definition" - quidu "3AD5E43F008E" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_aggregate TRUE) - (object Role "eTypes" - quid "3B8BEA29036A" - label "eTypes" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Types" - quidu "3B8BE9A603A8" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") - Containment "By Value" - is_navigable TRUE))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$55" - quid "3C46829303E5" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "eMessage" - quid "3C468296010E" - label "eMessage" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Message" - quidu "3AD5C9590078" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "$UNNAMED$56" - quid "3C4682960118" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Part" - quidu "3AD5CE1C032E"))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$57" - quid "3C864DFF02EC" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "eImports" - quid "3C864DFF02ED" - label "eImports" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Import" - quidu "3AD5E4F903DE" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") - Constraints "ordered" - Containment "By Value" - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "$UNNAMED$58" - quid "3C864DFF02EE" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Definition" - quidu "3AD5E43F008E" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_aggregate TRUE))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$59" - quid "3CC3614500F2" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "$UNNAMED$60" - quid "3CC36146023D" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::XSDSchemaExtensibilityElement" - quidu "3CC360D7039C" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..1") - is_aggregate TRUE) - (object Role "schema" - quid "3CC36146023E" - label "schema" - supplier "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchema" - quidu "374B182500BB" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") - Containment "By Value" - is_navigable TRUE))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$61" - quid "3F74E78401B1" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "eMessage" - quid "3F74E786000F" - label "eMessage" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::Message" - quidu "3AD5C9590078" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "$UNNAMED$62" - quid "3F74E7860023" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::MessageReference" - quidu "3F6771DB02DC"))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$63" - quid "3F7896A2026E" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "parent" - quid "3F7896A7012B" - label "parent" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::UnknownExtensibilityElement" - quidu "3CB24AC002AE" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") - is_navigable TRUE) - (object Role "children" - quid "3F7896A7012C" - label "children" - supplier "Logical View::wsdl::UnknownExtensibilityElement" - quidu "3CB24AC002AE" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") - is_navigable TRUE)))) - logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list - (object ClassDiagram "2.7 Services" - quid "39AD3EF60127" - title "2.7 Services" - zoom 90 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::IBinding" @28 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1424, 800) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @28 - location (1173, 660) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 502 - justify 0 - label "IBinding") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @28 - location (1173, 610) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 502 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B84ABC60219" - width 520 - height 404 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::IPort" @29 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (816, 528) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @29 - location (686, 481) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 260 - justify 0 - label "IPort") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @29 - location (686, 431) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 260 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B84AB800326" - width 278 - height 218 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::IService" @30 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (240, 160) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @30 - location (126, 90) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 228 - justify 0 - label "IService") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @30 - location (126, 40) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 228 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B84AB490287" - width 246 - height 264 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Service" @31 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (240, 528) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @31 - location (44, 389) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 392 - justify 0 - label "Service") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5D8F002F8" - width 410 - height 302 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @32 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B85954E01B4" - client @31 - supplier @30 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (240, 377) - terminal_attachment (240, 292)) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Binding" @33 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1440, 1264) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @33 - location (1244, 1125) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 392 - justify 0 - label "Binding") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5D2860261" - width 410 - height 302 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @34 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B8595410129" - client @33 - supplier @28 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1430, 1113) - terminal_attachment (1430, 1002)) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Port" @35 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (816, 912) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @35 - location (675, 840) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 282 - justify 0 - label "Port") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5D9170286" - width 300 - height 168 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @36 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B85954502C9" - client @35 - supplier @29 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (809, 828) - terminal_attachment (809, 637)) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$9" @37 - location (343, 916) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5D9400393" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "ePorts" @38 - Parent_View @37 - location (-121, 644) - label (object SegLabel @39 - Parent_View @38 - location (413, 945) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 192 - justify 0 - label "+ePorts" - pctDist 0.218978 - height 29 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5D941031C" - client @37 - supplier @35 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (343, 916) - terminal_attachment (666, 916) - label (object SegLabel @40 - Parent_View @38 - location (539, 880) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 160 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.608000 - height 37 - orientation 0) - label (object SegLabel @41 - Parent_View @38 - location (448, 990) - anchor 3 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 146 - justify 0 - label "{ordered}" - pctDist 0.328467 - height 74 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$10" @42 - Parent_View @37 - location (-121, 644) - label (object SegLabel @43 - Parent_View @42 - location (216, 744) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 60 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5D941031D" - client @37 - supplier @31 - vertices (list Points - (343, 916) - (257, 916) - (257, 679)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (343, 916) - terminal_attachment (257, 679) - label (object SegLabel @44 - Parent_View @42 - location (301, 796) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.637097 - height 44 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$11" @45 - location (886, 1270) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5D9B8011F" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "eBinding" @46 - Parent_View @45 - location (38, 422) - label (object SegLabel @47 - Parent_View @46 - location (1112, 1235) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 180 - justify 0 - label "+eBinding" - pctDist 0.648571 - height 36 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5D9B9024D" - client @45 - supplier @33 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (886, 1270) - terminal_attachment (1235, 1270) - label (object SegLabel @48 - Parent_View @46 - location (1170, 1313) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.814286 - height 43 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$12" @49 - Parent_View @45 - location (38, 422) - label (object SegLabel @50 - Parent_View @49 - location (852, 1106) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 156 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.687943 - height 40 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5D9B90261" - client @45 - supplier @35 - vertices (list Points - (886, 1270) - (812, 1270) - (812, 996)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (886, 1270) - terminal_attachment (812, 996)))))) - (object ClassDiagram "2.5 Bindings" - quid "39AD51270252" - title "2.5 Bindings" - zoom 85 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::IBinding" @51 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (304, 240) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @51 - location (73, 114) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 462 - justify 0 - label "IBinding") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @51 - location (73, 64) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 462 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B84ABC60219" - width 480 - height 376 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::IBindingOperation" @52 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (976, 352) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @52 - location (780, 130) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 392 - justify 0 - label "IBindingOperation") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @52 - location (780, 80) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 392 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B84ADC00072" - width 410 - height 568 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::IBindingInput" @53 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (192, 1360) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @53 - location (62, 1334) - fill_color 16777215 - nlines 1 - max_width 260 - justify 0 - label "IBindingInput") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @53 - location (62, 1284) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 260 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B84ADEB0100" - width 278 - height 176 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::IBindingOutput" @54 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (208, 1664) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @54 - location (61, 1638) - fill_color 16777215 - nlines 1 - max_width 294 - justify 0 - label "IBindingOutput") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @54 - location (61, 1588) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 294 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B84AE210111" - width 312 - height 176 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::IBindingFault" @55 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (208, 1984) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @55 - location (72, 1958) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 272 - justify 0 - label "IBindingFault") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @55 - location (72, 1908) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 272 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B84AE4F00BD" - width 290 - height 176 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::PortType" @56 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1904, 624) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @56 - location (1568, 486) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 673 - justify 0 - label "PortType") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5C7F001A5" - width 691 - height 301 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Input" @57 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1904, 1360) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @57 - location (1756, 1283) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 296 - justify 0 - label "Input") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AE0789F0059" - width 314 - height 178 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Output" @58 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1904, 1664) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @58 - location (1756, 1587) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 296 - justify 0 - label "Output") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AE078B60232" - width 314 - height 178 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Binding" @59 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (304, 688) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @59 - location (97, 539) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 414 - justify 0 - label "Binding") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5D2860261" - width 432 - height 322 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @60 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B8595410129" - client @59 - supplier @51 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (279, 527) - terminal_attachment (279, 428)) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$3" @61 - location (1039, 742) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5D352010F" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "ePortType" @62 - Parent_View @61 - location (575, 598) - label (object SegLabel @63 - Parent_View @62 - location (1449, 781) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 216 - justify 0 - label "+ePortType" - pctDist 0.789292 - height 39 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5D3540176" - client @61 - supplier @56 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1039, 742) - terminal_attachment (1559, 742) - label (object SegLabel @64 - Parent_View @62 - location (1492, 716) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.872193 - height 27 - orientation 0)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$4" @65 - Parent_View @61 - location (575, 598) - label (object SegLabel @66 - Parent_View @65 - location (776, 697) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 108 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.509449 - height 46 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5D3540180" - client @61 - supplier @59 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1039, 742) - terminal_attachment (520, 742)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Operation" @67 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1888, 1024) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @67 - location (1672, 851) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 432 - justify 0 - label "Operation") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5C80D03CE" - width 450 - height 370 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::BindingInput" @68 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (624, 1408) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @68 - location (476, 1283) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 296 - justify 0 - label "BindingInput") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AE08A8202D4" - width 314 - height 274 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$43" @69 - location (1264, 1359) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B84AD2400BD" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "eInput" @70 - Parent_View @69 - location (96, 287) - label (object SegLabel @71 - Parent_View @70 - location (1637, 1316) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 132 - justify 0 - label "+eInput" - pctDist 0.775148 - height 44 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B84AD250083" - client @69 - supplier @57 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1264, 1359) - terminal_attachment (1747, 1359) - label (object SegLabel @72 - Parent_View @70 - location (1694, 1398) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.889546 - height 39 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$44" @73 - Parent_View @69 - location (96, 287) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B84AD250084" - client @69 - supplier @68 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1264, 1359) - terminal_attachment (781, 1359)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::BindingOutput" @74 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (960, 1664) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @74 - location (812, 1539) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 296 - justify 0 - label "BindingOutput") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AE08A8F028C" - width 314 - height 274 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$45" @75 - location (1432, 1654) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B84AD7900F2" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "eOutput" @76 - Parent_View @75 - location (-120, 374) - label (object SegLabel @77 - Parent_View @76 - location (1645, 1612) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 168 - justify 0 - label "+eOutput" - pctDist 0.674772 - height 43 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B84AD7A014D" - client @75 - supplier @58 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1432, 1654) - terminal_attachment (1747, 1654) - label (object SegLabel @78 - Parent_View @76 - location (1681, 1697) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.790274 - height 43 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$46" @79 - Parent_View @75 - location (-120, 374) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B84AD7A014E" - client @75 - supplier @74 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1432, 1654) - terminal_attachment (1117, 1654)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::BindingOperation" @80 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (992, 1008) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @80 - location (819, 931) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 346 - justify 0 - label "BindingOperation") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5D3CB0145" - width 364 - height 178 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @81 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B84ADE401DC" - client @80 - supplier @52 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (966, 919) - terminal_attachment (966, 636)) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$5" @82 - location (457, 1022) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5D3E10179" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$6" @83 - Parent_View @82 - location (-1319, 494) - label (object SegLabel @84 - Parent_View @83 - location (235, 920) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 60 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5D3E20225" - client @82 - supplier @59 - vertices (list Points - (457, 1022) - (276, 1022) - (276, 849)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (457, 1022) - terminal_attachment (276, 849) - label (object SegLabel @85 - Parent_View @83 - location (330, 884) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.900000 - height 54 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "eBindingOperations" @86 - Parent_View @82 - location (-1319, 494) - label (object SegLabel @87 - Parent_View @86 - location (531, 977) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 384 - justify 0 - label "+eBindingOperations" - pctDist 0.211699 - height 46 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5D3E20239" - client @82 - supplier @80 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (457, 1022) - terminal_attachment (810, 1022) - label (object SegLabel @88 - Parent_View @86 - location (769, 980) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.884956 - height 43 - orientation 0) - label (object SegLabel @89 - Parent_View @86 - location (714, 1067) - anchor 3 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 154 - justify 0 - label "{ordered}" - pctDist 0.727564 - height 45 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$7" @90 - location (1418, 1040) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5D425038A" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "eOperation" @91 - Parent_View @90 - location (-358, 464) - label (object SegLabel @92 - Parent_View @91 - location (1520, 1079) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 228 - justify 0 - label "+eOperation" - pctDist 0.420601 - height 39 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5D42602F5" - client @90 - supplier @67 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1418, 1040) - terminal_attachment (1663, 1040) - label (object SegLabel @93 - Parent_View @91 - location (1589, 1005) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.696721 - height 36 - orientation 0)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$8" @94 - Parent_View @90 - location (-358, 464) - label (object SegLabel @95 - Parent_View @94 - location (1273, 1070) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 192 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.595420 - height 30 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5D42602FF" - client @90 - supplier @80 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1418, 1040) - terminal_attachment (1174, 1040)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$23" @96 - location (787, 1190) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3ADF2E6401F5" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "eBindingInput" @97 - Parent_View @96 - location (-381, 454) - label (object SegLabel @98 - Parent_View @97 - location (669, 1152) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 276 - justify 0 - label "+eBindingInput" - pctDist 0.511905 - height 39 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3ADF2E650251" - client @96 - supplier @68 - vertices (list Points - (787, 1190) - (636, 1190) - (636, 1271)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (787, 1190) - terminal_attachment (636, 1271) - label (object SegLabel @99 - Parent_View @97 - location (685, 1222) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.440476 - height 32 - orientation 0)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$24" @100 - Parent_View @96 - location (-381, 454) - label (object SegLabel @101 - Parent_View @100 - location (885, 1144) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 60 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3ADF2E650252" - client @96 - supplier @80 - vertices (list Points - (787, 1190) - (926, 1190) - (926, 1097)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (787, 1190) - terminal_attachment (926, 1097) - label (object SegLabel @102 - Parent_View @100 - location (871, 1136) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.837758 - height 56 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$25" @103 - location (1024, 1312) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3ADF2EB30163" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "eBindingOutput" @104 - Parent_View @103 - location (-150, 578) - label (object SegLabel @105 - Parent_View @104 - location (1012, 1429) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 306 - justify 0 - label "+eBindingOutput" - pctDist 0.545082 - height 13 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3ADF2EB4013C" - client @103 - supplier @74 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1024, 1312) - terminal_attachment (1024, 1527) - label (object SegLabel @106 - Parent_View @104 - location (967, 1479) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.774590 - height 58 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$26" @107 - Parent_View @103 - location (-150, 578) - label (object SegLabel @108 - Parent_View @107 - location (983, 1140) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 60 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3ADF2EB4013D" - client @103 - supplier @80 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1024, 1312) - terminal_attachment (1024, 1097) - label (object SegLabel @109 - Parent_View @107 - location (1031, 1186) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.590164 - height 7 - orientation 1)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Fault" @110 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1920, 1984) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @110 - location (1772, 1907) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 296 - justify 0 - label "Fault") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AE078BE0108" - width 314 - height 178 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::BindingFault" @111 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1360, 1984) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @111 - location (1212, 1859) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 296 - justify 0 - label "BindingFault") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AE08A9E03A6" - width 314 - height 274 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @112 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B84AE710333" - client @111 - supplier @55 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1203, 2007) - terminal_attachment (353, 2007)) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$33" @113 - location (1356, 1352) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3ADF340003E5" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "eBindingFaults" @114 - Parent_View @113 - location (188, 616) - label (object SegLabel @115 - Parent_View @114 - location (1382, 1750) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 300 - justify 0 - label "+eBindingFaults" - pctDist 0.803150 - height 26 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3ADF340103AA" - client @113 - supplier @111 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1356, 1352) - terminal_attachment (1356, 1847) - label (object SegLabel @116 - Parent_View @114 - location (1409, 1797) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.899194 - height 53 - orientation 0) - label (object SegLabel @117 - Parent_View @114 - location (1256, 1806) - anchor 3 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 154 - justify 0 - label "{ordered}" - pctDist 0.919291 - height 101 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$34" @118 - Parent_View @113 - location (188, 616) - label (object SegLabel @119 - Parent_View @118 - location (1076, 1197) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 60 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3ADF340103AB" - client @113 - supplier @80 - vertices (list Points - (1356, 1352) - (1356, 1217) - (1117, 1217) - (1117, 1097)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1356, 1352) - terminal_attachment (1117, 1097) - label (object SegLabel @120 - Parent_View @118 - location (1152, 1164) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.687008 - height 54 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$35" @121 - location (1640, 1970) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AE091F402F3" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "eFault" @122 - Parent_View @121 - location (-344, 818) - label (object SegLabel @123 - Parent_View @122 - location (1674, 1915) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 144 - justify 0 - label "+eFault" - pctDist 0.276423 - height 56 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AE091F801FE" - client @121 - supplier @110 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1640, 1970) - terminal_attachment (1763, 1970) - label (object SegLabel @124 - Parent_View @122 - location (1718, 2012) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.642276 - height 42 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$36" @125 - Parent_View @121 - location (-344, 818) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AE091F801FF" - client @121 - supplier @111 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1640, 1970) - terminal_attachment (1517, 1970)))) - (object InheritView "" @126 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B84AE4302AB" - client @74 - supplier @54 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (803, 1656) - terminal_attachment (364, 1656)) - (object InheritView "" @127 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B84AE1B0113" - client @68 - supplier @53 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (467, 1385) - terminal_attachment (331, 1385)))) - (object ClassDiagram "2.4 PortTypes" - quid "3AD5D1C40366" - title "2.4 PortTypes" - documentation "This class represents the non-MOF java.util.Iterator interface." - zoom 80 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::IPortType" @128 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (496, 208) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @128 - location (146, 172) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 700 - justify 0 - label "IPortType") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @128 - location (146, 122) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 700 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B84A5BE0331" - width 718 - height 196 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::IOperation" @129 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1552, 208) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @129 - location (1116, 176) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 873 - justify 0 - label "IOperation") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @129 - location (1116, 126) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 873 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B84A77600D1" - width 891 - height 188 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::IInput" @130 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (368, 1472) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @130 - location (55, 1437) - fill_color 16777215 - nlines 1 - max_width 626 - justify 0 - label "IInput") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @130 - location (55, 1387) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 626 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B84A7EE0015" - width 644 - height 194 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::IOutput" @131 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (384, 1792) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @131 - location (56, 1757) - fill_color 16777215 - nlines 1 - max_width 656 - justify 0 - label "IOutput") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @131 - location (56, 1707) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 656 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B84A829027D" - width 674 - height 194 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::IFault" @132 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (368, 2112) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @132 - location (55, 2076) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 626 - justify 0 - label "IFault") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @132 - location (55, 2026) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 626 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B84A861031D" - width 644 - height 196 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::PortType" @133 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (496, 800) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @133 - location (158, 672) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 677 - justify 0 - label "PortType") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5C7F001A5" - width 695 - height 281 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Part" @134 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2576, 800) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @134 - location (2325, 692) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 502 - justify 0 - label "Part") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5CE1C032E" - width 520 - height 240 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Fault" @135 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1728, 2112) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @135 - location (1647, 2060) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 162 - justify 0 - label "Fault") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AE078BE0108" - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Input" @136 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1056, 1472) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @136 - location (870, 1422) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 372 - justify 0 - label "Input") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AE0789F0059" - width 390 - height 125 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Output" @137 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1360, 1792) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @137 - location (1232, 1742) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 256 - justify 0 - label "Output") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AE078B60232" - width 274 - height 125 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Operation" @138 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1552, 784) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @138 - location (1214, 620) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 677 - justify 0 - label "Operation") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5C80D03CE" - width 695 - height 352 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$0" @139 - location (1024, 797) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5C824018C" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "eOperations" @140 - Parent_View @139 - location (592, 269) - label (object SegLabel @141 - Parent_View @140 - location (1088, 748) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 249 - justify 0 - label "+eOperations" - pctDist 0.359649 - height 50 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5C82701CD" - client @139 - supplier @138 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1024, 797) - terminal_attachment (1205, 797) - label (object SegLabel @142 - Parent_View @140 - location (1176, 861) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.840391 - height 64 - orientation 1) - label (object SegLabel @143 - Parent_View @140 - location (1074, 923) - anchor 3 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 164 - justify 0 - label "{ordered}" - pctDist 0.276243 - height 126 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "portType" @144 - Parent_View @139 - location (592, 269) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5C82701C3" - client @139 - supplier @133 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1024, 797) - terminal_attachment (843, 797) - label (object SegLabel @145 - Parent_View @144 - location (888, 757) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.753488 - height 41 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$41" @146 - location (2107, 773) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AEA412F0035" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "eParameterOrdering" @147 - Parent_View @146 - location (1819, 101) - label (object SegLabel @148 - Parent_View @147 - location (2145, 647) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 396 - justify 0 - label "+eParameterOrdering" - pctDist 0.183333 - height 127 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AEA41310255" - client @146 - supplier @134 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2107, 773) - terminal_attachment (2316, 773) - label (object SegLabel @149 - Parent_View @147 - location (2272, 822) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.796610 - height 49 - orientation 1) - label (object SegLabel @150 - Parent_View @147 - location (2171, 888) - anchor 3 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 164 - justify 0 - label "{ordered}" - pctDist 0.306220 - height 115 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$42" @151 - Parent_View @146 - location (1819, 101) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AEA4131025F" - client @146 - supplier @138 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2107, 773) - terminal_attachment (1899, 773)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$31" @152 - location (1702, 1504) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3ADF331601A4" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "eFaults" @153 - Parent_View @152 - location (1414, 832) - label (object SegLabel @154 - Parent_View @153 - location (1815, 1982) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 168 - justify 0 - label "+eFaults" - pctDist 0.878992 - height 113 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3ADF33180387" - client @152 - supplier @135 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1702, 1504) - terminal_attachment (1702, 2048) - label (object SegLabel @155 - Parent_View @153 - location (1644, 2020) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.949580 - height 59 - orientation 1) - label (object SegLabel @156 - Parent_View @153 - location (1593, 1963) - anchor 3 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 164 - justify 0 - label "{ordered}" - pctDist 0.845378 - height 110 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$32" @157 - Parent_View @152 - location (1414, 832) - label (object SegLabel @158 - Parent_View @157 - location (1661, 1069) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 60 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3ADF33180388" - client @152 - supplier @138 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1702, 1504) - terminal_attachment (1702, 960) - label (object SegLabel @159 - Parent_View @157 - location (1821, 1039) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.857362 - height 119 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$27" @160 - location (1178, 1234) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3ADF2F94024D" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "eInput" @161 - Parent_View @160 - location (890, 562) - label (object SegLabel @162 - Parent_View @161 - location (878, 1343) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 132 - justify 0 - label "+eInput" - pctDist 0.819820 - height 103 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3ADF2F950190" - client @160 - supplier @136 - vertices (list Points - (1178, 1234) - (980, 1234) - (980, 1410)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1178, 1234) - terminal_attachment (980, 1410) - label (object SegLabel @163 - Parent_View @161 - location (1046, 1364) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.877660 - height 66 - orientation 0)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$28" @164 - Parent_View @160 - location (890, 562) - label (object SegLabel @165 - Parent_View @164 - location (1236, 1036) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 60 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3ADF2F95019A" - client @160 - supplier @138 - vertices (list Points - (1178, 1234) - (1277, 1234) - (1277, 960)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1178, 1234) - terminal_attachment (1277, 960) - label (object SegLabel @166 - Parent_View @164 - location (1197, 1058) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.736413 - height 81 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$29" @167 - location (1468, 1345) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3ADF2FB802F9" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "eOutput" @168 - Parent_View @167 - location (1180, 673) - label (object SegLabel @169 - Parent_View @168 - location (1362, 1669) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 168 - justify 0 - label "+eOutput" - pctDist 0.840909 - height 107 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3ADF2FB9020A" - client @167 - supplier @137 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1468, 1345) - terminal_attachment (1468, 1730) - label (object SegLabel @170 - Parent_View @168 - location (1546, 1676) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.863636 - height 78 - orientation 0)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$30" @171 - Parent_View @167 - location (1180, 673) - label (object SegLabel @172 - Parent_View @171 - location (1427, 1037) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 60 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3ADF2FB9020B" - client @167 - supplier @138 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1468, 1345) - terminal_attachment (1468, 960) - label (object SegLabel @173 - Parent_View @171 - location (1523, 1080) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.690341 - height 55 - orientation 1)))) - (object InheritView "" @174 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3F6F1FD8019F" - client @133 - supplier @128 - line_style 0) - (object InheritView "" @175 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3F6F1FE20171" - client @138 - supplier @129 - line_style 0) - (object InheritView "" @176 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3F6F1FEE031D" - client @136 - supplier @130 - line_style 0) - (object InheritView "" @177 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3F6F1FF801CD" - client @137 - supplier @131 - line_style 0) - (object InheritView "" @178 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3F6F2002002D" - client @135 - supplier @132 - line_style 0) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Message" @179 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2224, 1456) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @179 - location (1937, 1312) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 575 - justify 0 - label "Message") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5C9590078" - width 593 - height 312 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::MessageReference" @180 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1520, 2544) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @180 - location (1193, 2466) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 654 - justify 0 - label "MessageReference") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3F6771DB02DC" - width 672 - height 180 - annotation 8) - (object InheritTreeView "" @181 - location (1524, 2275) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @180 - vertices (list Points - (1524, 2275) - (1524, 2454))) - (object InheritView "" @182 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3F67723D0319" - client @135 - supplier @180 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1776, 2176) - terminal_attachment (1776, 2275) - drawSupplier @181) - (object InheritView "" @183 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3F67723500DD" - client @137 - supplier @180 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1371, 1854) - terminal_attachment (1371, 2275) - drawSupplier @181) - (object InheritView "" @184 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3F67722802E7" - client @136 - supplier @180 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (980, 1534) - terminal_attachment (980, 2275) - drawSupplier @181) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$61" @185 - location (2206, 2259) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3F74E78401B1" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "eMessage" @186 - Parent_View @185 - location (734, -285) - label (object SegLabel @187 - Parent_View @186 - location (2068, 1670) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 216 - justify 0 - label "+eMessage" - pctDist 0.912230 - height 139 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3F74E786000F" - client @185 - supplier @179 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2206, 2259) - terminal_attachment (2206, 1612) - label (object SegLabel @188 - Parent_View @186 - location (2260, 1678) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.900000 - height 54 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$62" @189 - Parent_View @185 - location (734, -285) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3F74E7860023" - client @185 - supplier @180 - vertices (list Points - (2206, 2259) - (2206, 2556) - (1856, 2556)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2206, 2259) - terminal_attachment (1856, 2556)))))) - (object ClassDiagram "2.1 Definitions" - quid "3AD5E48A0262" - title "2.1 Definitions" - zoom 83 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::IDefinition" @190 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (432, 192) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @190 - location (88, 161) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 688 - justify 0 - label "IDefinition") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @190 - location (88, 111) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 688 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B84B1D90142" - width 706 - height 186 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Types" @191 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1824, 944) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @191 - location (1686, 896) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 276 - justify 0 - label "Types") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B8BE9A603A8" - width 294 - height 120 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Import" @192 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2144, 624) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @192 - location (1910, 545) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 468 - justify 0 - label "Import") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5E4F903DE" - width 486 - height 182 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Message" @193 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - location (2112, 1184) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @193 - location (1900, 1056) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 424 - justify 0 - label "Message") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5C9590078" - width 442 - height 280 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::PortType" @194 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - location (1808, 1488) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @194 - location (1596, 1360) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 424 - justify 0 - label "PortType") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5C7F001A5" - width 442 - height 280 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Binding" @195 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - location (2336, 1728) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @195 - location (2124, 1600) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 424 - justify 0 - label "Binding") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5D2860261" - width 442 - height 280 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Definition" @196 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1328, 240) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @196 - location (1073, 39) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 510 - justify 0 - label "Definition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5E43F008E" - width 528 - height 426 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$53" @197 - location (1358, 860) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B8BEA27029F" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$54" @198 - Parent_View @197 - location (62, -36) - label (object SegLabel @199 - Parent_View @198 - location (1317, 535) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 60 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B8BEA290356" - client @197 - supplier @196 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1358, 860) - terminal_attachment (1358, 453) - label (object SegLabel @200 - Parent_View @198 - location (1403, 511) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.856649 - height 45 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "eTypes" @201 - Parent_View @197 - location (62, -36) - label (object SegLabel @202 - Parent_View @201 - location (1586, 909) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 156 - justify 0 - label "+eTypes" - pctDist 0.779097 - height 40 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B8BEA29036A" - client @197 - supplier @191 - vertices (list Points - (1358, 860) - (1358, 948) - (1677, 948)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1358, 860) - terminal_attachment (1677, 948) - label (object SegLabel @203 - Parent_View @201 - location (1632, 987) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.892655 - height 39 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$57" @204 - location (1612, 595) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C864DFF02EC" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$58" @205 - Parent_View @204 - location (12, 227) - label (object SegLabel @206 - Parent_View @205 - location (1423, 512) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 60 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C864DFF02EE" - client @204 - supplier @196 - vertices (list Points - (1612, 595) - (1464, 595) - (1464, 453)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1612, 595) - terminal_attachment (1464, 453) - label (object SegLabel @207 - Parent_View @205 - location (1524, 495) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.858667 - height 60 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "eImports" @208 - Parent_View @204 - location (12, 227) - label (object SegLabel @209 - Parent_View @208 - location (1692, 557) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 204 - justify 0 - label "+eImports" - pctDist 0.280335 - height 39 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C864DFF02ED" - client @204 - supplier @192 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1612, 595) - terminal_attachment (1901, 595) - label (object SegLabel @210 - Parent_View @208 - location (1854, 652) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.841004 - height 57 - orientation 1) - label (object SegLabel @211 - Parent_View @208 - location (1676, 646) - anchor 3 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 158 - justify 0 - label "{ordered}" - pctDist 0.225941 - height 51 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$13" @212 - location (1279, 1137) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5E60301E2" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$14" @213 - Parent_View @212 - location (271, 273) - label (object SegLabel @214 - Parent_View @213 - location (1238, 591) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 60 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5E60400B7" - client @212 - supplier @196 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1279, 1137) - terminal_attachment (1279, 453) - label (object SegLabel @215 - Parent_View @213 - location (1320, 586) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.804974 - height 41 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "eMessages" @216 - Parent_View @212 - location (271, 273) - label (object SegLabel @217 - Parent_View @216 - location (1647, 1171) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 240 - justify 0 - label "+eMessages" - pctDist 0.643137 - height 38 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5E60400C1" - client @212 - supplier @193 - vertices (list Points - (1279, 1137) - (1279, 1208) - (1891, 1208)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1279, 1137) - terminal_attachment (1891, 1208) - label (object SegLabel @218 - Parent_View @216 - location (1821, 1171) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.899346 - height 38 - orientation 0) - label (object SegLabel @219 - Parent_View @216 - location (1797, 1244) - anchor 3 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 158 - justify 0 - label "{ordered}" - pctDist 0.864407 - height 36 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$15" @220 - location (1212, 1159) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5E6710104" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$16" @221 - Parent_View @220 - location (-324, 215) - label (object SegLabel @222 - Parent_View @221 - location (1171, 594) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 60 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5E672034A" - client @220 - supplier @196 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1212, 1159) - terminal_attachment (1212, 453) - label (object SegLabel @223 - Parent_View @221 - location (1251, 624) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.757962 - height 39 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "ePortTypes" @224 - Parent_View @220 - location (-324, 215) - label (object SegLabel @225 - Parent_View @224 - location (1391, 1451) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 240 - justify 0 - label "+ePortTypes" - pctDist 0.723698 - height 40 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5E6720354" - client @220 - supplier @194 - vertices (list Points - (1212, 1159) - (1212, 1490) - (1587, 1490)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1212, 1159) - terminal_attachment (1587, 1490) - label (object SegLabel @226 - Parent_View @224 - location (1533, 1451) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.925611 - height 40 - orientation 0) - label (object SegLabel @227 - Parent_View @224 - location (1512, 1540) - anchor 3 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 158 - justify 0 - label "{ordered}" - pctDist 0.895855 - height 50 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$17" @228 - location (1114, 1585) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5E6770095" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$18" @229 - Parent_View @228 - location (-406, 241) - label (object SegLabel @230 - Parent_View @229 - location (1073, 680) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 60 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5E6780371" - client @228 - supplier @196 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1114, 1585) - terminal_attachment (1114, 453) - label (object SegLabel @231 - Parent_View @229 - location (1155, 752) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.736704 - height 41 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "eBindings" @232 - Parent_View @228 - location (-406, 241) - label (object SegLabel @233 - Parent_View @232 - location (1851, 1674) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 204 - justify 0 - label "+eBindings" - pctDist 0.766347 - height 43 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5E678037B" - client @228 - supplier @195 - vertices (list Points - (1114, 1585) - (1114, 1716) - (2115, 1716)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1114, 1585) - terminal_attachment (2115, 1716) - label (object SegLabel @234 - Parent_View @232 - location (2053, 1677) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.945074 - height 40 - orientation 0) - label (object SegLabel @235 - Parent_View @232 - location (2014, 1754) - anchor 3 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 158 - justify 0 - label "{ordered}" - pctDist 0.911072 - height 38 - orientation 1)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Service" @236 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - location (1840, 2048) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @236 - location (1628, 1920) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 424 - justify 0 - label "Service") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5D8F002F8" - width 442 - height 280 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$19" @237 - location (1066, 1533) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5E67B0311" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$20" @238 - Parent_View @237 - location (-521, -111) - label (object SegLabel @239 - Parent_View @238 - location (1025, 669) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 60 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5E67D007F" - client @237 - supplier @196 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1066, 1533) - terminal_attachment (1066, 453) - label (object SegLabel @240 - Parent_View @238 - location (1109, 756) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.719697 - height 43 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "eServices" @241 - Parent_View @237 - location (-521, -111) - label (object SegLabel @242 - Parent_View @241 - location (1393, 2028) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 204 - justify 0 - label "+eServices" - pctDist 0.791824 - height 32 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5E67D0089" - client @237 - supplier @236 - vertices (list Points - (1066, 1533) - (1066, 2059) - (1619, 2059)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1066, 1533) - terminal_attachment (1619, 2059) - label (object SegLabel @243 - Parent_View @241 - location (1554, 2031) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.940197 - height 29 - orientation 0) - label (object SegLabel @244 - Parent_View @241 - location (1532, 2113) - anchor 3 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 158 - justify 0 - label "{ordered}" - pctDist 0.920515 - height 54 - orientation 1)))) - (object InheritView "" @245 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B84B1F80382" - client @196 - supplier @190 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1064, 263) - terminal_attachment (785, 263)))) - (object ClassDiagram "2.1.3 Extensibility" - quid "3AD60C510192" - title "2.1.3 Extensibility" - zoom 80 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Binding" @246 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - location (576, 1584) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @246 - location (494, 1531) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 164 - justify 0 - label "Binding") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5D2860261" - width 182 - height 130 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Port" @247 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - location (1568, 1888) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @247 - location (1487, 1836) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 162 - justify 0 - label "Port") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5D9170286" - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Service" @248 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - location (1424, 1728) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @248 - location (1342, 1675) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 164 - justify 0 - label "Service") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5D8F002F8" - width 182 - height 130 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::BindingFault" @249 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - location (1216, 2336) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @249 - location (1088, 2283) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 256 - justify 0 - label "BindingFault") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AE08A9E03A6" - width 274 - height 130 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::BindingOperation" @250 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - location (736, 1760) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @250 - location (563, 1707) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 346 - justify 0 - label "BindingOperation") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5D3CB0145" - width 364 - height 130 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::IExtensibilityElement" @251 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1888, 160) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @251 - location (1495, 136) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 786 - justify 0 - label "IExtensibilityElement") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @251 - location (1495, 86) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 786 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B84B12402AB" - width 804 - height 172 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::BindingInput" @252 