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Diffstat (limited to 'eclipselink/org.eclipse.emf.teneo.orm/text')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 420 deletions
diff --git a/eclipselink/org.eclipse.emf.teneo.orm/text/description.txt b/eclipselink/org.eclipse.emf.teneo.orm/text/description.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index 607e74d65..000000000
--- a/eclipselink/org.eclipse.emf.teneo.orm/text/description.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-Model Orm
-This model description is not a real EMF artifact. It was generated by the
-org.eclipse.emf.examples.generator.validator plug-in to illustrate how EMF's
-code generator can be extended.
-This can be disabled with -vmargs -Dorg.eclipse.emf.examples.generator.validator=false.
-Package orm <>
- Class AssociationOverride
- Reference joinColumn : JoinColumn<<1..*>>
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Class AttributeOverride
- Reference column : Column<<1..1>>
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Class Attributes
- Reference id : Id<<0..*>>
- Reference embeddedId : EmbeddedId
- Reference basic : Basic<<0..*>>
- Reference version : Version<<0..*>>
- Reference manyToOne : ManyToOne<<0..*>>
- Reference oneToMany : OneToMany<<0..*>>
- Reference oneToOne : OneToOne<<0..*>>
- Reference manyToMany : ManyToMany<<0..*>>
- Reference embedded : Embedded<<0..*>>
- Reference transient : Transient<<0..*>>
- Class Basic
- Reference column : Column
- Reference lob : Lob
- Attribute temporal : Temporal
- Attribute enumerated : Enumerated
- Attribute fetch : FetchType
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Attribute optional : Boolean
- Class CascadeType
- Reference cascadeAll : EmptyType
- Reference cascadePersist : EmptyType
- Reference cascadeMerge : EmptyType
- Reference cascadeRemove : EmptyType
- Reference cascadeRefresh : EmptyType
- Class Column
- Attribute columnDefinition : String
- Attribute insertable : Boolean
- Attribute length : Int
- Attribute name : String
- Attribute nullable : Boolean
- Attribute precision : Int
- Attribute scale : Int
- Attribute table : String
- Attribute unique : Boolean
- Attribute updatable : Boolean
- Class ColumnResult
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Class DiscriminatorColumn
- Attribute columnDefinition : String
- Attribute discriminatorType : DiscriminatorType
- Attribute length : Int
- Attribute name : String
- Class DocumentRoot
- Attribute mixed : EFeatureMapEntry<<0..*>>
- Reference xMLNSPrefixMap : EStringToStringMapEntry<<0..*>>
- Reference xSISchemaLocation : EStringToStringMapEntry<<0..*>>
- Reference /entityMappings : EntityMappingsType<<0..?>>
- Class Embeddable
- Attribute description : String
- Reference attributes : EmbeddableAttributes
- Attribute access : AccessType
- Attribute class : String<<1..1>>
- Attribute metadataComplete : Boolean
- Class EmbeddableAttributes
- Reference basic : Basic<<0..*>>
- Reference transient : Transient<<0..*>>
- Class Embedded
- Reference attributeOverride : AttributeOverride<<0..*>>
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Class EmbeddedId
- Reference attributeOverride : AttributeOverride<<0..*>>
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Class EmptyType
- Class Entity
- Attribute description : String
- Reference table : Table
- Reference secondaryTable : SecondaryTable<<0..*>>
- Reference primaryKeyJoinColumn : PrimaryKeyJoinColumn<<0..*>>
- Reference idClass : IdClass
- Reference inheritance : Inheritance
- Attribute discriminatorValue : DiscriminatorValue
- Reference discriminatorColumn : DiscriminatorColumn
- Reference sequenceGenerator : SequenceGenerator
- Reference tableGenerator : TableGenerator
- Reference namedQuery : NamedQuery<<0..*>>
- Reference namedNativeQuery : NamedNativeQuery<<0..*>>
- Reference sqlResultSetMapping : SqlResultSetMapping<<0..*>>
- Reference excludeDefaultListeners : EmptyType
- Reference excludeSuperclassListeners : EmptyType
- Reference entityListeners : EntityListeners
- Reference prePersist : PrePersist
- Reference postPersist : PostPersist
- Reference preRemove : PreRemove
- Reference postRemove : PostRemove
- Reference preUpdate : PreUpdate
- Reference postUpdate : PostUpdate
- Reference postLoad : PostLoad
- Reference attributeOverride : AttributeOverride<<0..*>>
- Reference associationOverride : AssociationOverride<<0..*>>
