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 * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at
 * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
 * You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
 * Contributors:
 *     Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation

 * This module defines agent error codes in addition to system codes defined in errno.h

#ifndef D_errors
#define D_errors

#include <errno.h>

#define STD_ERR_BASE    0x20000

#define ERR_OTHER               (STD_ERR_BASE + 1)
#define ERR_JSON_SYNTAX         (STD_ERR_BASE + 2)
#define ERR_PROTOCOL            (STD_ERR_BASE + 3)
#define ERR_UNKNOWN_PEER        (STD_ERR_BASE + 7)
#define ERR_BASE64              (STD_ERR_BASE + 8)
#define ERR_EOF                 (STD_ERR_BASE + 9)
#define ERR_IS_RUNNING          (STD_ERR_BASE + 14)
#define ERR_INV_DATA_SIZE       (STD_ERR_BASE + 15)
#define ERR_INV_CONTEXT         (STD_ERR_BASE + 16)
#define ERR_INV_ADDRESS         (STD_ERR_BASE + 17)
#define ERR_INV_FORMAT          (STD_ERR_BASE + 19)
#define ERR_INV_NUMBER          (STD_ERR_BASE + 20)
#define ERR_INV_DWARF           (STD_ERR_BASE + 21)
#define ERR_SYM_NOT_FOUND       (STD_ERR_BASE + 22)
#define ERR_UNSUPPORTED         (STD_ERR_BASE + 23)
#define ERR_INV_DATA_TYPE       (STD_ERR_BASE + 24)
#define ERR_INV_COMMAND         (STD_ERR_BASE + 25)
#define ERR_INV_TRANSPORT       (STD_ERR_BASE + 26)
#define ERR_CACHE_MISS          (STD_ERR_BASE + 27)
#define ERR_NOT_ACTIVE          (STD_ERR_BASE + 28)

typedef struct ErrorReportItem {
    char * name;
    char * value;
    struct ErrorReportItem * next;
} ErrorReportItem;

typedef struct ErrorReport {
    int code;
    char * format;
    char ** params;
    int param_cnt;
    int param_max;
    uint64_t time_stamp;
    ErrorReportItem * props;
} ErrorReport;

 * Convert error code to human readable string
extern const char * errno_to_str(int no);

 * Set errno to indicate given error code and additional error message.
 * The message will be concatenated with normal error text by errno_to_str().
 * The function creates a copy of the message and puts it into a queue of limited size.
 * Clients should not rely on messages being kept in the queue longer then one dispatch cycle.
 * Persistent error report can be obtained by calling get_error_report().
 * Return new error code that designates both original code and the message.
extern int set_errno(int no, const char * msg);

 * Set errno to indicate given error code and additional error message.
 * This routine is a wrapper on top of set_errno() routine but takes a variable
 * number of arguments and format the error string according to provided format
 * string.
 * If formatting of the error string fails, the errno is set to provided error code
 * without any additional error message.
 * The function puts the formatted message into a queue of limited size.
 * Clients should not rely on messages being kept in the queue longer then one dispatch cycle.
 * Persistent error report can be obtained by calling get_error_report().
 * Return new error code that designates both original code and the message.
extern int set_fmt_errno(int no, const char * fmt, ...);

 * Set errno to indicate getaddrinfo() error code.
 * Return new value of errno.
extern int set_gai_errno(int gai_error_code);

#ifdef _WIN32
 * Set errno to indicate _WIN32 error code.
 * This function is thread-safe - can be called from background threads.
 * Return new value of errno.
extern int set_win32_errno(DWORD win32_error_code);

 * Set errno to indicate NTSTATUS error code.
 * This function can be called only from dispatch thread.
 * Return new value of errno.
extern int set_nt_status_errno(DWORD /* NTSTATUS */ status);

 * Set errno to indicate TCF standard error report.
 * Report objects are kept in a queue of limited size, and old reports are
 * disposed by calling release_error_report().
 * Clients should not rely on reports being kept in the queue longer then one dispatch cycle.
 * Persistent error report can be obtained by calling get_error_report().
 * Return new value of errno.
extern int set_error_report_errno(ErrorReport * report);

 * Return POSIX error code or one of ERR_* values for given errno value.
extern int get_error_code(int no);

 * Return TCF error report that describes given error code 'no'.
 * Clients should call release_error_report() when done using it.
 * Return NULL if 'no' = 0.
extern ErrorReport * get_error_report(int no);

 * Compare two error reports and return 1 if equal, return 0 if not.
extern int compare_error_reports(ErrorReport * x, ErrorReport * y);

 * Create new instance of TCF error report.
 * Clients should call release_error_report() when done using it.
extern ErrorReport * create_error_report(void);

 * Release error report that was obtained by get_error_report() or create_error_report().
extern void release_error_report(ErrorReport * report);

 * check_error(): Check error code.
 * If the code is not zero, add error report into trace log and call exit(1)
#ifdef NDEBUG
extern void check_error(int error);
extern void check_error_debug(const char * file, int line, int error);
#define check_error(error) check_error_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, error)

#endif /* D_errors */

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