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - location (928, 1952) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @252 - location (800, 1899) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 256 - justify 0 - label "BindingInput") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AE08A8202D4" - width 274 - height 130 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::BindingOutput" @253 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - location (1008, 2144) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @253 - location (863, 2091) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 290 - justify 0 - label "BindingOutput") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AE08A8F028C" - width 308 - height 130 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Definition" @254 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - location (176, 1296) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @254 - location (74, 1235) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 204 - justify 0 - label "Definition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5E43F008E" - width 222 - height 146 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Types" @255 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - location (416, 1408) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @255 - location (335, 1356) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 162 - justify 0 - label "Types") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B8BE9A603A8" - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibleElement" @256 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (480, 688) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @256 - location (209, 580) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 542 - justify 0 - label "ExtensibleElement") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5FCFA033A" - width 560 - height 240 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @257 - location (480, 1039) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @256 - vertices (list Points - (480, 1039) - (480, 808))) - (object InheritView "" @258 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD600CB00AA" - client @247 - supplier @256 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1566, 1824) - terminal_attachment (1566, 1039) - drawSupplier @257) - (object InheritView "" @259 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B85B5A4027E" - client @253 - supplier @256 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1097, 2079) - terminal_attachment (1097, 1039) - drawSupplier @257) - (object InheritView "" @260 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AE0938602C9" - client @249 - supplier @256 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1219, 2271) - terminal_attachment (1219, 1039) - drawSupplier @257) - (object InheritView "" @261 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B85B59B0072" - client @252 - supplier @256 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (988, 1887) - terminal_attachment (988, 1039) - drawSupplier @257) - (object InheritView "" @262 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD6009202F7" - client @250 - supplier @256 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (797, 1695) - terminal_attachment (797, 1039) - drawSupplier @257) - (object InheritView "" @263 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5FA0F02F0" - client @246 - supplier @256 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (601, 1519) - terminal_attachment (601, 1039) - drawSupplier @257) - (object InheritView "" @264 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5FDB803D4" - client @254 - supplier @256 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (211, 1223) - terminal_attachment (211, 1039) - drawSupplier @257) - (object InheritView "" @265 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B8BEB010311" - client @255 - supplier @256 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (414, 1344) - terminal_attachment (414, 1039) - drawSupplier @257) - (object InheritView "" @266 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5FA20025E" - client @248 - supplier @256 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1429, 1663) - terminal_attachment (1429, 1039) - drawSupplier @257) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::ExtensibilityElement" @267 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1904, 688) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @267 - location (1632, 583) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 545 - justify 0 - label "ExtensibilityElement") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5DBB602A9" - width 563 - height 234 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$21" @268 - location (1191, 672) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5FD130079" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$22" @269 - Parent_View @268 - location (23, 560) - label (object SegLabel @270 - Parent_View @269 - location (847, 631) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 60 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5FD14019E" - client @268 - supplier @256 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1191, 672) - terminal_attachment (760, 672) - label (object SegLabel @271 - Parent_View @269 - location (830, 628) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.839695 - height 45 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "eExtensibilityElements" @272 - Parent_View @268 - location (23, 560) - label (object SegLabel @273 - Parent_View @272 - location (1355, 522) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "+eExtensibilityElements" - pctDist 0.379070 - height 151 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5FD14019D" - client @268 - supplier @267 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1191, 672) - terminal_attachment (1623, 672) - label (object SegLabel @274 - Parent_View @272 - location (1496, 627) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.709402 - height 46 - orientation 0) - label (object SegLabel @275 - Parent_View @272 - location (1463, 764) - anchor 3 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 164 - justify 0 - label "{ordered}" - pctDist 0.632479 - height 92 - orientation 1)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::WSDLElement" @276 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - location (1008, 192) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @276 - location (630, 84) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 756 - justify 0 - label "WSDLElement") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5C6A302DD" - width 774 - height 240 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @277 - location (1008, 402) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @276 - vertices (list Points - (1008, 402) - (1008, 312))) - (object InheritView "" @278 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5FE3C03D4" - client @256 - supplier @276 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (492, 568) - terminal_attachment (492, 402) - drawSupplier @277) - (object InheritView "" @279 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B84B14903D0" - client @267 - supplier @251 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2015, 571) - terminal_attachment (2015, 246)) - (object InheritView "" @280 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BDDF53502C3" - client @267 - supplier @276 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1762, 571) - terminal_attachment (1762, 402) - drawSupplier @277) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::UnknownExtensibilityElement" @281 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2016, 1360) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @281 - location (1731, 1307) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 570 - justify 0 - label "UnknownExtensibilityElement") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3CB24AC002AE" - width 588 - height 130 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @282 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3CB24AEC01CB" - client @281 - supplier @267 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1796, 1295) - terminal_attachment (1796, 805)) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$63" @283 - location (2311, 1686) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3F7896A2026E" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "parent" @284 - Parent_View @283 - location (279, 294) - label (object SegLabel @285 - Parent_View @284 - location (2422, 1333) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 144 - justify 0 - label "+parent" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3F7896A7012B" - client @283 - supplier @281 - vertices (list Points - (2311, 1686) - (2432, 1686) - (2432, 1374) - (2310, 1374)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2311, 1686) - terminal_attachment (2310, 1374) - label (object SegLabel @286 - Parent_View @284 - location (2366, 1428) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.900000 - height 54 - orientation 0)) - (object RoleView "children" @287 - Parent_View @283 - location (279, 294) - label (object SegLabel @288 - Parent_View @287 - location (1899, 1537) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 168 - justify 0 - label "+children" - pctDist 0.798561 - height 118 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3F7896A7012C" - client @283 - supplier @281 - vertices (list Points - (2311, 1686) - (2016, 1686) - (2016, 1425)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2311, 1686) - terminal_attachment (2016, 1425) - label (object SegLabel @289 - Parent_View @287 - location (2070, 1481) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.900000 - height 54 - orientation 1)))))) - (object ClassDiagram "2.1.1 Naming and Linking" - quid "3AE8ED7201BD" - title "2.1.1 Naming and Linking" - zoom 90 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::IImport" @290 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1712, 224) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @290 - location (1422, 177) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 580 - justify 0 - label "IImport") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @290 - location (1422, 127) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 580 - justify 0 - label "<<Interface>>") - icon "Interface" - icon_style "Label" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B84B2020119" - width 598 - height 218 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Namespace" @291 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (432, 1136) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @291 - location (202, 1041) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 461 - justify 0 - label "Namespace") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AEA3CD30030" - width 479 - height 215 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchema" @292 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1632, 1216) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @292 - location (1294, 1142) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 676 - justify 0 - label "XSDSchema") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "374B182500BB" - width 694 - height 173 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Definition" @293 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - location (400, 384) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @293 - location (164, 236) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 472 - justify 0 - label "Definition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5E43F008E" - width 490 - height 320 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$37" @294 - location (309, 786) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AEA3D55002D" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "eNamespaces" @295 - Parent_View @294 - location (-91, 258) - label (object SegLabel @296 - Parent_View @295 - location (461, 956) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 288 - justify 0 - label "+eNamespaces" - pctDist 0.698842 - height 152 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AEA3D560332" - client @294 - supplier @291 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (309, 786) - terminal_attachment (309, 1029) - label (object SegLabel @297 - Parent_View @295 - location (248, 973) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.768707 - height 62 - orientation 1) - label (object SegLabel @298 - Parent_View @295 - location (228, 913) - anchor 3 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 146 - justify 0 - label "{ordered}" - pctDist 0.525097 - height 82 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$38" @299 - Parent_View @294 - location (-91, 258) - label (object SegLabel @300 - Parent_View @299 - location (268, 592) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 192 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AEA3D560328" - client @294 - supplier @293 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (309, 786) - terminal_attachment (309, 544) - label (object SegLabel @301 - Parent_View @299 - location (239, 583) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.844961 - height 71 - orientation 0)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Import" @302 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1472, 720) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @302 - location (1255, 580) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 434 - justify 0 - label "Import") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5E4F903DE" - width 452 - height 304 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$51" @303 - location (1486, 1001) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B8B1DCC02E5" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "eSchema" @304 - Parent_View @303 - location (510, -103) - label (object SegLabel @305 - Parent_View @304 - location (1737, 1018) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 204 - justify 0 - label "+eSchema" - pctDist 0.592593 - height 105 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B8B1DCE0270" - client @303 - supplier @292 - vertices (list Points - (1486, 1001) - (1632, 1001) - (1632, 1130)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1486, 1001) - terminal_attachment (1632, 1130) - label (object SegLabel @306 - Parent_View @304 - location (1563, 1018) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.592593 - height 70 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$52" @307 - Parent_View @303 - location (510, -103) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B8B1DCE027A" - client @303 - supplier @302 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1486, 1000) - terminal_attachment (1486, 872)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$39" @308 - location (1087, 403) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AEA3E3A002D" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$40" @309 - Parent_View @308 - location (687, -125) - label (object SegLabel @310 - Parent_View @309 - location (1406, 480) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AEA3E3C01F2" - client @308 - supplier @302 - vertices (list Points - (1087, 403) - (1364, 403) - (1364, 568)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1087, 403) - terminal_attachment (1364, 568)) - (object RoleView "eDefinition" @311 - Parent_View @308 - location (687, -125) - label (object SegLabel @312 - Parent_View @311 - location (805, 363) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 216 - justify 0 - label "+eDefinition" - pctDist 0.637532 - height 41 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AEA3E3C01E8" - client @308 - supplier @293 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1087, 403) - terminal_attachment (645, 403) - label (object SegLabel @313 - Parent_View @311 - location (727, 456) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.814910 - height 53 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$57" @314 - location (737, 826) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C864DFF02EC" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$58" @315 - Parent_View @314 - location (-671, 106) - label (object SegLabel @316 - Parent_View @315 - location (552, 647) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C864DFF02EE" - client @314 - supplier @293 - vertices (list Points - (737, 826) - (510, 826) - (510, 544)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (737, 826) - terminal_attachment (510, 544) - label (object SegLabel @317 - Parent_View @315 - location (457, 595) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.900000 - height 54 - orientation 0)) - (object RoleView "eImports" @318 - Parent_View @314 - location (-671, 106) - label (object SegLabel @319 - Parent_View @318 - location (1144, 773) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 180 - justify 0 - label "+eImports" - pctDist 0.799189 - height 54 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C864DFF02ED" - client @314 - supplier @302 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (737, 826) - terminal_attachment (1246, 826) - label (object SegLabel @320 - Parent_View @318 - location (1180, 879) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.872211 - height 53 - orientation 1) - label (object SegLabel @321 - Parent_View @318 - location (1162, 933) - anchor 3 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 146 - justify 0 - label "{ordered}" - pctDist 0.837728 - height 107 - orientation 1)))) - (object InheritView "" @322 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3F6F200D0340" - client @302 - supplier @290 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1555, 568) - terminal_attachment (1555, 333)))) - (object ClassDiagram "2.2 Types" - quid "3B85AE59037E" - title "2.2 Types" - zoom 90 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 81 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDTypeDefinition" @323 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1136, 1232) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @323 - location (895, 1157) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 482 - justify 0 - label "XSDTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ECD302A9" - width 500 - height 174 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDElementDeclaration" @324 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1136, 1600) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @324 - location (906, 1531) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 460 - justify 0 - label "XSDElementDeclaration") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED580214" - width 478 - height 162 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Message" @325 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1280, 1968) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @325 - location (1022, 1828) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 517 - justify 0 - label "Message") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5C9590078" - width 535 - height 305 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Part" @326 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (352, 1184) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @326 - location (128, 1067) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 448 - justify 0 - label "Part") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5CE1C032E" - width 466 - height 258 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$47" @327 - location (735, 1172) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B8B1BE900C4" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "typeDefinition" @328 - Parent_View @327 - location (143, 676) - label (object SegLabel @329 - Parent_View @328 - location (775, 1133) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 276 - justify 0 - label "+typeDefinition" - pctDist 0.269006 - height 40 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B8B1BE90327" - client @327 - supplier @323 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (735, 1172) - terminal_attachment (886, 1172) - label (object SegLabel @330 - Parent_View @328 - location (839, 1207) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.688705 - height 35 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$48" @331 - Parent_View @327 - location (143, 676) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B8B1BE90331" - client @327 - supplier @326 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (735, 1172) - terminal_attachment (585, 1172)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$49" @332 - location (527, 1592) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B8B1C1203B2" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "elementDeclaration" @333 - Parent_View @332 - location (-65, 1096) - label (object SegLabel @334 - Parent_View @333 - location (666, 1554) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 372 - justify 0 - label "+elementDeclaration" - pctDist 0.375394 - height 39 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B8B1C14001C" - client @332 - supplier @324 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (527, 1592) - terminal_attachment (897, 1592) - label (object SegLabel @335 - Parent_View @333 - location (807, 1645) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.755877 - height 53 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$50" @336 - Parent_View @332 - location (-65, 1096) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B8B1C140026" - client @332 - supplier @326 - vertices (list Points - (527, 1592) - (437, 1592) - (437, 1313)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (527, 1592) - terminal_attachment (437, 1313)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$55" @337 - location (322, 1911) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C46829303E5" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "eMessage" @338 - Parent_View @337 - location (-14, 1191) - label (object SegLabel @339 - Parent_View @338 - location (838, 1872) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 216 - justify 0 - label "+eMessage" - pctDist 0.748560 - height 40 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C468296010E" - client @337 - supplier @325 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (322, 1911) - terminal_attachment (1013, 1911) - label (object SegLabel @340 - Parent_View @338 - location (943, 1965) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.900000 - height 54 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$56" @341 - Parent_View @337 - location (-14, 1191) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C4682960118" - client @337 - supplier @326 - vertices (list Points - (322, 1911) - (229, 1911) - (229, 1313)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (322, 1911) - terminal_attachment (229, 1313)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Types" @342 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (800, 608) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @342 - location (615, 512) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 371 - justify 0 - label "Types") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B8BE9A603A8" - width 389 - height 216 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::Definition" @343 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - location (176, 160) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @343 - location (74, 107) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 204 - justify 0 - label "Definition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3AD5E43F008E" - width 222 - height 130 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$53" @344 - location (234, 604) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B8BEA27029F" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "eTypes" @345 - Parent_View @344 - location (-150, 396) - label (object SegLabel @346 - Parent_View @345 - location (480, 640) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 207 - justify 0 - label "+eTypes" - pctDist 0.661017 - height 36 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B8BEA29036A" - client @344 - supplier @342 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (234, 604) - terminal_attachment (606, 604) - label (object SegLabel @347 - Parent_View @345 - location (526, 569) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.783883 - height 36 - orientation 0)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$54" @348 - Parent_View @344 - location (-150, 396) - label (object SegLabel @349 - Parent_View @348 - location (133, 313) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 60 - justify 0 - label "" - 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hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5FD14019E" - client @364 - supplier @361 - vertices (list Points - (1206, 493) - (1094, 493) - (1094, 330)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1206, 493) - terminal_attachment (1094, 330) - label (object SegLabel @367 - Parent_View @365 - location (1042, 377) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..1" - pctDist 0.828326 - height 53 - orientation 0)) - (object RoleView "eExtensibilityElements" @368 - Parent_View @364 - location (-586, 237) - label (object SegLabel @369 - Parent_View @368 - location (1196, 454) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 444 - justify 0 - label "+eExtensibilityElements" - pctDist -0.039711 - height 40 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3AD5FD14019D" - client @364 - supplier @363 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1206, 493) - terminal_attachment (1481, 493) - label (object SegLabel @370 - Parent_View @368 - location (1415, 546) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.764957 - height 53 - orientation 1) - label (object SegLabel @371 - Parent_View @368 - location (1396, 392) - anchor 3 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 146 - justify 0 - label "{ordered}" - pctDist 0.694915 - height 102 - orientation 0)))) - (object InheritView "" @372 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3CC3627F00B7" - client @352 - supplier @363 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1812, 741) - terminal_attachment (1812, 572)))) - (object ClassDiagram "2.3 Messages" - quid "3BCE853D02C8" - title "2.3 Messages" - zoom 85 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::wsdl::IMessage" @373 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (448, 224) - 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quidu "3B682B82031A" - is_aggregate TRUE) - (object Role "syntheticParticle" - attributes (list Attribute_Set - (object Attribute - tool "Ecore" - name "isTransient" - value TRUE)) - quid "3D4BB4D402FD" - label "syntheticParticle" - supplier "Logical View::xsd::XSDParticle" - quidu "3B682BBD01F7" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") - Containment "By Value" - is_navigable TRUE))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$310" - quid "3D4BB4D901F6" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "$UNNAMED$311" - quid "3D4BB4DA0284" - supplier "Logical View::xsd::XSDComplexTypeDefinition" - quidu "3B682B82031A" - is_aggregate TRUE) - (object Role "syntheticWildcard" - attributes (list Attribute_Set - (object Attribute - tool "Ecore" - name "isTransient" - value TRUE)) - quid "3D4BB4DA028E" - label "syntheticWildcard" - supplier "Logical View::xsd::XSDWildcard" - quidu "3B6838370031" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") - Containment "By Value" - is_navigable TRUE))) - (object Association "$UNNAMED$312" - quid "3D4C68FF01BF" - roles (list role_list - (object Role "$UNNAMED$313" - quid "3D4C69020317" - supplier "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeGroupDefinition" - quidu "3B66ED840290" - is_aggregate TRUE) - (object Role "syntheticWildcard" - quid "3D4C69020318" - label "syntheticWildcard" - supplier "Logical View::xsd::XSDWildcard" - quidu "3B6838370031" - client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") - Containment "By Value" - is_navigable TRUE)))) - logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list - (object ClassDiagram "1. 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Component Hierarchy (Part 1: Structures)" - zoom 100 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDComponent" @387 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (928, 80) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @387 - location (766, 37) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 324 - justify 0 - label "XSDComponent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6846E90029" - width 342 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDNamedComponent" @388 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1168, 560) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @388 - location (940, 517) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 456 - justify 0 - label "XSDNamedComponent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6846D303A4" - width 474 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object InheritTreeView "" @389 - location (928, 225) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @387 - vertices (list Points - (928, 225) - (928, 135))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDTerm" @390 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1568, 320) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @390 - location (1460, 277) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 216 - justify 0 - label "XSDTerm") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B683C5E0174" - width 234 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object InheritTreeView "" @391 - location (1203, 706) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @388 - vertices (list Points - (1203, 706) - (1203, 615))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDComplexTypeContent" @392 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (624, 560) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @392 - location (372, 517) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 504 - justify 0 - label "XSDComplexTypeContent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B683BA00196" - width 522 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object InheritTreeView "" @393 - location (444, 709) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @392 - vertices (list Points - (444, 709) - (444, 615))) - (object InheritTreeView "" @394 - location (1572, 465) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @390 - vertices (list Points - (1572, 465) - (1572, 375))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDParticle" @395 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (416, 800) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @395 - location (290, 757) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 252 - justify 0 - label "XSDParticle") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682BBD01F7" - width 270 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDTypeDefinition" @396 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (448, 1056) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @396 - location (262, 1013) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 372 - justify 0 - label "XSDTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B66ECD302A9" - width 390 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeUse" @397 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1104, 320) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @397 - location (936, 277) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 336 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeUse") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B68354601A8" - width 354 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object InheritTreeView "" @398 - location (453, 1203) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @396 - vertices (list Points - (453, 1203) - (453, 1111))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDScope" @399 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (176, 320) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @399 - location (62, 277) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 228 - justify 0 - label "XSDScope") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B69B54000F2" - width 246 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDFeature" @400 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1872, 800) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @400 - location (1746, 757) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 252 - justify 0 - label "XSDFeature") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B69B537026C" - width 270 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object InheritTreeView "" @401 - location (1872, 950) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @400 - vertices (list Points - (1872, 950) - (1872, 855))) - (object InheritTreeView "" @402 - location (181, 465) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @399 - vertices (list Points - (181, 465) - (181, 375))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeDeclaration" @403 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1936, 1280) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @403 - location (1670, 1233) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 532 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeDeclaration") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED2E0192" - width 550 - height 118 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDElementDeclaration" @404 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1968, 1056) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @404 - location (1734, 1013) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 468 - justify 0 - label "XSDElementDeclaration") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED580214" - width 486 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition" @405 - 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SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1600, 560) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @407 - location (1462, 517) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 276 - justify 0 - label "XSDWildcard") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6838370031" - width 294 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDModelGroupDefinition" @408 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1024, 1056) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @408 - location (778, 1013) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 492 - justify 0 - label "XSDModelGroupDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED9A0205" - width 510 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDModelGroup" @409 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1968, 560) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @409 - location (1806, 517) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 324 - justify 0 - label "XSDModelGroup") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6834E00291" - width 342 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSimpleTypeDefinition" @410 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (352, 1296) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @410 - location (106, 1253) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 492 - justify 0 - label "XSDSimpleTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682BA7005D" - width 510 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchema" @411 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (192, 560) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @411 - location (60, 517) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 264 - justify 0 - label "XSDSchema") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "374B182500BB" - width 282 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeGroupDefinition" @412 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1072, 1280) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @412 - location (802, 1237) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 540 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeGroupDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED840290" - width 558 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDComplexTypeDefinition" @413 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (368, 1488) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @413 - location (30, 1441) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 676 - justify 0 - label "XSDComplexTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682B82031A" - width 694 - height 119 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAnnotation" @414 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (576, 320) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @414 - location (426, 277) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 300 - justify 0 - label "XSDAnnotation") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66EDC80233" - width 318 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDXPathDefinition" @415 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2000, 320) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @415 - location (1808, 277) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 384 - justify 0 - label "XSDXPathDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6D83BB0355" - width 402 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @416 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B72D7BB0349" - client @397 - supplier @387 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1094, 265) - terminal_attachment (1094, 225) - drawSupplier @389) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDRedefinableComponent" @417 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (960, 800) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @417 - location (690, 757) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 540 - justify 0 - label "XSDRedefinableComponent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B7FCA8B020B" - width 558 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @418 - location (962, 947) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @417 - vertices (list Points - (962, 947) - (962, 855))) - (object InheritView "" @419 - stereotype (object SegLabel @420 - Parent_View @419 - location (218, 1154) - font (object Font - size 8) - anchor 10 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 212 - justify 0 - label "<<mixin>>" - pctDist 0.163534 - height 69 - orientation 1) - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B685F55032B" - client @410 - supplier @392 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (149, 1241) - terminal_attachment (149, 709) - drawSupplier @393) - (object InheritView "" @421 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B684A1302A2" - client @410 - supplier @396 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (256, 1241) - terminal_attachment (256, 1203) - drawSupplier @398) - (object InheritView "" @422 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B7FCC4A0182" - client @411 - supplier @399 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (284, 505) - terminal_attachment (284, 465) - drawSupplier @402) - (object InheritView "" @423 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B684A640279" - client @409 - supplier @390 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2002, 505) - terminal_attachment (2002, 465) - drawSupplier @394) - (object InheritView "" @424 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6848AA01D3" - client @390 - supplier @387 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1569, 265) - terminal_attachment (1569, 225) - drawSupplier @389) - (object InheritView "" @425 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B684A3A0041" - client @407 - supplier @390 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1490, 505) - terminal_attachment (1490, 465) - drawSupplier @394) - (object InheritView "" @426 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6848FC01E7" - client @395 - supplier @392 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (510, 745) - terminal_attachment (510, 709) - drawSupplier @393) - (object InheritView "" @427 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B7FCAC800D2" - client @412 - supplier @417 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1321, 1225) - terminal_attachment (1321, 947) - drawSupplier @418) - (object InheritView "" @428 - stereotype (object SegLabel @429 - Parent_View @428 - location (2137, 886) - font (object Font - size 8) - anchor 10 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 238 - justify 0 - label "<<mixin>>" - pctDist 0.215812 - height 64 - orientation 0) - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B685F17002E" - client @404 - supplier @390 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2200, 1001) - terminal_attachment (2200, 465) - drawSupplier @394) - (object InheritView "" @430 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69EDEE01BF" - client @404 - supplier @400 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2093, 1001) - terminal_attachment (2093, 950) - drawSupplier @401) - (object InheritView "" @431 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B7FCAB1004D" - client @396 - supplier @417 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (450, 1001) - terminal_attachment (450, 947) - drawSupplier @418) - (object InheritView "" @432 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B7FCD640231" - client @399 - supplier @387 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (147, 265) - terminal_attachment (147, 225) - drawSupplier @389) - (object InheritView "" @433 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D84F70092" - client @415 - supplier @387 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2012, 265) - terminal_attachment (2012, 225) - drawSupplier @389) - (object InheritView "" @434 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6848B80286" - client @392 - supplier @387 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (834, 505) - terminal_attachment (834, 225) - drawSupplier @389) - (object InheritView "" @435 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BA0CEA20197" - client @388 - supplier @387 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1350, 505) - terminal_attachment (1350, 225) - drawSupplier @389) - (object InheritView "" @436 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69E1770116" - client @414 - supplier @387 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (572, 265) - terminal_attachment (572, 225) - drawSupplier @389) - (object InheritView "" @437 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69B7DC0193" - client @403 - supplier @400 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1693, 1221) - terminal_attachment (1693, 950) - drawSupplier @401) - (object InheritView "" @438 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B684AA30242" - client @405 - supplier @388 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1590, 1432) - terminal_attachment (1590, 706) - drawSupplier @391) - (object InheritView "" @439 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B68494302F1" - client @406 - supplier @388 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1431, 1432) - terminal_attachment (1431, 706) - drawSupplier @391) - (object InheritView "" @440 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C290A26036D" - client @417 - supplier @388 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (959, 745) - terminal_attachment (959, 706) - drawSupplier @391) - (object InheritView "" @441 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C290A2C0307" - client @400 - supplier @388 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1872, 745) - terminal_attachment (1872, 706) - drawSupplier @391) - (object InheritView "" @442 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B7FCAC40090" - client @408 - supplier @417 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (962, 1001) - terminal_attachment (962, 947) - drawSupplier @418) - (object InheritView "" @443 - stereotype (object SegLabel @444 - Parent_View @443 - location (95, 1388) - font (object Font - size 8) - anchor 10 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 187 - justify 0 - label "<<mixin>>" - pctDist 0.042531 - height 67 - orientation 1) - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69BAA20310" - client @413 - supplier @399 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (28, 1429) - terminal_attachment (28, 465) - drawSupplier @402) - (object InheritView "" @445 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BA0D01901F1" - client @413 - supplier @396 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (656, 1429) - terminal_attachment (656, 1203) - drawSupplier @398))) - (object ClassDiagram "2. Component Relations (Part 1 : Structures)" - quid "374B18190028" - title "2. Component Relations (Part 1 : Structures)" - zoom 96 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDScope" @446 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (784, 1632) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @446 - location (670, 1591) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 228 - justify 0 - label "XSDScope") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B69B54000F2" - width 246 - height 107 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDFeature" @447 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (192, 1632) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @447 - location (66, 1591) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 252 - justify 0 - label "XSDFeature") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B69B537026C" - width 270 - height 107 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$128" @448 - location (494, 1627) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69B653017A" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "scope" @449 - Parent_View @448 - location (286, -485) - label (object SegLabel @450 - Parent_View @449 - location (555, 1589) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 132 - justify 0 - label "+scope" - pctDist 0.371257 - height 39 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69B654006D" - client @448 - supplier @446 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (494, 1627) - terminal_attachment (661, 1627) - label (object SegLabel @451 - Parent_View @449 - location (576, 1664) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.491018 - height 37 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$129" @452 - Parent_View @448 - location (286, -485) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69B654006E" - client @448 - supplier @447 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (494, 1627) - terminal_attachment (327, 1627)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDTerm" @453 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2192, 1232) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @453 - location (2084, 1191) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 216 - justify 0 - label "XSDTerm") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B683C5E0174" - width 234 - height 107 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDParticle" @454 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2176, 992) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @454 - location (2051, 951) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 250 - justify 0 - label "XSDParticle") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682BBD01F7" - width 268 - height 107 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$160" @455 - location (2229, 1112) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B683C890122" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$161" @456 - Parent_View @455 - location (549, -248) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B683C8A0110" - client @455 - supplier @454 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2229, 1112) - terminal_attachment (2229, 1045)) - (object RoleView "term" @457 - Parent_View @455 - location (549, -248) - label (object SegLabel @458 - Parent_View @457 - location (2157, 1121) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 108 - justify 0 - label "+term" - pctDist 0.134328 - height 72 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B683C8A0111" - client @455 - supplier @453 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2229, 1112) - terminal_attachment (2229, 1179) - label (object SegLabel @459 - Parent_View @457 - location (2274, 1119) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.119403 - height 45 - orientation 0)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDComplexTypeContent" @460 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1328, 1232) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @460 - location (1076, 1191) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 504 - justify 0 - label "XSDComplexTypeContent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B683BA00196" - width 522 - height 107 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDModelGroup" @461 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2144, 768) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @461 - location (1977, 727) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 334 - justify 0 - label "XSDModelGroup") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6834E00291" - width 352 - height 107 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$148" @462 - location (2219, 880) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B683606026F" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$149" @463 - Parent_View @462 - location (-357, -240) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6836070221" - client @462 - supplier @461 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2219, 880) - terminal_attachment (2219, 821)) - (object RoleView "particles" @464 - Parent_View @462 - location (-357, -240) - label (object SegLabel @465 - Parent_View @464 - location (2105, 888) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 180 - justify 0 - label "+particles" - pctDist 0.156627 - height 115 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6836070222" - client @462 - supplier @454 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2219, 880) - terminal_attachment (2219, 939) - label (object SegLabel @466 - Parent_View @464 - location (2281, 888) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "1..*" - pctDist 0.156627 - height 62 - orientation 0)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDWildcard" @467 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1776, 992) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @467 - location (1639, 951) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 274 - justify 0 - label "XSDWildcard") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6838370031" - width 292 - height 107 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeUse" @468 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1072, 1424) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @468 - location (905, 1383) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 334 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeUse") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B68354601A8" - width 352 - height 107 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSimpleTypeDefinition" @469 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (432, 992) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @469 - location (187, 951) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 490 - justify 0 - label "XSDSimpleTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682BA7005D" - width 508 - height 107 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$194" @470 - location (590, 1140) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D35AB0273" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$195" @471 - Parent_View @470 - location (302, 148) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D35B20291" - client @470 - supplier @469 - vertices (list Points - (590, 1140) - (540, 1140) - (540, 1045)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (590, 1140) - terminal_attachment (540, 1045)) - (object RoleView "baseTypeDefinition" @472 - Parent_View @470 - location (302, 148) - label (object SegLabel @473 - Parent_View @472 - location (643, 1171) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 372 - justify 0 - label "+baseTypeDefinition" - pctDist 1.053571 - height 31 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D35B202A5" - client @470 - supplier @469 - vertices (list Points - (590, 1140) - (641, 1140) - (641, 1045)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (590, 1140) - terminal_attachment (641, 1045) - label (object SegLabel @474 - Parent_View @472 - location (584, 1097) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist -0.122449 - height 44 - orientation 0)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDComplexTypeDefinition" @475 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1008, 992) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @475 - location (745, 951) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 526 - justify 0 - label "XSDComplexTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682B82031A" - width 544 - height 107 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$96" @476 - location (1119, 1112) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6837DF024F" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$97" @477 - Parent_View @476 - location (-1569, -8) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6837E100FD" - client @476 - supplier @475 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1119, 1112) - terminal_attachment (1119, 1045)) - (object RoleView "contentType" @478 - Parent_View @476 - location (-1569, -8) - label (object SegLabel @479 - Parent_View @478 - location (1259, 1126) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 252 - justify 0 - label "+contentType" - pctDist 0.208955 - height 140 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6837E100FE" - client @476 - supplier @460 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1119, 1112) - terminal_attachment (1119, 1179) - label (object SegLabel @480 - Parent_View @478 - location (1063, 1126) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.208955 - height 57 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$102" @481 - location (1455, 982) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6851BA0126" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$103" @482 - Parent_View @481 - location (159, -570) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6851BB0150" - client @481 - supplier @475 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1455, 982) - terminal_attachment (1280, 982)) - (object RoleView "attributeWildcard" @483 - Parent_View @481 - location (159, -570) - label (object SegLabel @484 - Parent_View @483 - location (1445, 929) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 336 - justify 0 - label "+attributeWildcard" - pctDist -0.062857 - height 54 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6851BB0151" - client @481 - supplier @467 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1455, 982) - terminal_attachment (1630, 982) - label (object SegLabel @485 - Parent_View @483 - location (1550, 1022) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.542857 - height 40 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$98" @486 - location (921, 1208) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B683959006E" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$99" @487 - Parent_View @486 - location (-871, -376) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6839590349" - client @486 - supplier @475 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (921, 1208) - terminal_attachment (921, 1045)) - (object RoleView "attributeUses" @488 - Parent_View @486 - location (-871, -376) - label (object SegLabel @489 - Parent_View @488 - location (778, 1251) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 264 - justify 0 - label "+attributeUses" - pctDist 0.269939 - height 144 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B683959034A" - client @486 - supplier @468 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (921, 1208) - terminal_attachment (921, 1371) - label (object SegLabel @490 - Parent_View @488 - location (979, 1254) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.288344 - height 58 - orientation 0)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDXPathDefinition" @491 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1312, 768) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @491 - location (1122, 727) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 380 - justify 0 - label "XSDXPathDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6D83BB0355" - width 398 - height 107 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDNotationDeclaration" @492 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1856, 1632) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @492 - location (1623, 1591) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 466 - justify 0 - label "XSDNotationDeclaration") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66EDAA021C" - width 484 - height 107 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDModelGroupDefinition" @493 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2048, 448) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @493 - location (1803, 407) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 490 - justify 0 - label "XSDModelGroupDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED9A0205" - width 508 - height 107 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$152" @494 - location (2216, 608) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6837AC025A" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$153" @495 - Parent_View @494 - location (-552, -816) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6837AD0338" - client @494 - supplier @493 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2216, 608) - terminal_attachment (2216, 501)) - (object RoleView "modelGroup" @496 - Parent_View @494 - location (-552, -816) - label (object SegLabel @497 - Parent_View @496 - location (2080, 628) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 252 - justify 0 - label "+modelGroup" - pctDist 0.182609 - height 137 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6837AD0339" - client @494 - supplier @461 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2216, 608) - terminal_attachment (2216, 715) - label (object SegLabel @498 - Parent_View @496 - location (2256, 633) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.233645 - height 40 - orientation 0)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeGroupDefinition" @499 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1888, 1424) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @499 - location (1619, 1383) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 538 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeGroupDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED840290" - width 556 - height 107 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$82" @500 - location (1676, 1208) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6887BF0150" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$83" @501 - Parent_View @500 - location (412, -344) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6887C000A7" - client @500 - supplier @499 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1676, 1208) - terminal_attachment (1676, 1371)) - (object RoleView "attributeWildcard" @502 - Parent_View @500 - location (412, -344) - label (object SegLabel @503 - Parent_View @502 - location (1857, 1106) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 336 - justify 0 - label "+attributeWildcard" - pctDist 0.625767 - height 181 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6887C000A8" - client @500 - supplier @467 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1676, 1208) - terminal_attachment (1676, 1045) - label (object SegLabel @504 - Parent_View @502 - location (1618, 1108) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.619632 - height 59 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$78" @505 - location (1429, 1438) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B68359F0086" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$79" @506 - Parent_View @505 - location (-363, -146) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6835A00069" - client @505 - supplier @499 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1429, 1438) - terminal_attachment (1610, 1438)) - (object RoleView "attributeUses" @507 - Parent_View @505 - location (-363, -146) - label (object SegLabel @508 - Parent_View @507 - location (1405, 1506) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 264 - justify 0 - label "+attributeUses" - pctDist 0.132597 - height 68 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6835A0006A" - client @505 - supplier @468 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1429, 1438) - terminal_attachment (1248, 1438) - label (object SegLabel @509 - Parent_View @507 - location (1327, 1391) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.563536 - height 48 - orientation 1)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeDeclaration" @510 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (416, 1424) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @510 - location (183, 1383) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 466 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeDeclaration") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED2E0192" - width 484 - height 107 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$86" @511 - location (777, 1425) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B683585010D" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$87" @512 - Parent_View @511 - location (-519, -367) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B68358600FA" - client @511 - supplier @468 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (777, 1425) - terminal_attachment (896, 1425)) - (object RoleView "attributeDeclaration" @513 - Parent_View @511 - location (-519, -367) - label (object SegLabel @514 - Parent_View @513 - location (784, 1508) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 372 - justify 0 - label "+attributeDeclaration" - pctDist -0.059259 - height 83 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B68358600FB" - client @511 - supplier @510 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (777, 1425) - terminal_attachment (658, 1425) - label (object SegLabel @515 - Parent_View @513 - location (721, 1385) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.472441 - height 41 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$70" @516 - location (237, 1208) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B68356B02CB" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$71" @517 - Parent_View @516 - location (-1043, 72) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B68356D00A6" - client @516 - supplier @510 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (237, 1208) - terminal_attachment (237, 1371)) - (object RoleView "typeDefinition" @518 - Parent_View @516 - location (-1043, 72) - label (object SegLabel @519 - Parent_View @518 - location (388, 1247) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 276 - justify 0 - label "+typeDefinition" - pctDist -0.239264 - height 151 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B68356D00A7" - client @516 - supplier @469 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (237, 1208) - terminal_attachment (237, 1045) - label (object SegLabel @520 - Parent_View @518 - location (195, 1247) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist -0.239264 - height 43 - orientation 0)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDTypeDefinition" @521 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (384, 784) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @521 - location (198, 743) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 372 - justify 0 - label "XSDTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B66ECD302A9" - width 390 - height 107 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$92" @522 - location (728, 775) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6833350340" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$93" @523 - Parent_View @522 - location (-856, -57) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B683336028D" - client @522 - supplier @475 - vertices (list Points - (728, 775) - (788, 775) - (788, 939)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (728, 775) - terminal_attachment (788, 939)) - (object RoleView "baseTypeDefinition" @524 - Parent_View @522 - location (-856, -57) - label (object SegLabel @525 - Parent_View @524 - location (558, 883) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 372 - justify 0 - label "+baseTypeDefinition" - pctDist 1.140940 - height 108 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B683336028E" - client @522 - supplier @521 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (728, 775) - terminal_attachment (579, 775) - label (object SegLabel @526 - Parent_View @524 - location (750, 812) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist -0.152439 - height 37 - orientation 0)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition" @527 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1312, 448) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @527 - location (1017, 407) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 590 - justify 0 - label "XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682B2603A2" - width 608 - height 107 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$134" @528 - location (1629, 574) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69D29E014D" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "referencedKey" @529 - Parent_View @528 - location (-83, 94) - label (object SegLabel @530 - Parent_View @529 - location (1761, 608) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 288 - justify 0 - label "+referencedKey" - pctDist -1.797297 - height 34 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69D2A80165" - client @528 - supplier @527 - vertices (list Points - (1629, 574) - (1555, 574) - (1555, 501)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1629, 574) - terminal_attachment (1555, 501) - label (object SegLabel @531 - Parent_View @529 - location (1622, 539) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.047619 - height 36 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$135" @532 - Parent_View @528 - location (-83, 94) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69D2A8016F" - client @528 - supplier @527 - vertices (list Points - (1629, 574) - (1689, 574) - (1689, 444) - (1616, 444)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1629, 574) - terminal_attachment (1616, 444)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$138" @533 - location (1197, 608) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D8D330025" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$139" @534 - Parent_View @533 - location (-115, 32) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D8D330365" - client @533 - supplier @527 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1197, 608) - terminal_attachment (1197, 501)) - (object RoleView "fields" @535 - Parent_View @533 - location (-115, 32) - label (object SegLabel @536 - Parent_View @535 - location (1119, 655) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 120 - justify 0 - label "+fields" - pctDist 0.439252 - height 78 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D8D330379" - client @533 - supplier @491 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1197, 608) - terminal_attachment (1197, 715) - label (object SegLabel @537 - Parent_View @535 - location (1253, 654) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "1..