- Reference attributes : Attributes
- Attribute access : AccessType
- Attribute class : String<<1..1>>
- Attribute metadataComplete : Boolean
- Attribute name : String
- Class EntityListener
- Reference prePersist : PrePersist
- Reference postPersist : PostPersist
- Reference preRemove : PreRemove
- Reference postRemove : PostRemove
- Reference preUpdate : PreUpdate
- Reference postUpdate : PostUpdate
- Reference postLoad : PostLoad
- Attribute class : String<<1..1>>
- Class EntityListeners
- Reference entityListener : EntityListener<<0..*>>
- Class EntityMappingsType
- Attribute description : String
- Reference persistenceUnitMetadata : PersistenceUnitMetadata
- Attribute package : String
- Attribute schema : String
- Attribute catalog : String
- Attribute access : AccessType
- Reference sequenceGenerator : SequenceGenerator<<0..*>>
- Reference tableGenerator : TableGenerator<<0..*>>
- Reference namedQuery : NamedQuery<<0..*>>
- Reference namedNativeQuery : NamedNativeQuery<<0..*>>
- Reference sqlResultSetMapping : SqlResultSetMapping<<0..*>>
- Reference mappedSuperclass : MappedSuperclass<<0..*>>
- Reference entity : Entity<<0..*>>
- Reference embeddable : Embeddable<<0..*>>
- Attribute version : VersionType<<1..1>>
- Class EntityResult
- Reference fieldResult : FieldResult<<0..*>>
- Attribute discriminatorColumn : String
- Attribute entityClass : String<<1..1>>
- Class FieldResult
- Attribute column : String<<1..1>>
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Class GeneratedValue
- Attribute generator : String
- Attribute strategy : GenerationType
- Class Id
- Reference column : Column
- Reference generatedValue : GeneratedValue
- Attribute temporal : Temporal
- Reference tableGenerator : TableGenerator
- Reference sequenceGenerator : SequenceGenerator
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Class IdClass
- Attribute class : String<<1..1>>
- Class Inheritance
- Attribute strategy : InheritanceType
- Class JoinColumn
- Attribute columnDefinition : String
- Attribute insertable : Boolean
- Attribute name : String
- Attribute nullable : Boolean
- Attribute referencedColumnName : String
- Attribute table : String
- Attribute unique : Boolean
- Attribute updatable : Boolean
- Class JoinTable
- Reference joinColumn : JoinColumn<<0..*>>
- Reference inverseJoinColumn : JoinColumn<<0..*>>
- Reference uniqueConstraint : UniqueConstraint<<0..*>>
- Attribute catalog : String
- Attribute name : String
- Attribute schema : String
- Class Lob
- Class ManyToMany
- Attribute orderBy : OrderBy
- Reference mapKey : MapKey
- Reference joinTable : JoinTable
- Reference cascade : CascadeType
- Attribute fetch : FetchType
- Attribute mappedBy : String
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Attribute targetEntity : String
- Class ManyToOne
- Reference joinColumn : JoinColumn<<0..*>>
- Reference joinTable : JoinTable
- Reference cascade : CascadeType
- Attribute fetch : FetchType
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Attribute optional : Boolean
- Attribute targetEntity : String
- Class MapKey
- Attribute name : String
- Class MappedSuperclass
- Attribute description : String
- Reference idClass : IdClass
- Reference excludeDefaultListeners : EmptyType
- Reference excludeSuperclassListeners : EmptyType
- Reference entityListeners : EntityListeners
- Reference prePersist : PrePersist
- Reference postPersist : PostPersist
- Reference preRemove : PreRemove
- Reference postRemove : PostRemove
- Reference preUpdate : PreUpdate
- Reference postUpdate : PostUpdate
- Reference postLoad : PostLoad
- Reference attributes : Attributes
- Attribute access : AccessType
- Attribute class : String<<1..1>>
- Attribute metadataComplete : Boolean
- Class NamedNativeQuery
- Attribute query : String<<1..1>>
- Reference hint : QueryHint<<0..*>>
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Attribute resultClass : String
- Attribute resultSetMapping : String
- Class NamedQuery
- Attribute query : String<<1..1>>
- Reference hint : QueryHint<<0..*>>
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Class OneToMany
- Attribute orderBy : OrderBy
- Reference mapKey : MapKey
- Reference joinTable : JoinTable
- Reference joinColumn : JoinColumn<<0..*>>
- Reference cascade : CascadeType
- Attribute fetch : FetchType
- Attribute mappedBy : String