*" - pctDist 0.429907 - height 56 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$136" @538 - location (1415, 608) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D8D3D003E" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$137" @539 - Parent_View @538 - location (103, 32) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D8D3E022A" - client @538 - supplier @527 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1415, 608) - terminal_attachment (1415, 501)) - (object RoleView "selector" @540 - Parent_View @538 - location (103, 32) - label (object SegLabel @541 - Parent_View @540 - location (1513, 651) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 168 - justify 0 - label "+selector" - pctDist 0.411215 - height 98 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D8D3E0234" - client @538 - supplier @491 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1415, 608) - terminal_attachment (1415, 715) - label (object SegLabel @542 - Parent_View @540 - location (1381, 650) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.392523 - height 34 - orientation 1)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchema" @543 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - location (1312, 160) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @543 - location (1022, 68) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 581 - justify 0 - label "XSDSchema") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "374B182500BB" - width 599 - height 209 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$180" @544 - location (2395, 606) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B66EEA7023E" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$181" @545 - Parent_View @544 - location (-853, 174) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B66EEA8038A" - client @544 - supplier @543 - vertices (list Points - (2395, 606) - (2395, 65) - (1611, 65)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2395, 606) - terminal_attachment (1611, 65)) - (object RoleView "notationDeclarations" @546 - Parent_View @544 - location (-853, 174) - label (object SegLabel @547 - Parent_View @546 - location (2089, 104) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 396 - justify 0 - label "+notationDeclarations" - pctDist -0.489776 - height 307 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B66EEA8038B" - client @544 - supplier @492 - vertices (list Points - (2395, 606) - (2395, 1633) - (2098, 1633)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2395, 606) - terminal_attachment (2098, 1633) - label (object SegLabel @548 - Parent_View @546 - location (2344, 105) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist -0.487829 - height 52 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$176" @549 - location (1772, 249) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B66EEFF024F" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - 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(object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$172" @554 - location (2346, 518) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B66EE920216" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$173" @555 - Parent_View @554 - location (154, 86) - label (object SegLabel @556 - Parent_View @555 - location (1872, 1857) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 60 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist -3.630072 - height 475 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B66EE93018B" - client @554 - supplier @543 - vertices (list Points - (2346, 518) - (2346, 149) - (1611, 149)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2346, 518) - terminal_attachment (1611, 149)) - (object RoleView "attributeGroupDefinitions" @557 - Parent_View @554 - location (154, 86) - label (object SegLabel @558 - Parent_View @557 - location (2008, 195) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 468 - justify 0 - label "+attributeGroupDefinitions" - pctDist -0.349946 - height 339 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B66EE93018C" - client @554 - supplier @499 - vertices (list Points - (2346, 518) - (2346, 1441) - (2166, 1441)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2346, 518) - terminal_attachment (2166, 1441) - label (object SegLabel @559 - Parent_View @557 - location (2299, 197) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist -0.348862 - height 48 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$174" @560 - location (203, 159) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B66EE760049" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$175" @561 - Parent_View @560 - location (-485, -273) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B66EE760374" - client @560 - supplier @543 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (203, 159) - terminal_attachment (1013, 159)) - (object RoleView "typeDefinitions" @562 - Parent_View @560 - location (-485, -273) - label (object SegLabel @563 - Parent_View @562 - location (349, 196) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 288 - justify 0 - label "+typeDefinitions" - pctDist -1.475728 - height 37 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B66EE76037E" - client @560 - supplier @521 - vertices (list Points - (203, 159) - (104, 159) - (104, 784) - (189, 784)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (203, 159) - terminal_attachment (189, 784) - label (object SegLabel @564 - Parent_View @562 - location (155, 200) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.059701 - height 41 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$178" @565 - location (1087, 329) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BFC2A1701ED" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$179" @566 - Parent_View @565 - location (-577, -23) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BFC2A1A0273" - client @565 - supplier @543 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1087, 329) - terminal_attachment (1087, 264)) - (object RoleView "identityConstraintDefinitions" @567 - Parent_View @565 - location (-577, -23) - label (object SegLabel @568 - Parent_View @567 - location (1375, 338) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 528 - justify 0 - label "+identityConstraintDefinitions" - pctDist 0.130952 - height 288 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BFC2A1A027D" - client @565 - supplier @527 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1087, 329) - terminal_attachment (1087, 395) - label (object SegLabel @569 - Parent_View @567 - location (1018, 336) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.107143 - height 70 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$170" @570 - location (48, 320) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B66FDFA00C3" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$171" @571 - Parent_View @570 - location (-1072, -288) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B66FDFB027D" - client @570 - supplier @543 - vertices (list Points - (49, 322) - (49, 68) - (1013, 68)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (49, 322) - terminal_attachment (1013, 68)) - (object RoleView "attributeDeclarations" @572 - Parent_View @570 - location (-1072, -288) - label (object SegLabel @573 - Parent_View @572 - location (338, 106) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 396 - justify 0 - label "+attributeDeclarations" - pctDist -0.198536 - height 289 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B66FDFB027E" - client @570 - supplier @510 - vertices (list Points - (49, 322) - (49, 1415) - (174, 1415)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (49, 322) - terminal_attachment (174, 1415) - label (object SegLabel @574 - Parent_View @572 - location (91, 108) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist -0.196706 - height 42 - orientation 0)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDElementDeclaration" @575 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (416, 448) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @575 - location (175, 412) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 483 - justify 0 - label "XSDElementDeclaration") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED580214" - width 501 - height 97 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$120" @576 - location (499, 589) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69C0590198" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$121" @577 - Parent_View @576 - location (-13, 109) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69C05D01E3" - client @576 - supplier @575 - vertices (list Points - (499, 589) - (452, 589) - (452, 496)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (499, 589) - terminal_attachment (452, 496)) - (object RoleView "substitutionGroupAffiliation" @578 - Parent_View @576 - location (-13, 109) - label (object SegLabel @579 - Parent_View @578 - location (811, 585) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 504 - justify 0 - label "+substitutionGroupAffiliation" - pctDist 6.520833 - height 5 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69C05D01ED" - client @576 - supplier @575 - vertices (list Points - (499, 589) - (547, 589) - (547, 496)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (499, 589) - terminal_attachment (547, 496) - label (object SegLabel @580 - Parent_View @578 - location (499, 559) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.000000 - height 31 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$114" @581 - location (241, 613) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B68338C0058" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$115" @582 - Parent_View @581 - location (-1343, -219) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B68338C03BF" - client @581 - supplier @575 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (241, 613) - terminal_attachment (241, 496)) - (object RoleView "typeDefinition" @583 - Parent_View @581 - location (-1343, -219) - label (object SegLabel @584 - Parent_View @583 - location (408, 694) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 276 - justify 0 - label "+typeDefinition" - pctDist 0.686441 - height 167 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B68338C03C0" - client @581 - supplier @521 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (241, 613) - terminal_attachment (241, 731) - label (object SegLabel @585 - Parent_View @583 - location (202, 685) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.610169 - height 39 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$116" @586 - location (837, 460) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6833EF0160" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$117" @587 - Parent_View @586 - location (-1819, -68) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6833F00298" - client @586 - supplier @575 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (837, 460) - terminal_attachment (666, 460)) - (object RoleView "identityConstraintDefinitions" @588 - Parent_View @586 - location (-1819, -68) - label (object SegLabel @589 - Parent_View @588 - location (880, 528) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 528 - justify 0 - label "+identityConstraintDefinitions" - pctDist 0.251462 - height 68 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6833F00299" - client @586 - supplier @527 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (837, 460) - terminal_attachment (1008, 460) - label (object SegLabel @590 - Parent_View @588 - location (859, 407) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.130435 - height 54 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$168" @591 - location (541, 246) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B66EE8D01BF" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$169" @592 - Parent_View @591 - location (-1123, -186) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B66EE8E0198" - client @591 - supplier @543 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (541, 246) - terminal_attachment (1013, 246)) - (object RoleView "elementDeclarations" @593 - Parent_View @591 - location (-1123, -186) - label (object SegLabel @594 - Parent_View @593 - location (443, 335) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 396 - justify 0 - label "+elementDeclarations" - pctDist 0.209302 - height 89 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B66EE8E0199" - client @591 - supplier @575 - vertices (list Points - (541, 246) - (224, 246) - (224, 400)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (541, 246) - terminal_attachment (224, 400) - label (object SegLabel @595 - Parent_View @593 - location (186, 335) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.864693 - height 39 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$122" @596 - location (353, 621) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C42DBDD0297" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$123" @597 - Parent_View @596 - location (-63, 173) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C42DBE0011E" - client @596 - supplier @575 - vertices (list Points - (353, 621) - (306, 621) - (306, 496)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (353, 621) - terminal_attachment (306, 496)) - (object RoleView "substitutionGroup" @598 - Parent_View @596 - location (-63, 173) - label (object SegLabel @599 - Parent_View @598 - location (579, 636) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 348 - justify 0 - label "+substitutionGroup" - pctDist 4.808511 - height 15 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C42DBE00128" - client @596 - supplier @575 - vertices (list Points - (353, 621) - (400, 621) - (400, 496)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (353, 621) - terminal_attachment (400, 496) - label (object SegLabel @600 - Parent_View @598 - location (350, 583) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist -0.069767 - height 39 - orientation 0)))))) - (object ClassDiagram "3. Component Attributes (Part 1 : Structures)" - quid "3B69E78602C5" - title "3. Component Attributes (Part 1 : Structures)" - zoom 100 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDNamedComponent" @601 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (304, 128) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @601 - location (46, 47) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 516 - justify 0 - label "XSDNamedComponent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6846D303A4" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @601 - location (46, 107) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 482 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ name : String" - "+ targetNamespace : String")) - width 534 - height 186 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDParticle" @602 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (288, 1648) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @602 - location (41, 1567) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 494 - justify 0 - label "XSDParticle") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682BBD01F7" - width 512 - height 186 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDComplexTypeDefinition" @603 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2368, 1680) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @603 - location (1781, 1524) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 1174 - justify 0 - label "XSDComplexTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682B82031A" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @603 - location (1781, 1584) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 5 - max_width 1139 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ derivationMethod : XSDDerivationMethod = restriction" - "<<0..*>> + final : XSDComplexFinal" - "+ abstract : boolean" - "+ contentTypeCategory : XSDContentTypeCategory" - "<<0..*>> + prohibitedSubstitutions : XSDProhibitedSubstitutions")) - width 1192 - height 336 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @604 - location (463, 362) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @601 - vertices (list Points - (463, 362) - (463, 221))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSimpleTypeDefinition" @605 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1408, 1600) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @605 - location (1094, 1519) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 628 - justify 0 - label "XSDSimpleTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682BA7005D" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @605 - location (1094, 1579) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 592 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ variety : XSDVariety" - "<<0..*>> + final : XSDSimpleFinal")) - width 646 - height 186 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeUse" @606 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (912, 144) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @606 - location (647, 38) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 530 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeUse") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B68354601A8" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @606 - location (647, 98) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 3 - max_width 502 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ required : boolean" - "+ value : Value" - "+ constraint : XSDConstraint")) - width 548 - height 236 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDWildcard" @607 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (688, 1936) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @607 - location (45, 1830) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 1286 - justify 0 - label "XSDWildcard") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6838370031" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @607 - location (45, 1890) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 3 - max_width 1260 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ namespaceConstraintCategory : XSDNamespaceConstraintCategory" - "<<0..*>> + namespaceConstraint : String" - "+ processContents : XSDProcessContents")) - width 1304 - height 236 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDModelGroup" @608 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (336, 1440) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @608 - location (47, 1384) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 578 - justify 0 - label "XSDModelGroup") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6834E00291" - width 596 - height 136 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDFeature" @609 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (304, 512) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @609 - location (36, 431) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 536 - justify 0 - label "XSDFeature") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B69B537026C" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @609 - location (36, 491) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 506 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ value : Value" - "+ constraint : XSDConstraint")) - width 554 - height 186 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @610 - location (294, 697) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @609 - vertices (list Points - (294, 697) - (294, 605))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDXPathDefinition" @611 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2256, 128) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @611 - location (1995, 47) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 522 - justify 0 - label "XSDXPathDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6D83BB0355" - width 540 - height 186 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDRedefinableComponent" @612 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2688, 512) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @612 - location (2418, 460) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 540 - justify 0 - label "XSDRedefinableComponent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B7FCA8B020B" - width 558 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @613 - location (2684, 962) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @612 - vertices (list Points - (2684, 962) - (2684, 576))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDCompositor" @614 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (208, 1200) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @614 - location (45, 1116) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 326 - justify 0 - label "XSDCompositor") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @614 - location (45, 1066) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 326 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B869B620037" - width 344 - height 292 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDConstraint" @615 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (800, 528) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @615 - location (638, 469) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 324 - justify 0 - label "XSDConstraint") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @615 - location (638, 419) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 324 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B869E2601AE" - width 342 - height 242 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDDerivationMethod" @616 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2192, 2272) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @616 - location (1980, 2213) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 424 - justify 0 - label "XSDDerivationMethod") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @616 - location (1980, 2163) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 424 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B86A0B000CE" - width 442 - height 242 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDIdentityConstraintCategory" @617 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1584, 176) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @617 - location (1281, 88) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 607 - justify 0 - label "XSDIdentityConstraintCategory") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @617 - location (1281, 38) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 607 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B86A1E00272" - width 625 - height 300 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDContentTypeCategory" @618 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2704, 2224) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @618 - location (2456, 2115) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 496 - justify 0 - label "XSDContentTypeCategory") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @618 - location (2456, 2065) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 496 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B86A79F03A2" - width 514 - height 342 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDVariety" @619 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (880, 1600) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @619 - location (708, 1516) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 344 - justify 0 - label "XSDVariety") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @619 - location (708, 1466) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 344 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B8FF7730249" - width 362 - height 292 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDProcessContents" @620 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (976, 2240) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @620 - location (766, 2156) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 420 - justify 0 - label "XSDProcessContents") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @620 - location (766, 2106) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 420 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B8FF8C70284" - width 438 - height 292 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDXPathVariety" @621 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2768, 160) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @621 - location (2587, 97) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 363 - justify 0 - label "XSDXPathVariety") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @621 - location (2587, 47) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 363 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B8FFB89033A" - width 381 - height 250 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSimpleFinal" @622 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1552, 1872) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @622 - location (1389, 1788) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 326 - justify 0 - label "XSDSimpleFinal") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @622 - location (1389, 1738) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 326 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B97C25D0295" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @622 - location (1389, 1848) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 3 - max_width 199 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ list" - "+ restriction" - "+ union")) - width 344 - height 292 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDComplexFinal" @623 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1968, 2000) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @623 - location (1786, 1941) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 364 - justify 0 - label "XSDComplexFinal") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @623 - location (1786, 1891) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 364 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B97C2CA01CB" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @623 - location (1786, 2001) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 202 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ extension" - "+ restriction")) - width 382 - height 242 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSubstitutionGroupExclusions" @624 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (800, 1184) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @624 - location (485, 1125) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 630 - justify 0 - label "XSDSubstitutionGroupExclusions") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @624 - location (485, 1075) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 630 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B97C59100AE" - width 648 - height 242 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDDisallowedSubstitutions" @625 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1440, 1200) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @625 - location (1171, 1116) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 538 - justify 0 - label "XSDDisallowedSubstitutions") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @625 - location (1171, 1066) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 538 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B97C5A403DF" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @625 - location (1171, 1176) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 3 - max_width 236 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ substitution" - "+ extension" - "+ restriction")) - width 556 - height 292 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDProhibitedSubstitutions" @626 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1664, 2272) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @626 - location (1398, 2213) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 532 - justify 0 - label "XSDProhibitedSubstitutions") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @626 - location (1398, 2163) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 532 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B97C5BE0272" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @626 - location (1398, 2273) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 202 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ extension" - "+ restriction")) - width 550 - height 242 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDNamespaceConstraintCategory" @627 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (384, 2240) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @627 - location (45, 2154) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 678 - justify 0 - label "XSDNamespaceConstraintCategory") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @627 - location (45, 2104) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 678 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B97C5EA0023" - width 696 - height 296 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDElementDeclaration" @628 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1264, 880) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @628 - location (571, 749) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 1386 - justify 0 - label "XSDElementDeclaration") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED580214" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @628 - location (571, 809) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 4 - max_width 1357 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ nillable : boolean" - "<<0..*>> + disallowedSubstitutions : XSDDisallowedSubstitutions" - "<<0..*>> + substitutionGroupExclusions : XSDSubstitutionGroupExclusions" - "+ abstract : boolean")) - width 1404 - height 286 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @629 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69EDEE01BF" - client @628 - supplier @609 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (681, 737) - terminal_attachment (681, 697) - drawSupplier @610) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeDeclaration" @630 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (272, 864) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @630 - location (35, 812) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 474 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeDeclaration") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED2E0192" - width 492 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeGroupDefinition" @631 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2688, 1152) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @631 - location (2420, 1100) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 536 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeGroupDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED840290" - width 554 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @632 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B7FCAC800D2" - client @631 - supplier @612 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2862, 1088) - terminal_attachment (2862, 962) - drawSupplier @613) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDTypeDefinition" @633 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2352, 1312) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @633 - location (2168, 1261) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 368 - justify 0 - label "XSDTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B66ECD302A9" - width 386 - height 126 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @634 - location (2375, 1465) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @633 - vertices (list Points - (2375, 1465) - (2375, 1375))) - (object InheritView "" @635 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B7FCAB1004D" - client @633 - supplier @612 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2368, 1249) - terminal_attachment (2368, 962) - drawSupplier @613) - (object InheritView "" @636 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BA0D01901F1" - client @603 - supplier @633 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2818, 1512) - terminal_attachment (2818, 1465) - drawSupplier @634) - (object InheritView "" @637 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B684A1302A2" - client @605 - supplier @633 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1406, 1507) - terminal_attachment (1406, 1465) - drawSupplier @634) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDModelGroupDefinition" @638 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2064, 1152) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @638 - location (1818, 1101) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 492 - justify 0 - label "XSDModelGroupDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED9A0205" - width 510 - height 126 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @639 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B7FCAC40090" - client @638 - supplier @612 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2115, 1089) - terminal_attachment (2115, 962) - drawSupplier @613) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition" @640 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1600, 528) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @640 - location (1034, 468) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 1132 - justify 0 - label "XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682B2603A2" - width 1150 - height 144 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @641 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B684AA30242" - client @640 - supplier @601 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1568, 456) - terminal_attachment (1568, 362) - drawSupplier @604) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDNotationDeclaration" @642 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2320, 784) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @642 - location (2078, 703) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 484 - justify 0 - label "XSDNotationDeclaration") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66EDAA021C" - width 502 - height 186 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchema" @643 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (176, 320) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @643 - location (43, 268) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 266 - justify 0 - label "XSDSchema") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "374B182500BB" - width 284 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @644 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B68494302F1" - client @642 - supplier @601 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2290, 691) - terminal_attachment (2290, 362) - drawSupplier @604) - (object InheritView "" @645 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69B7DC0193" - client @630 - supplier @609 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (141, 800) - terminal_attachment (141, 697) - drawSupplier @610) - (object InheritView "" @646 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C290A2C0307" - client @609 - supplier @601 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (372, 419) - terminal_attachment (372, 362) - drawSupplier @604) - (object InheritView "" @647 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C290A26036D" - client @612 - supplier @601 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2687, 448) - terminal_attachment (2687, 362) - drawSupplier @604))) - (object ClassDiagram "4. Component Hierarchy, Relations and Attributes (Part 2: Datatypes)" - quid "3B6C3265005F" - title "4. Component Hierarchy, Relations and Attributes (Part 2: Datatypes)" - zoom 100 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDFixedFacet" @648 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (192, 896) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @648 - location (32, 840) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 320 - justify 0 - label "XSDFixedFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6C699E00C1" - width 338 - height 136 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDRepeatableFacet" @649 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (720, 896) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @649 - location (504, 845) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 432 - justify 0 - label "XSDRepeatableFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6C6AA6031A" - width 450 - height 126 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDEnumerationFacet" @650 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (496, 1168) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @650 - location (266, 1112) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 460 - justify 0 - label "XSDEnumerationFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C6ACE0141" - width 478 - height 136 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDPatternFacet" @651 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1008, 1168) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @651 - location (777, 1112) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 462 - justify 0 - label "XSDPatternFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C6ADB026C" - width 480 - height 136 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @652 - location (718, 1049) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @649 - vertices (list Points - (718, 1049) - (718, 959))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDOrderedFacet" @653 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2000, 928) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @653 - location (1799, 872) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 402 - justify 0 - label "XSDOrderedFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C74DD0248" - width 420 - height 136 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDBoundedFacet" @654 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - 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SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1504, 1104) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @656 - location (1319, 1049) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 370 - justify 0 - label "XSDNumericFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C75950206" - width 388 - height 134 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDLengthFacet" @657 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (656, 1376) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @657 - location (491, 1320) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 330 - justify 0 - label "XSDLengthFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C776200E7" - width 348 - height 136 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDMinLengthFacet" @658 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (608, 1552) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @658 - location (405, 1497) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 406 - justify 0 - label "XSDMinLengthFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C778C0065" - width 424 - height 134 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @659 - location (144, 1262) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @648 - vertices (list Points - (144, 1262) - (144, 964))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDMaxLengthFacet" @660 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1216, 1552) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @660 - location (1007, 1497) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 418 - justify 0 - label "XSDMaxLengthFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C77C70146" - width 436 - height 134 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDWhiteSpaceFacet" @661 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1120, 1376) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @661 - location (880, 1320) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 480 - justify 0 - label "XSDWhiteSpaceFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C784601B7" - width 498 - height 136 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDMaxInclusiveFacet" @662 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1312, 1728) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @662 - location (1090, 1676) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 444 - justify 0 - label "XSDMaxInclusiveFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C787D00DA" - width 462 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDMaxExclusiveFacet" @663 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1424, 1904) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @663 - location (1193, 1852) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 462 - justify 0 - label "XSDMaxExclusiveFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C789600C2" - width 480 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDMinInclusiveFacet" @664 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (496, 1728) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @664 - location (282, 1676) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 428 - justify 0 - label "XSDMinInclusiveFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C788702C9" - width 446 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDMinExclusiveFacet" @665 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (352, 1904) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @665 - location (124, 1852) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 456 - justify 0 - label "XSDMinExclusiveFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C792D000A" - width 474 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDTotalDigitsFacet" @666 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (256, 2112) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @666 - location (52, 2056) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 408 - justify 0 - label "XSDTotalDigitsFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C79A0020E" - width 426 - height 136 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDFractionDigitsFacet" @667 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1552, 2112) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @667 - location (1318, 2056) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 468 - justify 0 - label "XSDFractionDigitsFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C79BE02EE" - width 486 - height 136 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @668 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6C6C9D03C7" - client @650 - supplier @649 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (394, 1100) - terminal_attachment (394, 1049) - drawSupplier @652) - (object InheritView "" @669 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6C78620045" - client @661 - supplier @648 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1119, 1308) - terminal_attachment (1119, 1262) - drawSupplier @659) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDComponent" @670 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (336, 160) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @670 - location (174, 117) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 324 - justify 0 - label "XSDComponent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6846E90029" - width 342 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @671 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6C6CA5038D" - client @651 - supplier @649 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1044, 1100) - terminal_attachment (1044, 1049) - drawSupplier @652) - (object InheritView "" @672 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6C778002DF" - client @657 - supplier @648 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (663, 1308) - terminal_attachment (663, 1262) - drawSupplier @659) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDOrdered" @673 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2048, 1408) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @673 - location (1835, 1324) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 426 - justify 0 - label "XSDOrdered") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @673 - location (1835, 1274) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 426 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3BC7715202E4" - width 444 - height 292 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDCardinality" @674 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2048, 1728) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @674 - location (1835, 1669) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 426 - justify 0 - label "XSDCardinality") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @674 - location (1835, 1619) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 426 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3BC7715D009B" - width 444 - height 242 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDWhiteSpace" @675 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2064, 2032) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @675 - location (1861, 1951) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 406 - justify 0 - label "XSDWhiteSpace") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @675 - location (1861, 1901) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 406 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3BEED0F60342" - width 424 - height 287 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::Value" @676 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (880, 2096) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @676 - location (571, 2062) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 618 - justify 0 - label "Value") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @676 - location (571, 2012) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 618 - justify 0 - label "<<datatype>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 14671839 - quidu "3C040B5B031F" - width 636 - height 192 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @677 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6C7B610337" - client @666 - supplier @648 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (75, 2044) - terminal_attachment (75, 1262) - drawSupplier @659) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDMinFacet" @678 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (256, 1376) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @678 - location (113, 1320) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 286 - justify 0 - label "XSDMinFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3C0A1CDE037C" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @678 - location (113, 1380) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 1 - max_width 254 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ value : Value")) - width 304 - height 136 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDMaxFacet" @679 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1584, 1376) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @679 - location (1440, 1320) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 288 - justify 0 - label "XSDMaxFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3C0A1CEB010E" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @679 - location (1440, 1380) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 1 - max_width 258 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ value : Value")) - width 306 - height 136 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @680 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C0A1D240098" - client @678 - supplier @648 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (235, 1308) - terminal_attachment (235, 1262) - drawSupplier @659) - (object InheritView "" @681 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C0A1D3103AD" - client @679 - supplier @648 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1581, 1308) - terminal_attachment (1581, 1262) - drawSupplier @659) - (object InheritView "" @682 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6C7B520353" - client @664 - supplier @678 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (285, 1664) - terminal_attachment (285, 1444)) - 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terminal_attachment (1775, 1262) - drawSupplier @659) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDFacet" @688 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (368, 368) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @688 - location (174, 318) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 388 - justify 0 - label "XSDFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6C359403D2" - width 406 - height 125 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @689 - location (366, 522) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @688 - vertices (list Points - (366, 522) - (366, 430))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDConstrainingFacet" @690 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (256, 624) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @690 - location (34, 573) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 444 - justify 0 - label "XSDConstrainingFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6C6B340093" - width 462 - height 126 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @691 - location (272, 781) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @690 - vertices (list Points - (272, 781) - (272, 687))) - (object InheritView "" @692 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6C6C8F002E" - client @649 - supplier @690 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (594, 833) - terminal_attachment (594, 781) - drawSupplier @691) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDFundamentalFacet" @693 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (752, 624) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @693 - location (526, 573) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 452 - justify 0 - label "XSDFundamentalFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6C69E801D6" - width 470 - height 126 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @694 - location (768, 789) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @693 - vertices (list Points - (768, 789) - (768, 687))) - (object InheritView "" @695 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6C7659012C" - client @653 - supplier @693 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2050, 860) - terminal_attachment (2050, 789) - drawSupplier @694) - (object InheritView "" @696 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6C763C0224" - client @654 - supplier @693 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1525, 860) - terminal_attachment (1525, 789) - drawSupplier @694) - (object InheritView "" @697 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6C764F0131" - client @655 - supplier @693 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2237, 1036) - terminal_attachment (2237, 789) - drawSupplier @694) - (object InheritView "" @698 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6C76420074" - client @656 - supplier @693 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1328, 1037) - terminal_attachment (1328, 789) - drawSupplier @694) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSimpleTypeDefinition" @699 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1456, 160) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @699 - location (1137, 47) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 638 - justify 0 - label "XSDSimpleTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682BA7005D" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @699 - location (1137, 107) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 598 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ variety : XSDVariety" - "<<0..*>> + final : XSDSimpleFinal")) - width 656 - height 250 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$126" @700 - location (775, 178) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D597102EA" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$127" @701 - Parent_View @700 - location (-1209, -46) - label (object SegLabel @702 - Parent_View @701 - location (509, 235) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D59750119" - client @700 - supplier @688 - vertices (list Points - (775, 178) - (550, 178) - (550, 306)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (775, 178) - terminal_attachment (550, 306)) - (object RoleView "simpleTypeDefinition" @703 - Parent_View @700 - location (-1209, -46) - label (object SegLabel @704 - Parent_View @703 - location (875, 136) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 396 - justify 0 - label "+simpleTypeDefinition" - pctDist 0.283133 - height 43 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D59750105" - client @700 - supplier @699 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (775, 178) - terminal_attachment (1128, 178) - label (object SegLabel @705 - Parent_View @703 - location (1061, 215) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.812500 - height 37 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$188" @706 - location (369, 72) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BC8AE0203A8" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "facets" @707 - Parent_View @706 - location (-1615, -152) - label (object SegLabel @708 - Parent_View @707 - location (187, 496) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 132 - justify 0 - label "+facets" - pctDist 0.913863 - height 87 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BC8AE060065" - client @706 - supplier @690 - vertices (list Points - (369, 72) - (100, 72) - (100, 561)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (369, 72) - terminal_attachment (100, 561) - label (object SegLabel @709 - 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roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$231" @714 - Parent_View @712 - location (-446, 284) - label (object SegLabel @715 - Parent_View @714 - location (1446, 340) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C276DA000DF" - client @712 - supplier @699 - vertices (list Points - (1538, 508) - (1487, 508) - (1487, 285)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1538, 508) - terminal_attachment (1487, 285)) - (object RoleView "itemTypeDefinition" @716 - Parent_View @712 - location (-446, 284) - label (object SegLabel @717 - Parent_View @716 - location (1423, 577) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 360 - justify 0 - label "+itemTypeDefinition" - pctDist -2.211539 - height 69 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C276DA000E0" - client @712 - supplier @699 - vertices (list Points - (1538, 508) - (1590, 508) - 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Parent_View @719 - location (-255, 350) - label (object SegLabel @723 - Parent_View @722 - location (1559, 654) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 444 - justify 0 - label "+memberTypeDefinitions" - pctDist -3.269231 - height 80 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6C34BE0259" - client @719 - supplier @699 - vertices (list Points - (1729, 574) - (1781, 574) - (1781, 285)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1729, 574) - terminal_attachment (1781, 285) - label (object SegLabel @724 - Parent_View @722 - location (1730, 520) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.312121 - height 52 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$192" @725 - location (748, 269) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6C363201DB" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "fundamentalFacets" @726 - Parent_View @725 - location (-1236, 45) - label (object SegLabel @727 - Parent_View @726 - 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terminal_attachment (1128, 269)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$194" @731 - location (1175, 396) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D35AB0273" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$195" @732 - Parent_View @731 - location (-809, 172) - label (object SegLabel @733 - Parent_View @732 - location (1094, 316) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D35B20291" - client @731 - supplier @699 - vertices (list Points - (1175, 396) - (1135, 396) - (1135, 285)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1175, 396) - terminal_attachment (1135, 285)) - (object RoleView "baseTypeDefinition" @734 - Parent_View @731 - location (-809, 172) - label (object SegLabel @735 - Parent_View @734 - location (1074, 443) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 372 - justify 0 - label "+baseTypeDefinition" - pctDist -2.533333 - height 47 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D35B202A5" - client @731 - supplier @699 - vertices (list Points - (1175, 396) - (1215, 396) - (1215, 285)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1175, 396) - terminal_attachment (1215, 285) - label (object SegLabel @736 - Parent_View @734 - location (1172, 359) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist -0.096154 - height 38 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$196" @737 - location (1360, 446) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D5572016C" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$197" @738 - Parent_View @737 - location (-624, 222) - label (object SegLabel @739 - Parent_View @738 - location (1268, 327) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D5575022F" - client @737 - supplier @699 - vertices (list Points - (1360, 446) - (1309, 446) - (1309, 285)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1360, 446) - terminal_attachment (1309, 285)) - (object RoleView "primitiveTypeDefinition" @740 - Parent_View @737 - location (-624, 222) - label (object SegLabel @741 - Parent_View @740 - location (1204, 508) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 432 - justify 0 - label "+primitiveTypeDefinition" - pctDist -3.000000 - height 62 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D55750243" - client @737 - supplier @699 - vertices (list Points - (1360, 446) - (1412, 446) - (1412, 285)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1360, 446) - terminal_attachment (1412, 285) - label (object SegLabel @742 - Parent_View @740 - location (1373, 409) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.062147 - height 38 - orientation 0)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSimpleFinal" @743 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2080, 512) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @743 - location (1917, 428) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 326 - justify 0 - label "XSDSimpleFinal") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @743 - location (1917, 378) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 326 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B97C25D0295" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @743 - location (1917, 488) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 2 - nlines 3 - max_width 202 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ list" - "+ restriction" - "+ union")) - width 344 - height 292 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDVariety" @744 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2080, 176) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @744 - location (1918, 92) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 324 - justify 0 - label "XSDVariety") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @744 - location (1918, 42) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 324 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B8FF7730249" - width 342 - height 292 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @745 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6C6C7B0396" - client @693 - supplier @688 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (591, 561) - terminal_attachment (591, 522) - drawSupplier @689) - (object InheritView "" @746 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6C6C800394" - client @690 - supplier @688 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (272, 561) - terminal_attachment (272, 522) - drawSupplier @689) - (object InheritView "" @747 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D25680259" - client @688 - supplier @670 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (366, 306) - terminal_attachment (366, 215)) - (object InheritView "" @748 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6C6C8801B4" - client @648 - supplier @690 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (147, 828) - terminal_attachment (147, 781) - drawSupplier @691) - (object InheritView "" @749 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6C7B590281" - client @665 - supplier @678 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (150, 1840) - terminal_attachment (150, 1444)))) - (object ClassDiagram "5. 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Component Annotations" - zoom 100 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeUse" @750 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (256, 80) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @750 - location (88, 37) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 336 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeUse") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B68354601A8" - width 354 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDParticle" @751 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (208, 1696) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @751 - location (82, 1653) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 252 - justify 0 - label "XSDParticle") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682BBD01F7" - width 270 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSimpleTypeDefinition" @752 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1872, 1504) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @752 - location (1626, 1461) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 492 - justify 0 - label "XSDSimpleTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682BA7005D" - width 510 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDConstrainingFacet" @753 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1888, 304) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @753 - location (1663, 261) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "XSDConstrainingFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6C6B340093" - width 468 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition" @754 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (368, 1360) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @754 - location (74, 1317) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 588 - justify 0 - label "XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682B2603A2" - width 606 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDNotationDeclaration" @755 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (320, 704) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @755 - location (86, 661) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 468 - justify 0 - label "XSDNotationDeclaration") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66EDAA021C" - width 486 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDModelGroupDefinition" @756 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (320, 1184) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @756 - location (74, 1141) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 492 - justify 0 - label "XSDModelGroupDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED9A0205" - width 510 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDElementDeclaration" @757 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (320, 544) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @757 - location (86, 501) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 468 - justify 0 - label "XSDElementDeclaration") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED580214" - width 486 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchema" @758 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1200, 80) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @758 - location (1068, 37) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 264 - justify 0 - label "XSDSchema") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "374B182500BB" - width 282 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDTypeDefinition" @759 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1936, 1216) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @759 - location (1750, 1173) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 372 - justify 0 - label "XSDTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B66ECD302A9" - width 390 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @760 - location (1994, 1412) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @759 - vertices (list Points - (1994, 1412) - (1994, 1271))) - (object InheritView "" @761 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B684A1302A2" - client @752 - supplier @759 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2084, 1449) - terminal_attachment (2084, 1412) - drawSupplier @760) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDXPathDefinition" @762 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (272, 864) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @762 - location (80, 821) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 384 - justify 0 - label "XSDXPathDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6D83BB0355" - width 402 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDFacet" @763 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2000, 80) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @763 - location (1892, 37) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 216 - justify 0 - label "XSDFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6C359403D2" - width 234 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeGroupDefinition" @764 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (352, 384) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @764 - location (84, 341) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 536 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeGroupDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED840290" - width 554 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeDeclaration" @765 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (320, 224) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @765 - location (86, 181) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 468 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeDeclaration") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED2E0192" - width 486 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDComplexTypeDefinition" @766 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1792, 1712) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @766 - location (1467, 1674) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 651 - justify 0 - label "XSDComplexTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682B82031A" - width 669 - height 100 - annotation 8) - (object InheritView "" @767 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BA0D01901F1" - client @766 - supplier @759 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1572, 1662) - terminal_attachment (1572, 1412) - drawSupplier @760) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDModelGroup" @768 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (240, 1024) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @768 - location (78, 981) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 324 - justify 0 - label "XSDModelGroup") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6834E00291" - width 342 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDRepeatableFacet" @769 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1904, 560) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @769 - location (1688, 517) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 432 - justify 0 - label "XSDRepeatableFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6C6AA6031A" - width 450 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDWildcard" @770 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (208, 1536) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @770 - location (71, 1493) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 274 - justify 0 - label "XSDWildcard") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6838370031" - width 292 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAnnotation" @771 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1232, 944) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @771 - location (872, 685) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 720 - justify 0 - label "XSDAnnotation") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66EDC80233" - width 738 - height 543 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$132" @772 - location (865, 1359) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DB0D0183" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$133" @773 - Parent_View @772 - location (-255, 559) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DB0D033C" - client @772 - supplier @754 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (865, 1359) - terminal_attachment (671, 1359)) - (object RoleView "annotation" @774 - Parent_View @772 - location (-255, 559) - label (object SegLabel @775 - Parent_View @774 - location (798, 1321) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 216 - justify 0 - label "+annotation" - pctDist -1.116667 - height 39 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DB0D0346" - client @772 - supplier @771 - vertices (list Points - (865, 1359) - (925, 1359) - (925, 1215)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (865, 1359) - terminal_attachment (925, 1215) - label (object SegLabel @776 - Parent_View @774 - location (987, 1276) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.706422 - height 62 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$156" @777 - location (713, 709) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DB0F0212" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$157" @778 - Parent_View @777 - location (-407, -90) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DB1000C9" - client @777 - supplier @755 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (713, 709) - terminal_attachment (563, 709)) - (object RoleView "annotation" @779 - Parent_View @777 - location (-407, -90) - label (object SegLabel @780 - Parent_View @779 - location (727, 667) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 216 - justify 0 - label "+annotation" - pctDist 0.095238 - height 43 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DB1000D3" - client @777 - supplier @771 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (713, 709) - terminal_attachment (863, 709) - label (object SegLabel @781 - Parent_View @779 - location (796, 753) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.553571 - height 44 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$150" @782 - location (719, 1193) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DB15008A" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$151" @783 - Parent_View @782 - location (-401, 393) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DB160096" - client @782 - supplier @756 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (719, 1193) - terminal_attachment (575, 1193)) - (object RoleView "annotation" @784 - Parent_View @782 - location (-401, 393) - label (object SegLabel @785 - Parent_View @784 - location (720, 1147) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 216 - justify 0 - label "+annotation" - pctDist 0.006993 - height 47 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DB1600A0" - client @782 - supplier @771 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (719, 1193) - terminal_attachment (863, 1193) - label (object SegLabel @786 - Parent_View @784 - location (806, 1240) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.604167 - height 47 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$110" @787 - location (785, 550) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DB0A0066" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$111" @788 - Parent_View @787 - location (-335, -250) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DB0B023F" - client @787 - supplier @757 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (785, 550) - terminal_attachment (563, 550)) - (object RoleView "annotation" @789 - Parent_View @787 - location (-335, -250) - label (object SegLabel @790 - Parent_View @789 - location (779, 516) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 216 - justify 0 - label "+annotation" - pctDist -0.070707 - height 35 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DB0B0249" - client @787 - supplier @771 - vertices (list Points - (785, 550) - (884, 550) - (884, 673)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (785, 550) - terminal_attachment (884, 673) - label (object SegLabel @791 - Parent_View @789 - location (935, 612) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.729730 - height 51 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$182" @792 - location (1184, 404) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69E4560290" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$183" @793 - Parent_View @792 - location (-32, -412) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69E4570165" - client @792 - supplier @758 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1184, 404) - terminal_attachment (1184, 135)) - (object RoleView "annotations" @794 - Parent_View @792 - location (-32, -412) - label (object SegLabel @795 - Parent_View @794 - location (1324, 226) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 249 - justify 0 - label "+annotations" - pctDist -0.665428 - height 140 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69E457016F" - client @792 - supplier @771 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1184, 404) - terminal_attachment (1184, 673) - label (object SegLabel @796 - Parent_View @794 - location (1251, 615) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.784387 - height 67 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$198" @797 - location (1752, 1034) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69E2910158" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$199" @798 - Parent_View @797 - location (536, 218) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69E292019F" - client @797 - supplier @759 - vertices (list Points - (1752, 1034) - (1812, 1034) - (1812, 1161)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1752, 1034) - terminal_attachment (1812, 1161)) - (object RoleView "annotation" @799 - Parent_View @797 - location (536, 218) - label (object SegLabel @800 - Parent_View @799 - location (1743, 997) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 216 - justify 0 - label "+annotation" - pctDist 0.059603 - height 37 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69E29201A9" - client @797 - supplier @771 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1752, 1034) - terminal_attachment (1601, 1034) - label (object SegLabel @801 - Parent_View @799 - location (1684, 1066) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.450331 - height 32 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$200" @802 - location (1896, 881) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B9006CF0088" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$201" @803 - Parent_View @802 - location (621, 40) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B9006D1015D" - client @802 - supplier @759 - vertices (list Points - (1896, 881) - (1956, 881) - (1956, 1161)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1896, 881) - terminal_attachment (1956, 1161)) - (object RoleView "derivationAnnotation" @804 - Parent_View @802 - location (621, 40) - label (object SegLabel @805 - Parent_View @804 - location (1821, 842) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 390 - justify 0 - label "+derivationAnnotation" - pctDist 0.254237 - height 40 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B9006D10167" - client @802 - supplier @771 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1896, 881) - terminal_attachment (1601, 881) - label (object SegLabel @806 - Parent_View @804 - location (1689, 914) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.705085 - height 33 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$202" @807 - location (2040, 715) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DB330264" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$203" @808 - Parent_View @807 - location (920, -85) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DB340284" - client @807 - supplier @759 - vertices (list Points - (2040, 715) - (2100, 715) - (2100, 1161)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2040, 715) - terminal_attachment (2100, 1161)) - (object RoleView "annotations" @809 - Parent_View @807 - location (920, -85) - label (object SegLabel @810 - Parent_View @809 - location (1758, 681) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 240 - justify 0 - label "+annotations" - pctDist 0.643192 - height 35 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DB34028E" - client @807 - supplier @771 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2040, 715) - terminal_attachment (1601, 715) - label (object SegLabel @811 - Parent_View @809 - location (1685, 746) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.809313 - height 31 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$220" @812 - location (668, 865) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C239134004F" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$221" @813 - Parent_View @812 - location (-612, 33) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C23913600CA" - client @812 - supplier @762 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (668, 865) - terminal_attachment (473, 865)) - (object RoleView "annotation" @814 - Parent_View @812 - location (-612, 33) - label (object SegLabel @815 - Parent_View @814 - location (714, 825) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 216 - justify 0 - label "+annotation" - pctDist 0.234146 - height 41 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C23913600D4" - client @812 - supplier @771 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (668, 865) - terminal_attachment (863, 865) - label (object SegLabel @816 - Parent_View @814 - location (801, 903) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.682051 - height 38 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$124" @817 - location (1472, 167) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D23B901CD" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$125" @818 - Parent_View @817 - location (256, -649) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D23BA01C4" - client @817 - supplier @763 - vertices (list Points - (1472, 167) - (1472, 72) - (1883, 72)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1472, 167) - terminal_attachment (1883, 72)) - (object RoleView "annotation" @819 - Parent_View @817 - location (256, -649) - label (object SegLabel @820 - Parent_View @819 - location (1604, 129) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 216 - justify 0 - label "+annotation" - pctDist -0.076305 - height 132 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D23BA01CE" - client @817 - supplier @771 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1472, 167) - terminal_attachment (1472, 673) - label (object SegLabel @821 - Parent_View @819 - location (1419, 618) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.893574 - height 54 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$74" @822 - location (927, 350) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DB060291" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$75" @823 - 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stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DADC02F5" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$67" @828 - Parent_View @827 - location (-93, -578) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DADD0238" - client @827 - supplier @765 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1027, 222) - terminal_attachment (563, 222)) - (object RoleView "annotation" @829 - Parent_View @827 - location (-93, -578) - label (object SegLabel @830 - Parent_View @829 - location (1003, 188) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 216 - justify 0 - label "+annotation" - pctDist -0.406250 - height 35 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DADD0242" - client @827 - supplier @771 - vertices (list Points - (1027, 222) - (1087, 222) - (1087, 673)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1027, 222) - terminal_attachment (1087, 673) - label (object SegLabel @831 - Parent_View @829 - location (1137, 613) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 100 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.882583 - height 50 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$90" @832 - location (1494, 1438) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B90068801C2" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$91" @833 - Parent_View @832 - location (214, 590) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B90068A0111" - client @832 - supplier @766 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1494, 1438) - terminal_attachment (1494, 1662)) - (object RoleView "contentAnnotation" @834 - Parent_View @832 - location (214, 590) - label (object SegLabel @835 - Parent_View @834 - location (1696, 1356) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 360 - justify 0 - label "+contentAnnotation" - pctDist 0.367713 - height 202 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B90068A011B" - client @832 - supplier @771 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1494, 1438) - terminal_attachment (1494, 1215) - label (object SegLabel @836 - Parent_View @834 - location (1443, 1279) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.713004 - height 51 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$144" @837 - location (637, 1022) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DB1702C8" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$145" @838 - Parent_View @837 - location (-483, 222) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DB1803E2" - client @837 - supplier @768 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (637, 1022) - terminal_attachment (411, 1022)) - (object RoleView "annotation" @839 - Parent_View @837 - location (-483, 222) - label (object SegLabel @840 - Parent_View @839 - location (710, 979) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 216 - justify 0 - label "+annotation" - pctDist 0.328889 - height 44 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DB190004" - client @837 - supplier @771 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (637, 1022) - terminal_attachment (863, 1022) - label (object SegLabel @841 - Parent_View @839 - location (802, 1062) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.730088 - height 40 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$64" @842 - location (1581, 607) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C626EA70102" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$65" @843 - Parent_View @842 - location (301, -225) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C626EA90191" - client @842 - supplier @769 - vertices (list Points - (1581, 607) - (1581, 547) - (1679, 547)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1581, 607) - terminal_attachment (1679, 547)) - (object RoleView "annotations" @844 - Parent_View @842 - location (301, -225) - label (object SegLabel @845 - Parent_View @844 - location (1669, 462) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 240 - justify 0 - label "+annotations" - pctDist -2.196970 - height 88 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - 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height 33 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69DB120203" - client @847 - supplier @771 - vertices (list Points - (849, 1496) - (1062, 1496) - (1062, 1215)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (849, 1496) - terminal_attachment (1062, 1215) - label (object SegLabel @851 - Parent_View @849 - location (1115, 1279) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.872690 - height 53 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$206" @852 - location (952, 1565) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C626EB30005" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$207" @853 - Parent_View @852 - location (-328, 733) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C626EB40327" - client @852 - supplier @770 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (952, 1565) - terminal_attachment (354, 1565)) - (object RoleView "annotations" @854 - Parent_View @852 - location (-328, 733) - label (object SegLabel @855 - 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fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 528 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeGroupContent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6940200089" - width 546 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDRedefineContent" @861 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1200, 672) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @861 - location (991, 629) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 418 - justify 0 - label "XSDRedefineContent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6AE2060172" - width 436 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchemaContent" @862 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1360, 416) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @862 - location (1156, 373) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 408 - justify 0 - label "XSDSchemaContent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B688CB800BA" - width 426 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @863 - location (1360, 561) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @862 - vertices (list Points - (1360, 561) - (1360, 471))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDInclude" @864 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1632, 1200) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @864 - location (1512, 1157) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 240 - justify 0 - label "XSDInclude") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B688C7D0250" - width 258 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDImport" @865 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1408, 944) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @865 - location (1294, 901) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 228 - justify 0 - label "XSDImport") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B688C93017F" - width 246 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDRedefine" @866 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1936, 1200) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @866 - location (1805, 1157) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 262 - justify 0 - label "XSDRedefine") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B688C9B02AD" - width 280 - height 110 - annotation 8) - 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Parent_View @870 - location (1347, 1154) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 216 - justify 0 - label "+annotation" - pctDist 0.154412 - height 53 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6ADCC6006C" - client @868 - supplier @867 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1368, 1206) - terminal_attachment (1234, 1206) - label (object SegLabel @872 - Parent_View @870 - location (1300, 1253) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 107 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.514706 - height 47 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$140" @873 - location (1168, 1022) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6ADCD802FC" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$141" @874 - Parent_View @873 - location (960, 222) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6ADCD9018B" - client @873 - supplier @865 - vertices (list Points - (1168, 1022) - (1168, 962) - (1285, 962)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1168, 1022) - terminal_attachment (1285, 962)) - (object RoleView "annotation" @875 - Parent_View @873 - location (960, 222) - label (object SegLabel @876 - Parent_View @875 - location (1290, 1075) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 216 - justify 0 - label "+annotation" - pctDist 0.445378 - height 122 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6ADCD9018C" - client @873 - supplier @867 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1168, 1022) - terminal_attachment (1168, 1141) - label (object SegLabel @877 - Parent_View @875 - location (1127, 1074) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.436975 - height 41 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$162" @878 - location (1563, 1353) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6ADE42009A" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$163" @879 - Parent_View @878 - location (1355, 553) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6ADE4302FE" - client @878 - supplier @866 - vertices (list Points - (1563, 1353) - (1940, 1353) - (1940, 1255)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1563, 1353) - terminal_attachment (1940, 1255)) - (object RoleView "annotations" @880 - Parent_View @878 - location (1355, 553) - label (object SegLabel @881 - Parent_View @880 - location (1317, 1322) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 240 - justify 0 - label "+annotations" - pctDist 0.516807 - height 32 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6ADE430308" - client @878 - supplier @867 - vertices (list Points - (1563, 1353) - (1181, 1353) - (1181, 1259)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1563, 1353) - terminal_attachment (1181, 1259) - label (object SegLabel @882 - Parent_View @880 - location (1130, 1326) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.861345 - height 52 - orientation 0)))) - (object InheritTreeView "" @883 - location (288, 561) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @859 - vertices (list Points - (288, 561) - (288, 471))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDNamedComponent" @884 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (688, 672) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @884 - location (460, 629) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 456 - justify 0 - label "XSDNamedComponent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6846D303A4" - width 474 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDParticleContent" @885 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1856, 416) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @885 - location (1658, 373) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 396 - justify 0 - label "XSDParticleContent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6BD22300C6" - width 414 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDRedefinableComponent" @886 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (720, 960) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @886 - location (450, 917) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 540 - justify 0 - label "XSDRedefinableComponent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B7FCA8B020B" - width 558 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDScope" @887 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (224, 672) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @887 - location (110, 629) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 228 - justify 0 - label "XSDScope") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B69B54000F2" - width 246 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @888 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B7FCD640231" - client @887 - supplier @859 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (221, 617) - terminal_attachment (221, 561) - drawSupplier @883) - (object InheritView "" @889 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BA0CEA20197" - client @884 - supplier @859 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (589, 617) - terminal_attachment (589, 561) - drawSupplier @883) - (object InheritView "" @890 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6AE2B301D5" - client @861 - supplier @862 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1016, 617) - terminal_attachment (1016, 561) - drawSupplier @863) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchemaCompositor" @891 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1824, 944) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @891 - location (1590, 901) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 468 - justify 0 - label "XSDSchemaCompositor") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3C21DB4102AE" - width 486 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @892 - location (1824, 1089) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @891 - vertices (list Points - (1824, 1089) - (1824, 999))) - (object InheritView "" @893 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6AD8DC0381" - client @864 - supplier @891 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1666, 1145) - terminal_attachment (1666, 1089) - drawSupplier @892) - (object InheritView "" @894 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C21DB640240" - client @866 - supplier @891 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1934, 1145) - terminal_attachment (1934, 1089) - drawSupplier @892) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchemaDirective" @895 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1840, 672) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @895 - location (1630, 629) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 420 - justify 0 - label "XSDSchemaDirective") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6AD8A202A2" - width 438 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object InheritTreeView "" @896 - location (1762, 819) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @895 - vertices (list Points - (1762, 819) - (1762, 727))) - (object InheritView "" @897 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6AD8D9003E" - client @865 - supplier @895 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1416, 889) - terminal_attachment (1416, 819) - drawSupplier @896) - (object InheritView "" @898 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6AE32102AF" - client @895 - supplier @862 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1756, 617) - terminal_attachment (1756, 561) - drawSupplier @863) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDConcreteComponent" @899 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - location (1120, 144) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @899 - location (875, 101) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 490 - justify 0 - label "XSDConcreteComponent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6AD7B40065" - width 508 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object InheritTreeView "" @900 - location (1120, 289) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @899 - vertices (list Points - (1120, 289) - (1120, 199))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$104" @901 - location (1485, 215) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B751B0803C7" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "container" @902 - Parent_View @901 - location (989, 103) - label (object SegLabel @903 - Parent_View @902 - location (1604, 210) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 192 - justify 0 - label "+container" - pctDist 0.033113 - height 119 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B751B0C01CE" - client @901 - supplier @899 - vertices (list Points - (1485, 215) - (1485, 176) - (1374, 176)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1485, 215) - terminal_attachment (1374, 176) - label (object SegLabel @904 - Parent_View @902 - location (1435, 226) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 69 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.602649 - height 50 - orientation 0)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$105" @905 - Parent_View @901 - location (989, 103) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B751B0C01CF" - client @901 - supplier @899 - vertices (list Points - (1485, 215) - (1485, 254) - (1345, 254) - (1345, 199)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1485, 215) - terminal_attachment (1345, 199)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$106" @906 - location (773, 216) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B751B480261" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "rootContainer" @907 - Parent_View @906 - location (53, 104) - label (object SegLabel @908 - Parent_View @907 - location (614, 217) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 264 - justify 0 - label "+rootContainer" - pctDist -0.025000 - height 160 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B751B4C0285" - client @906 - supplier @899 - vertices (list Points - (773, 216) - (773, 176) - (866, 176)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (773, 216) - terminal_attachment (866, 176) - label (object SegLabel @909 - Parent_View @907 - location (800, 228) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist -0.300000 - height 27 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$107" @910 - Parent_View @906 - location (53, 104) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B751B4C0286" - client @906 - supplier @899 - vertices (list Points - (773, 216) - (773, 257) - (895, 257) - (895, 199)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (773, 216) - terminal_attachment (895, 199)))) - (object InheritView "" @911 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6AD8E60372" - client @862 - supplier @899 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1367, 361) - terminal_attachment (1367, 289) - drawSupplier @900) - (object InheritView "" @912 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B72D8E200EA" - client @860 - supplier @899 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (752, 361) - terminal_attachment (752, 289) - drawSupplier @900) - (object InheritView "" @913 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BA0CEA903D2" - client @859 - supplier @899 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (299, 361) - terminal_attachment (299, 289) - drawSupplier @900) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchema" @914 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (192, 1200) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @914 - location (61, 1157) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 262 - justify 0 - label "XSDSchema") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "374B182500BB" - width 280 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @915 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B7FCC4A0182" - client @914 - supplier @887 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (216, 1145) - terminal_attachment (216, 727)) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$218" @916 - location (1382, 1425) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C21DD0C03DB" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$219" @917 - Parent_View @916 - location (1190, 225) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C21DD100304" - client @916 - supplier @891 - vertices (list Points - (1382, 1425) - (2147, 1425) - (2147, 943) - (2067, 943)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1382, 1425) - terminal_attachment (2067, 943)) - (object RoleView "incorporatedSchema" @918 - Parent_View @916 - location (1190, 225) - label (object SegLabel @919 - Parent_View @918 - location (445, 1389) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 396 - justify 0 - label "+incorporatedSchema" - pctDist 0.706546 - height 37 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C21DD100305" - client @916 - supplier @914 - vertices (list Points - (1382, 1425) - (225, 1425) - (225, 1255)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1382, 1425) - terminal_attachment (225, 1255) - label (object SegLabel @920 - Parent_View @918 - location (183, 1392) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.896915 - height 43 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$216" @921 - location (1505, 1503) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C21DCC700EC" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$217" @922 - Parent_View @921 - location (1313, 303) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C21DCCE0042" - client @921 - supplier @895 - vertices (list Points - (1505, 1503) - (2188, 1503) - (2188, 675) - (2059, 675)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1505, 1503) - terminal_attachment (2059, 675)) - (object RoleView "resolvedSchema" @923 - Parent_View @921 - location (1313, 303) - label (object SegLabel @924 - Parent_View @923 - location (303, 1472) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 324 - justify 0 - label "+resolvedSchema" - pctDist 0.733333 - height 32 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C21DCCE0043" - client @921 - supplier @914 - vertices (list Points - (1505, 1503) - (113, 1503) - (113, 1255)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1505, 1503) - terminal_attachment (113, 1255) - label (object SegLabel @925 - Parent_View @923 - location (73, 1472) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.867683 - height 41 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$108" @926 - location (66, 244) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B751C310356" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$109" @927 - Parent_View @926 - location (-94, -444) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B751C330331" - client @926 - supplier @899 - vertices (list Points - (66, 244) - (66, 144) - (866, 144)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (66, 244) - terminal_attachment (866, 144)) - (object RoleView "schema" @928 - Parent_View @926 - location (-94, -444) - label (object SegLabel @929 - Parent_View @928 - location (165, 93) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 168 - justify 0 - label "+schema" - pctDist -0.168113 - height 99 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B751C33033B" - client @926 - supplier @914 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (66, 244) - terminal_attachment (66, 1145) - label (object SegLabel @930 - Parent_View @928 - location (136, 184) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 113 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist -0.066593 - height 70 - orientation 0)))) - (object InheritView "" @931 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B780BD90059" - client @885 - supplier @899 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1759, 361) - terminal_attachment (1759, 289) - drawSupplier @900) - (object InheritView "" @932 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69E1770116" - client @867 - supplier @859 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (400, 1141) - terminal_attachment (400, 561) - drawSupplier @883) - (object InheritTreeView "" @933 - location (1012, 837) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @861 - vertices (list Points - (1012, 837) - (1012, 727))) - (object InheritView "" @934 - stereotype (object SegLabel @935 - Parent_View @934 - location (1071, 871) - font (object Font - size 8) - anchor 10 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 243 - justify 0 - label "<<mixin>>" - pctDist 0.888158 - height 34 - orientation 1) - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B7FD4E20366" - client @867 - supplier @861 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1037, 1141) - terminal_attachment (1037, 837) - drawSupplier @933) - (object InheritView "" @936 - stereotype (object SegLabel @937 - Parent_View @936 - location (890, 865) - font (object Font - size 8) - anchor 10 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 263 - justify 0 - label "<<mixin>>" - pctDist 0.581633 - height 36 - orientation 0) - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B7FD4BA023C" - client @886 - supplier @861 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (925, 905) - terminal_attachment (925, 837) - drawSupplier @933) - (object InheritView "" @938 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C21DB560092" - client @891 - supplier @895 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1828, 889) - terminal_attachment (1828, 819) - drawSupplier @896))) - (object ClassDiagram "7. 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Concrete Attributes" - zoom 100 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDFeature" @939 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2144, 1440) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @939 - location (1938, 1359) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 412 - justify 0 - label "XSDFeature") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B69B537026C" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @939 - location (1938, 1419) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 382 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ form : XSDForm" - "+ lexicalValue : String")) - width 430 - height 186 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDForm" @940 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2560, 1424) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @940 - location (2398, 1365) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 324 - justify 0 - label "XSDForm") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @940 - location (2398, 1315) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 324 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B9F913B01EB" - width 342 - height 242 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDConcreteComponent" @941 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (368, 96) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @941 - location (40, 37) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 657 - justify 0 - label "XSDConcreteComponent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6AD7B40065" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @941 - location (40, 97) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 1 - max_width 446 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ element : DOMElement")) - width 675 - height 143 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDComponent" @942 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (848, 384) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @942 - location (687, 333) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 322 - justify 0 - label "XSDComponent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6846E90029" - width 340 - height 126 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDNamedComponent" @943 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1904, 944) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @943 - location (1678, 892) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 452 - justify 0 - label "XSDNamedComponent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6846D303A4" - width 470 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDRedefinableComponent" @944 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1600, 1408) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @944 - location (1328, 1356) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 544 - justify 0 - label "XSDRedefinableComponent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B7FCA8B020B" - width 562 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDScope" @945 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (864, 624) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @945 - location (745, 573) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 238 - justify 0 - label "XSDScope") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B69B54000F2" - width 256 - height 126 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @946 - location (850, 537) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @942 - vertices (list Points - (850, 537) - (850, 447))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::DOMElement" @947 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1248, 128) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @947 - location (873, 90) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 751 - justify 0 - label "DOMElement") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @947 - location (873, 40) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 751 - justify 0 - label "<<datatype>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 14671839 - quidu "3B8189790200" - width 769 - height 200 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchemaDirective" @948 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (288, 640) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @948 - location (41, 584) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 494 - justify 0 - label "XSDSchemaDirective") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6AD8A202A2" - width 512 - height 136 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchemaContent" @949 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (240, 384) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @949 - location (38, 333) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 404 - justify 0 - label "XSDSchemaContent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B688CB800BA" - width 422 - height 126 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @950 - location (368, 263) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @941 - vertices (list Points - (368, 263) - (368, 167))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDDisallowedSubstitutions" @951 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (992, 1456) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @951 - location (723, 1347) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 538 - justify 0 - label "XSDDisallowedSubstitutions") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @951 - location (723, 1297) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 538 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B97C5A403DF" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @951 - location (723, 1407) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 4 - max_width 225 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ substitution" - "+ extension" - "+ restriction" - "+ all")) - width 556 - height 342 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDProhibitedSubstitutions" @952 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (880, 1792) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @952 - location (614, 1708) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 532 - justify 0 - label "XSDProhibitedSubstitutions") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @952 - location (614, 1658) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 532 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B97C5BE0272" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @952 - location (614, 1768) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 3 - max_width 198 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ extension" - "+ restriction" - "+ all")) - width 550 - height 292 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSimpleTypeDefinition" @953 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (912, 2096) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @953 - location (532, 2040) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 760 - justify 0 - label "XSDSimpleTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682BA7005D" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @953 - location (532, 2100) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 2 - nlines 1 - max_width 723 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "<<0..*>> + lexicalFinal : XSDSimpleFinal")) - width 778 - height 136 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSimpleFinal" @954 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (208, 1984) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @954 - location (45, 1875) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 326 - justify 0 - label "XSDSimpleFinal") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @954 - location (45, 1825) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 326 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B97C25D0295" - width 344 - height 342 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDComplexFinal" @955 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2544, 2016) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @955 - location (2362, 1932) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 364 - justify 0 - label "XSDComplexFinal") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @955 - location (2362, 1882) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 364 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3B97C2CA01CB" - width 382 - height 292 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeUse" @956 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (352, 1360) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @956 - location (41, 1279) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 622 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeUse") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B68354601A8" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @956 - location (41, 1339) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 588 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ use : XSDAttributeUseCategory" - "+ lexicalValue : String")) - width 640 - height 186 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeUseCategory" @957 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (288, 1632) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @957 - location (41, 1548) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 494 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeUseCategory") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @957 - location (41, 1498) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 494 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3BA7B0E801A8" - width 512 - height 292 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDTerm" @958 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2608, 928) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @958 - location (2498, 881) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 220 - justify 0 - label "XSDTerm") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B683C5E0174" - width 238 - height 119 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDElementDeclaration" @959 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2240, 1712) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @959 - location (1757, 1631) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 966 - justify 0 - label "XSDElementDeclaration") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED580214" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @959 - location (1757, 1691) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 934 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "<<0..