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Attribute targetEntity : String
- Class OneToOne
- Reference primaryKeyJoinColumn : PrimaryKeyJoinColumn<<0..*>>
- Reference joinColumn : JoinColumn<<0..*>>
- Reference joinTable : JoinTable
- Reference cascade : CascadeType
- Attribute fetch : FetchType
- Attribute mappedBy : String
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Attribute optional : Boolean
- Attribute targetEntity : String
- Class PersistenceUnitDefaults
- Attribute schema : String
- Attribute catalog : String
- Attribute access : AccessType
- Reference cascadePersist : EmptyType
- Reference entityListeners : EntityListeners
- Class PersistenceUnitMetadata
- Reference xmlMappingMetadataComplete : EmptyType
- Reference persistenceUnitDefaults : PersistenceUnitDefaults
- Class PostLoad
- Attribute methodName : String<<1..1>>
- Class PostPersist
- Attribute methodName : String<<1..1>>
- Class PostRemove
- Attribute methodName : String<<1..1>>
- Class PostUpdate
- Attribute methodName : String<<1..1>>
- Class PrePersist
- Attribute methodName : String<<1..1>>
- Class PreRemove
- Attribute methodName : String<<1..1>>
- Class PreUpdate
- Attribute methodName : String<<1..1>>
- Class PrimaryKeyJoinColumn
- Attribute columnDefinition : String
- Attribute name : String
- Attribute referencedColumnName : String
- Class QueryHint
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Attribute value : String<<1..1>>
- Class SecondaryTable
- Reference primaryKeyJoinColumn : PrimaryKeyJoinColumn<<0..*>>
- Reference uniqueConstraint : UniqueConstraint<<0..*>>
- Attribute catalog : String
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Attribute schema : String
- Class SequenceGenerator
- Attribute allocationSize : Int
- Attribute initialValue : Int
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Attribute sequenceName : String
- Class SqlResultSetMapping
- Reference entityResult : EntityResult<<0..*>>
- Reference columnResult : ColumnResult<<0..*>>
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Class Table
- Reference uniqueConstraint : UniqueConstraint<<0..*>>
- Attribute catalog : String
- Attribute name : String
- Attribute schema : String
- Class TableGenerator
- Reference uniqueConstraint : UniqueConstraint<<0..*>>
- Attribute allocationSize : Int
- Attribute catalog : String
- Attribute initialValue : Int
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Attribute pkColumnName : String
- Attribute pkColumnValue : String
- Attribute schema : String
- Attribute table : String
- Attribute valueColumnName : String
- Class Transient
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Class UniqueConstraint
- Attribute columnName : String<<1..*>>
- Class Version
- Reference column : Column
- Attribute temporal : Temporal
- Attribute name : String<<1..1>>
- Enum AccessType
- Literal PROPERTY = 0
- Literal FIELD = 1
- Enum DiscriminatorType
- Literal STRING = 0
- Literal CHAR = 1
- Literal INTEGER = 2
- Enum EnumType
- Literal ORDINAL = 0
- Literal STRING = 1
- Enum FetchType
- Literal LAZY = 0
- Literal EAGER = 1
- Enum GenerationType
- Literal TABLE = 0
- Literal SEQUENCE = 1
- Literal IDENTITY = 2
- Literal AUTO = 3
- Enum InheritanceType
- Literal SINGLETABLE = 0
- Literal JOINED = 1
- Enum TemporalType
- Literal DATE = 0
- Literal TIME = 1
- Literal TIMESTAMP = 2
- DataType AccessTypeObject <org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Enumerator>
- DataType DiscriminatorTypeObject <org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Enumerator>
- DataType DiscriminatorValue <java.lang.String>
- DataType Enumerated <org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Enumerator>
- DataType EnumTypeObject <org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Enumerator>
- DataType FetchTypeObject <org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Enumerator>
- DataType GenerationTypeObject <org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Enumerator>
- DataType InheritanceTypeObject <org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Enumerator>
- DataType OrderBy <java.lang.String>
- DataType Temporal <org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Enumerator>
- DataType TemporalTypeObject <org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Enumerator>
- DataType VersionType <java.lang.String>

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