*>> + lexicalFinal : XSDProhibitedSubstitutions" - "<<0..*>> + block : XSDDisallowedSubstitutions")) - width 984 - height 186 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDWildcard" @960 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2272, 1152) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @960 - location (1828, 1096) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 888 - justify 0 - label "XSDWildcard") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6838370031" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @960 - location (1828, 1156) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 1 - max_width 852 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "<<0..*>> + lexicalNamespaceConstraint : String")) - width 906 - height 136 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchema" @961 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1120, 1008) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @961 - location (622, 777) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 996 - justify 0 - label "XSDSchema") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "374B182500BB" - width 1014 - height 486 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDImport" @962 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (240, 960) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @962 - location (37, 904) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 406 - justify 0 - label "XSDImport") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B688C93017F" - width 424 - height 136 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDFacet" @963 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1344, 656) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @963 - location (1138, 600) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 412 - justify 0 - label "XSDFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6C359403D2" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @963 - location (1138, 660) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 1 - max_width 378 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ lexicalValue : String")) - width 430 - height 136 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDComplexTypeDefinition" @964 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1840, 2048) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @964 - location (1410, 1942) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 860 - justify 0 - label "XSDComplexTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682B82031A" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @964 - location (1410, 2002) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 3 - max_width 822 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "<<0..*>> + lexicalFinal : XSDComplexFinal" - "<<0..*>> + block : XSDProhibitedSubstitutions" - "+ mixed : boolean")) - width 878 - height 236 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDTypeDefinition" @965 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1488, 1696) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @965 - location (1304, 1644) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 368 - justify 0 - label "XSDTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B66ECD302A9" - width 386 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @966 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B7FCAB1004D" - client @965 - supplier @944 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1506, 1632) - terminal_attachment (1506, 1472)) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAnnotation" @967 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2208, 704) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @967 - location (1758, 598) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 900 - justify 0 - label "XSDAnnotation") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66EDC80233" - width 918 - height 236 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @968 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6848AA01D3" - client @958 - supplier @942 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2696, 869) - terminal_attachment (2696, 537) - drawSupplier @946) - (object InheritView "" @969 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69EDEE01BF" - client @959 - supplier @939 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2094, 1619) - terminal_attachment (2094, 1533)) - (object InheritTreeView "" @970 - location (1487, 1856) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @965 - vertices (list Points - (1487, 1856) - (1487, 1760))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::DOMAttr" @971 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2400, 384) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @971 - location (2080, 350) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 640 - justify 0 - label "DOMAttr") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @971 - location (2080, 300) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 640 - justify 0 - label "<<datatype>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 14671839 - quidu "3BBF8C8901B6" - width 658 - height 192 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @972 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BA0D01901F1" - client @964 - supplier @965 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1734, 1930) - terminal_attachment (1734, 1856) - drawSupplier @970) - (object InheritView "" @973 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D25680259" - client @963 - supplier @942 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1328, 588) - terminal_attachment (1328, 537) - drawSupplier @946) - (object InheritView "" @974 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69E1770116" - client @967 - supplier @942 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2190, 586) - terminal_attachment (2190, 537) - drawSupplier @946) - (object InheritView "" @975 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6AE32102AF" - client @948 - supplier @949 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (222, 572) - terminal_attachment (222, 447)) - (object InheritView "" @976 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6AD8E60372" - client @949 - supplier @941 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (260, 321) - terminal_attachment (260, 263) - drawSupplier @950) - (object InheritView "" @977 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6AD8D9003E" - client @962 - supplier @948 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (223, 892) - terminal_attachment (223, 708)) - (object InheritView "" @978 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B684A3A0041" - client @960 - supplier @958 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2600, 1084) - terminal_attachment (2600, 987)) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::DOMDocument" @979 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2336, 128) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @979 - location (1957, 94) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 758 - justify 0 - label "DOMDocument") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @979 - location (1957, 44) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 758 - justify 0 - label "<<datatype>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 14671839 - quidu "3C27850E0381" - width 776 - height 192 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @980 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BA0CEA903D2" - client @942 - supplier @941 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (856, 321) - terminal_attachment (856, 263) - drawSupplier @950) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::DOMNode" @981 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1568, 384) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @981 - location (1234, 350) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 668 - justify 0 - label "DOMNode") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @981 - location (1234, 300) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 668 - justify 0 - label "<<datatype>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 14671839 - quidu "3BFE64A50117" - width 686 - height 192 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritView "" @982 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B7FCD640231" - client @945 - supplier @942 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (850, 561) - terminal_attachment (850, 537) - drawSupplier @946) - (object InheritView "" @983 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B72D7BB0349" - client @956 - supplier @942 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (575, 1267) - terminal_attachment (575, 537) - drawSupplier @946) - (object InheritView "" @984 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BA0CEA20197" - client @943 - supplier @942 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1694, 880) - terminal_attachment (1694, 537) - drawSupplier @946) - (object InheritView "" @985 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B7FCC4A0182" - client @961 - supplier @945 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (856, 765) - terminal_attachment (856, 687)) - (object InheritTreeView "" @986 - location (1703, 1290) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @943 - vertices (list Points - (1703, 1290) - (1703, 1008))) - (object InheritView "" @987 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C290A26036D" - client @944 - supplier @943 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1503, 1344) - terminal_attachment (1503, 1290) - drawSupplier @986) - (object InheritView "" @988 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C290A2C0307" - client @939 - supplier @943 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2093, 1347) - terminal_attachment (2093, 1290) - drawSupplier @986) - (object InheritView "" @989 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B684A1302A2" - client @953 - supplier @965 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1253, 2028) - terminal_attachment (1253, 1856) - drawSupplier @970))) - (object ClassDiagram "8. 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Concrete Containment" - zoom 100 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDNotationDeclaration" @990 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2672, 992) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @990 - location (2439, 949) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 466 - justify 0 - label "XSDNotationDeclaration") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66EDAA021C" - width 484 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchemaDirective" @991 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2640, 576) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @991 - location (2431, 533) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 418 - justify 0 - label "XSDSchemaDirective") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6AD8A202A2" - width 436 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDRedefine" @992 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2144, 784) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @992 - location (2013, 741) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 262 - justify 0 - label "XSDRedefine") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B688C9B02AD" - width 280 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDRedefineContent" @993 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2064, 576) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @993 - location (1854, 533) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 420 - justify 0 - label "XSDRedefineContent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6AE2060172" - width 438 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @994 - location (1943, 868) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @993 - vertices (list Points - (1943, 868) - (1943, 631))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$164" @995 - location (2125, 680) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6AE8240051" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$165" @996 - Parent_View @995 - location (157, 344) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6AE82602AD" - client @995 - supplier @992 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2125, 680) - terminal_attachment (2125, 729)) - (object RoleView "contents" @997 - Parent_View @995 - location (157, 344) - label (object SegLabel @998 - Parent_View @997 - location (2255, 671) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 180 - justify 0 - label "+contents" - pctDist 0.175439 - height 130 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6AE82602B7" - client @995 - supplier @993 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2125, 680) - terminal_attachment (2125, 631) - label (object SegLabel @999 - Parent_View @997 - location (2067, 671) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.175439 - height 59 - orientation 0)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDTerm" @1000 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (256, 320) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1000 - location (148, 277) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 216 - justify 0 - label "XSDTerm") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B683C5E0174" - width 234 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object InheritTreeView "" @1001 - location (272, 465) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @1000 - vertices (list Points - (272, 465) - (272, 375))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDModelGroupDefinition" @1002 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2656, 1168) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1002 - location (2372, 1121) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 569 - justify 0 - label "XSDModelGroupDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED9A0205" - width 587 - height 118 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDModelGroup" @1003 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (256, 576) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1003 - location (89, 533) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 334 - justify 0 - label "XSDModelGroup") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6834E00291" - width 352 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$152" @1004 - location (1170, 1356) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6837AC025A" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "modelGroup" @1005 - Parent_View @1004 - location (866, -20) - label (object SegLabel @1006 - Parent_View @1005 - location (269, 1389) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 252 - justify 0 - label "+modelGroup" - pctDist 0.534044 - height 33 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6837AD0339" - client @1004 - supplier @1003 - vertices (list Points - (1170, 1356) - (206, 1356) - (206, 631)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1170, 1356) - terminal_attachment (206, 631) - label (object SegLabel @1007 - Parent_View @1005 - location (226, 1322) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.559146 - height 35 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$153" @1008 - Parent_View @1004 - location (866, -20) - label (object SegLabel @1009 - Parent_View @1008 - location (2521, 1398) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6837AD0338" - client @1004 - supplier @1002 - vertices (list Points - (1170, 1356) - (2731, 1356) - (2731, 1227)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1170, 1356) - terminal_attachment (2731, 1227)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDParticle" @1010 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (160, 1696) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1010 - location (35, 1653) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 250 - justify 0 - label "XSDParticle") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682BBD01F7" - width 268 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$146" @1011 - location (122, 1136) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6BCEB102F8" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$147" @1012 - Parent_View @1011 - location (-630, -256) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6BCEB6001B" - client @1011 - supplier @1003 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (122, 1136) - terminal_attachment (122, 631)) - (object RoleView "contents" @1013 - Parent_View @1011 - location (-630, -256) - label (object SegLabel @1014 - Parent_View @1013 - location (223, 1515) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 180 - justify 0 - label "+contents" - pctDist 0.750495 - height 101 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6BCEB60025" - client @1011 - supplier @1010 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (122, 1136) - terminal_attachment (122, 1641) - label (object SegLabel @1015 - Parent_View @1013 - location (180, 1581) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.881188 - height 58 - orientation 0)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDParticleContent" @1016 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (288, 80) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1016 - location (41, 42) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 495 - justify 0 - label "XSDParticleContent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6BD22300C6" - width 513 - height 100 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$158" @1017 - location (47, 885) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6B47150119" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$159" @1018 - Parent_View @1017 - location (-289, 821) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6B471A03AB" - client @1017 - supplier @1010 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (47, 885) - terminal_attachment (47, 1641)) - (object RoleView "content" @1019 - Parent_View @1017 - location (-289, 821) - label (object SegLabel @1020 - Parent_View @1019 - location (142, 189) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 168 - justify 0 - label "+content" - pctDist 0.921854 - height 95 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6B471A03B5" - client @1017 - supplier @1016 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (47, 885) - terminal_attachment (47, 130) - label (object SegLabel @1021 - Parent_View @1019 - location (28, 192) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.917881 - height 19 - orientation 0)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeUse" @1022 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1424, 896) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1022 - location (1252, 849) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 345 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeUse") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B68354601A8" - width 363 - height 119 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeDeclaration" @1023 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1408, 1168) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1023 - location (1175, 1125) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 466 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeDeclaration") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED2E0192" - width 484 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$88" @1024 - location (1319, 1034) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6F1DE9018A" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$89" @1025 - Parent_View @1024 - location (-57, -102) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6F1DEA036C" - client @1024 - supplier @1022 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1319, 1034) - terminal_attachment (1319, 955)) - (object RoleView "content" @1026 - Parent_View @1024 - location (-57, -102) - label (object SegLabel @1027 - Parent_View @1026 - location (1439, 1039) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 168 - justify 0 - label "+content" - pctDist 0.073171 - height 120 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6F1DEA0380" - client @1024 - supplier @1023 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1319, 1034) - terminal_attachment (1319, 1113) - label (object SegLabel @1028 - Parent_View @1026 - location (1279, 1031) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist -0.040816 - height 41 - orientation 1)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDConstrainingFacet" @1029 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2080, 1696) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1029 - location (1855, 1653) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "XSDConstrainingFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6C6B340093" - width 468 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSimpleTypeDefinition" @1030 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1280, 1696) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1030 - location (1035, 1653) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 490 - justify 0 - label "XSDSimpleTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682BA7005D" - width 508 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$184" @1031 - location (1351, 1840) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D5CA50112" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$185" @1032 - Parent_View @1031 - location (-297, 224) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D5CA703B4" - client @1031 - supplier @1030 - vertices (list Points - (1351, 1840) - (1294, 1840) - (1294, 1751)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1351, 1840) - terminal_attachment (1294, 1751)) - (object RoleView "contents" @1033 - Parent_View @1031 - location (-297, 224) - label (object SegLabel @1034 - Parent_View @1033 - location (1517, 1806) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 180 - justify 0 - label "+contents" - pctDist 0.632653 - height 108 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D5CA703C8" - client @1031 - supplier @1030 - vertices (list Points - (1351, 1840) - (1409, 1840) - (1409, 1751)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1351, 1840) - terminal_attachment (1409, 1751) - label (object SegLabel @1035 - Parent_View @1033 - location (1361, 1801) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.072848 - height 40 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$68" @1036 - location (1190, 1432) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6890D6006F" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "anonymousTypeDefinition" @1037 - Parent_View @1036 - location (774, -1832) - label (object SegLabel @1038 - Parent_View @1037 - location (1462, 1525) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 492 - justify 0 - label "+anonymousTypeDefinition" - pctDist 0.444976 - height 272 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6890D60318" - client @1036 - supplier @1030 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1190, 1432) - terminal_attachment (1190, 1641) - label (object SegLabel @1039 - Parent_View @1037 - location (1143, 1527) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.454545 - height 47 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$69" @1040 - Parent_View @1036 - location (774, -1832) - label (object SegLabel @1041 - Parent_View @1040 - location (1149, 1266) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6890D6030E" - client @1036 - supplier @1023 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1190, 1432) - terminal_attachment (1190, 1223)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$186" @1042 - location (1690, 1684) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6C35AD0374" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "facetContents" @1043 - Parent_View @1042 - location (-326, -12) - label (object SegLabel @1044 - Parent_View @1043 - location (1695, 1731) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 276 - justify 0 - label "+facetContents" - pctDist 0.032051 - height 47 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6C35AF0010" - client @1042 - supplier @1029 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1690, 1684) - terminal_attachment (1846, 1684) - label (object SegLabel @1045 - Parent_View @1043 - location (1756, 1644) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 94 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.420732 - height 41 - orientation 0)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$187" @1046 - Parent_View @1042 - location (-326, -12) - label (object SegLabel @1047 - Parent_View @1046 - location (1566, 1643) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6C35AF0006" - client @1042 - supplier @1030 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1690, 1684) - terminal_attachment (1534, 1684)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchemaCompositor" @1048 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2624, 784) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1048 - location (2388, 741) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 472 - justify 0 - label "XSDSchemaCompositor") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3C21DB4102AE" - width 490 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchemaContent" @1049 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1312, 320) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1049 - location (1108, 277) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 408 - justify 0 - label "XSDSchemaContent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B688CB800BA" - width 426 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchema" @1050 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (688, 320) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1050 - location (557, 277) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 262 - justify 0 - label "XSDSchema") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "374B182500BB" - width 280 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$166" @1051 - location (963, 319) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B688E6B003D" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "contents" @1052 - Parent_View @1051 - location (595, -17) - label (object SegLabel @1053 - Parent_View @1052 - location (974, 361) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 180 - justify 0 - label "+contents" - pctDist 0.081081 - height 42 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B688E6C0111" - client @1051 - supplier @1049 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (963, 319) - terminal_attachment (1099, 319) - label (object SegLabel @1054 - Parent_View @1052 - location (1016, 290) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.396396 - height 30 - orientation 0)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$167" @1055 - Parent_View @1051 - location (595, -17) - label (object SegLabel @1056 - Parent_View @1055 - location (855, 361) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B688E6C0107" - client @1051 - supplier @1050 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (963, 319) - terminal_attachment (828, 319)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDTypeDefinition" @1057 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2160, 992) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1057 - location (1974, 949) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 372 - justify 0 - label "XSDTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B66ECD302A9" - width 390 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object InheritTreeView "" @1058 - location (2322, 1593) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @1057 - vertices (list Points - (2322, 1593) - (2322, 1047))) - (object InheritView "" @1059 - stereotype (object SegLabel @1060 - Parent_View @1059 - location (2146, 905) - font (object Font - size 8) - anchor 10 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 225 - justify 0 - label "<<mixin>>" - pctDist 0.460000 - height 5 - orientation 0) - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6AE2F5013A" - client @1057 - supplier @993 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2150, 937) - terminal_attachment (2150, 868) - drawSupplier @994) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDElementDeclaration" @1061 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (832, 576) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1061 - location (510, 532) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 644 - justify 0 - label "XSDElementDeclaration") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED580214" - width 662 - height 112 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$112" @1062 - location (1498, 1431) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B68911401AF" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "anonymousTypeDefinition" @1063 - Parent_View @1062 - location (1038, -1810) - label (object SegLabel @1064 - Parent_View @1063 - location (2027, 1472) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 492 - justify 0 - label "+anonymousTypeDefinition" - pctDist 0.454389 - height 41 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6891150017" - client @1062 - supplier @1057 - vertices (list Points - (1498, 1431) - (2281, 1431) - (2281, 1047)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1498, 1431) - terminal_attachment (2281, 1047) - label (object SegLabel @1065 - Parent_View @1063 - location (2204, 1397) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.605419 - height 35 - orientation 0)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$113" @1066 - Parent_View @1062 - location (1038, -1810) - label (object SegLabel @1067 - Parent_View @1066 - location (1090, 866) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6891150016" - client @1062 - supplier @1061 - vertices (list Points - (1498, 1431) - (1131, 1431) - (1131, 632)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1498, 1431) - terminal_attachment (1131, 632)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDXPathDefinition" @1068 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (848, 1168) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1068 - location (655, 1125) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 386 - justify 0 - label "XSDXPathDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6D83BB0355" - width 404 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition" @1069 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (800, 896) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1069 - location (505, 853) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 590 - justify 0 - label "XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682B2603A2" - width 608 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$116" @1070 - location (534, 736) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6833EF0160" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "identityConstraintDefinitions" @1071 - Parent_View @1070 - location (86, -2144) - label (object SegLabel @1072 - Parent_View @1071 - location (820, 748) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 550 - justify 0 - label "+identityConstraintDefinitions" - pctDist 0.111111 - height 286 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6833F00299" - client @1070 - supplier @1069 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (534, 736) - terminal_attachment (534, 841) - label (object SegLabel @1073 - Parent_View @1071 - location (595, 807) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.675926 - height 61 - orientation 0)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$117" @1074 - Parent_View @1070 - location (86, -2144) - label (object SegLabel @1075 - Parent_View @1074 - location (576, 653) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6833F00298" - client @1070 - supplier @1061 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (534, 736) - terminal_attachment (534, 632)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$136" @1076 - location (900, 1032) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D8D3D003E" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "selector" @1077 - Parent_View @1076 - location (84, 120) - label (object SegLabel @1078 - Parent_View @1077 - location (1013, 1042) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 168 - justify 0 - label "+selector" - pctDist 0.123288 - height 113 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D8D3E0234" - client @1076 - supplier @1068 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (900, 1032) - terminal_attachment (900, 1113) - label (object SegLabel @1079 - Parent_View @1077 - location (859, 1040) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.095890 - height 42 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$137" @1080 - Parent_View @1076 - location (84, 120) - label (object SegLabel @1081 - Parent_View @1080 - location (859, 968) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D8D3E022A" - client @1076 - supplier @1069 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (900, 1032) - terminal_attachment (900, 951)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$138" @1082 - location (700, 1032) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D8D330025" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "fields" @1083 - Parent_View @1082 - location (-116, 120) - label (object SegLabel @1084 - Parent_View @1083 - location (616, 1036) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 120 - justify 0 - label "+fields" - pctDist 0.054795 - height 85 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D8D330379" - client @1082 - supplier @1068 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (700, 1032) - terminal_attachment (700, 1113) - label (object SegLabel @1085 - Parent_View @1083 - location (771, 1042) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1..*" - pctDist 0.123077 - height 71 - orientation 0)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$139" @1086 - Parent_View @1082 - location (-116, 120) - label (object SegLabel @1087 - Parent_View @1086 - location (659, 968) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6D8D330365" - client @1082 - supplier @1069 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (700, 1032) - terminal_attachment (700, 951)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDComplexTypeContent" @1088 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (752, 1440) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1088 - location (500, 1397) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 504 - justify 0 - label "XSDComplexTypeContent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B683BA00196" - width 522 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object InheritTreeView "" @1089 - location (550, 1590) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @1088 - vertices (list Points - (550, 1590) - (550, 1495))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeGroupContent" @1090 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1504, 576) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1090 - location (1240, 533) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 528 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeGroupContent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6940200089" - width 546 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object InheritTreeView "" @1091 - location (1406, 765) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @1090 - vertices (list Points - (1406, 765) - (1406, 631))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDComplexTypeDefinition" @1092 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2656, 1696) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1092 - location (2393, 1653) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 526 - justify 0 - label "XSDComplexTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682B82031A" - width 544 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$94" @1093 - location (1614, 1868) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6FDDD70113" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$95" @1094 - Parent_View @1093 - location (526, 476) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6FDDDA026B" - client @1093 - supplier @1092 - vertices (list Points - (1614, 1868) - (2500, 1868) - (2500, 1751)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1614, 1868) - terminal_attachment (2500, 1751)) - (object RoleView "content" @1095 - Parent_View @1093 - location (526, 476) - label (object SegLabel @1096 - Parent_View @1095 - location (896, 1787) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 168 - justify 0 - label "+content" - pctDist 0.709870 - height 89 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6FDDDA0275" - client @1093 - supplier @1088 - vertices (list Points - (1614, 1868) - (984, 1868) - (984, 1495)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1614, 1868) - terminal_attachment (984, 1495) - label (object SegLabel @1097 - Parent_View @1095 - location (1042, 1824) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 72 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.571286 - height 45 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$100" @1098 - location (2927, 387) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B698E360386" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "attributeContents" @1099 - Parent_View @1098 - location (2463, -3757) - label (object SegLabel @1100 - Parent_View @1099 - location (1915, 357) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 336 - justify 0 - label "+attributeContents" - pctDist 0.773060 - height 31 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B698E38007C" - client @1098 - supplier @1090 - vertices (list Points - (2927, 387) - (1750, 387) - (1750, 521)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2927, 387) - terminal_attachment (1750, 521) - label (object SegLabel @1101 - Parent_View @1099 - location (1804, 425) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.857247 - height 38 - orientation 0)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$101" @1102 - Parent_View @1098 - location (2463, -3757) - label (object SegLabel @1103 - Parent_View @1102 - location (2946, 1448) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B698E380072" - client @1098 - supplier @1092 - vertices (list Points - (2927, 387) - (2987, 387) - (2987, 1671) - (2928, 1671)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2927, 387) - terminal_attachment (2928, 1671)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeGroupDefinition" @1104 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1968, 1168) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1104 - location (1699, 1125) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 538 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeGroupDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED840290" - width 556 - height 110 - annotation 8) - 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anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B694050029B" - client @1105 - supplier @1104 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1750, 872) - terminal_attachment (1750, 1113)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDWildcard" @1111 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (416, 1168) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1111 - location (279, 1125) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 274 - justify 0 - label "XSDWildcard") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6838370031" - width 292 - height 110 - annotation 8) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$208" @1112 - location (1252, 1896) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BEBDC870247" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$209" @1113 - Parent_View @1112 - location (708, 1288) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BEBDC8C02F9" - client @1112 - supplier @1092 - vertices (list Points - (1252, 1896) - (2603, 1896) - (2603, 1751)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1252, 1896) - terminal_attachment (2603, 1751)) - (object RoleView "attributeWildcardContent" @1114 - Parent_View @1112 - location (708, 1288) - label (object SegLabel @1115 - Parent_View @1114 - location (682, 1858) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 480 - justify 0 - label "+attributeWildcardContent" - pctDist 0.381142 - height 39 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BEBDC8C0303" - client @1112 - supplier @1111 - vertices (list Points - (1252, 1896) - (428, 1896) - (428, 1223)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1252, 1896) - terminal_attachment (428, 1223) - label (object SegLabel @1116 - Parent_View @1114 - location (382, 1860) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.575033 - height 47 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$80" @1117 - location (1199, 1321) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C275D320220" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$81" @1118 - Parent_View @1117 - location (655, 713) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C275D3C010C" - client @1117 - supplier @1104 - vertices (list Points - (1199, 1321) - (1897, 1321) - (1897, 1223)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1199, 1321) - terminal_attachment (1897, 1223)) - (object RoleView "attributeWildcardContent" @1119 - Parent_View @1117 - location (655, 713) - label (object SegLabel @1120 - Parent_View @1119 - location (857, 1279) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 480 - justify 0 - label "+attributeWildcardContent" - pctDist 0.429569 - height 43 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C275D3C010D" - client @1117 - supplier @1111 - vertices (list Points - (1199, 1321) - (500, 1321) - (500, 1223)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1199, 1321) - terminal_attachment (500, 1223) - label (object SegLabel @1121 - Parent_View @1119 - location (576, 1279) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.782305 - height 43 - orientation 1)))) - (object InheritView "" @1122 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BA0D01901F1" - client @1092 - supplier @1057 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2606, 1641) - terminal_attachment (2606, 1593) - drawSupplier @1058) - (object InheritView "" @1123 - stereotype (object SegLabel @1124 - Parent_View @1123 - location (759, 495) - font (object Font - size 8) - anchor 10 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 243 - justify 0 - label "<<mixin>>" - pctDist 0.446429 - height 6 - orientation 1) - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B685F17002E" - client @1061 - supplier @1000 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (753, 520) - terminal_attachment (753, 465) - drawSupplier @1001) - (object InheritView "" @1125 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B684A1302A2" - client @1030 - supplier @1057 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1409, 1641) - terminal_attachment (1409, 1593) - drawSupplier @1058) - (object InheritView "" @1126 - stereotype (object SegLabel @1127 - Parent_View @1126 - location (759, 1591) - font (object Font - size 8) - anchor 10 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 219 - justify 0 - label "<<mixin>>" - pctDist 0.980392 - height 385 - orientation 0) - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B685F55032B" - client @1030 - supplier @1088 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1144, 1641) - terminal_attachment (1144, 1590) - drawSupplier @1089) - (object InheritView "" @1128 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B684A640279" - client @1003 - supplier @1000 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (166, 521) - terminal_attachment (166, 465) - drawSupplier @1001) - (object InheritTreeView "" @1129 - location (431, 222) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @1016 - vertices (list Points - (431, 222) - (431, 130))) - (object InheritView "" @1130 - stereotype (object SegLabel @1131 - Parent_View @1130 - location (361, 224) - font (object Font - size 8) - anchor 10 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 237 - justify 0 - label "<<mixin>>" - pctDist 0.976744 - height 86 - orientation 1) - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6BD2440069" - client @1000 - supplier @1016 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (275, 265) - terminal_attachment (275, 222) - drawSupplier @1129) - (object InheritTreeView "" @1132 - location (1309, 465) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @1049 - vertices (list Points - (1309, 465) - (1309, 375))) - (object InheritView "" @1133 - stereotype (object SegLabel @1134 - Parent_View @1133 - location (941, 495) - font (object Font - size 8) - anchor 10 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 225 - justify 0 - label "<<mixin>>" - pctDist 0.464286 - height 10 - orientation 1) - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B688E660339" - client @1061 - supplier @1049 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (931, 520) - terminal_attachment (931, 465) - drawSupplier @1132) - (object InheritView "" @1135 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6848FC01E7" - client @1010 - supplier @1088 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (250, 1641) - terminal_attachment (250, 1590) - drawSupplier @1089) - (object InheritView "" @1136 - stereotype (object SegLabel @1137 - Parent_View @1136 - location (1205, 493) - font (object Font - size 8) - anchor 10 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 212 - justify 0 - label "<<mixin>>" - pctDist 0.958333 - height 8 - orientation 1) - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B688E6103BE" - client @1023 - supplier @1049 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1197, 1113) - terminal_attachment (1197, 465) - drawSupplier @1132) - (object InheritView "" @1138 - stereotype (object SegLabel @1139 - Parent_View @1138 - location (1951, 905) - font (object Font - size 8) - anchor 10 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 225 - justify 0 - label "<<mixin>>" - pctDist 0.848980 - height 73 - orientation 1) - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6AE2EB02A8" - client @1104 - supplier @993 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1878, 1113) - terminal_attachment (1878, 868) - drawSupplier @994) - (object InheritView "" @1140 - stereotype (object SegLabel @1141 - Parent_View @1140 - location (1642, 807) - font (object Font - size 8) - anchor 10 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 187 - justify 0 - label "<<mixin>>" - pctDist 0.879310 - height 61 - orientation 0) - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69403A0221" - client @1104 - supplier @1090 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1703, 1113) - terminal_attachment (1703, 765) - drawSupplier @1091) - (object InheritView "" @1142 - stereotype (object SegLabel @1143 - Parent_View @1142 - location (1354, 801) - font (object Font - size 8) - anchor 10 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 225 - justify 0 - label "<<mixin>>" - pctDist 0.500000 - height 70 - orientation 1) - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B72D737038F" - client @1022 - supplier @1090 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1284, 837) - terminal_attachment (1284, 765) - drawSupplier @1091) - (object InheritView "" @1144 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C21DB640240" - client @992 - supplier @1048 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2284, 762) - terminal_attachment (2379, 762)) - (object InheritView "" @1145 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6AE32102AF" - client @991 - supplier @1049 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2637, 521) - terminal_attachment (2637, 465) - drawSupplier @1132) - (object InheritView "" @1146 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C21DB560092" - client @1048 - supplier @991 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2637, 729) - terminal_attachment (2637, 631)) - (object InheritView "" @1147 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6AE2B301D5" - client @993 - supplier @1049 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1950, 521) - terminal_attachment (1950, 465) - drawSupplier @1132) - (object InheritView "" @1148 - stereotype (object SegLabel @1149 - Parent_View @1148 - location (2821, 897) - font (object Font - size 8) - anchor 10 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 181 - justify 0 - label "<<mixin>>" - pctDist 0.087719 - height 76 - orientation 0) - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B688E4F023C" - client @990 - supplier @1049 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2896, 937) - terminal_attachment (2896, 465) - drawSupplier @1132) - (object InheritView "" @1150 - stereotype (object SegLabel @1151 - Parent_View @1150 - location (2313, 904) - font (object Font - size 8) - anchor 10 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 207 - justify 0 - label "<<mixin>>" - pctDist 0.850622 - height 68 - orientation 0) - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6AE2E20381" - client @1002 - supplier @993 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2381, 1109) - terminal_attachment (2381, 868) - drawSupplier @994) - (object InheritView "" @1152 - stereotype (object SegLabel @1153 - Parent_View @1152 - location (2878, 269) - font (object Font - size 8) - anchor 10 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 238 - justify 0 - label "<<mixin>>" - pctDist 0.946667 - height 66 - orientation 0) - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6BD2550385" - client @1002 - supplier @1016 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2943, 1109) - terminal_attachment (2943, 222) - drawSupplier @1129) - (object InheritView "" @1154 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B684A3A0041" - client @1111 - supplier @1000 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (462, 1113) - terminal_attachment (462, 465) - drawSupplier @1001))) - (object ClassDiagram "9. 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Concrete Schema Composition" - zoom 100 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDElementDeclaration" @1155 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (304, 1536) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1155 - location (73, 1493) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 462 - justify 0 - label "XSDElementDeclaration") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED580214" - width 480 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$118" @1156 - location (228, 1695) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6B41E60251" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$119" @1157 - Parent_View @1156 - location (-476, -385) - label (object SegLabel @1158 - Parent_View @1157 - location (217, 1623) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6B41EA02F7" - client @1156 - supplier @1155 - vertices (list Points - (228, 1695) - (175, 1695) - (175, 1591)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (228, 1695) - terminal_attachment (175, 1591)) - (object RoleView "resolvedElementDeclaration" @1159 - Parent_View @1156 - location (-476, -385) - label (object SegLabel @1160 - Parent_View @1159 - location (329, 1740) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 528 - justify 0 - label "+resolvedElementDeclaration" - pctDist 1.924528 - height 45 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6B41EA030B" - client @1156 - supplier @1155 - vertices (list Points - (228, 1695) - (281, 1695) - (281, 1591)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (228, 1695) - terminal_attachment (281, 1591) - label (object SegLabel @1161 - Parent_View @1159 - location (229, 1646) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.005714 - height 50 - orientation 0)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDModelGroupDefinition" @1162 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1040, 1536) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1162 - location (790, 1493) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 500 - justify 0 - label "XSDModelGroupDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED9A0205" - width 518 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$154" @1163 - location (952, 1698) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6B42450398" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$155" @1164 - Parent_View @1163 - location (-1288, -318) - label (object SegLabel @1165 - Parent_View @1164 - location (860, 1623) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6B4249038A" - client @1163 - supplier @1162 - vertices (list Points - (952, 1698) - (901, 1698) - (901, 1591)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (952, 1698) - terminal_attachment (901, 1591)) - (object RoleView "resolvedModelGroupDefinition" @1166 - Parent_View @1163 - location (-1288, -318) - label (object SegLabel @1167 - Parent_View @1166 - location (1020, 1739) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 564 - justify 0 - label "+resolvedModelGroupDefinition" - pctDist 1.326923 - height 41 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6B4249039E" - client @1163 - supplier @1162 - vertices (list Points - (952, 1698) - (1004, 1698) - (1004, 1591)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (952, 1698) - terminal_attachment (1004, 1591) - label (object SegLabel @1168 - Parent_View @1166 - location (952, 1649) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.000000 - height 50 - orientation 0)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchemaCompositor" @1169 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (656, 992) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1169 - location (420, 949) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 472 - justify 0 - label "XSDSchemaCompositor") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3C21DB4102AE" - width 490 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchemaDirective" @1170 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (640, 784) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1170 - location (412, 737) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 457 - justify 0 - label "XSDSchemaDirective") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6AD8A202A2" - width 475 - height 118 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchema" @1171 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (640, 416) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1171 - location (446, 285) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 388 - justify 0 - label "XSDSchema") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "374B182500BB" - width 406 - height 287 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$218" @1172 - location (1303, 679) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C21DD0C03DB" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "incorporatedSchema" @1173 - Parent_View @1172 - location (-41, -857) - label (object SegLabel @1174 - Parent_View @1173 - location (1059, 381) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 396 - justify 0 - label "+incorporatedSchema" - pctDist 0.700384 - height 39 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C21DD100305" - client @1172 - supplier @1171 - vertices (list Points - (1303, 679) - (1303, 419) - (843, 419)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1303, 679) - terminal_attachment (843, 419) - label (object SegLabel @1175 - Parent_View @1173 - location (922, 454) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.890746 - height 35 - orientation 0)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$219" @1176 - Parent_View @1172 - location (-41, -857) - label (object SegLabel @1177 - Parent_View @1176 - location (1045, 956) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C21DD100304" - client @1172 - supplier @1169 - vertices (list Points - (1303, 679) - (1303, 997) - (901, 997)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1303, 679) - terminal_attachment (901, 997)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$216" @1178 - location (1216, 649) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C21DCC700EC" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "resolvedSchema" @1179 - Parent_View @1178 - location (336, -1399) - label (object SegLabel @1180 - Parent_View @1179 - location (1038, 500) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 324 - justify 0 - label "+resolvedSchema" - pctDist 0.601923 - height 35 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C21DCCE0043" - client @1178 - supplier @1171 - vertices (list Points - (1216, 649) - (1216, 534) - (843, 534)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1216, 649) - terminal_attachment (843, 534) - label (object SegLabel @1181 - Parent_View @1179 - location (926, 577) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.831643 - height 43 - orientation 0)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$217" @1182 - Parent_View @1178 - location (336, -1399) - label (object SegLabel @1183 - Parent_View @1182 - location (974, 756) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C21DCCE0042" - client @1178 - supplier @1170 - vertices (list Points - (1216, 649) - (1216, 797) - (877, 797)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1216, 649) - terminal_attachment (877, 797)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$222" @1184 - location (662, 642) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C25D3A60131" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "referencingDirectives" @1185 - Parent_View @1184 - location (-234, 114) - label (object SegLabel @1186 - Parent_View @1185 - location (878, 675) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 396 - justify 0 - label "+referencingDirectives" - pctDist 0.408759 - height 216 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C25D3A90371" - client @1184 - supplier @1170 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (662, 642) - terminal_attachment (662, 725) - label (object SegLabel @1187 - Parent_View @1185 - location (615, 678) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.430657 - height 48 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$223" @1188 - Parent_View @1184 - location (-234, 114) - label (object SegLabel @1189 - Parent_View @1188 - location (621, 576) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C25D3A90370" - client @1184 - supplier @1171 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (662, 642) - terminal_attachment (662, 559)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$224" @1190 - 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Parent_View @1192 - location (368, 328) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.874755 - height 53 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$226" @1195 - location (1262, 134) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C25ED0B011B" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$227" @1196 - Parent_View @1195 - location (334, -362) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C25ED0F0121" - client @1195 - supplier @1171 - vertices (list Points - (1262, 134) - (766, 134) - (766, 273)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1262, 134) - terminal_attachment (766, 273)) - (object RoleView "originalVersion" @1197 - Parent_View @1195 - location (334, -362) - label (object SegLabel @1198 - Parent_View @1197 - location (1164, 97) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 288 - justify 0 - label "+originalVersion" - pctDist -1.650000 - height 38 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C25ED0F012B" - client @1195 - supplier @1171 - vertices (list Points - (1262, 134) - (1322, 134) - (1322, 334) - (843, 334)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1262, 134) - terminal_attachment (843, 334) - label (object SegLabel @1199 - Parent_View @1197 - location (919, 279) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.898108 - height 56 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$228" @1200 - location (126, 656) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C25EEAB001F" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$229" @1201 - Parent_View @1200 - location (-834, 160) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C25EEAF010B" - client @1200 - supplier @1171 - vertices (list Points - (126, 656) - (513, 656) - (513, 559)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (126, 656) - terminal_attachment (513, 559)) - (object RoleView "incorporatedVersions" @1202 - Parent_View @1200 - location (-834, 160) - label (object SegLabel @1203 - Parent_View @1202 - location (217, 431) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 408 - justify 0 - label "+incorporatedVersions" - pctDist 0.643902 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C25EEAF0115" - client @1200 - supplier @1171 - vertices (list Points - (126, 656) - (66, 656) - (66, 472) - (437, 472)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (126, 656) - terminal_attachment (437, 472) - label (object SegLabel @1204 - Parent_View @1202 - location (356, 526) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.868468 - height 54 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$232" @1205 - location (642, 126) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C2784730194" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$233" @1206 - Parent_View @1205 - location (82, -418) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C27847501F1" - client @1205 - supplier @1171 - vertices (list Points - (642, 126) - (588, 126) - (588, 273)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (642, 126) - terminal_attachment (588, 273)) - (object RoleView "schemaForSchema" @1207 - Parent_View @1205 - location (82, -418) - label (object SegLabel @1208 - Parent_View @1207 - location (639, 74) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 384 - justify 0 - label "+schemaForSchema" - pctDist -0.055556 - height 53 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C27847501FB" - client @1205 - supplier @1171 - vertices (list Points - (642, 126) - (697, 126) - (697, 273)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (642, 126) - terminal_attachment (697, 273) - label (object SegLabel @1209 - Parent_View @1207 - location (643, 213) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.701863 - height 55 - orientation 1)))) - (object InheritView "" @1210 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C21DB560092" - client @1169 - supplier @1170 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (638, 937) - terminal_attachment (638, 843)) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeDeclaration" @1211 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (304, 1184) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1211 - location (67, 1141) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 474 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeDeclaration") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED2E0192" - width 492 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$72" @1212 - location (234, 1340) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6B426B0194" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$73" @1213 - Parent_View @1212 - location (-310, -4) - label (object SegLabel @1214 - Parent_View @1213 - location (140, 1271) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6B426D0309" - client @1212 - supplier @1211 - vertices (list Points - (234, 1340) - (181, 1340) - (181, 1239)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (234, 1340) - terminal_attachment (181, 1239)) - (object RoleView "resolvedAttributeDeclaration" @1215 - Parent_View @1212 - location (-310, -4) - label (object SegLabel @1216 - Parent_View @1215 - location (333, 1389) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 528 - justify 0 - label "+resolvedAttributeDeclaration" - pctDist 1.867925 - height 49 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6B426D0313" - client @1212 - supplier @1211 - vertices (list Points - (234, 1340) - (287, 1340) - (287, 1239)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (234, 1340) - terminal_attachment (287, 1239) - label (object SegLabel @1217 - Parent_View @1215 - location (241, 1295) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.042945 - height 46 - orientation 0)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSimpleTypeDefinition" @1218 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1760, 144) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1218 - location (1517, 101) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 486 - justify 0 - label "XSDSimpleTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682BA7005D" - width 504 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDFacet" @1219 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1712, 416) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1219 - location (1599, 373) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 226 - justify 0 - label "XSDFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C359403D2" - width 244 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$306" @1220 - location (1668, 280) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3D4BB4AE01CC" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$307" @1221 - Parent_View @1220 - location (8, -152) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3D4BB4AF010F" - client @1220 - supplier @1218 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1668, 280) - terminal_attachment (1668, 199)) - (object RoleView "syntheticFacets" @1222 - Parent_View @1220 - location (8, -152) - label (object SegLabel @1223 - Parent_View @1222 - location (1852, 300) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 324 - justify 0 - label "+syntheticFacets" - pctDist 0.246154 - height 184 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3D4BB4AF011A" - client @1220 - supplier @1219 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1668, 280) - terminal_attachment (1668, 361) - label (object SegLabel @1224 - Parent_View @1222 - location (1625, 301) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.276923 - height 44 - orientation 1)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDParticle" @1225 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1552, 944) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1225 - location (1426, 901) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 252 - justify 0 - label "XSDParticle") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682BBD01F7" - width 270 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDComplexTypeDefinition" @1226 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1776, 640) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1226 - location (1515, 597) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 522 - justify 0 - label "XSDComplexTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682B82031A" - width 540 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$308" @1227 - location (1508, 792) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3D4BB4D3028E" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$309" @1228 - Parent_View @1227 - location (-12, -280) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3D4BB4D402F3" - client @1227 - supplier @1226 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1508, 792) - terminal_attachment (1508, 695)) - (object RoleView "syntheticParticle" @1229 - Parent_View @1227 - location (-12, -280) - label (object SegLabel @1230 - Parent_View @1229 - location (1695, 767) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 336 - justify 0 - label "+syntheticParticle" - pctDist -0.259259 - height 187 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3D4BB4D402FD" - client @1227 - supplier @1225 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1508, 792) - terminal_attachment (1508, 889) - label (object SegLabel @1231 - Parent_View @1229 - location (1454, 829) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.395062 - height 55 - orientation 1)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeGroupDefinition" @1232 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1024, 1184) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1232 - location (756, 1141) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 536 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeGroupDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED840290" - width 554 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$84" @1233 - location (919, 1349) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6B425E01F9" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$85" @1234 - Parent_View @1233 - location (-233, -59) - label (object SegLabel @1235 - Parent_View @1234 - location (825, 1273) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6B42620046" - client @1233 - supplier @1232 - vertices (list Points - (919, 1349) - (866, 1349) - (866, 1239)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (919, 1349) - terminal_attachment (866, 1239)) - (object RoleView "resolvedAttributeGroupDefinition" @1236 - Parent_View @1233 - location (-233, -59) - label (object SegLabel @1237 - Parent_View @1236 - location (993, 1393) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 600 - justify 0 - label "+resolvedAttributeGroupDefinition" - pctDist 1.377358 - height 44 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B6B42620050" - client @1233 - supplier @1232 - vertices (list Points - (919, 1349) - (973, 1349) - (973, 1239)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (919, 1349) - terminal_attachment (973, 1239) - label (object SegLabel @1238 - Parent_View @1236 - location (919, 1296) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist -0.014925 - height 54 - orientation 0)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDWildcard" @1239 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressAttribute TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1952, 944) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1239 - location (1816, 901) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 272 - justify 0 - label "XSDWildcard") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6838370031" - width 290 - height 110 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$310" @1240 - location (2025, 792) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3D4BB4D901F6" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$311" @1241 - Parent_View @1240 - location (153, -280) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3D4BB4DA0284" - client @1240 - supplier @1226 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2025, 792) - terminal_attachment (2025, 695)) - (object RoleView "syntheticWildcard" @1242 - Parent_View @1240 - location (153, -280) - label (object SegLabel @1243 - Parent_View @1242 - location (1826, 838) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 348 - justify 0 - label "+syntheticWildcard" - pctDist 0.488095 - height 200 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3D4BB4DA028E" - client @1240 - supplier @1239 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2025, 792) - terminal_attachment (2025, 889) - label (object SegLabel @1244 - Parent_View @1242 - location (2098, 840) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.506173 - height 73 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$312" @1245 - location (1754, 1178) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3D4C68FF01BF" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$313" @1246 - Parent_View @1245 - location (-198, 234) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3D4C69020317" - client @1245 - supplier @1232 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1754, 1178) - terminal_attachment (1301, 1178)) - (object RoleView "syntheticWildcard" @1247 - Parent_View @1245 - location (-198, 234) - label (object SegLabel @1248 - Parent_View @1247 - location (1828, 1261) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 348 - justify 0 - label "+syntheticWildcard" - pctDist 0.163355 - height 83 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3D4C69020318" - client @1245 - supplier @1239 - vertices (list Points - (1754, 1178) - (2028, 1178) - (2028, 999)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1754, 1178) - terminal_attachment (2028, 999) - label (object SegLabel @1249 - Parent_View @1247 - location (2082, 1098) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.783664 - height 54 - orientation 1)))))) - (object ClassDiagram "10. 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Parent_View @1251 - location (818, 547) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 444 - justify 0 - label "XSDDiagnosticSeverity") - stereotype (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1251 - location (818, 497) - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 10 - nlines 1 - max_width 444 - justify 0 - label "<<enumeration>>") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 8432127 - quidu "3BFE68A7032F" - width 462 - height 342 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSchema" @1252 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (192, 112) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1252 - location (59, 60) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 266 - justify 0 - label "XSDSchema") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "374B182500BB" - width 284 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDConcreteComponent" @1253 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (896, 112) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1253 - location (540, 62) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 713 - justify 0 - label "XSDConcreteComponent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6AD7B40065" - width 731 - height 125 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDDiagnostic" @1254 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (384, 608) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1254 - location (64, 402) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 640 - justify 0 - label "XSDDiagnostic") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3BFE5F910046" - width 658 - height 436 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$214" @1255 - location (144, 283) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BFE6431035F" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$215" @1256 - Parent_View @1255 - location (-1088, -661) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BFE643201C6" - client @1255 - supplier @1252 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (144, 283) - terminal_attachment (144, 176)) - (object RoleView "allDiagnostics" @1257 - Parent_View @1255 - location (-1088, -661) - label (object SegLabel @1258 - Parent_View @1257 - location (309, 330) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 276 - justify 0 - label "+allDiagnostics" - pctDist 0.448598 - height 165 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BFE643201C7" - client @1255 - supplier @1254 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (144, 283) - terminal_attachment (144, 390) - label (object SegLabel @1259 - Parent_View @1257 - location (96, 327) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.420561 - height 49 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$210" @1260 - location (1028, 440) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BFE622703CD" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$211" @1261 - Parent_View @1260 - location (-396, -72) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BFE622B0061" - client @1260 - supplier @1254 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1028, 440) - terminal_attachment (713, 440)) - (object RoleView "components" @1262 - Parent_View @1260 - location (-396, -72) - label (object SegLabel @1263 - Parent_View @1262 - location (938, 230) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 252 - justify 0 - label "+components" - pctDist 0.829181 - height 151 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BFE622B006C" - client @1260 - supplier @1253 - vertices (list Points - (1028, 440) - (1088, 440) - (1088, 174)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1028, 440) - terminal_attachment (1088, 174) - label (object SegLabel @1264 - Parent_View @1262 - location (1143, 232) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "1..*" - pctDist 0.823848 - height 55 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$212" @1265 - location (688, 282) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BFE62690165" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$213" @1266 - Parent_View @1265 - location (160, -278) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BFE626A0026" - client @1265 - supplier @1253 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (688, 282) - terminal_attachment (688, 174)) - (object RoleView "diagnostics" @1267 - Parent_View @1265 - location (160, -278) - label (object SegLabel @1268 - Parent_View @1267 - location (822, 330) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 240 - justify 0 - label "+diagnostics" - pctDist 0.452632 - height 134 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BFE626A0027" - client @1265 - supplier @1254 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (688, 282) - terminal_attachment (688, 390) - label (object SegLabel @1269 - Parent_View @1267 - location (645, 335) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 70 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.494737 - height 44 - orientation 1)))) - (object InheritView "" @1270 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3D4C0F4C01A1" - client @1254 - supplier @1253 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (575, 390) - terminal_attachment (575, 174)))) - (object ClassDiagram "11. 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Supplemental" - zoom 100 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeGroupDefinition" @1271 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (464, 816) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1271 - location (47, 760) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 834 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeGroupDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED840290" - width 852 - height 136 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDAttributeDeclaration" @1272 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2112, 880) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1272 - location (1731, 824) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 762 - justify 0 - label "XSDAttributeDeclaration") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED2E0192" - width 780 - height 136 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDConcreteComponent" @1273 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (288, 112) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1273 - location (48, 60) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 480 - justify 0 - label "XSDConcreteComponent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6AD7B40065" - width 498 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDDiagnostic" @1274 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2384, 112) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1274 - location (2236, 60) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 296 - justify 0 - label "XSDDiagnostic") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3BFE5F910046" - width 314 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$236" @1275 - location (1382, 84) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C2882C50137" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "primaryComponent" @1276 - Parent_View @1275 - location (-250, -508) - label (object SegLabel @1277 - Parent_View @1276 - location (756, 116) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 372 - justify 0 - label "+primaryComponent" - pctDist 0.740828 - height 32 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C2882C70113" - client @1275 - supplier @1273 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1382, 84) - terminal_attachment (537, 84) - label (object SegLabel @1278 - Parent_View @1276 - location (624, 55) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.897260 - height 30 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$237" @1279 - Parent_View @1275 - location (-250, -508) - label (object SegLabel @1280 - Parent_View @1279 - location (2058, 126) - hidden TRUE - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 450 - justify 0 - label "" - pctDist 0.800000 - height 42 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C2882C70112" - client @1275 - supplier @1274 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1382, 84) - terminal_attachment (2227, 84)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDElementDeclaration" @1281 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2160, 688) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1281 - location (1778, 607) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 764 - justify 0 - label "XSDElementDeclaration") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED580214" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @1281 - location (1778, 667) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 722 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ elementDeclarationReference : boolean" - "+ circular : boolean")) - width 782 - height 186 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDFacet" @1282 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2320, 1072) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1282 - location (2100, 991) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 440 - justify 0 - label "XSDFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6C359403D2" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @1282 - location (2100, 1051) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 423 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ facetName : String" - "+ effectiveValue : Value")) - width 458 - height 186 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDModelGroupDefinition" @1283 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (448, 624) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1283 - location (47, 568) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 802 - justify 0 - label "XSDModelGroupDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B66ED9A0205" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @1283 - location (47, 628) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 2 - nlines 1 - max_width 769 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ modelGroupDefinitionReference : boolean")) - width 820 - height 136 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDNamedComponent" @1284 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1232, 288) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1284 - location (1005, 157) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 454 - justify 0 - label "XSDNamedComponent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B6846D303A4" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @1284 - location (1005, 217) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 2 - nlines 4 - max_width 356 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ aliasName : String" - "+ uRI : String" - "+ aliasURI : String" - "+ qName : String")) - width 472 - height 286 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDRedefinableComponent" @1285 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (320, 352) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1285 - location (48, 296) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 544 - justify 0 - label "XSDRedefinableComponent") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B7FCA8B020B" - width 562 - height 136 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @1286 - location (320, 510) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @1285 - vertices (list Points - (320, 510) - (320, 420))) - (object InheritView "" @1287 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B7FCAC40090" - client @1283 - supplier @1285 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (81, 556) - terminal_attachment (81, 510) - drawSupplier @1286) - (object InheritView "" @1288 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B7FCAC800D2" - client @1271 - supplier @1285 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (877, 748) - terminal_attachment (877, 510) - drawSupplier @1286) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDMaxInclusiveFacet" @1289 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2320, 1808) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1289 - location (2101, 1761) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 438 - justify 0 - label "XSDMaxInclusiveFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C787D00DA" - width 456 - height 119 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDMinInclusiveFacet" @1290 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (272, 1776) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1290 - location (35, 1729) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 475 - justify 0 - label "XSDMinInclusiveFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C788702C9" - width 493 - height 119 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDMinExclusiveFacet" @1291 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (272, 1936) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1291 - location (35, 1889) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 475 - justify 0 - label "XSDMinExclusiveFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C792D000A" - width 493 - height 118 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDMaxExclusiveFacet" @1292 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2304, 1968) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1292 - location (2073, 1917) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 462 - justify 0 - label "XSDMaxExclusiveFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C789600C2" - width 480 - height 126 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDCardinalityFacet" @1293 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2336, 1424) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1293 - location (2134, 1372) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 404 - justify 0 - label "XSDCardinalityFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C755D03D2" - width 422 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDBoundedFacet" @1294 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2352, 1264) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1294 - location (2163, 1212) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 378 - justify 0 - label "XSDBoundedFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C751D0344" - width 396 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDOrderedFacet" @1295 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (224, 1392) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1295 - location (43, 1340) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 362 - justify 0 - label "XSDOrderedFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C74DD0248" - width 380 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDNumericFacet" @1296 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (240, 1232) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1296 - location (49, 1178) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 382 - justify 0 - label "XSDNumericFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C75950206" - width 400 - height 132 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDMaxFacet" @1297 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2336, 1616) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1297 - location (2135, 1535) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 402 - justify 0 - label "XSDMaxFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3C0A1CEB010E" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @1297 - location (2135, 1595) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 363 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ inclusive : boolean" - "+ exclusive : boolean")) - width 420 - height 186 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDWhiteSpaceFacet" @1298 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2320, 2288) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1298 - location (2102, 2236) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 436 - justify 0 - label "XSDWhiteSpaceFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C784601B7" - width 454 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDFractionDigitsFacet" @1299 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2304, 2624) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1299 - location (2074, 2572) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 460 - justify 0 - label "XSDFractionDigitsFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C79BE02EE" - width 478 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDPatternFacet" @1300 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2368, 2128) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1300 - location (2196, 2076) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 344 - justify 0 - label "XSDPatternFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C6ADB026C" - width 362 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDEnumerationFacet" @1301 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (256, 2096) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1301 - location (36, 2044) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 440 - justify 0 - label "XSDEnumerationFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C6ACE0141" - width 458 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDLengthFacet" @1302 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (208, 2272) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1302 - location (38, 2220) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 340 - justify 0 - label "XSDLengthFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C776200E7" - width 358 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDMinFacet" @1303 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (240, 1584) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1303 - location (38, 1503) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 404 - justify 0 - label "XSDMinFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3C0A1CDE037C" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @1303 - location (38, 1563) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 363 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ inclusive : boolean" - "+ exclusive : boolean")) - width 422 - height 186 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDMaxLengthFacet" @1304 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2320, 2464) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1304 - location (2111, 2412) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 418 - justify 0 - label "XSDMaxLengthFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C77C70146" - width 436 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDMinLengthFacet" @1305 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (240, 2448) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1305 - location (39, 2396) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 402 - justify 0 - label "XSDMinLengthFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C778C0065" - width 420 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDTotalDigitsFacet" @1306 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (240, 2608) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1306 - location (38, 2556) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 404 - justify 0 - label "XSDTotalDigitsFacet") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B6C79A0020E" - width 422 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDComplexTypeDefinition" @1307 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (928, 1152) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1307 - location (667, 1100) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 522 - justify 0 - label "XSDComplexTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682B82031A" - width 540 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDParticle" @1308 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (176, 1072) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1308 - location (50, 1020) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 252 - justify 0 - label "XSDParticle") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682BBD01F7" - width 270 - height 128 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDSimpleTypeDefinition" @1309 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1232, 1360) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1309 - location (944, 1304) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 576 - justify 0 - label "XSDSimpleTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - quidu "3B682BA7005D" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @1309 - location (944, 1364) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 16777215 - anchor 2 - nlines 1 - max_width 538 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "<<0..*>> + validFacets : String")) - width 594 - height 136 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$248" @1310 - location (1446, 1218) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28A994030A" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "rootTypeDefinition" @1311 - Parent_View @1310 - location (582, -78) - label (object SegLabel @1312 - Parent_View @1311 - location (1580, 1173) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 348 - justify 0 - label "+rootTypeDefinition" - pctDist 3.268293 - height 46 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28A99700DD" - client @1310 - supplier @1309 - vertices (list Points - (1446, 1218) - (1487, 1218) - (1487, 1292)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1446, 1218) - terminal_attachment (1487, 1292) - label (object SegLabel @1313 - Parent_View @1311 - location (1439, 1257) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist -0.184211 - height 39 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$249" @1314 - Parent_View @1310 - location (582, -78) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28A99700E7" - client @1310 - supplier @1309 - vertices (list Points - (1446, 1218) - (1405, 1218) - (1405, 1292)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1446, 1218) - terminal_attachment (1405, 1292)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$252" @1315 - location (1733, 1575) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B08D0252" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$253" @1316 - Parent_View @1315 - location (917, 7) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B08E0091" - client @1315 - supplier @1309 - vertices (list Points - (1733, 1575) - (1487, 1575) - (1487, 1428)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1733, 1575) - terminal_attachment (1487, 1428)) - (object RoleView "maxFacet" @1317 - Parent_View @1315 - location (917, 7) - label (object SegLabel @1318 - Parent_View @1317 - location (1751, 1541) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 204 - justify 0 - label "+maxFacet" - pctDist 0.046243 - height 35 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B08E009B" - client @1315 - supplier @1297 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1733, 1575) - terminal_attachment (2126, 1575) - label (object SegLabel @1319 - Parent_View @1317 - location (2042, 1536) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.789157 - height 40 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$254" @1320 - location (1587, 1793) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0AB0396" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$255" @1321 - Parent_View @1320 - location (707, -31) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0AC03C9" - client @1320 - supplier @1309 - vertices (list Points - (1587, 1793) - (1447, 1793) - (1447, 1428)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1587, 1793) - terminal_attachment (1447, 1428)) - (object RoleView "maxInclusiveFacet" @1322 - Parent_View @1320 - location (707, -31) - label (object SegLabel @1323 - Parent_View @1322 - location (1737, 1751) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 360 - justify 0 - label "+maxInclusiveFacet" - pctDist 0.298441 - height 43 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0AC03D4" - client @1320 - supplier @1289 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1587, 1793) - terminal_attachment (2092, 1793) - label (object SegLabel @1324 - Parent_View @1322 - location (2020, 1754) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.859155 - height 40 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$256" @1325 - location (937, 1787) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0AF0338" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$257" @1326 - Parent_View @1325 - location (617, -5) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0B001F9" - client @1325 - supplier @1309 - vertices (list Points - (937, 1787) - (997, 1787) - (997, 1428)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (937, 1787) - terminal_attachment (997, 1428)) - (object RoleView "minInclusiveFacet" @1327 - Parent_View @1325 - location (617, -5) - label (object SegLabel @1328 - Parent_View @1327 - location (792, 1745) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 348 - justify 0 - label "+minInclusiveFacet" - pctDist 0.346062 - height 43 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0B00203" - client @1325 - supplier @1290 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (937, 1787) - terminal_attachment (518, 1787) - label (object SegLabel @1329 - Parent_View @1327 - location (575, 1743) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.863962 - height 45 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$258" @1330 - location (981, 1937) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0B30207" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$259" @1331 - Parent_View @1330 - location (677, -79) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0B40190" - client @1330 - supplier @1309 - vertices (list Points - (981, 1937) - (1041, 1937) - (1041, 1428)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (981, 1937) - terminal_attachment (1041, 1428)) - (object RoleView "minExclusiveFacet" @1332 - Parent_View @1330 - location (677, -79) - label (object SegLabel @1333 - Parent_View @1332 - location (823, 1900) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 372 - justify 0 - label "+minExclusiveFacet" - pctDist 0.341253 - height 38 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0B4019A" - client @1330 - supplier @1291 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (981, 1937) - terminal_attachment (518, 1937) - label (object SegLabel @1334 - Parent_View @1332 - location (589, 1897) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.846652 - height 41 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$260" @1335 - location (1469, 1953) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0B6028D" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$261" @1336 - Parent_View @1335 - location (621, -95) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0B70217" - client @1335 - supplier @1309 - vertices (list Points - (1469, 1953) - (1400, 1953) - (1400, 1428)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1469, 1953) - terminal_attachment (1400, 1428)) - (object RoleView "maxExclusiveFacet" @1337 - Parent_View @1335 - location (621, -95) - label (object SegLabel @1338 - Parent_View @1337 - location (1646, 1913) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 384 - justify 0 - label "+maxExclusiveFacet" - pctDist 0.298097 - height 41 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0B70221" - client @1335 - supplier @1292 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1469, 1953) - terminal_attachment (2064, 1953) - label (object SegLabel @1339 - Parent_View @1337 - location (1961, 1913) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.827236 - height 41 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$262" @1340 - location (1122, 2180) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0BC0051" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$263" @1341 - Parent_View @1340 - location (-318, 628) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0BC0246" - client @1340 - supplier @1309 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1122, 2180) - terminal_attachment (1122, 1428)) - (object RoleView "lengthFacet" @1342 - 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client @1345 - supplier @1309 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1084, 1989) - terminal_attachment (1084, 1428)) - (object RoleView "enumerationFacets" @1347 - Parent_View @1345 - location (-1380, 437) - label (object SegLabel @1348 - Parent_View @1347 - location (837, 2016) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 372 - justify 0 - label "+enumerationFacets" - pctDist 0.465857 - height 34 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0C300AC" - client @1345 - supplier @1301 - vertices (list Points - (1084, 1989) - (1084, 2049) - (485, 2049)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1084, 1989) - terminal_attachment (485, 2049) - label (object SegLabel @1349 - Parent_View @1347 - location (583, 2021) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.851290 - height 29 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$268" @1350 - location (1451, 2074) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0C50159" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$269" @1351 - Parent_View @1350 - location (-1525, 538) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0C600B0" - client @1350 - supplier @1309 - vertices (list Points - (1451, 2074) - (1362, 2074) - (1362, 1428)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1451, 2074) - terminal_attachment (1362, 1428)) - (object RoleView "patternFacets" @1352 - Parent_View @1350 - location (-1525, 538) - label (object SegLabel @1353 - Parent_View @1352 - location (1720, 2038) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 276 - justify 0 - label "+patternFacets" - pctDist 0.367223 - height 37 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0C600BA" - client @1350 - supplier @1300 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1451, 2074) - terminal_attachment (2187, 2074) - label (object SegLabel @1354 - Parent_View @1352 - location (1972, 2035) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..*" - pctDist 0.708649 - height 40 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$270" @1355 - location (1827, 1400) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0C802A7" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$271" @1356 - Parent_View @1355 - location (-1149, -472) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0C901EA" - client @1355 - supplier @1309 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1827, 1400) - terminal_attachment (1529, 1400)) - (object RoleView "cardinalityFacet" @1357 - Parent_View @1355 - location (-1149, -472) - label (object SegLabel @1358 - Parent_View @1357 - location (1847, 1358) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 312 - justify 0 - label "+cardinalityFacet" - pctDist 0.071730 - height 43 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0C901F5" - client @1355 - supplier @1293 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1827, 1400) - terminal_attachment (2125, 1400) - label (object SegLabel @1359 - Parent_View @1357 - location (2083, 1357) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.863426 - height 44 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$280" @1360 - location (1262, 2413) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0DB0377" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$281" @1361 - Parent_View @1360 - location (-786, 301) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0DC035A" - client @1360 - supplier @1309 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1262, 2413) - terminal_attachment (1262, 1428)) - (object RoleView "fractionDigitsFacet" @1362 - Parent_View @1360 - location (-786, 301) - label (object SegLabel @1363 - Parent_View @1362 - location (1608, 2556) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 360 - justify 0 - label "+fractionDigitsFacet" - pctDist 0.537393 - height 41 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0DC0364" - client @1360 - supplier @1299 - vertices (list Points - (1262, 2413) - (1262, 2596) - (2065, 2596)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1262, 2413) - terminal_attachment (2065, 2596) - label (object SegLabel @1364 - Parent_View @1362 - location (1979, 2556) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.913886 - height 41 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$284" @1365 - location (1841, 1306) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0E300D9" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$285" @1366 - Parent_View @1365 - location (-1135, -790) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0E4038E" - client @1365 - supplier @1309 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1841, 1306) - terminal_attachment (1529, 1306)) - (object RoleView "boundedFacet" @1367 - Parent_View @1365 - location (-1135, -790) - label (object SegLabel @1368 - Parent_View @1367 - location (1832, 1270) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 288 - justify 0 - label "+boundedFacet" - pctDist -0.031746 - height 37 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0E40398" - client @1365 - supplier @1294 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1841, 1306) - terminal_attachment (2154, 1306) - label (object SegLabel @1369 - Parent_View @1367 - location (2077, 1275) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.754717 - height 32 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$264" @1370 - location (1328, 2186) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0BF018C" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$265" @1371 - Parent_View @1370 - location (-640, 634) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0C0006B" - client @1370 - supplier @1309 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1328, 2186) - terminal_attachment (1328, 1428)) - (object RoleView "whiteSpaceFacet" @1372 - Parent_View @1370 - location (-640, 634) - label (object SegLabel @1373 - Parent_View @1372 - location (1673, 2207) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 336 - justify 0 - label "+whiteSpaceFacet" - pctDist 0.490909 - height 40 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0C00075" - client @1370 - supplier @1298 - vertices (list Points - (1328, 2186) - (1328, 2246) - (2093, 2246)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1328, 2186) - terminal_attachment (2093, 2246) - label (object SegLabel @1374 - Parent_View @1372 - location (2033, 2203) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.926763 - height 44 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$282" @1375 - location (674, 1390) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0DF0048" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$283" @1376 - Parent_View @1375 - location (-1854, -706) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0DF03B9" - client @1375 - supplier @1309 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (674, 1390) - terminal_attachment (935, 1390)) - (object RoleView "orderedFacet" @1377 - Parent_View @1375 - location (-1854, -706) - label (object SegLabel @1378 - Parent_View @1377 - location (658, 1353) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 264 - justify 0 - label "+orderedFacet" - pctDist 0.061538 - height 38 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0DF03C3" - client @1375 - supplier @1295 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (674, 1390) - terminal_attachment (414, 1390) - label (object SegLabel @1379 - Parent_View @1377 - location (510, 1355) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.634615 - height 36 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$272" @1380 - location (687, 1296) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0CB039C" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$273" @1381 - Parent_View @1380 - location (-1809, -576) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0CC03D0" - client @1380 - supplier @1309 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (687, 1296) - terminal_attachment (935, 1296)) - (object RoleView "numericFacet" @1382 - Parent_View @1380 - location (-1809, -576) - label (object SegLabel @1383 - Parent_View @1382 - location (668, 1257) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 276 - justify 0 - label "+numericFacet" - pctDist 0.080972 - height 40 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0CC03D1" - client @1380 - supplier @1296 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (687, 1296) - terminal_attachment (440, 1296) - label (object SegLabel @1384 - Parent_View @1382 - location (506, 1260) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.736842 - height 37 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$286" @1385 - location (1689, 1662) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B44401EC" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$287" @1386 - Parent_View @1385 - location (-183, -354) - 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stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B54F0145" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$289" @1391 - Parent_View @1390 - location (-1072, -462) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B550038C" - client @1390 - supplier @1309 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1328, 2258) - terminal_attachment (1328, 1428)) - (object RoleView "effectiveWhiteSpaceFacet" @1392 - Parent_View @1390 - location (-1072, -462) - label (object SegLabel @1393 - Parent_View @1392 - location (1685, 2288) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 492 - justify 0 - label "+effectiveWhiteSpaceFacet" - pctDist 0.508541 - height 37 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B5500396" - client @1390 - supplier @1298 - vertices (list Points - (1328, 2258) - (1328, 2324) - (2093, 2324)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1328, 2258) - terminal_attachment (2093, 2324) - label (object SegLabel @1394 - Parent_View @1392 - location (2009, 2293) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.898817 - height 32 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$290" @1395 - location (1297, 2366) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B5C4011C" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$291" @1396 - Parent_View @1395 - location (-607, -722) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B5C5020D" - client @1395 - supplier @1309 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1297, 2366) - terminal_attachment (1297, 1428)) - (object RoleView "effectiveMaxLengthFacet" @1397 - Parent_View @1395 - location (-607, -722) - label (object SegLabel @1398 - Parent_View @1397 - location (1657, 2463) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 480 - justify 0 - label "+effectiveMaxLengthFacet" - pctDist 0.526906 - height 37 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B5C50217" - client @1395 - supplier @1304 - vertices (list Points - (1297, 2366) - (1297, 2499) - (2102, 2499)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1297, 2366) - terminal_attachment (2102, 2499) - label (object SegLabel @1399 - Parent_View @1397 - location (2007, 2471) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.899308 - height 29 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$292" @1400 - location (1262, 2449) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B62A00AA" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$293" @1401 - Parent_View @1400 - location (-1170, -815) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B62B0138" - client @1400 - supplier @1309 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1262, 2449) - terminal_attachment (1262, 1428)) - (object RoleView "effectiveFractionDigitsFacet" @1402 - Parent_View @1400 - location (-1170, -815) - label (object SegLabel @1403 - Parent_View @1402 - location (1640, 2634) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 528 - justify 0 - label "+effectiveFractionDigitsFacet" - 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client @1410 - supplier @1309 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1084, 2083) - terminal_attachment (1084, 1428)) - (object RoleView "effectiveEnumerationFacet" @1412 - Parent_View @1410 - location (828, -1373) - label (object SegLabel @1413 - Parent_View @1412 - location (822, 2101) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 504 - justify 0 - label "+effectiveEnumerationFacet" - pctDist 0.488619 - height 43 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B7CB0190" - client @1410 - supplier @1301 - vertices (list Points - (1084, 2083) - (1084, 2143) - (485, 2143)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1084, 2083) - terminal_attachment (485, 2143) - label (object SegLabel @1414 - Parent_View @1412 - location (531, 2100) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.931715 - height 44 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$302" @1415 - location (1122, 2241) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B8DC0052" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$303" @1416 - Parent_View @1415 - location (866, -479) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B8DC03B9" - client @1415 - supplier @1309 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1122, 2241) - terminal_attachment (1122, 1428)) - (object RoleView "effectiveLengthFacet" @1417 - Parent_View @1415 - location (866, -479) - label (object SegLabel @1418 - Parent_View @1417 - location (800, 2279) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 396 - justify 0 - label "+effectiveLengthFacet" - pctDist 0.491731 - height 40 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B8DC03C3" - client @1415 - supplier @1302 - vertices (list Points - (1122, 2241) - (1122, 2318) - (387, 2318)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1122, 2241) - terminal_attachment (387, 2318) - label (object SegLabel @1419 - Parent_View @1417 - location (470, 2279) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.898567 - height 40 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$250" @1420 - location (773, 1565) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B085025B" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$251" @1421 - Parent_View @1420 - location (469, 13) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0860270" - client @1420 - supplier @1309 - vertices (list Points - (773, 1565) - (959, 1565) - (959, 1428)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (773, 1565) - terminal_attachment (959, 1428)) - (object RoleView "minFacet" @1422 - Parent_View @1420 - location (469, 13) - label (object SegLabel @1423 - Parent_View @1422 - location (753, 1532) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 192 - justify 0 - label "+minFacet" - pctDist 0.063091 - height 34 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B086027A" - client @1420 - supplier @1303 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (773, 1565) - terminal_attachment (451, 1565) - 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max_width 336 - justify 0 - label "+maxLengthFacet" - pctDist 0.472255 - height 30 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0D2008F" - client @1430 - supplier @1304 - vertices (list Points - (1297, 2321) - (1297, 2409) - (2102, 2409)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1297, 2321) - terminal_attachment (2102, 2409) - label (object SegLabel @1434 - Parent_View @1432 - location (1994, 2366) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.879208 - height 44 - orientation 0)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$276" @1435 - location (1159, 2273) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0D500C5" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$277" @1436 - Parent_View @1435 - location (-281, 449) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0D6001D" - client @1435 - supplier @1309 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1159, 2273) - terminal_attachment (1159, 1428)) - (object RoleView "minLengthFacet" @1437 - 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client @1440 - supplier @1309 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1197, 2334) - terminal_attachment (1197, 1428)) - (object RoleView "effectiveMinLengthFacet" @1442 - Parent_View @1440 - location (941, -610) - label (object SegLabel @1443 - Parent_View @1442 - location (856, 2454) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 468 - justify 0 - label "+effectiveMinLengthFacet" - pctDist 0.552604 - height 40 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B8990060" - client @1440 - supplier @1305 - vertices (list Points - (1197, 2334) - (1197, 2493) - (450, 2493)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1197, 2334) - terminal_attachment (450, 2493) - label (object SegLabel @1444 - Parent_View @1442 - location (527, 2451) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.916047 - height 43 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$298" @1445 - location (1231, 2438) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B8400062" - 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pctDist 0.918812 - height 38 - orientation 1)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$278" @1450 - location (1231, 2397) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0D800DE" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$279" @1451 - Parent_View @1450 - location (-209, 253) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0D803CD" - client @1450 - supplier @1309 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1231, 2397) - terminal_attachment (1231, 1428)) - (object RoleView "totalDigitsFacet" @1452 - Parent_View @1450 - location (-209, 253) - label (object SegLabel @1453 - Parent_View @1452 - location (853, 2550) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 312 - justify 0 - label "+totalDigitsFacet" - pctDist 0.585567 - height 38 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28B0D803D7" - client @1450 - supplier @1306 - vertices (list Points - (1231, 2397) - (1231, 2587) - (451, 2587)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1231, 2397) - terminal_attachment (451, 2587) - label (object SegLabel @1454 - Parent_View @1452 - location (535, 2560) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.914647 - height 28 - orientation 1)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDTypeDefinition" @1455 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeAttribute TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (1232, 768) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1455 - location (1019, 574) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 426 - justify 0 - label "XSDTypeDefinition") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B66ECD302A9" - width 444 - height 413 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @1456 - location (1209, 1065) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @1455 - vertices (list Points - (1209, 1065) - (1209, 974))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$234" @1457 - location (1090, 1031) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C2880F503D9" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "rootTypeDefinition" @1458 - Parent_View @1457 - location (322, -25) - label (object SegLabel @1459 - Parent_View @1458 - location (897, 1036) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 348 - justify 0 - label "+rootTypeDefinition" - pctDist -0.098765 - height 194 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C2880F9003C" - client @1457 - supplier @1455 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1090, 1031) - terminal_attachment (1090, 974) - label (object SegLabel @1460 - Parent_View @1458 - location (1121, 1034) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist -0.061728 - height 31 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$235" @1461 - Parent_View @1457 - location (322, -25) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C2880F90046" - client @1457 - supplier @1307 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1090, 1031) - terminal_attachment (1090, 1088)))) - 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quidu "3C28A6DD03DE" - client @1462 - supplier @1455 - vertices (list Points - (1538, 873) - (1538, 828) - (1454, 828)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1538, 873) - terminal_attachment (1454, 828)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$242" @1467 - location (1535, 684) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28A7120108" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "baseType" @1468 - Parent_View @1467 - location (175, -84) - label (object SegLabel @1469 - Parent_View @1468 - location (1559, 597) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 204 - justify 0 - label "+baseType" - pctDist -1.977273 - height 24 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28A7140151" - client @1467 - supplier @1455 - vertices (list Points - (1535, 684) - (1535, 728) - (1454, 728)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1535, 684) - terminal_attachment (1454, 728) - label (object SegLabel @1470 - Parent_View @1468 - location (1506, 683) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist -0.027778 - height 30 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$243" @1471 - Parent_View @1467 - location (175, -84) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28A714015B" - client @1467 - supplier @1455 - vertices (list Points - (1535, 684) - (1535, 641) - (1454, 641)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1535, 684) - terminal_attachment (1454, 641)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$246" @1472 - location (613, 940) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28A7ED03C0" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "complexType" @1473 - Parent_View @1472 - location (-747, 172) - label (object SegLabel @1474 - Parent_View @1473 - location (465, 983) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 264 - justify 0 - label "+complexType" - pctDist 0.373057 - height 43 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28A7F40117" - client @1472 - supplier @1308 - vertices (list Points - (613, 940) - (284, 940) - (284, 1008)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (613, 940) - terminal_attachment (284, 1008) - label (object SegLabel @1475 - Parent_View @1473 - location (224, 972) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist 0.909320 - height 61 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$247" @1476 - Parent_View @1472 - location (-747, 172) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28A7F40121" - client @1472 - supplier @1455 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (613, 940) - terminal_attachment (1010, 940)))) - (object InheritView "" @1477 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B7FCAB1004D" - client @1455 - supplier @1285 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1112, 562) - terminal_attachment (1112, 510) - drawSupplier @1286) - (object InheritView "" @1478 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3BA0D01901F1" - client @1307 - supplier @1455 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1146, 1088) - terminal_attachment (1146, 1065) - drawSupplier @1456) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$244" @1479 - location (1362, 1133) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28A74B0178" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "simpleType" @1480 - Parent_View @1479 - location (-158, -163) - label (object SegLabel @1481 - Parent_View @1480 - location (1499, 1094) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 240 - justify 0 - label "+simpleType" - pctDist -0.246753 - height 137 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28A74D017B" - client @1479 - supplier @1309 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1362, 1133) - terminal_attachment (1362, 1292) - label (object SegLabel @1482 - Parent_View @1480 - location (1321, 1097) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "0..1" - pctDist -0.227273 - height 42 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$245" @1483 - Parent_View @1479 - location (-158, -163) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28A74D0185" - client @1479 - supplier @1455 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1362, 1133) - terminal_attachment (1362, 974)))) - (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::xsd::XSDFeature" @1484 - ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE - SuppressOperation TRUE - IncludeOperation TRUE - location (2272, 384) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1484 - location (2002, 303) - fill_color 13434879 - nlines 1 - max_width 540 - justify 0 - label "XSDFeature") - icon_style "Icon" - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 16777088 - quidu "3B69B537026C" - compartment (object Compartment - Parent_View @1484 - location (2002, 363) - font (object Font - italics TRUE) - icon_style "Icon" - fill_color 13434879 - anchor 2 - nlines 2 - max_width 508 - compartmentItems (list Compartment - "+ global : boolean" - "+ featureReference : boolean")) - width 558 - height 186 - annotation 8 - autoResize TRUE) - (object InheritTreeView "" @1485 - location (2262, 568) - line_color 3342489 - fill_color 13434879 - supplier @1484 - vertices (list Points - (2262, 568) - (2262, 477))) - (object InheritView "" @1486 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69EDEE01BF" - client @1281 - supplier @1484 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2346, 595) - terminal_attachment (2346, 568) - drawSupplier @1485) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$238" @1487 - location (1553, 453) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28A0F201A4" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "type" @1488 - Parent_View @1487 - location (801, 293) - label (object SegLabel @1489 - Parent_View @1488 - location (1331, 499) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 108 - justify 0 - label "+type" - pctDist 0.506266 - height 46 - orientation 0) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28A0F302E5" - client @1487 - supplier @1455 - vertices (list Points - (1553, 453) - (1222, 453) - (1222, 562)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1553, 453) - terminal_attachment (1222, 562) - label (object SegLabel @1490 - Parent_View @1488 - location (1185, 479) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.812030 - height 38 - orientation 1)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$239" @1491 - Parent_View @1487 - location (801, 293) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C28A0F302F0" - client @1487 - supplier @1484 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1553, 453) - terminal_attachment (1993, 453)))) - (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$130" @1492 - location (1908, 353) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C29010602D7" - roleview_list (list RoleViews - (object RoleView "resolvedFeature" @1493 - Parent_View @1492 - location (-268, -159) - label (object SegLabel @1494 - Parent_View @1493 - location (1729, 352) - anchor 1 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 312 - justify 0 - label "+resolvedFeature" - pctDist -0.029412 - height 180 - orientation 1) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C29010B000E" - client @1492 - supplier @1484 - vertices (list Points - (1908, 353) - (1908, 387) - (1993, 387)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1908, 353) - terminal_attachment (1993, 387) - label (object SegLabel @1495 - Parent_View @1493 - location (1945, 354) - anchor 2 - anchor_loc 1 - nlines 1 - max_width 15 - justify 0 - label "1" - pctDist 0.596639 - height 34 - orientation 0)) - (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$131" @1496 - Parent_View @1492 - location (-268, -159) - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C29010B0018" - client @1492 - supplier @1484 - vertices (list Points - (1908, 353) - (1908, 319) - (1993, 319)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1908, 353) - terminal_attachment (1993, 319)))) - (object InheritView "" @1497 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C290A26036D" - client @1285 - supplier @1284 - vertices (list Points - (494, 284) - (494, 244) - (996, 244)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (494, 284) - terminal_attachment (996, 244)) - (object InheritView "" @1498 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B69B7DC0193" - client @1272 - supplier @1484 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1718, 812) - terminal_attachment (1718, 568) - drawSupplier @1485) - (object InheritView "" @1499 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3B684A1302A2" - client @1309 - supplier @1455 - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (1265, 1292) - terminal_attachment (1265, 1065) - drawSupplier @1456) - (object InheritView "" @1500 - stereotype TRUE - line_color 3342489 - quidu "3C290A2C0307" - client @1484 - supplier @1284 - vertices (list Points - (2147, 291) - (2147, 244) - (1468, 244)) - line_style 3 - origin_attachment (2147, 291) - terminal_attachment (1468, 244))))))) - logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list - (object ClassDiagram "Main" - quid "3ABFD9A70163" - title "Main" - zoom 100 - max_height 28350 - max_width 21600 - origin_x 0 - origin_y 0 - items (list diagram_item_list - (object CategoryView "Logical View::http" @1501 - location (336, 224) - label (object ItemLabel - Parent_View @1501 - location (192, 140) - 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name "DispatcherForward" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "ServletSecurityRoles" - value "") - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "ServletgetInfo" - value "") - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Final" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "GenerateDefaultConstructor" - value TRUE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "ConstructorIs" - value ("Ctor_Set" 62)) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Ctor_Set" - value (list Attribute_Set - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Public" - value 62) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Protected" - value 63) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Private" - value 64))) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "GenerateFinalizer" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "GenerateStaticInitializer" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "GenerateInstanceInitializer" - value FALSE))) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Http_Servlet__Class" - value (list Attribute_Set - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "ServletRequestAttribute" - value "") - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "ServletRequestAttributesNames" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "MethodForRequestAttributes" - value "") - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "ServletRequestParameter" - value "") - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "ServletRequestParameterNames" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "MethodForRequestParameters" - value "") - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "ServletHeader" - value "") - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "ServletHeaderNames" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "MethodForHeaders" - value "") - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "ServletIntHeader" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "ServletDateHeader" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "ServletCookie" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "MethodForCookie" - value "") - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "ServletContentType" - value "") - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "GenerateHTML" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Final" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "GenerateDefaultConstructor" - value TRUE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "ConstructorIs" - value ("Ctor_Set" 62)) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Ctor_Set" - value (list Attribute_Set - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Public" - value 62) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Protected" - value 63) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Private" - value 64))) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "GenerateFinalizer" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "GenerateStaticInitializer" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "GenerateInstanceInitializer" - value FALSE))) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Default_EJB__Class" - value (list Attribute_Set - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Generate_XML_DD" - value TRUE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "EJBCmpField" - value "") - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "EJBEnvironmentProperties" - value "") - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "EJBCnxFactory" - value "") - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "EJBReferences" - value "") - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "EJBSecurityRoles" - value "") - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "EJBNameInJAR" - value "") - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "EJBSessionType" - value ("EJBSessionType_Set" 200)) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "EJBSessionType_Set" - value (list Attribute_Set - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "" - value 200) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Stateless" - value 201) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Stateful" - value 202))) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "EJBTransactionType" - value ("EJBTransactionType_Set" 211)) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "EJBTransactionType_Set" - value (list Attribute_Set - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Container" - value 211) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Bean" - value 212))) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "EJBPersistenceType" - value ("EJBPersistenceType_Set" 220)) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "EJBPersistenceType_Set" - value (list Attribute_Set - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "" - value 220) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Bean" - value 221) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Container" - value 222))) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "EJBReentrant" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "BMP_Extend_CMP" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Final" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "GenerateDefaultConstructor" - value TRUE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "ConstructorIs" - value ("Ctor_Set" 62)) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Ctor_Set" - value (list Attribute_Set - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Public" - value 62) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Protected" - value 63) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "Private" - value 64))) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "GenerateFinalizer" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "GenerateStaticInitializer" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Java" - name "GenerateInstanceInitializer" - value FALSE))) - (object Attribute - tool "R2Editor" - name "HiddenTool" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Rose Model Integrator" - name "HiddenTool" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Rose Web Publisher" - name "HiddenTool" - value FALSE) - (object Attribute - tool "Version Control" - name "HiddenTool" - value FALSE)) - quid "3ABFD9A70154")) diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPAddress.java b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPAddress.java deleted file mode 100644 index e5ab58873..000000000 --- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPAddress.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -/******************************************************************************* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. - * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials - * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 - * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at - * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html - * - * Contributors: - * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation - *******************************************************************************/ -package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http; - -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.ExtensibilityElement; - -/** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * A representation of the model object '<em><b>Address</b></em>'. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * - * <p> - * The following features are supported: - * <ul> - * <li>{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPAddress#getLocationURI <em>Location URI</em>}</li> - * </ul> - * </p> - * - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage#getHTTPAddress() - * @model - * @generated - */ -public interface HTTPAddress extends ExtensibilityElement, javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPAddress { - /** - * Returns the value of the '<em><b>Location URI</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <p> - * If the meaning of the '<em>Location URI</em>' attribute isn't clear, - * there really should be more of a description here... - * </p> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the value of the '<em>Location URI</em>' attribute. - * @see #setLocationURI(String) - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage#getHTTPAddress_LocationURI() - * @model - * @generated - */ - String getLocationURI(); - - /** - * Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPAddress#getLocationURI <em>Location URI</em>}' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @param value the new value of the '<em>Location URI</em>' attribute. - * @see #getLocationURI() - * @generated - */ - void setLocationURI(String value); - -} // HTTPAddress diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPBinding.java b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPBinding.java deleted file mode 100644 index 573254c0a..000000000 --- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPBinding.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -/******************************************************************************* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. - * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials - * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 - * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at - * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html - * - * Contributors: - * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation - *******************************************************************************/ -package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http; - -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.ExtensibilityElement; - -/** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * A representation of the model object '<em><b>Binding</b></em>'. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * - * <p> - * The following features are supported: - * <ul> - * <li>{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPBinding#getVerb <em>Verb</em>}</li> - * </ul> - * </p> - * - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage#getHTTPBinding() - * @model - * @generated - */ -public interface HTTPBinding extends ExtensibilityElement, javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPBinding { - /** - * Returns the value of the '<em><b>Verb</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <p> - * If the meaning of the '<em>Verb</em>' attribute isn't clear, - * there really should be more of a description here... - * </p> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the value of the '<em>Verb</em>' attribute. - * @see #setVerb(String) - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage#getHTTPBinding_Verb() - * @model - * @generated - */ - String getVerb(); - - /** - * Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPBinding#getVerb <em>Verb</em>}' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @param value the new value of the '<em>Verb</em>' attribute. - * @see #getVerb() - * @generated - */ - void setVerb(String value); - -} // HTTPBinding diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPFactory.java b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPFactory.java deleted file mode 100644 index bd582b172..000000000 --- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPFactory.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,86 +0,0 @@ -/******************************************************************************* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. - * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials - * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 - * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at - * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html - * - * Contributors: - * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation - *******************************************************************************/ -package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http; - -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EFactory; - -/** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * The <b>Factory</b> for the model. - * It provides a create method for each non-abstract class of the model. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage - * @generated - */ -public interface HTTPFactory extends EFactory { - /** - * The singleton instance of the factory. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - HTTPFactory eINSTANCE = new org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.internal.impl.HTTPFactoryImpl(); - - /** - * Returns a new object of class '<em>Binding</em>'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return a new object of class '<em>Binding</em>'. - * @generated - */ - HTTPBinding createHTTPBinding(); - - /** - * Returns a new object of class '<em>Operation</em>'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return a new object of class '<em>Operation</em>'. - * @generated - */ - HTTPOperation createHTTPOperation(); - - /** - * Returns a new object of class '<em>Url Replacement</em>'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return a new object of class '<em>Url Replacement</em>'. - * @generated - */ - HTTPUrlReplacement createHTTPUrlReplacement(); - - /** - * Returns a new object of class '<em>Url Encoded</em>'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return a new object of class '<em>Url Encoded</em>'. - * @generated - */ - HTTPUrlEncoded createHTTPUrlEncoded(); - - /** - * Returns a new object of class '<em>Address</em>'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return a new object of class '<em>Address</em>'. - * @generated - */ - HTTPAddress createHTTPAddress(); - - /** - * Returns the package supported by this factory. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the package supported by this factory. - * @generated - */ - HTTPPackage getHTTPPackage(); - -} //HTTPFactory diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPOperation.java b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPOperation.java deleted file mode 100644 index 170a9a15b..000000000 --- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPOperation.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -/******************************************************************************* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. - * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials - * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 - * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at - * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html - * - * Contributors: - * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation - *******************************************************************************/ -package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http; - -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.ExtensibilityElement; - -/** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * A representation of the model object '<em><b>Operation</b></em>'. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * - * <p> - * The following features are supported: - * <ul> - * <li>{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPOperation#getLocationURI <em>Location URI</em>}</li> - * </ul> - * </p> - * - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage#getHTTPOperation() - * @model - * @generated - */ -public interface HTTPOperation extends ExtensibilityElement, javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPOperation { - /** - * Returns the value of the '<em><b>Location URI</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <p> - * If the meaning of the '<em>Location URI</em>' attribute isn't clear, - * there really should be more of a description here... - * </p> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the value of the '<em>Location URI</em>' attribute. - * @see #setLocationURI(String) - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage#getHTTPOperation_LocationURI() - * @model - * @generated - */ - String getLocationURI(); - - /** - * Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPOperation#getLocationURI <em>Location URI</em>}' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @param value the new value of the '<em>Location URI</em>' attribute. - * @see #getLocationURI() - * @generated - */ - void setLocationURI(String value); - -} // HTTPOperation diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPPackage.java b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPPackage.java deleted file mode 100644 index 19d659b7b..000000000 --- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPPackage.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,612 +0,0 @@ -/******************************************************************************* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. - * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials - * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 - * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at - * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html - * - * Contributors: - * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation - *******************************************************************************/ -package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http; - -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.WSDLPackage; - -/** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * The <b>Package</b> for the model. - * It contains accessors for the meta objects to represent - * <ul> - * <li>each class,</li> - * <li>each feature of each class,</li> - * <li>each enum,</li> - * <li>and each data type</li> - * </ul> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPFactory - * @generated - */ -public interface HTTPPackage extends EPackage{ - /** - * The package name. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - String eNAME = "http"; - - /** - * The package namespace URI. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - String eNS_URI = "http://www.ibm.com/wsdl/2003/HTTP"; - - /** - * The package namespace name. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - String eNS_PREFIX = "http"; - - /** - * The singleton instance of the package. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - HTTPPackage eINSTANCE = org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.internal.impl.HTTPPackageImpl.init(); - - /** - * The meta object id for the '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPBindingImpl <em>Binding</em>}' class. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPBindingImpl - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPPackageImpl#getHTTPBinding() - * @generated - */ - int HTTP_BINDING = 0; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Documentation Element</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_BINDING__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Element</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_BINDING__ELEMENT = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT__ELEMENT; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Required</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_BINDING__REQUIRED = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT__REQUIRED; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Element Type</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_BINDING__ELEMENT_TYPE = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT__ELEMENT_TYPE; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Verb</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_BINDING__VERB = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT_FEATURE_COUNT + 0; - - /** - * The number of structural features of the the '<em>Binding</em>' class. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_BINDING_FEATURE_COUNT = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT_FEATURE_COUNT + 1; - - /** - * The meta object id for the '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPOperationImpl <em>Operation</em>}' class. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPOperationImpl - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPPackageImpl#getHTTPOperation() - * @generated - */ - int HTTP_OPERATION = 1; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Documentation Element</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_OPERATION__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Element</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_OPERATION__ELEMENT = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT__ELEMENT; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Required</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_OPERATION__REQUIRED = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT__REQUIRED; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Element Type</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_OPERATION__ELEMENT_TYPE = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT__ELEMENT_TYPE; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Location URI</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_OPERATION__LOCATION_URI = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT_FEATURE_COUNT + 0; - - /** - * The number of structural features of the the '<em>Operation</em>' class. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_OPERATION_FEATURE_COUNT = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT_FEATURE_COUNT + 1; - - /** - * The meta object id for the '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPUrlReplacementImpl <em>Url Replacement</em>}' class. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPUrlReplacementImpl - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPPackageImpl#getHTTPUrlReplacement() - * @generated - */ - int HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT = 2; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Documentation Element</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Element</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT__ELEMENT = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT__ELEMENT; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Required</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT__REQUIRED = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT__REQUIRED; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Element Type</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT__ELEMENT_TYPE = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT__ELEMENT_TYPE; - - /** - * The number of structural features of the the '<em>Url Replacement</em>' class. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT_FEATURE_COUNT = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT_FEATURE_COUNT + 0; - - /** - * The meta object id for the '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPUrlEncodedImpl <em>Url Encoded</em>}' class. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPUrlEncodedImpl - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPPackageImpl#getHTTPUrlEncoded() - * @generated - */ - int HTTP_URL_ENCODED = 3; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Documentation Element</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_URL_ENCODED__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Element</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_URL_ENCODED__ELEMENT = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT__ELEMENT; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Required</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_URL_ENCODED__REQUIRED = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT__REQUIRED; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Element Type</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_URL_ENCODED__ELEMENT_TYPE = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT__ELEMENT_TYPE; - - /** - * The number of structural features of the the '<em>Url Encoded</em>' class. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_URL_ENCODED_FEATURE_COUNT = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT_FEATURE_COUNT + 0; - - /** - * The meta object id for the '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPAddressImpl <em>Address</em>}' class. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPAddressImpl - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPPackageImpl#getHTTPAddress() - * @generated - */ - int HTTP_ADDRESS = 4; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Documentation Element</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_ADDRESS__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Element</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_ADDRESS__ELEMENT = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT__ELEMENT; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Required</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_ADDRESS__REQUIRED = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT__REQUIRED; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Element Type</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_ADDRESS__ELEMENT_TYPE = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT__ELEMENT_TYPE; - - /** - * The feature id for the '<em><b>Location URI</b></em>' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_ADDRESS__LOCATION_URI = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT_FEATURE_COUNT + 0; - - /** - * The number of structural features of the the '<em>Address</em>' class. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int HTTP_ADDRESS_FEATURE_COUNT = WSDLPackage.EXTENSIBILITY_ELEMENT_FEATURE_COUNT + 1; - - - /** - * The meta object id for the '{@link javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPAddress <em>IHTTP Address</em>}' class. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPAddress - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPPackageImpl#getIHTTPAddress() - * @generated - */ - int IHTTP_ADDRESS = 5; - - /** - * The number of structural features of the the '<em>IHTTP Address</em>' class. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int IHTTP_ADDRESS_FEATURE_COUNT = 0; - - - /** - * The meta object id for the '{@link javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPBinding <em>IHTTP Binding</em>}' class. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPBinding - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPPackageImpl#getIHTTPBinding() - * @generated - */ - int IHTTP_BINDING = 6; - - /** - * The number of structural features of the the '<em>IHTTP Binding</em>' class. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int IHTTP_BINDING_FEATURE_COUNT = 0; - - /** - * The meta object id for the '{@link javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPOperation <em>IHTTP Operation</em>}' class. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPOperation - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPPackageImpl#getIHTTPOperation() - * @generated - */ - int IHTTP_OPERATION = 7; - - /** - * The number of structural features of the the '<em>IHTTP Operation</em>' class. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int IHTTP_OPERATION_FEATURE_COUNT = 0; - - /** - * The meta object id for the '{@link javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlEncoded <em>IHTTP Url Encoded</em>}' class. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlEncoded - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPPackageImpl#getIHTTPUrlEncoded() - * @generated - */ - int IHTTP_URL_ENCODED = 8; - - /** - * The number of structural features of the the '<em>IHTTP Url Encoded</em>' class. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int IHTTP_URL_ENCODED_FEATURE_COUNT = 0; - - /** - * The meta object id for the '{@link javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlReplacement <em>IHTTP Url Replacement</em>}' class. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlReplacement - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPPackageImpl#getIHTTPUrlReplacement() - * @generated - */ - int IHTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT = 9; - - /** - * The number of structural features of the the '<em>IHTTP Url Replacement</em>' class. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - int IHTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT_FEATURE_COUNT = 0; - - - /** - * Returns the meta object for class '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPBinding <em>Binding</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the meta object for class '<em>Binding</em>'. - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPBinding - * @generated - */ - EClass getHTTPBinding(); - - /** - * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPBinding#getVerb <em>Verb</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the meta object for the attribute '<em>Verb</em>'. - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPBinding#getVerb() - * @see #getHTTPBinding() - * @generated - */ - EAttribute getHTTPBinding_Verb(); - - /** - * Returns the meta object for class '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPOperation <em>Operation</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the meta object for class '<em>Operation</em>'. - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPOperation - * @generated - */ - EClass getHTTPOperation(); - - /** - * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPOperation#getLocationURI <em>Location URI</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the meta object for the attribute '<em>Location URI</em>'. - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPOperation#getLocationURI() - * @see #getHTTPOperation() - * @generated - */ - EAttribute getHTTPOperation_LocationURI(); - - /** - * Returns the meta object for class '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPUrlReplacement <em>Url Replacement</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the meta object for class '<em>Url Replacement</em>'. - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPUrlReplacement - * @generated - */ - EClass getHTTPUrlReplacement(); - - /** - * Returns the meta object for class '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPUrlEncoded <em>Url Encoded</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the meta object for class '<em>Url Encoded</em>'. - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPUrlEncoded - * @generated - */ - EClass getHTTPUrlEncoded(); - - /** - * Returns the meta object for class '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPAddress <em>Address</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the meta object for class '<em>Address</em>'. - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPAddress - * @generated - */ - EClass getHTTPAddress(); - - /** - * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPAddress#getLocationURI <em>Location URI</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the meta object for the attribute '<em>Location URI</em>'. - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPAddress#getLocationURI() - * @see #getHTTPAddress() - * @generated - */ - EAttribute getHTTPAddress_LocationURI(); - - /** - * Returns the meta object for class '{@link javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPAddress <em>IHTTP Address</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the meta object for class '<em>IHTTP Address</em>'. - * @see javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPAddress - * @model instanceClass="javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPAddress" - * @generated - */ - EClass getIHTTPAddress(); - - /** - * Returns the meta object for class '{@link javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPBinding <em>IHTTP Binding</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the meta object for class '<em>IHTTP Binding</em>'. - * @see javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPBinding - * @model instanceClass="javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPBinding" - * @generated - */ - EClass getIHTTPBinding(); - - /** - * Returns the meta object for class '{@link javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPOperation <em>IHTTP Operation</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the meta object for class '<em>IHTTP Operation</em>'. - * @see javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPOperation - * @model instanceClass="javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPOperation" - * @generated - */ - EClass getIHTTPOperation(); - - /** - * Returns the meta object for class '{@link javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlEncoded <em>IHTTP Url Encoded</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the meta object for class '<em>IHTTP Url Encoded</em>'. - * @see javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlEncoded - * @model instanceClass="javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlEncoded" - * @generated - */ - EClass getIHTTPUrlEncoded(); - - /** - * Returns the meta object for class '{@link javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlReplacement <em>IHTTP Url Replacement</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the meta object for class '<em>IHTTP Url Replacement</em>'. - * @see javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlReplacement - * @model instanceClass="javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlReplacement" - * @generated - */ - EClass getIHTTPUrlReplacement(); - - /** - * Returns the factory that creates the instances of the model. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the factory that creates the instances of the model. - * @generated - */ - HTTPFactory getHTTPFactory(); - -} //HTTPPackage diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPUrlEncoded.java b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPUrlEncoded.java deleted file mode 100644 index d06c0085b..000000000 --- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPUrlEncoded.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -/******************************************************************************* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. - * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials - * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 - * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at - * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html - * - * Contributors: - * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation - *******************************************************************************/ -package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http; - -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.ExtensibilityElement; - -/** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * A representation of the model object '<em><b>Url Encoded</b></em>'. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * - * - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage#getHTTPUrlEncoded() - * @model - * @generated - */ -public interface HTTPUrlEncoded extends ExtensibilityElement, javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlEncoded { -} // HTTPUrlEncoded diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPUrlReplacement.java b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPUrlReplacement.java deleted file mode 100644 index 00d1dde49..000000000 --- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/HTTPUrlReplacement.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -/******************************************************************************* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. - * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials - * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 - * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at - * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html - * - * Contributors: - * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation - *******************************************************************************/ -package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http; - -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.ExtensibilityElement; - -/** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * A representation of the model object '<em><b>Url Replacement</b></em>'. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * - * - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage#getHTTPUrlReplacement() - * @model - * @generated - */ -public interface HTTPUrlReplacement extends ExtensibilityElement, javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlReplacement { -} // HTTPUrlReplacement diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPAddressImpl.java b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPAddressImpl.java deleted file mode 100644 index 741d45072..000000000 --- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPAddressImpl.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ -/******************************************************************************* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. - * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials - * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 - * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at - * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html - * - * Contributors: - * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation - *******************************************************************************/ -package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.internal.impl; - - -import javax.xml.namespace.QName; - -import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notification; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.ENotificationImpl; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPAddress; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.internal.util.HTTPConstants; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.internal.impl.ExtensibilityElementImpl; -import org.w3c.dom.Element; - -/** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * An implementation of the model object '<em><b>Address</b></em>'. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * <p> - * The following features are implemented: - * <ul> - * <li>{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPAddressImpl#getLocationURI <em>Location URI</em>}</li> - * </ul> - * </p> - * - * @generated - */ -public class HTTPAddressImpl extends ExtensibilityElementImpl implements HTTPAddress { - /** - * This class is not intended to be serialized. - * serialVersionUID is assigned with 1L to avoid - * compiler warning messages. - */ - private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; - - /** - * The default value of the '{@link #getLocationURI() <em>Location URI</em>}' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see #getLocationURI() - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - protected static final String LOCATION_URI_EDEFAULT = null; - - /** - * The cached value of the '{@link #getLocationURI() <em>Location URI</em>}' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see #getLocationURI() - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - protected String locationURI = LOCATION_URI_EDEFAULT; - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - protected HTTPAddressImpl() { - super(); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - protected EClass eStaticClass() { - return HTTPPackage.eINSTANCE.getHTTPAddress(); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public String getLocationURI() { - return locationURI; - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public void setLocationURI(String newLocationURI) { - String oldLocationURI = locationURI; - locationURI = newLocationURI; - if (eNotificationRequired()) - eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__LOCATION_URI, oldLocationURI, locationURI)); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public Object eGet(EStructuralFeature eFeature, boolean resolve) { - switch (eDerivedStructuralFeatureID(eFeature)) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT: - return getDocumentationElement(); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__ELEMENT: - return getElement(); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__REQUIRED: - return isRequired() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__ELEMENT_TYPE: - return getElementType(); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__LOCATION_URI: - return getLocationURI(); - } - return eDynamicGet(eFeature, resolve); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public void eSet(EStructuralFeature eFeature, Object newValue) { - switch (eDerivedStructuralFeatureID(eFeature)) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT: - setDocumentationElement((Element)newValue); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__ELEMENT: - setElement((Element)newValue); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__REQUIRED: - setRequired(((Boolean)newValue).booleanValue()); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__ELEMENT_TYPE: - setElementType((QName)newValue); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__LOCATION_URI: - setLocationURI((String)newValue); - return; - } - eDynamicSet(eFeature, newValue); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public void eUnset(EStructuralFeature eFeature) { - switch (eDerivedStructuralFeatureID(eFeature)) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT: - setDocumentationElement(DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT_EDEFAULT); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__ELEMENT: - setElement(ELEMENT_EDEFAULT); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__REQUIRED: - setRequired(REQUIRED_EDEFAULT); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__ELEMENT_TYPE: - setElementType(ELEMENT_TYPE_EDEFAULT); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__LOCATION_URI: - setLocationURI(LOCATION_URI_EDEFAULT); - return; - } - eDynamicUnset(eFeature); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public boolean eIsSet(EStructuralFeature eFeature) { - switch (eDerivedStructuralFeatureID(eFeature)) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT: - return DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT_EDEFAULT == null ? documentationElement != null : !DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT_EDEFAULT.equals(documentationElement); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__ELEMENT: - return ELEMENT_EDEFAULT == null ? element != null : !ELEMENT_EDEFAULT.equals(element); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__REQUIRED: - return required != REQUIRED_EDEFAULT; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__ELEMENT_TYPE: - return ELEMENT_TYPE_EDEFAULT == null ? elementType != null : !ELEMENT_TYPE_EDEFAULT.equals(elementType); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS__LOCATION_URI: - return LOCATION_URI_EDEFAULT == null ? locationURI != null : !LOCATION_URI_EDEFAULT.equals(locationURI); - } - return eDynamicIsSet(eFeature); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public String toString() { - if (eIsProxy()) return super.toString(); - - StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(super.toString()); - result.append(" (locationURI: "); - result.append(locationURI); - result.append(')'); - return result.toString(); - } - - // - // Reconcile methods: DOM -> Model - // - - public void reconcileAttributes(Element changedElement) - { - setLocationURI - (HTTPConstants.getAttribute(changedElement, HTTPConstants.LOCATION_URI_ATTRIBUTE)); - reconcileReferences(false); - } - - // - // For reconciliation: Model -> DOM - // - - protected void changeAttribute(EAttribute eAttribute) - { - if (isReconciling) - return; - - super.changeAttribute(eAttribute); - Element theElement = getElement(); - if (theElement != null) - { - if (eAttribute == null || eAttribute == HTTPPackage.eINSTANCE.getHTTPAddress_LocationURI()) - niceSetAttribute(theElement,HTTPConstants.LOCATION_URI_ATTRIBUTE,getLocationURI()); - } - } - - public QName getElementType() - { - if (elementType == null) - elementType = new QName(HTTPConstants.HTTP_NAMESPACE_URI, HTTPConstants.ADDRESS_ELEMENT_TAG); - return elementType; - } -} //HTTPAddressImpl diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPBindingImpl.java b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPBindingImpl.java deleted file mode 100644 index beb4bbbcc..000000000 --- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPBindingImpl.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,252 +0,0 @@ -/******************************************************************************* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. - * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials - * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 - * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at - * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html - * - * Contributors: - * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation - *******************************************************************************/ -package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.internal.impl; - - -import javax.xml.namespace.QName; - -import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notification; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.ENotificationImpl; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPBinding; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.internal.util.HTTPConstants; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.internal.impl.ExtensibilityElementImpl; -import org.w3c.dom.Element; - -/** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * An implementation of the model object '<em><b>Binding</b></em>'. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * <p> - * The following features are implemented: - * <ul> - * <li>{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPBindingImpl#getVerb <em>Verb</em>}</li> - * </ul> - * </p> - * - * @generated - */ -public class HTTPBindingImpl extends ExtensibilityElementImpl implements HTTPBinding { - /** - * This class is not intended to be serialized. - * serialVersionUID is assigned with 1L to avoid - * compiler warning messages. - */ - private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; - - /** - * The default value of the '{@link #getVerb() <em>Verb</em>}' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see #getVerb() - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - protected static final String VERB_EDEFAULT = null; - - /** - * The cached value of the '{@link #getVerb() <em>Verb</em>}' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see #getVerb() - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - protected String verb = VERB_EDEFAULT; - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - protected HTTPBindingImpl() { - super(); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - protected EClass eStaticClass() { - return HTTPPackage.eINSTANCE.getHTTPBinding(); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public String getVerb() { - return verb; - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public void setVerb(String newVerb) { - String oldVerb = verb; - verb = newVerb; - if (eNotificationRequired()) - eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__VERB, oldVerb, verb)); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public Object eGet(EStructuralFeature eFeature, boolean resolve) { - switch (eDerivedStructuralFeatureID(eFeature)) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT: - return getDocumentationElement(); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__ELEMENT: - return getElement(); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__REQUIRED: - return isRequired() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__ELEMENT_TYPE: - return getElementType(); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__VERB: - return getVerb(); - } - return eDynamicGet(eFeature, resolve); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public void eSet(EStructuralFeature eFeature, Object newValue) { - switch (eDerivedStructuralFeatureID(eFeature)) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT: - setDocumentationElement((Element)newValue); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__ELEMENT: - setElement((Element)newValue); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__REQUIRED: - setRequired(((Boolean)newValue).booleanValue()); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__ELEMENT_TYPE: - setElementType((QName)newValue); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__VERB: - setVerb((String)newValue); - return; - } - eDynamicSet(eFeature, newValue); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public void eUnset(EStructuralFeature eFeature) { - switch (eDerivedStructuralFeatureID(eFeature)) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT: - setDocumentationElement(DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT_EDEFAULT); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__ELEMENT: - setElement(ELEMENT_EDEFAULT); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__REQUIRED: - setRequired(REQUIRED_EDEFAULT); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__ELEMENT_TYPE: - setElementType(ELEMENT_TYPE_EDEFAULT); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__VERB: - setVerb(VERB_EDEFAULT); - return; - } - eDynamicUnset(eFeature); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public boolean eIsSet(EStructuralFeature eFeature) { - switch (eDerivedStructuralFeatureID(eFeature)) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT: - return DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT_EDEFAULT == null ? documentationElement != null : !DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT_EDEFAULT.equals(documentationElement); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__ELEMENT: - return ELEMENT_EDEFAULT == null ? element != null : !ELEMENT_EDEFAULT.equals(element); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__REQUIRED: - return required != REQUIRED_EDEFAULT; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__ELEMENT_TYPE: - return ELEMENT_TYPE_EDEFAULT == null ? elementType != null : !ELEMENT_TYPE_EDEFAULT.equals(elementType); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING__VERB: - return VERB_EDEFAULT == null ? verb != null : !VERB_EDEFAULT.equals(verb); - } - return eDynamicIsSet(eFeature); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public String toString() { - if (eIsProxy()) return super.toString(); - - StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(super.toString()); - result.append(" (verb: "); - result.append(verb); - result.append(')'); - return result.toString(); - } - - // - // Reconcile methods: DOM -> Model - // - - public void reconcileAttributes(Element changedElement) - { - setVerb - (HTTPConstants.getAttribute(changedElement, HTTPConstants.VERB_ATTRIBUTE)); - reconcileReferences(false); - } - - // - // For reconciliation: Model -> DOM - // - - protected void changeAttribute(EAttribute eAttribute) - { - if (isReconciling) - return; - - super.changeAttribute(eAttribute); - Element theElement = getElement(); - if (theElement != null) - { - if (eAttribute == null || eAttribute == HTTPPackage.eINSTANCE.getHTTPBinding_Verb()) - niceSetAttribute(theElement,HTTPConstants.VERB_ATTRIBUTE,getVerb()); - } - } - - public QName getElementType() - { - if (elementType == null) - elementType = new QName(HTTPConstants.HTTP_NAMESPACE_URI, HTTPConstants.BINDING_ELEMENT_TAG); - return elementType; - } - -} //HTTPBindingImpl diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPFactoryImpl.java b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPFactoryImpl.java deleted file mode 100644 index 9c1e97e9d..000000000 --- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPFactoryImpl.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@ -/******************************************************************************* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. - * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials - * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 - * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at - * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html - * - * Contributors: - * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation - *******************************************************************************/ -package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.internal.impl; - - -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPAddress; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPBinding; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPFactory; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPOperation; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPUrlEncoded; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPUrlReplacement; - -/** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * An implementation of the model <b>Factory</b>. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ -public class HTTPFactoryImpl extends EFactoryImpl implements HTTPFactory { - /** - * Creates and instance of the factory. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public HTTPFactoryImpl() { - super(); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public EObject create(EClass eClass) { - switch (eClass.getClassifierID()) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING: return createHTTPBinding(); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION: return createHTTPOperation(); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT: return createHTTPUrlReplacement(); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_ENCODED: return createHTTPUrlEncoded(); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS: return createHTTPAddress(); - default: - throw new IllegalArgumentException("The class '" + eClass.getName() + "' is not a valid classifier"); - } - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public HTTPBinding createHTTPBinding() { - HTTPBindingImpl httpBinding = new HTTPBindingImpl(); - return httpBinding; - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public HTTPOperation createHTTPOperation() { - HTTPOperationImpl httpOperation = new HTTPOperationImpl(); - return httpOperation; - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public HTTPUrlReplacement createHTTPUrlReplacement() { - HTTPUrlReplacementImpl httpUrlReplacement = new HTTPUrlReplacementImpl(); - return httpUrlReplacement; - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public HTTPUrlEncoded createHTTPUrlEncoded() { - HTTPUrlEncodedImpl httpUrlEncoded = new HTTPUrlEncodedImpl(); - return httpUrlEncoded; - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public HTTPAddress createHTTPAddress() { - HTTPAddressImpl httpAddress = new HTTPAddressImpl(); - return httpAddress; - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public HTTPPackage getHTTPPackage() { - return (HTTPPackage)getEPackage(); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @deprecated - * @generated - */ - public static HTTPPackage getPackage() { - return HTTPPackage.eINSTANCE; - } -} //HTTPFactoryImpl diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPOperationImpl.java b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPOperationImpl.java deleted file mode 100644 index d266baa69..000000000 --- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPOperationImpl.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,252 +0,0 @@ -/******************************************************************************* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. - * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials - * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 - * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at - * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html - * - * Contributors: - * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation - *******************************************************************************/ -package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.internal.impl; - - -import javax.xml.namespace.QName; - -import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notification; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.ENotificationImpl; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPOperation; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.internal.util.HTTPConstants; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.internal.impl.ExtensibilityElementImpl; -import org.w3c.dom.Element; - -/** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * An implementation of the model object '<em><b>Operation</b></em>'. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * <p> - * The following features are implemented: - * <ul> - * <li>{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.impl.HTTPOperationImpl#getLocationURI <em>Location URI</em>}</li> - * </ul> - * </p> - * - * @generated - */ -public class HTTPOperationImpl extends ExtensibilityElementImpl implements HTTPOperation { - /** - * This class is not intended to be serialized. - * serialVersionUID is assigned with 1L to avoid - * compiler warning messages. - */ - private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; - - /** - * The default value of the '{@link #getLocationURI() <em>Location URI</em>}' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see #getLocationURI() - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - protected static final String LOCATION_URI_EDEFAULT = null; - - /** - * The cached value of the '{@link #getLocationURI() <em>Location URI</em>}' attribute. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see #getLocationURI() - * @generated - * @ordered - */ - protected String locationURI = LOCATION_URI_EDEFAULT; - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - protected HTTPOperationImpl() { - super(); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - protected EClass eStaticClass() { - return HTTPPackage.eINSTANCE.getHTTPOperation(); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public String getLocationURI() { - return locationURI; - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public void setLocationURI(String newLocationURI) { - String oldLocationURI = locationURI; - locationURI = newLocationURI; - if (eNotificationRequired()) - eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__LOCATION_URI, oldLocationURI, locationURI)); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public Object eGet(EStructuralFeature eFeature, boolean resolve) { - switch (eDerivedStructuralFeatureID(eFeature)) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT: - return getDocumentationElement(); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__ELEMENT: - return getElement(); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__REQUIRED: - return isRequired() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__ELEMENT_TYPE: - return getElementType(); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__LOCATION_URI: - return getLocationURI(); - } - return eDynamicGet(eFeature, resolve); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public void eSet(EStructuralFeature eFeature, Object newValue) { - switch (eDerivedStructuralFeatureID(eFeature)) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT: - setDocumentationElement((Element)newValue); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__ELEMENT: - setElement((Element)newValue); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__REQUIRED: - setRequired(((Boolean)newValue).booleanValue()); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__ELEMENT_TYPE: - setElementType((QName)newValue); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__LOCATION_URI: - setLocationURI((String)newValue); - return; - } - eDynamicSet(eFeature, newValue); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public void eUnset(EStructuralFeature eFeature) { - switch (eDerivedStructuralFeatureID(eFeature)) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT: - setDocumentationElement(DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT_EDEFAULT); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__ELEMENT: - setElement(ELEMENT_EDEFAULT); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__REQUIRED: - setRequired(REQUIRED_EDEFAULT); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__ELEMENT_TYPE: - setElementType(ELEMENT_TYPE_EDEFAULT); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__LOCATION_URI: - setLocationURI(LOCATION_URI_EDEFAULT); - return; - } - eDynamicUnset(eFeature); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public boolean eIsSet(EStructuralFeature eFeature) { - switch (eDerivedStructuralFeatureID(eFeature)) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT: - return DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT_EDEFAULT == null ? documentationElement != null : !DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT_EDEFAULT.equals(documentationElement); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__ELEMENT: - return ELEMENT_EDEFAULT == null ? element != null : !ELEMENT_EDEFAULT.equals(element); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__REQUIRED: - return required != REQUIRED_EDEFAULT; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__ELEMENT_TYPE: - return ELEMENT_TYPE_EDEFAULT == null ? elementType != null : !ELEMENT_TYPE_EDEFAULT.equals(elementType); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION__LOCATION_URI: - return LOCATION_URI_EDEFAULT == null ? locationURI != null : !LOCATION_URI_EDEFAULT.equals(locationURI); - } - return eDynamicIsSet(eFeature); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public String toString() { - if (eIsProxy()) return super.toString(); - - StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(super.toString()); - result.append(" (locationURI: "); - result.append(locationURI); - result.append(')'); - return result.toString(); - } - - // - // Reconcile methods: DOM -> Model - // - - public void reconcileAttributes(Element changedElement) - { - setLocationURI - (HTTPConstants.getAttribute(changedElement, HTTPConstants.LOCATION_URI_ATTRIBUTE)); - reconcileReferences(false); - } - - // - // For reconciliation: Model -> DOM - // - - protected void changeAttribute(EAttribute eAttribute) - { - if (isReconciling) - return; - - super.changeAttribute(eAttribute); - Element theElement = getElement(); - if (theElement != null) - { - if (eAttribute == null || eAttribute == HTTPPackage.eINSTANCE.getHTTPOperation_LocationURI()) - niceSetAttribute(theElement,HTTPConstants.LOCATION_URI_ATTRIBUTE,getLocationURI()); - } - } - - public QName getElementType() - { - if (elementType == null) - elementType = new QName(HTTPConstants.HTTP_NAMESPACE_URI, HTTPConstants.OPERATION_ELEMENT_TAG); - return elementType; - } - -} //HTTPOperationImpl diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPPackageImpl.java b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPPackageImpl.java deleted file mode 100644 index 4c1adabe5..000000000 --- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPPackageImpl.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,412 +0,0 @@ -/******************************************************************************* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. - * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials - * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 - * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at - * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html - * - * Contributors: - * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation - *******************************************************************************/ -package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.internal.impl; - -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EPackageImpl; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.WSDLPackage; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPAddress; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPBinding; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPFactory; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPOperation; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPUrlEncoded; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPUrlReplacement; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.internal.impl.WSDLPackageImpl; -import org.eclipse.xsd.impl.XSDPackageImpl; - -/** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * An implementation of the model <b>Package</b>. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ -public class HTTPPackageImpl extends EPackageImpl implements HTTPPackage { - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - private EClass httpBindingEClass = null; - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - private EClass httpOperationEClass = null; - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - private EClass httpUrlReplacementEClass = null; - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - private EClass httpUrlEncodedEClass = null; - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - private EClass httpAddressEClass = null; - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - private EClass ihttpAddressEClass = null; - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - private EClass ihttpBindingEClass = null; - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - private EClass ihttpOperationEClass = null; - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - private EClass ihttpUrlEncodedEClass = null; - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - private EClass ihttpUrlReplacementEClass = null; - - /** - * Creates an instance of the model <b>Package</b>, registered with - * {@link org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage.Registry EPackage.Registry} by the package - * package URI value. - * <p>Note: the correct way to create the package is via the static - * factory method {@link #init init()}, which also performs - * initialization of the package, or returns the registered package, - * if one already exists. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage.Registry - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage#eNS_URI - * @see #init() - * @generated - */ - private HTTPPackageImpl() { - super(eNS_URI, HTTPFactory.eINSTANCE); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - private static boolean isInited = false; - - /** - * Creates, registers, and initializes the <b>Package</b> for this - * model, and for any others upon which it depends. Simple - * dependencies are satisfied by calling this method on all - * dependent packages before doing anything else. This method drives - * initialization for interdependent packages directly, in parallel - * with this package, itself. - * <p>Of this package and its interdependencies, all packages which - * have not yet been registered by their URI values are first created - * and registered. The packages are then initialized in two steps: - * meta-model objects for all of the packages are created before any - * are initialized, since one package's meta-model objects may refer to - * those of another. - * <p>Invocation of this method will not affect any packages that have - * already been initialized. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see #eNS_URI - * @see #createPackageContents() - * @see #initializePackageContents() - * @generated - */ - public static HTTPPackage init() { - if (isInited) return (HTTPPackage)EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.get(HTTPPackage.eNS_URI); - - // Obtain or create and register package. - HTTPPackageImpl theHTTPPackage = (HTTPPackageImpl)(EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.get(eNS_URI) instanceof EPackage ? EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.get(eNS_URI) : new HTTPPackageImpl()); - - isInited = true; - - // Initialize simple dependencies - XSDPackageImpl.init(); - - // Obtain or create and register interdependencies - WSDLPackageImpl theWSDLPackage = (WSDLPackageImpl)(EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.get(WSDLPackage.eNS_URI) instanceof EPackage ? EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.get(WSDLPackage.eNS_URI) : WSDLPackageImpl.eINSTANCE); - - // Step 1: create meta-model objects - theHTTPPackage.createPackageContents(); - theWSDLPackage.createPackageContents(); - - // Step 2: complete initialization - theHTTPPackage.initializePackageContents(); - theWSDLPackage.initializePackageContents(); - - return theHTTPPackage; - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public EClass getHTTPBinding() { - return httpBindingEClass; - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public EAttribute getHTTPBinding_Verb() { - return (EAttribute)httpBindingEClass.getEStructuralFeatures().get(0); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public EClass getHTTPOperation() { - return httpOperationEClass; - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public EAttribute getHTTPOperation_LocationURI() { - return (EAttribute)httpOperationEClass.getEStructuralFeatures().get(0); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public EClass getHTTPUrlReplacement() { - return httpUrlReplacementEClass; - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public EClass getHTTPUrlEncoded() { - return httpUrlEncodedEClass; - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public EClass getHTTPAddress() { - return httpAddressEClass; - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public EAttribute getHTTPAddress_LocationURI() { - return (EAttribute)httpAddressEClass.getEStructuralFeatures().get(0); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public EClass getIHTTPAddress() { - return ihttpAddressEClass; - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public EClass getIHTTPBinding() { - return ihttpBindingEClass; - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public EClass getIHTTPOperation() { - return ihttpOperationEClass; - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public EClass getIHTTPUrlEncoded() { - return ihttpUrlEncodedEClass; - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public EClass getIHTTPUrlReplacement() { - return ihttpUrlReplacementEClass; - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public HTTPFactory getHTTPFactory() { - return (HTTPFactory)getEFactoryInstance(); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - private boolean isCreated = false; - - /** - * Creates the meta-model objects for the package. This method is - * guarded to have no affect on any invocation but its first. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public void createPackageContents() { - if (isCreated) return; - isCreated = true; - - // Create classes and their features - httpBindingEClass = createEClass(HTTP_BINDING); - createEAttribute(httpBindingEClass, HTTP_BINDING__VERB); - - httpOperationEClass = createEClass(HTTP_OPERATION); - createEAttribute(httpOperationEClass, HTTP_OPERATION__LOCATION_URI); - - httpUrlReplacementEClass = createEClass(HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT); - - httpUrlEncodedEClass = createEClass(HTTP_URL_ENCODED); - - httpAddressEClass = createEClass(HTTP_ADDRESS); - createEAttribute(httpAddressEClass, HTTP_ADDRESS__LOCATION_URI); - - ihttpAddressEClass = createEClass(IHTTP_ADDRESS); - - ihttpBindingEClass = createEClass(IHTTP_BINDING); - - ihttpOperationEClass = createEClass(IHTTP_OPERATION); - - ihttpUrlEncodedEClass = createEClass(IHTTP_URL_ENCODED); - - ihttpUrlReplacementEClass = createEClass(IHTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - private boolean isInitialized = false; - - /** - * Complete the initialization of the package and its meta-model. This - * method is guarded to have no affect on any invocation but its first. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public void initializePackageContents() { - if (isInitialized) return; - isInitialized = true; - - // Initialize package - setName(eNAME); - setNsPrefix(eNS_PREFIX); - setNsURI(eNS_URI); - - // Obtain other dependent packages - WSDLPackageImpl theWSDLPackage = (WSDLPackageImpl)EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.getEPackage(WSDLPackage.eNS_URI); - - // Add supertypes to classes - httpBindingEClass.getESuperTypes().add(theWSDLPackage.getExtensibilityElement()); - httpBindingEClass.getESuperTypes().add(this.getIHTTPBinding()); - httpOperationEClass.getESuperTypes().add(theWSDLPackage.getExtensibilityElement()); - httpOperationEClass.getESuperTypes().add(this.getIHTTPOperation()); - httpUrlReplacementEClass.getESuperTypes().add(theWSDLPackage.getExtensibilityElement()); - httpUrlReplacementEClass.getESuperTypes().add(this.getIHTTPUrlReplacement()); - httpUrlEncodedEClass.getESuperTypes().add(theWSDLPackage.getExtensibilityElement()); - httpUrlEncodedEClass.getESuperTypes().add(this.getIHTTPUrlEncoded()); - httpAddressEClass.getESuperTypes().add(theWSDLPackage.getExtensibilityElement()); - httpAddressEClass.getESuperTypes().add(this.getIHTTPAddress()); - - // Initialize classes and features; add operations and parameters - initEClass(httpBindingEClass, HTTPBinding.class, "HTTPBinding", !IS_ABSTRACT, !IS_INTERFACE); - initEAttribute(getHTTPBinding_Verb(), ecorePackage.getEString(), "verb", null, 0, 1, !IS_TRANSIENT, !IS_VOLATILE, IS_CHANGEABLE, !IS_UNSETTABLE, !IS_ID, IS_UNIQUE, !IS_DERIVED); - - initEClass(httpOperationEClass, HTTPOperation.class, "HTTPOperation", !IS_ABSTRACT, !IS_INTERFACE); - initEAttribute(getHTTPOperation_LocationURI(), ecorePackage.getEString(), "locationURI", null, 0, 1, !IS_TRANSIENT, !IS_VOLATILE, IS_CHANGEABLE, !IS_UNSETTABLE, !IS_ID, IS_UNIQUE, !IS_DERIVED); - - initEClass(httpUrlReplacementEClass, HTTPUrlReplacement.class, "HTTPUrlReplacement", !IS_ABSTRACT, !IS_INTERFACE); - - initEClass(httpUrlEncodedEClass, HTTPUrlEncoded.class, "HTTPUrlEncoded", !IS_ABSTRACT, !IS_INTERFACE); - - initEClass(httpAddressEClass, HTTPAddress.class, "HTTPAddress", !IS_ABSTRACT, !IS_INTERFACE); - initEAttribute(getHTTPAddress_LocationURI(), ecorePackage.getEString(), "locationURI", null, 0, 1, !IS_TRANSIENT, !IS_VOLATILE, IS_CHANGEABLE, !IS_UNSETTABLE, !IS_ID, IS_UNIQUE, !IS_DERIVED); - - initEClass(ihttpAddressEClass, javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPAddress.class, "IHTTPAddress", IS_ABSTRACT, IS_INTERFACE); - - initEClass(ihttpBindingEClass, javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPBinding.class, "IHTTPBinding", IS_ABSTRACT, IS_INTERFACE); - - initEClass(ihttpOperationEClass, javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPOperation.class, "IHTTPOperation", IS_ABSTRACT, IS_INTERFACE); - - initEClass(ihttpUrlEncodedEClass, javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlEncoded.class, "IHTTPUrlEncoded", IS_ABSTRACT, IS_INTERFACE); - - initEClass(ihttpUrlReplacementEClass, javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlReplacement.class, "IHTTPUrlReplacement", IS_ABSTRACT, IS_INTERFACE); - - // Create resource - createResource(eNS_URI); - } -} //HTTPPackageImpl diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPUrlEncodedImpl.java b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPUrlEncodedImpl.java deleted file mode 100644 index f681e94ce..000000000 --- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPUrlEncodedImpl.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ -/******************************************************************************* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. - * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials - * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 - * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at - * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html - * - * Contributors: - * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation - *******************************************************************************/ -package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.internal.impl; - - -import javax.xml.namespace.QName; - -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPUrlEncoded; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.internal.util.HTTPConstants; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.internal.impl.ExtensibilityElementImpl; -import org.w3c.dom.Element; - -/** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * An implementation of the model object '<em><b>Url Encoded</b></em>'. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * <p> - * </p> - * - * @generated - */ -public class HTTPUrlEncodedImpl extends ExtensibilityElementImpl implements HTTPUrlEncoded { - /** - * This class is not intended to be serialized. - * serialVersionUID is assigned with 1L to avoid - * compiler warning messages. - */ - private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - protected HTTPUrlEncodedImpl() { - super(); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - protected EClass eStaticClass() { - return HTTPPackage.eINSTANCE.getHTTPUrlEncoded(); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public Object eGet(EStructuralFeature eFeature, boolean resolve) { - switch (eDerivedStructuralFeatureID(eFeature)) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_ENCODED__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT: - return getDocumentationElement(); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_ENCODED__ELEMENT: - return getElement(); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_ENCODED__REQUIRED: - return isRequired() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_ENCODED__ELEMENT_TYPE: - return getElementType(); - } - return eDynamicGet(eFeature, resolve); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public void eSet(EStructuralFeature eFeature, Object newValue) { - switch (eDerivedStructuralFeatureID(eFeature)) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_ENCODED__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT: - setDocumentationElement((Element)newValue); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_ENCODED__ELEMENT: - setElement((Element)newValue); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_ENCODED__REQUIRED: - setRequired(((Boolean)newValue).booleanValue()); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_ENCODED__ELEMENT_TYPE: - setElementType((QName)newValue); - return; - } - eDynamicSet(eFeature, newValue); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public void eUnset(EStructuralFeature eFeature) { - switch (eDerivedStructuralFeatureID(eFeature)) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_ENCODED__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT: - setDocumentationElement(DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT_EDEFAULT); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_ENCODED__ELEMENT: - setElement(ELEMENT_EDEFAULT); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_ENCODED__REQUIRED: - setRequired(REQUIRED_EDEFAULT); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_ENCODED__ELEMENT_TYPE: - setElementType(ELEMENT_TYPE_EDEFAULT); - return; - } - eDynamicUnset(eFeature); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public boolean eIsSet(EStructuralFeature eFeature) { - switch (eDerivedStructuralFeatureID(eFeature)) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_ENCODED__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT: - return DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT_EDEFAULT == null ? documentationElement != null : !DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT_EDEFAULT.equals(documentationElement); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_ENCODED__ELEMENT: - return ELEMENT_EDEFAULT == null ? element != null : !ELEMENT_EDEFAULT.equals(element); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_ENCODED__REQUIRED: - return required != REQUIRED_EDEFAULT; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_ENCODED__ELEMENT_TYPE: - return ELEMENT_TYPE_EDEFAULT == null ? elementType != null : !ELEMENT_TYPE_EDEFAULT.equals(elementType); - } - return eDynamicIsSet(eFeature); - } - - public QName getElementType() - { - if (elementType == null) - elementType = new QName(HTTPConstants.HTTP_NAMESPACE_URI, HTTPConstants.URL_ENCODED_ELEMENT_TAG); - return elementType; - } - -} //HTTPUrlEncodedImpl diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPUrlReplacementImpl.java b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPUrlReplacementImpl.java deleted file mode 100644 index d58b4e888..000000000 --- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/impl/HTTPUrlReplacementImpl.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ -/******************************************************************************* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. - * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials - * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 - * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at - * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html - * - * Contributors: - * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation - *******************************************************************************/ -package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.internal.impl; - - -import javax.xml.namespace.QName; - -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPUrlReplacement; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.internal.util.HTTPConstants; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.internal.impl.ExtensibilityElementImpl; -import org.w3c.dom.Element; - -/** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * An implementation of the model object '<em><b>Url Replacement</b></em>'. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * <p> - * </p> - * - * @generated - */ -public class HTTPUrlReplacementImpl extends ExtensibilityElementImpl implements HTTPUrlReplacement { - /** - * This class is not intended to be serialized. - * serialVersionUID is assigned with 1L to avoid - * compiler warning messages. - */ - private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - protected HTTPUrlReplacementImpl() { - super(); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - protected EClass eStaticClass() { - return HTTPPackage.eINSTANCE.getHTTPUrlReplacement(); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public Object eGet(EStructuralFeature eFeature, boolean resolve) { - switch (eDerivedStructuralFeatureID(eFeature)) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT: - return getDocumentationElement(); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT__ELEMENT: - return getElement(); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT__REQUIRED: - return isRequired() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT__ELEMENT_TYPE: - return getElementType(); - } - return eDynamicGet(eFeature, resolve); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public void eSet(EStructuralFeature eFeature, Object newValue) { - switch (eDerivedStructuralFeatureID(eFeature)) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT: - setDocumentationElement((Element)newValue); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT__ELEMENT: - setElement((Element)newValue); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT__REQUIRED: - setRequired(((Boolean)newValue).booleanValue()); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT__ELEMENT_TYPE: - setElementType((QName)newValue); - return; - } - eDynamicSet(eFeature, newValue); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public void eUnset(EStructuralFeature eFeature) { - switch (eDerivedStructuralFeatureID(eFeature)) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT: - setDocumentationElement(DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT_EDEFAULT); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT__ELEMENT: - setElement(ELEMENT_EDEFAULT); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT__REQUIRED: - setRequired(REQUIRED_EDEFAULT); - return; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT__ELEMENT_TYPE: - setElementType(ELEMENT_TYPE_EDEFAULT); - return; - } - eDynamicUnset(eFeature); - } - - /** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public boolean eIsSet(EStructuralFeature eFeature) { - switch (eDerivedStructuralFeatureID(eFeature)) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT__DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT: - return DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT_EDEFAULT == null ? documentationElement != null : !DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT_EDEFAULT.equals(documentationElement); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT__ELEMENT: - return ELEMENT_EDEFAULT == null ? element != null : !ELEMENT_EDEFAULT.equals(element); - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT__REQUIRED: - return required != REQUIRED_EDEFAULT; - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT__ELEMENT_TYPE: - return ELEMENT_TYPE_EDEFAULT == null ? elementType != null : !ELEMENT_TYPE_EDEFAULT.equals(elementType); - } - return eDynamicIsSet(eFeature); - } - - public QName getElementType() - { - if (elementType == null) - elementType = new QName(HTTPConstants.HTTP_NAMESPACE_URI, HTTPConstants.URL_REPLACEMENT_ELEMENT_TAG); - return elementType; - } - -} //HTTPUrlReplacementImpl diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/util/HTTPAdapterFactory.java b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/util/HTTPAdapterFactory.java deleted file mode 100644 index bf7481a1d..000000000 --- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/util/HTTPAdapterFactory.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,333 +0,0 @@ -/******************************************************************************* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. - * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials - * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 - * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at - * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html - * - * Contributors: - * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation - *******************************************************************************/ -package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.internal.util; - -import javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensibilityElement; - -import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Adapter; -import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier; -import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.AdapterFactoryImpl; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.WSDLElement; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPAddress; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPBinding; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPOperation; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPUrlEncoded; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPUrlReplacement; - -/** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * The <b>Adapter Factory</b> for the model. - * It provides an adapter <code>createXXX</code> method for each class of the model. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage - * @generated - */ -public class HTTPAdapterFactory extends AdapterFactoryImpl { - /** - * The cached model package. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - protected static HTTPPackage modelPackage; - - /** - * Creates an instance of the adapter factory. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public HTTPAdapterFactory() { - if (modelPackage == null) { - modelPackage = HTTPPackage.eINSTANCE; - } - } - - /** - * Returns whether this factory is applicable for the type of the object. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This implementation returns <code>true</code> if the object is either the model's package or is an instance object of the model. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return whether this factory is applicable for the type of the object. - * @generated - */ - public boolean isFactoryForType(Object object) { - if (object == modelPackage) { - return true; - } - if (object instanceof EObject) { - return ((EObject)object).eClass().getEPackage() == modelPackage; - } - return false; - } - - /** - * The switch the delegates to the <code>createXXX</code> methods. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - protected HTTPSwitch modelSwitch = - new HTTPSwitch() { - public Object caseHTTPBinding(HTTPBinding object) { - return createHTTPBindingAdapter(); - } - public Object caseHTTPOperation(HTTPOperation object) { - return createHTTPOperationAdapter(); - } - public Object caseHTTPUrlReplacement(HTTPUrlReplacement object) { - return createHTTPUrlReplacementAdapter(); - } - public Object caseHTTPUrlEncoded(HTTPUrlEncoded object) { - return createHTTPUrlEncodedAdapter(); - } - public Object caseHTTPAddress(HTTPAddress object) { - return createHTTPAddressAdapter(); - } - public Object caseIHTTPAddress(javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPAddress object) { - return createIHTTPAddressAdapter(); - } - public Object caseIHTTPBinding(javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPBinding object) { - return createIHTTPBindingAdapter(); - } - public Object caseIHTTPOperation(javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPOperation object) { - return createIHTTPOperationAdapter(); - } - public Object caseIHTTPUrlEncoded(javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlEncoded object) { - return createIHTTPUrlEncodedAdapter(); - } - public Object caseIHTTPUrlReplacement(javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlReplacement object) { - return createIHTTPUrlReplacementAdapter(); - } - public Object caseWSDLElement(WSDLElement object) { - return createWSDLElementAdapter(); - } - public Object caseIExtensibilityElement(ExtensibilityElement object) { - return createIExtensibilityElementAdapter(); - } - public Object caseExtensibilityElement(org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.ExtensibilityElement object) { - return createExtensibilityElementAdapter(); - } - public Object defaultCase(EObject object) { - return createEObjectAdapter(); - } - }; - - /** - * Creates an adapter for the <code>target</code>. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @param target the object to adapt. - * @return the adapter for the <code>target</code>. - * @generated - */ - public Adapter createAdapter(Notifier target) { - return (Adapter)modelSwitch.doSwitch((EObject)target); - } - - - /** - * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPBinding <em>Binding</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; - * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the new adapter. - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPBinding - * @generated - */ - public Adapter createHTTPBindingAdapter() { - return null; - } - - /** - * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPOperation <em>Operation</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; - * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the new adapter. - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPOperation - * @generated - */ - public Adapter createHTTPOperationAdapter() { - return null; - } - - /** - * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPUrlReplacement <em>Url Replacement</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; - * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the new adapter. - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPUrlReplacement - * @generated - */ - public Adapter createHTTPUrlReplacementAdapter() { - return null; - } - - /** - * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPUrlEncoded <em>Url Encoded</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; - * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the new adapter. - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPUrlEncoded - * @generated - */ - public Adapter createHTTPUrlEncodedAdapter() { - return null; - } - - /** - * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPAddress <em>Address</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; - * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the new adapter. - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPAddress - * @generated - */ - public Adapter createHTTPAddressAdapter() { - return null; - } - - /** - * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPAddress <em>IHTTP Address</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; - * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the new adapter. - * @see javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPAddress - * @generated - */ - public Adapter createIHTTPAddressAdapter() { - return null; - } - - /** - * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPBinding <em>IHTTP Binding</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; - * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the new adapter. - * @see javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPBinding - * @generated - */ - public Adapter createIHTTPBindingAdapter() { - return null; - } - - /** - * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPOperation <em>IHTTP Operation</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; - * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the new adapter. - * @see javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPOperation - * @generated - */ - public Adapter createIHTTPOperationAdapter() { - return null; - } - - /** - * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlEncoded <em>IHTTP Url Encoded</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; - * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the new adapter. - * @see javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlEncoded - * @generated - */ - public Adapter createIHTTPUrlEncodedAdapter() { - return null; - } - - /** - * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlReplacement <em>IHTTP Url Replacement</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; - * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the new adapter. - * @see javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlReplacement - * @generated - */ - public Adapter createIHTTPUrlReplacementAdapter() { - return null; - } - - /** - * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.WSDLElement <em>Element</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; - * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the new adapter. - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.WSDLElement - * @generated - */ - public Adapter createWSDLElementAdapter() { - return null; - } - - /** - * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensibilityElement <em>IExtensibility Element</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; - * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the new adapter. - * @see javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensibilityElement - * @generated - */ - public Adapter createIExtensibilityElementAdapter() { - return null; - } - - /** - * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.ExtensibilityElement <em>Extensibility Element</em>}'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases; - * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the new adapter. - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.ExtensibilityElement - * @generated - */ - public Adapter createExtensibilityElementAdapter() { - return null; - } - - /** - * Creates a new adapter for the default case. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This default implementation returns null. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the new adapter. - * @generated - */ - public Adapter createEObjectAdapter() { - return null; - } - -} //HTTPAdapterFactory diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/util/HTTPConstants.java b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/util/HTTPConstants.java deleted file mode 100644 index 1b46a1a99..000000000 --- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/util/HTTPConstants.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -/******************************************************************************* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. - * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials - * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 - * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at - * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html - * - * Contributors: - * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation - *******************************************************************************/ -package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.internal.util; - -import org.w3c.dom.Element; - -public final class HTTPConstants -{ - public static final String ADDRESS_ELEMENT_TAG = "address"; - public static final String BINDING_ELEMENT_TAG = "binding"; - public static final String OPERATION_ELEMENT_TAG = "operation"; - public static final String URL_ENCODED_ELEMENT_TAG = "urlEncoded"; - public static final String URL_REPLACEMENT_ELEMENT_TAG = "urlReplacement"; - - public static final String HTTP_NAMESPACE_URI = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http/"; - - public static final String LOCATION_URI_ATTRIBUTE ="location"; - public static final String VERB_ATTRIBUTE ="verb"; - - public static String getAttribute(Element element, String attributeName) - { - return element.hasAttribute(attributeName) ? element.getAttribute(attributeName) : null; - } -} diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/util/HTTPExtensibilityElementFactory.java b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/util/HTTPExtensibilityElementFactory.java deleted file mode 100644 index ef962d1ce..000000000 --- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/util/HTTPExtensibilityElementFactory.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -/******************************************************************************* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. - * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials - * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 - * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at - * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html - * - * Contributors: - * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation - *******************************************************************************/ -package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.internal.util; - -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.ExtensibilityElement; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.WSDLFactory; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPFactory; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.util.ExtensibilityElementFactory; - -public class HTTPExtensibilityElementFactory implements ExtensibilityElementFactory -{ - public ExtensibilityElement createExtensibilityElement(String namespace, String localName) - { - if (HTTPConstants.HTTP_NAMESPACE_URI.equals(namespace)) - { - if (HTTPConstants.ADDRESS_ELEMENT_TAG.equals(localName)) - { - return HTTPFactory.eINSTANCE.createHTTPAddress(); - } - else if (HTTPConstants.BINDING_ELEMENT_TAG.equals(localName)) - { - return HTTPFactory.eINSTANCE.createHTTPBinding(); - } - else if (HTTPConstants.OPERATION_ELEMENT_TAG.equals(localName)) - { - return HTTPFactory.eINSTANCE.createHTTPOperation(); - } - else if (HTTPConstants.URL_ENCODED_ELEMENT_TAG.equals(localName)) - { - return HTTPFactory.eINSTANCE.createHTTPUrlEncoded(); - } - else if (HTTPConstants.URL_REPLACEMENT_ELEMENT_TAG.equals(localName)) - { - return HTTPFactory.eINSTANCE.createHTTPUrlReplacement(); - } - else - { - //System.out.println("Unhandled localName: " + localName); - return WSDLFactory.eINSTANCE.createUnknownExtensibilityElement(); - } - } - else - { - //System.out.println("Unhandled namespace: " + namespace); - return WSDLFactory.eINSTANCE.createUnknownExtensibilityElement(); - } - } -} diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/util/HTTPSwitch.java b/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/util/HTTPSwitch.java deleted file mode 100644 index 2dd03f2f9..000000000 --- a/bundles/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl/src-http/org/eclipse/wst/wsdl/binding/http/internal/util/HTTPSwitch.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,336 +0,0 @@ -/******************************************************************************* - * Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. - * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials - * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 - * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at - * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html - * - * Contributors: - * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation - *******************************************************************************/ -package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.internal.util; - -import javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensibilityElement; - -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; -import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.WSDLElement; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPAddress; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPBinding; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPOperation; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPUrlEncoded; -import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPUrlReplacement; - -/** - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * The <b>Switch</b> for the model's inheritance hierarchy. - * It supports the call {@link #doSwitch doSwitch(object)} - * to invoke the <code>caseXXX</code> method for each class of the model, - * starting with the actual class of the object - * and proceeding up the inheritance hierarchy - * until a non-null result is returned, - * which is the result of the switch. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.http.HTTPPackage - * @generated - */ -public class HTTPSwitch { - /** - * The cached model package - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - protected static HTTPPackage modelPackage; - - /** - * Creates an instance of the switch. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @generated - */ - public HTTPSwitch() { - if (modelPackage == null) { - modelPackage = HTTPPackage.eINSTANCE; - } - } - - /** - * Calls <code>caseXXX</code> for each class of the model until one returns a non null result; it yields that result. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @return the first non-null result returned by a <code>caseXXX</code> call. - * @generated - */ - public Object doSwitch(EObject theEObject) { - EClass theEClass = theEObject.eClass(); - if (theEClass.eContainer() == modelPackage) { - switch (theEClass.getClassifierID()) { - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_BINDING: { - HTTPBinding httpBinding = (HTTPBinding)theEObject; - Object result = caseHTTPBinding(httpBinding); - if (result == null) result = caseExtensibilityElement(httpBinding); - if (result == null) result = caseIHTTPBinding(httpBinding); - if (result == null) result = caseWSDLElement(httpBinding); - if (result == null) result = caseIExtensibilityElement(httpBinding); - if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); - return result; - } - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_OPERATION: { - HTTPOperation httpOperation = (HTTPOperation)theEObject; - Object result = caseHTTPOperation(httpOperation); - if (result == null) result = caseExtensibilityElement(httpOperation); - if (result == null) result = caseIHTTPOperation(httpOperation); - if (result == null) result = caseWSDLElement(httpOperation); - if (result == null) result = caseIExtensibilityElement(httpOperation); - if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); - return result; - } - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_REPLACEMENT: { - HTTPUrlReplacement httpUrlReplacement = (HTTPUrlReplacement)theEObject; - Object result = caseHTTPUrlReplacement(httpUrlReplacement); - if (result == null) result = caseExtensibilityElement(httpUrlReplacement); - if (result == null) result = caseIHTTPUrlReplacement(httpUrlReplacement); - if (result == null) result = caseWSDLElement(httpUrlReplacement); - if (result == null) result = caseIExtensibilityElement(httpUrlReplacement); - if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); - return result; - } - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_URL_ENCODED: { - HTTPUrlEncoded httpUrlEncoded = (HTTPUrlEncoded)theEObject; - Object result = caseHTTPUrlEncoded(httpUrlEncoded); - if (result == null) result = caseExtensibilityElement(httpUrlEncoded); - if (result == null) result = caseIHTTPUrlEncoded(httpUrlEncoded); - if (result == null) result = caseWSDLElement(httpUrlEncoded); - if (result == null) result = caseIExtensibilityElement(httpUrlEncoded); - if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); - return result; - } - case HTTPPackage.HTTP_ADDRESS: { - HTTPAddress httpAddress = (HTTPAddress)theEObject; - Object result = caseHTTPAddress(httpAddress); - if (result == null) result = caseExtensibilityElement(httpAddress); - if (result == null) result = caseIHTTPAddress(httpAddress); - if (result == null) result = caseWSDLElement(httpAddress); - if (result == null) result = caseIExtensibilityElement(httpAddress); - if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject); - return result; - } - default: return defaultCase(theEObject); - } - } - return defaultCase(theEObject); - } - - /** - * Returns the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>Binding</em>'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This implementation returns null; - * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @param object the target of the switch. - * @return the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>Binding</em>'. - * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) - * @generated - */ - public Object caseHTTPBinding(HTTPBinding object) { - return null; - } - - /** - * Returns the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>Operation</em>'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This implementation returns null; - * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @param object the target of the switch. - * @return the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>Operation</em>'. - * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) - * @generated - */ - public Object caseHTTPOperation(HTTPOperation object) { - return null; - } - - /** - * Returns the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>Url Replacement</em>'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This implementation returns null; - * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @param object the target of the switch. - * @return the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>Url Replacement</em>'. - * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) - * @generated - */ - public Object caseHTTPUrlReplacement(HTTPUrlReplacement object) { - return null; - } - - /** - * Returns the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>Url Encoded</em>'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This implementation returns null; - * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @param object the target of the switch. - * @return the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>Url Encoded</em>'. - * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) - * @generated - */ - public Object caseHTTPUrlEncoded(HTTPUrlEncoded object) { - return null; - } - - /** - * Returns the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>Address</em>'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This implementation returns null; - * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @param object the target of the switch. - * @return the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>Address</em>'. - * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) - * @generated - */ - public Object caseHTTPAddress(HTTPAddress object) { - return null; - } - - /** - * Returns the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>IHTTP Address</em>'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This implementation returns null; - * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @param object the target of the switch. - * @return the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>IHTTP Address</em>'. - * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) - * @generated - */ - public Object caseIHTTPAddress(javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPAddress object) { - return null; - } - - /** - * Returns the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>IHTTP Binding</em>'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This implementation returns null; - * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @param object the target of the switch. - * @return the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>IHTTP Binding</em>'. - * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) - * @generated - */ - public Object caseIHTTPBinding(javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPBinding object) { - return null; - } - - /** - * Returns the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>IHTTP Operation</em>'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This implementation returns null; - * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @param object the target of the switch. - * @return the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>IHTTP Operation</em>'. - * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) - * @generated - */ - public Object caseIHTTPOperation(javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPOperation object) { - return null; - } - - /** - * Returns the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>IHTTP Url Encoded</em>'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This implementation returns null; - * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @param object the target of the switch. - * @return the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>IHTTP Url Encoded</em>'. - * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) - * @generated - */ - public Object caseIHTTPUrlEncoded(javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlEncoded object) { - return null; - } - - /** - * Returns the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>IHTTP Url Replacement</em>'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This implementation returns null; - * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @param object the target of the switch. - * @return the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>IHTTP Url Replacement</em>'. - * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) - * @generated - */ - public Object caseIHTTPUrlReplacement(javax.wsdl.extensions.http.HTTPUrlReplacement object) { - return null; - } - - /** - * Returns the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>Element</em>'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This implementation returns null; - * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @param object the target of the switch. - * @return the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>Element</em>'. - * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) - * @generated - */ - public Object caseWSDLElement(WSDLElement object) { - return null; - } - - /** - * Returns the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>IExtensibility Element</em>'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This implementation returns null; - * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @param object the target of the switch. - * @return the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>IExtensibility Element</em>'. - * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) - * @generated - */ - public Object caseIExtensibilityElement(ExtensibilityElement object) { - return null; - } - - /** - * Returns the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>Extensibility Element</em>'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This implementation returns null; - * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @param object the target of the switch. - * @return the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>Extensibility Element</em>'. - * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject) - * @generated - */ - public Object caseExtensibilityElement(org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.ExtensibilityElement object) { - return null; - } - - /** - * Returns the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>EObject</em>'. - * <!-- begin-user-doc --> - * This implementation returns null; - * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch, but this is the last case anyway. - * <!-- end-user-doc --> - * @param object the target of the switch. - * @return the result of interpretting the object as an instance of '<em>EObject</em>'. - * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) - * @generated - */ - public Object defaultCase(EObject object) { - return null; - } - -} //HTTPSwitch |